Sneaky Little Bigger Edition>Previously, in the Mortal Realms>>94743142>Official AoS website:>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:>>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:>Booru:>Thread question:What would you like to see for Ogors and Gargants this Edition?
I want to see an adaptation of camazotz into seraphon in the realm of ulgu.
>>94763120Gargants to be allies only Ogres to get a nice range refresh
>>94763166You can get a mythic americas camatoztz and run it as an allied dragon or some shit
>>94763120Gargants:Heavily armored Gargant, Wizard Gargant, Priest Gargant, and/or refreshed Mancrushers.Ogors:Give them the subsantial refresh they need to become a relevant faction or just squat them already. They've been sitting with the proverbial blade above their head for some time now. The last thing they want or need is another stupid foot hero that no one runs.
ok here's my pitch for how they should revamp AoS in 5th Edition>OrderDrastically reduce the Stormcast army range and fold it in with Cities of Sigmar.Merge Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords into a single Duardin Battletome.Merge Sylvaneth and Idoneth into Aelves of the Realms.Squat Daughters of Khaine.Merge Aelves of the Realms with Lumineth Realmlords into a single Aelves Battletome.Merge the Duardin book and the Dispossessed as a subfaction in Cities of SigmarSquat the Aelves.Squat the Cities of Sigmar.Refresh the Skink side of Seraphon.>ChaosMerge the god-specific books with Slaves to Darkness.Bring back Beastmen with a full new plastic range.Update the parts of Skaven that need it.Squat Slaves to Darkness.>DeathMerge Nighthaunt, Ossiarch Bonereapers, and Soulblight Gravelords into Servants of Nagash.Give Flesh-Eater Courts a pity hero along with their Battletome.Squat Servants of Nagash.>DestructionFull new plastic range for Spiderfang.Split Gitmob into their own Tome and give them some more war engines and a unique Troggoth unit.Split Ogors into separate Beastclaw Raiders and Gubusters Battletomes, and give both full new plastic ranges.Split Ironjawz and Kruelboyz into Separate tomes, give them both another wave of releases to plug the holes in their ranges.Bring back Bonesplitterz in a separate Battletome with a full new plastic range.Split Spiderfang into a separate Battletome and give them another wave of releases.This would leave the game in a much healthier place.
Tell me about the area surrounding /yourguys/'s main base of operations. What kind of place do they live in?
>>94763223>allied unitsanon...I....
>>94763235That's like the shittiest take I've read this year. Granted the year barely started, but might be hard to beat.
>>94763237Damn.../mydudes/ are something I haven't thought about in a while, anon. And I haven't even thought of anything for my LRL either. I'll have to write you a raincheck.
>>94763272I respect that, anon. It already rained today though so no thank you.
>>94763120>TQManeaters kit + a RoR that lets any army take themI don't care about gargants unless they bring back the chaos siege giant
>>94763235There are many stupid people and even stupider posts but this is by far the worst post I have ever seen in my entire life
>>94763237They don't, they travel the realms spreading the good word of Morathi
>>94763406You don't think Skinks could use a refresh?
>>94763235What's the point of making a troll post so obvious that it's not possible to get angry at itDoing the "consolidate factions and then squat them" thing even once is enough to reveal your hand so I don't get why you did it a whopping four timesIs this some kind of meta bait where you're fishing for someone to call it bait? If so I don't understand what kind of positive stimulus you could receive from that
>>94763569They look fine and fit in with the rest of the range without issue, I don’t think you’d get any improvement out of a refresh that’s worth doubling the price of the kit
>>94763326It’s so stupid that the grotmas RoRs are the only ones that can be taken across grand alliances, and they probably won’t do more like them outside of weird one-offs like that. That should be the big draw, justifying weird fluffy lists of factions that can take a strange selection of thematic units.
>>94763729I think it's a good idea. Fewer armies so they can all get the attention deserve, 1st edition failures like Stormcast and Fyreslayers put out of their misery, an fan favorites like Spiderfangs finally get refresh. I think it would be a boon to the game going forward
>>94763235>Give Flesh-Eater Courts a pity heroPlease for the love of god no more heroes, our faction is 80% heroes by volume. Give me an artillery piece, give me cavalry that doesnt suck, give me a monster that isnt a fucking dragon, give me a cheap unit to hold objectives, give me literally anything with a 3+ save, give me a way to regenerate units on my opponent's turn, give me a working faction trait, give me a way to restore dead units, give me a warlord trait that actually does something, give me a normal non-shit ranged unit... ANYTHING but another dogshit fucking disposable hero that does nothing and dies 1/3 times and gets shot out of the squad in a single turn of fusilier fire
>>94763237Magmahold Drakung is known to be somewhere near the middle of Chamon; nestled between several realmgates that branch out into Shyish, Aqshy, and Ghur. The Ghurish gate is nestled in a place dubbed "Shrapnel Valley", known for it's volatile cliff faces shattering into unlucky travelers below. It was the site of a mighty battle against the ravening hordes of Khorne (backed up by a small contingent composed of Varanguard and other undivided of Chaos) several decades ago-- Which were defeated by /mydudes/ at a great cost. A new insurgence of Kruleboyz threatens to invade once more from Ghur, and it is uncertain if the lodge will be able to drive them back... An old friend of mine is getting into AoS and is starting a Kruleboyz army, and I mostly fight Skaven and Soulblight in my FLGS, hence why there's realmgates nearby that my Fyreslayers use for campaigns in said realms.
I have a feeling building these with spears is just going to make them very annoying to play with...Sad because a phalanx of these would be so cool and spears are king
>>94763761>fan favourites>spider fangI've never seen a spiderfang fan, not even posted online
>>94764060I think it depends on the pose of the model, the guy to the very right in the second row, and 2nd guy in the first row look like they werespecifically made for a spear, while the last guy in the first row looks annoying to play with
>>94763884Not even a Morbheg Knight hero?
>>94764085I'm jealous of the loomies... I think bone reapers got nice spears too
>>94764065why are you replying in earnest to blatant bait
>>94764060I run two blocks of 20 with spears. Its not so bad, you can twist the so they fit in the gaps between models without having to play dudes backwards (most of the time)
Oops, posted this at the end of the last thread.> I'm new to AoS (and wargaming in general) and wanted to get into Spearhead. I'm trying to choose between the Gloomspite Gitz, the Seraphon, and the Nighthaunt, or waiting around until they release a box with the goblins who ride wolves around. Is there a better way to start than just picking up the army I think looks coolest? Schlocky novels to read?
>>94764116I'm painting some right now and I want to know how they managed to repose some of those arms.
>>94764228The Seraphon is a great choice as they are easy to paint and the spearhead is pretty good. I highly recommend them to sink your teeth into. As for books I really like Hallowed Grounds as there is a massive running battle the last third of the book which was really good. I also like Yndrasta book as well.
>>94764228Gitz are fan favourite. I played against them in spearhead recently and they are fun. You get cavalry, elite infantry with decent short range shooting (trolls throwning rocks) and lots of bodies as infantry with a hero to replenish them.Seraphon is pretty boring, all melee low model count and no fun stories.Dunno about nighthaunt.Get the gitz before they decommission the current spearhead
>>94764228>GitzGenerally fun lore and fun spearhead. I would wait until their Battletome/new Spearhead comes out>SeraphonProbably the best "Beginner" faction of the three, you can pretty much build whatever and it'll work. Painting is also very easy (grab some grey primer and spray over the model, then use Citadel Contrast/Army Painter Quickshade/etc and you're done) Their Spearhead's also really solid.>NighthauntSquishy but fun. Piss easy to paint (Contrast/Quickshade will do wonders) but you can't really go full /yourdude/ as their lore is more "these are wild ghosts that terrorize the realms".
>>94764228>Schlocky novels to read?Lady of Sorrows for NHGloomspite and Bad Moon Rising for GSGThere might be some short stories as well, or they might feature in other stuff as villains like in Gitslayer. Not sure about Seraphon.
>>94764228Gitz are kino, I'd wait a little bit until their battletome and wolves drop, seraphon quite cool too.
>>94764089Dear god no because 1) i dont like morbeg knights2) knowing how our dex has been so far they will be mandatory to buff the squad and therefore our only unit that works without a hero attatched to it will stop working without a hero attatched to it
>>94764338>>94764342>>94764445>>94764735Scholars and gentlemen all, thanks anons. I think I'm going to wait gfor the next Gitz Spearhead to drop, but in the meantime I'll be reading some Black Library titles.
>>94763120>TQFor Gargants, I would like to see some sort of smaller chaff unit for their army. Perhaps with rules that allow the other giant units to heal by eating them. Another idea is an option for them to lob the units sort of as impromptu projectiles. Also I would like to finally see a Matriarch Gargant model.I want to see the firebellies side of the ogre faction get some attention. They would contrast the whole Everwinter curse business really well. Perhaps tie them into the fireslayers somehow so they can also get a little development in their lore. I cannot imagine every fireslayer hold is keen on reconnecting with their Kharadron brothers and might find other allies in the realm.In truth, I don't know what either of these faction really need in terms of gameplay. I really like the lore to the series and would like to see more examples of unorthodox faction relationships.
>>94764228>gitzyou're gonna be painting lots of stabbas and squigs unless you run mostly trogs (which are strong) so be prepared to paint and build and transport a crapload of models.>wolf gitzI honestly don't expect them to sell out quickly, so you can probably get their army launch box pretty cheap a few months after it comes out. The wh40k leagues of votann box and new cadian box and black templar box were going for like 120$ when they retailed for 200$ a few years ago. I expect that to happen with wolf riders since they're pretty niche. if they DO sell super fast, you will definitely be able to get them cheap on ebay from people looking to sell the components OR from the many mindless consoomers who buy every FOMO box only to resell it for a loss later on.>seraphoneasy to paint and versatile, many new cool kits>nighthaunt easy as piss to paint but idk much about death armiesjust pick whatever you think is coolest. also make sure you like the battleline units of whatever army you pick. stabbas for gitz, saurus warriors for seraphon, and whatever kind of bedsheets they have in nighthaunt
I finished these glottkin brothers this week
>>94765648the entire finished kit. I think I'm going to do my hardbinger of decay now.
>TQTerrain and Mancrusher heroes are the most obvious things for Gargants.Ogirs probably need some 30 year old metal replaced
>>94765751>Mancrusher heroeslamesmall uns shouldn't have shit
Is every faction getting Terrain and Endless spells this edition?
>>94763235I need the shittiest AoS takes!> read anons postNo that's too shitty
>>94766356Who knows
>>94764060My favorite unit(s) are my 20 man mortek with the spears angled forward. I out them in a tray and move them around on it. They generally suck and I eventually have ti move them off the tray but I have fun with them until I get to that point.
>>94766356no hard certainties about anything ever when it comes to the release schedules
>>94766356haha, remember when beasts of chaos got a terrain piece and endless spells and then got their whole army deleted like a year later?it is impossible to predict what the aos team is going to do. i dont think even they know, they've got some team of manatees with balls or a headless chicken running around on a bingo board deciding what the game is going to put out or cancel next
>>94766428their spells and scenery came out in 2018, dude
>>94763120>TQ>Ogorsat least the first wave of a model refresh. Either update the Gutbuster side and replace all the infantry kits and some new heroes, or update the Beastclaw side with new Yhetees, new Sabres, new Mournfang kit, and some new heroes.If GW doesn't do that, I don't expect Ogors to be around in 5th.>GargantsOne new kit. They could update the Mancrusher kit and give it a multi-build option. Like make Aleguzzler a separate thing so you can build a Mancrusher or an Aleguzzler. And they could design the kit so that they can throw in an extra sprue to give it a third build option in the future like they did with the Beast CrusherMy other idea is a female Gargant caster kit that's bigger than a Mancrusher and smaller than a Mega Gargant. In the lore the women re smarter, so a woman Gargant would make sense to be the army's caster. Multibuild as generic or named, with space on the kit for extra sprue upgrade in the future.I think I'm being very reasonable.
>>94763884YOU WILL HAVE A FOOT HERO FOR EVERY PART OF YOUR ARMY AND LIKE IT WAGIE>at least you didn’t just have your army nerfed into the ground for no reason
>>94763754The positive reception of the grotsmas detachments may lead to GW taking note
>>94766521grotsmas RoRs*
>>94766509u forgot>we will make cavalary spam most op in this edition
>>94766467yeah, and then old world was announced a year later which was when the decision to kill them was made behind closed doors
>>94763754Aren't Megas RoRs now?
>>94766548>implying Cathy and Kislev the game didn't get overhouled 3 times since announcment
>>94766548you can't be dumb enough to think the squatting of beastmen was a decision cemented at that point.
>>94766541It’s all as planned anon We’ve got the tried and tested approach of >if something is actually busted, nerf it with mild points increases >if something is busted, but only if someone abuses ur at tournament level. Nerf it into the ground and ruin it for casual players
When is this nigga coming out?
Please GW... The chorfs...
>>94766782when he drops weight
>>94766509>>94766509this thing looks like such shit. Fyreslayer-tier symmetry laziness. It looks like a desk accessory that holds your letter opener or fountain pen. >>94766824Don't worry brother. they're coming. In the meantime I'm going hard at my backlog and holding off buying or printing anything in anticipation.>>94766782normally I really like goblins but idk what it is about these sun goblins. maybe it's their washed-out colors or their weird double chins.
>>94766930I hope so, I've saved up a bit of cash for their release. Hope they'll do our totally-not-babylonian-slavers justice.
Any pics from the PtG book? I know reviews went up a few days ago but I'd like to be able to view the pages. Preorders don't ship for another week so I'm just twiddling my thumbs here.
>>94766824Year away at least
>>94766930he looks fine but i think i'd only pay like $10 tops for him. certainly not $35 or 40 or whatever they're asking for it.i would definitely never field him though, his rules are T R A S H
>>94766985Yeah GW reaching the point of wanting like forty bucks for a teeny tiny goblin is the point where I stopped buying new heroes unless I really really want them.
>>94766985Opinions about both models aside, why is this Liche priest worth £9 and the Hobgrot £24? The priest is made of resin but that’s not enough to justify a £15 different
>>94766976I think this checks out. That wet fart of a roadmap doesnt even show any big surprises for chaos. It's death, "all armies' battletomes" (I'll believe it when I see it) and the spearhead boxes. Chorfs aint coming until at least 2026.
>>94767086Hob is new thus they need more to recuperate investment and reminds people about their mexican mother.
>>94767086who knows. the old worlds pricing is perhaps even more shizophrenic than age of sigmars. for your consideration, 4 roughly equal sized character models.
>>94767140I get the 2 new guys, but why thefuck is old goblin twice the price of an old orc?
>>94767123Is having heads on spikes a Mexican thing?
>>94767140>$51 for a 25mm base foot wizard with a familiarfucking what
>>94763120I want distinction between BCR and Gutbusters even if they're a single battletome now. The fluff exaggerates it
>>94767236And it's mostly a downgraded version of the Swampcaller concept
>>94767224The goblin is plastic
>>94767235duh they never change since aztecs>The new edition of Warhammer Underworlds is now in full swing. There are dozens of warbands duking it out across Embergard even now – and there’ll be another new one to see next week. The design team have been hard at work since release, playing games, observing tournaments and collating data, and they’re ready to unveil the first new Rules Updates and Organized Play Formats documents.Beastgrabbaz next week (they're going for pre-order February 1 btw)
>>94767549Just what Underworlds needed: More Orruks...
>Found Darkoath army set for the same price as the spearhead>supposed to come today, the local post has it>No mail delivered because a dude who was president 50 years ago died fuckin jimmy carter
>>94767834Why the fuck does Carter's death stop your mail from coming?Was he your mailman?
>>94767834Uh, what? I got mail today...
>>94767880exactly my point. dude made it to triple digits and shuffled off his mortal coil. has nothing to do with the mail system. makes no sense.>>94767898everyone else isn't, maybe yours came yesterday?
>>94767834postal system (with its many shortcomings) is Benjamin Franklin's doing
>>94767952could be worse. I'm just annoyed I have to wait more when it's too cold outside.
>>94767927Are you at least American?
>>94767952To be fair the dude was awfully busy smashing French GILFs (and writing about how awesome it was) so it's not surprising his other work suffered.
>>94768046Yes, I thought that would be implied, but I guess we export internationally sometimes too
I'm making a 3rd bord piece to make 3 player Underworlds possible, how does season 1 scale up?
does anyone have the nighthaunt and kharadron tomes
>>94768588Sure, but i hope you know rules have been made obsolete by the 4th edition indexes GW released for free last summer
>>94767236Forgeworld Resin is priced relative to it's weight in gold. All their shit is that expensive unless maybe the model is old enough to die of a heart attack while slaving away in their dead end job and edging into a midlife crisis.
>>94767140>the objectively superior model is also the cheaperawesome
>>94767549Oh wow a third Ironjawz or KB team, just what everyone wanted. Would it really kill GW to not fixate on the same handful of armies with UW?
>>94765391>I would like to see some sort of smaller chaff unit for their armyYou could give them some kind of animal to heard, magical bison-mammoth-whatever, which can be used as a unit, and a walking snack that can heal them
>>94768671You'll get your new Soulbight band soon
>>94765648Beautiful shit mate
>>94768724I just want more Dwarf teams, man. Or elves even, as long as it's not DoK team#5 (Yes I know it's confirmed coming)
>>94767224Its not as old as the old orc, its like 7th-8th edition i think
>>94763120Asking again if anyone has to share Realmslayer Blood of the Old World audiobook. Not the OG Realmslayer, but the sequel one.
Going to re-paint my fatcasts collection, need some advice.Im definetly leaving steel + gold as main colors and kilts,But im not sure which color to ise on the shoulders and shields? and wether or not gray plumage works, i quite like the way it looks on hammerhand.Originally wanted to paint shoulders/shields with Green, but it will clash with green cklts
>start with skaven>realize I neither like nor am good at painting fleshwhere can I get massive amounts of acolyte gasmasks to put on every single model
>>94768813What I recommend is using Green for the shoulders, and then the Kilt colors for the shield. >>94769112Skaven flesh can be super easy if you use contrast/quickshade! Skeleton Horde + Volpus Pink mixed 3:1 makes for phenomenal skin (Or you can just use Guilliman Flesh, I use it a lot for normal dudes) and Black Legion gives a nice dingy fur color. This chick does a fantastic job:
>>94769112you don't have to paint the areas that lack a fur texture as skin devoid of furyou can treat them with a drybrush and paint them with very dark colors as areas also covered in fur
How big was the Ghorgon kit compared to the Mancrusher Gargant?
>>94769467what an ugly kit
>>94769477too big for a Mancrusher, too small for a Mega Gargant. Damn.
>>94766782I'm hoping preorders for the box will be announced on Sunday, go up next Saturday. I really want that box
>>94769633man i really hope this set isnt price gouged to hell
>>94769504You could run it as the krondspine incarnate
>>94769660Wait SoB can't use that nevermindFor some reason my mind was placing it as a RoR and not a manifestation
>>94769504nobody is going to raise an eyebrow if you use it as mancrusher
>>94769633Holy shit these models are tiny. I didn't expect them to be huge gits but this....damn. The Chariots use big Cav bases?
>>94769633No interest in a proper army of them, but a warcry band with all wolves could be interesting, a big wolf leader and a bunch of small wolves with bows would be fun
>>94769728i think those chariots are on the gore grunta bases yeah, thats what it looks like.boss gob looks like he's probably about the same size as belladoma
>>94769651There's a named character and a Battletome in there, so there's not much value in buying two. And GW said they're doing a Gitmob Spearhead box too, so there will be other ways to get into Gitmob for cheap>>94769728I assume all the wolves (minus Sunchompa) in the range will be relatively the same size. Here's one of the Snarlfang Riders I'm working on now
>>94769633For a very brief moment I thought that one of the gobs had a serrated chorf axe
I predict an army of the new gits will be the most expensive army you can make in age of sigmar. Horde army where your guys come in boxes of 1-5
>>94769762huh that wolf is actually bigger than i thought. i could have sworn rippas snarlfangs were smaller, did they upsize them for the full kit?
>>94769762Thanks for the pic Anon!When they bill another 45€ for a box of a few wolves then there is a damn bad aftertaste with that release. As much as I like the sculpts...
>>94769779Possibly, the whole thing was redesigned from Rippa's
>>94769762>I assume all the wolves (minus Sunchompa) in the range will be relatively the same assume wrong, the ones pulling the chariot are smaller and are pulling the chariots specifically because they are smaller
>>94769879That's what he said, unless you think sunchimpa is the big special character wolf, it's the chariots.
>>94769907the small chariots are sun"stealers", not sun"chompers"
How do we make gargants interesting?
>>94770017giant floppy dick with its own stats that can crush infantry
>>94770044So make them allies with dwarves, in this case khadrons. Got it. Souping giants with dwarves it is.
>>94769112the tilea's troubles guy made a pretty cool video recently where he showed an entire unit with custom made gasmasks, looks pretty easy
>>94770061Wrong kind of dwarfs
>>94770017a third kit
>>94768790>Realmslayer Blood of the Old Worldi've found it on
>>94769633This sunday seems kinda soon with warclans still on the way, I would think first or second week of feb with a 2 week window.>>94769777Horde armies are pretty much nonexistent now, too much complaining about NPE led gw to make all armies homogenous in rules and size. So fuckin' wierd to build a soulblight list and end up with like 1-2 more units than my stormcast.>>94766541They just need to restrict reinforcement to select units and the damage would go down so much in the game for a start, and then selectively undo units losing a save from third edition. Finest hour & mystic shield going away was enough.
Bell or scythe? leaning towards the bell. scythe feels a little bit too edgy and reaper-like instead of priestly like the bell.
>>94771217scythe fits the posture better.
>>94771217I greatly enjoy the visual of bludgeoning a hapless fool with a rusty bell
>>94771217I think scythes are stupid weapons for Maggotkin. They should all be using banded cudgels and being battle clerics and priests.