Holiday EditionHere is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.>Build Divide>Force of Will>Final Fantasy TCG>DBZ CCG>Wixoss>Keyforge>Gundam>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)>Digimon>Flesh and Blood>Gate Ruler>Battle Spirits>Ashes>One Piece>The other DBZ game>Sorcery>Doomtown>Warlord>Magi Nation>Lord of the Rings>Neopets>The Condemned CCG>Grand Archive TCGetc.Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!Pastebin/Rules for some games>Wixoss>FoW>Dragonball GT SD>Gate Ruler>Build Divide>FaB>Ashes Reborn>Netrunner>Fusion World>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)>The Condemned CCG chat for playing /acg/>Last Thread>>94601921>Thread Question:What would you like for Christmas?
first post for Guncam card game supremacy
>>94648128 >ban any and all fun posting or on topic card games the curator doesnt like>leave up off topic big 3 spam and fab trollingwow I wonder why.herbs.
>>94655477>TQFor Gate Ruler to conquer the Earth!!Merry Christmas, /acg/
>>94655552Is the game fun? I'll be trying the first set regardless but it looks like One Piece robot edition.
>>94656417That's literally all Bandai games>TQNothing acg related. A drone, maybe. Not one of the government ones buzzing NJ.
>>94655749>ban fab trollingthat ship has long since sailedif you wanted to save acg you needed to nip that shit in the bud
>>94655477So I've been seeing a lot of bashing on flesh and blood these last few days here. I don't get it? I love the game. I used to play ufs but when it became mha it started to appeal less and then it turned into the mess it is now. My friends say its cause its taken over by a company owned by the Paul's although I can't find any proof of this. Anyway, point I'm making is ufs was a great game and it's become awful. 3 years ago I started to play flesh and blood and now I've fallen in love with it.I started playing just blitz but when the book burning ban happened I moved into CC, got a few Armoury decks and built them into decks I like. I've since brought 4 friends into the game and everyone is having a great time with it. I think more people need to give it a chance, find a hero and play style you like. Play flesh and blood people. It's really cool.
>>94656668>So I've been seeing a lot of bashing on flesh and blood these last few days hereEver since the game came out there has been one FUCKFAB guy. Don't worry about it too much anon.
>>94656684Has anyone tried Union Arena? I'm in the UK and having a hard time getting a hold of product.Not sure if I should pay to get it sent over.
>>94656668It's a fun game but the meta evolution has been terrible over the last year or two.The core gameplay is top notch, though. It's just no fun to play against Mistveil heroes.
>>94656543there was a time when a lot of people got banned for fab trolling and the threads got way way slower and more boring for a bit
>>94656753That's not what happened. You stupid trolls pulled a gun and made it scary
>>94656668FAB is a game where if you don't like sweaty tournament grinding style game play then it will never appeal to you. It is a game devoid of casual fun in any shape or formI'm glad people like it but it will never be able to appeal to a large amount of people by design.
>>94656770That's not true. The game itself it beautiful, innovative and ever expanding into new heights. That isn't exclusive to prize wall chasers.
>>94656765I'm not a fuck fab troll the only thing I ever did was get all my posts across all threads for making a Prism foot fetish joke about how she should be bear foot or have strappy sandals
>>94656774I'm saying the core game play is filled with micro decisions and lacks brewing or self expression and instead relies on mastery of the game
>>94656792I introduced my 10yr old nephew to it. He's 13 now and is playing it with his friends. He's up for Xmas and is really looking forward to playing CC with me. Said he has a Kayo deck ready to take me down. Should be good fun. :)
>>94656774While I agree that the game is beautiful, innovative, etc, the other anon is right about the game being less accessible than other card games because the large majority of the time the better player will win. I think in mtg, there is a rule that they want the better player to win around 60% more than the weaker player and they print cards for that effect. One of the biggest reasons card games are "fun" is randomness. There's less of that in FaB then in Mtg or Lorcana.
>>94656865That's due to their being less random factor. Fab takes investment of effort. Take the time to put your thoughts into the game, learn the nuance. It's why I loved ufs, it used to be very much like that. After all we all love Tcgs so we all put the effort in to learning them.
FoW providing some news in it's most recent video.>Trinity Cluster has one more set before ending>Masterpiece 02 releases 2025 with support for Lapis rulers>Attempt to add more GPs to provide more attendance to Worlds, circuit will start around March>New format called Paradox: rotating format that rotates every 3 clusters + the most recent Masterpiece set>Will not replace Wanderer, both will be supported via separate GPs - but Worlds GP will be Paradox format in 2025
>>94656803I think a lot of people miss the issue with the game, FAB is really fun at first glance, it's really engaging and mosts games don't feel one sided. It's only after a decent amount of games that people slowly realize that they're losing to the same players over and over and that overcoming those 1 or 2 last points of life isn't nearly as easy as it looks on paper. It's usually after a while that a lot of people start dropping the game when they realize how hard the game truly is.
>>94655477>TQRelated to /acg/? I want Warlord to come out swinging and stick around for many years to come.>>94656417So far it looks pretty solid. Nothing mknd blowing, and absolutely a mish-mash of Bandai's most popular mechanics it seems. Some of the power scaling is a bit wonky, but the art looks beautiful and it seems like it could be a fun game for fans of the franchise.I just hope Bandai aren't too big of cowards and give us stuff from X and Victory sooner rather than later.>>94656770I love the mechanics of the game, and it can be an absolute blast to play without going all sweaty. Obviously you'll want other non sweaty players so you don't just get curb stomped in two turns, but the game itself is good fun.
>>94657073No one is saying the game isn't fun or you shouldn't enjoy it, but any time someone mentions that the game is inherently unfriendly towards casual play it makes people get super defensive about it.
>>94657100This. Also, this is one of the reasons why UPF doesn't work in the same way Commander does in Mtg.I think the game is fantastic, and probably the best competitive card game, probably ever made.
>>94657113UPF issue is not enough cards to support it. Plus it's only young hero's. Meaning it's over too fast. It really needs to get its own cards and I think adult heroes could solve it.
>>94657164With how mtg players whine about design being commander focused, I feel like that's the last thing fab players want is UPF creep
>>94656668Ill play Faece and Bile when they scrap that retarded YOU CAN ONLY PLAY 1 FUCKING CARD ON YOUR TURN UNLESS THE CARD PLAYS HAS GO AGAIN mechanic. Fucking Grand Archive has more dynamic combat since you can spam attack cards.
>>94656417They fucked up by not allowing any unit to block when in canon gundam suicide themselves to stop their allies from dying. Why the hell does Shitdai have a blocker fetish? Amazes me that FoW allows any unit to block.
FAB has 0 casual appeal
>>94657073>>94657100>>94656774The reason it's "sweaty" and "unfriendly to casuals" isn't because people are dick head prize wall chasers, it's that the rng is so much lower impact on outcome than skill. You can both have shitty decks, or hell even an exact mirror match, and the better player - defined as the one who knows his and the opponents' (likely) decks, knows generally how to plan his pitches to be playable when the deck cycles, and has a feel for which hands should be played defensively vs going hard - will almost always win. There's very little chance of "mana screw/flood" or other rng instant-losses that give bad players a chance against much better players - it's like the card game equivalent of tennis or chess, where an uneven matchup is never in doubt and not much fun for either player. The ameliorating factor is that for most matches, the losing player will still take 10-30 damage off the winner, and make meaningful, impactful (even if "wrong") decisions every turn, so you don't just sit there watching the opponent jack off on your face. So you at least feel like you have a shot, even while getting stomped. Except against a few heroes - namely Nuu, and probably Jarl - who are absolute cancer to play against if you're losing.
>>94657289Play brute then. Or mech, or ninja, or wizard, or warrior, or any of the other heroes designed around chaining attacks.Heroes are built around either one big swing (often with go-again buffs beforehand) or multiple small swings, that's just the design.
>>94655477I'm getting started in digimon tcg, any guide to buy a good deck, or site for info of the meta?
>>94657379It has its own general on /tg/
fab needs to advertise itself differently, it was nothing like i expected
>>94657668What did you expect and what did you get?
If fab stop existing this place wouldn't know who to blame for it's shortcomings.
>>94657377No fool the point is people play TCGs to have multiple actions, Final Fantasy has a pitch system but no stupid LOL 1 ACTION POINT UNLESS YOU GET GO AGAIN shit like Flatulence and Bullshit
Is BSS dead? my LGS doesn't have pre-orders for set 7 yet.
>>94657963We get it, the game not for you. So being a bitch. Lol
>>94657963Oh, I get it, you're too stupid to understand resource management.Skill issue. Maybe try yahtzee, seems more your speed.
>>94657759it might boil down to getting stronger instead of weaker over the course of the game, i liked rosetta and bright lights the most in this regard except mechanologists take too long to build their "suit" to be viableanother thing i expected but didn't get was terrain, something that answers the question: where are the heroes fighting? there are landmarks and i guess macros but they aren't relevant (on top of being legendaries in case of landmarks)lastly, i expected to be able to customize my character as in being able to mix different types of cards, the first thing i tried after learning about colors in mtg was building a deck that used all 5 colors
>>94657364but it's not just the low RNG with FAB. it's that it is very hard for a new player to see how decisions now affect the game later. the reboot of L5R had the same problem. the lack of permanent board state (or really that the permanent state is hidden in the deck and hands) makes it hard to visualize what's happening until you know the game very well. that leads to a lot of frustrating to netrunner, which I'd argue is even more extreme in terms of low RNG, hard as fuck, high skill ceiling. and it's got all the ridiculous vocabulary. but it's not that hard to get a new player in the first game, because it's very obvious in any given turn what's going on. you're either scoring or you're stuck and looking for what you need.I agree it's not the players. that's mistaking cause for effect. knowledge=skill games like that naturally appeal to people who like to pull "gotcha, sucker" plays. especially when it comes to noobstomping. the playerbase is a result of the game, not the other way around.
>>94658492>lastly, i expected to be able to customize my character as in being able to mix different types of cards, the first thing i tried after learning about colors in mtg was building a deck that used all 5 colorsjust had a guy talk me to death about this at a con a couple weeks ago. for that game Varia. basically their whole fucking pitch was "it's like FAB but you get to build your own hero".
How hard is it to go from MtG to Wixoss? Are there any starter decks for two player so me and a friend can play?Wanna try something not MtG and I'm a weeb.
>>94657246the people that say that don't actually play mtg or they're youtube dudes who's whole career is bitching about whatever is going on in magic. most people are happy with commander getting new cards because most people playing magic play commander.
/acg is dead
>>94658599>knowledge=skill games like that naturally appeal to people who like to pull "gotcha, sucker" plays. especially when it comes to noobstomping. the playerbase is a result of the game, not the other way around.From my experience, FaB players are very welcoming to new players and help out new players during the match and are ready to loan cards. Obviously comp tournaments are a different thing, but even there people generally have really good sportsmanship and it's nothing like the rules sharking that goes on in mtg.
>>94658992There's a guy that does that shit at my local scene, he's cool otherwise but playing against him is a fucking slog because he's always trying to pull some mtg bullshit.
>>94658616>variais that it's full name, is it a tcg or a bg?
>>94655477What game besides magic is best for roleplaying? I want to feel like I could be a character in whatever setting the game has and have the cards I'm playing make sense for me to be playing them in the world.
>>94659418That's quite possibly the most autistic thing I've ever heard.That being said yugioh
>>94657100I would still say the game itself isn't unfriendly to casuals. As a casual myself I've always enjoyed it.But maybe I'm misunderstanding what people are getting at in their comments.>>94657113>>94657164I really wish I could find people to play UPF with. I've been playing Twin Suns in SWU and having a pretty good time with it.I'd love to try Commoner UPF, I bet that'd be a hoot.>>94657364I can see how if it was your first ever TCG it could be pretty rough. The skill level of players is ultimately the deciding factor, and that can lead to pretty wild swings in games sometimes.Like you said, though, the fact you rarely feel like you're just watching your opponent set up to rape you is a plus. I'm by no means a good player, and my decks are clearly not meta, but I never feel like I've gotten totally curbsyomped (except once against a Guardian player who healed every turn).I think the fast turns also helps. One thing that drives me nuts with Magic is sitting there while someone spends 20 minutes rattling off a combo and I'm just waiting for it to be over.>>94658492>lastly, i expected to be able to customize my character as in being able to mix different types of cardsYou can, though? Or do you mean something like multi-classing?
>>94658694There was a Hirana-Piruluk set at some point. None of the stores in my area carried enough to start but the rules I read were easy to understand with just an M:tG background.
>>94659418Try FFG's co-op games if you don't mind PvE
>>94658694Wixoss is arguably easier to learn because it lacks "instants" in the same sense as MtG. The times you can play on the opponent's turn are fewer and more specific.If you actually understood MtG on a rules level (even if you didn't know them all) you can probably understand whatever TCG you want.The main stumbling block people have for understanding TCGs is the pseudocode-like rules language and how to reason about interactions based on that. Did you manage to learn turn structure and priority for MtG? Congratulations, you are easily in the top 5% of players from a rules-and-systems perspective.I am perpetually disgusted by how many people never actually learn ANY of their game's rules, and instead rely on folk traditions and "memorizing the ruling".>>94659920>But maybe I'm misunderstandingYou are probably underestimating the depths of people's weakness. Plenty of anons play TCGs for a cheap, safe, power fantasy. They actually HATE games and competition so much that even the most polite opponent will offend them if he tries his best in earnest.
>>94657999Set 7 ain't happening bro. It's over. Blame whoever designed sets 2 and 3.
I like Netruner
>>94660585Come home, runner man.
>>94657013>>New format called Paradox: rotating format that rotates every 3 clusters + the most recent Masterpiece setSo they killed their Standard format and now they're reviving it?
>>94658455What resource you can only play 1 fucking card per turn if you dont chain Go Agains
>>94661158You have your weapon, your reaction step, your armour and maybe even a second weapon. You may only have 1 action point but you can do so much with it. Don't believe me, play data doll II.
>>94655477>TQA cute girl to play dueling card games with. Bonus if she prefers standalone games or C-league TCGs.
Merry Christmas! Hope you're all doing well!<3
>>94659920the closest i got was doing a gold-based katsu deck, you can get creative in fab but it feels like a railroad on the meta
Just played a few games of the old FE cardgame and it's interesting. Anyone else played it and know if there are some blatantly broken stuff I should remove/tweak to have better games?For those who don't know the concept of the game:Game is played on a 3x4 vertical field where you summon one unit per turn, each player have 20 energy available which you put some on the unit you summon. The energy works both as life and attack, with Arden for example he's summoned with up to 6 energy, and need to waste 2 of it to remove 2 from an enemy unit.It felt grindy and some of the gameplay elements mirror the game nicely.
Project K > every game discussed on this board
>>94660516A shame, got a link to the announcement?
>>94659994>>94660389Thanks, now I just need to find where to buy cards in my country.What about Weiss Schwartz?
>>94660516thought this was a SWU post
>>94658694imagine in wixoss every card is a spell or every game a delver tempo match. its not hard to transition into learning and can be done in 5 minutes: of the starters are a ok jumping off point for quick games, or buying 1-2 boxes of a set thats more self contained like blue archive or dissona.
>>94661558Right now my only complaint is how the spell system works. You can only play counterspells during a showdown or when something of yours gets targeted. There is a spell that grants your entire board +5 power and that can’t be countered or responded to unless they are dumb enough to use it in a showdown.It’s also not intuitive that this is how it works. The counterspells just say “Counter target spell”Other than that the game is great and every friend I have played it with hits me up later asking to play it again. The game is going to do well.
>>94661158Play Kano for a while then get back to us
>>94661559Look for it after Worlds.
>>94660867I simply cannot wait to learn more about the game and its factions. Non asymmetrical is a bummer but people forget when you went to tournaments for net runner you had to play and execute wins as both sides of the equation, multiple times. This one side fits all thing is to help keep competitive light and snappy for best two outta three
>>94658694Wixoss is one the lowest IQ cloth games mechanic wise although its no One Piece of shit
>>94664411>lowest IQdiva is pretty easy. Its getting more complicated in recent sets, particularly in japan with arts again. diva was gutted to help on board newbie players.
>>94664659ZX is a complicated cloth tcg not Wixoss
>>94664700explain how, ever time ZX is mentioned its just said how its yugioh masturbation otk garbage on a grid.
>>94664844There is literally no TCG comparable to yugioh in DeckVomitnojutsu
Ho Ho Ho
>>94666424I sure am waiting for the new overlord challenges of nu warlord
>>94666424I miss the old times
>>94666424BTW I m not posting all the cards just 3 more (from like 12 unique cards from the CK overlord deck)
>>94666424The Reindeer were op
>>94666424Blade Dancer being one of the best cards in the game (a finisher for about any deck that can manage to stun characters)
>>94666424>>94666429>>94666435>>94666442>>94666447>>94666454>>94666460BTW just posted all this to post an actual spoiler for the new edition.It is not the best Reideer from the Kringle set but it is good enough.
>>94659237I think they're doing that "LCG where each expansion is a precon" model. like summoner wars.
>>94666424>>94666429>>94666435>>94666442>>94666447>>94666454>>94666460>>94666469I love shit like this. When game designers can just have a little fun.
>this is the booming market riot wants to tap into
>>94666983with no indications besides height it's hard to know if it's a good market or not. Three of those small ones are international brands so it's clearly a bigger market than used cars or whatever.
>>94666983there is no way magic sells more then pokemon.
>>94666983I refuse to believe mtg sells that much, does anyone even play anything other than edh these days? Locally every game is healthier than mtg.
>new sorccer set announced >narry a dick fart abouy it hereIt's so fucking over, Art Chads.
>>94666983Unironically, source?Pokémon sells more packs than mtg, that's easily established by public investor information, so unless this is "tcgplayer sales", I call bullshit.
>>94668754We don't talk about fun games here anon, thats why
>>94669070What did he mean by this?
>>94669153he's calling it investor bro bait.I'm still pissed that the starter set didn't even have legal decks because they changed the rules mid development
230 dollars. It was a steal trust me.
>>94667731>>94668573>responding to obvious baitthe graph doesn't even have numbers on along the side.cmon anons. you learned this shit in math class when you were 8.
>>94666983Graph is from TCGPlayer and the article this is attached to reads like investment advice for retards to put their life savings into. Magic has been dead in my area for the last 6 years and the LGS I frequent has long since dumped their stock elsewhere because they needed shelf space for the other TCGs people were actually playing. I trust TCGPlayer with prices, but this article and graph read like a paid ad from WotC. Not today Maro.
>>94671694>tcgplayer, primary mover of magic cards, tries to pump the marketThat's a good way to get fucked by the SEC or CFPB lmao
>>94671027this game was ahead of its timeDrakerion has entered the production phase, it releases in Europe and US around February.The gamefound is still open if you want to know more.
>>94672367honestly looks like a halfassed idea. Even if they release it I don't think it will least for more than 2 years but to be honest it is better than some 90s dead ccg.
>>94672367AI generation is truly sneaking its way into everything. Just this charismas I saw on television a Coca-Cola add where all the special effects were made by AI. It is the rise of AI in all forms indeed.
>>94672559The gameplay is great but their communication skill is shit to be honest.It was made by competitive players so i hope a scene will develop.But yeah if a game like Sorcery have a hard time to grow i can't see this game being big.Any new game really.The game being competitive focused it might have a chance and they have a good distributor.
>>94672597That particular artist i suspect her to use AI then redrawing over it. She is a digital painter and presumably doesn't use ai, she posts timelapses of her work but something feels a bit off.
>>94672611The reason it isn't growing is one pitiful set per year. Of course then having only 250 in the latest set that is meant to last a year means there's very little to collect so people will get bored of it very quickly.
>>94672634Yeah the next set must be a hit otherwise the collectors will flee.We are 10 months away from a new set and i'm curious to see how it will hold up.
>>94672628Those are AI clear as day. An artist can spin it 10 different ways but it does not change that fact. I've made cards using AI for the art myself and yea there is a lot of overlaying and retracing and back and forth, but still AI is AI and I I would never consider myself an artist.
>>94671204good but>that promo card bitbuggy players would say otherwise...
>>94672661I just find it interesting no one is talking about the new set. Like they already showed up for Arthurian, if that, and they're not hungry for news on the next one. At all.
>>94671694>Magic has been dead in my area for the last 6 yearsYou can hate mtg but at least post believable lies
>>94674027I assume he's not American.
I never really thought much about it but card games are way too expensive for kids to play nowadays outside pokemon
>>94674486Why would kids be purchasing high-end investment goods?
>>94672759>shoe fetishdo OPCG players really?.....
Man I forgot Battle Spirits Saga was a thing They'll cancel that game next year.
>>94674714Force of Will outlives another one, baby!
>>94674486>nowadaystcg packs have been like $4-5 for 30 years
>>94674843I meant the hurdle to play any event locals irl.Even yugioh had kid events when it came out.Imagine trying to play any licensed tcg and going against the most expensive and sweatiest adults nowadays
>>94674714I love this game to be honest it is really fun.I sold everything i had tho and kept only the cards i liked
>>94673737the discord has 8k people on it and they teased the next set that will be named is still very small but it appears to grow slowly.They really should put money on advertising on reddit or something
>>94675002advertsing an AI game on reddit seems like a retarded idea, but so is making an AI art game
>>94675041I was talking about sorcery
>>94672759bandai needs to change promo distribution in the west because making decks cost several hundred dollars more in each of their games because of poor distribution drives people away
>>94674714I will be eternally mad. Something with a great system gets canned while endless Bandai sloppa will continue to be produced.
>>94674854there's pokemon U-12 leagues near me
>>94677609I also said pokemon was the exception in my earlier post
>>94656732Ive bought a few packs, never played it but i dont like the art. The presentation for lack of better word feels bland. Idk if its hard to find in america but i see at walmart.
>>94674486Pokemon has a ton of diffrent pack types too, like you can go to say dollar general and get cheap 6 card packs or circle k or wal greens etc and the wal mart i work at has a pokemon tcg section in the toy aisle but they took out the pokemon toys. I say this just to show the marketing and packaging efforts behind the scenes to get kids pocket money. Hell, i dont think kids are into pokemon anymore atleast not like when rby were new.
Most kids are into fornite or playing Marvel Rivals nowadays
>There's fewer gamestores near me running prereleases >Closest one is 38 miles awayWhat the fuck happened to card games?
>>94660867I desperately hope this game is good.
>>94680808You America based?Probably inflation? Economic problems?Idk man
>>94678540have a friend who is a middle school teacher and said one of his students came in with a graded lucario card as a necklace during the first week of schoolnationalist youth groups can only dream the level of advanced childhood brainwashing techniques the pokemon company uses to stay eternally relevant
>>94681061It is good.but I assume what you really mean is "I hope it gets big", which.. no, it won't. it's an indy LCG. it will get a little hype at release, impress the few people who play it, and then limp along with a small cult audience. good gameplay doesn't sell.
>>94681143It's bullshit. These stores near me always ran these prereleases and then all of them at once decide not to. Why?
>>94681990what game?also you can ask the staff if they like you
Question to my fellow SWU players: do you feel like Twin Suns going up to 80 cards with the release of Jump to Lightspeed is a good plan?I've been playing the format almost exclusively, and I feel like I've never seen anyone even get close to decking out at 50 cards. Bumping it up to 80 feels like it'll just make it harder to pull the cards you want. Unless they intend to include lots of card draw and milling in the future.
so. got about 20 games of gudnak since I picked it up, which is enough to give some kind of QRD / first impression. if you haven't seen it, it's another fantasy combat game with grid movement and stylized art. LCG model although right now I think there's only 2 expansions and some promos.>Good Shit FirstIt's good. the game is good. I've played about 20 games, and it's fun enough that I'm excited to play the next 20. if you're in the target audience for "fantasy combat game with grid movement", you should feel like you got your fuckin money's worth. tight, elegant, tactical game. low RNG / high skill. and it plays pretty quick. it's a much slimmer game than the likes of SW or sorcery. closer to a level 99 design.It's also an actual CG, not a hybrid. It comes with a board, but the grid is only 3x3 so you dont *need* the board, any more than you need fucking playmats with zones for most card games anyway. and it's a 1v1 that has 3 and 4 player multiplayer that is actually good and not a tacked-on afterthought. and there's no tokens, in an LCG. like there's token creatures in the sense of cards that are summoned in, but no non-card components. other than the thick cardstock board components but those are all optional. the quality of all the components is toward the higher end. and the core comes with a lot of extra cards to deckbuild.>Bad / Othermechanically, biggest issue its maybe *too* elegant. where it won't be able to expand very much without bloating. that's a positive for the core game experience, but if it runs a long time with lots of expansions anything new is going to start looking samey. all the deckbuilding is by faction with only a handful of merc cards shareable across decks.the art is eh. cartoony, vaguely warcraft-inspired. it's better than summoner wars 2; not saying much. it is all by one artist so at least consistent, and good choices with color palette and layout. 50/50 on look.square cards are cute but will be annoying to sleeve / box.
>>94682161>Bumping it up to 80 feels like it'll just make it harder to pull the cards you want.That's the intent.
>>94682161>>94682651as with commander for MTG, it's just a heavy-handed attempt to fix a broken game by adding more sucks, but they already painted themselves in to a corner and doing it right isn't an option
>>94682852>fix a broken gameYou've got it backwards. It's an attempt to take a working game and break it until it can squeezed into the mold of Mario Party.
>>94681627Nah just good is fine. I stopped going to game stores and playing tournaments years ago but still play board games and cube drafts with a core group from when I did. What I want from this game is to play some games early or late and maybe if I dare to dream have it be our main thing for a bit when a new set comes out.
yo catgay i have some extremely niche japanese cat cards, you wanna buy them off me?
>>94683821well then you don't need to hope. I've played it. It's good.
Goku SCR leaked
>>94684893>Big fuck that exists and is big.God I hate this game.
>>94684688Don't do it, it's the /acg/ sharp shooter!
>>94682651>>94682852I'll likely still play it. The community here doing Twin Suns seem like a decent group of people. Just feels odd to me is all.
>>94656803Why do you talk like you're on (specifically x and not twitter)
>>94687667man I hate how boring the FF cards look
>>94684688Yes. Post them.
>>94661222I would rather have a precocious little sweetie to duel with. Trying to impress her oniichan with her unique combo brews
>>94687667Nashu is an enabler and massive SLUT.
>>94671027I have a shit load of singles sitting in a deck box but no way to know their value. I already sold a few boxes prior to covid to some crazy collectors in AUS.
>>94682508>$50 for the boxoh wow not too shabby
>project k is based on an arbitrary small point system and not a larger health poolits gonna be shit long term I hate that shit, its what makes games like one piece, pokemon etc dogshit
>>94689522wait, THAT's what you identified as the X factor? health pools? that's a joke, right
>>94689881yes, the cards not having any weight on the actual win condition is bullshit I hate it
>>94689464It's decent for a core set. 4 fractions each with a 20 card precon and another 15 or 20 cards for deck building. and then 8 or 10 neutrals. unlike FFG, the neutrals are all funky niche shit, not staples. so no problem with having all the factions built at once.
>>94689987>getting tapped by a 1 power creature is worth exactly the same amount of victory points as getting hit by a 10 power creature it makes the big fun units feel like shit
>>94688629you gonna get stalked, Catfuck
>>94689522Its also very easy to get to 7 with the trial deck cards, imagine the broken shit in the official release
>>94682508I actually kinda dig that art. Reminds me of older comics and that classic Warcraft art from back in the days when Warcraft was an RTS.I quite enjoyed SW, so maybe this is worth a look.
>>94690435exactly, its way too rigid of a system that has zero synergy with the power of the actual cards, that disconnect makes games feel like shit
>>94690213he has sent out and received cards in the past
>>94671027You made me decide to rewatch the cartoon.Still amazing that Chaotic is the only show that switched to a more expensive animation style in the second season while every other show does the opposite Never played the card game
>>94690023If only there was a mechanic that could fix that.
>>94690550Indeed. Lots of them. Everyone here has been very kind and generous, and I am grateful for the wonderful gifts I have received.
>>94692261>OkayuSeems like catfag is going to need to go in on Hololive. Also, what's your policy on cards with alternate versions?
>>94692413>Also, what's your policy on cards with alternate versions?My policy is one of each card, and alternate versions are counted as their own card. A good example would be all the Gatomon cards that have alternate printings.
>>94692460But those are all different cards. I'm talking about things like the Oshi cards in Hololive where there is a regular and an alt-art version. Though I'd also put things like foil/non-foil, reprints with alt-art, promo versions of regular cards with different art, or if you want to get really autistic, cards that are identical except for some identifier (e.g. MTG cards that are reprinted with the same art, but a different set symbol.)
>>94692723>But those are all different cards.I suppose I could have posted a better picture to illustrate my point. My bad. There are numerous Gatomon cards with alternate printings of the same card.>Though I'd also put things like foil/non-foil, reprints with alt-art, promo versions of regular cards with different artOh, absolutely. I count those all as unique cards.>if you want to get really autistic, cards that are identical except for some identifierYes, I do that, too, lol. I have an entire page of the binder with copies of Cats' Guidance from VtES, many of which have nothing different beyond a change to the copyright date and set symbol.
>>94692790I admire your dedication.
>>94692932It's been a grand time, and it wouldn't have been possible without the help of so many anons. I've received so many gifts from all over the world, and that's so fucking cool.
>>94690023Big creatures are harder to remove from the battlefield and can hold points very well. I don’t think that applies here. You feel the pressure of a humongous creature on a battlefield.
>>94689897that's not the reason pokemon and OP suck. netrunner is a race to 7 points and that's a god-tier acg. there's plenty of good games with life decks / cloth and similar systems. and plenty of games with HP pools that are flaming trash.
>>94693362Question about Project K, if my opponent has a 7 power unit can I take it out with a 3 pow and a 4 pow? I have also heard that a high pow creature can take out all weaker creatures when it attacks, is that true?
>>94688589Any time they do the thing where the background is the same as the foreground but blown up and faded you know that they don't give a shit about their game.
I'm sitting on a sealed box of First Chapter lorcana and I don't know how long I should hold
>>946940951) Yes, but since the bigger unit will kill both the attackers, you will have no units on the battlefield so you fail to conquer and get a point2) See 1). Yes
>>94694950So if I had a 3, a 4 and a 5 would it still kill all my units if I attack? Big units sound crazy, and I can see a big units or -power deck being nuts.
>>94694699If it was any other set, I'd say sell asap before it loses any more worth. But First Chapter? Hard to say.
>>94693006that's neat, you should definitely chronicle the fruits of your autism in a vid or somethin, I assume you have a huge fucking spreadsheet at this point
>>94695014thats my thought at as well
>>94694699You looking at it as an investment? Sell it and buy VOO if you have no idea how to invest in debt/equity. You want cardboard investment? Sell it and buy a hot modern pokemon set. L-cana management has yet to be proven. It's print policy is just too lax. Going forward, it's best not to purchase any sealed outside of gambling with terrible odds and just buy singles for gameplay. I'd be surprised if good LGS' will buy anything outside of paid pre-orders with future sets.
>>94696385You won't get better advice than this
Should I even bother driving up to Orlando this weekend in hopes of trying to get a Gundam Beta box? I did not manage to sign up for the Gundam event.Feel like even if I go getting one is going to be impossible.
>>94696562Just wait for store events
>>94696588Those are going to be just as hard to get if not harder. Bandai games are very popular in central Florida.
>>94680808I run every One Piece, FAB, Digimon, Lorcana, and Pokemon prerelease at my shop. There are countless Magic prereleases near me. Do you live in flyoversville or something?
>>94680808Sounds like you're just somewhere that they aren't profitable. I've got at least half a dozen stores within 15 miles of my apartment that do card games on the regular.>>94694699You should open it. Cards are meant to be played with.
Another successful year of TCGs hopefully 2025 has more to give
>>94696385Lorcana packs do crazy volume at my LGS, mostly from walk-ins or collectors rather than players.Card prices are low because collector market and enchanted cards. Though this last set was a big miss on enchanted cards that see play, so right now there's a $15 rare, $7 rare, and $1 uncommon sucking up a lot of the "pack equity".
>>94697050I don't want more tcgs as it will only lead to financial losses for various people and fracturing of locals Another TCG bubble isn't great
>>94697125It's also just overprinted. Safer business decision would be to purchase SKUs that you know you can always offload elsewhere (online). When you're pursuing the margin-chasing operation that are most cash-strapped LGS are, you need to be able to move things instantly, not hope for the fickle consumer to randomly grab a pack or two, or maybe even a box here and there.But a very large portion of LGS owner's are financial illiterates.
>>94694979No, it gets to distribute 7 damage. In that scenario they would choose which units to kill and the leftover unit would heal to full.
>>94698860I dont know how LGSs exist to be honestit doesn't seem like there is enough product that can be sold that would cover the cost of rent , let alone employees etcUnless I underestimate the markup on product
hype for the orlando beta release event. anyone else showing up? we should trade if we get the chance, i'll be looking mostly for Ariel Alt art so if i get some other one like Wing Gundam alt I could swap if someone else would like it.also everyone drop some questions to ask the officials about gameplay. i'm def asking them about breach on flipped ships if it instantly does damage to them
>>94700940Fuck you I didn't get in when tickets went on sale online so I have to show up and pray on site tickets will be available.
>>94700940>74 KB> hype for the orlando beta release event. anyone else showing up?In no uncertain terms Bandai told me to go fuck myself
>>94700953have fun burning 250 bucks on a blind gamble
God I hope FaB finally gets cancelled tjis year
fab collectorfag here, are all marvel versions in hero cards also cold foil? i think somebody's trying to bamboozle me
Funny, haven't been here in a while and only came to say I hope FaB eats shit and dies and to my surprise there's plenty anons already saying the same thing. Bless you guys. Played for 5 years and most people at my LGS are pulling out. Moneywell has dried up it seems and doesn't help the game has consistently been shit. No idea why LS likes asian influences so much as to make 3 (4?) sets dedicated to ninjas/assassins because when I was in Japan, not a single nip gave a shit about FaB. Even the card shop I visited in Akiba (down an alley next to surugaya) gave me a free HP1 booster because they "were trying to get rid of it". Asked if anyone even plays here and he laughed and said "nobody even buys it!". I've pulled out too, still keeping my cards though as a fun little thing to play with nieces/nephews but taking it any more seriously than that is completely off my mind. I still hope it dies. I hope they release another asian set after this and more people pull out because versing ninja's is fucking retarded and the game dies. I hope they release more Majestic exclusive heroes and people leave it's too costly and James White throws himself off Auckland harbor bridge. I hope FaB crashes harder than Metazoo and MTG refugees kill themselves enmasse for putting up with this shit for 5 years.
wanna start one piece whats the saltiest leader card?
>>94701702If you are talking about the heroes from HVY, MST and ROS, the other side has the hero in CF while the backside is the full art which also is in CF
>>94701820so if somebody tried to sell me, say, an olympia marvel which happpens to be non-foil, is it fake?
>>94701738Heavy Hitters, Dusk Dawn, now Rosetta. Not Japanese focused. You can make an argument about Outsiders but Katsu did fit the set.And let's not b forget the all mechanolighst set bright lights. Your argument seems to come from a place of ignorance Maybe keep your comments in your pocket?FaB isn't doing well in Japan? They just released a bunch of sets in Japanese and they have been flying off shelves. So not sure where you are getting your "data" from, maybe your ass! Sounds about right.
>>94700824lcgs have lower production cost. that's the whole reason they exist
I've been gone from this thread for a long time and the last thing I remember from FAB was people were excited about the Asian set, it launched in Japan, and some caster got banned/fired.What changed since then?
>>94700824it started as what >>94701954 said (really lower min print runs and packaging cost), but then it kind of spun off in to its own market after publishers realized there was an untapped "I want a TCG without all the secondary market bullshit" market.As far as keeping the lights on - they don't really. the publisher margins are comparable to boardgames, and the FLGS only really ever stock them as a side product. there's no LCG that's keeping a whole studio busy or dominating a store's balance sheet.
>>94701405How do you figure it's $250?
>>94701887>flying off the shelves in Japansource?
>>94701887And this is why I stopped coming here. Even if you experience something, have been there since the start, own the product in your hands and visited specific places putting your credentials leagues above anyone else's, some limp dick anon will still bop up and down in his seat clapping like a retard who sipped a can of Monster energy happily screaming "Nuh nuh! You wong!". You also misinterpreted what I wrote about there being 3 sets dedicated to ninjas/assassins thinking I was talking about the most recent 3 sets, proof FaB players can't read for shit. Also turns out it wasn't 3 sets, it's FIVE. Uprising, Dynasty, Outsiders, Part the Mistveil and now The Hunted. Also, not that this gives the best picture but here's a pic from the opening keynote in Osaka. Wow! Look at all those Japanese people! I can count.... uhh.....
>>94702503Its ok anon, the fabbgots have a collective brain parasite that makes them think that playing a sequence of cards with larger numbers printed on them than their opponents makes them some sort of genius and that their increasingly irrelevant game is amazing.
>>94701887>>94702487it's not a big thing. *everything* flies in japan.
>>94702533>fabbgots>keystutteringgetting increasingly nervous each year, aren't we?
>>94702412A blind trip to a tourist honey pot like orlando isn't cheap. You think you can just casually stroll in to the international convention center and not spend a dime?
>>94700824Many LGS are often passion projects funded off of the meagre wealth accumulations hobbyists can initially front and leech off of while living sub-minimum wage until either closure or they luck sack into a community willing to ignore online savings for brick-and-mortar prices. Markup on SKUs often categorized as "board games" are actually quite good, depending on your distributor relationship. But that's because they know sales for a board game are a one and done for most consumers and so, it's not a money glitch like hot TCGs can be. TCG's can have infinite demand IF the secondary market has an appetite for it. Games like BSS, which is one of my personal favorites, won't survive. No one would buy boxes of older stock because it's market value is a fraction of the price online and thus, stores who bag held large stocks of the early sets and couldn't move it are looking at a huge write-off. A healthy secondary is important for retailers to move slow moving local stock into. Otherwise, it's just about capturing paid preorders and not allowing refunds so that you can secure your 10-20% margin off of whatever TCG and move onto the next set without tying up capital so that eventually, when the next big game/set comes, IE. Prismatic Evolutions, One Piece (A little less these days, but quite good still), new MTG Collector Boxes, you make bank and feel like a hot shot for a month.At the end of the day, you need extremely large amounts of deployable cash in order to seduce distributors and buy every product so that you get the biggest allocations and the best rates for the hot sets. This is Rudy (Alpha Investments) model. He offloads to you the shit product at near cost if its similar to market, but will upcharge you to near market on hot releases (Though claim gimmicks like you're buying from a "safe" person, etc etc).
>>94703030He is because the staff is hunting him down
>>94702230Big problem with LCGs are the SKU bloat. No one wants to play host to an aging LCG with sometimes north of 100 different SKUs and play whack-a-mole when one gets bought out and needs to be restocked. But these need to be available for the model to survive. Which is why all previous LCGs perish or peter along until the meagre lifeline is cut from a few bad expansions or the production company decides to pursue more lucrative ventures.
BarrierWhen attacking, (2): Choose up to 1 opponent's rested battle card with a cost of 5 or less and place it in the drop
>>94703057James White has been after me ever since I started pointing out that Pro-Quests and Road to Nats were getting less players than our Sorcery locals
FaB has the core mechanics of an excellent (if not the best) tournament TCG. But because of this, it kills the initial enthusiasm the average non-sweat gains as they find out that although games can come down to the illusion of both players hanging by a thread when looking at their diminished life totals, the experienced player will 99/100 times win (Pitch stacking for the end game, correctly identifying blocks, etc). Much of the casual base, which is often the same base that will swell up revenue through blind box gambling purchases, won't put in the effort to win, especially with the aging TCG player for FaB being in their mid 20s - 40s being busy with real life commitments.FaB has the set-up for a PvE environment to draw in more casual players in a fun co-op setting (Perhaps gameplay like Darkest Dungeon?). Shame that James just doesn't have enough staff to deploy this.
>>94703146I don't understand the draw for Sorcery. Aren't metas stale because of the one set per year? Or is it not because the playerbase is so small and/or casual that it's a non-issue?
>>94703146I'll take 'Shit that never happened' for 600, Alex?
>>94703065it's a big problem for sure. and none of the solutions used by the surviving ones are perfect. FFG just keeps reboxing old games, rolling lots of small expansions in to a smaller number of bigger ones. keeps things available but makes completionism a nightmare. the smaller shits like aeons end and the TC fodder (gudnak, varia, that kind of shit) are only ever going to be available online. Level99 launches new games and cancels old ones even faster than FFG was doing 10 years ago. Plaidhat's doing that kickstarter/subscription maintenance shit with their games, which keeps them in print but guarantees they can never grow in stores. no good answers.
>>94703153>FaB has the set-up for a PvE environment to draw in more casual players in a fun co-op setting (Perhaps gameplay like Darkest Dungeon?). Shame that James just doesn't have enough staff to deploy this.anon, most of the competing games with PVE have development staff of like 3 people. like one designer, one art, one editing/layout. and at that scale, entire games have been designed and gone to market in less time than has passed since FAB PVE was being talked about. LSS has a 100 times more than enough resources. it's just not something they're interested in doing.
>>94703173I swear on my last 2 braincells anon its true. A handful of fab hyperweats killed our local scene almost entirely. Pre Outsiders we were hitting well over 30 entrants and now locals are barely able to fire
>>94703196Fair point, if given more developers, James would probably deploy them into making their sets just better instead of allocating anything into PVE.It's such a shame. The product really could pull in better numbers if he chose to reallocate some resources to something that could make it more casual appealing.
>>94703184I respect them for going the LCG route and trying to stick with it, as I personally believe all of the gambling from TCGs is abusive. Maybe just rebranding as a board game is best, so as not to provide the inherent illusion that the game will be supported forever with constant set updates. Board games do also have the inherent allowance of more non cardboard parts too, which can make development easier.
I've never been to a big TCG event in my life is there any chance I get into a Gundam event if I go to the Orlando cardfest this weekend? How early would I need to get there do you think?
>>94703299You're going to have to leave the house at 4am. If that's a deal breaker then Id say skip.
>>94703299You're competing with every other TCG player who wants to get their hands on either the game because they want to try it or the scalpers wanting to flip it in one of the hottest TCG areas in NA.Your chances are shit. I wouldn't even bother.
>>94703281most of those issues really only apply to the competitive LCG with constructed as its main gameplay mode. because those are the ones where players are expected to bring their own decks and making comp decks requires cards from all different expansions. and those are all but dead. at this point it's basically just Ashes and a couple other super small fish. the ones that are purely solo/co-op like AE and the surviving FFG games dont actually care that much about parts of the line being oop or hard to get because players will just make the best of what they have and incomplete collections are common. and games like summoner wars with one foot in boardgame anyway only push you to buying the expansions you like playing and you can ignore the others.
I find it funny this LCG discussion started from someone misreading LGS
>>94703448>scalpers wanting to flip it in one of the hottest TCG areas in NAIf you get a box you have to participate in the event and open it for whatever that is worth.
>>94703517Can you just not imagine people sitting down to pretend to play, receiving their product, then walking out? I imagine there wouldn't be some kind of security that cuffs your legs to the table that stops you from just leaving.
>>94703525True.Scalpers deserve to have their throats slit in front of their families. I legit want to play the fucking game and would gladly open the box.
>>94703516LGS actually stands for "LCG Game Store"little known fact
>>94703532I've resigned myself to just print and play if the prices get out of hand as I love the Gundam IP. I only play with friends anyway, so no one particularly cares if we play with proxies or not.
>>94703532Think of it this way, do you think most of the scalpers that bum rush big box stores or events have any real marketable skill? Imagine what little goes on in their lives that they must check their nearest target/walmart/big box store every 10 mins, fight others, and then drive away to try and unload on facebook where everyone tries to pay you 60-70% of market and bootlick the dregs that try and haggle you over 3% Paypal fees over a $20 purchase.I used scalp when I was in college and think it was just part of hustling, but now I only feel disdain and just pity anyone outside of education who tries to do this full time instead of working to have a stable job.
>>baba yaga being replaced by new card because "muh sensibilities" Paradox still trying to shove down people's throatSigh... It's so tiring...Only old, rusty and dutsy people from the 90s play this game. Nobody cares that much about in theory - only in theory - offending a bunch of neo-pagans who somewhat consider Baba Yaga a being worthy their worship or whatever.It's such a nitpicking on what is permitted or not in VTES 5th Edition that it's just ridiculous.
>>94703553>print and play
>>94703753No hags allowed
>>94703235>he thinks pve drives player engagement or salesLol. Lmao, even.
>>94703890there's plenty of evidence that it drives sales. the games that had PVE modes were the ones that survived covid, and the games that added PVE modes after the fact all made them progressively larger and larger focus after they saw how much they were selling.player engagement though, nah, no fucking way... if anything it has the opposite effect. drives players in to isolation since they don't need real opponents anymore. they can just stay home and play solo, and pve being more approachable means the casuals and wife will partake.
>>94703753>Following the Sabbat decks, we’ll move away from pre-constructed decks to a pair of themed releases: Brazil By Night and Shadows of New York. With Brazil By Night, the release is a personal one, as we lost five members of the Brazilian VTES community to COVID-19. We’ve decided to honor those players with crypt cards and we’re going to explore the nation more in-depth with additional library cards and crypt cards. With Shadows of New York, we’ll cover the characters and events of the Shadows of New York and Coteries of New York visual novels for Vampire: The Masquerade. Across both of these sets, you can expect to see additional crypt and library cards for the Camarilla, Anarch, and Sabbat sects. We anticipate a late Q3 2025 release for them.My wife's coming to VTES.
2024 closing and I haven't played a tcg ever sinceHoping Project K kicks off well
>>94703553>>94703804honestly print and play doesn't get pushed enough. it's a great way to get in to older games that are hard to come by (or newer games that are too expensive). a printed card in a sleeve is practically indistinguishable from a real card, so as far as player experience there's no real downside.
>>94656668I also enjoy playing flesh and blood but what the other anon said, it appeals to the try hards so much. Also, everyone told me lss had learned from magics mistakes and promised to do better than them then they released mistveil heroes that broke metas, made everyone forget about some of the top characters and then had to ban a bunch of stuff. Zen absolutely demolished katsu and fai. Nobody wants to play any other assassin besides nuu. Enigma is alright but even she's busted. I just feel like I have a hard time trusting them now not to power creep. Heavy hitters was perfect then mistveil came and shat all over everything. I think I'm taking a break until they LL.
>>94657164Also idk why the fuck LSS releases stuff for their casual format in high level tournaments. The few casual players I know have a hard time finding the weird casual heroes for upf because they only give some of those cards out in high level tournament play.
>>94704035>Brazil By NightHuehuahuehuahuehuahuehua
>>94703890I believe it would, more so than a TCG that establishes itself as a highly competitive one. Let's be honest, it's not like FaB lore or casual play is what a majority of people stay with the game for.
>>94703890Do you believe competitive players by virtue of minmaxing everything, including their purchases, are more likely to spend money on boxes and open them compared to a casual player who just does things "for fun"? There is a reason that FaB competitive singles are expensive, non competitive singles are worthless or down trending in price over time, and boxes are dirt cheap, even below a retailer's distributor price. No one consistently profits off of box openings other than mass box openers, so there's no sealed market to absorb all of the post pre-order sales to play the latest decks. This causes a bad feedback loop where stores stop pre-ordering to not hold bags beyond those that are paid, those marked for mass box openings, and that 1 case used to sell boosters on the random chance and host draft.
>>94704034>games with pve survived covid and grewName five.
>>94704488Casual players of pve buy even less than competitive players - they'll be buying those worthless cards, in small number, beyond initial pve launch.You're right about FAB's commercial problems. But PVE doesn't solve that and is just wasted development time.Unless they did something like Warlord's "overlord" system but glhf making that work in current year.
>>94703071Took them a fucking while to make an out to Jiren for yellow.
>>94704605arkham horror, marvel champs, lotr (sorta), aeon's end, keyforge, ashes
>>94704644I'm not saying PVE is the only answer, but its one that fits FaB's mechanics and is another way to grow a player base beyond the competitive crowd that might draw a crowd, one that the game is sorely missing. The core mechanics and its implementation in the more casualized UPF format is definitely not the crowd pleaser that MTG's Commander is. But PvE might get more people to actually care about their heroes beyond what is viable in the competitive meta. Otherwise, I can only see the game shrinking in player base. If it had some collectible aspect that could carry it like some other IPs, PvE could set the stage for it. But man is collectability for the game just not cutting it; cold foils aren't touted as James was hoping they would be, as their value stems largely from their rarity, as opposed to eye appeal of the foiling itself. Lorcana slapping cold foils as their base foil was also kind of a slap in the face of FaB, funnily enough.
>>94704892None of those sell well, lotr and Arkham are the only two that probably break even for their publisher. Keyforge and Aeon's End both are dead or near enough.
>James White as the last year of FAB dawns
the fuckfab community wishes everybody a fucky new year
>>94705311I had an idea for UPF and helping out LSS with the Casual audience, and I sent them a whole write up with cards, art, rules etc, but they just turned it around and told me that they don't accept ideas like that.I'm pretty sure my idea could get popular.
>>94706102It's a legal thing, and why wotc stopped the "next magic designer search" or w/e it was called. I remember reading an essay about it a while back; basically all board game and card game designers have the (official) policy of never reading fan ideas to avoid potentially litigious claims of plagiarism, because while it's been settled that you can't copyright general game mechanics, plagarising an exact specific game item, terms and all, could result in significant damages being awarded.As an example, you can't copyright "play a card you've already played once at original cost, then remove entirely from the game" but you also can't print an exact copy of Snapcaster Mage into your game - if someone has evidence they provided MaRo (or whoever) the exact Snapcaster Mage card, then it was printed, they have legitimate grounds to demand some portion of Innistrad's revenue.So, because designers are thieving bastards and getting a bulletproof waiver in writing when or before they receive the idea is unfeasible, the companies just reject it all "sight-unseen" (then often steal it anyways, what a (((coincidence))))
>>94706102Curious, what was it? I'd love to hear someone else's take.>>94706246I imagine that line is pretty loose though. Especially after looking at Lorcana's Trumpeter and MTG's Elvish Piper.
>>94705353you asked for things that survived covid, and those are all either pure pve or got significant additional revenue from adding pve. anon didn't mention lorcana, which is post covid but also saw a huge windfall from adding pve after the fact. the claim that pve doesn't sell (which was the original post being responded to) doesn't hold up to even casual scrutiny. you might not personally like it, but there's obviously a market.
>>94705311>LSS promises their foils to "hold a special place in card collecting, particularly cold foil cards">It's fucking passed up in draft sometimes because of how subtle it is, especially on common equipments>Can't just upscale rarity without pissing people off>Tried reprinting old RFs into CFs and piss off the investor community through highly sought after judge packsThey have no fucking idea how to please the investor/collector crowd anymore. It's just the diehards left in that community.
>>94706269Well FaB is closest to a fighting game, I just tried to make FaB close to Super Smash since SSBs is a "party game" but people can go hard enough to make it also a "fighting game". What makes a game more casual and fun is randomization and effects that surprise more than one person. So, I cards that change the "arenas", random events/rules, and "trap cards" that players would be able to hold on to to "build a board presence".At the center of the game there is a "UPF deck" made by one of the players. Before the start of the game, each player would make a 10 card "trap inventory" (I called it something different). When the Heroes are revealed, the players would pick one trap card from their trap inventory and put it in their "trap deck". (This prevents straight up blow out from one of the players or at least a lifeline as some trap cards reduce arcane damage a hero would take or reduces large amounts of damage from one hit if you have no cards in hand or destroy aura cards if there's many of them on the field, etc.)This deck is face down, but the players can look through their trap cards when they want to and activate them when the situation calls for it.Every turn, the active Hero would draw a card from the UPF deck at the start of their turn. If it is an arena card, the arena changes, if it is an event/rule, the event/rule happens, and if it is a Trap, the active player can pocket the Trap in their Trap deck for use at a later time.Also, everyone can attack each other not just left or right. The coolest thing is people could modify their UPF deck to what kind of game they would want to play and personalize that shit for the whole table.I made a fuck ton of cards for this concept including arenas, rules, events, and traps that would be fun and keep it casual.
>>94706329>It's fucking passed up in draft sometimes because of how subtle it is, especially on common equipmentsNo fucking joke I was going through some of my opened boosties (i ALWAYS put whatever cards I pulled back in the booster and straight into storage) and found several cold foil equipment's that I had no idea about. I also think it's stupid they give CF to common equipment because there's nothing remotely special about it and the resell value is nonexistent.
>>94706284>lorcana got a huge windfall from pveTalking out your ass. That shit is rotting on shelves and nobody talks or thinks about it.
>>94706992Not that anon, but a Lorcana player here... I don't know how well Deep Trouble (the Ursula PVE game) is selling currently, but when it came out, it was really hard to get because it was selling out quickly at all the stores. Not sure how accurate of an indicator that is, but maybe it's what that anon considered to be a 'huge windfall'?Either way, I enjoyed the game when it came out, and I'm looking forward to the next one, which I assume will feature Jafar, and release with set 8.
So which non big 3 TCG won this year?
>>94707102fab and it's not even close
>>94707102Dragon Ball Super Card Game: Fusion World.
>>94707102One piece, and it's not even close.
>>94703553Many players should take up this mind set. I've been print and playing various acgs with my friends. It has been fun.
>>94704892Name five more.
>>94707573copePVE is the way audiences are headed. No one wants to compete against DNA tailored designer autists to have fun.Think about it; solo content is future proof. They make video games of physical pve card games. No one can play a game by themselves with a 'dead' PVP only product. That's a fact, Jack.
>>94689058You could have some valuable stuff. should take some photos of super and ultra rare cards you have. Certain ultra rare creatures can sell for 500 plus depending on condition.
>>94706246>"next magic designer search"Reminder that MaRo shat all over a guy's idea in this competition and then years later he made it an official mechanic for one of the Zendikar sets.
>>94707436You laugh, but this is the genetic future of New Zealand.The perfect blend of Anglo, Maori, Arab, and SEA. After the old world is sacrificed in ritual fire and we cast the Useless Eaters aside, these Mighty Apes will farm the unspoiled countryside of New Zealand to provide for the glorious floating city of eternal progress: New Davos.
Can anyone tell me what's happened with the "Dawn" set for Project Nisei? There's blog posts saying it'll be a new core set from 2023, releasing in the second half of 2024 but I can't find anything more on it? I've got System Gateway and I love playing it, but I want to expand my set a bit and it seems like Dawn is probably the best place to start, but there's no info on it?
>>94707599PVE doesn't drive engagement - and thus sales - enough to carry a tcg. Make whatever claims you want about it, the only commercially successful tcgs with pve are ones that are already carried by casuals by power of the brand (WoW tcg, and throw Lorcana in there if you want). People already liked Molten Core or Ursula, nobody gives a shit about FAB's characters.Packs for games without an underlying strong IP get sold by limited events and to semi-casual players who want to gamble. FAB needs an edh-like reason to use bad cards competitively, not a pve mode that has no real reason to get anything beyond a starter deck.
>>94709380What if those bad cards are exactly what's needed in PvE? For example, things like the potions from Everfest. They're not meta cards currently. But what if you could start with some at the start of the engagement because you spent gold earned in a dungeon/quest? What if "bad" cards had a price system which get unveiled per dungeon run that makes them an alternative to the standard meta cards in regular mode? There's a lot to explore here in terms of making bad cards and also reducing the competitive sentiment by having every individual work towards a common goal of winning, rather than the standard 1v1 or UPF game.I wholeheartedly agree with you that a strong IP would carry more casual players, but this is all in the context of what FaB can do without it. Maybe having players craft their own stories is what will allow the IP to evolve from something more than just a 1v1 Competitive game and drive more interest towards lore and such.
>>94709539IMHO the way to get "casual fab" going is to rework UPF: allow all heroes, 2x starting HP for young heroes, only one copy of each card in the deck, 80 card decks + 6 equipment-only inventory, and let players attack anyone not just left/right. You'd keep the - very good - core gameplay of FaB while also appealing to the edh/casual crowd by letting you make the deck "your own", adding politics to auto-balance the heroes a bit, and increasing RNG. And it wouldn't require any additional development time: what I laid out is literally all you'd need to implement.
>>94709539>Maybe having players craft their own storiesWhen we look at vidya, story based games pve games don't actually do this. They just tell you the story the developers wrote up and you can take it or leave it. The ones that let the player craft their own story are the sandbox ones like Minecraft, Kenshi, Rimworld etc. I think a pve/co-op/casual-pvp lcg built off those kind of ideas could be a hit. There would be a reason to buy into more product to create new scenarios and replayability is higher than those games where you just fight a boss deck.
>>94709713Sorry, by crafting their own stories, I don't mean that they actual write up their own stories and play through them, but it's more akin to, "Hey Anon, remember that clutch moment of when I got the Debilitate crush effect by pummeling over exact and stopped the trigger from Monster X and saved the run? That was nuts.">>94709672Sure, that's totally another way to go about trying to allow more brewers and excitement in a non-competitive environment.
>>94709380Lorcana player here - I don't know if I fully agree. I was never a huge fan of The Little Mermaid in general, so it's not like I cared that much that we had to fight Ursula specifically. (Personally, I think it would be more fun to fight Chernobog or Hades, or maybe even someone out of left field, like the MCP, but that's just me.) It was more the novelty of being able to fight cooperatively that was the bigger draw for me, though I will admit that the set added some fun twists to the lore of the game, too.Of course, I may be an exception to the norm, so I have no proof to counter your claim, just that it doesn't match my personal experience.
>>94708838Dawn was delayed until March 2025. You could pick up System Update '21 if you just want the next step for the deckbuilding game, but I'd recommend against that since it'll be rotating (along with all remaining FFG cards) from Netrunner's standard format when Dawn releases.
>>94709892Thanks anon, I couldn't find that mentioned on a blog post anywhere? I have an old Netrunner box (no idea if it's revised or whatever) so I believe I can use that in the meantime as the System Update should just be those cards with new art?
>>94709539>What if those bad cards are exactly what's needed in PvE?kinda tangent, but that did happen with Ashes. a lot of the good PVP cards are not good in PVE, and a lot of shitty PVP cards ended up being strong in PVE. even though the baddy decks act somewhat like players, the predictability of an automated opponent changed the math on a lot of cards. and they did a campaign system where you could start with a crappy precon and slowly get stronger.the thing FAB really needs for this is more weapon and armor options for the classes. with WoW you could do a lot of the kind of rewards you're talking about where players could face PVE challenges and upgrade their deck with better gear over time. but by this point in WoW's lifecycle, if you were say a hunter, you had like 20 choices of chest armor and 35 options for a ranged weapon to pick from. so there was a ton of granularity to upgrading the deck. FAB doesn't have that. each class only really has a few choices.
>>94709894system update is just reprints of old cards they wanted to keep in circulation for the benefit of newer players
>>94709932I think the PVE route might function well if it were tailored more like a board game. You have a point system where all equipment gets rated and the rest is earned through gameplay. It gives a reason to rock high rarity common garbage. Then maybe have an "upgrade deck" which you randomize and reveal 3 every time you go shop or kill a monster etc, to give it the roguelike theme and infinite replayability with friends or even as a solo board game experience.
>>94709775>I don't mean that they actual write up their own stories and play through them, but it's more akin toYeah that's what I was also talking about. Those open ended stuff that happens in sandbox game is pretty memorable
>>94710000nice quads, but this kind of thing already exists on some level in basically all of them
FAB will never have a casual player base as the game was designed to cater to the tournament grinder crowd.You would have to change the game and the culture to really make any real dent.It doesn't matter how nice your community is if you have a game filled with tiny micro decisions that can easily cause you to lose plus it's a fatigue game where you don't even have the mental satisfaction of building towards something
>>94711317agreed, it's a good game, but not fun
>>94706785This has too much going on and all of the extra shit sounds like band aid fixes that just kind of show how bad UPF is as a "casual" format. Sorry, bud, I don't think it's that good.
I don't think there is any format that could bring the casual players to FAB. The game, by design, is miserable to crack packs for, and you can't really design around it.
>>94711317>>94712687Perhaps. I imagine if things don't change course, the playerbase will just keep bleeding out unless by some miracle for fab, the appetite for hardcore tournament games grows. The chances of that happening appear to grow slimmer the more I watch how much brainrot the younger generations consume.Maybe a good idea to just print and play or buy fake proxies instead of dumping hard earned cash into the game, in the chance the game peters out and dies.
>>94712687Fartysharty and Boobiebutt isn't worth thinking about, writing about, or posting in the same thread about. That's why me and all my tcg warriors only post in non-fuckywucky and bumpywumpy hours when americants are asleep and no one will report me for comparison james white CEO of LSS to a certain american president
>>94714029For comparison saars James White CEO of Legendary Stories Studioes will not be making the buyboughting of card parks in the near future. It is imperitivate for the future of the great state of bangladesh that you do not redeem the card pack sir
>>94712669It's not complicated when you actually play it.
>>94714064Extra deck is too hard for the resident mongoloid sorry maybe if it had cats on it or was based on a children's IP from the 90s he could tolerate it
>>94706785That sounds pretty bad, sorry anon. Just do>>94709672 and call it good enough.
Build Divides final set is so terrible they really fucked up with the Evolve Summon and D Deck mechanics as every fucking card has some Evolve effect that could have gone to their normal summon instead and the D Deck is literally 15 extra regular cards you can instantly put in your hand at a time. Its so fucking stupid holy shitAs for Bright the last 2 sets bored me Cosplay is just summon swapping and Border is just boring. Already ran out of ideas for Bright since Card Sign Synergy got stale.