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>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Design your ideal wave of models take the amount and type of kits analogous to the beast snagga/kroots/krieg releases
grot revolutionaries
>grot tanks (with squigs)
>grot mega tank (with squigs)
>grot sabouters kill team (with squig)
>allied digganobs (with orky ogryns)
>red gobbo
>black gobbo (on squig)
>lanky tinkan
>braingrot (with mushroom pals)
grey knights need a wave
space wolves need a wave
sisters of silence need a wave
non-sisters ecclesiarchy needs a wave
the inquisition needs a wave
deathwatch needs a wave
catachans need a wave
darkmech needs a wave
undivided demons need a wave
traitor guard needs a wave
men of iron need a wave
eldar corsairs need a wave
exodites need a wave
blood axes need a wave
freebooters need a wave
grot committee needs a wave
men of iron need a wave
destroyer cults need a wave
tyranid biotitans need a wave

legion of the damned needs a kill team
first founding chapters need a kill team upgrade sprue each
chaos legions need a kill team upgrade sprue each
red corsairs need a kill team
farsight enclaves need a kill team
demiurgs need a kill team
zoats need a kill team
necron pariahs need a kill team
None of that will happen.
Instead it will be another wave of generic Space Marines and Dark Eldar
I think it will, just very very slowly.
>undivided demons need a wave
God, I wish, demons and belakor in particular look pathetic.
Why is Russ suck a fucking jobber

>Jobs to Angron
>Jobs to Lion
>Jobs to fagnus, had to get rescued by his wolves
>Jobs at Alaxxes, had to get rescued by Dark Angels
>Decides to solo Horus, jobs again has to get rescued by Corax
>Doesn't make it in time to Terra
>Gets depressed and runs away like a bitch
Because he's a violent alcoholic retard. Just look at the way Big E had to introduce himself to him. Literally the way you would conduct diplomacy with a downie.
>me eat more drink more... me more stronger... you follow
Fucker has the brain of a WFB ogre. Calling him a dogbrain is an insult to dogs.
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Because he has to learn a lesson or two in humility and become odin russ.
Reminder that this thread got made for some reason when the other one was still way under the bump limit.
And the mod cocksuckers didn't do anything about it.
You mean like how the previous thread got made for some reason when the other one was still way far from page 10?
And the mod cocksuckers didn't do anything about the 5 threads piling in the catalog.
Now that all of the grotmas detachments are out, it is shocking how unbalanced a lot of them are with each other in terms of what they offer:
>Hey you want a cool fluffy detachment that allows you to bring allies and gives buffs to your army that makes sense in lore?
>Or do you want something with a near universal buff like assault to all vehicles/mounted and +1 to hit vs objective holders?
>Or... wait for it... do you want to have a 3" charge at the end of the enemy charge phase?
Hang on, I posted this in the other thread, what the fuck?
Slaneeshifag is probably banned for something otherwise this thread would've been deleted pretty quick
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>Imperial fans mock the Tau for falling for Dark Eldr tricks
>The fucking Imperials go on to fall to the same exact tricks

Turns out everyone is dumb in the end.
No you didn't, I did
Imperial fans mock the tau, because the tau are gay not because of whatever your 200 word essay says
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This thread is for the cool kids,
The difference is that the Tau actually cares about its citizens, so when they lose them it's an embarrassment. The Imperium hates its own people, so when a few worlds get blown up they're like "So what?".
No. They are just jealous because the Tau models are the coolest.
The Fire Warrior aesthetic stomps all over any guardsman regiment.
>The Imperium hates its own people
Blood Angels
Raven Guard
Space Wolves
All care. I did intentionally say Salamanders twice, yes.
Every single one of those Chapters you just listed still fights on behalf of the Imperium and ascribes to their ideology. They still believe humanity's use is as cannon fodder for the war machine and they still believe that "There is no such thing as innocence; only degrees of guilt." They're just slightly sad when they commit atrocities instead.
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Just don't ask what they do with the humans that don't want to be slaves to the Imperium...
>Blood Angels
You mean the cannibals that rule an irradiated hellhole because suffering builds character?
7000 inhumans out of untold trillions of humans across a million worlds is not really a good percentage to work with.
Not to mention that even the Salamanders have committed genocide against untold billions of humans.
>wolves coping about how russ injured horus and this would be vital to his defeat
>nothing comes of it
Stories like this never make sense to me. Shouldn't the Arbites have put an end to this?
I've given the Death Guard one a few tries but I'm always just missing the extra contagion effect and sticky objectives. A scout and stealth for infantry-only isn't really cutting it for me.
>>nothing comes of it
to be fair, the horus heresy series is shit and failed to add anything good to the original narrative
the salamanders have a whole company devoted to killing striking workers because there's a chance they're corrupted, they just feel bad about it later
I wish MM and emperors scythes were interesting instead of just being the same paintscheme flipped. They look like theyre wearing one piece women's bathing suits
>russ' retardation is left as is
>lion's retardation in going after the traitor homeworlds is written to contribute to the effort by affecting the traitors in the warp
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So there ARE rumors about new thousand sons models!
The arbites are a miniscule percentage of any given population on a planet. They cannot stop a planet from committing heresy en masse.
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Gotta have it sometimes lest we end up with memes that flanderise themselves to absurd degrees like the idea that orks can turn into tanks and shoot bullets from their fingers.
Just like the rumors of female custodes being retconned away? Either post a trusted source or fuck off
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Sure thing lamentersanon.
>idea that orks can turn into tanks and shoot bullets from their fingers
That sounds cool tho
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Was it the graph paper that gave me away or the photoshop express filename lmao. Your dc are coming along alright tho
This fucking sucks
Anyone have an trove of stls that are close to GW?
The fart smell returns, it is coming from your models
Haven't seen pariahs in ages. Do they still make them?
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Only if they were cyborgs or something, but the meme doesn't go like that.
I think it's a texas sharpshooter situation
>Inquisitor models are now regular 40k sized
God almighty
they died with the necron retcon on 2011

there can't be biotransferred humans at the top of the necron hierarchy because necrons are in charge and not ctan seeking a replacement to their necrons servants
Exodites would have pulled more women to the fan base than female custodes
the model on the right is a zombie ogre not a regular sized human
Kek. I really hope it's the same anon posting this pic in every thread.
I can't find vypers or venoms for Aeldari anywhere.
Too bad. I guess I will have to kitbash some space marine pariahs that have been experimented on by necrons looking to reverse the biotransference.
Are there more chaos marines than loyalist now? I know the warp fucks up geneseed but how many new ones have been made or turned traitor and fled to the eye? Or is it so dog eat dog that the majority have died fighting eachother.
Do Space Marines shower or are they all musky under their power armor?
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I like Chris Foss as much as the next guy, but what does he have to do with 40k? Is it okay to just use completely random unrelated images for threads?
Musky. The suit has a cleaning system but it’s not terribly good and some marines pretty much live in their armour 24/7. Pity the poor serf with the honour of cleaning it.
Only in 30k. In 40k they are sponge bathed by cherubs as they do their morning meditations. Guilliman is unnerved by it
>Design your ideal wave of models take the amount and type of kits analogous to the beast snagga/kroots/krieg releases
Actual marines for Thousand Sons. Or World Eaters, for that matter.
>First had a normal save on a regular 2d6
>Then just had an invul save
>Then just get an extra T
>Then an extra wound
Terminators somehow are both tougher and weaker than their original form.
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The necrons have indeed started experimenting on humans to reverse their biotransference, as well as discovered pariahs amongst the human population and began the massive use of blackstone to distance whole regions of space from the immaterium so that whatever is caught in the middle is stripped of their souls, usually resulting in death.

But I doubt they would experiment on space marines specifically, they're a mess genetically and surgically and it seems like marines cannot be made from humans with the pariah gene.

I'd use normal human models, but you do you if you want to use marines, the fluff is extremely nebulous on what's possible and where the current narrative is headed
>and it seems like marines cannot be made from humans with the pariah gene.
Titus is a blank.
There was a time in early 3rd where a terminator had a 2+ armor save with no invulnerable save and power weapons just ignored armor saves.
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Nah they're still fuck huge. Included stinky little firstborn fella I painted when I was young for funsies
GW is bad with numbers and sometimes downright retarded, I remember at some point they tried saying there were 8 millions khorne berserkers in one single blood crusade or some number like that.

What we know about chaos marines is that their geneseed is often (but not always) fucked so they often steal the geneseed of loyalists, or try unconventional approaches for boosting their numbers (the daemonculaba being one infamous example, but it's far from the only one); but on top of that warp fuckery means that there are a lot of very old chaos marines running around, some as old as the heresy, because they might not age normally and/or may be spat out by the warp from death or some other point in the timeline. and even further on top of that there is an irregular but not insignificant stream of formerly loyalist marines that turn their coat and join chaos.

The usual rule of thumb is that there are as many as the plot demands, and the plot currently demands a somewhat even confrontation of loaylist marines and chaos marines, with the balance getting tipped by other events and forces.
Its Eldar battleship
No, if he was saved at the end of the prologue of sm2 it's specifically because tigurius picked up his psychic signature.
from orbit.
that's not something that can happen with blanks or pariahs.

if anything titus is a latent psyker and the gimmick of the third game will be psychic powers and joining the librarians.
or he's just built different.
Here's how I would fix iron hands
>terminator or gravis armoured leaders can lead squads in standard armour
>being lead by a termie or gravis boosts leadership
>no squads with termie or gravis
>squads can take twice the number of heavy weapons in a squad. ie, "for ever 5 marines, one can be equipped with" is changed to two Marines
>vehicles now get additional AP but decreased movement
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Should the Tau cease to be seen as a minor faction after the 5th Sphere Expansion? Obviously they were a minor faction of little importance during the 2nd Sphere Expansion when the Damocles Crusade happened, but since then, we've had the Third Sphere Expansion (stated to taken more worlds than the 1st and 2nd Sphere combined), the 4th Sphere Expansion (a disaster, but they still took a handful of worlds), and now they're stated for the 5th Sphere Expansion. If nothing else it would at least make Guilliman more worried about them.
One of his works was at some point the possible cover for 40k's spaceship combat game and some of the drawings left a lingering influence on a number of very early spaceship miniatures.
although imperial ships in particular would see a drastically different direction eventually.
>Should the Tau cease
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>post models
Alright, these guys were some of my favorite projects this year. Kinda got burned out on phobos but I got the last 2 members of the squad ready to go, hope to finish them next year
is lack of painting skills, why you lash out at others?
ew dude
Jesus, is the guy colorblind or what?
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Of course they're still practically minors you sick fuck.
Oh damn what's up purpleanon. Glad your back
If that's the result of colorblindness I wish more artists were colorblind.
I don't lash out at anyone broski, I dunno what you're on about. As for lack of painting skill, I don't paint cause I'm good at it, I paint because it's fun
Can I get an example of a space marine model with graffiti on his armour? I want to do it but I'm not sure how it should look
>Here's how I would fix iron hands
change their colour scheme from vaguely ferrous black to actual metallic iron
Psykers can also pick up the lack of psychic signature.
Titus is a blank.
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Closest I could find with the minimal amount of effort I used looking and its the wrong scale. I think the marine scale might be tough to get a good looking tag but you could do some cool stuff on tanks without a tonne of stress
I never really left but I have been less active. Been mostly painting Bangles this year, if you've seen any goblin green based BA here that was probably me.
No, in the vast majority of cases they can't and this effective invisibility is what allows culexus assassins to operate in the first place, and if the librarian had detected such an anomaly in titus he would have been interrogated for another pair of centuries.
the idea that titus might be a blank or a pariah is utter bullshit proposed by people with a less than superficial knowledge of the setting.
it's simply not possible.
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>40kg fags are addicted to making the new thread for some mentally ill reason
>early thread making before bump limit
Why are you 40kg anons like this?
these are fucked
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Easiest method would be creating custom decals.
Because mods and jannies won't do SHIT about it. I've reported spam threads so many times and won't do shit.
Now watch, I'll get banned or deleted because of it.
Ye I seen your bangles a couple times, just seemed like a while since I seen you post your purple kings. You did some DC manlets semirecently right?
>Roboute on foot
>Calgar + Aggressors in a Redeemer
>LT + Hellblasters in an Impulsor
>Eradicators in a Repulsor Executioner
>6 Inceptors
>1 Intercessor 2 scout squads for objectives
this is way too few models on board for capping objectives, right? Even in Firestorm.
Applying decals over other decals is such a pain in the ass that it is barely worth it. To get to the point you show in your pic you'd be vanishing so many times that shit would look like he was coated in hot glue from a glue gun
Or you could design one decal per pauldron already with the overlapping designs.
It shifts the workload from the decal application to the design stage of the decals, but it massively reduces the overall pain in the ass.
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Yeah, I've taken a bit of a break from them to focus on some more oldhammer stuff. Got my hands on a lot of old metal minis this year so I've been more motivated to work on that.
>DC manlets
I have a whole 2E DC squad on my desk, only finished one before I got tired of painting black though. Another project for next year.
There's one guy with a schizophrenic obsession about being the one making the thread, and has done so for years, and now some other guy(s?) who stoop to his same lows just to spite him.
Well there is the feedback function and the 4chan moderator IRC channel if you want to talk to some of the jannies directly.
An anon did it before during the PAKG problems.
Applying large decals on pauldrons/curved surfaces is a literal nightmare anon. Even with microsol/microset you get some crazy wrinkles as you start getting larger
Salamanders would be igniting entire noncombatant families of humans who decided to throw their lot in with the Tau. They would do it happily.

Remember they belong to a sadomasochistic fire cult and are from a death world that forces them to constantly migrate or be consumed by supersonic tectonic forces. The Salamanders hold human life dear but only when those humans are also part of the Imperium and it's overall cult of collective suffering in the name of the Emperor.
>during the PAKG problems.
it's the same fucking shitposter, there was no solution or intervention.
Literally one dude had issues with the primaris are king poster, everyone else could've cared less
>could've cared less
You are doing this on purpose aren't you?
Doing wot
Dude, der throoder/edgecoc/slaaneshi shitposter/PAKfag is in the thread. Yes he is doing it on purpose
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Painting an Arbites conversion.
The ogre works pretty well for 54mm scale looks great
>der throoder/edgecoc/slaaneshi shitposter/PAKfag is in the thread
I don't think there's ever a moment in time where your statement doesn't ring true
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Built and primed these today (snap fit so I just glued some of the arms). Bros they're dusty. It's 50 degrees out though that's pretty warm. Will a second coat save them or will they look fine once I paint them?
Looks meat anon
Why are the Eldar always glazing up the Tau?
The secret weapon is to partially submerge your spraycan into warm water for ten minutes or so before priming
They don't look super dusty to me imo, could probably hit them with a gloss varnish coat or like you said hit it with another coat
I haven't painted in a month
It takes you an awful long time to do almost nothing in terms of progress huh anon?
>glazing up
What the fuck did he mean by this? The only factions who glaze anyone are the EC and DE
>2k game today against Death Guard
>Got horrendously stomped
I can't wait for new Fire Dragons and proper detachments.
We can't do anything about that, you're the only one who can change that.
You're either old or esl, I can't tell which is worse
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Okay cool that's how they're supposed to look? They don't look as bad when you're not looking so up close with all the lights on them. It's a black primer btw not grey. Maybe try to prime a little closer up next time? Going to have to base coat one of them right now I think to see how they look with paint on.
>twitch and tiktok
NTA, but I'm a 28 year old zillenial and never heard that slang
The Eldar have only ever said, like, one positive thing about the Tau and it was a total nothingburger where they just acknowledged they were an up-and-coming nascent empire. Also I'm 24 you faggot.
You could motivated yourself by arguing with our resident schizo. Just declare that you'll paint a model today. He'll guaranteed reply with "you don't own any models" or "you've never painted a single model" or something similar. Then simply paint a model to prove him wrong.
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Any fans of this Guard concept here?
I take it you don’t have a family to spend Christmas with?
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>Hoth Stormtroopers but black
Mad robot minis sell heads like this
Oh I see it now, yeah that might cause you some issues in a few spots. I really would recommend giving your can a hot water bath before spraying like that other anon suggested. I use the hottest water out of my tap and soak the can for at least 15 mins. Shake the can heavily before dropping it in the bath and then shake again when you take it out. Those steps have let me spray at -35c temps with little issues
That is old
Then you're an esl
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Some progress on the crab
>Then simply paint a model to prove him wrong
Kind of rude to suggest things you've never done once in your life
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>park Neophyte Hybrids on an objective
>opponent shoots 6 of them down
>roll 6 in the command phase (d3 + 3 if on objective) and get 6 back
It was my first proper game that isn't a combat patrol where this rule doesn't even exist in but I suppose you need to commit if you want to get these guys out, even then they can come back if you choose to do so now. I think I see their point and I love it.
>Taudler is throwing a tantrum
I for one am absolutely shocked
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>28 is old
I can feel myself wasting away guys. Just 15 months until I'm an ancient 30 y/o greybeard. It's over.
Titus doesn't have to be a blank on par with a culexus.
He is just "warp negative" enough wher psychic fuckery doesn't affect him.
Also it explains why everyone has a stick up their ass when they are talking or interacting with him, especially if they don't know him.
And this is a blank trait, normie humans just hate all blanks because the blank's field makes them act like it.
Buff Eldar
>Literally one dude had issues with the primaris are king poster
You know that is false. It was more than that. Way more.
Primaris are king
>everyone has a stick up their ass when they are talking or interacting with him
they don't.
and being warp negative enough for psychic fuckery to affect you less wouldn't make you detectable from orbit by a psyker.

it's simply not how shit works, he's not a blank, there have never been cases of blank marines but there are plenty of marines that have psychic potential.
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Aside from being responsible for the creation of the Ethereals, the Eldar have come to the aid of the Tau a suspiciously large number of times, and Eldrad Ulthran, Irolac Dawnslayer, and Glebriwyn Tithrandil, have all had positive things to say about the Tau, two of those being Farseers making optimistic projections about their future.

One possible explanation, aside from their obvious role in creating the Tau in the first place, is that the Eldar no longer trust inherently psyker species like themselves, on account of what happened during the Fall. So instead they turn to dim species and try to guide them on a brighter path.
Looking great as always mechanicanon. What's your lighting setup like? Your pics are always so clean
Manlets are Emperor
This but unironically
Manlets are legends
I like the theory of the Eldar semitically managing the Tau but I'm gonna need proofs
>Titus is a blank.
Kids these days
>Aside from being responsible for the creation of the Ethereals
we still don't know which subgroup of eldar specifically did that, because it certainly wasn't something they all know about.
Anyone got a good 40k lore video that covers the essentials of the setting? My buddy asked about lore videos, and I figure a nice primer video covering the basics would be nice before I toss some channel names his way.
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An anon a while back kindly gave us an inside look into the situation/mentality of der throoder. Pretty sad really at least the guy behind the post escaped his mental illness need to make new threads.
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In the Xenology book it's revealed the that Tau Ethereals have a diamond shaped gland in their heads that is unique to their specific caste, and it's theorized that this gland is used to exert a subtle control over the rest of their species. Furthermore, it's also revealed that the Q'Orl have a similar gland in the queens of their hive species. And, at one point, the Eldar had kidnapped a Q'Orl Queen for some secret purpose.

So in all likelihood, the Eldar had taken the Q'Orl Queen's gland and created the Ethereals by replicating it in their species, which is why the Ethereals came out of nowhere one day, and why they have such mastery over the Tau species, and why the Eldar seem to get along with the Ethereals so suspiciously well.

My personal theory is that the Eldar knew that, if they ever did manage to rid the galaxy of the other major threats, they would still have to contend with the Imperium wanting to wipe them out, so they created the Tau as a backup plan, since the Tau are xenophilic enough to want to keep alien species, including the Eldar, alive, and would come to oppose the Imperium.
This is the behaviour of a person that makes threads when the other one isn’t even finished so that they can have something? Like the OP of this thread.
I can't stand that guy. He is the reason we have a gorillion tourists and secondaries. Well, him and all the vtuber whores who react to his videos.
Thanks a lot anon. As for the setup I have a cheap lightbox because I'm too dumb to make one myself plus black and white pieces of fabric I bought for like a couple bucks. I recently got a quality lamp which I feel helps a lot, too. I made this guide for /wip/ some time ago maybe it can be of some use. My process for white backdrop is exactly the same, you only need to adjust the ISO value
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I have come to the realization that Orks are the best faction.
Its just insight into what der throoder(s) might be like.
Come to think of it I do remember all those forgeworld photograph images he's talking about. I didn't have a problem with them because they weren't throod threads.
I thought it was a cute meme that multiple anons were in on. Didn't realize it was one guy.
And to top it all off we haven't really seen many forgeworld photograph OPs have we? That anon got a new job and got out.
Why is GW still selling the plastic Catachans?
If the Eldar made the ethereals to elevate the Tau, what are they trying to achieve in the long term? Are the Tau supposed to beat chaos because of their tiny souls?
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Done priming this dude, Lukas the trickster, a rune priest and some firstborn, probably gonna start painting Lukas right now
They probably forgot that they're still selling them yet somehow still selling them somehow.
I've seen a Golden Demon entry or even a winning paintjob on one of those models, and not even a Golden Demon paintjob can make those models look good. Amazing that the guy pulled it off though.
Wait a minute is that the official paintjob?
I think Garrots "Warhammer 40k: an intro to the dark millenium" is the coolest introduction but it is very brief and only really gives an overview of the Emperor and the Imperium.
The throoder is just one of the discord fags trying a new thing.
Yes and it's probably older than many anons here
Xenology is non canon
arbitor ian is the only one I consider bearable and concise.
There's a rumor that their badly painted on purpose because some GW suit didn't want the box paint jobs to be "intimidating" to new players. The Catachan command squad has a better paint job.
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Got a box of scions how do I build them as a command squad?
>Like the OP of this thread.
No, no, this one was done out of spite, the previous dozen was as you say.
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Get him to read the fluff from the core rules rather than relying in sloptubers
No, that's just how bad 'eavy metal was at painting back in the early 2000s
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They wanted a faction that would be on the rise, instead of the decline. The Imperium can fight for millenia, but they're perpetually in decline, losing technologies, worlds, and knowledge. At some point, the Imperium will fall, much like the Eldar themselves.

The Eldar will need someone to take their place, but who? If the Necrons are allowed to take over, they'll pursue the Eldar relentlessly as their old foes and kill them and destroy the warp entirely, undoing the afterlife the Eldar hope to achieve with their goddess of death. If the Orks take over, they'll krump the Eldar souls with Gork and Mork. If Chaos wins, there is no peaceful afterlife because their rgoddess will be torn apart.

But the Tau? They have dim souls, and their ideology encourages co-existence with alien species. The goddess Tau'va that they've created through their auxillaries has already demonstrated a benevolence unusual for the entities of the Warp. And the Eldar know far better than humanity the importance of manipulating the Warp rather than trying to fight it.
the catachan command squad is also not as old as the basic catachan squad
proof that no matter how much polish you give a turd, it'll still look like a turd
I've decided to start an army of Miasman Redcowls. I have no experience with guard but do have a printer, what do I need unit-wise to get a solid start?

Planning to use prints and convert stuff, would prefer to keep it thematic with the regiment.
The painter still did a good job. Now imagine if he had some proper sculpts to work with.
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why is his face so pale though
>benevolence unusual for the entities of the Warp.
They're all cute when they're small.
Unironically Majorkill. He keeps it short and funny
imagine play this after rambo and predator came out
True that
Same deal with the Catachan heavy Weapons
Guardbros, how're you holding up?
Kek they look like sontarans
He looks just like the /int/ Aussie guy
The whole diamond gland/ridge thing was retconned. According to the latest lore, the Admech cannot find any physiological organs in the Ethereals that can explain their power on the Tau.
BaalBuddy might be pretty reddit but damn it I can't dislike his art.
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Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
Emperor TTS episode where he explains his entire life
Kill yourself
My wargameexclusive order of a bunch of stuff and a dark mechanicus enginseer finally arrived yesterday. Pic related is a 3D render of what it should look like when printed.
Anyhow he's gonna be the first of my WGA The Damned chaos guard army.

Also I'm getting my fat ass out and doing 30 minute jogging so I don't resemble the other fatty guard players. It is a good pain, bros.
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You rang?
So true, fire warrior is one of the best 'alien soldier' design ever made
>Xeno blanks confirmed
>Blanks found in enough quantity that deldar have specific torture engines for them
>20 billion people, take a few billion only feeds Rakarths experiments for a few months
Fucking hell
>The whole diamond gland/ridge thing was retconned
No, it wasn't.
>cannot find anything that can explain
that was the case in xenology and the first tau codex too, it was a mere hypothesis, but the exact workings and extent were unknown
Runs in the family
Saving this, thanks king
Do pulse weapons have open muzzles or are they just some sort of conductive knobs at the end? Tryna figure out if I have to drill all those butts barrels.
No I mean buff their rules to triple wraithknight levels again, I want cheese
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>Pop open a new box of primer I got for christmas
>give it a good shake since its cold as tits outside
>Prime my model
>Everything goes great, shoulder pad, sword hand, backpack cape, actual body all look great
>Prime the head
>For some reason this spritz becomes all watery and It covers up a bit too much of the head details

God damn it dude.
It wasnt even the first, nor the last subassembly piece I sprayed and all the others turned out great. It looks a bit better now that its dried but still its a bit irritating.
>>Xeno blanks confirmed
Huh, I missed that before. "Human or other blanks". I was just asking about this the other day. And there it is. Though I doubt it will ever get expanded upon.
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Honestly that's the best part about the Tau, they give the Imperium aliens to fight that feel like an actual conventional military force.

The Eldar are cool, but they're backflipping psychic space ninjas, there's nothing conventional about them. The Orks are a chaotic green tide, they're cool, but feel more like a never-ending swarm than a proper military. The Necrons are basically zombie robots, and the Tyranids are swarms of space locusts. Chaos has some conventional forces, but they're just other humans.

Without the Tau, you don't have anyone for the Imperium to fight that feels like they're a regular military.
they've got holes
Remember me anyone?
The escort hooker I creampied got an abortion. So I think I dodged fatherhood.

So yeah I'm feeling pretty good right now. I'm gonna get back to working on my minis.
Might as well make a cropped version with the audio at this point
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I remember you and I'm still dumbfounded you were retarded enough to fuck a hooker without a condom. Good for you though.
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If you look at golden daemon winners from that year you really can see that painting quality wasn't anywhere close to what our standards are today
>According to the latest lore, the Admech cannot find any physiological organs in the Ethereals that can explain their power on the Tau.
And the Admech also have no fucking idea how Eldar technology works, even something as basic as shuriken weaponry, so the point is moot
>probably gonna start painting Lukas right now
well pied!
It's a Christmas miracle
time to celebrate by painting a bloody cherub
I feel like the "standard" is roughly the same - basecoats, simple shading and some edge highlights. People just have skewed perspectives because of youtube, reddit and whatever else
Kek, good on you for providing an update anon
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Yup, pretty much what I was expecting. I hope you at least learned your lesson.
Oh :(
I mean it clearly has since golden daemon is supposed to be the best painters in the world flexing their shit. If you look at anything from the golden daemons of recent years even the bronze winners absolutely mog anything that got slayer swords in the early 2000s. A current acceptable paintjob from the past couple years would place or possibly even win golden daemon in 2002
>risking getting god knows what STDs just to nut in a whore
Jesus man wtf. Did you get tested?
>Gives the Imperium aliens to fight that feel like an actual conventional military force.
huh I've never realised but yeah that is a niche that only the Tau really fill. LoV feels more like armed bands of nomads than space NATO like the Tau are.
she was probably lying about it and needing money for an abortion to try and get some extra money short term desu, was she at least hot anon?
>Eldar player is gamebreakingly OP for every edition bar 5th and maaaybe 8th
>Finally balanced (Still in the upper half of all armies)
>they want buffs
starting to think Eldar players don't know how to play and just want free wins
Well I'm glad things turned out okay
No problem anon, post some pictures once you get the setup going
>she was probably lying about it and needing money for an abortion
Oldest trick in the book. I can understand falling for this after a one night stand but it takes a special kind of retard to get played like this by a whore
That's like, good enough, right?
for a basecoat, yes
The bear/wold pelt Horus wears is what ties his whole design together. From generic evil bald man in power armour to something that invokes the germanic barbarians that invaded and destroyed the eastern Roman empire. The strips of red leather invoke the Roman republic solider armour. So you get a blend of barbarian Germanic invader and a traitor Roman, the ultimate villian to civilisation in space. The Eye of Horus being a subtle redesign of the Eye of Sauron and the evil eye also really elevaute his design to something beyond generic bad guy.
Piled up the paint a little heavy in some spots like the pauldron trim, but it looks about ready for shades and highlights
Oh you meant like competition standard. Yeah that's true.
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I pity anons with woman problems, couldn't be me
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If you're referencing the thin your paints meme where the audio was just "AAAAAAAAAAAAA" then that's how I was feeling when I got the news that she was gonna have the kid, but now since she decided not to I'm feeling great.
I was not feeling very good in the days leading up to it. It also happened so fast. Like contacted her in the morning, and she said she could meet up at a hotel in bussing distance with me in the afternoon and it all happened so quickly that it still has me bewildered.
Thank you.
I might paint something else and post here, but I don't want to be known as the guard player who would one day tell his kid at said kid's wedding while drunk that "I paid your mom, and we conceived you in a hotel room, but I think things have worked out just fine."
No problem. I thought it was gonna be months from now.
I don't think I have learned my lesson as I kinda wanna fuck again, but I'm an ugly mug sooooo....
Yep turned out all clean somehow. I must have a lot of bullets like pic related. I might not be so lucky next time so I'll be careful if I decide to do it again. Its a big if. So maybe my lesson is learned.
She spooked me that's for sure. I was pretty stern in that she wouldn't see any money unless the kid was beyond reasonable doubt mine.
Me too.
If GW ever make a xeno merc/menagerie codex like Imperial agents im sure they'd appear there. It's good to know we do have a canon source that Blanks are not human exclusive, just like psykers aren't
Being gay doesn't count anon. You just circumvented the problem all together.
Nta but I am thankful for my homosexuality letting me avoid womemes
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Ohai, /40kg/! What would a chapter based on gif related look like, huh?
Iron Warriors.
iron hands are literally like this
they seethe thinking the imperium refused to help them during and after the dropsite massacre when even the most sympathetic remembrancers say the opposite
>No, it wasn't.
It was. Ther have 20+ novels and books that feature the Tau since 3rd edition. There is no mention of the ridge in the head of the Ethereals and art of Etthereals does not have it.
>that was the case in xenology and the first tau codex too, it was a mere hypothesis, but the exact workings and extent were unknown
No. They were investigating it. We just got the conclusion.

>basic as shuriken weaponry
They have psychic triggers
>but I don't want to be known as the guard player who would one day tell his kid at said kid's wedding while drunk that "I paid your mom, and we conceived you in a hotel room, but I think things have worked out just fine."
You already said you have some spacenam.
So is it basically impossible to have /yourdudes/ in an existing chapter? Because there's always 10 UM companies for example, right?
Yeah I had some Imperial Guard spacenam. I sold them off for dirt cheap. I was really getting ready for paying child support.
But in a way I did clear my 3d printed backlog by purging it so now I feel like I have a fresh start for the next year.
You can, but you basically have to go helmet-less. Or for the Ultramarines, anything outside of the 1st and 2nd Companies are basically OC territory since no one paints their UM’s with purple/green/orange/blue trim.
What is wrong with just doing a /yourdudes/ successor.
I'm not gay, I'm just extremely autistic.
And psychic ammo. Iirc Bright Lances have become a meme among the Admech because so many of them have blown up trying to reverse engineer them
yuck lmao
Is lamentranny your new ben?
yes, lamentranny made fun of his stuff a few weeks ago
Oh boy were in for months of this shit, aren't we

no it’s concept art for unmade Dune movie
>What is wrong with just doing a /yourdudes/ successor.
That's gayer than you three appletinis deep at the gloryhole
nomodels tranny post
>have this exact model
>check under the pauldron to see how I did it
>I also missed painting the upper arm
No……my 10 VPs……….
Have you tried not reading BL shit?
If you aren't coming up with a /yourdudes/ chapter you've missed the point of 40k. Painting an entire army in an official colour scheme is the apex of NPC behaviour.
Still cooler than anything Krieg,casual, scion, or whatever is in the astra milicums range.
I was legitimately asking you what the difference is for you personally. Successors gain access to all the same wargear, and many of them aren't all that different in their colour schemes from their progenitor chapters. Realistically there's nothing stopping you from painting your marines the way you want and just saying their a crusade company or some shit, but at that point there's almost no functional differences between that and a successor

28 isn’t old you faggot
>expecting anything muhreens related shit not suck
Are you retarded anon?
I just don’t think the sangtwink can have a single interesting faction
Angels Penitent are cool for being ultra edgelords full of guilt and Angels Encarmine are unique since both their Death Company and Sanguinary Guard wear ivory white instead of black.
post your non-marine models
every single blood angels chapter is infinitely more interesting than any other faction in the setting
So pick one of the other chapters successors you dingus, it was just an example
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I don't remember saying anything about his stuff, but maybe I did I dunno
28 is ancient grandpa
Inquisition update.
>generic Inquisitor model
>Stormtroopers with loads of special weapons, able to be put in Inquisitorial Chimeras, able to be lead by Inquisitors, Navigators, and Preachers
>six different full size upgrade sprues of random Inquisition parts, including different arms/cloaks/heads/gear that are all compatible with the generic Inquisitor and Stormtroopers
thanks for coming to my presentation
Can't post what you don't own I suppose. Concession accepted
Space marine subfactions should be squatted.
Sisters, grey knights and other misc imperial armies should be one codex
Squat Imp Agents and replace them with Rogue Traders that can poach squads from every faction that isn't chaos, nids, or gsc
Yes I know they have a squad in IA but that isn't good enough
I play Mantis Legion, where is your God (Emprah) now?
Fuck off edgcoc
>painting my Nids in Leviathan because I just really love purple
Any chance of Fabius Bile getting into Emperor's Children once the army gets released? I read the first 5 books of HH and know him as the chief apothecary of the legion but his current iteration is that he's his own thing.
If every race was as fleshed out as humanity would it make the setting too big?
Add some extra element to the colour scheme, make it a splinter tendril of the leviathan hive fleet! There's still time to bring the /yourbugs/ out from them!
Well, I'm making the pale skin more of a lavender? I was already coming up with autistic headcanons about them based on my very limited lore knowledge, so that fits.
Was already low, only flufflets thought otherwise, and that in spite of him already being in the CSM codex while Lucius and Noise Marines were shuffled to a temporary pdf. Now that he got a christmas detachment for CSM, the chances are essentially zero.
Yes, the imperium and chaos humans (i.e. not pure daemons) are more than half the armies
Contrary to what you may believe, one anon is not responsible for every post that annoys your delicate ass
In terms of fluff? 40k is already too big for almost anyone to have a solid and up to date sense of the entirety of it, and it could be argued that's a strength of the ip. I'd say there's no such thing as 'too big' a setting.
It’s not anyone’s fault you were born with a dick, don’t take it out on the world.
In terms of lore, no. In terms of models? Probably yeah.
Zero. Read the modern stuff he stars in, has no connection to his legion anymore.
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>Well, I'm making the pale skin more of a lavender?
This is minimally sufficient to count for a splinter fleet.
>I was already coming up with autistic headcanons about them based on my very limited lore knowledge, so that fits.
This is sufficient to count for proof of a functional soul.

Just come up with a name for them and you're all set.
>Just come up with a name for them and you're all set.
>Just come up with a name for them and you're all set.
Actually way ahead of you. I've been thinking of them as splinter fleet Baphomet, since the modern-day Church of Satan uses the Hebrew letters for "Leviathan" to ring the goat head in their symbol.
I'm a GSC main and have decided to get a few Tyranids for the Grotmas detachment. I'm using proxies from the Iron Hive range of 3rd party models to give them a biomechanical horror vibe. Most things seem straightforward, but I'm not really happy with my options for ripper swarms from my parasite of mortrex. Giving enemy infantry the Alien treatment with chest bursters doesn't really fit the vibe I'm going for, as the salvaged biotech-horror monsters wouldn't exactly be growing up that way. Should I use D&D Intellect Devourers instead, as the parasite gives the brain the ability to hear the Patriarch and later be implanted into future biotech-horrors? Should I condemn myself to creating models representing an infantry meat slurry of parts, in a style similar to The Thing or Halo's Flood swarms, as the infection process causes sudden mutation and the body just can't expand fast enough? Maybe just cheap out and use metal ooze piles as nanomachines or some shit? I'm torn
Does the hive mind give the magus the puffy lips and psykik abilities?
Best I can do is an autopistol
A lot of the Imperial content is just going over the same few factions wtih no real change or reveals. Its imperials vs chaos or xenos, with very little to no attention to the Imperium vs Imperium fights that should make up the new bulk of overall conflicts within the Imperium. Planatery governors warring aganist each other, with rogue trader dynasties, greiacnes with high ranking members of the other institutions of the Adeptus Terra and all of them fighting and competeting with each other as well. Dark Eldar need more attention, theres a lot you could do with them since they are main non chaos/daemon technology innovatators. Necrons can't create new stuff since they're beyond science, darkmech are daemons, bile is chaos etc
Dark Eldar as twisted fae pact Faustian saviors, arms dealers, king makers, and monkey paw wish granters is really an underutilized angle for them
>tfw my xenos are basically humanity at this point
Imperials can't stop consuming all the fresh organic, non-gmo foodstuffs and medicine produced by their greatest allies, the Genestealer Cults
ill never understand gsc players lmao
they're the best xenos faction, simple as
This, but all Xenos players
They're not even the best army with Genestealers. Or cultists.
nah they are by the far least interesting
uh oh nidNPC and eldar melties
they are the best because its a necromunda faction
They're just chaos cultists just with ayylmaos instead of ebil magic its really not that complicated
gsc by far has the weakest thematic units
>assuming you're either a marine or guard player
When in doubt remember they're nobly playing the "bad guys" so that you can fulfill your heroic fantasy of defending the Imperium.
You really need to learn how the reply function works
No that would be craftworld eldar
>implying im gonna give (You)s to GSC players lmao
GSc has cornered themselves into being miners, I wish we had more strains and flavors
gsc still looks cooler than eldari or any space marines that arent chaos
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You probably don't understand much about people.
By the way, how would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
Inner circle companions mog gsc
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Do you like the works of HPL? Shadow over Innsmouth and weird fish-men and what not? Do you like Carpenter's The Thing? I know I do and that's why I picked GSC as my first army. I'm gonna finish the combat patrol today.
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How do we make Imperial Agents not "kill team soup" without outright deleting them
those helmets alone make them a joke
Hooded helmets are kino
Like GSC models, malnourished and weak
but enough about eldar and tau
Add Tempestus Scions and Leman Russes.
Sanguinius died? I didnt even know he was sick
The posted pic about dark eldar abducting a nwhole planet really played into them being monkey paw wish granters, although it ended with a whole planet being tortured to death or having their flesh scuplted. But There's a lot of room for other outcomes and other deals
He ate too much at Horus' party last night
Eldar are as fleshed out as they're gonna be, unless a Tolkien tier autist starts writing everything from in-universe poetry in Eldar runes about the visions of a farseer, to how a wraithbone ceramic potter cares for his favorite gyrinx. And as entertaining as that would be, nobody would pay for it.
This really has been a Warhammer: 40,000
Anon, these are really cool. I love their color scheme. That rich burgandy on the vehicle is especially peak.
They're brainwashed cultist terrorists with big urban warfare trucks and big monsters. The only thing more based than that is hand-converted traitor guard.
>urban warfare
>its a mining truck
looks like someone stole your brain
mining town
you lose fag
I walked through blood and bones in the streets of Eternity trying to find my brother. He was on Vostroya
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Thanks. Main colors are Barak-Nar Burgundy & Lupercal Green. I had a spare Naggaroth Night from the intro set that I used for the Tyraniddy carapace parts, Slaanesh Grey for the skin. I used VGC Tan for the skin but it's really tanned as the name suggested, so I probably need to use a lighter color to highlight. I'll continue working on them and get proper photos a proper camera and light.
If only the trucks had wheels to get around places.
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Scions yes, Russ no. The main issue as I see it is a lack of good solid battleline units. Nobody wants an army of.. Navy Breachers? Arbites? Embrace the fact that its just Inquisition: the faction and accept that the other kill teams are just along for the ride. Lean heavy on inspiration from Codex: Daemonhunters and Witch Hunters.

Plus, ditch Sisters and Grey Knights and Deathwatch as their own factions, pull it all in and do it right not like the abortion that we have now. I'm probably the only person here to actually have an Agents army as it currently stands lmao.
>ditch Sisters as their own faction
absolute FUCKING heresy
I like Terminators as a concept, but painting terminators has been a chore so far lmao. Like every model has “character” level bits and detail to it as opposed to regular Marines.
>Ditch Sisters
I am your enemy
Terminators are veterans atleast in 40k and have always sort of been like that even back to space hulk.

I think primaris kinda solved the issue since gravis is a heavy armor set for standard troops
They are acomplished veterans, with chapters most prized relic armor. They by all means are characters. This is why you have some terminators in 1st company and only Dark Angels have enough terminator armors to equip entire first company. In opposition to "regular marines" that you have 9 full companies of.
Alright fuck it then, no assembly line process I’ll paint each one with the care of a character then.
Finally got myself some non GW white paint (Vallejo Dead White). Hopefully this stuff is the ticket.
I wish they updated Combat Patrol, introduced newer missions and mechanics. I heard good stuff about AoS' Spearhead. Maybe in the 11th ed.
I got Model Color white and it's alright, but everyone swears by ProAcryls's Titanium White.
Dunno if I'll get the answers I need, but I want to make an army of dinosaur-riding Space Marines kitbashing Seraphon models with Muhreens. Are the stegadon and ankylodon the right sizes to take on the roles of the standard primaries tanks? And are the raptadons and aggradons the right size to sub in for bikes?
>I like Terminators as a concept, but painting terminators has been a chore so far lmao.
Be glad you didn't choose to play Chaos if you feel that way.
Loyalist Termies (even with chapter-specific addons) aren't even close to the level of bits and bobs that Chaos terminators have.
look up the most recent space hulk terminators, at one point in time people would try to build armies with em
I feel like Combat Patrols would eventually lose their appeal as discount boxes if they rebalanced it. I’d almost prefer rules for sub 1000 points, maybe 750 or even 500 and maybe heavy vehicle restrictions.
everybody's rushing to get their last few models ready for their end of year spreads in 3 days right?
Aggradona are the right size for bikes, none of the others fit quite right.
What makes AoS so bad?
Because those models look cool, it feels like the GW guys doing sculpts much prefer aos over 40k
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I like playing against GSC, any army that lets me kill their units several times is fine in my book. It’s a shame that they’re so rare as an army. I’ve only seen one 2k army of them painted in real life and that was when I stopped in at a store to watch some tournament that was going on.
I had a similar idea starting out. One day I still hope to convert a stormdrake into a speeder or one of the sm jets.
I would fucking kill for a proper combat patrol game mode to support 500~ point play and below.
Knights are a fag army for fags who like acting faggy
Seems a little unrelated to my post but fair opinion.
Sorry, I saw a Knight and got angry. I agree that GSC is cool.
So in the new Necromunda book its said that the Squats are/were Votann kin but bound to the planet and cut off from the rest have started reproducing naturally again. Neat.
You have some of the worst painted marines I've ever seen but I respect the freehand. Invest in #00 and #000 brushes
so since demons are going with the traitor legions, can we expect all horrors in the thousand combat patrol?
>wanted to buy some gutrippa flesh today at the lgs
>They only had one pot
>The pot was completely separated and had this solid white gunk at the bottom that didnt go away no matter how I shaked it
Why are you completely incapable of using the reply function
He's not replying to anybody, subhuman
Unless you got the old formula you got tricked by old reviews. Should've bought proacryl
Thats not a seraphon model
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Nothing. It's all just a shitpost by salty warhammer fantasy grogs. Aos is a lot of fun to both paint and play
They're better than anything you've ever painted, because you have painted nothing
If you keep shaking it, it'll eventually come together. All the contrasts high in white separate like that. A vortex mixer can bring it back, or you can also stick a mixing ball I'm there, pop it in am old sock, and then pinch the sock in a power drill and just spin it for like 20 minutes straight
I didnt buy it, I just kinda hope they'll have another batch sometime soon. I dont even really need it desu I have more than enough green paints to paint some ork skin with.

I really should get some mixing balls though, I find myself thinking "Damn I wish I had something to stir this paint with" quite often. The powerdrill tip sounds nice too ill keep it in mind.
Shalaxi helbane is such a pretty model but I cant stand the dual gendered tits. I wish there was an option to have either 2 female, 2 male, or the standard mix. I just find it so weird, i know its perfectly in theme for slaanesh but still.
green stuff the other tit for the futa.
I dont have the model, and even if I did I dont have the skills to kitbash a fucking fish let alone a tit worthy of slaanesh.
>Damn I wish I had something to stir this paint with" quite often.
Glass beads from Michael's work great.
>The powerdrill tip sounds nice too ill keep it in mind.
Only do this with unopened pots unless you want to clean paint off your ceiling. You could probably wrap them up in elastic bands but don't hold me responsible if you spin an old pot in the drill and fire paint so far up your nose that it leaks out your ears
A fish would prolly be harder to sculpt than a tit, but I think you could do it even as a first time sculptor
If you're gonna commit to the futa bit you might as well go all out and sculpt her extra tit and her "equipment" at the same time
God I wish I could sculpt. I bought all of the meme tools and extra fine milliput and I can't even make a convincing rock.
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You just have to let go, and not care what anyone thinks
In the case of that model, you can't ruin that which is already trash.
The fact that you thought you were still arguing with your personal boogeyman says a lot about your mental state kek
What are you trying to sculpt anon? Are you making sure to sculpt against a solid surface and not trying to sculpt whole heads out of a ball made entirely of soft putty
Post your favorite fat blue asses
I want her to hold my hand and sit on my face
You're mom when it's cold
I tried to start small and make some simple weapons like maces and morningstars, couldn't even manage that. Then I literally tried to just make a rock and even that looked like shit
Makes are so retarded looking why would you want to sculpt that
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State mandated blue gf if you join the Tau

its a solid game. plays fast, matches are usually punchy and swing back and forth, blowouts and hard counters are pretty rare. good model variety but also higher points costs so armies are cheaper than 40k by almost half. lore has gotten much better over the last few editions, especially since the c7 RPG soulbound fleshed out the world. also the small game format spearhead is quite good.

its got its problems, sure, but so has every edition of a warhammer game for the last 30 years.
Should I make a new thread since we’ve resorted to tau posting
Not yet I need more pics for my fat blue asses folder
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So next loyal primarchs to return will be Khan and Corax. Say something nice about them.
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i play GSC, and there is definitely a reason they are so rare despite the fantastic model range.

one of the most expensive armies in the game to collect, incredibly high skill floor, and rules that seem to change completely 3-4 times an edition, all on top of a typically middling to low winrate historically and on the hobbying side the sheer disposable cheapness of their units means painting a full 2k army can be quite the task, easily over 100 models in many lists.

its definitely an army with a laundry list of reasons not to collect it. i love them, but if i didnt get them off a swap market/secondary markets in some savvy deals (4k pts for $400usd, including multiples of every character), i dont know if i still would have collected them. it would have cost me easily 3x what i paid even with 15% flgs discounts.
Nope, it's Russ, then the Sanguinor ascended
White scars have cool heraldry and I'm sure khan had something to do with their heraldry choices
Russ will not return. GW and BL already told that.
Cope harder
They didn't say that and he will return because space wolves are an actual model range.
And you listened to them.
Shouldn’t brood brothers make it easy to collect by just shoving 3 russes in your list
Corax and Khan are next. Russ will return when GW decide to end 40k like they did with FB.
They also stated that Space Marines are all male
Times change old man
>Corax and Khan are next
No, they aren't, they are irrelevant primarchs
How about you instead post about whatever you like instead of being a faggot throoder.
You all deserve a permaban for shitting up /tg/ and /40kg/
Nope, they have an upgrade sprue and a single character each, they'll never get their primarchs
>playing the gay detachment
NTA, but as a former guard player turned GSC main, Brood Brother detachment just felt like a less fun, diet IG Combined Arms detachment with a couple cool GSC guys hanging around
People do care about Khan and WS. Corax and Khan will be excellent cashgrabs. But people hate Russ and wolves. So think about what would be the best option for GW.
I prefer thicc asses of the imperial variety
nobody wants a furry bird loyalist daemon primarch or a big asian on a bike covered in dark eldar tattoos
>People do care about Khan and WS
Not enough for their chapters to have their own ranges, so they don't get to have their own primarch centerpiece.
Space Wolves are the fifth most popular marines
white scars and raven guard aren't even in the top twenty
When will the GSC get their primarch?
>but they're Tyran-
Implying one of the missing primarchs didn't create the Tyranids and actually is the Four-Armed Emperor
>big asian on a bike covered in dark eldar tattoos
You are wrong. It's exactly what people want. After Chris Wraights books Khan become a beloved character.
yeah show me all those white scars armies out there
oh wait
>inb4 40k Fast and the Furious movie starring The Rock as Khan
>It's exactly what people want
We've got at least one anon with a space wolves army in this thread.
While we gave got zero anons with a white scars army in this thread.

Being beloved by secondaries on reddit doesn't mean shit.
>Space Wolves are the fifth most popular marines
Not anymore. SW are a source for furry jokes nothing more. Nobody plays them in 40k and 30k. I haven't even seen a single person who has a miniature of Russ in 30k.
then you're a blind retard who believes memes he reads on 1d6 are reality
Memes don't appear out of the blue. SW and Russ are just terrible, and even GW understands that now. They won't fix them, they'll just avoid them by advancing other armies. And the White Scars perfectly occupy the niche of the legion/chapter of noble barbarians.
The space wolf in my pants is covered in white scars
How do I get a Nid gf?
Yet nobody in these threads plays white scars while several people play space wolves
>in these threads
Because they play the actual game and not sit in these threads. I suppose it's SW-retards who don't play the game and just post random shit here.
Surf oviposition fetish forums and be open to being pegged
I can work with that. Got a forum in mind? Besides this one, of course.
I haven't been on a real forum since like 2007. I miss when weird ultra-niche toasterfucker fetish forums had their own entire websites instead of just boards/generals/subplebbits.
Anybody have the pdf for the CSM Codex?

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