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K Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings
>The Condemned CCG
>Grand Archive TCG

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)
>The Condemned CCG

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
For limited play, do you prefer draft or sealed?
Sealed is both a luckfest and doesn't give you the agency to actively try for specific decks, which in turn also means there's less variety because you can't specialize (without extremely weird pack luck). Not to say there's no skill differentiation in sealed deckbuilding, but those are its flaws.

The upside of sealed is it's more approachable for beginners or more casual players who don't know the cardpool or how to build a good limited deck.

I'm hoping Gundam breaks the Bandai curse of being terrible in limited but not holding my breath.
I like draft more, myself. Sealed is great for someone still learning the game, but the mind games involved in draft are just so fun. And knowing you don't get the entire pack of anything you open makes every pick feel like it has some real weight to it.
thanks. I'll look into mingo, was one of my favorite villains. if i can find these starter decks, just sold out everywhere unless youre paying 4x the msrp
I found the unity based op sim, seeing a lot of people playing him there so that makes sense.
Is the double attack yamato leader strong? she was the only deck that absolutely wiped the floor with me super quick.
Semi frequent vent post at how Bandai fucked up BSS.
>so mind broken he can only post FUCK ACG now
Card games???
Bro it ain't FUCK FAB spam so take it :P
I played some Warlord sealed back in the day and it was fun (both sealed deck and battle pack). Now with the new edition I will probably try to play as many drafts as I can.
Usually I prefer draft.

>Playing shit games with build in archetypes
>complains about sealed
lmao, get better games that are not just a pseudo-synergy in-set fest (fuck bandai games)
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You're a bigger faggot than the image only BSS spoiler poster
I can't wait for hubworld
Modern tcgs suck
I prefer sealed way more but understand that draft can be a better experience ((with the correct people and product)).
I prefer draft, sad one piece just cant really be drafted with the set up.
Sealed is fun enough
>image only BSS spoiler poster
He never posted BSS images, only the twitter links....
Definitely prefer draft. I like the social aspect when playing with friends, seeing what gets passed around. The only problem with Draft is that the game needs to be designed to work with that format.
>do you prefer draft or sealed?
If it's a "get new packs" setup like at a set release, generally sealed. that kind of drafting where people are simultaneously trying to make a deck and pull valuable cards annoys me. but I do enjoy other draft formats like cubes and auction drafts. and just generally "wacky" alt formats that get people playing cards and decks they wouldn't normally try in constructed main tournament format. budget formats can be great in certain TCGs, too.
>all these folks saying draft is best
Yeah, but like multiple people have stated, it literally matters more on the product than the game mode itself. Sealed is inherently easier to have a good time with, assuming you're not rolling in there with your own personal wolf pack that understands and equally enjoys drafting like you do.
You are 100% correct, but thats not the question. Its which do you prefer. draft is /better/
But sealed is easier and more likely to have a good time.
>not arcane cussing or feisty locals

it's basically a card sub-theme at this point
I mean, in draft there is a higher chance of making a consistent deck while in sealed you either play with a sealed deck or build whatever is available.
Another good thing of draft is that people usually let pass less desirable rares that doesn't work in their current build, and as long as there are nobody actively rare drafting people could end up making pretty consistent junk.

(Yeah depends on the game too. As long as the game has a neutral color or no "color" restriction most of times draft works)
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>you're at the LGS and this guy spurs your gf's hide
What do?
A new tcg is announced by a new company with no history or details about the game.

What theme would induce you to preorder instantly?
I get another game, because this one ain't for me anymore.
Call a judge for time because the twerp is sitting there upwards of 5 minutes to think of a number between 1-6
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Arakni is best girl
Nothing, i don't preorder anything.
Tasteful amounts of big tiddy anime milf art on the cards.
Roll d6 under a cup and without looking at it announce the result is my secretly chosen number.
laugh at his comically small pinhead
Oh boy, another set that's going to be entirely talent cards! I can't wait to only be able to play the new cards with the new, over-tuned heroes!
Evropean History
>over-tuned heroes
Tell that to Oscilio or Verdance
Oscillio was clearly designed with the books unbanned
they're going to regret making this non legendary
any period whatsoever? or one specifically?
Verdance would be tier 1 if it weren't for the other top tier heroes in Rosetta/Mistveil that dunk on her.

Also, that's your argument? "only some of the heroes are so overtuned to negate the relevance of 90% of existing heroes"?
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>that's your argument?
Also fuck Mistveil
Heavy Hitters was possibly the high water mark of FAB. Maybe whatever the super srs cool set after The Hunted will prove me wrong. But I'm guessing it will be talent focused (or even overlapping ones like Hunted, why the fuck not), and at least one hero will be immediate tier 0.
what pathology at FFG led to set 2 and 3 cards being so much weaker than set 1?
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card art preview for Deathscythe. possible LR?
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Everything is cats, shotas, and lolis.
Take my money.
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Alright, got my toes wet. Which booster pack is the trendy one?
>what pathology
They very likely spent a lot of development time just making Spark work thematically and mechanically. Then after that was over they assumed the hard part was done with, but then set 2 and 3 came down the pipeline and well... Their games wasn't THAT great to begin with, as it turns out. Matter of factly it really only worked with what they started with and they didn't conceive of how to advance the game from the starting line. Thankfully the next set looks like a step in the right direction, but you have TWO parasitic theme sets that will never get the proper development they need before they move on to another keyword gimmick salad.

In short, they got cocking and they fucked up every step out of the starting line since then.
Exactly the same thing happened in BSS.
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How do the players know what numbers their heroes are choosing if it's a secret?
The cat can fly now?
Some nice art there. Wonder if we'll see the upgraded versions of stuff in this set, or if they'll do another down the road with like the 2nd Gen Wing suits and Ariel Rebuild in it.
>1.1.2b A player plays the game as their hero. Card text makes no distinction between the player and their hero, identifying both identically; the term “you” refers to the player’s hero and the term “opponent” refers to the player’s opponent’s hero.
There are 30 other cards with the text "each hero" so I double-checked the rules.
Hello first card I've actively hated since I've started FAB. It took you 5 years to knock on my door, so I'll consider that a mercy.
the most recent or prb-01
practically every set has meta cards though.
dont open one piece packs unless you want to open packs. cheaper to just buy the singles
>return to the brood
tags: impregnation, tentacles, seedbed
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Got my Jarl deck today. Oh yeah, I'm thinking baby, it's cold outside!
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more spidery goodness
Is Magicat™
Looks like this is going to be the tier 0 for this set.

Still probably more fun than playing against Enigma or Nuu.
Is it true what people are saying that the gundam card game will have no language restriction for the cards?
What do you mean by language restriction
I was so tempted to buy him and a box of Aria, but I'm so burned out by the local FaB community.

Not sure what you mean by that.
I meant the fact you can't use non-english cards in western tournaments for most tcgs.
Can you not?
Oh. I wouldn't know anything about that. I'd rather someone give me a rectal exam with a grapefruit spoon than go near a tournament.
I wish there were people like you around here. Everyone just wanna play tournaments where I live.
I'm actually not a fan of tournaments myself.
Sounds like they need to chill the fuck out. Sprinkle some frostbite on top, that might give their redline aggro decks a run for their money.
If they have no source then it's fake.
Bandai has had zero cross region cards in any of their games
As a based nooticer i've noticed the "I" and "V" symbols on the cards, are those phases of the hero?
What's the best theme for a card game? Fantasy seems very over-done and sci-fi normally just sticks to the same bland aesthetic even though they could do an infinite number of things with it. Pokemon clones are always just that, with lame designs. Then games that take too narrow of a theme like "cryptids" or "zombies" end up running out of shit and every set feels too same-y.
Han dynasty China
You couldn't in SWU on release, they changed it after European players complained a lot. NTA just tossing out a recent example.
Fantasy means anything imaginable not just medieval slop.
They're for a d6 to roll for random transformation, but good catch. Might even be odds mitigators like... upper or lower your result by 1 on your next transformation. Raising past 6 goes back to 1 or they just cap you at either end of the spectrum.
op09 is pretty good if you're planning on running buggy or black beard
burple luffy and shanks have a good amount of their usable cards in 09 as well
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It's probably only to speed up play. Having a canonical number for each agent means you don't have to lay them out and confirm with your opponent every time. Just roll 5 and grab Tarantula, etc.

You only think "fantasy" is over done because everyone makes kitchen sink slop settings for TCGs. For example, if you asked someone unfamiliar to distinguish between the settings of FaB, MtG, and (soon)LoL they probably couldn't do it. And, really, from a business perspective anything other than slop is a massive risk because it narrows the thematic scope.

If someone had the balls and talent to commit to a distinct fantasy world with a clearly defined aesthetic it wouldn't feel overdone at all. And nobody but /acg/ would play it.
I wonder what happens if you roll one you don't have in your inventory? Aren't the Levia transformations required to be in inventory and take up a slot to play?
They don't go into your inventory. They're basically pre-defined demi-heros innate to Arakni, Marionette's hero ability. Notice also that Arakni does not Transform.
The non-marvel cards are even (T) rarity.
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Compare Levia's text. Where the rules and activation condition live on the demi-hero card instead of on the hero's ability.
Yeah. FaB in particular kills me because I do really like the game, but the local crowd is so hyper competitive and tourny focused that a kitchen table gamer like me is left in the cold. And I can't convince them to do anything different like Commoner or UPF because they can't hypertune their decks in those formats. And God forbid we just play without worrying about prizes.

Yeah, but sadly the layman doesn't seem to get that, so we get way more Tolkien tip-offs than anything creative and fun.


and ONE

These heroes are all modeled/posed after their numerals.
Forgot to attach
You're welcome.

You can "take it easy" without playing one of the shitty meme formats. Commoner is mediocre and UPF is pure shit.

If they do plan to play "real" tournaments and are honing their deck/decision-making, it's also fair that they don't want to play casual mode. Fab is a very skill intensive, low-rng game, so you'd have to absolutely try to lose to not beat a newcomer, even with similar deck power. What you're asking - intentionally or not - is for them to waste their hobby time babysitting you. It'd be pretty cool of them to be willing to, but if there is a decent number of players in the community, they have no incentive to do so.
No! They're doing a heckin toxicity to me and need to stop! They aren't having fun, they are doing an antifun. I just want to have fun!
This is why we need marxism! FUCKFAB!
tcg inspired by medieval city builders where both players are trying to raise up a city state from scratch, with multiple wincons ala Civ and cards representing city infrastructure like a smithy or paved roads
NU Warlord spoiler!

All uncommon warlords as well as a bunch of cards that are in the new demo decks.
Drafting chadlord will be fun.

Anyone knows if there's some simulator for Duel Masters?
Since this is the only time I can play lizardmen I will do so. But a lycanthrope is cool too.
I get rhat they are more focused on tournaments, which is why I've stepped away. I like the silly little formats that mix things up a bit, and I get why they aren't as focused on those as CC with optimized decks.

I'm just saying that it bums me out because the game is fun, and they're perfectly nice people, but our playstyles/methodologies simply don't mesh.

If that's how they have fun, then more power to them. It just means I won't be joining them because it's not my idea of fun.

I'd try it.

That elf might be some of the weakest art in the game. And looks way to traditional for what I think of Warlord's Elves being.
I: One time Attack Reaction, discard Ass card get +3 to stealth attack and on hit banish a card from target's hand.
II: Exact same but banish from arsenal
III: Presumed same only banish from top of deck
IV: ???
V: Dagger hits lower 1 life from target
VI: Probably something broken.

So you have a 50/50 chance to get the highly good Araknis. That's chaos, baby!
I remember a furry city builder TCG with that premise.
You also hired adventures and had a leader card
Only flesh and blood can have sick fucking hero artwork and mechanically throw three of them away on copy pasted "banish a card from X, Y or Z."

I think they're really interesting but that feels like a copout to me. Why not make six unique character mechanics and keep it interesting?
So I just came up with this after seeing Project K

League of Legends TCG
There are 2 zones on the battlefield
The defense zone
The nexus zone
You place your nexus card in the center nexus zone
The defense zone is where you summon units to
There are only five defense zones and 2 nexus zones
Games are played in series of rounds rather then turns.
If you do anything once it resolves priority shifts to your opponent unless your opponent can play a card with a timing allowing them do do so
There are no lifepoints like Project K instead you gather conquest points to win the game
When both players cannot do anymore actions the round ends
When a unit is NORMAL summoned(if its revived this doesnt count etc) it cannot invade
Invade means move from your defense zone to the enemy defense zone
When invaded the enemy can use of their defense zone units to begin an attack on your unit, if they dont it passes and you steal that defenze zone spot.
This is called a counter assault
Now if you unit stays in that stolen zone you can on your next round move it the nexus zone and perform a conquest
Units in the Nexus zone cannot be attacked by units in the defense zone
When you perform a conquest, your opponent can choose any of their defense line units to move into the nexus zone to prevent the conquest which is a battle.
Since its your nexus you are not allowed to pass killing the enemy the moment it invades your Nexus. This only happens on the initial nexus invasion
Nexus invasions that persist after a round you may move your defense zone unit to the nexus zone and can choose to kill the enemy or not
This is important because you can only have access to the Nexus Zone when its invaded your nexus zone I mean
Now assuming your enemy isnt dead when the round is ended the amount of conquered nexuses are tallied for both players earning one point for each of their units in an enemy Nexus area
If there are two nexus areas what happens if two enemies persist in your Nexus area?
There are two nexus areas for your enemies, in the event your Nexus is completely conquered meaning 2 enemies are in the zone, you can use to attack them with any number of your defense zone units, however since this is not prevention none of your units move to the Nexus even if you only kill one enemy and theres still one left
I'm making one. Give me a few months and I might have something to show for it.
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The TCG version of Citadels?
Found it.
It was called Animal Kingdom TCG
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Hopefully I get to play it this weekend and give feedback
are the cards print to play or how does this work?
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sexy lolis and milfs and everything inbetween.
not shitposting, unironically and truthfully.
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My body is so fucking ready for this game.
Holy shit the cards look so much better when the text book is semi-transparent
Same. Hopefully a community pops up here and is chill.

I was thinking about what would make an interesting TCG, and I wondered about fairy tales. You can either go kinda cute with it, or really lean into how fucked up most of them are. But have cards for shit like Gnomes, Cinderella and the likes. You can pull stuff from all over the world for fairy tales and folklore.
I'm ready too. Ready to sell out.
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Game looks cute. I wonder if it's fun?
>why not make 6 unique characters?
First of all we don't know for sure yet, BUT:
Because these aren't 6 unique characters. They are elaborate reminder cards for a single hero with an ability I'd honestly expect more from a digital tcg. It's not a copout, it's a deliberate design choice.
A more boring implementation would fluff the 6 "agents of chaos" as "combat stances" and give you a double-sided artless reminder card.

You're already playing a hero with 2 modes and the second mode has 6 variants based on a dice roll. There needs to be come consistency across them.
it shows that they have a print and play plus tts on their website
I didn't noticed at first, I hope it's true for all the Araknis since it would be insanely cool.
I can't really see the "II" on Funnel Web. Maybe the 2 swords? But seems like a stretch
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I mean I see it, but consider it a stretch if you like.
Should TCG cards be bigger?
Squares are the future.
Now that you point it out I actually see it. I hope it's not just our brain making up stuff
I enjoyed what I played, but didn't end up backing due to dev faggotry.
Behold, the suspicious six.
is this loss?
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I hate that every tcg white guy looks like this and so do I
Bro is this Furry tcg card game.....
I dare to look different, and I am ostracized for it
What are the THREE WORST mechanics an amateur TCG could contain?
nope, card frame looks different
Inb4 faggot cultists spread this and take credit for my nootiching.
Cards that look for specific other cards (by name) to do something
Instant speed alt-wincons
>Cards that look for specific other cards (by name) to do something
why do you hate theme
when you say you hate lands, what are you saying? You hate resources that are shuffled into your deck and have a limit on how many you can field per turn? Do you just hate the concept of mana generating cards? What's the deal?
Big lmao, I guessed 6 wrong but when working on this I thought I could draw a 4 with that hat too. That means claws is VI, the sexy gardener
Colors in a resource (cards) based game.

Either don't make different colors or don't make resource cards. Choose only one, make it simple.
It makes designing cards hard but the payoff in playability and deckbuilding makes up for it (in player's eyes)
what about lands but they actually build on top of each other. like you have to have a plains to put a forest on top of or an ocean to put an island on top of. geography the tcg
Theme is "give +2hp to dwarves" not "if you control Bill the Dwarf, draw a card". Former is fine to good, latter is shit except in very rate circumstances

Resource-only cards that are shuffled into the deck. You can put in Basic energy from Pokémon in that spot, if you'd like. If you're making a modern game, either let some or all standard deck cards be used to generate resources, have a separate deck of resources, or use a different method of paying for cards.
You lazy pillock, use the second slash

/acg/ is DEAD

There, fixed that for you.
A second / AND all caps dead? Seems like a bunch of unnecessary extra work ma'am
But it IS /acg/
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Oh you dear sweet summer child. Lands are at least a functional mechanic that you can build your game around. Let me introduce you to the real worst resource mechanic.

In Dark Legacy: The Rising, on each of your turns you roll 1d20. The number rolled is the number of resources you have that turn.
Instant card timing
Draw 1 per turn
see >>94629860
Did they at least give you a way to correct for disastrously bad rolls?
They did not, If you roll low you basically just don't get a turn.
What did they do?
/acg is fun
Me saying "faggotry" was mostly literal. I don't remember the details as this was around the time the campaign was going on, but it was something along the lines of "a character being non-binary would be an important plot point in the future". If that kind of thing doesn't bother you then go ahead and back it, but if it does know that's the kind of people you're supporting.
Not the anon that here, but ran through a couple games of Project K starters on TTS with a friend. First impressions:
-Game system is decent. Everything outside combat works fine and even if it isn't breaking new ground it has some built-in intrigue with the varying battlefields and the mana system. Rules for combat are a little weird - you can only play spells during a turn if the enemy engages in combat; instants can't be played to movement but only to cards and abilities; and combat feels very hacked together to make the point scoring system feel fair.
-Game balance is absolutely horrid. Damage isn't persistent, and units can't attack in a single unit, so the game heavily favors larger units. Volibear's deck is absolutely bonkers and stomps everything because it has the most removal with very little drawback and the deck just shits out monster after monster once it hits a certain threshold, very quickly into the game. Yasuo is relatively close behind in power level if only because he's the only one that can muster enough damage to kill Volibear's units without inherently 3-for-1'ing himself.
I think the worst things you can do are
1) photocopy some other game
2) have your card effects refer to specific other cards instead of having more loose synergy
3) require people to have a million cards to make a deck
Maybe I just play too many IP driven games, but it never sits with me to have shit like Gum Gum Pistol that (effectively) just says "if you're playing a red deck, defeat an enemy unit" and has nothing to do with Luffy. "Anduril, Reforged from Narsil: if attached to a Dunedain, +2 Command" or some goofy shit.
>but it never sits with me to have shit like Gum Gum Pistol that (effectively) just says "if you're playing a red deck, defeat an enemy unit" and has nothing to do with Luffy.
I find this specifically a really wierd complaint. Why does Gum Gum Pistol have to do with Luffy specifically? Why can't the card just represent the attack itself?

Pic related, it doesn't care about Krilin, but it's a defensive technique that lets one of your small guys jump in.
Solar Flare is a learned technique and something multiple people use, though, at least in the anime. Luffy's attack is literally a thing only his body can do. Although ironically I guess Piccolo could do it.
Ironically Special Beam Cannon, a technique only Piccolo knows (excluding the latest movie), does specifically reference Piccolo and is less flavorful.
Katakuri can also do a lot of the same moves and so can Bonney
>In Dark Legacy: The Rising, on each of your turns you roll 1d20. The number rolled is the number of resources you have that turn.
You know what is shit about this? The uneven resources based on luck.

Dreamblade has something similar:
Start of the turn both players roll 1d6 (reroll on a tie). The player with the better result goes first in the turn. Each player gets an amount of resources equal to the sum of both final dice.

Dreamblade has a good resource mechanic, this shit game you show does not.
I don't know that games turn structure, but I'm immediately concerned about the power of going last then first and just getting two turns in a row uninterrupted.
Special beam canon has been used in at least two other instances in the franchise by Buu and Future Gohan. Sure you can chalk up the former to Buu having absorbed Piccolo but you can't ignore the latter.
Anyways, my point is just that, to me, IP driven games should aim to recreate iconic moments, and facilitate what-if moments. Seeing Frieza drop a Kamehameha or watching an Orc deck play Shadowfax to move Gothmog to another battlefield just... doesn't hit right.
>have your card effects refer to specific other cards instead of having more loose synergy
It's fun sometimes, but should be used rarely. Things that would make it lore interesting or some such
>Why does Gum Gum Pistol have to do with Luffy specifically?
in One Piece there is only one of each devil fruit, so only one person can theoretically have each attack. I'm saying theoretically, because there are some fruits that are strictly better, like being able to turn into blades, and being able to turn into any weapon.
That's unfortunate to hear.
>Instants cant be spammed anytime on enemy main phase
Why do modern TCGs keep doing this shit? The point of instants is counter play and what better than interrupting your opponent whenever you want like in Runeterra. This aint Battle Spirits with an inbuilt Attack Phase no its a main phase where you can summon attack willy nilly so this sort of restriction is just awful. Also the combat is so shit compared to Legends of Runeterra
>For limited play, do you prefer draft or sealed?
Neither, I hate limited play.
This problem is why Lorcana is completely unplayable too. Why instant-timing is haram in modern TCG design is absolutely baffling to me because it results in balance caving in on itself by set 2 every fucking time.
I hate sweaty tryharding so I only play limited with the general public.
Dreamblade is a really well done game. It is not fully 100% balanced because there are a few overpowered creatures that can warp the game. (those usually are banned or restricted in the "community supported" format)

For the "2 turn" thing: players playing second on a round have all their creatures able to attack back if they are destroyed during the first player turn.
Also the game is more of a "claim" victory points and win the round (7 round wins the game) rather than a kill opponent and 0s his LP.
There's a difference between coddling and just not coming to friday night fun with a sweatband and shit bucket. My local scene I am the only one showing up with a deck sub 100 dollars and everyone tries to do mtg stream shit where it's all bluffing and lying but not technically lying. It's a fucking friday night and we're hanging out, you don't need to play like 10 grand is on the line and 2000 people are watching on Twitch.
Kiddos are too dumb for instants yet kiddos played Shitgioh two decades ago with no issues
I told you fuckers tcg design has become braindead now.
Fuck sake man take me back to the early 2000s
>get sent back
>live knowing it's only going to get worse
Honestly I prefer alternatives to Instants. Stuff like DBS:M's Counter and other specific timings, alternating actions or the old FFG LCG's action windows are just much cleaner implementations than Instants.

That said I do think there should be SOME interaction mechanic for most games.
Because everyone hates the shitheads that mumble what they're doing through their turn and dump their hand on the table in hopes that their opponent misses an important timing window
Control players are scum and everyone hates your kind.
>Gets send back
>Invest in all things that are gonna be worth in the future
>After the good games die buy them and wait to rerelease them and win the market out of the big 3 (you don't need to get profit, just use all the crypto and stock money to win over the market)
If only.
Nah, aggro players can have the rope
Satan out here dropping truth bombs.
>I told you fuckers tcg design has become braindead now.
It's because board and miniatures games became actual games since the TCG heyday. Nobody makes TCGs except for the infinite money exploit, people with ideas for interesting or novel gameplay or themes make board games.
>says THE professional control player
Aggro is far worser than Control
I never got the point of aggro, if you don't like the game and want to finish it as soon as possible, why even play it?
Aggro is proactive. You usually have way more options (because every card in hand is low cost and therefore playable) but you have to make decisions around what your opponent might have while trying to find the optimal line. By contrast, control decks often have situations where most of their hand is too expensive or irrelevant to play, so they just drop whichever card happens to fall on curve that turn.
>you have to make decisions around what your opponent might have
Yeah I read that and I'm lost
>they poo in bucket like south park warcraft!
>me cool guy just want to have fun
>everyone but me and my pet deck is toxic
>trust me bro, it's definitely the truth and not my own schizo pissbaby delusions
My deck is expensive because I want to make sure everyone knows how poor they are
My deck is expensive because it's virtually the only thing I spend money on besides rent, food, and retirement
>put random cards of random value in the booster pack, nobody bats an eye
>charge random prices for the packs and everybody leaves to buy them at the store in the next town over instead
My deck is "expensive" because the money cards are fakes.
New LCG concept just dropped
>a box always contains 1 of every card in the set
>retailers contracted to only sell in small batches with more allowed to be sold every 2 weeks
>but also the boxes must be sold for 25% more every 2 weeks
I know it's impossible to control the market to that degree, but imagine!
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Instead of the traditional "we have 10 cards in a booster pack, 6 of them are common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare or higher" how would you folks feel if it was completely random? So if you got really lucky you could get 3 rares and 2 super rares or something from a pack?
make sure you bring a clean bucket and wash your sweatband before game night tonight. you stink.
I like buying a couple of loose packs whenever I go to an LGS so I'd not appreciate the "hard miss" possibility in that case.
For a hypothetical game I'm excited enough about to buy multiple boxes then I don't care that much.

It's probably not a good idea.
I don't like how in nip TCGs the display is the "standard measurement" instead of the booster. Things like "1 alt art per display" just means you should never buy loose packs.
/acg is not fun
here, you ingrates, have some vtumors
Tenma's one of the good ones, though.
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of course she is
Most packs are usually "hard misses" even with the current setup. Look at any game, most rares aren't played.
Miss what timing window? That BS only happens in Shitgioh
Wtf it should be an instant ban having a thumbnail that auto downloads when you touch it
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Todays Arakni, I like the art.
It'd be stupid with big boosters and boxes we have in the west but with 7-9 card boosters and 24 booster boxes it makes more sense.
>what is a pdf
A miserable pille of images
I assume the discounted shit is the dagger
Im gonna assume the token is his dagger then, so if you flick knives while you're huntsman you have to hope you roll a three to equip a new one

I hope he gets some kind of control over what he transforms into or the deck will be miserable to play if you get unlucky rolls
Meant tarantula, not huntsman
Have at ye
MTG glorifying being as scummy as possible is so fucking retarded.
I hate magic players when they get mad that they can't pull the same shit in other card games
Lorcana not having any instant speed cards is probably my biggest gripe with it mechanically. I get not wanting to go completely overboard with it, but when you can do nothing in response to your opponent's entire turn it sort of sucks.

I don't want it to get to MTG levels of absurd where it feels like people are taking entire turns during their opponent's end phase, but fucking give us something.


I just want some variety most of the time. The last few times I went to play with the FaB crowd it was just the same shit over and over. It just becomes boring.

That would be awful. Some sort of assurance helps a lot, knowing you won't pay however much for a pack and only get 10 commons or whatever.

If all you want is the alt art, just buy the single. And even Japanese games still do "X commons, Y uncommon, Z rare or higher per pack" that you see in western games (or they did way back when I played YGO).

Even western games are like that. Alt arts are always usually measured by the box rather than the pack.
Going through /acg as I take a shit
After shitting on Unlimited here for a while I tried it finally and it's quite decent.
>I just want some variety most of the time. The last few times I went to play with the FaB crowd it was just the same shit over and over. It just becomes boring.
You said "just" three times in three sentences. Work on your writing style and read your posts before submitting them.

Project K game looks interesting.
It's impeccably shallow developmentally. I hate how good the nuts and bolts are but we get "do a thing, gain a minor stat on something" as the pinnacle of hero design. It's such a drag seeing each set horribly divided from each other. When fab came out they at least had incredible generics for everyone to use each set, but swu just hard focuses on gimmicks that are forgotten every new set.
You can have control and counterplay in general without
>I play X. Ok?
>I do Y. Ok?
>I now do Z. Ok?
>Hmm.... Ok.
>I do X, then Y, then Z. Oh you wanted to do something after Y? No too late you're holding up the game bro what's your problem?
Arcadia CCG did this and it made getting all the cards you need for a single Quest a pain in the ass. You could wind up with several copies of a Quest card and have none of the appropriate Waylays or Items for it. Obviously you can proxy them but at that point you may as well proxy every card.
Counter play just creates that extra layer of decision making which I enjoy
Probably why I've liked games like Yu-gi-oh
and Dragon Ball super masters.

Looks terrible.
Here's some red flag:
-not talking in details about the gameplay in trailer
-cheap UI that don't even fit lol design cues, and seems like a cheaply version of digimon tcg
-recycled art
-start I'm China and tough for the Chinese market
If they really wanted to do something original they could have focused on the multilayer aspect, or tried to take elements from lol.
But at this point I can just buy Skytear or wait for Onward and play thatyn2mp
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We have leader effects
he's broken as hell
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This one is busted too
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The special reprints for FB05
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And lastly the Dokkan collab cards which I think look amazing and will look even better in person
Is that all? Jeez
Fucking bum ass irrelevant game
That one of the Androids is nice.
I'm partial towards Future Gohan and Meta Cooler. Probably because I play Future Gohan in like all the green decks I play and Cooler is just a fun deck that could MAYBE be playable in set 5 with the new Frieza SCR. It remains to be seen.
It’s so fucking funny that Super used to look so good and then they threw that away with the reboot. Fusion World looks like absolute shit and these Dokkan cards are the best they’ve put together and even they look like shit.
>Looks terrible
looks familiar
>Goku again

Jesus fuck
SWU has some interesting leader effects but the problem is they almost all ended up so bad they're unplayable.
Lol was gonna post this in that Project K discord but don't wanna get banned
Its actually a shitty copy of Runeterras template where the class and subclass are at the bottom of the card
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Theme deck incoming
What the fuck caused Lorcana to drop so heavily in popularity? I felt like it was getting shilled hard, but didn't say anything because I'm not a joyless cunt trying to take away things people like, and because the people I asked about it seemed pretty positive. But now it's like a switch has been flipped and nobody cares. Did the astroturfing budget run our or something? Was it actually bad all along?
I types that on my phone while taking a shit. You think I care if you don't approve of how many times I used the word "just" in there?

I think people here just got tired of being berated when discussing it. Every time someone would start they'd get hit with "Disney shill" and other shit. It's no surprise they'd go elsewhere.

The game is doing quite well, from what I can tell. Azurite Seas was quite the smash hit set, and people seem stoked about the next two that got announced.

I had to sell all my stuff worth over a dollar to cover some unexpected expenses, and while I'll likely buy some of them back I'm also wondering if it's worth it. One of the stores here doe a multi-player night that was fun the one time I went, but every other time I've been to the shop when it's supposed to be going on I feel like I don't see people playing. Which is a shame, because I'd like to play a little more before deciding if I want to just sell anything else I can get cash for and donate whatever I can't.
I kinda like its shallowness, given that I don't have so much time anymore to devote to cgs, it's nice to have one where you don't have to treat it as a second job to do decently well.
>It's no surprise they'd go elsewhere.
Well, I would have asked the Lorcana general, but it died. Looking at Lorcana.gg, there has been minimal news since September, and it looks like Azurite Sea released worldwide just in the last few weeks, but nobody's talking about it. Am I just looking in the wrong places? It just seems like all interest vanished.
>types that on my phone while taking a shit. You think I care if you don't approve of how many times I used the word "just" in there
I think you should, we should all strive to do our best and I believe you can do better.
Basically what the other anons said. It's still doing well around me, but there's not much of a fan base on /tg/, and plenty of hostility, so it stopped being worth bringing up.

I think it hits a good balance of ease-of-play and impact of skill; the quality of the deck is definitely the biggest decider of games (unlike, say, FAB) but in a mirror match, the "better" player is going to win 8-9 matches of 10.

Azurite Sea is a great set, either way.
>It's still doing well around me
>Azurite Sea is a great set, either way.

Huh, well okay then. Good for those guys.
As another Lorcana player, I can confirm that I don't attempt to talk about it here because if all the joyless hostility.
Nobody cares about Shitcana, this gen has hate directed towards the pile of shit known as Flesh and Blood no sorry Faeces and Biles
I feel so validated. Thank you.
Gameplay is safe and boring asf.
Duel Masters at least had Shield Triggers to keep things interesting.
Lorcana has nothing going for it.
All mtg copies are shallow because the system is shit and somewhat repetitive.

(DM,Shitana, Bandai slop, SWU, etc)
But hey there's plenty of other places to talk about Lorcana
Disney Adults are annoying asf so happy for you guys to go there lol
I like the Digimon borders but God of the One Piece ones just not work
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we're not dead yet fusion worldbros....
Wait, is the crack theory about Arakni being a woman true?
10th but you got Gundam tcg coming soon so you're practically 11th soon.
bros how we feeling about the new flesh and blood set so far
whatever happened to that wixoss fan client
Seems about right. Lorcana and Pokémon sell the most through big box stores, but probably not enough to push either up a spot.

FAB had a rough year after a good start. Both it and SWU will likely have less product sold in 2025 than 2024, whether than moves them on the tcgplayer charts or not. I expect SWU and Digimon to both be taken out back and shot by the start of 2026 but the latter has the benefit of much lower licensing fees, and being "paid" in-house.

I hope Warlord is in there next year but I kinda doubt it, it's a niche game that's getting no meaningful marketing push, the closer we come to the (delayed) release date the more it feels like a pump-n-dump.

Thanks for coming to my TED-x talk.
>yet another "Oops all talent" release
>new talent + double talent heroes
>Arakni is going to be tier 0 and annoying as fuck to play against
>no support for rangers in almost two years
>Mistveil heroes are still shitting up the place
Not great, honestly.
I can't believe this
I think... I think I'm going to... FUCKFAB! AAAAAAAAAA!
Do you think that gets a laugh or is there some other nebulous attraction to posting the same reddit-tier shitpost over and over?
All this negativity is depressing; cat fag post some new pictures of cat cards
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Paging captain catfag
he's all rng and has to discard half his hand to do anything, he's gonna stink
I envy your optimism. I expect a legendary that either bypasses or replaces the discard with pitch, or draws when you discard, or other such silliness.

Probably some chaos-only in card draw too. Fuck it, only the fancy (expensive) new heroes get to go wide.
The problem is how you win, 20 lore gg do the math 5 characters that gain 4 lore in one turn is gg. It makes long games impossible as you can just spam enough characters to one turn 20 lore since there is no limit to how ink you can use as resources. They have characters that break the game and increase the base lore gain of existing characters. There should have been a mechanic where a character can attack the opponent to lower their lore by the lore gain stat of the character and have it work in negative values to prevent bullshit instant 20 lore. So you attack them and their lore is -3 for example.
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And that's all 6 Arakni.
I think there are like 3 assassin trap cards in the came gurrently so maybe we'll get a couple more in the new set.
I'm getting back into FaB after a year and a half, how is Levia currently? Would she be okay to play nowadays in CC?
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They have characters that cause lore loss already, and having short games is intentional. Negative lore is a terrible idea and you should feel bad.
I don't think banish facedown will be abused at all, nope.

Keep in mind you have to run traps in your deck or every time you spawn trapdoor man he does functionally nothing.

This isn't the blowout power I expected of the final spider. Oh well.
delete this
She's doing fucking great these days, you're going to want to look up post roseta deck techs for her because there's an auto include necro card she's happy to have.
There are only a handful of characters that have 4 lore or more, maybe 5 across all sets released, even with modifiers.

Game is supposed to be quick but control still has been dominant most the game's life.

But having 5+ unanswered, 4-8 cost characters on the board should give you the win. In pretty much any game.
Ok I saw the gameplay of Project K and I have to say it looks quite boring. You score scores by conquering battlefields or something so you put guys on a field you get a point if your opponent kills your guys off he gets a point. It makes the combat not you know dynamic and engaging.
Whats also retarded is that you can apparently play something that has a power of 4 against an enemy field of something that is 3, 4 and 5 and that 4 can apply all of its damage to all 3 of those units killing 2 of them and only damaging one rather than every single unit being forced to 1v1 at a time. This creates a funny situation where holding a field doesnt mean shit as you can also 1v1 to weaken something then play something to kill if off
It makes the combat just idk its just so unengaging and boring and dead
In the even both players have 7 points the only way to win is if one player controls all fields at the start of their turn meaning if you control a field you effectively make it impossible for either player to win the game.
They made this rule because the shitty combat makes it too easy to get to 8 points. The funny thing is this would be the most fun part of the game because its not ended by a simple territory loss.
Rather than winning through 8 points it would have been better if there were 8 battle fields and whoever the fuck controls all 8 at start of their turn wins the game
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Status equals: Cooked
I hope we get trap items that can be spent as a D-React. That would be dope.
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Sorry for the delay. I've been incredibly busy today. Hope everyone is doing well.
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I really like the idea of controlling battlefields to gain points as a victory condition. But it sounds like the implementation isn't the best. It would probably work better if you scored at the start of the turn instead of the end.

I'd also like to see it take a page out of 40K:Conquest and separate out control power and combat power and allow contested territories.
Sweet thanks! I'll do a little research before I get back into it.
The official website has plenty of news, they share all sorts of stuff over on Instagram. I know I'll get told to go back there for this, but the Lorcana subreddit is active and healthy and discussing all sorts of stuff.

Like I said, Ravenburger recently announced the next two sets coming out. There is plenty going on, you just might not see it discussed here. But then again, 4Chan is not the end all be all of gaming discussion.

And let's not forget removal is a thing. Getting 5 characters that generate 4 lore each on the board is tricky enough as is, but keeping them around is going to be even harder because they're an obvious threat.

>I really like the idea of controlling battlefields to gain points as a victory condition
Same. I appreciate when a game does something other than "beat your opponent to death" as a win con. Probably why I like Keyforge so much.

> I expect SWU and Digimon to both be taken out back and shot by the start of 2026
I enjoy SWU, but I know that if they can't start bringing in some older stuff from Legends it has a shelf life. That's the problem with licensed games, you have to play by someone else's rules. I'm sure they can make stuff up to an extent, but sooner or later we'll have a Boba Fett leader in every color and then what?

>I hope Warlord is in there next year but I kinda doubt it, it's a niche game that's getting no meaningful marketing push, the closer we come to the (delayed) release date the more it feels like a pump-n-dump.
I want to cut them some slack since it's a small operation, and we have been getting previews and even all new print and play decks. That said, I do worry about the longevity if they don't get their shit together.
>6 cost Breach 5(Quintuple Breaker in Duel Master terms)

The Gundam TCG already makes One Piss look balanced
You gain a point everytime you steal a battlefield and keep it by the start of your next turn. The problem is its easy to get to 7 with the shitty trial cards imagine the actual broken shit in 2025 official release.
Lol no
I miss the Kingdom Hearts CCG. The early sets were tons of fun...
>5(Quintuple Breaker in Duel Master terms
that's not how Breach works
Yh its worse just kill something and bye bye shields
breach 5 doesn't mean kill 5 shields

it means kill 1 shield, even if it's a base with 5hp
I hope Kingdom Hearts never makes it to Lorcana. The number of people clamoring for it makes me sad.
Lorcana players are Karens.
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Vanguard mentioned!!
>cut them slack because they're small
If anything that's more reason they should be making overtures to LGSs and trying to sell them on why it's worth taking a risk on a niche/indie game. Unfortunately they're not competing against other minnows and have to compete against the big 3, Bandai and Ravensburger for shelf space.

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