In dire need of more Mesoamerican theming that goes beyond mere window dressing, its the Board Games General!Pastebin: >>94699502This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven>TQWhat genres/mechanisms need to stick to their lanes and stop making hybrids with other types of games?Or does the cross breeding need to expand, growing to new heights?
>What genres [...] need to [...] stop making hybrids with other types of games?Dudes on a map.
>>94737574>Eric Lang wants to know your location
>>94737490>What genres/mechanisms need to stick to their lanes and stop making hybrids with other types of games?Area-control. It's the laziest mechanic there is and the easiest to adopt. I haven't seen a game in the last 10 years that was area-control+[insert another mechanic here] and was good. I personally think that it exacerbated the rise of the kitchen-sink euro.>Or does the cross breeding need to expand, growing to new heights?It's my experience you get the worst of both worlds when you start mixing mechanics. You get some novel stuff (Arnak and D:I) but most of it's meh.
>>94737574>Dudes on a map.Give some examples. Can't think of many doa hybrids
>>94737490>Mesoamerican theming that goes beyond mere window dressingAre there any good ones? I can only think of the T series games.
>>94735698fantasyjust that, "fantasy", by asmodee, it isn't even listed on the gulag
Got Nature Incarnate from my bro this Christmas. Where should I start in the dive in? Any Spirits or Adversaries to use first? Are some of the previous spirit alt sets good?Also any advice on making everything fit? I have the Broken Token crate and theres no way the new Spirit Panels will fit in the spirit box nor all those new Spirit power cards in their designated section.
>>94737869The Quest for El DoradoTzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar
>>94737962I was really disappointed in Nature Incarnate. 60$ for 8 Vital Lacerda-ass lookin spirits is bullshit, especially when most of them dont really do anything new. I also had everything crammed in the base box, and now it doesn't fit, so that pissed me off too. I guess start with the earthquake horsey, that was the one I found most interesting.
>>94737574>Dudes on a map.Cool Mini or Not needs to stop making games entirely. I'm so fucking sick of miniature sets with half-baked board games attached. If I see one more highly detailed, five inch tall plastic monster miniature included solely to act as a first player marker and entice crowdfunding whales I will burn something down.
>>94738341This is why I stopped at JE. NI was a pretty obvious cash grab in terms of content in comparison. The incarnate mechanism is also "just make a new game, stop kludging this one" territory. But thankfully someone recommended that the Broken Token organizer up to JE would perfectly fit in a Hobby Lobby chest, which both saved me money on that KS (I think it was $60 for just the wooden cube to put the organizer in? Absurd) and gave me an "I can't fit anymore" excuse. You also had that excuse and should have heeded it.
>>94737490>What genres/mechanisms need to stick to their lanes and stop making hybrids with other types of games?RPG-lite/dungeon crawler games kind of need to just stop and take a break entirely, but particularly they need to stop the hybrid stuff. It is difficult to properly put into words how much Gloomhaven irritated me compared to, for example, Imperial Assault, BECAUSE OF the Euro card system and the legacy mechanics. I will play Imperial Assault or even Legends of Sinnoh 7 times each before I feel the need to touch Gloomhaven again, and if I do touch Gloomhaven again it'll be the Steam digital version.
>>94737490>What genres/mechanisms need to stick to their lanes and stop making hybrids with other types of games?>Or does the cross breeding need to expand, growing to new heights?Anyone doomposting about this is rarted. There are going to be bad and mediocre games even if they were not combining mechanisms. Why would I want to make a dumb blanket statement and exclude the next Brian Boru or Dune Imperium from existing.
>>94738736Dune Imperium is a mediocre game though.
People here told me Eric Lang was shit but I played Blood Rage last board game night and had a blast, thus proving once again that /bgg/ doesn't know what it's talking about.
>>94738934It is though? Like nearly Wingspan level of mediocrity. Brian Boru is kinda neat. Certainly a cleaner trick-taker hybrid than Arcs. Dune Imperium isn't even the best Dune game.
>>94738977I recently replayed Chaos in the Old World for first time in years.Was fun, engaging, and everyone was enjoying themselves.I also really liked Duelyst and Warhammer: Invasion. He's got a nose for good card game design too.
Got a few games of Odin under my belt and its a weird beastI figured all the 'reused' mechanics would elicit the same feelings but beyond the framework he follows, hardly at all. I'm still up in the air on how interactive it actually is. The fact he usually forces everyone to touch a bit of everything has always been a crutch that even the so called 'sandbox' Arle didn't resolve. Here it's seemingly been obfuscated by shapes and I think that (and the sheer number of actions you don't take) makes it fill the sandbox label more fully. In some ways, it's kind of surprising people even considered Arle a prototype of Odin, I'd go the other direction and consider Arle the culmination of all his previous designs and Odin was a divorcing from it (quite literally with the detachment of theme). To that end, I know the residential poster calls Uwe point salad but Odin is probably the closest to that feeling yet. I don't see it as a negative, just a very different itch to scratch than Agri/Glass/Arle. Or at the very least, of any designers who regurgitate mechanics and themes, I've seen worse offenders of instilling deja vu than Uwe (often to his new designs own detriment).
>>94738977Blood Rage is alright and chaotic. Rising Sun is fantastic, and easily one of my favorite games.The rest of his library is mid to lame.
>>94739213Wait why the French edition?>La peur est la petite mort qui conduit à l'oblitération totale.>fear is an orgasm leading to ego death level post nut clarity.
>>94738358>GMT needs to stop making games entirely. I'm so fucking sick of chit sets with half-baked board games attached. If I see one more lowly detailed, fifty inch wide lunch paper map included solely to act as a player aid for all the roll tables and entice P500 whales I will burn something down.
>>94739250What a strange thing for a non entity to say.
>>94739278Bet that sounded smarter in your head.
>>94739306It's not something a GMT hater would say.It's not something a GMT fanboi would say.So who exactly is ever making this statement?
>>94739346Well I'm the disembodied collective anon has been talking with all week and you're not me. So that can't be right.
>>94738977You just have shit taste.
>>94738977bad games can be fun but objectively they'll still be bad
>>94737869>Are there any good ones? I can only think of the T series games.I can't speak to quality, but theres Mezo by John Clowdus of Omen fame and Nawalli by literal whos.
>>94738977People here are genuinely retarded, how have you not figured it out already.
>>94738977>thus proving once again that /bgg/ doesn't know what it's talking about/bgg/ isn't always right, but I will not suffer you shittalking this excellent general, especially with a lukewarm take on a meh game
>>94739576/bgg/ is poor as far as generals go and the takes here are usually embarrassingly wrong.
>>94739576>this excellent generalExcellent despite the one troll on a warpath to start fights, we might add.
>>94739601Maybe reddit is more your speed then, anon? I'm sure they'll rate your haul!
>>94737962NI has some of my favorite spirits. Try Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine they are a lot of fun and probably my favorite of the NI bunch. I got everything from all expansions and promo packs to fit into the base box and jagged earth with sleeved cards. It takes a bit of finagling and I use plastic containers for a lot of the tokens but I am happy it all fits into the two boxes. If you are really interested I can maybe take some pics later. I did remove the inserts that come with the boxes.
>>94739575>>94739601If you don't like this general then you can simply fuck off.
>>94737574Carcassonne Risk when?
>>94739746>If you are really interested I can maybe take some pics later. I did remove the inserts that come with the boxes.Please do I'm very curious.
>>94739692>>Affo_teardown.jpgJUST one part of what makes it da GOAT
>>94738662Yeah, I didn't do my due diligence, I thought it was the Dahan expansion that people had been talking about for awhile. I was happy to see something I actually wanted at the LGS so I just grabbed it without looking too hard.>>94739327It's an Eclipsefag who got his feelings hurt when someone said Space Empires was a better game. He's never played any GMT games, which is why he has nothing coherent to say about them, but I think it's good to keep giving him (you)s, having an easily recognizable and consistently posting retard helps build board culture.
>>94740045This is the base game box. Deck boxes hold the spirit cards (3 boxes) plus events and fear decks. Adversaries lay on top of deck boxes all the spirits fit to the side.
>>94740045This is the Jagged Earth Box. The rulebooks go on top of this mess of baggies. The box won't fully close with the rulebooks but is be close enough. Baggies hold spirit specific tokens and player pieces. The deck boxes have the remaining cards with one deck box for majors, one for minors, one with the remaining minors and majors, and the blight cards and reminder cards together in one box.
>>94740045>>94740837>is beSorry on my phone. This is the next layer. I bought these plastic containers on Amazon and they hold all the premium tokens and adversary pieces. I did remove some cities/towns so they would all fit but I never play 5+ player Spirit Island anyway so doesn't matter. You do have to put token types together and Tetris them.
>>94740045Last layer. Underneath the containers is where the fear board and island boards go. Took me a while to remember to put the boards up first. With this organization I can shuffle up and start playing a solo spirit game in about 8-10 minutes depending on how much I hustle. Wouldn't ever say it is an easy game to setup but happy with how I have everything organized.
I think these threads are perfectly fine but you need to learn to tune out the very vocal autists.I found three of my favorite games here so I will always be thankful to /bgg/
Just played Rogue Regiment. It was fun, though I was told it was a "short, lightweight" game. Lightweight, yeah I guess but short it was not. Game was 4.5 hours and only ended because we failed. Probably would have been 5+ if we'd kept going with success.
>>94741147It's a co-op game where you Metal Gear Solid around the map, killing Germans to get to an objective. Stealth is prioritized because when the firefighting starts, your dudes are very squishy against hoards of NPC German troops
>>94741157Muh dude's character sheet which should give and example at a glance of the level of complexity of stats - which is to say there are various ones, but its not super duper complex
>>94739371I represent the GMT realists, the people who see it how it is.
>>94740681Rent free.
>>94741051Same.I learned of Ra, Hansa T, Pax Pamir 2, El Grande, and Agricola from this general. Love all of 'em.I just played Railways of the world last night, had a fantastic time. I want to play it more to really get a feel for it.
>>94741254JFC dude these are some of the most popular board games ever released. I'd get it if this general gave you some hidden gems but if you think you had to come specifically here to find out about a game that used to be top 1 on gulag or several top 100 games of all time I gotta say you don't know shit about boardgames.
>>94740873>>94740849>>94740837>>94740810Thanks a ton anon. I see you also have the second promo tokens box and the OG player tokens promo stuff (jealous). Making all that fit is eye opening, looks like either the broken token box is gonna get the boot, or I make some major adjustments to it and fill in the void witu baggies and tuck boxes.>>94741051>I found three of my favorite games here so I will always be thankful to /bggHear hear. No /bgg/, I dont discover All the games you like are bad, leading to SVWAG, leading to Pax Ren, leading to Pax Trans (backed up by anon) leading to Stationfall.Nevermind anons directly telling me to get Sakura Arms and Mottainai, which are two of my favorite 2P games.Does it mean every /bgg/ rec sings? Nah, things bounce off me, or bounce off my entire group despite my enjoyment.But I've gotten more hits than misses here. You guys are great, can't believe it's almost been ten years shooting the shit with you fine fellas.
>>94741157>It's a co-op game where you Metal Gear Solid around the mapLooking forward to your review of this
>>94741301Many of the games they mentioned were out of print for a long time so I don't think you can really call them "some of the most popular board games ever released." Respected by hobbyists is different matter, and good taste on top of that is another.
>>94741449I got the 6 island boards on the bottom, the card holder rides over them to hold them in place. Fear, energy, and blight bags fit in the wells made by the island boards. All the cards and the rest of the random bits fit in the holder, the spirit boards sit on the island boards, and those 2 boxes fit between the spirit board stack and the sides of the box. The adversary size cards sit on top of the box part of the card holder so nothing falls out. That's base+JE+B&C in the original box.
>>94741605After seeing the zombicide 2.0 minis in hand, I for sure think this wouldn't be half bad to own.
>>94741051>That image.Took me a second you magnificent bastard.
>>94741636Nigga these are not some rare gems you can't find unless someone tips you off, top 100 on gulag means thousands of copies sold and a good enough game to be rated highly. Are you telling me Agricola is some magical find? Even Ra always had at least 20 copies on gulag marketplace going as low as 20 dollars.
>>94741605Not the guy you responded to but I'm actually going to own this whenever they get off their lazy asses and ship them, and I will let you guys know what I think.I am very hesitantly optimistic but I fully recognize this could just be a disaster.
>>94741705>>94742064>Cursed runes of CMONExpect nothing and be disappointed.
>>94742088It was developed mostly without CMON's involvement, though. Matsuuichi was originally going to publish it through IDW, but kept going back to rework it, until IDW dropped the project. He got CMON to publish it when he had something actually ready to go.
>>94742114It doesn't matter, CMON will drag their smelly balls all over the forehead of this project until everyone involved with it wishes they had never been born. Look how bad they fucked The Grizzled, a game that had come out years before and merely went out of print in North America. >>94741175Aren't you the guy who mentions that every GMT game sucks in every single thread? They could move their whole warehouse to your head, do bigger print runs, and stop having to p500 everything all the time.
>>94741449>SVWAGWhat game is this?>>94741254>Railways of the worldHave you played Age of steam or Steam? I was thinking of getting one of the three. AoS seems to be the most popular but I'm afraid it might be harder to get to the table with people. How long did the game take? How many players? Did everyone enjoy it?
>>94742442>>SVWAGSeems to be a board game podcast.
>>94742257>Aren't you the guy who mentions that every GMT game sucks in every single thread? They could move their whole warehouse to your head, do bigger print runs, and stop having to p500 everything all the timeRent free.
>>94742496Pure art. I'm debating whether you are trying to illustrate the joke, making your own joke on absurd obtuseness in our wee cohort, or just happen to be slow. Thanks for a truly magical kaleidoscopic comment.
>Its impossible to complain about the actual flaws of GMT (designer favoritism, haphazard playtesting, mediocre production value compared to modern wargame designers, etc…) because everyone will just think you’re Eclipsefagsadge
>>94742006Reminder that Ra also was dreadfully OOP for the longest time. And, as should be obvious, popular doesn't mean good. If you want to continue to be a faggot about it, I can't stop you.Also post top 5.
>>94742727>mediocre production value compared to modern wargameThis is the only actual flaw, the rest are made up in your head.Nothing stops you from enjoying both Eclipse and GMT games, either.
>>94742984I'd say that playtesting is indeed a problem for a lot of GMT games. If you aren't herman and playtest your own games into oblivion, there's day1 errata or sticker kits within 1 month of release a lot of times
>>94741162Looks interesting, but it seems closer in comparison to squad-based games like Commandos.
>>94742984>playtesting is not a flaw, please ignore the fact that every year they release games that are obviously broken>designer favoritism is not a flaw, please ignore that they do a half-assed job of assisting anyone who isn’t part of the glowie club with quality developers/artistsGMT is not flawless anon. I own and love several games they’ve published but frankly they’re getting their clocks cleaned right now by smaller outfits like VUCA in terms of consistency and quality.
Bros, after 4 years of looking at ugly ass War of The Ring figurines, and being at home between Christmas and New Year due to flu, I have finally painted the whole thing. My neck hurt as hell, but it was totally worth it.
>>94743410>Eclipsefag still going at it
>Garphill is a pedoi knew it
>>94744270>spirytus salicylowyDude, spend some of that boardgaming budget on a better beverage.
Been playing solo SI for a few weeks (relatively new to solo games) and just picked up mage knight, which I realize is a lot more admin. Everyone keeps telling me how difficult it is to pick up and play. However, I’m a rules autist for Yu-Gi-Oh! and mtg, and I had absolutely no issues with SI. It can’t be that bad to learn, right? Secondly, has anyone played Aeon Trespass Odyssey? I’m eager to try that out after I play a bunch of MM.
>>94745045Mage Knight is less admin than SI, you get more game out of your game time instead of flipping cards over and moving tokens from one area to another. It's more brain burn because the decision space is higher. You have to filter a lot more options to make optimal plays and the game expects you to get close to optimal from the outset. Overall, to me, Mage Knight is much better than Spirit Island which happens to be the most boring game in existence. >a-at least the gameplay is good"No!" The gameplay is dreadful; the game was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time a minor power was played, the player did it for the symbols instead of an interesting effect.I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a card was played for symbols only. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Reuss' mind is so governed by bland effects and thinly veiled set collection that he has no other style of gameplay. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Spirit Island by the same Kenneth Johnson. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these manchildren are playing Spirit Island at 31 or 32, then when they get older they will go on to play Phase 10." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Spirit Island" you are, in fact, trained to play Phase 10.
>>94745072Thank you Harold Bloom for weighing in. Can anyone ELSE weigh in here? If aeon trespass is a no go, another campaigns you’d recommend?
>>94745045Mage Knights rules can be tough. They aren't the worst but aren't very well written and the font is tiny. A video may be the easier way to learn but idk it has been a long time since I learned Mage Knight. Once you internalize it it isn't THAT bad though if you can handle tcgs and Spirit Island you should be fine. Do expect to miss rules and make mistakes your first couple games, it is almost inevitable. MK is fantastic solo I am sure you will enjoy it. As far as admin I would say it has maybe a bit less than spirit island. Your turns have very little upkeep between them but the round changes take a minute or two to go through and update the board state.
>>94745045Mage Knight is more of a deck management game but also not a deckbuilder as you only get 6 rounds to build and use the deck and figuring out the proper balance between what cards to use and what followers to hire can be difficult. Plus the combat math is a mess but if you can manage YGO card text, you should be able to grok what a coldfire resistance is, or how there's like a dozen rules cards each for its own environmental hazard.No idea about Aeon Tresspass but i did hear good things about Earthborne Rangers in how you manage both your own deck and the wildlife stacks for each area, while trying to have creature tags activate each other in daisy chains. Go check it out, and then report back to us
>>94745006Kek, you can't spend the whole Christmas holidays only on eggnog.
>>94745713>when steve is asking you to fuck his wife after 1 short game of brass and gets upset when you say you rather start another gamegod dammit steve I just want to play boardgames not fuck your wife
>>94738977Most mediocre games are plenty fun if played exactly one time because novel experiences are more fun with friends. Blood Rage doesn't hold up to multiple plays, unlike Rising Sun, and even Rising Sun is only good for a handful of plays before becoming stale. Lang just doesn't make games that are that interesting after a handful of plays. He makes some of the most disposable designs I've ever played, sort of the McDonald's approach to board game design. It's fine if you like a big Mac, but don't tell me it's "great".
>>94741605I can't wait for this one. Matsuuchi already made a good Metal Gear game without the IP, I can't imagine it will be worse with the IP.
> Played a few nice comfy games of Clue with my in laws last night> In one game I got 3 characters and nothing elseIs there any way to recover from that kind of deficit or was I doomed from the start?
>>94745951Don’t play shit games
>>94745957HelpfulSome of the kids wanted to be included, I am a nice guy but I don't have the Patience to teach an 11 year old Ark Nova or Dune
>>94745561>>94745565Fantastic. Thank you both.
>>94745765it can't be all about you, it's a give and take
>>94746097>I have to be balls deep in another man's wife, slapping her ass and calling her a whore, just so they'll invite me back for more boardgames
>>94745951Funny, I printed off this clue card game this guy was shilling on leddit because I have family that loves clue but I always get shit hands like this, we had a lot of fun playing it at new years./r/boardgames/comments/1h9qq69/comment/m18c7mt/
>>94745713>>94746076On one hand I want to scream MODS! but in the other it's as much boardgame related as it can get.
/bgg/ new years resolutions?
>>94746076>carcasonne star warshuh? but why?
>>94745786Chaos in the Old World held up for over a hundred plays for us.
>>94746228Playing at least 1 game a day.
>>94745957You're right. REAL gaymers refuse to play anything short of Gloomhaven with their geriatric in-laws. That anon is clearly an actual woman, and her IP should be banned.
>>94746228Find a group to play with that isn't my current group (who only wants to play Frost Haven and Cosmic Encounter) and doesn't involve my GF or her friends (who only wants to play Sleeping Gods and Cartographers). It's hard to table certain games because the two groups have their favorites and don't want to learn new things. I want to play Kanban EV so badly, but everyone sees the components list, groans, and suggests going back to what we already know.Open to help finding another group btw. Is my best bet really just hitting up a local store?
>>94746228Beat every campaign game I own and give them to my other friends who might enjoy them.
>>94746228Like the other anon I need to find another group, or at least get some more people to join mine. I've been playing with my two best friends for years but one of them's moving to a new city soon and I don't want to be stuck only playing 2p games.
>>94738358CMON is undiscerning about who they throw money at as long as the concept art and pitch is good, but that just means their output is really inconsistent, not all bad. you get a fair amount of fun slop with mediocre production value (zombicide), some really boring slop with high production value (Lang games), but they also accidentally get some decently original board (Dogs of War) and/or minis games (Wrath of Kings) made now and then.Just treat it like any dumbass corporate entity that owns a bunch of creative studios and constantly makes uninformed decisions about where to put money, like asmodee.>>94741051you get some great recs you just need to do your own research.that's partially because of obsessive shilling by some anons, but I think also just different people having different tastes in games. the only time you can really trust a rec sight unseen is if the same anon is praising 9 games you know you love and a 10th one you're not familiar with.
>>94745713This isn't what the sex expansion for Root had in mind
>>94742006>>94741301Sorry anon. Most of my board game searching includes whatever I see browsing local shops, and what pops up in this general. Lots of those games weren't at my shops. I only really look up games on youtube if I've already heard of them, I don't give a shit about the cooperative personal player board adventures algorithms love to push.
>>94746593You sound mentally retarded, and not in a positive way.
>>94746603I hear about loads of other well known games all the time. But a lot of times, when a game gets talked about a ton by normalfags, it's usually trash and I mentally tune it out. I also know of Marvel Rivals, Pandemic, Wingspan, Viticulture, Everdell, Scythe, Spirit Island, Betrayal, Dead of Winter, Zombicide, etc. but don't even think about them, because they look terrible.
>>94746657Not Marvel rivals, that other Marvel game with the dials and dice or whatever. Whatever, my point stands
>>94746276there's a couple steps between Clue and Gloomhaven
>>94737490I fucking wish long campaign games would die. A campaign that gets knocked out in 12 to 24 hours? That's fine. A couple hundred hours? Pure shit that is guaranteed to be padded with nonsense.
>>94746721Not sure what this has to do with pouting at the table because your 12-year-old cousin suggested Clue.
>>94745951Clue with the house rules the dice aren't used and you can go anywhere you want is much, much better
>>94746657Everdell is comfy. I play it with my mom. You guys are missing out.
>>94746748Clue's biggest issue isn't roll to move (although that does suck), it's more that the cards everyone gets to start are always stuck in the same player's hand.
>>94746741I just politely declined to play shit games like Clue, Monopoly, Skip-Bo, and other non-fun titles.I can get into games that are mechanically dumb but still fun (Betrayal) but shit games that aren't fun are a hard pass. They skate on people just knowing how to play them instead of them actually being worth a shit. Chess is another bad game that fucking brainlets believe is great because it's associated with intelligence for some fucking reason.
>>94746786Clue is just a dull game across the board, amigo. Everyone knows how to play it though so it's popular. It's far from the only shit game that runs on being popular. Magic the Gathering is a dog shit game and has been so for over twenty years but people still play it.
>>94746818>Magic the Gathering is a dog shit gamelollmao
>>94746828He's correct, though.
>>94746828not him but I played MtG for the first time last year, and I hated it. total feature bloat. every game concluded with someone invoking a keyword which nobody was familiar with except the person playing it. it was incredibly unsatisfying, and I'd imagine the only remedy is playing it over and over until I know most of the mechanics. if a game is only good once you've invested hundreds of hours, it's only good once you've cleared the peak of sunken cost fallacy, at which point, you would defend the game even if it gave you ass cancer because you're in too deep
>>94746938>nobody was familiar with except the person playing it>two player gameWhat did he mean by this?
>>94746947>inb4 only commander is shitSorry you've wasted 3k on a dead game, but facts are facts in the free marketplace of ideas. Game is shit across the board.
>>94746793>Chess is another bad gameSlow down anon, it's still the start of the year.
>>94746828Magic's resource generation is poorly handled, it has massive keyword bloat, and basically zero balance in any way, shape, or form.Hell, Magic isn't even the best head to head mage battling game. Ashes, Summoner War, and Mage Wars (even dead) are better games.
>>94746978EDH literally is not magic dude
>>94747011I've hated chess for a long time. Any dipshit can read up on strategies, how to read a board, and spam games against a bot to build up their strength. A total newbie can grind their nose for a year and get up to super high levels. The problem is it's boring as hell to do this.
>>94747079I wish the summmoner wars playmat wasn't impossible to find.Frankly, I want to trash the cardboard box and keep everything in some nice gamegenic or ultra pro box. But the hardest part is storing the board, basically every deck box I've seen accounts for seemingly everything but mounted game boards
>>94747091The core issue most people have with magic is keywords, which is orthogonal to which variant you're playing.
>>94746828MTG was an amazing, revolutionary game.It's just not 1995 anymore, is the thing. and every year since somebody has learned from their mistakes (and all the mistakes of their copycats) and made something better on the same template.
>>94747079>Magic's resource generation is poorly handledAnyone who actually believes this is genuinely retarded. The reason Magic has the legs it does is precisely because the variance in resources and how that variance affects resource generation creates drama and directly impacts the decision space of the game from turn 1 onward. It's always "but what about mana screw" but it's almost always people making shitty decks and then they're mad that their 4 card combo only comes together once in every 30 games they play.There are tons of reasons to hate Magic. Keyword bloat, commander, competitive cheaters being the norm, and more expensive packs power creeping the entire game are all obvious bullshit, but every "fixed" resource system trading card game gets stale considerably faster than with other games.>>94746978Yeah, and Counter Strike Go is the 5th Half Life game.
>>94747095I wouldn't just admit to being stupid like that, but you do whatever works for you.>>94747121And every year almost all of the people who "learned from their mistakes" end up going belly up and getting jobs at McDonalds because most card games that "fix" magic actually suck.
>>94747095I don't really like chess but that is retarded. You think it's boring, tht's alright. But essentially going "fuck chess, having to learn from other players mistakes and your own is bad" I wish my favourite games had enough depth to survive decades worth of strategic discussion.
>>94747204>CS Go is to Half Life as commander is to standardWhen someone says they don't like a game I like, I typically ignore it rather coping with an awful analogy. His complaints extend to standard magic.
>>94747091This, it's boring, slow, too many keyword, king-making>>94746938EDH is not magic, it's wanking. draft/cube is ok, especially with complex cards, because they give opportunities for come-back based on creative thinking.>>94747204I haven't played mtg for almost 2 years now, and whenever I consider going back, I dread having to learn a lot of new cards that are just variations of shit I've seen countless times before (I only play limited), or I dread the amount of one-sided games due to bad draws. The few really tense games are really good, but they don't make up for the bad ones. Perhaps playing more curated cubes instead of booster drafts would fix this...As I see it, I could play mtg, where 50% of playtime is one player crushing the other while the crushed player is having a bad time, or I could go play any modern boardgame with player agency, where it's enjoyable even when you're losing.
>Azul duelcan't possibly be better than the originalanyone tried it?
>>94747346>I only play limitedbuddy have you ever heard of Cube Draft?
>>94747362>squares replaced with circlesalready inferior, irrdeemable, dont even touch it
>>94747346Every bad aspect here is true of any media that doesn't have an end, be it comic books, "service" video games, etc. I don't think people should keep up with all of the product of the game, but that's true of basically any game that is marketed as a lifestyle game.> I dread having to learn a lot of new cards that are just variations of shit I've seen countless times beforeIs this really any different than learning a new board game/expansion? Not being a pedant, I mean it genuinely.> Perhaps playing more curated cubes instead of booster drafts would fix this...It can, and will. After Toys R Us went out of business, Hasbro basically guaranteed that new products would basically destroy the draft ecosystem, and it mostly has. There hasn't been a great draft set in years.>I could go play any modern boardgame with player agency, where it's enjoyable even when you're losing.I think this issue is present in pretty much every zero sum dueling game, and the people who say they'd have more fun with another game really only say that because the skill gap is flattened whenever you have to learn a new game compared to when you play the same game over and over. I don't think people should necessarily get into Magic the Gathering to the extent a lot of Magic players do, but let's be real, you'd probably have the same opinion of any other card game you've played for 5+ years. It's totally fine to say you've gotten your mileage out of the game, but most complaints about the game are just regurgitated memes in the same vein of "RPGs suck because of random encounters".Magic is such a good game that even with Hasbro basically intentionally making the game worse with the way they've monetized the game and catered to what amounts to the funko pop crowd you still have a pretty amazing game that you probably COULD play your entire life. I have 3 cubes, some pauper decks, & the game is still just a lot of fun, & I don't spend a dime on it anymore.
>>94747587If you aren't playing the same board games over and over, you're doing it wrong. And that's likely since you're in /bgg/ yapping about mtg.
>>94747587>I think this issue is present in pretty much every zero sum dueling gameHow is MtG a zero sum game you retard? I swear to our lord Feld, every time I think this general can't get more idiotic, one of you shows up.
Can we get back to talking about board games? There's a whole general for the gayest among us to discuss the card game they bore their few friends with.
>dont want to buy a new game but a really good offer just poppedd up in my city
>it's realwoah
>>94747773What's the game?
>>94747811aquatica+exp for 30
>>94747759>Can we get back to talking about board games?Sure, lets lead with a classic.What is in that box, /bgg/? its is not just one box, and neither are any of them a core game.
>>94747587You’re right, but you probably won’t get much support for that idea here. Magic is fantastic game most of the time (outside land screw/flood which creates some obvious non-games). On the whole, it’s very well-constructed and provides a lot of longevity. You just have to enjoy CCGs to appreciate it, which a lot of people don’t.
>>94748044>You’re right, but you probably won’t get much support for that idea hereYes, he will. Lots of people have tried and disliked MtG, go to any other card general that's not about MtG and you'll find they're full of people shitting on the game. If you think MtG is universally loved on /tg/ then boy are you up for a rude awakening.
>>94745045Sorry I'm late, but I have completed cycle 1-3 of ATM and I think I have a pretty good understanding of the game. What were you thinking of asking about specifically?
>>94748086*ATO...yes, hilarious typo....
>>94748105>yes, hilarious typoIt's really not.
>>94747895The newest Wehrleslop?
>>94748121Look up how much the game costs.
>>94748143Still not even mildly funny. Passingly amusing is all you're going to get from me.
>>94747895is Guards of Atlantis fulfilling yet?
Alright buds you know the deal.Sell me on your favorite game and I'll make some OC out of it.This will continue until I hit the hay
>>94748337Always good to see you anonI suppose there are few asymmetrical, heavy worker placement/area control games with direct conflict that are strictly 2v2.
What's /tg/'s official opinion of Robinson Crusoe? I got it for christmas but haven't given it a go yet. Will probably go solo for my first time.
>>94748412Speaking of 2v2 "area control", I played the new Osprey game, Battalion, and I enjoyed it a lot, even though it overstays its welcome
>>94748337Kemet. It's an area control game involving monsters and egyptian gods fighting over the temples in the desert and on the delta. It has a neat power tile drafting mechanic that makes each player asymmetric by the end of the game.
>>94748609I already did kemet. Not one of my best
>>94748337King is Dead
>>94748613Drat. Thanks anyway.
>>94748337Galaxy Hunters. Mecha vs mutants IN SPAAAAAAAACE. Gameplay is more of a worker placement than anything else but it has a great sense of progression as you build your mech over the course of the game.
>>94748337Champions of Hara. Thomas Edison goes to a fantasy world, fucks it up and then a team of characters need to beat up a big bad to fix it up again.
>>94748495It has a bunch of good ideas (especially the events you ignore coming back to haunt you) but at the end of the day it's another coop with all the flaws of coops. Idk how the newer edition is (or if there are meaningful differences) but after the obligatory initial loss we won 5/6 scenarios at our first try. Now the game is supposedly pretty hard, but like with Spirit island it is merely a matter of how much energy do you want to invest to beat the game. Playing by gut will very much get you fucked, and I did like the core gameplay loop. What I did not like are the same things as usual; mp is not really different from solo, throwing mental energy intonit solves problems but it does get exhausting etc. But worst was how we handily beat most of the game, but the cannibal island (I think that was the title) one included dreadfully crucial dice rolls, and we'd just get fucked after an hour because whoops rolled a six. In short, we never won that one due to essentially randomness deciding midgame and longer if you even CAN win.If you like coops, it's a good one. If you don't, it won't change your mind.
>>94748337Caylus plz
>>94747204>Mana screw is people making shit decksThere is roughly a 10% chance of getting mana screwed or flooded if the deck is 1/3 land.The result is 10% of the time, on average, you are going to outright lose a game through zero fault of your own. A game that might take 20 minutes of you just waiting to fucking die.That is shit design and has always been shit design and is 100% indefensible to anyone who plays games routinely. You can ONLY play one land per turn anyway, so why the fuck isn't there just a common pull of lands in a sidebar that you just pull a card from each turn. Make it so you pull from the land sidebar or your deck at the start of your turn. Guess what? Problem solved, completely. Will it ever be an option? Nope. Hell, just make mana neutral and play your card face down to count as mana with nothing but spells in a deck. There are ways to address this massive flaw, but instead of admitting it exists, you faggots want the game to just continue being shit.
>>94749175Call of Cthulhu had that shit fixed 20 years ago.
>>94737490>Get board games>Play board games>Am happy>Find abandoned kitten>Still fresh umbilical cord attached>Lying in puddle of parking lot and just above freezing>Take kitten home>Raise kitten>Now strong cat>Have time now for board games>Setup game>Cat flies across board and ruins it>Every time>Figure she is young will settle down>Five years later and still wrecking games>I miss board gamesI will design a simple abstract strategy game with heavy pieces to thwart her attempts.
>>94749260Design a cage and play your boardgames inside it.
>>94749260wait 10 more years
>>94749260Train your cat to play board games with you. Mine's a bro and helps me assemble my TCG decks.
>>94747204Reading this makes me think this person never drafts the game. In limited formats, you're extremely vulnerable to mana screwing/flooding, even at the highest levels of play. Formats with a lot of landcycling or mdfcs help mitigate this, but it's a bandaid for what is undeniably outdated game design. Only mtg players have the gall to defend a core mechanic of the game being so bad that an inordinate amount of resources in the game are spent mitigating it while simultaneously never playing any modern dueling game enough times to actually understand how the mana system can be (and already has been) improved upon. This is literally the essence of board game design, the iteration of each design upon its forebears' successes to try preserving what works and innovating upon what did not. Similarly, the idea that the only resource system options are either mana or "fixed" resources is crazy. Garfield himself chose neither of those options when he designed netrunner.
>>94749689He chose fixed resources when he designed VtES and that worked even better.
>>94749175just run less lands and more scry/looting effects then, dummyoh no, you built your deck wrong, now your hand is trash, should've put some better cards in your deck so your hand isn't trash.Lands in a side deck would make certain deck archetypes too overpowered, as Aggro for example can survive on just 2 lands and the rest of their draws are guaranteed to be gas. Same deal for playing cards face down, it's the reason why Duel Masters had to fudge all its' manacosts. Most obvious solution have even more obvious downsides.
>>94749768Go back to the magic general, your replies are visibly bringing down the post iq of the general too much to be bearable.
>>94747804What edition of Spirit Island is this?
Where are all the completely chanceless games? I hate drawing cards, I hate rolling dice, I hate pulling from bags. Variable set-up is okay as long as there's no randomness involved in the actual gameplay. Is the type of game I'm looking for just relegated to chess variants and 18XX?
>>94749883says man who fails at deckbuilding so much he thinks land screw/flood is a problemlet me guess, you also think Big Money strats in Dominion are oppressive, right?
>>94750133BusSpace Lion if hidden information doesn't bother you
>>94749260You might want to post that on Reddit. Have you heard of doors?
>>94750133Abstracts are almost universally no-random or setup-random. Homeworlds, Boop, Patchwork, just to name a few.quite a few Splotter games also have setup-random, like Horseless Carriage, TGZ, FCM, Roads&Boats(starting player order is random).If you squint a little, the Pax games are setup-random too, in that the market of cards is set up and you just dig through it during the game. But most of it does start face-down so i can see an argument for it being effectively random.In similar logic, Stationfall. The only random parts are what identity cards players get, and which kompromat ends up where. That is all done in the setup, and after that all players act on their own agenda. But also, the kompromats you do get can pivot your plans to more closely involve another character, or can let you majorly fuck someone else's plan by wasting an action moving away from where they wanna be. It's fun, but i can see it being seen as random or unfair.
>>94750162>>94750175I forgot to say but I hate hidden information too. I've always wanted to play more Eklund though; I might get Pax Ren.
>>94750175>most of it does start face-downHow would you feel about playing with the astrology variant extended to the entire decks?
>>94750219have fun with the Splotter catalog and your 18xx'sthat and abstracts should be able to keep you going for a lifetime
>>94750133Through the Desert and Hansa Teutonica are not random.I've never understood this complaint. Push your luck is inherently fun. It's how gambling is so addictive. There's gotta be something fundamentally wrong with you if you don't like chance.
>>94750136Anon, stop. It's getting embarassing. Mtg has decades of releasing band aids and multiple changes in mulligan- and first player rules, just to mitigate the devastating effect screws and flood have on the game. And power creep as well as faster and faster formats have made it worse again. Legacy had almost enough tools and wotc killed it, and the frequency you see the resource system costing a player standard/modern/modern finals is embarassing. Almost as embarassing as players deeply entrenched in the game getting super defensive about it. You can like the game AND see the resource system for what it is.If you want to compare systems against each other, get two preconstructed decks and see what an utter shitshow the game is without having access to 30 years of contingencies.
>>94750273While I get that deciding factors (eg combat results) outside of your control can be frustrating, I also find it odd someone would hate every form of randomness and missing information in games.
>>94750133Terra Mystica is fun. I bet most of the people ITT hate it though.
>>94750576Nah, it's pretty good if a little imbalanced.Speaking of the terra mystica series, I still struggle to understand why he reused the TM cult tracks (weakest part of tm) instead of the gp techs (strongest part of gp) for age of innovation. It's just weird. If you want to iterate on your designs THAT hard, why not find some compromise fusing together the best parts of your games instead of ever so slightly changing it up. Draftable faction and palace parts is cool. Books and Innovations are....ok. and that is, more or less, what seperates AoI and TM. Kind of disappointing.
>>94750599I've only played TM and GP, but I actually prefer TM's cult tracks. GP techs felt a bit unbalanced with the rest of the game, where you're basically forced to invest heavily into them regardless of your overall strategy. I know this is an unpopular opinion.
I have come to realize that I really like games with tempo play elements. Tempo in the sense of short term strategies that eg. can end the game early/give me a risky opportunity window vs longterm planning.Hansa teutonica would be a good example of what I mean.So>What are some good games that give you the option of tempo play
>>94750226Never tried it, will look into and then pitch it next time our group gets Pax Ren or Pax T+ out on the table.
>>94750303>Anon,'re the one replying though
Played ticket to ride europe with my girl two days ago since it's one of the few bgs she has lying around. I have to say I can see why it is so popular. Rules are very easy to grasp but offers some interesting choices. It wasn't particularly interactive when played at two players but that is expected for a point salad euro. I didn't invest early enough into tickets for extra points so I kinda lost out on a lot of potential points and lost. Definitely gonna play again. >mtg mana discussion in bggHoly shit just stop please.
>>94750576in that case all the RNG is bound up in which faction you get stuck with
>>94751593You usually bet on them with vp or they come with more/less initial vpDoesn't change some factions simply being more fun, though
>>94749768The very fact that you acknowledge not being fucked on resources breaks the game is a pretty massive red flag.
What would be Adolf Hitlers favourite board game?
>>94750133>I hate drawing cards, I hate rolling dice, I hate pulling from bagsJust stare at a wall for 4 hours or something if you hate fun
>>94748086I’ve heard a couple complaints that while the game is filled with awesome stuff, it actually suffers from convolution and the rules/components are fucked up. I’ve also heard that the management can be tedious and the cards take forever to locate. Is the writing good? How does it feel to be ushered through the story? I’m interested in the game but it’s so fucking expensive, so I want to do my research beforehand. How does it compare to something like Tainted Grail or KDM? Sorry if too many questions.
>>94750910>point salad euro.How about you learn what your buzzwords mean before you use them?
>>94749175You have a bad curve and suck at making decks if you think you actually have a 10% chance of getting screwed or flooded each game. >>94750303lol "play precons that are designed to be bad" you're legit retarded. Hasbro intentionally designs their precons to have high fail rates because they are just meant to exist to sell the 3-5 unique cards in them. Even their "competitive" precons intentionally leave out the cards that make the decks functional. This is not a real criticism of magic as a game system other than showing how little you actually know about it beyond regurgitating slogans.
>>94750303Hasbro killing legacy was because it's not a money maker, and it's an intentional strangling of the format. Eventually they will print force of will and wasteland into modern because they can monetize every aspect of that format.The land system is more robust than the fixed versions present in other games, like >>94749768 said, there are far bigger downsides to nearly all of these "fixed" resource systems. It is because of the variance in both the resources and your access to grow resources that makes magic have more breadth than pretty much any other card game, and why every game with a "fixed" version of the system becomes incredibly samey game after game. Especially with how flexible mulligans are in magic, it's just laughably wrong to have these complaints about the resource system. If your 60 card deck is 30% land, with zero smoothing, you're still looking at 3 lands turn 3 in 99+% of games with just mulligans and your draws for turn. You are just bad.
>>94751898A feast for Odin
>>94751951The rules all individually make sense, but there are too many to be tracking without (multiple) player aids. In my case, I grasped exploration, the base, and techs pretty quickly...but combat and equipment have an absurd amount of keywords that you'll have to look up quite often. The management is tedious for sure but I didn't have an issue locating cards after I printed off some tuckboxes to organize the game and used some plastic organizers for tokens. You definitely don't need one of those expensive inserts but you'll have to find a solution that works for you. The writing is excellent and that's really the big draw, combined with amazing climactic battles. However, there are going to be plenty of battles where you're basically just grinding for resources or annoyed by the pursuer. Tainted grail is relatively easy to manage solo, and kdm is more streamlined and easy to run. Tl;dr: it's genuinely amazing at its high points but overly ambitious and tedious a good amount of the time. If you have a big table in your house you have leave the game out on for months at a time, it could be a good time but otherwise you'll be having a rough time. Overall it's the boardgame I most want turned into a CRPG since I think it would be better realized that way.
>>94752315This is an excellent run-down, thank you. I feared that it would be a bit overly ambitious, and I think I’ll hold off for a bit before jumping in (if I do at all). Thanks for the input; I appreciate it
>>94752179anon, there's an mtg general. probably several. post there.
>>94752037It was ticket to ride EVROPA What else but an euro would it be you retard. Learn how words work.
>>94750170Having cats makes you reddit now?
>>94751894>game designed around thing wouldn't work if thing worked differentlyYes, you would be fucked if I brought a gun to our Chess match.
>>94750133Either pick up a classic competitive game like Chess or Go, or accept non-determinism because that's fundamental to nearly every design. Out of curiosity, why does the idea of randomness bother you so much? You can still learn a game's meta and become very good at it. Just look at professional poker players.
Okay enough of these divisive subjects that we're never going to agree on. Let's talk about Eclipse!
>>94747895A bunch of summoner wars faction packs that are incredibly insecure and overcompensating.
>>94752777It's still a pretty good game, but I've cooled down on it somewhat over the years. The lack of negotiation and politics in a game that long makes me either go and grab a regular heavy (but still shorter) euro or go further and play ti4.
>>94750834The Great Zimbabwe
>>94753325Seconding TGZ
>>94750834The Knizia tile laying trilogies have tempo consideration in spades.T&E/Y&Y - dump your hand of tiles, twiceSamurai - take many of one figure or cause many ties (also explosive turns with many tile placements)Through the Desert - game ends when any color is depletedBabylonia - rush city scoring to end game or build a big network or take farms in late game (also explosive turns with farmer tiles)Blue Lagoon - wall off a resource so only you can collect it and end on your terms
>>94753751Funnily enough, I have played a lot of knizias but not a single one in that list. I considered using Ra as an example but that is more finishing early but save vs pushing your luck>>94753325>>94753405Been on my hunting list for years, but I can never find it (for a reasonable price that is, not paying 90 bucks for splotter tier components and ''''art'''' but I'm also too choked on time to pnp it)
>>94753808Give them a shot. IMO Babylonia and Through the Desert feel the most like tempo is of central importance at every skill level. Babylonia also has the potential of asymmetric powers if that's appealing to you in TGZ.
Meant to say that the asymmetric powers in Babylonia add more tempo (one is take an extra turn, others allow quicker tile placement under the right conditions).
>>94753903Babylonia has asymetrical powers? Meaningful ones ot just for show?Might have to try it now.I wonder how many games you hear about have features that you would never expect.
>>94753983Meaningful ones. They're acquired during the game. They don't feel as overpowered as, say, The Voyages of Marco Polo, and indeed you can win without them, but that's the interesting thing. It's like going hard on an upgrade in Hansa Teutonica. They make a significant difference, but it's a choice and sacrifice of other opportunities to get it.
>>94752549It's not a point salad, retard. Not every game where you earn points to win is a point salad. The term is reserved to games where there's a ton of different actions you can do all of which award points. Especially when it's a bunch of systems that don't mesh well with each other and are just used to make the game more "complex". In TTR you gain points for placing down your routes and that's about it. GWT is more of a point salad, though I do like how the salad tastes in that game.
How is Radlands? I was looking for a nice contained 1v1 card dueler. Summoner wars and Ashes seem to have many additional packs, expansions etc.I was also looking at Rift force; Omen and Sakura arms are not available here. Mindbug looks a bit goofy and gives the feeling of a small, quick game. The recent star wars duelershave been praised if I'm not mistaken but I haven't looked at them as I don't care for the ip.
>>94754297Would Terra Mystica and Gaia Project fit your definition? Just wondering
>>94754470Radlands is cool but once you and the opponent figure out you need to hold on to as many cards as you can to discard them at once to win the game, it all becomes about who can draw cards with better discard effects. You can have fun with it for some time but eventually every group figures it out and then the game turns sour. I don't know if the expansion fixes this at all.
>>94754551>>>94754470 #>Radlands is cool but once you and the opponent figure out you need to hold on to as many cards as you can to discard them at once to win the gameHow do you survive an agressive opponent to g ttto this point? Sounds like it would just fold to aggro with raider spam
>>94754550NTA but they don't. In TM and GP everything has the potential to score but what actually scores changes every round. You can have the exact same end board situation as another player but score almost no points because he built his shit when it scored and you didn't. So even though every action has a potential of scoring, the vast majority of them don't.
>>94754584By playing the bare minimum necessary to survive. You can't play no cards at all but scraping by most game, you can put yourself in a situation where you can win the game in a single turn and that when you drop your entire hand
>>94754297Today I learned Point Salad isn't a point salad.
>>94754297You place trains to get points and you buy tickets to get points. What you do is get points. Anyways I'm actually a thorough enjoyer of euro point salad games like most of the Uwe Rosenberg catalogue and I don't see it as much of a criticism, thats why I used it. On another note: I'm getting back into Pax Ren on bga and it's a somewhat frustrating experience as I have stated in the previous thread. Everyone who remains there is leagues ahead because the weak have been thoroughly filtered out. I played it a little bit when it came out on there and the difference is incredible. I could hold out a little bit back then, but now I'm getting bodied two turns in by elo 500 players. Switched to playing a little bit of two handed with the hot seat mechanic so my stats don't become too embarrassing before all the mechanics are ingrained. Sometimes I understand anons when they call it an in-elegant game. Shit like voting and the whole faith mechanic salad is kinda opaque.
>>94754904That is the downside you get with niche games online, some people just go all in. I love warchest dearly but after hitting 350 or so elo, I got matched with the same 3 obscenely strong players again and again and ultimately stopped playing it online. But now I am also much better than everyone in my group so...ehhhhI found that in such situations playing tourneys still works pretty well, that's where the comfy crowd is. Also playong pax ren on mobile during a quick break from work never goes well. It really is a game that demands your attention lest you turn a safe win into a losing position with one wrong action
>>94753276Why don't you do negotiate with other players? It's not like you need the game rules to allow you to negotiate, if you have common interests then you can plan together and collaborate.
Ive been playing a game for several weeks now, i finally understand a certain aspect of the rules that was causing quite some confusion. Well, after playing this far into the campaign i finally understand the rule and realize ive been playing so wrong im kinda forced to start all over. Its been damn fun to roll dice and shuffle cards etc etc so i dont really care i played the rule wrong. I should be able to get back on track a bit more quickly and correctly this time. So thank you snow storm thats kept me locked in the house for three days, i finally understand the rule and ive gotta nuke it and start over. >ive played a game wrong and now ive got start over. Sorry but i dunno where else youd post this.
>>94755760>>94755760>Ive been playing a game for several weeks now, i finally understand a certain aspect of the rules that was causing quite some confusion. Well, after playing this far into the campaign i finally understand the rule and realize ive been playing so wrong im kinda forced to start all over. Its been damn fun to roll dice and shuffle cards etc etc so i dont really care i played the rule wrong. I should be able to get back on track a bit more quickly and correctly this time. So thank you snow storm thats kept me locked in the house for three days, i finally understand the rule and ive gotta nuke it and start over.>>ive played a game wrong and now ive got start over. Sorry but i dunno where else youd post this.You fucked up, son.
>>94754551Naw trash lands is shit. Expansion is a cash grab
>>94756300Damn, is it that bad? I checked out when I saw it was only new bases.
>>94750133I'm doing a survey. What part of the spectrum are you on? Formally diagnosed or undiagnosed but pretty sure?
>>94751898I think he would talk a lot about how Panzerblitz is the greatest game every and a rightful classic for a reason. Then you sit down to play against him and realize he doesn't know the rules.
>>94748188I wish, looking forward to all those new characters.>>94753218SW is secure and confident in its identity and sexuality.>>94754470>How is Radlands? I was looking for a nice contained 1v1 card dueler.I have quite enjoyed it over 30 some plays. It's tight, the junk mechanic on all cards I've found engaging, and it works in a small package. The card art looks better in cardboard form rather than the plastic cards that I have, where the colours look washed out.>>94754604I'll give that strat a shot next time and see how it pans out. Feels very event dependant, as without Truce or or Radiation, etc, trading one for one has to be done for 1 water or you arent spending to draw more and bulk up that hand.>>94753808You can play TGZ (and a bunch of other Splots) for free at>>94755081>I found that in such situations playing tourneys still works pretty well, that's where the comfy crowd is.I had fun with anons arranged /bgg/ PaxRen tourney, would happily participate again.We should also do a TGZ game sometime, that would be sick.
>>94755391There's nothing to negotiate about. "Ooh please don't attack me, that third player is more poised to win" cannot be called negotiation when compared with "i'll give you four trade goods to fuck off".And Eclipse is built on a conflict of interests: only one player wins and everyone wants to be that player.
>>94757143>And Eclipse is built on a conflict of interests: only one player wins and everyone wants to be that player.Every game is like this and yet we still have kingmaking. Curious. Maybe gamblers have the right idea by putting skin in the game.
>>94754551>>94756300>>94757088What would be a good alternative instead of Radlands for a nice card dueler?
>>94757267I enjoyed riftforce
>>94757267Sakura Arms and BattleCON are ones I enjoyed a lotnot strictly a dueler but Pax Renaissance is excellent at 2 players
>>94757143But Eclipse has the alliance mechanism and a free cube trade to negotiate with? AND breaking the negotiation gives you the 2 VP penalty, so you have to decide whether betrayal will net you the points or not?This isn't /v/, we're expected to actually play the games we shitpost about here.
You have games where players play against the game, like a modern euro, where players get points but rarely interact with other players. Then there are games where you play against other players, like splotters, aos etc., where you have to navigate and play depending on what other players do. The game is just the framework where you play against others, lots of interaction. Might not be the best explanation but I hope you know what I mean. When it comes to Cole Wehrles games root, arcs people complain about kingmaking and how players have to balance the game, attack the leader. How is that, isn't that the same like other interactive games where you have to try and stop someone if he goes ahead, and try and limit him so you can catch up (and win)?I havent played any of wehrles games so how are they different?
>>94757143Winning the game is what you negotiate about. "Let's help each other achieve our immediate goals" or "I'll ally with you to let you pass through my territory but I expect this in return" are both valid negotiations. Hell, I've even negotiated exploring a tile at a specific position to create a connection for another player.
>>94754904>You place trains to get points and you buy tickets to get points. What you do is get points.I just explained to you that simply having victory points is not enough for a game to be considered a point salad. Smallworld is not a point salad. Root is not a point salad. Twilight Struggle is not a point salad. Blood Rage is not a point salad. Evolution is not a point salad even though you literally eat tasty greens to get points in the game. Likewise, simply being a euro game with VPs is not a synonym for point salad. The line does get blurry, but if the game is as simple and straightforward as TTR, it is not a point salad. The term indicates a certain level of looseness in game design and open endedness.>Anyways I'm actually a thorough enjoyer of euro point salad games like most of the Uwe Rosenberg catalogue and I don't see it as much of a criticism, thats why I used it.That's fine and all, but language has meaning.
>>94755391First, it increases game length by a LOT without adding much to the game. I mean I can also negotiate which space to use or leave free in a feast for odinSecondly, the lack of tradeable resources (sans the faction tokens you exchange that are rather detrimental later on as they take up precious combat vp space for most races) has me very desinterested in longwinding negotiations as they inevitably lead to "why should I do x where you profit far more than me?". Sure, you do find shared goals "lets wall of that pirate faggot" or "[player] is spreading too thin, lets glass the worlds on his outer rim" but everything that gets a little tricky has no ingame way to negotiate nuances. That's not a problem the game has, it is just played far more on the board
>>94751898Modern Art
>>94757611I would even go further and say every game that has at least a bit of player interaction has kingmaking potential. Rarely is it so very pronounced as it is in wehrles games, though. Every single game of root or oath I played was decided not by someone winning but by others deciding to let them win. That sounds strange so I'll rephrase: the games usually are tight enough so 2-4 players have a shot at winning. Due to the nature of his games (play all your turns actions at once) this twists endgames entirely around preventing others from winning. I find this tedious, exhausting and unfun. It is a similar feeling to when euros grind to a halt the last few turns because 1-2 players are now trying to squeeze out a few more points and turns take 3 times as long.
is anon which was supposed to make a mod for ATO still with us?did the idea die or are you still working on it?I wanted to play with a friend online but unfortunately itu didn't release anything beyond the demo version
>>94757479Two one-time happenings are not the same as a constant flow of abilities and trades. In your own words, "This isn't /v/, we're expected to actually play the games we shitpost about here.", and you clearly haven't played TI4
>>94758506Man, you vehrlemin are so sad. It's not just "two examples" the other anon brought up, these games actually have systems to incentivise making deals.
>The request really isn’t fair for me to make, but I’ll make it anyway: When you see that a company has applied for a trademark (which is public information, unfortunately), please keep that information to yourself. It doesn’t seem like it’s in the spirit of speculation to share that. If someone really wants to know which trademarks a company has applied for, they would have looked up that information on their own. It’s like if someone wants to speculate about a twist in a movie and you just spoil the twist based on a leaked script—that’s a spoiler, not speculation!"Is he in the right here /bgg/?
>>94759238He can never be right
>>94759238I don't know who this is. I think "a leaked script" is an unfair comparison. They put it out on public record themselves. Nothing about that is leaked. But I do think reading a movie script prior to watching the movie counts as a spoiler even if the script wasn't leaked (you're watching the movie after launch or something).
>>94759238>noooo you can't expose that I want to milk wingspan for decades!!! it's not fair aaaaaaaaaaaah
>>94759238 Board games are not literature where there could be inferred spoilers from a title. Even in literature that title reveal is all part of the hype train which stokes speculation and they are regularly spoiled by media trawling through the trademarks too. Honestly if knowing a name of a game were enough to ruin it for someone then they would likely need therapy or medication. Jamey attempting to shame his fans because he wants the petty rush of the reveal for himself seems vainglorious.
>>94759238>It doesn’t seem like it’s in the spirit of speculation to share that. This is doublespeak.
Ok wise sages of /bgg/, is there any game on kickstarter (from a reputable publisher) worth backing right now? I feel as if I always miss this opportunity and then they are impossible to find.
>>94759433>I feel as if I always miss this opportunity and then they are impossible to find.Which games do you feel you missed?
>>94759433Not Kickstarter but P500 has Away Team from John Butterfield that looks interesting.
>>94759433one man's missed opportunity is another man's dodged bullet
>>94759594>a lighter version of Wingspan
>>94759238>>94759351It's a false analogy. What he's really annoyed about is that it messes with the marketing hype train. Instead of finding out through a highly publicised announcement, complete with articles, pictures, sneak peaks, a release date and the like, fans instead find out just a name on a forum. There may still be a very long time to go until they have anything ready to show, let alone put up for sale. Into that void all sorts of negativity and impatience can creep, especially among the kind of die-hards you need to buy the thing if it's your umpteenth iteration of a formula.TLDR - he doesn't like it because it hurts sales.
>>94759594I like the theme but have no interest in the game. Maybe if its language independent...
>>94758129>Due to the nature of his games (play all your turns actions at once) this twists endgames entirely around preventing others from winningWhat does this mean?
I'm looking for a medium (not too light, not too heavy) game for two or that works well at two. It must be interactive and not a multi-player solitaire, and it must not be a card game, as I have plenty of those already.
>>94757267Play mtg :^)
>>94760002what are some of the games you like (and if you consider them heavy/medium/light)?
>>94759978There are no simultaneous or interleaved actions in Wherle games, you get a full turn and then you wait for everyone else to have a turn before it comes back round to you. This means that if you set up a win next turn everyone alse around thye table gets the chance to tear you down first.
>>94760046So kind of like Inis at the end? The game shifts from you trying to achieve your goal and more to just trying to prevent others from winning and prolonging the game until someone eventually makes it?
>>94760002Blitzkrieg/Caesar, Watergate, Beer&Bread, Onitama, Hive, Klask, Undaunted...Any style of games you prefer playing? Mechanisms you enjoy?
>>94759594We wingspan cinematic universe now.
>>94759594>Finspan>flying fish on cover>slightly tweaked wingspanWhy bandwagon so hard on Wingspan? I know it's the safest way to make money but why the -span name? Just name it something that makes sense for fish and add a cool fish on the cover. It can still have the same cover art style and a giant "a wingspan game". Surely they have at least some confidence in the actual game?
>>94759594weenspan, calling it now
>>94760045>>94760101I love things like Barrage, but beside the fact it doesn't work well at 2p, it's too heavy and long for a workday night where time and mental energy are in short supply. I like RftG too, but you end up spending half an hour looking down at your tableau and in the end it feels like you've spent the night alone; same with Terraforming Mars. On the other end of the spectrum AL&S doesn't carry enough weight to feel satisfying, and I'm exceedingly bad at it. Not to mention, in card games I almost immediately forget the theme and it's just stats on a piece of paper: I hate the feeling but I can't avoid it.I love War Chest and its expansions, it's about the right weight and length for the purpose, it checks all the boxes, but I need something else too, just to add some variety in the mix. I was considering Sky Team, seeing how shilled and cheap it is, but I fear that not being able to communicate would make the game a novelty I'd play twice and never touch again like Falling Skies, because sitting in silence is boring even if the underlying gameplay is fine.
>>94760230worked for ticket to ride
>>94760002>>94760392sky team is good fun and the silence adds to the tension. you do also regularly get to check in each round, so that keeps communication presentif you like War Chest I recommend Bloodstones since it works great at 2p. not cheap though, definitely try it on TTS first. Another more affordable game I'd recommend is Polis. it's a very economic weuro with a quick little battle minigame and very interesting positioning on the board where you pretty much always have to leave some lane open and hope your opponent doesn't capitalize on itTriomphe à Marengo may be a bit too heavy and Flickfleet may be a bit too light.
>>94759856This seems pretty on point, especially considering marketing trash is jamies superpower.I will use this opportunity to remind everyone of the fact that the madman managed the absurd feat of selling an absence of birds for 70 euros.
>>94759594>4 rounds full of positive player interaction
>>94760702>when this fish card triggers every player get a tokenthrilling
>>94760557Welp, might give Sky Team a chance then. Bloodstone looks interesting, but I wouldn't spend that kind of money on a mid-weight. As for Polis it's already in my collection, thanks to /bgg/, great game with amazing production, I played it quite lot and I find it a bit unbalanced towards Athens if you ask me; it's definitely on the heavier side of things both in terms of choices and length.
>>94759594I knew something was fishy about Jamey's post.
>>94759594>The request really isn’t fair for me to make, but I’ll make it anyway: When you see that a company has announced a game (which is public information, unfortunately), please keep that information to yourself. It doesn’t seem like it’s in the spirit of notifying to share that. If someone really wants to know which game a company has announced, they would have looked up that information on their own.
>>94760934>The request really isn’t fair for me to make, but I’ll make it anyway: When you see that SUSD has published a video (which is public information, unfortunately), please keep that information to yourself. It doesn’t seem like it’s in the spirit of boardgaming to share that. If someone really wants to know what videos SUSD has uploaded, they would have looked up that information on their own.
>>94760927>>94760933Why blame Jaime for taking the oppor-tuna-ty to put more sand dollars in the river bank?
>>94761067He's just mad someone else is musseling in on his marketing surf.
>>94761067He's just focusing on whales now.
Race for the galaxy vs Roll for the galaxy vs star realmswhich one do you prefer and why?
>>94761252Race is the cleanest. Roll adds a bunch of subsystems that don't necessarily pull their weight. Star Realms is a kids game.
>>94761252I actually prefer Jump Drive as a solo game with the expansion. 2p, Race.
>>94760803Sky Team will keep you entertained for a while and there's an expansion as well now to add more variety and challenge if you're open to co-ops I think Bullet's co-op mode is a lot of fun at 2pthere's also always Castles of Burgundy. that one works excellent at 2poh a more niche pick is Battle for Biternia. great 2p adaption of a MoBA with a ton of character variety. technically character skills are on cards, but idk if it qualifies as a card game. Although if i'm getting into that category I'd also recommend Summoner Wars
>>94760392>but you end up spending half an hour looking down at your tableau and in the end it feels like you've spent the night aloneLegitimately playing the game wrong if that's the case
Board games go hand in hand with a good sleepover.
>>94761252Having played a bunch of all three, race>roll>star realmsI can go into detail if you want but I'm in a hurry for an hour or so
>>94761252i've got 162 games rated and Race and Star Realms are both in my top 5.SR: cheap, fast, simple deckbuilder. combat for 2-4 players. best with 2 of the 3 big boxes.RaceftG: cheap, fast, but still deep engine builder. 2-4 players. Star Realms is a good game to teach someone how to play a deckbuilder. Race isn't maybe as good of a game to teach someone how to play an engine builder because of the iconography hurdle. if i want something that plays in 10-20 min and is very simple (sub 2.0 weight) but still fun, Star Realms.if i want something that plays in 20-60 min and is medium weight (3.0), Race for the Galaxy.
>>94761347>Castles of BurgundyI was seriously considering it, but it looks very multi-player solitaire. I'll be happy to be corrected tho, because I love eurogames.>Battle for BiterniaCute, but unobtanium.>Summoner WarsNo, I want my board games to be self contained, not an Unmatched kind of thing with a gorillion expansions. Fun fact: I got a friend who is the definition of a whale consoomer and he bought a stupid amount of those Unmatched boxes and while the game never gathered any meaningful depth, new characters kept powercreeping older ones; even funnier, after years of self-teasing with the lore, he now got into WH40K, and he spent like a grand in less than 6 months.>>94761369If you can educate a noob and improve my enjoyment of that game then I'm all ears.
>>94761515The core Summoner Wars box is a lot of content already.
>>94761573some people (maybe even most, these days) have no self control. if they're given the option to consoooom, they're going to do it. they can't just buy the core box - they'll buy every expansion there is before they've even played the game.the guy's trying to do what's best for himself - just leave him be.
>>94760002I will never stop saying Sakura Arms and Battlecon are excellent duel games, and for the latter it only gets as complex as the characters in play so you can make it simpler or harder to match your tastesin other genres, Pax games sometimes work good at 2, like Ren and T+.
Any games where you can play 1v1 or team vs team? Like Dice throne for example.
>>94761727the best Codenames - Codenames: Duet
>>94761515>it looks very multi-player solitaire.I checked it out from the library recently and that's 100% correct. It's a drafting game and the player interaction is shallower than Azul.You can plan around what you think other players will want to take in future turns but what they can take depends on dice rolls so good luck with that.
>>94761727my bad this >>94761747 is coop actually. but for 2 players or more
>>94760002Check out Tash-kalar.
/bgg/, what is the lightest weight game you're not embarrassed to say you like?
>>94761792Cat Between Us
>>94761727LA FAMIGLIAStrict 2v2 though
essential DOAM (dudes on a map) games?
>>94761727Stationfall has 1v1 and team vs team modesit's better as a free-for-all but it you can play it in teams
TTS mod just dropped for the alpha of this game.Anyone try it yet?Also if it's still in fucking alpha is it even going to shit this year?
>>94761515>CoBwell there's drafting tiles and jockeying for initiative. i would say it's not multiplayer solitaire, but it's not the highest in interaction. try it on BGA a few times>Battle for Biterniain stock on their web store
>>94761650>I will never stop saying Sakura Arms and Battlecon are excellent duel games, and for the latter it only gets as complex as the characters in play so you can make it simpler or harder to match your tastesAbsolutely ba->in other genres, Pax games sometimes work good at 2, like Ren and TYour taste transcends tiers.
>>94761727Most of the Undaunted games have 1v1 and 2v2 rules scenarios now. You can play most of the 1v1 scenarios as 2v2 if you divide the armor and infantry cards and use the commander token.If you like wurld wah, get North Africa. If you like spass wah, get Callisto.
>>94762061>If you like wurld wah, get North Africabut NA is actually CounterStrike: one side defends objective other side tries to explode itActual wurld wah too Undaunted is Normandy and Stalingrad (but the latter only has 1v1 rules and it also a campaign game so it doesn't count for anons question)
>>94761792Why would light games be embarrassing at all? Heavy games are what signal autism. The heaviest I really love is Dune. The heaviest I would play with someone outside of the hobby is Samurai.
>>94761650Pax Renaissance looks interesting and deep, even too deep, but it's markedly different from what I've played, and if it works well at two I'd say why not.>OoS everywhereOf course.
>>94761816Eclipse Second Edition
What can you guys tell me about Migration: Mars? A friend got it for Christmas and he'd wanting to play it soon
>>94762295i dunno, but i've only gotten 1 answer in 3 hours. you wouldn't answer the question either. i regularly see /bgg/ shit on easier games or filler as a whole (Ticket to Ride, Everdell, Star Realms).
Kemet: Blood & Sand, Inis, or Tigris & Euphrates?
>>94761515The game is 100% about pivoting. But more than that, it's making sure whichever resulting strategy you settle on doesn't give your opponents a larger advantage in return.If they're spamming devs/military worlds, keep and use low cost ones to stay on pace. If they have goods, force them to waste them with premature consumes (all powers *have* to be met at least once if possible, it's a rule people tend to forget). Not to mention having goods is huge neon lights of "I'm going to trade/consume" so everyone plans accordingly (trade >> exploring).At a certain point your tableaus should be weighted towards one strategy which makes it easier to math out the tempo (ie your tableau bonuses). If you producing gives them 3 card draw, it won't matter nearly as much if they're trying to eat up VP chips compared to them hunting down huge Alien worlds. Point being, because all paths are viable but variable, you have to keep your eye on which part of the curve they're on and adjust as necessary. I've seen plenty of spammers crash and burn because they went faster than they needed and vice versa. Now will any of that make the game more fun, perhaps not. I won't lie and say it's the most interactive game ever. But interactivity in the tableau builder genre that isn't shitty take-that (ignore the expansion mechanics) it's still top of its class.
>>94763162If you need the minis for DoaM hype, Huang.
>>94763191not a choice, unless you can sell it to mei don't like the sound of dice combat and bidding.>>94763276yea Huang should have been a choice too actually
>>94761792I was going to say Deep Sea Adventure but Web of Power might be lighter.
>>94763162All of them.
>>94763509Nigga you what? Web of Power is way heavier than Deep Sea Adventures
any opinions on Planet Unknown?
>>94764105It was on sale.
>>94761792Tumblin' dice. Easiest game imaginable, you roll dice down a platform but I love it.
>>94764100It has more complex boardstates but the rules are similar weights.
>>94764142No on both counts.
>>94761792unofucking love me some uno
>>94762296The worst part of being a digital-first player is by the time you know what games you wanna buy irl they've already all sold out.
>>94761792I'm not embarassed to like a game aside maybe slightly from some lvl99 stuff that makes me look like a massive weeb.I actually don't know what the lightest game I like is. Paku paku is probably the lightest I own but I always get tired of it within 10 minutes.Maybe Port Royal?
>>94763162Inis is the only one I've played, but I actually really like it. It's one of my go-to games for introducing new people to the hobby, along with Catan. My #1 complaint is that the box is way too big for what it actually holds, which makes it hard to transport on my motorbike.
>>94763162T&E is the best game among them but not really directly comparable to DoaM gamesI prefer Kemet to inis for its straightforward nature, but my relationship with DoaM games is complicated; I find all clever twists to the formula to be unstatisfying distractions. Inis almost gets a pass but I really hate the endgame in it, especially how it tends to drag out
>want to bake a new thread>Have it ready>Ah yes 15 fucking minutes of waiting time>Work for 2h>try again>Have to wait 15 min againHIROSHIMOOoOOOOOOOOT
>>94766166how's bout now?
oven seems broken >>94766475time for left-overs >>94766475or perhaps ordering take-out >>94766475
>>94766284Now I'd have time but anon >>94766479 was quicker than me