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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

ilKhan Brett Andrews edition

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If you think about it the Steel Vipers were the truest of Kerensky's descendants.

They should have won.
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>Clan Stone Lion and Coyote issuing a batchall for Cloud Cobra pilots, colorized.
thats not what steel vipers look like
>If you think about it the Steel Vipers were the truest of Kerensky's descendants.
>Kerensky's descendants
Kerensky and his direct descendants were all different flavors of failure in the end, so I guess the canon proves you right
>Not recycling a plastic bottle
>Killing a child who is a distant descendant of somebody who was related to a member of the not named clan
Clanners are a funny bunch is you ignore the aforementioned child killing
I like this thread already.
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>furries love battletech
>battletech hates furries
Name a more tragic romance.
I'm going to stick to the broad 'shape' of a Rifleman and do the following:
-2 AC/2s sharing a single ton of armor in the CT.
-2 large lasers
-14 heat sinks
-9.5 tons of armor

The ammo is in the CT because...well, there's no real good place for it. Sides are empty. In the CT at least there's other crits to roll, plus it fits that era of design logic by FASA.

Two big energy guns and two autocannons is the 'core' armament. They have to stay, but the AC/5s are unnecessary. 2s can swat helos and force lawn dart checks from aeros just fine. The ammo efficiency goes up, too. As for the medium lasers, I stripped them - 2 larges is sufficient for a specialist 'mech to deter sneaky/fast cunts from getting close, and those lasers are better off as armor so the Rifleman can survive to withdraw if overtaxed.
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If furfags didn't want to be hated they would've cannibalized that unicorn faggot.
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Python, no?
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>the prostitute to mechwarrior pipeline strikes again
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Viper Viper
In a thousand years, Scooter will be huge in the Kerensky Cluster.
*glow sticks internally*
It's called Magistracy Armed Forces.
The steel Vipers are the truest followers of the wrong Kerensky.
Not a bad refit.
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3 tone NATO woodland in ambush pattern. Whadya think?
Taking ideas for other patterns too, British or German inspired preferably.
nothing rounds out camo like high-vis yellow on your most vulnerable components
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not sure if i should run the dragonfly or adder as the 5th member. any thoughts?
It might not make sense tactically, but I like the look of camo + highlight color that units like JCF Gamma Galaxy or the Regulan Hussars use.
Anyone play with the new combined arms rules yet?
How are they?
it looks nice I just thought it was funny
What is the point of the AC2?

What can it do that an SRM2 or Machine gun can’t?

Or the more powerful weapons in its range bracket?
>What can it do that an SRM2 or Machine gun can’t?
Hit double digit range targets
>Or the more powerful weapons in its range bracket?
Not much. Some of the special ammo has utility, but it's not usually worth it.
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it's a really light sniper with special ammo
and if MWO, most accurate source of mech builds, has taught me anything: strapping 16 of them to an assault and sharting rounds down range until you tickle something to death
Ha Ha

Quite neat although the yellow on the missile launchers is a bit jarring, might eb better to have it more muted, smaller like yellow only on the edge or a different color.
So speaking of clans, I had a question about Clan IndustrialMechs

Namely, do they *have* them? We know that the Reptar and Araña were made by the Scorpions, but those were desperate attempts to refit Periphery factories to produce spare mechs in a part of space far from the Clan Homeworlds, while the Gulon C came from the Snow Ravens providing superior weaponry to local Outworlds Alliance security firms to empower their militia against pirates. Neither was in a "standard" Clan environment.

My presumption is that the Clans kept right on using Star League IndustrialMechs like the Crosscut, Buster, and Exo for practical applications, but I somehow doubt they use much in the vein of SecurityMechs. "Low-grade armed mechs for private industries" feels like the sort of thing the centralized economies of the Clans wouldn't need, and with how much they idolize and idealize the BattleMech as the ultimate expression of warfare I think making low-quality ones or giving any sort of armed mech to the lower castes would grate on their sensibilities. Not to mention they'd be at risk for theft by the Dark Caste to cause all sorts of grief.

Heck, with Battle Armor they probably don't even need *mechs* to do that kind of work, as a point of Elementals are more than capable of dishing out plenty of hurt to Dark Caste raiders.

What do you think, /btg/? Do the Clans have some SecurityMechs tromping around back on the Homeworlds, or do they just skip right to using UrbanMech IICs and Wyvern IICs to patrol their cities and intimidate the populace?
>do they *have* them?
Logically they will need to have them, no way their industry could work without any but I'm not aware of any mentions.
NATO three color uses brown instead of tan. The green could also be darker.
>british and german
Have you considered NATO three color?
elementals are canonically used in riot suppression and rear line patrol, e.g. turtle bay, so security mech duties are probably all BA and urbies
industrial mechs are definitely a thing though, at some point you just can't get a washed out elemental to man handle multi ton loads bare handed as efficiently as one forklift mech, and since they did their job fine they probably wouldn't get any notable upgrades (like non-war jumpships)
>Not to mention they'd be at risk for theft by the Dark Caste to cause all sorts of grief.
who would win
a peacekeeper C
a gang of commando IICs and elementals off their meds
oops I meant a peacemaker
peacekeeper is a post-jihad assault and might probably beat up the commandos
Ty I'll make the accents more discrete next time.
This was my attempt at NATO 3 tone but the pattern is this ambush scheme. I picked the CYMK numbers from https://www.e-paint.co.uk/lab-hlc-rgb-lrv-values.asp, but pictures tend to show the brown as more red than what I got here.
For other British stuff, the late Cold War tanks could be painted dark green and black. Kind of like NATO three color, but with no brown. You could also do a Berlin Brigade pattern of squares in almost-white, gray, and chocolate brown. An anon on here has done a bunch of models in those colors and it looks good.

West Germans mostly went with NATO ish schemes or OD. Alternatively, you could use the East Germans used some gray on green patterns if you're feeling like a marxist.
I absolutely love Berlin Brigade camo but there's no way I can pull off the square pattern on such small models. I'm trying out something else rn and will post in a bit.
Industries worked just fine before industrial mechs were developed.

While we're at it, what does a cattlemaster even do?
Yeah that tracks. The Clans have such a large military per-capita compared to the IS, and have so little distinction between government and private industry (in that I don't think they *HAVE* private industry) that they probably use security tasks as a Solahma or punishment detail, or just hand it off to the Police subcaste who are *very technically* warriors and famously grouchy about it.

I can see Security "C" variants coming out now that the Clans have taken Terra, though. The Touman will be busy being the front-line warriors, but they're now controlling a much bigger territory with a much higher population, and incorporating all those private industries and making use of the security equipment that's already present is going to probably be easier if they just hand a few Clan-grade machine guns and Small Pulse Lasers to the places that are already making garrison and militia units and call it a day.
My understanding is the Cattlemaster herds fauna that are a bit too big for humans and collies to handle. Y'know, the local delicacy meat animal that happens to be the size of an elephant with the temper of a hippo in heat.
Did you use the right brown? There's a lot of them and NATO three color uses the "brown 383" from the ASM-595A standard. The color number should be 30051. The green is also "green 383" with color number 34094. If you wan to to be autistic about what shade of black, that'll be color code 37030.
I think they go straight for low grade real mechs when they use them for police work. There's a police/constabulary subcaste for warriors, but they're still warriors. The clans aren't averse to making low end mechs. They have stuff like the Incubus which is designed to scale down to trial against lesser forces such as a single Elemental.
>I absolutely love Berlin Brigade camo but there's no way I can pull off the square pattern on such small models. I'm trying out something else rn and will post in a bit.

Just convert it to a more conventional camo pattern using the Berlin Brigade's colors.
We apparently don't know. On grounds of ideology, they might not use industrialmechs at all because they are mechs controlled by non-warriors and their use tends to make things suck less, apparently.

At least we do know that they don't use secmechs at all. Second line forces use C upgrades of Star League standard mechs or IICs.
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So if I've got a reading on this right, Horned Owl was built as an aquatic construction mech and then that same basic frame was used to make a battlemech - so clearly the Clans are not only using IndustrialMechs, but making new ones, sometimes for very specialized purposes!
Alas, I suspect Vehicle Annex: Clan IndustrialMechs isn't exactly high on the priority list.
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Yeah Vipers may be a bunch of bitches but you guys did make some cool mechs, so I’ll give you that. Gotta give credit for the Black Python and Vapor Eagle where it’s due.
>any thoughts
Yes. Upgrade your pilots to Clan standards and utilize the proper names for your 'mechs, freebirth.
Another idea I had floating around.

Thank you I'll look into this, once I pick one of these there'll be a lot more researching into what paint to actually buy.
>what paint to actually buy
Vallejo sells the exact FS colors and I'm pretty sure they even haev a box set for NATO. Pretty sure AK does the same, but those might be enamels. Tamiya has stuff people say is the right color, but that's just people making an approximation and Tamiya isn't actually mixing to the federal color standards like other companies are.
Do not suffer a clanner to live.
you are not strong enough
that does look nice
Ak's nato colors are acrylics but I'm not sure if they are actually accurate.
Yes. I do believe in Ilkhan Jayden Ismiril can be kino
forgot pic
Ty I'm liking this one the most so far. It'd also inform me into starting their campaign at Eaton for example.
All that effort and time learning lore that is just watered down history lol

Who cares? You spent all that time learning how to suck dick and you don't see us making fun of you for it.
>Vallejo sells the exact FS colors

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What else should I add to this Regulus company?
LRM Carrier
Is the Veagle actually any good in tabletop? It's one of my favorites in MWO.
According to Goonhammer it is in classic thanks to being fast and having a bunch of pLas, but idk I'm just getting into the hobby and will be playing AS. I'll have to see if the people in the LFS play mostly AS or classic.
Even then I feel like this is likely to result in extremely dangerous stampedes. Also, you can import other livestock. And the name strongly suggests this should be useful for cattle
Oh hey, while looking through MUL for Regulan stuff, I just found out that the Hector 1-B has mysteriously had its reintroduction expanded from just Jihad - FWL to all the way through Dark Age - FWL (Regulan Fiefs).
I assume still with no source except the MUL itself. Even being reintroduced as retrotech was a MUL special. And now it's even more specialer. Someone over there enjoys explosive knees.
>are probably all BA and urbies

Judging from the Law and Order section of Warriors of Kerensky, it's probably Firestarters.
And given that, I have decided to make a retrotech/age of war lance consisting of a Mackie, Hector, Rifleman, and Icarus II. Where we're going, we don't need speed. Or armor. Or adequate heat sinkage. Or weapons good enough to bother going as wildly over heat as we are going.
>buy GHQ ww2 miniatures
>get more than I remember getting
>end up with a complete infantry regiment with transports and artillery support overnight

30+ bases of infantry with APCs and artillery support is something you're supposed to warn your opponent about before bringing them to the field, right? And move them by company or battalion to not abuse initiative?
So the Essentials box (and the cover art) is supposed to be Justin's YLW vs. Gray's LK; But have they ever fought against each other? Especially in their mechs?

Going by the Sarna article (haven't read the Warrior Trilogy yet) they were enemies in war who ended up being on the same Solaris team? So they probably fought in the simulator.
clan pulse lasers + targeting computer + jump jets. it is good.
No, Noton was assassinated before he could fight Allard, by Allard, still assmad about Noton punking his Valkyrie on Kittery. Allard then had the audacity to pilot Legend Killer against Capet.

tl;dr Justin Allard was a cunt
It’s pretty damn good, with the JJs, pulse lasers, and mixed crit-seeking weapons it is a very good duelist and can reliably earn back its own BV in kills if it is left to work on an enemy mech unmolested.
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Just finished Without Question, and picrel is all I could think about when listening to Chistu or whoeverwas sent to Antares. Really trying to humanize and make the Clans more sympathetic huh?
Yes, its generally polite to warn them youre bringing "quite a few" stands of infantry. But unless youre a clanner you dont have to tell them exactly why you bring
What you bring not why. We all know why someone brings 30 units of infantry
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Took the axe murder squad out for a couple of AS games, backed them up with a Longbow and an Archer. Much axe murdering was perpetrated, and I went 1-1. I like this lance, but the Hatchetman is kind of slow.

Will these building terrains match BT scale?
grab a neanderthal or berserker, really unga their bungas
They look a bit too big. A mech is supposed to be about four stories tall, and it looks like they'd be 2-3 stories tall compared to those buildings.

Look into Hextech terrain, it's the best stuff for battletech.
Use a zerker instead. Same speed but hits a lot harder
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>anon bitches a 'mech is too slow
>recommends another 'mech that's just as slow
It seems being slow is contagious in /btg/ tonight.
Berserker has MASC at least
Wait for Scarabus
>Wait for Scarabus

TSM Scarabus is up there with TSM Nightsky for objectively best hatchetmech.
Thoughts on 'Mech Mortars?
>if you're stuck that slow, might as well be slow and better
yes you unfathomable retard how is this too much for your tiny marble of a brain to grasp
Copium. Be faster if faster is called for. Anon should just ditch the Hatchetman for a second Axman if the Hatchetman's speed is a hindrance. Now go to bed, you have school tomorrow, you tween mong.
Last one I'll bother y'all with today. MERDC pattern with the previous colors.
most bv efficient weapon in the game
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Do one like this
>haha kiddo
coping what you brain rotten subhuman
nothing was called for, he declared it's kind of slow, and got a suggestion to make that speed work better
just because you hallucinated the phrase "I want a faster mech and no other solutions please" doesn't mean it happened
I'd end on some epic insult about you being young or retarded or whatever, but you wouldn't be able to process it and would just get confused so why bother
That looks like more of a pain than the squiggly lines but I could try ig. :(
It was an illogical suggestion given the context of the gripe. I get that classical education is a foreign concept to you children these days, you can thank your shitty parents for that, but a suggestion that doesn't address the issue is just word-sperging, meaningless drivel (You) bait. You, like your insignificant generation, are a waste of flesh, and contribute nothing.

If you cut a bunch of rectangles out of making tape you could mask the scheme. Personally even with an airbrush I opted to not do it myself.

Im gearing up to paint a trinary of Nova Cats in something like this and the artic camo they used on Harriers in the 80s.
>It was an illogical suggestion given the context of the gripe
>make problem less problem is illogical
see, you just get confused and try to dream up more epic insults while coping, as you said, about how you're right and everyone else is wrong because... because they are ok? over passing fucking suggestions to improve a lance, NOT MAKE IT FASTER, make it feel better to play
I can tell, easily, that you have autism, and not even as a haha 4chan insult kind of deal, but please quit making it everyone's problem
was the unfunny "slow" joke worth all this you cretin?
Trips says the scheme is based. Hope they come out great.
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I officially apologize for mentioning that my Hatchetman was kinda slow. I had no idea it would cause such drama.
>Can't think of a fuctioning Introtech ~5500BV lance with KGC-0000 and CRB-20
Any suggestion for the other 2 mechs?
NTA, but out of sheer curiosity, what's the fastest mech in existence? Fuck weapons, fuck usability, imagine you have to run 20 full laps around a map sheet (no jumping) as fast as possible.

Second question, what's the fastest mech possible to BUILD? Again, sheer running speed, no jumping, no flying.
>ALM-XF: This Fireball unique variant, built in 3077, was equipped with a 320-rated XXL engine, MASC, and supercharger. This combination of speed systems gives it a consistent running speed of 259.2 km/h, with bursts of up to 432 km/h possible.
Any two workhorses, or a workhorse and a scout. You could use some longer range, but it's not the end of the world if you don't.

Maybe an Archer and a Commando or something? Or a Warhammer or Marauder.

Crabs implies Star League, so maybe a Marauder and then some scout with what BV you have left.
You were right to mention it as being a flawed part of your lance. >>94457015 is a retard and a dingleberry that chose to speak on nothing they're equipped to understand, or else they wouldn't have failed to address it directly but instead suggested a panacea addition that doesn't fix the error.
SKU:71.093 NATO Green
SKU: 71.249 NATO Brown
SKU: 71.251 NATO Black
If the color corresponds to a standard/known name, Vallejo puts it on the bottom of the label. If your local hobby store sells military scale models, they almost definitely will have it.

This is a darker scheme. So for small models, like these in 6mm scale, it's best to use a white primer. That will artificially brighten it up and help it read better as it's correct color.
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>230 cruise, 432 max
jesus shit
Crab can also imply Combine.
>damn I'm sorry I caused drama
you are a pathetic little man, a zerker would be a fine upgrade, and stop trying to sound smart you used panacea wrong the zerker isn't remotely a cure all you retard
Autism is a tragic disease, being literally unable to comprehend there being more opinions than yours and getting butthurt over it, not like you could've seen it coming
Just toss in a clanbuster knight in your lance so all the spergs "lose" and also because it's fun to run
All that cash just to compete with the timeless Speeder on the roads
ok kiddo, your fast cars are cool but that is 20 TONS OF ROBOT sprinting past you as fast as record setting sports cars today
yes, perhaps his engine and legs will explode from doubling up masc and SC but it's worth
>the zerker isn't remotely a cure all
It's not even a cure to Hatchetman being slow. That is why you're a child, and stupid, to have suggested it.
>sprinting past you
Or straight into you if it has a remote control like the Celerity.
>15 tons sprinting 32 hexes to dropkick you in the chest.
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>>15 tons sprinting 32 hexes to dropkick you in the chest.
>can't sprint and charge attack
Damn you, CGL
>Second question, what's the fastest mech possible to BUILD?

Let's math this shit up. First, we know that we have 16 as our floor for fastest, since the Fireball does that.

First, let's assume that we're an IS Mech. This makes the MASC slightly heavier, but it allows us to use an XL gyro and small cockpit.

For the moment, let's assume that critical slots aren't going to matter.

MASC weighs 5% of the Mech's total weight, rounded to the nearest ton. That means 1 ton for 20 tons, 1.5 for 25 tons or 30, or 2 tons for 35 tons or 40 tons. I can't imagine we'll end up above 40.

Supercharger weighs 10% of the engine weight.

XL gyro weighs [engine rating/200]. If we have a >300 rated engine, this will save us 2 tons, which is more than the half ton we lose to MASC for 25 or 35 tons.

Running a little math makes it clear that it's going to have to be 20 tons, since at 17 run in a 25 ton Mech, we're already at 425, and superheavy engines will not work here.


Anyway, we find that a 20 ton Mech with an XXL engine, XL gyro, small cocking, Endo Steel IS, Supercharger, and MASC has 4 tons left after all that at walk 17, and 1.5 tons left at walk 18. At walk 19 it has -1.5 tons left.

So, unless I made a mistake somewhere, the answer is that the fastest a Mech can be is 18/24/(36/45), with a whopping 1.5 tons left. Call it a small laser and a ton of armor.
When talking about the ends of possibility, mixtech should be on the table.
lmao nice pivot you still tried to sound smart with big words and failed
hyperfixation is a sign of autism you know, this was never a math problem of
>is mech.speed >> hatchetman.speed
and you're a sperg, actually for real, for literally not being able to comprehend implicit parts of the scenario
i.e. it FEELs slow, as in it's slow for what it provides, not it IS slow, as in it's objective speed
you literally and completely cannot comprehend that in this equation, you can indeed raise speed or you can improve what it provides
also you obviously don't fucking care how his lance does anymore, you spoke to the guy once, ignoring what he said just to declare yourself smart
this will go in circles since you're mentally challenged and I sure as fuck won't listen to you, so all that's left is to fish for onlookers to say "hey you're right!" which is pathetic or desperately try for the last word, like you have, which is also pathetic
Now I feel terrible because I got caught up in yelling at a tard and some anon making small talk about his game feels guilty
But if it makes you feel like a big man, yes, the axeman is faster than the hatchetman you read numbers good etc., I'd even ironically say "haha I'm totally 14" to mock your petty insults but mods are retards and would ban me, so just imagine I did it (mods I am over 18) to make yourself feel better
For a pirate crew's token this mech has no hands it's just meant for fighting machine, should I go with a longbow or yeoman, or some other missile boat to trundle into other mechs faces and unload 50+ dead-fire missiles into them?
Oh shit, I realized that I forgot ultralights. I'm not enthusiastic about them because of fixed expenses, but let's see.

Still, unless I screwed up my math, a 15 tonner can hit walk 21 with 0.5 tons to spare, and a 10 tonner (benefiting from lower IS and MASC than the 15 tonner, and the quadratic engine weight curve) can hit...27, with no weight for weapons or armor. 24 gives us 1 ton for those, or 25 for half a ton.
It ends up not mattering for 10, 15, or 20 ton Mechs (the difference in the MASC gets rounded up anyway).
>in pole position, your champion, the Fireball! followed by the Stinger SLAM! It's like a LAM, but also an onomatopoeia when it hits the orphanage around the first curve! They still haven't repaired that wall from last year! After that, three custom Ostscouts that have nearly identical performance! Oststreak, Ostspeed, and Ostfast! And taking up the rear as always, a completely unmodified Charger 1A1! And as always, the judges are on standby to disqualify its pilot for poor sportsmanship after he deliberately tries to trample any tripped racers!
>Let's get this race started before the militia shows up! 3! 2! 1! Go!!!

This is the kind of autism I come to /btg/ for.
>Hiding in Alpha Strike to keep the Blakist robot dogs from jumping through your mech
Praise be to His Word
>Look into Hextech terrain, it's the best stuff for battletech.
I don't want to pay more than $3 per model though.
sarna says that actually is what fireball was used for lol
Then you will have to accept lower quality and mismatched scale
Ha, I knew someone'd build one specced purely for speed. Thanks.

Oh shit, I forgot it was a thing. I'll have to print some of those if/when I play a later era, drones are extremely my thing.

Exactly what I was hoping for! Thanks anon!
>but the Hatchetman is kind of slow.
>is kind of slow
Not "seems". You fail, in basic comprehension as you do in life. Ever falling short, just like your entire misbegotten peer group. You should feel terrible, but not for getting schooled on a Tibetan sherpa hiring platform; you should feel terrible that this is just a snapshot into the mediocrity your sub-par education has led you to. I think we're done now, as your inability to grasp basic concepts has left you hopelessly outmatched.

Oh, and for another snapshot of your future: I will, in fact, want fries with that. Try to get that right, at least, it's only your livelihood at stake.
didn't ask
Availability favors the Longbow
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What's that not!'head' supposed to be? Radar?
Fire control system, probably
has AA targetting quirk, so probably
Full sensor suite, baby. The Chad Longbow can do it all, the virgin Stalker is relegated to ground targets only (and still kicks ass).
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>looks like a giant penis
It's modeled after your penis, anon. Ugly, stubby and unsatisfying to use. Thusly, "virgin" is appropriate.
You're just jelly that your benis doesn't have Artemis IV.
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what's /btg/ been painting this weekend?
I'm actually on pause, waiting for my delayed shipment from Green Stuff World to arrive.
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My Quickdraw from the kickstarter and these Delta Base walkway sections.
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Trying some new schemes for opfor units.
Lemme see that Grasshopper, baby
Which paint will match this color?
Mechanicus Standard Gray base and Vallejo Sky Gray highlight maybe?
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Not my best work. I was practicing with rust paints and the one I was using dried up as I was painting this. If you use more layers the yellow rust bits deepen into a more natural red but... Bleh.

I should revisit this at some point.
Regulans. I didn't get very far though. Too many distractions.
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there are purples and greens mixed in there too. lovely shading on this one.

Fixed up these a little while I had gunmetal mixed for terrain. I think I still need a bit more but they're getting better.
Seems salvageable.
What's the story about the rust? Or is it just experimentation?
There any new info on the Green Ghosts beyond the 3080s? They seem like a good excuse unit to field whatever you want since they're so mysteriously well equipped.
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Dirty Down Yellow Rust & Rust as a top coat. Here's another red d00d that the rust worked a bit better on (still needs touch ups as well). Might strip the jet plume and do it with airbrush.

It's water soluble so you can sorta move it around and whatnot. Dries in very interesting patterns and colours but takes a while to do so. Also the bottles dry up super easy.
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>generates +3 tmm on a jump
>jumping pulseboat with tc
>critseeks like a motherfucker
>good armor
>even looks sexy

Yes, it's good. It would have been good with even two of the aspects that I greentexted; with three, it would be excellent, but it has six. It's an iconic Watkins heavily optimized cheeser. It's what happens when you take a writer that actually plays the game competently and turn them loose on the design process.

We have a gentlemen's agreement around here not to use certain mechs due to their level of optimization being equivalent to well designed customs. The Vapor Eagle, like many Watkins designs, is on that list. Make of that what you will. We now only bring it out for special occasions, or to give to a new player because of my firm belief that new players deserve exciting games.
>you will be tempted to dump the mg ammo
>if your opponent will consent to a partial ammo dump, keep around 16 shots
>if not, keep it all
>thank me later after you've literally blown a few backs out in the battletech sense of the term
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here's another example of the rust paints
what else have they made?
>The Vapor Eagle, like many Watkins designs, is on that list.
It is crazy good. Even my Steel Viper keshik only has one in its ranks, to remove temptation to field Stars of them. I'm tempted to put a Vapor Eagle, a Battle Cobra, a Crossbow, a Black Python, and something like a Warhawk into a pickup game Star to mine salt with.
I admit, I have never used actual rust paint/technicals. I've always just used a light drybrush of Vallejo's Hammered Copper to produce a rust effect on bare iron/steel.
The usual /btg take is that the Stormcrow is the best invasion era Clan medium and that's not a bad take, but an argument can be made for the Vapor Eagle. It's very, very good. Very good.
>we banned the veagle, but we don't ban the stormcrow
>make of that what you will
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What's your favorite Stormcrow, /btg/? I'm partial to the B
Is the Iron Cheetah B one of the best Invasion era Clan Assaults?

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