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Giving Edition

>Balance Dataslate

>Grotmas Advent Calendar (Daily new detachment reveals)

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>How to make wargames terrain

>Secret Level animation

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Did you ever get any memorable warhammer gifts for christmas?
Tell me about daily life in the underhive.
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It really sucks for everyone in every imaginable way, and it doesn't ever really get better, even for the ones who claw their way to the top of the shitheap that is Underhive society.
We need the Iron Warriors to return as servants of Vashtorr
We need Valdor to come back as a daemon of Malice that slays other chaos daemons and leads a renegade army
Yeah once it stopping justy being the old /tg/ meme videos it got bad, its meta plot was dumb. I also hated how there was no unified artstyle or models, some was canon art, others was shit fan art.
yes that shit was always unfunny cringe.
I wish it had stopped sooner.
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Too interesting and fun for GW to ever do it. Having the first captain of the custodes fall to chaos after 10k years of thankless unrecognised service would upset the golden banana fanboys despite being a good way for his character arc to go. Abnett is a marvel writer so he would never do it, but it would be great twist if he did though, since he was given such an evil title with the 'King in Yellow' moniker. Being the leader of a resurgent Malice in response to the resurgence of Vashtorr in real space
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Bring back

>Templates and Scatter
>Force Organization Chart
>Wargear (Armoury[sic])
>Terrain and not Terrain™
>Points Per Model
>WS vs WS, I vs I

Don't tell me to play older editions. Don't tell me to play Horus Heresy. Make Warhammer 40,000 into a WARgame again.

Also, bring back platoons for Imperial Guard and Warwick Kinrade. He's great. Put him in charge of 40k and Horus Heresy (and LIgma).
>Vashtorr is upfront and honest with his deals, it's just most of the beings he makes deals with are retarded and get themselves trapped without him having to do anything
Honestly, I like that.
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My Grandmother bought me a land raider a good 18 years ago for christmas, my brother just bought me the Ork + ratling killteam
Does anyone know if Titan terrain is any good?
I got several Sisters of Battle units in a secret Santa last year. I have a wrapped box given to me I'm waiting to open on Christmas
all of these are terrible
Your IQ is below 30.
I'm ashkenazi, my IQ is 280
Not me, I loved it and wish it had gone on for a while yet.
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played my first two games of 10th edition today. i haven't played since 7th but it seems kinda fun. Characters seem really important now since they give buffs to units they're attached to. I got invited to a crusade campaign so I may have to start formulating a real theme for my army
Samefag less. Only you care to crossthread post.
you are a retard.
you can't list stuff that isnt fun and then say you want fun back
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can someone explain what these are and why are they painted red usually?
are they just BT specific purity seals?
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Anybody here done a terminator librarian kitbash? I want to customize mine but I'm blanking on ideas
to differentiate them from the tabard color
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Everything about Vashtorr is really great and a cool direction for chaos to go, excpet his own model because the metal apron on a tall skinny frame and bare flesh just makes him look naked and weak
he was set up back in 4th edition if you'd believe it, anyways I look at his model as a snapshot of that first manifestation he makes to meet Abaddon
no, they still have regular purity seals
unironically email the white dwarf team, in 506 they asked for that type of question
>he was set up back in 4th edition
How so? You refering to the single line about the nameless lords of the forge of souls?
Isn’t that a compliment, the closer to 1 makes you more special
yeah, and about how hes a powerbroker etc
they do actually get back to you about this stuff. A while ago I emailed them about the color scheme for a minor Space Marine Chapter. several months later I got a response. The guy said he'd asked everyone who might know but nobody had an answer
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So between the giantess topic from a few posts back and this artwork I recently saw I was struck with a question:
how much size variation would you like to see among abhuman strains?
same anon, they got back to me about the statues that come with the new aspect warriors. I asked if they were supposed to be a token for a rule that never made it and they said no they just had extra sprue space
Where can I find all the Codex or White Dwarf PDF scans?
the box paint scheme is terrible. the dirty gold armor gets lost in the bronze trim and does nothing as a spot color. and the all grey flesh is horrifically boring, especially considering that it's supposed to be flesh torn from anyone who happened to be standing nearby when Vashtorr entered reality
His model honestly looks more fitting as a greater daemon of Vashtorr than being Vahstorr himself
Vashtorr isnt a full god yet, he really should be greater daemon tier.
I'm reading about the Octarius War and how an ork planet was invaded, but only a single bio-ship unleashed its spores before being destroyed. The Tyranids engaged in a guerilla war, pooling resources bit by bit until the planet was totally consumed. It felt a little weird. Like, wouldn't that mean any planet that ever has any tyranid presence will inevitably be destroyed? If the Tyranids can perform such unbeatable feats?

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gonna ask them then because here I even found an example where they use both in the same kit
Greater daemons power is a massive spectrum though. One keeper of secrets got killed by a single shot of a melta while standing next to a blank in a Cain book. Others has them solo worlds. Same case with the 'average' daemon prince who are meant to be on par with them. Vashtorr and Be'lakor are meant to be a league above great daemons/daemon princes though. GW used the term chaos demi-god for them
Each chaos god has orders of daemons, so khorne has circles of bloodthirsters with each circle having different strengths.

This isn't even factoring in how the veil works

>GW used the term chaos demi-god for them
I've never seen that term used in any material, maybe they used it informally?
a planet held by a more intelligent species would know the risk of spores and attempt to do a systematic cleanse of any affected areas before they could spread.
Tyranid bioforms aren't as pervasive as Ork spores. For Tyranids to actually consume a planet and win, they need to develop bigger and more complex bioforms, leaving them open for discovery and erradication.
If you ask me, it's more bullshit to have orks be an almost perpetual infection on any planet they step on, but at least it's balanced with them being tribal retards until a boss comes around.
My nigga you forgot the most important things
>Firing arcs
>old deepstrike rules with true risks and randomness
I don't think the first example suggests the KoS was weak. Presumably having a blank right there meant the Daemon's connection to reality was super tenuous.
>maybe they used it informally?
Yeah its how they describe him in the reveal trailer where they discuss his design philosophy and his model design. So being a chaos demi-god is how hes first described when introduced leading to people using that to understand his power in the chaos pantheon even if thats now what he is
yeah but that sort of language isn't something we really see in the work as a way to evaluate others
yeah totally, its just an informal way GW wanted to describe his powers thats no reflected in the canon. The only person that could be a 'demi-god' of chaos would be Archaon since his dad was Belakor who possesed or was pretending to be a human. And Orghotts Daemonspew from the end times whose dad was a Great Unclean One
Is there any app or website where I can preview what a paint scheme may look like before I commit to buying a bunch of paints?
There are a few other beings that would fall into that tier, there's the screaming god child, Doombreed in aos is getting so massive he's making his own sub daemons, some of the beings from eldar myth like ceogorach's eagle
costs money though
>Doombreed in aos is getting so massive he's making his own sub daemons
Got a source for that?
>Screaming god child
Is that still canon, its from an old warhammer fantasy comic
They're just different colored parchment. Templars have their own design flairs and this is just another way to represent the personality of: templar who was given the seal; or the personality of whomever designated it; or even the personality of the scribe who wrote it. It's not that complicated man.
the lore explanation comes after the colour design stuff. it's also why plasma colours are different.
>Got a source for that?
its in yndrasta novel after Yndrasta fights him he becomes shards of himself, he's also called a daemon king something I entirely forgot about aswell. Thats a rabiithole I have to go down

>Is that still canon, its from an old warhammer fantasy comic
the comic is essential to understand malus darkblade and the novels also reference the events of the comic and said screaming god child
>Titan terrain is any good?
It's a bit expensive for what you get but the space and time saving a huge. Functionally it's perfectly fine for games.
I played a 2nd edition game recently with my nidders after a friend convinced me to play some.
Some of the old nid biomorphs are insanity. I got a Hive Tyrant that saves on 2+, Invul save of 4+ that gets disabled 4" of a force field on a 4+ and a 2d6 roll that is greater than the strength of the attack it ignores the attack from wounding. Like holy shit, this boy was tanky (Until it got one shot by a vortex grenade, no wonder people were always iffy on that thing hearing about oldhammer).
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you must be that one autistic anon
damn, am I really that obvious
Got a 1k game in today with my scions tonight. Ended up losing, but it was an insanely close game. Lost by 3 points. I could have played cleaner, but I had the bloodlust and just wanted to inflict violence instead of scoring.
>>Templates and Scatter
No thank you
>>Force Organization Chart
Yes. The skew of heavy support and shit sucks. This edition is still too killy.
>>Wargear (Armoury[sic])
Yes and yes. This batch buy if awful and it makes it so kits are locking options.
If anything, this. Rules with different names but the same effect or worse, 90% the same effect with different wording makes learning worse.
>>Terrain and not Terrain™
What does this mean? Terrain is the best it's been.
>>Points Per Model
>>WS vs WS, I vs I
Wasn't my favorite but this era of turbo trading in the charge phase is so gamey it plays more like checkers with extra steps.
While balance has been getting better, catering to the competitive scene was a mistake.

I miss it but would settle for dripping 6s always wound.
I don't miss this. It really didnt matter much once you became good at the game.
>>Firing arcs
See above, more annoying than tactical
>>old deepstrike rules with true risks and randomness
Mixed feelings here.
No one cares about your opinion buttmunch
>Firing arcs
>old deepstrike rules with true risks and randomness
yes but only because I want to be able to land drop pods on enemy units again
Did you try the new detachment?
Too bad that the game got larger, personally favourite combat phase was the 2nd edition one which really felt like units slugging it out, but wouldn't work with 20x hormagaunts charging into 20x boyz and would take forever.
I'm sure someone back then got tired of having to tell people "NOOO THE GAME CANT FIT IN THOSE ARMOR CAST EPIC MODELS"
>templates and scatter
>Force Org
We sort of already have those again
>WS vs WS, I vs I
WS chart was god awful and never relevant for the vast majority of things and the only people who say it’s good are HH players who only do marines vs marines. Initiative was also bad for similar reasons and Orks for some reason never had better than I2, which meant almost everything was faster than them.
I did. And it fucking rocks man. Everything I fired on died to a man, but then I died back.
>Templates and Scatter
You're a bad person
>Force Organization Chart
>Wargear (Armoury[sic])
>Terrain and not Terrain™
>Points Per Model
You're a bad person
>WS vs WS, I vs I
You're a bad person
Someone clearly doesn't play this game.

Please leave. Bye.
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We had our annual Toys for Tots tournament today. Between 40k and Sigmar we raised over 600 toys for the kiddos!
What's it like to have a cock so physically large that a woman is afraid to have it inside her anon?
>We sort of already have those again
Problem is that they already half assed it with many units, detachments and stratagems having the same abilities, just changing the keywords that it affects.
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my 1000 point list was 10 boys, a boss, and a mek inside a stompa. One deployment drop
Hell yeah brother. Glad to see people using their hobbies to help their community.
Cut the legs off, stick it on a khorne juggernaut body and make it a centaur
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it means my one kid is gonna be my last

makes me feel real good
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first game of two was against one of my oldest friends and opponents. His black templars have been attacking me for about 25 years now
Its an interesting read anon. good to have info together in one place, even if I don't get the purpose of the wiki its on.
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a ton of tables today, I'll toss some pictures up
Found the pedo
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I think we had 3 genestealer cult players, more than I've ever seen in person
NTA, but have you considered not being a terrible human?
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good shit anon

jut got my first competitive victory. i made a point today to focus entirely on secondaries since that was something that was new to me. my final round was a total roflstop.

every single undefeated player today was using a grotmas detachment. and even the ones who went 2/1 mostly skewed grotmas. what does it mean?
autist anon, basically theres a huge flame war within the powerscaling community with one side wanting some kind of authoritative structure and the other side not.

the wiki is for the later and a friend of mine suggested I use it some four years ago
is there a way to pose the blood thrister to be hooves on the ground and not be carried by a little retarded flame.
Games bros, is it obvious when you're playing against someone who has gotten their entire army commission painted?
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they're new and people don't know how to fight against them?

we also had some great live music going on in the store today!
see >>5764443
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M'boy got some models at least.
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I'm retarded
Yes, and I don't care. Just like when I play against grey plastic.
>Power scaling anons
Do autsits really give a shit? A bunch of hack writers in many different shows have their villian of the week destroy galaxies or whole universes on a whim and they want a coherent power scaling for it?? Yog-sothoth and biblical god and shot on that level just win since they ARE all of creation and totally all powerful. What a waste of time
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How often do you see imperium armies vs each other? Last time I went to my lgs game night it was just that, pretty sure there was a 3v3 that consisted of all imperium armies
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I guess the easiest way to tell would be to ask them how they managed to get *inset effect here* on one of their models
well for certian topics it does reframe entire stories like for comics you have stuff like darkseid and the presence whos status in the cosmic hierarchy vastly alter dozens of stories.

for Warhammer, people will tell you loads of stuff like "they never talk about anything outside the galaxy" "there isn't a multiverse" "the warp is just galaxy sized" etc etc Then you will have dumbass redditors who when a mention of any of those pops up they write it off as an outlier and try to harass people who disagree
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a fair amount. not a ton of imps here today though

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I'm gonna say it. The twist tops were 1000x better than the current pots.
It's very obvious just by looking at the models.
No they fucking weren't were you even painting back then? These were the WORST by far my god never again
Getting shit commission painted just screams waacfag to me, it's probably the biggest component of the hobby
current pots suck but these were AWFUL
Me in the orange shirt
Paintfag detected.
>people will tell you loads of stuff like "they never talk about anything outside the galaxy" "there isn't a multiverse" "the warp is just galaxy sized"
huh didn't know people had such wrong opinions about the Warp, It's always been an infinite dimension born of emotions.
Never seen that used as an insult before, guess I see something new everyday
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You can combine a bloodthirster with skarbrand, they're completely cross-compatible.
Pic related is my skardaddy, I gave him a bloodthirster head. The wings, arms and legs will also fit between the two kits
yeah, people here also claim that chaos was supposed to be galactic back in INSERT OLD EDITION HERE but it was changed and so that change is bad and invalid
You must be new here then.
Dunno why people hate your green bases anon seeing them makes me feel really nostalgic
The goblin green mandate was trash.
About a year or so, thought it was unusual to use it as an insult. Each to their own I guess
The best*. I loved being involved in this hobby in the early 2000s, granted the goblin green spam was more late 90s
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anyone got a recomendation for fabric as a battle mat?
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My main problem with his model is that it seems to be hard to paint his face in such a way that conveys the "blank skull/gas mask with furnace glow" look instead of "old man wearing swimming goggles"
big felt sheets are cheap
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real fun day. Merry Christmas you filthy animals!
Fuck. I don't know how I missed those. Must have gone off the board with my scatter roll. FUCK. Thank you, though. I want those back as well.

Hey, Mekboy, Why the hat and scarf for the Gargant?
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seasonal event!
Member how scary it was to face a model of WS 7 or higher?
0.2mm chlorinated latex sheet
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my first army was eldar and the avatar was pretty terrible....but it did have WS 10, which was cool.

I remember the old DE Archon had BS 8 or something so he hit ranged attacks on a 2+ and got to try again on a 4+ if he missed
No, because unlike the BS table, it was not possible to have a better WS than a 3+, and not possible to have a worse WS than a 5+.
Like any of these newfaggots played a good edition of 40k. Come on, anon. They'd rather cry about shit that some tourneyfag cried about once on a forum and they just kept repeating until it became "truth."
you've never played any edition
It was in 2nd edition since you added your WS to your combat score, which could get nutty. To put it into perspective, a Hive Tyrant who charged with his 6 attacks and got one 6 could have a combat score of 17 while a marine with his WS of 4 and 1 attack (2 if he had a chainsword and bolt pistol) landing one 6 would result in a combat score of 10. Keep in mind, the difference between the combat scores is how many hits landed and the winner gets to roll wound rolls for. Now, it gets trickier in hordes since each subsequent combat phase they get +1 a and +1 to their combat score which could overpower the beast.
>2nd ed
Alright grandpa, let’s get you back to bed.
Why the FUCK would they bring a average, normal Psyker with them over a Librarian?
All Librarians were busy/ not in system.
Creators wanted a literal mysterybox for the advertising and to keep the amazon lemmings watching
Because it was a suicide mission and librarians are rare. there are several times more lieutenants and vets than librarians in a chapter.
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incorrect, WS went from 1-10.
I think he was saying it was mostly worthless since you can't modify it to below 3+ and above 5+ but that's still not showing the whole picture since Hitting on 3+ against most standard infantry is not bad.
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>green base rims
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Wip on some lads. Doing some base coating right now. What you painting on anons?
>if she smokes she pokes.jpeg
I dunno ask /tv/
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I came home drunk last night and tried to keep working on this, think I'm going to have to use some heavy drybrushing on it to really bring out the metallics on it
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i still rock my old csm army with the goblin green bases
I think it's just the contrast between a spooky army and those bases that must put people off, particularly newer players
I would imagine that the people who dislike it don't have nostalgia for it because they weren't playing back then
Is there in-universe reason given for why the Salamanders seemingly had no official successors before Primaris? Or is that just because GW never bothered to come up with any back in the day
they're one of the shattered legions alongside the ravenguard and iron hands, they got decimated early in the horus heresy and struggled to regain their strength, so less marines to split up into second founding chapters
You should play horus heresy or another old edition with your friends. Noone wants any of this trash anymore
i should probably glue some flowers to the bases, just to make it extra weird
No idea why they scrapped the WS table, surely being able to hit your enemy in close combat is dependent on how good they are at it. Pretty sure in aos they scrapped the wound table too which is just retarded
AoS flat wounding makes as much sense as the idiotic SvT
I get not liking those things, but to outright call it trash is as idiotic as those who say that nu-hammer has no redeeming qualities.
naw it's rubbish
They had official successors
I mean what >>94642458 said, but also that while BS10 means you rolled at a 2+/2+, WS10 just means you hit at 3+ versus anything but WS10. The disparity in WS versus BS was just funny to me, and I’ve repeatedly come across people defending the WS chart thinking that it was equal to the BS chart.
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Have you taken the tub of random shit pill yet?
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What army do you think they'd play?
Guard, kitbashed heavily from fantasy battle's human empire
Templates when there was no partial coverage or "under the hole" rules = Usually a fun time.
Templates with those rules in play = Arguments galore.
All resin eldar with lots of FW and they're in the US. Every turn is a story about how eldar always get shafted
i find it cool when representations of objects in miniatures/terrain are made of the actual object in question
also every light you see on a screen is a real light that consumes real electricity
Scion command squad with bombastic boom box
Scion command squad with no overwatch please
Scion command squad that is sad it didn't get a relic
5x 5man scion squads
5x taurox
1000 exactly
My bf wasn't sure what to buy so he got me hobby supplies, brushes, tools and stuff.
you're welcome david.
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>Play Tau player
>He plays exactly like one and turtles most of the game shooting whilst barely moving around the board
>He says he is bringing his IG army next week
Like pottery
>play green tide

When GW brings one out maybe I'll finally play it
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>kids would like to have Warhammer because their classmates talked about it in school
>bit late to get additional christmas gift but let's see what "Santa" can do
>store has a few big warhammer boxes and the shop assistant says they are really good start for beginners and are cheaper than buying individual models
If you were 13, would Valuestrike Lance and Retailiation Cadre, plus the paints and tools set, make you happy? The shop assistant said there are no specifically girl armies, and all kids like to play with everything, especially with space marines (but those boxes already sold out). It's within Santa's budget, on the other hand, I have never seen them play with robots.
I wonder if there's less necrons players now because they're not the 10e starter?Maybe nids have gone up?
Can someone anon more versed on lore explain to me why Khorne hates psykers? I read that somewhere that it's considered "unfair" because it's not "your" strength but by that logic shouldn't you never use guns? Hell, even an axe is a tool. Also, why the fuck should Khorne care about what's fair anyway? Isn't he the god of hate and murder, who "cares not from where the blood flows, only that it flows"? It just doesn't make sense to me.
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dude, just get them some assault intercessors or something. I dont think they are going to be able to look at the sprues without being intimidated. Hell they might appreciate a joytoy instead.
Khorne likes psykers that bind daemons into weapons, psykers that go into front lines and use biomancy to buff their bulging muscles to squish skulls. Khorne doesn't like psykers that take power from warp, power that isn't psyker's own, and shots fireballs from save distance, Such psyker is COWARD.
How many are you buying for? Consider getting one of the starter sets
This plus the paint/tools set will give them everything they need to start playing
Khorne is fine with guns because they’re man made and therefore a sign of your mental strength. Psykers are bad because their power comes from the warp and is therefore inherently not theirs.
Did the screw top paints have the classic goblin green? My mum for some reason has kept onto all of my old warhammer shit so I've probably got at least 2 pots somewhere, albeit very dried out
Those were the worst fucking things ever.
white caps were the best
2... and thanks for the idea, they have this one too. The starter set looks like it has some creepy monsters, they will like that.

You are probably right, those boxes are probably more advanced than the shop assistant claims? I will go with the starter box anon suggested - hell, if it says starter box on the package, it is something even I could understand.

Thanks anons, and merry Christmas.
holy fuck you are just as bad as the dude who is trying the illiterate fuck. I swear there are genuine GW shills in this thread.
How do you do weathering on red and black armor? While brown on red is pretty ok it is almost invisible on black
Have you tried doing chipping stuff with hair spray?
1d6 is down
No I'm at my first steps of trying weathering and am deathly afraid to mess up
what is he supposed to do?
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Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
orks and orks
I will paint a model today. Maybe even two.
I'd suggest experimenting with some cheap models you don't care about and shit. Chip weathering with spray paint is great once you get used to it.
Imagine lying on the internet
>>94642993 (Me)
>spray paint
Meant hair spray
Why would they refresh a faction nobody plays?
No one played sisters before their refresh
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True but people like whores and imperial armies. No one actually likes dark eldar. The few times they've been popular was only because of op rules. The faction just has an unappealing aesthetic, colours and boring fluff. Sad but true. People may like Lilith but you can't carry a faction like DE with one coomer character alone. Just face it, it's over.
This is my favorite way of basing.
If they're friendly geese probably orks. If they're nasty cunts then probably unpainted meta lists
Chip with a light grey or a pastel
>The faction just has an unappealing aesthetic
Everyone recognises it's one of the best ranges realised and easily represented the peak of that period in terms of an army's redesign and plastic kit design, arguably also still unparalleled since the philosophy for kits moved away from the same level of modularity.
It is true that their fluff is unappealing because it's excessively edgy (inb4, that's a feature!) but that never really stopped other armies from being played, and with the ever present attempt to consider dark eldar and craftworld eldar a super faction, with harlequins, corsairs and ynnari in between, it is also perfectly viable to fluff /your dudes/ as less cartoonishly edgy and more practical minded pirates or dicks.

The limited range (why pick deldar when you can pick eldar) and the inconsistency in rules quality (being a glass cannon army means that you're either OP or UP, never with a comfortable middle ground, and op rules are brought down faster than up rules are brought up), must be the greatest contributing factor to a perceived unpopularity.
Plus it's just hard to sell an army to people when one third of it is in finecast resin, another third is out of print, and the remaining third is almost old enough to vote.
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Wow im not reading all that. Still, I wonder why we barely see any DE models here. Competently painted ones are like a unicorn too.
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I still don't understand why GW wasted a spot for a large dark eldar plastic kit on a second plane.
wouldn't a bigger boat be better received? perhaps the dias of destruction? or maybe a large flesh-creation of the covens? why a second plane?
>one third of it
it's 3 units and 1 character, dude, stop with that bullshit just because you count every single model in the court or in the beastmaster's squad as a different unit.
>they're old!
and yet they've barely aged
while other armies have kits released pretty much yesterday that feel 20 years old already
I don't really have all that much interest in deldar but always thought their planes were some of the coolest stuff in their range
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I don't post mine many of times because I know exactly that I am not a competent painter (I think I started these guys as my second ever models for Dark Eldar back when I got them as my second full army ever).
GW just keeps breaking my balls when doing them. Can't even have a Lilith+Wych mini-party boat anymore on the venom because they come in a min squad size of 10 now.
>necrons have a grim reaper
>nurglites have a grim reaper
>harlequins have a grim reaper
>craftworld eldar have a grim reaper
>dark eldar don't have a grim reaper
kinda fucked up when you think about it
There's lots of amateur DEldar painters here. There's just not much reason for people to post new projects because Dark Eldar never get anything new.
Here's my new Mandrakes for the hundredth time though.
>pretty much yesterday that feel 20 years old already
Any specific examples?
based finding more niche deldar things to post
someone at GW at the time had a fetish for sleek jet planes, dark eldar being the least popular army means its easier to get your ideas through and made
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>lots of DE painters
Sorry must have missed you all because of all the SM, orks and CSM posters. C'mon there is like 3 and a half of you get real.
If there is ever a mandrake character, it should be the DEldar reaper.
GW was really forcing flyers at the time
There may not be a ton but I remember a few that stood out to me
>Dude with the bone white eldar
>The one with a good purple and blue scheme, reminding me somewhat of the Covenant from Halo.
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The Grim Reaper as a symbol of death has an inherent peacefulness aspect to him. Death has an inherent aspect of release from pain suffering and your worries. There is no release or peacefulness when you fall into the hands of the dark eldar
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Nah a Mandrake character would be this guy
Just bought RT, what am I in for?
Bugs and crappy waifus.
>Read up on RT lore
>Squigs were Orkz transformed by the tyranids to serve them before the orkz recognized the squigs as their brothers and integrated them back into the forces of the boyz
The fuck were these nerds smoking back then? It is also fascinating though to see what has stuck around from that initial world building period of 40k.
there lots of great stuff in there. Eldar mercs that are feared by all since they can fight for anyone who can afford them, navigators that get trained to be assassins, jokaero seem far more common since they make all the digital weapons that are not uncommon for all the important people in the Imperium
Also the guy here with the Vorgani Kabal kitbashed with GSC
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>tfw there are more people that paint their orks blue in the general than players of your faction globally
There is something quaint about RT-era 40k lore, awkward stage of figuring shit out but just using it to reference <insert sci-fi thing here> and an excuse to have this weird mish mash war game with RPG elements. It's great.
sanguinary guard, coteaz
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>Still, I wonder why we barely see any DE models here
I got some
have a bunch of covens too, but I like the kabal more
>than players of your faction globally
Take comfort in that there are probably more players than Severan Dominate fans.
I'm one of those fans
>tfw there are more people that paint their orks blue in the general than players of your faction globally
blue orks too strong
>The fuck were these nerds smoking back then?
Lore is written for the models
the models looked like squigs because they were reusing some of the models/designs of squigs, but wanted nids to have some swarm unit, so they linked them up
Is't the spiky butthole (first picture, fifth row) just world eaters logo?
Somewhat of a superficial cope.
lots of text, a few ways to break the game (though some may have been patched), okay levels of choice
some of the endings are a bit eh to me but it was fun overall
There is like one guy, probably you desu, who cares about severan dominate and brings them up whenever he can. He's only made one (1) model though so how big of a fan can he be really? Personally I blame lead in the water causing this autism.
A ruleset where it takes 20 minutes to resolve a single fight is a bad ruleset.
There's a few goff bros in these generals but they rarely post, you'd be lucky to see them post once every few months
It made more sense with the size of battles people played back then.
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In his defense, they were seperate units as recently as last edition and were sold that way as well until they all got consolidated this edition.
I like how there are very clear reasons why a lot of things changed rules wise but people struggle to understand why
AV and facings being gone is a consequence of Monsters existing, who would otherwise completely outclass vehicles. You'd also render every vehicle almost completely useless in melee, and the game would become infinitely more swingy instead of tactical.
>He's only made one (1) model though so how big of a fan can he be really?
I think its impressive that a shitposter made a model at all.
If I recall correctly he's only painted one model, but he seems to have assembled two models.
If I also recall again correctly he bailed on his project due to losing motivation due to GW killing the Kill Team Compendium for this edition.
I swear more people talk about the Severan Dominate fanboy than he talks about the Severan Dominate now.
I mean someone wrote this on the guy: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/94553781/#q94554002

Anyways I cracked and got the FFG 40kRPG books just to read about the Dominate and I see their appeal. Which is just their storytelling potential, Roman aesthetics, and the idea of a renegade human secessionist state in the Imperium being pretty cool.
2e points values were higher, armies were much smaller
>Blades for Hire troops
>Fast Attack Kabal
>Heavy support Wyches and blades for hire
>Coven flyer
Could b neat
>Wych cult Venom
>Can't use it anymore because min size of 10 on the wyches that could use it
But Wyches get split automatically into two units of 5 when you put them in a venom. It has rules specifically for it
... shit you're right, I even used it when skysplinter got used more.
I dunno why I forgot it, I think it is the marine brain getting to me since I've been playing more Dark Angels and Raven Guard than my Deldar.
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Who was the naughtiest anon this year? And who was the nicest?
Who was the most prolific/best model poster?
And posted the same fucking model 100 times too many?
>Who was the naughtiest anon this year?
The off topic troll
And who was the nicest?
Any anon who posted pdfs
>And posted the same fucking model 100 times too many?
You know exactly who you are.
probably lamenters
honestly no idea, maybe Sally anon
>best models poster
not sure desu, maybe the admech anon
>model spammer
hate to say it because he's a genuinely nice dude but blue orks anon, every thread there are blue orks in it
>hate to say it because he's a genuinely nice dude but blue orks anon, every thread there are blue orks in it
at least he's making progress with posting new ones regularly, unlike me posting the same ones all the time
that's true, it's not the same models at least. he paints a shitload it's actually crazy how much he gets through
I was not expecting to be talked about here when I was just checking in.

Yes it is true I've only painted up one model. I've been disheartened at the loss of the Kill Team compendium and shelved the SevDom project for a resin Death Korps proxy Kill Team project instead.

I also wanted to tone down my posting about the Severan Dominate when I was gaining some infamy. I realized I may have become a bit of a shitposter like the more annoying ones and wanted to put a lid on such behavior. I'm sorry if I was more of an annoyance than anything else around here.

Anyhow another reason I have not really made many Severan Dominate models is because I've been disappointed in how my Severan Dominate painted model looks. It isn't the paintjob. It is more my selection of bits that disappointed me. I felt that the model looked "too historical" and needed a bit more of a sci-fi flavor than just being a Roman soldier with a laser rifle. I know this is 40k but those are my tastes.

I wanted to make an MRM order of Roman Helms, Roman legs, and generic flak armour chest, and generic fatigue arms for a new proper batch of SevDom miniatures. Mostly because if I needed Anvil Industry bits the fatigue arms would look very similar enough.

Genuinely asking here. Have I become like the annoying shitposters and schizophrenics that habit /40kg/? If true then I'm genuinely sorry that I've become part of the problem.

>And posted the same fucking model 100 times too many?
I'm probably an honourable mention at least with how I used to post with my one painted sci-fi Roman Army guy.
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Blue ork anon posts new minis all the time though, I don't think that counts as spamming. He and Sally are also pretty much the only ones consistently posting games which easily makes them some of the best posters here
Nah you're not even close to the spammiest modelposter dont worry
Samefag less.
Ok lets speed run this
>nuhuh im not him
>post models
>no, you post models
>*posts mid ogryn taken from reddit*
>thats not even your model
>I accept your concession
>Who was the naughtiest anon this year?
Frozen Flame anon
>And who was the nicest?
>Who was the most best model poster?
The steel legion guy that post his battle reports
>And posted the same fucking model 100 times too many?
>And posted the same fucking model 100 times too many?
its true, it was me
>Who was the naughtiest anon this year?
The early throoder
>And posted the same fucking model 100 times too many?
>Who was the naughtiest anon this year?
Same as last year, der throoder.
>And who was the nicest?
Sallyfag? I dunno
>best model poster?
BL anon
>And who posted the same fucking model 100 times too many?
Either sallyfag or lamenterfag
Whats the pattern of Bolters that I see Plaguemarines use a lot
The onehanded one thats still a full bolter and not a Bolt pistol
Phobos Marines have a slightly bigger version
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I wonder how often the few people in charge of that autism get things mixed up and no one notices
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>admech anon
not sure if you're talking about me but I love you if you are
More than you are expecting. Godwyn .998 cal was originally named Godwyn 998 not as the round caliber, but as the year

She's up.
5th was the last good edition
You're the only admech guy here that can paint so its probably you
Mexican purity seals.
Is that a FOID?
Anon, that's a cat.
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Small progress.
Save it for reddit
When's the new aspect warriors dropping?
You need to go back. No one wants you here.
End of January.
>Is there in-universe reason given for why the Salamanders seemingly had no official successors before Primaris?
Most of them died in the Dropsite Massacre, so they were never split up in the second founding.
Compared to other gene-lineages they are comparatively slow to create new marines.
In subsequent foundings they just weren't in demand like Ultramarines or Imperial Fists were.
>Can someone anon more versed on lore explain to me why Khorne hates psykers?
He's not very good at it compared to the other Chaos Gods, and he's of the mentality that if he can't be the best he's not gonna play.
who is this guy?
5th was rubbish, a complete downgrade of 4th.
edgecoc who once made a reddit post about his 82IQ. Since deleted.
He is also autistic and depressed.
>resident schizo shitposter is a literal retard
this explains so much
fuck off
Imagine thinking this is entertaining
Knowing this general the complaints about this edgecoc guy are probably the "post models" boomer samefagging.
whats the matter chuddy? not enough death korpsmen goose stepping and throwing the german greeting?
>being this new
With that choice of colours you should go make a small progress on a train track.
the terrain is probably the best thing about 10th edition, anyone who disagrees only plays a shootcel army and isnt good at the game at all
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I should get myself some of those banners.
Printed a missing radio pack and a last guy for my first squad today. Should start on the next lot today, already got their bases done.
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Slowly making progress on the crab walker. Unfortunately didn't have much time to paint lately
I'm like 90% sure Goku wore one of these symbols on his karate uniform.
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Some bear a resemblance to the turtle school.

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