>Brutus' Drivehttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1qb0_OLhDrDYVVpbllIREdOczg?resourcekey=0-m3LU1xaC5-PnnA0VLRfK9g>DriveAnon's Drivehttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Cx7KoDkQa9qmDfJN9_CehZ0fxXEweKOu?usp=sharing>Jumpchain IRC Chathttp://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.rizon.net/?#JumpchainCYOA>Ruleshttp://pastebin.com/Gqj3iKyn>How to Jumpchainhttp://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1qb0_OLhDrDVDFBR2NpdG03S0U/view>Last Thread>>94688132
Jumper finds out his wife has racked up a lot of debt. How does he respond?
>>94699088I mean, what was I expecting marrying Tsunade?
>>94699088Jumper lives in a post-scarcity society, has cracked material transmutation and free energy generation, and literally rules over an entire dimension. Money means nothing to Jumper or their wives.How the fuck did they manage to create a debt when there is no such thing in Jumper's society?
Been a while. Lot of things happened. Missed Christmas.But at least we'll have this to go into the new year with. It's finally done. Enjoy.
>>94699093You were expecting drinking and great pillows to sleep on. She would not accept second rate bedding.
>>94699101Hey Red! Merry Christmas, how have you been? Also thanks for the jump.
>>94699101TODAY WE SHALL REACH HEAVEN THROUGH VIOLENCE! Merry (late) Christmas & a Happy (early) New Year Red!
>>94699101Congratulations on slaying your white whale at long last, and living to tell the tale. What's the next step in your master plan?
>>94699101Thank you Red; I shall treasure this.
>>94699101Yeah! Thanks a lot Red! This is awesome. Hopefully we see more of you in the coming year.
>>94699101My only complaint is that it isn't "Seeing Red Edition."I'll probably get over it eventually.
>>94699101Thanks for the jump Red-though, now that you're back, I will harp on something I mentioned before.>Endless EmotionI still feel like this perk is, frankly, written incorrectly. Asura explicitly couldn't handle the weight of his own wrath until the Karma Reactor was forcibly implanted into him-his rage boiled so obscenely high that he was literally burning himself from the inside out at one point. In that vein, I feel like this perk should be what it was for Asura: the fact that he could, potentially, generate endless Mantra from his own emotions, but with the inherent risk of "how much can you stand before you fucking nuke yourself?"That's what made Asura special after all-that he was able to generate Mantra from his own wrath alone where the other Generals were harvesting faith and souls to do it, and that Asura's sheer weight of emotion was such that he could match the output of trillions of souls-at great cost.
Do y'all match your Jumper's and Companion's fit?
>>94699101Huzzah! I shall create a build for this that you have definitely not already seen!>Origin: Celestial Denizen>Perks: Harmonious Choir [Free]Perspective of Divinity [Free]Power of the Mantra [Free]Gilded Longevity [Free]Nature’s Ally [100CP]Thread of Aeons [Free]Along Came A Spider [Free] - Fox form, because what else?Possessor of Power [100CP] - Could be a good support ability honestlyMind of Akasha [100CP] - Memory good, and planningCelestial Mandate [200CP] - More support powers babyyyyyThe Creator [300CP] - Imma be a silly creator. Time to recreate NeptuniaOne with the Mantra [300CP] - MORE SUPPOT BABBBBBYYYY>Items: [+300CP]Fountain of the Immortals - Ascendance [500CP] - Stupid big reserves of MantraPrivate Resort [Discounted] - HotspringNatural Paradise [Discounted] - More happy landFaithful Flock [200CP] - GamersHeart of the Planet [300CP] - Heart of the Nep Dimension :VEvent Horizon [300CP] - NEP DIMENSION :D>Cybernetics: [+1000MP]Karma-class Custom [400MP] - Mantra reservesVayu Wings [100MP] - WingsRasho Functions [200MP] - Mantra weapon channellingBhumi Alloy [100MP] - Increased durabilityKameswari Lenses [200MP] - Elemental attacks>Drawbacks:Crying Daughter [+1000CP] - Asura can't disappear after killing Chakravatin if he's too angry to die. Ain't abandoning Mithra this time.I'mma recreating Neptunia in Asura's Wrath.. while also spending most of it running away from Asura.
>>94699101Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you Red. Hopefully you'll be around some more this year.
>>94699164For battle yes, regular everyday stuff we just wear casual clothes.
>>94699252>not wearing dress clothes everydayWeak and gay.
>>94699262>being a boring, weak-willed conformist>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Male_RenunciationSomeone is weak and gay, and it's not that anon.
>>94699279Wear a fucking suit you soiboi.
>>94699288>wanting to look like a cucked salaryman even in his imagination gameDon't fucking speak to me, NPC.
>>94699101Thanks for the jump. Happy new year!
>>94699101I've gotta find a place for this in my chain but I don't think my power levels have ever gotten quite that high. Thanks for the jump Red.
>>94699101Very nice. One thing before I finalize my build, do companions get the item and cybernetic stipends also?
>>94699088He whores himself out to pay it. When his wife tiredly points out that he has literally infinite money, he responds that she just doesn't understand and that he's doing this for her sake.
>>94699101Sexy Jump. Would having more mantra increase the effects of Empyrean Viewpoint and Saintly Charm?
>>94699101>-Endless Emotion [300CP]: All of the Eight Guardian Generals could benefit from their own emotional affinity, becoming stronger as they steeped themselves further in said emotion. Deus was powerful so long as his pride was without equal, and Yasha’s melancholy from his actions likewise kept him strong. But each of them had a ceiling to how much Mantra they could hold, even with the Mantra Reactors they installed in themselves. Asura appeared to be the exception, being able to handle any amount of Mantra with no upper cap in the slightest… to the point of eventually being able to challenge the Creator of this existence. You now share this quirk, for all the danger and potential that brings.I don't get why you and Val think Asura is an exception when he wasn't. Like Yasha was starting to reach Asura's level of power at the start of the game and Asura needed the reactor from that Buddha deathstar thing to even contain his Mantra at the end of the game. so Asura clearly does have a cap he just had an easier time busting through his first soft cap and needed an upgrade to his cybernetics to get through the second.
>>94699322Reminder that this is apparently prehistoric times in the street fighter universe
>>94699437>Asura will never be SF6 DLCFeels bad man.
>>94699330>He whores himself out to pay it.To women, right?
>>94699101The jump length is 12,500 years? Welp if this wasn't going late in my chain before it sure is now. Thanks for the jump tho, looks pretty cool!
So on the eve of the new year, what is your and your Jumpers plans for next year? What's both of yours new years resolution?
>>94699425>setting where having more emotion makes you more powerful>Yasha’s emotion is Melancholy>So to match Asura at the height of his potential, he has to endure suicidal amounts of regret and sadnessNo skin in this game, but kek it’s actually funny how the guy was set up to fail
>>94699574My new years resolution is just "maintain a regular exercise regime". Even if said regime is just an hour's walk a day. I need to start somewhere.My Jumper's several millennia old at this point. They don't do new years resolutions anymore, and their empire isn't even a century old so they can't do a centennial resolution based on the centennial anniversary of the empire's founding just yet. It'll be a century old in 5 more jumps, so around then I'll have them do some sort of celebration.
>>94695095A. When Arcueid activated her Event Storage and started to drag the entire Surface texture of the Planet into the Reverse with the strength of a black hole, Akiha alone was too buff to be dragged in.2. Oni are reconfirmed to be planet-terminals (but not fairies/elementals), and their superhuman abilities are directly tied to their connection to the Planet and it just letting them do BS3. Oni are implied to either be primordial humans from before Humanity split away from the Cycles of Nature, or be the equivalent to those primordial humans.4. Nanaya magic inbreeding gave Shiki hollow bird bones.5. Dr. Arach was personal friends with Makihisa and considered him an equal of hers. 6. Kishima Kouma > Vlov ?
>>94699101Would the Fountain of Immortals still work if we go to a different plane/universe than the one it's kept in? Can we stick it in our warehouse and have it provide its benefits?
>>94699624>4. Nanaya magic inbreeding gave Shiki hollow bird bones.Of all the questionable things on this list, this one confounds me the most. Just...why?
Damn, just saw a long ass Rick & Morty commercial that was in the style of Animal Crossing, thought they made a ripoff game of it. Would be neat.
>>94694531That Arc fag is still here. Just a bit burned out from everything, even shitposting here.
>>94699635Because hollow bones let you speed-blitz massively supersonic vampires anon, keep up.
>>94699663I can't keep up, my bones are too thicc.
>>94699101Fucking finally, I missed you Red
Opinions on the Universal Drawback Supplement?
Should my tomboy servant/waitress that is a spirit avatar of the house be one of those complete clueless ditze types or should she be one of those types thats basically a perverted old man inside (since she is literally the entire building and she knows/sees everything that happens inside it?)
>>94699718It's a thing that exists
>>94699721She should start as the former but grow into the latter as an inevitability of her circumstances.
>>94699437That makes a lot of sense
>>94699718I think the restrictions in it can be fun ideas to implement, but I am personally against the idea of of introducing outside sources of CP into jumps.
>>94699574Each jump lasts ten years. You think I have enough patience to come up with ten of these things per jump?
>>94699574Maybe I just look at too many anime waifus, but she strikes me as extremely ugly (assuming she's even a real woman).
>>94699745I love love. It's a lovely thing.
>>94699108>>94699121It's. Been a year. But I think I need to clear more of my backlog. Fix up prior jumps that desperately need a rework.>>94699329The jump already says yes.>>94699363Gonna say no, it's more a straight buff.>>94699627Yes.>>94699161I would have thought the latter line would have hinted enough at it, but I was wrong. I'll take another look and try to edit it to better reflect. Was just a little worried about writing something people would think was paying for a drawback.>>94699425At the same time, none of the other Demigods could keep up with him when he started getting pissed enough. Deus kept up a good front yeah, but his pride fell when Asura just kept getting angrier, all without a Reactor. Yasha was eventually on the other end with being Reactor-less and keeping up with Asura having a reactor, but by then Yasha was literally minutes away from death. He was OP because he hit rock bottom as Melancholy and went full "fuck it" mode. We just... don't really see a lot of good examples of anyone else pulling off Asura's "You're more powerful? I'LL JUST GET EVEN MORE EMOTIONAL" trick nearly as many times. It might be because it's easier to work yourself into a rage? I'm open to suggestion if you think rewriting the perk to go in line with the former's critique doesn't work.
Assuming Jumper in Forgotten Realms is a Monster that can casts spells as a class, would you say you still get one class level for free>Classes>First "level" of first class is free. 100CP for each additional "level" in the same or different classes. You can grow more powerful with experience, this merely gives you a starting point.like if you are a dragon with that can cast spells as a 4th level sorcerer, would you be able to use the perk to get to 5th level for free?
>>94699574Mine? Probably to not be so engrossed in work and actually focus on my own hobbies again. Jumper's is to play Wack-A-Mole with enough Deadites and Servants of Leviathan to hopefully keep them out of the plot of Buffy.
>>94699777I would say you get one class level but it's independent of the dragon effect. So you'd be a Dragon that can cast spells but also a 1st (rather than 5th-level Sorcerer), and they wouldn't interact. Unless there are official rules to the contrary.
>>94699574I'm gonna finish a chain. I tell myself that every time I start a chain, and have been doing so every year for the last decade.
>>94699624>3. Oni are implied to either be primordial humans from before Humanity split away from the Cycles of Nature, or be the equivalent to those primordial humans.>Avicebron was trying to build a clay model of the ur-Oni>Queen Himiko is so strong because she is a throwback to the ancient human-onisOh christ the Baki drawback in Land of the Rising Sun is actually sort of canon
Kuma bear is agressively cute
>>94699574Haven't thought of one yet. Suggestions?
>>94699813Does it make you feel cute aggression?
In Crusader Kings, should I purge the vikings?
>>94699816Finish more jumps.
>>94699818A little
>>94699718I think that a set of drawbacks that are applicable to a chain in general and thus available in every jump is an interesting idea in theory but could only work if they were accounted for in every jump, but that is very clearly not the case. The Universal Drawback Supplement also goes well beyond such drawbacks and includes many things that wouldn't be a good idea even if the above unreasonable condition was actually met.
What tokusatsu do you guys like? Is it Power Rangers (US), Super Sentai (Japan), Kamen Rider or some other show?
>>94699820It's not the Vikings' fault that the English are so foul that men who have been at sea for weeks if not months are considered more elegant and fragrant than them
>>94699832I'm a slut for Kamen Rider.
>>94699816Go to church every Sunday.
>>94699574Make jumps again, it was surprisingly fun compared to the first time I did it.
>>94699660No rush, just relax, take your time, and think of Arc.
>>94699832Big bad beetle borgs
>>94699574>yourI'm going to shit on Gohan even harder, thanks to the power of AI.>your Jumpers He's going to shit on Gohan even harder, thanks to the power of haunting people's dreams.
>>94699832From New Zealand, it's Power Rangers RPM. Japan wise, I prefer Kamen Rider Amazon
>>94699832Does the name "Mystic knights of tyr na nog" mean anything to you? I miss it
>>94699101Now you just need to do a Bayonetta remake.
>>94699816Earn 100000 followers on X.
>>94699574My resolution is to finally fucking decide on what my idealized fantasy insert will be and stick to it instead of frantically flip-flopping between concepts forever in my head. It takes up so much of my mental real estate and has done so for almost 10 years now. I'm fucked. My jumpers have no concept of time anymore.
>>94699865That is, ironically, one of the things at the top of the list.
>>94699878Enjoy figuring out how to balance Singularity-sama being one of the weaker Bayonetta final bosses in personal power, but also having basically Calamity from JoJo except instead of just ending things, he can force reality to be whatever he wants it to be as long as he isn't being opposed by a sufficiently cuhrahzee will.
>>94699832Kamen Rider for me, Build being my favorite series. I love Super Sentai too, Jetman in particular. I wasn't really a Power Rangers kid but I liked Time Force and Wild Force when they were on Fox, even though the concept of Power Rangers just pisses me off. Let's not forget Godzilla. Godzilla is inherently a physical being and medium to me. CGI Godzillae never have that presence and weight to them.
>>94699101Thanks, Red. Good to see you again.
>>94699878Will jumper be able to purchase being specil in remake?
>>94699773If you're strong enough can you use Arisen from Naraka to keep resurrecting even beyond the one you get every ten years?
>>94699777That was a shitty pic, but why was it deleted? Shame?
>>94699795the actual rules in dnd is that class level stack with abilities based on them, it's called an 'associated class'.>Class levels that increase a monster’s existing strengths are known as associated class levels. Each associated class level a monster has increases its CR by 1.>Barbarian, fighter, paladin, and ranger are associated classes for a creature that relies on its fighting ability.>Rogue and ranger are associated classes for a creature that relies on stealth to surprise its foes, or on skill use to give itself an advantage. >A spellcasting class is an associated class for a creature that already has the ability to cast spells as a character of the class in question since the monster’s levels in the spellcasting class stack with its innate spellcasting ability. https://www.d20srd.org/srd/improvingMonsters.htmBut I dont know if doing that would remove the freebie class my jumper is entitled to, since it specifies first level of a class, which it technically is, but practically is not really.
>>94699886>Time Force and Wild ForceI'm in the camp that believes OG Saban and Jetix Eras of Power Rangers were the best. Too bad the Neo-Saban shows kinda sucked
>>94699777No, inherent abilities don't stack with levels unless you're "leveling" the thing that gave you the inherent levels.
anyone got tips for keeping cloth fibers off your balls, I got new underwear and it's like half of the crotch ends up attached to my scrotum
>>94699850I left my job and now I'm facing the weird problem about writing it. I did it all on my phone at work and now that I'm at home and I can't write, or at least for long?
>>94699917Wash them first dumbass
>>94699886>GodzillaI liked the old movies, they gave me hard on for cutie japanese women and twins
>>94699878So, after all this time.How does it feel for the game series itself to remind you time after time that only special prodigy witches actually matter?
>>94699924I did.
>>94699718I like the idea of some of the drawbacks as flavoring, but I see how easily they can be abused for massive point gains. My two favorite are the humiliation that makes sure jumper will lose a fight and stay a bit grounded. And the Hangover style drawback.
>>94699850>Think of ArcWhy are you trying to hurt that poor boy?
>>94699937>tfw the girl you like becomes a streamer and starts an only fans.Should have picked the real best girl.
>>94699718I think some of the mechanics in it are pretty cool, such as Slot-o-Matic or whatever it's called where your perks work like a Vancian magic system where you have to prepare a set number of them in slots before the actual jump instead of just being omnipotent and having all of them all the time.
>>94699883Obviously he will cost less then Luka>Singularity: Looks like you've run out of tricks Bayonet-LUKA SAMA HOW DID YOU GET HERE!!??? AAIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>94699950sounds like a fun chainbutt
>>94699883>Enjoy figuring out how to balance Singularity-sama being one of the weaker Bayonetta final bosses in personal power, but also having basically Calamity from JoJo except instead of just ending things, he can force reality to be whatever he wants it to be as long as he isn't being opposed by a sufficiently cuhrahzee will.>mfwYeah... yeah... I'm painfully aware of how bad this is gonna get. But I'm getting better at the hyper-powerful stuff, so it might not be so bad? Maybe? Maybe. If I say it enough times, it might come true.>>94699928Fool that you are, only Luka ever mattered. For even special prodigy witches fall prey to faerie wolf.>>94699894Use your words.>>94699901I'm... gonna say no. Sorry.>>94699161Just gonna run this rewording by thread quick then:>-Endless Emotion [300CP]: The power of the Mantra is great, but the Shinkoku civilization at times found limits to how far they could go. Each time they solved this issue with things like more resources, processing souls, and Mantra Reactors, they always found a new barrier to their growth. Even gaining a unique Priestess in a coup only let them go so far. But like some of the Eight Guardian Generals, you've found you can generate an ever-growing amount of Mantra with no limit so long as the intensity of your emotions climb with it. This comes with its own flaws of potentially clouding your judgement or even seeing your sanity shatter as it climbs more and more, but if you find a way to keep your head together then there's no limit to your power.If this is better wording then I'll swap to that.
>>94699955>For even special prodigy witches fall prey to faerie wolf.>Heavily implied to be the reincarnation or some shit of Prince Lukaon>Who literally tried to kill Bayonetta in Origins>STILL gets the girl across every timelineHow does he do it?
>>94699954It's also nice because it actually balances the fact that you get a bunch of extra CP since it prevents the kind of exponential power curve that normal Jumpchain has. Like even if you can buy a thousand perks every jump that doesn't actually help since you can only use a set number at any given time.
>>94699964Every version of Bayo wants the knot.
>>94699964Pretty privilege.
>>94699920Interesting. Hopefully you’ll find something else to help motivate you.>>94699937Some waifus are worth it.
>>94699955>If this is better wording then I'll swap to that.It's significantly better wording, though I'd still personally like it if you put in a note that even if there's no limit to how much Mantra you can generate-there's definite limits to how much your body can withstand without something like a specialized reactor. That's just me though.
>>94699816Hey so I just recently noticed but in the lewd superheroes jump there isn't really a "waifu" origin.
>>94699574I want to leave this place and stop making jumps. I want to make cringe si fangics instead
>>94699988Thanks, current attempts to fix it have included writing it on a park bench which has had a little success.
>>94700012Then do it. Go to cyoagen if it eases you out.
>>94699905No, it just wasn't really relevant to the question I posted.Originally I was gonna mention that jumper is a Ghaele which is a monster that can cast spells as a level 14 cleric and was gonna use a pic of one, but then decided that it's a convoluted example nobody cares for and just generalized the question and used a dragon as example, since that is more straight forward, but I forgot to remove the pic from the selected files before posting.
>>94700028The thing to remember is that D&D, even 3.5, isn't as busted as Overlord or our Overlord jump. So if a monster can cast at 14th level, odds are it's near that CR so it's not really a big advantage over an adventurer of the same level.
>>94700012I'd miss you.
>>94700025Good to hear. Is it that the ideas aren’t coming, or a classic case of having the ideas but not being able to make yourself sit down and write them out?
>>94699955...hey weird question, can I pay 600 CP for Custom and Karma-class Custom to ensure my reactor has both all the Mantras and a custom one too?
>>94699574I want a job that won’t run me downI want to have a decent amount of savings without misfortune befalling me
>>94700042a little bit of both. And that I'm easily distracted.
>>94700057Sorry, best we can do is work-related schadenfreude and a slight reprieve from debt at the expense of imminent hyperinflation.
Is it unethical to promise your soul to demons in exchange for power every jump, with the contract stipulating they get it after 20 years have passed?
>>94700006You mean something like a damsel in distress origin?
>>94700037It's cr 13, but the casting is actually mostly incidentall, I mainly want my jumper to be one for the racial abilities like being able to use greater teleport, greater invisibility, cure wounds and alter self at will among other spells, speaking and understanding and language, having a protective aura that prevents mind control and negates any spell below level 4 and having a gaze attack that straight up insta kills almost any evil creature below level 6 and frightens almost everyone else.The 14 cleric levels are just a bonus.
>>94700059We are the same, you and I.
>>94700072No because you are screwing with demonsYes because you aren't killing demons
>>94700072Fuck off, Davriel.
>>94700085We are legion.
>>94700076NTA, but or a jobber origin.
>>94700072Why stop there? When your jump time is almost up, sacrifice all your limbs and organs in dark rituals until you reach the very edge of death. You get to reap all the benefits and you're reset completely right after. Selling your soul to a demon and get them to collect in 20 years' time is a good start, but if there's nothing stopping you from doing that to 70 demons go and do that. Or better yet, promise your companions' souls as well to get more out of it. Promise your injump parents and friends! It's not going to matter!
>>94699955I think you handled the asura remake quite well. I have faith in you making the bayou remake great too.
>>94700041You can meet me again in my cringe si fanficsI'll be waiting for you>>94700026Last time I went there I ended up making a shitty Yu-Gi-Oh GX cyoa
>>94700012Make high-effort fanfics that redefine an entire fandom instead
>>94700012Do it faggot. You'll probably have fun.
>>94700104Any origin can be a jobber, just take every single drawback.
>>94700012What LN/Anime/Manga/etc do you want to write cringe SI fanfics for?
>>94700012I hope you’ll at least stick around.
>>94700049I mean. I'm not gonna stop you. You wanna spend the points for that, be my guest.>>94700001>It's significantly better wordingThen unless others in the thread have an issue, I'll post a revised version next thread.>though I'd still personally like it if you put in a note that even if there's no limit to how much Mantra you can generate-there's definite limits to how much your body can withstand without something like a specialized reactor.Eh... I probably won't put that part in. You're paying 300 points, you're allowed to have a little bit of niceness going along with that. I understand what you mean with the end with Yasha worrying Asura's power would destroy him, but if I throw that in then I feel like I'd have to reduce the cost of the perk to compensate for what would essentially be a loaded gun unless you bought another perk to empty the chambers.>>94700119The confidence is appreciated. AW remake was honestly me just fixing a mistake, though. Bayo will be the same thing: Fixing it.
Grabbing the Monster Island in GEH. Anyone know where I can find some good art of some giant monsters that are genuinely just fucking horrible? Beyond size, you look at them, and you're like "Nope. Don't like that."
>>94699721If she wasnt a lewd pervy tomboy to start she will be after enough people spend the night
>>94700188>picI never want to see Godzilla with a rapeface ever again.
>>94700188Terra HypnaCHADica.
>>94699863Holy fuck, someone else besides me remembers this show.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MURRgSd4ecM
>>94700149Not him, but that reminds me, would taking the Origin Story and Protagonist Problem drawbacks together be a bad idea, or will any world ending threats that show up not scale beyond my ability to face them?
>>94700202I got it on dvd, sadly the dvd is the same quality as the tv of the time it aired originally.
>>94700125>me>high effortlol, lmao even>>94700151Several. Maybe I could make one replacing Takashi from HOTD and not be a simpering faggot and fuck Saya before the zombies appear>>94700162You too
>>94700196Yeah it's not great. It's definitely not great. That's the kind of thing I'm looking for though. I'm using the Jump mostly as Creepypasta+ right now though, and so figuring out some fucked up shit on this island is the current goal.>>94700201Those tend to be on the cosmic scale iirc, so they might be a bit too big and out of place. I'm more looking for big monsters capping out at around kaiju sizes I think.
>>94700188You familiar with an artist named Wayne Barlow? He's a pretty good purveyor of Nope, specifically in giant monster form instead of landscapes (Beksinski) or fetishes (Geiger)
>>94700076There's that, yes, but I was thinking more along that the existing origins are basically "young stud that seduces heroines", harem protag superman, BDSM batman and mind controlling luthor and the way they're written it seems like they're all themed at being masculine roles. As a result it doesn't feel like there's any particular origin for the ladies / waifu's.
>>94700241Theres always horror movies. That movie annihilation with its fucking torture bear. The screams gave me nightmares. I live in the boonies so a bear with a woman fused to it that screams in pain with the womans voice every time it makes a noise fucked with me more than it should have. We have a lot of bears here.Note she is still alive and conscious and in pain from when it first mauled her and fused with her.
>>94700196Now you made him upset…
>>94700266Which is a problem even if you don't want to cater to fags or troons, since your companion harem still needs options to take.
>>94700318>Having women in your haremDoing it wrong. A real man dominates other men
>>94700275Wait, the bear fused with her? I always thought that the bear was imitating her voice to lure more prey
>>94700206It's doable, you're just going to be very busy for most of the jump.>>94700266On the one hand it's a fair assessment that that's what I had in mind when writing them. As for how they're written, see the Notes section.>Gender Stuff - I tend to write perks/items/other content with a focus on male jumper and female partners. This is just personal writing preference. All perks and items work on all genders and all companions can be taken as male, female, or other genders if you prefer.Anyways I'll keep that in mind for the next time I get the urge to work on that jump but it's been quite a while since I was last in the mood to write anything about superheroes.
>>94700012I liked your Rance fics. they were fun.
>>94700252There's some stuff to like here as I browse through his work, thanks.>>94700275The scale of horror movies tends to be a bit too small for what I'm looking for. The monsters are usually more personally threatening since they need to be something that is unknown, and only threatening after landing in the terrible situation where you're alone with them. Sometimes there's lab accidents or genetic freaks or what have you can get decently big, but I dunno. I guess stuff like Xenomorph Queens does fit the profile I'm looking for. I'll try looking around.
>>94700347NTA, but it does seem like a weakness for a Generic jump to not be able to create major archetypes.
>>94700333Nah the stuff in the movie fucks with stuff like how the trees were growing to look like people and such. It fused her and the bear, at least thats how it was explained to be. It merges the genetics of things and sometimes like with the bear one of them just absorbs the other.
>>94700347>It's doable, you're just going to be very busy for most of the jump.Isn’t getting busy the point of the jump?
>>94700347>picI'd give that squirrel a fat nut
>>94700275>Note she is still alive and conscious and in pain from when it first mauled her and fused with her.Don't forget it's implied the two deer-shaped things are the last remnants of her hope and joy running away. God that movie was fucked up in it's own right despite deviating heavily from the books it was based on, fucking everyone amalgamating into everything just because the meteor thing is some kind of cosmic mirror that just happened to hit a lighthouse and mirror it's nature to radiate too. Actually prefer that the central anomaly never receives an explanation but is seemingly self-contained over it being an alien terraformer.>The real Annihilation was a woman moment all along
I said I'd be restarting my fairy chain, but I can't seem to work up the motivation to stick with the same theme. At the same time, I've amassed an excessive amount of reference pictures of pink-haired anime characters that I'd rather not go to waste. Any suggestions for a new theme/gimmick to base my new Chain around?
>>94699773>At the same time, none of the other Demigods could keep up with him when he started getting pissed enough. Deus kept up a good front yeah, but his pride fell when Asura just kept getting angrier, all without a Reactor. Yasha was eventually on the other end with being Reactor-less and keeping up with Asura having a reactor, but by then Yasha was literally minutes away from death. He was OP because he hit rock bottom as Melancholy and went full "fuck it" mode. We just... don't really see a lot of good examples of anyone else pulling off Asura's "You're more powerful? I'LL JUST GET EVEN MORE EMOTIONAL" trick nearly as many times. It might be because it's easier to work yourself into a rage? I'm open to suggestion if you think rewriting the perk to go in line with the former's critique doesn't work.It honestly does just seem like it was just Asura being able to work himself into a rage easier. Maybe change it to where you can feel emotions more deeply for a higher growth curve for powers that need them?
>>94700347>picAny plans for a Rivals jump?
>>94700389Peach blossoms, can be martial arts can be a tea house can be anime sakura festival stuff.
>>94699886>>94699911Something to note from a guy watching Time ranger is that Time force is almost a shot for shot remake of Time ranger.>>94699948>Angel in a centerfold intensifies
How do I learn to resist offscreen haki?
>>94700389Valentines theme. I dont know why but I love the valentine color scheme.
>>94700217>Maybe I could make one replacing Takashi from HOTD and not be a simpering faggot and fuck Saya before the zombies appearI think I've seen one, maybe two HOTD fics that weren't complete ass.
>>94700360Please don't persuade me to start more projects before I finish at least one of my current ones, I have a hard enough time staying focused as is. >>94700400Oh absolutely not. I've spent way more time nutting over Squirrel Girl fanart than I have playing the actual game.
>>94700400>>94700429Have you guys played much? I'm thinking of jumping back in a bit more tonight. Any favorites so far (to play)?
>>94700421I don't think it's haki. I genuinely believe the true power of Blackbeard's Darkness fruit is that he can do anything when he's completely concealed from light, i.e., offscreen, to parallel Luffy's fruit giving him metatextual Toon Force powers. It also explains why he can steal Whitebeard's power from behind a curtain.
>>94700421Blackbeard ate the Dark-Dark fruit, therefore he is at his strongest while away from the spotlight of the story.
NTA, but I'm still 1000% convinced his original Devil Fruit is a Cerberus-type Zoan that lets him have three Devil Fruits at once. I will stubbornly refuse any other explanation, unless I hear it from the mouth of Oda himself.
>>94700466It's shonen and therefore irrelevant.
>>94700466There are far too many god damned mythical zoans in the story.
>>94700435Just a handful of rounds, but I've gotten an MVP or two while dicking around as Squirrel Girl so I'd tentatively call her my main for the moment.
>>94700466This isn't pre-timeskip Oda anymore, he can't do cool things
>>94700479They do seem to be the new big thing for Oda.
>>94700429Finishing your current projects would count as finishing more jumps.
Well I'm feeling oddly melancholic. So have a semi melancholic question. How do your jumpers react to... basically never being able to go back to their original homeworld or the people they knew ever again for practical intents and purposes. at the very least a Chain is ten years minimum on the really far grounds you spark jump 1. Assuming you don't aim for that your probably be gone decades, centuries or even millennia . How do they... cope with that? Do they ever feel selfish for taking their benefactors deal and leaving the world behind?
>>94700479I think it's fine given the shape of the narrative. The way of the plot is structured, the weakest people are found in the Blues, strong people in general are found in the Grand Line, and the strongest people congregate in the New World. Kinda makes sense to me that Mythical Zoans - which appear to be the most flat out busted fruits - are more common as the crew travels deeper into the New World.>>94700482That's funny. Everyone I speak to about the game has completely different mains and favorites. I've been vibing with Peni and Namor, personally speaking.
>>94700494I don't think anyone who posts here would regret leaving this shithole behind for a second.
>>94700494>Do they ever feel selfish for taking their benefactors deal and leaving the world behind?No. Jumper misses his friends and family, what few there are, but its rats fleeing a sinking ship.
>>94700466His whole backstory is based around trying to hunt down the dark dark fruit. Bringing in a cerberus fruit out of nowhere to explain the multiple devil fruit thing would be too retarded even for oda.
>>94700391>Maybe change it to where you can feel emotions more deeply for a higher growth curve for powers that need them?Hum. Unsure how to feel about that. But if >>94700001 thinks that would be better than I'll change it.
>>94700501That... I wish I could argue with that personally but I can't really. I would feel bad for those I left behind though. A poison of the soul that'd be a bit.>>94700503>No. Jumper misses his friends and family, what few there are, but its rats fleeing a sinking ship.Similar to the other anon then. Again that is fair. Its saving yourself in a way I suppose.
>>94700494>selfishNot necessarily for leaving the world behind (I can handle that business post-Spark, when I'm equipped to, for instance, minimize casualties), but for not being able to haggle a some seats for those I love most. Sure, there'll be time to catch up once the Chain is over, but by then, will I still be someone they can love back?
>>94700513I'm all for it. Admittedly I was a little narrowly focused on the fact that Asura absolutely could generate more Mantra than his body was able to handle-but that aside, broadening the perk to make it so you can just feel /deeper/ than most people and thus increase the powers of whatever emotionally-based powers you wield by the sheer weight of your emotions is totally cool by me. With the caveat of "you still have to actually deal with said emotions", of course. Being able to generate ten times the angry juice is all well and good up until you realize you're TEN TIMES AS ANGRY, and then it's all you can do to just ride herd on yourself to vaguely aim yourself in the right direction. If that much.And Lust Mantra junkies are gonna be fucking hilarious. Yes, you can indeed coom your way to power. But can you do anything BUT coom at that point?
>>94700494I mean, as a Chain goes on the idea of "home" becomes more abstract. Even if they have friends, family, and responsibilities in their original world, the same could be said for literally any other Jump they chose a non drop-in background in. Returning to their original world or choosing to stop Jumping would just guarantee them never being able to see any of their other dozens or hundreds of worlds they've previously called "home". In contrast, while pushing forward in the Chain is arguably the more selfish path, it's the only one with any chance of achieving a spark, which would allow them to go back and visit any of their previous homes whenever they want.
>>94700531>any other Jump they chose a non drop-in background inCan't be me
What if I'm too based to make jumps?
>>94700548No such thing. That's just called being cringe.
I want one of the first companions my Jumper gets to be a scribe who will be the framing device for my writeups about each Jump. Any suggestions for what Jumps would be ideal for picking up a scribe from?
>>94699878I'll be happy as long as there'll still be an option to get the boosted effect of Summoning Singalong and Summoning Sinatra
>>94700569Shadows of the Limelight has a personal bard companion
>>94700529>>94700391Alright, so it sounds more like changing the perk so you feel emotions with much greater intensity, while making it a note that the more emotions you feel the greater your Mantra production. And while a reactor would be preferable to keep the mental strain down, it's your choice if you want to fly by the seat of your pants.This is what I'm assuming is a good solution?>>94700573I'll find a way to keep those in play.
>>94700528Thats true. And part of my own potential concerns if I Look at it from the perspective of a Jumper about to go on a chain... its a long time, countless life changing things again and again... can you still recognize the person in the mirror after a while.>>94700531true the end goal is the spark. The most ideal ending if you keep jumping but thats no guarantee either even if you do your best to weigh the odds and a lot of other factors depending on the chains specifics.
>>94700569Love is a Battlefield - A Princess Rescue Gauntlet has a whole assortment to pick from. Bard Princess and Drider Princess both stand out from what I can remember.
>>94700494Because I'm not really leaving them behind. I'm putting things on pause. I have a perfect memory and time is frozen here, functionally nothing will change.
>>94700584>This is what I'm assuming is a good solution?Sounds like a good solution. And I mean-theoretically it's possible that Asura didn't need the Karma reactor to keep up with his emotions. He was wielding his Mantra just fine with Mithra's assistance, so if he had more skill/enlightenment he might've been able to wield his Wrath Mantra without literally turning into a living nuke even without the Karma Reactor. Theoretically.So. Theoretically there's canon precedence. Not the most solid precedence, but it exists.
>>94700188>Trevor Henderson
>>94700586>true the end goal is the spark. The most ideal ending if you keep jumping but thats no guarantee either even if you do your best to weigh the odds and a lot of other factors depending on the chains specifics.It's like gambling, just with your interpersonal relationships instead of money. The longer a Chain goes on, the more people you grow attached to before leaving behind, and the more chances you have to fuck up and lose everything. However, if you don't keep pushing forward and achieve the spark, then every sacrifice you've made to get that far would all be for nothing.Also, from a meta perspective, I feel like you're overestimating the risk of Chain-fail. Unless you get absurdly unlucky and end up in 40K in your first few Jumps, most Jumps are balanced around giving you enough tools to survive even as a first Jump. With all the perks and powers Jumper will stack up, the risk of failing the Chain will get lower and lower each Jump. Even if they don't realize it right away, Sooner or later they'll recognize that there isn't much in most universes that actually poses a threat to them. At that point it wouldn't be unreasonable to treat the spark as a matter of "when" rather than "if".
>>94700657All it takes is one scaling enemy drawback to increase those odds to 50/50.
Everyone's all worried about power levels and sparking and danger. I just want to wander around and comfy camp in an RV with a robot delivery girl, a giant wolf, and whatever friends we make along the way.
>>94700664True, the actual odds may not be as good as they seem, especially if Jumper has no control over their purchases and drawbacks, or if they do and are actually arrogant enough to take a scaling enemy drawback of their own volition. Still, I'm only arguing how a Jumper could easily justify to themselves to continue the chain no matter what. Whether that confidence is going to backfire horribly down the line is besides the point.
>I never want to see Godzilla with a rapeface ever again.That’s too damn bad!>>94700494>basically never being able to go back to their original homeworld or the people they knew ever again for practical intents and purposesConsidering that they started out as dead & only alive due to the Legion/Megatron problem in Kiss Players, they’re a bit ok with it. Only really because they were able to make amends with their friends & family figures (before their curiosity got ahold of them & then those bakugan looking agents of Unicron shunted them to another world in an attempt to have no interference with their plans & kickstarting his chain…)>How do they... cope with that? Their makeshift family of companions, even if the family dynamics are a bit scuffed due to everyone juggling identities back & forth. If anything, these days they just feel pangs of homesickness at worst. It hurts far more to be permanently separated from their newfound family of misfits the longer their chain goes on.
>>94700657>Also, from a meta perspective, I feel like you're overestimating the risk of Chain-fail. Unless you get absurdly unlucky and end up in 40K in your first few Jumps, most Jumps are balanced around giving you enough tools to survive even as a first Jump. With all the perks and powers Jumper will stack up, the risk of failing the Chain will get lower and lower each Jump. Even if they don't realize it right away, Sooner or later they'll recognize that there isn't much in most universes that actually poses a threat to them. At that point it wouldn't be unreasonable to treat the spark as a matter of "when" rather than "if".Thats a fair point. After a while the risk of chain failing on a chain unless you do something spectacularly stupid just gets lower and lower. so trying to go for the spark isn't a bad idea.Maybe its just my mood atm thats coloring my thoughts.
Story of a ruler, part 1 of 8https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Vlzi8ord8q3ip-T4glhLWCaBQ3TeQ4yv
>>94700725What the fuck is this?
>>94700746Reddit jumps.
>>94700695>>94700706Every jumper from here would take at least one scaling enemy drawback voluntarily, since they're afraid of doing what an SBer would do, and an SBer would ignore all scaling enemy drawbacks. Also, technically speaking, by default, the odds of chainfail are tied to entertaining Jump-Chan, which more power doesn't necessarily help with. If anything, the opposite is true.
>>94700780SB actually.
>>94700807Entertaining jump chan doesn't do anything though.
>>94700807 Jump-Chan is (You). If the chain bores you before the Spark, its over
>>94700435>>94700482Play Wolverine, all those nice and submissive Tank gyats are just for the taking.
>>94699101[Asura's Wrath]Drawbacks: Walking These Streets, God-Emperor, Hatred of the Planet, When It Pours, Plans of the Spider, Lunacy: Autism (2900)Celestial DenizenHarmonius Choir (Free)Perspective of Divinity (Free)Power of the Mantra (Free)Gilded Longevity (Free)Cosmic Timing (Free)One WIth The Mantra (2600)Thread of Aeons (Free)Along Came A Spider (Free)Silken Words (Free)Possessor of Power (2500)Mind of Akasha (2400)Empyrean Viewpoint (2200)Celestial Mandate (2000)Heavenly Space (1700)The Creator (1400)Golden Technique (1200)Ways of the Vajra (800)Guardian General: Wrath (200)Gohma Pet (Free)Wrath Reskinning (Free)Energy Analysis Laboratory (Free)Natural Paradise (Free)Event Horizon (+300, 200)Fountain of the Immortals (Free)Seraph of the Stars (100)Lightbearer Raga (0)Karma-class custom + Custom: Valor (+1000, 400)Gilded Form (Free)Sakra Protocol (200)-Ganesha Circuits (100)Drone Control unit (0)"You have exceeded my expectations"Something wasn't right. The gently smiling facade of a golden god wasn't supposed to show up this early. There wasn't supposed to be a tiny lava opossum shrieking soundlessly at nothing on my shoulder. My Mantra affinity was supposed to be Melancholy. I quickly deduced that the best move here was to play along and pretend that I hadn't noticed Chakravartin was clearly trying to bribe me out of enacting his previous defeat."It's in my nature" I said, keeping my voice neutral. "I cultivate spiritual energies faster than any of your creations""Everything that has proceeded is part of my plan. You are, after all, a subdivided aspect of me. Are you not?" said the thing that called itself Chakravartin, smiling serenely.I remembered the trivial impulse that had revealed me to Asura.I remembered lecturing a broken man in Naraka.I remembered Elodie sacrificing herself to drive me into action."Sure, let's go with that" I said finally. 1/5
>>94700817>>94700831If you've completely eliminated the risk of death from your chain, whether through sheer power or immortality, you canonically chainfailed. If you continued your chain after doing so, whatever came after you removed death as a possibility is non-canon to your own chain. Jump-Chan wants death and chain failure to be a factor regardless of what you, the author, find interesting. >>"What all powerful being bent on using you as cheap daytime television wouldn't want to see you come back from deaths door once in a while?">The same all powerful being that wants there to be a modicum of risk in the whole thing. Otherwise you just end up with>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1O8fVG8_pk#t=76>If it was a surefire thing from that point onwards death is only a temporary setback while your body reforms, that's hardly entertaining since there's no condition where you actually have a chance of biting it.–Quicksilver, 2015>I still think, on a base level, people should be capable of LOSING jumpchain.
>>94699574Make more jumps. Actually finish some of the jumps I've already started. Make at least one actual Halloween themed jump and Christmas themed jump.
>>94700842"Now that you have become a perfect being" said Chakravartin, gesturing grandly, "Gaea is yours to guide forevermore. I had thought to have it led by one of it's own, but" his eyes narrowed "a blessing spurned is a blessing unearned. Now I will depart, and save other worlds in need of my guidance""If you say so. By the way, why are the Gohma trying to take my life?"He smiled serenely. "Consider it your final trial" he said, as he flew off towards the outer reaches of this universe. Or tried to, at least."You're not seriously letting him get away with everything, are you?" asked Elodie."Am I? Are our goals in contradiction? Are our methods really that different?""Anon you can't just-""Or could it be I would simply prefer to have the confrontation with a creator god take place AWAY from the mortal population?" I interrupted. She pondered that thoughtfully. "I certainly have every intention of guiding Gaea" I said loftily. Then, affecting an afterthought, added "I never said anything about what you should do""Huh" said Elodie thoughtfully. And then she took off into the depths of space as I returned to the planet.The Gohma were getting real nibbly so I started putting them into little dimensional bubbles and flicking them into the sun. As I travelled to Earth, the surge of mantra I emanated defined itself-forming first wings, then accelerator rings and orbital rockets, refining and condensing the catharsis-inducing blend of affinities now anchored around one taken from Creation. Chakravartin was right about one thing at the end, I thought. No mortal could experience such simultaneous wrath and melancholy without going mad. Which was to say, it was never meant to be a power fit for mortal hands."Shinkoku Trastrium. Your planet's rage shall be baptised" I told the civilisation, "in fire"Someone started cheering wildly far below. After a while, everyone else joined in as the Gohma all burned.2/5
Jumper is minding their own business when a wild eyed cultivator explodes out of the bushes eyes crossed and foaming at the mouth screaming you have pinged your last pong.
>>94699041As opposed to a theoretical guide to jumping or an impractical guide to jumping?
>>94700872>This is the third Ancient Evil I've unleashed this week, isn't it? I just want to dig up cool rocks, most of which used to be living things! Is that so wrong?
>>94700854After I had woven homing suns that fired their own beams of golden flame, and after I had slung webbing around the planet that strangled and seared. Even after I'd ripped out Vlitra and tossed it into a black hole. The Gohma kept coming. The trial was blatantly an attempt to distract me from ongoing events.And whether by grand design or the simple inertia of manipulating a population with mantra for so long, less change than you'd think from the entire population finding out that God was real. Cheated out of his crowning glory and blinded by Pride, Deus still tried to enact his coup on the emperor. Addled by Sloth and Violence, Kalrow didn't see fit to dissuade him while Kalrow sought to slay "dissenters" in a misguided attempt to appease me. Olga still tagged along with Deus because any minute now, he'd surely put out. And Vanity ensured that Sergei wasn't going to run out on a perfectly good familicide.The difference was, of course, that Melancholy drove Yasha to defect and warn Asura of what was to come-ensuring Asura was are home to pulp a diva into fabulous salsa while Yasha took his family and got them out of the other Guardian Generals' clutches. Meanwhile Augus, who was merely bored with the previous betrayal, found himself Greedy for a final scrap. And proceeded to completely ruin the emperor assassination by showing up, calling Deus a loser for picking a fight with an old man when he could be picking a fight with HIM, and pulling out his sword on the spot.Suffice to say Augus died a happy man, the Emperor lived, and Deus ended up leading Reverse Zeon.In the midst of the Shinkoku Civil War, my solution to the inexplicable Gohma revivals was the creation of a new species called the Dikpalas. If the Gohma were the Earth's rage, the Dikpalas would be incarnations of the mantra from Shinkoku's own artificial technological environment. Also they'd have a koi/dragon theme because something something purity something transcendence.3/5
>>94700872>"The fuck?"
>>94700694I just want a life of exploring as a half ghost and learning enchanting.
>>94700879Deus declared himself the REAL god and me a deceiver, and I was like "nuh uh, you're the false god" and he was like "LOOK AT SAKRA DEVANAM INDRA ME, look at how cool it is!! I will surpass the gods and become the ideal universal ruler!" and I was like "you sir lack a forsaken child to power that thing, it's not going to turn on, here I'll tip it over with my big stick to prove it", and between that and the Emperor's survival, most of the Shinkoku army quickly declared Deus the heretic, not Asura.All of this drove Asura into comparatively modest but still exceptional levels of anger, which is to say he merely hijacked someone's battleship and drove it straight at Deus rather than blowing up his few remaining loyalists. And consequently, even with Yasha's help almost died fighting him without the freed Mithra sending him powerups, and me appearing near Mithra to power HER up, and Deus having to deal with Wyzen being an idiot mantra hog growing big and smashing the empire he built flat and Olga being useless at beating up non-small child scale demigods slowly chipping away at his pride."Asura, prevarications and half-truths are for neurotypical scum" I said shortly after Asura was slamming Deus' head into a literal monument to his ego for the 37th time, "so I'm going to be extremely direct with you. The true cause of the Gohma and indeed the cycle of samsara itself is the deity Chakravartin, creator of this universe. The suffering the world has seen was all to choose his heir, and he has manipulated destiny itself to bring about his will. He's currently at the edge of his event horizon trying to find a way to break into another universe"Asura thought about that, as he continued to knee Deus in the face. "So you're saying he's responsible for that time Mithra got a B- in Miko University and cried all night about it?" he asked finally.I sighed. "Literally yes""THAT BASTARD!! I'LL END HIM!!!"4/5
>>94700664Drawbacks are always up to your discretion, and scaling enemies are rare as fuck.
>>94700847>If you've completely eliminated the risk of death from your chain, whether through sheer power or immortality, you canonically chainfailed.If there’s a way to canonically chainfail, then I haven’t eliminated risk from my chain.
>>94700872Now hang on I was sure we fixed the wards on your prison cave.
>>94700807>Every jumper from here would take at least one scaling enemy drawback voluntarily, since they're afraid of doing what an SBer would do, and an SBer would ignore all scaling enemy drawbacks.What ass backwards logic is this? I would never take a scaling enemy drawback.
>>94700694>>94700886And I just want to play at world domination while clashing with a hated nemesis forever as some kind of alien or something.
>>94700889Deus then started ranting about the logistic impossibility of punching the creator of all to death, which Asura responded to by punching him even more. In the end, after Yasha failed to restrain him his wife had to come along and sternly tell him to stay still long enough to implant the Karma Fortress' reactor.Meanwhile at the edge of the universe, Chakravartin was frustratedly hammering against the Sailor Moon and Madoka-powered equivalent of Dimensional Anchor. He had serenely reentered his personal domain confident I would agree with his goal, which to be fair wasn't entirely wrong. What he WAS wrong about was the fact that I could overlook a method that had ALREADY provably failed when previous candidates had rejected the final offer.More importantly, he had overlooked Elodie's own grudge from what had happened in the previous iteration of events."Begone" he told Asura crossly once he'd penetrated into the event horizon, "you are no longer my heir no longer""I DON'T CARE!" he shouted, punching Chakravartin. "You are nothing! An upjumped ape, unworthy of providence!" ranted Chakravartin. Fed up with the constant inconveniences he just went final form from the start and overpowered Asura, expecting a clean and easy victory--until the Mantra Exaltation I had prepared chose Asura, supercharged his reactor EVEN FURTHER, and before Chakravartin could even ponder the new form of mantra reactor Asura proceeded to kill him with the hardest dick kick in history. As Chakravartin dissipated screaming, he grimly resigned himself to dying without the power of mantra to sustain his li-"Oh right, someone else is weaving Mantra now" he said, belatedly realising he wasn't going to die."Quite" I agreed, showing up. "Ready to go home?""...yeah"As we left, I decided to keep our promise from the last timeline, and guide Shinkoku out towards the stars while everyone wronged by Deus' coup inherited the Earth as compensation.5/5
>>94700849You're lucky I'm replying to you. Otherwise this would have been lost in the deluge of Shard posts.
>>94700902Lex, is that you? Superman is in the other thread.
>>94700898Jump-Chan and Quicksilver disagree.
>>94700907It never rains, but it Shards
>>94700835Wolverine is fun, just not one of my go-to picks. Very useful, very fun, and I do play him though.
>>94700918Quicksilver lost.
>>94700889>"So you're saying he's responsible for that time Mithra got a B- in Miko University and cried all night about it?" he asked finally.Slander. It was a B+.
Do we have our own jump for Demon Slayer or do we still have to rely on Reddit/SB?
>>94700918The post says otherwise.
>>94700915DCAU Lex was always an inspiration for me.
>>94700901t. SBer
>>94700920Better then me I got covered in shit and mud today.
>>94700725If you are the jumpmaker, you should indicate that you are in fact the jumpmaker. Likewise, you should indicate if the jump is complete and if it's intended for the drive. You should also prove you are the jumpmaker. We don't just accept jumps that are posted without a statement of intent since people randomly post jumps from other communities all the time. You should know that the community is not very receptive of OC jumps or creators from other communities, though some people have worked around that. Obviously, none of this matters if you're not the jumpmaker.
>>94700937I like Mercy. She was loyal, Then turned on Lex after she took over the company. And is later seen as his arm candy when Lex makes that fake city to trick Superman.
>>94700886That's nice. We'll set you up with a travelling smithy. >>94700902And you get a video game system that connects to another Jumper so you two can play wargames all day and shout obscenities at each other.
>>94700886>picI feel like they missed an opportunity by not having the image border stretched to encompass the portion with the external caption.
>>94700995Yeah, but I do not know how old the picture is. I have had it for years.
>>94700412>remake of time rangerI mean that's a given, due to power rangers reusing old sentai footage for the large scale fights
Could someone gimme a quick summary of A Practical Guide To Evil? I started reading the first few chapters-but it's gonna take me a good while to read through seven fucking books and I want to get back to writing for my chain now, not in a week or two. Just need the general plot and how the thing ends; I can wikidive the rest of the details myself, but those two things I can't seem to find much about.
>>94700933>Do we have our own jump for Demon SlayerWe don't.>do we still have to rely on Reddit/SB?We do.
>>94701021>Could someone gimme a quick summary of A Practical Guide To EvilGood isn't actually good it's just dumb jocks and preppies protected by the system, evil isn't evil it's just goths and nerds pushed into being evil by the system, written by a thirteen year old that thinks this is deep.
>>94701041That's the general theme of the story. I need a plotline though. What is the main character doing, what's the actual events of the story? Where do things end?
>>94699101huzzah, another installment of Red's cute OC companions!
>>94701024Oh well, guess I'll use one of those. Tamayo's blood demon art would make for a cool fake bloodline in Naruto, especially since Genjutsu that isn't Sharingan-based gets shafted.
>>94701021Cath continues to claim she a big bad villain all while doing increasingly bigger actions to protect and save her home country.
>>94701077What are the actions, and HOW DOES IT END?
>>94701081Self Lobotomy.
>>94700904Nice build, shard
Is it gay to piss on your enemies?
>>94701081No one here read it, sorry
>>94701081Oh I never finished it. Cath very quickly turned into a really boring MC and every single other perspective was more interesting than hers.As for actions I remember..She seeks ever greater independence from the Presi/The Tower despite having no patience for politics herself.Makes really stupid deals when the Fae invade that lead to her gaining the personal attention of the King of Winter.Is way too focused on Akua(who's also a funnier villain to read about)And while I never got to the part, I've heard the actual gods of good/evil become more involved later on.
Rolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d8)Don't mind me
>>94701114Consider yourself minded, motherfucker.
>>94701081Retarded teenager decides that since the good guys never helped her personally they must be evil. Then decides that since the good guys are evil the bad guys must be good and joins the forces of evil. Doubles down on protagonist morality and unreliable narrator to make herself the good guy. Proceeds to attain more and more mystic might while progressively mentally crippling herself for more power until she effectively turns herself into a fey who cannot act outside of story tropes.
Rolled 45 (1d100)Mind me.
I'm going to make a jump for the Weekly Waifu Catalogue and nothing you do will stop me!!
>>94701021>gimme a quick summary of A Practical Guide To Evilhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubx23-kunV8
>>94701170>perks>waifus>interdimensional travelIt's basically jumpchain lite already, similar to the Waifu Catalog but with less slavery.
>>94701170You mad motherfucker! Wait, what's Weekly Waifu Catalogue?
>>94701170I would like to request more waifus/perks and don't be an idiot like that essence redditor and instead actually break up the content into jumps by theme or something so there isn't a whole mini-chain's worth of random bullshit clogging up a single jumpdoc.
>>94701196It's a weekly CYOA (currently on week 141), you get a list of 7 waifus from a setting, each with 3 perks. You get 9 vouchers that can buy either a single perk, or a waifu (doesn't have to be listed). If you take all of the perks of a waifu, you get the waifu free, and if you get three waifus you get the ability to teleport to that particular setting.Not sure how exactly he plans to make that into a jump.
>>94701199>and instead actually break up the content into jumps by theme or somethingCould probably break it up into seasons like the CYOA itself is. Problem is most of the perk ideas would probably just be copies of what is in the CYOA, not that it is a bad thing, but you'd end up with a lot of overlap of what we already have jumps for (like one of Guda's is basically Fuji Fire).Plus, you know, items.
>>94700932It was a B+ by the strict grading criteria, but a little golden spider came along and told the 300something year old unmarried miko examiner that she was a old hag who would never get married, and this made her so sad that in a moment of anguish and spite she graded Mithra slightly more harshly than the curriculum standard>>94701086Thanks!>>94701090>Is it-You should be refining your digestive system to be too efficient to produce waste at all as soon as you can>>94700954Lex has that effect on women, Tala was the same way.
>>94701251>Lex has that effect on women, Tala was the same way.Tala left him for a fucking gorilla, didn't she? It really seems like Lex has the polar opposite of game.
>>94701257No that's the thing, she left him once said gorilla took over the Legion but she also came back. And only betrayed him again after he decided to literally use her as a sacrifice to try to revive Braniac.
>>94701257Either that or Grod has a giant dong
What should I lucid dream to tonight, SS World of Lewd Elves or Generic Erotic Horror? I've been practicing my /jc/ lucid dreaming to help out my builds.
>>94701272World of Lewd Elves. It's very easy to accidentally slip into a nightmare, don't play with horror tropes while practicing lucid dreaming.
>>94701170Why? It's shittier jumpchain. You get less perks, less waifus and no items.
>>94701278NTA but some perks come with items
>>94701281>less perks, less waifus, and less itemsBetter?
>>94701278>You get less perks, less waifus and no items.Did you miss the last decade where people have begged strangers to tell them how to play a more or less free form imagination game? Some people need fewer choices.
>>94701278Considering most jumpmaker's hate items, and most people don't seem to like them much, the last part doesn't seem to really matter.
>>94701041>evil isn't evil it's justNo, Evil very much is evil in that setting. The MC and the entire group she's with are objectively awful terrible people.
>>94701289This general bitches at anyone here who pushes for restricting options so that's incorrect.
>>94701251>Tala was the same wayShe was a power mad hooker willing to fuck anyone for more power. Then as she was dying gave Lex one final fuck you and revived Darkseid instead of Brainiac. >>94701257That was after she found out the best sex she had in ages was with the Flash in Lex's body and Lex got upset and didn't want to bang any more. >>94701263Average gorilla is 2 inches erect. But before he had psychic powers he was still pulling human women.
>>94701303Clearly he's not average then
>>94700188Any Trevor Henderson monster really. The Giants in particular are probably what you're looking for but even the smaller ones can simply be scaled up to kaiju proportions.
>>94701318There are few things so consistent as your appetite for shit art.
>>94701323There are few things so consistent as your appetite for shitposting.
>>94701307He is a talking animal. That right there proves he is not average. He even turned his gorilla girlfriend into a human.
>>94701318Is there any LORE for that BAACHAD? On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is Tyranid-tier, how hungry would it likely be for Gohan flesh?
>>94701170Whatever, just remember to put it on the QQ drive.
>>94701156Kind of reminds me of Worm.
Today is the 5th anniversary of me putting on a name and releasing 0.1 of my Super Smash Bros. Ultimate World of Light jump. Thanks to everyone for the support, feedback, and well wishes during these past five years. I doubt I will maintain the pace I have kept over the last year, but I intend to continue making jumps. I hope others continue to enjoy them, and wish everyone well in the new year.Speaking of which, to celebrate here is an update for that jump. Unless there is a problem, it can be put on the drives.8.2 Changelog:>Added a new perk: Level Up.>The Spirit Form perk now specifies that controlling multiple bodies is possible>Figure Player companions are entitled to the Level Up perk.>Added three new scenarios: Jumper Hits the Big Time!, Too Many Anime Swordfighters!, and New Bloom.
And also, here is 0.1 of my The Jungle Book jump. Feedback and critique are appreciated.
>>94701334This is all the lore Trevor bothered to supply for it;>i have a very weird notion that this is the thing that you're praying to when you fuck someone over to get ahead in show business>it's a sacrifice that became part of its body. the sacrifice wasn't actually a lamb, it just took the form, for funny symbolism, as a joke. it's her head now, she talks through it, even though the hands puppet the jaw. it'll rot until its time for a new head>yes exactly! also it's supposed to be a combo of marilyn monroe, a lattice stinkhorn mushroom, and a sacrificial lamb
>>94701351I always liked World of Light. It gets a lot of hate for having minimal cutscenes but it was a really inspired way to show the Smash "figures" being played with the way actual toys get played with; namely being used to stand in for characters the kid doesn't have a proper toy of.
>>94701359Argent, for future reference, please don't respond to any posts containing the name "Gohan" or various derivitives of it. It's almost certainly Gohanposter and just feeds his autism.
>>94701369Argent is retarded and stubborn about it
>>94701362It lacks the story moments of SSE, but the actual gameplay is miles better than SSE's clunky platforming and post-game of throwing trophy bases.>namely being used to stand in for characters the kid doesn't have a proper toy of.I never thought of it that way. That's neat.>>94701364Thanks!
>>94701359>>i have a very weird notion that this is the thing that you're praying to when you fuck someone over to get ahead in show businessOH MY god it's Sean Schemmel's patron deity, the presumed cause for him SULLYING the name of Goku with dishonourable chicanery. Anyway what a neat abomination, going to send a prayer it's way the next time I draw a Gohan face in a latte I make for the boys at the dock>>94701369It is ALWAYS me, and you CANNOT feed what is CONSTANTLY devouring ALL.
>>94701332>gifIs The Shade in the DCAU a jobber who has to rely on a cane to use darkness powers or is he the eldritch avatar of the shadowlands he sometimes is in the comics? Or is he the later pretending to be the former?
>working on a jump>realize a drawback in this one will essentially be the same as a drawback in a previous jumpwhat is with isekai and having gigantic pussies for protagonists
>>94701356Ah yes, the one disney movie that we never need to worry about the protag getting race swapped in a live action adaptation.>>94701377gotta make the protagonist relatable.
>>94701379Forget about your worries and your strife.
>>94701356>meat supply itemUnlimited piles of A5 wagyu steaks here I come.
>>94701392Yeah, man! btw when I said this last time I was revealing this jump
A Practical Guide To EvilAge: 17Gender: FemaleOrigin: FoundlingLocation: The Lands BelowPerks>Turn Of Destiny -Free>Hit Them With The Box -100 CP>The Only Choice That Matters -200 CP>Namer -300 CP>Blood, Death, And Demons -400 CP>Named -Free, +600 APName (Ambiguous): Hollow Queen>Corrupt -400 AP>Void -200 AP, -200 CP>Transcend -400 CPItems>Zombie -FreeDrawbacks>Overdramatic +100 CP>"Favored" By Dwarves +200 CP>Nameless +300 CPUpon review of my chain, I do NOT have an actual toggle just yet. I'll be picking one up next jump though, so it's actually somewhat tactical of me to grab the "Nameless" perk so I don't go around Corrupting everyone with my Name before I have a way to control its passive abilities. Anyways, the order of the day today is: Gnome Genocide. As a heavily tech-invested Jumper, I can't exactly leave the Gnomes to just eternally suppress technological advancement in this world can I? With a side order of Dwarven Genocide because the fuckers keep trying to steal my shit even though I make it extremely clear that they are in fact stealing and I will not put up with their bullshit about how according to their laws only Dwarves can own things. Fuck 'em, and fuck their surface-scouring armies; I've got singularity projectors and have killed galactic civilizations in the past. I may also get involved in a bit of diabolism, because demons in this setting are freaky as hell and I want some of that shit.
>>94701426>grab the "Nameless" drawback*Derp.
>>94701351>>94701356Thanks for the update and jump, WoL_Anon! Also, damn, you're really clearing through Disney jumps, huh? What's next on your list of Disney jumps to make?
>>94701369I only responded because I saw the initial question and didn't bother reading to the end to catch the Gohan mention. By the time I realized, I'd already wrote it up so fuck it.
>>94701450I am inevitable. Someday I will ask you questions about the effects of kneading Gohan blood into cookie dough too.
>>94701426>because demons in this setting are freaky as hell and I want some of that shit.Try Pact too
>>94701460I've got Pact scheduled into my chain as Jump 92. Right now I'm on Jump 40 though, and it's time to lead a hypertech army of androids against a civilization of gnomes just to prove a point.
>>94701448So my initial aim with Disney jumps was to make sure each of the Disney Princess settings were covered. Along the way I did other Disney settings as the mood striked me. With The Princess and the Frog done (barring an update if the D+ series does actually come out - it was supposed to this year but there has been no word on it), I have done that.The next long-term Disney goal will probably to cover each of the Kingdom Hearts worlds. The ones that remain are:>Hercules>A General Mickey Mouse and Friends jump (not quite sure how I would do this)>Steamboat Wille (and other early black and white short films)>Fantasia (also not sure how I would do this)>Big Hero 6 (BLADE has expressed some interest in this)>Toy Story (ZurgAnon has expressed some interests in this)In saying this, I have only just come off hitting my original goal, so don't expect me to rush right into more Disney stuff. I might also end up doing other random Disney stuff as the mood strikes me.
Two questions.>1. What's your favorite jump for time powers? It doesn't have to be the strongest, just the one you think is neat.>2. Besides the Harry Potter folder and the Wize Wize Beasts jump, other jumps centered on a magic academy you'd recommend?
>>94701475>A general Mickey mouse and friends jumpHow's about Mickey's House of Mouse?
>>94701481IDK. Maybe.
>>94699088Accidents happen. For instance, my wife breaking her legs.
>>94701477Achron is my favorite by far, purely because I love the idea of having a consciousness that outright encompasses a large period of time. There's so many amazing ways you can leverage the temporal perception of Achron-even without any actual time travel-that it's just amazing. And from an outside perspective, you just look like the most competent and impossibly perfect motherfucker to ever exist-always knowing what's happening around you, always having a perfect answer to anything that comes up, always able to react without any input...it's like those memes of Path to Victory. As long as there isn't another precog working against you, you just fucking win. And if there is, it still gives you a massive advantage because very few precogs can perfectly read and constantly react to temporal changes upwards of five hours in the future. The only way to actually take you down is to place obstacles or time-delays in your way that are utterly insurmountable or take longer than five hours to trigger and cannot be defused with five hours of dedicated work.
>>94701475>FantasiaI know you're not going to be working on it for a while, but just to offer a few suggestions:>Perk for being a master composer or musician, able to lead or perform the music for something as wonderful as Fantasia>Similarly, perk for creating art like in Fantasia>Perk for bringing color and light to the world like the butterflies in Fantasia 2000, both literally and figuratively, in that you spread beauty and light wherever you go and lift up the hearts of those around you, maybe with a reverse/villainous function like the bats from that short>Perk for always finding your way back to your family and/or loved ones, no matter how far you go or if you or them are trapped, based on the whales from Fantasia 2000>A perk for seeing visions of the past, more of a 'how things got here' than proper postcognition, letting you see things like the planet's creation and the dawn of life instead of a specific person's past or secrets. Based on The Rite of Spring from the original Fantastia>A perk for banishing unholy/evil beings with the power of divine light, less a combat thing and more a 'calling on the divine light of God to cast out evil', like that happened at the end of Night on Bald Mountain when Chernabog and his minions were visibly cowering and in pain from the church bells and heavenly light.>Perk for your actions eventually leading you to a happy ending as long as you keep striving and working hard for it, like how the four protagonists in Rhapsody of Blue got their wishes by the end of the short and how the Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Ballerina's story ended happily, unlike the original fairy tale, in Fantasia 2000>A force of nature racial option, with a low tier option to be like the Sprite and a high tier option to be like the Firebird. Alternatively, same price, with Firebird being destructive power while Sprite is resurrection power, including self-resurrection
>>94699088First time and maybe first couple times, pay of the debt. It's not that big a deal I am sure she had her reasons. After that arrange for her to find a way to pay her own debts. Maybe it won't keep happening if she actually has to work her ass off to pay for it.
>>94701475Fantasia would be really cool but I get that it would be hard to do. I love so many of the sections from both the OG and the 'sequel'.
>>94701542I'll save these, but to be clear I am not definitively claiming any of the properties on that list. If someone wants to jump on one of them, that's fine by me.
>>94701475>Big Hero 6I am almost certainly not going to end up doing this, if only because the thread expressed more interest in a jump for the followup series than for the movie itself. In theory we could always do two, one for the movie and one for the series, but I'm not sure that's really worth doing.In other words, go for it.
>>94701477Professor Paradox from Ben 10 and the perks based on him are pretty cool.MtG has some cool cards that reference time magic.Oh and the World Stand is a classic of course.
How evil is to oppose human spirit and narrative forces?
>>94701567I mean, if I was to do it, it would be a primary focus on the movie with a toggle and maybe a few options for the series, like the rest of my Disney jumps. But I'll consider it open for me to take a crack at if the mood arises. Thanks for letting me know.
>>947014771. Discworld. I have access to far superior overall time powers-the Forever Force, Zi-O’s shtick, Osiran technology, Lavos physiology, archmastery over the Sphere/Arcana of Time-but I can’t think of another system of time manipulation where time is literally stored on prayer mills and unwound again to be distributed to literally patch up history, and where high level practitioners can not just effectively accelerate their own time to go faster but actually move their limbs backwards and forwards in time to beat up someone retroactively (it’s called Deja Fu), as opposed to just using something like a Supernatural angel’s power to bitchslap someone into literally next week.2. The Magicians, either the show or the book series
>>94701542Oh, and thanks.
>>94701377What jump you working on?
>>94701596boat summoning isekai
>>94701642Do botes count as boats for this?
>>94701642okay I'll bite, how exactly is a cheat ability to summon boats supposed to be useful? Is this like a comfy slice of life isekai or something? Or can he do shit like drop boats on top of peoples heads? Also why the no weapons stipulation? Is that something that can be eventually overcome by "leveling up" the skill as the text mentions?
>>94701655Do spaceships count as ships for this?
>>94701656>how exactly is a cheat ability to summon boats supposed to be usefulThe water in the world is filled with monsters, and as the perk says the boats are indestructible>comfy slice of lifeYes, mostly. There's a war arc atm but it isn't really much of a challenge>drop boats on top of people's headsI don't think so? But it might be possible, I guess.>no weapons stipulationAs far as I can tell he doesn't have the option to buy warships, or a boat with guns of any kind. The world has magic so they largely get the same effect from just casting spells on the deck of boats.
>>94701658Either boats or planes, depending on how you wanna classify it... Though I guess they'd also be stupid expensive.That does remind me, I should add a note that the 'selection' expands as you go to new jumps with new kinds of boats/planes/cars.
>>94701675I don't really care about buying new ones, so much as being able to summon the ones I already have and having them indestructible. For this >>94701651 too.Or do these buffs solely apply to the boats you buy via this cheat?
>>94701677>Or do these buffs solely apply to the boats you buy via this cheat?this, at least by default. You can probably combo something together to make it work the way you want, honestly.
>>94694666I (guy who made Faiz), said it back in March.I think?Then life got in the way for most of the year and I started writing and sometimes-lurking about twoish month ago. But maybe if I jab a screwdriver in my brain to unlock my third eye I will have all the perks done in twoish weeks then I have to suffer through items.That or I will kill myself after Nasu doesn't say shit about Red Garden in the New Year's stream that's in a few hours. Theoretically the skeleton of the jump means I can just add the Red Garden stuff without too much trouble except for maybe the DA origin
Blade finished the futa rape robot jump.
>>94700569Get yourself a bard from a fantasy setting.
>>94701719Wish there was a non futa option but oh well.
>>94701666what's the setting called? Also link to the LN or manga or whatever if you have it handy?
>>94701772Nta but I think it's Mezase Gouka Kyokusen!!And it is on mangadex
>>94699574I will go on a chain. It's already been 10 years.
>>94701767>Wish there was a non futa option>In the explicitly futa jump
>>94699832Power Rangers Mystic Force. I loved that show as a kid.
>>94699832All of the above.
Is it just me, or is it surprisingly easy to raise Connected: The Masters in Fallen London this christmas?
>>94700120I see Let This Grieving Soul Retire is going well, glad to see. Also would be sad to see you go Ric.
>>94701426>Gender: Female
>>94702011>Gender: Retard
Darkest Faerie anon, I had a question about your WIP. You are making a surcharge for paintbrush colours that provide a small advantage like flight, but what if the base species already has that advantage, like a Faerie Shoyru, or Maraquan Jetsam?
>>94702043Don't respond, you're just feeding them. Report and ignore their spam.
>>94702003Not really? How far along is yours? I’m at 18 and mine’s barely budging.
>>94699818>We have a desire to protect and to see that no harm comes to baby-shaped things to protect our offspring so our genes keep getting passed on>But we also get an irrational impulse to hurt or destroy things that fit that patternEvolution is whacky. If Jumper is ever in charge of remaking the human race, he should do better.
>>94702146>But we also get an irrational impulse to hurt or destroy things that fit that patternOnly if you're low-IQ.
Best chi-style power system to teach your foot soldiers?Preferably something that can be learned by an average reasonably athletic person within a year.
>>94702155Smart people are evil. Dumb people are also evil. Only midwits are nice.
>>94702190>Twist: being evil is the correct choice
Remember when jumpmakers used to fear posting their jumps to the thread? We should bring that back.
There is a jump about this show, right? I can swear I had seen "allo allo" jump before.
>>94702253Good fucking luck finding whatever Shard fears, apart from a confirmed Supernatural revival
>>94702146No, evolution is BASED because it equipped me with instinctive killing intent towards Gohan
>>94702201This made me wonder, who is the strongest cultuvator and who is the strongest isekai MC.
>>94702273Recently Reddit made a generic supernatural fanfic jump, I wandered if bring it up to Shard.
>>94702275>the strongest cultivatorI don’t think it’s possible to say this for sure. Every cultivator whose story finishes at “creator god” is impossible to compare to each other definitively unless you agree that “create bigger universe=definitely wins in a fight”, and every cultivator whose story hasn’t finished can be inferred to become even more powerful later on.>the strongest isekai MCThe one from A Wild Last Boss Appears, easily.
>>94702283I like the 1000cp drawback.
>>94702292>The one from A Wild Last Boss Appears, easily.I would have said it was Takatou Yogiri, but yes she's ridiculously powerful too.
>>94702275Both get into vaguely powered creator god shenanigans. And arguing the minutia of those are never productive.
Can someone provide me jumps with pocket dimensions?
>>94702431I can indeed.
>>94702431Just use your space manipulation to make one.
>>94702486I don't have space manipulation
>>94702275>Strongest CultivatorMythical Daluo Golden Immortals from Mythological Prehistoric World. Actually and literally omnipotent, omniscience, and unkillable. The kind of people who, because they have lived so long and have so much power, actively create entire infinite universes just to watch them for entertainment, or take the place of the 'characters' to kill time.
>>94702493>Mythological Prehistoric WorldWhere can this be read? Google isn't showing me any xianxia by that exact name.
>>94702530That isn't actually a story name but rather the setting itself. If you type in "Mythical Dalou" you might find a few.
>>94702275>strongest isekai MCAs far as popular series go, most people argue between Rimiru from Slime Tensei and Yogiri from Instant Death.Apparently at the end of the web novel Rimiru can do some reality warping conceptual bullshit, but it's impossible to know how much of this is just standard vsbattles wankery. I can't be bothered to read it myself to confirm.The whole point of Instant Death is to throw Yogiri in a setting full of expies of popular isekai MC tropes, and have Yogiri almost effortlessly defeat them. He's like One Punch Man. From a meta-narrative perspective, the whole point of his character is to be stronger than everyone else. Any time someone thinks they've found a weakness with his instant death power, they're either outright wrong, or Yogiri just hasn't turned off the self-inflicted seal that prevents him from instantly solving the problem.
>>94702554>web novel Rimiru can do some reality warping conceptual bullshitBy the end of the WN, slime can create an indeterminate number of universes with his main power, can eat basically anything and can make up new skills due to eating the guy who had the 'I can create any skill I want' skill.Really strong, but I wouldn't say 'strongest'.>>94702275Probably someone like Ruphas from Wild Last Boss or also Yogiri from Instant Death. Maybe add the MC from Isekai at Peace since he seduced female Yogiri to the point that her power (which is also her) got seduced and now works on defending him.
>>94702554>Yogiri instantdeaths Gohan>Gohan jobs so hard he dies twice, and just keels over in the afterlife too
>>94702275>strongest isekai MCJumper.
>>94702283Wandered where?You make it sound like going to Reddit is some sort of epic quest.
All this talk about Xianxia, and Isekai have given me a craving for stories with autistically high power levels. Any excessively high-power settings people would like to see Jumps for?
Happy New Year!
>>94702577Sorry, wanted to say wondered
>>94702601Most of the highpower stuff I know already got jumps. I guess Xeelee are still missing.
>>94702601Dragon Ball Heroes
>>94702554>>94702562The secret to beating Yogiri is first realising that his "power" isn't Instant Death, it's being an Outer God cosplaying as a Japanese man.
>>94702601Not one I'm sure I'd ever make a jump for since its not a particularly complex story, but "Lord Of The People: My Drop Rate Is 100%". Humanity from Earth gets isekai'd into a massive xianxia-esque world/multiverse, where each person has a summoning gate which summons specific troops, and has to build their own kingdom. MC has the ability of 100% drop rate, as the title suggests. If a mob has any chance of dropping loot, it will drop it. As the kingdom grows, the person grows stronger. There are also variations of that kind of story where the MC summons Succubi, Elves, Angels, etc
>>94702601>What a Beautiful series>Actual Demonbane Jump>Instant Death>Demon King Daimao remake >Actual Homestuck/Hiveswap jump>Undertale AUs
>>94702635I always forget how many xianxia have these weird gamelike cheats. Most I've read just have the MC find some OP item.
>>94702626Doesn't really matter since the true thing is even more dangerous.
>>94702635>Not one I'm sure I'd ever make a jump for since its not a particularly complex storyI wasn't aware you were the type to make jumps for complex stories.
>>94702601We ALWAYS need more SMT jumps.
>>94702649Its a rather low hanging fruit even for me. Most of my jumps at least have a semblance of a story (minus Spirit Of The North). That one is just pure mindless power fantasy slop.
>Yogiri's true form is 1-B>Cookies are 1-ABaking is STRONG.
>>94702641>Actual Demonbane JumpSomeone uploaded an english fan translation on yt a few months ago. No clue if its any good, but the lack of any translation until now was the main holdup that prevented a Jump from getting made.>Actual Homestuck/Hiveswap jumpIsn't that what the SBURB jump is?
>>94702664Cute..also orange mousey is very cute.
>>94702668NTA but SBURB is a generic SBURB game. Homestuck/Hiveswap is the actual story.
>>94702664Does that mean Valky with prep time beats Yogiri?
>>94702664Jobgiri beta """"comedy"""" isekaislop universe just can't compete with sovlfvll gachapon cookies.
>>94702674The only reason for that is if you want Doggy Futa Jade. And that's not a good enough reason to endure that dumpster fire.
>>94702707I don't really care at all. I was just explaining the difference.
>>94702712Fair enough.
>>94702674I mean, not really. Even the origins are based on specific characters from the comic. I have no clue why the jumpmaker didn't just call it "Homestuck" but that's essentially what it is. I can't imagine anyone being willing to slog through the entirety of Homestuck solely to make a dupe that there doesn't seem to be much demand for in the first place.
>>94702720The jumpmaker had to resort to trickery because no one at the time wanted a high-powered Homestuck jump on the drive.
>>94702731It was a long con, but it paid off. Now that ultimate selves became a thing in the epilogue, even being limited out of certain OP Classes is a non-issue because once you go Ultimate with the right sort of Classpect you can basically just wank you do whatever because there was an alternate version of you who did.
>>94702607Happy New Year WoL_Anon!
>>94702607Happy New Year WoL!
>>94702607Enjoy your last day of Kwanzaa!
>>94702607Happy new year WoL.
Happy New Year thread
>>94702607Happy New Year, WoL!
>>94702812Happy new year anon!
Happy new Year everyone. So what are your habits for New Years Eve?I'm one of the german anons so I'll just rewatch some very old TV productions as is common around here.Anyone have any fun traditions?
>Try searching for a perk on reddit>Muh generic super academy/Dc/marvel/(X) fanfiction every time.It's like there's only a dozen or so jumps
Hey Argent, I think you were the one who mentioned you were considering wokring on Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess a while back but I don't think it was on your backlog when you mentioned your most recent set of jumps you were doing. Is it still at least a maybe, or have you dropped it?>>94702834Happy new year, dude. There's a fucking insurance company that does it's level best to convince everyone it's anything except a massive pyramid scheme built on pressure and anxiety for the future. One of the many "cultural enrichment" events it sponsors is something called the AIA World Carnival, and it's basically a circus with all the animal abuse replaced with acrobats. Or a poor man's Cirque do Soleil: https://www.aiacarnival.comAnyway, I had zero expectations but the acrobatics were nice, the performers were attractive, and all things considered they did their best with an absolutely tiny big top, so all in all it was a surprisingly pleasant experience for dystopian corporate slop. Also it was within walking distance to a really good restaurant so that was nice, since I got to have 3 soups in one meal and now I'm (probably) drunk on chicken soup
>>94702870That's because Reddit isn't a jumpchain community, its an off-brand CYOA community that occasionally does jumps. They'll do absolutely anything they can to avoid making a regular jump.>>94702834Not particularly 'fun' per-say, but my family likes to eat a grape for every bell toll of midnight, and have a shot of bailey after.
>>94702870Don't act like we don't only talk about Exalted, Fate, whatever new thing Shard made a jump of and nothing else.
>>94702911Did you bake any cookies for the new year Valk?
>>94702912>whatever new thing Shard made a jump orShard constantly makes new things so technically that's a point in our favour
>>94702919Sadly not, I am unfortunately quite ill at the moment. Very bad flue/cold.
>>94702955Hey Valk, i just learned that Honkai apparently had a continuity reset because Kiana apparently went evil and killed everybody.Can you explain what that is about?
>>94702970It's just GGZ things, don't worry about it.
>>94702955It's always the seasonal flus. Completely unphased by the meme beer bug but the seasonal flu? That shit would find me even if I was living in a space station or something.
>>94702970Depends on which time you are talking about. In the main timeline of Honkai Impact 3rd, someone who was probably the PE version of Kiana was the one who was the herrscher of the end. We never really see anything other than a worn out statue of her. Honkai Impact 2nd/Gun GirlZ, which was the game that pre-dates HI3, has the story go that Kiana genuinely does awaken as the Herrscher of the End, destroy the Earth, then reset it to previous. This happens several times. But that is also the version of Honkai with actual eldritch lovecraftian gods, universe wiping, etc etc. That is where pic related Kiana is from.
>>94703003>>94703008Is GGZ not canon anymore?
>>94703093GGZ is its own game with its own story anon.
I don't like exotic power sources.
>>94703093GGZ is a completely different continuity. It is wholly disconnected from HI3 as a whole, and the Imaginary Tree in that story.It's got the Gods who made the universe, planetary sized honkai beasts, different origin of existence etc.
>>94703097>>94703120But it's the same characters...
>>94703123Same characters, different multiverse.
>>94703117Define exotic power sources.
>>94703123It's just that Hoyo likes to reuse character names and character vibes over and over for extra clapping (and gachabucks).
>>94703117>he doesn't power all his tech with Orgone Energy Ngmi.
>>94703117Okay? Who fucking asked?
>>94703117Well, have you considered that exotic power sources may not like (You) either?
>>94703159To be fair, does Tiberium like anything
>>94703132Anything fancier or more exotic then fusion. Vacuum energy? No. Zero Point Tap? No. Femboys hooked up to milking machines? No. An Australian chained to a bicycle in the generator room? Maybe.
>>94703175You sound overtly mundane.
>>94703188It really does sound like he's hiding a very exotic power source
Nurgle love is too much for me. I'm sick again and I can't handle this madness anymore. Suggest some perks to be immune to grandpa love.
>>94703172Tiberium loves everything a little too much.
>>94703223Harry Potter (the og) has a 100cp perk where you no longer get sick
>>94702921And they make constantly new out of context, while managing to make all of them equally boring and borderline unreadable, particularly sin god..
>>94703223Become a Runner in Prototype. You can simultaneously be Papa's favorite child and also never worry about other viruses or diseases because you instantly eat and assimilate them to become even more bullshit than before. That way Nurgle can rain down his endless blessings upon you and it's actually a good thing instead of horrible.
>>94703223Justice League Unlimited has several options>Longevity [XX]: It's very likely you're gonna have a lot of people trying to kill you over the course of your career, why worry about dying from old age as well? The first purchase of this power will guarantee you'll live for 150 years, and your health will be improved to the point where you could easily compete with young heroes and villains while pushing 80 years old. For 200cp your lifespan will be lengthened to about a thousand years and your aging will be drastically slowed to the point where you could be five hundred and look like you're only thirty. After spending 300cp on this power you'll gain both eternal youth and complete immunity to all the negative effects of the passage of time. You will also become immune to all mundane diseases and toxins and your mental capabilities will never decay with age. You could live for several thousand years and be just as capable, if not more so, as you were when you first obtained this power.>Toxin Immunity [100cp]: Mundane poisons, toxins, and other similar harmful substances simply don't affect you. Even if you fought against a giant venomous snake or a villain who specializes in poisoning their foes you wouldn't even notice a slight bit of dizziness or pain from their toxin. If you spend 100cp you'll also become immune to all but the strongest of magical and technological toxins. Only something like an ancient demon or an interstellar monster could poison you.>Disease Immunity [100cp]: You possess total immunity to mundane diseases from earth and even a few alien environments. Aside from the benefits of never having to worry about getting sick you can also take faith in the knowledge that you can shrug off some madman's bioweapon with ease. If you spend 100cp you'll also become immune to all but the strongest of magical and technological plagues and diseases. Only a virus specifically created to wipe out an entire planet could compromise your immune system.
>>94703223Blessing of Hygieia from Greek Myth?
>Allowing Companions to take drawbacksYay or Nay?
>>94703370>Greek MythMany great perks, Shame you are not considered a real man for not having butt sex with other men.
>>94703387That's only if you're Athenian, and who cares what those fruits think?
>>94703393What about the Spartans?
No reason not to ask now. Anything in particular people want to see in the Transformers Generation 1 (Cartoon) Jump?
>>94703370>>94703326>>94703270>>94703233Thanks bros. When I will get better I will do some builds.I have 38.3 degree rn.
>>94703408They got married to their state mandated tomboy wives, and would spend their time beating up enslaved hellots, sparring, or going hunting to prove their masculinity. If you can't kill something and bring it for dinner when its your turn that month, then you're barely a man.
>>94703223Nubee's body mod>Body Maintenance | Homeostasis (150BP+) - >“Do you know how much time and effort is spent maintaining your body? And it only takes more time and more effort the greater you raise your personal specs. If you ever want to rest that’s just kissing your gains goodbye.>Now though, now? Now you work out, you diet, you get stronger, you get healthier, and you will sustain that level of personal ability. Even if you get hurt or lazy later, you don’t have to concern yourself with rehabilitation or getting back in shape. You’re already there.>Even age won’t slow you down, at least until the day you die. Your immune system and endurance are as fit as the day you hit your prime, even if you continue to visibly age in other ways.>With a second purchase, you upgrade Body Maintenance to Homeostasis. Homeostasis is a much more potent form of this same ability. With Homeostasis, you will no longer require food or water to maintain a healthy equilibrium within your body. Those things are just perpetual.>Your body will no longer suffer from mundane diseases. Your body can fight off minor toxins with no signs of degradation. You will no longer visibly age even if your lifespan is no longer than an extremely healthy person.
>>94703412>SpoilerHere's what you do:1) Squeeze out a shotglass worth of juice from a lemon2) Warm it up in a microwave3) Down the glass and then pass the fuck outI've slept off 43.3 with this method.
>>94703384Sure, several jumps allow that already.
>>94703412No problem>spoilerIn the USA that is called a working temperature. No reason to take off work for being so cold. I would say to take an extra hot bath to raise your temperature to break the fever, but I have also been told that can be dangerous. If you have a stuffy nose, take your shower head and use it to force water up your nose. It should help clear you out, but feels bad. Like swimming and getting too much water in there, but it is far easier than snorting salt water.
>>94703384could be reasonable, as long as they're not world affecting ones. As in something like being clumsy or having a blood feud are fine, but not something that turns the setting grimdark or makes everyone act like they're fanfic characteers.Also depending on how test builds turn out, you may want to put in a cap on how much cp they can get from drawbacks.
>>94703450Off the top of my head there’s Pokemon Anime, MtG Iconics, and Ric’s version of DxD.
>>94703423Didn't they also have to train the men to stop fucking one another and be attracted to women by making the women dress like men?
>>94703469A limit I’d suggest is that if a companion takes a drawback they can’t go back into companion storage until the drawback is resolved or the jump is over. No taking a drawback that makes people hate you and poofing out of existence.
>>94703476I think those were the Thebans you're thinking of. They're the ones with the "Sacred Band"
>>94703409pic related?
>>94703432I did that.>>94703453>In the USAI'm in Poland and unemployed rn.I will try your idea as well.
>>94703409Singularity or a "be God" option, because i have no fucking clue what happens in G1.
>>94703409My companions to be able to have Nicee/Mocha form. Vehicle imports for vehicle modes.
>>94702050My plan is to adjust the wording a bit so it's clear that the surcharge applies to having a small advantage over your base species. However, I also planned to specify that you wouldn't lose any capabilities of your base species, only to find that doesn't make sense with some of them. Maraquan Buzzes, for instance, trade their wings for lobster claws, while Maraquan Draiks trade theirs for fins. Maraquan Eyries don't lose their wings in the trade, nor do Maraquan Scorchios or Skeiths, but Pteris and Shoyrus do. I could just fiat around it all, but it's already kind of unfair.Thank you for asking this, this is a more complicated matter than it would seem at baseline.
>>94703537The danger of the hot bath is your brain heating up too much. But the goal of the bath is heating your core high enough to break fevers. It is best to keep your had out of the water for this reason. I normally go for as hot as I can stand and just lay in it until it cools down.
Does having an animal transformation make you a furry?
>>94703549Perhaps you could do what >>94701351 does and have a 'species modifier' bit for the paint brushes? That way even if the specific Neopet might not benefit from a Faerie colour, their other species still might so it is still worth paying for?
>>94703557only if you start having sex as your animal transformation.
Anime world building question: why is it that some anime worlds claim to not have things like bras or anything that hold breasts in place, but the also have bikinis for the beach episode? Can no one in those worlds see how the top can be used to hold up tits without swimming?Besides Konosuba, where should jumper help prevent saggy breasts by introducing bras for the women?
In the same vain as the fantasy that your service as a salaryman is not only incredibly valuable but the ideal life and the fantasy that Japanese culture is so superior an entire world would immediately adopt and love it if introduced, is part of the Japanese experience idealizing absentee fathers? It seems to come up all the time in shonen series.
>>94703572I have never once heard of such a thing being a thing
>>94702635>100% drop rateYeah thats an awesome cheat
>>94703582It is a thing in Konosuba. The creator really loves sags and bounces. Even the producers argued over it. That is why bounces and swaying only happen on odd numbered episodes.
>>94703557That's a good question, and in the vein of similar questions such as "is it zoophilia to date/marry a werewolf?" and "is it necrophilia to date/marry a vampire/ghost/revenant?" we don't have any examples in the real world to go on.
>>94703577>idealizing absentee fathersI don't think its idealizing, I think it just gets parents out of the way.
>>94703562That could work. I'll need to poke at it a bit. Thanks, anon.
>>94703566What if your partner asks you to have sex in your animal form because you grow bigger and more muscular? they would be a furry, sure, but would you be if you caved in?
>>94703607No problem friend. Good luck with the jump, I am looking forward to it.
>>94703577They also start all new food crazes of plain, tasteless, white rice. Something people have access too already. Remember that the ultimate goal of any isekaied person is to abandon power, fame, riches and harem to return home an have their soul crushed by an uncaring corporation.
>>94703614Raven, stop telling Beastboy it is octopus night.
>>94703601>I don't think it's idealizingMinato is out of his son's life, but ONLY because he KNEW his son was destined to SAVE the WORLD so he bravely sacrificed himself.This is basically the same for like over half of every shonen. Even Super had an idealized version of BARDOCK
>>94703614Yes, because you both would be yiffing
>>94703409Toggle mode: waifus in disguise.
>>94703639And bot of Naruto's parents did the same and left their kid alone and hated by everyone. What is it with anime where no one is willing to adopt an orphan of their best friend and just let the kid raise themself?
>>94703651I hate to ask, but what do they transform into?
>>94703577In Bleach Ichigo's dad isn't absent. He loves his family very much and works hard for themTruly the GOAT of shonen fathers
>>94703672Vehicles. They do a little dance before transforming
>>94703686I feel like there is a joke about riding your wives. But do I want to know where Soundwave keeps her minions? Are they just tiny women as well?
>>94703695>But do I want to know where Soundwave keeps her minions?Obviously stuffed in the hammerspace incredibly buxom women keep between their bust
>>94702172You know there's actually a very good reason that the marines can produce large numbers of Haki users. They have the infrastructure for it, and a wide enough recruiting pool. It would be more odd if they didn't have a good training program set up.
>>94703695G1 bots can already shift their own mass. Megatron turns into a little pistol multiple times through the series
>>94703651>>94703686>Those Megatron pits
>>94703412>When I will get better I will do some builds>Last Online: 794 days ago
>>94703409What is the actual story of G1?
>>94703712So in this picture, Megatron already had a gun and all she did was shrink so someone else could hold her while she used it?
Can someone tell me why I limited the Fleet Companion option in Azur Lane to ten boats when two fleets in the game is twelve? And that doesn't even account for the submarines. Because I can't and it's making building for it hell.
>>94703774Megatron is an asshole who brainwashed people and started a war just because he's a greedy asshole who wants everyone's stuff.Eventually, all the warfare deplete's Cybertron's energon stockpiles, so Megatron goes to Earth to steal their energy/resources, so naturally the Autobots gotta stop him.Literally everything that happens is because Megatron is an asshole. Hell, the whole reason Optimus Prime became Optimus was because he was critically injured in one of Megatron's terrorist attacks and was rebuilt by Alpha Trion
>>94703792You are literally the author, just change it to whatever you want. One fleet, two fleets, six fleets, two sub squadrons, whatever.
>>94703792Well, you know what you need to do.
>>94703792update the jump??
>>94700494Jumper is on a path to immortality, if he isn't already, so he knows that eventually he will just go back.What's a few thousand extra years for an immortal?
>>94703792>>94703803 (me)Actually, it could be >One fleet in-game is six>One sub squadron is three>Plus your favorite secretary or w/e.That's ten right there.
>>94703792fix it
>>94700918Quicksilver gave up his Jump-Chan privileges like 9 years ago.
>>94703803I mean, that's kind of what I was thinking. But I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up on an actual update. Because I'm literally years out of date and I don't even know what's going on with it anymore. Apparently there's pirate shipgirls inspired by classic sailing ships and they're all about tentacles now?>>94703806>>94703810What did I just say?>>94703815You know, that makes a kind of sense. Maybe that's what I was thinking. Ah well. When I get home, I'm going to make it two full fleets plus a sub squad and a waifu. So 16.
>>94703774Eons ago, a robotic dickhead named Megatron decided conquering the universe sounded like a great idea, so he decided to conquer Cybertron with his army of thugs, the Decepticons. During one of his attacks, he critically wounded a civilian named Orion Pax, who would be reforged into Optimus Prime, who would lead the Autobots against Megatron. The war was in stalemate for millions of years, until finally, the planet ran out of resources, Energon especially, and both sides were forced to look elsewhere. The Autobots leave, and Megatron, being an asshole, tries to ambush them. The ship crashes on this weird, dinky backwater planet that will one day be called Earth, and both sides are put into hibernation for eons. They get woken up in the distant future of 1994, and the war begins again, with the heroic Autobots battling the evil Decepticons.The original show was very black and white in the sense that the Autobots were good and the Decepticons were evil. The idea that Megatron might have once been a revolutionary who lost his way came a long time later. G1 Megatron's just an asshole.
Question: what happens if I impregnate my boat?
>>94703840>I don't even know what's going on with it anymore.I went full skip after the bullshit that was Rondo. Whenever I'm writing for this jump I basically make shit up wholesale desu.>Two full fleets, three subs, and waifuThat is technically all you need to play the game, so not a bad idea. One mob fleet, one boss fleet, three submarines and a secretary.
>>94703853Wank and then fanwank>picAlso not a bote
>>94703853You'll add some new dinghies to your fleet
>>94703853You make a dingy
>>94703868I have trouble keeping up with these horny gachawaifus.
Happy New Year's Eve! Currently working on flavor text before swooping back around to finish the items and drawbacks. First version of Mesopotamian Mythology should be done by the end of New Year's eve (today) or tomorrow morning (New Year's).As an aside: >Post-Hellenic Syncretic Hellscape: ….I suppose if you thought the primordial chaos was too consistent…this is a world in which everything above this option is simultaneously true and false. Also, Ahura Mazda created the universe, the Olympians are Angels of Zeus-YHWH, Nanna-Suen is Artemis who is Anahita who is but is not Ishtar, who is of course also Astarta, Aphrodite, and al’Uzza and Manat and….Freyja?! Who the fuck let Barbara Walker in here?!?
>>94703877Honestly faggots like you that post and talk about IPs you know nothing about need to jump off a bridge.
Year of the snake soon. Post your favourite snake perks, items, and companions.
>>94703894Nah. I'm gonna keep posting about shit I know nothing about, and learn via discussion and interaction. Is this one a bote?
Keeping up with the New Year's spirit, does anyone feel like starting a new chain now? Where would you start your chain if given the option to decided at least the first jump?If not, what is your current first jump?Builds are also appreciated.
>>94703899Kill yourself. And no she isn't.
>>94703910My strength grows with your salt. I'm pretty sure this one isn't a boat-in fact, I think that guy's from Genshin or something. But I'm posting it regardless.
>>94703893Very nice. Can I be omniscient in that jump?
>>94703897Gene said he was going over G.I. Joe stuff because of his transformers autism. Maybe inspiration will strike there?
>>94703893Nice. Been waiting on this one.
>>94703906I've never been able to keep a chain going or start one properly.Maybe if FGO Part 2 finally ends this year though i can finish my oldest abandoned chain
>>94703523>>94703544>>94703651I'll see what I can do with either a 0CP drawback, and/or a general synthoid companion option that lets you get a human expy of a canon character in a gender of your choosing.>>94703539To my knowledge, Singularities weren't really a canon thing until much later. Unicron exists in the cartoon, but far from being an outright god, he's just a big robot this little freak built... somehow. So while I won't promise that I'm going to offer the option to be Unicron, I'm more open to the idea here than I would in most TF settings.>>94703774Pretty much what >>94703794 said for the most part. >Season 1 & 2: Autobots and Decepticons come to Earth. Get their bearings for living on this planet and have a handful of scirmishes over Energon and a comical amount of super-weapons. Megatron is solely responsible for everything bad that happened.>Season 3: Quintessons are introduced. They are revealed to be the original creators of the Transformers to sell as a product before they gained sapience. They are arguably more evil than the Decepticons and have more advanced technology than either side. They would have effortlessly reclaimed Cybertron if they weren't so unfathomably stupid.>Season 4: A handful of Autobots and Decepticons crash on a planet called Nebulon. They form symbiotic relationships with the residents and become headmasters or targetmasters. This season is comprised of three episodes.
>>94703893Thinking about this jump makes me want to run a chain with Ishtar as my benefactor, and me becoming Fate Rinshtar.
>>94701767Unfortunately I am a futafag. Deal with it.Also happy new years everyone.
>>94703409Drinkable Energon that gets you sloshed. A gold spring that you can bathe in to become temporarily invincible.Wheeljack/Starscream engineering that lets you just make groups of robots or whatever the fuck lets you make that ninjabot . Megatron's tardwrangling skills/being able to make organizations more effective under your rule the stronger you are.Drawback to be tortured at the therapy planet.Also Happy New Year to all you goobers
>>94703897Snakebirds are the my favorite type of snake
>>94703906Both would be the same, but I do not have time to edit my build to make it easy to post before work. Need to do that at some point for faster builds. I will go with Danny Phantom combined with DCAU. Start in 1984 and run my little half ghost community until things ramp up and start becoming more interesting. I feel like adding the Ghost Zone as just another purgatory can work really well in bloated multiple afterlife. If I did not take over my own half ghost community I can save on drawback pain and have more freedom, but I am not so sure. I am torn between the two. On one hand having friends and community should force me to learn to be a good leader, as well as a base of operations. basically playing like Princes Amethyst of Gemworld. On the other I can be free to do whatever I want, but it would likely take a decade before anyone important came around to hang out with.Just me exploring the world without a care. Both have their appeal.
>>94703897Kiyohime, Gorgon, and Chiyome are great
>>94703906You know what, sure.>Jump 1: Fate/ApocryphaName: Tamamo no Mae/MizukuneAge: ?Gender: FemaleBackground: Servant (-500cp)>Affiliation: Independent >PerksBeauty Beyond Gender (Free)Inheritance (-100cp)>Items{Class} SERVANT ACTUALIZATION (-400cp)>CompanionsNew Friendships -0cp (Fiore)>DrawbacksNone>ServantClass: CasterAlternate Classes: LancerTrue Name: Tamamo no MaeAlignment: Neutral EvilArmament: Mirror>ParametersStr EEnd EAgi BMana ALck DNP B>Class SkillsTerritory Creation CDivinity A>Personal SkillsCurse Arts EXShapeshift AFox Wedding EX>Noble PhantasmEightfold Blessing of Amaterasu>>94703918.....technically yes, but not constantly and not absolutely. >>94703929Great to hear! Hope it lives up to your expectations.>>94703936Based.
>>94703939I see your futafaggotry and raise you the artist Plundered.
>Jar-Jar is the key to all of this - George LucasWhat did he mean by this?
>>94703893>post-hellenic hellscapeSounds so chaotic and nonsensical
>>94703853>what happens if I impregnate my boat?https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Akagi-chanhttps://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Amagi-chan
>>94703971>Based.Not sure how Ishtar would feel about me naming myself Ishtar, but maybe being my benefactor would mean she’d consider it a complement.
>>94703988Jarjar is anti Yoda and a drunken master sith. It would have been a better ending.
What jump will let me alter reality so that women are and always were all stacked amazons?
>>94702275>who is the strongest cultivatorImpossible to properly determine, but the ones from Er Gen's cosmology are probably the ones leading the running at the moment and even then, he's still implied there's shit beyond them in the Bright Heaven Star Ring.>who is the strongest isekai MCYogiri and the MC of AWLBA.
>>94703971Excellent. It's fine if other people can mess with the omniscience. I mostly just want to be able to effortlessly scry all of the cosmology at once and discern all that has happened in the past(reading people's thoughts would be good too). I'm currently using do you know like zuno? From dragon ball super jump for my heavy duty information gathering needs and having another option would be good.
>>94703384If I were to houserule it, they could take drawbacks that affect solo targets, and should get points from world/party type drawbacks jumper takes that would have affected them.
>>94703948Mervamon is a great Digimon partner. Might get weird if you get romantic and her snake hand keeps getting in the way.
>>94704041Master PC
>>94702910Hi shard
>>94702607Happy new year, WoL.
>>94703980Unfortunately that seems to be an awful lot of furry.
>>94702275>>94702292>>94702562>>94704043>A Wild Last Boss AppearsI stopped reading this after a few dozen chapters. What does the MC do that's so crazy?
>>94703948>>94703954>>94703957>>94704009Wish I hadn't included companions in the post.
>>94704053Master PC doesn't do it retroactively, so the amazons will be hitting their heads on doorframes since they aren't built for amazons.
>>94703906>Keeping up with the New Year's spirit, does anyone feel like starting a new chain now?I already made one this month, making another would be unwise.>If not, what is your current first jump?I guess I can post my 1st jump the “Demiurge in the 4th Wall” chain (AKA Jumper gets gaslit by their well meaning yet villainous creation into becoming what they consider a “god”)>1)Satoshi Kon’s OPUS >DrawbacksA Story Needs Conflict (100), Born Villain (200), Unwanted Truth (200), B*H*M**N RH*PS*DY (300), Page Tearing (300) [Drawback pts: 900, Total pts: 1900]>Medium: Reality (Free)>Role: Creator>PerksDiscounts marked with *Behind the 4th Wall (400/To Keep)Beyond the 4th Wall (Free/In this jump only)Matter Of Perspective (200/To Keep)Human Photocopier (Free)Second Draft (150)Drawn to Life (300)Industry Veteran (Free)*Earthly Muse (Free)*Wage Slave (100)*Worries of a God (100)*Outsider (300)*> ItemsDiscounts marked with *Gun (50)Resonating Pages (50 ver)Lucky Pen (Free)*Two Good Boys (300)>CompanionsSelf-Insert (Free)>>94703794>Bring TF ONE Megatron to G1 right after doing that scenario >Watch as TFO Meg has a mental breakdown in regards to how stupid G1 Meg is to doom their home planetIf I’m going to do a TF series chain, I gotta find a way to keep him sane.
>>94704009Will never like or love your jumper.
>>94703897Honestly, Naruto did the snake aesthetic good. was thinking of stealing it when jumping exalted Lunars.
>>94704065She tanks the god of the setting destroying the universe and ascends to her level, where she transcends basically everything and becomes a being of pure will and gets to do very silly things.
>>94704079I have perks for that
>>94702910>Hey Argent, I think you were the one who mentioned you were considering wokring on Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess a while back but I don't think it was on your backlog when you mentioned your most recent set of jumps you were doing. Is it still at least a maybe, or have you dropped it?Hey Shard. It's still a thing I'm somewhat considering, but I want to at least finalize some of my other WIPs first.
>>94704062What is the next jump from BLADE? What is the next lewd jump from BLADE?
>>94704096So it's fake affection.
>>94703906I'm quite enjoying my current chain, so I'm not gonna restart right now. As for my first jump...Jump 1: Ranma 1/2Age: 16Gender: FemaleOrigin: Drop-InCurse: Spring of Drowned Magic Fish (Warrior Goddess/Asura)Perks>Some Kind Of Ninja -Free>Amazon Durability -100 CP>Martial Acrobatics -100 CP>Weirdly Specific Martial Art (Musician) -200 CP>Medical Genius -200 CP>Copycat Technique -300 CP>Ki Projection -600 CPItems>Flask of Water of Life -100 CPDrawbacks>Mind-Altering Curse (Warrior Goddess/Asura) +600 CPRanma's a great place to start in general, though I do regret that I wrote the narrative of what I was doing in my first jump such that Ranma and I only became friends and I didn't invite them to come with me on the chain. And at this point I'm not exactly sure how I'd go about rewriting that since a lot of stuff has built up on the assumption that I didn't take any companions until Jump 4, so I can't exactly go back and change it. Ah well.
>>94701719Post it, please.
>>94703897I've been contemplating which generic to use to jump Ave Xia Rem Y. I'd like to companion Liu Jin, who is basically xianxia orochimaru with better morals.
>>94704086They really tried to make us take this dude seriously while he's wearing full body snake pajamas lmao
>>94703906You know what maybe I should finally start the martial arts chain i've been thinking of doing this year. I have to figure out where to start though.
>>94703840>So 16.Bump it up by 1 so we have a dedicated secretary and I'm sold.
>>94703893>Nanna-Suen is Artemis who is Anahita who is but is not IshtarSo Ishtar is and is not one of her possible Fathers. Who is the Moon. Clearly this means that Ishtar is Arcuied.
>>94704130You say that like he didn't check nearly the entire ninja world at once.
>>94704124>Ave Xia Rem Y.Huh, its still being updated?
>>94704157Yes. Haven't kept up with it, but it's tied only with Beware of Chicken for the most consistent and popular xianxia story on SB.
>>94704136That already includes a secretary. 2 squads of 6. 3 for a submarine squad.1 dedicated secretary. Or is my brain broken?
>>94703840Would updating the collab toggles mess up the formatting too much if you added the missing ones or rolled them back to a catchall so you don't have to pop back in every year to throw in the next one? I'd suggest scenarios in a separate supplement, but that would cause a bit more of a mess since you'd need to be vaguely aware of each new event's synopsis to sort that out...
>>94704136Two fleets (12) + Sub squad (3) + Secretary (1) = 16 Retard
>>94704154Any intimidation factor he'd have is immediately siphoned to Madara once he nukes an entire army trivially easily.
>>94704165I didn't read it on SB. now I have to try and find the chapter I left off on which will be a pain in the ass.
>>94704113I have no idea. I have a couple of older wips that I'd like to finish one of these days, but I don't feel much desire to actually work on them. Same for qq, though I might end up redoing one of my older qq jumps entirely as a form of update for them, such as Elrk or Dulce.For new stuff that I'll inevitably pick up, who knows.
>>94703906I'm going to start writefagging my solar chain for real next year. Jump 1: Exalted - First AgeAge: 20Gender: MaleLocation: The South Origins: Solar - Zenith (200 CP)Perks:Solar Hero Supremacy (Free)Unconquered Self (Free)The Forbidden Technique: Common Sense (50)Mandate of Creation (100)Grace of Gold (100)Vainest, Most Glorious (100)Power From Darkness (200)Invincible Sword Princess (300)The Golden Blade (300)Experience: Newly Exalted (+200)Items (+400):Sunlit Lands FreeThe Terraforming Engines of Opal Spire (200)A Gift of the Sun (300)Companions:Gathered Into Sunlight (50)Drawbacks:Burden of the Sun (+300)After this I'm thinking of going to Pathfinder, Warhammer fantasy, Oasis of Fantasy, Fire emblem heroes, Thailand myth, or Egyptian myth. I'm still not sure.
>>94704117But no companions? No one took your fancy?
So it looks like Reddit made something decent for a change and it might be of interest to anons.
>>94704157Yep. Going strong. Where did you leave off? I can probably help you get in the ballpark for what chapter you were at if you wanted to give it another go.
>>94704194Reddit does something decent once in a while, we should make a list of Reddit jumps that aren't bad.
>>94704165Where did you drop off? Personally I kept up with it but dropped BoC. Boc kinda lost it's charm to me but ave just keeps getting better.
>>94704167>>94704170Look, I'm just here to argue for more botes. If you don't get that, I don't know what to tell you.
>>94704190Jumper was young and didn't really want to drag others onto their wacky adventures yet. They DID become good friends with Ranma, but Ranma had their own life to live and Jumper was focused more on their career and journey-so they parted on fond terms.
>>94704014Where else can you meet Jesus, son of Zeus and Isis and husband-son of Ishtar? I̶ ̶h̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶m̶u̶c̶h̶>>94704014She'd be pretty chill with it most likely. Ishtar was so iconic that the word 'Ištar' became a generic term for 'goddess', and her various local hypostases like Ishtar of Nineveh and Ishtar of Arbella are known to interact with each other as seperate individuals even as they're at other times identified as the same individual or manifestations thereof.>>94704044That's workable, yeah. Utu-Shamash sees everything his light touches, Enlil can see the whole cosmos from his mountain home, Inanna at one point turns into a rainbow that covers the whole of Heaven allowing her to see and know everything, and similar. >>94704146.........I can't believe I didn't see that coming.
>>94703840I think 32 is a good starting number.
>>94704180>Elrk or Dulce.Please remember to maybe look in Queen's Blade way as well. That jump needs some love.
>>94704196The Mc was just leaving to a new realm to start his own sect that looked like it was inspired by warhammer.
>>94703906>Where would you start your chain if given the option to decided at least the first jump?I would just go as big as possible. If anything, I can just keep making avatars for future jumps.>DC Comics (Moons and Shard's collab)>Drawbacks:Mystical Catnip (1100)Rogues Gallery x5 (2100)Signs of the Apokolips (true forms) (2700)Men Pretending To Be Gods (And Martial Artists) (cosmic beings and Mortal Kombat) (5900)The Last Days of the Justice Society, Featuring Jumper From The Jumpchain Series (6300)Foe of the Balance (6900)Day of Vengeance (Spectre and Eclipso) (7900)A New Crisis (9900)>Continuity & locationInfinite Frontier, Earth-2>Race Hybrid: Monitor (Super-Celestial) + 5D Imp (7500)>CareerDrop In>PerksMagical Potential (Opener/Hecate level) (6700)The Power of Will: Indomitable (6500)Living Intrinsic Field (Dr. Manhattan’s level): Crisis Energy (4900)Crack in the 4th Wall (4700)Empty Is My Hand (2900)To Be Continued (1100)Evolved Beyond Such Primitive Weaknesses (800)Crisis born of Two Worlds (500)Intelligence: 1st level (eidetic memory) (450)>ItemsPortal to the Mangoverse (Free)>Retroactive RevealCP to RP (0, +900 RP)MERELY ONE AVATAR OF MY TRUE GLORY (0 RP)
>>94704168I don't mind reverting all them down to a catch-all crossover toggle. I really should have done that in the first place. I think I've got a good idea how to reformat it and include the sailing ships in the boat choices. I can do that much at least. >>94704170Hey! Be nice. Everyone has brain farts. No reason to be a jerk.
>>94704216The MC hasn't started a sect though. There was that point in the dead plains arc where you had some of the disciples trying to convince him to do so, but he was quite adamant about not doing that. You may be confusing it with something else.
>>94704202>BoCMy thing with it is that I can basically predict what happens next by asking the question "What would happen in a stereotypical xianxia story?" and then going in the complete opposite direction. I did prefer the earlier times when it was just the MC and a few good friends, but I do understood why the story moved on from that.
>>94704194Neat. Looks decent at a glance.
>>94704246For me it both takes itself too seriously and not seriously enough, if that makes sense.
>>947042479anon, if you became a Dungeon Core or Genius Loci would MPC allow you to alter your dungeon/domain, or would you still have to upgrade it to be able to change properties first?If you mentally will Master PC onto a computer but do not interact with the computer in any way way, are you safe from the Luddite drawback?Would setting things up so you never get tired of sex and are always ready to go but can still choose to be sated or do something else be possible via Lewd Exceptions?
>>94703906No, my chain structure is staying the same. Exalted first(debating on regular Solars or modern.) then Tsukihime for wives. will probably be hitting every fighting game after to max out my martial arts. Been becoming more and more obsessed with martial arts recently after picking up MMA irl.Have an old build for Solars.Starting Location: The South.Origin: Scholar(Blacksmith)Age: 20Gender: MaleCaste: DawnDrawbacks+100 The Maidens’ Ire+100 A New Dawn+200 Yozi-FriendPerksfree - Pages and Words300 - Mind of the Sun100 - Flawless Form Technique200 - Panoply of One400 - Brigid's legacy.400 - Unconquered
>>94703893>First version of Mesopotamian Mythology should be done by the end of New Year's eve (today) or tomorrow morning (New Year's).Yay! Thanks CrimsonMoon! This is super awesome!
>>94704212I'll be honest with you, I know basically nothing about that series other than the bare minimum of the plot, which I think was a bunch of clothing damage and a tournament to be queen. And that they had a crossover game with a bunch of random girls that was relevant to my collab chain at one point.In other words, I make no promises mostly because it's kind of a big blank to me.
>>94704241That's probably it. I just remember that they were leaving for a new realm after the MC met his family.
>>94704266>For me it both takes itself too seriously and not seriously enough, if that makes sense.I get what you mean. My brain can't put it into words right now but there was definitely that impression in the later books.
>>94703906That's kind of what got me poking at Azur Lane. I wanted to start a new Chain that began there but ran into trouble when it came to filling out the fleets. I'm going to do my best to stick with it and actually write for it too. But I don't have a build ready right now.
Huh. Turns out there's Sword Logic in A Practical Guide To Evil. It's called Night, and specifically works as a blessing from the Gods Below/Evil Gods. Complete with being a zero-sum game where your power slowly and steadily drains down into the Gods Below no matter how much you kill, but in the meantime grants immortality and the strength/skills/abilities of those you kill. It's apparently incomplete and Catherine figured out how to fix it so that it becomes more than a zero-sum game, but made it more like the Light in fixing it since it now acts as a direct blessing from Sve Noc (drow god) rather than a power that each individual Drow builds up with murder. Thankfully I appeared early in the timeline so Catherine hasn't become Winter incarnate yet, and thus I can go and steal some of the Original Night.
>>94704268If your dungeon/domain is a part of you rather than simply under your influence.Yeah, installing Master PC on a device would really count as using it.Yes.
>>94704297Right? Like there's all this shit about demons and the fate of the world, but the characters are all still literal fucking jokes. It's just tonally dissonant.
>>94704288They have some anime and some other stuff, but thankfully there is a wiki. On the other hand, maybe next year Kawakami Masaki finishes Futa Elf.
>>94704296Wait, when he met his uncle and grandfather?
Would Hiruzen agree to having his mind and soul transferred to a younger clone body of his original body if I warned him Orochimaru was about to attack the village?
>>94704309>Finishesthe fuck you mean 'finish'? I want another 50 chapters. Minimum.Actually I'm pretty sure he did a bit with the anal obsessed dorm mother and the horsecock daughter, I need to actually read that.Real talk, I'm kind of tempted to do a jump for that one ntr hentai where the girl gets forced to dress up as Summer Rakou for an anime convention specifically because I think it'd be funny to take her to fate and make her into an actual Rakou servant/pseudoservant.
>>94704311Mabey? could have sworn it was his grandmother who was OP as shit. and then he met his Fiancé and another girl with a system at a party.
>>94704202I think I dropped off at around one of the early tournament style arcs. I remember the ice fairies being introduced and that's about it.
>>94704335Well neither his grandfather nor his uncle were op as shit. I genuinely am not sure what you could be referencing at this point. You may very well be thinking of a different series. >>94704349Was he still in the city he grew up in? Cause damn if so you dropped pretty early. Which is actually understandable. The beginning was by far the weakest part of the story. Author got a lot better over the years.
>>94704334>the fuck you mean 'finish'? I want another 50 chapters. Minimum.Oh I agree. It just that I imagine your WIP for it still kinda needs some more stuff to add. That and I want my lewd elfs damn it. Also don't know they one you mentioned. Is it by Suzuhane? I know they switched to some cosplay stuff a while back...much to my mahou shoujou enthusiast displeasure. At least Yamada Go Go stuck to his roots......HHhhhm, Raita Jump? The Magical Girl series he has?
>>94704306Exactly how bad is Dick-based thinking in terms of poor decision making? Would you be able to make everyone on board with your changes before you made them in front of people? Would you be able to function as a normal person, or would you be whipping your dick out in class even without MPC?
>>94704329That depends. Is this a good idea? if so the answer is 'No'. Is this a bad idea? If so the answer is 'Yes'.
>>94704232>Skips to immediate godlike power, no heroic journey firstAnon, that's lame
>>94703897Seggs with snegs.
>>94704334>Actually I'm pretty sure he did a bit with the anal obsessed dorm mother and the horsecock daughter, I need to actually read that.He did, it's not translated yet though.
>>94704359I just realised I was thinking of a different fic. I was thinking of Arrogant Young Master Template A Variation 4.
>>94704367You can still more or less function as a normal person, but getting off on the regular becomes one of your major priorities and you'll inevitably take some shortcuts that will cause you trouble.
Mana Khemia 2 Jump will be today! I'm almost done!
>>94704406You can do it! I believe in you!
>>94704406Yaaay! Thanks Deep Sea!
>>94704366Understandable.Tsuma Ni Damatte something something something, by Minamoto. I've never actually watched/read it cause I dislike purely ntr focused stuff, but the desire to give her actual Rakou powers to go with her cosplay is strong.>>94704382It was translated like a month ago on sadpanda.
>>94703897Favourite Snake is probably Xiao Cai. Cutie patootie, also powerful. Because Xianxia, also has the potential to become a waifu.
>>94704406Good luck!
>>94703906>Jump 1: Friday the 13th>Origin:PsychoAge: 29Sex: MTime Period: 1979-2003>Perks: 800 CPThe Horror (Free)Trapper (100 CP)Survivalist (100 CP)Stalker (100 CP)Serial Killer (200 CP)Brute (300 CP)>Powers: 800 CPRevanant(+Wraith)>Items:Hockey Masks (Free)>Drawbacks: 600Disfigured (100 CP)Crazies (200 CP)Weakness (300 CP)Murderer (000 CP)Gonna get this shit show started. Evil Dead time shenanigans are the only way the first 5 jumps of this are gonna make any fucking sense though since I'm connecting them.
>>94704413>It was translated like a month ago on sadpanda.Ah I see, well i've got something to read tonight, thanks Blade.
>>94701790Late reply but I don't suppose you have a working link? My attempts at looking up mangadex all say the website is either down or moved to a different domain.
If you where an empire builder jumper, which one of these perks do you consider the most valuable?>Power From Darkness (400 CP): You are a natural vessel for all forces in existence. No power is truly off-limits, only more or less difficult to seize. Both the magics of an inhuman fairy and the fundamental force of electromagnetism are yours for the taking, should you have long enough to study how they work and develop the Charms or devise the ritual needed to infuse yourself with their powers. the second benefit is this: Anything defeated and locked away by you personally or that surrenders utterly to you can be summoned by sorcerous means to accomplish tasks-or support supernatural phenomena incorporating their nature such as Charms or spells. The third benefit of this perk is a comprehensive talent and training in all the Exalted’s methods of binding entities. From a comprehensive knowledge of the Surrender Oaths to the methods by which the souls of the Yozis were cast down. Nothing in this world cannot be imprisoned by your hand.>Spiritual Succession (400 CP): There is no doubt that you glorify what you wear. From an ordinary sword to a loyal hunting hound, when you use something external to yourself in grand feats worthy of the Exalted’s legends or meditate deeply to infuse it with vast amounts of your Essence you may uplift it as the Sun’s light hallows what it touches. Ordinary objects obtain the properties of artifacts. Living beings become so blessed that the Lintha in their heyday could not claim to be as enhanced. Even organisations or buildings you have worked great wonders in can be managed by a spirit that is considered a shadow of your own might, with similar but lesser capabilities akin to those of a god themed after you instead of a particular domain. In essence, a fraction of all that makes you Exalted is shared with all that you do your best work through.
At midnight you appear in a new world with your last posted build. How do you react?
>>94704451The latter. Being able to bless entire organizations will be very helpful for an empire.
>>94704456Don't even remember what my last build posted was.
>>94704456Considering I don't have my shit from the other jumps I'm pretty worried cuz I'm probably gonna get killed by the Mythic Dawn
>>94704451The latter is best for empire building while the former is good for personal power and growth.
>>94704451For the purpose of empire building Spiritual Succession. Since it's ability to enhance the stuff you use includes organizations and an empire is technically an organization.
>>94704456>checks my notes>Last build posted was CommoraghDepending on an what setting I pop in this could be really easy or really terrible.
>>94703897I like Fate Medusa
>>94704456Well shit. I think my last posted build was on Christmas for the Santa jump, so I guess I'm going to spend ten years as Santa while dodging Martians, monsters, and monsters working with Martians. Unless I'm just popping in an entirely new world with the perks from Santa, in which case, little disappointing, but maybe I can set myself up as a toy maker. Though then again, if I have until midnight, I could post another build and go into the new world with that instead...
>>94703906>Where would you start your chain if given the option to decided at least the first jump?Overlord, getting a decent guild base and staying inside makes it pretty much impossible to fail the jump and otherwise it got a lot of neat stuff that could be useful later down the chain.
Turn botes into Overlord NPCs or turn Overlord NPCs into botes? What are the pros and cons here?
>>94704456Dread and varying levels of mania that may or may not be due to drawbacks, but eventually just too distracted by living life to worry about such comparably distant troubles. Thankfully it's a somewhat functional build even for a first jump, but still kind of a bit on the deep end compared to where one might want to start if given a choice.
>>94704500I mean this just depends on whether you like the bote looks and personalities or npc looks and personalities more.
Best starting jumps for martial arts?
>>94704500If you're the same guy from earlier why do you care since you know nothing at all about the boats>>94704515He knows literally nothing that cannot be inferred from basic fanart.
>>94704456same as >>94704468I don't remember what it was, and I only put it in the thread. So I guess its a surprise for me!
>>94704456I posted this >>94704273 So it looks like I go on the run being chased by the wyld hunt, demons and fate itself. so average Solar experience.
>>94704528As goofy as this image is I actually really love the snippet it came from. I don't know why it speaks to me as much as it does, but it does.
>>94704456Last build I posted was the start of my chain here >>94704117, so I'm beyond excited.
>>94704456Start shouting that we are all cursed and lytek was keeping that secret from us
>>94703577It is a mixture of respecting your family/ancestors, your father working his ass off for you his family not being there for you thus whatever he is doing is very important, and Japan toxic work culture and overtime/ just toxic culture stuff in general a quite sizable amount of problems involving their country would be fixed if they let fathers or mothers have more time to live with their family to be fathers and mothers, stop working them to literally die of overwork and just cut down the work hours or even just the after hours drinking themselves into mini comas as effectively part of the job.
>>94699101I wish I could jump it, but I would end up making a Worldbreaker immediately, since it might be the name of the game.
>>94704540Because its all of the fun of exalted without the baggage while shitting on vampires like Blade.
>>94704558But shitting on leeches is based.
>>94699816More porn jumps.
>>94703453>If you have a stuffy nose, take your shower head and use it to force water up your nose.sounds like a great way to get the brain eater parasite
>>94704481Medusa? How could anyone love a woman that's so tall? Such a large woman, surely no one would love her.
>>94704456>Posted >>94704074Reality is falling apart, fictional characters are becoming real & my only companions are a self-insert written as a villan & 2 psychic dogs. Yeah I’m gonna have a mental crisis & murderous urges, but least I have a gun!
>>94704572Do you guys not treat your water?
>>94704434You’re quite welcome.
>>94704569leeches deserve the steak and cross.
>>94703145Lets be honest Tharja is the best fire emblem companion/wife, loyal, loving, willing to commit, powerful dark magic/sorcery, beautiful,easily able to bring her along with no issues for the most part and kind (her supports flesh her out a lot) they really hit it out of the park with her.
>>94703906Generic First, because I like it.
>>94704587She's not as easy for me because i'm always a drop-in. Meaning i'm not robin
>>94701542By the way, do you happen to have any idea on how it should be structured? I think explaining how one is to visit an anthology of separate stories is probably the biggest problem I have I think.
>>94704305I think i remember the maker of that jump doc had a update that had Night in it along with other things that we may have forgot to add to the drive, it was either that or someone posted a dupe APGTE and we didn’t take it.
JJK question. So Cursed Energy arises from negative emotions, and thus Cursed Spirits are born.Would ambient Cursed Energy-and thus the generation of Cursed Spirits-decrease if someone did something like, I don't know, fixing the Japanese overwork issues, doing something to make the school system less suffering-inducing, stamping down on abuse and depression, all that? Would that be a viable path for preventing Cursed Spirits from existing in the first place?
>>94704612Don't recall that. The one on the drive is very clearly written with only content from book 1&2 so rather early in the WN.
>>94704456Of all the times to post that prompt.
>>94704456>end up in campfire cookingaw yeah I win
>>94704578Most water treatments don't kill parasites like that.
>>94704481>no snake hairOne job
>>94704587nta, but her (and Rhajat) are still kind of confrontational in ways that might not be for everyone. Like beyond just being assertive/opinionated to genuinely kind of a spiteful bitch when she's in that awkward middle space between not being in complete control and also not being around someone she's comfortable with ceding that control to.>>94704608Don't lose heart, anon. If Stahl's fantastically average self, the box of rocks that is Vaike, and the female-fearing Lon'qu all have about the same odds of actually managing to woo her, then it can't be impossible for an anon willing to make at least a little effort.
>>94704624That would help reduce the population of cursed spirits but ot would not eliminate them entirely
>>94704523I just saw people were talking about AL earlier and I started playing last year, so I wanted to talk about it. Not sure why you're mad.>>94704515I guess my big question is how the Overlord fiat loyalty thing would impact botes, if at all. Most of the botes I've interacted with have been loyal, but I don't know that the quality and quantity of their loyalty is equivalent to NPCs. Does that make sense?
Do we have any jumps with martial arts (I.e.Hand2Hand stuff) perks and harem perks in the same doc?
>>94704456Bad luck for me, last build I posted was for that Item only chain-but with my jumper rolling to roll up in Worm first.https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/94562020/#q94567868He got no innate power to start with, but at least he has a power armor system and vials that can give him a kinda random power.
>>94704587She's a pretty meh mother.
>>94704657Rurouni Kenshin, I think
>>94704657Fate Stay Night
>>94704380Most of the time it is not really a thing around here.>>94704456I will feel really glad that I posted that build then. Maybe do a small cosmic victory dance.
>>94704451Ideally both due to synergy but if you can only take one then Power From Darkness is the better option since with enough effort you could figure out how to do Spiritual Succession or other equally powerful things as a power/charms/etc while Spiritual Succession is useful Power From Darkness has unlimited potential in comparison with enough time, resources and energy put into it though the full perks do change the equation this is my answer for what you asked in long term planning.
>>94704456So, I'm an incarnated Tamamo with Fiore as my Master? ....well, that'd be pretty cool. Assuming it's not like, Warhammer 40K or something crazy like that.
>>94704670I love Fateslop as much as the next terminal jc poster, but it's not martial arts.
>>94704649That's worth it to me; how much do you think dealing with Japanese Work Culture would reduce Cursed Spirit population? School and educational stresses? Would it make sense to form a Jujutsu branch exclusively to track down people who are suffering lots of stress and depression in order to help provide them relief?
>>94704657Rosario + Vampire
>>94704679Technically that Anon did give a valid answer to the question. Since it didn't ask for a martial arts jump. Just a jump with both martial arts and harem perks.
>>94704628Anonheart apparently got up to version .6 before leaving, but that never got uploaded to the drive for some odd reason.>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/53777930/#53786132>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/52937423/#52942583
>>94704194Fucking reddits making more lewd jumps than QQ is
>>94704694I'm still waiting for someone to post BLADEs new robot futa jump.
>>94703906>Step 1: Use AI because drawing is a useless skill for useless retards
>>94704680Anon, that would take the Japanese to admit they are wrong. Also to change stuff for others. Do you really think the guys in power will let this pass?>>94704682Really wish Ravenloft would give us a sign about progress. But hey, hopefully we get the update next year!
>>94704611Do you mean in terms of locations, or in terms of how the world of Fantasia itself is set up? In my opinion, the former can be substituted for times, like instead of being 'You start in New York City!' it could be 'You start at the dawn of humanity (Rite of Spring)' or 'You start in an era of magic and fantasy (Sorcerer's Apprentice)' or 'You start in the 20th century (Steadfast Tin Soldier is probably set around the end of the 19th century, and Rhapsody in Blue is set near modern times)'.If you mean how the world itself should be set up, I think instead of an anthology of stories it should be a world created by a combination of those stories.There's really no reason why you shouldn't be able to, after all: Mickey Mouse and his friends can live alongside humans who can live alongside the sapient animals of the world. The Firebird and the Sprite are incarnations of nature who live upon the world and work a constant cycle. The supernatural exists, whether it be symbolic spirits such as the butterflies who bring light and color or the bats who bring darkness and destruction or Chernabog and God. Zeus and the Greek gods also technically exist here, but given we see the Ark in Pomp and Circumstance in Fantasia 2000 and how Chernabog, for all his power, cowered and hid before the light of God, it's pretty clear who's really in charge of things.TL;DR: Have Jumpers visit a world that's a combination of the various stories, using dates or timelines instead of locations so that they can take part in various stories of the same era, maybe with a 0cp drawback allowing them to extend their stay so they can take part in all the stories of Fantasia.
>>94704692>for some odd reason.AnonHeart clearly said it was still his wip for the actual update(which never came)It would have been odder if it was uploaded to the drive.
>>94704694>making more lewd jumps than QQHave you checked their upload folder, they've been pretty productive lately.
>>94704700He posted a pdf on discord roughly an hour ago.
>>94704456I think my last posted build was Naruto. On one hand, nobody (not named Obito, Pain, Itachi, or Kaguya) will be likely to kill me. On the other, I /really/ relied on some previous jumps for certain hax. Guess I'll find myself a hole in the ground and pull it in after myself (after purging every single bit of plant life in the surrounding area, of course)How does this count for imported companions?
>>94704707Okay, I'll keep this in mind. Thanks for the feedback!
>>94704587Actually it's Robin & Morgan oyakodon.
>>94704456I guesd I'm a Space Ranger now. At least there are sexy aliens.
>>94704713Yeah but is any of it good?
>>94704725Happy to help, WoL_Anon. Happy New Year!
>>94704704>Do you really think the guys in power will let this pass?If they don't want to deal with an angry Gojo-chan, yes. And if not, their successors will certainly be more manageable.
>>94704456It's been a hot minute since I posted a build so I had to go look and see what the last one was. Turns out it was for Fallout 4. So I guess I'm showing up with Doom Marine, Isabelle from Animal Crossing, and Crossbreed Priscilla with all of us being wildly confused. Oh, and a giant cat that looks like the Dark Mechanicus was practicing installing mechadendrites and intellect boosters on it. So... Really confused and fervently praying Doom Marine isn't mad at me for some reason.
>>94704713I like how half of the jumps in the uploads are from two people.
>>94704719Thanks, anon.
>>94704732Better than reddit at least.
>>94704712Like I said I saw an update here with Night here could have been SB version or something. I don’t think Reddit has made one but I remember some SB cross posting talking about APGTE so I don’t know.
>>94704680>Would it make sense to form a Jujutsu branch exclusively to track down people who are suffering lots of stress and depression in order to help provide them relief?There's like 100 million people in Japan. One or two guys is a drop in the bucket. Everyone on Earth will suffer and experience negative emotions in their lifetime.
>>94704702Objectively true.
>>94704765Meh. Most of them are redditors. They don't deserve to be distinguished.
>>94704719What is this based off? I tried googling the name and just got a bunch of posts and articles about generic nanotech.
>>94704776Counterpoint: Japan is the birthplace of 99% of all Cursed Spirits and has the highest concentration of Cursed Energy in the entire world. But still, I get ya. So we're gonna need societal reformation across the entire world, then.
>>94704781Its MGE but sci-fi and futa
>>94704791So is it OC or is it based on a quest or fic or something?
>>94704788>Japan is the birthplace of 99% of all Cursed Spirits and has the highest concentration of Cursed Energy in the entire world.That's because Tengen made barriers all around the couintry to "refine" cursed energy, which depending on who you ask either means most of the worlds' cursed energy is being sent to Japan or the barriers are actually making way more curses spawn. I almost lean towards the latter because Kenjaku seems to imply Tengen had some sinister ulterior motive to her actions.
>>94704781That’s an accurate description, yeah. The artist is Omegaprocessor/platinum1945.
>>94704781This might helphttps://wiki.machinamaincluster.com/index.php/Main_Page
>>94704781Some random artist guy setting for his drawings of a biomechanical nanomachines futa plague and humanity failing/falling to it like a monster girl encyclopedia female protagonist getting violated into a monster.
>>94704804>>94704807>>94704810. . . and yet no Golden Nymph jump.
>>94704779The only redditor I know of that has a jump there is Dragonjek, and that is only one jump out of 15.
>>94704680It would help reduce it significantly, japan is like sixth country with highest suicide rates. Having a branch that deals with civilian distress and keeps taps on locations where cursed spirits might be born is a no brainer, these are emotional demons after all. The problem would be staffing such a branch, you could use normies but it wouldn't be very safe for them.
>>94704800It's background info for a bunch of images. So it's basically Futa Nanobot Rape Terra Hypnagogica.
>>94704822I've got magitech; I'll outfit normies with Curse-sensing equipment and give them all a guardian Shikigami to assist them in their duties. Something cute but powerful, disarming for other normies but with enough symbolism that it can draw on cultural associations for power...
>>94704814Nothing is stopping you from making one yourself.
>>94704828>Terra HypnagogicaHey now, the art isn't anywhere near as bad as that.
>>94704801Tengen barrier only refines cursed energy, generating more cursed spirits and sorcerers. It doesn't syphon CE from the entire world
>>94704836Sure, but BLADE is the preeminent futa and Zelda jumpmaker. He'd do a much better job with it than I ever could.
>>94704814Only semi related but I want blade to make a Zelda jump that has the same dual-perk structure that he uses in his lewd jumps sometimes. Not quite a capstone booster like this had, but maybe something like jk exorcists system.
>>94699101>>94701351>>94701356Arg! So many fun jumps have been coming out and I just haven't had the time to read them all. So far all I've got done is the new LoT Gauntlet...
>>94704746Speaking of>LoT Gauntlet build>CompanionAlecto Ekiriyes (200) Probably not actually who I'd pick under normal circumstances, but I was the one who recommend adding a Tzeentchtodes in the first place, so I must atone for my sins by taking the untrustworthy birdazon>ProblemsGravity (400)Atmospherics (600)Doors (800)Elevators (900)Lighting (1100)Machine Spirits (1200)Cogitator Burnout (1400)>Gear/EnhancementsBox of Rations/BribesGauss Flayer (1200)Ignatus Armor (1000)Machine Translation Component (900)Enhanced Eyesight (850) The darkness is now my friendPsy-Unit (700)Regeneration Suite (500)>ClansProphetic Son (400)Safe… For NowKindness Returns (200)Please Listen (0)My super brains from NuBee's Body Mod will come in most handy here. And this is one of the very few Gauntlets where the whole “at least you still have your skills/knowledge” thing is actually really helpful for the scenario it put me in, as I was a Magos Errant in another life, ships weren't exactly my specialty, but I should still know how to do basic repairs better than most Cogboys. And speaking of past lives, I was also a Chief Librarian tier Psyker of a Blood Ravens successor chapter, so between that and Alecto offering some pointers I should be able to make good use of my Psy-Unit.Anyway. My time on this ship is going to suck for sure, but it should mostly be more annoying than dangerous. I have the Clans on my side so I can travel wherever I need to, and should have plenty of manpower for needed repairs also since I won't have to kill many of them they'll be way more useful when we make planetfall in part 2, making that part easier But the first order of business is Alecto's mission, thankfully the Void Walkers won't get in the way, and our power armor should let us spacewalk relatively safely now I just have to hope doing so isn't going to fuck me over TOO badly in the long run
>>94704719>no custom nanite strain/perk to alter the strain to infect people withlame and cringe, Blade I don't like futa/futa and would rather not transform everyone into futas. Futa/fem is where it's at.
>>94704895>Futa/fem is where it's at.Truth
I am sick and having cake for breakfast in the afternoon. Silver lining: Being sick means there's nothing impeding me from working on jumps, so I'm currently working on Conquest of the Crystal Palace, which I hope to get done by tomorrow because New Years'.
>>94704907Good luck friend.
>>94704456Haven't made a build in thread in a while so I don't remember what my last is so I might as well make a new one with this in mind:>Jump 001a - Ishuzoku Reviewers+1000cp>RacesHuman>OriginsAdventurer>Perks>General PerksSexual Compatibility - (100 cp) Rainbow - (100 cp) >Adventurer Perks (Discounted)Eye of the Beholder - (Free)Technically An Adventurer (Role = Close Quarters Combat) - (100cp) >Succubus PerksSexy bitch - (100 cp) Half-Succubi - (600 cp)>Items >Adventurers Items (Discounted)Bag O’ Gold - (Free)Welp there's an inefficient build that still gets me everything i'd really want from here, as for how i'd react i'd probably freak out abit due to the fact that this is really happening to me and at my decision to go to "I can't believe it's not hentai" as my first jump. After that i'd probably go and pop my cherry and then go adventuring, the worlds mostly chill so I can acclimate to this new life i'd be experiencing with my chain. Plus despite my probable bemusement with myself with choosing this world as my first jump it'd still fulfill two of my "dreams" for a chain, that being a martial artist of some description, with that being fulfilled via the "Technically An Adventurer" Perk with CQC chosen as my role, and being an uber sexy femboy which would be fulfilled via the Succubus perks i've picked up.Actually i've just remembered something so now i'm going to add a supplement to this:
>>94704921 (me)>Jump 001b - Neon Dreams of Organic Toys (Supplement Mode)+1000cp>SpeciesHuman>BackgroundEntrepreneur>Perks>General PerksAnthro Underclass - (Free)Anthro Adjustments - (Free)Anthro-fy - (Free)Bedroom Guarantee - (Free)Choice - (Free)Clean - (Free)Diamond in the Rough - (Free)>Species Perks>Human Perks (Discounted)Human-Anthro Compatibility - (Free)Anthro Nip - (200cp)Harem Locus - (300cp)>Guttersnipe PerksBackhand Map - (100cp)>Background Perks>Entrepreneur Perks (Discounted)Just Good Business - (Free)>Doctor PerksActual Doctor - (100cp)>Items+400cp stipend for this section>Entrepreneur Items (Discounted)Capital Gains - (Free)Platinum Insurance - (200cp)>Guttersnipe ItemsSweet Home (400cp)>Companions>OC CompanionsBest Friend - (Free)Mighty Lioness - (50cp)Motherly Merchant - (50cp)>DrawbacksSupplement Mode[Toggle]Canon Adjustments[Toggle]Alright and with that I think i'm pretty well set up for my forthcoming chain, got some parkour & doctor skills, money to keep myself and my companions aflout and sex skills that are going to be a crazy ass boon for my time here since it targets non-humans in a world filled with fantasy races and anthros.
>>94704911Thanks. Concurrently with scraping up what scant information is available, I'm trying to beat the game myself, just to ensure that I get all of the secrets that the letsplayers et. al. might have missed.Currently stuck in the Lair of Hungry Ghosts, aka the Screaming Baby Head Flesh Dimension (censored in the US), because there's one jump at the end of the level that I keep missing.
>>94704895I'm going to hijack these nanomachines to make non-futas.
>>94704041QQ has a couple. Other than that im sure Nobilis would let you do that.
>>94704719I don't really like everything in this, so anyone mind listing out all the QQ jumps with lewd cybernetics/nanotech? Like 90% of the QQ drive revolves around magic of some stripe.
>>94704895He stated multiple times the entire point was futa stuff.
>>94704969Yeah I like futa on female, just not futa on futa or futa on male. I figured there would be room to customise your strain in the jump.
>>94704713Just looked through it and most of it sucks ass.
>>94705004The closest thing Machina have to genders is whether the cock is retractable or not. So technically you can do futa on female, in that the female just hasn’t committed any of her mass to making said cock.
>>94704719Still surprised he did this and not that artist he likes famous for the metal or nanotech corruption.
>>94705011Still kinda not what I was hoping for. Ideally there would have been something to let you customise the nanite strain you infect them with.
>>94705000They have 15 uploaded jumps, 4 of them are by 9anon and 4 are by Siphon, so half of them are by 2 people.>>94705007Either you have niche fetishes or your taste is just bad.
>>94705027No most of the IPs are lame and a lot of the jumps are mediocre. Very little worthwhile has been made on QQ in the past couple years.
>>94705019That would let you make male robots and BLADE was vehemently against it.
>>94704631Same here I think. Yeah thats a great jump.
>>94705034But I don't want male bots I want fem bots. Blade needs to cool his cocklust.
>>94705033>a lot of the jumps are mediocreHow so, what makes this reddit jump superior to them?
>>94705045What? I said fuck all about reddit, schizo. I just think most of the shit in the QQ uploads is really mid.
>>94704895See >>94703939Like, I get it’s not for everyone, but I just played things straight. You’re welcome to bring in a super science perk or two to modify things to your own liking.
I am finally home. Time to retrofit some boats.>>94704890Oh awesome! Thanks for the build!>spoiler 1Tzeentch is cackling somewhere in the shadows. Seriously though, it's nice to see someone taking into account their skills from other runs through the Warhammer universe. You're going to be absolutely fine considering your gear and how many of the clans like you. As long as you don't blow a hole in the ship with your Gauss Flayer and get sucked out into space. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for Part 2.
>>94705048Pay attention to the comment thread ADHD-kun. This all started with >>94704694 which explicitly mentions reddit.
>>94704456Honestly overjoyed I have two loving wives of many centuries of years together with plenty of kids, being The Heir Apparent of a Hindu tech god kingdom (Shinkoko Trastrium) and due to my crazy build I should be able to avenge my emperor father if not stop his assassination by Deus and go beat the daylights out of Charkavartin (possessed emperor father to make me and imbued his essence so both are fathers, not going to stop me kicking his teeth in but I will thank him for creating me before the death match) afterwords I should be able to enjoy 12,500 years of bliss and also take everyone with me to wherever comes next maybe street fighter and Me, Mithra, and Raga can go have fun.
>cable tv channel automatically upscales to a higher fps and thus does 'motion smoothing' automaticallyI swear if I go on a chain, when I come back I will prevent everything from going higher than 24fps. Except vidya.
>>94705057You mean impregnate some boats.
>>94703906Here is my current build I am working on.Jump # 7 Overlord the seriesLocation:Gender: FemaleAge: 16Race: Unknown 200 point version - Kitsune (0)Player or Local: PlayerOrigin: Magic Caster (0)Perks:*Tolerance for Evil (0)*Personal Inventry II (50)*Themed Aesthetics II (0)*Shared Language I (0)*Innate Talent – Golden Mind (0, Discount)*Innate Talent – Favored by Fortune (0, Discount)*42nd Supreme Being (800)*Level 100 (0)*Arcane Caster (0)*Divine Caster (50, Discount)*Dark Wisdom (200, Discount)*The Abyss of Magic (300, Discount)Treasures of the world Tree (+200)*Golden coin pouch (0)*P2W items (Spectacles of Translation, Magic Charger) (0)*P2W Items (Wand of True Resurrection ) (0)*Summoned Mount – Dragon (0)*Divine Tier Equipment (200, Discount)*Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown (0)Companions*Homunculus Maid + 400 CP version (0 + 200, Discount)*A Custom NPC – (Name withheld) (0)Drawbacks:*Foreigner (+100)*Bandit Woes (+100)*Embroiled in Politics (+200)*Rampaging Hordes (+200)Scenario – An Eternal LegendRewards:*Innate Talent - Alchemist (100, Discount)*Specific Specialization – Crowd Control (100, Discount)I am writefagging so expect the writeup for it some time early 2026. I'll try and keep it under 200 pages.
>>94705075Wait posted build, oh apologies I goofed this up nevermind I thought this was most recent build you came up.
>>94705057>As long as you don't blow a hole in the ship with your Gauss Flayer and get sucked out into spaceHa! The danger of that happening has indeed crossed my mind.>Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for Part 2I'm really looking forward to it. So best of luck Yoro!
>>94703906I made a pair of new builds here >>94704921 >>94704927 for a new chain.
>>94705069Context can change autist-kun.
>>94705101Oh you were asking current first jump. I had a temporary case of being a dumb ass. Here is my current first buildJump # 1 GargoylesAge: 18Gender FemaleBackground: Big Business (100)Race: Human (0)Location: Manhattan Island, New YorkPerks:*Tech Adapting (0)*Pragmatism (0)*Durable (100)*CEO (100, Discount)*Xanatos Gambit (300, Discount)*Mechanist (100, Discount)*Mad Biologist (300, Discount)Equipment*Money X 2 (0)
>>94704956This list isn't exhaustive.>Academy Special Police Unit -SIGNIT->Flexible Survival>Generic Lewd Science Fiction>Mind Control University>Stellaris Lustful Void>Taimanin>Taimanin Gatchaverse>Taimanin Yukikaze>Trials in Tainted Space>World of Cybersluts
>>94705087That's how you end up with Little Botes. Maybe. Possibly. Or it could just be more crossover shenanigans.>>94705115Thanks man!
>>94704907what's it about?
>Make global gamer system.>Instal tiktok.>control algorithm>Now have population of easily influenced super soldiers.>Every week they make a new dance or do some stupid challenge that destroys a chunk of the world.What are some of the worst decisions you've ever made as a jumper?
>>94705012Time and energy and spontaneous motivation/the lack of it.It’ll happen eventually. Probably.
>>94705161Early on in my chain Jumper got convinced that the answer to any problem was "more technology". This happened in Crysis, with the drawback to make everyone retarded active. Jumper got spooked about the alien invasion, and their response was "clearly, I just need to give more technology to humanity to beat back the Ceph". So they made nanomachines that infected the entire world and granted everyone superpowers.Humanity did not adapt to having super powers very well. The Ceph were defeated, yes. So was all advanced civilization as mankind basically nuked themselves back to the stone age.
>>94705167Pokeman updoot still coming?
>>94705194Pokemon and that last Castlevania update soonish.
>>94703906>>94704456Pretty Old build. Still mean to fiddle with it, mainly the OC companion. But I feel pretty good about it. Shaman King Jumpchain - 1700/1700 CPDrawbacks: +7000 - Pretty Sure That’s Non-Canon+200 cp - Three Seconds+500 cp - An Army Of Me, Myself, And I (1st Jump so free points, yay!)Origin: Drop InGender: MaleAge: 18Location: London, UK, July 1994Perks: Free - Shamanism2500 Furyoku (Special Note: Furyoku Increases each time a non drop-in origin is taken)Free - Laid BackFree - Safety Is That Way100 cp - Strong Sense Of Self150 cp - Awesome Made Mundane200 cp - Flowers of Not My Problem300 cp - Unorthodox Shamanism300 cp - Its Got To Be Magical50 cp - Normal Person Skills100 cp ́- Not-so-normal-person skills (Electrician)50cp - Shikigami100 cp - 100% GattaiItems: 50 cp - Battle OutfitFree - Paperwork100 cp - Family Support200 cp - The Sensation Of DeathFree- Oracle Bell : The Com-Link Of The Gods (Conditional Free)Free - Guardian Ghost
Good night guys.
>>94705221Night WoL!
>>94705221Good Night WoL_Anon and Happy New Year.
>>94705221Sleep well my dude!
>>94704456>Epic the Musical build as a Zeus-tier godWell, I'm probably fine? Highly depends on how dangerous the world is.
>>94705157It's an NES action/platformer, very heavily Chinese/Buddhist themed, about a kingdom (the Crystal Palace) that got conquered by demons. One of the Palace's spirit guardians (a talking dog) managed to spirit away the infant prince and the kingdom's sacred crystals, however, and now that the prince is of age, it's time for him to drive out evil and restore his kingdom.Very obscure game, but quite good. Apparently also the first joint project for designer Yasumi Matsuno and composer Masaharu Iwata, who went on to make the Ogre Battle series and Final Fantasy Tactics.
>>94705266Is that cute girl evil?
Rolled 1 (1d2)yes or no.
Looked at the QQ drive for the first time in forever and they ended up putting that shitty Taimanin jump with halved prices in the drive despite the guy that tried to pull that shit getting ran off like 4 years ago. Man that place has gone to shit.
>>94705278Happily, no. She's a shopkeeper/news reporter, very cute, incongruously pops up in hyper-dangerous hell realms, and if you buy a bunch of stuff, she tears up, calls you good looking, and gives you discounts the next time you find her.
>>94705302>Disappointingly, noFixed that. Are there any evil women in this game?
I know we're nearing the end of the thread, but I'm just going to post this here anyways. Azur Lane v1.5 Changelog>Changed the Universal Toggles to cover any crossovers, not just the few I had specified before. >Decreased the price of Lighter Side of Life. I decided after experimenting with my own build that not being able to gain points from Drawbacks is cost enough. >Increased the number of Shipgirls you get with A Full Fleet to 16. Changed the wording on it just a little bit to make more sense. >Added in the Sailing Frigates, a new Shipgirl Type. No, I will not be updating it for new content or changes to the story because I haven't played the game in literal years. I'm just fixing things I noticed I fucked up the first time around. If anyone wants to pick up the torch and update it, I'll be happy to give you my Google Doc so long as you give credit where credit is due.
>>94705317Nope. There are only three humans in the game at all; Farron (the prince), Kim (the shopkeeper), and the princess (who is hidden in a secret area and gives you the magic mirror, a screen-wipe weapon).
>>94705336Sad. We need more evil women.
>>94705336Any particularly cool demons in there?
>>94705340Who are the best evil women?
>>94705140Would Master PC let you get around the forced futa in BLADE's new jump? Both for you and those you infect.
>>94705331A full fleet still says ten in places.
>>94705350Ask again next thread, we're nearly at image limit here.
Anywhere with the science to let me build a tech based phylactery/respawn point? I know it's a hard ask but something as full proof as something soul based. Thanks.
Happy New Year>>94704456Abject shock probably, don't know how ekse it could really go. Last build I posted aas for Kengan, in a different chain, where I actually tried to make a really strong build using Fighting Family and Evolution and stuff.
>>94705423Unironically, check out Bioshock. The Vita-Chamber is canon, and uses Quantum Bullshit to ensure you're revived no matter what killed you as long as you're in range and registered with the system.
>>94705347Depends on what you think is cool. The main ones are mostly huge oni-type dudes, but there's a variety of nasty gribblies, living fireballs, and suchlike.
>>94705424Happy New Year!
>>9470542340k, specifically necrons since thats something they do as a matter of course. Trazyns is so good he just turns other necrons into his body. And iirc theres a few people oyher than necrons that do similar.Also eclipse phase.
>>94705161Honestly the Constellation aesthetic is one of the more probable ways for Jumpers to actually coexist in a Lone Man scenario, now that I think about it.
>>94704456Actual builds or shitpost builds?
>>94705350Do you have a favorite genre of evil woman (sadist, megalomaniac, serial killer, etc)?
>>94705161Unironically how much of the world could you control if you hijacked every social media algorithm?
>>94705423Hardspace Shipbreaker.
>>94705448Lie in the bed you made
>>94705161Damnit I keep forgetting that exists and I love how constellation system works but having all my powers be sapient kind of fucks it for me.
>>94705470Nah because I can post a build now and make it my last posted build. The post says nothing about when it was posted just that it was posted last after all.
>>94705453Is the New-U or whatever it was called actually canon? Haven't played in a while
>>94705350pic related is, as the pic name implies, secretly an evil executive and one of the four elemental generals of the demon king in her setting (she's the water general). Unlike her fellow generals who keep losing to the magical girl heroine by trying brute force approaches she got a job in disguise at the high school the heroine attends and seduced the magical girl's boyfriend in a plot to both groom a young man to her preferences and also to let her eventually capture & corrupt the heroine so that she could carry out the plan to resurrect the demon king (who had previously been killed by the heroine, iirc). She's also a switch and she's super hot in both her civilian disguise and her demon general form.
>>94705423>Borderlands>Marvel Comics>Rick and Morty>World Trigger>Star TrekSome of them will require a bit more OCP to ensure things like memory/soul and the like are properly transported to/placed in the resulting vessel, but it's not terribly difficult after a bit of fiddling with something like that Heart extractor you can get in Kingdom Hearts and maybe that perk to set up a teleport network from Deepest Sword once it's converted from magic to tech and calibrated to scan for specific energy frequencies of a given soul which is actually something you can learn in Naruto because of Konoha's chakra surveillance network.
>>94705458Solid 40%, but they will be vocal which will force another 50% that doesn't give a shit but follows along anyway out of peer pressure. and finally 10% that hates it all but doesn't do anything.
>>94705481Yes, but its also why there are so many psychos, because it has a degradation problem.
>>94705486What if she were to be captured by the magical girl, who forcibly doms her and "corrupts" her to the side of good?
>>94705452Megalomaniac is probably best but I love them all.
>>94705508Entirely possible, iirc the boyfriend basically doms her in several scenarios so turning the tables on her probably wouldn't be too difficult if you had the right perks for it. Reddit's Lilith: Magical Girls jump (in their NSFW folder) can let you go to the setting. Iirc it's called "supporting the righteous transforming heroine, me and the evil female executive".
>>94705396Blargle. I know I changed that ten to say sixteen. I must have hit the Undo command once too many times. It'll be fixed in the version I upload to the Drive.
Im trying to figure out how many minor powers (like say something about as strong as being able to lift and toss a car or be durable enough to nosell a tank) it would take to build into a single power that is basically "Can see a persons character sheet and alter it to change the person" what do you guys think? Start with seeing a sheet of itemized stats, add in a single alterable parameter for each stat (a charge each for adding in each new one), and have them all use a set of points that can be transfered between them as all different powers that build together?Actually now that I think about it maybe I should just head to qualia the purple and get the ability to see everyone as an npc character and just alter their data via that using a custom digital creator mode.
>>94705140>>World of CyberslutsI remember that being like one of their earlier lewd capeshit jumps in that it wasn't lewd at all. Am I misremembering here?
>>94705503Fucking fotm trash
>>94705551Misremembering. Most of the options in that jump at least a little lewd.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mana Khemia 2!Builds, comments, and critiques are welcome!Also, my apologies to Yoro. I couldn't fit in the Hyena-chan OC companion, but I did put in a little nod/something for you insteadHAPPY NEW YEAR!
>>94705578It's very difficult to read anything on the title page
Time to do irresponsible things.>Goddamn Sexual Tyrannosaurus: 600 CP, Discount Drop-In You’re irresistible. You have a natural animal magnetism that’s unmatched, and incredible sexual endurance. You have the chops to seduce El Presidente’s nubile daughter, the skills to convince her to join your rebellion, and the stamina to survive when it turns out she has 11 sisters.>White shirt red stains 400- Discount Revengebody There is apparently some primal attraction to the way you hold yourself no matter your demeanor. People will always be willing to comfort you for your issues and will often reach out to you to try and pull you away from any dangerous things they feel infect your life. This does not mean people will be particularly able to help you but expect some emotional help and even if people are on your side of the argument they might not be on your side of the battle. Also people think you look sexy even with 5 tons of mud on you and four bullets to the chest.
>>94705578Thank you Feesh.
>>94705590I tried to make it similar to the opening exposition scrawl of the game, though i suppose the font size was too small for it to work.Would making the font a solid color work better for you?
>>94705617>>94705590would pic related be an improvement?
>>94705578Yo! This is stylish as hell! You did a fantastic job of stitching together that background. I still don't really know what's going on in those games, but looking at the various options in your Jump Document has made me want to find out. >I couldn't fit in the Hyena-chan OC companions, but I did put in a little nod/something for you instead.That made me genuinely laugh. Time to go find a readable Let's Play and revitalize the practice of Alchemy.>>94705630That's a lot more readable to me. I was going to suggest a solid background, but the semi-translucent black helps a lot too.
>>94705630NTA but yes thats a lot better
>>94705630A minor improvement, but still a bit hard to read. Can you make it a bit more opaque?
>>94705630That's tremendously better, yes.
>>94705101>>94705129>>94703971>>94704117>Gender: Female
>>94705640This is as far in the opacity I'll go
>>94705657That's perfect. Thank you, I can finally read it without strain.
>>94705630Ah. I noticed a small typo in the Companion Import/Create option. You have 200 CP listed at the price for 8 Companions at the top, but 400 CP in the text itself.
Chainbutt Jump-chan is feeling the giving season and has decided to double your starting cp, stipends, and drawbacks values. Drawback caps still apply. However you must fulfil the pact yourself when you come back.
>>94705637>Time to go find a readable Let's Play and revitalize the practice of Alchemy.I would not recommend EvilBoy Gaming. I used it mostly to get ingame images because its high resolution, but the episodes aren't labeled well so its hard to navigate if you aren't watching it straight through >>94705665thnx, will fix the text to 200>>94705661Gotcha, will add it to the next version posted in the next thread
>>94705657So much better.
>>94705668I suppose I have no choice but to accept this devil's deal.
>>94704731I will also be going to Buzz Lightyear, but as a world leader with political problems. But yeah, at least there are sexy aliens.
>>94705668>However you must fulfil the pact yourself when you come back.Of course, I don’t mind
>>94705687I don't know why you are ignoring my posts. I'm not trying to cause drama, I am asking a serious question. In this case nannies skirts the line between part of the body and outside object, so I am asking where it falls.
>>94705668I mean, who wouldn't take this offer?My only problem is I have no idea what jump to apply this double stipend to.
>>94705767>nannies*nanites sorry autocorrect
>>94705767Just because you're sincere in asking your question doesn't mean you're not a cunt who doesn't deserve an answer. Even Shard has admitted that one of the reasons he hates jumpmaking is because of faggots pestering him with questions. Some things you need to fanwank for yourself.
>>94705771NTA, usually the "but" condition applies to all jumps
>>94705668Nope, I rather not get a chain than fulfic the pact and give some of you guys a chain.
>>94705668I was going to do the Pact anyway. >>94703906This one is the current start of my chain. And I have no problems starting in most jump settings with this build. It could only make things more interesting. Danny Phantom 001Start>1984>Half-Ghost (200CP)>Age: 12Location: Halfa VillagePerks>Puns (Free)>Hiding In Plain Sight (Free)>Popular (200CP) good lookingItems>Nasty Burger Special (Free)>Lair (600CP): Halfa hidden villagePowers +300CPFree Powers: These are powers so basic that everyone in the Ghost Zone has them. Honestly, you couldn’t call yourself a ghost if you didn’t have them.>Going Ghost (Restricted to half-ghosts), Paranormal Immunity, Paranormal Weakness, Flight , Invisibility, Intangibility, Supernatural Physical Abilities, Ecto-energy control, Ghost Ray, Spectral Body Manipulation, Overshadowing>Ghost Sense (50CP)>Pathokinesis (50CP)>Ecto Enchanting (200CP)>Ghost Portal Creation (Upgraded Teleportation) (400CP)>Ghost Creation (400CP)Companions>Half-Ghost (100CP: discount for half-ghosts) (500CP +300CP powers) Jumper's busty redheaded halfa maid named Nina that helps raise him>Puns (Free)>Hiding In Plain Sight (Free)>The Watcher (100CP)>Free ghost powers>Ghost Sense (50CP)>Pathokinesis (50CP)>Alluring Melody (100CP)>Ghost Portal Creation (Upgraded Teleportation) (200CP)>Atmokineis (400CP)Drawbacks>FanFiction (+0CP) Vlad is secretly Danny's real dad, from when Jack and Maddie almost got divorced just before he was conceived and she ran off to Vlad's place (that last part is in the real show)>Had Your Powers For Twenty Years (+0CP)>Ten Years Later (+0CP)>Unwanted Ghostly Attention (+200CP)>Dimensional Slip (+200CP)>Unwanted Lover (+200CP) Pariah Dark's daughter>Found Wanting (+300CP) Pariah Dark, pissed about his daughter wanting a half-breed
>>94705771There has been a recent wave of people ironically counter-shitposting/counter-chainbutting where they make chainbutts that people would actually want to take instead of just saying gay/edgy shit to collect (You)s.
>>94705129>: HumanWhy would you visit Gargoyles and not be a gargoyle? And no companions?
>>94705835NTA but don't they just have flight and a mildly enhanced physique? Then they self petrify during the day... Doesn't seem like that great a deal.
>>94705824Of course I am a male. I need to add that next time I post the build. The companion is female though.
>>94705808Honestly, good. My favorite chain is the one that came from the "You get the Warehouse, RV, and Backpack" one
>>94705835Because HMOFA is hot
>>94705848Many enhanced senses, the stone heals basically every injury or illness short of a limb, are capable of rending stone and according to the show creator are all hung like horses and that is why Goliath got his human wife. They also only age when not stone.
Hm, so for the House of Heaven item (600 CP), I have two ideas for how it works when combined with the 'you're a top-tier god' perk.A. Each Jump, the Eanna records the 'Truth' of that world, adding its physical and metaphysical laws to the base 'Truth' it carries from the Mesopotamian Mythology jump. You can then pick either one specific setting's 'Truth' to impose on a given jump's cosmology (being's of sufficient scope and potency can resist, contest, and thwart this), or mix and match specific laws to form a gestalt.B. The Eanna allows you to just impose a set of physical and metaphysical laws of your own design on the cosmology you're currently in, not needing to base it on those settings you've already visited while in possession of the item.Any preferences or complaints with either?
>>94705855nta but I don't remember that one. How'd it go?
>>94705870I prefer B
>>94705870When you get this level of power, why wouldn't you just spark?
>>94705884>sparkBecause it isn't 2017
>>94705870I prefer A. Collecting stuff, customisation, better long term, mix and match cosmologies and metaphysics. Sounds more fun than a one and done custom job.
Who is best Sailor Senshi? I've had different answers at different stages in my life.
>>94705767You won't need to worry about nanites putting unwanted dicks everywhere if you have Accoutrements and half a braincell.
>>94705900Jupiter is always best.
>>94705873It was several months back, and I didn't post my builds. But it was a fun chain. Those three were most useful in the early chain, and I liked the wide variety of options it gave me.
>>94705870Is B set on purchase or could jumper change it later? Because if so I would preffer A
>>94705870A is better I think. Especially to pull a shard
>>94705835Not them, but the human perks are better than the gargoyle ones. For example the 400 cp human perk is 'you are good at combining magic and technology' while the 400 cp gargoyle one is 'you are talented at gliding/flying'. While the 600 cp human one makes you a master of genetic engineering. While the 600 cp gargoyle one is merely 'your unlikely to be attacked when your an immobile statue'. This is also one of the old jumps where the companion options kind of mostly suck in terms of price. You can get a canon companion, but it costs 600 cp, or 300 cp if they want to kill you. It does however come with not being able to die unless they also die at the same time (or kill you). While create and import costs 400, and doesn't have an option for individual purchases. You can however get the gargoyle version of a dog or a possibly secretly a fae butler for 200 cp. As well as a nanite swarm for 800.
>>94705900The bustiest one.
Question, /jc/: if I was thinking of making a Land Before Time jump, would it be better to have a perk that makes you a beast like the Sharpteeth from the first movie, or a T-Rex racial option with a perk for making you the pinnacle of whatever your species is? Iirc, none of the Sharpteeth ever show the fuck off durability, speed, agility, and strength the original Sharptooth did, even Chomper's parents, who were themselves T-Rexes. Even the Gigantosaur that was fighting both of Chomper's parents at the same time got incapacitated from a single hit to the face by Chomper's dad's tail, where as the Sharptooth from the first movie took multiple tail hits from the much bigger and stronger tail of Littlefoot's mother.
>>94705879Noted!>>94705884'cause how powerful that is gonna be cross-setting is determined to a greater or lesser degree by fanwanking. >>94705899A sensible argument.>>94705912You'd be able to edit it later, though it wouldn't be something done casually.>>94705920Noted!
>>94705870Leaning hard towards A
>>94705936That first fucker survived being buried in rock after falling from a cliff into the deep underground. I would say that would make a good perk and just allow for people to be different dinos (even sharpteeth if they want since a few show up that arent mean. Though its mainly chomper and small bug eaters and some fishy dinos that are nice sharp teeth)My daughter has made me watch a lot of these lately. Good luck.
>>94705884I'm fairly certain that despite the effect this has it's probably not enough for any of the actual options to spark.
>>94705668For just the first jump or the whole chain? Either way it's all positive because I'd fulfill the pact anyways.
If that one dude who talked about making a Deltarune jump is here, are you actually gonna do that?
How do you imagine making builds during your chain from the Jumper's perspective?
>>94705884Because why should Magic the Fucking Gathering cosmology subordinate my entire chain?
>>94705873Presumably something like "You get a chain but instead of just the warehouse, you get the warehouse, RV, and backpack"
>>94705936Aren't there like 20 sequels?
>>94705993Just make your jump for it bro, dupes are allowed.
>>94705994The vending machine in warehouse wall turns on and randomly selects the next jump that I then fill out.
>>94705994Near the end of the jump I end up in a white space with an office desk, a nice chair, and a potted plant. On the desk is a pen, paper, and a printed copy of the Jumpchain document. I am supposed to fill out on the paper what I want from it, at which point I go back and next jump I get what I put down.
>>94705993Wait until it's finished psycho. Let toby cook even if you die of old age.
>>94705668>However you must fulfil the pact yourself when you come back.So what happens if you fail? Also does it count if you plan on collecting a bunch of power granting stuff and just dumping the result while adding in a less restricted dimensional travel, or do you have to use the normal chain method for everyone here?>>94705996It kind of doesn't. Unless you count nonsense fanon. The name for the more free dimensional travel was just a lazy choice that nobody changed.
>>94706032Deltarune is Toby's Silksong.
>>94705994Waking up and figuring out (possibly via trial and error) "where am I, what am I, and what can I do this time?" The builds just kind of happen.
>>94705994Jumper only influences the build subconsciously. They're not consciously aware of any "building" process. (There technically isn't one, they just sometimes wake up in a setting with the effects of one.)
>>94705994Ive always wanked that inserting into a new world generates a certain amount of energy which is used to create the perks/powers/items/etc from basically nothing as a form of balancing the excess energy capacity that I bring in. The real power of jumper in this case is simply choosing what becomes what from a jumble of info presented as they enter the setting. They dont actually choose from a sheet but they do kind of subconsciously allocate the energy buildup. Thats also why companions often get less, they have less of a dimensional energy coefficient to offset.
>>94705884>SparkWho the fuck's trying to spark. these days?
>>94705963Pretty much my thought. Sharptooth from the first movie was stupidly tough, taking multiple hits to the head, falling down cliffs, being hit by rocks, even being blinded in one eye by thorns wasn't enough to incapacitate him, where as being clawed seemed to do the trick for other Sharpteeth. Funny enough, T-Rexes were supposedly great swimmers, so Littlefoots plan probably would have failed if they hadn't also hit him with rocks to make sure he drowned.>>9470601214, technically. And a TV show that was apparently trash. If I do end up making a jump for Land Before Time, it's not going to be for a while.
>>94706041Eh, back when Jumpchain was starting out an Oldwalker Spark was legitimately a pretty impressive power boost, so beside the name it made sense. But then power creep happened and it is far less impressive.Plus, you know, Oldwalkers are basically poison to every reality they go to, there is a reason the Mending happened.
is witchanon here?
>>94706042Wrong, we at least get chapters and constant communication Deltarune's development.Silksong has been complete radio silence for years. We STILL have no clue what Silksong would be about aside from "Hornet goes to Pharloom"
>>94706067https://files.catbox.moe/2yd095.pngA Witchanon is here, ara ara.
>>94706065The whole concept of the spark as this sought after endgoal is semi-outdated as a concept, since an endgame-level jumper has probably accumulated so many dimension travel methods that an oldwalker looks like a child on a tricycle in comparison, but they aren't allowed to work until after you get this way weaker dimension travel method that just so HAPPENS to be the one that actually lets you leave your local multiverse.
>>94706065Oldwalkers also couldn't even access alternate timelines under most conditions.
>>94706074>>94706080>>94706083>>94706097>>94706100...Do we have a Spy Kids jump?
>>94706109Unless they were chronomancers, its bullshit but normie chronomancers can do that shit without even being walkers.
>>94706114Chronomancers were secretly the rulers of reality all along.
>>94704639The rider version of Medusa is from earlier in her life and before she gets the snake hair. Her avenger form does have the snake hair.
>>94706114Yeah, but that's less the spark and more the blue mana is bullshit.>>94706120As well as everyone else that focused on blue mana. So basically the fastest path the phenomenal cosmic power in Magic the Gathering is to draw your magic from beaches.
>>94706111We do not and if memory serves that franchise went bananas in the third or fourth movie.
>>94706159>So basically the fastest path the phenomenal cosmic power in Magic the Gathering is to draw your magic from beaches.The true greatest threat of Magic: The GatheringThe NTR Surfer Bro.
>>94706111I hope so, I always wanted to play the game from Spy Kids 3D
>>94706175I think I had a crush on the AI girl from that movie.
>>94706172Good bananas =3, Bad bananas = 4.
>>94706172>implying that Machete canonically existing in the same universe and the whole Gene splicing shenanigans of the second movie weren't bonkers already
>>94706173Although technically the power source is islands, but those are basically beaches on every side unless your blatantly cheating the definition of island. Which would be completely in character for blue mana.
>>94706188Likely but it has been many years since I watched either. I primarily remember the second movie, even better than the first one.
>>94705994I want that jumper just appears without knowledge of builds. It is more fun to have them experiment and learn what they can do on their own. When I do benefactor chains, they just get a normal jump doc to fill out.
>>94706172>>94706188>>94706203I just thought there was just 1,2 and 3d plus the one coming out sometime in the future
>>94706026....why the plant
>>947062135 movies and an animated tv show.
>>94706213Oh, you sweet summer child. Precious innocent.
>>94706213Don't look up the fourth one.
>>94706213>>94706222There's also the Machete duology but that's alt universe stuff and completely different tonally.
>>94706214Still genuinely hilarious, even years later.
>>94706101To be fair it was always weird. Since the original option for getting it was Dragon Ball. Which I'm fairly certain has nothing to do with Magic the Gathering.
>>94706214>The guyIs that Tobey Maguire?
>>94706254No, it's Elijah Wood.
>>94706254Nah he's the guy.
>>94706253Just QS being autismo to the max
/jc/, do any of you spend extraordinary amounts of mental energy contemplating the niche mechanics of time travel?
>>94706267Fuck no.
>>94706267Bold of you to assume I have extraordinary amounts of mental energy in the first place.
>>94706267Exact opposite. In fact, the less I have to think about the mechanics of time travel in a story, the more I generally like it.
Happy preemptive year of the snake, anons.I'll try putting some work into Cyberpunk when I wake up next year.
>>94706267My brains been to empty recently to do that. Been thinking bout' dick instead.
>>94705996It doesn't. 'Sparking' at this point is just a short-hand term for "you are given so much power that you're unbound from, the rules of Jumpchain and can go wherever you want now". Nobody could find a better name for it than spark however, so it has remained the same for years.
>>94706289See you in 364 days!
Do you think it would be possible to avoid outcry from the general public if death row inmates were used as sacrifices to improve the power of the armed forces?
>>94706273So basically how time travel works in Godzilla vs King Ghidorah....probably. I still think they got the wrong Godzilla considering that Destroyah, Biolante and Spacegodzilla wouldn't exist if it was the 1954 Godzilla or the second Godzilla in that timeline.
>>94706310But what about mothra leo and his time travel to defeat ghidora?
>>94706305How much power are we talking about? Because if it is big enough they might be able to justify it to the public as a 'Everyone else is doing it!' and the need to keep up in terms of power.
>>94706305Definitely not in the United States, as both the prison system and the military are heavily criticized. Maybe less so nowadays, but at least ten years ago this would be the most shit on political idea unless someone wanted to bring back the Jim Crow laws.
>>94706305Probably if said ritual only works on people who actually are guilty of their crimes instead of the percent that are innocent.
!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I'll try and make a jump this year!
>>94706319It's a different Continuity from the rest of the Heisei era.
>>94706267I don't have a choice. I am the Time player. It is me.
Okay but explain to me what would happen to you if you had a time machine and sent it to another universe forward and backward along the timeline, maintaining communication with it along the extradimensional axis. Do you maintain vision of the future and the past at the same time? If you change the past with the time machine, does the future time machine cease to exist? Does the past time machine also cease to exist because it has paradoxed its personal timeline?Inquiring minds are dying to know.
>>94706305You can't add human sacrifice to american institutions without huge outcry from the public.
What are some of your favorite ayylmao species?
>>94706267No, but I have spent extraordinary amounts of energy thinking about the mechanics of a fictional cardgame that came up as a minor tangent in my chain purely because I thought it'd be cool.
>>94706305The general public might be too busy trying to stay afloat (or not knowing what you're doing) to care, but you will have at least one activist group on each wing screeching about you for one reason or another. On the one hand, you're sacrificing people who might be innocent and propping up the bloated military apparatus. On the other hand, you're performing pagan rituals in the name of your mysterious demonic masters.
I have showered for the last time this year. I'm going the rest of the year without so much as looking at a bar of soap.
>>94706305Only way I can see to minimize the outcry is if the rituals let a random terrorist have enough power to actually contest with an entire military force on his own. Even then there would be a lot of whining.
>>94706305No way in hell.
>>94706373You're cracking wise but I'm lucky if I shower weekly.
>>94706305The thing about outcry from the general public is it doesn't actually amount to anything. Nothing ever happens. People will roll over and take anything an authority figure does to them.
>>94706305No, since it so heavily incentivizes the government to accuse as many people as they possibly can of death row-worthy crimes regardless of their guilt.
>>94706310I mean, it definitely wasn't the 54 Godzilla. It has to be the second one, but it just got irradiated a little later and shifted the timeline down rather than throwing it all off. Somehow.
>>94706396There's been several revolutions that prove this rather false.
>>94706305Out of all the things you could throw demonic human sacrifices at, I REALLY don't think the american military is the right department.
>>94706407A thing of the past. The upper crust are no longer touchable in the developed world, apart from outliers caught by surprise.
>>94706387Dude what the fuck?
>>94706305I'm pretty sure this is one of the many ways that Doom happens.
>>94706419>It doesn't happen anymore>And if it does happen, it doesn't countSure buddy.
Happy New Year folks. Here's to a hopefully productive year.
>>94706443Happy new years, friend.
Damn companions in kuma bear only get 600 cp. That means I will be at least 450 cp in the negative if I buy a onesie for both jumper and his companion (companions are 50 cp each). And no 50 cp items or perks. This build is going to suuuuuck.
>>94706305No, but it's not like they can do anything about it aside from gun down a useless figurehead walking on the street.
>>94704210>She'd be pretty chill with it most likely. Ishtar was so iconic that the word 'Ištar' became a generic term for 'goddess', and her various local hypostases like Ishtar of Nineveh and Ishtar of Arbella are known to interact with each other as seperate individuals even as they're at other times identified as the same individual or manifestations thereof.Good to know.>.........I can't believe I didn't see that coming.Not him, but I was expecting your build to make you Ishtar.
>>94706443Happy New Year Valky!
What jumps have discount store brand not!Exaltations?
>>94706538Depends on what you're looking for in a not!Exaltation. Do Triforce pieces count?
>>94706538I don't even know what exaltations are. What are you looking for?
>>94706547I'd say probably, I was thinking things like the bees from The Secret World as an example, things that attach themselves to humans/mortals to give them the potential to develop superpowers.
>>94706559You ever nut so hard you involuntarily make noise? That's an exalt.
>>94703906Tempted though I am to pull out my Generic Isekai/Generic Gamer combo, I’ll just go with Exalted Solars.>https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3221353>Origin: Merchant>Caste: Zenith>Stuntmaster (100)>Just A Humble Merchant (Free)>Weighing The Scales (100)>Tangled Webs (200)>Prosperity of the Sun (300)>Unconquered (400)>Body Strengthening Liquor (100)>A Grim Nemesis (+200)>>94704456I’m happy, because I get to go on a chain.
>>94706538Dungeons the Dragoning, Godbound,
>>94704183Looking forward to reading it. Your build reminds me of my old ideas for how I’d overcome Burden of the Sun on a first jump, my plan was martial arts.>After this I'm thinking of going to Pathfinder, Warhammer fantasy, Oasis of Fantasy, Fire emblem heroes, Thailand myth, or Egyptian myth. I'm still not sure.Oasis of Fantasy or Egyptian myth seem like the most natural followups.
>>94706562Some types of vampires fit that description.
>>94704183>>94704273>>94706574You three must now form a circle for new years.
>>94706100Nobody ever asks howanon.
>>94706216Aesthetics, son.
>>94706505>Good to know.Yw!>Not him, but I was expecting your build to make you Ishtar.The Apocrypha one? It's bound by the Fuyuki System and it's not using the supplement, so I didn't feel comfy doing something the option in the Jump doesn't explicitly say you can do.Now, if it was Strange/Fake...
>>94706617Solar Elf here. I’ll gladly go to the same Creation as the Arcposter, but the other is in First Age.
>>94703906Could do that. Given I'm actively playing through Neptunia currently, I'll start with that. Been a while since I started a chain with Neps.Neptunia Sisters vs Sisters>Origin: CPU Candidate - Kiana Expy>Nation: Lowee - White Hair>Location: Lowee>Perks:- Goddess Goodness [100]- Light In The Dark [100]- Cross-Combination [Free]- Goddess Of War [100]- Fused Timelines [200] (Herrscher Persona)- Divine Possession [600]>Items:- Starter Equipment [Free]- Iconic Outfit [Free]- Trendi-Disc [100] - Honkai Beasts- Comatose Goddess [200]>Drawbacks:- Mental Trauma [+200]- Future Threat [+200]So yeah, the build speaks for itself. Kiana/Herrscher of the Void expy in Neptunia.
>>94706538That's a hard one because not many things that hit that exaltation itch.
>>94706598My jumper is a martial artist to justify why he's constantly shirtless, even in battlefields. I just didn't pick Farewell because im tight on budget
>>94706259He has a weird filmography, what was even his best role before Lord of the Rings? The Faculty? Deep Impact was okay, but the president and the astronauts were way better than everyone else.
>>94706648>Yw!I’m not sure what jump I’d start with, but Witch on the Holy Night could be good if I can absorb the power of the Divine Carcass to become a demigod. Maybe Shard is around to say whether or not that’s doable.>Now, if it was Strange/Fake...Sounds like that should be your build then.
>>94706650Since first age guy is newly exalted in the first age he gets the Righteous Devil treatment and gets cryogenically frozen and awakens in the first age.
>>94706426Eh, I get it. If you are relatively low activity then it isn't as overpowering stench wise if you don't shower for a while. At least to yourself, you go noseblind fairly fast.
>>94706694>and awakens in the first age.meant age of sorrows.
>>94706686>I just didn't pick Farewell because im tight on budgetI know that feeling. Also I found my notes for my approach to Burden of the Sun, if you’re curious.
>>94706335Be like me and aim for a Jump a year. Slow and steady wins the race.
>>94705668Aight.----Master PC---- 2000User -500--PERKS-- 1500Porn World 0The Right Words 0Nothing Unusual -200Master’s Craft -300Read Only -400Hidden Folder -600--GEAR-- 0Battle Station 0Master PC 0--PC CUSTOMIZATION-- 0Stipend +2000UI 0Access [Master User] -200DRM [Free] -200Range [Universe] -600Acquisition [Searchable Index] -200Profiles [Everything] -200Selection [Multiple] -100Area of Effect [Independent] -200Accouterments -100Basic 0Lewd Exceptions 0Cosmetic Exceptions 0Normalization 0Species Shift -100Supernatural Access -400Visitor Pass -100Allowed Resistance [None] -600Interpretation [As Intended] 0Power Channeling -200--COMPANIONS-- -1200Slave Export 0Persistent Assistant 0--DRAWBACKS-- -1200School Life +200Unpopular +200High School Never Ended +400Suspicious +400
>>94706694Can i at least keep my first age stuff?>>94706726Sure, shoot away.
>>94706650>ArcposterCiel truly is the Gohanposter of Arcuied after the New Year’s event
>>94706345It's a good thing I'm not a time player.I'd trip over my own corpse and die from the fall, resulting in a domino effect of doomed timelines, as my alternate selves' corpses become an avalanche of bodies that will bury any hope of beating the game.
>>94706305You're thinking too small scale man. You've got to integrate deathly magics at all stages of your economy and society. People's skeletons are reanimated for manual labour. The souls of criminals are used to animation machinery and automata. Souls of ancestors and great men are brought up for advice. Tax benefits for those who donate blood to your vampires. Ghostly AI.
>>94706768>Jumper starts out as a person who arrived at Creation from a different reality, and though they exalted as a Solar the exaltation couldn’t bind to them properly. After some time they go on a vision quest in the Wyld to try and find a way to become a proper inhabitant of Creation. After two faint visions they have a dream where they are a respected and powerful Solar who tells the story of how they became a Creation human: They developed five Terrestrial Martial Arts, one representing each of the elements of Creation, and then one Celestial Martial Art that combined the five elements. As they did so they travelled across Creation with a strange tiger woman and obtained five students that they would teach to use essence and one of the five Terrestrial styles each. The tiger woman was one of the Fair Folk, but as she learned the Terrestrial styles she became more and more a being of Creation, and she studied the Celestial Martial Art as well. Eventually the five students all finished their training, and when they executed the form charms of their styles as jumper and the tiger woman executed the form charm of the Celestial style, jumper broke through and fully became a Creation human and a proper Solar, and the tiger woman also fully became a Creation human and exalted as jumper’s Lunar mate. On waking from the dream, the tiger woman was standing over jumper, knowing only that their stories had been bound together and curious to find out what happened next. Events played out as the vision recounted, with one detail: As jumper prepared to activate the Celestial form charm and break through, they saw Jupiter in the crowd. In one hand she held one of the locks attached to her dress, in the other one of the keys attached to her dress, the key was in the lock, and she looked at jumper with an enigmatic smile. As jumper recovered from the rush of their Solar exaltation fully coming online, they saw that the key had been turned and the lock was now open.
>>94706648How goes the items, because I got a couple of suggestions
I'm gonna convert live action Transformers Cybertron into a battlestation with harpoons.
Companions that would be particularly interested in a zombie jumper?
>>94706788Necromanco delenda est.
>First Age>Demoted, Dismissed, DownplayedAs a Solar does this make you Contentious Blade?
>>94706817Wednesday Adams.
>>94706788Beauty ought to be preserved, and every day in every world, hundreds or thousands of cute girls die.>devise a way to animate intelligent undead>devise a way to preserve undead so they never rot>reanimate an ever-expanding legion of obedient zombie/jiangshi waifu/onaholes of every race, shape, and sizePut the 'romance' back in 'necromancer'.
>>94706834Despite the race-swap, the new version killed trillions. Shame the actress is so woke.
>>94705900I've always been fond of Mercury, though Jupiter is pretty great too. Sailor Moon is best girl though.
>>94706842>Shame the actress is so woke.Sad! Many such cases.
>>94706817Well I was just reading a Wednesday Adams, Eveline (Resi), Sadako, Alma smutfic so >>94706834
>>94706693>I’m not sure what jump I’d start with, but Witch on the Holy Night could be good if I can absorb the power of the Divine Carcass to become a demigod. Maybe Shard is around to say whether or not that’s doable.If you're decent with spatial compression via your magecraft, you could try to do what Araya did with his Buddha-bones and implant the corpse inside your body and e̶x̶p̶l̶o̶d̶e̶ slowly absorb it. No clue if that'd work though. >Sounds like that should be your build then.I mean, I already have that on file. It's just a CP vampire that is probably Lostbelt territory in terms of how absolutely fucked everything is via drawbacks.Like, on top of a ton of Dead Apostle Ancestors there's also: Penthesilea, Minamoto no Raikou, Shuten Douji, First Hassan, Gilles de Rais, Nursery Rhyme, Achilles, Iskandar, Brynhildr, Hector, Aśvatthāman, Arjuna, and Yamato Takeru all running around with a whole host of bat-shit insane masters.Tamamo in Sieg-land is safe, fluffy, and not terminally insane. >>94706800Going pretty well! Will be done tonight. I'm very happy to hear ideas though, they probably will be included.
>>94706876newfag detected
>>94706817People in Shaman King would work.
>>94705835I am boring as hell and I like the planning and science perks that you get access to as human. The perks were just too good so I had to. Honestly I think the Gargoyle perks were a little under powered considering what they can do.
Companion options in old jumps are so weird.In forgotten realms I have to spend 600CP on the all companion import option just so I can start giving CP to the original companion I am buying in jump.I dont even have copmanions to import, but I have to spend it anyway just so th new companion I want to create has more than 400CP.
>>94706876Go back to twitter/reddit
>>94703906Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - 1000 CPBackground:RebelPerks:Jack Of Swords, Heir To Fashion [Free]Kin To Chaos [100]The Power Of Sire: Granfaloon [200]Son Of A Saint [200]The Worship Of The Black Mass [600]Fabulous When At Rest [50]Items:Symbol Of Might [Free]Blue Fortune [Free]Your Ticket To A Hearty Meal [50]Drawbacks:Resembles Jumper’s Sword [+200]Not entirely sure what I'd get from being Legion's kid. My initial plan was to have the ability to bud new souls within me, and then split them off into their own bodies who can live and grow on their own, with them rejoining me on death. So the idea is being half-human emphasizes the individuality of my bodies, compared to pops being the faceless masses. But lately I've been partial to a body horror interpretation, with me essentially being the ultimate siamese chimera. Something like the Great Father from Persona 2 and Lucifer's final form in SMT4, with all of my limbs and even my spine and guts being their own dudes.
>>94706872>If you're decent with spatial compression via your magecraft, you could try to do what Araya did with his Buddha-bones and implant the corpse inside your body and e̶x̶p̶l̶o̶d̶e̶ slowly absorb it. No clue if that'd work though.Possible, but that seems unsafe. Figuring out how to draw power from it seems like a safer option. Either that or eat it like the item says.
>>94705835Xanatos is iconic.
On a scale of one to ten, how cheesy would it be to use part of a movie's opening narration in the introduction of the jump?
>>94706918>>94706965Can't you be the best of both, like Thailog?
>>94707004Do you really want Jumpchain to be even more Ready Player One than it already is?
>>94707004Everyone does that.
>>94706774Always has been. She doesn't even have a big reason to be a hater.
>>94706798Neat, and a good origin for your Lunar waifu. I might as well show you what i have planed for my Burden of The Sun.>He traveled west, and from the deep casm he unearthed two gold ores>He traveled North, and below the freezing cold he turned them into bars>He traveled south deep into the south carrying a gold bar on each hand until they melted and covered his skin>He traveled east and alongside the purest expressions of life he hardened himself for the next trial>He traveled to the blessed isle, and atop mount meru and held his hands towards the sun, until they turned into Orichalcum.>He then asked of the sun to show him his glory, and the sun placed a flame from the Daystar on his palms>He then descended to the demon city, carrying an eternal and perfect flame>He meditated for seven weeks on the endless slopes of Qaf>He contemplated the imprisoned Orasmus, the place from which the exaltations came into being by defying possibility >He conversed with Cytherea, and tried to appease her sorrow.>Not even he knows what the Divine Ignition said to him that day, or what she did, the only certain thing is that sudden burst of light expanded throughout the demon city, and from its epicenter a new solar was born
>>94707004Go for it; that stuff's half the fun in flavoring a jump.
>>94707004Like, 1 or 2. 3 at worst.
>>94706918I want the form of a gargoyle, but the perks suck ass.
>>94706693>but Witch on the Holy Night could be good if I can absorb the power of the Divine Carcass to become a demigod.nta, but you could try working with some japanese mage clans to figure out Japanese Magecraft which is based around tapping into the power of left over body parts of dead gods, and utilizing their authority as base. They usually find a way to preserve the body parts in some way to protec them from degrading in the modern age, with one family literally ipmlanting them in a human host to act as a black box.https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Magecraft#Japanese_MagecraftAlternatively there are two guys in Case Files who got power from gods by eating the flesh of body parts like these.https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Ergo#Abilitieshttps://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Bai_Ruolong#AbilitiesAlso there is that one family in Fate Strange Fake who specializes in Reinforcement magic based around the concept of Oni, and they can permanently power themselves up by consuming things, the head of their family went to japan in the hopes of getting his hands on a divine body part, but he ended up being fought off by Kouma an Oni blooded character form Tsukihime.So you could just specialize in a magecraft like that in Witch of the Holy Night and just reuglarly eat parts of the carcass.
>>94707041Looking at the jump, and they seem to have pretty good perks? A decent amount of durability for free, an immense boost to willpower and intimidation, low level superstrength, near-flight gliding that somehow translates to vehicles to allow physics defying stunts, and near immunity to being killed while incapacitated.
>>94705848they cant actually fly, they're too heavy for that and can only glide.
>>94706944Yeah, but that is also an origin based perk. So you get a discount and can use it in other jumps.
>>94704947>finally beat the game>when you beat the game, it sends you back to the beginning instead of back to the main menu or locking up like other games of the era>this allows you to choose a different crystal for the next run, and the new game+ has the increased enemy health of the original JP version>clear the game with all 3 crystals (with considerable assistance from same states)>turned out the guide i found was lying and there is no secret endingWasted a couple hours, but at least now I know for sure.
>>94707090>Yeah, but that is also an origin based perk. So you get a discountsure, but the origin costs 200CP, so I am still at the very least at 500CP before even accounting for the CP i have to spend to increase the CP of the new companion.>can use it in other jumps.yeah, I dont think thats how it works.
>>94707103It is a perk, in the perk section. So it should be useable in other jumps. If not that is just shitty jump making, even for the time period
Do you think a ring of power either greater or lesser would prevent you from getting sick? Considering a Lord of the Rings start for a chain.
>Jumper is Itachi's age>Kinda looks like Itachi>Becomes Sasuke's mentor and gains a brotherly relationship with himWould this help Sasuke psychologically or fuck him up even more?
>>94707117Yeah they do
>>94707032>Neat, and a good origin for your Lunar waifu.I actually rolled out the Wyld vision questing, and I kept getting decent to incredible rolls to resist the Wyld but less impressive rolls for the vision itself, hence the comment about two faint visions. Also this is the Fair Folk/Lunar.>https://www.deviantart.com/kawa-v/art/Miia-White-Tiger-Girl-210319532>I might as well show you what i have planed for my Burden of The Sun.Looks suitably grand to me. The Orichalcum on your skin should get absorbed and give you a defensive charm.
>>94707113>shitty jump makingsure, have you seen the jump
>>94706872>probably will be includedGreat, here's my short list- a chariot with horses- Ziggurat (obviously)- a zoo that contains both real and mythical animals (apparently the Assyrians had them)- a Copper Mountain that comes with a forge- a replenishing supply of clay that we can use for writing (make this a 50CP item)
>>94707073Yes, but the human options are much better. You can gain the super strength with the Mad Biologist human perk if you are willing to mutate yourself some. And the technomagic is better than that gliding perk. That would be 1000cp right there if I wanted to be a gargoyle and get both.
>>94707117Yes? They preserve things, of course they prevent sickness
>>94707143Yeap, I have have a build to start a chain with and another from that 4,000CP chainbutt. Though, that one mostly ended up all being spent on levels.
If a younger Solar were to befriend Conky how insistent would the Hierophant be about becoming his 'definitely not politically motivated mentor'?
>>94707042Interesting. I suppose the rules in Nasuland tend to be loose, so becoming a demigod using the corpse of a god isn’t a big stretch.
>>94707173What do you think we make the Jumps for if not to Jump them?
>>94707173Kill yourself.
>>94707176Actually the great Jumpmaker Pact of 2015 clearly states that any and all jumpmakers are contractually obliged to never jump their own jumps. Failure to comply does unfortunately mean that you owe Anon five loaves of bread. I personally owe about 25 loaves currently.
>>94707145Well, yeah of course the Human perks are the best. It's Gargoyles. Saying that the super strength perk doesn't matter because you can replicate it with a 600cp perk is a bit disingenuous thoughI personally prefer Gliding over the Technosorcery perk, entirely because the thing boosts every form of flying machine you pilot. It's extremely fun to pick up on a mecha or plane focused chain. Or a magical girl chain if you're the kind of magical girl that flies using external machinary, like from Strike Witches or Youjo Senki. ... Also the Technosorcery perk makes your really good at combining magic and technology, but doesn't actually seem to come with any kind of technological or magical skills. I'm pretty sure you'll need the undiscounted 800cp perk to get any use of it right off the bat
>>94707173I don't know how to tell you this anon, but SMTAnon didn't make that jump
>>94705215>>94706962Yay builds!>>94707173What am I, chopped liver?
>>94706963Oh, horribly unsafe. But that's magecraft as a whole.>>94706443Happy New Year!>>94707144Oooh, thanks anon!
>>94707190So you've only jumped 5 of you own jumps, out of what, like 30? Isn't that just proving his point?
>>94707004I put the opening scroll text in the jumpdoc for Days of Ruin, it felt more flavorful.
>>94707234>But that's magecraft as a whole.You'd think the fact even a proper use of it is described as something painful would've given it away.
>>94707132>>94707149ThanksFollowup question. Would Gandalf or any of the elves do anything beyond be deeply suspicious if I start handing out magic rings to anyone who is willing to pay a decent amount?
>>94707234>Oh, horribly unsafe. But that's magecraft as a whole.True. Mind you, I’ll still be a rebel and try to make things safer.
>>94707159You are a young Solar versus an ancient one who is focused on social/bureaucracy so you come up with the great idea to go ask him for advice on whatever you are doing entirely on your own.
Is there absolutely any rational reason for me to spare the Drow/SSve Noc in A Practical Guide To Evil? My Jumper has the means and power to genocide them, the Drow are basically just a half-step up from fantasy Hive, and Sve Noc is...not that much better. But apparently the creation of True Night is a good thing, and I'm trying to figure out if there's any reason my Jumper would spare them after meeting them.
>>94707248No anon, why do you think I bake so often? That's just the 25 I have left currently. I became a hobby baker to pay of the tax. It's a hard life.
>>94707286Good thing for who? For the villain protag yes for everyone else it just makes a faction who are basically killing themselves out of existence start being capable of actual unified action.
>>94707270Magic Rings are actually a known and seemingly seemingly common thing in Middle Earth. It took a lot of practice until the art of Ring-Making was powerful enough to make the Rings of Power. The lesser magic rings were all simple unadorned bands of metal, which is actually why it took a near century for Gandalf to start being suspicious about Bilbo's ring being more than it appeared.
>>94707207>Yay builds!My pleasure BLADE! Would've grabbed more stuff, but I feel taking 700 in Drawbacks was more than enough for a 1st Jump. That and taking an Army of Me, Myself and I was kinda pushing it. Would've loved a Shaman Style, but that shit expensive. That and I have 10 years to learn stuff, so no biggie.Also can just come back for more.Though I have no disillusions of learning the new shit Takei revealed. Curious what SKY is going to introduce. Anyhow, time to wander around , learn stuff, nab stuff, get waifus, and all other jumper goodness. Still tempted to nab the Shaman Waifu, but a bit iffy with Ric Grade Harem Powers.
I think maybe I am going to make goblins be spawned from the remains of stillborn babies who do not recieve a proper burial generating into a goblin spawning pit where they just crawl up out of the ground affer a bit of time. Then you need to kill all of them and burn the pit out to keep them from getting worse. Or else if one gets away it can restart the cycle by crearing a new spawn pit.How bad of a problem would this become you think? Assuming like rpg style isekai world.
>>94707320bit iffy without*. Excuse me its 4am
>>94707316Well I assumed they would notice after people started going around with rings of power that they aren't lesser rings being more in line with the seven or nine.
Is there space or a ferment in Middle earth? Thinking about just chucking the ring into space instead of going to mt doom.
>>94707328How smart and violent are the goblins? Because if they are smart enough they could become an exponential threat with one just killing a couple and burying them to make more spawning pits until they are spawning faster than you can kill them.
>>94707339Sauron was winning even without his ring. All you throwing the ring into space will do is make it impossible to kill him permanently.
>>94707333Honestly, probably not? The Rings of Power themselves mostly have subtle effects, mostly seeming to bolster the capabilities of their users. The dwarven rings led to them collecting more wealth, the nine rings which gave longevity and bolstered their wearer's magics, Saruman's ring which enhanced his charisma into what was essentially mind controlThe One Ring's ability to turn it's wearer invisible was by far the most blatant magical power that... honestly anything showed, and Gandalf didn't find it to be anything to be worried about. You should be fine>>94707339Space DOES actually exist in Middle-Earth. There's an elf sailing around up there. There's no point in actually trying though, since there IS a form of destiny in play that'll maneuver things to turn out the way it did.
>>94707328Important question: What happens if you pour concrete over the goblin pit, or do what those guys who exterminate ant nests do and pour a molten metal cast over it?
>>94707328does that include abortions?
>>94707320I need to reread the sequel stuff at some point, him getting canceled and then restarting every six months really killed my ability to follow the storyline.
Is it just me, or does every man secretly long for the collapse of society?
>>94707358You recreate the Jimmy Hoffa Mythbusters episode.
>>94707339There is...something like that? But it's technically outside Middle Earth. There is the Void that was outside existence predating the creation of Arda, and there is the vague upper reaches of the sky that the sun and moon passed through and that Vingilot sails with the Silmaril. If you really want to get rid of the thing, you should aim to cast it into the former rather than settle for the latter, because the former is far-flung enough that it's where Morgoth was banished to after all the ruckus he raised. And furthermore, judging from Ungoliant if anythings lives out there, it's probably alien enough to not give a shit about the ring
>>94707368So does every woman, what's your point?
>>94707368Some aren't so secret about it.
>>94707357>Space DOES actually exist in Middle-Earth. There's an elf sailing around up there. There's no point in actually trying though, since there IS a form of destiny in play that'll maneuver things to turn out the way it didSo basically if I did it would coincidentally be the same day Tom Bombadill is up there and he goes "Who the fuck is littering up here" and tosses it back down?
>>94707368not specifically, bust most men wish for a crisis situation they imagine they can shine in.this can include being the heroic leader in an apocalypse, taking down a mass shooter or landing a plane that is crashing.
>>94707374I doubt your assertion.
>>94707363Well, we shall have to wait and see. Still have to finish some stuff myself, like Marcos, then hope someone decided to translate the Faust Novels/Manga, but yeah, Takei might have something neat.Though the power escalation is pretty wack. My poor Spirit of Fire. Also the new stuff really spins Luchist in a whole new light, because damn is his family fucked up.....Also Takei really needs to draw some more booba.
I think writing about a self-insert jumper is cringe as fuck, and I just can't make myself do it.So the solution is either:A) write about a non-SI jumper, and abandon the power fantasy in favor of narrativeB) focus on peripheral characters - from the perspective of companions or followersWhich would you rather read?
>>94707368There are three kinds of person. Those who long for death, those who fear it, and those who are truly indifferent to it. Likewise, there are those who love life, those who hate it, and those who are apathetic to living. Considering this, it makes sense that a lot of people fall into the overlap of 'longing for death' and 'in love with life'; they would naturally express these contradictory desires with an attraction to the idea of apocalyptic scenarios, which would confront them with both the excitement and suffering of life and the promise of an awesome death.
>>94707391Focus on what makes you happy. I'm still tempted to do an SI jumper with memory loss drawback and watching the chaos because companions..
>>94707391a combination of both.I'd rather jumper be someone unlike the author and i'd prefer to see the pespectives of others and the conflict jumper creates for those around them. Preferably even PoVs of people in the setting jumper appears in.
>>94707391C) A tale of HORROR and GORE in which Gohan is slaughtered, ritually bound to his own corpse and force-fed his own flayed substance.
>>94707368The first rule of fight club, there is no fight club.
>>94707391Try writing about the jumper at a slight distance. Instead of writing about the jumper, write about the effects they have.
>>94707391C) Give up on writing in general, as Self-Insert characters and power fantasies are the pinnacle of fiction.You are a subversive person, you should not be allowed to participate in society, let alone this community.
>>94707207Oh yeah, you got any thoughts on that Power of Sire pick? Not sure if I'm being a little too abstract compared to Alucard's stuff.I guess some form of necromancy that lets me use corpses as armor would be simpler and closer in line with it being in the Catacombs this game, but that's a lot less novel of a powerset.
>>94707368It is to the fall of society they want. It is to be important and to have control of their lives. They want to be free from the soul crushing society we have now.
>>94707428Speak for yourself, I merely want to have control over the end of Gohan's life.
>>94707391I only read power fantasy since anything else is too miserable and angsty for me to enjoy.
>>94707434There is a perk to become Gohan's father by cucking Goku. Would Gohan becoming your son, with all of your powers and abilities make him a better person?
Just rewatched Underwater, still holds up as a good thriller, Cthulhu looks pretty badass in it. Now I wanna do an undersea chain.Aside from the Underwater gauntlet and the Subnautica gauntlets what else do we have that takes place at the bottom of the sea?
>>94707423Having legion as your sire is pretty weird imo, but it does seem interesting. As for your actual power, anything you could inherit from them or be taught by them is a valid pic, so that itself is fine. If nothing else, you probably have some decent lasers.
>>94707439>he can't enjoy Cormac McCarthy kino>he can't enjoy Moby DickA power fantasy is meaningless without meaningful opposition.>>94707445OBVIOUSLY since as his FATHER I would NEVER let him grow up a jobber, and fight Chi-Chi to PREVENT that fate. But I would also give him a less nerdier name like Megadeath Kilgore Humungous so my son would be conceptually SEVERED from the core idea of Gohan.
>>94707449Aquaria's the only other one I know of
>>94707454>the only character in Dragon Ball who doesn't consistently job and isn't a gag character is also the only one who isn't named after some dumb shit like food, underwear, or an applianceReally gets the noggin joggin.
>>94707449Really? I remember that /tv/ and /x/ anons dislike it because of Kristen Stewart
>>94707469>using a /tv/ opinion for anything>using a current /x/ opinion for anythingI see that as a strong recommendation
We will soon be closer to 2050 than 2000 and yet we still have an image limit. We got stuck with the lamest of pre-dystopian timelines, bros.
>>94707454>A power fantasy is meaningless without meaningful opposition.Does that mean a recurring antagonist isn't a bad idea to include in a chain?I mean, there are obviously alternative means to introduce hardship and challenges, but I've been avoiding introducing that kind of opposition, because it seems lazy and over-done.
>>94707469I can only assume it is leftover "Twilight bad hurr durr" shit, she was fine. Could have emoted grief a bit more but she is hardly Tea Leoni bad.
>>94707454. . . did you just imply that Moby Dick is a power fantasy?
>>94707492Yeah, but Tea in her prime was far more attractive. Her tits were great. Not the best by any means, but a quality rack all the same.
>>94707454I could, once. But right now, comfy slice of life anime and cringe power fantasy fics are peak fiction.
>>94707391>I think writing about a self-insert jumper is cringe as fuck, and I just can't make myself do it.You being here is cringe as fuck.Embrace it
>>94707493Yeah being a whale is awesome!
>>94707509>You being here is cringe as fuck.>Embrace itThis. There is nothing respectable about this """hobby.""" Trying to avoid cringe in this thread is like saying you just go to strip clubs for the great food. You're not lying to anyone. Just admit why you're there and embrace it.
>>94707513Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsdIO8RHMTc
Happy New Year.
I increase Jumpers hardship by inflicting waifus that refuse to let him be on him.
>>94707542>refuse to let him be on him???
>>94707523Happy New Year. I hope you all get a chain.
Can you buy Legendary Ally multiple times in the First Age jump? I want to grab both Merela and FemConky.
>>94707523>>94707557Happy New Year, everyone. Hope we all get chains this year!
>>94707559>and FemConky.That would be the From Malfeus with love companion.
>>94707368At the end of the day, most people just wanna be free to do whatever the fuck they want, so an apocalyptic scenario and collapse of society is the ultimate fantasy of freedom, where there's no people or institutions left alive to tell them what to do or forbid them from doing anything.
>>94707569I mean actual FemConky, Conky turned into a waifu by jumper BS, not loli demon that looks like a slutty underage girl version of Conky.
>>94706714Even if you can't smell it shouldn't that feel nasty?
>>94707571That's retarded tho. If society collapses, instead of freedom, you get forced by the sudden lack of infrastructure to spend 99% of your time merely subsisting.
>>94707393That's some serious bullshit armchair psychology man.
>>94707585As far as I've felt, not really.
>>94707553NTA, but>I increase Jumpers hardship by (inflicting waifus (that refuse to let him be) on him).
>>94707589I spend 90 persent of my time just subsisting now.
>>94707553You are walking through the forest minding your own business, it is a nice day outside. The forest goes quiet, even the birds have stilled their chirps and burbles. Suddenly a fell shadow creeps over you, looking up you realize with mounting horror you have just encountered that mature priestess with the big jugs you met back in the traditional circular isekai slop town that kept making the traditional "Ara Ara~" mating calls that you wisely ignored but you were too careless, it smelled you. This sinister beast has your scent and has probably been tracking you all day, waiting you out as your energy waned and your guard relaxed. Great Scott it has already struck before you have a chance to defend yourself and waylayed you with its large bosom and stunned you to prevent you from defending yourself in time. It's too late, it has you now right where it wants you in plapping range. Oh the humanity!
>>94707592It's not. It's a completely logical breakdown of the divisions within the human experience. There are more than two schools of thought, but there simply cannot be more than three no matter what perspective you look at it from. Along any line of division, there are always just three groups of people. Positive, Negative, and Neutral. Yin, Yang, and 'not of Yin or Yang'.
What if I release my jump and people hate it/me? :<
>>94707649just because you can divide a spectrum into an arbitrary number of ranges doesn't mean your arbitrary number is special
The Lord of the Rings +1000>Man Of The Craft>Nûr (Dwarf)>Hoth (Good)>Gardhin (Shire)>AnnarSong And Dance(Free)Essays To The Craft (600)Ranger (100)Not All Those Who Wander (50)>NaidTree Of Legend (50)Barad Curunirva (100)Ruling Ring (400)>UmbariThe Eagle Express NOT (+100)Can’t Be Predicted If You Don’t Know What You’re Doing (+200)So I am a craftsdwarf who lives in a tower out on the far downs near the shire. I hunt and trap in the spring and fall to gather furs and supplies for winter. When I build up enough I travel to the shire to trade for supplies I can't make for myself.I have a Legendary Apple Tree growing outside of my tower. When I have time in the winter I try my hand at creating greater rings using substandard tools. (I haven't succeeded so far)But every year I make my workshop and tools better. (I'm sure this year I will succeed)
>>94707661More then likely they won’t care unless you act like a giant pushy faggot.
>>94707662Yes it is.
>>94707661That is unlikely, people have politely accepted fetish jumps on /tg/ as long as they're honest about it.
>>94707661Whenever I think like that I remember that I know the kind of dumb shit people in this thread like and jerk off too, and thus how little their opinions actually should mean.It's a lot harder to take someone calling you a faggot seriously when you know they unironically read stuff like the Instant Death manga or jerk off to horses.
>>94707685We are /tg/
>>94707690>entire genre of hobby gutted so thoroughly by a single corporation that this is what happened
>>94707695Wasn't just one company.
>can only think of three origins for a jumpfug
>>94707706Then only have three origins
>>94707706Smol jumps are fine, just do the thing.
>>94707685Coming back from the grave like this is at image limit is really inconvenient when I'm trying to post a lich jump.
>>94707721A lich jump?
>>94707721>a lich jumpWant.
>>94707721Adventure Time dupe?
>>94707721You can link to it.
>>94707741>>94707746>>94707759Well it's obstensibly a mystery setting so I shouldn't say too much, but if you want a tiny hint it's Pathfinder's Carrion Crown Adventure Path.
>>94707721Only image I uploaded is too old to delete, apparently. Sorry.
>>94707765>SpoilerYEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAH. Post link?
>>94707765Holy shit, that sounds fun. Been hoping for more Pathfinder.
>>94707765Damn, I didn't know you liked Pathfinder
Unfortunately, we can't blame Ricrod this time.
>>94707789I didn't know anyone really did, it's just ghetto D&D, but it makes for great jumps and video games.>>94707792This thread could very easily last into tomorrow afternoon. Image limit is an absolute embarrassment to still have in 2025.
>>94707765>PozzedfinderHoly fucking cringe.
>>94707796>14 threads in front of usYeah, there is no way this thread dies anytime soon.
>>94707765>Carrion CrownNeat. What was your philosophy Origins-wise on this one? Did you go by Class/Deity like the general PF1e jump, by Alignment like the Kingmaker one which I think is SB but I'm not sure, by narrative role like the Wrath of the Righteous jump, or something else?
>>94707796You try paying for server space sometime and see how hard you clamp down on people posting images.
>>94707814Hot damn that's about the size of an actual AP book chunk. Looking good so far.
>>94707801Only 10 now, and only 3 of them are at the bump limit so it is possible for us to get closer to the end... but I am fairly certain the mods get pissed when people do that kinda stuff.
>>94707796PF2 is better D&D than current D&D
>>94707814how can we defeat these strange coastal wizards!?
>>94707765>Jumps for individual APsI'm not sure how i feel about that. On the one hand it seemed permissible for Kingmaker and WotR because they had their own individual vidja adaptations to draw from. But on the other hand I feel like making jumps for individual APs rather than just editions creates a bad precedent and its a good deal too powerwanky for my tastes, especially considering most APs are only several months apart from eachother timeline wise
>>94707814Does the True Dragon option comes with the draconic shapeshifting 'feat' for any color that doesn't come with it by default or would we be limited to those who have it? What age category would we start as?
>>94707844Not really a high bar to clear
>>94707814What size font is this? It feels really tiny. I have to bump the document up to 150% just to read it.
>>94707856It doesn't set a precedent that wasn't already set by the Fate Legends or Exalted jumps. Or the Castlevania and Zelda jumps that take place within 10 years. If anything, it's closer to traditional jumpmaking since you're actually making jumps for a story/events in the setting.
>>94707856They are usually isolated in their own little box except for ones involving Runelords.
>>94707879>>94707874Still, it feels rather poor taste to be able to have the combined power of ten lvl 20 classes all stacked onto eachother in just under five years just by running successive Pathfinder AP jumps in a row.Feels like reddit just making a dozen different Skyrim jumps and supplements to go full wankfest
>>94707859All dragons can just have the benefit of a separate humanoid form if you want. For age category I would personally say juvenile to adult range seems like the most fun.>>94707856I hope it is differentiated enough from the broader Pathfinder jump as I aimed to focus on the story of the AP and the related themes of Ustalav.
>>94707861Indeed.It having really good Foundry VTT integration is also a plus
>>94707889Good thing you're probably not getting to level 20 in even a single class in that timeframe. Also, no, it's perfectly fine. It's not any worse than being a level 20 wizard and then an E5 Exalt, it just happens to be from the same setting.
>>94707889How are you coming up with those numbers?
>>94707665the idea of a dwarven apple farmer ranger ring bearer super craftsman that lives near the shire is both absurd and amusing, nice build.
>>94707706Then just do triple perklines or a big list of general perks to compensate.
>>94707900>laughs in isekai cheat skills that boost leveling
>>94707933>if you use OCP that was literally intended to break its own setting, you can be OPWaow.
>>94707924Yeah I was split between going action hero guerilla fighter or taking the crafting path so I flipped a coin and went crafter.I ended up trying to put together a backstory that makes at least a little sense and could slip into the world without feeling like there should be a bunch of changes because of it. Weird hermit who is theoretically one of the greatest mortal crafters in existence if he wasn't held back by not having good materials and tools was both funny and fitting.
Happy new year!
>>94707695Now now, be fair. It was a joint effort between Games Workshop, Wizards of the Coast and Onyx Path Publishing (the company formerly known as White Wolf)
>>94707913A single AP takes up around 1/3 to half a year in time, potentially shorter or longer depending on the nature of it.Many APs are designed to take a party from level 1-to high levels like 17 or 20, some less but usually to at least somewhere into the mid teens.Ergo, if we average things out, its about two lvl 20 classes in one year.>>94707900A few APs explicitly take you from level 1-20, and most at least within the lvl 14-17 range. Eve nif its not the full 20 levels, being able to get 10 lvl 17 classes in a five year time period is nothing to sneeze at
Happy New Year bros
>>94707987Still an hour left for me
>>94707984>Ergo, if we average things out, its about two lvl 20 classes in one year.You can't just "average things out", since higher levels are exponentially harder to attain.
>>94707987Happy new year, anon. And to everybody else, hope you guys have a good one.
>>94707987Mate, it won't be new years here for a another four years
>>94707984>Eve nif its not the full 20 levels, being able to get 10 lvl 17 classes in a five year time period is nothing to sneeze atYeah, it is because Tier 1 classes are so versatile the others are basically irrelevant if you already have one Tier 1 class at Level 20. Oh no, the Level 20 nigh-omnipotent reality warping Wizard can make multiple melee attacks per round.
>>94707930anon if I had enough material for triple perklines I could probably make a fourth origin
>>94708014Counterpoint, more spell slots and the ability to actually make Theurgy builds viable, and allowing you to better cheese crafting requirements. Alsop more chance to gain more metamagic feats and get away with some degenerate shit.Jumpchain and multiple AP jumps is like being allowed to run a Gestalt character, except exponentially more powerful
>>94708026Logically in the actual world, there should be little stopping you from just studying to gain more metamagic feats. In-world, they're just techniques. None of this matters unless you treat game mechanics as physics, and even then it still doesn't matter since stacking more shit is just how Jumpchain works. Again, there's no meaningful difference between being a level 20 Pathfinder adventure + E5+ Exalt than there is being level 20 in two Pathfinder classes.
It's truly a shame that we allow jumpers to just enter settings with more power than normal people.It's not like that's the entire premise of jumpchain or anything.
>>94708048Jumps should let you get as much power as a side character, and maybe a gimmick on top of that.The REAL way to jump is to do so with only 600 CP per jump, and drawbacks don't give CP.
>>94708048How can jumper be a proper cultivator if they do not have an instant I Win power?
>>94707814Thanks for posting. One thing I've noticed is that the Ancestry blurb for Half-Orc mentions the 2e name Dromaar, but other 2e names don't seem to come up (Beastkin for Skinwalker, Nephilim for Aasimar/Tiefling collectively, Empyrean and Cambion respectively). No other real notes, still reading.
>>94708055>with only 600 CP per jumpWhat sort of loser talk is this? The true way is to get 0 starting CP and only get points from drawbacks. If you want those powers or fancy companions you need to earn them.
>>94708069>not starting with a 1000 cp deficit Homosexual detected.
>>94708067i fucking hate the 2e name/race retcons. They're so fucking gay
>>94708069Problem with that is people take too many drawbacks, and use authorial fiat to handwave away the consequences. By making drawbacks give 0CP, it forces people to consider taking the drawback on it's merits of how interesting it would be to saddle the jumper with, rather than how much CP it gives.
>>94708076Isn't it because Wizards was starting to get litigaty again?
>>94708084OR you could just not take any.
>>94708086If we do that, we're back at Square One again. Square One meaning you're an SBer-ads bitch.
>>94708084No points means most will just ignore them. If they want a story point they will just say it happened without drawbacks enforcing it.
>>94708085Only for some of them. Skinwalkers were changed because "muh cultural appropriate"
>>94708096If you only suffer hardship because you're compensated for it, you can't even call yourself a man.
>>94708067I don't care if people want to treat it as closer to 1e or 2e since tabletop mechanics aren't really the focus. I'd rather treat that stuff as abstraction and people are free to base their purchases around whichever version suits them.>>94708076I'd just consider it to be the orcish word for half-orc and both are valid in-universe. But I will remove the dromaar term from the doc you if you really want, anon. I don't care for the new terms they invented to protect from WotC either.
>>94708100NGL, after seeing how SBers and redditors massacred this hobby, I kind of get where cultural appropriation niggas are coming from.
>>94708102>I'd just consider it to be the orcish word for half-orc and both are valid in-universe. But I will remove the dromaar term from the doc you if you really want, anon. I don't care for the new terms they invented to protect from WotC either.Don't feel compelled to do so, I was just bitching, not like my opinions will force Paizuri to change course any time soon. Keep the names in if you wish
>>94708102>they invented to protect from WotCOh, you sweet summer child.
>>94707987Happy New Year, man! I can already tell it's gonna be a great one!
>>94708108Them enjoying it in their own way shouldn't harm your ability to enjoy the hobby.
>>94707706Three origins works for WoL_Anon, so go ahead.
Is country a good genre of music or a cringe genre of music?
>>94708076I like some more than others. I understand entirely why Paizo backpedaled on Skinwalker, but I really hope Beastkin wasn't the best they could've come up with. It kind of works, but it doesn't sell "you have werewolf blood in you." Nephilim, I think, is fine. It groups the outer-plane outsiders the way Geniekin handle the Elemental Planes. Wish it also included Duskwalkers, but hey. I'm not sure how necessary Aiuvarin and Dromaar were as renames, but I like the fact that they have in-universe ethnonyms.
>>94708126Stop letting other people tell you what you like or are allowed to like.
>>94708145Someone is enjoying something I don't like and now I'm mad???
>>94708126Old country was great. People knew how to play multiple installments, sing, dance and wrote their own songs. Many were ballads that told an actual story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hx4gdlfamoNew country is cringe and sellouts. It is a lot of auto tunes and people trying to be more rock and hip hop than country.
>>94708145nta but if he followed this advice wouldn't he be doing that very thing?
>>94708158But if you don't follow his advice, then you're following his advice anyway.
>>94708126Both. It is enjoyable only once you embrace the cringe inherent to all folk music.
>>94708126Country is a good genre. It's stadium country that often poisons the well these days with brand name drops, shallow lyrics, and catchy tunes meant to go directly to radio.
Outline the standard curriculum for the average citizen in your Jumper's Empire.
>>94708188>English>Math>farming>battle>craft>religion>house tending (women only)
>>94708188Reading, writing, arithmetic, and common sense. No other higher learning unless you pass that last one.
>>94708176What is cringe about it?
>>94708188Reading, writing, math, history, basic sciences. You are also encouraged to learn a basic outdoor activity and a hobby of some kind. General schooling ends around early high school by US standards, at which point you go to specialized schooling or enter the workforce.
>>94708194>house tending (women only)HOLY
>>94708194Wait, why are you teaching women Math, farming, battle, and craft?
>>94708188>Kindergarten-2nd grade: Basic to hyperadvanced math, philosophy (entire history up to current day), theology, science (must gain at least 4 PhDs in different fields), artistic studies (may be continued indefinitely)>3rd grade: basics of magic>4th grade: intermediate magic >5th grade: Advanced magical studies (Kabbalah 101, Tonal architecture, the completed works of Merlin)>6th grade - college: Apotheosis Studies (Gnostic ascension, Nirvana, etc.)
Happy new year, anons.
Happy new yeeeeears
>>94708235Happy new year!
>>94708227Women should know how to protect and manage the household while the husband is away raiding, idiot.
>>94708227>MathThey need to know how many more kids they are required to have.>farmingTending gardens, chickens and milking cows>battleFight other women that try and steal their man. But because every man gets two wives, this is a team battle.>craftCooking and weaving for the family needs
>>94708188I don't have a full outline yet, but I know I want some basic utility magic as widespread as possible.
>>94708238>>94708238Happy new year my dude. Hopefully this is my last post ever. Please follow my cringe SI fanfics over FF, QQ, SB/SV and wherever else I can stuff them in.
>>94708154that's a great song, I only first heard it like year ago but after actually listening to it and the lyrics I realized not only was it a good song but it was pretty funny too.
happy new years anons, what jumpchain related resolutions (if any) have you decided on?
>>94708244>They need to know how many more kids they are required to have.>Cooking and weaving for the family needsBASED.
>>94708259Keep making jumps. Already on a roll, my latest has all but two perks fluffed.
>>94708259I am going to try to make a jump this year.
>>94708259Get back into making jumps. Probably shouldn't be too hard considering the main thing stopping me has been finishing off the core cluster.
>>94708250But Ric, if you leave who will tell people about how great Misaki is?
>>94708279This is for the best anon.Also send this thread to the shadow realm quickly, I want to post pics
>>94708271It's real simple. No need to be intimidated.
>>94708286How are you gonna post pics if you leave forever after that post
Happy 2025 /jc/!See y'all around!
>>94708259To spend less time here. I want to actually be productive in things that will benefit me IRL.j
>>94708290Yeah but getting started on anything new is hard for me. Once I get going I can usually do things but that first step can take me months even for irl stuff.
>>94708290Take off your shirt. You're only good for fanservice. Like that slut from zero not tsukaima>>94708297I want to shitpost for a bit before I go. Like a last goodbye to everyone I loved here.
Happy New Year. May your chains be unburdened and jumps come easy.
>build Skynet-style murderous AI to wage a war against Beastmen and Skaven for me (corruption proof) (I am too lazy to do it myself)>leave WHF>realise machine learning has caused it to misidentify all furry races as Skaven or Beastmen>do absolutely nothing about it for seventeen jumps>hit modern earth>accidentally trigger Judgement DayI know how I messed up but it's still funny.
>>94708305>Take off your shirt. You're only good for fanservice. Like that slut from zero not tsukaimaUnironically not wearing a shirt right now cuz I was just working out lightly
>>94708318Damn, I work fast. >>94708313Happy new year anon.
>>94708286Well I am on QQ, so I can follow you there.
>>94708327Follow me for new cringe SI fanfics.
Happy New Year! If the pact isn't fulfilled, then I hope at least that this year will be better than the last, with the advent of AGI and robowaifus.Hoping to have Conquest of the Crystal Palace done by this time tomorrow, though I had to take a break from outlining it to hang out with family (fireworks are going of, so I won't be sleeping for a while anyway).
>>94708326The gay psychic energy you've been beaming towards me was bound to work sometime.
>>94708340you make it sound like we're dating after I annoyed you enough into it but you kinda like it.