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Previous Thread: >>94594324

Has there been any in-jokes, references, or new terminologies that came out of your games and became regular lingo in your group?
Scrimmy Tomlenson is a 150cm greasy little guido of an armsman. Due to his exceptionally small stature, he was forced into the vents of an abandoned Dark Age facility while the Lord Captain was heroically advancing in reverse from an unkillable regenerating chaos monstrosity. Scrimmy decided to sacrifice himself for the crew and led the monster away consigning himself to death. In spite of his attempt to die and his complete lack of fate points due to being an NPC Armsman, Scrimmy made every single impossible check in his mad dash away from the xenos horrificus and survived to rejoin the Lord Captain.
Scrimmying is now a term for scrambling away from an unwinnable fight and surviving.
Since my other GM ran the premade, the ganger guy Zax Holthane from the first part(and third) has become a re-occurring background character who almost always gets his shit slapped, then disappears. Doesn't even always have to be a 40k setting. He's shown up in AoS and WoD.
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Second Renaissance
A term for a very specific type of exterminatus, consisting of a planetary phosphex Modalis bombardment followed by Atomic saturation. Introducing extreme levels of radiation to phosphex causes a hardening of the flame into a highly radioactive self-replicating proton lattice, known by various names across the galaxies. Like phosphex, it spreads rapidly, but unlike that deadly flame, the resultant crystals transform nearby matter into more of itself, overwhelming by volume rather than by destruction. The resultant ash storms blot out the system's star, and the land dies as everything is converted into viniferous and riparious crystal.

The first time a Second Renaissance was declared, on an ocean world called Telos II, my players didn't really say much. They just said it was...wrong. They've been through other exterminatus before, but something about a Second Renaissance just utterly disturbed them. Maybe it was because it was against other humans, misguided seperatists. Maybe it's because they felt powerless, the world burning because the incandescent rage of Paragons of Metal makes humans feel very small. Maybe it was because it doesn't kill instantly - people can still survive for a time on their slowly dying husk of a world. That fear of a new beginning, the horrors of the Second Renaissance of Telos II that would give its name to an entire process of strangling a planet to death, became ingrained across all of the Solar Auxilia.

Nobody likes to talk about a Second Renaissance.
how do i know that I'm not being led astray by Chaos at this very second?
"Auriferous Vox"
Bribes/let money talk/speak with your coffers
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Can only Schola graduates become Scions or are Guard veterans occasionally promoted? I keep finding conflicting informtation.

"DON'T GO TO RHOM." gets tossed around a lot after I had the team crash land on one of its continents.
It was full of Umbra.
If you're afraid of being led astray by Chaos, then you can be sure that you are not being led astray. It's when you feel confident in your faith that you really have to worry.
Dont believe >>94701119 if you're worried about your soul you should. You should always be worried. But you should ask yourself, What would The Lion do? Remember that all of Chaos focused on trying to corrupt him when he was alone in the jungles slaying monsters. He resisted, so you know it's possible
Can I use Impart Flame on ammunition? I'd love to shoot a mother fucker and then explode him from the inside out. Especially as a psyker, I could prep my bullets in relative safe conditions then explode them later for effect
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Why is this the symbol of the empire?
It was just one eagle before. The second head is to represent Mars.
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I'm getting ready to run the 2e premade for at least two people who aren't familiar with the setting. How would you recommend getting them in the mindset of the grim darkness?

I currently have planned that the inquisitor's door will have a servitor implanted in it, which will be the first thing they encounter after the introduction scenes.
Sounds like a fantastic crystal art exporting business opportunity. No sense letting it go to waste.
Because furries are retarded and need to go back to whatever zoophile dump they're congregating at these days instead of shitting up 4chan.
How about having personal servitor carrying their baggage around?
>Has there been any in-jokes, references, or new terminologies that came out of your games and became regular lingo in your group?
Our Dark Heresy campaign's alternative name is "Looney Tunes" because of how much slapstick constant 90+ rolls caused.
Have a few people being executed in town square/witchburnings.

Have a riot quelled by the arbites & then a handful of servitors cleaning up the dead bodies & marking them for corpse starch

Have some cherubim announcing the news on several warfronts listing of huge numbers of casualties.
Better to talk to your GM about it.
The phrase 'Hallway Scene' or 'Rules of Nature' has become the bywords for a player singlehandedly surmounting improbable odds like an action movie hero. I was the player who did it first, and my dice have never been so hot ever again.
'Batmanning' is anything absurd done with a grapnel.
'I got a gun!', 'Anyone have a firebomn?!' or 'Andrew' is the byword for monumentally stupid ideas and actions (Yes, Andrew, we still talk about you).
Anon, that's a horrible idea because you missed the buried reference that was made
Our brief foray into Imperium Maledictum had us go to an agri world to find a missing techpriest. Ended up dealing with more than that, but the actual adventure content was an aside. My character (a pretty regular soldier) tried to ingratiate herself with the locals and help out the farmers who were rebuilding after an attack on the homestead. My character had poor social skills, but wasn't too bad for manual labor, so surely this would work out somehow!
The farmers' kids called her a "corn-counter" as part of refusal to talk about recent events.
This has stuck with everyone as a lovely bit of ribbing towards each other. It's so benign, but the way the GM delivered it was hilarious, combined with my character just getting completely shut out of this community while our ex ministorum preacher ingratiated himself so well he *led away some heretics on a fake hunt for the rest of us* so we could do some sneaking around.
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Was there any word on what's the next splatbook for WanG? I think the Guard could use some new archetypes (although I can easily homebrew some tier 2 sergeant and stuff). That or Orks since we got an Eldar book.
The official fluff has a very specific and inflexible route to become a scion and that the progena. However the fluff also constantly has exceptions since when it comes to books and/or codexes you want to have a character go against the grain at least a little bit.

However there's always other units, mostly grenadiers, such as Karskins or the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers that have different recruitment processes and have basically the same or very similar equipment.
Aren’t Inq Stormies typically just scions seconded to Inquisitorial service?
Correct me if it was retconned but I'm pretty sure that back in the day the Witch Hunter or Daemon Hunter codex said that Inquisitors might have stormtroopers that serve them over generations of their families. Newer fluff from when the Tempestus codex was released had Inquisitors requisitioning Scions, but I saw Inquisitorial stormtroopers being mentioned over the years here and there. Would make sense if Inquisitors had a cadre of their own, separate from the Militarum Tempestum which is part of Adeptus Administratum.
Here's the excerpt:
>The Inquisition maintains a number of fortresses throughout the galaxy, both secret and known to the inhabitants of the Imperium. The Inquisitorial Storm Troopers have the duty to protect and provide security to these fortresses and the Inquisitorial Black Ships, they can also be called upon to assist an Inquisitor on active assignment. They are recruited from the Schola Progenium as well as certain families with a tradition of service to the Inquisition. Their training is equal to the Storm Troopers of the Astra Militarum, furthermore they undergo rigorous purity and incorruptibility tests prior to their induction, making them preferable for use in Ordo Malleus and Ordo Hereticus forces when the number of Grey Knights and Battle Sisters may be insufficient. Inquisitorial Storm Troopers also have more choices of armament than their Imperial Guard counterparts; they can utilize a Rhino instead of a Chimera as transport, and a squad's Veteran Sergeant can choose items from the Daemonhunter and Witch Hunter armouries. A powerful counter-assault combination often involves a Storm Trooper squad, whose Veteran Sergeant is armed with a Thunder Hammer, being transported into battle within a heavily armoured Rhino.
Specifically this part:
>They are recruited from the Schola Progenium as well as certain families with a tradition of service to the Inquisition. Their training is equal to the Storm Troopers of the Astra Militarum, furthermore they undergo rigorous purity and incorruptibility tests prior to their induction,
One of my GMs tried to use umbra as an unexpected enemy, and got disappointed when I recognized them immediately. Another GM I had shas used them extensively and cranked them up to 12 in his usual style, so I was overprepared when the shadows dropped.
Is there a little book I could get for someone as a gift that goes briefly over every single faction so they can make a slightly informed choice on their desired starter race/faction?
What reference?
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>highly radioactive self-replicating proton lattice
>the resultant crystals transform nearby matter into more of itself
>viniferous and riparious crystal
Nuking phosphex apparently turns it into Tiberium. It fits the behavior to a T, and Vinifera and Riparius are two types of Tiberium.
C&C4 was 14 years ago.

Umbra are fun.
I sprung the Slaugth on my players, personally. That was a funny kick in the teeth. Or it would have been, if it hadn't jammed its gun and gotten no-diffed by a feudal worlder with a hunting rifle.
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>In jokes from current game

It's a fairly new game but my Khorne Berserker started with a lesser minion who's a teenage cultist meant to be a chosen as a future world eater if he survives long enough. Already devolved into dad/son jokes like him being sent to bed without supper for not taking enough skulls or him always being carried on the shoulders of the CSMs when not I'm combat.
Ah, just slap a warning label on it. Can't be worse than ambulls.
Who do you think has led humanity since time immemorial, out of its cradle in Anatolia, Sumer and Akkad? Who led it to its ascension, to inherit the stars which are its birthright? Who is this man-but-more-than-man that sits upon the Throne, eternal and undying? Imperium of Man is the Land of Nod
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>Write over 3,000 words explaining how the Subsectors for my Rogue Trader campaign are filled with plot hooks and origin stories, alongside addendums explaining in plainer terms the "spirit" of the Sector so people can know what they're getting into
>Struggling to write a 200 word proclamation for a royal funeral of the prior Rogue Trader
Brevity must really be the soul of wit, because I've got the heart of a fool.
You described a self-replicating crystal that mines a planet more efficiently than any tech-thrall with a cutter, and the best part is you can fire the substance at a planet and return to collect the bounty at your leisure. So what if Tiberium is inimical to human life? The Mechanicus regularly rad-cooks their Forge Worlds to get rid of anything that wasn't purpose-built on the surface. The Imperium would love Tiberium.
It is one of the things locked away in the Emperor's vaults, known only to a select few. A secret tool of the highest calibre.
>Who do you think has led humanity since time immemorial, out of its cradle in Anatolia, Sumer and Akkad?
Funnily enough, my current game directly brought up this very question, and the answer, as always, came down to space frog bullshit.
Such a missed opportunity. Frog shenanigans should stay in WHF, where they are mysterious and SOVLful and not just olfag memberberries.
Owlcat's Rogue Trader game was my first proper exposure to 40k as a setting, but it hooked me enough for me to join in on a a Rogue Trader campaign in my area. I really liked the main tech-priest companion from that game, so I've been reading up on their deal to prepare for maybe making one of my own.

Entry-level lore question: is it basically just their value to the Empire that lets the machine cult get away with having a different religion from everyone else? The impression I've gotten is that there's this uneasy compromise where one group says "their God-Emperor is a manifestation of our Omissiah" while the other group goes "their Omissiah is an expression of our God-Emperor" and both sides agree not to argue the point too hard because they need each other. Is that accurate?
>the Subsectors for my Rogue Trader campaign are filled with plot hooks and origin stories
Are these also places your group will never venture? Had a GM admit to doing that while we were basically watching his mid-session improv.
>not just olfag memberberries
You can see who you're replying to, ye?
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The Old Slann are the primary threat in the series currently. It's ended up being a rather long story. After the Old Slann lost the War in Heaven, the durances of the dead Old Slann went out and turned the War into a gigantic proxy war, with the aeldari at the forefront but most planets with life were affected. Earth was one of many minor outposts of the proxy war.

On Earth, three Slann began guiding what would become humanity. On an isthmus between two continents, a Warrior-Servant and his Armigers taught the people to fight. In a land between two rivers, a High Juridicial taught law and vengeance. In a tropical subcontinent and its surrounding islands, a Lifeshaper took it easy. They fought a civilization within a fertile delta and its river floodplains, guided by the Triarch Praetorians. Even their faith was guided, giant war mecha eventually becoming revered as animal-headed gods. But the Lifeshaper was tired of war, and used the golden webway transit system in the mountains north of his domain to leave...locking the door behind him and angering his compatriots.

Eventually, there was a man that was born on the banks of the Sakarya River who was sick and tired of his people being a proxy army for dead skeletons and dead frogs. So he led his people out, removing the Slann and Necrons from earth. Most would know this as the Bronze Age Collapse. He continued on, taking a new name Sikander III ho MakedĂ´n, conquering eastward, where he eventually found a golden webway transit system long buried in the mountains. But his troops refused to go any further. So he went back to the drawing board, preparing to create perfectly loyal troops that would know no fear...
>"their God-Emperor is a manifestation of our Omissiah" while the other group goes "their Omissiah is an expression of our God-Emperor"
More like the other group says "Omnissiah? Who? Oh, the God Emperor ... you almost-heretic."

40k as a setting was created so you could take your army to a tournament, someone else could take their army to a tournament, and no matter what the two armies are the setting can handle them fighting. Rogue Trader exists so your group can say, "Imperial laws, eh? ... Well, we don't want to, and we have money."
>Is that accurate?
No, you got it somewhat wrong. Omnissiah is the incarnation of the Machine God, His form in the material world. The Emperor = Omnissiah. There is no conflict in that regard, at least between orthodox machine cult (a member of which you will play) and ecclesiarchy (there are also hereteks, including chaos-aligned dark mech, who do not believe that the Emperor is Omnissiah).
There’s always that risk, but the RT has to pass through four of the six Subsectors to get to the final world. He’s cursed with nano-scarabs in his blood, see, and needs to return a slab to a Crownworld or suffer the curse. The remaining two Subsectors are front-loaded near the borders with pirates and Tau sympathizers, so they can buzz by and still get a taste for what it’s all about.
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Overall, Earth would continue to be a proxy site in the War in Heaven throughout human history, though the Emperor would never act openly again for a long time. Necrons and Slann would continue to duel over its skies, though they would never again claim dominion over the planet. Even to the modern age of the Great Rift, the War in Heaven never ended, it just changed forms. And my players are finding themselves in the thick of it once more.
Okay, that does actually sound interesting. Would you please tell more?
Sorta, the Emperor needed them so he made a compromise. It was supposed to be temporary, but then he sat down and didn't get up. Now its part of how things work, forever. The Emperor under the treaty of Olympus gave the Mechcanisus their broad autonomy and right of religion. Arguing this is a dead horse because the Emperor granted these rights, and to the admech. The emperor is the living manifestation of the machine god; the omsissiah. So this right is unquestionable.
In my setting the Emperor is the last Man of Gold who survived the Dark Age of Technology, the first true psyker out of that strain of humanity & who lucked into finding an Old One who he stole secrets from & keeps locked up in his basement.
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Well, it's complicated from here on out, and I can probably tell more once my current game is done. But the players, the Necron Royal Court of the Chefren-Ra Dynasty, have come into contact with these three Slann. The first, Warrior-Servant Protector Xholankha Hueteotl, Calibrator of Reality, was introduced in a previous game, and his Slann Armiger forces are causing issues in the Solaris Expanse. The current game introduced High Juridicial Tlazcotl Cochtemiqui, Seeker of Inevitability, and Lifeshaper Huetzca Caminalli, Embodiment of Divinity. In fact, the phrase "Calibrate Reality, Seek Inevitability, Embody Divinity" had plagued three separate teams of players across three separate games over the years. And it finally came to a head.

Huetzca created the planet the Royal Court have claimed as their Crownworld. It was recently revealed to be a webway tunneling device akin to Caliban, and Tlazcotl and Xholankha want it back BADLY to continue their proxy wars. Huetzca is a prankster, fond of puzzles, and is "tolerated" on the Crownworld, playing practical jokes on people while just wanting to laugh and have a good time, so he's opposing the Warrior Servants and Juridicials alongside the players. They still haven't forgiven Huetzca for locking the door behind him. While Tlazcotl and Xholankha are durances, their psychic impressions and "soul" encoded into battle constructs, Huetzca is a Relic Priest who chose to truly die and faff about via "ghost" projections. I would say more about the Old Slann forces they have fought, but I am tired. Perhaps tomorrow, if there are specific questions.

The War in Heaven is literally the ghosts of the stubborn dead tearing reality apart, while children innocently play in the blast craters.
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I'll leave a fact about those three before I sleep.

Those three Slann were there, before they had reached the highest ranks of their rates, when the Necrontyr asked for the gift of immortality. The Slann Ecumene, a collection of alien races united in meditation and appreciation of life, refused the Necrontyr, for they foresaw that if their monstrous society became eternal, they would spread like a plague across the heavens, destroying all life in the galaxy. If they were refused, the Slann realized the Necrontyr would die out forever. The Slann refused. The Necrontyr died out as they predicted. What the Old Slann did NOT foresee was the Necrontyr committing collective suicide as a species and being reborn as the Necrons. They thought no species would be stupid enough to give up their souls like that. The Necrons became immortal, spread like a plague across the heavens, and just about destroyed all life in the galaxy. Prophecies are fun, aren't they...
Does he also have a cowardly dog helping him?
What sort of self-respecting GM would I be if I didn’t have one? The story’s meant to evoke more Age of Sail than anything, but you can’t run Rogue Trader without getting a little stupid with the setting. Leave the gravity for Dark Heresy.

ruh roh rogue rader raggy its a recron roverlord
Nah the guy has to RETURN THE SLAB so it's a different dog
What Order makes the most sense for a Sororitas sniper who has joined the Inquisition?
Scions are a schola-only thing. What *can* happen is guardsmen regiments being equipped in a similar way to stormtroopers, albeit that depends on a lot of factors.

Do people hate this lore? First time reading it, seems very oddly placed in 40k.
Don't worry about the Ynnari too much, they got dropped hard and their storyline stonewalled because nobody liked them much either. They're just a half-remnant of when 40k was almost Age of Sigmar'd.
I don't mind Ynnead or him having an Eldar cult around him. What I dont like is GW making Ynnead a tranny. Of course it's just my headcannon, but I always thought Ynnead was gonna be the Eldar God of Death, who would (if born) steal back a ton of souls from Slaanesh & free Isha. Together the new God of Death & the old Goddess of Life would create a new Eldar pantheon. There's a lot of duality & symetry to that idea which I think would suit the Eldar well. But GW wouldn't know a good idea if it bit them on the ass
Fall of Cadia was written around the same time they were finishing the End Times for Fantasy, so GW was suckling hard on that sour story teat.
Dead games
Dead thread
Dead board
Is there a catch all term for scion-like then? Something that would allow people to know what they're dealing with without going into "They all have jetpacks and hotshot lasguns and helmets but AREN'T Scions"
In IM is it reasonable to remove or lower the Heavy Trait if the item had the Lightweight Quality?

Like, if you had a Lightweight Handcannon, I don't think it should have Heavy 4 anymore, but the rules only talk about lowering Encumbrance & possibly adding the Subtle Trait.
Stormtroopers, anon.
Any of them, really. She has cause for each, but Hereticus is the classic.
Heavy quality doesn't necessarily refer to just the weight of the item, it's the unwieldiness, or the recoil you need extra strength to deal with. Ie. you've shaved some weight off with your lightweight handcannon, but it still kicks like a horse when you fire it. As always though, check with your GM.
What Ordo are you, anons? My game is Malleus.
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Malleus, bumpfag. Behold, the Acolytes.
I meant Sororitas Order, not Inquisition Ordo
Malleus has the most reach. Hereticus & Xenos are a bit too narrow in scope to feel fun, but Malleus can be dealing with human heretics starting chaos cults or xenos aliens fucking around with daemons, etc. In fact, I say Hereticus is only fun if you're Puritanical, xenos is only fun if you're Radical, & Malleus is fun no matter what but benefits from a mixed bag
Fair enough. It's just weird I can't equip a handcannon to a servitor let alone a heavy bolter, isn't that their whole purpose?
Usually xenos. My current campaign is Hereticus.
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Full version of their first debrief
There are examples of gun servitors in the bestiary.
Those servitors cannot be built using the Familiar rules. Hell, even the tech-priest in the book has more Augs than he should and a Fast speed for no reason
>3. A Familiar’s Characteristics all start at 5. Increase the Familiar’s Characteristics as desired, using a pool of 200 points. Unless modified by Familiar Size, the maximum for any Characteristic is 50.
Why not?
+25 WS
+25 BS
+45 Str
+45 Tgh
+15 Ag
+5 Int
+5 Per
+5 Wil
+5 Fel
That's less than 200.
A specialised machine interface and a paired weapon
mount are added to the Familiar’s body. They can
aim and fire a ranged weapon (purchased separately)
attached to this frame, carrying enough ammunition
for 1 automatic reload. A weapon cannot be mounted
if its Encumbrance value exceeds half the Familiar’s
Strength Bonus (StrB), rounding up, no weapon with
the Heavy Trait can be mounted, and the Subtle Trait of
any mounted weapon is negated. The interface allows
weapons to be switched out, but the Master must
choose which one they attach before a mission.

They can't equip Heavy weapons
Technically, they can. What you don't have is weapon mount rules for gun servitors.
I hate it for the same reason as Primaris, it was just dropped into the setting randomly without foreshadowing it at all. It might be good if we had seen Yvraine progress through her backstory over several centuries or even millennia, but introducing this sort of upheaval in the Eldar society in one book is disastrous for their established themes and tropes. It's also notable that it seems like Lady Malys was meant to be the character for Yvraine (they even look the same) but for some reason they dropped her an put in a new character.

I don't mind Ynnead being the way it is by itself, with the caveat that it's obviously a Slaaneshi daemon masquerading as the Eldar god. But why no Eldar sees this is beyond me, and they seem to have gone for the cheery hopeful route without any foreshadowing the imminent disaster (aside from the design of the mini) so the plottwist would be as badly executed as the introduction.
It was meant to combine all the aeldari into one army list for a future version of 40k, like how Malekith combined High, Dark, and Wood Elves into the Eternity King list in End Times. But the early hiccups of Age of Sigmar meant it didn't pan out and the entire thing hit a speed bump. Ynnead was already born retarded because Eldrad fucked up the ritual, and its core goal to collect the five swords to become whole is fundamentally impossible because the fifth of five swords is currently being used as one of Slaanesh's dick piercings, so it's impossible to get, putting a stonewall on that storyline. Their three book series was aborted two books in because nobody cared about the Ynnari. That is why they went from having a Codex themselves to being relegated to a paragraph in the Asuryani codex.
The Scarus Sector.
What goes on here on the very top level of governance?
No sector governor but four sub-sector capitals.
A party of ascended Dark Heresy characters are passing through; destination Cypra Mundi, and sure to stop to dip their noses in to all sorts troubles seeing 4 capitals on the map.

>Who does Lord Calixis Marius Hax direct his diplomacy towards?
Even if as I understand as "space only owned by the God-Emperor" between the sectors rather than allow for border friction, surely there are diplomacy between sector governors.

>Would you portray it as a confederation sector?
While planetary governors have plenty of autonomy as long as the tithe is yielded; a whole sector under such de-centralized governance?

>"Why, I AM the sector governor, the other fools just won't recognizance it..."
The seat is open for the most, meritorious, sub-sector governor. Most likely who ever is left standing after family lines have submitted or been extinguished.
Fun for the whole Adeptus Suffixes and the Inquisition.
>What goes on here on the very top level of governance?
Absolute pandemonium and loss of social order because they're in Nihilus.
If you are talking about the map of the Scarus Sector that appears in the Abnett books, note that it says "four subsectors of Scarus Sector", not "THE four subsectors of the Scarus Sector".

There are other subsectors not shown on the map, including the one containing Vraks.

Also DH2 implies that Eustis Majoris is the overall capital of the Scarus Sector, though this is never mentioned in the Abnett books, where it is described as a dump

>Most likely who ever is left standing after family lines have submitted or been extinguished
Usually Sector Governors are appointed by Terra, not hereditary
I've been contemplating a campaign to run, but I don't know how to go about it. I call it "Daemon in a Bottle" right now.

The idea is that there is an entire Sector lost behind Warp storms of the Great Rift. A little pocket of the Imperium has been isolated in a bubble surrounded by inescapable Warp fuckery. In this bubble several planets & such still hold to the Imperium but there are several problems starting to snowball, not least of which are do to lack of contact or trade with the rest of the Imperium. Problems like the Imperial Guard starting to conscript folks do to lack of manpower, or psyker births starting to pile up especially cause the Black Ships haven't come around in a long long time. At the source of most of this misery is a powerful daemon who is using this pocket to run amok & eventually corrupt/kill/...something? the entire Sector & make himself even more powerful, after he gets what he wants he will break out of the bubble & destroy the Imperium or whatever standard doom & gloom prophecy that must be averted if humanity is to cling to life for another 5 minutes. The Tarot spells doom unless the sector can be saved but no one from the outside can seem to survive the deadly warpstorms to get there & do something about it. Most have decided to instead shore up defenses around the Sector in the off chance the prophecy happens, more still dismiss the prophecy to instead focus on more immediate matters elsewhere in the galaxy, blah blah standard Imperium clusterfuck bullshit

Cue the Inquisition. And one mad lad Inquisitor who points a ship dead on & sails in. He arrives miraclously in the sector with most of his already skeleton crew dead & with no idea what's going on or who he can trust & very little in the way of influence or material resources. I'm thinking of forcing my playersnto play Acolytes drawn from the locals in the Sector instead of having them follow the Inquisitor on his suicide mission from outside.
So questions,

Is this too much railroad? I figure a Sector is big enough to not feel constrained & if they wanted to be from elsewhere they could have traveled to the Sector before the Warp storms came in.

What's the best daemon to use as the villain? Are there undivided daemons or should I have a Chaos Marine seeking daemon princehood or something like that? I was thinking one bad guy & four daemons of each god in service to him.

I was thinking of having the Inquisitor have a busted voidship as a base of operations that they could build up, granting them like, one new Boon for every major mission they complete. Eventually not just rallying many allies & planets to their ultimate cause but also getting a cooler HQ by the end of it. Is this too much?

I was also thinking that after a while, the Inquisitor goes dark. Maybe they think he's dead, maybe he really is dead, maybe he just is forced to abandon them after something comes up, & they will need to then figure out what to do next. The idea would be that they would then attach themselves to a different Patron or a series of Patrons as they try to keep things from falling apart & maybe reconnoiter with the Inquisitor, I like the idea of changing the tone of the game every so often, like for a bit they attach themselves to the Guard & play at being soldiers. I'd like to see if there's any change in dynamics or party roles when they get put in different situations. Is this too much? I'm not trying to write a novel, but I'm trying to compile a list of hooks, & see where it goes once the shit, I mean PLAYERS, hit the fan
Wondering what would the stats of a meltabomb be in Wrath and Glory, here's my attempt:
>Damage: 16
>ED: 6
>AP: -4
>Range: (S)x2 meters
>Traits: Blast (2), Melta
>Value: 5
>Rarity: Uncommon

Stronger than a krak but heavier and more expensive with some stats in-line with other melta weapons, can only hit one target if thrown at a mob due to a small blast. Might require a not that it always counts as being in short range for the Melta rule, for obvious reasons.
>Wondering what would the stats of a meltabomb be in Wrath and Glory
A 'read the fucking books' problem.
ur mom is a 'read the fucking books' problem
I could always just invent a talent or some shit thar pets me do it, but it bugs me that they have servitor familiars & you can't get ones who can hold big weapons. Hell, it bugs me that the gun servitors have stats for a Multi-Melta & a Plasma Cannon that does appear in the armoury section. Or that the tech priest has more augs than he should be allowed by the rules.
Dark Heresy vs Wrath&Ruin? What about Only War? There seem to be several 40k rpg books. How do I know which to buy?

I'm a longtime dnd/pf player so I'm used to buying lots of books, but I genuinely don't know which to buy for 40k.
Just make a rule that anything replacing an arm with a weapon mount can do it.
Flesh is Weak
Requirement: 2 Advances in Tech (Augmetics)
The Cult of the Omnissiah preaches that the flesh is
inferior to the perfection of the machine, and you
have fully internalised that teaching. The number of
Augmetics (page 152) you can take is equal to double
your Toughness Bonus.
How large is the "Golden Throne?" I don't think I've ever seen the whole thing in a picture before.
Dark Imperium gave me the impression the Golden Throne is effectively the entire throne room.
the Fantast Flight Games stuff are all the same d100 roll under system.
Dark Heresy is about playing acolytes working for an Inquisitor
Rogue Trader is about playing space East India Company/Spanish Conquistadors/Pirates
Death Watch is about playing Death Watch space marines. Could theoretically be used for playing any Space Marine games.
Black Crusade is about playing a chaos warband or cult and allows you to play mortals or marines.
Only War is purely about playing Imperial Guard and heavily military themed.
Dark Heresy 2nd edition is similar to the first but adds a lot of the later changes in Only War plus some changes of its own.

WanG and Imperium Maledictum are the newest ones. IM is sort of aping Dark Heresy but is more for playing generic grunts in service to a powerful group or individual such as an Inquisitor, Rogue Trader, the Administratum, the Astra Telepathica, etc.
WanG sort of takes a kitchen sink approach and lets you play anything from a space marine scout to an Ork Kommando. I don't know too much about it but is uses D6 dice pools IIRC.
>Only War is purely about playing Imperial Guard and heavily military themed.
tbf, if you want to play anything that resembles a squad it might need some crowbarring but it'll fuckin work.
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Anyway here's the map of the Expanse, it's pretty low-resolution because the full thing's like, 20mb. Hiroshima doesn't pay the servers enough to accommodate that. Feeling very good about it, too! Focused more on getting the "spirit" of each Subsector right, while I haven't put in jack shit effort on the planets. They'll get fleshed out when people ask about them. Most people like to make their own world, anyway!
The Bestiary Tech Priest has at least 9+ augs & a Toughness of 4. He also has a Fast speed but nothing that should grant that.
There’s still missing items like the inhaler that have a price but no description. Also I’ve noticed a few repeating passages. It’s just weird how they released it early for the community to edit for them and still managed to keep errors in the printed book.
The way I see it, they made a shit ton of material, but then intentionally held some of it back so they could pad out future books. Like, the Sister of Silence in the bestiary has "Vratine Armor". She also has the Executioner's Greatsword & Psyk-Out grenade which popped up in the Inquisition book.

My guess is that the upcoming Admech book is going to be used as a gear book & a vehicle book. Admech culture & expanding the lore will continue to be ignored. Best case scenario they actually do add cool shit & relegate the vehicles to the Guard book instead
>Admech culture & expanding the lore will continue to be ignored.
C7 isnt allowed to expand lore, only Citadel studio is allowed to. FFG was a mistake GW intentionally avoided.
If they can make interesting worlds for their gazetter then they are adding to the lore
>Heavily Augmented: The Tech-Priest has
>1. Augmetic Arms,
>2. Augmetic Legs,
>3. Augmetic Heart,
>4. Augmetic Respiratory System,
>5. Augmetic Sensory Organs,
>6. Utility Mechadendrite,
>7. Optical Mechadendrite,
>8. Biomechanical Interface.
Regardless of how you would or should count it, I'm willing to bet money that's how the NPC writer(s) counted it. I'm ok with it, and some familiar cybernetics already work this way.
>He also has a Fast speed but nothing that should grant that.
You should absolutely ... not give a shit.
See also; Exitus Ammo.
>2 Arms
>2 Legs
>2 Mechadendrites
>1 Heart
>1 Respiratory
He's full.
>1 Bio Interface
>Unknown number of Augmetic Senory Organs.

Now having Wheels for legs would give him Fast, but he's got two legs, so somethings odd there. IM should just limit Mechadendrites & let Admech do whatever they want to turn themselves into weapons of war & industry
Or maybe NPCs don't have to follow the same rules as players because they're NPCs.
But they don't in almost every respect.
That's not a bad thing. The rules are for players. Stuff controlled by the GM is outside the rules.
Circle back to giving a hsit.
Have any one of you run mixed human/xenos parties?
Yes, Rogue Trader exists. Of course every time we've thrown together a group from here at least one player loses their shit over rogue traders trading rogues.
Tempestus Scions are only trained specially. But many regiments have stormtrooper corps which serve similar roles. DKoK Grenadiers and Cadian Kasrkin being the most well known.
Ebon Chalice, Our Martyred Lady, and Valorous Heart each would support a support sniper Sister.
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anyone have some good character music for admech stuff? The mechanicus soundtrack is fantastic, but too broad to be a theme for a single skitarius.
I was just given the Wrath and Glory starter set and core book as a belated Christmas gift, and my friend group has asked me to run it for them. I see that there is an introductory adventure included with the starter set I will likely run first. Anyone have any pointers for running this game or things to look out for?
>I was just given the Wrath and Glory starter set and core book
Which core book?
The Ulisses or the Cubicle 7 version?
Does the psyker start with a force staff in only war or is it really just a bog standard staff?
>A psyker in the IG starting off with a best-quality extremely rare weapon
It is a fancy staff.
Just a cool stick. I don't get why give it psyker at all, why not some regular sword?
Does this data-slate have games on it?
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How many Escort ships should Rogue Trader's flagship Cruiser have?
They still get regimental kit too, right?
If so, at least he is upgrading to a monosword off the bat.
The Cubicle 7 version.
Yes. Stuff in specialties are things they get after regimental kits
In BFG they could have up to 6 escorts half of which could be regular imperial escorts and the others being recommissioned vessels or xenos escorts. They could also take as many armed cargo ships as they wanted.
Does general mean you automatically count as having two aptitudes?
General is an aptitude. It counts for one aptitude on any skill or talent that has the General aptitude.
0-6, though owning a cruiser and six proper escorts basically puts you squarely in the militant Rogue Traders box. Rogue Traders vary immensely in fleet strength. Your “typical” Rogue Trader likely owns a frigate for their flagship and some modified cargo vessels for the rest of their fleet. Even more powerful ones like Winterscale and Chorda are technically borrowing a decent chunk of their fleet from allied dynasties.
>wish I could clone myself and play with myself(not lewd).
>(not lewd)
So if my guardsmen with an augmetic leg suffers a critical hit & gets a 20 (brutal dismemberment) does he die or does the robot limb just get severed?
You can, technically, get away with none. You really should have at least two. Either that or a second cruiser to squadron up with the first.
I have developed the opinion that a Rogue Trader captaining anything smaller than a Light Cruiser (or not actively in the process of upgrading) is not worth giving the time of day. Escorts do not a flagship make, no matter how blinged out your Firestorm is - and if you're in anything other than a Firestorm, brother you're gonna have a bad time. Possible exception in the Cobra, but you're still going to want two or more.
>and if you're in anything other than a Firestorm, brother you're gonna have a bad time.
Never been on the receiving end of a properly built turbulent heavy frigate, I see.
They die. The non-mechanical description is just fluff.
All escorts lacking in a prow mount are impotent against any warship unless you use the combining fire mechanic, which is vastly and hugely problematic for ship combat's overall balance and leaves no place whatsoever for lances, as their primary advantage is nullified. This leads to all-macrobattery ships, 'solves' voidship combat, and is generally fucking annoying.
I have strong feelings about it. Very negative feelings.
Yeah but I'm having a hard time understanding how. If I got a full borg leg, there's no meat getting damaged that would result in dead. A body shot or a head shot I understand, even a brain in a jar dies if the jar breaks, but robot legs don't bleed
Imagine you have your borg leg, and then it fucking explodes. Where does the shrapnel go?
Imagine your leg is ripped clean off of you. What do you think happens to the flesh it was attached to, the bone it's anchored to?
Because you're trying to rationalize the fluff to the mechanical effect. You're comparing apples to oranges and the dissonance is getting to you. I'm telling you to ignore the apple (the description of the effect) and only read the orange (the effect). The crit basically says "Blah blah blah. You die." Ignore the blah blah blah and just apply the mechanical effect.
Use Mathhammer if you don't want lances getting BTFO by macrocannons. The only issue I've found with it is it renders Rak'Gol macros completely ineffective unless you buff them.
Otherwise the Firestorm ends carrying up the rear as the actual worst frigate.
No no, I'm saying how does any damage, no matter how it's fluffed, to a robot leg kill someone? Stick it in lava or just rip the fucker off I don't care. It's only leg location damage. There is nothing vital in a leg except blood and a robot leg has no blood.
It doesn't matter how it happens. It just happens because the effect says so.
Turbulent with the armored prow is one of the most disgusting ram ships in the entire game because crew population doesn’t actually take crew size into account for boarding.
I don't really know how to make umbra interesting.
Are there any balanced homebrew for other Eldar, for Rogue Trader. Corsairs, for instance
Fear and loathing has corsairs and all the aspect warriors.
Ah, found it. Is the one in the homebrew folder the most recent version?
Nevermind, that's a dead link
It was updated in november according to 4plebs
>Any result that causes bleeding or some other inappropriate result instead renders the bionic limb useless.
>Critical Damage to a limb that results in death has the full effect, as it can be assumed that the limb explodes into shrapnel, incinerates, or discharges stored energy through its owner with lethal effect.
You don't ask the game how you died, the GM/you say how the death result translates to dying from borg parts.
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>session 0 planned for today, 18:00
>17:45, player texts me 'hey, where are we doing this? Your apartment?'
>"no, discord. It's all online, remember?"
>he has no reliable way to discord call aside from his phone, no headset, and no place to set a laptop comfortably that isn't obtrusive
>he didn't think to mention this before literally minutes before session 0
Just entirely ignoring >>94740160, are we? If you don't actually want an answer, don't ask the question.
You don't deserve him. He is a chad who plays around a real table, and you're just some internet circlejerker getting mad cause he didn't spend money on bullshit?
Hey Shas, I found the most recent copy of The Fringe is Yours and it promised me Sslyth, but there were not Sslyth inside. You lied to me Shas, give me snake mercenaries
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Feel like this is a very dumb question, but how well; could a particularly big (and kunning) ork be able to make use of a Navigator he holds prisonner (and that, he hypothetically forces to cooperate) to make more precise travel in the warp? I don't really get how orks do their travel besides "it just works" and it's overall a bit random/not very precise.
In this ork case, the idea is that he is a freebooter who has been annoying everyone in the general area with somewhat precise attacks; figured that it would be a somewhat funny revelation when the party finds how he pulled it off.
Orks can use Weird Boyz to travel in a way similar to navigators but a human navigator isn't as prone to errors or dying (hopefully)
Warp travelling Orks probably aren't too worried about precision, if they hit somewhere where there's fighting they'll fight
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Oh damn that's a comment and a half. You're right. Sslyth were initially planned, but at the time I couldn't figure out how to make them truly unique. There wasn't much about them, and I didn't feel confident that I could fill eight ranks with unique stuff for them. I felt like doing stuff like filling the ranks with things like natural armor was a retarded copout. I always wanted to go back to them, but without more information sources and details, it would be difficult. That was years ago. Liber Xenologis features them now, and they have had a few tabletop rules iterations since. I do want to go back to them, but it would be after the updates to GER and GBAL which need them way more.
That's fair, I'd love to see Sslyth but I get that you've got a lot of projects running and I've not paid you for any of it
>(and that, he hypothetically forces to cooperate)
This could work if the Ork had some kind of leverage over the Navigator such as hostages, but this is pretty unusual thinking for an Ork. It's far from impossible - it would just take a really smart and/or lucky Kaptain. I'd definitely make a point of calling the Navigator's actual allegiance into question as well. A Renegade House might easily be suspected of cooperating willingly in exchange for a portion of the loot. If you want to really make a point about this being a powerful tool for the Ork, give the Navigator the "Tracks in the Stars" Power, since it allows them to hunt individual ships or convoys rather than just making more precise jumps.

I have used a vaguely similar minor plot point in a game once, but that was about a Mad Dok and Big Mek pair who got obsessed with capturing Navigators and trying to turn them into a type of weapon rather than forcing them to be guides, so explaining their cooperation wasn't an issue.
thank you
Yeah the navigator is getting pressured, he helps, or his family gets krumped (so thus far, the navigator homeworld has been oddly spared by the raids, despite being an obvious target), the navigator house themselves don't know what happened to their boy/girl.
It being a full on cooperation (either for loot, attacking rivals or simply for safety) could work too.
Anyhow, the orks presence has been rolled with most of the subsector, so i think i'll keep them, but it being a Imperium Maledictum game (though i might as well use DH2e), i'm not sure if orks are that interesting of a threat,
It would make more sense if the ork was using a Void Abacuses. Mixed with ork tech nonsense.
Didn't know about that; yeah it's probably a more coherent justification; still think I can cram a navigator as his initial first attempt at doing organized travel; and then managed to grab the archeotech somehow. Now the Navigator is still kept as slave-advisor-funny pet; which wants to escape but also probably wants to destroy the Abacuses.
More or less related; my sub sector project includes mini alliances of planet guarding the entrance of a warpstorm (there was a crusade a while ago), it kinda cleared off leaving a safe passage on the uncharted other side. The three planets is still very wary; so far I had in mind
-A shrine world with a Sororitas order
-A fortress world with a IG regiment
I don't know what to add with the third planet, toss up between Forge World or maybe something with Imperial Knight.
Space Marine presence is done through the Deathwatch as the inquisition has a good footing in the area.
Main naming convention for the places in the sector are greek/mythology inspired; with the trio of planet being called Cerberus, guarding the entrance to hell so to speak (although, Rogue trader already went through the cleared passage and come and go as they please
As a dare involving a bet worf lotsa teef.
So the Stub Revolver says "As shells can be inserted individually, it is relatively easy to load in specialised rounds when needed". Do I still have to go through the 2Round load for this?
Any weapon with a Fire Selector is just better, right?
You could probably allow a 1 round reload if it was half the rounds but talk to your GM.
Yes, you are reloading.

Also yes, stub revolver is a basic bitch starting weapon.
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How many sets of progenoid glands are needed to make a full set of implants? I assume no more than a handful if not one.

This is just for world building since if any player wants to turn some zoomer into an Astartes then I'll just make the in game fabrication of little Timmius' multilung will take exactly as long as it took to buy but the "amphibious trait.
>How many sets of progenoid glands are needed to make a full set of implants? I assume no more than a handful if not one.
I think it's safe to assume the ratio would be the other way around - either 1:1 or multiple implants from a single recovered Progenoid set. Space Marines only generate two sets over a lifetime. Recovery of the first is generally guaranteed, recovery of the second is very uncertain, happening only after the Marine is killed (technically possible but unwise without this), and only then if the body is accessible and the glands intact. Given the high rate of implantation failure among aspirants and high likelihood of losing the second set, Space Marines would rapidly go extinct if they could only get one or maybe two new Marines at best for each Battle Brother successfully inducted. I wouldn't expect them to get lots of tries from a single Progenoid, but I do think it has to be more than one.
If a chapter really needs geneseed and terra is too slow/brick walling them, they have a method where they implant it within known geneseed-compatible clones in tubes and set up a geneseed harvesting operation. It still takes the normal amount of time to mature progenoids, but there is far less danger of them being lost or corrupted and they can be harvested immediately which makes it fairly fast on a space marine's timeframe.
The first set of progenoid implants takes 5 years to mature. Nowhere is it said that they can't extract this set and then reimplant another progenoid gland to mature in another 5 years.
>Nowhere is it said that they can't extract this set and then reimplant another progenoid gland to mature in another 5 years.
That's an interesting idea, but I don't recall anything about redoing any of the implants after a Marine becomes a full Battle Brother. When they lose things like one of the lungs or hearts they're usually described being replaced by cybernetics. If this does work, however, a 1:1 or worse ratio might be sustainable since a Marine can potentially live a long time.
So, C&C Takes place in the same universe as Warhammer. Neat.
To be fair, if given the choice to wait for someone to clone you a new arm or get a metal one, most marines probably aren't going to sit on their ass for however long the cloning tank is gonna take when they could just weld on something that's just as good if not better in some respects.
Not to mention that prioritizing limb or heart cloning deprioritizes the apothecary's focus on Make New Muhreen, whereas mass-producing progenoids to keep the geneseed train going is a direct contributing factor to Make New Muhreen.
In IM do Nemisis Weapon already count as Annointed or could you also annoint them too? Would this give you potentially double Willpower as damage to daemon if you got a lucky roll?
When it says add an item of (x) rarity to the regimental kit for the amount of points, is there any guidelines to what the item is?
Could it be a bolter?
I want to add a chameleoline cloak to my regiment but then, the camo cloaks equipment doctrine seems sort of redundant as a doctrine.
If it fits in there, then it is an option. You can use the kit points from the equipment on other things or to upgrade the quality of an item like giving everybody more grenades or making their armor better.
>Space Marines would rapidly go extinct if they could only get one or maybe two new Marines at best for each Battle Brother successfully inducted.
IIRC, they really do only get 1-2 Marines per battle brother. But the Martians keep a stockpile of progenoid glands for founding new chapters and replacing grievous losses Marines can request. It's also worth noting Astartes are good at not getting killed in the fluff, and not every chapter is constantly fighting 24/7 and has both periods of downtime and is really only sending small portions of their chapter to conflicts.
One of the root causes of the Badab War was the Astral Claws withholding their geneseed tithes.
For an assault regiment, do the three options mean that people in that regiment get to choose between the combat shotgun, two lt one handers, and a great weapon, or does it mean that the kit includes only one of those options at the behest of what the players/gm picks?
I think it is supposed to be one following some of the example regiments.
>IIRC, they really do only get 1-2 Marines per battle brother.
I don't remember coming across any clear statement about this. 1-2 progenoid glands per marine, yes, but not how many implant organ sets they could make from each gland. Perhaps that's meant to be implied, I just don't remember anywhere it is actually stated. They usually get perhaps 2 glands per marine (or maybe more if >>94752209 is correct), lose some due to combat, lose some due to the tithing you mentioned, and grow some number of Marine organ implant sets from the remaining glands. The number of organs that can be grown is implied to be limited enough to put some chapters at risk due to losses or mutation, but it isn't clear how everything adds up.

>Martians keep a stockpile of progenoid glands for founding new chapters and replacing grievous losses Marines can request.
Are there any examples of them handing out stockpiled geneseed to existing chapters that suffered serious losses? It would make some sense, but there are an awful lot of stories about Chapters falling into decline or risking extinction due to geneseed losses. It must be either very hard to persuade the Mechanicus to help, or else Chapters are disinclined to ask for such help (perhaps believing that Marines made from stockpiled genseed wouldn't really belong to their Chapter or match genetically or something).
Does the laspistol in the regimental kit come by default, even if the regiment is issued another weapon by their doctrine? Or does it get replaced?
I'd leave it to the players. The choice is more interesting than any one option, and you probably don't want to fuck anyone who can't into WS or BS.
Just be clear on the two one-handed low-tech weapons, otherwise you might end up with crossbows (but DH2 light/heavy crossbows are good ideas if you're going for a feudal/feral regiment), venator blades, etc.
Also, make sure your regiment's favoured weapons and your standard regiment kit weapons are *different*. The number of times I see GMs fuck that one up ...
Did you miss what (main weapon) means in regiment creation
>One laspistol (Main Weapon)
You only get one (Main Weapon). If you have a doctrine that comes with a different one, it's replaced, overwritten, etc.
Personal opinion; weapons taken through regiment kit points (see >>94754196) should either be classified as a main (if basic) or sidearm (if pistol) ... and if I were writing it, the default laspistol would have (Sidearm).
It's probably better that pistols are considered an "extra" thing in regiments that don't use them as primary weapons. Lots of militaries historically (even recently) didn't provide every soldier with a sidearm, so it should be considered something of a luxury kit piece and cost additional points if you want it in addition to something better.
Debatable. I think it has a niche in a game with jamming = lost clip that doesn't need to be a 3/5/8 point dip. Then if you're watching kgs, some PCs are going to choose to leave it behind regardless. Ratlings don't lug much or easily. And while some use comrades as golf caddies they're also carrying the same kit.
Then a third type of favoured weapon; heavy, basic, pistol. (make it four and add melee)
ie; Sergeant would be armed with Common Craftsmanship Regimental Favoured Pistol Weapon, Common Craftsmanship Regimental Favoured Melee Weapon.
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I'm the anon that originally asked if 1 set of extracted glands was enough to make enough organs for 1 battle brother

I was under the impression like that other anon that the progenoid that is extracted from a living marine once matured does regrow (although I want to say it takes way longer than the initial growing time) since the Badab War book mentions Luft Huron trying to speed up the process to build his 5 chapters into a legion. The book goes into detail about the process but I don't have access to my Imperial Armour books rn to check.

Obviously 5% of a chapter's geneseed is tithed to the mechanicum to check for corruption and genetic health so there must be enough extra production to keep up with losses and provide a tithe. I don't remember if it's stated the tithe helps prevent legion building or not since that would give a good indication about the margins i.e 5% of 1000 glands would be 50 extra organ sets or more potentially every time they regrow (if they regrow)
>Phase 18 – Progenoids. There are two of these glands, one situated in the neck, the other deep within the chest cavity. These glands are important to the survival of the Marine’s Chapter. Each organ grows within the Marine, absorbing hormonal stimuli and genetic material from the other implants. After five years, the neck gland is mature and ready for removal. After ten years, the chest gland becomes mature and is also ready for removal. A gland may be removed any time after it has matured. These glands represent a Chapter’s only source of gene-seed. When mature, each gland contains a single gene-seed corresponding to each zygote implanted into the recipient Marine. Once removed by surgery, the progenoid must be carefully prepared, its individual gene-seeds checked for mutation, and sound gene-seeds stored. Gene-seeds can be stored indefinitely under suitable conditions.

>Reproducing Zygotes
>Gene-seed can only be obtained by removing one or both progenoid organs from a living (or very recently deceased) Marine. For this purpose, Space Marine Apothecaries carry a special device known as a reductor, which they can use in battlefield conditions to remove the progenoid glands of a fallen Marine. The whole purpose of the progenoid organ is to provide gene-seed to enable the Chapter to continue. It is not possible to create a zygote in any other way. Each Chapter’s stock of gene-seed is therefore unique to itself. Gene-seed has a great deal of religious significance to a Chapter, representing its identity and future. Without gene-seed, a Chapter has no future. The extinction of a type of gene-seed means that a zygote has been lost forever. The extinction of a Phase 18 or 19 gene-seed would effectively mean an end to a Chapter.

>As each Marine has only two progenoid glands, the rate at which a Chapter can create new Marines is restricted. It may take many years for a Chapter to rebuild itself after heavy losses. Gene-seed is often rendered useless if a Marine is exposed to high radiation levels or other forms of genetic disturbance. The efficiency of different Chapters’ progenoid gene-seed also varies, so some Chapters are able to make up their numbers faster than others.

>A new Chapter cannot be founded overnight. A single suitable gene-seed must be selected for each zygote. Zygotes are then grown in culture and implanted into human test-slaves. These test-slaves must be biologically compatible and free from mutation. Test-slaves spend their entire lives bound in static experimental capsules. Although conscious, they are completely immobile, serving as little more than mediums within which the various zygotes can develop. From the original slave come two progenoids, which are implanted within two more slaves, from which come four progenoids and so on. It takes about 55 years of constant reproduction to produce 1,000 healthy sets of organs. These must be officially sanctioned by the Master of Adeptus Mechanicus and then by the High Lords of Terra speaking for the Emperor. Only the Emperor can give permission for the creation of a new Chapter.

Something >>94756223
>From the original slave come two progenoids, which are implanted within two more slaves, from which come four progenoids and so on. It takes about 55 years of constant reproduction to produce 1,000 healthy sets of organs.

That math ain't mathin. Also >>94756223
>From the original slave come two progenoids, which are implanted within two more slaves, from which come four progenoids and so on. It takes about 55 years of constant reproduction to produce 1,000 healthy sets of organs.

That math ain't mathin. I guess it's to be expected from a WH community post

Fuck me. Something went wrong with my post box
The thing is that the OG source is index astartes from 2004. That link was just them copying it.

I treated them as Hounds of Tindalos and the rest fell into place.
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Marines have one progenoid to make new marines. Can the gland be removed when the marine is still alive? Does the marine that gets it basically become his son?
>Marines have one progenoid
>math ain't mathin'
55 years is 11 cycles of progenoid growth. Start with one. Double it, 11 times. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048. There's your thousand, easily, plus a buffer to account for losses due to fuckery.
Notably the wording implies it's specifically Mars that has this capability, rather than marines in general. Probably because if any chapter could mass-produce progenoids people would get up in arms about legion-building.

I'm a bit unsure on what the Tenebrae Collegium even is. Is it an inner circle of specific members of the Cabal and their power base? Is it just the power base, created to support the Cabal should its goals run counter to the Ordo Calixis? Or is it a under-the-hood conspiracy?

And who's even in it/part of it? Is it like with Komus, where there's not really a definitive answer?
Isn't it just inquisition spooks?

I think they over counted the time otherwise it's 2000 progenoids per 1000 organ sets. The quote is talking about ideal conditions farming genetics not a battlefield chapter.

Either the mechanicum has a 50% failure rate just implanting progenoids in genecode matched slaves or it means a SM chapter has to successfully retrieve geneseed from every dead marine just to have 1:1 replacement

Or GW made another typo
the Tenebrae Collegium—a shadow empire all of its own founded by the genius of the renowned Inquisitor Cassilda Cognos. The Collegium takes the most promising and suitable of Acolytes and transforms them into subtle and lethal instruments of deception, whose true allegiances can remain secret even from the Inquisitors they serve. These Acolytes are perfectly suited to keeping the Tyrantine Cabals purposes hidden and enacting its will without remorse or apprehension. The existence of the Collegium and its so-called “shadow agents” is a matter officially denied by the Cabal and the source of much secret debate and suspicion within the Conclave Calixis as a whole. How far does its reach stretch? How many agents does it have? And what darkness might go undiscovered lurking at the heart of such a strange and hidden power? Few know, but many outside the Cabal have grave misgivings, and some even have fashioned secret networks of their own in response.
The Shadow Agents produced by the Collegium and seeded in secret into the Acolyte cadres of Inquisitors throughout the sector, are a weapon ready to execute dissenters and enable the Calixian Conclave to be controlled by the Collegium should the crisis foreseen by Cassilda Cognos should ever come.
I mean one specifically grown to be given to other marines, like a spare tire.
>the OG source is index astartes from 2004
It's from White Dwarf 98 (Feb '88).
They're both grown to be given to other marines. One is riskier to extract than the other, so they usually leave it in longer or wait til death. Both benefit from not being pulled ASAP, but it's 40k so not much chance of that.
If we wanted everyone to have at least two codex what can you do for the Necrons?
>T'au - T'au Auxiliary codex (if not individual Vespid and Kroot codex)
>Orks - Mork and Gork Deamons
>Necorns - ???
Whoops. Free bump for you guys I guess.
Flayer court and slaves to the c'tan
If you're making a Dark Heresy character for Rogue Trader, you don't touch the origin path, right? I'd assume you still get the free +0 acquisition though
I thought RT had rules for porting over 1e characters.
Pardon the formatting, this is from the book:
Characters from daRk HeResy can easily join a Rogue TRadeR campaign using the following guidelines. After all, it is only natural for the Inquisition to take an interest in the affairs of a Rogue Trader for many reasons, among which is the fact that he may be the frst to encounter an alien, heretic, or daemonic influence outside the Imperium’s borders! daRk HeResy characters may be assigned to a Rogue Trader ship by their Inquisitor in order to monitor what occurs outside the Imperium’s boundaries, or possibly they may be sent to interfere with a particular xenos race or heretical cult that the Rogue Trader is very likely to encounter. Perhaps the Inquisitor himself has ensconced himself in luxurious quarters aboard the Rogue Trader’s ship and his Acolytes have been commanded to work alongside the Rogue Trader whilst the Inquisitor attends to his work “off-camera.” These are merely some of the many possibilities!

It is important to note that Rogue TRadeR characters begin at a higher power level than startingout daRk HeResy characters. A Rank 1 character in Rogue TRadeR is roughly equivalent to a Dark Heresy character that has spent 5,000 xp on advances. This means, for example, that it would be appropriate for a daRk HeResy character who has spent 5,000–5,500 xp to join a beginning group of Rogue TRadeR characters, or for a Rank 2 Rogue TRadeR character to join a group of daRk HeResy Acolytes who have spent 6,500-7,000 xp.
>I'd assume you still get the free +0 acquisition though
I'd assume that's normal, but it is probably a GM call. If the character just brings stuff similar to starting gear, it makes sense to get the Acquisition (a gift from the Dynasty or however you want to justify it). If the character has already obtained lots of good stuff from DH games (less likely in DH, but possible), it might be better to skip it or flag a favored piece of existing equipment as an "Acquisition" to get the automatic replacement/free ammo benefits. You're probably going to pick up plenty of Acquisitions and loot in the course of most Rogue Trader games anyway, so it may not matter much beyond the first few sessions unless you want a Gun Cutter or something else hugely important.
What was a persistent feature of the FFG 1d100 systems that you didn't like? Alternatively, what was a feature that probably wasn't the smoothest or most sensible but that you personally felt was worthwhile to keep?
I hate the action economy. Everything takes too long.
>What was a persistent feature of the FFG 1d100 systems that you didn't like?
There are tons of ways to nullify attacks (Dodge being the most basic, but there are many, many others), which can easily result in many rounds of no-op combat. The only way to reasonably deal with this is high volume of attacks - either full auto fire or tons of attackers. This gets worse in Voidship and Vehicle combat where Evasive Maneuver type actions by good pilots can easily reduce most attackers' chances to almost (or actually) nothing even before Dodge Reactions come into play.
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how would you let a boy know you like him?
>If you're making a Dark Heresy character for Rogue Trader
Why would you? None of the FFG games go well together.
Grenades exist to strip reactions off a whole group of opponents. But RAW vehicle combat kind of sucks IMO. Especially if you ever have to repair anything.
Because that's the best option for a Battle Sister at character creation
I was thinking of some quirky character to fill in my game. How stupid/fun would a magos be who encountered a temporal anomaly and decided to do the Rite of Duplecience on himself?
'Fuck you got mine' doesn't really fit in a group game with no win condition.
I found an old first strike kit in a charity shop and decided to try painting a plague marine, having only painted three infernus marines before. I’ve not attempted his weapon yet and need to clean it up a bit, but otherwise I’m finished, I think. Any tips lads?
I think you forgot to say something that made sense
You missed replying to >>94763222.
>Any tips lads?
Just reading & comprehension.
Are you an actual bot or just posting like one?
Mate, project less and you won't have this issue.
Ah, the classic 4chan 'no u'. That's what I really come here for
Fuck. I’m retarded.
So say we all
Check out Legends of the Expanse, highly regarded homebrew porting DH stuff into RT
Why is this thread so fucking dead and hostile? You fuckers are sad
Don't worry champ. We'll get that (You) deficiency cleared up in no atime.
Not after yous. Just kinda sick of coming here and not seeing any friendly discussions or game talk. It's just a few old fag's talking about Rogue Trader voidships half the time,and that's about it.
1) /tg/ is predominantly grogs who stick to the older FFG systems, but those systems have been talked about to death and are no longer supported so the only new content to discuss is homebrew
2) even if more people here played IM, new content for that is sorely delayed and slow (I blame GW meddling, why tf do we need an Old World RPG as if that would be any different to WFRPG 4e?)
3) WANG sucks
>why tf do we need an Old World RPG as if that would be any different to WFRPG 4e?
Much as I agree we don't, I figure they're trying to do a casual and crunchy tier system for both 40k and fantasy.
Once again Fantasy/40k RPGs are used by companies to testbed new homebrew systems
Given how far fans went to not let them cook with Dark Hershey 2e alpha; I'm ok with that happening again.
How often do you have your Acolytes run into other Inquisition teams? Do you like to emphasize Inquisitorial infighting and politics, or is it better to focus on being Catholic Space Nazi investigators?
If there is an inquisitorial fortress around, they are bound to encounter & work with other team. That can leads to some nice moment such has gaining and owing favor; having to work with someone who is a puritans while you are a radical (or vice-versa); being tasked with sabotaging them ect; that's really something that could be fun to have after some regular investigation
How does a techpriest acolyte disguise themselves when they have stuff like the metal tentacle arms, and all that cybernetics?
As another techpriest
Is there an exhaustive 40k novel chart? If so, post it please.
Kinda pigeonholes them. How's a fella supposed to join, say a group of acolyte going undercover as Ministorum Priests? Can the mechdrites retract?
>techpriest going under cover as a ministorum priest
This feels like heresy on both sides
>Kinda pigeonholes them.
No more or less than playing a puritan whatever.
>Can the mechdrites retract?
No. Get bigger robes.
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>do not mind me fellow priests & friars
>I am so faithful to the Omnigod-Emperor, say you good devotees aren't up to any heresy are you?
Aren't there likely to be some Techpriests assigned to whatever place the Ecclesiarchy guys hang out? It seems like sneaking a Techpriest into most other Imperial factions' facilities would be easy to do without even needing a disguise. Fake some credentials (or get a real assignment if you have good Mechanicus contacts) to have the Techpriest do maintenance on whatever tech is there. Otherwise fake some sort of equipment breakdown and pretend you're there to fix it. Even if you can't directly accompany the group, it gives you a backup infiltrator who is less likely to be caught (at least at the same time).
Still pretty niche. Like if you crash land on a primitive world & have to go native for a bit to blend in you're fucked. Cyberarms & such can be hidden under clothing to an extent, but the rest of you is kinda fucked, a player would have to get really inventive in some way
>Like if you crash land on a primitive world & have to go native for a bit to blend in you're fucked.
So is anyone who has significant augmentation. Get bigger robes and try to fold your honking great industrial claw flat to your back.
>Like if you crash land on a primitive world & have to go native for a bit to blend in you're fucked.
This is an extremely niche problem to encounter. Any techpriest sufficiently borged up enough to not be able to hide his auguments is unlikely to care what savage cavemen think any way. I guess you could have them wait in the wreckage or a cave, but any GM doing this is already committed to making one specific player miserable for a couple sessions.
Pretty sure there are official scenarios where you end up on a feral/feudal world, have to leave your fancy gear behind, and it's not sessions of the GM wiping their middle finger over the techpriest player's face.
Name at least one where you are explicitly forced to blend in on a feral world.
Go read The Price Of Hubris in The Emperor Protects, after rereading what I said to figure why it's not the same as what you're trying to push me to mean.
There is not a single module I can think of where a band of acolytes are ever forced to go native. Cybernetics shouldn’t matter unless you’re forcing them to infiltrate some kind of anti-tech cult.
Why is everybody here so hostile towards Wrath & Glory? It seems much better at actually capturing the breadth of the 40k galaxy than any of the previous much crunchier systems, and rules light is surely a good thing? If you want highly structured play just… go play the tabletop wargame this is based off of?
Echo chambers, doesn't do depth, grognardia, retards, etc.
Right it’s your standard “New thing bad I liked the old thing better.”

Even rolling pools of d6s just immediately FEES much more like warhammer than d100s does.
>Right it’s your standard “New thing bad I liked the old thing better.”
Don't boil it all down to retarded chanting. WANG started in a bad place and people were right to call it out for that. Ditto, it's not the system to go to if you say 'fuck the dice' and want to play to the setting.
I saw this come in to play most often with players coming off games like D&D, where active defenses do not exist, and there is a preoccupation with 'dealing damage' without thinking how to manage small unit tactics.
I hate keyword based games WANG, Pathfinder 2, etc. It's all stupid.

>"Ah yes I would like to buy this thing with my XP please"
>"I'm sorry but only keyword [FAGGOTS] Can take this, you should have thought of that before you made your character"

>Im going to activate my Double Deepthroat ability it has the [GAY SLUT] keyword which means I can boost how many dicks I can take. While it's active any ability with the [ANAL] Keyword also ha e a greater chance to penetrate

It's just spreadsheet level corporate bullshit infecting our gaming hobby because it's been invaded by watercolor retards
>restricting elements of the universe to characters that would actually have them in-universe is stupid
Did you hate Aptitudes, too?
No Aptitudes just make things more or less expensive. I actually really like Aptitudes
"Just" isn't really doing it justice when the 'more' can really mean 'prohibitively expensive' for the greatest expense or cumulative expenses.
I don’t like it. It’s too generic and not focused enough. Just because a game gives me the option to build a party of a space marine scout, commissar, eldar ranger, and ork kommando, doesn’t mean I want to play that kind of game.
Dark Heresy was always enduring because it was committed to providing the experience of playing Inquisitorial handymen.
It's still enduring. I'm running a game right now and the Inquisitorial gofer experience is great fun.
>Just because a game gives me the option to build a party of a space marine scout, commissar, eldar ranger, and ork kommando
Step 1 to playing WANG is establishing a framework, and that usually restricting archetypes to what makes sense. Same way when you play Dark Heresy 1e, you don't have to allow Bob to play a Grey Knight and Steve to play a Daemonhost just because they have PC rules.
I have updated Anoint them with Blood for Deathwatch to v1.4.0
Since the last update I've added more weapon reliability mods, bolter variants, bionics mods, and other miscellaneous new and changed things. There is now a more comprehensive changelog at the end of the pdf
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>Five big "sectors" of the Solaris Expanse complete
>Six smaller "sectors" of the Solaris Expanse left to do
>Can't figure out which to do next
What are the benefits of going up a size? I'm running a game of Rogue Trader, and a player who's playing a (homebrewed) Ymgarl Genestealer can spend XP to go up to Hulking. But the trait description says it makes him easier to hit, harder to stealth, and only increases movement speed by 1.

We did find the grappling rules that say bigger people get more degrees of success, but I could've sworn Strength at least went up when you went from Average to Hulking.
Nah, yeah, it's basically just move speed and grappling. The strength boost is for NPC statblocks iirc.
But its still an avenue, you aren't banned completely like with keywords
Damn, that sucks. Thanks though. Maybe I'll houseful some other minor benefits. I think the lack of benefits will just make him opt to go smaller and take Zoanthrope powers in the future.
Except neither side of that is absolutely true.
>only increases movement speed by 1.
Base movement rate (essentially your Agility Bonus gets a +1), not how far you move with all move actions.
Have someone mention something like "expected sacrificial casualties" after some food shipment was attacked by Orks or something. Maybe a few million or more dead.
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Where do you guys play games like rogue trader online? Do you use roll20 or some other website/software, what can you recommend for someone wanting to run a game online?
Just add more crabs and binary stars.
We tend to use Foundry, since it's what we're used to. I've heard good things about Owlbear Rodeo
Would you guys consider abhumans to be mutants for the purpose of teiggering Hatred (mutants) ?
Probably not, I'd talk to your GM though
I can't seem to find a module for Rogue Trader on foundry, what are you guys using when playing?
What's left
Man, it's hard to get Unarmed Warrior or Unarmed Master in Rogue Trader. Usually about Rank 4/Rank 8 Respectively. Navis Primer gives Unarmed Warrior as early as Rank 2 if you want to hunt Psykers, but that's all I could find
In our Fantasy Roleplay game, the dwarf Magnar invested in a pistol that missed its first shot and rolled 00 to catastrophically explode in his hand on its second. Every time there's a critical failure of a brand-new piece of equipment, even if it's a long-las that only drains the power cell, it's considered to have inherited the same hateful machine spirit as that pistol.
captcha hh88h
Personally i'd say it depends on who has that talent considering how wide the mutant category is.
If its a guardsman probably not, if its a sister of battle I'd argue it would work on Space Marines too
I would have to argue it being its own category on paper, but the character would be fine calling them mutants too, as that's a matter of opinion/perspective while the talent itself is more about mechanical consistency
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I already know where to put Brachyura.

Orbis Subsector: The core of Imperial Presence within the Solaris Expanse, upon the Orbis Cradle xenos megastructure.
Varitia Sector: Well equipped, highly motivated, and with worlds rich in resources, the western Varitia Sector now finds itself in a stalemate of its own making.
Redentor Sector: Settling the resource-scarce eastern worlds, the faith of Redentor carried them forward, until events beyond their control. halted their advance.
Mechanicum Demesne: The Mechanicum hold these worlds as their domain, the greatest remaining technology of mankind now turned in all directions as they become surrounded by enemies.
New New Homeworlds: The Squats stubbornly hold onto their worlds in the Magellanic core, adapting new technologies and lifestyles to acquire resources, survive, and thrive in this harsh zone.

The Shining Hinterlands: The unexplored galactic south, domain of alien empires, where the Rogue Traders make their fortunes.
Calibrations of Xholankha: The Warrior-Servants of the Old Slann awaken against enemies both new and old, to resume their ancient War in Heaven.
La Grande Delusion: Strange treasures wash up on this tangled shore, the T'au and Drukhari of the House of Korst'la creating a network of nebula holdings linked by webway portal.
Dynasty of the Neb Ta Djeser: The Far Vanguard of the Silent King, sent to engage the Old Slann of this far-off galaxy, has awakened to both the devils he knows, and devils he could have hardly predicted.
Realm of Settra: The beastly Nemesor Settra of the Chefren-Ra Dynasty has claimed countless worlds with tooth, claw, and meson bomb, creating a realm of monsters and madmen.
The Sydian Abyss: One stray sniper's shot can change the galaxy, but not all change is good as the chaotic forces of the Aetheric Dominions now pour forth from this warp storm into reality.
Roll20 has what is widely regarded to be an excellent module for running RT. My old group used to use tabletop simulator, until the sheets we were using fragged themselves. I haven't tried foundry, ymmv.
Would you guys give a Master Crafted Chem Gland +10 to Resist Fatigue, a bonus SL to the drug bonus, or both? Or maybe mess with the duration? Malediction of course
If you use roll20, make sure you use a unique password for it and keep info on it strictly for gameplay and nothing else. That site gets hacked disturbingly often.
>Man, it's hard to get Unarmed Warrior or Unarmed Master in Rogue Trader.
Look up elite advances.
>+10 to Resist Fatigue
Probably this. Option for advantage & +1 SL to Reflexes (Dodge), and +2 SL to Melee and Ranged doesn't seem right.
Thanks dude. This approach is so much more interesting than the default quality modifiers.
No problem, I'm glad to hear you enjoy the autism too
based and gear-pilled
I'd enjoy it too, if I had a group willing to play DW who were all of the same mind - "Homebrew? But that's cheating!"
Best laid out homebrew for DW I've seen yet.
>Homebrew? But that's cheating!
My group has house ruled and rewritten so many things in Deathwatch that having Anoint them with Blood remain "vanilla compatible" is sometimes difficult... though I'm sure there's some things that've slipped through the cracks accidentally anyway. I really can't imagine playing any TTRPG without house rules, let alone the 40krpgs.
They're all online, I guess.
Marine is KIA before the progenoids mature. Can the immature progenoids be implanted into another marine to let them mature?
I would say no, the progenoid would be put in a vat and grown artificially until it completes development. Or is useless and discarded.

What I wonder is after a marine has its progenoids fully developed and removed, does he grow more in the course of his life? Because otherwise most marines would have their progenoids removed before they even finish training
So are mine, but I guess we're no stranger to modifier ttrpgs the same way we'd install mods for video games. I guess if you wanted to try the long con, you could GM yourself and acclimate them to the idea of homebrew via instituting more and more house rules over time.
What the fuck is the 'Deadly' property, I can't find it in either this brew or the DW CRB
>Included here are new weapon specials for reference in the New Weapons (pg. 23) section, as well as rewritten rules for existing specials from both the Deathwatch Core rulebook as well as Liber Imperium.
Shit you skipped over. Deadly is the '+1d10 damage per 2 degrees of success, max +2d10' part of Accurate, as that has been split off from Accurate in Liber Imperium. (and thus also ATWB)
Dark Heresy 1e

I want to make a character who's extremely good at blowing shit up, so the demolition skill is an obvious choice

what class fits best?
Yep >>94791241 has it right
In a future version I will probably explicitly reprint any rule taken from a third party sourcebook directly inside of anoint them.
Guardsman / Penal legionnaire. Fuck being good at the skills, if you don't trigger the bomb you have a collar that someone else will.
why techpriest?
because he's always got spare parts etc on him to make bombs?
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A cheerful religious celebration at a small temple in a midhive district, Ministorum menials are handing out alms from a soup kitchen, there are banners with saints and the Emperor and Space Marines with huge guns depicted on them, and a stage where mutants have been put in stocks. They're not the most unsightly mutants - extra fingers, pale skin, elongated limbs, just unfortunates from the underhive caught by beat cops.
They're covered in blood, beaten to within an inch of their lives, and children are in a line being given a stone each to throw at them as strong as they can, and those that can draw more blood are given a sweetened wafer with an Aquila stamped into it. Parents and children watch, and cheer for every hit. The priest is currently praying over a canioster of Promethium that is being hooked up to the stage, while a couple faithful are checking if the flame projectors that will burn the mutants alive in a big, flashy conflagration are working correctly while occasionaly dodging a clumsy child's rock and laughing about it.
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What's the best way to run chaos space marines going unnoticed in an imperial world? I was thinking of a clandestine campaign ala Hand of Corruption but the presence of Astartes makes it harder.

The way I see it either:

>They make planet fall covertly and hide among the underhive/boonies where they can avoid being noticed
>Or have them visit disguised as loyalists and playing off the lack of knowledge most imperial worlds have about space marines.

Lords of Excess shows CSM doing both and a party member has disguise as a skill and a disguise kit.
Other alternative is they don't go in looking like space marines and try to pass themselves off as ogryn, gland warriors, or something else plausible that fits the image of an unarmoured space marine.
Just avoid high ranking people and other marines. While some guardsman might've fought them, most of the Imperium's citizens are kept in the dark about chaos or renegade marines, meaning that as long as your chaos marine isn't sprouting tentacles they can bull shit their way through social encounters by pretending to be loyalists.
What's the best Chaos Undivided villain I can put as the mastermind behind all my sectors woes?
I want something challenging but believable.
The emperor
So have the sector run by some minor emperor willing to damn the whole sector for his own personal gain?
Irradial cogitator
Recongregator eugenics gone wrong
Administratum worker(s) fucking with tithes
A CSM warband with their own cults and blackmail on planetary governors
Dark mechanicum and their scrap code fuckery
So I'm loosely planning on one guy who worships Belakor, starting shit & he has four underlings aligned with the the four individual ruinous powers, running around in the background is a servant of Vashtor too. The idea is for the players to deal with some minor stuff, breadcrumb in the bigger stuff, eventually they'll take in the four underlings, as well as some xeno influences mixed to keep it varied, then they'll take on the servant of Belakor. After they deal with that guy they'll probably think their in the clear & I'm gonna surprise them with Vashtor's servant who has been benefitting & leading them on for all this time as to benefit Vashtor & remove Belakor as a threat. I know what I want for my Nurgle, Khorne, Tzeentch & Slaaneshi threats, but the character & motivations of the Undivided Belakor servant elude me. Idk if a lone space marine or warband makes sense & if so which traitor Legion would be best? Or should it just be some regular human? Cause that seems a bit lame & underwhelming to be the big capstone of a campaign too.

Good idea on the Irradial Cogitator, I'll definitely use that.
What if it's a corrupted Inquisitor who started as an Istvaanian radical, stirring up shit and organizing a huge heretic conspiracy to weed out the unworthy of the sector and strenghten the local Ordos in a crucible of fire, but somewhere along the way lost the plot, and is now actually, for real plotting the downfall of the sector?
Whether due to being corrupted by Be'lakor as they were organizing the heretics behind the scenes, or disillusionment upon seeing just how incompetent and unworthy the Imperium has been responding to their carefully curated threats intended to be overcome by the faithful.

And what if it's also someone the party has known as an ally all along?

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