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Nasty Little Critter Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

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>Thread question:
The CEO of Warhammer has demanded you choose which Battletome will be dquatted and which Battletome will be split in to two separate Battletomes. What is your decision?
Step 1: Split Ogors into Beastclaw and the rest
Step 2: Squat the rest
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Let's dig into the name of the 1st book.
It released with Gitz, FEC, Fyrelsayer and Nurgle boxes.
After it FEC and Gitz got a multi kit releas, as if the boxes released as part of Harbinger were harbinging the releases.
That impleis Fyreslayers and Nurgle are other expected large releases.
It will be Warqueen thing again, somehow, and we get a Nurgle or Fyreslayer spin off game like Warcry 1 was StD
I actually think the opposite will happen unfortunately, they've been pushing down the relevance of the BCR aspect of Ogre culture since the 2nd edition battletome. Slowly turning them back into Fantasy ogres but worse because the only thing that made those Ogres interesting was the existence of the Great Maw, which is now non existent.
A release of Valaya themed Valkyrie guard I just want half naked shortstacks
I don't know if they've been pushing down BCR. Ogors have gotten two plastic characters and two Underworlds Warbands, and both were evenly split between BCR and regular
TQ is only possible with Warclans. and it should be done. keep Big waargh as an AoR
Yeah and there was a new character who was obviously designed to be a BCR Hunter (they even had snowy base on the promo shoots) who was put into Gutbusters instead. Read the battletomes, 2nd edition got rid of the Everwinter for half the BCR, and the Path to Glory rules make no sense for a BCR tribe. A single Underworlds warband that's made by a completely different part of the company 5 years ago does not mean that the trend (which only started about 5 years ago) isn't true.
>Battletome will be dquatted and which Battletome will be split in to two separate Battletomes
Giants out, split the orcs.
What's extra retarded is they're keeping them completely split, but are seemingly getting rid of the Kruleboy Spearhead box.
the grand alliance of order
the elven mandala of balance
the endless legions of death
the great horde of destruction
the glorious paths of chaos
the eternal game of demons
>the only thing that made those Ogres interesting was the existence of the Great Maw, which is now non existent
I didn’t even like WHF that much but this is fucking retarded the giant fart hole in the middle of nowhere was no where as interesting as any of the aspects of their culture or racial tendencies
Yeah but everything cool about their culture is directly related to the Great Maw, replacing it with Gorkamorka just makes them so much less interesting.
I guess we'll see what happens this edition. Either they're getting a significant release or the army ain't lasting into 5th
The idea that an ork can sympathize with a baby grunta dying is weird
I actually have my money on Ogres being the poster boys for 5th, it's either them or a brand new faction, which they've already hit the max number of factions they could feasibly have which is why they squatted beastmen in favour of Chorfs. The only alternative I can think is Malerion's Elves coming out and Daughters of Khaine end up getting souped into them, but I'm not sure I can see GW doing an Order vs Order starter set. Unless they end up getting rid of GAs all together, which is a possibility given they're functionally useless in terms of game mechanics now and really have been since 3rd.
Tbh I reckon they're just gonna get Beastmen'd and shunted over to Old World, the writers (of both lore and rules) don't know what the fuck to do with them.
No that’s just a sign of how boring and superficial it was the Ogors are doing just fine divorced from a fart hole. The concept is literally the same without being nonsensical
Everwinter was much cooler, IMO the b est courseof action is to slap a bunch of pelts on updated gutbusters models, and say that they are part of bcr tribes too now, the Tyrant for example works for both of them
>shunted over to Old World
except Old World is nostalgia bait, and the ogres you know now isnt the nostalgic ogres the grogs yearn for
NTA but Ogors being so hungry because they represent the primal hungering aspect of nature and more specifically natural disasters would be an interesting theme to continue down. Too bad the everwinter is more adversarial in there culture as well
A really cool aspect to go down would be a unit of city Ogors for CoS
We've got one. no reason why we wouldnt get a second one.
Whats weird is that we dont have an ogre mercenaries regiment of renown, which seems to be a given but nope, gw dont want to
40k only recently got Halflings because they're desperate to pump out Kill Team warbands so it seems obvious we'll eventually get some Ogors and such just because Warcry, Underworlds, etc necessitates diversity.
If not for side games it'd be Empire all over again which downplayed the inhuman elements as time went on to chase Imperial Guard fans
Yeah that's why Old World has tons of 7th and 8th edition shit in them.
Is there anythiung about warcry coming up or in rumors?
No rumors, but most people assume Warcry will get it's 3rd edition starter this year, it'll be three years this summer since 2E and Briar and Bone basically wrapped things up with the previous setting.
>wrapped things up with the previous setting.
Shame, i wanted them to actually get inside Talaxis
I’m surprised they never did. They spent the entire time jerking around just outside it.
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>and Briar and Bone basically wrapped things up with the previous setting.
I don't remember it ending anything about the talaxis setup? what did it do?
a point in warcry's gameplay is verticality, they tried once to make it about an underground dungeon and I think this box didn't sell that well compared to the others with much more terrain
It'd have worked if it took the boarding patrol approach with a modular set of walls and flooring
Heck, you'd think they'd have some of those just to capitalise on D&D players and dungeon crawl fans. GW fumbled hard
NTA the campaign is about sylvaneth trying to pull a ritual that would permanently render the ruins inaccessible and take any prize from the gnarlwood off the table
Is Nagash just Yakub
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lmao, ossiarchs are hypaborean
The Sylvaneth was casting a ritual to bury the Talaxis in the ground ensuring no one can enter it until the Ossiarch broke through starting the campaign

the conclusion is never specify IRC
Every single artwork of the centaur guy looks incredibly fucking cool, while the model is as stupid as every single other centaur
General question for AoS Stormcast players, I'm building my Vanquishers and was wondering, should I throw in the bearer?
No reason not to, he still gets the weapons
All command models are free, so yeah, unless for aesthetic reasons you don't want to. The rules bonuses for command models in this edition are fairly minor anyways so it won't kill your gameplay not to have them, but they are free so there's also no reason not to build them
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sucks that verminlords are awful in this edition
I always build them as well but sometimes I’d really prefer not to. I have one unit of Aggradon Lancers so far and i feel like I need to reinforce it just because right now only the leader has an actual weapon in hand.
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Remember to throw rocks at library windows
Only you can prevent pink horror infestation
So what about that Ravaged Coast?
Wouldn't that just give them a place to climb in through? I don't imagine they have bones or if they do I'd imagine them very capable of squishing their bodies through small spaces like a rat
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Isn't this a noctilith crown from 40k? How did lord of change get his hands on one of those
It's winter, why would you go swiming now?
Why do they use such a small base?
It'll probably come with the ogre tome, I wouldn't be surprised if they got a new maneater unit one way or another as part of the policy to kill all resin
Briar and bone is such a weird ass book, it suddenly tries to pretend the ship crashed into ghur during the era of the beast and really abruptly ignores basically everything the other books were doing to quickly wrap the setting up, but also doesn't go into any more detail than "they want to cast a ritual to drag it underground". The bonereapers don't even really have that strong of a motivation to stop them, they're just kind of there
Chaos ain't gotta explain shit in general, and Tzeentch ESPECIALLY ain't gotta explain shit.
Would have been on a round instead of oval if it was made today
What is seraphons play style?
I'd bet either this edition or the next we get a replacement Mancrusher kit on a bigger base.
Just ordered the Blood Bowl Snotlings to use as base decorations. So I guess I'm now locked into building a Gitmob army
Could be cool.
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I like the idea of a snotling being unaware that he's about to lose his head to the chariot blades
Also I know I'm going to want a Gargant or Mega Gargant for the army, and having one of those stilt Snotlings on the base with them will be very amusing to me.
Anyone have good quality scans of the current GHB? I'm just getting back into AoS.
Havent played since 3rd how are soublight gravelords in 4th? 3rd made their chaff retardedly expensive for how the army should play and had some stupid OP combos and the whole battletome felt like it had bad internal balance.
I miss when skaven were an unpopular army that was hard to get into
made it feel like I was discovering a little hidden treat to play them
Hipsterfags deserve the rope. If something being known by more people makes you enjoy that thing less then you never truly enjoyed that thing in the first place
A funny, but more involved conversion would involve taking one of those oblivous snotlings,cutting it in half and have it being in the middle of bisected by the blade
They miss when skaven were an unpopular army cause they're hipsters.
I miss when skaven were an unpopular army because I don't like seeing them.
We are not the same
They're still unpopulat
A majority of the Skaven fans don't play anyway.
Exalted demons need to be a thing. Something between fodder and a full blown avatar of chaos.
The Rose of Bhaskar is a really fun book I hope we get an actual CoS series now that Callis and Toll books are Dead(?)
We were robbed of a CoS v Skaven box for 4th that could have very easily coincided with a horror-lite novel of the city falling.

WD had a good short story about it, at least. I'm pretty burnt out of named characters like Callis and Toll being all we get - I picked the no-name army, give me no-name characters in the books.

I'm aware how dumb that sounds, honestly.
Exalted demons were a thing and were upgraded greater demons
I actually left the command off my aggradon lancers entirely apart from 1 unit leader.

The bonuses are nearly negligible (+1 rally dice and +1 control if I remember right), so on some units I just straight up skip command.

And if I really end up needing it, I'll just cut a little trumpet off a hobgrot or something and glue it to the saddle, or do some little rat fink style saddle mounted flag, rather than go with the big banners and drums on every 2nd and 3rd guy
They're okay, solid middle of the pack. Good cavalry, hood heroes (the 2 most important things this edition) chaff is playable (at the start of the edition zombies were a bit out of hand from what I remember but they got reigned in)

I dont play them, my regular opponent does, but they seem to be doing just fine and are in that healthy middle where they can win games but they aren't busted
Good heroes*
Why would they be dead, the tie in novel to their models came out like nine months ago? I didn't really like it, but it wasn't that long ago
Anon you have like three named characters and 80% of BL stuff is about a random non-model CoS protagonist. Callis and Toll didn't even get models until they had like eight books and novellas to their name and dawnbringers had the successful city founded by the no-model freeguild marshal rather than the named character fuckfest one
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well shit, i was going to convert a kragnos but it looks like he's a lot bigger than i thought he was :/
Yeah, them and Treelords look terrible because they didn't bother considering how a rectangle to cavalry oval doesn't translation doesn't fit monsters
why did GW drop the ball so hard with 4th edition?
because we're only playing half the game.

after listening to reviews of the new path to glory book. i really REALLY think that was the way the design team intended for the game to be played. there are some rules in there that seem to directly counteract a lot of the shit people complain most about with the current state of the game, like these massive 500point deathball units and building around first drop.
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Your guy doesn't have to be the saem height, just on the same base
interesting. I have the book already preordered so I havent read/watched any leaks or reviews.
Then they’re stupid as fuck for building the game in such a way that the normal matched play is only half the game an the rest is locked behind books few people are going to buy, which come out a year after the edition does
halve a year and the book is not meant to be played with matched play
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Have you considered that maybe you're jsut bad at the game?
>spider riders
>skirmisher cavalry unit with venomous bites and bows
>snarlfang riders
>skirmisher cavalry unit with venomous bites and bows

tick tock spiderfang, tick tock
Gitmob will be a separate Tome within two editions
ah yes, thats far more likely than them replacing a 2 unit subfaction made entirely of old world models

I'm more convinced by the idea that more armies will be souped than the one that thinks more armies will be split.

Like giants and ogres, slayers and kharadrons, ghouls and soulblight.
Fool is the guy who thinks umbraneth are going to be separate from the khainites and kurnothi from the sylvaneth.
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So are Skaven Jezzails just worse version of the Ratling Gun weapons team now?
>Like giants and ogres
nooo I want more Gargants.
i dont understand why anyone would actually want to go back to the era of microfactions. it was a period of stagnation and hyper niche mono-build armies that resulted in shit like idoneth, kharadron, and fyreslayers who havent seen proper expansions on their initial offering in almost a decade

must be fucking heywoah's audience, he's always beating that split em up chant because he wants his beastclaw to be its own army with 2 kits (of which he only runs 1). why anyone would listen to a guy whos entire army is just a single kit repeated 8 times and thinks its cool is beyond me.
>If something being known by more people makes you enjoy that thing less then you never truly enjoyed that thing in the first place
What if I liked how skaven played before they were watered down into a single playstyle
I will never understand how people on 4chan, contrarian central, could ever take umbrage with the concept of "hipsters"
Yes, although to be completely accurate the Ratling Guns are a vastly superior version of the Ratling Warpblaster. Skaven internal balance is ass, like half of their range doesn't see play because it's an inferior version of another unit.
i havent done the math on it but jezzails with a sniper master probably have an easier time dealing specifically with guarded heroes at 24" range, while rattling guns would need to get within 12" to shoot them, which could be screened out. so in that specific scenario jezzails might pull ahead

but nobody is running the kind of heroes that benefit from guarded hero

and nobody is running screens

so yeah, rattling guns are just kind of better right now in most situations. and the best way to build a list is one that can handle the most common situations. jezzails are much more niche, rattling guns are better into most targets.

i guess one upside to jezzails is that the 24" range would allow you to play them a bit more safely? but you're playing skaven, thats not really an army that likes to play it safe.

thats my take on it anyways
Can I still viably play skaven with low model count via stormfiend spam
yes, although looks like people lean more heavily into rat ogres than stormfiends

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