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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official update:
https://youtu.be/8xux-LMhQYE [Open]

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

>Model identifiers (what each faction can take):

>Corvus Belli AI that you shouldn't ask rules questions:

>Semi-unofficial catalogue of fluff, dossiers, and unit models:

>Unit Dossiers archive:


>Infinity Army (official list-builder app) and hacking helper:

Previous thread:
>Cry about my faction not having any good fireteams
>Buddy opens up the army builder and throws out a really solid list for me in like three minutes
Guys I think I might be trash at this game.
>Choose good gunfighter
>Surround him with 3 Chuckle Fucks Line Troops
I have cracked the code.
Sadly I am vanilla, so no core and no counts-as. Still, I was embarrassed as to how easily my friend zeroed in on decent teams, so I guess I really have no room to push back.
somebody give me an oss list that includes her plz
> vanilla
Which one, and show the list.
Isn't she a staple model in OSS?
idk what oss lists look like, especially in n5, that’s why I’m asking. so many robots and support models that look similar.
anyway the figure sucks ,they screwed her face with that shit in the middle,you cant have cute things anymore cause modern audience and the virtue signaling mobs everywhere and cb acting like they already have a blackrock dildo in the ass like gw.
You're wrong, you can still have huge butts on male minis, and also whatever gaybait musclegut dude you want.
I'm running out of atenocitis workshop tri-hex bases, what's a good replacement in a similar style?
Pls show musclegut minis t. faggot
The majority of phalanx is yours, friend. Also morats if you're a xenophile — since n4 their women are also "it's ma'am" type.
Oh okay, I thought you were talking about actual gaybait and not just men existing in general
I will never forgive what they did to my poor Oznat.
>since n4 their women are also "it's ma'am" type.
Only the Zabuk.
Whoa, an actually cute female figure in the modern year? Got any renders/mini photos?
>anyway the figure sucks
And oznat, and tyrok. Even zerat got more masculine, although not as bad as the others. Morat pilot will also be a testosterone-filled musclegut when they re-release her.
Oh no the roided out warrior monkey race has muscular women oh my woke save me anti woke man
ms sophotect looks different
It's not like they weren't muscular before, you dishonest faggot. Hope they're paying you for that.
Better option. Its to use the dactyl girl from the support pack
You will never be a woman.
Yeah exactly so where's the issue
Kinda misplaced but can't help thinking about trannies I guess.
> where's the issue
The issue is that you're obviously baiting and someone takes it.
>Not agreeing to my hyperbolic whining is bait
no one knows yet, just open the army and make your own lists
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Anyone has a pdf?
>Even zerat got more masculine
The new Zerats have a more extreme BWH ratio than the old ones.

Nobody's scanned shit since Uprising.
I'm still unsure whether Vanilla PanO, the new Kestral, or MO can make the best of the Tikbalang.
MO seems least likely since they removed the special one, and i'm not really seeing any replacements
kestrel can duo with an engineer, which seems useful, but can it glaze the Tag better than Vanilla?
MO was unironically the worst place to play tik, because they lacked good engineers.
Both kestrel and vanilla have good engies to duo with him, and I think both have enough support for it too. The +1 order LT tik is probably better in kestrel, since firefly is better than karhu as an engineer, but karhu shoots better, but firefly does more classified objectives. I guess it calls for some playtesting.
I hope the OSS attention continues. I’ve been wanting to paint some white and purple, and steel phalanx stuff is too goofy for me.
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good taste
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> paint some white and purple
Did you know you can paint any army you like in white and purple?
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No you can't. CB materials are specifically formulated to reject paint of unapproved colours. Here is an artist's impression of the process.
Me on the left.
Am I going crazy? I distinctly remember Haqq having a suicide bomber unit back in N1, but I can't find reference to it anywhere. Was it scrubbed off the internet, or am I imagining things?
Imagining. You probably confused them with YJ Kuang Shi, who ARE political prisoners turned suicide bombs.

IIRC Ghazi Muttawiah just had a different type of EMarat hooked up to their bodies' bioelectric systems. You can kinda see it in the oldest sculpts.
The N1 rulebook is in the OP, you can check directly. There aren't any N1 Haqq units with Explode, but the old E/Marat affected everybody including the user (but not the E/Marat itself).
Maybe the Ghazi? Not a literal suicide bomber but they basically fulfill the same role.
Fidays are also described as suicide units. The name means those who sacrifice iirc
>The name means those who sacrifice iirc
Yes, but that's specifically because they go to battle without a Cube backup. So for them it's true death, hence the sacrifice.
>Maybe the Ghazi? Not a literal suicide bomber but they basically fulfill the same role

N1 called, they are asking to give them that subject back. I remember that suicide thing since the Mutts were blue with sparkles around.
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Guys I need help. I'm in Florida, Riverview area, and I have ZERO friends that play Infinity. How do I go about finding a group? Is there a store locator on CB's website? I haven't seen one before. Do I just call every single store and badger them to tell me? What if I get the annoying kid that works there and phone in his job 24/7 without noticing what people play? Help.
CB website has a warcor locator, they're sure to be a part of whatever community may or may not exist. The locator should list their email so you can shoot them a message. Went and checked, the closest seems to be in Tampa. But they'll probably know about other communities too through tournaments and such.
Oh cool, so at least I have a contact point to help me out. Thanks.
Many (though not all) gaming stores have a discord channel nowadays. You could jump into it, introduce yourself, and see what the reaction is. My store doesn't have an Infinity community, but I got a few DMs from people interested in trying it out after I brought it up, so I'm hoping to build a community soon; Infinity is still a fairly niche game, so you should brace yourself for having to do something similar and build a community rather than join an extant one.
Evidently Sand Trap fucking worked; CB sold a boatload of it. So my expectation is all those people interested in it will try and congregate to play... right? RIGHT?!
Check on the IGC on facebook, I'm sure there are groups in Florida.
It's hilarious. Compare the art pieces to her miniature. The sculptor made her ugly to spite us.
To be fair paint will fix a lot of the nose, the studio painter just paints everything super pronounced on the face
Asian style faces are much "flatter" compared to Caucasian style face, but she has the brow of a cave girl and her cheeks look like she is sneering. Ugh. Yeah, the painter is no Angel Giraldez.
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Is that...?
It could have been but the sculpter and painter made it as ugly as humanly possible
Are there any Manga that is not just Shonen tripe?
A ton, if you want something with cyberpunk themings try eden: it's an endless world
Yeah but you gotta look more in the past, there's a deluge of absolute shlock with tropes sucking off other tropes to the point where actual parodies give up.
>It's hilarious.
Tragic, more like. What a waste of good concept art.
I've been away from Infinity for some 5 years and randomly decided to get in this thread. Is this true? It used to be Nice Butts: the game
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>eden: it's an endless world
OH... this looks interesting
I want to use malignos. Should I use them in shasvastii or vanilla CA? Looking at the list I can't see any models I like that aren't also in vanilla, and vanilla also has the anathematic which looks pretty sick
It's alright if you're into gnosticism, which is basically its central theme. It's a bit of a weird manga, but I had some fun reading it.
You shouldn't play shasvastii in n5 (at least at this point) if you want to win sometimes, so play it in CA, aka the strongest n5 faction.
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>It's alright if you're into gnosticism
I'm Eastern Orthodox, so it is really up my alley
Easily one of my favorites. It's also the source for that "It's like a physical version of autism" image. Another great cyberpunk manga is battle angel alita/gunnm.
It's just incels whining like usual, pay them no mind
> Is this true?
It is true. Most female butts are now covered, but male butts are on full display, if that's your thing. Dr Harper being a good-looking female model was a big deal too, you could see the thread's reaction, lmao.
Yeah, CB hired some tumbrina for concept arts and it shows in the sculpts, cute or hot sculpts are now an exception and a pleasant surprise.
>eastern orthodox
>It's alright if you're into gnosticism
Dropped like orbital bombardment.
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Yes, Gnosticism and Orthodoxy are at odds and Gnosticism is simply wrong, it would make for a decent read. It's the same reason I read into Protestantism and other religiously influenced literature. Most modern writing are complete slop and not worth reading.

Most Manga, like most thing from japan, are devoid of ANY religiosity so having anything with it is religion is a nice change. most manga are written as if the character are aware they are drawings.
Sure, it's called Seined. Go read Otoyomegatari, it's wonderful. In fact, I'll even spoonfeed you, 'cuz you're so cute :
>is there any manga that is not this specific genre of manga?
What a fucking retarded question
>do books exist that aren't historical fiction?
>does music exist that isn't classical?
>do films exist that aren't horror?
Just average shiller looking for his "good boy points" for cb
Okay buddy retard
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ALEPHchads… we won

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