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6 mana double wasteland edition


The 2025 MagicCon and Pro Tour Schedule:

Odenheimer, Gruul Aggro, Wins Magic Spotlight: Foundations:


>Current meta, complete with deck lists
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favorite cards that destroys, bounces or exile lands?
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I love some idea of bouncing this with e.g. stalker or other shit to burn lands and then recast it, but it's just not realistic.

I used that lotus land in a frantic search deck and it was the only part of that deck which wasn't gay
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>favorite cards that destroys, bounces or exile lands?
Mana Monke, Cascade Bluffs, Boomerang will never not be the most hilarious T1 play.
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So much salt
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>SCGCon coming to a city near me
>friends want to go
>main event requires you to first win 5-0 in an ICQ to qualify and I would need to take friday off for that
>side event buy-ins are 40 bucks
I'll probably still go but I am not paying 40 bucks to go 2-x with my poorfag burn deck.
If he does go make sure he signs up for everything ahead of time as usually everything is overbooked and staff sucks
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>Only good set to likely come out this year is Tarkir
The absolute fucking state of this game. Aetherdrift is likely to be shit and the guy behind Aetherdrift is also the one behind Edge of Eternites. And they pushed LORYWN back for a mystery UB set.
I'm looking foward to aetherdrift exclusively because there's bound to be a vehicle that makes greasefang stronger in pioneer

also the mystery UB set has been pretty much confirmed to be avatar
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>war and mkm made me hate ravnica
>mid/vow made me hate innistrad
>znr made me hate zendikar
there's a little over a 50% chance that i'll end up hating return to tarkir
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Come back to Premodern, /tg/.
Come back home...
premodern sucks though...
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Speaking of land destruction, how come nobody is jamming Squelch in modern? Sinkhole + Draw 1? lol
2 mana is a LOT to leave open, especially since they're going to play their fetchland on turn 1 most of the time.
How about you talk about the format instead of telling people to play?
Modern and standard players at least post shit despite you hating those formats.
Last thread only the people who hated premodern actually posted their experiences
On the play it's great, since often players will drop a fetchland pass then surveil on your end step. On the draw it wants gemstone caverns or something. But still, even if you are blanking their 3rd or 4th land drop that's pretty good against a phlage deck, creativity, etc.
oops meant to reply to >>94771637
Which Avatar? The Last Airbender? The movie?
Just got the modern print of this. Putting it in my white devotion deck.
Probably Korra
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Aw shit, here we go again.
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With the bans of Jeggers, now 50% of all Companions have been banned in at least one format.
... after a sweeping nerf pass that adds a 3 mana cost to every card
>used to love MTG until they went crazy with powercreep/fags/fanservice
are there formats that end at 2018 and don't deal with any of that?
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I feel dirty...
This is probably like one of the filthier ways of cheating him out.
win is a win
Partner and companion cards were a mistake to print.
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Kind of a shame that this just ends up being another valvogoth deck but I can't say it isn't fun when it's somebody who deserves it.
This effect should have gone on something frailer.
not playing enchantment removal when enchantments are busted at the moment is simply bad deck building.
Enchantments feel like the new artifacts

Also feeling bad about playing reanimator is odd when the whole point is to be unfair
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The one and only (for maximum salt quotient I use a white frame print.)
I'm not that anon but I'll give you a games recap from the last time I played.

I had a friend over who brought mono black clerics, pretty similar to this list
except his list ran 4 Wastelands + 2 Factories instead of the other utility lands, and had 2 Cursed Scroll instead of Kaervek's Spite. His sideboard was different too and notably had Dystopia. I have quite a few paper decks so I gave him a few different match ups. We played BO1 and I gave him heads up on deck match ups and let him sideboard before games if he wanted

>UG Madness
I like madness as a well rounded deck and I always need more practice piloting it. My opponent had a heater of a hand with T1 Dark Ritual into Priest of Gix into Withered Wretch into Duress. His turn 2 saw a Dark Supplicant before Cabal Therapy and a flashback, which was back breaking to my opening hand. Lands off the top on turns 1 and 2 left me with nothing but a Rootwalla, which I traded for the Priest, but the early creatures + disruption was too much. 0-1

>GW Mirari's Wake
A personal meme deck looking for Mirari's Wake into a fat Decree of Justice. I kept a hand looking at Rampant Growth into Wrath of God. My opponent once again saw the turn 1 Ritual into Gix but this time into Rotlung Reanimator. Turn 2 he did a blind Therapy naming StP, he missed but immediately flashed it back for the Wrath. A Wasteland on my Krosan Verge stalled me out another turn, and his 4 power of beat down was aided by a cursed scroll off the top. Once again early game creatures + disruption was too much. 0-2
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You're so evil
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Where are my RB undead?
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Hey WotC
Your recent art for Olivia Voldaren in the new Innistrad Remastered set was VERY off-model.
I fixed it for you though, don't worry. Free of charge!

>BW Control
I kept an opener with lots of removal after getting my ass rammed two games in a row. My opponent went T1 Dark Supplicant, T2 Withered Wretch, Turn 3 Priest into Cabal Archon, before saccing them all to Supplicant to find the Scion of Darkness. I held a Swords looking to hit a Rotlung Reanimator but happily took his Scion he spent 3 clerics to tutor. I put down a Hypnotic Specter and got a few hits in to drop his hand to nothing. A Cursed Scroll off the top let him kill my Specter and start doming me, but I drew an Eternal Dragon which gave me a much faster clock for the win. 1-2

>White Weenie
I have a pretty stock White Weenie list that I never seem to win with, so I figured I'd give it another loss to my friend. Mother of Runes into Silver Knight into Glorious Anthem didn't matter against turn 3 Dystopia. I did draw my singleton E Tutor to find Seal of Cleansing, but by then the Dystopia had eaten my board. A Rotlung and Factory beat me down and a Smother ate my last creature (a Whipcorder). 1-3

I kept a full grip of counters and a Gush. Turn 1 Ritual met by Daze. Turn 2 Withered Wretch resolved. Turn 3 Rotlung Reanimator counterspelled. I took a bit of beating from the Wretch but chained my Gush into an Arcane Denial on my own Portent to dig into the Stasis. Once the Stasis landed, it was about 10 more turns until I found the Black Vise that strangled him out. 2-3

Another deck I wanted some practice on. My opponent mulliganed twice before deploying his tried and true Ritual into Priest (this time Rotlung). I was unhappy to drop a Seal of Fire and a Lightning Bolt on the Rotlung + zombie, but I had lost too many games to 4 power turn 1 hands from him. A Therapy ripped two Ball Lightning from my hand which was the turning point. A Cursed Scroll kept doming me and made me impotently hold a Lavamancer. 2-4

Fun games and he made me respect the clerics. Cabal Therapy is stupid good. Cursed Scroll worth the hype.
I like the state of Modern because Murktide is a good deck in it and I like dragons.
Fuck Modern
Fuck Premodern
Awful formats both of them.
I see what you did there
>"Anon, my eyes are up here."
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There are monored vampires. Does that count?

Is Green still a weak color?
>learn nothing from the archangel of tithes reprint
>The typical price multiplier for original prints is ~1.1x.
>The price multiplier between OTJ and Origins prints of Tithes is almost 2x
It will never not be funny.
Kill yourself retard, buy an ad
just play kitchen table magic
if you play fake formats you are a faggot, that's it.
>And they pushed LORYWN back
Anyone who thinks a new Lorwyn set will be anything like Lorwyn is coping. Scratch that, FLASH FLYING tribal will be busted again and 5c slop will be a tier deck.
This is a food deck, it's just that one of the food staples has reanimation tacked onto it so it'd be a shame not to use it.
I will enjoy Aetherdrift.
No you wont, but you'll probably enjoy the reactions you get when telling people you like Aetherdrift.
I will enjoy Aetherdrift as much as I can. I like artifacts, I like vehicles. I will enjoy Dragonstorm as much as I can. I like dragons, I like wedges. I will enjoy the Eternities as much as I can. I generally like Tezzeret, but this will be a hard one.
And that's all. That's all that's coming out next year.
I hope lorwyn has -1/-1 counters as a mechanic.
What set is that?
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Lorwyn ain't coming til 2026 since Nickelodeon gave WotC a ton of money for an Avatar set
INR, says so right there
If you stop being a bitter retard you can enjoy things too anon, i believe in you!
I will stop being bitter when their set design stops being embarrassing. Bloomburrow and Foundations got heaps of praise simply by not being dogshit, but they're currently the exception instead of the norm.
>but the cards were good
I'm not talking about how much power creep they shoved in, I'm talking about how the world building makes no sense and the writing writing would make the worst fanfiction writer cringe.
Innistrad with a hard R?
Rey master
>Deadpan expression
>Slightly open mouth
They really nailed her likeness
>the look of regret upon realizing star wars will haunt her forever
when are they banning the broodscale from pauper
Right before Final Fantasy comes out and Chocobo Egg creates an even bigger problem

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