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Work in Progress, "Projected Mortality: Absolute" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Airbrush Priming and Thinning

>"Not yet, old man!"

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads:
WIP Secret Santa archives

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Repostan, letting the oil dry for now. I should have put down titanium white before the yellow to make it pop more, I'll lighten it up once the current layer sets. For my first time using cork I'm pleasantly surprised how the first attempt is coming out. Once I drill the holes and place the minis I'll touch up highlights and shadows.
>magnetizing bases of painted models
>superglue, ball of greenstuff, superglue, magnet
>press the whole thing down hard against a table to get it flush
>perfectly fine, this will work
>come back 24 hours later to let the greenstuff cure
>the greenstuff has expanded and pushed the magnets outward, so now the models wobble around the magnet as a tipping point and can't sit flat
Anon, thank you so much, you made my day! Khorne is pleased with the amount of skulls, and the big one will become a warcry scatter piece, amazing!

As for the Khorne symbol I will paint it and stick it in my display case above the army. My brother claimed the vikings for his Saga games, I will convert the tactical operators for KT or Stargrave.

Most of the chocolate has been claimed by the Mrs, and I am happily painting the Gorechosen, I did not have those, thank you!

I hope your baby makes you as happy everyday as you have made me now. Merry Christmas!
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Posting pictures is hard apparently
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The Emperor's Peace upon you, brother
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girlfriend's progress on some traitor guard
tomorrow I am going to assemble and prime 8 out of my planned 19 minis
yes, that is going to happen because I write it down here now and it's going to encourage me to do it
Added rust effects on rear metal parts and started painting the crew. Will probably finish it this weekend
Looks good so far! Can you tell what game I'm playing instead of painting my models like I should be?
>forgot to drill a barrel before priming
You could always just paint a black circle. I really don't understand why so many people think drilling them is so important
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I am really touched by your generosity and the thoughtfulness of your gifts. Thank you! I immediately built and primed the wight king. I've wanted to paint that model for years, and I really like your other choices too! I'll definitely post some pictures of the wight king as I work on him.

Funnily enough, I got myself a copy of the Game of Armored Combat Battletech starter a couple of years ago but I've never gotten to play a game - so that was also an excellent choice on your part. Now I should be able to put a few different lances together. They'll be a fun pallete cleanser when I don't feel like painting more 28mm stuff. (Any recommendations on a camo spec?)

The treats are also very appreciated, my fiancée was really excited about the raw honey and maple syrup.

Thank you again. You really brightened my holiday season.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you and yours.
It's a very easy to understand measure of quality for people who don't know much.
>Any recommendations on a camo spec?
There's a whole book for that!
Hell yeah thanks anon
Honestly, I kinda take it as the inverse, thinking that people who care too much about it are just dogma driven boomers who probably don't know much..
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Did they put anything in the olden paints that made everything so bright and appealing?
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Should I do Goblin Green Bases?
We had a discussion about this some time ago because one anon had these really vibrant hero quest minis. Turns out it's most likely because of white primer/undercoat.
little bit of love
>chaos dread
Absolute kino. I'm too dumb to know the style you used for this guy but it looks very interesting, I like it. I think GG will work here because this model comes from a time when gw did bases that way. Make sure to drybrush the sand with yellow.
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So for my vehicles should I shade the metal with a black wash or a dark brown / earthshade wash? I'm a bit indecisive between them right now.

I'm figuring that a black wash would help it look "cleaner" and match the shading color of the dark brown fatigues of the battleline units.

I'm also figuring that a brown wash on the metal can help it look a bit more worn, and mesh well with the earth tones that are already going to be on the model with the ochre and brown.

I was planning to paint the tires black, highlighted with dark brown and earthy brown through drybrushing, but I also might pivot that with blue-grey highlights if the metals are a with a black wash.
you could always wash them with black and then use brown as weathering. 1:1 mix of black and brown wash gives a pretty cool result too
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Painted Sheila from the 80s Cartoon.
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I've said it before but literally the only reason I drill barrels is so that people here won't bitch about it when I post a picture. I don't drill them if you won't see it from the golden angle
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Very cool, anon!
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>google some of these names for refs
>totally different
Well, like most FASA-era Battletech stuff, the original Camo Specs book in >>94627187 predates the Dark Age of Technology. Even with Battletech, some things are bound to change over the decades.
>google some of these names for refs
>totally different
Several units changed their paint schemes in the game timeline, usually in the time period between AD 3050 and 3090. For example, the Davion Guards went from a blue scheme with a scarlet and white pinstripe on the left side of the 'Mech to a vertically-split red-white-blue scheme. That particular book is set in 3030. There's a CGL-run website at https://camospecs.com/ with the current (~AD 3190) canon schemes and a few older ones. Some units have no actual canon scheme (or use "appropriate camo"). Many of them have some pretty wide leeway for interpretation, like "Wolf-grey with red highlights" or "tan with bright green and dark red accents". There's also a fan-made book from about ten years ago that has a whole bunch of other schemes completely unrelated to the canon ones.
Welcome to the autism land, the well runs very, VERY deep.
May I ask the source on the mini? I'd love to put the gang together on my desk.
Is PVA + paint + sand good enough for a homemade texture paste or does it need anything else?
There might be things you could add to get smaller texture than sand, sand is pretty big relative to mini bases. I think some people use like, baking soda, or things like that. But ymmv and I've never done it so idk.
as always, test stuff out first. You might want to water down the pva glue also, but not much if you want a paste.
Mixing in a little drop of paint can help you see where exactly it's covering, since the PVA will dry clear otherwise. Also helps hide the original colour of the sand, should decide to paint over top of it and it ever chips.
I find crushed up human teeth work well.
Disregard that I suck cocks. Maybe I should learn to fucking read.
>sand is pretty big relative to mini bases.
I actually found a bag of crayola play sand at my local hardware store that's a lot finer than the usual stuff. Unfortunately, it's colored pink so I'll probably need extra paint for this mixture.
And good idea with watering down the pva, I'll give that a shot.

Happens to the best of us, anon.

I knew I was saving my baby teeth for something all these years.
>pink sand
alien world. no problem.
That's one nice paint job. One of the most beautiful dreads I've ever seen. Definitely goblin green and either plain grass or sand/dirt on
>Just remembered I told a friend I wanted to do something with them next month
>They like going to the beach
>Normally I wouldn't, but I'm always trying to think of reasons to get sand and dirt without looking like a psycho
Looks like I'm going to the beach boys. Get your sunscreen ready. I'm looking forward to her asking me why I have a bag full of tupperware containers.
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>Is PVA + paint + sand good enough for a homemade texture paste or does it need anything else?
Good enough, it'll just look like everyone's walking around on riverbed gravel all the time.
I just use the "fine" grade of this shit https://www.dickblick.com/products/golden-pumice-gel-mediums/?fromSearch=%2Fsearch%2F%3Fsearchword%3Dacrylic%20texture%20paste
It's like a pound of self-adhesive paste for $10-15 depending on where you shop. You can tint it with inks, it sculpts and bulks out bases pretty well, it takes paint great, and you can also mix it with other grits or texture materials. You need to apply it with a spatula or a cheap acid brush, though, it will absolutely DESTROY brushes.

Moving on from that, basing flock or static grass is extremely cheap and you don't really need the expensive electrical thingy for it to look okay. Just put a few dots of glue on the base, drop pinches of static grass on them, then flip the mini over and tap your hand against it over the bin. It's not super-impressive but it looks a lot better than bare gravel.
Grange Over Sands anon, your stuff is "held" at the import center? I'm sorry but I don't know what that means?
Anyone use clear bases? I've got these ultramoderns that I want to use for multiple theaters so I just wanna base em on clear acrylic disc's but I've worked with clear acrylic before and super glue leaves this ugly cloudy fogging residue on the clear bases so I'm wondering how I'd glue the model to the bases so that the connection is still strong but won't fog.
Anyone sending in theirs a little late? I feel bad for having to do so.
Just be sure to give santa an update so they can give Anon a heads up.
This is T.P. from Gretna. I just want to let my santa Anon know that I got their first package and will post when the second arrives.
Anons... I'll finally be done with grad school tomorrow or the day after, depending on how much I can grind out these last papers. Then I can finally paint without feeling like I'm falling behind on all this research..... What does it feel like to not be in school? I forgot after 5 years of researching shit. I want to be free
>What does it feel like to not be in school
Working 5 days a week. At least you won't need to do work on the weekend. Just make sure not to get in a relationship or you'll lose those as well.
I've already fucked up there since I got married 5 years ago
I guess that's not awful. I looked up what grad school is and it seems to be post-grad. I thought it was like straight out of highschool or something. 5 years is pretty long though, so you might have hit the alone time phase where you're allowed to have weekends again.
Yeah sorry about that I failed to realize that it would be called something else if you're not in the US. Yes I am finishing my post-grad right now but have been working full time simultaneously since the beginning (company also helps pay for tuition). This last year has been hell and I'm ready to be done and paint my necrons honestly

All jokes aside, my wife is amazing and helped me get through this. Also has always been supporting of my hobbies which is v. cool too
>but have been working full time simultaneously since the beginning
That's fucked. Well will have been worth it now that it's almost over.
Noooooo. Greenstuff is supposed to shrink when it cures!
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Concept: Terracotta Custodes, buried under the imperial palace for 10,000 years
I'm going to see if I can make this work
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Why green?
Cool idea. Are they supposed to be alive, or just statues?

Does anybody else hate the meme that smaller brushes that hold less paint are stupid because the points are the same on any high quality brush? Like, bitches never try to paint shit like recessed eyes where the fat belly gets in the way after like half a millimeter? Sheeeit.
Not good as your workhorse brushes but they do come in handy.
uhhh that doesn't look green to me anon
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It's a lovely shade of turquoise that is admittedly the right tone for terracotta but the correct color for verdegris on copper. And blue-greens are still green enough to look "green".
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Getting ready to get tabled by some nids this weekend
Is this a stormsurge? Why does it look unusual?
Yea, Its got some printed parts to give it arms and shoulder mounts
Yeah its got some printed parts to give it arms and shoulder mounts
Yea, Its got some printed parts to give it arms and shoulder mounts
Yeah, it's got some printed parts to give it arms and shoulder mounts
Yeah, it's got some printed parts to give it arms and shoulder mounts
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Yeah its got some printed parts to give it arms and shoulder mounts
Yes, it's called Sovl, and was taken out in jun 1998
Without checking - is that when 3rd edition started?
>old good new bad
Verdegris! That's the word I wanted. Sorry I'm an ESL and I don't use those words very often.
They're meant to be haunted statues of Custodes who were buried alive when a wall collapsed during the siege of Terra. They were uncovered during an attempt to fix the golden throne and now they're kept in the black cells
What happened in june 1998?
it's when soul was taken out of painting, like how October 95 was the last of the oldschool white dwarfs, and they feel totally different after that point
I was born :)
Does anyone have any tips, tricks, or references for using an airbrush?
I'm about 100% sure my wife got me one for Christmas and I have never even held one.
I got my dick sucked for the first time right around then.
by a dude
Nah, a fat chick
equally as disappointing dess
Do people use wash bottles to thin out your paints?
Okay, but terracotta is clay, not copper.
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working on this Goliath barbarian for a friend. They found the file and I printed it. I don't know what color to use for the belt armor or the little straps around the calf area of the boots. The same grey-blue as the loincloth definitely didn't work.

I don't want to keep using muted colors. Any suggestions? I know I can fit a green or red in there but I'm not sure where on the color spectrum to aim for. the skin is gonna be ruddy and tan. definitely not fair.

watch vince venturella's video about airbrush basics. wash it out regularly with water and alcohol. needles are pretty cheap but still be careful not to bend of damage the tips.
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Is your plan to just like, reikland fleshshade the skin or something, or did you want advice on making that better?
That was what I thought too. No idea what I did wrong.
That dude's proportions look so fucking wack.
"So what is it?"
no issues with the skin, it's mostly just the clothing

I know the thighs are calf ratio is off but the rest looks alright to me. The other files my friend sent were either really busy or really basic. I thought this one had a nice middle ground. he wants me to do his fox companion too. it's his DnD character
*thighs to calf ratio is off
everybody is dead, dave
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Lost my paint guideline for ork skin, but I think this lad turned out alright after 3 months of zero painting
If the skin is gonna be a reddish-brown/tan, then I'd say the best place to put any bright color is the on the cloth flap (green or blue could be a nice contrast with all the warm tones, I think). Could also use a darker, more saturated color for the leather (belts, boots) that could push it into the red spectrum (pic related), and use a nice gold tone for the metal trim on the belt.
thanks. I was really close to useing vallejo burn red on the strap or mixing with my flat brown (its pretty much mournfang brown) to get something similar to doombull brown. also considered word bearers red and khorne red.

I will try a redder brown for the chest strap and belt. gold for the belt sounds awesome
Liner or script brush, long bristles with a sharp tip. You get a larger belly to hold paint with a nice sharp tip.
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Another idea (especially if you're using the version of goliaths that have a buncha tattoos/skin designs) is to bring some of an accent color into that space, though admitedly this looks less "Goliath" and more "Tattooed guy" or "Gaul".
well shiet anon since you practically painted it for me I have no excuse now.
It looks good, I will take your advice
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I can't help it. I went to art college.
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>All jokes aside, my wife is amazing and helped me get through this.

Tell her not us!
looks like the mould lines on the left arm were missed
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I know that if nobody got me, Louisoix got me.
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Good news everyone. I finally managed to paint an eye that didn't ruin my paintjob or make the mini look like he is a cross eyed downie. Decided to just leave the other eye white like it was injured he's gone all cotton-eyed joe. Now gonna glaze the shadows and clean up some highlights etc. Merry Christmas everyone. Happy painting
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Today's victim, the slasha boy.
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And the sneaky grot pretty much dry now.
THREE SWORDS?!? That's impossible!
Looks great, nice colors
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One knight finished, 6 more to go.
That is ded sexy!
Why did you post one without 3 swords?
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He's very very sneaky.
I bet you can get some crazy smooth blends.
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>how to make CoB hellbrutes
>get talos pain engine and stormfiends
>start putting the bodies together and put the arms on wrong on purpose
>select your favorite head from the talon pain engine
>cut it out and drop it on the floor so it instantly disappears and you still can't find it after 15 minutes
>CoB hellbrutes
Corn worshippers?
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Black Templars Crusaders work in progress. I'm starting to think it will be quite a challenge doing a whole army of these guys. You see more uniformity in a Deathwatch squad.
I dont know if the writings on the tabbards are a bit too much.
poor guy with no arms. Can't believe they sent him into combat like that.
Creations of Bile
That said I did consider a partially corn themed death army for age of sigmar where an evil scarecrow has taken over a small farming community.
He's lurching forward so he can headbutt heretics to death
My static grass applicator set for $12 just arrived. Shout out to the Swedish anon that pointed out Amazons fuck up
he has teeth doesn't he?!?!
His arms are right there in front of him, he's picking them up.
File deleted.
Try to anyway lol. Layed in the midtones and blended them out. Letting it sit for 15 or 20 minutes to firm up, then I'll add general highlights, reinforce shadows, then blend those in. After that is the pinwash, clean up, oil metallics, teeth, and final highlights. Midtone on the skin was a little light so I'll need to balance out the shadows.
Had the wrong pre-blend image, bah.
Why do you paint them as power rangers? Are BT like that?
Done the core wooden bits on the other 2 guys now.
I need to start thinking of basing for these guys. I wanted to just do a woody base with grass and shit, but I think that's too matchy-matchy with the models themselves.
I mean being guerilla eco-terrorists is kinda their thing, blending into their environment is what they do.
There was a side fluff in some AoS book about a wight knight standing around in a field, acting as a scarecrow only to come to life and defend the local village whenever someone wanted to raid it
I don't paint minis but I'm here to ask you guys what kinda gift do you think would be great for a person who loves painting minis and already has dozens of brushes and a wall full of paints
They are Sons of Dorn, Knights of the Emperor, I want them to have their own simple colors and motifs with their own crest. Like pic rel but still keep the black of BT armours.
Do you have a pic of their minis? Its hard to know what you can get them because we dont know what they already have. No need to get another paint or mini you already have.
I don't have a picture of his minis but his collection seems to mostly be historical but he also has a bunch of orcs/goblins and Lord of the Rings stuff
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I lied, I only assembled a few and ended up playing around with greenstuff to make specialists out of normal rhyflers and trying to 3D pen a big bag for that too but my pen is fucked.
Anyone has some resources about banner/flag making? Although I feel like I'll have to remake that flimsy stick
Gift card so they can get exactly what they need with a nice card.
nta, but maybe a static grass applicator? I feel like most people who do minis have considered getting one at least once, but most don't ever bother to shell out for it. (or course, if they hate basing, ignore this)
I might just go with this. It seems so impersonal though
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>not making real verdigris

I have never once seen someone paint verdigris correctly.
It depends on the environment and interaction.
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Don’t breathe it unless you want to suffer.
Its no more or less personal as if you would buy that person a box of space marines or other miniatures. If you are not into this hobby, gifting something belonging to that hobby will never be a personal gift. So by gifting a gift card, you at least make sure that person can get something he actually likes and wants.

Combine it with something you, not him, (!) actually like, to make it personal.
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And to think I was going to post sculpture instead.
Get some plasticard (~0.5-1 mm thick, or however much the magnet is sticking out. Trace out the outline of your base and cut it out. Cut out an inner circle so it looks like a doughnut. Then glue to your base, sanding down where needed to make it flush and paint it to match your base rim.
>I don't paint minis but I'm here to ask you guys what kinda gift do you think would be great for a person who loves painting minis and already has dozens of brushes and a wall full of paints
Brush soap. A big, weird mini that fits their fetishes or general tastes but is something they wouldn't usually buy.

I typically don't use actual verdegris on minis because it catalyzes lead rot/tin pest and it's toxic as shit. Fun pigment on paper or wood, though.
Niiiice, especially like that sword
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First part of the gift from this years secret santa stuff is now on bases, wanted something more historical, colorful and fantasyish to do as next project so these knights gonna be given some nice pretty colours
Highlights and shadows blended in, metallic oil applied and blended in, and the pinwash applied. Give that a bit to dry, blend out any overspill, then final details on the face and such.
Tried for another set of eyes on a mini. This guy came out looking a bit wall-eyed, but it could be worse. Looks good from a tabletop eye view anyways.
Anyone know some fun Skaven/Ratmen minis for a Warlord?
Feel like doing something fun
Give him a scar on the eye and say it's a wound from a duel.
Excellent idea, I will do that
Can you be more specific? Are you looking for some kind of warrior, or a wizard, or a big monster? Any hero can be a Warlord and quite a few of them are cool so you're going to have to narrow it down a touch.
Fair. I presumed people would know that Skaven "Warlords"™ are warriors
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Vallejo model silver is genuinely awful
This primer might be a bit thick but eh
I think I could just use an ink to brighten up this vallejo air gunmetal instead and recess wash for the next model
I guess I'll get to glossing this now
Is there a thinness I want to make banners/capes with plasticard?
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>did this
>magnets are weak as fuck so only semi stay in place

What was the catch?
You should see the state of their game colour metals
NTA but what do you mean? Game Silver is probably the best metal highlight color in existence.
I've considered just getting a universal vallejo metal color and inking that as needed
Their gold and copper are both piss thin universally seen people shit on the Game Colour metals which is sad because the acrylics and washes are good
Aren't you thinking of model air silver?
Nah, Game specifically. Leadbelcher + Game Silver make me coom.
Are hobby airbrushes the same as the ones used for cars? I can get a pretty cheap compressor and airbrush, but it's intended for car painting and I don't really know the difference
Well, there's also the game term Warlord so that's confusing. There's the new Krittok mini if you want a fat old Master Splinter/Shredder mix or the new Claw-Lord on Gnawbeast if you're cool with mounts. They haven't released a new Clawlord yet but I'm pretty sure I've seen a digital kitbash of the mounted one to make a foot version if you're into that. There's a bunch of third-party proxy options though none of them tickle my particular fancy, maybe you can find something you like on MMM.
old game color and model color metas where literal toohpaste, and whoudl thin to zero coverage with the barest wiff of water

its sad they refuse to make actual bronzes, brasses and golds on the metal color formula
usually no, car paint is way thicker those airbrushes have thicker and more tappered needles and bigger holes and compressors for that need a lot more pressure
however the fittings might be the same or able to be adapted
however a big compressor will also work with hobby airbrushes, just setting the valve to a lower pressure, they are also probably an order of magnitude or two louder

if its cheaper you can get one of those and a cheap chinesium airbrush to start, make sure is gravity fed, double action and the cup is non-removable, you can find them around 15€, 'bd-130' is the chinesium standard
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Thanks. I mean it looks like a regular airbrush but there's almost no info on their shitty store. Guess I'll ask tomorrow. It says it's 0.3 mm and can use acrylics
they could very well be misleading the actual people that wants them for car painting by selling them hobby airbrushes
do you have pics or specs on the kit?
Do you mean real cars or model cars?
There's literally no specs other than 0.7 ml cup and 0.3mm needle and recommended pressure of 1.0-3.5 bar. The user manual mentions hobby use though so apparently it is. But yeah I want a double action which I assume it doesn't have.

Real cars
Yeah I think the one you posted is for model cars. There's no way you'd use an airbrush that small for painting a car.
Ok no I see now. It's for painting designs on cars. Not just painting a whole car one colour. A normal hobby airbrush would be perfect for that.
yep they are scamming people, there's no way you paint an actual car with that, unless they mean the drawings some people do on trucks and stuff like that, but body paint you can't do with a 7ml cup, pic related is car airbrush

that sounds like a regular hobby airbrush and if its the one in your pic is very likely to be double action, that's the baseline chinesium airbrush I was talking about before
The thing is they call it "spray paint (pistol)" which is the same term that car pistols use which is why I got confused, they should have just called it an airbrush
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Calling it good for now, set aside to dry. Sheen from the drying oil is throwing off my shit cellphone camera a bit, can't really see the magenta worked into the shadows of the face and the mouth. After cropping the pic I noticed that I forgot to blend in the pinwash on the mouth dagger, took care of that before I forgot again. The sneaky grot dried in two days, but the purple I used on this guys shirt takes a while to dry for some reason, will probably be three or four days before the paint is really set.
Hotglue gun and bigger magnets. I use 5x2 for most stuff.
Looks great. Maybe next time try and paint the eyes after you put the basecoat on the face. That way you can get it looking good without worrying about messing up a painted face
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>boat acquired
I can feel my autism level increasing.
hah, I knew you were gonna give in
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The idea I had kinda came about when I found this model. Then from there I spun a whole story about a small village where the butcher's son and village idiot being seen talking to the scarecrow in a nearby field. Nobody thinks anything of it, because he's the village idiot. Then people start going missing and scary shit happens, with the village feeling slowly more and more haunted. The butcher is killed by his own dogs when they suddenly turn rabid and it is eventually revealed that the butcher's son has been making scarecrow buddies for his scarecrow friend out of the missing people. By then it's too late and the town gets overrun by all sorts of monstrosities.

This was back when Death soup was entirely possible, I have no idea how AoS runs at this point. But the idea was to just stack units from across the subfactions that all messed with leadership or played off of that, because you know; scarecrow.
How are ArmyPainter's fanatic metallic paints?
LGS is selling them, and I just want to be sure if they're actually good quality.
They're pretty good, I use their Mithril and Tainted Gold for highlights/drybrushing
I only have True Copper and it's all right. I wish it covered a bit better but the color itself is very nice
Thanks guys! I have true brass in my sights.
Painted a gorilla but he turned out looking very sad and disappointed for some reason.

Glad you like it! The khorne shape is actually a cookie cutter. I did try and make you some cookies but I'm shit at baking so they turned out terrible every time. Have a good Christmas!
You made a near perfect reaction image, anon. Good stuff.
Nothing as far as I can tell. Just the wrong pricing on the Swedish website which gave me a 90% discount. Didn't really expect it to show up
You rustled his last jimmy
Having done nothing hobbywise for months I am knocking things out of the park this week.
I am about to actually finish an army for the first time in over a decade.
This looks like units from 4 different armies
That is because it is.
I have a problem of getting a project 90% done and then not finishing it.
With those weapon arms done my AT will be complete at least
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First game tomorrow
Good luck anon. Stellar paint job
>I have a problem of getting a project 90% done and then not finishing it.
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I think these AP speedpaints might be too opague, the metal isn't really shining through
I dunno if they are supposed to. Have you tried mixing a little bit in with the metallic paint?
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I have not, this looks much better
You do NMM because you're good at painting.
I do NMM because I'm afraid of glitter contaminating my other paints and too lazy to clean my water/palette/brushes properly.
We are not the same.
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Ooh yeah that's nice.
My brother in christ. One cup for metallics, one set of brushes for metallics. Do not let them in the same room together and all is well. God I wish I could do NMM though. Every time I try it just looks like nothing. I think I just need to build up tolerance to glazing or something because it takes so long that I think I'm just doing it wrong the whole time and never get to the end because I start again.
Nonono, you've got it backwards. Fuck blending/glazing. Learn to sketch the values beforehand until it reads as NMM without any blending. You can always work on the blending later, but while you're still learning the process of NMM gradients and where to put light it's just adding unnecessary overhead. You can always blend it later.
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It looks a bit paler in person but I think it's solid
I want to try getting a vallejo metal color and figure out a proper recipe for the rest of the guys when I get to them
Interesting. So just paint the light on normally, and smooth the transitions after.
>come back to /wip/ after months
>somebody is verdigrisposting
Hell yeah.
NTA but I blame youtubers. NMM technically doesn't need blending at all. I've seen pieces where the crisp transitions make it look like sharp reflections in chrome, and simpler jobs that 100% sell the effect with just opaque layering.
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Been working on this guy tonight. I need to get some greenstuff/milliput to fill out his armpit and waist before i paint. Does the pose look alright?
Yeah, from this angle at least.
People just get stuck learning to draw the whole owl before they know how to shade the owl. If you know what I mean.
Blending I would argue almost always is going to be an improvement, but it's just a whole other phase of the process, and trying to learn blending and nmm at the exact same time is going to make things a lot harder. If you're good enough you can I guess go for it, and do some wet blending and get it done really fast, but you'd have to be very good to do that with complex shapes. it's one thing to do a fake alternating sword gradient, it's another to get more complicated shapes reading credibly.
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Looks good, although you're right about needing to fill it.
JA from CA, I got your package. I'll open it up on Christmas Eve. Thank you
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Gentlemen. I have used up an entire bottle of nuln oil without spilling any of it.
by "used" you mean that you drank it.
Quite a bit of it dried on the palette though.
by "palette" you mean palate because you drank it
What's your favorite flavor of paint, anon?
seraphim sepia it tastes like onions sauce
>onions sauce
Topkek. Kikkoman onions sauce?
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I did tell her!

And I'm done! I can now paint minis without a sense of impending doom! It's fucking amazing
Is this infinity? Really cool scuplt
Looks good anon, thanks for also posting with information
Kirby: Squeak Squad
Oh my god I'm so fucking old
It's not an AKSHUALLY when its someone being THAT wrong.
Ja, but it’s great on plaster terrain and plastic scenery, it seals fine too.
I’ll find any excuse. The statues must have had acid rain on them, if it was alkali it goes dark blue. Realism is immersive.

Knowing when and when not to use a technique is something only some will learn. Most people only follow recipe without understanding.
I was just memeing anon, don't worry
>this shit again
I wonder if it's always the same person posting this, too
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Post models faggot. your relationship has to be real shit if you have to even be in that situation.
My god I love oil painted minis. Spray in some matte varnish and its golden.
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>lego and 40k are the same scale
kitbashing bros hear me out
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That feeling when.
Anyone have some tips on bending PS sheets fragments? Quick search suggested using boiling water but it hardly work - they have excellent thermal conductivity and simply cool down within second or two, returning to their own shape afterward. Using matches or lighter burns them instead or fails to generate enough heat. I'm living in Europe so, unlike US, our hairdryers are not heatguns so that option is out as well (actual heatguns are expensive).

Thanks for help.
>/wip/ anons who have painting as their hobby when they actually paint some miniatures (they have a horrible time)
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Was feeling in the Christmas spirit so I decided to paint a skeleton. Still working on the base. Might add some highlights to the fig too but I want him to look worn and scuffed up.
That's not true, right? RIGHT?
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> More like gorillable time
dicks out for harambe
What mini is that?
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>want an airbrush so badly but I have to wait 20 days for paycheck
You can get it on credit if you're not an idiot who goes overboard.
Do you really need it that badly? I guess if it rains a lot in your area it would make sense.
NTA, but airbrush is an absolute game changer and not just for priming.
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>Package from my SS has been in transit since the 4th
>Scheduled for delivery yesterday
>still not here
>Package to my SS was delivered, but hasn't been posted

It'll be fine.
Mine hasn't even sent it yet
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Hehe... about that...
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I just need to print the base and rocks that will on it and then glue this barbarian on. paint the rocks black and then put some valhallan blizzard for a mountain-y base. it's for a friend

>inb4 contrast paint
I like it

I used burnt red for most of the leather since the skin was already really brown and they blended in too much. there was little distinction where the belt melt the abdomen so I think it was the right call. the tattoos were actually suprisingly fun and easy to do.
I want to do a paintover to show you how much 1 20min highlighting pass would benefit the skin, but I'm in bed.

also: contrast paint.
If you really wanted it, you'd find a way. You wouldn't last 5 minutes as a crackhead
>I like it
His skin looks splotchy.
Had to ambush the delivery guy, because Croatian computers mistook a 7 for an A somehow, but it's in.
A boatload of weird candy, noticing a lot of banana flavoured things.
A young black dragon, a recast Horus Ascended, a recast 40K Guilliman (very thin, so I'll have to be careful), some army painter paints and grass tufts.
Thank you Croat Anon!
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Very cute car, anon.
what's up with eastern euros and negroes
I want to pet that fluffer so much
Probably because the brainrot of negro being somehow offensive has not caught up here yet
that's exactly why I like it
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i painted something today
my first time trying edge highlighting i think
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put lightning bolts on his armor damn you
A lot of originally Turk/Arab sweets are named after blacks. We had this dark licorice/chocolate tab here that was literally named "slim nigger" that they stopped selling only like a two years ago because someone from EU found it offensive. And I know for a fact that Polish has or had something like that, too. Also, Dutch had "negro kiss" sweets. There's a lot of it around.
In Finland we used to have these sweets called neekerin suukko and it literally translates as nigger´s kiss
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yes, that thing was everywhere it seems, they stopped making it in my country in 2016
Most are originally turkish or middle eastern candy. The thing in the pic is a hard candy that clears up sinuses and is good for the throat. Negro the name implies black as soot, because the packaging depict a chimney sweep. Their slogan is that it's the chimney sweep of the throat.
i have a deal with the guy im painting these for
he can add lighting after if he wants to i wont even try
The world is ok here
We LITERALLY have a sweet here called "nigger kisses" lmao
I don't know about the chocolate but we do have a popular cake that would roughly translate to nigglet. It's also sometimes called nigger tits. I don't know if they're still sold but when I was a kid we had ice cream called Mambo which had a black kid on the packaging. The name is also a word play on Bambo which is a black kids name in a short childrens poem. The poem is also kinda funny now that I think of it because it says something along the lines that the black kid doesn't want to bathe because he's afraid he's going to turn white. please don't ban me I'm just sharing some trivia
>black dragon
>negro chocolate
It literally just means black in some languages, Anglos need to take their meds.
Very nice, I like how tarnished the metal looks.
Did you do something different to the wash on the bone? It has a lot of depth but it doesn't look like contrast slop.
>Anons wondering about chocolate negros
>Unaware that in the US Brazil Nuts were called N*gger Toes up to the 70s
Are we really at a point where you have to do that here?
Force of habit
>Nigger Toes
sometimes I forgot to put the metallic on the palette and I'm just lazy.
Buying somebody a cat for secret santa is just irresponsible.
Bro, you know what this means? Tommy guns and those clear plastic neon orange chainsaws.
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small progress on the votann KT
That is a lovely blue, goes well with the other accent colors without overpowering them.
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First time seeing "chonky" highlights and be fine with them, good job overall, very smooth !
Also, is his bandana a Ricardo reference ?

Question though, is my blue too vibrant ?
That looks great. Shame you had to paint a votann though.
Vibrant to be sure but looks beautiful. What is it?
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This color scheme is great I'm able to finish these models really quickly.
Murderkillbot9000 taking a lovely stroll through the park on a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon.
robots are permitted a 2 hour break per 18 hours of combat as of line 77L of the union contract.
XIV music goes hard, all of the Alexander songs are bops.
>Did you do something different to the wash on the bone?
Just plain old agrax all over the bone. What you notice might be that it wans't the final step though, there's two rounds of drybrushing on top, so the overall "texture" we get there is that of drybrushing rather than wash. Or it's that it's not over the not-bone bits, so we don' get the more aggressive evening-out of shades that dip-style approach would give us.
Cool thx ! I thought it was overwhelming.
>What is it?
Fig is Ratling Warpblaster, blue is Talassar Blue diluted.
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Last bit of hobbying before I go home for the holidays, might try to finish tidying up some of the rough bits tonight and get him painted up tommorow, or just wait for the new year.
Rob, is that you? I was kinda hoping you got more infos on the package when it reaches your local postage service.
Guess not, that sucks :( I can only hope that stuff makes it through to you until christmas
That recast is so fucking scuffed.
trying to learn NMM
what the fuck are "counter-reflections"?
Do you mean like a secondary reflection? I'm not sure I know anything referred to as a 'counter-reflection'
I guess they're the same thing?
What we listening to today lads? Painting playlist chose this at random, think its going to be a good day.

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