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Oven broke due to 15 minute post timer. We're serving left-overs in this new edition of the Board Games General!

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

Previous: >>94737490

This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven

What victory conditions do you enjoy most? The least?
I think there's no problem with good old VP, but there is a huge variety of how they are used. They do tend to lead to games ending in a fundamentally unexiting way, though, and scoring 80% of your vp only after the game ends does not work at all to conjure up excitement. I do like games that use vp but also provide alternative wincons (that are hard but archievable). And games that have you score very low (sub 10) also work well.
Does Andean Abyss show its age at all?

Also, I'm told that A Distant Plain is politicking first, wargaming second. Would it be appropriate for groups that do not want to wargame, or is it still too much about combat?
Finspan? Really Jamey?
If he hadn't filed a trademark I'd have thought it was a joke.
What'll be next? Pawspan? Tailspan? Landspan, the one with stock photos of historical locales?
mark my words its gonna be
The most dangerous game, Manspan.
Quartermaster General shill checking in. Friday is coming up, and my group is already clamoring to play QG AGAIN.

As much as I love the game, I'd like to play something else once in a while. My spirit is starting to break...

So, anons, do you know any similar games? 5-6 players, light-medium complexity, dudes on a map wargames (not necessarily WW2, not necessarily team-based).
Have you tried Root?
Not really - the core mechanics are really no different than any other COIN you play today. I played it again a couple months ago on RTT and it's still pretty good.

I would not recommend any COIN game if players don't want conflict/war. That and the downside of having to understand intimately how your faction works, how you score points, and how you deny points to the other players. I'd recommend a game like Hegemony or Weimar if you want to scratch the historical game itch without combat. If you just want low-touch combat (the kind that doesn't require lots of upkeep), I'd recommend Maria or Friedrich based on player count - those are both more about positioning than getting after it.
Eschaton if you can find a copy around. Theme if fun and gameplay is pretty good.
My experience with Eschaton was poor. Seems like it's too easy to build a winning deck by snapping up all the "draw card" effects.

Granted, it's been a long time since I played so my memory may be off.
consider Imperial aka Imperial 2030
It's actually not a war game, but a profiteering-on-war game. Buy stock in country, control that country, ram some tanks into your neighbors' tanks, shake hands with him and divest at profit, then do it all over again.
Memoir 44 has Overlord expansion for 3v3 or 4v4 play, but both the game and the expansion are old as fuck so getting a hold of them will be difficult
Guards of Atlantis 2 only has one dude per player (plus team colored minions) but it is a fun one. It's also sadly a kickstarter, so again getting it IRL can be a challenge.
I wish there were a 6-player COIN game but the simplification required would be liable to ruin it.
All about selling Bridges
They would refuse to put a chud in the game (meaning that is wider than it is long) and it would be really be PR
Gee Jamey, how come your mom lets you have two spans?
Spanspan, a recursive game about managing different periods of time
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Now Dominion is all sleeved and I'm ready to play my first physical game of it tonight
I really like Samurai's successive tiebreakers. They're elegantly tied to the two endgame conditions too.

Rebirth's tiebreaker which allows someone not even in the tie to win is devilish as well.
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How do I find a new group to play with? The group I'm currently playing with wants to play the same two or three games every week with no deviation. Pic unrel.
kill & bury the first group, but do it far from your house so the new group doesn't catch their scent
What is the best polyomino game?
Does anyone here know anything about migration: Mars?
i looked into it after you asked last time but it wasn't good news so i kept my mouth shut
just play it with your buddy and try to have a good time
be glad your friend got it and not you
Depends. Replaying games is pretty based in a world where most games seem to get played 0-2 times. Which games?
Frost haven and cosmic encounter. It's not like I don't like those games, but sometimes I get something new and want to try it, and this group pretty much never wants to deviate.
I'd say AffO but it depends on what you want. Long, short, just featuring polyominos or entirely about them etc
Thank you both
Frosthaven & Gloomhaven should be illegal. Couldn't imagine someone in my gaming group buying it and then expecting us all to play nothing but that for the next 5 years.

Jaws of the Lion is fine of course
I suppose frosthaven does have replay value but good god did I hate cosmic encounter. What a terrible game and design, barely playable even with a curated list of races and the keep two and secret, reveal only when using their power.
Cosmic Encounter is very group dependent.
If you don't like it, it means your friends suck, not the game. Sorry you had to find out like this.
>I suppose frosthaven does have replay value
i'd hope so, considering it's a 100+ mission game that takes something like 200-300 hours to complete
Naah, I have pondered this before, CE is a negotiation game where the only thing that matters is can I get a ship on that planet. It is frighteningly devoid of player agency and actual decisions, the rate of cool and interesting races to trash is probably at 7:1 or higher, it overstays it welcome a lot, and the few really cool moments it creates aren't worth the hassle. Possibly our biggest bg disappointment ever, few games bounced off my groups that hard. I think I wouldn't dislike it if it played in 45 minutes or a length that seems more appropriate for its weight.
I too play a bunch of Cosmic encounter and with the absolute best people you can play cosmic encounter with, and I'm still sick of it
>What is the best polyomino game?

let's say 30-90 minutes, somewhere between 2-6 players, just has to feature polyominoes, weight between 2.0-3.0, and an elegant set of rules is a plus.
more than Patchwork but less than A Feast for Odin
supposedly trevor bender was making a 6 player coin game on the syrian civil war, but i have not heard anything about it in years.
Yes. It's a nightmare to teach, it's best at 4, and the game really deserves to be memed on Wingspan-style.

Thanks for the suggestions, fellas. Haven't heard some of these before.

>memoir 44
Isn't this the game that the fat fuck from Dice Tower used to put in all his top 10s? I haven't watched them for close to a decade for whatever that reference is worth.

How does it play?
I used to love CE years ago but that was back in like 2013 when board games were legitimately worse off.

The hobby did get more interesting, better or worse, after Scythe and Crowdfunding blew the fuck up.
Memoir 44 is a light wargame where you use cards to activate units based on their position on the board (center or the left/right flanks) or their unit type. Its solid but its also part of the Commands & Colors series which I personally think a lot of them are a lot better.
I'd look at C&C Ancients, Napoleonics, and Samurai Battles.
It might be a bitter pill to swallow, but I think board games are the only hobby right now that are in their golden age, or at least had their golden age in very recent times.
Outright bad games hardly ever come out any more, at worst non-party stuff is just middling.
Are games at their most inelegant right now? Or have we passed that point, starting to swing back the other way?
I've been playing a lot of Reiner Knizia games and Bus lately, and I can't be bothered with inelegant rulesets anymore.
>I've been playing a lot of Reiner Knizia
Right because the frilly inconsistencies in how you clean up after internal and external conflicts in T&E are so elegant.
Memoir 44 is Commands and Colors WW2 style. Play a card, it tells you how many units to activate and on which flank, those units move then shoot, or just shoot, or just move. Then next player goes.
With the teams mode, the Commander gives cards to the Officers so they do moves on their own sides of the battlefield, or something like that, i've never used the mode myself.
Better than PaxRen2 which only gathers discussions on how the rules work.
you should play Bebop. people are still making elegant games
lol well i don't know if calling out 1 part of 1 of his games is that great of a gotcha, but point taken i guess.
that being said, i think he fixed this in Yellow & Yangtze and HUANG. superior games that just don't have the name recognition of T&E.
the duality of man
No? Anon have you SEEN a board game manual that came out from the last century? Even "obtuse" games like Oath or GMT stuff is miles better than older manuals. The only real mess on the market is miniatures games, like games workshop stuff
Games are at their most inelegant now but they have grown in popularity so much that there is a stream of elegant games (led by old masters like Knizia, Kramer, etc) which is like 40-90% as big as all games used to be, depending on whether or not you include reprints.
I don't think it's bad at all right now, having so much choice as we do right now is not a bad thing.

The only downsides of where we're at right now is shit like CMON and SFG exist just pumping garbage out off IP alone for money or a ton of unnecessary mini's expansions for their games.
>like games workshop stuff
I'm convinced they make their rules labyrinthine simply to distract you from how bad it is.
Other wargames like ASoIaF from CMON, funnily enough, just publish and update all of their rules online for free. No codices, no paid app, no semi-annual book of errata that you're expected to pay for. It's all just there. For free.
Nah, there's all sorts of games out there, it's just that the bigger, faggier games get more hype by design, they invest the most in marketing. Meanwhile you get quasi abstract stuff like Harmonies that is lowkey one of the most successful games of the year.

It's true that it is a very inelegant game in many aspects. It still is awesome and has the highest quality of decision:gametime ratio I have ever seen. I could not name a boardgame that packs that much game into that short a game.
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>I could not name a boardgame that packs that much game into that short a game.
Ayup, anon has the right of it.
Now excuse me while I go conquer the East.
>I could not name a boardgame that packs that much game into that short a game.
Glory to Rome
You meant Mottainai, but thats okay.
No, I didn't.
i looked into this. it seems like convoluted multiplayer solitaire damaged by randomness.
azul is my baseline: why play this over azul?
My friends can't stop playing Monopoly. They just non stop want to play it on our "game nights", and they come up with new "strategies" and shit lmao. I trie to propose them to play something different from the normie tier, like CATAN, but they say they hate it. When I pulled out Ticket To Ride Europe they said it was too complicated.
What the fuck do I do, I want to introduce them to this magic hobby but they just want to play Monopoly. It's insane send help
>why play this over azul?
You don't.
My group devours azul. They despised Harmonies.
I've recently posted about my ambivalence toward the design, yet I continue to play it. I have around 100 plays on bga, and I agree. Azul overall is a much better design; Harmonies is very much as you described. Just the smallest hint of interaction, unbalanced spirit animals and randomness that can fuck you for no reason. But, as said, I continue to play it. I think it's the art and breezyness of gameplay that keeps me going, it is just a very comfy kind of thinky. Neither too demanding nor to trivial, juuuust right. I wonder if the physical game is as statisfying as I assume or if it's just fiddly
Tell me about these new strategies instead.
I'll just leave this here:
Smallworld is a wargame
GW are masters of the high art of Rules As Advertising. with most all modern GW output, they're shit at being games, but amazing at selling models. and that's all they care about at the end of the day.

that said, the rep they're cashing out now was earned. some of the games they made 25 and 30 years ago are still some of the best minis games out there.
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There are still elegant games being released. Pic related.

Cold take. Here's a hot one: boop. is a wargame.
That was fun, I think my friend liked the game too. Unfortunately now I want to reinstall the game and will get addicted again
Catan is the easiest monopoly transition game considering it's got houses you upgrade, cards to trade, and two d6s to roll. If Ticket to ride is "complicated" with its four-page manual, it's actually over for you. The ONLY modern game I actually like I can think of that's easier is Splendor, that manual is a single folded piece of paper. There's a new silk road expansion for it too. It's the cities and the trading posts from Cities of Splendor, without being in a $40 box of air.
Splendor is pretty good
What's funny is Monopoly is more complex than all these games but people learn it through osmosis
Ehh, not really. The only action you have to do on a turn is roll dice, the board tells you everything else to do. The only "tricky" parts is remembering houses are bought as sets, rents doubles, and to mortgage properties landed on and the more sinister, neglected but always official rule: If someone doesn't see you land on their property, you finish your turn, and the next player rolls, you are now immune to paying rent. It's absolutely busted in the 2020s where everybody is staring at a phone, I never have to pay rent in Monopoly.
>Group desperately wants to play monopoly
>Everyone stares at their phone and doesn't pay attention

Truly dystiopian. I'm not fully immune to glancing at my phone myself, but never to an extent where I lose track of the game. I have never seen phonefagging so hard at an inherently social event, always thought these were just memes to make fun about the zoomiest of zoomers.
Why did he have such different takes on the same concept?
NTA but I have one friend who literally stares at his phone the whole time until you tell him it's his turn to go. Imagining that times 4 makes my skin crawl, just not worth playing board games at that point.
How many times have you made a purchase and told yourself "this is the last board game I'll ever need"?
/bgg/ is NOT a board for polyomino enjoyers
>First to play
>option to buy a card cheap and play for a swift take on hungary
>several cards that just ram hungary again on the eastern market
Do I make the play or do I not?
It's cheap and efficient and forces my opponent to make the counterplay but on the other hand I haven't really gained much in the process.
Never. Like literature there are infinite ways to combine familiar elements and play with structures. At the same time I don't have a massive collection because I believe 99% of everything is garbage and of the remaining 1% there is still the matter of personal taste and group taste. I am always open to something new that could be great. Except for coops, campaigns and solos. I would take a waterboarding before agreeing to play Gloomhaven or things of that nature.
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lol i wonder how long this has been here and nobody noticed
it will be some dinosaur-span because autists pretend like there's a difference between dragons and dinosaurs

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