>Previously in the Mortal Realms:>>94669414Old-New Country, edition >Official AoS website:https://www.ageofsigmar.com >Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-downloads/ >Toolswarhammer-community.com/2017/09/26/make-your-own-free-city-the-easy-way-sep26gw-homepage-post-4/https://runebrush.pa-sy.com/warscroll/ >Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:https://aosg.github.io/ >Booru:https://ageofsigmart.booru.org/index.php >Thread question:If Ogres get removed then who replaces them?
>>94688900BoC leave and we get Chorfs. Bonesplitters leave and we get.... Malerion? Who the fuck knows maybe GW will finally stop pretending grand alliances exist when Destructiom becomes three armies.
>>94688900I don't see Ogres being removed entirely, just remade in AoS's image.They'll have a "thing", a theme outside of just being Ogres.
>>94688900I don't think Ogres will be removed entirely. I just think that the faction chased by evil refrigerator will be axed.
>>94688900Ogors won't be removed, they've gotten way stronger model support in AoS than Beastmen or Bonesplitterz ever got. And their old range is so small a release the size of the Sun Grots would completely update the army.
Sigmar has no shame? He loses the most important battle and then dares to name himself god king?!
>>94689082>They'll just axe the newest, most popular models
>>94689082This might be an unpopular opinion but I never liked the gutbusters/bcr distinction and it feels arbitrary at times
4th edition starter should have been Skaven vs. Chuardin fighting over a realmstone mine
>>94689476It should have been Skaven vs Cities.
>>94689476Aren't they after different resources?
>>94689476It should have been Skaven vs Ogor Mawtribes.
>here's your Khorne Champion bro
>>94689493I don't think they've divulged much on what chorfs actually do in aos but it's reasonable to believe that both they and skaven would find value in emberstone
>>94689496>starter set is just Carrion Empire Skaven half repacked for the 4th time vs Feast of Bones half of ogors
Surely AoS will dominate the first slate of preorders in 2025.
>>94689526Those goblins are insanely nice. Almost makes me regret going Hedonites.But I guess the fact that I'm never satisfied with what I have proves Hedonites were right for me.
>>94688900>"So is this your peoples traditional pussy skull ornament? Or a fashion choice?"
>>94689526No. Next year is 40k. 2024 had more AoS releases than 40k. It's>New Knight>EC (anaemic release like WE)>Space Wolves>not!Phoenix Guard for LRL>Cogfort for CoS>Pestigors possibly for Nurgle>Chorfs never ever>Ogres may be yote>Then Grey Knights get a Psy Land Raider or something
>>94689556orge might get a pity model of some kind but their not going to expand the range that much
>>94689510For how important and useful realmstone seems to be only a few armies actually have them in their models>warpstone - Skaven tech>aetherquarzt - LRL almost the entire army>Seraphon - feeding emberstone to their salamanders Chorfs should use them in some capacity
>>94689569Yote, the past tense of yeet. As in, being squatted.
>>94689575wouldn't they have gotten rules in TOW then?
>>94689301It's because it was arbitrary.In 1.0 times, really AoS 0.0 (pre GHB) the rules and fluff writers were told 'we are splitting up the fantasy armies into seperate pieces of the most interesting models to develop them into their own unique things- like what we did by pulling the tree spirits from Wood Elves into Sylvaneth, the slayers from dwarfs into fyreslayers, etc.' So the writers duly went about trying to justify the ranges being cut off and segmented (BCR from all the ogres, FEC from the old Vampire counts, Bonesplittas from Orks in general, etc etc). In every case they wrote more new fluff than they had in literal decades for these factions. In all but one (FEC) it was horrible and forced.
>>94689556I'm pretty sure we got a pretty comprehensive list of what's coming for CoS and it isn't a cog fort.The rest of list just seems like schizo rambling
>>94689491Damn right you are. To be honest anything but stormcast. Insanely tired seeing more more more of em while over half of all other factions are being starved to death for years
>>94689556Rumor mongers have described the new EC range and it's not amazing but it's at least better than WEGW has done too much prep work for Chorfs. I don't understand why, Chorfs were a big flop but I guess they became a meme so GW is taking another run at it and they'll be able to flop in a new game systemI think GW was serious about this being "the year of Chaos" I think we're getting EC and Chorfs. Plus new Codexes and Battletome and their requisite pity heroes or small releases alongside.
>>94689596The claim is that they may be removed like beastmen were.
>>94689647Yeah but it's waaaaay more of a reach. Beastmen were a core faction in TOW from day one, Ogres are not. Ogres have also gotten a lot more attention in AoS than Beastmen ever have.
>>94689647Beastmen got one hero, one Underworlds band, one piece of scenery, and endless spells.Ogors have gotten two heroes, two Underworlds bands, two pieces of scenery, and a Warcry warband.Ogors have gotten way more support and are way more popular. And if GW wanted to completely replace their old Fantasy models, it would be easy to do so.
>>94689574The Khainite Shadowstalkers leader has their staff thing made from Ulgu realmstone, and Abraxia's spear is made out of Varanite
>>94689667Gw does what gw does.Ogres are probably getting subsumed with some unexpected new destruction army late 4e or 5e imo. No way in hell GA destruction is staying like its now.They be perfect aux
>>94688900Those bug creatures >>94689319Is there really no news on chaos
>>94689609>I'm pretty sure we got a pretty comprehensive list of what's coming for CoSWe have? Were?
>>94689751>really no news on chaoslast production update seid>Champions of Chaos pre-order and PDF 2025 might be named. Chaosbound
>>946893191. How did the Troggoth become Soulbond?2. Do you think Fyreslayer enjoys his cock being sucked?
>>94689526Dominate over tow, yes.
>>94689751>Is there really no news on chaosWell, about eighteen months ago they said "we're entering a year of Chaos as we are about to begin work on making a Chaos mode of play" and then about six months ago they said "we're about to begin working on Chaos." So by now they might be about to begin working on beginning their work of commencing the work on making a Chaos book.
>>94689829Champions of Destruction's justification for how a Trogg can become Soulbound is "idk lol"
>>94689829>How did the Troggoth become Soulbond?Trogg has a soul, doesn't it? Just bound that.Or it's like Stormcast, who canonically CAN'T be Soulbound because they don't own their own souls, but they can tag along and their naturally high stats compensate lack of proper party integration
>>94689899>>94689761I bet they had to remove beastmen
>>94689741>No way in hell GA destruction is staying like its now.Why not?
>>94689973To be fair if I were in their shoes I'd be furious about the near constant developments and changes in direction from GW.
>>94689984niether of the 40k rpg seems affected by these development changes though just Soulbound do far, I guess we will have to wait and see how the TOW RPG lines ups with the wargame
>>94689984They shot themselves in the foot a little bit by committing themselves to keeping up with the wargame's ongoing metaplot. Not that anyone's holding them to it, they're really doing it to themselves. If they wanted to they could just have set the game against a backdrop of the Realmgate Wars or Soul Wars.
>>94689984Beastmen aren't gone in the metaplot though, just too irrelevant to be a real faction
>>94689984This is probs one of the bigger reasons why not many 3rd parties seek to utilise the aos ip more. What a hell it would be to try do your thing, pour money over several years for development only for gw to delete or do major changes because they just happen to feel like it and not telling about it to you well in advance. It probably doesnot go like that exactly in practice, gw probably limits certain areas heavily for license acquirers case by case but still...
It’s time for da boyz.https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/eomz7man/sunday-preview-the-orruk-warclans-get-ready-to-unleash-their-waaagh/
>>94690184Color me interested. Nice start to the new year.
>>94690184final getting that path to glory book
Looks like there will be no army of renown for the defenders. Only the boners got one.
>>94690222Is lethis getting sacked in revenge for being the former prison of katakros or because they run the antinagash gyms?
>>94690231Archaon getting some revenge I think.
>>94690231Some combination of Nagash hating the city and there supposedly being fossils buried under the lake next to the city.
>>94690231There are giga beast bones and old undead constructs (dead dead) in the lake, it's basically a giant burial ground for things. Since the Skaven are wrecking Shyish as bad as the rest of the realms, if they can get these bones they can make super powerful constructs and basically kick the Skaven out and cement their rule here and expand it. Katakros would never be so vain to want it destroyed because it is his prison but he can't help but be pleased it just happens to be a very useful city for OBR to destroy.As I expect, Lethis will get pounded, SCE will arrive and hold it back a bit, they'll get some bones and then Skaven will appear or something to screw the plan up and force the OBR to leave. Lethis will be heavily damaged. Also Nagash doesn't like the city because they worship Morra and think he'll return at some point even though Nagash nommed him so he resents that.
>>94690190Abraxia wins that right/
>>94690424She'd have to. Unlike Iridan she doesn't get respawns.
>>94690434>IridanDoes it? They are pretty far gone respawn wise.
Think we'll get more heroes sets?
While playing some spearhead we had a doubt about some ruling but couldn't find anything.Do you HAVE to use abilities on your warscrolls if you can or are you allowed to not use some? Rules says that if there is a "must" you must and if there is a "may" you may, but for example there is none of those words on the Groundshaker effect.
>>94690536Not anytime soon, and if they make another aos one they might go for chaos warriors or skaven.
>>94690576You do realize he just wanted to post that image right and attached a pointless 'on topic' question so he doesn't get banned, right?
>>94690574You don't have to because you have to declare and pick something. So don't pick something.
>>94690576Kinda hoping we get one for chaos warriors
>>94690611Yeah, that would be better, but 40k got it for marines and death guard because death guard were part of the starter set, clearly they've got biases towards starter set factions.>>94690595yes
>>94690595No? That's the models from the set. Just curious if we'll get more instead of pivoting back to 40k. Haven't heard much of the set since the initial reveal
>>94690611I would really like to see anything but another big dudes in big armour set
>>94690676I don't think they can be so diverse they don't come across as a coherent set so it's not like we'd get Kruleboyz and Ironjawz or DOK or something
>>94690536Gambling is easy money for the house, so robably. But idk how fast do they churn out editions of those
>>94690205Honestly the SCE commander should have been as tall as the darkoath guy on the horse by default, without the random rock
>>94690813I don't think anyone buys individual boxes
>>94690184They won't remove the KB spearhead, will they?
How much do those boxes cost anyway?I assume trying to compleat a unit of 10 vindictors with it would be a waste of money, but if i pull 3 anihilators out of 3 boxes would it cost me more or less than buying a normal box of 3 anihilators
>>94690951Why would they? You literally can't get several units form it anywhere else
>>94690970Kruleboyz Boss-Krew used to be sold separately
>>94690987Is getting an arrow stuck in your brain a big deal
>>94690987>mantooangrytodie.jpgkhorne is awesome.
>>94689899Most recently they had like 30 seconds in a 10 minute production update where a man who looks like tintin was aged by eighty years said "we're currently playtesting champions of chaos and they're loving it, it'll be out sometime in the first half of next year" before then talking about systems noone gives a shit about at extreme length>>94690016They didn't really, they put out sourcebooks to keep up with new stuff but GW fucked them over by doing things like letting them write an adventure module set in anvilgard and deeply embroiled with the blackscale coil there, then only telling them the city was about to explode with the coil's involvement after they got halfway into releasing it, and forcing them to turn on a dime with what they'd been doing
>>94691053Not if you're not using it
>>94689829>1. How did the Troggoth become Soulbond?Bindings of gorkamorka don't even need him to actively choose its members, sometimes the radiation of a particularly rowdy waagh can just accidentally meld the souls of people in proximity together. Sometimes not even participants, with mishmashes of destruction forces finding themselves soulbound to survivors of the rampage they just went on
>>94691049Why would they bother putitng it in a dedicated box then if they were going to replace the box?And what's the point of cutting Spearhead roster few months after it launched?Ironjawz and Darkoath Spearheads aren't touching Kruleboyz and Warriors. That would be retarded.Skaven and SCE alreayd have 2 Spearheads
are you ok with playing ironjawz alongside kruleboyz?
>>94691142>are you okNo.
>>94691142ironjawz sucks either way
>>94691142Feels kinda wrong, like an allied Khorne wizard
>>94691142It is what it is
>>94691142They look dumb next to each other, but now that both armies suck on their own and I don't have 2000 points of either anyway I'm probably stuck with it.
Which AOS army has units that are close to being like the Tree Sentinels from Elden Ring?
>>94691478stormcast or CoS
>>94691478Stormcast, they're alreayd amalgams of Anal Rodeo and Drangleic Castle boss fights
>>94691142Kruleboys should be with gitmobIronjaws with ogres and giants Moonclan with troggothsSpiders with splitters and kragnos
>>94690536I've always wished those sets weren't all from the same army. They'd be a great way to get alternate sculpts out there. Like, imagine of they did a Warhammer Heroes blind box line and the models were (all unique sculpts)>Scinari Enlightener>Arkanaut Admiral>Knight Questor>Chaos Lord>Abhorrent Archregent>Ogor Maneater>Loonboss on Giant SquigPeople would lose their shit about that. Almost everybody would really want at least one of those
>>94691142Honestly as long as they're still in the same grand alliance I think it's fine. Allies let you do fun conversions and add fluffy backstories to /yourdudes/. I'm hoping they'll come back offically eventually, but for no I'm fine running allies casually with my frens
>>94691562If they aren't from the same army then you're less likely to have people buying a whole case, which is what gw wants yiu to do. It's not a product for someone to buy one little blind box, they want the whales to come in and buy out the store to try and get everything
>>94691478Probably stormcast more than CoS, but slaves to darkness can have some similar vibes, especially if you painted them gold or whatever. Might be just me thinking of the chaos knights/lord on daemonic mount though
>>94691142If you want to big waagh its really easy to convert and interchange bits just to make them look fine next to each other. Honestly even a coherent paintjob makes things fit better than people pretend, there's a reason that 2e CoS armies looked fine despite being a bunch of fantasy leftovers slapped together
>>94691578Conversions like this are sick as hell, i'm really hopeful RoRs this edition encourage similar cool stuff out of people. I know waacfags aren't creative enough for it, but i'm genuinely surprised the saviours of cinderfall being a must-take for basically all of order hasn't conjured a million thematic kitbashes
>>94691142I miss them...And no, is not good Kruleboyz should be their own army, same with Spiderfang inside GSC
>>94691142Nah, it's weird beyond the usual ally restrictions and such >>94691674Bonesplitterz with Ironjawz (& Greenskinz in 2e) were fine because they're all nelson designs. Distinct but the same baseline like Duardin or Aelf soup. Kruleboyz look so distinct the only connection is you might paint them green and noses are similar.
>>94691843>Bonesplitterz with Ironjawz were fineno, they weren't, it was an utterly unbalanced dichotomy, even krules and jaws are better by comparison
>>94691856Is there a archive of all the UW artwork?
>>94691966No, but some artists post thier stuff they did for it on ArtStation
>>94690184>They repainted the megaboss' jaw from bluey black to silver in the spearhead image Huh
>>94692190Back in the day, half a year ago, they released custom shemes normal employees painted themselves for all Spearhead armies
>>94692190>>94692203It's the same megaboss. Highly unlikely they'd have someone paint it EXACTLY as the old one down to even the small wear marks.
>>94692190They do that sometimes. I can't name any other examples off the top of my head, but I often notice weird unnecessary touch-ups in official photos.
>>94692327The sharp bit on his offhand, the crotch plate and the brute's shoulder pads have been repainted too, maybe they wanted to tie them in a bit more visually to the ard boyz
>>94692042im surprised GW allows that
>>94692500Most of it is from 1 guy, so maybe his contract was different.Or GW doesn't mind and people just don't post the huge amount of quick drawings UW requres of them and instead prefare few higher effort posts
>>94690205>inb4 it's Season of War: Thondia all over again
>>94692564This isn't selling any new models
>>94692672My beloved 4 armed blue wife
>>94692672really want them to be made generic
>>94692753They're in the Chaos re-releas box, so they won't be.Eyes of the 9 might replace basic magister
And that's my last model of the year. A battle ready Lord of Pain
>>94692774Slaves didn’t get any UW warbands back, even though all three of them would easily work as generics (and darkoath having any generic wizard option would make them much easier to swallow as a sectioned off sub-part of the army like they are now) while no preorder for any of the orruk ones says they didn’t get any either, so it seems like maybe the stormcast/Skaven ones were random one-off flukes GW decided to include for no real reason. The Skaven one was probably because they squatted the normal plague priest, but the stormcast coven isn’t even particuarly good to replace any of the lost sacrosanct wizards, they’re just not worth taking.You’d think in the edition where they made your options for listbuilding with heroes incredibly limited, and wizards incredibly necessary, they’d lean harder into giving people more non-hero wizard units
fuck it posting my favourite UW art as well
>>94693212Do we know who did the art? Maybe we can ask him for a collection.
>>94693023Nice, anon. What's next?
>>94692753Just run the big blue lady as a gaunt summoner
Is this game good yet or is melee still a flat weapon skill where a goblin can beat up a Stormcast with the same roll as he could another goblin? Do the Regiments do anything beyond restricting what you can take? Are there generic heroes that can have their equipment chosen instead of relying on Special Characters™ for everything? Does charging a unit in the rear who is already in combat to their front do anything to the charged unit?Yet?
>>94693461Do you play TOW? If so, why do you care that AoS isn't a TOW clone? If not, go check it out — it's got literally everything you want.
>>94693461>Is this game goodyes>does it still do all those things you dont like also yes
>>94693461time to wheeeeeel on back to your general, hombre
>>94693230my first model of 2025 is primed and ready to go.
>>94693636Nice. I've been having to resist the urge to start on my Wardens so I can start them in 2025.
So i got a Slaves To Darkness spear head box and played a few games. I want to get more minatures for my army but i am really unsure which ones to get and i dont really understand how to properly build an army (this is my first table top game ever). Could some of you recommend what minatures to get next? I am thinking Chaos Chosen and Lord on Karkadark next but i only want them because they look cool.
Probably not the best place to ask this anymore, but are the fell riders good for kitbashing centigors?>>94694831You can find the army box for darkoath kinda cheap on eBay if you like them. It’s basically more of the same.
can someone share scan of the new Slaves book?
>>94694831Varangaurd can currently dump out tonnes of damage and fly across the board. They feel really strong when playing against them, almost an auto include. A sorcerer seems like one of the better foot heroes to run, great healing and utility. Chosen seem really strong but I haven't played against them at all. Centerpiece heroes are fairly incentivized a in list building at the moment I haven't played against the big guy but Belakor and Abraxia have both been really impactful for STD in the games I've played against them.
>>94694831check listbot, age of index, newrecruit and aos app for list building tools.Chosens are very good, one of the best STD hammers. Karkadrak is not bad, he can lead Warriors of Chaos units (i.e chosens). If you like those models just buy it, because models are eternal and rules change all the time.You need also a caster for sure, the good option is Chaos Sorcerer Lord. Gaunt on foot is pretty ok to and allows you to deepstrike one unit which is fun. Belakor is also a good 2-caster so it's a good include if you are not daunted by larger minis.
>>94690222>>94690231I am certain they are setting up a Morrda story arch. The SCE Battletome had about as many mentions for him as for Sigmar, and Ruination chambers are probably more Morrda-worshippers than Sigmarites.
>>94688900Funny that this is the TQ. I came here to ask this. I reckon like CoS they'll just be remade. Probably into something more bestial to suit GA: Destruction. >>94688941>Destruction becomes three armiesYeah I don't get why GW doesn't come up with a whole new race or borrow something from other fantasy. Do ant people or dragon people. They shouldn't be bound to the races of Warhammer fantasy. Also it's weird that they're grouping orruks together and grots together. It'd make more sense to do a Mork book with Gloomspite and Kruleboyz, and a Gork book with Ironjawz and the plains grots
>>94688941Destruction needs Tyranids or some sort of new Gobbo tribe like Grotbag Scuttlers. The sad thing about Destruction is that by far is the least interesting GA and it has very little lore weight. Besides that Orruks are now with Krulez, gobbos are comical but they can't be the face of a faction, and Ogors seems forgotten.
>>94695265>>94695238What destruction needs is to detach it self from "le funny waaagh maymays". Kragnos seemed like a step in the right direction but he didn't deliver. It might sound stupid to take inspiration from modern Warcraft, but Destruction should copy Primalists from Dragonflight - a faction dead set on destroying the unnatural changes brought to the realms with Sigmar. If you don't like the WoW example, think the Stone Dragons from Dark Souls, but not defeated and now resurgent.
Fact: AoS would be way more interesting and would have more room to grow if entirety of Chaos GA was destroyed, or at least permanently crippled to only ever be a Beastman-tier minor annoyance.
>>94695314You miss the forest for the tree, destruction isn't about the name, it's about the contents: green retards and green retards accessories and it should always remain like that, also because trying to introduce ecoterrorist morals into equation means trying to change the characterisation of orcs as well
>>94695330We had this already. It's called Age of Myth and eventually it removed the "war" out of "warhammer"
>>94695330Agreed and then the same should happen to Destruction. Leaving kino Order vs Death with auxillary elements acting as mercenary elements.
>>94695465>kino Orderorder won't be "kino" until all elves are purged
>>94695516Elves are what make it kino
>>94695519>discounted Imperium, but more inclusive>kinoPick one
>>94695535The elves and dwarves being in it are kino. Forces of Order combining against a greater enemy.I actually dislike CoS just becoming imperial guard
>>94695560>The elves and dwarves being in it are kino. Forces of Order combining against a greater enemy.As I said. Imperium without any cool designs, but with female Primarchs and Custodes
>>94695519No, everything wrong with order has to do with elves
Wow, I play two armies and they're getting their tomes back to back as the first ones after the launchLet's see if this ends up being a blessing or a curse, I'm already not happy about the changes they made to StD
>>94695314>more dragonsNo thanks. Primalists sounds like a neat concept, a race or collective of tribes that don't want the type of life imposed by the gods of Order, instead wanting the laws of the wild/ jungle, might makes right. Instead of dragons, take cues from Hordes factions like the Circle Orboros for wild humans, or Skorne for weird pointy eared not-elves as the basic members, while they enslave and control big monsters like the not-elephant Titans or giant scorpion type monsters.
>>94695679>wanting the laws of the wild/ jungle>they enslave and control big monsters
>>94691922I explained why. They're all Nelson sculpts except for KB. Ironjawz are based on 8e Boarboys which came out alongside Savage Orcs. Cope
>>94695691Nelson sculpted ludwig schwarzhelm too, doesn't mean he fits alongside other miniatures with very different themes and aesthetics.
>>94695691>8e Boarboys which came out alongside Savage OrcsThe fuck? Boarboyz are leagues better in terms of modeling, they still look fine
>>94695679>laws of the wild/ jungle, might makes right. Instead of dragons, take cues from Hordes factionsOr don't, and just use the appropriate Warhammer stuff? Orcs, goblins, ogres (you know, the shit we want a place for in the first place), kick over Sylvaneth while you're at it since they're quite clearly not the city types.Whatever vision you have for destruction needs to start with a green hooligan, because the reason we have the GO in the first place is so we have somewhere to put the green hooligans and their hangarounds.
What is Path to Glory, and is it fun?
>>94695759Its a campaign mode, far better than just running a tournament, if you find somone to run it
>>94695768So it's only really suitable for a club/big group?
>>94695778i've only played 3 and 4 people ones, and it was fun, but i guess more people is better
>>94695759It's a long string of games with your army collecting XP and gaining abilities as the units level up - and your leader gets extra special stuff. It's meant to be narrative-style play, so it can be very fun if you have a consistent group.It's also very easy to ruin. That Guy can kill it before it really gets off the ground.
working on Ghurk Glott right now. think I went too far down with the dark parts of the horns but they're not too bad. >>94688952>>94689476>>94689496>>94689491Sovl, but lets be honest. We will only ever get stormcast and cycling grand alliances for the villain armyI remember somebody on /40kg/ suggesting that 10th edition for 40k should be Emperor's children vs Eldar. A whole new range vs a desperately needed refresh. They're both coming regardless but that would have awesome to see
So what's going to happen to beast men are they really getting axed?i kinda liked the idea of them not caring about the chaos gods and just wanting to ruin shit for everyone but skaven fill that niche kinda at least.
>>94695575>uniting against a greater threat>Imperium>unitingThanks for the laugh, pal.
Oh boy a limited-edition exclusive snarling femcast
>>94695759Escalation league matched play with the addition of leveling up units/heroes and adding artefacts, spells, etc to a hoard It's barebones right now but hopefully the new book will improve it If you can I'd buy some 3e Core books and use that system instead of in addition to the unit paths
>>94695925>are they really getting axed?Yes.
>>94695948Damn maybe us chuds aren't the target audience anymore *cries*
>>94695925Old range has been entirely moved over to TOW, so that form ain't coming back. Marked gors are staying, rumor has it we're getting pestigors so expect khorngores too.Chances are they re-add unmarked gors to StD in 5th or we get the Freakshit army in 6th.
>>94695948Store anniversary model… for a unit moving to legends in the middle of the year? Did the directive to squat sacrosanct come super suddenly or something? What a bizarre thing
>>94695927Imperium unites with abhumans and Ynnari
>>94695948I am truly bewildered by GW's ability to not be able to sculpt women and hair
>>94696002While it's weird to release an alt sculpt of a Legends model, this one is Vanguard, not Sacrosanct.
>>94695977rumours or """rumours"""? Seems obvious with the Blacktalon show and being overdue for Nurgle nostalgia with the revamp of 1e stuff (Nurgle beastmen unironically being a major antagonist in the realmgate wars era)
>>94695948why does it feel like every "exclusive" or 'anniversary" or "celebration" miniature is a headless stormcast or CoS. don't most of these sell poorly? why would you pay monthly for shit that is available for free after 2 google searches and then STILL have to pay for a model that you need to build, clean, prime, and paint yourself?>>94695238>>94695238>>94695238unfortunately GW will inevitable fuck up ogors by giving them unncessary detail and making them monopose. giving them very limited build options and selling upgrade packs. tactical rocks, sculpted tattoos and making them look like big handsome humans with chiseled jaw lines and hair instead of fat mongolians with triple chins and big toothy mouths.a year after their refresh, people will be calling the ogors we have now "sovl" and the new ogors slop. and the worst part is that they will be right. Similar to how nu-blizzard/activision is full of diversity hires and hacks who never understood or appreciated world of warcraft or overwatch and have thus ruined the IP's beyong repair. Modern GW executives will find a way to fuck up ogors. Kind of like the scorpion and the frog. they just can't help it. the new boyz kit is a perfect example. GW replaced an iconic kit with monopose slop that caused such an uproar it made them bring back the old kit.all we really need is the current models with better casting to remove moldlines and gaps, more dynamic poses for the arms, and an upscale since they're only a head taller than Blightkings. p much just a facelift done with with a steady hand.
>>94696002You don't think you'll be able to keep using a generic spear-wielding Stormcast character model?
>>94695948https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/4wbvsnvv/celebrate-your-warhammer-store-anniversary-in-2025-with-two-ferocious-new-miniatures/>The Knight-Zephyros are Sigmar’s pre-eminent assassins, judiciously deployed to mete out his wrath on worthy enemies. Estenna of Brighthall is one such hunter, clad in sleek new Thunderstrike armour and armed to the teeth.The article doesn't say but Brighthall was the first city razed by Khul after he returned from the moon.
>>94695974But anon they got rid of all the diversity, they removed all the dwarves and elves. It's just like what you've got in 40k or Warhammer Fantasy. Isn't that what you wanted?
>>94696074We just got a chaos sorcerer, we know wight king is coming and last store model was a fyreslayer.I guess you're just bad at paying attention
>>94696159It is funny to see GW try and address the racist colonialism of their setting only to fumble into unapologetic racist separatism They'll walked back from Broken Realms Excelsis race riots to yeah, Aelves have their own cities and race essentialism dominates the relationship between all these disparate subspecies that originally had the same origin but now they're inconsolably different. Also you can't ally these into your army
PtG newshttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/kkh0hrk7/cultivate-mighty-heroes-forge-devastating-weapons-and-battle-for-precious-emberstone-in-the-ravaged-coast/
>>94696284painting them black just reminds me how inferior they are to the timeless, tasteful design of chaos warriors
>>94696159>It's just like what you've got in 40k or Warhammer Fantasy.>Warhammer FantasyNot even close LMAO
>>94696309Thats the joke
>>94696309>Gunline army with non-human auxiliaries built on faith and steelOops sorry that's Imperial Guard.>Gunline army with non-human auxiliaries built on faith and steelOops sorry that's Empire of Man>Gunline army with non-human auxiliaries built on faith and steelThere we go, Nu-Cities of Sigmar, that's the right one! You're so right anon these are all totally unique armies and not the same one GW copy pastes into every setting. You sure showed me with that reply of a knight on a regular horse, which all three also now have in abundance.
>>94696191>, Aelves have their own cities and race essentialism dominates the relationship between all these disparate subspecies that originally had the same origin but now they're inconsolably different.False. All city aelves worships Sigmar
>>94696335>built on faith and steel>Imperial GuardThey are built on ww2 autism
>>94696335>>Gunline army with non-human auxiliaries built on faith and steel>Oops sorry that's Empire of ManWrong
>>94696349Suuuure anon, sure. The fact the Imperial Guard get to take preachers, are a bunch of "regular humans fighting the big baddies with only their gun", has nothing to do with their shtick being the same as CoS or EoM. Oh and the fact that all of these armies rely on a system of Orders.Sure thing!
>>94696381>system of Orders.>EoMI dont remember that being a thing
>>94696134>>The Knight-Zephyros are Sigmar’s pre-eminent assassins, judiciously deployed to mete out his wrath on worthy enemiesWhoah how creative. 2 meters tall assasins fully claded in heavy armor
>>94696367There are elven quarters in some Empire cities, and many dwarves and ogres end up just settling in the Empire permanently. The dwarves act both mercenaries, as well as other jobs such as engineers (civil and military), smiths, masons, etc. Halflings would by the Empire's own account be their own race and have their own governance. The dwarves and elves are both responsible for starting major institutions in the Empire.
>>94691478I'd go with StD, Chaos Knights have a similar vibe and you could fairly easily kitbash their spears with the Warrior halberds if you wanted.
>>94696390I wish. EoM have no special rules in TOW.
>>94696367I'm sorry anon that's artwork, not the actual art of the game or of the army or of the book, listed here. Granted we all know how worldly and atheistic zealous witch hunters, warrior priests, and flagallents are right?>>946963908th edition, page 31, army special rules, Support Fire/Counter Charge.
>>94696437And..?Elven quarters are elite quarters of Marienburg, Erengard, Altdorf, etc, not ghetto.
>>94696457I think he's talking more about the non-humans
>>94696457I remember regiments thing, but not orders, im probably just retarded
>>94696457>not the actual art of the game or of the army or of the book,Here is official art bitchboy. Except of skulls looks like straight from Imperial Armoury in Vienna
>>94696476You could at least pick the most landsknecht looking unit to help your case.
>>94696470Then I apologize for being so rude, it's just the bitterness of losing an army twice.>>94696475Nah they were known for regiments, the detachments was side stuff compared to Spearman with Hatred. It's a fair thing to forget.
>>94696309>>94696367>>94696476>>94696499>Men used to look as homosexual as possible during warWe need to retvrn
>>94696514>as homosexual as possible>landsknecht
>>94696535A single landsknecht is a whole gay pride parade onto themselves
>>94696535You didn't buy into the meme of people actually liking those clown outfits?
>>94696542>certified rape-machines>whole gay pride parade onto themselves
I really wish the empire had gone all in on the conquistador aesthetic, can barely tell the difference between them and cities of sigmar as it is.
>>94696557Sounds right to me
>>94696558Are you retarded?
>>94696557sex + rainbows = gay
>>94696565Sorry to hear about that. Hope you’ve been getting the support you need.
>>94696548You mean when landsknecht were actual thing?>>94696559>homosexuals>cannot restrain themselves from fucking as many chicks as possible
Rape is beyond sexuality. Just look at the beastmen.
>>94696191>They'll walked back from Broken Realms Excelsis race riots to yeahNot at any point did this walk back happen they also just blew up the Phoenix city that was an original founding city of elves what are you talking about
I thought that this was /aosg/, not closeted homosexual therapy hour
>>94696578>fucking as many chicks as possibleThe chicks in question being all the other men at their camp, their brothers in arms, so to say
>>94696578>cannot restrain themselves from fucking as many chicks as possibleThats a bold assumption, thats just objectively incorrect, they raped enemy men, women, children and eachother
>>94696568No but GWs depiction of fantasy humans is.
>>94696592Honestly, i would just remove humans from AoS unironically, you already got stormcasts and chaos which are 90% humans
>>94696592>be me, powerful sorceress>get challenged by lowly ork>summon an eldrich servant from beyond time and space>it is just some random pathetic white dude>mfw
>>94696585Yeah let me ask a question that will maybe correct the course.Am I wrong for liking that units essentially have to be reinforced to be good? I don’t think I’ve seen many lists with MSU’s and it feels like you need to buy 2 boxes to have a useable unit.
>>94696603Am I wrong for thinking/observing*
>>94696568He’s posting in a Warhammer thread what do you think
>>94696603You're not wrong, it is annoying.
>>94696603I don't think that the reinforcement mechanic has ever actually felt good or well implemented
>>94696096Sure it's easy to find a use for her, especially because she's thunderstrike, but it's weird to give me an alt sculpt you're saying is for a model that's not even legal
>>94696601Plot of every other japanese cartoon right now.
>>94696612Yep, completely the same. I do appreciate the fat retard in the bottom though.
>>94696623Those promo things are usually test sculpts, so either they wanted to remake it, but didn't or you better keep yourstuff aorund for 5e
>>94696590>Thats a bold assumption,That's literally memory which landsknecht left about themselves after all Italian wars
>>94696603You're correct, MSU is currently strictly worse for anything you want to actually fight since reinforcing doubles the stats/bodies for just double the price which sounds correct until you remember that force multiplier buffs exist.
>>94696633Red Army was also knowns for raping everything that moved (or at least wans't cold yet), yet russians are the only army in history to be video recorded having gay sex on the battlefield
>>94696338>All city aelves worships SigmarThey don't all worship sigmar, but they all respect him in some way. Same is true of all races in the CoS, sigmar never demands to be the main guy you worship and encourages the polytheism of the cities as long as you're cool about it.
>>94696640Would it be better if they did the thing that some units have in 10th edition 40k where they're slightly costlier to take reinforced?
>>94696633read the whole post before replying
>>94696643Russians were conscripts (aka slaves). Landsknecht were professional soldiers>>94696646>They don't all worship sigmar,They do. Literally all their heraldry built around Sigmar church/cult symbols
>>94696648I expect them to get around to doing that at some point, it's an obvious solution and they've shown a willingness to take some big swings in the most recent balance update.
>>94696558>I really wish the empire had gone all in on the conquistador aesthetic,
>>94696677Still Germans at their core
>>94696584Wanderers: disappeared with the last fluff being that Alariele forgave them Delf leftovers: absent from every piece of city lit post 2e Settler's Gain is depicted as exceptional for having Aelves.Duardin just got squatted so we'll see.
>>94696688>German ConquistadorsJust imagine the rape efficiency
>>94696615>>94696640Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t “requiring” more than 1 box of dudes per unit one of the contributing factors to WHFB’s decline? Sure, the armies are smaller in AoS but feeling like you have to cut the possible variety of your list in half from the get go to accommodate reinforced units feels bad, or at least off to me. Feels like pet units/heroes don’t have a place. Pet heroes especially since most lists won’t have more than like 2-3 heroes in total.
>>94696603Every reason to and no reason not to 3" universal weapon range encourages reinforcement and reinforcements are unlimited while adding additional units may require another regiment
>>94695725Green hooligans can stay just as that - a natural disaster that just sort of fucks shit up. Order is by no means unified outside the fact that they want to survive against the same enemies. Make Destruction center around it being destructive force of nature, just add armies that could be the "brains" for the natural disasters.
>>94696713>Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t “requiring” more than 1 box of dudes per unit one of the contributing factors to WHFB’s decline?Not exactly. It was just side effect of massive points per model drop in 8th edition and increased deadliness of magic (along with some retarded buffs of certain armies made by Ward)
>>94696797Okay. I was remembering the usual case being something like a newbie buying a box of dudes only to learn he actually needed 2 for a useable unit.
>>94696603>and it feels like you need to buy 2 boxes to have a useable unit.Man, I remember when getting a single unit of decent size meant buying four or five packs. (And this was as a high elf player, Skaven...) Assuming you were lucky enough that your local store had everything in stock of course.Anyway, given that we're now in the boxed era, let's consider the alternative. A single box gets you an entire reinforced unit? That'll be just great if all you want is a single un-reinforced unit and you suddenly have to buy twice of that. Do you think the doubled up box wouldn't be doubled up in price or something? As it is you build armies out of specific unit building blocks, which are always the same size for a specific unit, and you get to buy the models in the same number as are in those "unit quanta". Highly practical. So while reinforced vs not on the tabletop can be a matter of some debate, for this part specifically you veered off right into the ditch of retardation.
>>94695948looks like shiti don't even know what is this thingy on her hipand its another fucking stormcastI can't believe that this is their anniversary material, i wouldn't take this mini even if they'd give it for free
>pushing gobsprakk by making the other monsters free drops only with him Fuck you I’m still not paying £85 for that flimsy ass lit
How should I go about making chaos warrior knights with storm casts? Go the lazy route and just head swap?
>>94695948What the hell? Could ve done a obr, dok or some tzeentch weirdo.. but no. Stormcast again. Fuck me
>>94696808Oh I wasn’t recommending the box having a reinforced unit included. My gripe is more that using a unit out of the box is strictly worse in most cases. Adjacently related, the LRL infantry boxes feel exactly like you described, a reinforced unit in a box because each box of 10 is actually 2 identical sprue sets of 5. So I wonder if they had intended for those squads to be smaller and only sculpted 5 models per kit then changed it last second.
>>94696948Posts like this always read as "I wish that they would have fucked me over with extreme limited availability" to meLet's save actually good stuff for models that we can all actually obtain
>>94697019Its the resources used to shit like this instead of the>actually good stuff that we can all actually obtaincould been a permanent generic hero instead
I’m convinced James has some form of dementia where he forgets factions exist other than stormcast until a new edition starts Most of the new faction units come from warcry at this point
>>94697048It's a huge waste agreed but I'll still take this over last year when we had, like, The Rook Knight, the new ethereal and the new Fyreslayer which were all A+ models I had no realistic opportunity to buy and are basically gone forever.
>>94697048True but if something has to be the sacrificial lamb each year I'd prefer it to not be anything I play or like
>>94697056Such as?
>>94696843I don't mind him and was looking for a way to add caster to my throphy finga army so it is a win win for me
>>94696696Literally what does any of that have to do with what you said being not true
>>94697437>monsta killaz>river temple >chameleon skinks>ranged nighthaunt >fyreslayers egg boys To name a few, many for ranges that haven’t had a proper update in ages
>>94697577>ranged nighthauntCrossbow ghosts didnt come from warcry, firey ghosts arent ranged to my knowledge
>>94697588Wrong one fiery ghosts in that case
>>94697437Like 8 different cultists for STD, at least until they gutted them for generic barbarians
>>94695238GW either has no idea what to do with Destruction or simply doesn't care. They used 2nd Ed to redo GA:Death and did well with it. Meanwhile 3rd Ed. looked like they're going to do the same with Destruction but..nope. The decision to keep Orks in a single book is odd, especially since they've done the cleanup and removed Bonesplitters.Ogres are starving for a solid model range rework and honestly the Split of BCR and Gutbusters should be either more pronounced or removed altogether. Gits got nothing and now get another subfaction that thematically screws up the theme of the army. It looks like the new sculpts were designed for TOW and just looked too good and too crisp so they were moved to AoS instead.I have the feeling they don't want to move Destruction anywhere, it's supposed to remain the pool of old WHFB carryover themes of Gork&Mork and Greenskins and Ogres. Goroans would be 10/10 but are just lore for Chaos Ogroids. There would be plently of creative space for improvement. I wish they would drop the "Destruction is Gork&Mork" stuff, maybe make G&M go in to some war against each other. The conflict could be so consequential for the realms that some new races manifest from the sheer destruction, like some Elementals or whatever that are not evil on intention but whose whole nature and purpose is to burn stuff down. Give them some ties to Realmstone and that they Echo and Mimic stuff from past cultures and you could explain this way why they use weapons or whatever. Or hell give us just AoS Tyrranid Counterparts for GA:Destro
>>94693511>>94693534These aren't helpful posts at all. They're pointless.>Uhh, does [specific game] do X, Y, Z (yet)?>How about you just fuck off to [other game]?As if [specific game] couldn't change things, let's say Regiments actually doing something besides restricting choices, which could be answered appropriately. Generic heroes as well, I think, could have been added with the Anvil of Apotheosis in something like White Dwarf, the army book(s), or even a download that I'm just unaware of. I highly doubt(ed) WS vs WS would make a return, but again the talked about "module" system could have done something with that, again released in a White Dwarf that I wasn't aware of. Same for combat happenings.If your response to "does [specific game] do [things]" is basically "nah fuck off to TOW" then how do you think that helps? Serious question, too. I do play TOW, just as I played WHFB, but I do like the models and such from AoS and have a slight interest in it. I guess the things I mentioned are a bit of a wishlist, but hell, they could have been added for all I know.>>94693520Strangely enough, this is a better answer. Subjective, but it at least answers the question(s) as a whole without diverting.
>>94695948Wait, I've seen that armature before...
>>94697607Orks are only in a single book as a courtesy to those who collected both armies. They’re now two separate battletomes in one book with big waaagh being how you mix units.
>>94689255>Sigmar has no shame?no>He loses the most important battle and then dares to name himself god king?!yes.
>>94697667I want AoS, TOW, 40K, and HH to all be extremely different games so that when I get sick of one or two I have other options, instead of having them all be the same game with a different skin.>Generic heroes as well, I think, could have been added with the Anvil of Apotheosis in something like White Dwarf, the army book(s),Every army book DOES come with an Anvil of Apotheosis. It's just that nobody bothers to screencap them because Warhammer players have a bizarre aversion to rules that don't explicitly say "MATCHED PLAY" at the top, even if they're otherwise compatible.
>>94697860It’s because even when those narrative modes exist they’re the most milquetoast thing possible. Crusade in 40K is so boring especially with most armies not being suitable for it
>>94697577New Gorgers is also a big one, finally replaced a shit resin model no one wanted to buy.
I feel like the only person who uses battletomes or army books as a guide instead of a bible. That rule sucks? Fuck it. This model really should do X not Y? Sure why not. Who gives a fuck you’re playing with either friends or regulars
>>94697950We do some homebrew for garage hammer games but everyone at the LGS is super competitive and don't like the idea of playing anything not directly blessed by GW tournament organizers.
>>94697950Why not just write your own system? I’d probably have more drive to if I had a much more regular gaming group.Also it’s used a bible because that’s exactly what it is if you’re not playing with friends/regulars.
>>94693461>a flat weapon skill where a goblin can beat up a Stormcast with the same roll as he could another goblin?If only there was a recent game that didn't do that and devolved into a shitshow of unkillable super monsters that shrug off most units in the game.
>>94696677that different from this (pic)>>94696696Wanderers didn't the fluff of Alarielle forgiving them is old lore with the majority of Sylvaneth ignoring the order.the 4 edition Stormcast fluff even mention them in Thyria with the WIldercrop fighting rats
>>94697234Yea you are right of course. It just feels really fuckin bad to see new stormcasts every other month while there are so many factions still being stuck in their 1st wave and zero hints at that gw even truly cares about some of them anymore. Makes one hesitant to invest much further in a lot of stuff, you know?
>>94697950Unfortunately it is rare to be in a situation where that's possible without arguments.
>>94698208GW hates the dawiAnd Idoneth
>>94698339Fully ready to be underwhelmed by my pity hero that won’t be appealing enough for me to want to take it over a king or eidolon.
>>94698436Maybe you’ll get a warcry unit
>>94698479That is inexplicably better than your standard infantry in almost all scenarios
>>94697693lmao I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of that
>>94698479>>94698483Ugh, fuck. Random number of random dudes with inconsistent base sizes. Sounds worse except for being conversion fodder if they happen to be blessed with weapon options.
>>94698483I refuse to consider that a unitIt's a hero with some aides
>>94698496>>94698528And all ugly as shit, especially the hero guy. All the guys have the same stats too
>>94698539The hero is such a fantastic shitfest of a model. Completely cluttered with all of the most unpleasant shapes and textures possible.
>>94695825Don't lie to me, you walk up and find the 4 of them unconscious, do you go for the snussy?
>>94696036Did they fire whoever sculpted the DoK models?They're good
>>94696700It wasn't rape, the natives were insatiable
>>94695825>me when I release my scent around femoids
>>94698708It's crazy that there's no new chaos spawn kit
>>946970564e just launched 3e brought a tonne of new stuff
>>94698762Just look up "StD" in the prior thread, getting one every thread is how they get taken down.
>>94697977NTA but if GW is anything to go by it’s really hard to do but especially easy to fuck up. Tweaking a system that existed in atleast three different incarnations is infinitely easier also because the system is offering something but isn’t perfect to your taste. It’s also why i personally hate rules RAWfags in TTRPGs
>>94698880may dark powers grant you boons to crush your enemies
>>94699026Man, deciples really need a proper warrior unit, why the fuck are they the naked retards of chaos and not khornates
>>94699104>get an awesome armored hero in the Curseling>no awesome mutated Chosen to lead, just birds and old men glamoured to look like oiled up twunksPoor Tzeentch, I mean at least they generally get good rules but all the good god specific models get sucked up by Nurgle.
>>94699231>get an awesome armored hero in the CurselingNew model is great, but old one wasnt that bad either, in no world was it a priority (unless it was failcast and not plastic), we should have gotten a unit of tzeentchian chaos warriors, chosen, or doom knights instead
So what’s up with soulblight tanking the win rate? Also when should we expect news for death?
>>94699231It was probably a necessary part of the tzeentchian plot that left Khorne's most elite mortal warriors in fucking plate dungarees of all things.
>>94699254It is surprising how badly the khorne models aged, monopose ones are still good, but the proper multikits for blood warriors and reivers look wonky, and skullreapers are some of the worst "modern" gw miniatures, despite coming out almost back to back with Blightkings of all thigns, one of the best fantasy kits gw ever made
>>94699013Yeah, I should’ve clarified. Writing a new system from scratch is hell. Tweaking existing or adapting other games systems is exactly what I would be doing. My idealized(read: in my head, despite what actually could/would work in the actual game) AoS system would see purchasable unit upgrades, S/T back, offensive spells being varying degrees of “I cast gun” where the cast roll is your “to hit” and possibly additional effects listed on the warscroll/spell lore table, cheaper foot heroes to make them enticing vs mounted ones, probably removing AoD/AoA because automatically assuming something is better in calculating effectiveness for/against something sucks. Let heroes hand out the bonuses. I’ve got more brainstormed but I’d just be yapping at that point, but failing all that, I’d at least see if there’s a way to finally get alternating activations into the game.
>>94699281Honestly, somone should do Hobgoblin style game, but for a smaller scale, round bases units.You probably could use Saga:Age of magic rules for that.For the unfamiliar, in hobgoblin you dont have specific factions and units, you get a bunch of keywords that have a point cost, and you assemble your units out of that
>>94699281>cheaper foot heroes to make them enticing vs mounted onesThey should be cheaper, AND we need commands issued by heroes back to give them purpose.S/T back, i personally would go the Warcry way, and get ridof the tihit roll, and just leave the wound roll, but keep the save roll.Also weapon ranges should come back.We also need a far more diverse scenario generator, funny thing is that gw already has that for warcry, but we are stuck with controlling abstract objectives
>>94699276>and skullreapers are some of the worst "modern" gw miniaturesYep. Wrathmongers are perhaps as bad on their own, but at least with their weapons you can stick dual flails into the hands of something else for a conversion to get a better model that still has a very objective "it's a wrathmonger" thing about it. Skullreapers? There's just nothing there but "bad".>Blightkings of all thigns, one of the best fantasy kits gw ever madeNow watch as Khrone's battletome is followed by just a Khorgos Khul daemon prince, whereas Nurgle gets a full mortals refresh.
>>94699250>Also when should we expect news for death?Soulblight is the next releas after Gitz
>>94699307That sounds interesting. Do you have a quick example of what a unit profile looks like?
>>94699460Thats supposed to be something like squigs?Not sure if thats all, as you have to actually buy the rules to see all the availible keywords.My issue with it is that its a square based rank and flank game, which i have 0 interest in so dont ask how it actually plays, never tried, i just like the concept
>>94699497Gotcha. Thanks. Seems interesting, but yeah, with you there on having no interest in rank and flank.
>>94697860When I saw that 4th AoS was going to have "modules" it did pique my interest in it, hoping for some sort of pick and mix of both basic (what AoS already is) and advanced (making it more of a wargame and less of a board game/card game). Adding in some complexity that could be used or not depending on the player(s) with things such as a Combat Module where WS Vs WS, Initiative, the effects of combat and positioning, etc could be brought into play. I'm sure you get the idea of what I'm saying. Having not looked at AoS for quite a few months, except for the models, which I think are mostly great, I was curious if something had been done that I just hadn't seen. I understand you (and others) wanting things different within each GW system (though I'd suggest if you want something different you branch out from GW) but I had assumed the module idea would be expanded on. Same as the regiment system that could actually be something more than take regiment hero and then three (or four!!!) units and then that's all. Nothing more. Instead of gaining bonuses or something for relative regimental coherence or something similar. Just anything, really. AoA, from what I've seen (which isn't much), seems like an afterthought, but you are right that it's criminally underused. If there were a better system for it, which would encourage kitbashing/conversion and could be used in a multitude of ways, then it could become a neat new standard of getting heroes that aren't exactly the same as every other hero. There's a lot of potential for much more than just "standard AoS" (and 40k) that could be done. Something akin to the old 6th edition WHFB General's Handbook (and as an aside, I dislike how much they've raped the concept of Path to Glory from the old booklet with Chaos warbands fighting one another, which was amazing and I still have it on my shelf) where it added a ridiculous amount of stuff to the game. I don't know, man.
>>94699902>WS Vs WSI genuinely dont understand obsession over that thing.It is a type of autism pretty much unique to warhammer, and even 40k dropped it
>>94699919It adds verisimilitude. As in my example, a goblin warrior piece of shit with a rusty spear with a haft that is rotting who has undergone the littlest of actual training should not be equal to something like a Stormcast that has been empowered by a god and trained to be what is basically an elite warrior. 40k dropping it was a mistake too, among other mistakes. At least AoS does have the virtue of never having it in the first place, but it's still pretty good for melee stuff.
Is there an infographic of DoT paint schemes floating around anywhere? I'm looking to paint a Lord of Change and don't want to do the box scheme, I was initially just going to hit it with bisexual lighting and call it a day but I decided to do that for StD instead.
>>94699939Liberator has 2 wounds and a 3+ save, he franctly doesnt care for 2, 0 rend, 1 damage attacks that only hit 1/6 of the time
>>94699947Speaking of DT schemes, the box art for the eternal spells of tzeench is absolutely dog shit holy hell. I almost got turned off from it.
>>94699939>>94699965I think that's the thing, goblins are always hitting on 5s, it only would make a difference IF that goblin was fighting other goblins.
>>94699939>should not be equalIt takes the combined attacks of eighteen Stabbas to kill on average one basic Stormcast grunt in a single fight phase. Meanwhile five of said grunts (say, Vindictors without the anti-charge bonus) will average four dead goblins in a single fight phase, and that's rounding down. So they're not quite equal, no.Now the really funny thing is if we start comparing the current system to the old WS-vs-WS system. As it is the Stabba hits the Stormcast on 4+, while the Stormcast hits the Stabba on 3+. Whereas under the old system the Stabba would at worst hit on 5+, and the Stormcast would hit on 3+. So of the two rolls one is identical, and the other is a single step away, adding up to a difference that's basically as small as it can be without being a flat out nothing.I get a feeling some who never played with WS might be overestimating its impact. Then again, I have a feeling the games designers often did as well...
Is there a working army builder? I want to see how far off I am from 2,000 points of Hedonites.
>>94700463New Recruit is an option. I can't say if it's up to date or not (I think it is). Also the app, I guess.
>>94700330S v T makes a big difference.It's still of importance in Necromunda (really big because of vs greater/lower and vs double/half) and even in Warcry which kind of rolls WS/S vs T into a single roll.Which are not hard to work out. No table required unless you're an absolute brainlet.At the same time, playing a big army game I'm not to fussed with it being simpler, whereas keeping it super granular for skirmish games.
hmmmmm....maybe ill theme my soulblight after the wildhunt with the vyrkos....
>>94697667you're going to have to pardon the general for being a bit defensive after 3 straight years of constant old world shitposting, which >>94693461sounds suspiciously like
>>947011863? Try 5. We already had regular shitposting from grogs assmad about the mere existence of AoS then TOW was announced in Nov 2019 and shitposting went into overdrive from there.
>>94698150>this (pic)>chestplate which certainly done with XX-XXI century machinery to bend metal in perfect angle>oversized pauldrons for grunt infantryEven helmets doesn;t match
>>94693461>>94701186That shit was very obviously bait given every single question he asked was framed in a negative way that makes TOW seem "good"
>>94698813>4e just launched It was 5 months ago anon
>>94700710I genuinely like vyrkos as a theme, but im not playing them until GW gives them a single non-named hero unit besides wolves