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Wanna start some bullshit edition

Previous thread:>>94416236

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Do you have a model that is important to <your dudes> or are they all ultimately just game pieces?
got a 1k ZM game tomorrow
gonna play daemons I think

should I just run forward and charge?
I mean, it's not like daemons have an abundance of high quality shooting and ZM is more melee focussed to begin with, so what else are you gonna do?
Die, probably.
get pinned to death
All my models are important.
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Rough news
First attempt at an actual titan list in Legions Imperialis. Mechanicum robot formations make it much more doable imo. Need the Harpax to come out but I think this is viable, should be pretty fun.
Memes aside, it kinda makes sense for there being a lot of loyalist Iron Warriors compared to other traitor legions. Since the legion was so spread out in thankless garrison duty or carrying out long pointless sieges there must have been a lot of isolated groups of IW who stayed loyal or became indipendent blackshields

Also some of them are probably not happy with Perturabo considering how much he disliked his legion.
I mean desu that applies to a lot of the flip flops on loyalty. People complain that there's more loyalist traitors then traitor loyalists, but the guys who are led by a slsvering madman or a dude possessed by his sword are probably way more likely to go rogue than some guy mad that Roboute makes him pay taxes.
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Russ is the reason
>mad that Roboute makes him pay taxes.
The Heresy wasn't about chaos. It was about Legions' rights >:^)
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Now Magnus just barge into palace, break edict, break Emperor's warp wall, give no explanation and leave. Then proceed to cry in corner like a bitch
Infernal Tempest, bucks the trend of most shooting reactions being weak in ZM and favours horde units like Lesser Daemons without taking away their dedicated melee weapons, even makes HoW charges more effective

for an army with universal 5++ or better and decent melee and which also cannot run away from a combat it's strong in ZM
get out of here Lugft you weird Aquilon cosplayer freak
What makes /your dudes/ different, besides being yours? I bet they're just like any other dudes from the same faction. Like they were repainted Alpha Legion. Yup
also 3 out of 4 Daemons WTs are Movement based, which is the only shooting reaction for ZM: a unit positioning to charge in the same turn gets deflagrate flamered in the face for its trouble
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Wednesday night and time again for another OC heresy art dump to mark another week of classes on the books
>Part 41: Heraldries of Heresy, Volume 2
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Notice how all the retcons come off like loyalist propaganda?

BL was a mistake.
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again I think the better story is that Horus changed the order from arrest to destroy and Russ was all to happy to oblige and got played. The heresy is best when tragedies unfold due to the characters of the primarchs on both sides leading to their manipulation or failure.
they are a host of their legion that got cut off and they picked up loyalist members of various traitor legions and mortal auxilia along the way, they have slowly begun to see these other astartes as brothers, with the end result of this becoming ratified as a chapter once the heresy is ended. the full list is a mix of Dark Angels, Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists, Iron Hands and Death Guard. once the tensions and rivalries have been put aside due to survival coming first they emerge as a unified pack of marines, with them not wanting to split up and thus ending up as a chapter
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Last pic
>Volume 3 next Wednesday
Not really. Just like Magnus Russ was also made into turbo retard in nu heresy. You can argue that he did more for traitor cause than most traitor primarchs.
russ also made horus dead set on betraying the emperor when he could've been talked down. man literally didn't do a single thing right
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Okay is this picture going to come out well or...
Just as I said, you can argue that Russ helped traitor cause more than most traitor primarchs. He forced TS and Magnus to go traitor, while rekting his own legion in the process, did fuck all most heresy, then arrived on Terra but instead of making it 4 legions defending Throneworld he decided to destroy his legion by atacking Horus, he wounded Horus with magic spear that caused Horus to fully embrace chaos, decided to not finish Horus off, then got his legion completly rekt for no gain at all and needed Corax to rescue him.
Dang I can tell how shiny and polished this one is. Noice anon
Hey, at least you remembered to attach the file this time brother, congrats
I always have love for Kiarii, even if they abandoned their patron legion and their brothers on prospero and turned traitor.

Any plans for a wash on that copper? I’ve tried several times to do a Kiarii scheme but always ended up with the copper/bronze looking a bit flat. I keep considering another shot with an oil wash, but doing good oil washes is tough without an airbrush.
the MEGAs don't work anymore, someone took them down
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MEGA anon here, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will get a new one put up tomorrow.
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I washed it with a thin agrax and tried to stipple a lighter copper on top but it didn't have an effect. For a more accurate coat I'd probably have to stipple the initial copper on to get the same effect but that's mad work and I don't want to.
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Can someone test if this link works?

Perty > Khan > dorn > Russ
Works for me
Is there still a MEGA for the audiobooks?
It went down a little while ago, but has any anon brought it back?
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Nice. If nobody else has any issues hopefully the next OP can include this new folder instead.

I have never hosted any audiobooks during my tenure as MEGA anon. Not sure where to point you to for those either, sorry.
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Tomorrow is Heresy Thursday, what new Horus Heresy model do you expect to be revealed?

Hopefully the Karacnos and other Mechanicum tanks for LI.
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Can’t decide if I should go with pic related or the standard light grey, red & black they have on the side of the boxes for my vehicles. I like this more all over brownish grey with just the red, but I’m worried how not painting the trim is gonna look on something like an aurox that is basically 60% trim.

Technically the dark grey is for elite or honored units, regular Mechanicum grey for the random dudes.
It'll be more LIgma.
Do you have a source for that? Not doubting you, but I’ve been clamouring for as much info on conventions and such and it’s been a struggle. Also as much as that probably should be a decider the headhunters are specifically stated as being a cohort that shirks a lot of the standard conventions because they don’t give too much of a shit so I’m still a bit half and half on it
>inb4 this dark grey = elite thing specifically is a headhunter thing

Also how the hell can a tank be an “elite” tank
Veteran crews. Tuned up vehicles instead of the bare minimum. Oiled and blessed by the unit's dedicated techpriest instead by the one assigned by the forgeworld, who is technically an expat, and is always overworked and forced to employ servitor labour and synthetic incense.

Devastation of Tallarn p. 109

Elite tank crews would be ones that have shown an exceptional combat record and earned the right to have their tank wear different colors. The fluff from the Heraldry of Honour articles on WarComm say that this was mainly a product of Auxilia cohorts with close relationships with an Astartes Legion; the Headhunters are exactly that, and they share in the Cthonian tradition of black or dark grey being an indicator of veteran status.
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Thanks for the citation! I honestly feel a bit silly for not even considering giving the LIgma books, I'll have to give them all a skim.

Well that puts me in a bit of a bind then; I really fuck with the brown grey scheme but having an elite status bestowed to things like dracosans and auroxes might be a bit of a stretch, and having a mix between vehicle colours might just look a little messy on the table. The auroxes are gonna be transporting veletaris so maybe I could asspull and just say that the crew have just done some absolutely crazy deployments, but a standard dracosan carrying some riflemen is probably harder to justify...
If we're really lucky, we might even get some paint-filled colour schemes.
Ooh, what if there are Solar Auxilia Cohorts seconded to Forgeworlds? And they had unique color schemes representing the Forgeworlds they fought for? That would be pretty cool, that'd be worth an article
Actually scratch what I said, the colour plate for the grey scheme looks good compared to the ones shown on the side of the actual box kits and for the GW painted models. This lighter grey/off white colour works super well, these LIgma books might be a treasure trove for me. Thanks again anon!
the free exemplary battles download links don't work on the WarhammerCommunity site
That's fine, I bought the book
Did Russ make Magnus consort with dark powers?
Yes. Russ showed Magnus his rune priests communing with the fenrisian world spirit to call forth Natural powers™ and told Magus to just "be yourself ;^)"

You're welcome! I've been contributing to Lexicanum about the Auxilia stuff so I've been doing a lot of reading.
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Are there any curses in 30k? Curses like Angron not being able to step on real space for 100 years and a day.
Russ knows nothing of true BLACKED majick.
Based, your services are greatly appreciated. Archiving and uploading info not everyone can have access to or might not be aware of is a deed too often overlooked.
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>tfw you spent a lot of time painting details in sub assembly that get covered up once the model is put together
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paint your interiors for noone but yourself
the book doesn't cover everything tho
I don't think the book has mortus poisoners in it
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I've begun stoking my bitterness in advance. If they do nothing, that's expected. If they do something and it's total fucking trash, it'll be above expectation.
Paint your interiors and then shove them in your opponent's face when your tank gets blown up.
I don't care, nothing I'm working on involves new models.
In fact the only thing that would be relevant to me is a new legion weapon pack.
I dunno I just sort of feel like a tank can have a spotlight AND a hunter killer missile.
how many hardpoints do you think a tank has
>and having their pets killed and eat
They're eating the grox, they're eating the phelynx!
Paint your interiors then put tannerite inside and put a lighter underneath when it's blown up.

I don't know if tannerite is actually heat reactive but God knows I'm not searching up how does tannerite explode
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>had a pre-order on the knight battleforce box, cool plastic walkers barely get discounts
>kept looking worse of a deal overtime
>store doesn't get any allocation from GW for these anyway, cancels it

Guess I'll just wait and see if marines get another battle group down the line, then.
Hey guys do you know where I put my hunter killer missiles?
>The combination is relatively stable when subjected to forces less severe than a high-velocity bullet impact. A hammer blow, the product being dropped, or impact from a low-velocity bullet or shotgun blast will not initiate a reaction.
>It is also designed to be non-flammable (the reaction cannot be triggered by a burning fuse or electricity)
>Tannerite brand targets explode when shot by a high-velocity bullet. Low-velocity bullets and shotgun ammunition will not initiate a reaction
As long as you're not PLANNING TO ASSASSINATE THE EMPEROR I don't think Malcador will send any assassins at you
mfs on ebay already putting it up anyway
There is name magic and enumerica/math magic, both can be used to curse48gnw0, bind etc
Yeah. I hate the new mark 3 helms.
My leader is nameless. Just a guy.
It's a mechanicum army. Half of it is strange conversions that are unique to my army.
was there more to this thought or are you just shilling
>but I’m worried how not painting the trim is gonna look on something like an aurox that is basically 60% trim.
You can still paint the trim in brass
The easy fix seems to be to replace the new mk3 with old mk3 heads. Doesn't fix the rest tho.
Given where I am, it's probably cheaper to get Knights individually from an adjacent country.

It's tempting to get those Tortuga Mk3 heads to put on the plastic equivalent, but at that point I must wonder if one might as well just get a full squad or two from them instead.
Just beware that the Tortuga miniatures are slightly bigger than nu-30k scale, the Tortuga-mk3 are the same size as 40k Plague marines primaris scale.
Also FYI Tortuga has a 20% sale right now, I've bought their cataphractii terminators in the past.
I glued my rhino ramp shut.
That was one thing as well. If they're bigger than even Nu-Mk3/6, and especially dwarfing current Mk4 - I think that's something perhaps best left to maybe a veteran squad, characters, or something else distinctive in a mixed army, or are a completely new force themselves. Fitting special or heavy weapons might be annoying as well, I wager?
Aye, maleficarum, but the power and wards of Fenris keep me safe.
Yes they would not fit with the old mk4. Good for a new starting force, that's what I did with the new scale in HH 2.0 by starting a SoH force with Tortuga JUSTaerin.

>Fitting special or heavy weapons might be annoying as well, I wager?
Depends on the mark and your bits box, if you have spare arms it can work, but I have not tried it.
You could also buy the nu-mk3 add on gauntlets or trade for them if a friend has some spare.
Wanted to troll a bit with some stupid stuff, but suddenly I realised, that I have an actual question to ask. Do you guys think that by mixing two boxes of w40k raptors with a box of horus heresy space marine tacticals and a box of Assault Space Marines, I could build a legal Night Lord units. Some of the helmets and shoulder pads and weapons could replace the chain weapons on my squad leaders, and I think that maybe by mixing the two jump pack kits, I could get both a raptor squads and a Assault Space Marine squad that looks lik actual Night Lords.
Just beware that the 40k raptors are much smaller than the bigger 30k assault marines.
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How much suffering should I expect moving forward?
What about the jet packs/helmets/special chain weapons they have? Would they look wierd on horus heresy models?
I was thinking about spreading some of the bits around. a shoulder pad here, legs from the raptor set there. Not straight up taking a w40k unit and using it. I was corrected on trying to do that very fast, and I am thankful, because it saved me money on buying assault terminators.
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My esoterist so I can get all my daemons on the board haha
They're working for me, could be a browser issue?
… this is in response to the TQ …
Will CA debonder damage resin?
I don't know I am getting the whole "bla bla bla not avaible in Russia. bla bla bla".
That won't be it being broken, that'll be the host blocking stuff or some legal blocking. What you need, the fluff or the points?
I would like to know if there were any Imperial Army units fighting as auxilia to th Imperial Fist force. And if there was one what colour was their armour.
I'm so happy about the election results and I'm not even American.
that's not in the EBs, but the best you'll get is here:
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even geneseed was considered cursed, like the flesh change for TS, black rage and red thirst for BA, canis helix for wolves etc.
brother, strange motiff in your armor's chest

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