Nurgle Scented Candle Edition>Previously, in the Mortal Realms>>94722860>Official AoS website:>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:>>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:>Booru:>Thread question:Do you own any AoS merchandise? Shirts, hats, lanyards, etc?
>TQI own citadel paints, does that count?
I own a pen I got for free. I think it's cursed city branded. Does that count?It's a pen. It works like a pen. The lid fits relatively tightly. It's an okay pen.If I had to buy one I'd probably get a different one though. 6/10.
Why can't i buy GW branded lawn mawer, or drain cleaning products?Feels like missed business opportunities
>>94743413GW the lifestyle brand.Can't wait.
>>94743142>TQGot myself Disciples of Tzeentch poster. Does it count?
>>94743699I really think AoS and WhFb chaos mortals mog the shit outta 40k chaos mortals since CSM just overshadow them. Kairic acolytes and the Ogroid thaumaturge in particular.
>>94743747Don't mix AoS mortals and fantasy mortals.Wfb is all one not vikings
>>94743747>Ogroid thaumaturgeMy body goals.
>>94743142>Nurgle Scented Candleso... the smell of a FLGS?
>>94743916pardon the tripcode, didnt mean that preview up, including silhouettes40k, AOS, TOW, Necromunda and BLThe continued absence of Warcry worries me a little, but they did a similar long absence with UW so who knows. Anyway looks like Beastmen for TOW and Gravelords (Black Knights) for AoS
>>94743951That bray-shaman in the middle was supposed to be ours.
>>94743951>Warcry doesn't get stuff after releasing quarterly huge boxes for the last year or two>I'm waorried guys...This is why last thread people complained this place is full of 70 IQ retards
>>94743965>inb4 they didn't bother to remove a SCE helmet trophy
>>94743967Anon it's been almost a year since they revealed the last "quarterly" Warcry box. I'm willing to believe they're holding off until a new edition drop this summer but lets not pretend this is some tiny gap.
>>94743971they removed all the karl franz bits from the empire plastics in TOW so they might rerelease the Herdstone againnew weight King on horse looks nice
>>94743987That's not wight king on horse, that's either generic black knight unit champion or some fancy build option for Vampire Lord on horse we already saw
>>94743994The rumor we had prior to this was skellybois Gravelord armybox with new Black Knights and Grave Guard (and new Zombie Dragon, presumably as a separate release) so this seems fully in line with that.
>>94743994>generic black knight unit championdefinitely this
>>94743965if it's any consolation anon the bray-shaman will just be a resin model like every new on foot character for TOW
>>94743142Is there a lore reason this guy has a double chin?
>>94744017He's a fat figurant who doesn't actually do anything
>>94744017being fat is a sign of strength in gobbos
>>94744013True. The bigger surprise with TOW is that this preview is showing Beastmen at all, they keep pushing back HE for some unknowable reason.
>>94743988*in Necromunda
>>94743994>build option for Vampire Lord on horse we already sawI tought it was an confirmed conversion?>>9474396540k Lucius looks rad, noone cares about AdMech, Bray Shaman hits right in the feels, Necromunda Worm looks goofy and has crab-potential, SBGL knight has a goofy helmet and thus sucks undless you're in to LRL as well.
>>94744042yeah it's weird when some models have already leaked like the old Korhil model is returning so you think the HE release isn't that far away
>>94744060waste nomads getting a second plastic kit?
>>94743951I was hoping for WE for TOW, I need one good model for a project and seeing Beastmen in TOW is too soon for me. As far as sbgl goes I am more of a vampire guy but I can't say that black knights don't need a refresh
I'm considering unironically starting a fyreslayers army even though almost no one at the local place plays aos aside from some spearhead. Am I just being contrarian?
>>94744084My main gripe with them releasing new GG/BKs is the timing, I've already got 40 painted GG and a bunch of BKs, I'm sure the new models will look amazing but I don't know if I can be bothered.
>>94744095I like Fyreslayers, they're not for everyone but they are fun. That said if you're looking to start them now, take into consideration that it's fairly likely they get new models this edition, possibly including a new armybox, and definitely they will get a new spearhead like everyone else (current spearhead for them kinda sucks, ngl) so you might regret jumping in too early.
>>94744095Can you even run a fyreslayer army where the only infantry are the warcry unit? because honestly I'd not get anywhere close to their other 2 infantry kits
>>94744132technically you could do it, how playable it would be is a different story. The main issue with the Warcry unit is that it can't be reinforced, if not for that they'd be a lot more viable.
otto glott WIP. I used streaking grime but after cleaning it up idk why i didn't just use agrax or strong tone.How should I highlight the green armor? So far I'm thinking VMC splinter green, then mixing it with sybarite green a teeny bit for a small highlight. also going to try out dark brown or chocolate straps.>>94743965> left to rightnew luciussome new 30k admech walker kastelan robot thingnew bray shaman for ToWNo clueLooks like a mounted Vampire character for Soulblight or something
The new Freeguild Marshal proxy was officially announced just now.
>>94744252I'll be honest I couldn't care less
>>94744252He looks better than the foot knights at least
>>94744252Mediocre, honestly. Better than Super Mario the new Empire general I guess.
>>94744279Probably made this milenium instead of found in a bottom layer of the bin
>Oh, right. That was a thing.
>>94744302Realms of Ruin took any opportunity we had of getting a half decent AoS game within the next 5 years to a back alley and gutted it like a pig.
>>94744363I don't play vidya so it doesn't really matter to me either way. Too bad for the people that do, I suppose.
>Collect, assemble, paint, and base ~4000 points of a faction including nearly the entire model range>Immediately want to sell them and start over with a different schemeIt keeps happening
>>94744363The one good thing about Realms of Ruin imploding is that it means GW can yank that "Exclusive AoS RTS license" right back from them and give it to anyone else.But yeah gonna be quiet on the AoS video game front for a while. I think the only other announced upcoming game right now is that Nexon RPG from a while back.
>>94744395>GW can yank that "Exclusive AoS RTS license" right back from themI don't think that's quite how it works.
Since I'm just in that sort of mood right now, thinking about what's confirmed/heavily rumored this edition and what might come...SC, Skaven, STD, Warclans, Gits, and SBGL are all either done or we know basically what to expect. >ChaosChorfs are pretty much confirmed. Slaanesh seems unlikely to get anything substantial. Nurgle is rumored to be getting Pestigors so I can see a mid size release for them tying in with them being one of the Harbingers from Dawnbringers. Khorne might get a small update again going off Dawnbringers, no real rumors around Tzeentch. Some rumors of a Daemon update for 40k which could be shard with AoS>DeathAside from the big update to SBGL I don't expect much else. Maybe more new stuff for FEC. I think OBR will be reserved for the next edition starter set since Death will be back in rotation. >DestructionAlready mostly covered, it just comes down to whether Ogres finally get updated or not>OrderI think Fyreslayers are likely to get an update just because Dawnbringers was sucking them off pretty hard across multiple books. DoK and Sylvaneth getting thematic expansions to go with their new special characters also seems fairly likely. KO and IDK absolutely deserve updates but there's basically zero hints or rumors about them atm. Seraphon got their big update last edition so they're fine, and CoS I think will get a 2nd wave accompanied with even more squatting of old models.
>>94744363Who gives a fuck? Are you 12?
>>94744405They stopped supporting the game and have no new content planned, the license is effectively dead and buried.
>>94744446where did you hear all of this?
>>94744460TGA, where all the credible leakers (Except Valrak, but he rarely talks about AoS) hang out for the last couple of years.
>>94743762>not vikingsMaybe in the lore, neither WoCs or Marauders had anything nordic about them
>>94744446>Seraphon got their big update last edition so they're fineguards doko
>>94744252Why the fuck are some of them so fucking ugly? I cant even put my finger on the exact reason for the ugliness, the standard bearer and paladin were cool, tf happend
>>94743965So Lucius for 40k, robot for admech/hh?, new grey seer? or is that shaman for beasts?, necromunda worm(sory sylvaneth) and new undead hero.I hope SBGL hero looks cool so I can canibalize him for my FEC. >>94744484>Marauders had anything nordic about themSave for estetics, names, orgin land, preferable fighting metod ect. Thats nothing I guess.
>>94744484Being shitty cartoon vikings instead of realistic ones doesn't change the intent
>>94744495>Save for estetics, names, orgin land, preferable fighting metod ect. Thats nothing I talking about the models and the aesthetic, they are generic fantasy barbarians, unless you count generic fantasy horned helmets as a viking thing
>>94744446>Khorne might get a small update again going off DawnbringersOutside of the obvious (ie Stormcast getting a battletome right away) does AoS tend to keep battletome releases in somewhat similar orders edition to edition? Khorne got theirs rather late in 3rd it seems.
>>94744548>does AoS tend to keep battletome releases in somewhat similar ordersnope
>>94744363That's not from RoR it's from that weird VR game they released
>>94744548No, it's spread out around whoever gets big releases, SCE starting is the only rule
>>94744455Doesn't mean they don't keep the license
>>94744612Good luck defending that position in court if you aren't using the license in any way.
>>94744548Third ed was slow because the logistics from the first half fucked everything up
>>94744606I know. I’m just languishing over the state of AoS games.
>>9474374740k doesn't have 'chaos mortals' in any meaningful sense. Cultists are fodder to fill out lists lacking in their own unique sauce, like Jackhals in the World Eater list. Or the sad state of Thousand Sons, which had to literally borrow exalted Tzaangors from age of sigmar to fill out their roster with a 'cultist' like unique of mutants. Cooler stuff, like Kill Team Blooded, is from Kill Team not 40k but got 40k rules. But there is no support for Chaos Guard and MENTIONED HERE characters like the Duchess who turned her entire planet to worship Slaanesh are not on tabletop. You cannot have a Traitoris Militarum the way you have Brood Brothers for GSC- Kill Team Blooded has no warlord character and cannot use vehicles like Leman Russ. They even took Vraksian Militia upgrades, once available on forge world, out of print so you can't even field nurgle-themed guard.It's all wasted potential because space marines sell too good so GW has no reason to effortpost the non-marine factions.
>>94743965Is time for Tyranids in AoS? LUL
>>94743965this doesnt look good for aos, beasts are tow now (sadly), 40k getting the emperor children reveal and the sbgl looks like fucking nothing... sad bros.
>>94744446I hope they do something interesting with Chorfs, literally just porting them directly from fantasy would be a waste of an opportunity given that they've had millennia to adapt to AoS's mythic fantasy shenanigans.
>>94744753We know Soulblight are getting at least 3 kits, 1 already leaked
>>94744713For me is offensive TS have such a potencial in both 40k and AoS and the only thing they have Tzeentch army is FUCKING BIRDS.Is horrible and insulting.
>>94744446>Destruction>Already mostly covered, it just comes down to whether Ogres finally get updated or notEven with an Ogre update Destruction is by far a lame GA. They need something to grab players attention besides fatties and greenskinz.
>>94744851kragnos could get a faction of centaurs, but aside from that the alliance is very much dead set on green retards and accessories for green retardsit's not even a bad characterisation, they're just poorly supported and with some laughably missed shotstake giants for example, all they had to do was have one giant with armour
>>94744851problem with destruction is the allegiance is tied to the most boring and irrelevant factions of this game, globos are fun and interesting, but they will necer be important, krulez and ironjawz tied together are just weird, ogres look old and giants are ugly. but mostly gw has done nothing to fix this situation.
>>94744889Beasts of Destruction are next edition anon
>>94744807All we can say for certain is that whetver GW does, or doesn’t, do with them we're going to be up to our armpits in people screaming about how it was the wrong thing to do.
>>94744945Real question: HatsYes or No?
>>94744967yesthere's no point otherwise
>>94744967yes but only for upper clas Chorfsno hats for working-class chorfs
>>94744967Yes, is like say if GSG should have hoods or not.
>>94744851Destruction is in kind of a rough spot conceptually since they're pretty much civilization-hating barbarians like Chaos minus the demon god flavor. >>94744967While I consider big stupid hats to be elgi-ish in aspect it feels wrong for chorf leadership to lack them. The rank and file should have dope helmets like the Infernal Guard.
>>94744967Legion of Azgorh did it right.Big Hats for leaders, ranks menacing helmets. And tons of warmachines.
>>94744713>Cooler stuff, like Kill Team Blooded, is from Kill Team not 40k but got 40k rules.Let's be honest here, GW is using Kill Team as an excuse to give 40k factions new kits that have been needed for years. This is not a warcry situation where the kit is obviously made for another game but they also gave it rules. At this point there are dozen of full 40k kits that come from Kill Team and that were clearly made for 40k first.
did a bit on my glottkin i just a few hours. I've always had trouble highlighting the spiky but smooth shafts on Nurgle weapons like this scythe. This is because the the edges are very visible but they flatten out very quickly and subtley. Should I just drybrush the staff or just shade then dot the pointiest spikes? I'm also going to a light to dark transition on the helmet horns.>>94744967>>94744975>>94744983Dwarves usually aren't depicted without a crown, big boxxy helmet or big hat or mohawk in the case of slayers. A chorf without a hat, horn mutations, or infernal guard mask will just look ridiculous.
While talking about Chorfs having their trademark big hats is fun and all, please do temper your expectations to include the large possibility that they end up looking nothing like what you imagined, hats included, and only share the base concept of the faction with its Old World counterpart.
I'm learning the rules - in this edition spears are no longer king? The era of hand weapons is upon us?>...if any part of a model is visible, including the tip of a spear or banner
>>94744736That would be genuinely sick tho, just cut down on the shooting, and theyll fit completely fine
>>94744851>besides fatties and greenskinz.Destruction was made for people who like fatties and greenskinz
>>94745062Dry brush first but if it doesn't pop eniugh for your taste do a dot highlight. But it's the shaft of the weapon let the blade and the rest of the model be the star here
>>94744017Bulking phase before you cut for the summer bro DYEL?
Any bets on the name of the nu Black Knight?> deathrattle noire-cavaliers> deathrattle spook-equestrians
>>94744967yes but they shouldnt be ubiquitousan entire army of big hats is funny but i want them to be a more serious army than thatthe big hats should be reserved for leaders, and even then not every leader should have them
>>94745442Mori Chevaliers
>>94745442Are you actually retarded or that desperate for (you)s
>>94744825What was the leaked one?
>>94745535Isn’t that one of those veetoobers?
>>94745661Mori is latin for to diethe Vtuber just took the word as her name
>>94745689You have no humor in your soul do you?
>>94745633Vampire Lord on horse got posted like a month ago
>>94745689>Mori is latin for to dieIt's in the 2nd person tho, not in the infinite
>>94743142Does anyone have a link to a torrent for the Realmgate Audiobooks? I lost my downloads and wanted to pick back up the books to listen to at work.
>>94745702I do but does involve being a bit ficious towards people online and answeing question as truthfully and stoically as I can
>>94743951>no underworldsso glad i sold my entire collection
>>94746008They literally just released 4 warbands and have 16 old warbands to re-sell
>>94743847He's not natty
>>94744083Maybe? Book of the outlands is getting pretty old and busted.
>>94746180He totally is. All the other 'roids look the same
>>94745848Romanes eunt domus
>>94746213They're as natty as Ronnie Coleman
>>94744252why so much hate, its a lovely leader mini
Fellas I’m not feeling the new black knights…
>>94744363It's funny to me that GW could simply take any popular genre, slap AoS coat of paint onto it and it would do better than that trashfireGames like Shadow of War would require fuck all tinkering and little negotiations since they're in cahoots with WB
>>94744522>generic fantasy horned helmets as a viking thingits hollywod bastardization but yes
>2025 will give us chorfs>2026 will give us new fyreslayers
>>94746459They're a very obvious rivalry, so one without the other would feel incompleat
>>94746319You can do the same with basically any IP/Popular Game combo but so few companies can be bothered.
>>94744621Buddy if you haven't read the contract (which you havent) then you have zero idea of the terms of the license and what they have to do to retain it (if anything at all). But I also doubt a term was 'exclusive license for RTS games'> ib4 PRESS RELEASEPress release isn't a contract term and contracts very often define a term in a contract to mean an extremely specific thing. Some blurb from warhammer community or the publisher website means less than nothing.
>>94746319>>94746530It’s mystifying how it feels like they’ll leave money on the table in an effort to prove themselves right and end up making a flop no one asked for. Let me rapid fire some ideas including popular ones that have been repeated for a longtime within the community:AoS Vermintide with Ghouls or GitzAoS Hades with a StormcastAoS CRPG, hell just let Owlcat handle it.Frostpunk, but it’s a City of Sigmar. AoS ARPG.AoS musou with named characters like Bastian, Gordrakk, Katakros, and Abraxia.Space Marine, but it’s a Stormcast. And adjacently, Helldivers but Stormcast.All RoR had to do was copy Dawn of War’s gameplay and it would’ve banged. Re-use the assets and repackage the game or by some miracle update it with this in mind. What we have now is I don’t know how many mobile games, Stormground, RoR, the Underworlds port, and the VR game, and they all flopped. God damn, it’s infuriating.
>>94746008At this point I'm fine with just having the original shit.
>>94746302Well now's your chance to buy out the last of GW's stock. But you'll have to compete with the nighthaunt guys.>>94746651If we got Deathtide in AoS having the ghouls be the beastmen replacement would be the coolest fucking shit. Imagine having the boss be an abhorrant that fucks with what you're seeing and it pyrovisions the game so all the ghouls look like knights and peasants attacking you. Nighthaunt could have Crossboos that noclip through terrain to get the highground on you...Shit I'd even be excited to play as a Stormcast, imagine those stupid weapons in FPS form. Those massive fuck off crossbow machine gun things and crossbow rocket launchers. Set the whole thing in Ulfenkarn have the plot being various death factions trying to take over the city post the power vacuum or some shit.
>>94746815Followup: They already have a pseudo rig for skeletons thanks to the most recent couple of updates for Vermintide, zombies would be piss easy, wolves could be like the hounds from darktide. Lotta fun options though my main concern would be just the enemies having less character if we wind up with generic skeletons and undead. Ossiarch would be pretty neat in regards to that but I feel like it'd be a much harder sell if they're the primary force.Heroes could be Stormcast (Got your shooty ranger ones, big bulky one, and wizard or priest), Sylvaneth...? (revenant could be cool), Ogre or Ork, for your dedicated wizard I'm gonna go fuckin' crazy and say Celestial Battle Wizard or Death Wizard from the ol' cities of Sigmar, and last I would really like if they somehow slipped a Kharadron in with little turrets or the ability to fly.
>>94743916Smells like Etat Libre d'Orange Secretions Magnifiques.
>>94746180>He's not nattyEvery time he reads a book, he does one (1) pushup. (Here, have another Ogroid for reference.)
>>94746935Saurus hero would be fun. Barely speaks the common language, but still gets some good lines in.
I couldnt get an answer earlier: are there snapshots of all profile points at given times (e.g. previous seasons of 3rd ed)? My friends and I have decided to play 3rd ed again and felt like not playing andtor just yet after spending a whole year with these rules
I’m looking to start an aos army but I’m torn between KO, Nighthaunt, and Ironjawz. Can anyone give me the elevator pitch for each army and tips on how to get started with each one if I choose them?
>>94747159Shoot and run fast, lots of metal to paintJust run fast, trivial to paintSmash stuff, green to paintIJ just got a battleforce, for others Spearheads might do
>>94747159Nighthaunt, easy to paint, relatively cheap starting point and lots on secondhand market. Cool ghosts and shit. Also part of the death quartet so you can get some of the other dudes as RoR if say you like Ushorann, Nagash, the Mortarchs!Also they're cool fuckin ghosts, you could probably pick up an old soul wars half dirt cheap or just see what bundles are available online.
Semi-new player. How do you guys build your minis for the reinforced units? I know that *technically* you shouldn't build a second champion and only build those special figures that are allowed to be taken again in a reinforced unit. But it kind of sucks leaving a cooler champ unbuilt, and also I wonder if I'm not fucking myself over if later on I'd want to run 2 unreinforced units instead. How do you do it? Does your player grouo doesn't care about what minis you have, so long as you declare which one is the "real" champ?
>>94747324>Does your player grouo doesn't care about what minis you have, so long as you declare which one is the "real" champ?Basically this. As long as you can clearly declare and denote the champion or other special model and inform your opponent, you’re good.
>>94747324Personally I usually build the 2nd champion because Champions are cool but I will happily not build and paint extra banner carriers. Musicians depends, but I'll often skip them as well.
>>94747324Hide fake champions in the back and remove them 1st when stuff starts dieing.Some kits literally can't not have them
>>94747159>KOBig ship energy. Very elite army and I think not too expensive comparatively. Will be a pain to transport. Limited options for good value sets (only got Spearhead which you'd want multiples of). Rslatively okay to paint. >IronjawzBig elite hunk energy. Simple but satisfying to paint. Right now has battleforce boxe floating around that is great value for starting and they got a spearhead as well (or is that coming soon?). Faction isn't in healthiest spot because of general Destruction GA issues, being tied up with Orruk Warclans and not being too strong at this point (but it can only go up some say). >NighthauntBig swarm energy. It has mediocre box options and after xmas their stock has been heavily emptied out as far as I saw. Army is very strong, but you'd need to invest about as much if not more as KO to get the good stuff. Painting is very beginner friendly, but units tend to look quite similar.
>>94743965Bonerchads rise!
>>94747360Yeah, I was wondering about this as well. Having 2 banner guys is a bit meh, but then again, I don't want to screw up the option to split the reinforced unit in 2so its a bit of an indecision paralysis for me. >>94747361>Some kits literally can't not have themWhat do you mean? Some kits don't even give non-champion build option? Are these old kits or just random ones?
>>94747389In practice, it's rarely optimal to field unsupported units, and things like Banner Bonuses tend to be very minor, so I wouldn't sweat it too much.
>>94743142Question. Anyone here can share Realmslayer: Blood of the Old World Audiobook?
>>94747729Enjoy, anon. It's a hefty listen.
>>94747866Okay. I love you man. So much.
>>94747866>>94747896Ah wait. Is it the normal Realmslayer? I was asking for Blood of the Old World. The sequel one.
>>94747916Aw, hell. My bad. I think I actually listened to that one off various websites because I couldn't find it when I was initially listening to it back then.
>>94747924Ah damn... Eh, maybe someone has it. Asked for it on PDF one too. Maybe someone will post it.
>>94747933"by PDF one" I meant PDF thread.
Hey fellas, I am getting back into AoS, I have a ton of Stormcast models from 1st through 3rd edition and I feel a little overwhelmed. So please help me build an army from scratch. I will look at what I have and then will know where to go from there. The only thing I know off the top of my head is that I got that starter set with Stormcasts and Orruks from years ago.
>>94742502>"friend" brings a named centerpiece to a 1k game>you wonder how you lostHe's a bitch. Fuck his ass - make him humble.
>>94748734Yeah what a scumbag. Unless you do something silly, like I played against a mate with 1k, I used only Morathi, so was technically 300 points down, was actually pretty even and fun
>>94748372Kind of difficult to suggest a list for you if the only thing you know you have is dominion
>>94744017I feel represented (bald and double chinned)
>>94744017he's eatin good
>>94744840Birds are cool tho
Can stormcast play from a horde of liberators?
>>94748832Everything else I have is retired. It's all 1E models. What can I build into the Dominion set to make it functional is my concern. I am wondering if it may not even worth trying to flesh this out and juet get a new spearhead
>>94749329>Everything else I have is retired. It's all 1E models.Retired stuff is 2nd ed, 1st ed is either still in or had new sculpts
>>94749345Hmm I will go through it when I get home and see what the full list is
>>94743965new Black Knights then? Was there a rumour of a mounted Vampire as well maybe a fortnight ago?
>>94749523I'd be surprised if it wasn't black knights, don't they still share a kit with Hexwraiths? Surprised it took this long for GW to fix that little bit of inter-faction weirdness.
better buy them up now, as they may or may not get squatted.
>>94743142>TQI own this nagash journal. It's pretty cool, but my handwriting is total ass.
but it all turned out okay in the end. this guy is pretty much done at this point. Guess I could highlight the goo with some neon green but moot green is already kind of bright. glad I pushed through and got the hang of highlighting the holes in the armor as it looks much better. I planned to glaze over the horns to darken the tips but I kind of like it with just skeleton horde so that's that. >>94745238i misread that as "let the shaft be the star" before I sat down at my desk today...
are there any other examples in 4th edition of "we've sold enough of this kit" ?popular units from previous editions who's rules have been absolutely dumpstered to the point of almost being unusable
>>94749552Why would i stockpile garbadge?
>>94750267Stegadons and on the opposite side of the spectrum, Hexwraiths.Great idea to make old world models the best unit in an army GW.
>>94749552this is such an ugly kit, and looks completely out of place with the rest of its army, and also its a dual kit split across a whole other faction. its time for them to retire that kit. update the black knights and the hexwraiths with their own kits. the black knights frankly look okay, they could just use some increased resolution and maybe more dynamic poses like the chaos knights got in their update. hexwraiths need a complete redesign to actually fit the aesthetic of their faction though, they almost dont even look like they belong to the same army.
>>94750267not that it was ever that popular but what the hell did they do to my boys?
Are there any guides for any rules to play the Skaventide box set solo? I’d like to learn to play while i’m painting all the models.Also, is it acceptable to split the 40 clanrats into different clans? I have a bunch of speedpaints and contrasts I want to try on these guys, and I’m ok with having them at just an ok paint job quality on the tabletop.
>>94750308Paint your rats however you like. The only issue is Eshin, those are a theme that fits assasins and night runners but not so much clanrats, but do it if you want, personally I don't believe rats of that size even exist.
>>94750308Just play Spearhead solo. It's pretty quick to learn.And the only issue with rats being different clan colors might be the general look of cohesion, unless you mean each unit of Clanrats is a clan color.
>>94749345>>94749480Follow up, I had a set of Paladins, two sets of Justicars, and a set of Prosecutors
>>94750410lucky for you prosecutors are still in the game. paladins can also be pretty easily run as either annihilators or reclusians if you still have them. not sure what a justicar is? i dont remember that one. do you mean judicator? the guys with the bows?
>>94750418yeah Judicator sorry. Also as a follow up my army models are in such terrible condition after they got thrown around by others who were moving that I may just cut my losses. I was looking through the boxes and they are FUCKED.
>>94750452sad to hear about their state. judicators can be used as vigilors which are currently quite good and some people take a lot of them. if you can fix that army up, you have a collection of potential annihilators, vigilors, and prosecutors, that is a very playable selection of strong units right now, so if you do manage to repair and refurbish them you will be in a pretty good state as far as stormcast in concerned. if you can manage to line up all of your models on a table and just get a good picture or two of them so we can see what exactly you have, maybe we can help with an army list. it certainly doesnt sound bad from what you've said though as far as your selection of models. a good chunk of 1st and 2nd edition stuff will have to be used as counts as or proxies since they squatted about half the range, but thats what most stormcast players with the older models are doing anyways so its very common and generally the expectation when squaring up against stormcast that you'll get some "this older guy is actually this newer unit", because GW just removed half the army out of nowhere.
>>94750491I'll be able to do that tomorrow, in the mean time I'm gonna shop around. I've been out of the game for so long I was looking at the unique models and so many of the HQs aren't on Gamesworkshop anymore. Sad. Gonna try and keep motivated and listen to that AoS book Dominion, I'm enjoying it so far.
Is DOK gonna get a sorcerer model or are we stuck with doomfires and morathi as the only wizards.
>>94750616And medusa i suppose
>>94750267GW have been shafting gruntas since 2e tbhon. Selling them in the SC must've cut into the margins given they're otherwise overpriced webstore only crap
>>94751184Jeans Steeler?
>>94751188Haven't the jeans stealer had their 10th edition book already?
>>94751190Yes they haveInteresting RE, it's a simple design and looks like probably AoS with the rivets and all but I can't think of anything similar off hand.
>>94751184Kind of looks like a flesh hound face, maybe Khorne? Or World Eaters I guess.
>>94751190Maybe Kill Team?
>>94751279didn't they just have a kill team release last year with stealer Guardsmen? i can't really think of what other models they could get as a kill team
>>94751184this is the face of the chorf iron daemon
>>94747159join the wolfpack
>>94749552Your not fooling me, James>>94750616Aint gettin nothin. They are low priority to James... proof: just look at their total range of miniatues. They are also nonexistent to many louder fandoms speculating or screeching about their wishlists>>94751184Part from that silhouette of black knight on mount from yesterdays LVO teaser, or from some his accompanying unit
Today, I’m picking up the Ironjawz battleforce, and I’m pretty excited about it. I’m thinking of painting them in a dark forest green scheme, kind of like Dark Angels in 40k, but with some chequer details to give them that proper orky flair.I’ll probably reinforce them with the Spearhead box too—feels like a good time to go all-in with Ironjawz. I know some people have been saying the new battletome isn’t great, but honestly, I like it. Then again, I haven’t played much 4th edition yet (used to run Bonesplitterz back in the day), so maybe I’m just not burned out yet.Planning to give Big Waaagh! a try, especially since I already have some Dominion Kruleboyz lying around. Should be fun to mix things up a bit. Anyone else running Ironjawz right now? What do you think of the battletome and the current meta?
>>94751686>Dark Angels in 40k, but with some chequer detailsDo white+red checkers
>>94751686Aren't OW stuff still in preorder?
>>94750616DoK?Lmao GW has basically forgotten them they have gotten a single warcry warband and three character models in 7 years.
>>94751747and how many underworld bands?and in how many campaign books did they feature?spells? they got way more than they deserved
Well I'm in a pickle boys.I want to play more. But frankly I find 'competitive' AoS AIDs and don't really want to engage with it. Sadly my local community is 100% competitively slanted (nice guys don't get me hard I just don't really enjoy AoS played as a try hard game). Should I just move on? I got several multi thousand point armies but I just don't want to play a game that is, 90% of the time, decided in list building and over by the bottom of turn two.
>>94751768> Campaign booksLol.Lmao.
>>94751686> green skins > with dark green armorThat won't look good, at all. Unless you make the orruk skin very very light green for a strong contrast.> lists/metaIt's all hardboyz, all the time. Basically you will be running that army of Renown with the gay special character. The majority of the ironjawz lists don't work as they are too slow, or the fast stuff doesn't hit hard enough (gruntas were nerfed into the ground, big pig momentum is still shit). I hope you like special characters (forge guy, gordrakk, gay ass Kragnos) because they are the only thing making your army kinda work (aka 3d6 charges for the bonus attack, +1 to hit from gordrakk).
>>94751184Seems very small — maybe the besegew on a chaos warrior?
>>94751768>and how many underworld bands?Didnt they just delete all of them from shop and the new rules? Not even the most recent one of them got to stay for some reason. They are the only faction along Fyreslayers who literally cant play the new edition of underworlds unless you are happy to bend knee and accept those overly generic pity-rules
>>94751768>>94751852Oh and their faction pack is still stuck with the one from september while everyone else got theirs updated in mid-december. Someone forgot about them (or didnt care enough)
>>94751691Ohh I really like this, thank you, should pop way more.>>94751818Yeah I like my green skins to be a lighter pale-green, so I'm hoping it works out with dark green, I'll definitely post some progress here later this week.Shame on the meta, I'll probably just get an ardboy boss and try my luck for a while with a cool looking army
>>94751852>for some reasonthe reason is that they're getting another underworld band themed around krethusa's subcult, rumors say>inb4 those rumors are falsethey weren't false for the nurgle and lizard bands
is the starter set (skaven and Sigmarines with the paints) decent for somebody who's starting on the game? Cause i'm seeing the paints the box has and i can't seem to find the rat flesh
>>94752271Just a hunch.
>>94752271If you're starting alone it's generally better to pick 1 faction instead of doing two at once.Thoes paint sets are also rather mid, you'd be better compleaitng a paint set accorinding to what you actually want your amy to look like
>>94752298Huh, looked totally different from what i saw on the skavenThen again you anons use lots of tools like inks and drybrushing so i guess it depends on technique, thanks for info tho'>>94752306That's sounds fair, wanted to buy the starter because mostly how to play and checking out the minis, but that sounds better to get the whole paint kit for the factionI do feel might suck if you don't like the faction anymore later on
>>94752325>Then again you anons use lots of tools like inks and drybrushing so i guess it depends on technique, thanks for info tho'There's also a number of different paints one could use for it, even just from GW's lineup, so it is far from a given that any specific skaven model will have used this as the main colour for their skin.
>>94750308Man there's like 40 clan rats, no ones gonna care. Just paint em how you want, i contrasted my 40 skeletons. Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
>>94751770>nice guys don't get me hardlolhave you tried checking if there's interest in playing non-competitive games with house-rules like limitations to no named characters or something?
>>94749246Love me Warflock
Jesus fucking christ this box is like the size of a cat
>>94752325I'm feeling generous so I'm going to put you on some real shit to kickstart your painting career. Mix the beige with red to make pink rat flesh (remember your recipe but it's probably 1:1).Typically in the art world only retards use paint straight out of the bottle, though mini painting is a little different I know
>>94750491>>94750505Follow up. I looked through my box. I have 3 prosecutors from the 1E, Yndrasta, and the three hammerers which I can make into Annihilators with hammers. There are a few models on sprues I haven't build, but I'm thinking like 5-8 Vindicators. I'm looking on Ebay right now and found someone selling the SCE half of the Skaventide box set for like $90 so I'm probably gonna just do that. Won't get here until Jan 30th so I'll have plenty of time to regret this.
>>94753156it's a big piece of terrian
>>94753194I use some paint straight but I usually have stuff to mix it up for variation. Or just cheat and use a wash and drybrushing
>>94750287>they could just use some increased resolution and maybe more dynamic poses like the chaos knights got in their update.I would rather not change them for more monopose models. They look good and I don't need more random "details" like GW like to shit up on minis.
>>94753203what country you in?
>>94753253it's shipping from Canada but I'm in the US. Also I couldn't grab it in time. so I'm looking around again.
>>94753234i mean maybe, but the fact stands that black knights, for as good as they are, also still have the hexwraiths in a dual kit headlock and they wont be able to break free until both get a rework, and hexwraiths desperately need it
>>94751744It is, but I meant the battleforce from Christmas
>>94753255i've gotten some good deals on here. ship to the us for like a flat $10, worth it if you get a big enough order. just make sure to look closely at the pictures, so you know what you're getting, especially if you get pre assembled. sometimes they are missing a guy or have a broken weapon. but you can also filter for "new on sprue" and just see the stuff thats in relatively new, unbuilt condition. sometimes they have a good selection, sometimes its kinda picked over. when im hunting for deals i usually check between there, ebay, and the reddit miniswap sub. i've had some decent luck on there but you also have to be a bit careful. the occasional scam does happen, though i've had perfect luck so far. you could try making a thread on there with like have: $$$ want: skaventide stormcast half, and you might get a hit. just be firm on your price going in, you could even state a firm price in the description which is what i usually do. if you do take that route, make sure to use paypal goods and services as they offer buyer/seller protections to some extent.
>>94750616Sorceress belongs, it's silly she's not part of the army
>>94753310It's a nice site. I'll keep giving it a lookHere is a last question. From the ground up can you help me build out a 2000 point SCE army? Say I'm brand new, no units other than a Yndrasta. At this point I'm just overwhelmed and having an outline of what to look for and build is helpfulI'm looking for something bulkier and can take the hits.
>>94753205You're a big piece of terrain.
>>94753690if you want to go the beatstick route, you might want to look into getting one of the dragon twins, krondys or karazai. last i recall people were also taking them with praetors, which i beleive still works, to give them both a 5+ ward. so you basically take one of the biggest, toughest dragons in the game and then double its survivability. would also work fairly well substituting the dragon twins for ionus cryptborn, who is less fighty but provides a lot of utilityyndrasta works well with prosectuors. both units are fragile glass cannons, but they can pull off some incredibly long charges and hit like a truck for their points. to add some bulk to the army, vigilors and vanquishers would be my go to for several reasons. vigilors are a hybrid unit that can shoot reasonably well, fight reasonably well, and provides a hit buff to the rest of your army against their target. vanquishers are cheap as chips and have a big sword that gets double damage against any unit with 5 or more models and this is an edition where people love stacking thick reinforced units so they play well into that. but the best part about both is that they come 10 in a box so you can fill up a list very cheaply with them while they are also good. if you reaallly need to save money, you can substitute them for liberators, who are moderately worse than vanquishers but even cheaperfor your more elite bruisers you have annihilators, annihilators with grandhammers, and reclusians. reclusians are frankly the best of the bunch right now. cheaper than either annihilator with damage almost as good as the expensive grandhammer annihilators and some defensive tech as well. shield annihilators i think are good value these days too, cheap. grandhammer annihilators are sort of the all in expensive swing for the fences. im sure someone better could put together something more technical or nuanced, but for my money something like this would be cheap to buy and easy to play
>>94754050is there any way I could an Ionus into the army? Is he viable at all for 2000 points? I don't even know how he really works I just know that I loved him in the Realmgate books.
You guys think there's a chance that one of the big boy characters will ever get on the chopping block? I can see Sigmar, Nagash, Archaon and maybe even Allariel dying and it not being that big of a sea-change that would have negative gameplay consequences. With Slaanesh *probably* getting liberated at some point and Morrda getting built up as a Death rival, it would be cool if figures left the scene and not only joined it.
>>94754520If they've got an existing aos model i think there's zero chance of that
>>94749299no you can't play your lighting paladins in your lighting paladin army. you will take your crossbow snipers and spyro dragons like everyone else
>>94749299Hard to call that a horde
>>94753850I'm too fidgety for that
>>94753012Shit typo I will commit suduko at once.I don't think anyone has lists beyond their epic tourney bullshit of the month and it's always 'tourney practice.'
>>94750308> is it acceptable to paint my models any way I want????Why do zoom zooms always ask this
>>94750305> not that it was ever popularAre you fucking insane
Is spearhead funner than regular AoS?
>>94754465Yeah sure just swap out karazai for ionus and it should work pretty much the same. Ionus is a bit less fighty than karazai but brings more support. Seems like a good pick though I haven't run him since the battletome came out yet
>>94754931you've done me a massive service. I'm gonna look for the cheapest set and buy it and start building it asap.
>>94752053I made a quick digital mockup, how do you guys feel about a double green scheme?
>>94755129Swap the black and forest green.
>>94755129as long as you use different shade and highlight colors for the different greens, it should work. I do agree with this anon tho>>94755152
>>94753850For you
anybody got subassembly recs for Snarlfang? Keep the shield off seems obv, but I'm wondering if it's worth doing the goblin from waist up separate from the wolf
>TQ: I own a Purple Sun plush. It's just neat because it's big enough to chuck at someone. The candles caught my interests as a novelty, but I just sniffed 'em while waiting for the Redshirt to get my order.
>>94755152>>94755191Also tried a copper, too. It looks cool but then I'm moving away from the vision and primary colour being black seems like less personality/army identity
>>94755431The green armor looks like ass. Copper looks better.
>>94755431You could increase the amount of bits that are green. Crotchplate and kneeads could be green'd. Part of the boots too. I'd probably keep the base black, green up certain bits, and maybe the gob and choppa as copper
>>94755275>I'm wondering if it's worth doing the goblin from waist up separate from the wolfProbably worth it so you can do the wolf fur without the grot being in the way
>>94755641Good idea, I'll give it a try - lots of ardboys to practice on and I need a real model to actually test how it'll look.I think the green will look a lot nicer with some scratches and weathering as well as orruk graffiti, patina for the copper
>>94755129Avocado orc
>>94754892depens, matched play AoS? Probably spearhead.Proper campaign with real scenarios inste4ad of scoring objectives and victory points? AoS all the way
>>94755129With brighter highlights on the armor, and stuff like checkers/flames/whatever should look fine, make sure to paint skin and armor with different techniques tho
>>94752133>they're getting another underworld band themed around krethusa's subcultVery funny they do this in the season where all UW warbands just go straight to legends, and after four warbands that’re incredibly bland. You get a cool tie in to the new lore subfaction of the army, but you can’t play it
>>94755431I think if you did the copper accents, and then sub the black out for a dark teal that could look pretty sweet
What are some unique Sylvaneth paint schemes? Cherry blossoms? Birch?
>>94756103that reminds me, it's really impressive how much they improved the Snarlfang design between the UW band and the proper kit.
>>94756168Sylvaneth are such a painter's dream, most of the natural tree schemes you could think of have been done. And they pretty much all look good. Cherry Blossom, white bark, autumn, winter, burned Aqshy trees, diseased Nurgle trees, they've all been done and look great.The one thing I've never done is Chamon, metal trees.
>>94756175I've been saying that I like these simpler designs more than the full kit and I'm not about to stop saying it
>>94755129I'd play around with red warpaint on the face and metal/bone on the neck-guard, to emphasize the idea of how the armour is their new skin, the metallic teeth are now their new jaw, and how their face is technically now the inside of their mouthbut to sell the look completely there would be the need to top the armour with the top of the skull, maybe a trophy or a banner depicting a skull or just eyesin the case of the meganob in particular you could just try to move the giant Dino skull drom the pauldron to the back, facing forward
>>94751184this is a darkoath thing, they all have belt buckles that resemble this
>>94747159I got into AoS through Nighthaunt and I love the spooky bois' aesthetic, having said that I don't think they're an easy beginner army for painters.They are piss easy to do really basic color schemes, you can basecoat the entire model in one color and then highlight the entire model in white and have them look halfway decent, but it's much harder to really make them pop with cool glow effects and color transitions. I haven't managed that yet, and for a beginner who wants to have a more complicated color scheme and to get better at the fundamentals of miniature painting they're tough.Most models are composed of two bedsheets with boney heads and arms. Painting between the bedsheets is a clumsy task and will ruin brushes so use cheap ones for that part. The boney parts are really thin and spindly with few ridges or large, round, prominent parts so hard to get the knack for layering like you can with the flesh and armor of Ironjawz for example. And speaking of layering, washing, or highlighting, you're doing spooky, ghostly tendrils, sometimes ghastly, dark cloth and metal (pros are going to make this and exceptions to this look easy). Other armies afford more opportunities for practicing metal, flesh, and cloth under normal lighting conditions which is (probably) going to make the fundamentals develop more naturally.
>>94756483oh hey, you're right.Good for Darkoath, they really need a couple more options to make a full 2,000 pts of pure Darkoath more realistic
>>94756483>>94756523It's kind of an StD thing in general. Some warriors have them as besegews, and one of the ogroids has one on his chainmail. 100% StD.
Is there a scan of path to glory out yet?
>>94756523>>94756975what im wondering is what its forMy guess is that its underworlds since theres been rumors of gw redoing a std underworlds warband (and also i genuinely cant think of anything else besides that and maybe an anniversary model because the std tome is already out)
Working on this Ethrac but I struggle to find good colors for the clothing. Right now it's death guard green and Gal vorbak red. I went with a lighter color for the staff cause the clothing is dark and muted. I just finished his older brother which was fun and came out awesome. I don't want to copy his same color scheme but I will if I must.>>94756523the chieftain on the left is just a perfect model. perfect pose, facial expression, proportions, paint job. looks like a barbarian that could fit in any setting. I'd get one but I know all the little straps and bones are gonna piss me off
>>94756991It's not even out yet!But, if anyone has the Orc leaks...
>>94757328this is the brother BTW. >>94750032>>94750032 dark eldar color scheme similar to the box art
>>94756222Really cool idea thanks, I'm definitely going to do at least one character with this, the red face paint is especially cool>>94756122>>94756076>>94755944I was going to wait until I got some new paint since I don't have a lot of greens and I wanted to test the new army painter range, but I wanted a proof of concept so I mixed some different greens
>>94757389Looks good, maybe try using more blueish green in the resesses of the armor?
>>94752133Another fucking one? Ossiarchs and Kharadron are over here fucking starving
>>94757389Looks nice
>>94747017english please? im not a /fa/ggot
>>94756483StD just released a tome
>>94757389what about trying a different skin color for your orcs? i hate to say it but green on green kinda blends together
>>94757328Update.Ethrac now looks like this. really happy so far but the staff is gonna be a hard hurdle since I don't have much inspiration for the hand or tentacle and I'm scared it's going to mess up the delicate cohesion of colors I have. Also I'm thinking some type of blue or green-blue for the flaming skulls.
>>94758193Rumour Engines can be for models that are a up to a couple years out
>>94758837isn't it mostly 18 months with some exceptions like that Spider model update from 2021
>>94758865nah there's been stuff pretty regularly 2-3 years before it drops
>>94744302>Every AoS game places emphasis on now squatted units Grim
>>94758882The stuff that's more than 18 months out almost always ends up being things like anniversary models, to be fair.
>>94757389The green skin on green armor doesn't look good and it all sort of flows together in a visual mishmash.Nice checks though
>>94744548>does AoS tend to keep battletome releases in somewhat similar orders edition to editionLRL in 2e came out at the very end and it was at the start of 3e
>>94757389not bad, but considering anon's impression >>94758990 you might want to try separating the two a bit further, perhaps just by having a purplish tone to the innermost parts of the flesh while chipped iron to the edges of the plates
>>94744548As others have said, not in the least. What GW does is spread out the bigger releases with smaller updates in between. So we got the big edition release with SC and Skaven, then two bare minimum releases with STD and Warclans, followed by two mid size releases with Gits and Gravelords. They also normally try to cover almost all battletomes within the first two years of an edition, so that they've got about a year at the end to do a narrative campaign like Dawnbringers and start hyping the next edition.
>>94758307Call me autistic, but greenskinz gotta be green. I'll keep working on it though when my paints come>>94759076I'll try varying the time a little more thanks for feedback. The other part I'm considering is that the bulk of the army is Ardboys, and they are about 95% armored, I think just some of their arms and foreheads are visable
>>94759297Maybe you clod try some kind of camo pattern to separate armor from the skin
Sometimes I think GW wished dinosaur-riding aztec lizardmen weren't popular enough to warrant continued support, because I think they would very much like to scrap them and replace them with dracothion dragonkin as closer pals for stormcasts.Call me irrational, but that's what I think, and thank god for lizards getting their update instead.
>>94759405If GW wants such they'll just add them to Stormcasts directly.
>>94759405If GW really cared about lizardmen you would have more lizards and less dinosaurs
>>94759405And why can't they simply add them too? There are 4 elven factions, if lizards are so popular then surely there can be 2 factions of them.
>>94756222I think you should be brave and paint his skin entirely red
>>94759405God, I remember rolling my eyes so hard when they put out that short story about the lizards caring for and nurturing the new brood of Draconith only to have the the Great Plan reveal that the Draconith HAVE TO go with the Stormcast.
>>94759405Is this board just a daycare for retards now?
>>94759464To be honest, I don't want dragons anywhere close to my lizards, even the current reverence to dracothion is cringe.
did the concept of dragon ogres really have to go with beastmen? I really hope they pop back up.
>>94759527Aren't thye retardedly unrelated to both dragon and ogres?
>>94759539they are also completely unrelated to beastmen for that matter
>>94751770maybe play 3rd or 2nd edition idk. if the game really doesnt do it for you try alternative rulesets? I have the same issue. The game doesnt appeal to me at all so its either autistically write my own ruleset or find a more agnostic rules system to play outside of AOS.
>>94759560Replacing the rules ain't gonna help when his problem is the players. And I rather doubt the people who want to practice for tournaments all the time are going to be very interested in playing old editions as well.
>>94759840i remember people showing up to local tournaments in my scene back in 2nd edition with nagash and a bunch of grimgast reapers. competitive players and scenes have been a part of every version of warhammer regardless of genre or playstyle. weather its unkillable dragons and level 4 wizards in rank and flank, tank squadron 20 foot range indirect fire nonsense in 40k, or grimghast reapers legions of nagash, it doesnt matter. it shows up in every game and has done for the last 20 years. only time that wasnt the case was probably the early early 00s and 90s before netlisting was possible where you had to figure everything out for yourselfwhat you can do to change it is to try to cultivate a more narrative gameplay crowd at your local scene. get people involved in path to glory, which has explicit anti-meta rules built in. get people invested in a campaign map, and be the change you want to see. if you start showing up with very casual lists, after an absolute stomping or two the other players will begin to realize they are going a bit hard in the paint and (autism or sadism notwithstanding) they will begin to meet you at that level. if they dont, you may have to have a more explicit conversation with them about it, but in my experience that has rarely been needed, but you will probably need to eat shit on a handful of blowouts before they get the message.
>>94759434don't bring up real life classifications here, all lizardmen go through a tadpole stage, shit doesn't align with actual reptiles, they're aliens, lizard is a name of convenience
>>94759434You have small lizards, medium lizard with 2 gear options, and big lizards with 2 gear optionsHow many lizardmen do you need?
Question for idoneth playes, how big are the eels? Would they work for pulling a chariot? or are they too long?
>>94760006they're about as long as an average mans index finger, and about that wide assuming you dont have sausage fingers
>>94759922The spawning pools are also affected by celestial phenomena for all we know all Seraphon start as the same infant creature and then evolve from there it could be possible that new slaan can be spawned the conditions are just unknown. Dragons are not that far of a stretch for Seraphon.
>>94760006About 4-5 inches long, 2 might work for a chariot, 3 for sure, and you get the trident motif with 3.
>>94760026But I don't like dragons.
>>94760042But what about dinosaurs with wings?
>>94760052Those are just Mayan gods
>>94760017At least you arent measuring them in feet.>>94760036Cheers, id probably go for two, since most chariots are built to accomodate the two mounts so it will be easier that way.
>>94760052only good for small familiars or steeds blessed by tepokfor anything larger you want winged serpents or pterosaurs
>>94759999If they bothered to make blessed spawning kits I wouldn’t care but since you asked atleast 3-4 more types of lizardmen would be nice. They’re still too scared to do anything interesting or bold with their design. The only good thing about AoS lizardmen imo is the lore, the fact that they are acting like lizardmen should’ve did in WFB
>>94759999Lizardmen designs are nowadays way too cemented and iconic, but when they redo the skinks kit I hope the they take the opportunity to make their crests less homogeneous
bimbocast WHEN
>>94760478>the reforgings just make them more and more bimboified, erasing their previous personality until theres nothing left but lewd thoughts and fashion
>>94760406Bottom middle already exists
>>94760406they did give the new spawn of chotek handlers a different head crest
>>94760606boy i wish this thing didnt suck. i also wish it didnt cost like $50 a pop
>>94760606this is my favourite model from the last seraphon release wave and it FUCKING SUCKSi hate that theyve nerfed seraphon into another boring melee army
>>94760576>>94760584>>94760606Yeah, more would be appreciated
>>94760615>>947607411 more fucking attack and its decent, we already have too many dependancies on single dice rolls, just let us have fun gw
>>94760757seraphon isnt allowed to have good shooting any more. you will play aggradons and kroak and shut the fuck up
>>94754050>>94754931I bought a set of Vigilors on Trolltrader. Gonna buy some Retributor primer at Gamesworkshop today before work. We're so back. Now to just find people who play AoS around me
>>94760811the stormkeep is a great resource for stormcast playersi will warn you that they do VERY long videos
>>94759918Or they just won't play you and will instead play other like minded people
>>94760830great content to listen to while at work in between audiobooks I suppose.
>>94760771>seraphon isnt allowed to have good shooting any moreto be fair thats kind of justified. it was out of control with the shooting and cross table spell sniping for like 2 editions straight of 65%+ winratei like the refocusing on melee and saurus/kroxigor combat with shit like slann and skinks taking more of a backseat support role rather than being the stars of the show. it would be cool in my opinion to see the spawn of chotek reimagined into more of a debuff support piece. like, lower the actual damage on its globs of acid down to like 1 or 2 a shot. almost nothing, but then give it 3 or 4 shots a turn, make it into a save debuff support machine instead of a coin flippy sniper gonna be honest i dont know how you fix those. when solar engine is good it feels oppressive, and when its not it feels like a waste of points, idk if there is a happy medium there. ark of sotek it would be cool if it also had a melee buff for your saurus warriors or something, like a +1 to hit buff for melee ww 12" of it so it becomes like a melee buff tank, give it something to do other than just huck snakes. kind of like how a leviadon is a tough combat monster but also packs a utility aura. i dont know how you fix stegadons. swiss army knife monsters are fucking impossible to balance.
>>94761061there are tons of armies that use magic and melee"monster with a cannon on its back" is a cool thing that no other army does
>>94761080>monster with a cannon on its back" is a cool thing that no other army doesu fockin wot
>>94761080>monster with a cannon on its back" is a cool thing that no other army doesexcuse you
>>94761080>monster with a cannon on its back" is a cool thing that no other army doesflrgarblaglublserulghk?
>>94761093not a monster>>94761102not a cannon>>94761107retard
>>94761117>not a cannonoh and this is? i was just havin a bit of fun but if you're going to be rude about it then fuck you cunt, check your privilege before you go calling a fucking ring pop glued to the back of a turtle a cannon
>>94761102spiderfang are being squatted with the gitz book
>>94761133is there actually any proof of that yet? not that i dont believe it but last i heard odds were 50/50 but spiderfang is all still in stock on the webstorehehe. webstore
>>94761132NTA but is this thing roughly the right size to hold an actual ring pop? Might be cool to modify one just enough to hold your candy for you during the game.
>>94761102that's a catapult >>94761107that's not even a thing
>>94761149>>94761133They've already confirmed that spiderfang are in the bookTheir days are numbered but they aren't getting squatted until at least next edition
>>94761093beast with a cannon but not a proper monster>>94761102monster with a catapult is pretty close>>94761107>>94761144neither of these are even close>>94761132yes its a laser cannon
>>94761155it is almost the exact same size, maybe slightly smaller but not much. you could certainly make it work
>>94761181Oh damn, I was done collecting Seraphon for the foreseeable future but maybe I need one more box
to the guy on here the other day talking about the ebay seller with the good deal on snarlfangsthanks for the tip
>>94761260How much were they?
>>94761320$40 a box, free shipping. i think with a typical store discount they are like $52-55ish. GW site has em at $62.50
>>94761174>neither of these are even closeThe skull cannon is literally a biomechanical abomination with a cannon on its back
>>94761773Thank you, appreciate the help
Caliban green, warp stone green, and moot green. maybe a more saturated colour compared to the flesh
AoS 4th is the only edition of any Warhammer game I've played where the listbuilding can be described as "exhausting"...
>>94761953It basically does itself why is it exhausting? If you said boring, I'd say it was a valid argument
>>94761144thats a warmaschine, not a monster
>>94761982Because regiments are a fucking stupid system with nigh-arbitrary restrictions that force me to either take characters I don't want or own or to not use ones that I do want or own I've also had a few instances where I was forced to reinforce a unit that I wanted to run as two MSUs because I simply did not have enough slots for two
>>94762050NTA but running MSU’s in the current ruleset is actively gimping yourself and I hate it. Regiments suck because they bring nothing but restriction to the table while subfactions already point your list to a certain build.
>>94762101>Regiments suck because they bring nothing but restrictionWelp, Restrictions breeds creativity. There is certain value in inconvinience. Honestly, I like the idea and there is potential in the system to improve balance and flavor. But yeah, it would require a serious close look by someone with a good understanding of listbuilding and of the different factions which means GW will never get it done right.
You can just bring auxiliary, what's the issue
Why can't you kill the cavalry rider and beast seperately and leave one or the other alive? Sounds like fun?
>>94762340Too many models to bring. But doesnt MESBG work like that for heroes?
>>94762340needlessly complicates the rules and the models do not represent the situation appropriately
>>94751770Try one page rules. That's what I'm going for as 4th looks like mess. They have quite a roster of armies/units and tools to make your own if you like. They aren't as detailed/specific as say Grand Delusions but I can live with that if I can use cool undead units that fit in FEC esthetics without beging to let me use ONE pack of undead wolves as it is some game breaking thing.
>>94762234>Welp, Restrictions breeds creativity.Not like thisYou can't make wacky unexpected combos when they don't let you take unassociated units together
>>94762346all units in MESBG work like that
>>947620373 demons actualy
>You can re-roll all failed hit rolls for this unit if, before rolling the dice, you hold aloft a grail or goblet and shout ‘For the Lady’ in a heroic voice.You guys actually play this shit? Lmao
>>94762591man, i do miss the AoS bait, but back then it was way better. next time at least try.
>>94762340Good luck teling people not to glue their models together so they can remove parts of it mid game
>>94762591I wish I could live in 2015 too
>>94762591It was better times.
NEW FRED>>94763120>>94763120>>94763120
I'm new to AoS (and wargaming in general) and wanted to get into Spearhead. I'm trying to choose between the Gloomspite Gitz, the Seraphon, and the Nighthaunt, or waiting around until they release a box with the goblins who ride wolves around. Is there a better way to start than just picking up the army I think looks coolest? Schlocky novels to read?