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New Year, New Terrors Edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 28mm/32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What Trench Crusade is not
TC not an excuse for you to discuss IRL religion, history that didn't occur in the game, culture war shit, or discord bullshit on /tg/. Keep it on topic.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo diesel-punk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>How do I get started?
All the files are free online, but are split between the website and the discord. They have all been collected here for your convenience:

>third party sources for making trenchers:

>Trench Compendium
Compendium: https://trenchcompendium.netlify.app/
Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/k44MxmJxWu3upDHT8

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What are you hobby plans for this year? Was your last year good, hobby wise anyway?
When shanking someone with an assassin with the golden stabby, specifically when using Temporal Assassin, do I still get the two attacks on each target of Temporal Assassin, or does each target only get one attack (since the weapon gives two)?
What game are you guys going to play now that Trench Crusade is officially dead?
What happened?
Nothing. /Trench/ is inundated with shitposts, and Dead Game is one of the most reoccurring ones.
For Trench Pilgrims, is it better to have rusty armor or religious iconography? Or have a mix of both? Then again, it's not like the armor wouldn't end up painted, right?
>like the lore for Trench Pilgrims
>don't like how fucking dirty everyone is
Make a Trench Pilgrim group focused on eradicating filth in all forms, especially the Black Grail. St. Zita is the patron saint of cleaners, give them mops and squeegee bottles.

Zitanic Crusaders of Hygiennocide
But every faction is dirty. Except maybe the Sultanate
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TP seems to be one of the least rigid uniforms in the game, you could just do both and both make sense. TP are a bunch of individuals, not an actual army, theyre described as a loosely connected paramilitary organization with lots of iterations, it would make sense if they all wear different stuff, if you really want painted armour you can just have a guy with it, if you want rusted armour then thats the guy with rusted armour.
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Where the FUCK are the trade rules for campaigns?
Not finished yet. Part of trading is just buying from your factions armoury, so use that as the full trader for now.
So what excuse did they use for the Biblical almighty, just and good God not directly intervening or at least sending down the angelic host when literal gate of hell opened on the Earth?
When you're in melee, are you able to shoot the auto pistol once or twice? The wording is weird in it's description
Heres a short about what happens when an angel shows up locally on the battlefield. I'm assuming that if an angel does that, an act of god would simply be the end. You can quote Epicurus as a counter argument if you'd like.

We remained cowering in a trench when the trumpet sounded in the oppressive, lead-lined sky. We furtively glanced out of the corners of our eyes, having learned long ago not to look at such things directly. We saw it all the same. The angel stepped down from the sky in a burning catastrophe of light, and it spoke words like thunder.

The words were vast and inscrutable, like glimpsing only a fragment of some titanic buried machine and trying to understand its ancient purpose. Our minds broke upon the surface of those words, leaving us gasping for air, we could not endure such relentless purity.

I stared dumbfounded at my friends who had cast themselves into the mud. They crawled like worms, and they uttered the most desolate sounds. One beat his face against a wooden post until it was a slick, red cavity bristling with broken teeth. The other, shrieking, clutched his service pistol and shot himself again and again.

I pulled myself out of the trench, scrabbling over the sandbags and crosses, and the words of the angel filled my head with a buzzing pressure that made my eyes bulge from their sockets. I fell to my knees, made obeisance, and as I stared into the blazing, dominating light, I could not even feel my head catch fire.
This is probably a dumb question but you’re allowed to make your own Brigades (is that what they’re called?) like how you’re allowed to make you’re own space marines right?

I was thinking about getting into NA and making my own Brigade called “Seekers of Wisdom”
Basically a bunch of nerds who believe to defeat their enemy they must understand them, so they collect and document relics/artifacts/knowledge both divine and heretical. This obviously isn’t popular with the Church and while this knowledge they have accumulated helps fight against heretics, they are forced to paint parts of their wargear, especially their helmets, black as to call back to the Black Templars who ruined the world. I thought it was a cool idea.
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Nothing prohibits you from making /yourguys/ if you want. Just find the faction that's rules that support your ideas mechanically and go with it, or just homebrew something with your own group.

>a bunch of nerds who believe to defeat their enemy they must understand them
Sounds like a rogue branch of the Synod of Strategic Prophecy or adjacent division.
Hell yeah you can make yourdudes. Though because you want to show off your group collects heretical stuff, try to make it obvious they're representing their respective New Antioch units, for the benefit of your opponents. Do you already have an idea how'd you like to show off their practice?
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Yes, I did two "mercenaries" with switchable heads in this style. Thing is I really would like to not use Kingdom Death or "anime"-like heads for this, but I don't know any good source, ketaminis are meh and sisters are sisters. it's like not many people can do good looking female heads. any other good sources for heads?
Thanks anons, glad to know I can make my mildly heretical dudes

I was mostly going to do the Black Helmets to reference the templars, but now that you mention it stapling some mildly heretical things to their gear in some places would be funny to further raise the Churches eyebrows
(I want to add I don’t view them as being heretics, they hate them as much as anyone else, they just want to know them to hate them even more which makes everyone else very concerned)
Speaking of New Antioch, what are you running with them? Any builds?
One angel = nuke
It most likely is one of the lower angels from hierarchy.
Here's my heretic list so far
-Arty Witch
-War Wolf
-Sin Eater
-4 Troopers

all naked at the moment. I have 115 ducats left, what upgrades are worth getting?
We don't know much about the first heresy or what it is that exactly caused it.
Could be the templars fall was hidden somehow due to Hells manipulation?
IIRC the creators mentioned that all of this was not in Gods plan and the longer the war is prolonged the more Gods plan becomes frayed.
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My first 3D print, outside of a few test ones. Think it came out looking pretty good.
lmao did you weave it
Have people cracked the STLs and posted them online yet?
Painstakingly, and by hand. I'll have to figure out how to make it look smoother
So God isn't omniconscious and omnipotent as the Christianity claims him to be in TC? Interesting.
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Why does the communion of the Meta-Christ make people grow in size exactly? Miracilous healing is understandable but being buff or tall as hell seems like an odditiy.
God 'took' the City of Argos directly from the earth.
>not using a resin printer
resin filament will always look shit
In universe I'm pretty sure Death Commando's use literal christian born babies to power their stealth generators since their innocence and literal sinless lives can apparently hide them from the eye's of God, so yeah I think in TC he's a bit less infallible
I did blow it up to twice the size to try and make one thatd look cool on my desk, I'm sure that didn't help. But yeah I might go get a resin printer. Wife picked up the 3d printer for Christmas, and thought I'd give it a spin.
>Think it came out looking pretty good.
Anon confirmed for a spider.
The trick is to use a resin printer bruz. FDM really isnt meant for minis, but is good for terrain
yea, didnt want to shame you or your wife. resin filament printers have their uses, but for wargaming minis it's simply an inferior technique
What matters is you're satisfied with the prints. Probably if you sand it down a bit and paint it black with some highlight it will look fine. Do not drybrush.
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On the Internet, nobody knows your a spider
New version of dragon hunt is out, can't upload the file directly here or add it to the MEGA cause im retarded and don't know how but the main changes apparently are
>The game does not end anymore with a failed morale test.
>Dragon now activates twice per turn.
>Dragon's armor is chipped down every time it is knocked Down, worsened by 1 to a minimum of 0.
>Dragon can now leave Melee Combat with its basic Move without suffering any consequences. Models in its way will be trampled, as per its rules.
>Dragon can now only be killed with a Blood Bath, still after being knocked Down three times when it would have been taken Out of Action.

Thoughts on the changes trenchbros?
You paint the models anon. Do the Methodists with their anchorite shrines, they will be good set up for clean and proper monks.
Origin is unknown it's claimed to be jesus by some but for all we know it's refined chunk of the diving angel shard found in an angle shoved into a corpse of a baby grown and eaten.
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New version of the Dragon Hunt scenario is out, file once again too big to post in the thread, but it's in the mega folder.
Wait the Methodists oppose the creation and use of Communicants but you can take a Communicant Anti-Tank Hunter?
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>but you can take a Communicant Anti-Tank Hunter?
No, you must be using an outdated version. Check the mega for the most recent version.
Ah I keep using the official site app, didn't know it wasn't actively updated.

Still Methodists are cool, I'd like to see a group of machine gub monks going to war maintaining their warmachines and weapons.
It's fan made app, they just got link to it, it's usually out of date with quick developments.
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First time finishing a squad of anything so I will finally be hasgames soon
VERY cool dude, you reminded me I need to start going to fleamarkets to get some religious trinkets. One point I'd make is to spruce up the cross a bit? Just so it isn't simply an oridnary cross added to the base.
Read the Book of Revelation and you'll understand
I'm pretty sure he's the gnostic demiurge at best
Thanks. I'm still really new to painting so I didn't want to go crazy yet but I'll definitely add a lot more stuff when I add more dudes or go for a trench pilgrim squad.
Same as in real life, he doesn't give enough fucks or maybe its for some really esoteric and incomprehensible reason.
He gave the Turks a wall. Clearly Islam is the only correct religion.
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let's do it frens. lets kitbash together, we gonna build her in all her glory. list parts, should be as close to this artwork as possible.

Flag will be the church sprue one. need more!
>I'll have to figure out how to make it look smoother
Acetone and carving knife i guess.
Alternatively expensive 3d printer like flying Bear Ghost 6.
Go to bad squibo games, and buy her, she has a model on foot and on horse back, then it's all done.
Were there any 40k crossovers?
Got two fo them now, Mercenary proxies
Cute, would gladly let them stab me and happily bleed out in the middle of a muddy battlefield
Have you tried not being a coomer?
>no fun allowed
No, why i should?
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Still needs basing but here's my Lieutenant
Got a trench cleric mostly done as well.
It's weebshit, but I don't see how that's a "coomer" model.

Official Stigmatic Nuns are more "coomer" than that.
cranked one out to your post
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Already made a coomer model.
Awesome, how long did it take you?
>Iron Sultanate models I ordered haven't even arrived yet
>Already tempted to build a Red Brigade warband
Skirmish games are a terrible gateway drug
Love how you did his coat anon, nice work.
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This is still my fav, dunno which warband I should use it with, I guess its NA or TP. Finished a Black grail Warband except of the big one (waiting for the 60mm base).
what models are you using for these proxies?
Thanks! 3-4 hours maybe. Since he is mostly one color there wasn't actually that much base coating to do.
the naked womens are from: 3DGeschaft Miniatures Figures on MMF. the rest is just from my bitbox, fantasy wh stuff, spikes from sprues irc. gasmask is from knucklebones (filed down ofc).

The Zweihander Saint is a totally badly made stl file by myself, the crown was free on cults and was digitally fused in lychee with a SAINT DECENT knight helm (which is the best knight helm on the internet btw), it took like several and I mean A LOT by several failed prints to get it right, since I'm not a pro with this stuff and it was my first and only time trying to do something digitally, and the funny enough the crown will only work with cheap elegoo resin.
Normally these days I always print with SUNLU TOUGHNESS, since it turned out the best and you can cut it like plastic gw sprues when its not that hardened yet, which is awesome as fuck for kitbashing.
The sword was ludwigs sword (from cults) scaled down printed and then sanded as fuck to get the ornaments off this sword.
The feet are also different, I think the came from some BESTIARUM lion knight, since I hate high heels asthetics.
And then I experimented with the scaling in lychee, which works wonders sometimes, but well as you see it's a clusterfuck, I think I made 20+ models of this mini just to get it "right". called it a day with this one.
Kitbashing a hound
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Also printed a grail warband (printing a new head for the one corpse guard as the bare head doesn't look as nice).
Turns out I'm out of primer, so I'll have to wait for a new one to arrive before I can start painting.
Oh and totally forgot, the base of the Zweihander Saint is this one (which looks kinda off if you ask me):


Thats why I experimented with scaling a lot. I don't like the wow like asthetic.
>I'll have to figure out how to make it look smoother
That's going to take some time and work, better use resin.
But if you're up to it, you can thin down some epoxy putty with simply water. Thin it down to a workable paste and smear it on there to smooth things out, use an old brush or your fingers for larger surfaces. When it's dry, you just sand it.
Dogs simply in TC has me thinking about cool options.
I's like to make something like pic related - a decorated good boi.

And also one strapped with explosives to balance things out.
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For the Red Brigade I take it?

Also, what do people think of the idea of using a horse with a mans head for a black grail dirge hound.
Does anywhere have a good tower model I can use? I want to build an Envy Serpent warband, and want a Fallen Saint themed around the Library of Alexandria.
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How many Anons are using this?
what is this
Looks sick. Is the cape just fabric with glue? And have you got any wip photos showing the conversion?
>For the Red Brigade I take it?
Yes, but I'll be using them for the pilgrims as well. Just have to make sure the bases all match.
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So where do you think they will take TC now after the 3 million big ones? Any plans on books and such?
Probably more bits for converting and models for alternate warbands.

I just want a pack of iron capriotes for conversion, I wouldnt mind having a bunch of stuff like flies for BG and religious icons too.
Multipart support for every faction's regular troops
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Just discovered this game. Are the Arab like factions the good guys? Also, how are the models etc? I wanted to get into painting again.
>Are the Arab like factions the good guys
There arent really any good guys as each faction has their own weird thing they are doing, but by not being aligned with Hell they are apart of the good guy team'
>Also, how are the models etc
Pretty much all TC models are superb but you can always kitbash and proxy if you want
How do games like this gain traction? I think its got a great setting. When I tell my friends about though, their only thought is "Well, why wouldn't I just play warhammer or something?"
They don't and that unironically a good thing
anything that gets big and gains tractions eventually gets monetized and distilled for lowest common denominator
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>Also, how are the models etc?
repostan my Sultanate for you habibi
I like their style, bitch to print
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I hope we get a faction that are like the tyranids just because I like cool bugs :3
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>How do games like this gain traction?
Being bad ass in TCs case
also as much as I dont want to admit it, the Culture War antics probably boosted the game massively with free advertising.
>When I tell my friends about though, their only thought is "Well, why wouldn't I just play warhammer or something?"
TC doesnt need to be a new Warhammer, it will probably forever be niche. Its just a cool thing to be into and collect, maybe get your friends some models and play a match or so. Also who actually plays warhammer tabletop lol. As long as TC gets a few books, development, and maybe a few years down the line a cool video game all will be fine. With 3 million dollars they have the ability to do a lot of cool shit.
>also as much as I dont want to admit it, the Culture War antics probably boosted the game massively with free advertising.

What culture war antics? Was there some sort of drama? Or was it more like the theme of the game involving hell and demons etc?
cockroach sultanate is already a thing
I am assuming the only way to get models is to print them yourselves?
You can imagine the culture war antics that'll happen when you base your setting on the Crusades/Religion.

That and the "official" Discord was run by some Reddit-tier mod is my understanding.
They don't. It's endlessly shilled but there's not a drop of cultural momentum behind that, and as soon as it stop you'll never hear about it again.
Make a Gluttony Serpent cult and do some kitbashing!
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Not to get into it too much, but heres a very basic timeline of events
>Femstodes happens causing Chudhammer to lose their minds
>Eventually they catch wind of Trench Crusade
>Because all they know are Aesthetics of things, they think its their Trad Cath wet dream
>They start acting like chuds and make a place for themselves there, boosting the project massively
>Because theyre acting like weirdos and losers purposely agitating and attempting to start shit with other people, they get banned off fan discords and official ones
>They see this as a personal attack on the Right and claim TC went Woke and Therefore is going Broke
>In comes the 3 million dollar kickstarter
>They sometimes still seethe to this day they Gatekept themselves because they acted like tools
Thats basically what happened
I got my NA models off Etsy, just look up TC. Youre basically asked to use Proxys so just kitbash and shit
Not really, no.
The game is in its foundation miniature agnostic.
You could easily buy a couple of 28mm historical plastic kits, some medieval and some WW1/2, combine that with some random bits and bobs and you'll have a cool warband in no time (fx chaos stuff works great for heretic legion)

The emphasize on kitbashing was what got me into the game.
As someone who enjoys /awg/ games quite a bit, business as usual is to DIY a scene yourself: offer to run demo games at your local store, organize games and campaigns, paint your minis and terrain real nice so people where you play get curious and take interest, and help people out online. Once you break out of the D&D/Warhammer/Magic triad you cannot be a passive observer in the hobby.
They're in the same good guy* tier as New Antioch where they're one of the two known bastions of civilization, and it's possible to live a reasonably normal life within the Wall, but also like NA they're doing morally questionable religion science bullshit to keep an edge in the war (making horrifical alchemical beasts that on some level are aware that they are sins against nature).
My kitbashing project that I have yet to start is making seven cults, one for each sin. Design notes so far:
>Wrath: Blood wash, fire FX, blades sticking into their bodies
>Lust: Hands all over, watery imagery, no explicit nudity or genitalia, but literal representations of innuendos, beastfolk?
>Sloth: Melty look, clock imagery?, candle imagery?, emphasize passage of time
>Gluttony: Piles of unused weapons, Sorcerer on a pile of books, mushroom imagery?, bugfolk?
>Greed: Adeptus Custodes expies; maybe use Custodian proxies?
>Pride: Angel wings, everything big and imposing, keep soldiers looking like Crusaders?, each soldier has a slightly different banner
>Envy: Green-eyed reptilians, "looted" gear from other factions, mirrors?
Ripping off a mini's head so that I can replace it with an iron capirote, or building it over the mini's head?
Depends how good you are at sculpting desu. May as well try building it since green stuff should mostly come off once it's cured if you don't like it, and it's good practice to become a sculptchad
Thinking about melting up some spruegoo to try to sculpt for the Sloth Yoke Fiends.
Black grail is literally about insects spewing out of hell, infecting and devouring the earth, go wild.
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They're probably the closest thing to a "good guy" faction; they still have some morally questionable things going on with all the alchemical monstrosities and such (reminder that the main gate to hell was in Jerusalem which definitely implies some weird fuckery going on there) but they sort of only keep to themselves and are choosing to mostly operate defensively. For now, I haven't heard about them using children for any kind of weird means, which I feel is a good sign that they're not too far off the beaten path and lost in the weird religious god sauce. Only forcibly conscripting a single soldier for every 20 households that exists for your rank and file is pretty damn generous too. Maybe they can afford to be a bit more lax with recruitment because they have the wall, but it's obvious they actually at least care for their people's wellbeing beyond just using them as a resource pool.
is the artwork gathered in the mega?
> For now, I haven't heard about them using children for any kind of weird means

They go on raids into Heretic territories to abduct their children so they can brainwash and mutate them into Janissaries. Of course, these are also children in Heretic territory, so it's not like their quality of life was going to be all that nice anyway.
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Post your Warband Lists trench bros.
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It could be so much worse
In moral terms the right thing to do would be to take those children and raise them free from war. But at least there's a mild moral element to their practical element, which is of course getting very good soldiers out of it.

I enjoy with TC that there's no real attempt to go 'yeah this faction has nice guys in it', one of the most groanworthy things with 40k was that
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So I have this FL SUN 3D printer, is that good for printing minis? I know its not AS good as Resin, but this is what I could get. Any tips?
Give them a quick brown wash, inshallah it will make them look much better.
Anyone more well-versed in Christian denominations able to give me ideas how to make distinctly Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant looking pilgrims?
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Frens, I did some new non weeb heads
The first heresy was just Satan showing the Templars our future. One brainrot skibidi rizz video later and they were begging him to open up hell so that future could never come to pass.
No joke go to a library and ask for books about the visual language of their respective religions. Theres been a ton of study on the subject and you might find something very specific and not well known and make it your own. You can also about your own local history and find out more just by seeing what had a presence where you live.
Whats the point of Prisoners in a Methodists band? With no explosives the cost of a handicapped unit doesn't seem worth it. Has anyone used them well with the Methodists?
Sadly, FDMs aren't great for minis smaller then largest of demons, and even demons will not look perfect, you can print really fucking good terain and tanks, and I know some folk have printed tiny tanks on FDMs to run as machine armour, and new ghoust list has leader on a tank, so you could in a pinch go for a list of anchrotie shrines as tiny tanks or kitbash some free stls to make ghost tank leader and then get some dudes to go with him as heretic ghosts.
None in trench crusade case, as there is only "one true church" protestats as we got them don't exist, orthodox are part of same church, so you really are relaying more on regional variation of iconography and wear for where your piligrims come from, mixing and matching is fine too
You can always google 3D models and scans of real world churchs and print those or get scale model buildings to cut up
Any time an angel descends on the battlefield, it is a FUBAR situation where everyone on both sides dies because they are quite literally nukes. Also, the covenant keeps both Hell and Heaven from amassing or sending their full forces because then reality gets fucked in the crossfire.
Beast and Church of Metamorphosis say hi.
I hope they make an art book with high res prints and lore blurbs
That is the rulebook. It will have the rules, but also art and lore.
What is Meta-Christ? Antichrist in disguise?
Every model is capable of holding or contributing control to objectives, so they're a cheap ass way of getting bodies on the table to hold down some areas. Alternatively they can also be useful as a cheap way of getting activation control
Whatever you want, whichever idea is most fun for you.
There are multiple meta-christs. They're jesus clones most likely
has the word clone ever be officially used? I keep hearing it like it's a given but when I first read it my first thought was that it's either a straight up second birth of a lesser version of Jesus or an approximation of the same phenomenon. OR, it's a scion of Jesus, his family line continued to the current day.
> Azeb with a bloody sword
That is so fantastical it's basically false advertising. Azebs in close combat just die inshallah
Look up respective church architecture and priest clothing. They all have distinctive features.
He just had decapitated a servant of shaytan they had captured, mashallah.
Ah I see.
The only good shaytan-worshipping kaffir is one slain by the Sword of Allah.
Allah-u ackbar and praise his iron wall.
so what are the hindus doing in this setting?
I don't have any models yet so no army. Don't like making list without having any models in my hands to get a feel of what I want.
Nothing. The world stops existing at the Zagros mountains.
Knights Of Avarice
[ DUCATS ] Total : 700 | Spent : 700 (0 Lost) | Available : 0
[ GLORY ] Total : 0 | Spent : 0 (0 Lost) | Available : 0
Heretic Priest | Heretic Priest | 143 ducats 0 glory ---
-Gas Grenades (10 ducats)
-Sacrificial Knife (23 ducats)
-Standard Armour (15 ducats)
-Trench Shield (15 ducats)

Heretic Chorister | Heretic Chorister | 163 ducats 0 glory ---
-Standard of Mammon (25 ducats)
-Tarnished Armour (45 ducats)
-Sacrificial Knife (23 ducats)
-Medi-Kit (5 ducats)

Anointed Heavy Infantry | Anointed Heavy Infantry | 147 ducats 0 glory ---
-Reinforced Armour (0 ducats)
-Infernal Brand Mark (0 ducats)
-Heavy Shotgun (20 ducats)
-Polearm (7 ducats)
-Combat Helmet (5 ducats)
-Medi-Kit (5 ducats)
-Trench Shield (10 ducats)
-Gas Mask (5 ducats)

War Wolf Assault Beast | War Wolf Assault Beast | 140 ducats 0 glory ---

Heretic Trooper | Heretic Trooper | 81 ducats 0 glory ---
-Standard Armour (15 ducats)
-Musical Instrument (15 ducats)
-Combat Helmet (5 ducats)
-Pistol (6 ducats)
-Infernal Brand Mark (5 ducats)
-Medi-Kit (5 ducats)

Wretched | Wretched | 26 ducats 0 glory ---
-Knife/Dagger (1 ducats
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Yesterday in the discord they dropped a changelog for 1.6 and no one mentioned it here yet? Some highlights
>Changed the distance for getting elavation advantage from 3" to 2"
>Trench Shields for all warbands are now 10 ducats
>Trench Ghosts getting a complete overhaul with suicide bombers, barbed wire banshees and their heretic priest can ride in a tank?
>Prussians getting access to swords that have a higher chance of wounding the more armour their enemy is wearing
>Gluttony Goetic Power overhaul for Court and Praetors now cost 115 ducats
>Lions of Jabir can be given fear immunity for 5 ducats
>Bolt Action Rifles for Yeomen are only 5 ducats now (!!!!!!!!)
Feel bad for Black Grail bros...
Shitting in streets.
No (pure) demons or angels allowed, thems the rules of the truce
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It does seem like it doesn't it?
>Church flays children and replaces their skin with some plastic shit because apparently makes them hear something that the church thinks is the voice of god
Sometimes it goes a bit grimderp.
>Pretty much all TC models are superb
Eh, I dno about superb but they're certainly fine.
Oof, Tank splitter seems really fucking good for only 10 ducats, especially since NA and especially Shocktroops generally have a bit of a hard time against heavily armored targets.
The body of christ made literal, as in, the spirit of christ embodies a living vessel, and there are multiple, they arent necessarily clones there is just some process that allows Jesus to inhabit another body, but he cant do anything himself. Some reject it because there is obviously only one Jesus and he died on the cross, but others actually use it and get tangible benefits from it, like ressurection and regeneration.

If it was against gods will and is blasphemous devil shit, then why does god have no problem with it and even bestows blessing to those that do it. It doesnt seem to be bullshit as people do come back from the dead and speak words jesus spoke
>Feel bad for Black Grail bros...
You get used to it.
>>especially since NA and especially Shocktroops generally have a bit of a hard time against heavily armored targets.
>the faction that has access to mass flamethrowers, satchel charges, tank hunter communicants and a vastly improved and reliable bloodbath mechanic that can be triggered easily with weapons that make multiple ranged attacks or have burn/shrapnel that make it easier to proc it
>hard time against armoured opponents
Not sure what drugs you’re on but I want some. NA are the cream of the crop when it comes to dealing with armour, especially when compared to a faction like IS or BG
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>Trench Ghosts leader gets a tank mount that counts as machine armour
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As a Catholic I want to make the Swiss guard. What kits or miniatures would be good for some conversion?
Warlord games conquistadors and landsknecht. Just find some modern weapons for the arms.
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You guys don't seem like you're genuinely interested and excited about this game.
It feels more like you just *want* to be excited about something that isn't warhammer.
And I mean, I get it.
But it makes these threads always feel like they have a slightly disingenuous vibe to them.
At least, whenever I happen to check them out.
>you guys are faking interest, you just dont like warhammer is all
Are you serious?
Anon, this is the exact same type of drive-by shitposter we've been getting for months. They're not going to listen to reason.
That's just how these threads always feel to me.
Like I said, I get it. I don't like warhammer either.
Didn't find what I really wanted with Warlord games but then was directed to Wargames Atlantic and found what I needed thanks. Now I can bleed the armies of hell for the Pope in style.
Warlord Landsknechts with Bersagliari arms.
Shut up Games Workshop grunt. This setting has peaked my autism and now I've done nothing but consume the lore on this game. It's good and probably the best mini minifig game I've personally seen.
I just like skirmish games, and particularly ones with campaigns
I still play 40k and paint minis but 40k kill team has very little of what I want. Plus they kind of killed my team.
I miss Heralds of Ruin
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>still seething after the 3 million dollar KS proved itself
when does the cope end?
So you're seething over the sunk cost that you gave money to something you're never going to interact with?
Be silent, plague servant of Beelzebub. Your lies will find no ground here.
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Silence vile heretic. You and your legions will never claim New Antioch, nor will you shaken our wills with your disgusting rhetoric.
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Join the Brigade, brother. I'm fiending for the kickstarter.
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>Buy a NA warband off Etsy
>Read more lore
>Get far more into Pilgrims and Black Grail
so it begins
Have you seen this yet?
It bothers me that people keep saying 3 million when last I checked it was over 5 from the pledge manager or whatever I think
There are better lore and discussion videos out there.
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It went to 5?!
Its a curse
>Get one faction
>another faction ends up looking cooler
>want that faction
this is how you go into intense debt
That reminds me, have Westphalia Miniatures done this stuff before? I mean campaigns and minis? Have they been anywhere decent?
Lost my second punt gun and my pilgrims are somehow more expensive with a bolt action than a yeoman.
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>Think the Trench Pilgrims are just okay
>Read more into them
>Literally have all the best things from WH40k
>Dreadknoughts, Sisters of battle, Commissars, Krieg
how can they make pilgrims better?
>A warband puts lamb blood all over themselves because they think it gives them demonic protection
Pilgrims are simply such fun freaky weirdos
What do you like about your faction bros
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Well this was a screenshot I took Dec 4th, IIRC the last time I was able to check it was at like 5.3 mil
I don't know how to get back to whatever page that was, or if it's even accessible
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From what I understand they do Kickstarters every now and then for minis, though usually they operate more in the Mork Borg ecosystem. I typically don't need RPG minis these days so I've mostly ignored them until now, though I do like their goblins.
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>Started making a bunch of stuff for TP
>Start reading the lore and seeing other peoples models for other warbands and become inspired to make a different faction
I really like the black grail Dirge, they seem like a completely different faction in description from the default, where they go from "Not-Nurgle with flies/rot motiff" to "Dark Souls with hollow husks and black tar blood motiff". On seeing that the Trench Ghosts get a "tank" has me interested in seeing what people will do with that.

Some of the stuff people are making is rad.
Yeah, they're a pretty trusted and reliable company as far as I know. I've only pledged to the Mork Bjorg one as far as their kickstarters go, but I've bought quite a few minis off of their website and always been happy with their quality.
I am interested in it, but I can't imagine actually backing something like this when you will be able to get everything for free on telegram lol. There are like a gazillion skirmish style miniature games out there and odds are this will be about as popular as any of them (i.e. hard to find a game for unless you flgs is large or you live in a fairly urban area).
For me in Warhammer it was
>Like one faction most
>Get told it's prohibitively expensive and that nobody will want to play against it
>Get another faction I think was neat
>Decide to branch into another faction
>Get shamed out of the main one I like again
>Years pass
>Haven't had a chance to play Warhammer in years
>Get back into primarily the hobby end of it
>Finally actually start getting models for the faction that I should've started with in the first place
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you know compared to the rest of the armors and design in the game, idk why they fumbled this Paladin so hard.
Youd think more effort would be put on the Paladins given they seem to be the most important church characters
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Remember, a lot of the art is old as fuck, the art existed before the game and it wasnt really for anything. This is the paladins now.
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I don't like GW, and haven't bought a single thing from them in many years.
GW is an awful company.

Why would I be mad?

I'm being honest. These threads have a subtly different vibe to them than other generals.
I'm not just talking about miniatures generals, it could be EDH, or whatever.

Feels like you guys like this game for what it *isn't*, to some degree.
So you don't have the same belief in your game that you'd see in a Magic general, for instance.
(WotC are scumbags too btw)

Not trolling, or trying to make anyone mad.
It's just a subtle feeling I consistently get in these generals.
>I'm fiending for the kickstarter.
The models they previewed look seriously great. I’m trying to find a place or person that’s willing to print some shit for me so I can make a start by painting up that combat engi and dog.
It’s a bit of a crazy choice honestly; NA is already crazy strong because of their gun lines and now they’re just making it even cheaper and easier to achieve that. There’s no difference between a Yeomen and a Heretic Trooper with a bolt action rifle yet now HL are paying that extra 5 ducats for…Nothing? Makes me wonder if maybe they’re testing the waters for bolt action rifles to drop down to 5 ducats for every warband down the line
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You only have to look at posts above to see people are interested in the setting and factions, not "what it isnt". You can believe what you want it doesnt change how people think the setting is cool and has nice models and kitbashing prospects. Its not deep why people would like this game.
I didn't read this or the reply chain, I just like the art and aesthetics and have enjoyed mike franchina's art for years before it blew up and became a board game, so the miniatures and the game are a nice bonus cherry on top of being able to enjoy the art
Maybe I wasn't clear.
It's not that you guys aren't interested in the game,
it's that you aren't FULLY interested in the game.
Because you're also interested in what the game is not.
A thing does not need to become your obsession for you to be interested in it. You are either interested in a game enough to play it and make models, or you arent, stop treating media like its a religion where if you arent dedicated enough to it then you arent a true believer. Be an enjoyer of things, not a fanboy of things.
That's really not what I'm saying here, guy.
extremely strange posts
IDK what's strange about it.
Part of the reason you guys like TC, is just the fact that it isn't warhammer.
Gives the thread a different vibe.
Not difficult to understand.
Tbh I think most of the stuff larger than a standard human looks like ass.

I unironically dislike the Shrine Anchorite. I just see a carousel on a dieselpunk-y body.
Anon, nobody cares.
Would anyone sperg if I give my communicant ATs a panzerschreck instead of the giant rifle they normally have
People keep replying to me like they do, but okay.
>Part of the reason you guys like TC, is just the fact that it isn't warhammer
>You only like WW2 Bolt Action because it isnt Warhammer
>You only play medieval SAGA because it isnt Warhammer
>You only play the WW1 with knights game TC because it isnt Warhammer
Yes? Does it actually surprise you to learn that there are people that are not interested in Warhammer for whatever reason but want to play tabletop games that distinctly ARENT Warhammer?

See MESBG, do you think those people are only into their game because they dont like Warhammer, or is it because they like Lord of the Rings.
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>is just the fact that it isn't warhammer.
>Lots of posts compare it to Warhammer and say how cool it is that its like the cool parts of Warhammer
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there is a distinct lack of horses in my WW1 dark fantasy wargame
They gave a "mount" option to the trench ghost leader, Im holding out that they add more options like that.
I don't see people liking Bolt Action because it isn't Warhammer.

>See MESBG, do you think those people are only into their game because they dont like Warhammer, or is it because they like Lord of the Rings.
You seem to be missing a crucial point. It isn't about ONLY liking TC because it isn't warhammer.
Nobody (I hope) likes TC ONLY because it isn't warhammer.
But its a significant part of why people like it, and I think that will undermine the game in the long run.
I specifically go out of my way to repeatedly post that not being warhammer is PART of why people like TC.
Yet you still post this:
>is just the fact that it isn't warhammer.
As if I'm saying that literally the only reason this general even exists, is out of anti warhammer contrarianism.
IDK if its bad reading comprehension, or bad faith at this point.
Anyone have the rest of the campaign scenarios?
I can't find any of the starter ones besides "Storming the Shores"
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And as stated, Yes, people might like the game because it isnt Warhammer, could be for any reason, the problem is youre implying the only reason people are talking about this is because they want to spite Warhammer. You even said "people arent FULLY interested in the game" like what the fuck does that even mean, seriously, what does "fully interested" in something actually mean, you can like a thing without making it a personality trait, and liking it does not mean you dislike something else.
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>the problem is youre implying the only reason people are talking about this is because they want to spite Warhammer.
Bro holy fuck
Are you AI?
This can't be a real conversation.
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>You guys don't seem like you're genuinely interested and excited about this game.
>It feels more like you just *want* to be excited about something that isn't warhammer.
Were not having a conversation anon, you walked INTO a conversation other people were having about something you have no contribution to and said something which is just tantamount to "this thread gives me the ick".
>>You guys don't seem like you're genuinely interested and excited about this game.
>>It feels more like you just *want* to be excited about something that isn't warhammer.
How the fuck do you take that, and arrive at
>the *ONLY* reason people are talking about this is because they want to spite Warhammer
(emphasis added)
Enjoy both Bricky and guest but DK is so insufferable I cannot watch this show. I do hope Brick gets hard into TC, preferebly with a different show co-host.
> I do hope Brick gets hard into TC
I think he will, probably do some videos on the main channel at least and for sure some on Adeptus. I wouldnt mind if he had a separate TC podcast though, would be kino.
Call it the Talk Crusade
this nigga is so retarded
It's a big dude with a big gun. I think anyone can correctly identify what the unit is.

Maybe make it a point that he's a tall dude instead of a swole dude like the TPs standard communicant, since that guy can take ranged weapons too.
You're just being intentionally dense at this point.
Guess I'll leave.
My man, the first thing you said was implying the threads past and current. Your first post addressed the "threads" with an accusation and "you guys" implying everyone in them. Like, you couldve come in with a question or tried to talk about something if you were actually interested or wanted to know about something to do with the game, instead you walked into an ongoing discussion you had no knowledge or interest in and said "Guys I think this conversation isnt genuine".

Nigga who asked.
Just ignore the heretic and resign yourself to more divine conversations.
What’s your favorite faction and why brothers in Christ.
New Antioch, it fuels my fierce sallet fetish.
I have a whole cabinet of grey warhammers what's the best army right now? I just wanna win games
Out of curiosity, how blasphemous is TC in Christian standpoint? Anybody here one?
Artwork is from the lore primer and rules mainly, which you can find in the MEGA.

If you mean the new artwork that's being made, then no.
where STLs (kicky ones)
It's heavily implied god is dead or impotent which necessitated the creation of artificial jesuses for their trenchmarines so I'd say pretty blasphemous
>god is dead or impotent
but aren't miracles still happening for nearly all of the forces against hell?
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Which head, can't decide, first one is still wip
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2nd one definitely
2nd one looks too girly, first actually looks like she'll kill you.
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Thanks for the input, appreciate it, did a third one. girly one, one anon was right, too much weebo for TC and that particular style, but I style like it. I guess i have enough magnetized women heads now..
God ain't dead it's just if he gets involved properly it's annihilation for all life. Even an angel showing up is the same as a nuke and renders everything around dead. The Meta Christ isn't really elaborated on (for good reason) but he's clearly not the real Jesus.
Had some tests cav for now a bit too strong but might pop up with hussars
> uses phrases like 'peaked my autism' and 'lore'
> it's the best mini minifig game I've personally scene
Well you sound like a zoomer so likely you have only ever 'personally seen' warhammer slop. And there is barely any 'lore' so I guess your 'deep dive' took about an hour of reading
> ib4 zomm zooms reading and not just listening to their favorite stream read stuff while somehow getting 90% of it wrong
Basically, God and its angels are just as alien and uncomprehensible as the demons, perhaps even more (since the Hell side is made of deities that are close to humans and their base, mundane, vile desires and sins, while Heavens transcends all of that).

Also yeah, just one nuke descending on Earth = everyone around dies.
>Also yeah, just one angel* descending on Earth
>god is dead or impotent
Heaven seems to be playing by some laws that are undefined where hell is looking over contracts for the fine print and exploiting loopholes.
>"if a lord of hell walks on earth heaven will start sending angels, and at that point we both know youll lose"
>"deal, no lords of hell"
>proceeds to corrupt humans into monsters, send mindless beasts and command no-mark demons to lead them
>"you said no LORDS of hell, Im not breaking the contract, all the lords of hell are still in hell"
>in response to this God ups their game but doesnt break the rules, instead of directly sending angels they provide miracles and visions, bit not so much so that it looks like god is just puppetting an opposition, humans still have free will
Something like that. Hell is seriously into contracts, they even let people go to heaven if they fulfil a criteria, and you can weaken a demon by speaking its real name, even when it is counter to their ambitions. Heaven and hell are bound by intangible rules and god/heaven is just staying strictly within the margins where hell is exploiting unspecifics in verbage.
A specific related question on the Wretches; how the hell do they not go to hell after killing someone in desperation. Or do they go to hell either way? I understand hell being good on their deal, but apart from I suppose purgatory, which is better than hell, there is no way any of them are going to heaven.
Probably a loophole that they didnt intend to fulfil. The odds of wretches actually managing to do something monumental feels more like a trick to try and get them to even attempt those things where they wouldnt otherwise
>see that communicant? If you kill that you will be granted freedom, youll even go to heaven. Look Ive written it into a contract, ill keep my word.
Where it seems like an incentive for these guys to even attempt it, not with the goal of giving them their freedom, they just have to fulfil their end because its in the contract and they stick to their contracts. Heaven also seems bound by these rules and has to oblige them, not sure how they would feel about letting a guy in who actively fought against heavens forces. They get to sit at the gate or something, tehcnically in the plain of heaven but not actually inside the kingdom.
>But its a significant part of why people like it, and I think that will undermine the game in the long run.

Where have you seen this sentiment? Because I haven't seen it anywhere.
I really like that, a bunch of poor souls given the shitiest deal imaginable but having a sliver of chance to earn a consolation prize in the form of purgatory in the afterlife. I also really like that the demons do good on their deal and just let them go, wonder what other odd contracts they might've formed in all this time.
Other anon is bullshitting. Plenty of evidence of Divine Intervention.
God is real and very much kicking, he just doesn't get involved in the affairs of mortals very much.
Why? Might be because of what the other anon said about contracts, and even Heaven having to obey some rules. Maybe God doesn't care? If a third of Mankind fell to Hell, the remaining two thirds will have to prove they're worthy of Salvation?
Maybe it's part of some impossible to comprehend 776D mega IQ plan, and everything is actually under control.
Who knows?
demons are absolute dickheads but when they see a wretched actually do something great, they'll acknowledge their contribution to the war against hell and the least they could do is make them NOT the lowest of the low
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How I imagine every mild argument between New Antioch and the Trench Pilgrim goes before they start shooting each other
Probably goes back to the typical human free will thing where God doesn't want to hover parent too much and lets humans live their own life but still sneaks in little hints and help through roundabout means so people feel like they're still in charge of their destiny.
Honestly I just figured, fog of war, you and your buddies are out in no-mans land expecting enemies to show up at any time. Then you see some fucking weirdo looking absolutely whack and screaming their heads off, are you really going to risk yours and your buddies life and mortal souls just for the chance that they might not be demon worshipers? Better be safe and just shoot them from afar.

Also that is a very nice drawing, I hope you try a resident of the sultanate next.
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I guess that makes sense but isnt it also in lore that the forces of God have just fought each other countless times over petty disagreements or did I miss soemthing
No you're absolutely correct. Even the timeline has a section where for 90 years they were fighting over how many nails Jesus had stuck into him, though I'm sure it's vastly simplified in order to fit in a short paragraph.
I mean they're religious zealots I figured infighting was a given not matter what, didn't mean to imply your image was incorrect in any way, just my take on how fighting starts on the battlefield.
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There are bands of TPs who coat themselves in Lambs Blood, and Nuns regularly strip naked to fight nude
I dont blame NA for randomly thinking
>These insane weirdos just wandered into the battlefield screaming and killing themselves, are they on my side or heretics fighting heretics?
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It’s also fairly well stated that Trench Pilgrims are very much an unofficial fighting force; it’s all well and good to be fighting for god, but the NA likely have their orders to just shoot anyone on sight that isn’t them, since there’s always the potential they could just be heretics masquerading as worshippers, and they’re not supposed to be there. If you disobey commands like that you can’t blame the soldiers for treating you like a security threat. This in addition to their cultish and unique ways of showing devotion could also come off as blasphemous to normal NA practices like you stated.

Basically TP’s have it coming. NA on NA violence feels a little harder to justify, but everything else has plausible reasoning
>Sultanate blame the Christians for releasing the heretics on the world and hold a grudge and are given specific orders to not let anyone stop them from achieving their means
>Heretic Legion are selfish assholes
>Court are selfish assholes
>Black Grail are selfish assholes
That Red Brigade HMI design it too Space Marine-y for my liking. It's a good design but I just can't not see a oldschool Marine.
Probably a fair degree of that. The gates of Hell didn't open on their own, it was through the mortal hands of the Templars that Hell was unleashed.
We're about 5 trumpets out of 7 on armageddon scale.
NA on NA violence feels fairly justifiable in that NA is made up of tons of different groups from all over. With them all being fairly heavily steeped in their religion and views, you have no idea what can happen out on the field

The one that seems hardest to justify to me is IS on IS battles. Although I'm well aware that Islam also has its own sects and all, they seem far more unified as a faction and it's hard to imagine any circumstances of infighting asides from specific cases such as a Fida'i of Alamut warband that for whatever reason has an anti-IS mission
I can see Assassin vs Assassin fights as a way to dick measure each other while House of Wisdom mirrors are probably academic rivalries, but yeah vanilla IS infighting is probably the biggest stretch so far.
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>Black Grail
If ya aint Sick' ya got the Ick'
Yeah, NA have the fact that they're the product of various different countries who offer tithe, but all still act as countries and sometimes wage war on each other anyway. A battle could easily break out because one party is of the papal states and doesn't like the Eire's paganistic elements. And anything can be justified with a simple battle over who gets the resources located here or there to keep surviving
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Pretty funny to image that any NA v NA game is because one side didnt pay their damn Taxes
what scale are the minis supposed to be in 28 or 32?
the resin ones i got from the original KS were 28mm
It's a 32mm scale game but the base sizes range from 28mm-60mm depending on the unit. That said most of the stuff ppl are using for mooks to build or proxy are 28mm anyways.
With the new update, are cheap Trench Pilgrims just worse than cheap Yeomen and cheap Azebs? Before armor and other universal equipment, at 35 ducats, an Azeb has a Jezail and Alchemical ammunition, which gives him some substantial range, and a Yeoman gets a bolt action. At that price, the only ranged option a Trench Pilgrim has is a musket, but those things kind of suck and it looks like it'd be more worthwhile to go with a pistol and melee option at a higher price.
There needed to be something to differentiate yeomen and pilgrims. I personally would not have gone the rout of discounting the yeoman's basic gun, but I guess it's supposed to represent it being the standard issue weapon which I get. I think a rule that represents that yeomen actually have non-zero training unlike a pilgrim would have made more sense.
Isnt that what fireteams represent? That they are more trained and coordinated. Seems like the change was a way to actually get people to use bolt action bayonets, as before, it was better to just eat the cost and give them a better weapon than a bolt action. Now they are actually just a core ranged unit of the faction focused on fighting at range.

TP are a more close range focused faction, where NA gets a cheap bolt action for long range on its chaff, TP gets stuff like the warcross and flails for theirs. Both cost only 5 points and are pretty good, assault on the warcross and no range penalty incentivises TP chaff to get into close range rather than sit back and shoot like NA, and the flail gives a chaff unit +1dice to their chance to hit. For 5 points thats pretty damn good when you can give it to all your pilgrims for that miniscule cost.
Just feels kind of weird when the Trench Pilgrims look more like the average guy who felt compelled to go to war from powers on high and you have to pay more for them to be effective. It's a little inconvenient that polearms are 3 ducats more for Trench Pilgrims when they're more geared for close quarters, but they do get the flail at 5. It makes me kind of wish that Trench Pilgrims could get some kind of alternate ammunition like buck and ball to add a +1 to hit at close range for the musket or something, but then again that'd still make them more expensive than the other cheap faithful guys.
I think their main benefit is not their stats and weapon options but their ability to ressurect. It allows you to get reckless with them and even gear them with more expensive items, as the ressurection cost is a flat 40 ducats, so even if the unit is equipped with reinforced armour, a flamethrower, a sheild and a flail while also wearing a helmet and has a med pack when they die, you only spend that flat 40 and they come back as a stronger unit.

So you equip some guys as dissposables as they are just bums who showed up to the expedition and they have cheap gear, but also equip some guys as budding heroes who you intend to ressurect to have better stats and upgrade to elite status. That flat 40 cost can make it so you get far more value than the unit is worth and also save a lot of money so you can start upgrading gear more aggresively.
That is one of their biggest strengths, but it's a shame that it's limited to campaigns. In pick up games, they lose a lot of that capability. I'm also not sure how to change anything about them that'd make them more decent in a one off game that wouldn't make them too strong in a campaign.
I imagine if they did wargames the martyr version would just be a unit you can field outright, so If you want to play a one off game with them just treat the game as though its in its second stage, and pay the extra 40 for any martyr pilgrims you want to play with.
Was it 40? I thought it was 45, or was there new errata I missed? And would it be 45+30? Because 70-75 ducats is a lot of cash for grunts, even if they remove a die from injuries and add a die for melee.
It is 45, youre right. Yea its a lot for a grunt, if it was cheap it would be a no brainer to take it I suppose, and you can just consider this as a sort of "you can do this, but its a really bad idea to do it for a lot of pilgrims because its expensive" sort of hurdle.

Consider; Undead are hard to kill because they have -1 to injuries by default, where the tradeoff for this is that those units do not have access to weapons or are heavily capped in capacity, but they can still hold their own due to that survivability. The martyr pilgrims have no cap, and have the same -1 to injries except for them fire doesnt ignore it like it does for the undead, they also get the +1 to melee AND can use any weapon in the arsenal. For a one off game its something you have to consider for yourself if its worth taking cheaply equipped bums to have 10 guys on the table, or paying the cost and taking a few martyr pilgrims even if it means only 8 guys on the table. For the one off games youll absoloutely have the points to spend for TP since they only have 3 really cheap elites compared to other warbands.
It does feel a bit like the Trench Pilgrims are a faction of various elites and specialists, even with the grunts. The Trench Pilgrim grunts are one death away from being an exceptionally tanky melee fighter. The Stigmatic Nuns are basically diet Communicants that can actually shoot. Even the Ecclesiastic Prisoners have the unique ability to be a serious threat to anything on the field, no matter how big it is.
Then again, maybe that's the point? They are God's chosen, after all.
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Anyone have an idea of what exactly a Warcross is? I assume it's a fancier version of picture related, or would it have moving parts somehow.
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Literally just a big throwing star, they come in all shapes and sizes, they are also known as "wurfkreuz". Since some places you werent allowed to carry weapons people just carried a cross, that was big and sharp. Theres also some history with them that they were used to execute people accused of heresy, where the knife was left in the victim with their crimes written on it and the courts ruling so if someone at any point discovers the body and a knife in it they know what it is.

They could totally do something with an alternate warband that focuses on this stuff, where they give buffs to the war cross as a weapon of choice and abide by some court, where you can pick a different flavour of throwing cross that assigns a "crime" it is punishing and it changes how the weapon works
>upgraded cross has the profile of a club and can be wielded, and picks a trait that applies when thrown:
>Condemn undead: when attacking undead it behaves like a flame weapon and ignores their -1 to injury rule
>Condemn greed: ignores 2 armour
>Condemn wrath: +1 dice to injury rolls on units with STRONG.
>Condemn pride: +1 to dice rolls when attacking an elite
You're very limited on fire teams so it's not a good representation imo. Unfortunately due to the dice math it's hard to give them better stats.

Although now that you mention it, something like a Yeomen Fireteams rule where yeomen can always group activate with other yeomen might be a good way.
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dragon for dragon hunt, drying and still wip
Goddamn thats rad.
Sick as hell dude
was waiting for someone to make this
great job
Question about campaign play experience/skills, what are the allowed skill tables?
Or is it just pick 2 tables to roll on every advancement?
deserving of a diorama, stellar stuff man, may god always roll you sixes
Thanks guys, really appreciate it, I'm not satisfied yet, and I suck at painting bigger minis, so I hobby cheated and soaked it in black oil wash, ak old rust pigment and ak rust streaks. I swear those ak thingies are cheats.
Will post more pics tomorrow. This is a 20€ model from amazon btw: Zvezda 500783534 - 1:35 ISU-122 (RR) Panzer.
Used Green Stuff world barbed wire (its awesome), self printed candles, self printed wheels, 2 bestiarum torture wheels, and a lot of wood.
oh and the idols were from mr.jarr and some account on mmf who scans museum thingies (you can download for free), which you can scale down and print, more people need to use those, the real life statues etc you can scale down and do proper terrain with its endless possibilities.
Nice work Anon.
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As Trench Crusade develops I hope they had more characters and character writing, I would love if the Duke or a character was added that had the same morals and attitude of Frolo
you mean uncontrolable lust for gypsy ass?
>new recruits of New Antioch start to question their choices, as they witness the palace of duke of New Antioch being visibly a giant gypsy camp
>As Trench Crusade develops I hope they had more characters and character writing
They'll be adding named characters for the story campaign in the Carcass Front Campaign Pack towards the end of the year (it's their next kickstarter)
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Had this old warmachine mini laying around and had an idea to use him as a sniper priest. Helmet isn't glued yet so I might mess around with a few more heads, but in general I always like my minis to all be helmeted.
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what STLs are you using
have people shared their kickstarter ones yet?
3D printers actually aren't real
Would gyppos even still recognizably exist? They're way too heretical in culture for the rulers of Christendom to not actively being trying to stamp them out as a vector for demonic corruption, whilst at the same time gypsies hate being in areas where they're not the rough troublemakers taking advantage of civilized folk's aversion to violence, so they'd stay well the fuck out of heretic lands.
About to start a campaign, any tips?
Thinking it might be best to be extremely careful with my elites, even at the expense of victory early on for example.
I cannot imagine a world where gypsies can't squirm their way out of extinction, even with god on our side.
it's stupid that the USA isn't in the setting tee bee aitch
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When would they have had the time to and what would a USA faction even do? Democratically side with hell?
they could be relatively safe due to the ocean dividing them from eurasia, and be an industrial zone used to make equipment and vehicles for the war effort
and do the demons have navies?
wouldn't be that hard if not for some colonists to sail over like irl
You know the forces of hell have a navy right? Sure there's a massive ocean on the way but you best believe no one would let a landmass of that size go free to the enemy.
I also see no benefit in including the americas into the current equation, there's already enough to build on as it is and if they want to expand to it they can in the near future.
You couldn't really have the US and Canada exist in the setting without fucking up the balance of power. The ability to levy men and resources from the entire North American continent would be a massive boon to whichever faction secured it, which would probably be the forces of Hell since they have the far superior navy. You'd probably need to have them involved in civil wars between faithful and heretic forces, at which point you've strayed from the "WW1 Crusade in the Holy Land" aesthetic which is at the core of the setting.
makes sense then, I guess I just always imagined them as a background nation when tc was just cool drawings and light lore blurbs
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Minor update to the changelog already
>Tank Splitter swords up to 15 ducats now instead of 10 but their rules have changed; they get +1 to injury rolls and if they're attacking an enemy with an armour modifier they can automatically set one of the rolled dice to a 6
>NA now has access to the Heavy Ballistic Shield, a shield that can only be used by units in machine armour. It makes the unit always count as being in cover and behind a defended obstacle when being attacked
>Some changes to Infernal Armour for court, not quite sure what exactly the changes are supposed to mean though?
NA are getting pretty damn spoiled

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