Ferrobeast Edition>Balance Dataslatehttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/chwd2fdd/warhammer-40000-balance-dataslate-deep-strikes-and-ap-in-the-crosshairs/>Community Links:https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/>3rd Party Models Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/Q33bkBUh>Torrent:Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5>10th Edition Rules:https://gofile<dot>io/d/9LvQTLhttps://mega<dot>nz/folder/Em0Rmb7I#4GR-B7y4cu5nCB5QziXM4A>How to make wargames terrainhttps://gofile.io/d/s99zDV>Secret Level animationhttps://gofile.io/d/J7muqs>Previous Thread:>>94683346>Thread Question:when was the last time you had a game that wasn't a bog standard matched play one?
>>94688078>when was the last time you had a game that wasn't a bog standard matched play one?Pre covid
I like orks :)
>>94688093who doesn't, orks is best, 40k would still be 40k even if all the other factions were replaced by more orks.
>>94688078Advice on how to model drool, spit, slime, and other liquid dangling and drooping bits on models? Shit like drool coming from a nid mouth, dripping blood from a daemon's blade, Nurgle slime, etc?
>new imperial and chaos knight models>primaris space wolves with russ>thousand sons psychic automata>grey knight dreadknight add-on and draigo (no range refresh yet)>eldar corsairs expansion >more kill teams for chaos legions that don't get an army >maybe kill teams for marine legions that don't get an army >second wave of vanilla space marines>plastic tyranid scenery pieces>femstode miniature from the animationany other rumors floating around?
>Reintroduce Squats into the lore with a new Visual style that's barely like the old squats>Few years later release proper Squats in NecromundaLol?
>>94688154>tfw no GSCHopefully Necromunda continues to give quality conversions and proxies
>>94688153look no further than uhu glue, even as an absolute retard I was able to make it work once
>>94688155more is more
>>94688161>GSCGo back to your cuck chair
>>94688162Is there a particular type of uhu that's best for this use? I can't imagine that the uhu stick glue would be ideal.
>>94688153Seconding uhu glue
>>94688155No fun allowed in 40kEverything will smooth and primarisified and you will like it
>>94688155>>94688161I wonder if they plan on expanding the malstrain to a similar extent as the squats or if they're going to give the full range treatment to something new for necromunda.I think the only glaringly missing things now are scavvies, ratskins, pit slaves, techs and wyrds.
>>94688173I had a random gel tube.What you have to look for is that it's hard to fix mistakes and that the strings can be frail if you make them too thin.
>>94688154>femstode miniature from the animationAren't femstodes just about to be retconned out of the lore again? There's pics of an upcoming official warhammer book floating around that only use male pronouns when referencing to custodes, in addition to words like Brotherhood.
>>94688174>>94688187Let's say I'm doing blood or slime. Should I be mixing in paint with the glue or paint later?
>Grotsmas detachment for guard is all about tempestus units>Brand spanking new tempestus aquilons dropped recently>No aquilon command squad for them to get orders, survivability, and OC power from like their scion brothers
>>94688155Is it possible to play Votann in 40k using the necromunda models? Because those just look so much better.
>>94688190>Aren't femstodes just about to be retconned out of the lore again?Why would they do that?The overwhelming majority of players didn't care about femstodes being added. The only people who had any sort of negative reaction are /pol/ and twitter
>>94688184I would nut so hard if we got more Malstrain models. I got into the cult for the mutant aliens, so what's better than radioactive mutant aliens to proxy in?
>>94688184Ratskins are too on the nose for modern sensibilities so they won't make them.At best you get literal skaven in their place.
>>94688195Not legally
>>94688202>At best you get literal skaven in their placeSkaven are the best fantasy faction, so your terms are acceptable
>>94688192paint later
>>94688190>Aren't femstodes just about to be retconned out of the lore again?Apparently not, some people are just making a big deal out of pronouns for some youtube clicks.Wish they weren't retconned in in the first place, but it is what it is.
>>94688190Nah it's been confirmed by gav Thorpe that the book was in production far before the retcon and he also leaked that there's a miniature coming because he's retarded and can't keep his mouth shut
>>94688196I dunno why, just reporting on the imagines being shared.Personally I only cared about how poorly it was introduced into the lore. Not sure what I was expecting really, recent GW lore has not been great in general.
>>94688207Thanks anon. Now I just need to figure out what the fuck I'm even doing when it comes to basing my guys beyond the black disk
>>94688222Alien 1 brown and black drybrush + gloss varnish
>>94688204Not legally as in won't be able to play in official GW endorsed events? Because I don't give a fuck about that.
>>94688222slime paint followed by black cracked earth?
>>94688195who's going to stop you?
>>94688195I f you even think about putting down a Squat model and saying it's a Votann James will chop off your balls and cast them in resin
>>94688239Then your good bud, have at her
>>94688205>reddit faction
>>94688245damn the frozen methane looks really damn cool
>>94688248Was thinking more about weapons on the models being similar enough and such. Don't fancy having to buy some Votann too just to use the weapons.
>>94688269If we're adding Skaven, we need their brothers, the Norsca, to come too
>>94688284Lizardmen in space when.40k could really use more proper aliens. Too many human and human adjacent armies.
>>94688283>tfw using Ash Wastes Nomads as proxies and having to stick special weapons on themThank the Emperor that Neophyte Hybrids use loosely defined "Hybrid firearms" for their not-lasrifles, so literally anything gun-shaped works
>>94688284>their brothers, the Norscadude, vermintide was the exception, not the rule, unless you're suggesting they make ratskins and/or scavvies and skavengers one supergroup
>>94688297>vermintide was the exception, not the ruleI was actually reminiscing about the early Total War Warhammer games when Norsca couldn't occupy inland settlements. Skaven were literally the perfect allies since they didn't spread any damaging corruption I'd have to slog through and they had no issues being friendly with Norsca
>>94688100>When will the GSC get their primarch?having a special character that represents the very first patriarch born on the moons of ygmarl and now wandering the galaxy (perhaps acting as prophet of the tiamat superstructure) would make for a terrific big piece.
>>94688291>Lizardmen in space when.soon
>>94688307Getting big Dracula vampire vibes from that model. I love it
>inb4 we get official Catgirl guard regiment models before space Skaven or space lizardmen
>>94688320You say that like it's a bad thing
>>94688320There's unironically a higher chance GW will do lgbtq+ space marines than catgirls
>>94688334But Emperor's Children are guaranteed to come next year.
>>94688332Furries are bad, so yes it is.>>94688334>inb4 that space marine and knight maid cafe shitpost becomes official
>>94688345>Furries are badHow so?
>>94688341>Wait no, that's not the representation we want!
>>94688334>implying marines aren't already gay
>>94688345Cat ears on a normal lady doesn't make it a furry but okay
>>94688347They just are. Sorry man, I don't make the rules. Take that shit up with the Emperor.
>>94688334>implying marines aren't already trans(human)
>>94688349That's exactly the representation I want.
i am two models away from having a fully painted army (:
>>94688347They carry diseases and sacrifice children to their capricious gods.
>>94688357No you aren't, you don't have any models
>>94688357are the two models knight titans?
>>94688357post your army so far anon
>>94688368>this post is extremely low quality
>>94688369it's these two fellas, i'm going to run one as skulltaker and the other as a daemon princejust waiting on my recaster to come through with the goods (:
>>94688307That's a sweet idea. I feel like that model and idea of a patriarch wandering the galaxy makes him a 40k stand in for Ushoran. Might be a cool idea there
>>94688154>primaris space wolves with russGoddamit! Where do you get the nonsense about Russ? It's just a planned upgrade of wolves by primaris.
In an alternate timeline Felinids are the dominant human stain and the emperor is a felinid that creates 20 felinid primarchs that lead millions of felinid astartes
>>94688386Pretty good niggas, especially that herald.Godspeed.
>>94688393In this setting are ogryns still bit humans or are they big catboys?
>>94688391Russ is inevitable, regardless of whether he's coming with the wolves update or slightly later with the campaign books at the end of the edition.
>>94688197The malstrains don't have anything close to the level of kits the squats got, so I think they might get something.>brood scums on hybrid horses (plastic)>1st-2nd generation hybrids (plastic)>the fattened patriarch on throne (resin)>2 other random resin characters imagine
>>94688407People have been saying the same thing each edition, right up until the new SW codex dropped. It didn't happen then, it's not gonna happen now.
>>94688418>>brood scums on hybrid horsesI don't care if it's stealing a unit concept from muties, scavvies or gorkamorka, genecults deserve this shit.
>>94688418Their broodlord is confirmed alive but highly elusive, so we could get a malstrain broodlord
>>94688407Russ will return in the end times not sooner. End of story. So Russ will have to wait 20-30 years.
>>94688421You've been listening to the wrong people then.
>>94688427It is the end times, fuegan is assembling the phoenix lords and the galaxy is literally split in half.
>>94688443Is Drazhar meant to be with all the other phoenix lords during Rhana Dandra
>>94688106I don't really see the appeal of literal retards using random junk as equipment desu. Green skin sounds like fun to paint though
>>94688443No it's not.
Post models
>>94688481Postin bikes, wish I’d realised the dark vengeance bikes had the shoulders attached but did some scarring across the chapter symbol
>>94688481Are the arms supposed to look like that
>>94688485you could fit a fucking coin inside that gap
>>94688493Piggy bank
Anybody have the pdf for the CSM Codex?
>>94688481Ok I'll post em but I warn you I'm a degenerate when it comes to storageI really need to finish this army. One good push and I could probably get it done over a few weekends once my arm fully heals
>>94688518Like I said, degenerate And yes. There is an army in the shoebox
Is there a Chaos God with sacred number 12? Or is it reserved for Emprah once he moves his sacred rotten arse from a throne and becomes a Chaos God of humanity?
>>94688525Only sacred numbers to chaos gods are 6,7,8 and 9 for the major 4 gods. Every other number is fair game for headcanon
>not a single Eldar or Votann model made the bestsellers listLmaooo
>>94688527A certain Horned Rat has number 13.
>>94688529>>94688532You posted it.
>>94688532Sloptubers are those that talk about the fluff without having any models, like the fucking secondaries they are.Auspex tactics at leasts talks about the game and rules. His channel may be a collection of powerpoints and still has more relevant information than loretubers.
>>94688539He's more of a 40k news channel than a sloptube channel. He mostly just recites facts, data, leaks, and community articles. His service is practically required these days given how fucking bad the new warcom site is
>>94688529>fucking Aggressors outsell Termis>Terminators at 12th>Aggressor at 8thWtf? But /tg/ told me that Gravis was a flop? Why did you guys lie to me?
>>94688549Sales=Table performance>>>>>>>>>>>>>model quality
>>94688155Old squats were dogshit that no one liked.Even these retards look nothing like the old squats.
Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
>>94688190>Aren't femstodes just about to be retconned out of the lore again?No, they aren't.The DK book is something that was made years ago and was sent to the printers in china ages ago before this female custodes shit started to become a thing.
>>94688556I thought most people painting warhammer don't even play, why would they give a fuck about table performance over aesthetics
>>94688563I think Gravis armor looks pretty dope
>>94688563Nobody buying Gravis gives a fuck about aesthetics.The only marine players who truly give a shit about aesthetics are shit with custom ranges like black templars and dark angels
>>94688213>and he also leaked that there's a miniature coming because he's retarded and can't keep his mouth shutHe's just jankin' GW's chain.Also Gav literally just said "Oh yeah, there's a model coming for them/for 1 character" which isn't much to go off of, all we know it's likely a female custodes.And the truth of the matter is that Custodes are in for range refresh anyway, the current custodes models were released during burning of prospero in like 2013-2015. And they are in for a range refresh so GW can update them to the correct scale.
>>94688078Do Chaos or dark admech mass produce something similar to these robots from the x-men series? I think a flying daemon engine is way scarier than a normal Khorne berzerker.
>>94688481This fucking sucks
>>94688418GW should make a Malstrain hivefleet.Make it a rogue hivefleet that attacks everything and corrupts other tyranids by spreading like cancer.
>>94688525the emperor and sigmar and jews have 12
>>94688578No. Could they in a headcanon? YesI'm partial to the chaos robotic wurm daemon engines another anon thought up a few months back. Infecting ships ruin and waiting to burst out of them like parasitic wasp larvae from a catepillar to hunt prey, used as worms to burrow beneath enemy defences, its good shit
>get halfway through painting something>sits there for a week or two>move onto something elseHow do I stop this from happening? Surely depression isn't the cause of this painting laziness
>>94688578>mass produceno, but flying demon engines are a thing
>>94688578>Do Chaos or dark admech mass produce something similar to these robots from the x-men series?No.>I think a flying daemon engine is way scarierHeldrake.
Do you ever post your dudes somewhere? Do you have a gallery of them?
>>94688567I am sorry to inform you that whatever is going on in your head cannot legally, medically, or morally be considered 'thinking'.
>>94688594No. When I made the decision to post my shit on here, I also made the decision never to post it anywhere else, because I know what schizo autists on here are capable of
>anon... come to the ship, the emperor is not there.
>>94688594I just have a folder where I keep all the pictures of my minis. I used to post them you-know-where for some dopamine but I got tired of taking seperate pictures to avoid triggering resident schizos
>>94688549Lots of people already have terminators from the Leviathan box, like myself, so they dont need to buy more.
>>94688606I'm waiting for the assault terminator box personally. It's kind of insane it's taken this long
>>94688517Daaaamn, that's some NICE checkerboarding on the one in the top right there!
>>94688587Sounds cool.>>94688591>>94688593Yeah but heldrakes are fuckhuge while those guy are roughly marine-sized.
Choose your inquisitor warband
>>94688618>tfw the guy no longer posts here because some autists got triggered he posts on reddit and instagram
>>94688612I used a mechanical pencil to sketch out nice clean lines before painting. Made it much easier to get straight lines, and you can just paint right over the pencil marks no problem
I'd like to kitbash my firewarriors so all of them carry a short-range disposable RPG or equivalent. Do you know of a good source for them? Obviously it is just for aesthetic purposes, but I wonder if the Tau would use missiles or ion weapons for short-range, mass-produced, disposable anti-tank weapons for your average infantry squad to defend themselves against light vehicles and tanks.
>>94688529>autism tactics I don’t think there’s a channels appeal I understand less than this. PowerPoints which are barely informative and mostly just rounding up warhammer community article's
Rolled 4 (1d6)>>94688618I love how conveniently they are all organized into 6 different warbands. Gonna try this dice rolling feature and I hope I do it right. It just occurred that I may have only done it once or twice over the course of a long time.
>>94688624That was you, lamentersanon.
>>94688624Didn't he post that updated pic here like last week?
>>94688567It works on the intercessors, but it doesn't work on the aggressorsthe inceptors have fucked up feet but the blast shield works wonders the issues with gravis must be the beer-gut plates and the way the silhouette can get overburdened when the designer uses it as an excuse to throw way too much shit on the limbs of the modelstor garadon for example works because it balances the heavy as fuck fist with an otherwise free arm instead of giving it another fuckhueg weapon there
>>94688630do you have a 3d printer?
>I heard there are some heretics here and they are behaving too... bad. *lash*
>>94688618I choose the xenos inquisitor band All my homies are xenos inquisitors
>>94688632ay I did it!I guess I'm stuck with number 4. All your models are great. If I had to pick a favorite from the number 4 warband I'd probably say the Pariah Familiar is my favorite out of that warband. Just has a neat blend of grimdarkness and adorableness to him if that makes sense. Keep up the good work on those models, anon!
>>94688640I know someone who does.
>>94688630>Obviously it is just for aesthetic purposesBeing inspired by NATO, it will be very fitting that one rifleman per squad carries a disposable antitank
>>94688529>Gladiator at #1Huhhh?????????? There's no fucking way the Gladiator is the topselling moddl
>>94688616Closest thing to small flying demon engines are these things, but they're still way larger than marines
How do you paint an overheated barrel effect, /40kg/? I have an airbrush if needed
>>94688658while the closes things in general are the votann drones
Hello does anyone have the full Imperial Agents codex pdf? I know they're a crap army but I kinda want see it anywayIs the anon who sent the BA, GSC and SOB codexes still here
>>94688645then that will be by far the cheapest and easiest option, you could probably get a hundred or more in a single print, a decent resin printer is perfect for little accessory pieces like this.
Did the camo armour trend end with 1st edition? I'm painting an older metal model with mk7 armour and I'm not sure if I want to do camo or split two colors down the middle
>>94688659>overheated barrel effectLike pic related?Video tutorial by Lord Duncan of the Rhodes.https://youtu.be/H1FU92H6VO0?t=1170
>>94688624He's a ukrainian war grifter.
>>94688642All inquisitors are xenos inquisitors, it's comes with being an inquisitor and doing inquisitorial jobs.
>>94688665>Is the anon who sent the BA, GSC and SOB codexes still heremaybbehttps://gofile.io/d/6aQeyM
>>94688671Something like that, I was gonna try do it for a big shoota to see how it looks. I'll give that a try when I get the chance, thanks anon
>>94688677Not every inquisitor is part of the ordo xenos.
>>94688687No problem, anon! Good luck on the project!
>>94688106that's alotta dakka
>>94688196> The only people who had any sort of negative reaction are /pol/ and twitternot true, fuck off tourist
>>94688078Why can't you soup chaos cultist with deamond, I don't want a power armored baby sitter
>>94688710because gw wants you to buy marines.if you want cultists supported by monsters play your dudes with the genestealer cult codexbrood brothers detachment if you want imperial guard tanks alongside your cultistsfinal day detachment if you want a winged monster proxied by a demon alongside your cultists
>>94688202>At best you get literal skaven in their place.Which isn't as crazy as it sounds, as Skaven were briefly considered for 40k back when the faction was being first designed (there are a bunch of design sketches for that floating around), and later on the original design of the Hrud sent some strong Skaven implications.
>>94688689But they all have to answer to xeno shit if it appears.
>>94688720Skaven are never coming to 40k. GW doesn't want competing armies across systems. And skaven literally got an entire range refresh in AoS this year, and that hammers the final nail in the coffin for them.And even then Hrud also wont be in 40k because no one gives a shit about them and even then Hrud are just rotting corpse humans that look like Swamp Monsters that look nothing like skaven.
>>94688722but they aren't TRVE xenos inquisitors
Would an army of only cherubs be viable? What faction would have no moral issue slaughtering thousands of these things?
>>94688729>GW doesn't want competing armies across systemsWhich is why necromunda just released a full range of squats while 40k has a full range of votann.Clearly you are sitting at the far end of the telephone game.
>>94688453it’s fun and cartoony and contrasts the rest of the factions and acts like comic relief, their tactics are retarded yet effective, they can turn teleportation and force field generators to weaponsPlus the way they just pop out through moss into an environment suited for them and start killing is fun
>>94688734Noone would have moral issues.
>MFW the Krieg player starts talking about history.
>>94688078>Thread Question:>when was the last time you had a game that wasn't a bog standard matched play one?did a bunch of theme missions in a narrative campaign in 8th ed, was good times
>>94688334>Implying marines aren't already queer and tranny
>>94688747krieg players barely know their factions lore, let alone history
>>94688747>MFW the Tau player starts talking about anime.
>>94688202I thought wasteland nomads had replaced ratskins as the 'native pre-imperial faction' but with more 'lisan al gaib' and less 'pow wow'.
>>94688782nah, they're two separate groups.
>>94688747>>94688767>MFW the Black Templars player starts talking about the crusades.
>>94688767Reminder that Jes Goodwin is an actual weeb and anime did inspire the Tau according to Gav Thorpe's AMAhttps://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/b3pc01/qa_with_gav_thorpe/?rdt=40090
>>94688792>Eldar woman have anime girl mannerisms confirmed
>>94688792>patlaborI need to watch that anime someday.Currently watching LOtGH and it has me wondering how effective the space fleet formations would be and how well they would work in the 40k universe.
>>94688797he was talking about power rangers and evangelion
>MFW the Space Wolves player starts talking about how the SW aren't furries.
>>94688481Absolute dogshit pic of a WIP
>>94688797>tfw no tsundere harlequin gf to play pranks and get up to hijinks withwhy even live
>>94688767>>94688792>Read the Shadowsun novel>Farsight and Shadowsun were trained on a mountain called "Mount Kanji"Kek
>>94688736Necromunda is an irrelevant sidegame that doesn't compete with 40k, nevermind that people who buy necromunda shit lot of the time buy to use it within 40k, and GW knows this.You are not getting skaven because skaven are already in AoS.And we already saw GW removing the Beasts of Chaos from AoS, only for them to port them into TOW to pad out its army roster.If GW supposedly didn't care about this and was fine with cross system compatability then GW would've left Beasts of Chaos into AoS while simultaneusly adding them into TOW.But they didn't do that.
MFW the Severan Dominate fanboy starts talking about the Severan Dominate.
>>94688764>krieg players barely know their factions loreI figured this would be the case as they subscribe to the 40k lore telephone. I'll admit I never actually sat down and read my siege of vraks pdf. Wasn't there a time when a a Krieg regiment got routed? When I first heard of it I thought it was a good addition to Kriegers because it still reminds us that there is some humanity in them.
>>94688804this but 40kg skaven fans who want skaven in 40k
>>94688819>You are not getting skaven because skaven are already in AoS.And we're never getting squats because dwarfs are in AoS, and we're never getting orks because orcs are in AoS, and we're never getting beastmen because beastmen are in AoS/TOW... GW's games are absolutely stuffed with armies that have clear parallels between their different settings.>If GW supposedly didn't care about this and was fine with cross system compatabilityCross system compatibility is completely different to having armies sharing the same base inspiration between settings and if you think that whatever 40k Skaven might end up looking like would be even remotely compatible with AoS Skaven then you are off your meds.
>>94688818>Samurai look really cool>Fire warriors look really cool>Samurai are famed for their specific type of swords and type of fighting, despite being more focused on horse achery than swordsmanship irl>Fire Warriors don't do melee and have symbolic daggers if any close combat weapon at allWhy did GW decide this?
>Kriegers are all about le gas masks>even though most 40k factions don't use chemical weapons besides the Nids, Deldar and NurgleHonestly Krieg should be the ones using chemical weapons. Give them gas grenades and artillery shells so those gas masks actually have a point
>>94688827>Wasn't there a time when a a Krieg regiment got routed?Routed when the renegades counter-attacked with malcadors, which annihilated the krieg meat wave assaults
>>94688836GW could have done something cool like give us more MELEE BATTLESUITS but nooooooooooInstead we get some ugly green bird people. Hope the kroot line flopping makes them rethink their choices
>>94688840>thinks le gas masks are just for le chemical weapons>doesn't remember about le poison gas worldsngmi
>>94688844>GW could have done something cool like give us more MELEE BATTLESUITS but noooooooooo>Instead we get some ugly green bird people. Hope the kroot line flopping makes them rethink their choices
>>94688836Because GW liked the Samurai aesthetic but wanted the Tau to use modern combined arms warfare, making them appear more progressive and forward-thinking when contrasted against how ridiculous and anachronistic everyone else in the setting is.
>>94688836The tau represents everything feminine.>ranged attack.>pacifism.>fragility.>vaginas instead of noses.
>>94688836How do samurai come into this? Taus are more Chinese than Japanese inspired.
>>94688860>pacifism.Women rulers are 60% more likely to start wars, chud.
>>94688841I need to sit my ass down and read the Vraks PDF I have someday. Problem is I don't feel like reading it now.
>>94688844I dunno about melee mechs, feels very chaosy/orky/imperial than Tau like. I like how the Tau are physcially weaker and smaller than the average human in 40k (who might be stunted like medieval peasants compared to us due to lack of nutrients and food availability) so they shun melee when they're inferior at it. They could be into melee but it wont get them victory, but still they can try to win in melee a little guy fighting aganist a bigger opponent like how the Tau are smaller than the Imperium but fight aganist it.
>>94688650It's hardly unique. The Soviets/Russians do it too. It is pretty sensible thing to do. Now, I wonder what a LMG for the Tau would look like.
>>94688867Virtually all of those wars were defenise pre-emptive ones aganist male rivals and claiments who were planning a war first
>>94688863>>94688792The Fire Caste are pretty much the Samurai class.
>>94688874This is the most female thing I've read all day.
>>94688800...women in Super Sentai and Evangelion have some of the most anime mannerisms of all time
>>94688836Well, in reality Samurais preferred to use bows and naginata/yari over katanas. Katanas is more of a sidearm weapon or for duels that like arming swords became over-romantized. Firewarriors are more like Ashigaru with guns.
>>94688792I've been told that the best selling GW line in Japan is actually Tyranids.
>>94688874Really? Got a source? Genuinely asking here as reading history is one of my interests.Currently reading about the big ancient Chinese slapfight that started because some guy declared himself the Brother of Christ.
>>94688481Settings are important.
>>94688827I want to say theres a safe bet of a 10 to 1 ratio of krieg players who havent read siege of vraks vs those who haveI hate the shovel, suicide and gas mask jokes, made me sell my models as it put me off
>>94688896Maybe repost when the heads attached?
>>94688901>Sold an army because memes made him mald
>resident schizo being so desperate for (You)s
>>94688818I fucking wasted my time reading that shit>Tau are supposed to be the dakka faction>an entire Tau fleet and major space station can't stop a single Death Guard battle barge>the only reason why the Death Guard didn't assrape the Tau core worlds was because the sorcerer called off the attack becuase he sensed something was off>the Greater Good god snatches and imprisons the Death Guard lord who refused to listen to his sorcererNotable retarded things in the book>Shadowsun first encounters Nurgle daemons and tries to communicate with them peacefully (lmaoooo)>Tau are supposed to be smart but they mistake the Death Guard ship-melting plagues as atomic dissamblers>Plaguebearers can survive getting hit by a fusion blast, only getting sunburnt>this is literally the first time Shadowsun encounters Daemons (why the fuck did it take this long for the top tau commander to know what a deamon is? I know the ethereals are keeping shit under wraps but come on)>Shadowsun gets nearly killed by the Deatu Guard but are saved by some non-Tau chanting "Tau"va Greater Good protect us kumbaya" (lol)Also the literal Marvel-tier banter between Shadowsun and her drone
>>94688892I'm sure theres some scholary article about this if you look, but just look at how the reigns of any female ruler started, it nearly always involves a conflict with a younger brother, half brother, cousin or nephew feeling like they had their postion taken from them by a woman. Thats how Cleopataras reign began. Not to mention all the near female rulers who were desposed by male relatives before their reigns really began and live their rest of their lives in exile. It crops up a lot when you look out for it, english history is full of examples.
>>94688906>enjoyment of playing gets ruined by lgs fags who you've told to shut up several times
>>94688917remember when guard armies were a single regiment with the attached unit like rough riders?and not "mix 20 regiments because timmy wants to use his plastic DKoK in a cadian army"
>>94688917>Rambo regiment>Starship troopers regiment>Mongolian regiment>Red Army regiment>Prussian regiment>Fremen Regiment
>>94688914Oh man, you really shouldn't have brought up England of all examples. Embarrassing.
Things that have given you the ick at the table /tg?>player comments on how to make my list more competitive>meanwhile his entire army is just primed leadbelcher
>>94688901>selling an army because of reddit memesI can't even imagine how fragile your ego must be
>>94688871The entire point of a dedicated melee mech suit becomes void when you remember that a plasma rifle still shoots at point blank and probably inflicts more damage on heavily armored targets than a melee weapon without sacrificing valuable space on your suit.The crisis suits also have hands and feet so they can punch/kick stuff and using their booster jetpacks could potentially increase the damage even more.
>>94688930I'm sure it occured all over, but yeah I was thinking of her from what little I know of HRE history
>>94688929Sly= SylvesterMarbo is an anagram of Rambo.GW really likes his movies.
>>94688929Fremen? It's Lawrence of Arabia.
>>94688888Not surprising for a country that grew up with kaijus being the main enemies in kids shows
>>94688942Of a girl who kicked the legitimate male king out and then also stayed in England to rule while her husband who won the war for her remained in his cuckshed in Anjou?
>>94688905Sure. Here is his vampire head.
>>94688959yikes dude
>>94688929the cadians are colonial marines at that point, not mobile infantry.
>>94688917Guard would've been better if they'd had different regiments for different things>Atillan Cavalry>Cadian infantry>Mordian Artillery>Catachan stealth - backline skirmishers>Tallarn light attack raiders>Krieg - siege engineersInstead of everything is Cadians oh and also krieg as well because reddit likes them
>>94688946It's both, plus a mix of Desert Rats+Afrika Korps too on occasion.
>>94688939Good point didn't consider that>>94688946Lawrence of Arabia inspied Dune which inspired 40k, I'm sure its an incesterous reference to both>>94688958She sounds based even if the king was legitimate and not rightfully hers which I suspect it was
>>94688908Phil Kelly vs Gav ThorpeWho is the worst writer?
>>94688968No, you’re just a crazy person with bad opinions.
>>94688985Gav thorpe does not only write bad lore, he also writes bad codexes
>>94688971Couldn’t have inspired dune too much considering they were released less than a year apart.
>>94688985Mike brooks
>>94688936hey it just made my time playing them not fun
>>94688985Dan Abnett
>>94688968I like the Cadians. I'll be honest though, I think that a lot of the hate for Cadians and now Kriegers is because they are represented too much. If the guard had more official options available to buy then maybe there wouldn't be so much disliking for the Cadians and Kriegers. I remember an anon saying that hate for marines is probably due to them being represented too much and so there is now "marine fatigue" setting in so what were most likely seeing is "cadian fatigue" and "krieg fatigue." For now if one wants to play a different aesthetic flavor of the guard, then said person will have to utilize third party models.
>tfw STILL haven't found someone to battle after 6 months of having am army, albeit half paintedShits looking fairly grim, bros
>>946890003 years anon, its where Frank got the idea of the blue on blue eyes of the fremen
>>94689003Pocket sand!!
>>94689014Fuck, purple eyes cadianis another reference to Dune?
>>94689014It was originally published as a two part short novel serial in 63 and 64.
>>94689018This reads like a fanfic
>>94689025>>94689018>And if you had been smarter, you would have seen it coming,’ intones Magnus the Red. The crimson-haired giant is as tall on one knee as the Lion is standing, and his hand closes around the Lion’s skull in an agonising grip.>The Lion manages to prise the fingers apart, but Magnus’ other hand punches him full in the face and sends him flying backwards.>‘Now I know you are a fraud,’ the Lion spits. ‘Magnus never hit that hard.’ He ducks under the giant’s grasp and hauls himself up behind him on one of the horns adorning the Crimson King’s armour, then lands a blow to the top of his adversary’s head. A hand reaches up to grab him, and throws him to the ground once moreHOLY PEAK! PURE CINEMAGet it!? He called Magnus a wimp!
>perpetuals If we’re talking 40K writing crimes Perpetuals are the absolute worst because it’s just used to let characters keep appearing in books
>>94688840most armies with gas masks are using them because the air is toxic. Armageddon's ash storms are a good example, one that was repeated again with the Necromunda ash wastes stuff.
>>94689032You’re so obsessed with this guy.
>>94689032Fucking marvel tier quips in 40k. I hate anything the primaries are in where they aren’t just figureheads described loosely in the past
>>94689018This defeats the Primarch of the Death Guard
>>94689041Primarchs being alove is peak marvelslop.Herohammer was a mistake
>>94689046>>94689041Samefag less, only you care t his much anymore.
Herohammer has been core to the franchise since the early 90's where does this performative hate for it even come from
>>94689059You didn't have armies built entirely around marvel quipping epic heroes in the 90s
>>94689057>thinking a screenshot proves anythinglollmao even
>>94689064What is marvel quipping? Any examples of it? I don't watch Marvel movies.
>>94688819>And we already saw GW removing the Beasts of Chaos from AoS, only for them to port them into TOW to pad out its army roster.Meanwhile 40k just got a kit of beastmenYou fucking idiot
Reminder that Leman Russ is next
>>94688835>And we're never getting squats because dwarfs are in AoS,Votann look nothing like dwarves, meaning they are ok.Skaven are specific as to how they look, meaning you're never getting them.
>>94689080Nah it'll be Dorn for Black Templars
>>94689032In fact, it's something I would say to my little brother.
What was the last mini you painted that you were disappointed with the outcome, /40kg/?
>>94689018>>94689045Someone post the thing about Belakor getting BTFO by rocks.
>>94688867>Women rulers are 60% more likely to start wars, chud.>>94688874>Virtually all of those wars were defenise pre-emptive ones aganist male rivals and claiments who were planning a war firstIn 40k terms>Virtually all of those wars were defenise pre-emptive ones aganist xenos rivals and claiments who were planning a war firstSo Emperor really was a woman then, huh?Really does explain everything about "him" as well, like how they act like with zero accountability while also doing them dumbest decisions imaginable. And also goes to explain why all primarchs have daddy issues, they never had a father and worse yet they had a sycophantic human supremacist as a Mother who was trying to pretend to be a dude to rule a fascist space empire.
>>94688971She was 100% an usurper. She was the daughter of king Henry, who married her off to the emperor of HRE. Her dad soon died, and as he had no male heir, the throne was occupied by his nephew. Normal stuff. But then her husband the emperor died, and she decided to go back to England and seize the throne. She married a French nobleman who gave her an army and initiated a brutal invasion of England that lasted until her cousin's death. 15 years of bloodshed because the bitch didn't want to stay put in Germany.
>>94688908>>Tau are supposed to be smart but they mistake the Death Guard ship-melting plagues as atomic dissamblersWell, knowing how Nurgle's plagues operate, that might not far from the truth when it comes to them.
Reminder that the Holy Roman Empire was indeed Holy, was Roman, and was an Empire
>>94689097>>94689103Still posting this after all this time. Slow close to a decade. Also a mention of carnac(you)
>>94688946>Lawrence of Arabia.Tallarn are arabic.This is one of their commanding officers from 2nd edition.Tallarn have always been arabic/middle-eastern. (I specifically don't care enough to differentiate the different cultures of sand dwellers in the east. They are all same to me.)
>>94689119Ummmm Voltaire bros!???Someone call Voltaire now!
Me, I like Mordian Iron Guard because I'm Romanian.
>>94688819>Necromunda is an irrelevant sidegame that doesn't compete with 40kSo we can get skaven for necromunda like we were talking about, you agree.
>>94689003He really does look like a guy who is stereotypically obnoxious faggot that no one really likes and only tolerates him.
>>94688481I love it when a basecoat and wash make my sculpting come together.
>>94688861>>94688896>>94688959>>94689122this fucking sucks
What if instead of Mordian iron guard they were Morbian iron guard and they morbed out all over the place
>>94689077>Meanwhile 40k just got a kit of beastmenKill Team*Kill Team isn't 40k, and it was singular kit of chaos shit anyway.
>>94689119Yeah, it was so fucking Roman that it collapsed.
>>94689148Remember when kill team got kroots? and then 40k got kroots?Remember when kill team got kriegers? and then 40k got kriegers?Remember when kill team for eldar corsairs? guess who's rumoured to get a larger wave of models for 40k?
>>94689133You aren't getting skaven in necromunda because Malstrain exists.They are the sewer dwelling mutant scum asking you for warp stone crack to burn in their crack pipes.
>>94689148>Kill Team isn't 40kWhy can I include kill teams in my 40k lists then
>>94689160Venerable old age is when you want to kill all germanoids.
You just know these posters have no jawline
>>94688155>>Reintroduce Squats into the lore with a new Visual style that's barely like the old squatsI mean you could say the same about the necromunda ones
>>94689089Yeah!!! Dornmania running wild in the empirium!!!
>>94688844The more melee battlesuits there are, the less important farsight becomes.If the farsight enclaves have to get melee tau, they have to be a unit of infantry veterans and not suits.
>>94688204There are no rules stipulating what units use what models, only a blurb that says you should play with GW models
>>94689161There are plenty of redundant stuff in necromunda, your assumptions of exclusivity are arbitrary and retarded.
>>94689110>Virtually all of those wars were defenise pre-emptive ones aganist xenos rivals and claiments who were planning a war firstNo, the xenos attacked humanity after the AI rebelled.The emperor only carried out a crusade of revenge.
>>94689199>No, the xenos attacked humanity after the AI rebelled.Yeah like Interex
>>94689199That's propaganda.
I like the 40k Fulgrim model
>>94689187Yet it's Rhinemetall productions defends Europe
>>94688529Anon Eldar had like one model release this year and it was bundled with Scouts
>>94689216Most people do.
>>94689216why does he and the other primearchs keep most of their facial features after transforming but others completely lose their minds and become complete daemons?
>>94689214Your mother is propaganda!
Why is night fighting gone from 40k?It was a neat rule that pushed for a lot of tactical depth. Requiring searchlights or night vision visors to see fine or point out units whilst otherwise everyone else would struggle to see enemies when engaging at longer ranges. Shit was awesome.
>>94689263because players can't see their miniatures in the dark.I lost many good table companions at that time.
>>94689263Any rules that have any amount of fluff or tactical depth must be sanded away
>>94689263You try too hard to be seen as a grog, but you've never played a game in your life.
>Eldar get a spotlight>Their codex shows them standing over an Emperor's Children body>This hints to there being an Eldar vs EC conflict coming up>Before they even get released, Fulgrim is revealed>This means Eldar aren't fighting some random warband, they're fighting Fulgrim>Fulgrim, who already has a history of massacring Eldar BEFORE he became a Daemon Primarch>Eldar still have literally nobody who can stand up against even a normal Primarch, let alone a Daemon one>Eldar are getting a big flashy refresh just so they can get absolutely slaughtered a few months laterThere's a very real chance that Fulgrim will permanently kill Karandras, just so GW can ignore the people asking for him. Enjoy your short lived happiness, eldarfags.
>>94689263its hard to balance for competitive play because it blatantly favors certain armies.
>>94689220Neolibs are not Europe.
>>94689280>>This hints to there being an Eldar vs EC conflict coming upno, it doesn't, it's just a cover art, newfag.
>>94689216I can’t wait to get one. Very excited to see the rest of the new model line.
The barrier of entry into this hobby are fucking huge.All the clubs and tournaments here want 2k point armies, new rules, new codex, own terrain. Not to mention fees and the like.
>Emperor's Children will be getting their own daemon engines and more HQs like the Death Guard
>>94689199>No, the xenos attacked humanity after the AI rebelled.No they didn't. There's no actual evidence of that and there is more evidence to the contrary.Like Interex specifically being a civilization that had cooperated with the eldar and it is where they learned the threat of Chaos from.Diasporax is another, it was human descendants from the DAoT coexisting peacefully with xenos and ultimately their goal was "All we wanted was to be left alone" but they got genocided by the Iron Hands during the crusade.Only xenos that would've done any sort of attacking would've been the orks, which is to expected and they already do that everyone anyway.
>>94689352>tournamentsyour first mistakeyour second mistake is not using third parties, discounts, second hand, recasts and prints the third mistake is building directly towards 2k points instead of having a smaller start and asking others to play lower points games with you or proposing a slow grow league
>>94689363no, they won't
>>94689363They got a fully fleshed out lineup for AoS, and that was an even bigger gamble for GW.
Brother told me that I have a bald spot on the back of my head and I have Norwood 3 now. I feel gross.Armies for this feel?
>>94689352No povvos allowed
>>94688908>>Plaguebearers can survive getting hit by a fusion blast, only getting sunburntnot really that weird, its the equivilent of having a plaguebearer making their invul save against a fusion blaster shot. daemons have shown supernatural resilence/regeneration in the lore
>>9468941140k Daemons have the quirk that they are resistant to "modern" ranged weapons like guns but are easily killed by melee weapons. The same plaguebearers get easily killed by a kroot beheading them with a spear/halberd
>>94689379>Brother told me that I have a bald spot on the back of my head and I have Norwood 3 now.Grim.
>>94689430>Combat reports of early encounters between the Legiones Astartes and the entities of the Warp reveal a peculiar facet of the nature of the Daemon. It has been noted that for some ill-known reason, Daemons appear to be all but immune to advanced projectile and energy based weaponry in their freshly manifested state. Attacks of a more primitive nature on the other hand, such as the hacking of a blade or the setting of flame to such a creature, have been reported to have an exaggerated effect.>It has been posited by radical rhetoricians that those weapons wielded by ancient men are held most in dread by the Daemon itself, for as beings of scavenged sentience and emotion, they are not wounded on the physical plane but on an ideological level, by the primordial expectation of pain.Furthermore, the Daemons' vulnerability in this regard might have informed the very weapons with which we continue to wage war, for why else would the Emperor have commanded His Legions to wield swords as readily as their bolters in our current age?The HH novels and the HH campaign black books also say shit like how daemons are vulrenable to the "weapons of eternity" (swords, axes, maces, fists)
>Russ is next!>No! Khan is next!Don't be sillyVulkan is nextTrust
Could I play exodites with an eldar codex? Just swap the vehicles for dinosaurs with guns
>>94689457Counts as is your friend
>>94689453I fully expect it to be Russ, either tail end of 10th like Lion or alongside a Primaris range update for SW during 11th.
>>94689363daemon engines are my favorite thing in chaos, wish there was more
did the eldar summon their deities directly in the war in heaven or avatars like currently? is there a difference?
>>94689457There's some pretty impressive Exodite kitbash/conversions if you look around. Basically just replace every mounted/vehicle/flying unit with a dinosaur rider.
>>94689488The warp worked differently back the. So it's hard to say. We know Khaine directly confronted and wounded the Nightbringer though.
>>94689494interesting, can the Necron pylons hurt or do anything to these avatars or the real deal?
Reminder that Total War 40k WILL be made. It is inevitable because GW knows its gonna make big bucks
>>94689543too bad CA is on its last leg, total 40k will crash and burn before it manages to pick up steam
>>94689543>Total Warhammer made more money than WHFB did during its entire existencewew
>>94688190>in addition to words like Brotherhood.
Wtf, Musk is a 40k fan?
>>94689598Who cares
>>94689598>IsraelBaffling human being
>>94689364Eldar hands wrote this.
>>946896353rd party giant boobs should be table top legal if GW aren't gonna do it
>>94689635Need a doomer eldar gf
>>94689598Elmo is a fan of a lot of sci-fi, he's probably read a few Black Library books. pic related is a item based on a gun from Deus Ex Human Revolution.
>>94689568>it's just me and you in this thread, buddy
>>94689490these fuckers ride dinos and I am supposed to take them more seriously than the orks? still sick as hell though
>>94688840Guard has chemical weapons right now. In the codex you’ve never read.
>>94689650>skilled immigrantsYeah cause importing literal thousands of dangerous garbage to gamble on having one or two engineers among that is a very reasonable thing to do
>>94689474I think if it’s Russ, there’s gonna be a catch where his warp half and his material half are gonna have separated in the Warp and he’s either gonna release with a second, giant werewolf model to jack up the price, or he’s gonna share a base with it and the price is still gonna be jacked up.
politics is great and all but I ordered a valkyrie and I'm second guessing myself on its usefulness as a scion special delivery plane.
>>94689744He's going to be a dude in power armor just like Gman and Lion. It's just a question of if they make him a Odin type with one eye (ironically they already did this with Magnus) or Thor: Yiff edition.
>>94689763>Thor: Yiff edition.This he's going to be like a giant WulfenWith some extra wolves on his base like the Lion has the watchers in the dark
>>94689763did big E ever use a gun? I think if the loyalists all get his goodies, Russ would get the Gat of the Emperor. Just cuz Dorn would get the gauntlet (lost his hand) and a hammer would fit Vulkan better
>>94689801Russ his spear
hi kinda a newfag here.wanna know if we are allowed to talk about 3d printing models here and where to find a 3d print design file for tyrannofexes (already checked in cults3d)
>>94689812What would Jag get then? Or Bird?
>>94689757>paying more than a Rogal Dorn in points, for a unit that doesn't even half its firepower or survivaiblity, to transport a unit that natively has deep strikeya bruled it, yah dingus
>>94689815Most STLs get shared on telegram
>>94689665That's a dude in a wig.
Are Space Marine Chaplains with Jump packs supposed to be on a reduced base size? Logic would indicate that I'd run it on a current primaris chaplain base but there's not actually an official jump-pack chaplain model outside the 5th ed Bangles one, which uses firstborn base sizes
>>94689859but enough about you
>>94689815Give me a moment and I can send it to you
>>94689763GW got disillusioned about werewulfs, he's coming back as Odin.If they need a giant werewolf they will make a 13th company special character.
>>94689882werewolves in horror is based, but to have russ walking around as a wolfman talking and emoting is cringe as fuck furry shit and you'd soon have redditors making 'my heckin' wholesome fur baby primarch' meme shit
>>94688291>Lizardmen in space when.Tyranids exist and were conceptualized as such.
>>94689898True, the best 2 possible iterations of wulfen russ would be to either completely neuter his character and make him a the tragic monster archetype, incapable of any true interaction, or to make 2 miniatures for him sold in one single larger kit, one representing the normal form and one his transformed state when whatever condition is met during the game, which is something GW has done before with morathi and could do again, but considering how they removed that dynamic with morathi too it's possible they have some weird game design philosophy against such a thing.odin russ is better in any case
>>94689856ah well>>94689873where are you gonna send it here or somewhere else. im willing to send my burner discord account here
>>94689928It will appear in this gofile link in a few minutes https://gofile.io/d/nlZ1NWBut I don't know of what quality this STL is (can't check the images at the moment), so if you feel like it's shit I'll proceed to upload this other one called xenobits, but I don't know if it has the other weapons
>>94689936btw it may or may not be the same files which get shared around under different names and filesizes for some reason
>>94689908They were conceptualised as space lizards (along other things), but not as space lizardMEN.
>>94689975Warriors/tyrants are semi-humanoids
>>94689083Ah, I see what happened here. You're a genuine autist who keeps interpreting 'Skaven in 40k' as actual, literal Skaven in 40k instead of shorthand for 'humanoid rats in space drawing from the same base inspiration as the Skaven' that everyone else reads it as.
>>94689991That's not enough.
>>94689997He's going to keep moving the goalpost regardless of what you say, ignore him.
>>94689936Thanks i like it seems good enough will look into the free tervigon that came with
>>94690014I'm uploading the xenobits files anyway (10-20min at most)godspeed
>>94689924>neuter his character and make him a the tragic monster archetype, incapable of any true interactionThey might do this but it feels like it would have too much overlap with Angron.
>>94690026how would that be a problem when they sit on completely opposite sides?
Can I put Mechanicus bits on Tau mechs and just say they're DAOT stuff?
>>94690055No but you can say they work for some rogue trader who bribed his local admech to “sanction” them.
>>94690055It depends on the execution, ideally you want to make the tau mech underneath largely unrecognisable regardless of whether it is plausible for daot humans to have built something like that.And if you want something that resembles some examples we have of daot robots, you might want to start from van saar stuff, kastellan robots or necron xanoptek stuff with the serial numbers filed off rather than something that's as branded as tau suits.But again, it depends on how you actually go at it.
>>94689898>and you'd soon have redditors making 'my heckin' wholesome fur baby primarch' meme shitThey will do that regardless of how genuinely horrifying the werewolf is made.
>>94690103... and this effects you how? For a place that supposedely hates reddit so much you people give a lot of attention to their shitty memes
>>94690011Honestly, I wouldn't even complain if GW decided to just go with "Yeah space skaven just came from the skaven planet and now are expanding, have fun"I mean, they already did it with the Tau once
>>94690108>redditor outs himself the post
Chaos spawn
>>94690147we dont sign our posts here
>>94690108>... and this effects you how?In the same way finding a shitsmear on the sidewalk isn't going to spark joy.The dog shat elsewhere, the guy who stepped on it and then walked by here is probably long gone, yet the consequences will be on my way and stink nonetheless, and if you think they don't reach here then you're either blind, disingenuous or malicious.
>>94690125And votann.
>>94690181TrueI know 40k tries to take itself seriusly most of the time. But sometimes, just saying "fuck it, warp storm did it and now we have this" would make things very fun.Doesn't even have to be skaven, could be something new.Say one warp storm distorted the flow of time in a system and somehow rats or whatever evolved to the point of becoming a new faction.
>>94690181Votann got connected to the men of stone lore
>>94690211As lame as votann are, they kinda have been connected to that era.
will the daemon trying to become the 5th chaos force mean more daemon engines?
>>94690221Not a single reference even
>>94690211>>94690232Are you dumb?>artificial race of soul-dimmed humans>sent out to explore the galaxy at the start of the age of man>built the men of iron>have legends about getting created by the "golden man/men"they're the men of stone, anon
>>94690223yep, and darkmech, and maybe iron warriors getting something
>>94690266sounds exciting man
>>94690279could be years away though
>>94688630Tau have the grenades keyword so you could model them with some kind of sci-fi panzerfaust to represent that.
>>94689564Which is why they felt the need to change in the codex, right anon?
>>94688708post your models
I am such a painting fraud it's unreal
>>94690125You don't even need to do that, the 40k galaxy is big enough and empty enough that you can just slap them down in an empty spot and just say 'yeah these guys have actually been here for like 5,000 years deal with it' and it'll work. Especially since it's noted that the Imperium has been fighting minor xenos empires that are dangerous nuisances but not dangerous enough to warrant drawing forces away from really serious threats to go genocide them. Could even just say that these guys are actually the xenos race that the old descriptions of the Hrud referred to before somebody decided they were going to use that name for spooky bendy body stowaways, where they went on great migrations that the Imperial Guard often had to fight massive pitched battles to stop. Would even fit with the whole thing of the Skaven consuming all resources with no regard for sustainability, if they were a seminomadic species that over-reproduces and over-consumes in one area so they have to move somewhere else for more resources, and sometimes those other places have Imperial or other xenos presences there.
>>94688844This is not a shared opinion anon, sorry. Not every faction needs to have form fit answer to every problem on the battlefield, to do so would be to undermine what makes each faction so unique.
>>94690318>post your models so that I can harass you in future threads for not sharing my reddit opinionlollmao even
>>94690350>meanwhile some factions get to have form fit answers to every problem on the battlefield twice over
>>94690427So, no models?
>>94688708NTA but It’s definitely true, stop trying to rewrite reality to match your delusions. The only people whining about it were /v/ and /pol/ fags who then proceeded to spam gay porn and scat when no one agreed with them. Oh and Frozen Flameanon but he at least had the integrity to just fuck off rather than whine about it.
>>94690320The only setback to real space Skaven is that their thematic niches are all taken by other factionsMaybe not the full combination, but without an extremely good introductory lore dump and full model range they would fall as flat or flatter than the LoVAnd my trust in gw to be able to plan and make good releases is kinda low.
>>94690520That's not a setbackLiterally half the factions in the game are the same faction with the same thematic niches
>>94690427You know, after having to deal with a couple niggers reposting my model and saying it was theirs to fuck with me I'm rethinking actually posting models ever again.I probably will, because I'm an autistic retard, but these "people" really shit up these threads
>>94688630That is what the markerlight is for. Just call a javelin from the closest devilfish.
>>94690535That's what timestamps are for, retard.
>>94688631I like when he does a faction roundup.I skip around in the video, read the slides I'm interested in and just leave
>>94690546Yeah anon, but I'm not always home and maybe I'd want to share a photo a took without the intent of calling someone here a tourist nigger.
>>94690535>tfw nobody stole pictures of my models to shitpost hereat least someone reposted my model on a shitty meme site it only got 15 updoots
>>94688196>>94688708>>94690452Everyone in the hobby that I know and talked to about it thinks it's retarded, but we're not screeching about it and going into political tirades to random people because you never know when some faggot is going take offense and try to cancel you over it. Just because you're not hearing unsolicited opinions on it doesn't mean nobody has a problem with it.
actual new thread >>94690740>>94690740>>94690740
>>94690535You never posted any models of your own, your just another model thief
How would Takanuva, the Toa of Light, fare in 40k?