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MFW they took my face edition

>Previous Thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

What's your next /gwsg/-related project?
Can anyone post the middle-earth leaks?
Im looking for the full Kill Team rules not just the lite version
>What's your next /gwsg/-related project?
painting pyregheists

I have a few warcry warbands now.
which one of these do you like best - looks and/or gameplay-wise?
>askurgan trueblades
>claws of karanak
>wildercorps hunters
>gorger mawpack
>iron golems (are they still legal?)
>xandire's truthseekers
>crimson court
So I just finished converting some Skaven Doom-Flayers (the new doom wheel bikes) into Custom Light Vehicles for my Chaos Helot Cult. What does /tg/ think of this loadout for them?

>Light Vehicle, Extra Armour, Claw Tyres, All-Wheel Steering, Wheel Scythes, Scum Racer Crew
>Vehicle 1 has a Grenade Launcher
>Vehicle 2 has an Harpoon Launcher and an Auto-Pistol
>455 Credits total

Rest of the gang are 1 Overseer Leader w/ Cult Icon, 1 Overwatch Grenade Launcher Champion, 1 Infiltrate Long Rifle Champion (who would try to set up in a sniper nest he can sit in), 1 Flamer Specialist, and then a mix of melee and lasgun cultists.
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I wonder how haradrim raiders are gonna worm now. You can actually build them with both Lance and bow in the kit, but their dismounts—the warriors—are only either or. Maybe Harad will just metamorphose into evil Rohan or something.
They could just say something like "when dismounting choose which weapon to discard"

That being said from what I recall in Haradrim Raiders kit you either build them with war spear or bow, not both.
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There's lose bits in there to give some of the lancers a bow and quiver if you feel so inclined.
Anyone got clarification about Spiteclaws Swarm in the new Underworlds edition? The Swarm ability says to revive a friendly minion, but none of the fighter cards have the minion runemark.
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>which one of these do you like best
Probably Gorgers, they have a cohesive warband out of a single box and their combination of stats and abilities really does come together to make their gameplay deliver on the promise that their fluff and aesthetics imply - having played against them quite a bit now, it really does feel like you're under assault from a pack of feral ogres.
Honorary shoutout to Iron Golems as one of the best learner warbands in the game, the 2nd edition stat changes treated them quite well. Only thing keeping them below Gorgers is their largely dogshit faction abilities.
Hunter and Hunted really was the best box this season.
>Order Mordheim Undead warband online
>Get red note from royal mail instead of package and 45 poond bill
>Chase it up
>Royal Mail mistreated package and ripped shipping label partially off
>"The system says it has no proof of postage sir"

Continuing with my gangers
What model is in OP’s pic? Looks cool
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It's one of the guys from the warcry Unmade warband.
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Finish painting my Carnival of Chaos for an upcoming Mordheim campaign.
They look appropriately grungy and disgusting, nice work.
Thanks boss
Its squatted already is what it is. Please be excited for the new season of warcry wise T-Sports enjoyer.
>No wagon
You were this close to greatness lil bro. Time to get out the plasticard and popsicle sticks.
Buying the cart at the beginning of a campaign is a huge trap, no reason he needs it for his starting roster.
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Planning to build/buy a cart, campaign doesn't start until February. Still more carnival blokes to build as well. There's a guide in Wargames Illustrated on scratch built wagon, I'll likely use that as a base.
The first wave of warcry teams were so fucking cool, I don't think any of the teams since them have come even close to being as interesting except maybe the fire guys
Better option really. Most of the bought ones are 3d printed tat at the worst scaling and its just better to kitbash something yourself.
Thats because back then Warcry was "what about all the little cults in the eighpoints, what are they about?" but then they turned it into Kill Team but worse for AoS instead.
day 1000 of regretting not buying Hive Warzone
wonder how long it'll be before they do another bulk box of ZM terrain
They recently repacked the MESBG terrain and the price is so insane it's not even worth bothering. The next necromunda terrain packs if it happen would be the same.

Stick to Killteam, Warcry, or 3d printed terrain.
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It is probably all the other non leader units.
GWS probably didn't even revision most of the warscrolls to make sure they work.
There should probably be an errata about that soon.
If their other games can sometimes get good value sets then maybe someday the more niche ones will

Should I go with dark mech or genestealer admech for my next necromunda gang?
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You could go for dark mech and just use pic related as leader in an outcast gang.
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I wonder why the fuck does that model have Fist of Steels as a skill when his starting melee weapon is better than the skill +2S and D2 to unarmed attacks.
Also why the fuck the familiar has no rules or even mention of him. Doubt it is the familiar throwing psychic power.
What's the max amount of mounted Rohirrim I'd be using in a MESBG Rohan force? Is 18 good enough, or should I buy a few more? I also have 6 mounted royal guard, and many heroes.
>What's the max amount of mounted Rohirrim I'd be using in a MESBG Rohan force?
All of it.
Yeah, sorry, I meant Riders of Rohan specifically.
Whats a good Human army in MESBG? I have dark powers and dead of dunharrow but i want something more "fair". was looking at Rohan
What will the next new and re-imagined blood bowl teams be?

I'm thinking high elves for the refresh, not sure what other new ones they could make. Gnomes were cool. Maybe forest spirits?
He doesn't have fists of steel, stop being a website secondary and look at the actual rules. Waste's most wanted is Axon Hammer's special rule which should tell you they just miscopied the profile.
Well that's at least 600 points with your royal guard and two heroes. Rohan usually plays more heroes so up to 800 you're done.

What do you mean? Just play what you like.

After High Elves we have Khemri to be redone, but I'd expect a new team in between. Another Chaos God faction probably, Tzeentch or Slaanesh.
If they weren't cowards they'd give us Slaan.
I'm currently running a Mutant Outcast gang with Czarn as the leader, and holy shit does he make for an intimidating board presence. Especially now I've got him a Grapnel Gun - noone expects the 12'' move on the giant slow stompy doom bot.
They are redoing orcs and humans to make most players buy new models, then they will do the same to a handful of the other unaltered rosters, don't think for a minute that khemri or high elves will be done in the next edition.
>lurk my state's biggest BB league for a couple years
>a bit nervous about joining as there's some pretty sweaty grogs that play in it
>finally sign up
>take 2nd in the rookie division first season, take the championship in the second.

Everything went better than expected. I've been playing BB online for a few years but this was the first serious TT league I've played in. Did a couple in a league that was mostly first timers prior but that fell apart and that's what pushed me into finally signing up.
I'm mainly wanting something people don't bitch about playing against. Dark Powers is a lot of fun but damn the amount of bitching about the models never dying is unreal.
I'd wait a month to see the new rules, but Rohan is a safe bet since they'll be the face of the new edition.
Easterlings are also solid and well-loved by GW if you wanted Evil instead.
Someone willing to share the rise of angmar pdf pls?
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What MESBG supplements would be worth buying the most?

I have been away for most of this edition, but I feel this is the most complete edition we will ever get, and the game will likely receive less attention after the upcoming anime, so I am thinking of getting these supplements as a kind of "time capsule".

I have most of the ones for the One Rule Book and earlier, but only Quest of the Ringbearer from this edition. Are the linked campaigns and scenarios worth the money?

Appreciate any help
If I was prospectively going to get into Warcry and I was looking at this box I'd want to be playing the gorgers. Are the Wildercorps gang good fun? How does a typical game between these 2 factions go?
Gorgers are unga bunga bumrush while the Corps run away like a bitch and shooting rubber bolts at you, they also use dogs as meatshield and the gorgers munch them dogs like cheetos.
I can already imagine a scene. thanks boss, my dnd is gonna get their ass kicked in the swamp
the only ones from this edition worth getting now are the two most recent defence of the north and teh angmar one, since they have the most narrative scenarios that arent just reprints.
Painting some daemons
War in Rohan is a more complete set of scenarios than Gondor at War, although many of the Rohan ones are very skewed to one side winning. Scouring is very meh and you can get by fine if you have the old version.
Thank you very much anons. Sadly it seems Rise of Angmar was only print to order and I missed it, I guess I'll grab it when someone decides to part with it 7 years from now.
Huh. Not that anon but it's tood to know. Any other wrong profile/rules to be aware of? Usually Necroraw is pretty safe from these.
fucking rough
Quest for the back half
What's a game I can play by myself alone in my apartment
lovely, what models/where did they come from?
Thanks. From Old School Miniatures (UK).
Technically everything. Kill team now has official rules to do so but they are very bare bones.
A fan made "mod" for Kill team, kill team acolyte. The first mini campaing consisting of 3 missions are really fun to play. Later you have to play random generated mission, find custom campaigns on the discord or create your own.
I mean it has less mistakes than GW own books. Like Enforcer special heavy weapon missing the blast rule.
Added bonus of not having the annoying background. It almost feels like they made it like that so people could not fotocopy their books.
I usually try scenarios on my own for Necromunda.
I was doing D6 and 2D6 for extra enemy NPC to fight the players gang. Now I know I should use just D3 and D6. Because even with 0W = Kill avoiding the injury dice it still bog down the player gangs.
Speaking of this handsome duo, anyone got a pdf of the Desolation book?
The best game to play by yourself with GW miniatures for me is the modelling game : make your dudes, make diorama, paint some shit.

As for rule Warhammer Quest or the new Killteam has rule to play solo but there aren't much depth or varieties in the rule to really keep you from being bored after a few games. And that goes for the modern GW games too, it's the social aspect and interaction with people that keep the game going, when you play by yourself they just suck.
Blood Bowl, grid movement and touchdown as a goal means you don't need special rules to solo, it's just like solo chess (which all chess pros do) so it will improve your skills against other players too.
If that anon likes homebrewing stuff, they could lift a bunch of AI and settlement rules from Fallout WW or something to add onto the KT solo play rules.
Sounds ridiculously complicated
Yeah something like that might work for something way more planned and long-term versus just wanting to play a skirmish game alone.
Ask and you shall receive.


what kind of bullshit is this 900s waitime to post? What the hell
I wouldn't say it's worse Kill Team more like casual Kill Team with a side of Mordhiem. People forget but it was originally more like an AOS version of Necromunda (limited warbands and an extra focus on vertical movement) and then morphed into AOS KT. I think Warcry's strength lies in Narrative games (like Necromunda) which has yet to really be exploited by GW or the fan base.
Ostensibly it's to reduce botposting, but if you go look at /pol/ (the worst offender) it seems to have done the opposite, I bet the (((offenders))) have an ip range exclusion to the rule.
So just a form of information control.
So to prevents bots from posting you will make real people wait 15 minutes? Great idea. bots wont care, humans will leave
That is the point.
Phone/Tablet posting?
With an actual computer I have never seen the 900 waitime, but when using the tablet? almost every time.
>when using the tablet?
On mine the count just starts over when it gets to the end, it's forbidden from posting without having an actual ban.
Phone has never got the count no matter how often it's IP changes.
Tell me about emberguard, is it any good?
That depends, did you play old Underworlds?
If no, yeah it's good
If yes, no it sucks
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So in warcry if I play stormcast. I have to pick only stormcast units of a single faction right (I can bring in others as allies) but main just from let's say the warrior chamber.
Both desu. Got the 900 on phone and on PC later. Went for a cig and posted the book. Gives me 60 now.
Fucking annoying
>not making the filename 'Little Horus'
Except Bladebound who are specific to certain chambers
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Anyone seen a scan of hive secundus rulebook?
Apparently most people only take one Marsh Spectre per ~250pts or so to mess with opponents unit movement.
Have you ever seen somebody field them as a unit? Came across this image and was kind of suprised to see them like that. But then looking at the points costs they are just one point more expensive than the Dead of Dunharrow warriors, so I guess you could field them in a unit if you build a list around it...But I can't think of a list that would actually play well with so few guys in it. But maybe I'm a brainlet.
What do you think?
yeah we had a guy locally who'd run like 10 as a bully squad, evil army of the dead style. was pretty rad, he used them combined with courage reduction and orc chaffe to do mean things
People may like it but if you played old Underworlds it is pretty meh

There are bad things:
>No magic dice
No more magic dice, only atk and def dice
No magic rank, nothing
>No rivals deck exclusive for the warband
There are only 6 rival decks (I think) so far valid for underworlds 2.0, whatever Warband you want to play you pick one of those
>Almost all cards in the Rival decks use irl pictures instead of hand/computer art
That is lame honestly I won't respect anyone who thinks this was good.
>No more unique unit cards
Instead of this units have a card that only lists attacks, def, speed, and life
There are no special abilities on the card outside of maybe special weapon effect (like cleave or reroll dice)
They went with the warscroll shit: it lists all units in the warband (that is good) but they all share one inspiration, and all the special effects and reacts are shared (so far) by all units on the warband (with a restriction of once per game usage)
>Old warbands treated like trash
They released "warscrolls" for older non supported warbands (in the new format) basically for each faction there are 2 warscrolls available and you can only play those warbands by choosing one of those
>Every unit has inflate hp, and attacks
They don't even know how to balance their shit

New edition is flavorless, tasteless, and uninspired

The "good" things about the new edition
>One single board
It can be a bad thing as you can't use the board on the pregame to take some advantage but having a one single board maybe could be good (if they do more than just print generic shit)
>Units can give more victory points when killed
In the new edition leaders give one more vp to their opponent, some units can give more too
>New Skaven
they know that shit sells

honestly idk what else I could list as "good" in WU2.0
>honestly idk what else I could list as "good" in WU2.0
You could maybe list their "commitment" to make and keep all warbands available but I have no faith they won't renege on that when those 4-packs come out and someone runs the math on how much more money they'd be making if those machines they dedicated to them were instead casting space marines.
If you just want to be a good pal for newbies play any major LotR faction, ignore all the Hobbit and later stuff.

Shitty players can complain about anything tho. Minas Tirith is the blandest faction but someone will get angry at your trebuchet or Boromir.
Here you go. Not sure when it expires.

Ooh, I didn't expect them to get models.
Do you think the other duo (Hagthor Jarlun & Aster Felsturn) will get official models?

>Ask and you shall receive.
Bless you.
15p for a defence 5 unit is really, really rough. They will just fold over against any battleline with courage boosts. I dont think its really viable to use them as frontline infantry.
Kind underhive dweller,thank you!
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Any good recasters for old models? My usual two have nothing.

I wanna start a carnival of chaos warband for my local Mordheim campaign, but I've found no good proxies or models to base it on

These look nice
>but I've found no good proxies or models to base it on
I'm suprised to hear that. Check out some 3d printing shops or look around for files. Vae Victis, Ghamak and Manuel Boira have some fantasy models/files that could work I think.
Not to mention there are a ton of gerneric "plague cultists" or some such around.
Dunkeldorf was a company that does minis that would work for Mordheim, but I think there was another company with a similar name (some combination of damned, dark, plague, city or village) that mostly did nurgle minis, but I can't remember of find the name anymore.
But other companies like Westfalia or Black Chapel might have minis you can use. Westfalia at least has a bunch of undead that could work. In general that is probably a good search query as well. Any zombie or ghoul type minis could work well if you slap a party hat onto them. You can also get some ~16th century zombies from a few companies that would work for Mordheim stuff.
Mom Miniaturas has a bunch of carnival like figures like a jester dancing around with a giant maggot and I'm sure there have to be a ton of other compaines that make warhammer proxies that you could use..
Punga has a set of Nurgle Circus files.
4 pestigors, 4 warriors, 1 nurgle beast and 7 rotters
Do warcry bands come with some options/spare bits like necromunda, or are there just enough bits to put the basic band together?

On an unrelated note, do I remember correctly, or are skaven in mordheim busted in that you can just spam slingers?
Depends on the team but usually a couple of the units will have weapon options while the bulk are mono-build.
Ok thanks.
I just got the hashut warband and it has like 2 options :/
Check the instructions online to see what options you have.
>check the store
So they really did it? Been hearing that for months if not more, I was starting to think it was all a ruse.
Warcry and Underworlds really got fucked by their fomo policy/release cycle/whatever, the whole like first two years of shit for them went out of production almost instantly, aside from for some reason the random gargoyles and birds from the original Warcry set and maybe 4 of the 50+ Underworlds teams that they saw fit to keep rebundling in weird "starter sets".
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Work in progress on the Minotaur for my Chaos team, I think I want another color to break up the teal, but not sure what.
There's a guy on reddit under the acronym MF. He has the entire mordheim catalog.
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Nvm, I went with green.
>trying to assemble tarantulos brood
This is cancer. Oh my God this is the future of MESBG kits, might as well play Malifaux.
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I don't know what I should be disappointed in myself for more, that I didn't know about this before since I didn't think they'd shred the game like this or that I'm somehow still surprised GW can tank a game like this intentionally
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I played original WHU since the Shadespire and spent about 250 hours playing it online. I had no chance to play the new edition yet but honestly some of those changes sound good to me.
I was never a fan of the magic dice in the first place. Same is true for deck building since it was quite limited anyway. Boards being gone is also fine, they were just an annoyance in physical play.
I'm definitely not fine with the card art, individual inspire requirements and special abilities gone tho. I could accept them dropping the card art in favour of pictures if they went full Horus Heresy with nice scenic pictures of their minis. This is the kind of thing that can be done right if you put enough effort into making it decent.


Why tf do you not get someone to print you the .stls
NTA but casting resin is better to work with for conversions than print resin.
Good suggestions, thanks. There's a few I like.

Happily, but I'd need to find the STLs first

Couldn't find this, sadly. Mind pointing me in the right direction?
3D printed resin is an ass to work with. Specially if you want to convert something.
i know im very late to the party but apparently blood bowl is different now, new edition whatever with new stats and stuff how does one find these?
Can we please not ruin good things? If this anon is truly interested they'll find it on their own, like most of us did.
Well about deckbuilding:
They haven't changed a thing. just made less decks available (more if you think that all the 6 decks are generics and not locked in faction/warband)
In old edition each faction had a custom deck for them, if you played Rivals you would use it (or a generic deck, just like the new edition), there was the format were you could pick another deck to build a legal deck using those 2, and there was the "build a deck without restrictions" format

So far in the new edition they made 6 decks for different types of play style, the aggro warband picks the aggro deck and so on...
(To keep in perspective since like Nethermaze they were releasing 2 generic rivals deck for every new edition, gnarlwoods had 2 extras in the campaign box // The rivals decks in the new edition are in the starter (2), in the 2 new warbands and 2 will be sold separately just like the old editions)
(I hope the new rivals deck have some whack rules just like some of the older ones)

The only thing I have to give them a thumbs up is changing the "Questing Goblins" warband into something that isn't dependent on their Rivals deck to work.
It's actually 4 decks in the starter, 2 separately and none with the individual warbands.
Also strangely despite how much emphasis they've put on how decks and teams are now designed for the four categories (strike, hold, mastery and flex) neither the teams cards nor the decks have any indicators of which type they are printed on them so I guess they expect people to either look it up online or just ignore the categories completely.
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Been working on some 'munda stuff. Any fellow Delaque lads in the house? Best gang. Delaque for life
It should be pretty obvious what category a war band falls into, but you are not bound to the categories by any means. If you want to use a take-and-hold deck with an aggro warband there is nothing to stop you, and it might be unexpectedly effective or take your opponent by surprise.
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yeah, you want 3d printed stuff to fit when it is printed. most photo resins are fairly hard/brittle when cured so they can be a bitch to cut or drill after the fact. so much so that if you need a real change it's usually easier to go back to the file, make edits there, and reprint.

the trick is its WAY easier to convert a mini or bit *before* you print it than doing it by hand (in any material). including things that are difficult or impossible with physical modeling like merging and scaling, duplicating parts, etc. you just need to buckle down and invest a weekend learning blender basics and getting your head around how to do the supports and slicing yourself. once you do that it becomes so versatile you won't be able to remember how you lived without it.
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Love Rob's undead stuff. Him and Mengel really inspired me to go balls deep into Soulblight
My army is at 12k points now.
I regret nothing
I do all that in meshmixer
Pretty big rumour for BB2025.

0-4 positionals are to be reduced for some teams. I believe if the boxes have 0-4, you are safe. However if there are only 2, i.e Human Blitzers, you are getting the cut.
>Laughs in Living Rule Book
>These look nice
They're from Old School Miniatures. Very fun miniatures.
Nice job brother
>t. sweaty grog
I like the teal! It's too late now but I would have recommended purple
That was an option, so was orange or blue.
I just wanted to lean as far away from red/black as possible.
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There a scan of this yet? The GW site doesn't even sell the thing anymore (I guess they don't want excessive stock before the next edition?), and I don't wanna spend reseller prices for it.
At your FLGS, in the Share Thread, all over youtube and every BB forum/blog site. Did you even try to look before coming here?
Hello all, I have a friend trying to get me into Necromunda and I’m open to it, but want to run an Inquisitorial Warband, so I can use my Inquisitorial Agents and Rogue Trader Entourage boxes. Is this something I can do, or no? I don’t know much about what’s avalible for Necromunda beyond Gangs and Genestealer Cultists.
Venator and Outcast are the two gang that allow any models to be used. Venators are the elite firing squad gang, while Outcast centered around a really strong leader and 2 mediocre melee champs.
Do you guys think Mordheim has a great big London Bridge, with a whole neighborhood on it?
I think it might be a nice mega sized piece of terrain you can use as a whole Mordheim table, or at least as a part of the table, and would be more lore accurate than the shallow canals people seem to make. Also would be a fun project trying to figure out how to build half timber houses on top of archways. Would also have natural verticality to it.
Forgor the ref pic.
Middle Bridge is what I was thinking of; it's so big it's a major notable on the official maps.
Surely no one will mind playing on a 1 foot by 4 foot board instead of a normal 4 x 4
In the vidya of mordheim, they had a bridge level. If the roofs aren't removable, then you'll need to have the buildings damaged. It's ok to have open ground but offer plenty of other ways around a major thoroughfare. Which means have a lot of ladders and ad-hoc bridges so even if its narrow, you can get a lot of verticality out of it.
My idea was a main road going on the bridge, with buildings and balconies jutting out, sort of like the London bridge pic I posted, maybe a gate house on each end(surely cargo ships and merchants would reside on the one water way for such a prosperous city?). The street would be littered in loose scatter terrain one could reposition at will, whereas the buildings would either be collapsed and leaning against each other, creating a ramp, or have traditional scrap bridges. I like to mix intact buildings(or at least run down) with ruins for variety sake(and to pull double duty as "generic empire town buildings")
I mean, according to the official map, Mordheim IS riddled with shallow canals, and the Middle Bridge, as depicted in the official map, should look like pic related.

That said, rule of cool trumps everything else, and I agree it might be a fun map. You could always add a crashed galley against the bridge, its masts providing alternate routes.

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