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2 for 1 Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings
>The Condemned CCG
>Grand Archive TCG
>Disney Lorcana

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)
>The Condemned CCG

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
What's the sweet spot for a game's release schedule between "I forgot this existed" and "We just got a new set last week"?
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final fantasy is a TCG. although you could easily just print-n-play that one if you wanted to treat it as an LCG.
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What card game mechanic you really like in a card game?
for me it's the 'card as shield' for life point and also using cards for cost.

cool you used my duel master card for the OP.
>final fantasy is a TCG
oh I thought it was a lcg. yeah either this or I buy a starter deck for two. thank you for answering
>What's the sweet spot for a game's release schedule between "I forgot this existed" and "We just got a new set last week"?
4 months.
Cards moving in the battlefield or characters move around in "world".
L5R, Doomtown, Warlord, Co5S, AH lcg, Middle Earth, LotR tcg, SW tcg, Wars, etc
>What card game mechanic you really like in a card game?
pick your starting hand. it's simple af and it solves so many issues with RNG.
me and my bro have tried importing that rule in to a dozen different games, and it makes all of them better. the mulligan is a shitty sacred cow that's way past its expiration date.

>but without RNG players could just open with The Combo every game!
if your game has some opening hands that just break the game in half, that shit should be on the ban list already
>but it will change the math on curves and deck composition!
yes, you will need to use your brain and consider the implications. it might force you to reevaluate some accepted deck building wisdom. that's ok.
>What's the sweet spot for a game's release schedule between "I forgot this existed" and "We just got a new set last week"?
depends on how large the releases are
I've started putting common/bulk playset cards of 4s in a single penny sleeve. Would that cause any problems longterm with them? Anyone else do this? See any warping?
nah, youll be fine.
not going to keep them in the absolute best state, but bulk cards, so who gives a fuck
just don't play games that rely on "resources" as a balancing element?
I know people who stacks 20 cards in a single peny sleeves and those cards never get damaged (with due care on unsleeving).
Omni blocking aka every unit can block as long as they are untapped
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So I know people are throwing money at Flick Knives, but there has got to be ways to return broken equipment in Hunted that we're not aware of. I don't know if there's generics in the set (if there isn't then BOO!) then there has to be ninja and assassin blade recall, possibly warrior too if they can break their weapon to do big damage.
>ninja blade recall
Cindra should comfortably be able to get her knives back every turn just off of her hero ability
doesn't matter. it helps those games more than average, but it makes *every* game better.
that's the default for most games with creature battling since magic did it, so I guess you're in luck.

just open deckbuilding I think. let the cards play together. nothing turns me off a game faster than seeing "well first choose if ur an ork or human or aelf, and if you're an ork you can use ork cards, and humans can use human cards, and later we'll add separate cardpools for trolls and faeries and fungusmolds etc etc". like I know why they do it, so they dont have to playtest things together and so they can sell the same card 5 times with different names. but it just sucks.
like if there's themey reasons 2 cards should play together, then give them mechanics that encourage that.
Better for gristled veterans who know their decks and the metagame and their opponents in and out. You're frontloading all the most important decisions in the game. It's absolutely terrible for new players or games that you're not that deep into.

It'd be sick for a degenerate online tcg where you can jam out a hundred games a night and really work through the openings though.
>that's the default for most games with creature battling since magic did it,
Not Bandai nor duel master clones
Blocker is a keyword
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I think anon is missing a little nuance here.
so I assume he's referencing Ashes, with its "first five" rule. now, no argument, ashes is a great fucking game. one of /acg/s darlings and for good reason. that rule creates all kind of complexity in the opening as you usually have your main opening line of play but then also try to guess what the opponents main line will be and mix up your opening hand to fuck with his plan, while he's doing the same to you.

BUT, and its a big fucking "but", an important part of why that works is you have a lot of info about the other players deck before you pick your hand. you know which character they're playing, you know their mana colors, and you know how many summons they have. that doesnt tell you every card in their deck, but if you know the game you can make an educated guess. and thats fuckin critical. that's the foundation of the mindgames. if your main line of play works most of the time but it's really vulnerable to Nature magic, and you see a lot of that shit on their side then you need to start thinking about changing your start.

so you can take a Pick Your Opening Hand rule and put it in a game where you have that kind of info. like FAB or Netrunner, where you see what they're playing and can make a good guess about the deck, fine. but it won't work in a game where you have no info like most MTG clones. not without open deck lists or changing some other rules.
not reading the fab spoilers

>It'd be sick for a degenerate online tcg where you can jam out a hundred games a night and really work through the openings though.
Nta but it’s funny you say that as I’m working on a digital tcg for gooners and degenerates that I’m calling “Pornoverse”. Not sure if this would be the right thread, but the game is a very early wip and rn is just MtG but better mana system. What pitfalls other tags have gotten into that I should be aware of?
If there’s a better thread to post this to, please let me know
for that audience, you probably want to keep things simple as possible. doesnt mean it cant still have good gameplay, but try to make it easy to understand and fast to play with the depth coming from the ways simple rules interact.
Oh i see. Well there are general playstyles for each of the affinities (based on the 5 love languages + a colorless), Touch is combat oriented, service is about control over the enemies units, gift is big fat units and ramp, voice is support and healing, time is draw power and controlling what you draw.

There is also an evolution mechanic called Promotion, but it’s not really mandatory and is an optional complexity you can add to your deck.
Oh! This is what basic units look like btw. Not totally sure why I picked pink but I liked it
this is still basicly a magic clone? just with DM lands or something?
so like you reskin creatures and sorceries as something related to the theme and you're attacking the player's love points or something
what is this? a card game you created
Yeah you build up love points (damage) until you reach 20 or so. A departure from magic being that you can move units to and from Landmarks. Though this was inspired by Marvel Snap’s locations.
Yeah. It’s still heavily in the early stages.
Actually, it sounds a lot like Lorcana.
Dammit. Should I maybe change it then? I don’t wanna just be riffing everything from pre existing games.
Well, maybe check out the gameplay of Lorcana first and see if yours compares too closely for your liking. Maybe it might inspire you with a few ways you can change your game design to differentiate.
If we're talking about our own amateur designs, I'd like to put forward my Digimon clone for feedback please. The spice in mine is that players draft their decks from a pool of architypes at the start of the game (kind of like compile if anyone has tried that). My goal with this game is to fix some of this issues I've had with Digimon, which I think has a very interesting resource system, but struggles to make the game feel interactive enough.
Just add instant timing or literally any means of interrupting your opponent and your game will be miles better than Lorcana.
whats the rules/game so far? if you donnt minde sharing
Is Union Arena like Weiss Schwarz in that you cant crossover series within a single deck? Like having Nikke and JJK in the same deck or something.
Oh good point. I didn’t know there was already a tcg with something similar to my Landmarks. After taking a cursory glance at the rules, I do like how the win on is different from your standard bring opponents lie to 0.
Oh yeah I was planning on having haste actions that can be played on any players turn. Plus the effects of units are always instant speed unless they explicitly say otherwise.
This is what I got so far

>Each player starts with 1 energy slot and their energy slots are refilled at the start of their turn.
>A player gains 1 energy slot at the start of their turn with it maxing out at 10.
>When a unit attacks a player, they accumulate love points (damage) equal to the units power and when a player reaches 20 love points, they lose.
>Promotion is a level up mechanic meant to add optional complexity to your deck as they have requirements to attain a form with better stats and/or effects.

Now for rules
>Players decks must consist of 50 cards
>You can only have 4 copies of any 1 instance, with some instances being naturally limited to 2 or even 1.
>At the start of the game, players draw 5 cards and may shuffle any number of the drawn cards into their deck and redraw to 5.

I also thought of maybe having a battle mechanic similar to magics blockers but working for attackers and blockers. Not too sure on this idea.

Sorry for the long post, I’m just really invested in this
what do you think of the following ruling:
>use card in hand as ressources
>put 1 card per turn in your mana zone
>the mana zone is also your life point zone
>when your opponent attacks you, you lose 1 card in the mana zone (put it in your discard pile)
>when you have 0 card in your mana zone and your opponent attacks you, you lose the game
I like that a lot! It’s simple complexity if that makes sense
I'll be real chief, not a great idea. Making your mana also your life means that once you start losing you start snowballing. Also it means if your opponent can successfully attack you twice on their turn 2 they win the game.
don't worry about that, anon. you definitely will be riffing on pre-existing games, and that's ok.

there have been like 500 TCGs that spun their rules off magic at this point. it's basically impossible to do something in that space that hasn't been done dozens of times before.

this is basically the last thing you do. like if you've explored every possible avenue of game interaction within the rules framework and your game is still boring, then add instants. they increase the complexity and FAQs by a factor of 1000.
So if the opponent hits you first, you can't ever catch up? Not a good idea bruv.
I also thought of this but wanted to share it anyway, well it was a bad idea haha
thank you
Depends on if summon sickness is a thing or not in the game.

You could also add a ruling that the player(s) not going first starts the game with the top card of their deck in their mana zone
>summon sickening
good Idea
>top of deck card to mana pool
well could work also putting 5 cards like the shield card in duel masters. maybe 5 is too much?
based on your idea, I'd say both players put the top of their deck card to their mana life pool to begin the game
Completely different anon here, chiming in...
Instead of ALL damage hurting your mana supply, you could instead make that type of damage a rare ability that only higher level creatures may have. That way, you give the player time to build up more defense to it, and makes those rare creatures a bigger threat and higher blocking priority. So, the idea can still work, it just needs a bit of re-working to resolve the issues it creates.
>don't worry about that, anon.
Good point, It’s better I keep it simple since I am making it for my follower degenerates.
> well could work also putting 5 cards like the shield card in duel masters
If you did that you’d probably be better off having the 5 act as life and the mana zone idea act as optional shield were you can pitch 1 to save your life.
> I'd say both players put the top of their deck card to their mana life pool to begin the game
The only potential problem being that the player that goes first would have a bigger pool to work with sooner.
That could work too. Maybe it’s a specific keyword if anon is doing those.
Yes. Its completely retarded. They end up printing functionally the same card for every series.
>Maybe it’s a specific keyword if anon is doing those.
Well, he said something about a level up mechanic... in addition to high-level creatures having that ability, it could also be potentially gained through a level-up, which will still limit the snowballing effect, so there's room to play around with the idea a little.
Those are two different anons, I’m Pornoverse anon. But if they are planning on using a level-up mechanic too, that is a intriguing idea. You could even have cards that give this effect at a great cost, but that’s most likely a bad idea in the long run
>Those are two different anons
Right, sorry. I lose track sometimes.
You’re fine friend. Just didn’t want you getting confused
can you draw how the game would look like, like >>94759285 did. if you can't thats ok
Retarded, do not link life and mana together
it is actually a good idea
Do you mean the board would look? If so I have a wip one but it’s not anything unique. I still need to think of good game language for the zones.
yeah thats what I was asking for. so when you take damage, you put a card from your deck and put it in the love zone, right? what does the abyss stand for?
Every idea has its ups and downs, it just depends on how you bend the rest of the game design to support it or resolve the issues it creates. In other words, if handled intelligently, this has the potential to be a fun game twist, if not, it could completely imbalance the game. This is what separates the game designers from the 'idea guys'.
Yeah that is what would happen. Since this game is intended as online first I didn’t bother with making a mana gauge for the beta design.
wise words, anon
Oh and abyss is like the banished zone
oh I see
>online first
it's easier indeed.
so...what types of cards do exist in your game or you didn't thought of that yet?
Thanks, that's why I tend not to dismiss ideas out of hand, but rather try to gauge the amount of effort it would take to have the idea work smoothly. Some ideas are wild and interesting, but not worth the effort to make them work, while others are pretty standard, but for a reason, because they've been proven to support other games well.
> so...what types of cards do exist in your game
If you mean card types, there are
Basic units and Promotion units
Basic, Equipment, Landmark, and Focus actions.
But I’m also using creature types for the units, calling them traits. Traits range from physical attributes to occupations or characteristics. An example being a 1 cost 1/1 with the traits <human> <teacher> <bimbo>
Lorcana guy here again... not trying to be an asshole, but...

>Basic units and Promotion units
Storyborn/Dreamborn and Floodborn
>Basic, Equipment, Landmark, and Focus actions.
Actions, Items, Locations, and Songs
>But I’m also using creature types for the units, calling them traits. Traits range from physical attributes to occupations or characteristics. An example being a 1 cost 1/1 with the traits <human> <teacher> <bimbo>
<pirate> <captain> <tigger> (yes, tigger is his own attribute... that's the wonderful thing about tiggers)

Sorry, not trying to shit on your ideas, it's just funny how similar they happen to look compared to Lorcana. Try to think of it as more of a 'great minds think alike' comparison.
on second thought, maybe cindra's daggers allow for more creativity from the player since they don't need a cost 0 card to get go again
Honestly I just think it’s hilarious how similar my game seems to Lorcana. Because I went out of my way to avoid looking at other card games that I hadn’t seen before while designing Pornoverse.

>(yes, tigger is his own attribute... that's the wonderful thing about tiggers)
Since tigger is my favorite of the Winnie characters, I see this as an absolute win!

Also what are floodborn and songs like? Are they that similar to Promote and Focus? Oh btw Focus are actions you have to first set to play and can’t play the same turn they’re set (yes they are just yugioh’s traps)
They're overall going to be great burst damage but worse consistency than kodachis. What you care about is the draconic tag, which demands you build long chains (dragons) in the center of the field and run lots of reds (breathe fire)
Call it the score zone (shag points)
Oh that works! Got any suggestions for the deck or grave? Those are really stumping me so I might keep them generic
Those are good choices. Though I don’t fully understand Prison
>Honestly I just think it’s hilarious how similar my game seems to Lorcana. Because I went out of my way to avoid looking at other card games that I hadn’t seen before while designing Pornoverse.
Better to laugh at it than worry about it... especially since you're designing a game based on porn that ended up very similar to a game based on Disney

>Since tigger is my favorite of the Winnie characters, I see this as an absolute win!
Atta-boy, Pooh Bear!
>Also what are floodborn and songs like? Are they that similar to Promote and Focus? Oh btw Focus are actions you have to first set to play and can’t play the same turn they’re set (yes they are just yugioh’s traps)
Ah, not familiar with yugioh, but I was only guessing at what focus does, which is not that similar to songs. Songs are a sub-class of action cards that are easier to play because you can tap a character to 'sing' them for you instead of paying their normal mana cost.
I don't know exactly how you intended for your promote cards to work, but floodborns are beefed up versions of characters that can either be summoned as stand-alones for a high mana cost, or replace an existing version of the same character for a lower cost. Which, sounds like a 'promotion', but maybe yours works differently.
I was thinking of monoploy
Deck= Spank Bank
Graveyard= Refractory Zone
Abyss = Dysfunctional pile

> especially since you're designing a game based on porn that ended up very similar to a game based on Disney
Well both basises do use a lot of different ip to satisfy their respective audiences lol.

> Atta-boy, Pooh Bear!
I mean he’s got a absolutely amazing design and great characterization.

> Which, sounds like a 'promotion', but maybe yours works differently.
Well promote units start off as basic units at the start of the game, they have requirements that must be accomplished, usually while the unit is on the field. For example there’s a unit that promotes if you have 5+ Shag Points. Though floodborns do sound pretty cool, that kinda mechanic wouldn’t really work for Pornoverse since it isn’t as heavy on characters with the same name.

> I was thinking of monoploy
Oh lol. Fair enough
>shag points
Reminds me of the short-lived Austin Powers ccg, where you could either assassinate or shag your opponents characters.
Oh shit those are perfect! You guys have been a ton of help.
I’d love to hear your opinions on the basic unit card design >>94759108
That is fucking amazing! Well I rather call damage shag points or Love points and am leaning towards the latter desu
> Well I rather
Well it was either*
Sorry phoneposter
>I’d love to hear your opinions on the basic unit card design
Pretty basic (nothing wrong with that, especially for a prototype), gets the job done. Pink is a good thematic color choice for porn stuff. Might want to fancy up some of the box outlines or corners before the final version, but best to wait until your final game design catches up, lest you cover up something fancy with another stat.
I think you could do this by allowing players to charge resources from other zones rather than just the hand and more than one per turn. I know this is tipping the balance, but you could do some really cool "resource wagering" if you do it right. Let's say that any damaged cards go to their own damage zone that ticks up to defeat. From there, you can diversify your method of charging resources to accommodate card design. Some options:
>charge up to one from each of hand, discard (not damage zone), and top of deck each turn (minimum 1 charge from at least one location)
This lets you gain resources each turn in a modular fashion, but you have to scale card costs and accordingly. Even if you get behind on damage, you could always choose to charge less so that you can't take as much damage at once.
>charge from top of deck instead of hand; perhaps any amount or up to a cap
This allows you to reserve cards in hand so you actually have plays, but it also means you may be giving up a lot of opportunities depending on deck size and the importance of cards in deck. It also carries a risk-reward of allowing you to charge more resources, but it also opens you up to taking more damage at once. You'll never be behind on resources until you run out of cards in deck at least.
>start with a minimum number of resources in play; one player starts with more to offset not getting to attack first, but allow charging as normal
This means you're guaranteed to get to play cards at least and the uneven starting amount means that you don't immediately go on the backfoot when one players gets to attack first, but the downside is that it makes the starting imbalance very opening hand-dependent.
You could always tinker with all of these levers, but just be careful how many knobs you turn at one time. Fiddling with multiple things means multiple vulnerabilities.
> Pink is a good thematic color choice for porn stuff.
Thanks. It was either pink or black and orange because “lol pornhub”.

> Might want to fancy up some of the box outlines or corners
That’s a good idea. I’m honestly not sure what kind of trinkets and patterns to use so I might have to look into other card games for that. O
Oh, behave! YEAH, BABY!
could you make a card to see how the text and image all fit in the card?
>trinkets and patterns to use
It can honestly be a simple as rounding off the corner or making a 45 degree cut... anything to avoid the default square corner. Some fantasy themed games might go hard with loops and squiggles or celtic knot designs, and that suits a theme like that, but porn as a theme says to me 'simple but sleazy'. A few possible suggestions might be rounded corners, but with a reflective highlight, calling to mind latex or sex toys, or a neon glow to suggest the red light district and cheap motels.
what about charging the ressource zone with the top card of the deck each turn. but you cant charge it yourself. everytime I try to make a rule for a card game, it happens that duel masters pop in my mind. I think fuel masters have the best rule for a card game
I just watched the rules of lorcana and they seem good and balanced. I want to play it now hahha but I don't like the disney illustration but thats ok ahha
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or even the leopard dress and BBC
That's always a good basic one. It still doesn't help being on the backfoot on resources if one player is able to get in more early aggression though, so from there it becomes about finding ways to alleviate snowball effect.
>Duel Masters
It really is one of the most elegant games when it comes to the simplicity of its mechanics. The card design has a lot of room to breathe because the basic mechanics are nearly airtight.
Those might be tougher to work into the design (unless you apply a lot of lube). Butt fun ideas, if you know how to swing 'em.
>It really is one of the most elegant games when it comes to the simplicity of its mechanics.
you described it perfectly.
also theres a rule that I have in mind:
>card in the ressource zone can be put in the battle zone by pay the cost to enter the battle zone with other cards from the ressource zone
so you don't lose a card. you can use it as a mana storage but when you need it, you can put him in battle
Not a bad idea, but you might make it a keyword mechanic or something. Banking cards in the resource area is a neat idea though. It lets you field expensive cards as resources early and then transition them to the field when it's time.
you get it all...even with my ESL english haha
>I just watched the rules of lorcana and they seem good and balanced
Yeah, if you can ignore the theme, there's a pretty decent game underneath. I've managed to turn a few skeptics by convincing them to give it a chance.
> reflective highlight
I’ll have to see how well I can do that since I’m using ibis paint to make the cards

> neon glow to suggest the red light district and cheap motels.
This is a great idea, question is do I use the obvious red or maybe something different.

> leopard dress
Leopard print would look real pretty ngl.

I’m unsure if I’ll include racial fetishes such as blacked or bleached but I guess I can try it out just for you.
the bbc part was a joke. don't add it
Oh thank god
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Yeah here ya go
Personally I wouldn't consider HS' mana system "Fixed lands". It adds the rather steep cost of color restricting deck building. Either everyone plays rainbow and has no identity or you color lock people. If you want to retain the flexibility of lands, I suggest using either DM's "Any card is a land" or FoW's Land deck mechanic. Both are also more interesting because they have a cost.

Also since you're early on two mechanics I'd suggest you try out since you're early in development:
FoW's combat. Basically attacking is an action rather than a separate phase and units attack one at a time. It makes the game a little more dynamic than MTG's combat where all attachs happen at once.
Alternating Actions. SW:U is the extant example of this. Basically rather than "Your turn" then "My turn" both players alternate taking game actions. I.e. you summon a guy, then I attack, then you attack, then I play a sorcery, etc.
nice thank you. so I was wondering how would you use the little square in bottom left, so you used it for flavour text. so I guess the bigger squarre is for effect's card, right?
>Call it a drafting game
>It's just smashing together pre-built deck pieces
>I don’t wanna just be riffing everything from pre existing games.
Rather than worrying if your rules are similar to other games, worry if your game has its own identity. You can steal rules from every game under the sun, but if the card design and combination of rules make it play differently, you're doing fine.

Also, you're making a digital game, right? There's so many games online that are basically just hearthstone and even more that are hearthstone with a twist.
Yeah the wider space is for effects.

> Personally I wouldn't consider HS' mana system "Fixed lands".
Sorry but what’s HS?
> Either everyone plays rainbow and has no identity or you color lock people.
Well I was considering a rule where you are limited to two of the affinities.
>Basically attacking is an action rather than a separate phase and units attack one at a time.
I actually like this idea way more than a standard battle phase. Thanks for the suggestion.

> you're making a digital game, right?
Yeah. Well desu I’ve never played Hearthstone.the art never caught my eye enough to tempt me.
>Because I went out of my way to avoid looking at other card games that I hadn’t seen before while designing Pornoverse.
I have no idea why people do this. You should extensively research the genre you're looking at going into, not avoid it.
> I have no idea why people do this.
My guess is it’s because they don’t want to be seen as shameless copycats
Have you considered putting the card that attacks into the love points zone? So the defender can choose to let attacks through in order to remove the attacker.
I never thought about that. It would make for good built in risk vs reward
>Sorry but what’s HS?
>Well I was considering a rule where you are limited to two of the affinities.
The other anon was right, this is Lorcana. Seriously though I'd recommend looking at other resource systems.

>My guess is it’s because they don’t want to be seen as shameless copycats
IMO that's how you become a "copycat", because you stumble into stuff other people have done without any thinking about how you differentiate yourself.

Is this indicative of actual art? If so I lost all interest in the game.

Also, you better add lolis.
> Hearthstone
Oh I see
>The other anon was right, this is Lorcana.
Shit they do that too? Yeah I’ll look at other stuff then.
> Is this indicative of actual art?
Not at all, it’s just a proxy to satiate that anons curiosity.
> Also, you better add lolis.
I was already heavily considering it. Like I said before, everything except race kinks are on the table.
>Yeah I’ll look at other stuff then.
It's a good idea. And remember that there's other ways to take inspiration than copying. For example, you might look at FoW and like the way the stone deck works, but not like the way it's tied to the ruler and implement it in a unique way.

>Not at all,
That's good, I'm not expecting fantastic art, but I would lose all interest if the art was grotesque.

>I was already heavily considering it.
Great. Though you probably won't be able to put it on steam if you go that route.
frankly I'd be ok to make a card game with /acg) if we had designers/illustrators
Well personally I like that I guess. I dont care about most of these shows enough to want to have cards of them, but I guess I get to interact with the game by buying just the series I like (of which there hasn't been a single one yet)
> For example, you might look at FoW and like the way the stone deck works, but not like the way it's tied to the ruler and implement it in a unique way.
After doing a quick look, the stone deck is pretty much what I had in mind for a better land mana system, bare minimum 10 lands 20 max. At the start of your turn you may add 1 land from your side deck to your mana zone and you refill.

But I also have the idea of another where each player starts with 5 Lust and at the start of your turn you can place one card from your hand facedown into your mana zone. To refill your spent Lust, you must shuffle 1 card from your hand into your deck.

>I would lose all interest if the art was grotesque.
Well there may be some that are purposefully gross (ex. Gore) or you may find personally gross (ex. Vore). So I hope that isn’t too much of a detractor.
> Though you probably won't be able to put it on steam if you go that route.
I probably wouldn’t be able because of all the other kinks and fetsihes that’ll be in it.
No Friend Zone. What are you even doing anon?
That should be what the abyss is called lmao

Also I tried the leopard print like one of you suggested. What do you guys think?
It looks cute in a sleazy way. Keep it up
I like it
It's giving cheap late 80's porno, and I approve. I'd keep most of the rest of the design on the simple side to avoid it becoming too distracting, though.
I'm a designer
cool do you want to start?
I’m glad you do. It definitely feels in line with the idea of Pornoverse so I’m gonna keep the rest simple. Any criticisms on the color choices?
k lol
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ok, can you create a card with black edges. then for the color of the card, blue, but as if the water was transparent and on marble, giving an effect of depth. you should also create a white wake, you know we see that when we look at water from a sea. also the outlines of the box of the name of the card and the illustration and the effect box would be dark light brown.
something like pic related
>Any criticisms on the color choices?
Not at all, it's the gaudy pink that makes it work.
Good to hear. I’ll try not to deviate too much with the Promote unit color scheme
Today's Chaotic Assault preview is Mechanical Malfunction.
>It's all fun and games until a gear pops out.


The art being a metagame inside joke was inspired by another card game. The backstory is in the above article.
I think there's been a misunderstanding, i'm a designer as in fame designer, not as in graphic designer
Game* designer
oh...well we can design if you want. do you want to start with your ideas?
I think one important aspect is also the cost. You have to tap your J/Ruler to to ramp. Now, I'm not suggesting you add J/rulers to the game, but maybe you get a minor ability based on a character you choose that you can tap them to use or tap them to ramp. E.g. a loli leader that makes a unit deal damage based on its toughness this turn (because lolis are walls). So you either get that ability or increase your max mana.

>Well there may be some that are purposefully gross (ex. Gore) or you may find personally gross
If the art's good I'll have less of an issue than with low quality porn artists giving the characters really grotesque proportions. That and scat,fuck scat.
Sure, you wanted to work on a game of edging/gooning, right?
no...I'm not that anon
Seems too narrow imo - probably should remove all attacks for the item for the turn, not just the extra ones.
I like the sound of this. So should these leaders be a new type of unit to the game or should just any unit be able to be a leader? Because personally I'm leaning towards the former.
>a loli leader that makes a unit deal damage based on its toughness this turn (because lolis are walls)
Now there's an interesting idea. If we're going with the forner idea for leaders (we gotta think of a more porn-centric name for them) the loli leader could be a mesugaki or maybe, I dare say, a lolibaba?
>If the art's good I'll have less of an issue
Fair enough. I'll likely have to find multiple artists since some always have their hard limits.
>That and scat,fuck scat.
Reasonable kek

Also witch resource system were you agreeing with? I don't think you said.
So you're thinking along the lines of "prevent all damage dealt by target Weapon with Multi-Hit until end of turn" or something to that effect? Interesting...
That would work, though I was thinking more "cannot use target multi-hit weapon to attack this turn" or "change target multi-hit weapon's power to 0 until end of turn"
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I see where you're going with that. Couple of small challenges. First, your suggestion of
>Target weapon with Multi-Hit deals 0 damage until end of turn
will have little impact on picrel. Modifiers resolve in the following order:
1. Modifiers that set a certain value (like 0)
2. Modifiers that add or subtract
3. Modifiers that multiply or divide. Even if I were to make a Weapon's damage 0 until end of turn, the Alpha Strike would resolve after that 0, buffing it's damage output. Multi-Hit is a multiplier for all damage modifiers, essentially. It resolves after the aforementioned multipliers.
>So should these leaders be a new type of unit to the game or should just any unit be able to be a leader?
New unit type, unless you want to go full J/Ruler and have them summon able. That said having every unit be able to be a leader would be more work assuming you want leaders to have abilities while not summoned.

>we gotta think of a more porn-centric name for them
That I won't be able to come up with.i can't think of anything beyond "main star". Or maybe they're not directly involved so they could be the director.

>the loli leader could be a mesugaki or maybe, I dare say, a lolibaba?
Por que na los dos?

>Also witch resource system were you agreeing with
Having the resource deck. That way there's some variability so you can't just go 5 colour without getting fucked by variance, but you don't get screwed by a bad shuffle.
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To continue, Mechanical Malfunction was designed to be a pseudo-counter to picrel. Yes, I used the alt-art promo...
The Ripper pairs with Alpha Strike listed above to go up to 11 damage, then hit 3 times in one attack for a net of 33 damage in one swing. It does, however, require a very specific board state. Your opponent cannot have any equipped Weapons, there must be at least one Armor slot open, and you need to be at Melee unless you use something like Thrown Weapons Training to make The Ripper a Ranged Weapon until end of turn. Even then, it's not guaranteed to be successful. In the Base Set alone, there's:
-Evasive Maneuvers
-Dodge Roll
-Break Apart
-Hidden Pocket (with another Weapon in hand)

All of which can stop the damage from hitting, causing game loss at the start of the attacker's next turn. The intent with Mechanical Malfunction was to offer other ways of stopping Ripperstrike combos while also having some utility elsewhere. There's other cards with Multi-Hit in Chaotic Assault, and also in future expansions. In this particular case, I intend it to be usable in applications beyond stopping Ripperstrike. There are Weapons that would definitely blow up someone's Armor if all of the damage were to go through. removing the majority of it might mean a chance at that Armor surviving, meaning you don't have to Parry and now you have an opportunity to counterattack.

That was the goal with this card. Hope that makes sense!
Not that anon, but here's my idea:
In deck construction you also order your deck. Each turn you draw 5 cards and you discard any unused cards for the round, games last a set number of turns.
The other suggestion of preventing the damage is basically a more narrow version of Evasive Maneuvers. Also a good card, but I don't want to get too bogged down with just damage prevention being the only mitigation/counter options out there. There needs to be a breadth of options and ways of doing things. Some will be stronger than others, sure. But that variety keeps the Johnnies happy, and cards like picrel keep the Spikes happy. I have to have some semblance of balance, you know?
> more work assuming you want leaders to have abilities while not summoned.
Fair enough. That sounds more hassle than it’s worth.
> .i can't think of anything beyond "main star"
> they could be the director.
Both of those are great! I guess it depends if we want these units to be the ace/boss of the deck or the general basis of the deck. I lean towards the latter but would like your opinion too.
> Por que na los dos?
A mesugaki lolibaba? Somewhere no lolicon has dared tread before… I like it!
> Having the resource deck.
I assumed so. I do like how it still has a bit of ring to it so that you gotta keep that in mind if you’re using 2+ affinities.

That reminds me I should probably start making more unit and action cards, especially vanillas and french vanillas
>>94763732 (me)
Dammit how the fuck did that happen!?
>french vanillas
I wouldn't introduce keywords until you have a bunch of cards made. Just create cards and test them. They keyword effects you are re-using a bunch.
Oh good point. It’s best I start off with simple effect and vanilla units. Also since it seems like every card game has a “draw 2” equivalent I might as well make one myself

Spunken Treasure
<Null> <C>
Cost-1 | Action | Basic
[ONCE PER TURN] You may draw 2 or mill 2.
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To the anon making the H-Card Game.

You should look into actual hentai games. There's an entire scene of indie developers that make hentai games, and sell them. Among which, there's several RPGs with a card battle system.

Go to hgg2d over on /vg/ and check out DLsite.

Because your game should take advantage of the fact that it's an erotic game, and the mechanics should play up to that. Right now it just feels like you're just slapping tits on cards and reskinning Duel Masters/MTG for the novelty of it. But there isn't much novelty to it if I'm honest. Porn games are their own genre, and porn itself is a VERY broad category.

For example, you gotta think about what sort of game you're making, Is it a sort of battlefuck game with erotic attacks? Well, first and foremost, you should think of a way to introduce clothing damage somehow. As the eroticism from combat comes from the girl gradually being stripped bare as she becomes more vulnerable. If you have erotic attacks, then you have to ask. Is the girl the reciever of the erotic attacks? Or is she a superslut who can do this. I can tell from the RPG perspective "innocent girl who gets sexually harassed by monsters and people and is gradually corrupted," is way more erotic than a bimbo slut who goes around humping everything that moves.

If it's a PVP type game where both players have a waifu of sorts that they use to fight for them, then again, think about how to maximize the eroticism of it. Additionally, if you're doing something like a PVP type thing, then maybe your goals as a player should be to seduce the other guy's waifu before they corrupt and seduce yours. So maybe you're the one doing the erotic attacks to the girl through various spells, and the girls are mostly receivers who gradually get more horny. You could even have an ante mechanic where the loser has to give up their waifu to make it feel more like NTR.


You have many options, which is why you shouldn't just be copying MtG.
Cosplay Deviants ripped off Triple Triad wholesale, even down to the alternate rules (Same, Plus, and Combo)
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Following up.

For example, here's an example of a game where a girl uses erotic attacks to seduce men and earn money. And as her morality goes down, she gains access to more stuff.


It's not quite the game, but the game uses a sort of system where the various attacks she can use art sort of erotic attacks. There's actually a few games like that. There's this other one where you play an erotic card game with a Gyaru to see who can make the other person orgasm first.


Also, here's two other games that use a card battle system with erotic attacks. I recommend you look into them:


Personally, I'm more on the idea of having the girls be the receivers of the erotic attacks, and having them be gradually corrupted, as now you got more of a classic "master servant" power dynamic between you and the girl you're building your deck around, and there's a bit of a narrative there with both players trying to steal each others' girl by sexually corrupting her, but it's really up to you.

The point being, you gotta get down to the base level, and ask yourself. "What is this game actually about?" Narratively. Because for it to work you gotta have a degree of immersion to it. Just slapping tits on cards and copying MtG isn't gonna work, imo. And as I have just demonstrated, porn is a pretty broad genre, and there's a million ways in which you could design a game focused on eroticism.
Yeah, but that's not the point I'm making. As degenerate who's played a lot of H-games. If you just slap tits on cards and copy MtG, you're not gonna convince me to pick up your game. Not when I can just hop over to DLsite and download a game which is actually utilizes game mechanics to enhance the erotic aspect.

Clothing damage is also probably your biggest hurdle, dunno how you could incorporate that into a physical card game. I guess you could do it like a lot of RPGs it, where rather than it being targetted, it's more like 4 stages based on the "armor HP" of the girl. So like, fully clothed, fully naked, and two in between stages. Each represented by a face card you turn over when her armor gets that low. Lower armor could make her more vulnerable to erotic attacks. Hell, you could even do the folding cards from Duel Masters. So that one card has 4 faces. And the aspect of "unfolding" a card, kinesthetically does build similar anticipation to as if you were pulling off clothing. Moreso if rules-wise, it's the opponent who turns over and unfolds the card, not the player.

Just shooting ideas off the top of my head.
Oh, I know. I was just being a little shit. Don't mind me!
unfathomably based. Thanks anon.
You make a very good point anon. Though at that point I’m better off scrapping Pornoverse and making this new one. My only issue with this idea being how the fuck would you quantify armor hp? Does each of the four stages have separate hp values?

It would obviously need a PVE and PVP. In PVE it could have you playing with themed decks to go along with ecchi stories. PvP,like you said, could have a net aspect in it where you win by taking as many of your opponent’s girls as possible. Maybe there could be different clans of girls too. Ninja girls, superhero girls, witch girls, etc

Honestly you’ve convinced me anon, I’ll give this idea a try.
I actually like these ideas a lot. If anon doesn't go through with it. I might go ahead myself and my own hentai card game.

The goal: "Build your harem or get cucked. Slowly sexually corrupt your opponent's servant to make her yours, and build your harem of girls. But watch out, if they corrupt your girl first, she'll get stolen from you. Physical attacks (done by the girls in combat) do clothing damage, which make them more vulnerable to erotic attacks, which you can do as the player through "spell cards" to sexually corrupt her. Summon tentacles, stimulate her with vibrators, grope her, etc... do whatever it takes to make the girl fall."
So net the game? For once I can tolerate it
All the dude ever wanted was his deluxe hand-crafted paddock.
Hmmmm a game like this would essentially have two different HP systems.

The armor system, and the "Corrpution" value.

Corruption is your main goal, and needs to be more detailed. So that one pretty much can't be anything else but counters like in Pokemon.

So for clothing, you could use a sort of shield-like system. Because it would already be divided into 4 stages based on the faces of the cards, you already kinda have a naturally integrated system that can work that way. The real point here is how to add variability. Like, what's the threshold to cause an armor break so that a girl goes down one stage. Here I think you could do something like MtG. Where it's kinda like how combat works there. Girls have different "clothing/armor values" and if enough damage is done to that in a single turn, you cause an armor break, which causes her clothing to rip and go down one stage. Ofc, to make this easy to keep track of, that value regens every turn like in MtG. So basically, if you want to cause an armor break, then you need to do enough damage to her armor in a single turn to get her to drop down one stage.

Hope that makes sense. But the idea is, there's a single digit number on the card, and if you do more damage than that number her armor breaks, and you flip/unfold the card over to the next stage. The damage done to her armor however will regen every turn like how damage works in MtG.

Ofc, this value is completely separate from the sexual corruption value, which is your actual goal. Ofc, the advantage of armor breaks is that more than just they eye candy, the girls become more vulnerable to sexual attacks, meaning they take more corrpution damage from them.

That's how I would do it.
Ahh yeah, once clarification, in case it's confusing. Once you've flipped a card over, you can't flip her back up a stage unless you have "healing spells" of sorts. In that way, it kinda is like shields in DM where resorting shields is limited to certain archetypes only, and generally rare.

So like, when I say "restore" I just mean the damage done to her that turn, if you failed to armor break. If your armor break, then she doesn't go back up to the previous stage that turn.

On that note, I would even say it's possible to do multiple armor breaks in a single turn. Because the break is triggered as soon as the damage threshold is reached. So lets you do 6 damage + 6 damage + 7 damage in a single turn, like that. And her defense values per stage are like 8/7/6. Then you would basically armor break her down two stages on the second hit, and the third hit would strip her completely naked.
Also, for the "archetypes" in the game, I would probably use a class-based system like Hearthstone rather than a color system like MtG.

Just from a narrative perspective, it's the players actively trying to steal the girl by sexually harassing her. So your powers are more of a "what are you?"
Are a tentacle monster?
Are you a hypnotist with various hypnosis based powers?
Are a gigachad with a big hyperweapon like Rance?
Are you a succubus who imprints a womb tattoo and various status effects?
Are you a sneak shota with various underhanded moves?
Are you a chikan with magical hands for groping?
Are you someone who control insects?

The girls themselves are moreso prizes to be won, I'd have a lot less restrictions in place regarding deckbuilding having to compliment the girl specifically. Since you'd really want it so that people can play even if their girl got stolen, they can switch her out for a different girl to keep playing.
A couple things to make the girls more distinct:

For the resource system, I'd frame it as follows-
You use your girl's lust to power your abilities. Every girl has a "Lust rate" which determines how much lust they generate turn over turn. So Lust +3 means they generate 3 lust at the start of the turn, and they accumulate. Lust is represented by pink, heart-shaped gemstones. And you spend these as a currency to use you abilities. More powerful abilities, naturally costing more lust. There's a caveat to this however, if Lust hits a certain Threshold (let's say 10 as an example), the girl will have an orgasm, which will cause her to no only lose all her accumulated lust, but also she'll take a lot of corruption damage (let's say 2-3 orgasms is enough to completely corrupt a girl. So there's a strong risk/reward element in place with the resource system. Additionally, any technique players do to an opposing girl, will raise her lust by X amount. So like Digimon, there's a sort of interplay in place there, where taking actions gives your opponent the resources to take even stronger actions (if they can take advantage of it), but also here, if timed correctly, it can be used offensively to devastating effect.

Second, for the girls themselves, just so they have more of a unique personality and this more attachment to players. Certain things will trigger certain reactions from girl based on their unique personalities. Let's say certain attacks, or certain actions, or an armor break, etc.... will trigger the "reaction" and what this looks like, you have paper chart, and a 6-sided dice, and based on the condition or event, you roll the dice, and out the effect, which includes dialogue unique to the girl. So a Tsundere might react a certain way, a yandere a certain way, a pure chaste deredere a different way, etc... and they can grant different buffs or rebuffs based on how the dice landed.
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In this way, and with various other unique attributes and parameters. The girls not only feel more distinct and personal, but also they might also function as a sort of engine for a deck, based on how they might compliment different strategies. Girls that generate a lot of lust for example might be useful for aggressive high risk-reward strategies. Whereas if you wanna play as MC-kun, with his chaste waifu, she might actually generate very little lust turn over turn, and have a high armor defense, complimenting a more defensive attrition based strategy. So the girls don't restrict your deck building, but they do work as engines to compliment different strategies. And combined with personality-based reactions, I think this can help players build stronger attachment to certain girls.

Anyway, I've gone on a rant of posting various things. But ideas just started coming to me and I just putting them down. There's a couple distinct mechanics here from other card games, and honestly, feels like it could be quite fun.

If you don't do it, I might just do it myself. It feels like the sort of thing where if you preview it at Comiket, quite a few people would probably be on board and enjoy it.

Hire various doujinshi artists for the art....

I might start building a design doc. I do live in Japan, so it's not like this completely off the table for me. I'd just have to use an alias of sorts to not tie it to my other more serious projects, but it can definitely be quite fun I think....
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Start sizing your shit properly from the start so you don’t have to fix it all later if you want to print them.
Seconding this, >>94759108. Get used to it early and often. This is the template that The Game Crafter uses for their Euro Poker size cards. It'll produce a 63x88mm card, the same size as MTG and Pokemon. It's an industry standard size. You can literally send your finished images to any printer in the world, and they'll be able to take it and run with it. True story, I sent The Condemned to a printer in China, gave them the originals, a mockup with this overlay, and told them to have at it. Not only did they deliver, they did so in spades.
Bro adding up to 20 is functionally no different than subtracting from 20 lmao

I guess it caps healing at 0 but you you still turn dudes sideways to suck your opponent off and make them climax that’s the same as swinging a sword at them to kill them.

Lorcana switches this up by having you gain points to it feels like you’re building yourself up. Still mostly the same.
could also use an inverse mana/health system where your health or mana is the inverse of your current turn count; you have 2 cards in your pool on turn 2, which translates to 2 health (or mana) and 10(could be a different number)-2 mana (or health) (meaning 8) and it decreases per turn. You could really pick either health or mana to be the larger at first/smaller later, though increasing mana and decreasing health makes more sense to me. Then the game would have higher stakes but more plays as each turn goes, while still being easy to keep track of.
I think this would work best with Pokémon as the base. A main stage and a bench. Tracking damage, status effects. Evolutions to get more slutty. Trainer cards. It’s honestly perfect and I see why all the idol games are getting on it.
how many discard/removed from play/dead/disabled/whatever card piles are too many for a custom card game? I mostly see 2 piles (like in ygo with gy and banished) but my experience is limited.
I would do Pokemon, but with only one girl.

The goal is to protect her chastity, not the other way around. Keep your girl chaste and corrupt the other dude's girl. Making your girl slutty intentionally sounds more like a specific strategy rather than a core goal.

By what I mean by "build a harem" is cause you legit have an ante mechanic, where if you lose, you legit lose the girl. She becomes a part the other guy's collection.

Obviously the game should be very casual, and the girls should be very easy to pull/acquire to diminish butthurt.

But I feel like the goal should be to try and win to build your harem. This actually appeals to various genres of porn this way. Harem, NTR, Netori, Corruption, etc...
Playtest it.

You only need one discard pile. Yu-Gi-Oh added banish cause gy became a second hand due to power creep. Same with MtG.

Technically, you don't even need a GY. It all comes down to the rules of your game, and the goal.
Depends on the functions they serve and if it flows naturally.
The second English Yu-Gi-Oh set had the first banish card and the fourth mtg set had exile.
They were really early mechanics in both games
I feel like I would do multiple girls and the wincon would be to corrupt x number of girls. Maybe there is a main girl but you can also corrupt the support girls. Corrupting the main girl of the primary wincon but the supports will block and get corrupted and add to wincon
No more than two (normal dead zone and super-duper dead for real no coming back zone), but even one is usually enough for most games.
If you think you need more, add more types of removal (send to hand, send to top of deck, send to bottom of deck, send to other zones you have in your game, temporarily or permanently disable the card's abilities or ability to attack/defend).
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Collab Announcement
Original characters from Dragon Ball Legends are coming to Fusion World!
Two starter decks featuring Shallot and Giblet will go on sale at the same time!
Treating this as a thought exercise trying to maximize the number of discard piles I get to 4.
Start off with the standard discard pile. Assuming a standard MTG-derivative game, you need a place to put cards once used.

Next, assuming you have interaction with the graveyard in some way it's a good idea to have a place where effects can't touch them. So that gets you Banish/Exie.

Then you can have a third pile as the win-con. Instead of tracking life, you track damage by putting life into the damage pile. However instead of decking out with an empty deck, you reshuffle your discard pile. This gives a reason for damage and discard to be distinct as discard cards are still "life". As some extra flavor add Unique characters that go straight to damage when they are removed from the field.

Lastly we add an extra deck. However, since the regular discard is re-shuffled on your deck being empty and we don't want the extra deck to be tied to the regular deck, we get to 4 discards.
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I mean, that's not how I would approach it, but if that's the angle you wanna take, go for it.

Personally, I feel it adds too much unnecessary complexity to the game. Better to keep games short and snappy, with a nice exciting tempo.

Plus, I think from the erotic angle, one girl being corrupted/harassed is better than several. You'll already have variety in girls from game to game due to deck-building and the ante thing.
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New titles are coming to UNION ARENA!
Why not just put them all into one image and a single post? These don't contribute at all to the discussion. They're basically advertising.
My thinking is that my game I'm workshopping will have 4 different card types and 4 different spaces already and so I imagined 4 separate piles at the bottom that would filter to their "correct" cards, with the other piles making it harder to use resources if an "inappropriate" card is placed there, sometimes written on the cards themselves (i.e. "If this (type 1) card is destroyed, send to type 1 discard. If this card destroys itself, send to type 2 discard." and things assume appropriate type to pile and otherwise would have to specify, or SOMETHING like that, obviously still early).

I do think using pre-existing locations and afflictions are probably the way to go unless when I get to the playtesting phase it needs more, yeah.

Very interesting analysis, especially considering my above explanation for the questions suggesting 4 piles (though obviously different rationale got there), I appreciate your response.
>They're basically advertising.
Look at
Anon is either paid by bandai or one of the resident shitposters acting like a shill to annoy people.
I post
(You) seeth

or you can just ignore it
Part of me is hoping it is a legit Bandai rep, just due to the second-hand humiliation of trying to shill in a thread were people were discussing making a porno card game where you sexually harass girls, and try to cuck each other.
>They're basically advertising
literally just copy and paste the official news word
Bonus point if it's a female rep. It's not shill-kun, but shill-chan.
Did not expect for my DLSite Link script to light up in /acg/ today.
Is RJ01133089 translated at all?
>Is RJ01133089 translated at all?
Afaik, no.
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But isn't this an even narrower version of Evasive maneuvers than the suggested? If a card has a decent chance to be dead - e.g. If the opponent may not have any multistrike in a game - then in order to be "good enough" to be worth a card, it generally needs to completely negate the thing it answers.

Or put another way, why would anyone play it when those other 5 cards you listed will answer the multi-strike weapon for a turn more completely, while also not being a blank card against other weapons?
intresting. tell me more?
I fucking told you guys that bandaid advertising campaign is being organized off site, but nooo... nobody believed me. They're forcing it down our throats. Some coy frogposter made a disarming shitpost the minute there was a new thread to condition you into believing the opposite was true.
Nta, but I have a different one I thought of when reading this thread. Every turn, during the draw phase, you mulligan whatever number of cards to the bottom of your deck, then draw until you have 5(?) cards in hand. It actually helps both players cycle through their decks a lot, while still keeping some degree of luck and variance involved.
Goddamn advertiser fags are so stupid, I cant even buy these decks anymore the order was due a month ago
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>design a card frame that actually looks good
>gate it behind collectors packs and make the default frame ugly on purpose to sell them
bravo ffg
Oh wow they look great.
yeah good idea, shuffling the deck before drawing a card
Reading comprehension no bueno, huh? Are you a Yugioh player?
Let me break it down for you again:
>Take X number of hands from your hand
>Draw until you have 5
>Every turn start
I don't see where I ever said "shuffle"
oh yeah good
lol I understood what you said, I just wanted to add: what if we shuffled the deck before drawing cards

No, that would be a bad idea. Shuffling a lot slows games down and breaks the pace of games down. You want to reduce the amount of time people shuffle per game as much as you can to keep people engaged in the game itself, rather than constantly pausing to shuffle the deck.
I'm not thrilled about the whole collector booster bullshit, but I can't deny that those do look pretty nice.

Part of me is tempted to buy a single collector booster to see how different it actually is, but I also don't want to actively encourage this behavior.
youre right it was a bad idea. do you have other ideas?
that should just be the standard look at minimum. game just sucks to look at
>but I also don't want to actively encourage this behavior.
I got news for you, they will sell out, even if you fence sit or not. These are limited printing only and folks will pay hundreds for them. Do with this knowledge what you will.
These are good points. I guess the other justification I would have is to encourage other forms of removal beyond just preventing damage and blowing up gear. I don't want removal to fall into this trap of strictly blowing things up, and then having decks running massive amounts of that just because that's the only thing that's good.

>Or put another way, why would anyone play it when those other 5 cards you listed will answer the multi-strike weapon for a turn more completely, while also not being a blank card against other weapons?
This is why I added more Weapons with Multi-Hit in Chaotic Assault and future expansions. I just haven't necessarily spoiled them all yet.
I hate this. It's cool, but I hate it. I hate that these will be fought over, tooth and nail, and the singles will be outrageously expensive, while the normal foils go to a few dollars and cents. Fucking FFG being complete retards leaves yet another game I like of theirs in a bad position.
>Part of me is tempted to buy a single collector booster to see how different it actually is
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For anyone that missed the info, here's the scoopy doo on Carbonite.
finally, some daggers

-the fab community
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Okay, hear me out, what if players are constantly shuffling their deck when it is not their turn?
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>company won't comment on drama that occurred at the Las Vegas Planetary Qualifier
What the hell happened?

Also Set 5 bros, it's not looking good for Yidsney.
So glad I didn't support this game.
What am I missing? How is this "Vegito"? Doesnt even look like one of the earrings, it's just a ball.
Even if there is some reason that he got turned into a ball for a scene is this the best way to convey the character?
There's a scene where Buu turned Vegito into a piece of candy. There'll probably be more vegitos that actually show him.

This is one of the issues with not actually naming your cards. Masters had a similar card, but you could actually tell what was going on.
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forgot to add the image.
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Though there was also this card earlier that had the same idea done better.
Did anyone play Luck and Logic? A game shop gave me a free booster once when it had been killed off, I've still got the cards.
There will be a ranger mastery pack in march, 2026
If removal isn't good enough, people simply won't run it. Stopping something for one turn is not as good as removing it forever, but at low cost might still be run, while inconsistently weakening (not stopping entirely) something for one turn is probably not worth a card.

How about have it attach and remove multi-strike for as long as it's in play?
I'm trying to avoid adding too many counters to The Condemned. I don't want it to fall into the MTG trap of having multiple counters for damn near everything.
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>I have to sit out for another year of engaging with the game
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it's literally the seething gundam anon lmao. It's so beyond obvious it's laughable.
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Ooh, they made more pretty shiny yellow boi.
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And Gatomon, featuring bonus loli!
Digimon general died?
You're talking about me and I've been ignoring bandai posting this thread when someone falseflagged as me in the first post. Cope; this is a marketing blitz trying to get us to buy buy buy.
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No clue.
Digimon turning into Yugioh with the card text?
That's fine, but bad removal won't be played in lieu of good removal, people will just play more threats.
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Appears that way, yeah.
Gundam looks cool but I'm tired of life shields and triggers and all that crap.

Why can't they steal from Cardfight Vanguard or Gate Ruler.

Placing cards in life from deck and then being able to use it as a resource is cool to me
Because those aren't Bandai games? They have a formula they slightly alter for different IPs depending on how sophisticated they expect the playerbase to be, and with changes inexplicably entirely divorced from adding "local flavor" of the IP.

Always has been only one step better than YGO.
Digimon seems to be doing well. They're working towards the simultaneous releases and they have that webcomic.
I wouldn't be surprised if Bandai wants their card games to be similar so that players can bounce between them
Aww he looks so cute--
Why do I wanna ____ the angel boi!?
/bcg/ - Bagholdai Commodity Games?
Because angel boi was clearly made for it.
Good point. He makes me think very sinful thoughts and should be corrected for it
Would having these variant cards be a good way to get the prices of the regular stuff down, though? I don't really pay attention to the secondary market as I don't buy singles, but I know some shit was still stupidly expensive even with the Spark of Rebellion reprint.

Hmm. Seems a tad steep for $25. Might still try to grab one, but I dunno.

Dear James,

Give me Bard as a real, supported, class already, you fuck.

A music nerd who wants to like your game.
>Dear James is catching on

On all seriousness the ranger "community" is oroborsing itself constantly and I fucking hate it. We need new cards more desperately, just so these fucking cultists stop aping the same build.


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