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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>How to make wargames terrain

>Secret Level animation

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question
We're more than half way through 10th Edition, how do you feel about the current state of the game?
10th a shit.
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I'm not longer seething at what an unplaytested mess it was when it first released. It's still not a good edition and I loathe the over-shrimplification of wargear and the loss of so many classic units.

I still dislike it in the competitive scene, but for beer and pretzels it plays fine.
And at least it's not 7th.
Made me switch to killteam
I just browse this thread because its fasta
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Added another unit of Harlequins to my Harlequins. Now at 3 Troupes.
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10th Edition was custom crafted for tournament and pick up games. It should only be used for broaching new contact.

9th was custom crafted as the "last hurrah" of """""""modern"""""" 40k as it gave a massive ruleset that could be agreed upon in a gentlemanly manner if one were to engage with it in the beer and pretzel format.

tl;dr James moved away from catering to 30+ GROGS and LOCKED IN on the 35+ w/ children Lego Dad demographic to restore 40k to it's 12+ Social Club original founding ideal.
How do you get them built and painted so fast? I havent even finished my plague marine KT
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Mixed. More of my friends got into the game this edition and I really enjoy guiding them through starting their armies and getting together to paint. But man do I not enjoy the game anymore. It seems so simplified and less engaging and I don't feel the spark of drive to create unique and expressive lists like I used to in previous editions. I realize that the simplicity is part of WHY my friends are getting into it now and it's still a struggle for most of them to grasp the higher strategic concepts, but I'm just bored to tears in the actual game. Crusade and Boarding Actions are also a hot mess and we did not have a good time with either of them. Combat Patrol is worthless and thankfully we moved beyond it quickly. I like that everything is tempest style and enjoy tactical objectives. But I do not enjoy how terrain works and how super blocky boards are basically mandatory now. Balance is also whack and I feel like I am going crazy when everyone is shouting 10th is "the most balanced the game has ever been" when there are fewer viable ways to play most armies than ever before and absolutely no weird niches to exploit thanks to the death of wargear, relics, traits, and psychic powers. Almost every game revolves around who has answers left to the big tanks and who doesn't and which armies have good objective play and which don't. It's almost as bad a 9th where some of the "best" armies were boring as hell to actually play and just won on easy objectives.
>loss of so many classic units.
This is the one thing I like about tenth, its no longer keeping the bloated husks that are an eyesore in tournaments.
Im literally that except im a loser without kids
Nice job. Looking sharp.
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Why don't people like this shield captain model? I don't play custodes but I'll pick up one-off models from factions I don't play just because I like them, and I adore this shield captain.
The terrain rules are retarded. Infantry feel like spiderman when they can walk through it
>We're more than half way through 10th edition
And half the fucking armies still don't have a codex.
Akhelian green is probably my favorite color of all time. I play alpha legion
Those are gorgeous, Anon. Superb use of color, and the checkers are CLEAN. Be proud.
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>And The Future Refused To Change
The wide cape and the pose make him look like a midget.
I don't have a job and I'm obsessive.
my friends are having fun
Id fucking love it if I can get a printed wraithknight at wraithlord size
The current wraithlord kit is fuckin horrible
Hm, I guess I don't really see it.
Anyone have this model to pose next to a space marine for scale? How does he look next to a primaris?
What's this about them removing the Infantry Squad?

Please tell me they're not going to force me to write down 'Cadian Shock Troops' when I'm writing a list for my 186th Chettican Grenadiers or whatever, I fucking hate that shit
So I'm getting ready to play my first 1000 pt game with a few friends and this is the list I'm looking to use. I'm playing against Dark Angels and Voltann.

Morvenn Vahl (170pts): Fidelis, Lance of Illumination, Paragon missile launcher, Warlord
Canoness (75pts): Rod of Office, Through Suffering, Strength, Power weapon, Plasma pistol

10x Battle Sisters Squad (105pts)

5x Celestian Sacresants (75pts)
10x Sisters Novitiate Squad (100pts)
Castigator (170pts): Armoured tracks, 3x Heavy bolter, Castigator battle cannon, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter
3x Paragon Warsuits (220pts)
Sororitas Rhino (75pts): Armoured tracks, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter

Is there anything I should change? Anything I should remove or add? What should I watch out for playing against Dark Angels/Voltann?

I don't like that i had 35 points left over before enhancements and only 1 character that I could use them on but I can't think of any other setup that I'd want to use unit wise.

1000 pts seems really limited
Has any faction actually gained more units than it lost this edition? Is guard going to be the first?
>1000 pts seems really limited
Which is why people play 2000, yes. You're playing the Intro to Warhammer, it isn't real 40K.
Yes. You'll have Cadian, Catachan, or Krieg and anything else is "counts-as" those.
>posts a stock image of a box and not his own infantry he allegedly owns
>, I fucking hate that shit

why, it means you get to pick which datasheet fits your playstyle the best instead of being stuck with the one GW picks for you
and to explain

Command sqauds, heavy weapon sqauds, and infantry squads are each split into 3 datasheets for krieg, cadian, or catachan.

So for someone like you, you can field any mix.

Where someone like me who plays cadians, i gotta run the cadian datasheets
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if you wanted to mix, I assume you'll need to make them look different? I'm wondering how to run my mordians
>if you wanted to mix,

i meant mix as in

-my infantry squads are krieg
-my weapon teams are catachan
That's rubbish
Guardatarum are supposed to represent diverse human militaries from across the Imperium, not just the three worlds GW can be bothered to produce models for

Imagine if they did it for Space Marines. You don't have a Primaris Intercessor Squad, instead you have to pick from an Ultramarines Primus squad, a Space Wolf Hunt Pack and a Dark Angels Vigilum Chamber, and everyone else using a different chapter or their own custom one still has to apparently specifically have these units of Ultras, Dogs or Hood-wearers in their army
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>Brother is a DnD nerd, frequently wants to have a family night playing a tame little one-shot
>Make joke to my sister that I couldn't imagine the family playing 40k
>She says she does, and Saturday afternoon should be free due to bad weather
>Guardatarum are supposed to represent diverse human militaries

having 3 separate datasheets better represents human diversity than just having 1 datasheet that just says "guardsmen"
Yeah we are just getting into the hobby so we don't have 2000 pt armies or really even 1500. The two other players (voltann/Dark angels) have more options than me but I'm wondering what I should aim for next.
*She says she wants to
But it was like that for years. You either picked "Tactical Squad" which was your basic bitch infantry, just the same for everyone as Ultramarines in different colors. "Blood Angels Tactical Squad" which gave you a couple new weapon options. Or Space Wolves had "Grey Hunters Pack" which let you take chainswords on the unit.

Either way, custom regiments are a thing of the past. It's sad but everything has to be consolidated into as few choices as possible because GW is catering to the casuals who are too stupid to figure out weapon loadouts that don't come packaged in the kits.
>Infantry Squads, HWTs, and Commissars are now Cadia, Krieg, and Catachan flavors
>Generic versions of the above are no longer around
>Other regiments can use any of the datasheets as a "counts as"

The reality is you're just trading "Generic Infantry Squad" for "Catachan Infantry Squad", there'll still be the same amount of battleline datasheets. Theoretically if there's no "You can only run one type of datasheet" rule then theoretically you could run 27 HWTs now alongside 360 Infantry across 18 squads.
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Which characters are gonna come back from the grave?
>Catachan flavored Commissars
Wait a second
Command Squad, my bad.
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Finished second squad. The idea for these guys is that they're formed through feudal obligation so every squad is a different noble and his retinue wearing their own colours and motifs. Maybe i'll find appropriate sized decals somewhere too but for now I'll just stick with the colours.
You're gonna induce a sperg fit anon.
How long did that take?
>custom regiments are a thing of the past. I

im not sad to see them go.

I remember with the 9th ed codex had like 2 pages of doctrines you could mix and match that literally no one used because the default "born soldiers" was flat out better than anything else.

Also remember its basicly 3 datasheets multiplied by 6 detachments to get some variety.

Like "true" catachans should probably be catachan datasheet + recon detachment

While tallarn would be closer to catachan datasheets + tank detachment
You can still do it without having to pigeonhole in specific worlds and write your list like your army is some kind of mishmash of these random different regiments
Just named the units 'shock troops', 'breacher squad', 'ranger squad' so they can potentially be from any planet

You know, like every other army does it and has never been a problem before they suddenly decided Guard had to be changed this way

Everyone always had the option of the basic tac squad though, the issue is GW erasing the basic universal equivalents for Guard
>collect praetorians
>nope sorry, you gotta decide if they play like cadian, catachan or krieg

>collect tallarn
>nope sorry, you gotta decide if they play like cadian, catachan or krieg

>collect armageddon steel legion
>nope sorry, you gotta decide if they play like cadian, catachan or krieg

>collect vostroyans
>nope sorry, you gotta decide if they play like cadian, catachan or krieg

>collect mordians
>nope sorry, you gotta decide if they play like cadian, catachan or krieg

etc etc

>I'd rather GW tell me how to play my army than be given a list of options to decide for myself
They can give us options without telling us your Tallarns are actually Cadians, you're stuck in some binary thinking bro
post models
but GW IS telling me how to play my army

a list of custom doctrines, no matter how shit (i.e 9th ed) is still more flavourful
I play steel legion? its fluffy to pick the mechanized trait and a leman russ buffing trait

the units themselves were always a template, what made /yourdudes/ was the custom rules you could apply to that template
Post any of those regiments you own
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What the fuck do you think Your Dudes actually means

Post the regiments you own right now and I will literally spoonfeed you what rules work with which regiment you fucking idiot
>>collect praetorians
Weren't they an extremely limited release back in 1998? The vast majority of examples you see in the wild are recasts if they aren't just a pith helmet headswap.
>They can give us options

Literally every current guardsmen datasheet has less options than when it was just 1 datasheet
To be fair if you want to play mechanized guard, then you get that flavor by just filling your army with APCs and tanks

We didn't need special extra rules on top to give an army flavor, that should always have been done by choosing your units
Not very long. It's a very efficient scheme.
I think 10th's detachment system is a fair compromise.

I like that i'll be able to play a seige regiment as cadians instead of telling my opponent they count as kriegsmen
Guy starting his first army here, I'm picking custodes because I like their aesthetic but adore the caladius grav tank in particular, it reminds me of the hover vehicles in the Jak and Daxter sequels. I can find datasheets for it online but the codex I have doesn't have it anywhere. Does that mean it's not legal in the current edition of the game?
Exatly, I hate the pruning of wargear, literally can't have heavy weapons in infantry squads anymore

And my lasgun sergeants still havn't seen the light of day since I think 5th ed. Why the fuck did they decide so long ago sarges can't have the same weapon as everyone else? Space Marine sergeants can have bolters, its not the standard or anything
Sanguinius 100% GW is already laying the groundwork for his return
ok but what is it about mordians/vostroyans/praetorians that stands out besides they wear different hats? Kriegsmen are notoriously suicidal and Catachans fight in dense jungle environments that require different strategies.
3D printed or 3rd party?
This is a very dumb reason to think customization is bad.
>And my lasgun sergeants still havn't seen the light of day since I think 5th ed.

they have the dumb compromise now that the sarge can take an autogun which is nearly identical statwise but still a different weapon

Though you could probably just model it as a lagun and call it a day
Technically that's what the current detachments basically do
Take GW's cock out of your mouth first
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It's what a lot of the art likes to make them as well.
>No models
What a shock, last (you) from me shitstirrer

Balance is hard and you eventually reach a point where too many options become no options at all
Look at the 3.5 chaos codex. It flew too close to sun and perished for its sins
its a FW model, its gonna be in one of the indexes
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The original models are pith helmet headswaps too so it fits.
You should cut the mags off and slap a drum mag on
But what if GW gets your rules wrong.

Like in 8th GW decided when cadian SHOCK troops should be a static gunline
Sorry what was that? All i heard was you going "Glkl glkl slurp slurp"
They are printed and head swapped.
>vossies are just mordians with a different hat
older editions:
>I want to play catachan, therefor I will take the catachan regimental trait that grants +1 strength to infantry, therefor any unit that is infantry (e.g special weapon squads, veterans) get the bonus too, I can make my own custom models to represent these units or just show the loadout options with the catachan models I own, I also gain a bonus to using flamers, which incentivizes me to take the weapon on vehicles

10th ed
>I want to play catachan, this means I can only field the catachan units for my infantry, anything that would fill a similar role to special weapon squads and veterans (because GW removed them) are not catachan units, and thus have completely different rules to the rest of the army (i.e S3 not S4), my tanks also do not gain a bonus to their flamers despite my army trying to be catachan
Head swaps with Mordians, not Cadians, though.
Then play the older editions retard
That's still a different weapon that has to be resolved differently as soon as anything that only affects lasguns comes into play

Back in the day I liked my guard squads equipped dead simple, kept cheap and made resolving their attacks quick and easy. 10 guys, 10 lasguns, count how many are rapid-firing, one handful. Good thing since I'd want like a dozen of them on the table.

NOW, if I don't tool out that squad with every option they can have, I'm gimping myself and passing up free* firepower, so instead that unit will have like four different ranged profiles to resolve (I bet they don't let you have duplicate special weapons in any of them)
"oh but detachment rule"

ok, so i'm being forced into a playstyle (i.e GW thinks catachan are melee) instead of a hit and run guerilla force
Do we know what the catachan, cadian and krieg traits are?
Working on a third party made regiment and I want them to be effective instead of being too easy and just wasting my opponent’s time.
GW wont let DKoK squads have a vox caster and a plasma gun

its one or the other
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Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
Lmao really? Why?
You CAN. If you run them as a 20-man.
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Oh, I'm not really familiar with that part of the rules, I guess. Thanks for the tip, googling those I learned there's also a cool troop transport that fits the custodes aesthetic waaaay more than the special land raider they get. This thing is sick, I hope it's not in legends or anything.
because fuck you thats why

I think the "reason" is that the model that uses the plasmagun for the killteam/instructions is either the guy with the vox OR a plasmagunner

even though its a simple armswap, they wont let you have both

>older editions
you mean 4th edition

There was like a decade from 5TH onward where there were no regimental flavor at all outside a couple named character and a cadian and catachan army had the exact same rules
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>Dark Eldar squating is coming. I can feel it.
Ftfy. They will get legend'ed before totally reconnected out of the setting since they won't fit in the more noble bright 40k gw is planning
I am absolutely praying to see a nostalgia-wanking edition in future where they reverse all these retarded sprue-based restrictions and bring back wargear costs so they can boast about going back to the 'good old days'

Because they share a body on the sprue. It's not designed to let you pair any weapon with any body
>That's still a different weapon that has to be resolved differently as soon as anything that only affects lasguns comes into play

What rule only affects lasguns? they changed how rank fire works
Can't you just slap the plasma gun onto a different guy or do the arms only fit on certain guys because of the gas mask box?
If that's happens I'm calling the dark eldar and telling them GW's address.
Damn, is it? Is there an easy way to see the full list of currently legal units for an army? It feels kind of obtuse just to find rules on what's current in this game.
>Guy starting his first army here, I'm picking custodes
It doesnt matter because the squad cant have both anyway.

we know *some* of them

like cadian command squads give an attached unit cover and that catachan weapon teams get a bonus when shooting monsters/vehicles
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Finally broke my winning streak after 12 straight games. Would have been a draw but his army was fully painted (by someone else) and I’m working on 2 units still. Did have someone come up to compliment both our paint schemes mid game too which was nice.
the app listbuilder
Wahapedia. It's not legendsed yet iirc but it's a forgeworld model and on top of being overpriced resin trash it's at risk if being axed at any moment
Sorry bro, I'm in love with the shadowkeeper paint scheme.
Sorry, but the rules are Custard = Gay. I will grant that at least you aren't a Knightfag.
Not enough hair and dust on your model, but at least its painted well.
>Hey dude do you mind if i take both plasma and vox?
>Yeah sure
GW hates this simple trick.
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Nothing about this looks like there's anything stopping you from mixing arms physically

Maybe there's minor barriers in the way the coats are shaped or whatever that create some ill-fitting combinations

But yeah this attitude GW has adopted in regards to how their kits and rules should interact needs to fuck off
>hey do you mind if I cheat
>but it's just a small change
Then you should be fine without it
I plan on getting the big resin models from recasters so it shouldn't break the bank, and if it goes to legends I'll just play it as a land raider, I think most people would be okay with that.

Not mine, just pulled that off google. Hopefully I can paint them half as well as that picture.
>Thread Question
>We're more than half way through 10th Edition, how do you feel about the current state of the game?
I havent played it
>He doesn't play with people who are fine homebrewing GW bullshit out of their games
The bigger problem with the kit is that there's one arm that the plasma gunner and melta gunner, and the Watchmaster Bolter share, and you can take all three unlike the plasma and vox.
IIRC there's another arm you can cut up to replace the gunner arm.
>more noble bright 40k gw is planning
>Introducing Emperor's Children back into 40k
Bold strategy Cotton
Hopefully you have half as much hair.
like if you wanna model the vox that's fine, but I think giving a basic bitch guard squad 3 special weapons AND potential CP generation might be a bit much
I wonder if things going poorly enough would motivate GW to abandon the 'every army gets a Codex every edition' standard and start working on dropping 11th early
What exactly do you want to see refreshed? I think most of their range still holds up, besides the resin.aybe the Wyches and the Hellions could use some newer sculpts, since they look a bit bizarre. Maybe bring back some of their names characters. Maybe that alone is enough for a "refresh"?
Cutting up arms...GW thinks the modern 40k can't be expected to do this
How should I build my novitiates for kill team?
Thanks I guess I’ll wait until the krieg rules become available to make a judgement. My dudes may play as krieg but they won’t be krieg. It’s about making the army challenging enough to waste my opponent’s time.
All the resin stuff they removed coming back in plastic would be a nice start
What ever looks the coolest
It's not quite half. And this is actually typical for most people editions of 40k.
GW usually takes the entire edition to get all the Codexes out. Only a hint unusual this time is how many space Marine factions had to wait until the back half
krieg command squads can issue orders/stratagems while battleshocked and their weapon teams get shoot on death on a dice roll of 3+

We still dont know what the basic squads do for each
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Finish the chart
Ask in the killteam general.
Chaos does not deserve to be this late in the edition
They intentionally delayed all the non-CSM chaos stuff because they wanted to release all of them in quick succession around the Emperor's Children debut to deal with splitting up Chaos Demons all at once and not drag it out too long.
Chaos deserves to be squatted.
Squats deserve to be chaosed.
So which primarch are we getting announced to go with Fulgrim?
Yeah they'll sprinkle the rest over this year, wait 4 months into 2026, announce 11th edition, release that in the summer, and we get to do it all over again.
Well let’s hope that the basic infantry squad abilities are tough choices for all three options due to being useful.
Leman Russ
Hard agree on that.
Russ is pretty damn obvious. It's stupid to bring him back, but we all know they will.
Russ will come back at the start of 11th edition as a Khornate wulfen
>Russ model revealed
>It's just a big primaris with a beard and a wolf shoulder

If russ doesnt come back, and nothing is done about isha with his arrival, can we just assume shes fully addicted to nurgles putrid cock now?
>A big Primaris
Primaris are just small Primarchs
Russ is going to be a big dude in power armor just like the other two loyalist primarchs. It's just a question of if they make him space odin or big wulfen.
>Cadia floats
This also needs Emp's Children added to be fair
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this shit blows
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>space odin or big wulfen.
Both. He will have two models like Morathi. A big space odin and a werewolf version that you can roll for him to transform into if he goes to 0 wounds
Will cadia become a fleet based regiment with that chunk as its imperial craft world?
>Kasr Soliq
Where's Kasr Liduid and Kasr Soliqus?
>that chunk

Their are enough chunks for cadia to BE the battlefleet
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play heresy

join us with a militia list anon
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I find it kinda hilarious GW wants you use the new cadian models for 30k
>join us with the most half-assed, shitty token PDF list
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oh wow flak armor I've never seen that in the heresy era before
You can use old Cadians too.
the most customizable army there is

you can play cadians, squats, skitarii, renegades and heretics, and more
all with that one army list, because it gives you a massive amount of options

The milita list also has rules the cadian ordnance batteries that are newer models from the end of 9th ed
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How do we respond bros?
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I'd rather use SA rules. Gets some extra armour plates from Victoria on the Cadians for the 4+ save. They already got lasrifles.
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no need

you could take the warrior elite so grenadiers (4+ save) can be compulsory troops, and armour of old night to upgrade all lasguns to lasrifles for free
the point being, the army list is fully customizable for /yourdudes/
unlike being forces into cadian, catachan or krieg
Inside of you are two wolves.
One is a gay furry.
The other is a gay furry.
>armies I dont play have great models
I sleep
>armies I dont play have trash models
I sleep
Is that double anal or a spitroast?
Its pretty obvious that working on 40k is too restrictive and creatively stifling for their artists.
I mean take the eldar update for example, it has been OK, but pretty boring for the most part since they've just been restricted to copying old models. The only real standout model from that range also happens to be the only new one.
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Looking for advice from paintbros! I'm reasonably happy with how the white drybrush on my Zoan's brain gave it sort of a "glow" effect, but far LESS happy with how I managed the "reflection" on the inner carapace on the right pic. I've seen people do what looks like a drybrush to get that soft glow effect on surfaces nearby a light source, but it clearly didn't quite work here. Anyone know what I'm aiming for and how I could achieve that effect?
I can barely even find a 40k group, let alone a horus heresy group.
>How do we respond bros
Selling fast!
Friend of mine has a pretty decent 1k sisters list.
I haven't played him since the update, but it had a good winrate in our group.

Rhino with 5man repentia inside AND an unattached cannoness
1 penitent engine
5man seraphim
10man battle sister(I think) +hospitaler
3man arco flagellant
I want him to be a big daemon werewolf with chaos marks carved into his flesh
Fill on of the Fast Attack slots with a freaky motherfucker mounted on a human centipede reinforced by odd cybernetic bits & bolted on armor
For your sake I hope it's the latter
The anal tearing from two knots would be catastrophic
Or I can just use rules are are actually useful, rather than expensive raygun dudes in paper tanks.
You probably need to make a drybrushing all over the inside of the carapace. Like all the way to the speartips. Try to think of light radiating out like a sphere, and you need to drybrush everything that sphere hits.

Take a smaller brush, and give it a good drybrushing all over the inside of that carapace.
Dont forget the bottom back parts too.
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I would much rather get what Eldar have gotten, that is to say: pretty much 1 to 1 recreations of the older models in the new size and resolution, than have them 'creatively reinterpreted' like Blood Angels. The Eldar minis look like they're supposed to, the Blood Angels minis do not.
I want to add to my space marine army...
Unfortunately do to a clerical error they don't have dreadnoughts & they don't make any, cause they ritually kill anyone too wounded...
So I won't be buying any dreadnoughts...

>playing Vostroyans in the Heresy

What a maroon
Okay, but you should buy 2000 points of Dreadnoughts anyway.
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Sounds like a good time to updates /yourdudes/ lore and pick up some dreadnoughts. Maybe 2000pts worth?
Maybe you need 2000 points of Invictor Tactical Warsuits
Okay yeah! I strengthened the effect and found it much better. Also did a bit on some other surfaces and didn't like that as much, but that's a good learning experience for the next Zoanthrope. Thank you, friend!
Yeah they even got wings :^)
Someone's been drinking Red Bull again

Please guys I'm dying here
gonna be so easy to snap these ugly things feet off those bases during games
2000 points of Dreadnoughts will cure what ails you, Anon. Don't even worry about it!
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Since you're using paint, and not light, you need to be more careful with what you do. Light doesn't show up in patchy rough spots on a smooth carapace. Drybrushing isn't a good tool for larger bits of simulated lighting. The colours you pick is also super important; because a coloured light will not translate 1:1 onto another coloured surface, it changes depending on the colour of the surface it's reflecting on. Most people doing source lighting deliberately use dark, desaturated colour schemes to make the lighting itself stand out and also simpler to manage for those reasons.

Anyways if you want the inner carapace to be lit up, my suggestion is to treat it the same as you did the brain. Paint it green, with the lightest section being the deepest part, and then blend in the purple of the carapace at the outer spines. Because the head carapace will be partly in shadow you're working double time to make a simulated light source work, so you should either be very drastic or not bother doing it at all.
no you dont, time to put you in a dreadnaught
Only if you're a ham-fisted fucking gorilla.
How the fuck you even learn to play this game? Is ANY book up to date with rules? Is their any point to buy a codex?
those ankles are going to be like 3 mm thick I could just twitch my fingers and break those ugly shits when asking to look at your faggy army
Ah shit, I see what you're saying. I think that sort of blending and color work is beyond my current skill level, but fuck it, can't get better without practice. I'll give that a shot on the next one.
idk I don't have nerve damage so I don't have problems like that.
Why doesn't everyone use movement trays?
Then I wouldn't let your filthy neanderthal hands anywhere near my army. Even if I were inclined to play filthy poncy elfdar.
I DO have nerve damage and I have broken some of my models before. But I've learned how to be careful when handling things. I still wouldn't have the issues with >>94764230 that croods like >>94764242 seem to have.
There's always somebody.
Just read wahapedia and the rule downloads in the WH community page
It deserves to be ignored and left with an index and then removed
>secondmost popular army in the game should just be removed
so this is the power of the seething ancillary xenosfag
Why is this hobby so fun? Every time I finish a model, I just look at it and smile. I can't wait to push my dudes around a board.
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Damn these look good. I love seeing other people's models, too. They're always impressive in one way or another. You can tell everyone who paints has a real love for their dudes.
I genuinely don't get how you can play with unpainted plastic, but that's just me.
Thanks anon, never heard of it.
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I have the 9th ed codex. Should I read it?
*9th ed GUARD codex
I forgor to specify
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What do you guys think is a good price for a complete copy of Space Hulk third edition?
Can WE use a skull alter or is it just terrain for them
Ultimately it's going to be mostly hidden from view, so going more extreme in terms of lighting is fine. Subtlety is for small bits and pieces or highly visible areas. Just remember that for it to read as "light" you have to exaggerate how bright things are.

Worst case you can just repaint the carapace flat purple and forget about it if it looks weird. No harm in trying it out.
>grab old model to test paint
>previously had primed it and slapped it with an air brush a bit
>paint the new color scheme on it
>go eat for half an hour to let my shit dry
>grab my pot of Agrax Earthshade
>never used washes before
>dip brush in, give the model a nice quick coat
>looks grungy as shit, swear to god it stripped some of the new paint I had applied
Is this because I didn't reprime the model, or did I fuck something up with the wash? Perhaps everything just worked as intended and I'm dumb?
Technically, yes, but it would be an "allied unit" from Khorne Daemons. It doesn't do anything for WE other than just act as yet another terrain piece since WE detachments won't have the Shadow of Chaos mechanic.
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Anons, can you help me with this:
I remember having seen (and downloaded) a single image with covers of the novels, which guide you through the warhammer 40,000 universe. And it wasn't just horus heresy novels, it was the whole warhammer 40k.
Can anyone post it, or at least direct me to it? I can't seem to find it --am I imagining things?
Two to three hundo.
It does stuff in AoS, it literally just lets you reroll battleshock for khorne daemons near it in 40k
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>GW: There are no good guys in 40K
>GW in the same breath: Farsight is a noble paragon of conscience

What gives, guys?
Thanks for the input, Anons. I'm hoping to grab a copy of it to play irl with some friends. They're not into (or against) Warhammer, but they play a lot of board games. Most missions don't take too long. Space Hulk has some pretty easy to understand rules and feels reasonably balanced. Though, I could never figure out how best to approach corners with genestealers/blips around them.
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>works for the highest bidder, including Orks and even fucking chaos
>"paragon of conscience and principle"
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Like the Emperor, the setting rewards those who unrepentantly attempt to grapple with the unconscionable moral and ethical quandaries of the setting.
That's an Imperial report based on rumors. It's as unreliable as it is not canon to modern Farsight lore. Phil Kelly-era Farsight is anti-Chaos.
If you're still buying codex books at this point you are dumb.
You're just paying more for a worse product than what you can get for free.
There are good single guys. There are no good guys factions. Just like Nazi Germany weren't the good guys, but you can find Germans that were good guys, helping Jews, Poles, French and others that were otherwise under Nazi rule.
It came with the cadia stands box I got like a year and a half ago
The imperium are basically the good guys. Thinking differently is just an inability to grasp any nuance.
But there's a reason why imperial defeats are never depicted as a good thing, Its always a horrible tragedy because they're literally our guys.
is this the power of reading comprehension?
ESL here. Explain.
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>I cannot fathom humans being bad because I am a human.

Here's a real hero, anon.
>But there's a reason why imperial defeats are never depicted as a good thing,
What about all the times it's celebrated as a good thing in T'au books?
If you had an IQ above 50 you wouldn't have interpreted what I said as that.
Would a Magos who ended up time travelling to meet his younger self & deciding to undergo the Rite of Duplessence sound too stupid or is it fun/interesting?
Farsight is also the leader of an extremist rebel group. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. So far at least he's been content to whack greenskins and the like.

That said, as commanders in 40k go, he's pretty upstanding.
>The imperium are basically the good guys.

That's all I needed to read. You're misguided and will regret your foolishness when your corpse god fails to act when the Star Children descend.
I'm not roleplaying with you.
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>Farsight is also the leader of an extremist rebel group.
Extermist is a problematic word for him. The Enclaves are democratic and he just oversees their government. He is humbled that his people continue to choose to follow him. He doesn't force them to follow him. They trust in him and that gives him strength.
He just wants to protect his people and be left alone.
You're no fun. Go enjoy your dick ass codex.
The only reason Farsight is allowed to exist in T'au space (plot armor aside) is because he provide a viable Ethereal scapegoat and a reasonable dumping ground for T'au Empire dissidents.
"There are no good guys in 40k" means that no faction is stereotypical "good guys", every faction *as a whole* would be considered in the real world horrendous war criminals at the very least.
Anon confuses that notion with an individual, not a faction, being a good guy - an honorable and principled person.
I don't think so. The Phil Kelly interview on Youtube and the WH+ Loremaster episode about the T'au says that Farsight represents the greatest threat to the T'au Empire, greater than even the Tyranidsa and thee Imperium. He represents the disruptive notion that the T'au no longer need the Ethereals.
Actually its populism so its bad.
>Though, I could never figure out how best to approach corners with genestealers/blips around them.
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It's a meme grandpa god why aren't you dead yet
But here is the thing. The faction in question is thee *Farsight* Enclaves. He is the leader of the said faction named after him. Wouldn't a faction be automatically good if it's overall leader is a good guy and they are actively directing them to do good?
No you're supposed to root for the orks.
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How are you guys too dumb to catch on to the fact that the "there are no good guys" line is just a tactic to weasel out of any cancel attempts and continue profiting off of people's reactionary impulses? I thought everyone knew.
post models or shut the fuck up
If you want to get rooted by orks then that's all you, but I wouldn't be going around speaking for others
Damn thats crazy
I did
I thought the will of the people and the working class uniting against a corrupt, oppressive upper class that controls production and capital was supposed to be good
I'm just here to be an obnoxious faggot while my bases dry.
You don't have any bases though
Well it is unless it isn't.
The annoying thing about the 3 regiments only approach to the new IG is that the regiments they chose don't have a particularly strong or very contrasting identities.
Like a better fit would have been a regiment that had a more organized and elite focus, a regiment that just throws numbers at the enemy and a mechanized regiment.
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Okay? And? How the fuck is Earth Caste Fio'la Gong Wh'ang going to catch wind of Farsight ever even existing when the Water Caste effectively censors any sort of information they will ever receive in their life?

OH NO the VERY specific Fire Caste elements exposed to FSE warriors might defect! Until their ringed out through psychoactive fungus light shows and unrelenting Edification Corp debriefing.

Good luck getting to the Enclaves after your contact with said FSE elements get you reassigned to a Breacher Squad, shas'la.
I didn't understand these words, but I want to fuck a Tau.
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I accept your imminent concession.
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Please contact your nearest Water Caste representative for more information.
Those are some nice bases, bro.
Thank you, anon. They're a bit of a time/resource sink, but I'm satisfied overall.
Does anyone here own the Manticore kit? I want to buy the Deathstrike because I think it's funny (no I do NOT care how much it sucks) and I'm wondering how easy it would be to make it swappable between the Manticore and death strike, please don't tell me they're separate sprues.
You deserve to be. It has a very cool "cracked dry riverbed" clay look. I dig it. What's going on them?
Who cares, it doesn't change anything for the people who actually play
The weaseling isn't very good and the saying doesn't hold much water because GW treats the Imperium's actions as either necessary evil for the survival of mankind or big scale oopsies due to inefficient bureaucracy most of the time.
So GW says there are no good guys but sure does treat the Imperium of Man as a necessary anti-hero schizophrenic if the Imperium was a character.
Would it be less intensive just to seal some iced oatmeal cookies?
those would go rancid after a week
Get baited into posting your cool bases idiot haha
The broom on his back looks ridiculous otherwise I'd buy one
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Which looks better?
>chaos custodes
That is so cringe
Neither of them look particularly good
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>five fingers
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>Get baited into posting your cool bases idiot haha
Same energy as saying you were pretending to be retarded.
Just take the loss bro. You're in a hole now. No need to make it deeper.
explain how having less diverse rules doesn't effect the people who play.
yes but I am cringe so it's okay
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>your Rogue Trader entourage doesn't forcibly graft additional fingers onto xenos to bring them more into line with baseline humanity
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I'm doing some orange GSC and figured the cool blue would help it pop. And I just wanted to get extra for my first 40k army. The process is pretty basic, it's mostly waiting on drying.

>White paint on base, cover with 'ardcoat in generous amounts and let dry, apply Aggrellan Earth copiously, prime white, Pylar Glacier contrast (undiluted), and drybrush white. Add tufts and Valhallan Blizzard to taste.

I know for a fact I could cut some steps, but I'm not gonna fuck with what's working out. If you look at the bigger base, you can easily tell where the most 'ardcoat and Earth. A good gloss varnish glob makes the crackles, y'know, crackle.

I'm a fat bitch for oatmeal cookies unfortunately.
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It's a shame that miniatures are made of pure tungsten and can't be cut or sanded at all
You seem to be very upset that I wanted to see his bases for some reason
>orange GSC
>cool blue
The blue looks more teal to me imo
How hard is it meant to be for Chaos to bring back someone to life? Considering that Eliphas the Inheritor came back from the dead on at least two occasions, but not every Chaos Lord gets this treatment so I imagine it's for special occasions.

Giant spearhead probably doesn't help either.
Probably correct. I've poor eyes for color ironically, so I usually just ask people for their input. I'm hoping the drybrush'll help it some - but it'll look nice either way.
This. If you're gonna go retard, go FULL retard. It's the way of 40K.
Ignore him anon, the DC slopper has an obsession with the orange+tealanon and is currently trying to make a joke, your bases look fine
Both literally AND metaphorically based, then. Thank you for repping the baldbois.
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It's important we accept our limitations.
It's trivial to revive a mortal. The gods just need a good enough reason to bother doing so.
>We're more than half way through 10th Edition, how do you feel about the current state of the game?
I liked CSM's rules but I miss picking out spells for Master of Possessed and Librarians. I miss the synergy that I had with my foot lord and terminators had last edition. The main thing I care about is Crusade and I feel like its a disappointment. We got generic missions in the core rules, four books and a handful of mission booklets this time last edition.
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Pardon my 'tism. I rarely post here and wish to not learn the terminology of this place.

I see the other 2 GSC fans have finally shown up.
I'm a Nidfag, so I'm contractually obligated to love my retarded inbred cousins and their kickass terrorist tech.
Because it’s true. There are bad, and then worse guys. Sometimes that’s just life homie. Luckily /mydudes/ are good boys being pragmatic and doing their best until daemonically corrupted civilians start suicide bombing them en masse in a crowded city so my guys burn it down and kill every living soul.
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I just appreciate GSC as the fertile groundwork for Renegades/Lost and Damned/Gue'vesa/Imperial Guard alt and can get down with some nice iced oatmeal looking crackle. V endearing, not to mention the sheer quality of character demonstrated by such fine basing.
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>>94764975 #
I’m a GSC fan and I never even see them.
That said lavabase4life. Three coats of thick sloppy paint and then a few gobs of crackle is just so damn easy.
I just want to fuck the bugs and half-bugs while being an insufferable xenos player.

And you. We can exchange biomass.

It's the Sallyanon I think! Hello and I've always liked your bases.
I would play GSC but I hate painting high model count armies let alone high detail high count armies
Sorry, I couldn’t live with that autocorrect. Good luck anon.
That is genuinely the way to go.
Give it up, Anon. No matter how horny you are for three-armed xeno-mutant sex-cultists you will never be remotely as insufferable as that one Ork guy at every LGS who cannot stop yelling "WAAAGH! DAKKADAKKADAKKA!"
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>lips on a xenomorph
I have not actually layed a game of 10th Edition, but I enjoy my models. Debatng gettng a box of CSM Chosen, even if the loadout isn’t optimal because then I can build my Guys (Characters from my Warband with personality and goals).
Most of them have already been built, but only with the pre-range-redo models and the paintjobs might not be the best…
the chosen are fun to paint at least
This is my fervent hope, thanks for letting me know. Funnily enough these are my Sons of the Harvest warband who people keep mistaking for WB. (I didn’t know a ton about color schemes or lore when I started) but kept going because I got attatched. Any suggestions on how to make them more distinct as Not WB without having to do a total strip and repaint?
easiest thing would be probably painting part of the armor different; different coloured helmets or arms maybe
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>World Eaters don't get basic Legionaries or Havocs but they get a mortal chaff kit you need to buy 6 of

I hate this fucking game so fuckin much I can't stand it.
I'll never buy more than one box of jakhals they're the most extreme monopose kits out there
Cult marines should have at least have some more access to generic CSM units
I kind of want to start a lost and damned army just using IG rules
a bunch of cultist models and chaos'd up tanks
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Do it.
>no Havocs
>no Legionaries
>no Posessed
>no Chosen
>no fucking unique Red Butchers when every other Cult legion is getting theirs
>no juggernaut/berzerker cavalry
Of the 23 datasheets available to the army, 16 are CSM units carried over from that list. None of them are infantry except the generic terminators. And they had the gall to hype up the army as if they were getting a huge DG style refresh. Doing the exact same thing that they're doing with EC now: previewing the little fucking renders that nobody cares about, talking about how much they like the army when they know they're getting fucked.

It's an insult.
we haven't seen EC terminators and the rumors don't mention any
I love this game we play where where the thread hits bump limit and we sit in silence for 4 hours waiting for it to fall off the catalogue.
I genuinely don't know why anyone would want to play WE when they're in such a state. They're not even internally balanced well- the army wilts and dies if it doesn't have Angron and Kharn. I don't think any other army in the game relies on named characters as much.
Hell, competitive Blood Angels players are cutting unique units and named characters in order to benefit from +1 to wound on Oath'd targets. Couple that with +2S on the charge, you're looking at Assault Intercessors wounding other marines on 2's with their chainswords.
I don't want to play them but khorne has been my favorite subfaction since the early 2000s and the new zerker kit is fucking beautiful
kharn looks nice too, even if I wish they kept his OG pose or at least something reminiscent of it
Bump limit is irrelevant on a slow board like /tg/. As you said, even after a thread reaches it we still can have literal hours of discussion in it.
I really want to play World Eaters but I refuse to spend money on an army because I hope they add more units eventually. Maybe in a decade andthe have a couple more unique units, they'll be worth it. But not now.
Should EC terminators have massive stereos and subwoofers attached to them?
They should honestly just be supplement books like loyalist snowflake chapters get, albeit with some obvious restrictions like no psykers in a WEs list.
no one does that.
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Anon, you're doing it right now.
Doing you're mom right now
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Hey homos. Please tell me how I should colour the vehicles for these guys.
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Grey would look good, I think. It'll be a nice combo with your yellow accents.
>1k points seems really limited
It's not you stupid nogames, and if anyone ever says that to you it's a massive red flag since what they actually mean is
>what do you mean I have to actually make a list and not just copy a tournament netlist

As for advice, don't go near Votann units and just outrun them. They are slow as hell and short range but hit extremely hard assuming your opponent isn't an idiot who took all battleline dwarfs. Just focus on blowing up their transports and bikes and they'll basically be helpless since it's their only fast units and they can only move 5" otherwise.
Uh oh, someone's mad
Just sick of people saying that shit. I've literally never played a game above the minimum size in over 6 years and have never had a bad time.
My enthusiasm for 40k has kind of diminished. I really hope the grey knights refresh is something other than just another character.
Levi Terminators and Immolators were the Grey Knight refresh.
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I like the death guard so much. They have such a cool aesthetic going on.
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How am I supposed to play 2000pts of dreadnoughts in 1000pt games tho
>As for advice, don't go near Votann units and just outrun them. They are slow as hell and short range but hit extremely hard assuming your opponent isn't an idiot who took all battleline dwarfs. Just focus on blowing up their transports and bikes and they'll basically be helpless since it's their only fast units and they can only move 5" otherwise.
Piggybacking off this, if he brings a unit of their terminators, try to bait him into deep striking them somewhere further away from your important units. They WILL kill whatever he's pointing them at but if you sacrifice a chaff unit to them on some corner of the board and just fuck off and leave them on that corner, they'll spend the rest of the game trying to catch up and do something.
nta he probably knows it's a meme
it's just that only annoying zoomers say it
That shit crazy bruh
use space wolves rules and play also bjorn, murderfang and 3 wolf dreadnoughts

And my friends are surprised I will not buy the new Emperor's Children and will just stay as Purple CSM.

Fuck that.

Fabius is cooler than Fulgrim anyway.
In the Elemental Council, they talk about the Enclaves casually. Casual talk that included a Fio'la, funny enough.
No thank you
You don't have purple csm
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>tfw have no one to play a game with
Make friends idiot
all my mates arent into 40k these days or just arent around any more
I hate playing with randoms
please no bully mr phoneposter

i have no friends that are into this hobby, the concept of painting toy soldiers to battle is too much for them
since i havent played for so long it would be great to find someone i know so i can ask a bunch of shitty questions and gain a better understanding of the game, some random wouldnt tolerate that
Same. I've never had an irl friend. Few times i've tried going to an LGS have just been uncomfortable.
GSC literally sacrifices entire planets to massive bugs that just fuck off once they’ve eaten everything, including them
Make more friends stupid
>tfw lgs doesnt even have tables to play on
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What do you mean?

If you mean that my EC warband can't follow the CSM Codex instead of the new one, I can just say they follow Fabius and Abaddon instead of Fulgrim, and that's fine.
I'm sure the codex and new lore will give me even more excuses not to follow the new army.

If you mean I don't actually have miniatures, then pic related I have about 5000pt painted.
Make a table baka
looks nice anon
you did this one on purpose though kek
That's not yours you took that from reddit
Is there a golden retriever mini in the 40k setting? Or any other game that fits the scale? My dog died today and would like to paint a mini to honour him. Also, how should I kitbash it to fit into my ork army?
cool helmets
i wouldnt bother replying to that anon, he shits up the thread everyday with bullshit once sentence replies

btw does that chainsword polearm weapon come with a certain kit? it looks fuckin great
Check out train miniatures, they do scale dogs in a variety of shapes and sizes
you'd probably have to convert it into a squig to fit into an ork army desu
You have to go back chris
>btw does that chainsword polearm weapon come with a certain kit? it looks fuckin great
Thanks, but it's the standard kit. No conversions in this one.

>he shits up the thread everyday with bullshit once sentence replies
Good to know, I don't post much anymore, I don't know the new characters here
>Why doesn't the second least imperial army have more subfactions than the most popular army in the game!
That's not your model that's my model
Then you're not a dread naught
You're a dread wulfs
Based dreadKING
I truly wonder what passed through the hive mind to say
>lets make a three armed pistoler vigilante a recurring figure
I'm fine with mono-god legions wanting to be even more differentiated than divergent chapters, but yeah there's not really enough unique models to effectively carry that out in full when most armies are competing for attention in wanting new plastic models. Only snag with sharing basic legionnaires is that it doesn't really fit TS given the Rubrics
>bruh what if a bug man with three arms was a cowboy, that shit would be so cash
so whats the story behind green stuff world? ive heard a few anons here say that they arent the nicest people in the business
Unless they shot up a daycare or some crazy shit idgaf about what they did. I might buy a pack of greenstuff from them through my lgs once every 2 years or so, and ignore them until I need another pack
>same colourscheme as purpleanon
You're a crazy person
it truly is real schizo hours right now
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>>lets make a three feet tall pistoler vigilante a recurring figure
Heroes of the proletariats unite!
But the red gobbo is a fantasy character.
>no Posessed
Phoenix Terminators should diverge from the monothematic "LOUD NOISES" theme to instead have perfect armour and weapons. Just like EC should also have doomrider for the FAST theme, duelists like Lushus, instead of merely being the 'marine with a guitar for a weapon' meme army.
Should my GSC be from a frozen wasteland or desert wasteland type area? I'm just about ready to paint and (properly) base my pile of shame.
If you're buying or have both available, do what compliments your color scheme.
>tfw lowkey trying to finalize my color scheme
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Not entirely surprising, it's incredibly rare for a non-Primaris Imperial release to represent an actually 'new' thing in the lore, it's all just handwaved away as having been there the entire time or an ancient design that was 'rediscovered'. Off the top of my head the only canonically in-universe truly new unit I I can think of for the Imperial Guard is the Macharius Omega, which was noted to be considered borderline tech heresy but allowed because it was incredibly useful and technically didn't contain any new technology. The regular Macharius only entered service in M41 but was another case of an ancient Heresy-era design that was long-forgotten but pieced together by tech priests millennia later, so technically it should be allowed in 30k games as well (I've never looked at the rulebooks so it may well be, I have no idea).
>We will never has a USSR themed ork subfaction
GW fears Comradz getting together and using dakka to achieve the revaloshun
I'm on the same boat with trying to finalize a colour scheme too.
And basing scheme. Need that right shade of brown as the base and right shade of lighter brown for the drybrush.
It hurts bros.

>brass plasma coils
I'm feeling the hipster overtake me, anons. I might go with this because glowing plasma coils are very popular so metallic coils might stand out and they also seem very easy to paint.
>implying that isn't the tightest shit you've ever heard of
What planet wouldn't love some three-armed cowboy John Wick shooting up the bad guys?
What does perfect armor and weapons even mean?
What should I listen to while painting my genestealer dudes?
the lord of the rings read by rob inglis
Broken stats that make them better than your favorite terminators. Also maybe give them ornate helmets or something idk
>But the red gobbo is a fantastic character.
yeah, I know
dead kennedys
Stick a pin in the foot. No more tactical rocks either.
Goblins do not exist in 40k. You cannot refute this. Grots are not the same.
Specifically California Uber Alles or Holiday in Democratic Kampuchea.
Optimal method for removing a mini from a plain plastic base (attached with superglue)? I want to have fancy bases, but I slapped my guys on default plastic bases to get them game ready.
The death of wargear and the fixed loadouts and set costs of units is a fucking disaster and needs to be undone.
>Back and to his left shoot from his front and right
>Back and to the left
>Backand to the left
>Back and to the left
>10th edition is dumbed down for the lowest common denominator
>I still can't fully memorize the rules of 10th edition
>always checking my phone to check the stats/rules
Bros I might be retarded. How do I work around being retarded for 40k?
it's a gobbo, not a goblin
the freezer
Put in more reps
Because you're not getting any.
Gobbo means goblin in greenskin language.
See >>94766199
Superglue bonds come apart in the freezer it's why I still have the same GW plastic glue I bought 20 months ago but have gone through 3 things of superglue. It's simply easier if you're thinking about taking a model apart in the future to superglue them.
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>42nd millenium
>mon-keigh insist on fighting wars literally using 1916 tactics
a creeping barrage
a fucking creeping barrage

I'm sure Douglas Haig is real proud of you guys
The freezer?
No, it doesn't, goblins don't exist in 40k, remember?
>he says
>on a boat
even somali pirates got more sophisticated
Fantasy greenskin language, r-tard. In 40k they're called grots.
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Imperial Agents is such a fuck up that it's already dead and doesn't solve faction bloat.
They should have just made a new witch hunter/demon hunter/alien hunter codex that folds grey knights/Sisters of silence /inquisition/assassins/deathwatch into one book.
Give the option to include some forces from other imperium armies like SOB or IG and done, cuts down on faction bloat for things that will never or can't be expanded into full ranges and put them into one nice themed army.
Custodes shouldn't be a playable army it's stupid both in fluff and crunch and just makes SM weaker as a concept when you have objectively better "SM".
Knights should be put back into mechanicus which solves the issue of a lack of infantry many people have, also give a option for freeblades in other armies.
Chaos knights should be fused with dark mechanicum when it releases.
You want me to become a strongtard at the gaming table?
>Fantasy greenskin language
In fantasy greenskin language they're called grots too.

But da red gobbo is a gobbo.
Has GW ever removed or "forgot" a faction? I'm afraid of GW releasing 11th and all of a sudden my army doesn't exist.
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>tfw no qts in my faction
Why must I suffer through the sea of 3rd party titty monster models if I want something pretty?
>that folds grey knights
unfortunately for us all, gw uses codexes to tax customers and they have plans for some grey knight releases so their codex will stay separate.

I'd also argue knights should exist in both the admech codex and the imperial agents codex with different characterisation (forge world and titan legions aligned houses, as opposed to knight worlds houses and freeblades)
most marine subfactions
soon Chaos daemons

what faction are you worried about?
>Deathwatch for killing Xenos
>GK for killing Chaos
have you ever heard the term squatted
Oh no
Genestealer Cults. From what I hear they're not the most popular army...
They just got a bunch of new models in both 40k and necromunda, they're someones baby and won't be forgotten. Like they and the squats/kyn have two different versions of their own faction in Necromunda, they're fine
you can also use IPA as its a solvent and will break down the superglue. you could always just snap it off, superglue doesnt bind like plastic glue
Nah, genecults are safe for a long time being, fresh model range, multiple waves of models, keep being successful.
The worst that could happen to them is getting bundled together with tyranids in some future codex.
what faction?
>I'd also argue knights should exist in both the admech codex and the imperial agents codex with different characterisation (forge world and titan legions aligned houses, as opposed to knight worlds houses and freeblades)
I just think knights as their own faction doesn't work in the game and most people agree that it's just not fun to play against them in their current form.
if apocalypse was still a thing I would argue to cut knight sized units from main 40k and make them apocalypse exclusive because they add nothing but frustration to main 40k.
I also think named characters should be narrative only because there is no reason for abbadon or cawl to fight random shmucks but that is just my autism.
Armies in Order of increasing likelihood of getting squatted/merged
>Black Templar
>Chaos Knights
>Imperial Knights
>Agents of the Imperium
>Grey Knights
>Chaos Demons
are the Tau Necrons and Nids the only ones who don't use warp powers?
>in their current form.
that's the thing, they should have different rules, and I'm not talking about balance, but actual more in-depth mechanics for superheavies
they tried that in 6th/7th and it was miserable
Named characters should be replaced 'Champion of X character' So you can field these powerful leaders while also keeping the real 'players' of 40k in the background.
>This guy leading this black legion warband of 50 guys, CHOSEN of abaddon himself, recognised by the legion to, tough scary guy'. That way him getting murked by something silly doesn't devalue the character. Primarchs can be represented as a warp shadow of themselves or something, the real Gulliman, lion, agron, fulgrim etc isn't here, hes else where but a shard of his attention is here
only the necrons

the tau have some auxiliaries who make use of what the tau call "mind science"
while the tyranids do use the warp, just not directly, they practically filter it through the hive mind
they did it wrong and 6th-7th was miserable for a load of other issues, certainly not because knights had directional armour, shielding and a damage table
That's even gayer, holy shit, you're bad at this.
No, they were miserable beacuse superheavies had "wow so many cool an unique ways to represent their abilities" and all of them just made the game worse because 40k as a game is not designed with giant creatures in mind and traditional gameplay starts to break down around them.

A big part of why 6th/7th were miserable is entirely down to special rules added for Superheavies/GMC
Well you can't just remove them GW makes way too much money off them, even though every single character would have a table full of dudes with them if they ever did arrive on a battlefield
Female custodes.
Drukhari as well
No, you're retarded and clearly easily scared, or long scarred, by rules bloat.
But I am NOT arguing in favour of the rules bloat of 6-7th.

What I'm saying is that titanic models need to have more complex rules to compensate for the fact that by taking them your army is already losing on a measure of the complexity that normally emerges from having multiple units that interact, that have different weaknesses, that get depleted separately and that cover each other in terms of placement.

ideally knights and titans and other superheavies shouldn't be just one model with the wounds and firepower of a dozen, but also as interactive to play against as a bundle of multiple units moving together

independently damageable sections and directional shielding would be the absolute least and already arguably enough
hardly the dreaded rules bloat of 7th edition
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nice imperial knight
however -
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>the krieg box is 310 fucking points
Just get chinese fw recasts and you're good.
Neat Ancient
How do people get the notion that Tyranids don't use the warp when they have abilities like "Shadow in the Warp" and "Warp Blast"
astra codex is leaking, whose got it
>All the alts have a helmet
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If Stormboyz don't look like this I'm not buying them.
probably same as what happened with hermiatus, some dude was sick as hell and when he jumped into the reclamation pool the hivemind thought "This Rules"
I know but I meant like make use of it a lot, the Eldar and Orks for example are all about using it and Chaos IS it
no I meant relies a lot on it, i should have worded it better, nids do use warp but for the most part it's their biology that they use
A lot of people don't read
A lot of people who do read stop reading before the end of the text in scrutiny
A lot of people who do read the whole passages do not understand the words they read
A lof of people who do understand the words they read are too autistic to not infer absurd conclusions
pretty cool
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he finally got his promotion...
>Thunder Warrior symbol
the tyranids' system of synaptic communication, and the resulting hive mind, is psychic in nature; I'd say they rely on it quite a lot.
fair point, war is more than just the weapons, but I was mainly taking about every unit and what it's capable of in harm but still you are correct
though you don't see them crawling around blasting people with spells, they can weaponize the warp to a certain extent but it's not like how the Eldar for example
>A lot of people who do read the whole passages do not understand the words they read
>A lof of people who do understand the words they read are too autistic to not infer absurd conclusions
this is a real problem on 4chan. I often run into people here that can't understand basic statements.
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>though you don't see them crawling around blasting people with spells
you can see them doing just that
oh I know they use the warp, I just meant not on the level of the Orks or Eldar is all
don't they explode after a while of using these powers?
No I'm pretty sure their warp powers are stronger than anyone's.
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the hammer of the emperor never stops pounding
even eldar?

shut the fuck up
PLEASE shit the fuck up
Yes. In one of the Eldar books a Spiritseer gets the attention of the Hive Mind after trying to mentally approach it. She herself was instantly barraged by mental images of herself being violently and painfully ripped apart by countless Tyranid organisms, and the fleet she was with collectively went shock at the mere gaze of the Hive Mind.
There's a new article about the kriegers and it has a guy who makes an 'achieveable' 1000 point krieg army which looks like it costs about one thousand fucking dollars. This isn't even a 2000 point army so you'll probably need another $1000 on top of that to get a full army. Isn't this what killed fantasy?
is this the shadow of the warp effect?
>his army was fully painted (by someone else)
Damn does he let other people fuck his wife too
The shadow in the warp is because of the immense warp presence of the hive mind.
Isn't that just horde army problem in general?
Yeah, but what happened in Fantasy is that every army turned into a horde army. In 40k, this happened to ad mech big time.
No, the Shadow in the Warp is more of a blanket dulling of psychic sense.
In this case she was specifically approaching the Hive Mind not realizing precisely how intelligent it was, with the idea that if it could be directed and 'guided' then the Eldar could use the Tyranids against Chaos.
Then the Hive Mind turned and 'looked' at her, and via the psychic link between Eldar her entire fleet felt it gazing at them.
>GW plastic flavor of the month
Anon, at this point anyone who is buying GW plastic rather than printing their stuff off has no reason to complain about the price.
>inb4 "muh GW tournaments and stores"
Again, if you are a competitive tournament player then you should be use to this by now. Either pick a cheaper army that you can get second hand or keep shoveling thousands of dollars into GW lol.
My LGS is really iffy about 3D prints for some reason, probably because they host official tourneys there. That being said, I don't have the room for a 3D printer but it's absolutely on my list. The funny part is that everything's in reverse: prices were better when 3D printing tech was super expensive and now prices are worse while 3D printing is much more affordable.
Yup, guard are getting into the "priced out of the market" range really quickly. I would bet good money that artillery team will be upwards of $60 just like the CoS big gun, so nearly $1 per point.

I'm glad AoS units are so much more expensive point wise, it's part of what makes that game so much more playable.
Playing guard and not using third party models seems moronic to me, and not even because of price.
I mean, I totally get them being iffy on it. Does your store charge for table time? Or do they have 3d printers you pay to use? Because if not 3d printing is taking money out of their pockets and then still using their facilities.
can nids be blasted with warp magic? not mind controlled or read just blasted with warp shit or do they have immunity to it?
Back in 5th you could get two IG army boxes for like $250 CAD and you'd be able to get 1000-1500 points out of it, maybe even with an extra box or two. Also infantry came in boxes of 20.

They don't charge for table time but they do have a 3d printer that they use to print thematic bases and other things for purchase. A lot of the players there definitely 3d print anyway.
They can, but most psykers are weakened within the Shadow.
Tyranid psykers on the other hand get a boost from it.
An odd but not wholly incorrect way to view it is that the Hive Mind is a foreign Chaos God, and the Tyranids are its daemons.
These points aren't last especially for engineer and artillery
the nids do feel more eldritch than daemons n some way, they are very mysterious, their biology in unknown and cannot be replicated(maybe for now) and are constantly looming and the rest of the nids incoming from every direction paints a hopeless picture
Your LGS is in the minority, a lot will not encourage it true but I have yet to hear of a person being asked to leave a store (other than a GW obviously) because they are not playing with GW minis. GW is not WotC, your store will not lose benefits by having 3rd party models playing the games (which is all 3d printed models are) as people have been doing it for decades.
>Not enough room for a 3D printer
They are like fifteen inches by fifteen inches at most anon. Don't listen to all of the doomers who say you need to have a dozen different devices. I 3d printed for over a year with a printer, two pickle jars, and a small six inch by six inch curing station that cost like $20. It also wont give you turbo cancer, that is just something GW shills and hyperchondriacs push. Just wear gloves, wash your hands (or whatever) if it gets on you with soap and water, and don't eat it.
You're right, it's in the minority but it's how the store owner has always done it. Then again, he doesn't really care for GW anymore seeing how crazy the game has gotten so someone else probably runs that show now.

I know it won't give you turbo cancer but it does give you a nasty headache without a filter if you have it in your room or something like that. A printer is definitely on my list of things to buy at some point, it just seems silly for me not to get one at this point.
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>""""army box"""" isn't even 500 pts
Until you get one you can consider reaching an agreement with someone who owns one. I print things for people for free if it is small and would probably print a lot of stuff for someone for a reasonable price, most of the time my printer just sits there idle because I have learned to not print more than I can paint.
They fucked up by not putting a vehicle in to inflate the points up.
Nothing about the army box says "value".
In that case I might lean against my LGS until I get one because I would be that guy amongst my friends.
they barely need to change anything to make the Malcador ready from 30k to 40k, they couldve Kriegified it
but nooo they want to keep tanks separate in different systems
>they barely need to change anything to make the Malcador ready from 30k to 40k, they couldve Kriegified it
You and I both know GW doesn't want to have models that could be in either game. They tried to keep the Solar Auxilia Russ in 30k by not having sponsons on it.
ya I said the same
it's so ass when the Malcador is so quintessentially Krieg
New Thread:
It's not about selling value, it's about early access to models that won't come for a month. Every single army box they've released for 40k and AoS has been a bad value. They inflate the value of the box with a codex and cards and punch-out tokens and dice and other shit you don't want so they can justify charging $250 dollars for a box that should cost $150.
U throoding BRUH
It's also a symbol used by Terran marines who participated in the Unification Wars.
That's digusting! Where?
Legends rules are entirely usable outside of official GW tournaments, don't let the whiny autists convince you otherwise (you don't even have to ask permission, they're just legal, simple as). They won't be in the official app's army builder, which is ass anyways and has more limitations than benefits, use New Recruit or some other third-party app instead.
The 20-man boxes disappeared in 5th, IIRC.
>Imperial Guard is squatted
>There is only Astra Militarium
>Cannot filed infantry squads
>My metal Steel Legion are useless
I purchased nid Leviathan half and one box of temagants. What other nids should I purchase?
>tfw no hot gf to larp 40k with
I wonder, has anyone kitbashed a nid army or model with dead bug bits?
That's gonna look like shit, I'd just rather not support a model with wacky looking features like that :^)

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