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But this time less stringent.
We'll collectively decide on which additions to include.
Please don't feel bad when your's gets rejected.
Read the first thread to know what's up.
>first post decides races
>second post decides their location on the map
>third post decides their surrounding landscape
>fourth post decides their culture
>fifth post decides their religions
>sixth post decides their military
>seventh post decides their relations
>eighth post decides world shape (flat, sphere, hollow world and so on)
>ninth post decides cosmology
>tenth post decides big bad
>eleventh post decides tax policy
>all further posts develop what has been established
Try to build constructively on other people's suggestions.
No obvious memes or fetishes. This means no piss wizards and no rape orcs this time.
Goal is a somewhat consistent tonality and aesthetic even if anachronisms arise.
Don't forget to be excellent to each other and have a good time!
Insect people, lizard-folk, birdmen.
Fungi people.
I guess your regular ass humans.
Let's settle on vaguely medieval fantasy since this genre is clearly the most popular on /tg/ and everything too niché will eventually lead to anons losing interest. We could see this, for example, with the Strasser, not!Africa (think it was called Gondwana or something) and not!Asia settings, which were actually pretty good and aesthetically coherent but simply didn't interest enough people here to participate in wordbuilding on a long-term basis. Thoughts?
Too many races, spamming random shit isn't going to make it good.
Seconded. We've been through this in the other thread. People didn't like it.
Less races, more tribes:
>>Men of Stone ~ primitives, savages
>>Men of Iron ~ Your standard humans
>>Beasts of Fur ~ various hybrids of human and mammal animals, predatory animals are dominant in this race
>>Beasts of Scales ~ various hybrids of human and snakes/lizards
>>Old bloodline ~ Your standard orcs
>>New bloodline ~ More refined, less aggressive, half-orcs
Strasser, The Program and RAEP Orc world had a dedicated fanbase for a while but most anons just default to fantasy. Including the GPT posters as I think the chat bot struggles with anything that goes vaguely off the rails.
I opposition to this I suggest:
Maybe also
>halflings and half-orcs if anons are down.
Before anyone says this has been done to death or is too vanilla and boring.
Hear me out.
There's a reason the Tolkienian take on fantasy has become so popular and widespread.
They have proven to be effective archetypes and bring excellent polarities for storytelling.
We can still give them our own unique twist and culture if we wan't to differentiate ourselves further more from Tolkien and other fantasy media. Even given them different names wouldn't be out of the picture imo.
It's actually a much greater creative achievement than simply spamming random races just because nobody did them before or you personally like them.
If everything is just bizarre and random then nothing is.
Keeping it somewhat grounded therefore is they way to go but like I said.
That's just my opinion. Now it's out there for people to agree or disagree.
Yeah, we should make a rule to exclude everything that smells like ai. Even if it's not. If you write so uninspired and boring that people think it migth be ai. It wasn't good or creative in the first place and therefore shouldn't get in.
The reason why Strasser and the more modern ones succeeded (in a sense) is due to the fact that the bot program lacks a trove of loaded PDFs to blatantly rip off. It struggles with retarded SPC backrooms bullshit for the tacticool ones too. For instance, here the bot loads a randomly generated list straight out of Warsim:
I think you're a little too parainoid about ai but it's better to be critical about it and point out ai posts on /tg/ than to just welcome them so you're cool in my book.
>Men of Iron
The "thing of [insert metal here]" sounds suspiciously like the first poster from the other thread so I'm a little hesitant to go with it. Seems like for now there are these two posts for our races up to debate:
Other suggestions are still welcome of course!
>The "thing of [insert metal here]" sounds suspiciously like the first poster from the other thread so I'm a little hesitant to go with it.
Oh fug, you are right, after quickly skimming original thread and missed the metallic orcs. Hm. Maybe you could differentiate as:
>The Savages [Primitive neolithic humans]
>The Builders [Standard humans]
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I think both ideas are valid and have potential.
The stoneageish vibe definitely has it's charm.
I'm a sucker for that though. Currently enjoy reading up on modules of the french rpg WÜRM.
You should check it out if you're into that kind of stuff too.
I'll leave it up to /tg/ to decide.
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I've provided an alternative version of the map, shifting things around a bit so that we don't have a continent poking through the west and out through the east. It makes drawing borders easier.

I had to alter the map a little though, as the landmasses didn't match perfectly. Fixed now though.
Just use any of the AI generators instead and fuck off already
>b-but muh creativity
Given your previous and current thread, being creative is the last fucking thing you care about
Looks good! I'm down with that map. Something to keep in mind though is having an area that's sort of a "terra incognita" can make things interesting. Nobody really knows much about it besides rumors and speculations. Keeps things mystical and wondrous. I thing making the continent to the left a little bigger or even exanding it all the way out of sight could provide for such a space. We can also just leave it like that if people prefer it however.
Just ignore this idiot. He's cynical and bitter.
Being cynical and bitter is the only possible reaction when observing zero-effort threads like yours, especially when you already open them with AI generated shit and prompt-like questions, you fucking NPC
>when you already open them with AI generated shit and prompt-like questions, you fucking NPC
Who are you talking to? The person who made the first post and I (OP) are not the same. I actually excluded it and expressed dislike about it.
Have your even read the thread dude? Meds yada, yada
Has a nice sword and sorcery touch to it
You tried to be creative and got accused of being a bot. Instead heres humans, elves, and dwarves! no wonder nobody likes these fucking threads im jumping ship to the other side these threads suck ass.
Well, you failed. No need to cry about it.
Voting for this option.
Yeah, really don't get what people want. OP might as well state
>we take the most generic standard high-fantasy races, first post picks three extra ones!
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>second post decides their location on the map
I would suggest to add beastmen settlements along the eastern edge of known world, this could nicely distribute them copying some ancient movement of tribes, also makes space for more varied morfologies.
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How did you generate this worldmap OP?
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>Beasts of Scales ~ various hybrids of human and snakes/lizards
How do you guys like this as a variation for the lizardmen?
It's Handmade? Damn bro, it's nice, how do you do that? I suck at drawing worldmaps
Love it, but I would double down on the variants, from spindly jungle dwellers, through robust monitor lizards like arid tribes, to snake like desert nomads. Instead of having really statically defined race, let's try to support local and regional variants that could fill various niches of worldbuilding. I will do some media dumps after work from home computer.
That's why I called it a variation. Im all for that.
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Here's the outfit of a northern hunter (men of iron)
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Additional suggestion about distribution and some question marks about lonesome settlements. Maybe we could try and create color-coded regions? at least where the races are dominant?
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I tried to map the currents so we have an idea of the dry/wet lands, should help with population repartition
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>third post decides their surrounding landscape
Guess I'll finish the job
The many rivers in the savanna don't really make sense desu Should be a swamp instead.
Besides that it's a good take!
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My geopolitical guess on what is going to happen on that continent from current status quo

>Lizard jihad wipes out western humans
>Orcs wipe humans out in the savanna
>Stone men get fucked in mediterranean jungles by lizards as lizards ally with beasts
>Beasts subsequently take lush pine forests and frozen shithole to south over
>Northern arctic gets taken by bar bar humans that sort of fuck and ally with the beasts because unlivable frozen shithole tundra politics are different
>Basically scandinavia gets unified by a human warlord due to external pressure which subsequently attacks temperate rainy lizard territories and keeps northern monkeys in check
>Temperate/med climate humans in north east create loose confederation so the orcs and beastmen don't pick them apart, they do not ally with scandinavia as they have authoritarian centralization based tendencies while temeprate disunited human cultures are more like a holy roman empire esque confederation of mutual defense interests with local autonomy and variety in culture

Seen it play out many times
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Something like picrel, if you ever get bored you always have the north south pole "something lying asleep in the ice" macguffin to spice things up
Add some beastmen settlements to the shoreline of the continent below too
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>Beasts of Fur
Visual depiction of an eastern equatorial beastman
I think warlords 3 nailed the snake people
>Sun worshippers as they are cold blooded
>Yet are insanely violent jungle warfare masters
>Excellent at guerilla and attrition warfare and camouflage
>Basically aztecs but lizards
I also don't know what other beasts OP is including in his fantasy world, but the lizards should basically have powers to tame dinosaurs if they exist in universe.
Let's not make them aztec or maya coded for once. At least aesthetically speaking.
That's kinda overdone. Otherwise they look cool!
I was picturing something like pic rel. But yeah, it should be pretty swampy.
Ahh, so were going for the high culture lizards, in that case your best bet is an organized civilization that only prospers in the jungle, they would basically be cultured monsters, that adapted best to their environment, in this case wearing human/other races flesh in very high fashion esque clothing to the I assume high/low medieval ungulation you are aiming for.
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There should be different subspecies depending on the region imo
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That would make most sense, especially due to geographical, cultural and climate differences, same should apply to the other races really as everyone is positioned differently and have different sorts of adversity to face and different reactions to such adversity.

You can already roughly estimate behavioral patterns just simply by geographical positioning, resources available and neighbours of other tribes.
I feel like going for a barren black wasteland with jagged rocky cliffs and sulphur fumes for the orc territory would make things a little more fantastical than just having them live in a dry steppe.
Cool idea. Worth developing further.
Trips of truth, that also lays the groundwork for them being more industrial and warlike due to their geography being shitty to live in but very powerful for expansion once its resources are exploited and channeled into warfare (if something unites the orc tribes to expand past their own territories)
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>AI-"assisted" "creativity"
And you are of course going to defend it and act all sanctimonious while calling me a never-game
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AI just regurgitates a mix of what is considered "the meta" in terms of opinion and thinking, therefore its simply a tool, a single human mind can grasp much higher at the moment.
That being said fantasy writing ain't hard, for the surface level you need something aesthetic so people get attracted to it likes bees to flowers, after that the real meat and potatoes are organic writing based on the highest amount of detail, from the start of the damned cosmos to the soil composition in some rural backwater on the map, but that is just the quality of backdrop, what everyone is after is story, they want fun stories and archetypes which are true to human nature to play out cyclically and circumstancially as nature is a process of cyclical struggle to reach to the top, stay there and find meaning.
Its a rather simple concept to follow really, but the only people in influential writing positions are satan worshipping nepo babies that piss and shit all over those concepts with regurgitated goodthink.
Hopefully the land is not completely black and barren, otherwise they wouldn't have anything to eat. But sure, let's say it is extra evil and only poinonous thorny bushes grow there.

And they graze hueg cattle with MASSIVE RUBBERY TONGUES who don't even notice the thorns or the poison.
I have never seen a monster with a big herbivore tongue, it's always boring carnivore tongues, or snake, or sometimes frog. Ans those two are nice (especially the frog's), don't get me wrong, but goats have this piece of indestructible muscle that plows through hard vegetation all day long and is also somehow a sensory organ. That's insane. Imagine something like an elephant, but instead of a trunk, it has a super long tongue. Huge improvement.
Not to be That Guy, but settlements ought to be concentrated where there's food and water, so along suitable coasts and rivers. That's why it's usually best to leave off the settlement placement until after you've sorted out the climate and mountain/hill ranges. Deserts are sparsely settled. Cold deserts even more so. It takes major tech (or magic) to inhabit an ice cap.
I'm completely open to redo it if anons want me to and can decide on where to place them instead.
Well oberved. Do you have any idea of what tech/magic could be used ? Remember there might be something lying in the ice as >>94413211 said.
What do the colors of the currents mean?
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Fantasy has been missing that for a long time, good suggestion anon.

Not that anon but...
I don't want to impede on your vision so I will just paint where its uninhabitable and tell you where it is generally habitable and preferable to have settlements if I don't sprinkle in some obvious choices (not picking race)

Stopped marking halfway through, I'll just give you the 411 on how anyone chooses a settlement generally and how they have throughout human history

>99% of the time centered around rivers, rivers are the lifeblood of civilizations, providing either border protection and always guaranteeing food from farming and water from the source itself
>Groups should control certain river groups and choke points in their respective regions based on how much they can make from those rivers and how easy it is to defend them geographically
>Mountains and geographical defenses are the secondary deciding factor in borders, be it borders, rivers or climate/woods

Basically shove the biggest settlements in the areas in which they theoretically have the most power and influence while being at least risk, evenly disperse smaller ones in clusters of river groups based on geography and climate and the race which will inhabit those clusters of land.

As farming gets more advanced (or comprehension of geomancy magic for certain groups), settlements should be evenly dispered in smaller amounts in places that aren't completely barren wasteland jet adjacent to rivers and bigger settlements.
>Northern man of stone
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Eastern Beastfolk
(a) Describe the geography of where your society calls home.
(b) Describe the climate your society deals with. How severe are their seasons?
(c) What kinds of natural disasters has this society gotten used to?
(d) What are the most commonly-grown foods?
(e) What are the most commonly-eaten meats?
(f) What foods are considered exotic or expensive?
(g) What forms of alcohol are common? Rare?
(h) Is there usually enough food and water for the population?
(i) What is this place's most abundant resource?
(j) What is its most valuable resource?
(k) What resource is it most lacking?
(l) How do people travel from one place to another?
(m) Are the borders secure? In what way?
(n) How many people live here?
(o) Where in this place to they congregate?
(p) What part of this place do they avoid? Why?
(q) What are the most common domesticated animals here? And what are they domesticated for?
(r) What are the most common wild animals?
(s) Which animals are likely to be pets? Which ones won't be?
Red is hot water, it brings rain and warmth. Blue is cold water, it brings dryness and cold. Google coriolis forces if you want to know why I chose those patterns.

I like to have a bunch of settlements in weird places (they don't have to be super populous, just culturally significant), it creates incentives to justify their presence. But yeah, unless there is a very good reason, most major settlements should be on top of a river in fertile land.

Before we go on, the setting seems to be firmly sword and sorcery, but how cool would you be with adding relatively high tech to philosophers and alchemists only ? I'm thinking early bronze/copper age living standards and politics, but your local Archimedes has built a legit steam engine and a canon. Basically industrial era tech, without the actual industry.
wtf is this homework assignment
Only if you're lazy and lethargic
>not using ms paint
>they don't have to be super populous, just culturally significant
That's totally fine. Any that also meet the requirements for being populous will probably be major capitals, but religion doesn't need to be wholly based in practicality.
Only the ones in the middle of ice fields are tricky in that case (mainly due to the lack of water or fuel to melt ice) and you could do something weird/awesome like a monastery on a dormant volcano sticking up out of the glaciers; I always thought that the concept of the Great Wheel of Sibornal was a neat thing and would make interesting inspiration.

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