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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
It'd be nice to be able to profit off of the jumps I make.
Nah it's Ric.
It was actually me, Jumpmakicus. I am the one who wants to make money off of my jumps so I can buy /jc/ and make it all about my specific desires and interests.

>Captcha: H0THR
Speaking of desires and interests, what the fuck, Captcha.
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>what the fuck, Captcha.
Captcha is referencing this one older meme.
What's the best jump to make a Zatoichi expy in as an original creation companion?
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>Captcha: H0THR
Sounds like you need to jump Egyptian Mythology ASAP
Afro Samurai.
>older meme
That's not old, anon.
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I want to do a short death-focused chain, where the underworld, undeath, rebirth and the like are things I'll be dealing with on the regular. Not just settings where being a lich is an option or with zombies everywhere.

So far I have Exalted - ghosts for my first jump, Dark souls, elden ring, destiny, hades, fallen london, demon souls, and WoD, Any other recommendations?
CHADsopotamian BASEDology. CHADgyptian BASEDology.
Ghostopolis. Grim Fandango. Mushishi.
Jumps to pick up hacker magic?
Kung Fury.
You MUST jump our The Old Kingdom doc. That whole setting revolves around death and necromancy.
I barely remember anything about Abhoresen Anon desu

>did we talk about...Naruto fic
I sure as fuck didn't, the only things that interest me about Naruto are Anko, Karin, the comical success of Orochimaru's life and the Otsutsuki cultivation path.
I can't even remember them anymore. Did they even make any other jumps, or just that one?
They've made quite a few. Most significantly probably Slay the Spire, Inscryption, Fine Structure, and City of Angles (which I think has been mentioned more than anything else because of the Replication Shelf).
Doesn't look like we did after checking 4plebs.
Exalted modern and Magic the Gathering Neon Dynasty
>tfw girls do not like your moth-themed costume or the extremely large abundance of moths that live on your house and do errands for you
DC Occult, Gunnerkrigg Court, and Peter Pan all have options to be psychopomps
Have you considered a life of villainy?
Really? I know women who love moths. Though I also know women who collect snakes and spiders.
Anyone got good, lower level Jumps where I can get some degree of blacksmithing and enchanting skills?
Deltora Quest has a origin literally called "Blacksmith's Child".
Does it actually help with smithing? Cause from my vague memories the smiths kid dnds up being the prince in disguise and not much of a smith
Besides Dark Souls, presumably?
Moths are really hit or miss with women, for some reason. They either thing they're adorable little cutie pies, or scream and panic when they see one like an eldritch horror has just manifested through a tear in the membrane of reality to haunt them specifically. There's no in-between, no women seem to be ambivalent to moths.
>Dark Souls
>lower level
The Chosen Undead is star-level, and Gwyndolin casually maintains a country -level illusion that's strong enough to have warp reality with physical effects.
Shaman King.
Shamans are all about interacting with spirits and to become the shaman King essentially involves fighting a tournament against other shamans to win the right to merge with the Great Spirit, which is like a combination of god and afterlife, being a collection of the spirit of every being in the universe that ever lived. with countless afterlives within itself.
I love moths. I wish I had a moth waifu.
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Lord of the Rings, if you hadn't already thought of it. You arrive ~7 years before the war of the ring and there's nothing saying you have to stick around in a place that's gonna be involved in it, so you can pick up the dwarven smithing and elven enchanting and just go to town with no cataclysms ruining your day.
Unfortunately over the ten years basically everywhere gets touched by the War of the Ring. It's only briefly mentioned in the books but the Shire is about the only place mostly untouched, and only in the middle because of the rangers and some stout folk around the outskirts, and then Saruman comes in afterwards and ruins it anyway.
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Any jumps where I can get a living Eldritch planet like Hellstar Remina?
First perk in the perkline makes you real good at smithing, also there's a perk for Toran magic which is decent for enchantments iirc.
You are right that Lief doesn't do much smithing at all, even before its revealed that he's the rightful son.
Moths are very funny to me because it's like, what if we had a flying bug but also made it the softest fuzziest-looking creature we possibly could. So of course I'm going to like them.

I guess I could go Dark Souls, but it's a bit hinky with some of my other plans. Like you ain't wrong, you gave me exactly what I asked for, but I would like if there was more of a population since I'm trying to be a wandering merchant. Thank you, and sorry for not putting all information on the table.

Honestly I can get down with LotR. Good people there, probably interested in purchasing good dogs and treating them well. Thanks.
>I'm trying to be a wandering merchant.
oy vey
Already partially desolated along with Arnor by the time the story starts thanks to the Witch-King.
King Arthur got a pretty nice master craftsman and rune magic perk.
You'd probably be able to get some good trade relations with Gondor too, if you want low-level knick-knacks without making them. Elves and dwarves seem to get most of the LOTR crafting acclaim cause they make some of the most individually impressive items, but Gondor probably has the greatest breadth of low-level enchanted items anywhere in Middle-Earth, because unlike the other two it's a thriving and growing population, so the number of craftsmen that can make enchanted walking sticks and ever-comfortable cloaks and so forth is actually growing for them in a way it doesn't really for the dwarves and elves.
I remember an anon who kept giant moths in his Jumper's city like pigeons. And all I can think is with how much the civic quality for even things like street food scale for long-running Jumpers, eventually those moths are gonna get so fucking fat they're probably going to evolve into the moth version of sloths. Just these giant fat flightless moths that hang around fast food places with their mouths open ready to catch garbage.
Cave their heads in with a sledgehammer when they come knockin.
Alternatively, explode them from range with an anti-armor rifle you acquired in a more modern jump.
The Silmarillion and The Hobbit both have jumps too, and offer crafting perks.
He's learning to smith, very different.
Lindon was desolated long ago and has been reclaimed in large part by wilderness, but it is not saturated with or invaded by Sauron's forces during the War of the Ring. The elves of Lindon are not a factor Sauron worries about since they'll nearly all have left Middle Earth in the next few decades anyway. And it does still have elves and dwarves around. It's quite safe.
Then he's not a merchant, he's an artisan.
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>eventually those moths are gonna get so fucking fat they're probably going to evolve into the moth version of sloths. Just these giant fat flightless moths that hang around fast food places with their mouths open ready to catch garbage
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Why are you the way that you are
>Making Jumps for Fun
This is actually the less realistic aspect.
I am going to make mothgirls in my cities who nest in abandon places and have like a hundred babies at a time and harass lone men after dark.
Most fetishes like this are the result of childhood sexual trauma.
I can definitively say that I was born this way. As long as I can remember I've had dreams of girls with big bellies-in fact, one of the very oldest dreams I can remember from back when I was like 3 or 4 years old was a girl whose belly grew some much she was just a sphere. I remember being obsessed as a little kid with my babysitter's tummy, and having a weird fixation on various cartoons with stuffing/weight gain episodes (there were a surprising amount of them back then). There was no single event that broke my brain in my childhood. I was born broken. I have embraced my madness.
It's definitely lower level because they would still die to a 50 cal.
I wish it was actually YJ
>since I'm trying to be a wandering merchant
DOTA 2's Drop-In origin is dedicated to being a merchant. It has a weird crafting perk that gives you a bit of skill in every kind of crafting, draws your sold goods back to you after their buyer dies, AND makes your goods become better if the owner pulls off a legendary feat with them.

It also has a perk for speaking/listening to help you sell goods, a perk that'll let you set-up shop literally anywhere, and a perk that backs your neutrality as a merchant by a divine curse so only the absolute most desperate or arrogant people would try attacking you as long as you don't pick a side.
YJ was a shitposter who hated /jc/ culture.
Speaking of Gwyndolin's illusion, do you think you could actually harvest souls and materials from enemies in Anor Londo, or is that just a gameplay abstraction?
DOTA 2 is basically fantasy capeshit. Hardly what most people would think of as low-power.
I just want to remind you that The Shire is within walking distance of The Barrow-Downs a cursed burial grounds filled with undead horrors. It's been infested by undead for well over a thousand years
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You will regret your actions
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I kinda wish Remina had a movie or an OVA but after what happened to Uzumaki I don't think it'd be good quality.
And also Tom Bombadil lives next door.
Aren't ghosts supposed to be incompatible with Christian theology?
You DO remember that-while inspired by christian themes-Tolkien was very clear that LotR WASN'T a christian allegory, right?
Tolkien wasn't writing an explicitly Christian book. This is an old myth. He was writing something that was a bit of a hodgepodge of English & any other European mythology he took a fancy to, which is both why Eru has a theme as the pre-Jesus Christian god, but also why the Valar were pretty heavily pagan god coded.
>holy ghost
Undead in Lord of the Rings are spirits possessing corpses. Spiritual possession IS a thing in Christian stuff.
And you think dwarves, elves, and mind-controlling rings are compatible with Christian theology?
>Undead in Lord of the Rings are spirits possessing corpses.
What about the oathbreakers?
NTA but they were just insubstantial ghosts in the books like the Nazgul, actually really similar to them in their "natural" form where they were stuck in the spirit world and unable to affect the material world much outside of terror.
antediluvian humans used to live for hundreds of years and were just better

>and mind-controlling rings
ring of solomon.
Tolkien's argument for why elves can reincarnate under Christian theology is that God could do a lot of things that, in reality, he hasn't actually done, but which he chose to do in this fictional story. All the rest follows the same argument, since he wasn't trying to argue that ghosts and elves really do factually exist.
Reminder that elves have no specific place set aside for them in the perfect post-last battle world.
>post-last battle
Isn't that a Narnia thing.
No. It's called the Dagor Dagorath in Sindarin and it's when Morgoth will return, bring back all his allies, and get defeated finally.
It's also something that was made-up in-setting by humans, so it might not be something that'll happen
You will stumble upon one of two things in your chain. There is no avoiding them. You must choose. Which will it be?
>A vampire in high school
>A shop that sells fate and destiny
Sort of. Tolkien had it predicted by Mandos in multiple revisions, but like everything to do with the Silmarillion he never came to a hard single story before he died.
I'm more looking to be a weirdo back alley wizard merchant. I'm starting with weird pets, but I'm trying to expand my stock to weapons, clothes, and maybe scented candles.

I mean I'll read this but it would be a strange place to learn a craft and settle down in. Not saying I won't go here - I do want to try going to places I never go - but it is odd to go to a hentai setting to learn how to make weapons. Thanks dude.

Did we get a newer one some time ago? All I can remember is the very first one which was from a loooooooooooong time ago.

Oh I'd love that. I can't be the one making everything in the store, so stocking up from other merchants for eventual resale sounds great.

That does seem intriguing and oddly thematic. Very weird perks that I wouldn't likely find elsewhere.
For a not!chainbutt this seems like a massive nobrainer. I know nothing about the vampire's morality, likeability or gender. But I can at least be assured the shop has no reason to forcibly suck my blood, and I'm safe from it as long as I don't piss off any regular customers. Plus I can buy myself a winning lotto ticket or whatever. Of course I take the shop.
>That does seem intriguing and oddly thematic. Very weird perks that I wouldn't likely find elsewhere.
Yeah, it's great. The items are pretty useful too. A small mobile shop, a weirdass flagpole that does horrible things to people that try to steal from you (which is a bit redundant with the 600cp perk), and a strange tentacled creature living in a pocket dimension that acquires magical items from whatever setting you visit and gives them to you for you to sale
>Did we get a newer one some time ago? All I can remember is the very first one which was from a loooooooooooong time ago.
Nah, we only got the one.
still got some decent perks.
>General Peasant Skill (Free Peasant) - 100 Every peasant must know some sort of trade to make a living in this age. You however have several. Both in the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fashioning useful items out of various metals, And planning, designing, and constructing buildings and other physical structures.
>Master Craftsman (Discount Peasant) - 600 Thanks to being taught by faeries anything you make by hand is a great deal better than anything regular human can make. Armor is nearly indestructible and lighter than it should be, blades are sharper, blunt weapons have more force behind them, bows and crossbows can shoot farther and are easier to pull back. Even mundane items like baskets work better, though you can't give items mystical powers without being a wizard or something.
>Maleficium - 200
>Similar to true magic but instead is focused on empowerment, curses, transfiguration, and contracts using mystic runes. Though it focuses on these subjects there is little it cannot do if you know the right runes. Even if it's power for destruction may not be as powerful as a wizard's magic
>I'm more looking to be a weirdo back alley wizard merchant. I'm starting with weird pets,

Stop selling mogwai to randos, you know damn well they wont follow the directions and we will end up with gremlins
>I'm safe from it...
Do we have any jumps with magic that's like coding/programming?
Code casting in Fate extra.
Irregular at Magic Highschool.
It's so much like coding that people have started using modern computers to offload mentally taxking part of magic onto them.
Miss Koboyashi's Dragon Maid's magic is exactly like programming.

GURPS Monster Hunter offers the technomancy version of Ritual Path Magic, which is literally just you using your programming skills and your knowledge of the relevant paths of magic to make spells.

Lyrical Nanoha and Youjo Senki both have heavily math-based magics, which... probably doesn't count, but they DO use computers to cast spells with
>and a strange tentacled creature living in a pocket dimension that acquires magical items from whatever setting you visit and gives them to you for you to sale
That would be so extremely convenient and yet take all the fun out of running a magical weirdo shop. Perhaps later down the line then, when I care more about how I sell things and to who, rather than getting the shop up and running in the first place.

Was this also the Jump that had the perk allowing you to plant anything and grow 'fruit' bearing trees where the produce is more of that thing you planted?

I'm not gonna sell mogwai, I'm gonna sell actually cool pets rather than adorable deathtraps. Right now my stock is emphasizing what I like to affectionately refer to as 'mutts.' Mutts are chimeras hybridizing rando critters with dogs that way I can have a trainable pet without the thousands of years of domestication; I'm just skipping right through to good boy end results. I'm doing this with the miracle of science so you know nothing can go wrong.

Tokyo Souls with the app magic perhaps.
I think DxD human magic was similar to it.
>That would be so extremely convenient and yet take all the fun out of running a magical weirdo shop. Perhaps later down the line then, when I care more about how I sell things and to who, rather than getting the shop up and running in the first place.
Not having to worry about how you're getting your stock is rather nice though.
Reminder: the original Frankenstein's Monster was not actually ugly or even particularly patchwork. He was extremely hansome, in fact. Victor Frankenstein just got freaked the fuck out because his eyes were the wrong color.
I think he freaked out simply because he finally realized what he was doing.
Yep. Victor Frankenstein made his perfect sexy and very smart boyfriend and then freaked out and tried to murder him when he realized he now had a very sexy son
....why would I not want to encounter either of those things?
>Was this also the Jump that had the perk allowing you to plant anything and grow 'fruit' bearing trees where the produce is more of that thing you planted?
it is the perk you're thinking of, but it doesen't really work like that. If you plant something, it grows into a greater version of itself, rather than a tree bearing copies.
Like if you planted a dagger you wouldn't get a Dagger Tree, you'd get a longsword or something like that.
>Sword plant (Discount Peasant) - 200
>In your hands hold the power to grow nearly anything, even man made objects. Just plant pieces of objects and they grow bigger or more complex. You might plant a branch and grow a log, or a bee and grow a hive, even metal objects can be planted.
That's not true. He's a hulking mismatched ghoul who terrifies everyone who looks at him and who wants a woman just as ugly as him. It's the entire plot of the book, which we don't even have a jump for.
Reminder, Aura Michibane, the character on whom Aura of the king is based, ia canonically comparable to Aizen in power.
Incorrect. He was tall and somewhat disturbing to look at, but he was noted as being extremely handsome and very well put together (besides the eyes) because Victor does, in fact, do good work. And he didn't want a woman who was as ugly as he was, he literally just wanted any sort of emotional connection.

Also he was extremely articulate, surprisingly educated, and incredibly intelligent. He even read and analyzed Paradise Lost. Don't ask me why, I'm not Mary Shelley.
>comparable to Aizen (pre-timeskip) in power
Many reasons. Perhaps you are inordinately attached to your blood. Maybe you're the kind of person who doesn't believe in fate. Possibly you just hate being confused by vague statements from an extremely attracted older woman about the true nature of reality. Or you could be tired of going through high school again.

Many reasons. But you still must choose.
Reminder, your post has nothing to do directly with Jumpchain.
Makes me wonder why the popular depiction of Frankenstein's monster is a shambling not-zombie when he was very well put together in the original book.

Maybe someone realized people would simp for Hot Frankenstein's Monster and so made a bunch of stories with the shambling patchwork version.
>Confidently makes a factually incorrect statement
Why does this keep happening?
It could just be as simple as "special effects are hard and we need some way to make Frankenstein's Monster actually look like a monster".
I choose the vampire in high school, and the first jump is gonna be UQ Holder where I'll be a vampire. Then we can be friends.
I guess I'll take the shop? Meeting a vampire early chain might be bad since I don't usually take high-power stuff early.
No he is ugly, he just has a number of usually attative traits that dont come well together. like he got perfect teeth but ugly yellow skin
this is the descirption in the book
>His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion, and straight black lips.
and this is how the monster described itself
>I was, besides, endowed with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man. I was more agile than they . . . my stature far exceeded their’s.
Yeah but if the chain is gonna be about running the shop then worrying about how I'm getting my stock is sorta like, part of the fun. It's like how people play those games about unpacking, or doing the dishes, or all the little bullshit going on in Animal Crossing. I could get that perk and basically just work the counter while slaying ridiculous amounts of puss or fighting people in giant robots, but since I'm trying to do something new then for now I will busy myself with working restock and inventory. It's great stuff, just something I'd probably think more about later.

Damn, that really is cool. I'd really enjoy getting that sooner rather than later, so maybe that will be Jump 2, or maybe 3. LotR and then King Arthur could be really fun, or whatever that hentai setting 9 mentioned was, I dunno.
Its hard to depict something that is both beautiful and disturbing
It's enough to litterally win singlehandedly the main conflict if you play it smart.
It's about one of the perk you can buy, and how it compares to one of the main villains of said setting.
So he's, what, Chunin exams Genin level?
>Yeah but if the chain is gonna be about running the shop then worrying about how I'm getting my stock is sorta like, part of the fun. It's like how people play those games about unpacking, or doing the dishes, or all the little bullshit going on in Animal Crossing. I could get that perk and basically just work the counter while slaying ridiculous amounts of puss or fighting people in giant robots, but since I'm trying to do something new then for now I will busy myself with working restock and inventory. It's great stuff, just something I'd probably think more about later.
Fair enough. I personally like having the actual stock on-hand
When the blind man's kids see him, the girls immediately faint and the son attacks. When he rescues that one kid from drowning, the kid immediately calls him a monster. He goes around cloaked after that. He specifically says he wants a woman who will be as ugly as he is so that she'll have no other choice but to stay with him. The only time anyone describes him as looking good is Victor in the throes of hubris while making him.

And we still don't have a jump for the book so it all remains moot anyway
Well yeah, but I'm producing all the stock in house. I am the source, the means of production. The supply chain is mine.
Purposefully dumb, I see.
No it isn't, you need football fields worth of machinery, production lines, and insane power generation to make things.
Which you don't have.
Again, fair enough.

That's for teching up to modern conveniences. Magic stuff requires esoteric ingredients and a forest or two
Powerscalers can't decide if Bleach is universal or town level.
In one of the early Universal movies, the monster winds up getting blinded. That's why he moves slowly with his arms outstretched: he can't see where he's going.
Which is better than not being able to decide if the Dovahkiin is country-busting or multiverse-busting.
Technically for most electronics you need a fabrication room if you are building from raw materials. A lot of stuff can be made on a lathe as long as you have wire and shit. Or hell a decent 3d printer and a good modelling program.

Tech just requires more build up but once you achieve that buildup its awesome. Besides Im sure there are items or perks that allow one to fabricate parts without the need of the entire support supply line somewhere.
I simply ignore dumb powerscaling, mostly go for what is logical, like in OP island busting attack are treated as something special, that only Kaido, Enel and Imu can use, so I will assume none of them goes higher, and btend to equalize setting to have interesting interactions, unless one is clearly stronger.
Anyway the reason it's dumb is that Aura can simply become incorporeal and unmake them, with a result similar to a bootleg Kamui.
He's maybe city-busting at best.

The player is the one that's multiverse-busting
What? I do though. I started out in Batman and maxed out the money specifically to bankroll appropriate equipment and facilities to start my work. Supervillains do way more in that setting with way less to work with; there's like three dudes who did more extreme stuff than what I'm doing on a budget of "Where did you get the money for this with your dayjob???"
I think the problem with a lot of powerscaling is that dudes take obviously hyperbolic statements in stuff like databooks seriously, which is no surprise, but even the more reasonable dudes also do it just for the sake of being generous and allowing there to be a debate between if, like, Madara is stronger than Kaido (he very obviously is).
He's referencing yesterday's argument about how much difficult it is to tech-up from nothing.

Started over someone lamenting that there were only two fiat-backed wheelchair options
There's also stuff like "dodging lasers = FTL" which ignores things like the shooter's aim being bad
Seriously I fucking hate that logic "He dodged a laser!" No he dodged a trajectory, the person missed, its not the same thing.
I also hate it when the projectiles very clearly aren't lasers.
Oh, you mean doing some Dr.Stone shit. Yeah that would be rough.
Speed scaling is always shit because unless you get statements of a dude being like "my attacks are as fast as sound/light" there's no way to actually get a good measure on it so powerscalers who wanna wank their favorite series contrive any reason why x series is light speed. Side note, but it's funny how JJK had that mach 3 statement and then Gege came out later and was like "Yeah I don't know what I was thinking, that's too slow."
The Dragonborn is a cute dunmer slut.
>It's enough to litterally win singlehandedly the main conflict if you play it smart.
Kyoka Suigetsu works on her and so would a number of other kidou type zanpakuto. She might be comparable to pre-Hogyoku Aizen but that's not enough on its own for deal with the main plot on its own.
That honestly doesn't irritates me much, since it's to let a discussion happen and imagine how would they fight, to me the problem is that instead people try constantly to use the most hyperbolic statement and interpretations to make all but invincible their settings. I will make an example with a niche setting, Anima Beyond Fantasy, it's anime weaboo concentrated, were the absolute top tiers (for whome we have stats, there are legitimately nigh omnipotent gods like Tawil-At-Urm, the Yog Sototh expy, wich isn't even the strongest Aeon) make the landscape tremble, and their emission of energy leaves craters, and some time ago I posted the strongest technique we know, wich devastates everything in the range of three miles. In the videogame these things are even more subdued despite comprehending the strongest being statted. According to them instead everything that is even remotely connected to the characters that appear in that game are multiversal, because they are stated to be threats to the world, including people that have weapons that maybe, in an incredible amount of time, could kill some of the strongest gods, if they evolve enough, despite those weapons having literal stats, wich are just a bit high.
Don't forget extrapolating a very difficult, costly, and limited process as something that can be done casually with no resources and at much greater scale. Creating pocket dimensions especially. Hell, we have our own homegrown form of this with the people who act like Ryza is nigh-omnipotent because she can make tiny pocket dimensions using a special device.
I'm talking about you, anon, with that perk, assuming you aren't a drooling moron like Aizen and Ywhach you will manage unless you receive a supreme asspull that defeats you like them.
Tiny in this case being the size of a city, and special device being a random ass bottle you find on the beach
Should my mecha moles be large bus sized monstrocities or should they be dog sized.

Should I make the moles huge and build a queen mecha ant that generates dog sized ant drones to build my underground fortress?

Should the ant drones be able to link together like that one robot morph in eclipse phase to form a larger drone with more abilities and power?

Should all my drones be able to merge into a bigger drone monster?

And lastly should I use this to be a villain in soon I shall be invincible, incredibles, or power rangers?
I don't get how that power can deal with the Almighty though unless you off him while he's still asleep and you forgot Urahara with his box of unlimited asspulls.
That's cuz the number of the stat = the number of high complex multiverses it can destroy in one hit.
I've surpassed the time barrier. Bite me, 4chan.
Knight's & Magic, (a type of magic) in that smartphone isekai, and a subset of magic in Mushoku Tensei.

I don't see what world you wouldn't choose the second one because you could just use the shop to buy the first one.
To defeat Ywhach I would either kill him in his sleep or use the still silver arrow, and I said an Asspull can always defeat you, no matter how smart or powerful you are.
>Knight's & Magic
Does we even have a jump fkr that?
Theres a book series I read once that explained how supervillainy is like running on a hamster wheel, you need to rob a bank to get money to build tech to rob a bank to get money to build stuff for your next scheme so you can rob a bank to get money for your next scheme and it never ends. And the second you show any weakness your so called allies will swarm you for your shit.
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Reminds me of GoW powerscaling. People saying shit like Kratos has "irrelevant speed" because he caught hermes. And since Hermes is the god of speed that must mean Kratos is faster than the concept of speed.
Human ass motherfuckers be all "I love the sun" but when you give these bitches another they all be like "you have destabilised our solar system and we are all doomed, also everything is on fire".
No. I think reddit does. Nta but I really liked the anime myself and thats what I was told some time back. Did that change?
Funny thing is that I recently was looking at it since it's the only place I can find where Anima is talked about and it's almost litterally how they make it work, for every 5 point in a resistance stat you have a "layer" of protection from any effect any spell, technique or power in the game can cause.
I chose to bypass that when writing by specifically making the character witness laser beams slowly crawl across the battlefield with his esp.
There's gotta be some sort of modern villain that just pulled a crypto scheme to get their startup supervillain funding. Robbing banks is way too hard in this era for the kind of pay off it provides.
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They just don't appreciate the gift of glorious solar power.
Yeah but superhero setting banks are the kind that keep all their money in a stack in the vault.

Realistically you should see more villains moving around zeroes using hacking software.
>Eggman rugpulls Eggcoin, leaving Tails broke and homeless
What did he expect from eggman?
I trusted Eggman to use his financial power responsibly and he stole my life savings.
These niggas have never actually played the games. Ares died from a severe case of catching hands. Athena the goddess of wisdom died saving the most undeserving motherfucker in the setting from a shanking. Zeus CAN be hurt with the Nemesis Whip, which is powered by green lightning. Persephone sure as fuck didn't end up back in Hades' arms after dying. The Fates sure as fuck didn't see dying at Kratos' hands coming. Thanatos FUCKING DIED. And in at least some of these, Kratos was depowered for most of his journey by some means or other.

Anyone who has actually played the GoW games knows the gods are basically dudes in peak fitness (most of the time) with some localised punchy-zappy magic and maybe the ability to perform world-shifting workings if you give them enough time to prepare an artifact or spell or something. But also the kind of people who can very much be mobbed to death by minotaurs if they're pinned down in one place for long enough.
That's true, they do keep entire piles of gold bars next to the money stacks neatly arrayed on a table behind the safe which can be very quickly opened with their super lasers and such. I guess it does make sense in that context.

Sonic fucking told him to pull out when the getting was good, but he was too slow.
Anyway I once saw a Kratos vs Sora discussion wich was one of the wildest things I saw at the time, some of the most ridiculous things were: Sora defeated Xemnas, wich was stated to be the strongest in his final form, wich means he scales above Zeus rearranging the stars, the ethereal blades of Xemnas are lightspeed, despite them being made out of nothingness and not light, people scaling to Roxas travelling trhough galaxies in seconds, and Sora being multiversal for having defeated Xehanort with the X-blade.
Look, I wouldn't go that far. Zeus and Ares can become giant and wreck entire cities + Ares sniped Kratos with a giant pillar from like half the world away.
>Sora being multiversal for having defeated Xehanort with the X-blade.
To be fair that's basically like defeating Thanos (comics) with the Infinity Gauntlet
What do you think Thanos would do if I stared him in the eye and stuck the power stone right up my colon?
Kinda, but it's pretty clear that while controlling kingdom hearts gave him multiversal power the one he could bring to fight in his own heart where they fought was much less, as he, contemporarily, could still fight all other guardians of light and keep recreating the world.
You're assuming vampires exist in the same world as the shop that sells fates.
Powerscalers need to take a long, long look at Sully absolutely BODYING Vanitas in KH3 and reevaluate their entire fucking lives.

Rewatching this I realize Vanitas should simply have resummoned his keyblade and cut Sully, since he could still move his hands from how Sully was keeping him. Still a funny moment.
Hi Suggs.
Who was the guy making the xianxia jump? Did he finish it?
You saying that MY HERO, James P. FUARKING Sullivan, DEMOLISHES Soinime men?
>throw the guy into one of the portal doors
>throw that portal door into another portal door
>shred the last door
Unironically a great plan. If you can't travel through dimensions and massive distances quickly on your own how the hell could you return after that?
It's in a chain, anon. You can just buy something like meeting a vampire the next time you're starting a jump in high school. Or if you're confident the deal isn't gonna monkey's paw, just buy something nebulous like meeting the person you want to meet when you want to meet them. Absolute worst case you buy a bunch of inconsequential bullshit and daisy chain it together to cause your functionally contrived meeting.
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You should be able to figure out 6 paths senjutsu, truth seeking orbs, and chakra cloak with just 6 paths chakra & senjutsu right? Like, not immediately, but they'll be on the cards and eventually accessible with work?
Six paths senjutsu doesn't have, like, anything to do with normal sage mode so you wouldn't even need that.
Technically as long as you have six path chakra you can learn all those things, yes, you can learn senjutsu too.
There is no relation between six path senjutsu and senjutsu.
One is essentially chakra enlightenment, the other is about incorperatig natural energy into your chakra.
Oh so literally just the one purchase opens up all of them with work?
Sex with Bleach women. Naruto "women" just can't compete.
There's a reason I'm just making some Bleach expys in Naruto.
Even the titlets in Bleach brutally mog every woman in Naruto. Like, Karin is the only one who even comes close.
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thats still easier said than done, reaching it is still essentially a process like reaching enlightnement about the world. I'd still recommend stuff like the Chakra control, secrets of chakra, Willpower and the wisdom perks.

Though the simplest way to get it would probably be to try to obtain a fraction of chakra from each of the Bijuu to integrate with yourself, since becoming host to the Juubi does grant Truth Seekin Balls and a state similar to six paths sage mode.
Other girls easily befriendable by being the slightest nice to them and so powerful to completely break the setting?
Even the tertiary characters have to be sex bombs. Titty Kubo just can't help himself.
I already mentioned her.

Experience - Genin

Child Prodigy (300)
Secrets of Chakra/Jutsu Development
Ninjutsu Specialty
Taijutsu Specialty (100)
Genjutsu Specialty (100)

Senju, Kaguya, Six Paths Chakra, Hyuga, Uchiha, Rinnegan, Mutation of Shin, Otsutsuki - 2400

x3 Bodyguards

Bounty x4 (+800), Social Pariah (+100), Dark Past (+100), Human Monster (+100), Friendly Fire (+200), Juuuuumpeeer (+300), Naruto's Dead (+300)

"What if Naruto was born an Otsutsuki part 6 - Naruto gets his revenge on Ramen guy by fucking his daughter like he did every other female in Konoha"
It's like 2014 all over again
>Naruto gets his revenge on Ramen guy
Sage of Six Bowls is gonna fuck your shit up
Have you already decided wich personal shinjutsu to take?
What if Naruko got revenge on Konoha by femdomming every man in the village? Wouldn't that be funny?
Now with AI voiceover and AI cover art.
>Dark skin is her social charm set. You can tell because it has the biggest tits.
Autochthon himself could find no error in this logic.

>Not with the wine of creation.
Clearly you need to run an experiment and give her some Celestial Wine.
We managed to go down in quality.
If Jumper looks at you in the eyes and says "ligma balls" it atomizes you completely, bypassing all defenses.
Wow, the fourth strongest shinjutsu we saw.
Does someone knows how did Harribel, who refuses to eat souls, or Ulquiorra, who is born without a mouth, avoid starvation? We know only really weak hollows can survive at Hueco mundo without eatind... oh right.
And this is related to Jumpchain because...?
Because I want to find an ethical way to not starve, maybe? I normally am an artificial soul but this time I'm being an hollow.
>Please don't talk about Bleach
>>94797520 (me)
probably my solution will be exactly this, stay weak, so I can feed on ambiental energy, until I steal the Hogyoku.
Nta, and I don't know shit about the source material, but it's pretty obvious anon is looking for a way for his jumper to survive without eating souls when the racial option he wants usually does so.
Sounds like the solution is to be a really weak hollow, then.
Number one: the gun.
When you're hungry just change into an alt-form that can eat normal food, eat your full and turn back.
Get a perk against starving / biological needs.
Is Essence-Returning Light the ultimate weapon? From Made in Abyss; it's an exotic energy beam that explicitly breaks the laws of thermodynamics by directly and completely annihilating matter, allowing it to do things like cut indestructible objects (Reg's frame) and negate healing factors (Mitty was a regenerative immortal) in an exothermic reaction (the holes it creates are scorched/melted). Its primary drawback is that it takes an absolute fuckload of power; recharging Reg to the equivalent of three shots of his Incinerator crashed the power grid of an entire town, while Bondrewd presumably keeps his Sparagmos charged by virtue of the fact that Idolfront, his base of operations, is essentially a skyscraper-sized generator.
No, there's plenty of better weapons.
>baby's first physics-breaking technique
It depends on what you mean as weapon and what are your criteria for ultimate, I could argue that the infinity gauntlet is the ultimate weapon.
It would be cunny
Sorry, meant fifth, forgot about Ten Directions.
What if Naruko was hypnotised into developing an intense yaoi and omegaverse obsession she used to trick Sasuke into taking cock from the nigger village?
It would be incomprehensibly based.
Kurama, Sakura or Sasuke would probably dispel the genjutsu?
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A giant worm would be better if you want one big tunneler.
>it's an exotic energy beam that explicitly breaks the laws of thermodynamics by directly and completely annihilating matter bla bla bla bla
*Mega YAWNS* for 8 motes i parry it with my perfect defense. Done
>8 motes
>2.5 cuckery
Does anyone know just how dangerous Earth 2 is? I know most heroes are dead, but how bad is it for the decade?
PDs aren't 8 motes?
And that's why we must always remember to mock fans of exalted.
You lost.
the argument in your head? Maybe, my braincells? No, that's you.
>Annihilates every version of you from across the multiverse
Weakness of Beatrice allows a person to make or edit a Magicka system. If a jumper came back with this power, what sort of system would all of you guys want to see made real? It wouldn't be a chain, but it would be something for everyone.

Literally anything as long as I get to fuck off into space
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>DC Collab
>Dark Souls 1 iirc
Anyone know any other "you get better at fighting the worse your situation is/as you get backed into a corner"? Really like the idea of becoming exponentially more dangerous when the chips are down.
They do in the heavily errata'd 2.5e. In 2e core they cost 4m each, which was a price so low it's one of the reasons base 2e was mechanically insane and unworkable, 2.5 tried to fix it by doubling the costs, but 2.5 also broke the gameplay in different ways (attunement motes).

I'm actually a 1e supremacist.
Spelljammer on Earth. Every boat can now fly. How would this affect redneck fishing stores?
I doubt an Exaltedfag has any left to lose.
Princess Bride has one that you can keep fighting no matter how badly you are hurt, but you will still be affected once the fight ends .
We combine hunting and fishing and everyone is happy.
>How would this affect redneck fishing stores?
Eldritch space fauna is either domesticated or deep fried.
For as powerful as that perk is, I don't remember it being able to edit systems that don't exist. If you're using something else to share it? I dunno, what kind of technology do you wish existed? Shit that is safe, easy, fast, cheap, versatile, and powerful. Duh. What kind of question is that?
Give me a gamer system. If I can’t get a chain, at least I’ll have something I can build up with.
I'm reenacting the Backyarder CYOA's lightrider option but with magic and fucking off
>DC/Fate collab
>Superman teaches Shirou what it really means to be a hero
>Shirou teaches Superman how defenseless women's anuses are
I remember Valeria saying Maker of Magic couldn't give others magic with it and also couldn't make an existing system stronger. It just let you change rules of an existing magic system.
That anon looking for a way to be a primordial being from before time, did you ever find something? I was thinking you could do something like that in the free universe
Kinda, it won't let you make a magic system stronger by itself unless you combine it with another one. But it also doesn't just let you create a new magic system.
Hey 9anon, roughly how many gangoons are in the Garbagemen? Are they cute girls?
You can't make a magic system stronger but you can "remove limitations" on it, which is the same goddamn thing described differently. Oh no, I'm not making this system stronger by increasing how big of a fireball it can make, I'm only removing the limit on how big of a fireball it can make.
Hey, any of you know any good bleach fanfics with Orihime as the protagonist? Or at least a central character? It's rare as hell, I know, but I'm curious.
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I'm nta but wouldn't the lich from adventure time work, I seem to remember it had this whole speech based around that. Pretty sure the Silmarillion lets you be a Maiar before the song is sung and Unsong lets you be an Angel that embodies a part of creation which probably also counts.
NTA, but that too was explicitly nixed for exactly the reasons you described. You're not clever, you're just a retard.
Val's balance was weird, don't give it much attention.
She would make stupidly broken things stronger than canon and then get annoyed about other things being on canon level or used RAW.
No answers until you stop posting that godawful picture every damned thread.
Lich is iirc
Plus the 4 elemental poles embodiements
Orihine is an idiot who has no personal agency and never accomplishes anything
Akame Ga Kill got the Situational Enhancement option in the Custom Teigu section.
So it could make your weapon better the more dire the situation is, of course your weapons primary ability could be to make you more powerful if you want it to.
But removing any limitation is neccesarily an increase in power. This is a contradiction, because the perk explicitly bans you from increasing power while explicitly allowing you to remove limitations.
>an idiot who has no personal agency and never accomplishes anything
but enough about female shounen characters
>poles embodiements
Yea but these seem to be bound to some form of reincarnation cycle and aren't actually the original primordial entities whereas the lich is more conceptual in just being the idea of entropy and doesn't seem to really reincarnate. Even when trapped in the big baby man (bill? dont remember the name) the original Lich still existed it was just kinda sealed or bound behind the life that had root over it's form.
Hah fair enough. At least rukia runs around killing shit.
>but enough about female
Could have stopped there.
Is Slayers shounen?
>someone posted an image that was posted last thread, and now I am mad
>how could this be happening to me?
hurr hurr ecks dee foids btfo
Can't you get more material than complaining about 51% of humanity?
>widely considered incompetent
>huge unexploited potential
>beautiful big titty princess with many friends
>a huge number of guys she could get with
>an indescribably broken and hax ability
>no parents or family to interfere with her life
>her actual personality has no bearing on the plot
It's actually kind of amazing that Bleach isn't flooded with vast quantities of Orihime SI fanfiction. But I guess most teenage girls tend to latch onto Rukia instead.
Nta but with this logic Orihime has had some impact at least, saving Ichigo against Ywhach, restoring his zanpakuto and saving Harribel.
>couldn't give others magic with it
I thought the perk says you can give, change and edit magic systems for those weaker than you. That means you can give a system to a world without one.
Yes but it's new shounen so I can get away with ignoring it
>>beautiful big titty princess with many friends
This is what gets in the way I'd guess
the tits or the friends?
>I guess most teenage girls tend to latch onto Rukia instead.
It's the tits, anon; the booblets get jealous of stacked Stacies like Orihime.
They consider Rukia more 'honest'.
Because Orihime is a bimbo and the 2000 girls that wrote fanfiction would never self insert into a bimbo
>big titty
>with many friends
All of the above.
I want to jump king arthur, but the original myth is kinda a mess.

Anyone got a recommendation for an adaption I could watch within a day or two that is decent watch and would be fun to jump?
That's because pretty and popular Stacies are unknowable horrors to the average female fanfic writer and their reaction to their existence is similar to Lovecraft's reaction to air conditioning and black people.
That one doujin where Artoria gets fcuked by a horse and parades around on its cock.
Nah. People are literally dying in fires right now because DEIfags like you gaslit people into thinking that women could be comptent and/or useful.
I distinctly recall someone mentioning that fic a while back.
Rukia contributed vastly less to the plot than Orihime did. Which isn't to emphasize Orihime as much as emphasize how little Rukia actually does in Bleach. Like people talk about Rukia as if she's some major character but she's barely fucking present in the series. Renji has more screen time than Rukia does. Hell, fucking Ulquiorra has more. After the end of the Soul Society arc she functionally vanishes from existence except for a couple of inconsequential fights against random fodder enemies that an actual Captain like Byakuya could erase from existence by thinking about it. For the latter 90% of Bleach, Rukia's existence is basically just a plot device to advance Byakuya's character development.
Counterpoint: She cute.
Is it NTR if jumper forces two women to have sex with each other?
I don't know. But mind control yuri is based.
JUmpers, has there ever been a time when someone has tried to force jumper into accepting them as a companion so that they could go on the chain?
Jumps to get no-killing perks?
She's also the character that introduces Ichigo to the supernatural side of the world and the main reason Ichigo invades Soul Society early in the series. That's more than enough plot involvement to explain how popular she is.
And it can't be emphasized enough that the Soul Society arc is the only truly good part of Bleach outside of the waifu designs.
Anon, just go to Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
No, but I accidentally attached an evil moth to my soul and now it won't leave me alone.
Since when was Orihime a princess (other than the name)?
I mean, Ichigo was already involved with the supernatural side of the world. He can see and talk to ghosts and has been helping them move onto the afterlife for years. Hell, a huge part of the plot is that the little ghost girl he's been helping for the last few months inadvertently ends up leading a Hollow to attack his family as she gets scared and tries to run to Ichigo but ends up being eaten. That's what led the Hollow to attack Ichigo's house to start with and it's why Rukia was forced to give Ichigo her Shinigami powers.

Which really makes no sense when you stop and think about it. Like how the actual fuck has Ichigo not encountered a Hollow before then? They're fucking everywhere in Karakura Town, which is noted to be a massive hotspot for Hollows. And Ichigo is right there at the epicenter. Like we know that Isshin was suppressing Ichigo's Shinigami and Hollow powers but he still had his Quincy powers and it's pointed out by Masaki in the flashback that Quincy children are like beacons to Hollows. It's the whole reason Grand Fisher tried to lure and eat Ichigo but got Masaki instead after the Auswahlen hit. So how in the fuck has Ichigo never seen a Hollow before?
Because mangakas are almost by definition constantly flying by the seat of their pants.
Modern day jumps to pick up healing?
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No but it's really fucking weird.
But is it pronounced smut-iny or smoot-iny?
jk exorcist
Fun fact: Kubo stated that Orihime's family is distantly descended from the Soul King which is why she has that power. She's kind of a Fullbringer but not really since her "piece" of the Soul King has been passed down her family line through lineage for generations. Orihime is just the first one in a very long time who managed to awaken the power of Rejection. This is also why her son Kazui has the same power as her despite Fullbringer abilities not normally being passed down bloodlines.
An now you know why most people argue about post soul society and see everything before as the best parts.
>the Soul King fucked and had descendants
nta but you're not a prince or princess just because you're descended from royalty. or even royalty necessarily. historically there were a shitton of nobles who were related to royalty but never realistically had a shot at the throne.
Weird way to say "everything until the SS arc".
Superman TAS is modern day, but do you want a mundane Earth?
NTA either, but the definition of prince/princess seems to vary from place to place. You could either be:
>Any one of the children of the sovereign King or Queen
>The heir apparent of the sovereign specifically
>The ruler of a Principality
It's also why Orihime's Rejection is able to stymie and counter Yhwach's Almighty, which is why he was forced to go around it instead of affecting it directly during the final battle. Likewise it's why he called her ability "troublesome" and expressed annoyance in the only instance of him doing so during that fight. He never even did that for Ichigo's Bankai, he just complimented him on it. But ironically he never seemed to realize that he was in essence fighting his own great-great-great-etc niece essentially and that's why her Rejection was giving him so much trouble.

That is until you're the last surviving legitimate heir to the bloodline. In which yes, Orihime is technically the Soul Princess because alongside Yhwach she's the only known surviving descendant of the Soul King, even if her bloodline is very distant.
It wouldn't surprise me if the weird fucker just did mitosis
What are your go to tech based inventory systems? I've been debating going for one that can be scaled all the way up to small spaceships and the best option I've puzzled out so far is Borderlands digistruct so I figured I'd see if anyone else has a better idea or options.
orihime is none of those things. closest you could argue is heir apparent, but that's yhwach. even after he dies, being related only matters if the authority is accepted, and i doubt anyone would take her seriously. also bastards often aren't part of the line of succession.
Honestly, that's absolutely no Yhwach. If anything Yhwach is the bastard seeing as Adyneus outright disowned him and all of his descendants basically.
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Your waifu is now a worm.

Do you still love her?
Indirect relations and bastards are what you resort to when you have a succession crisis. So even if neither of them are Prince or Princess specifically, they are legitimate claimants to the throne by right of bloodline.
We need an Undead Unluck jump now that just the epilogue is left for an actually based big booba waifu instead boring shit like Hinata or Orihime.
Who are the best jumper spawn factories?
>Write an oc, give them a clever name
>Do not use oc for six months
>Look back over oc's details, don't remember what name is supposed to reference.
>Unbought Unsold
Sell me on the waifu.
Crap, forgot to add the pic.
Ywhach isn't dead, he took the place of Adnyeum as the lynchpin.
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>the ancestors of the Shinigami imprison an unresisting Soul King and Ichibe establishes the cycle of reincarnation over which he has absolute dominion
>both Yhwach and the Soul King have The Almighty which allows them to see and control all possible futures
>Yhwach states that the Soul King "foresaw everything" and that even he doesn't understand what his endgame was
>proceeds to destroy the Soul Society, kill off Ichibe, and then truly kill the Soul King while Ichibe is disabled and can't do anything
>Ichigo was devised by Aizen and Yhwach to combine the abilities of all of the races together
>stated to have reiryoku very similar to that of the Soul King
>ends up coincidentally growing up with and eventually marrying the descendant of the Soul King
>Orihime's blood, descended from the Soul King, carries his power/authority and is passed down
>Kazui is born with reiryoku very similar to the Soul King with the direct lineage of the Soul King
>displays unbelievable power even at a young age, effortlessly Rejects a resurrected Yhwach in the epilogue
>noted by multiple people to be very strange for a little kid and weirdly insightful despite his youth
We really do.
Jumper themselves can make thousand of submissive daughters in a few days
Reign of Fire
>Bull- 600
>Draconic majesty in all it’s glory. The origin of the species is you now, at least one of them. You’ve either taken the place of or become a new Bull Dragon in your own right. Normally the males of the species, you gain the advantages regardless of gender. Your size and strength grows until you could tower over a small castle and eat a battle tank in one gulp, despite still being able to fly at high speeds.Naturally, your fire production becomes a much more fearsome ability at this size. As a Bull, you have the incredible reproductive capacity that caused the end of the world as well. You are able to produce thousands of females of your species in just a few days, producing asexually. The children naturally fear and obey you as the parent and while they are much smaller than you, they remain as dangerous as any ordinary dragon. In future worlds, you can choose to apply this perk to other races you become or not, boosting their size, natural abilities and reproductive ability in similar ways.
It's probably nothing.

Anyways, Ichigo should really fuck his sisters.
Truly the Keikaku to surpass all Keikakus. Aizen was but an unwilling pawn, deceived into believing his every move was his decision, and not a command from the true chess master.
Why i everyone on here so pro incest?
>Rukia and Nelliel lost the Ichibowl long before it even started
is it really all that surprising that a being that held authority over reincarnation would decide to reincarnate themselves? being unable to partake of your own domain just sounds stupid and kind of embarrasing for a deity honestly.
Ichigo being so gay is a blessing in disguise
This is a den of degeneracy
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How lonely are you?
I thought it was only a theory, sauce?
Jumper? not at all. IRL? a little, but I've got two bros.
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Not at all.
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I spend my entire life imagining myself in fictional characters waifuing imaginary characters.
>In fiction worlds*
Freudian slip there
>I would like if there was more of a population
I don't know about 3, but in 1 and 2 the game world seems to be framed as the places where all the terrible shit happens while there are multiple mostly normal-functioning kingdoms and the like we never get to see.
It's in Klub Outside. I don't remember which one.

Also, fun fact: Kubo initially designed for Orihime's Shun Shun Rikka to be more obviously an innate ability and to make her grow horns and a tail to become "kind of like a dragon girl". But he eventually changed it to manifest through the fairies instead. This is also the origin of Orihime's constant joking about transforming into various creatures in the series.
About that picture's worth of lonely.
As a person? Very and would do a lot for a chain.
As a jumper? He is more focused on fun than friends.
I mean, you can be in fictional characters.
No take backs. You are a symbiote now. Body stealing waifus to gain more waifus.
I was under the impression that Lordran was specifically basically a prison/leper colony where all the undesirables were sent, and the world outside is basically standard high medieval/renaissance stuff.
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As said, freudian
>It's in Klub Outside. I don't remember which one.
I imagined it but sad, thank you anyway, and interesting on that second part.
I can't believe this infographic just told me I'm a schizoid.
Now the question is, if you could only use Reincarnate once in a chain, who would you use it to become?
This describes me to a T. How is that possible?
We can make it through this bros.
Would you rather get a chain with no CP budget(you can get freebies, no drawbacks) or only go to one jump?
Do you still get item stipends on the freebie chain?
Only one jump. It'd be tricky, but I could manage.
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I'd say that's a tough choice but I've had that choice locked in for going on two years now.
no, but the default companion stuff(importing and recruiting if you convince them to come with you) is free and there's no companion limit
One jump, personally.
One jump incentivizes you to min-max for power, increasingly the likelihood that you go to a setting you'll end up hating or bite off more than you can chew and die, whereas there are plenty of jumps that offer a variety of nice freebies (you'll have more than enough to become a Pokemon trainer, e.g.), and being unable to take drawbacks inherently mitigates risk.
It puts a soft cap on your potential and forces you to scale more slowly, but if I was presented with only those two options, I'd go with the chain easily.
No CP easily.
Even without freebies, you could amass alor of power just applying your meta knowledge to collect treasures and powers across jumps.
What’s she like anyway?
I'd honestly go with the no-cp budget. I've done that chain before.
Ok but what if you get a free item and it has a separate build section for customization. Do you not get that?
Neither. I'm here to play jumpchain, not a single cyoa or just tour the freebies.
So long as you don't need to pay CP for it then you get it
>hit up exalted
>become one of the most dangerous things in any media just by getting the freebies
>pick all the rape charms
Your move.
In that case the 0cp chain.
I'll take one jump.
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Honestly I'm more interested in the journey than the powers, so I'd almost definitely prefer 'no CP' to one jump from a story point of view.
Happy go lucky, slightly dumb/simple at first, but forced to grow up and mature from the events of the story. "Fight for all that is beautiful in the world" is her motto. Very strong willed.
Not the anon who posed the original question, but I'd say that in any jump that gives you a sub-currency to spend, you can use it freely provided that you gain access to it through a freebie.
I want to sell good dogs as pets, but also as faithful companions that can help with the war after I enter LotR since that's gonna get pretty bad everywhere. Which breeds do you think I should try to create, train and sell with the intent of them finding good homes? I'm thinking Lion/Dogs, but possibly also Donkey/Dogs?
Have you tried selling everyone pit bulls.
I was well into incest long before your meme game.
What if you use an older jump with origin costs? Can you get those free or do you get locked out of those.
No siblings
>Happy go lucky, slightly dumb/simple at first, but forced to grow up and mature from the events of the story. "Fight for all that is beautiful in the world" is her motto. Very strong willed.
Sounds like excellent taste.
For however shit Dragon Age can be the Mabari are the goodest boys.
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What have you done to battle against the forces of communism in your chain?
How do you make your wife understand that you getting physically aggressive over your kitchen NEEDING a professional saucier is actually highly traditional western and part of the ideal kitchen since the greatest cooks and not your imagination and not something another cook could do like the wife says
You can't actually sell Mabari though. They choose their human life-partners
What's the appeal? What does it add?
I'm in the business of genetically engineered chimeras.

Wasn't incest reported as the most common porn search in the US years back, or something? Isn't it like the cheapest way to simulate a taboo?
Literally every jump I can I switched sides to making sure communism won. I even made my own Crisis in the Kremlin jump on my computer just so we could win harder.
Locked out of it, anything with a CP cost can't be taken, unless you can get it for free somehow. Anything you can take without paying CP is fair game.
Titlet wrath.
I think I remember you. How'd the jump go?
Do you make sure to assassinate Marx and Lenin so those two fucking retards can't sabotage the development of Communism and turn basically the entire world against the concept of collective ownership by inextricably tying it to dystopian authoritarianism?
You're going to get perma'd, nigga.
Is there anyway I can possibly buy a movie from a setting without having to specifically visit that setting? I was reading a book and it has the most dumpsterfire movie I've ever heard of and I want it so bad
>"Basically the worst movie ever, or so I hear. They apparently had zero special effects budget, so they just got the best lucrim-users they had nearby - who weren't very good - to pretend to do all the fights. I hear you can see stuff catch on fire in some scenes. They actually end up getting arrested at one point, so a scene just cuts off abruptly and then starts again in a completely different location." His sister's eyes sparkled. "It sounds amazing."
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We're only on page 4, too early for me to sperg out about what /pol/ things I do.
Here's your (You) for posting a picture.
I know enough of Crisis in the Kremlin to tell you it's a game about saving the USSR from breaking up, so I think anon is definitely not going to agree with you.
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No CP as you can take drawbacks to get CP or no way to get CP in any way?
That will likely have to be a more long term breeding project to simulate Mabari. As things sit, my dogs are test tube babies for the most part; directly made hybrids and mutants. They would fit really well though.
Read the question again, slowly
He literally says you can't take drawbacks in that post
Can you still take drawbacks just without getting the cp?
Cringe. Marxist-Leninism isn't Communism, it's just an Oligarchy wearing a fake mustache.
Ok looks like I can't read.
Sure but why would you want to?
Okay. I'd probably kick myself over the last of the finish line to fluff out the Yugoslav breakup & DPRK lines if I wanted to post it here, but I don't so I'm not.

>Marx and Lenin
That's an odd combo, normally people who hate the USSR stop at Lenin.
>Isn't it like the cheapest way to simulate a taboo?
If you were familiar with Nemlei's work you would know she's 100% genuine. She just likes making twisted romance plots.
Was it you or the jannies who deleted your post?
This reminds me of this one episode in Garth Marenghi's Dark Place where Garth Marenghi gets into an argument with the child actor amd his mother that were being paid as his stand in family in different flashback scenes and they just left some of those scenes in there. Damn that's a good show.
I’ll take the chain. There’s a lot of things I won’t be able to get, but I can pick up enough freebies to do all right.
Marx was alright at first but his autistic inability to stop doubling down that Capitalism was basically Satan and incapable of any tangible benefit to society and his weird fixation on the Manifest Destiny of Communism being violent revolution of the workers honestly did more damage than Lenin ever could because of the amount of clout he had within Communist circles. He pretty much single-handedly killed Democratic Socialism which was a far more sensible take on shifting society towards democratic collective ownership and endorsed Lenin's bullshit of thinking that the Proletariat were just too stupid to make decisions and thus needed an enlightened cast of overseers to hold all the power and make all the decisions for them. Which turned into the complete antithesis of what Communism was supposed to be in the first place.
A chain with no budget easily. Jumps like Exalted, Godbound, and Scion give you strong powers straight out of the gate. Plus whatever you're able to accumulate thanks to your meta knowledge.
Some drawbacks and scenarios provide rewards if you overcome them beyond cp.
>Marx was alright at first but his autistic inability to stop doubling down that Capitalism was basically Satan and incapable of any tangible benefit to society
That is quite literally the exact opposite of what he wrote. He went a long way to write and argue that capitalism was good and that socialism was only possible through capitalism, which is why the Orthodox Marxists broke off the Bolsheviks over (long story) the Bolsheviks seizing power to build socialism before capitalism.
>endorsed Lenin's bullshit of thinking that the Proletariat were just too stupid to make decisions and thus needed an enlightened cast of overseers to hold all the power and make all the decisions for them.
He also critiqued that belief in his writings against the Blanquists, around the Russian Civ. War the typical critique of the Bolsheviks was that they were Blanquists and not Marxists, which was super popular again, amongst the Orthodox Marxists and the Mensheviks.
That was me.
Oh I was just conjecturing that people were incest brained before that game. The game was just the best thing for incest memes since "step brother I'm stuck."
Fair enough. It's been a long time since I seriously read Marxist literature so I've probably gotten a lot of things wrong.
>The game was just the best thing for incest memes since "step brother I'm stuck."
It was really funny watching all the female Vtubers wanna be Ashley and have sex with Andrew.
It was a hilarious ride.
We need a jump for undead unluck for that big booty blue haired kung fu guy.
Shen is for Mui but in Undead Unluck polygamy is legal
In an UU how should be handled the fact the world ends midstory? I would argue that as long youdon't die in the last loop you should be ok.
The book that movie is from is a modern-day Xianxia setting. Everyone cultivates to some degree since the local money is literally cultivation energy

So the movie they're talking about basically had a cast consisting entirely of a bunch of random people from mcdojos with dubious skill at whatever random techniques they happened to have bought for whatever reason
Was it super popular in vtuber circles?

I don't think I was cringing, but I feel like there was an adjacent feeling present. Maybe a feeling I was seeing something I shouldn't be seeing. Like, simultaneously no judgement but also "Holy shit."
You mean like they hired some dudes from Jeff's Taekwondo Emporium whosr dojo is set up in a strip mall and at one point they got arrested for fake fighting sonewhere they weren't allowed?
If you ever get it into your head that women are less perverted than men, remember that women built the manga and doujin industry from the ground up.
Unless things change later on, it feels like "wanna be Ashley and have sex with Andrew" is some, uh, projection-adjacent interpretation on the part of the person who made that statement.
>Was it super popular in vtuber circles?
Definitely. They were big contributors to it getting off the ground. Well, them and ManlyBadassHero.
Do companions get cp?
Communists? Those right wing thought criminals are all rotting in jail with their Nazi, American, Environmentalist, Muslim, and Colonist brethren!
Unironically it seems more women are into self-inserting as getting raped than dudes are at self-inserting as the rapist.
One jump means I would feel compelled to bring back a power granter for the rest of you. This means Danny Phantom ghost creation or Alterworld perma event.
Only freebies means I would really have to slow roll the chain and won't be able to visit my favorite setting because I can't get the powers. I might still pick this. Does anyone have a list of setting where powers come with just showing up? I know Infamous and Harry Potter are two. I will have to pick my companions carefully, but might start in Baalbuddy for laughs and an easy time.
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Jumps around Kengans level? I want to keep things static for awhile. Suggestions don't need to be martial art jumps.
the second, as usual hit dragon ball, use the dragon balls to become immortal, take control over Gero to be rebuilt, and scale from that to omnipotence.
Yes, exactly.
Let's be reasonable here. That's just obviously not true.
I'm guessing the answer here is gonna be "Yes" anyway but a scenario for you.
You get a chain. But at a cost. Everyone in your homeworld forgets you, every effect you've had is wiped away. As if you never existed. Family friends all of it. Even if you spark it can't be restored. Would you take the chain?
Neat, it's definitely a game with character.

Yeah a lot of them just seemed like they were into it as a spectator. There was definitely one of them who wanted to self-insert though, but she was struggling with who she wanted to self-insert as.
Hey Psycho, how is it going?
That does sound like a really bad movie.
aSo you play as Ashley in this game?
better, no one will remember the trash I am
More seriously yes, it's worth it.
You play as both of them. You play as her first, though.
I'm good.
Stop calling me gay. I'm sick of being slandered.
Being honest? No, not if I knew up front. This is for the same reason I want to start with one of those "you don't stop caring about things just because you're away from them" perks. There's people I care about too much to let go of like that.
I remember when he was funny.
Yes. I can still do right by my family once I return even if they will never remember who I was.
I like his content still.
Hajime no ippo?
That's a surprisingly reluctant yes for me. I love my family, for as meddlesome as they can be, same with my friends. The thought of losing them forever hurts. But if I can get the power of a Jumper, and use it to help them, to make their lives better, to make everyone's lives better? It'll be worth it.
But the notion of coming back to find your old room empty, your parents' pictures of you gone, the arts and crafts projects from your childhood vanished, that spot on the wall you once hung a poster in spotless, that wouldn't do anything to you? Being erased like that doesn't horrify you at all?
NTA but with the right powers you can just time travel, replicate your old life up until the point you left, and then just continue on as if you weren't retconned.
why the fuck would I want to do that
The material things matter less to me than the good I could do.
To have your cake and eat it too?
Nta and the point is the same, even if it's sad a chain is too much to give up, both for myself and others.
NTA, it doesn't horrify me. Not that I wouldn't feel like dogshit for being forgotten by everyone and when things are inevitably better .
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Jumps to pick up hard-light/physical holographic related powers? So like summoning shields or making minions out of em. I don't have a good related picture for this so enjoy ninja booty.
RWBY has hard light dust, but it's rare.
This genre of image is stupendously erotic.
You're more sure of your life than I am, then. The material things, the things I can touch, are my only proof that I'm not making my whole life up. Any memory could have degraded with time, or self-falsified to preserve my ego, or been something I dreamed or hallucinated. Anything I was told could have been a lie. Physical things are guaranteed not to be all in my head.
What's the genre called?
Asking for a friend.
Justice League Unlimited
>Energy Projection [100cp/200cp]:
>By spending 100cp you’ll gain the ability to fire powerful blasts of laser or plasma from your hands, eyes, or mouth capable of melting through solid metal structures and welding together broken vehicles or objects.
>Spending 200cp instead will grant you all of the previously mentioned abilities plus the power to generate life support fields and simple energy constructs like weapons, shields, or creatures that can match blows with high-tech alien equipment and super powered individuals.
I think it has a tag but the name slipped my mind.
Dressed shadow
Arknights still has a fucking dope premise.
>Magical orange space cancer Tiberium starts showing up through huge natural disasters
>Humanity decides to Mortal Engines their way into both avoiding the disasters and harvesting it
>Rhodes Island is a mobile research hospital-come-fortress trying to develop a cure for the seemingly incurable space cancer
>gets conscripted into global counterterrorism operations through the power of its patient-volunteers to combat a space-cancer-supremacist cult
Since I'm pretty sure we still don't have an Arknights jump, jumps for recreating this vibe?
how anyone that has ever worked on a group project in school could think that "collective" anything would be a good idea baffles me.
My new fetish thanks you.
This is no different from my basic chain premise which says I can't return home no matter what, so yes.
I grew up, as did the people around me.
Cheers and peace, my brothers of taste.
grew up but learned nothing, eh?
Get a job.
Weakest jump to pick up regeneration in?
Ajin demihuman
>>94799178 (me)
... Forgot I added that image.
Not the type i'm looking for since it's a post death regeneration. Thanks for he suggestion though.
Call of Duty, any of them I think.
ATM machine
Nah my life is just of such little value that it is a paltry cost in exchange for what I would get.
Unironically RWBY is the setting that is most similar to arknights. It has kemonos, anime physics, cabals run by secret immortals, terrorist liberation groups, and magic that comes from a super material that is also the backbone of the economy.

>gets conscripted into global counterterrorism operations through the power of its patient-volunteers to combat a space-cancer-supremacist cult
Reunion doesn't even operate on a global scale and you canonically wipe them out in two weeks.
call of duty black ops
Don't think i've ever been to a COD jump, i'll give em a look, thanks anons.
I recommend this one because I made it.
Advanced Warfare is another case of the jump being much better than the source material.
Well, I have this list of perks (and jumps with some perk somewhere) for fighting a stronger enemy, which should usually qualify for what you're looking for.

Star wars legacy - Sithslayer
Saya no Uta - Battle for Survival
Lovecraft - Hunter
Terminator - I’m old. Not obsolete
Cold Waters - Leviathan Sinker
Empowered - Even Gods Can Die, Motherfucker
Miracleman - An Artist in Mortality
Bastard!! part 2
The Iron Giant - Nothing Can Stop This Thing!
Generic Universal Monsters - Plucky
Warhammer Fantasy Bretonnia - Wrath of the Bretonni
Exalted The First Age - The Golden Blade
Exalted - Solars 2.2 - Sword of the Sun
Anastasia - Plot Armor Princess
Grenadier smiling senshi (or something like that) - A Cornered Tiger is Vicious
STALKER and Metro2033

NuBee's Bodymod. Rejuvination is functionally regeneration, albeit it only works at normal human healing speeds
Is it just me or have people been talking about RWBY way more than usual lately? Did something happen recently?
Is it a bad idea to try to save the Empire in Elder Scrolls? Even Talos himself was like "The empire's cooked and on its last legs so somebody should put something new in place" in Morrowind.
Nothing happened. The thread is just cyclical and revisits the same topics periodically.
>Is it just me or have people been talking about RWBY way more than usual lately?
No, they've actually been talking about it less than usual
Dunno about other people, I've been back on a rwby fanfic kick. Every so often I move between a few properties and just reread old stuff and scour for anything even slightly good.
I have an older sister & an incest fetish.
Not into my real sister though, that's gross. I prefer little sister or twincest.
No. Just rebuild it better.
>6 results
I don't know man it doesn't seem like people talk about it too much.
0 Point chain, easy.
I want to go on an adventure, not necessarily gain tons of power (and as others stated it's not too hard to get power even in this chainbutt). The free import & no companion limit addendum makes this an even easier choice.
Plus, even if I can't take drawbacks, there are some jumps with non-drawback options that give points. It's not much, but it's something.
Be a freak in Hellboy with just regeneration.
In the face of having to go to whatever place in a random chain, I would go one jump:
>DC Comics
>Drawbacks: Mystical Catnip, Rogues Gallery x5, Signs of the Apokolips (true forms), Men Pretending To Be Gods (And Martial Artists) (cosmic beings and Mortal Kombat), The Last Days of the Justice Society, Featuring Jumper From The Jumpchain Series, Foe of the Balance, Day of Vengeance (Spectre and Eclipso), A New Crisis [9900]
>Starting Location: Infinite Frontier, Earth-2
>Background options: Hybrid: Monitor (Super-Celestial) + 5D Imp, Drop In [7500]
Magical Potential (Opener/Hecate level) [6700]
The Power of Will: Indomitable [6500]
Living Intrinsic Field (Dr. Manhattan’s level): Crisis Energy [4900]
Crack in the 4th Wall [4700]
Empty Is My Hand [2900]
To Be Continued [1100]
Evolved Beyond Such Primitive Weaknesses [800]
Crisis born of Two Worlds [500]
Intelligence: 1st level (eidetic memory) [450]
Portal to the Mangoverse [Freebie]
-Retroactive Reveal
CP to RP [0, +900 RP]

I will just build my own Jumpchain, with hax and waifus. In fact, forget the Jumpchain. And the hax!
No CP. its how I prefer most of my chains or only gaining CP from drawbacks.
I actually think this could be possible, but only if:
>You can make good jumps consistently., Don't need to be great, but you need to be able to post without people complaining about quality.
>You have to be able to make jumps fast. At least a couple a month.
>The most difficult part, you have to make jumps for what anon wants, not what you want. I don't care about your niche interest, but I bet a couple anons would throw a dollar if you made Blasphemous or D.Gray Man
This was already proven possible before by someone in a different community who roped people into paying him a commission to make a jump. The jump was not good and the jump was not popular, but the key was that the person took advantage of the situation and recognized that he could exploit what other people were not willing to do.
Do we get stuff like body mod and the warehouse?

I am thinking 1 jump honestly maybe it's lazy or me acknowledging I suck. However I need the budget.
Speaking of RWBY, I just realized something: Cinder gains full on firebending when she becomes the Autumn Maiden, but she was able to throw basic bitch firebolts around since her very first scene in EP1. What is that? Her Semblance? Concealed fire dust? I don't think she even has a weapon at the time.
Replace the current dynasty and put some proper reforms through to improve it. It's far easier than just creating a new country from scratch after demolishing the old one.
Her semblance lets her heat shit up, but she already had the maiden powers during her first scene
I want to say she already had half the maiden powers at that point?
How would Remnant handle you being a street tier Semblance free man with a gun who just shot and killed Cinder et al in the first few hours of RWBY?
Part of it is "dustweave" - canonical explanation for what went on there - its basically dust woven into clothes.
Her semblance also plays a part though, she heats things up with a touch and then can control them as long as they remain hot. However, I think there's something about heating up any "particulate," since she can blow up things like concrete and dirt without touching it.
"Man that guy's got good aim" - majority of the huntsman population
"Fucking huntsmen killing each other in the city" - civvies
"FUCK!" - anyone in Ozpin's illuminati since either A) Ruby got half the maiden powers or B) half the maiden powers fucked off into the sunset
I do not plan to return anyway. So I will take the history eraser. It might even make the break easier. Although, I would like to know how people changed without me.
You can easily see that by visiting a real world analogue jump where presumably you do not exist but others still might.
Baffled confusion about you managing to kill someone with aura using a basic bitch gun
Cinder had already at that point stolen parts of the maiden power and could use it to a minor extent, she also has fire dust weaved into her clothing and has a semblance that allows her to heat up things and manipulate them.
Combined she basically has fire bending
Right, I forgot that her mugging the Maiden was a flashback scene. Dustweave is an interesting concept that I didn't know about and I don't think gets mentioned anywhere else, though, so I'll have to keep that in mind.
There's also dustforged weapons, so you can get an outfit, weapon, AND semblance which all enhance your firepower
>Dustweave is an interesting concept that I didn't know about and I don't think gets mentioned anywhere else
It doesn't. Even fanfic writers barely remember it. Its mentioned in one scene in Vol 2, and that was before Monty made up the maidens in Vol 3.
Roman is good people. Rope him and Neo into a conspiracy that's less retarded, simultaneously making the White Fang gangoons he's bought off worth a damn.
Considering it jumps to the person the Maiden was last thinking about, it's a crapshoot whether the firebending goes to Ruby, Emerald, Neo, back to Amber, or fucks off into the sunset (because she wasn't thinking about a young woman), depending on where, when, and how he ices her.
you're looking for "Cornered Beast" from Dark Souls 1 or the "Struggle" aspect from the A Practical Guide to Evil named supplement
It's mentioned briefly in world of remnant that while most people nowadays use tools, it's not uncommon for people to still weave it into clothes or fuse it into their body.
The big question is how to manufacture Dust at scale. The suitcase full of it you can buy is fiat-backed and replenishing, but Dust otherwise loses its power outside of Remnant's atmosphere IIRC (which is why they never explored space).
It's goddamn annoying that they made fucking lore homework instead of tying the lore into the main story or making side stories to expand on the world. Which, well, we've already established that Miles and Kerry couldn't write their way out of a paper bag, so that'd probably have just been huge exposition dumps anyway.
>The big question is how to manufacture Dust at scale. The suitcase full of it you can buy is fiat-backed and replenishing, but Dust otherwise loses its power outside of Remnant's atmosphere IIRC (which is why they never explored space).
Go to the old RWBY jump. It has a book that teaches you how to do that

You could probably also figure it out in the Hazredous Interruptions jump, since dust is crystallized mana there
Nta, but the jump offers a warehouse full of dust, which can be enough for your personal needs, though not if you want to introduce it into a society.

Personally I just had my jumper use FMA alchemy to produce dust at scale, transmuting elements into dust of the same time or combinations of it. Like turning air into wind dust or earth into earth dust and the like.
>The big question is how to manufacture Dust at scale
The new RWBY jump has a replenishing warehouse full of the stuff.
Unironically have a dust creating semblance.
>halo is a portal
Where can I get a pocket dimension filled with ungodly horrors so I can do this?
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There's an anon actively, if slowly, working on an AK jump and it's shaping up to give me ungodly amounts of choice paralysis. Like god damn there are so many different builds I can think of.
Artificial Alloys from Anno 2070 allows you to create artificial approximates of any naturally occurring resource and potentially mass-produce it. So you can just that perk to create Synthetic Dust and start churning it out in massive factories.
Take The Inner World and Descending Hierarchy in Exalted The Infernals. Fill your soul with demons
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Can y'all give me four jumps around to go to after Baki that aren't massively stronger than it? I'm about that close to hitting 10 jumps in my chain which I haven't done for such a long time and i'm feeling like i'm on a roll right now, i'm not looking for anymore martial arts jumps for the time being.
I'll have to look into that though I'll probably be hitting up LeWdBY first.
Not a bad idea, though that runs into problems when you want dust with no physical analogue (gravity e.g.; even fire is a chemical process rather than a substance per se).
Kek. I suppose if we already have a Semblance that gives you crippling autism, anything's on the table.
Thanks for reminding me that that jump exists.
Would it be a good idea to use reiatsu from hell butterflies and gate of hell to experiment upon my soul, while hollowifing forcibly, to let my hollow hole drip from my body into an halo, yay or nay.
I don't know what that means, but it sounds like an excellent way to fuck around and find out.
>Stornger than it
The series or Yujiro? Cuz Yujiro is unironically so OP he could put up a good fight against Sukuna.
Thank you for the endorsement, it's based on a basic hollowification, the process through wich a soul becomes an hollow, and then adding an artificial replica of the process during wich a damned hollow in hell loses his hollow hole, wich drips into an halo behind their back.
>Yujiro is unironically so OP he could put up a good fight against Sukuna.
NTA but expand on that.
Including his latest feat, where he stopped a spacetime cutting blade from an higher dimension?
Generic Xianxia (LoneValkyrie)
Origin: Street Rat, M, 9, Street Cultivation

Perks: Divination, Tea Making, Cultivator, A Will of Steel, Decentralized Distributed Qi, Anti-Discrimatory Aura -100, Punch Wizard -100, Qi Luck -200, Fated Chance -200, Solid Foundations -200, Body and Soul -200. -1000 0
Items: Stipend +300, Cultivator Robes, Cultivation Technique, Combat Technique, Xianxia Aesthetic, Tools of the Trade, Local Business, Energy Supplements -100, Longevity Fruit -100, Personal Weapon (Umbrella) -100. -300 0

I'm using this to go to Street Cultivation, a trilogy of xianxia books set in a modern earth analogue setting. Entirely because I wanted to acquire a very badly made movie. The cultivation method here is rather simple and lacks in complicated tiers and ascension bullshit.

Taking Decentralized Distributed Qi is probably going to actually cause me issues, since forming Lucores, refined bits of the local cultivation energy used to increase your energy storage and to fuel techniques, is only slightly behind making a foundation as the most vital part of cultivation. Especially for cultivation post-jump, as I'll need to have an Investment Lucore that produces more Lucrim if I want to cultivate when not in this world.

But that doesn't really matter for me right now. Right now I'm unfortunately an orphan street rat, making a living off of being a fortune teller at the local public library. I'm planning on putting all the Lucrim I make off of people towards making my foundation though, and I SHOULD have an Investment Lucore by the time I need to start middle-school. Probably Graham's Stake, the core the protagonist uses, since information on making it is available in the public library.

My ultimate goal is to become a proper immortal with a perpetual soul. Which sounds grand until you realize that being a perpetual soul is the local equivalent of having enough money in the bank to live off the interest.
The process also causes your negative emotions to flow out of your brain so be cautious of that happening.
Doesn't help that some of the events are intentionally vague. I'm guessing the latest timelines generated by the furnace are all simulations? not actual parallel timelines.

Where is Doctor and Priestess? inside Originium? Does Orignium really warp reality?
>He punched the ground so hard it stopped an earthquake. This was early in the series and he is continually getting stronger throughout the whole series
>He can allegedly dodge a lightning bolt
>The world's militaries consider him stronger than nukes and think nukes wouldn't even work on him
>He is comically good at martial arts, including fake magic ones that can do magic shit
>All those feats aren't accounting for him using his super mode where he gets twice as strong
I might be misremembering images posted ITT, but didn't this motherfucker swim through solid pavement at one point like Michael Phelps in the old Olympics commercial?
Could you please not talk about xianxia bullshit.
Meg deserved better and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.
Only if you stop talking about escapist fantasy cyoas
She does not. Because every time she gets away from the family she ends up crawling back to them. Not to mention all the times she has tried to rape people or feed people weird shit like her pubic hair baked into a pie.
It's called an abusive relationship.
They happen in the real world and look a lot like what happens to her.
100% though recent series have been way better to her nowadays.
I don't believe you
>Which sounds grand until you realize that being a perpetual soul is the local equivalent of having enough money in the bank to live off the interest.
Sounds like this xianixa doesn’t scale up that much.
It actually really doesn't.
To clarify, I'm only half-way through the first book in the trilogy, and I'm pretty sure it's more on par with Cyberpunk 2077's level of power.

... It actually has a lot of cyberpunk vibes, now that I think about it, although I can't really explain how.
And she can leave any time she wants.
It's never said if it warps reality, though it wouldn't be farfetched considering what's inside of originium. And the paralel timelines are just fantasies made by the revenants.
The crack addict can stop anytime he wants.
To give you an actual suggestion; Kamen Rider Showa Part 1.
>... It actually has a lot of cyberpunk vibes, now that I think about it, although I can't really explain how.
Maybe it’s a matter of tone?
Yujiro would absolutely obliterate Sukuna. Like that one anon said a while back, it would just turn into a glazing contest which the Baki narrator would absolutely win.
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Near-future sci-fi jumps susceptible to a Sombra style/wireless hacker? Cyberpunk & GiTs SaC are already in consideration and i've already been to Overwatch hence the Sombra comparison.
Exactly. The fact that she doesnt means she wants to be there.
Nobody cares about scifi
Fate Nirvana Yuga. Crown of Light (which can be a halo like Kama, then take Heavens Hole and have the hole be on the halo. You can already create hands inside it to reach out as standard, and you can also just turn it into a spawning pit for monsters.
Eclipse Phase & Revelation Space.
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Ah, wait reread and it was sukuna, not saitama.
Didn't he also nearly get killed by a regular gunman? Also wasn't his earthquake punch an outlier strength wise?
Yes, but probably bad things would happen anyway when I'm hollowfing, I want to use machine to hold me while I sort myself out.
So, no more Neil Gaiman jumps, huh.
...Did we have any in the first place?
Are Sonic settings scifi? I care about that level of it. Go there, go nuts, hack your own robot empire.
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I wouldn't put it past this community of pointed layabouts to not have made Coraline or Good Omens jumps because they're too mainstream and aren't weeb or chinkshit.
>Good Omens
I think reddit or SB has a jump for that.
Todd won.
Are there jumpmakers that actually give a fuck about author stuff like that? We got a Wizarding World jump in the last couple of years.
I've been said the ultimate technique I learned in Anima seems the Instrumentality, as someone not too expert in NGE is it true?
>Delevi Deus Anima, the Exterminator of the Souls of the Gods, is probably the most powerful and destructive Technique ever created. Its earthshaking power obliterates absolutely everything in range, devastating the place where it is used. It is said that the power of this attack is such that if it were uncontrolled, it would be possible for it
to devour entire planets. When the character activates it, the power that arises from the character manifests in four immense wings of light, so large that they protrude out of the atmosphere. Each one of them,
equipped with unparalleled power, uncreates what it touches within miles of distance, enveloping everything in light and eternal emptiness. Finally, the only thing that the wings leave behind are feathers, which fall slowly from the firmament as if they were tears of the sky.
I assume any remotely popular piece of media has a jump, and if it doesn't, that's on the community for failing to do their one job.
Most people who appreciate Neil Gaiman are on other communities. Like both Coraline and Good Omens have jumps, but not made here.
He made a chick eat her own doodoo off his cock. This is different.
You are a Gai man

Didn't we get an Alice in Wonderland jump last year?
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Hey there, guys, development is going well.

Anybody else getting work done on jumps?
Yeah, jump is coming along well. Will probably be done in a couple of days, end of the week at the latest.
>development is going well.
Do you want to share it or prefer to wait?
I was working on a list of that A to Z chainbutt. Having to pick out the last options between two jumps is the hardest part.
I already posted that other version earlier so I'm likely waiting until it's done.
>Hey there, guys, development is going well.
Glad to hear it.
>Anybody else getting work done on jumps?
Not really, got ideas but i'll be leaving those till this weekend since i'll have a week's free-time then. I am however reading the gayest manga i've read since Wizdoms and despite not being a fan of the title fetish, it's peak.
What does Alice in Wonderland have to do with anything?
Lewis Carroll has allegations.
In KD:M there is no way in gameplay to live forever for a savior, but I would like to avoid dying of old age during the jump, I found two incompatible ways that in lore would work but in gameplay don't, one is eating the knowledge worm, wich should make you ageless as it slowly possess you to make you into its adult form, the lion god, while the other is the comparatively simpler being an empty armor. Sadly neither of these in gameplay avoid you gaining hunt XP, do you think I should ignore this?
>Hey there, guys, development is going well.
Glad to hear man! Actually was meaning to ask something. Are going to add any wacky Nen Items for grabs like the og Jump, or not? Curious to see what interesting stuff you'd come up with.
Not him obviously but he already put some some OC nen.
I wanna only include canon stuff and anything on Greed Island would just be covered by the Greed Island item (specifically by winning Greed Island).
>A vampire in high school
I'll take this one, please.
Okay, so this looks like a contradiction but to be fair these are just techniques that could hypothetically exist in setting.
If we want to be pedantic, Bianca isn't /really/ a vampire in the same way that Vladimir from League of Legends isn't /really/ a vampire.
Which, of course, makes her better than a vampire, because, despite being an obligate hemophage, she only pretends to have traditional vampire weaknesses out of a sense of chuuni obligation and her ARCH Cells regenerate her body independent of her blood intake.
V1.1 of Darkest Faerie any day now (read: the equivalent of a Day 1 patch because I rushed the jump for a New Year's deadline).
Direct sunlight disrupts her blood manipulation, which she uses to manage her anemia. So she does have at least one traditional vampire weakness which is not entirely fake.
How goes battle network jump?
Sunlight isn't really a traditional vampire weakness, it was invented by the original Nosferatu film. Even in the original Dracula story, it just halved the potency of Dracula's magical abilities, which he knows from being taught sorcery by the Devil, rather than his powers being inherent to his nature as a vampire. If vampires really existed, you can bet sunlight wouldn't hurt them.
Assuming that isn't just a psychosomatic reaction due to her being a big dumb chuunibyou. She takes her LARP VERY seriously.
I would have thought that Adele would have been the perfect waifu for Shard to pick up, but he was much more interested in yelling at AGLAIA and stomping off in a huff
If you are still searching for OC you could add a serious dog assistant based on Cheadle, to counterbalance the kitty guard.
I did some more Drawback fluff since last I showed anything, and then put it on the back burner to focus on Darkest Faerie. I might go back to it after the 1.1 patch, but it depends on which project the picker wheel spits back out at me. There are several other options, because for reasons unknown to me, I insist on making this difficult for myself.
She takes her LARP seriously, but she slips up now and again because she's a dork. The sunlight issue is consistent enough that the researchers note it in her file.
What jumps are being worked on right now?
I keep poking and prodding at it. I'll get back to work on it soon, I just keep putting it off because I'm busy with other things.
Currently working on Land Before Time. It's taking a while, but here's hoping I can get it finished before the end of the month. No promises, though.
Trying my best to lock in & knock out the perks for Appleseed now that it’s my day off. Appleseed Alpha is apparently free on YouTube right now. That could be good motivation to help me ignore the upcoming ORT raid in 2 days…
Her father-daughter relationship with Johann is possibly my favorite inter-survivor relationship in Eternal Return.
>Bianca: Fear me! I am the Vampire Queen!
>Johann (holding a Bible in one hand and a spray bottle with a cross on it in the other): You are the up past your bedtime, young lady. Drink your blood and get in your coffin so we can be ready to move in the evening.
I couldn't find a reference to it in our archives recently, so I don't think it was us.
>ORT raid in 2 days…
Don't forget Mr Wooohoo himself and Kuku's gacha!
I had to be. I checked the archive too and couldn't find it but where the fuck else would two different people have seen the that discussion?
Sketched out a few more Ally upgrade paths for GLoT. And I'm been considering what an anon said last thread about how I've almost made an entire alphabet of Jumps. So I considered what properties I could use to fill in the missing letters. J and X are the two I'm really stuck on.
Do you go to QQ? I remember Lewd New World being mentioned there recently.
This is false, I have a cousin and still want to fuck cousins.
>J and X are the two I'm really stuck on.
What you decided on?
Prayers to the both of us that we get them both when their rate ups become available. If I end up failing Kuku, at least she’ll be coming around again in a few months.
How far removed? As long as it isn't 1rst a lot of cultures were fine with that. Encouraged it even.
Oh shit, yeah. I just checked. Rexen mentioned it. I knew it was jumpchain related.
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Dunno if I can go for Tez, and Kuku both. Since I kinda want Kuku at NP2. Have some savings but I kinda splurged on Rasputin.

But really want to eventually get them. Tez is so cool.
Okay I can never seem to actually catch the jumpmaker when he's around so I'm just gonna leave these here
>Sankta/Laterano really should have a perk related to their guns, and either making and/or being skilled with them
>would love if the Sarkaz Witchcraft perk had an additional, bigger purchase level (even if it were like 800-1400cp or something like that) that just lets you know all of it's varieties comprehensively
>Endspeaker perk could do with mentioning adapting offensively too. Current description is 100% about defence and recovery
>I get that you want collapsal Holy Fool (you currently have two perks called holy fool btw) to be uncontrolled and destructive if you push it too far, it should be, but having that sourced from another, greater, entity you have no control over rubs me the wrong way. Kinda like if a Warhammer magic perk said "oh yeah if you fuck up too much the Chaos gods are gonna bust through dimensions into future settings
>is that 200cp Iberia perk the Thorns alchemy? Haven't looked into his even yet so I can't say for sure, just double checking
>odd for blood knight to be the Kazimierz 600, maybe swap it for Nearl family stuff?
>I wanna say Sargon 100&200 perks could be mixed together, opening up a perk slot for the necromancy/magitech shit they use for the Immortals & the Pepe event stuff
>church of the deep capstone feels a bit redundant when you have Endspeaker, Mizuki, and general Seaborn perks. Maybe change it to a general bioscience & study of seaborn makeup perk?
>part of me wants to say Prophet should give you some sort of authority over what you make, but another part of me says the risk for it going way out of control is on brand so
I need to continue updating the Jump, but I've been feeling shitty or otherwise busy lately
Been on a really big Sonic kick recently between the movie and Shadow Generations and the IDW comics, so I'm doing a QQ thing for that.
I think we have a Coraline jump actually
Nah, we have a Caroline jump
>Angry Coraline noises
Oh, I know the feeling. Work when you're able, without forcing it, so you won't burn out.
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>600cp drop in should be more than just a harem perk, but instead/also a general loyalty & respect perk that massively increases the growth of those things in your subordinates and allies. Like seriously the amount of people willing to die for and have absolute trust in Doc is unreal, AFTER he betrayed everyone
>Sankta god cube item?
>Wuh's haunted guns going anywhere, or are they something we need to figure out with the 400/600 Kazdel items?
Payment/attention Utage
I mean, I haven't really decided on anything yet. I was just having fun making a short list. I'd have to dig back through the SNES and Playstation era games before I set anything down in stone.
Nothing here yet.
There's so many that could go here. Metal: Hellsinger, Mysterious Girlfriend X, My Divorced Crybaby Neighbour are the top of the pile though.
Nothing here yet either.
Ueno-san wa Bukiyou is pretty much the only one on the list in this spot. Unless I wanted to do Unicorns Aren't Horny, but I put that one down as a joke.
Void Bastards (as a Gauntlet) is the only one I've thought about doing before.
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine has been on my radar for a long time, but it would be a hard one to capture in Jump form.
I've got xxxHolic and XCOM: Chimera Squad down. But the former is basically a pipe dream because there's so much of that to capture and people would all but demand the other half of that story gets a Jump too. And I just have no interested in anything that doesn't involve long legs in Chinese dresses.
Yancha Gal no Anjou-san is the only one that popped into my head. But that's because I've been reading it lately.
I am in limbo where I recently completed a jump and don't know what to make next.
>Have some savings but I kinda splurged on Rasputin.
The same thing happened to me, I have a few Rank Ups/Interludes to complete to make up for it but it will be a miracle if I can even get both back to back. Thinking about it I’m glad I didn’t do a Fate Chain based on my playthrough of this gacha years ago, I would have been driven even more insane.
What was the last thing you watched/read/played?
Yancha is cute but it is sooo slow.

Yeah I eventually figured it was from there.
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I have been playing FGO for the SOLE purpose of getting Kuku to NP5, lv. 120, and maxing out each and every one of her skills and appends.

I’m so fucking excited, my almost two-year long edging spree to shower a shitpost character in mats is almost over.
Read: Genjutsu Gone Right, Naruto porn fic
Played: Takei's Journey, a Naruto porn game
Watched: Bob's Burgers.
We ever getting that Godzilla singular point jump?
You're not wrong. It's got a glacial place. The only saving grace is that we get new chapters pretty quickly.
Nevermind then.
Yankee JK KuzuHana is also pretty neato. Also hi Yoro! Hope your day went well, and your knees are feeling better.
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Today I remembered the Accel World anime exists and now it's bothering me a lot. Can anyone explain to me the economy of Accel World? Because I don't get the logistics of the entire thing.

>In order to play the game you need to waste points per session to enter the game
>If you use the brain acceleration or body acceleration IRL for whatever reason you burn even more points
>Leveling up can burn hundreds of points per player
>The only way to win points is taking them from other people in PvP matches
>If you enter the game just to spectate matches like the guys that were watching Crow's fights you are operating at a loss
>The only thing that puts new points in circulation is inviting new players but each player can only invite one person or two people and they only start with so many points

There are multiple ways with which points are being burned but only one method of injecting new points into the server, making the entire thing unsustainable.
It's from the author of SAO, I'm pretty sure he's never played a real video game in his life.
There's a reddit jump.
It's been ages since I read the manga, but you can earn points in one other way, by defeating really powerful virtual monsters that exist in some areas of the virtual world.
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell?
X-Piratez? A X-Com mod bigger than the main game.
Are there any perks to activate the God hand without limitations?
The jump is kinda weird, and I'm not sure if the reflex and strength boost on it are only active while the hand is activated.
The demon hand gets the boost without activating, but requires it for demonic magic.
I'd say making series based on video games with like zero experience playing games is straight up retarded, but SAO was like the biggest anime in the world for a while so I guess it is working.
>In 1998 he started getting into playing online games like Ultima Online and Ragnarok Online. His favorite online games where World of Warcraft and Phantasy Star Online.
>Q. If I were to ask for you to mention one of the games you like best, which would it be?
>A. it would be Wizardry, a game from long ago. I acquired a lot of inspiration from it.
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Can your Jumper defeat Goku?
That's still going to end with many players being forced to make a new character, for no rational reason.
Like, I'd understand if this was a challenge server or something, but it's not.
They can synthesise a sufficiently capable pathogen.
Hey there Cheerful. I've peeked into that one before but it never really grabbed me for some reason. I always appreciate the suggestion though.

My day went all right, but I spent most of it on my feet so my knees are still mad at me. Still, I can't complain. The hard part is over for the next two-ish weeks.

I've never heard of either of those before. You did remind me about the Johannes Cabal the Necromancer series of books though. So that's going on the list at least.

X-Piratez sounds insane though so I'm definitely going to be checking that out.
Just giving him some poisoned food should do it.
Huh, I didn't even remember there were mobs.
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(Be a Primordial/Hekatonkhiere/demon/Raksha in Exalted) answer from Exalted aside, have you considered being an angel or demon in Otherverse? You could also be a vaguely asian-themed thing in Valk's Generic Xianxia, or potentially a highest-level Pangaean with Progenitor of Darkness in Sundered World.

Nah, I prefer Cain's rock from oWoD.

Inanna recently took advantage of the loose companion rules in Mesopotamian Myth to sneak abroad my omniverse in Ereshkigal's royal boat after I recruited her. She then proceeded to get in a brawl with Aqua trying to steal something from her, and ended up stealing her awful luck. Everyone just kind of let Inanna run around and tire herself out and have a good cry before she was sternly reprimanded and given a job. Working UNDER Ereshkigal.

Well, I sure as hell scuppered that plan by taking Soul Princess.

Trivially. I can nullify ki harder than Android 21's waves in FighterZ.

I have adapted to survive in environments of crushing pressure and darkness.

>You or your Jumper?

I am a principle of cosmic tyranny, I have promoted collectivist governance as a transition phase into greater levels of cosmic totalitarianism.

Well for starters, you should consider explaining to her what a saucier is because these days most people just put whatever they want on their food anyway.

Late to the party. Anyway, I have no regrets about making Coraline, and my regrets about making Detective Comics Comics have nothing to do with Neil being too high on his own farts to realise continuing the nerd equivalent of a rockstar lifestyle into your twilight years has consequences, and that you have to pick a lane between supporting women's rights and banging your nanny because COVID showed you your marriage was never going to last. Death a cute.

It sounds like it was made by live service developers and gacha developers joining forces.
>it never really grabbed me for some reason.
Can't always have bangers. Still, I do look forward to Gyaru waifus.

Sucks to hear you got more more work and stressed your knees, but at least the hard stuff is done. At least you gonna have a bit of free time?
I challenge him to ann eating contest.
No shit, people do actually struggle for points, but as a whole it does make the internal economy sustainable
Yeah, I remember it took a while for them to be introduced, I remember myself being confused how the point model was sustainable before then.
Thanks man, I appreciate that. Yeah, I should have some free time from now on. Especially after Thursday when the older guy I'm working with leaves.
Hmmm, did you get to play though Little Goody Two Shoes? I remember you said you were doing ok progress, but then work happened.
So does this one have credible evidence or is it Case #200194884820 of "random woman says something, just believe her and don't ask questions".
It's on my list for during the run of the show. Alongside more Rogue Trader. Times like this are where my Steam Deck pays for itself.
>anything on Greed Island would just be covered by the Greed Island item (specifically by winning Greed Island).

>Times like this are where my Steam Deck pays for itself.
Money well spent. Just hope the battery hold, or you have a means to recharge.

Apparently there is a complete list of the Cards on the Wiki, called the Greed Island Perfect Collectable Set....you gotta love Togashi and his tism
For now AFAIK it's just a deluge of several women accusing him of being a weird creep, including several that previously had consensual sex with him.
I always go mage in thesundered world jump. Its very hard to find good prehistory jumps where you can be a tribal shaman.
Wanted to say that Togashi has an incredible type of tism and has a list of all the cards and their effects called the Greed Island Perfect Collectable Set, its on the wiki.

Must've hit some wrong key to delete the prev stuff, meh.
So bandwagon bullshit
I'd like to take this opportunity to recommend Populous again for that, even though I'll be honest: Populous is one of the oldest jumps around.
I am reading the Luxury Liner Isekai and hate the MC so fucking much. His whole personality being about avoiding attention at every opportunity just really annoys me.

What is the best way jumper could ruin his life?
The obvious way of framing him for crimes and making him infamous doesn't really work as fhanks to his ships he can just move everywhere he wants.
Finally finished the item section I've been procrastinating on. All that's left of TFG1 is Perks.
As far as we know for now, yeah. Frankly it's not looking convincing for the women given they stuck with him for so long, but you know how the optics for these things look in court. Especially for a loud male feminist. Though really, Neil has to be stupid to think he could have his cake and eat it too for this long.

>read isekaislop
>MC is pathetic
>Become mini-Gohanposter
Not sure what you were expecting to happen.
Yay! Thanks Gene! Hope your day is going well.
Take the ship summoning power and be as loud as possible with it, summoning boats filled with stuff to sell it and the like.
Then proceed to say how weird it is that he has similar boats to you, maybe the unique skill isn't really unique.
>His whole personality being about avoiding attention at every opportunity
Does he stick with this? I can't tell you the number of MCs that went "I need to stay lowkey" and do the exact opposite for no real reason.
"I need to stay lowkey."
>Immediatly murders pope in front of large gathering with magic nobody should have, on live television
Malfeas approves of this approach to stealth
Can we get a sub-option to buy a single item from greed island? Please? I want a Hypothetical Tv.
You're gonna win the game for your special TV and you're gonna like it.
It doesn't matter much cuz I'm just offering Greed Island and the ability to participate every jump/10 years, though actually maybe I could put the list in the notes or something so thanks.
I dont think I have ever hit that jump up.

Also the drive says its almost full. Wtf.
I don't mind Isekai slop, it's like fast food I consume every now and then, but I can't stand one this pathetic.
I feel like that would just reassure him in not needing to worry about drawing attention.
I am at chapter 34/45 and so far he has, being currently involved in a war and insisting that the high level party he's with shouldn't just defeat the enemy army using his ships, as he doesn't want to attract negative attention from the military by hogging victory, in this country he doesn't even live in. He also has had for several months enough spices to easily earn the money for the luxury Liner, but refuses to sell them since he doesn't want to sell more than would be feasible to avoid attention.
Rolled 3 (1d5)

1. Free universe
2. Hardspace unionbreaker
3. Dyn freaks
4. Kult
5. Lazy dm
Nta, bur you could just make a Conjuration Hatsu based on it.
You just need to figure out some proper limitations.
>I could put the list in the notes
All I am asking for. Thanks for the reply Psycho. Hope progress continues smoothly.
To the guy that made the Luxury liner jump, I think the dragon scale item should respawn once per 10 years/jump.
Paying 600 for an item that never comes back if used is a bit much, however I completely understand the 50 point pepper not respawning.
Earth gets destroyed before your ten years are up.
>He punched the ground so hard it stopped an earthquake.
I'm a firm believer in the theory he actually just got absurdly lucky. The Earthquake just happened to stop right after he punched it. It's just that he was arrogant enough to genuinely believe that was his doing. I also see it as further proof that Yujiro's greatest strength is that causality bends around him on account of being the author's favorite.
>He can allegedly dodge a lightning bolt
When was that said? The closest feat we have is when a lightening bolt deliberately changed trajectory to strike him, because it sensed that he was the strongest object in the vicinity. Still impressive that he can shrug off a lightning strike, but he explicitly can't dodge lightning, because the lightning will just follow him.
>The world's militaries consider him stronger than nukes and think nukes wouldn't even work on him
I thought that was more a case that he's never in a situation where they could drop a nuke on him without killing thousands of civilians around him.
>He is comically good at martial arts, including fake magic ones that can do magic shit
>All those feats aren't accounting for him using his super mode where he gets twice as strong
In all fairness, nobody knows what the demon back does. Maybe it doubles his power, maybe it's just him showing off.
Could be better, could be worse, but for the most part I'm doing alright.
No further proof need be found than the fact that the plot of Baki Rahan, the most recent series, is that Jack wants Yujiro's approval too now after dedicating his entire goddamn life to killing him for what he did to his mom
>lightning instinctively arcs towards the strongest lifeform in Baki
Ah, so it's tribulation lightning
Look you idiotic mongoloid nobody cares about your stupid xianxia bullshit so stop bringing it up every chance you can. Honestly too much spam and shitposting floods these threads already so we dont need you adding to it. You want to post something on topic and valid? Post a build then shut the fuck up. If anyone cares they will talk to you directly.
That is also literally the same thing Baki did in the exact same situation.
Ok so he days play games he just has shit game design. Good to know

.>A. it would be Wizardry, a game from long ago. I acquired a lot of inspiration from it.
God I wonder how shit that game is if the author of SAO drew inspiration from that the most.
>Hanmavision sees women where men stand because he's so much more masculine than them
And yet he's got tits bigger than most women. Really makes you think.
>TFG1 is Perks
A perk to make entire new life piss easy like Wheel did by creating the Dinobots on a whim?
I'm aware, yeah.

It makes the Ali encounter way funnier in hindsight, because in-universe instead of just the author glazing, it means that Yujiro looked at Ali like a sassy black woman. Like Foxy Cleopatra from the third Austin Powers movie or something.
>you must be older than 18 to post on 4chan
other than the wway the interface looks in the anime, what exactly is supposed to be so bad about the SAO game design?

I read the LNs when I was in middle school, and while they were kinda bad, I didn't notice anything too odd. Like I guess the skill slot mechanic is kinda weird, but I dont think people are talking about that.
There is not enough time to explain all the ways sao game design is shit.
I'm pretty sure most people just parrot what that one Mother's Basement video said.
By just telling people about his unique skill.

Mostly, he assumes a fake identity later when he gets guilted into helping more. But he stays pretty spineless, judging from where the guy is at the next few chapters where he deals with the Second Prince are infuriating. There's a reason most people view the War Arc as completely terrible.

Minor correction, he tells Girasole not to hog attention by being major players in every victory because it might breed resentment.
The first two things that jump out at me immediately (in Aincrad) are
>the tactile gesture interface is public, so if someone's asleep/KO'd you can move their hand to make them consent to you raping them
>bespoke skills going to only a single/handful of individuals is retarded and not how MMOs work
But that's far from the only issues. Also, mechanics aside, only 4000 people showing up to your launch is a fucking CATASTROPHY financially, and everyone decides that Kayaba is Basically Good People after he murders most of them in the name of muh mmershun because he brain uploads himself to escape the police and make the Second Life Egg.
>Mother's Basement video said.
Ah that faggot that stopped watching goblin slayer and said it sucked because goblins are evil and are doing evil things in episode 1.
There's technically 9 scales, 9 teeth, and 9 claws so you have 27 total which isn't an insignificant amount when they can be used to make legendary gear. I'll have to think on it, I don't want to make Otherworlder even stronger as an origin considering it's basically already OTB status.
>bespoke skills going to only a single/handful of individuals is retarded and not how MMOs work
This part is obviosly something that Kayaba added after he took over the simulation for the sake of his narrative like removing the resurrection items and putting himself as the final boss.
>the tactile gesture interface is public, so if someone's asleep/KO'd you can move their hand to make them consent to you raping them
that seems like its only relevant as SAO became a death game, since people wouldn't bother sleeping in an actual MMO.
>Also, mechanics aside, only 4000 people showing up to your launch is a fucking CATASTROPHY financially
actually its 10k, which was lowered from the original WN where it was 100k. Also the idea was that this was only the early copies avaiable at launch, but that more would be released soon.
Kayaba was also a faggot for springing no-tp sure-kill rooms on people because muh immersion while giving himself god mode and TAS cheats because muh narrative. At that point you're not creating a grand vision where people live real lives with real stakes in a virtual world, you're just fucking murdering them.
Still more fundamentally honest than Activision-Blizzard, EA or Bungo.
I'm honestly not sure how you would make otherworlder not otb, that's kinda the point for isekai protags.
I considered that, but it's kind of a major plot point in Season 2 that Vector Sigma is the only easy way to bestow a Transformer with consciousness and personality. I've heard a variety of attempts to rectify how exactly Wheeljack made the Autobots, ranging from them being so stupid they barely qualify as conscious, and only develop a personality naturally over time, to the Autobots inexplicably having the sparks of five amnesiac Autobots with the intelligence of toddlers in the Ark's storage.

That said, a copy of Vector Sigma will be offered as an item.
decent chance he didn't design it.
A lot of SAO's challenges were left up for the central AI to designt hat constantly scoured the internet for inforomation to use as reference.
Nativeworlders have massive tits or political swing, it's basically the social build compared to the fugly reincarnated japanese salaryman

I choose to believe that it's technically possible to create Transformers WITHOUT Vector Sigma, but the consequence is Dinobots with all their ME GRIMLOCK retardation. Nobody, not even Megatron, wants a bunch of toddlers in giant robot-sized bodies.
CoD:Modern Ops
Black Ops Cold War
What the Fuck Is Going On +100cp
FPS Game -0cp
Well Trained -50cp
Unstoppable -100cp
Lucky Break -200cp
Bot Difficulty Regular -300cp
Get Behind Cover -300cp
No Russian -100cp
Weaponry -50

I am a random rookie soldier who is in the cold war era.
I have no idea what is going on I am just here to soldier as an extremely lucky tireless noob.
This should be a fun decade.
Why did they lower the playercount? Did they think a large user base was bad?
Yeah, I struggled with it for a bit then realized that was dumb, obviously people are going to that world for that specific power, there's not really all that much different about most of these cookie cutter isekai. But I still need to put in some effort to combating it, otherwise what is the point of having different origins at all?
>compared to the fugly reincarnated Japanese salaryman
>The mc's girls are just gold diggers
You could always add a price tag to the origin, or increase the price of ship summoning.
Think being darkness in dyn freaks would basically let me be the darkness from topcow? Basically be in all places dark is, can create and destroy things from/with shadow and darkness?

Im trying to figure out the best way to do it so that I can also import my companion as the force of light.
editor mendling, not sure why, maybe to make the kill count less horiffic? Like SAO had a 40% death rate in the first month, thats kinda devestating on 100k young people in japan.
Compared to what Yog, Nyarly and Azathoth can do that sounds more than reasonable
Okay, I'll be honest, I thought SAO was a worldwide release and not japan-specific.
Origin price tags piss me off. Maybe a price increase, I'll think on it.
>I choose to believe that it's technically possible to create Transformers WITHOUT Vector Sigma, but the consequence is Dinobots with all their ME GRIMLOCK retardation. Nobody, not even Megatron, wants a bunch of toddlers in giant robot-sized bodies.
That seems to match the approach of most media that attempts to address this. I'll add something in notes about it being theoretically possible if you have the right knowhow, but I'd rather not make it a dedicated perk (since I have enough to fluff as-is).
If the AI was designing the challenges to promote and guide the players through that narrative, it fucked up badly, given that the entire fighting contingent of the playerbase nearly wiped at level 70/100 and everything got short-circuited by them basically just giving up and turning on not|Kayaba.
>Kayaba was also a faggot for springing no-tp sure-kill rooms on people because muh immersion
If this is about the Black Cats, maybe those idiots should have had one guy invest into the Trap Dismantling skill before going around opening random chests in floor dungeons. Or simply not walk in the suspiciously empty fucking room with a lone chest in the middle of it.
Have you thought of a name for yourself to add to the doc and wear here?
>Suspiciously empty room with a chest in the middle
>most media
Yeah was just about to say that Bayformers, Prime and everything after them at least seems to have completely given up on it. There are just robots that are also dinosaurs. End of story.
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LN had quite a bit done to make shorter from what I remember from the author notes, so that might be a factor.
In universe, the reason why they never get past Floor 75 is that the guilds are too wiped out by then, so maybe reducing the numbers made that seem more reasonable?
nah, explicitly japan only. The closest to a non-japanese person in SAO is Agil(the blakc shopkeeper), who's parents are african americans, but even he is noted to be flluent in Japanese(to Asuna's surprise) and even married to a japanese woman.
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Amongst your companions, who is the Emergency Food?
All of them.
Companion respawning is truly awesome.
>In universe, the reason why they never get past Floor 75 is that the guilds are too wiped out by then, so maybe reducing the numbers made that seem more reasonable?
NTA but I could totally buy it being a morale issue.
Wasn't it 20% casualties in the first month, ~40% casualties by the end of the game?
>40% casualty rate
>The og setting was going to kill off 40,000 japanese
Right I misremembered
japanese young people even, like very little of the player base wasn't in their teens or twenties.
Had a funny dream. It was a Worm and Conduit crossover, where like 20, 30 kids in a juvenial detention center all suddenly awoke as Conduits. One kid tried to organize the newly awakened Conduits somewhat-getting everyone aware of what they were and what they could do, prevent chaos from fomenting-but the results were still fairly predictable. Also there was a local highschool that the delinquents were going to, called "Ioneon Gangor High". The school name was promptly vandalized by the newborn Conduits into "Neon Gang High". Incidentally, one of the strongest Conduits of the bunch was a Neon Conduit.
Iirc it was the first MMO since the Internet was destroyed and people rebuilt. There were no real gamers anymore
Excuse me sir, that onahole is for emergencies only.
>Iirc it was the first MMO since the Internet was destroyed and people rebuilt. There were no real gamers anymore
What the fuck?
If only the Quicksilver jump let you get more than gameplay powers, video would be my jam.
No, that is very wrong
Explain your reasoning in 12 point times new roman font
>In universe, the reason why they never get past Floor 75 is that the guilds are too wiped out by then, so maybe reducing the numbers made that seem more reasonable?
At the end of the day, the vast majority of players were happy to stay in towns, doing tourism between the towns of cleared floors, doing low level fetch quests for some money and waiting until they were saved by the top players, by the government or the hospital pulled the plug so the clearer group was always pretty small compared to the entire playerbase.
there is no reasoning, there is just straight up no part of that sentence that was right.
The internet wasn't destroyed and this wasn't the first game.
>Times new roman
Shit taste, pleb.
You're right, I should have said Comic Papyrus
The players do manage to beat the 100 floors in the games but the games kinda do their own thing.
I kinda like being anonymous, honestly. I don't even sign my QQ jumps after they asked me to lol
It's nighttime in burgerland and no one is posting.
Fuck you give me an hour to write out part of my chain and I'll post.

Actually give me two. I'm gonna fap first.
Reminder that if you write a sentence in Baskerville font, people are 1.5% more likely to believe or agree with it. This sounds very small, but keep in mind that number assumes you change literally nothing else about the assertion.
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I was trying to find a way to suggest that one Eevee poster finally started making a porn game
Im trying to make a build in dyn freaks where Im the embodiement of darkness and my companion is the embodiement of light. The name I came up with for my jumper is The Unfathomable Dark but Im having trouble with a name for The (INSERT TITLE HERE) Light.

Any suggestions?
I found a bunch of emails from my wife from back when we were in highschool and a nice chunk of them have dirty vids or pics attached so Im going through all those. Im pretty sure Im going to be busy with that for a while.
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You get 600 CP to spend, but it has to be purely on quality-of-life stuff that individually costs less than 200 CP.
No perks to give yourself aptitude with some power system or exploitable ability set, and nothing related to combat.
Perks to accelerate learning or give you better memory are OK, but not ones that make you a genius - unless you're naturally so retarded they'll just make you average.
>high school
May want to be careful with those, it may have been legal at the time, but authorities can be twitchy.
Yeah, he better post them all on here so we can make sure they're OK.
Pretty sure I can buy a kingdom somewhere for that. Also a plant that grants immortality. And maybe a magical power to just be healthier.

That said fuck your chainbutts.
We were 18 at the time so its cool. Still its been a long time.
I will take the freebie chain.
Jump 1 Baalbuddy. I figure I can whore myself out to elves, goddesses and such for some powers as I explore the world and try to find characters from different settings.
Age 21
>Bedroom eyes
>Just me on the lake
>I will see who wants to come with me.
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I couldn’t decide between finally addressing Phantasmoon’s existence/the disappointing relative lack of Outer God involvement in the Louhi event, and exacting revenge on Maeltopia and the Hotel before heading out to lunch. But I feel like writing at least one other thing before the Nightside finale. And now I’m out having hotpot with too much external stimuli to write deranged fanfiction.

Anon, now that you’ve put it like that I will now be 3% more suspicious of anything written in Baskerville font.

Nobody, I have long since eliminated hunger among everyone on my team. Paimon will wear the child-sized burger costume for the amusement of other companions, not as a job description.

Based wife.
>can't buy online supermarket
your chainbutt is bad and you should feel bad
The Fathomable Light
>"I UNDERSTAND YOU!" Shouts the crazy man to the sun
Nah, would be funny though as names go it doesnt seem as grandiose (also may mean light that can be penetrated which is just funny.)
>online supermarket
Is it 200 CP or less? Just say it's restricted to actual online markets.
Entrancing light? Unbridled light? Bewitching Light? No matter what its going to have colours of outer space in its powerset.
Light of Revelation, obviously.
>Anon, now that you’ve put it like that I will now be 3% more suspicious of anything written in Baskerville font.
Don't worry, the study was done ~13 years ago. Surely some enterprising advertising agency, now aware that font can have a measurable impact on credulity, has invented an even more convincing typeface.
Well, I've done nothing and I'm out of ideas.

Time for a beer.
It's 600(300), and allows you to purchase things on a screen in front of you, the things you can purchase are limited to what could be sold in a supermarket.
Those are pretty good, light of revalation sounds awesome. Gonns piss off astlan when I go to narnia probably.

Have a good relax.
What if I want a new race that costs 200cp? Being able to fly would be comfy.
Is it a dragon? You can be a dragon as long as you're still human sized and can't breathe fire.
What if I want to be a half ghost and just get the basics of flight, invisibility and intangibility? These powers can help me avoid social events and explore for fun,.
Is Crimsonmoon around?
Context: Yujiro going down like a bitch in the climax of part 1.

They really fucking got him. He didn't tear that net apart and slaughtered the shooters, they actually got him.
At one point, Originium is directly equated to a recreation of the big bang and was intentionally made by a species who rearranged planets on a whim to create music. Make of that what you will.
Your new nemesis is the Outer God of alcohol, it’s the one responsible for that celestial mass of alcohol that’s just drifting around in space
>one is eating the knowledge worm
Do not do this.
The same thing happened to Hannibal Lecter in the books, he went from being an intelligent creep with standards to an effectively inhuman entity with a hot japanese aunt because his author got too enchanted by his own creation
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You meme, but if I recall, we actually don't know where the Western entomophagy taboo (an incomplete one, given escargot and casu marzu, but still) came from and I feel like one thing I'd try to do in historical jumps or with "talk to dead people" perks and the like is figure out exactly why this one specific cultural umbrella has the exact opposite opinion of "eating the bugs" from so many others.

Why don't we know where this came from?
What is KD:M?
I just assumed it was a process of social osmosis and unspoken classism. Rich folks get to eat beef, pork and mutton all day, poorfags have to scrounge for icky things to eat. Richfags get plump and buff, poorfags wither. Lobster used to be a poor man’s food too. Then the upper classes realised that stuff tastes great and tried to pretty it up as their “national dish”, but the underlying stigma remains. Helped by the fact that Big Farm comes out with like 40 fucking different breeds of pig/cow/lamb for bigger meat/milk yields, so farmed meat looks better while escargot remains a niche thing.

Anyway, the meme answer is that this is Gohan’s fault somehow.
Kill Death: Murderous
That'd be Kingdom Death: Monster, Mr. Morningstar. Or would you prefer Mr. Scratch, Mr. Nick, Mr. Harry, Mr. Zebub, Mr. Stopholes?
I think it may have been environmental. Maybe a lot of Europe doesn't have as many bugs that are good for eating. Or it may have come from an abundance of other better food sources. Western diets have changed with prosperity. The cuts of meat we eat have changed a lot for example.
An Arbitrary Number. And if you want.
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Those are probably the highlights, yeah. The full list is: The Old Kingdom, Shadows of the Limelight, El Goonish Shive, Universal Paperclips, City of Angles, You Have To Burn The Rope, Achron, Loop Hero, Slay the Spire: Vanilla, Slay the Spire: Downfall, Inscryption, and Fine Structure.
>You Have To Burn The Rope
But what if I freeze the rope instead?
To freeze the rope is to invoke a power which that world has never before witnessed. One shudders to consider the ramifications. (The rope is pretty brittle, so if you manage to do so despite it being a gauntlet, it would probably work fine.)
Liquid nitrogen is not a toy.
I don’t know, you can make some pretty good ice cream with it.
Can I just take whatever non-Iconic cyberware I want with the 100cp Chrome buy and wave it off as Jumper being Built Different? There don't seem to be any limitations on it, and the notes actually dispel the notion of limits re: cyberpsychosis and ware capacity.
Dope, thanks. I don't know if I'll post the chain here, but I've just about got Jump 1 done then.
Did the cyberpunk jump drop?
I'm doing a Chain where the first 5 jumps are QQ, so we're discussing Neon Dreams of Organic Toys, which is a Cyberpunk human-on-anthro fanfic from /trash/.
You can use freebies to alter the furries into monstergirls or kemonomimi if you prefer, though.
t. >>94802857
Kunitsu-gami anon, how goeth the progress?
Ah gotcha.
To be fair, you can also use said freebies to more or less turn off furries, at which point it's basically just a Cyberpunk generic (since there's a toggle for how much actual CP2077 you want). QQ also has a more canonical (and non-lewd AFAIK) Edgerunners jump, so you neither have to wait nor rely on plebbit for Cyberpunk.
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Lobster was poor people food because it tastes like shit if it has been dead for a while, that's why it's usually kept alive and you had stuff like Walmart lobster tanks.

This, mostly. Either that or we ate all the good tasting bugs to extinction ages ago, like that abortion plant.
I don't know if it's the plant you're referring to, but just recently, a researcher claims to have found a surviving colony of the original Silphium plant. Still critically endangered if not actually extinct, though, given it's on like three hillsides in the middle of Turkey.
I find bugs to be a weirdly tragic existence. They're living things too, maybe not as intelligent or complex as us but they have lives, they have desires. And they're snuffed out in less than a year, maybe a couple years if they're particularly lucky and long-lived. Anyways, song and cute animation.
Anybody know where I can find a list of jumps with leveling systems? Feel like it should be in the archives, but haven't been able to find it.
Addendum: For those not in the know, Silphium was used extensively by the ancient Greeks and Romans for all sorts of medicine and cooking. It was so valuable that it was unironically worth its weight in gold, and so goddamn important to the Greco-Roman way of life that Julius Caeser himself built up a national stockpile of an entire half ton of the shit.
You vill fug ze bugs?
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Humans have a natural disgust reaction to insects, same as rotten meat and shit. It's not that the western world has a taboo against it, it's the savages who managed to get over their natural impulses in times of starvation, and once it passed kept on doing because it's tradition.
It's this comic, but it's chinks and eating roaches.
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Rolled 1 (1d2)

While I apply the coinflip method, where'd your newest Chain start?
Mortal kombat, I used Gimmick to get a green spirit tiger-person to fight alongside me.
>This too, kills Kotal Kahn
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Trinity Wonder. I just adore using the Mysterious Power perk to grab very specific gimmicks.

In this case, Soul Refraction from the Divine Trials CYOA, because being able to use my soul as a multitool is really nice. Also being able to extrude and retract it at will is really helpful when I turn it into a mecha
Odd question, but do you guys think that in the MCU that politicians & activists stopped trying to undermine the 2A after the invasion of New York City by aliens during the first Avengers movie? I was thinking about it and it seems to me like that would be kind of the ultimate red pill on gun ownership given literal alien invasions can happen even in major cities with literally zero warning. I'm mainly trying to kind of game out in my mind the sort of political repercussions of such an unprecedented event happening and how it might affect things in terms of laws, politics and public opinion. Any of you anons have your own theories on what the potential consequences of the invasion might be, from a political / societal standpoint?
I'm not really up to date on MK lore, what does this mean?
Current chain started in SB's Valkyrie's Shadow jump (an overlord anime fanfic). I really liked the story and the world building and thought it would be neat to start there however I'm still thinking about what exactly jumper will be doing while there since I haven't yet progressed to jump 2, which will probably be either chrono trigger (with the scenario to beat lavos in the original timeline) or The Gods Are Bastards.
nta and I only heard about this through osmosis but my understanding is that Kotal Kahn is actually as big a jobber as gohan_anon is always claiming Gohan is.
That's literally just an AT Field.
Started off with the good RWBY jump, then went to Hazredous Interruptions, reddit's RWBY Everafter gauntlet for it's bullshit reward of making your aura part of your bodymod, before heading to the original RWBY jump to take on the I May Fall drawback
I'm not having this argument again, sorry.
Ah, I thought it was something to do with a jaguar vs tiger thing.
Nah, they'd just use it as an excuse to pump more money into the police and military(and organizations like Shield, shit like the Helicarriers in Winter Soldier don't come cheap) under the excuse of needing extra protection, efficiency be damned.
I heavily doubt that personal arms ownership rates would be considered much of a factor id any.
>labeled accurately by an infographic
don't like that
Generic First, because despite asking no one has ever provided me a perk as good as Ride the Rails
I think they'd find some way to justify doubling down while also going along with efforts to expand state power.
Even though era of the first avengers movie is still before things just went totally ass, worldbuilding was still shit.

Kill count from chitauri invasion was like, double digits, somefuckinghow. No real societal changes happened. Gun law changes? Haha, forget it.
Matthew Reilly Universe
>Butterfly Net – Free For This Jump/300cp to keep The nature of events here often rests on one or more lynchpins: events and people that would be all too easy to ripple away with changes made years in advance, and here, a single interrupted event might be enough to doom the world. No longer will that be the case. Unless you are directly taking part in an event or attempting to change it, these lynchpin events and characters will still be destined to remain intact and achieve their canon outcomes, though less important events and people may shift around them.
Now I am not a political scientist, but based on circumstantial evidence and the broad trend of events in the MCU if anything I think the general slant of events suggests that not only are efforts to undermine the 2A emboldened but, as a matter of fact, it's quite possible the 2A has been entirely eliminated as of the latest movies.

The first major event that leads me to this outcome is Civil War, though the context for it is also important. The most major human-alien encounters in the modern era are the Chitauri invasion (which showed that Avenger Punch speed matters more than whatever response the US military could muster at the time), and the Abomination vs Hulk slugout (which demonstrated the US military is not only impotent in the face of empowered individuals, but potentially at fault for them). Why is this important? Because one of the key players in Civil War, Tony Stark, is a publicly adored genius playboy philanthropist billionaire, the man successful for having "privatised world peace"-and HE'S the one who came down in favour of the Sokovian Accords. Greater regulation on empowered individuals, which could easily be politically extrapolated to include weapons of all kinds. By contrast, look at Steve Rogers' actions from the perspective of an uninformed public's perspective: A war hero previously known for his charisma and personal integrity jailbroke an unstable reality warper, recruited a bunch of supers and almost killed Tony Stark in what appeared to be a terrorist attack where, again, SPIDER-MAN fought on Tony Stark's side to save a Russian sleeper agent. He was then seen being sheltered by Wakanda, the nation that by BP2's time is engaged in cold war with every nation on earth trying to steal Vibranium from them.

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One thing I really disliked about Thor Ragnarok is that it showed that regular Assault Rifles are still effective against Asgardians Soldiers.
Like what's thee point of the armor and spear I'd primitive weapons like fire arms still work?
The secondary consideration is the threat of HYDRA, most prominent in the public eye during Winter Soldier for compromising SHIELD. The logical response to the realisation HYDRA the meme conspiracy can have people anywhere, anywhen, until Agents of SHIELD slowly whittled down their remaining manpower until HYDRA has been Ship of Thesus'd out of existence-is to make acquiring guns as hard as possible, likely requiring stringent background checks and generational American citizenship as the bare minimum to even TOUCHING one lest you accidentally make it easier for a squad of sour Krauts to kidnap the president or something.

The third consideration is the Snap and it's consequences. Captain America and the Winter Soldier showcases the Flag Smashers, a group of violent protestors who believe the world was somehow more united in the face of total logistical collapse. This demonstrates just a taste of how bad things got on Earth when people WITH guns have to fight to survive. You may argue this should logically result in greater support for home defence-but considering Steve Rogers was shown counselling people at the start of Endgame, the fact that the majority of the most reassuring authority figures did NOT use guns primarily as well as the fact that militant groups such as the Flag Smashers DID suggests to me the optics for firearms took a further plummet around this era. Making them seem like a symbol of the craven and opportunistic to take from the weak when they didn't have the Avengers around to defend them.

2/3 (probably)
>That knockback
Those definitely aren't regular Assault Rifles
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Nah they are, he even specifies he got them in Texas.
Fuck me, you telling me anyone with peak fitness can lift a giant fuck off statue made of bronze? Because Kratos flips that shit like a table. God Of War 2, during the into when the Colossus almost steps on him, he catches its foot, and throws the fucker across the city. They have powers, really good shit too. Granted Zeus getting hurt from lightning is a gameplay thing, in story Kratos maily deals with him using his hands, chaos blades, and the super blade which does just kill gods and titans. Now, the power level is no marvel/DC but it has shit going for it.
It fucking would be Texas.
>Marvel Texas
So, they're definitely NOT normal Assault Rifles then
Last but not least, I feel the fourth consideration is escalation. By Black Panther 2, major intelligence agencies are well aware of advanced Wakandan operatives still literally chucking spears to defeat men with guns, as well as the advanced Talokan civilisation (not!Atlantis) again fighting in melee with impunity. To many, this shows that guns are becoming increasingly redundant in a post-zanny super civ international community. Especially in one where globalism is the de facto response to Earth facing existential threat after existential threat, shown in The Marvels where SHIELD not only has spaceflight capabilities but cooperation from groups so wide-ranging that actual Asgardians are employed there. Another sign of the times is T'challa's legacy wherein he opened up Wakandan tech to the wider world (before his surviving family doubled down on withholding it) and potentially Tony Stark's too. This is shown by Riri Williams, a university student being able to not only build her own Iron Man suit but able to do so at her uni garage. The flipside to the "guns are worthless against the Deviants/Dark Elves/whatever that fucking horrifying blob that almost subsumed Earth was" argument is that increasingly, advanced technology is becoming available to any random uni student who puts in the hours at their engineering degree.

The logical response to that sort of thing is MORE regulation, not LESS, for fear that the next school shooter will show up with Ivan Vanko-style electric whips and a vibranium jetpack or something.

So um.
Sorry man, I just feel 2A is utterly fucked in the MCU. Especially after the Deviant uprising sowing paranoia that there is NO amount of gun registration that can prevent a Skrull from turning into the most innocent looking redblooded American and just purchasing AKs under false pretences as long as he steals a license first.

Imagine if they actually leaned into the stereotype more, and made the rifles 3x the size.
It all makes sense when you remember Taika Waititi didn't care about any pre-existing MCU lore when he made Ragnarok.
I'm surprised Ichigo wasn't fucking Rukia on the regular considering she lived in his closet most of the time. Like a pocket pussy with legs.
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It should be normalized to give people with super strength huge guns, if you can carry anti tank weaponry and deal with the recoil you definitely should.
To be fair, those are UNDEAD Asgardian soldiers and we don't quite know how the rules work for them. They could essentially be hollow husks animated by Hela's will and the Eternal Flame. They could also just be knocked off their feet being less coordinated than living Asgardians.

For what it's worth, Agents of SHIELD showed that even regular nobody Asgardians can rip prison bars out of their sockets and curve a knife with their bare hands (okay, he turned out to be a Berserker but he was a RETIRED Berserker long gone to seed. He was moonlighting as a professor) or do magic tricks like enchanting people with their voice (Lorelei was...probably intended to be the MCU's answer to the Enchantress, but we never got the fully story about her and for all we know she's just some random horny Asgardian woman on a power trip). In Thor 1 the Warriors 3 (and Sif) are also shown holding their own against the frost giants, and at least landing blows against the Destroyer than regular humans probably couldn't manage.
It's been ages since I read Hellsing, why was police girl killing that woman again?
She's one of the first vampires they hunt down after Seras became a vampire.
Who is this Ann? and why are you and Goku eating her?
That's not super surprising. Ichigo's not really the assertive type and he lacks romantic or sexual experience.

What's surprising is that Rukia wasn't fucking Ichigo on the regular. You cannot fucking tell me that Rukia, who is like 150 years old, is a virgin. She's probably fucked hundreds of guys at least and Ichigo is both nice to her, really strong, good-looking, and also resembles the dead Captain she had a massive crush on years ago.
I am aware, and I don't even care about the depiction of their supernatural abilities, but I just think from an equipment stand point a high tier civilization like Asgard shouldn't be vulnerable to guns, if neither they nor their enemies use guns.
Like I don't mind the idea that advanced civilizations start reverting to melee weapons, be it Asgardians and Wakandans using spears or Kree using swords and axes, but I just think that at least should come with armor that can easily handle firearms.
>Matthew Reilly Universe
I have no idea what that is
Shit man, in his shoes, I'd never get any fucking sleep. I'd be too busy trying to found out just how pregnant a soul reaper can get.
So in short, applying some basic reasoning to the causes and effects that have been in play in the MCU would suggest that the second amendment is in trouble. Therefore, thanks to the ‘applying some basic reasoning’ part, I can confidently say you’re wrong and it’s doing fine.
...you got me there.
>hurr durr why shounen MC no fug???
>By Black Panther 2, major intelligence agencies are well aware of advanced Wakandan operatives still literally chucking spears to defeat men with guns
That had to be the most stupidest fucking plot point introduced, anyone with decent fucking aim would have put them down quickly, hell they didn't have gas masks, throw in a couple of tear gas grenades, and cuff them. It isn't that fucking hard. The sheer retarded wank Wakanda has going for it pisses me off because the pricks are still acting like they haven't advanced in years in terms of military equipment, but I'm supposed to believe they solo because their spears are made out of special metal. Bullshit. If you want me to take them seriously, give them some guns, and armour.
More chain writing. This time, I meet my girlfriends father and he threatens to kill me. And that was before he realized I was dating his daughter.

>Taco Cart

"Vincenzo Peruggia" idly fiddled with on of the odds and ends on the suspects desk as he waited for one of his daughters to direct her towards him. It was little more than eight wodden blocks carefully held together with a short length of rope. It was also surprisingly enjoyable to mess around with - the blocks were shaped into a cube, but could be unfolded into a line across two different seams, rotated in place, and then folded back into a cube in the other direction. It has no right to be as enjoyable to fidget with as it was.

...He wondered if she would notice it going missing.

Well, truthfully, it didn't really matter. As a person of interest in the neverborns plots to drown creations in oblivion, her opinions were... rather secondary to his actually objectives. If she was guilty then her hating him was to be expected. If she was innocent then maybe he'd owe her an apology, but right now he wasn't really feeling like it. The fact that one of his daughters had all but vanished after approaching her didn't say anything good about her alleigences.

"Get the fuck out of my office."

Ah, there she was. Striding into her office and already trying to exert power, how cute. He palmed the blocks and shifted them out of her sight. Fine, let the games begin.

"Oh? Throwing out a potential customer before even hearing me out? How rude."

Her gaze swept across her office before she turned to look at him, a irritation writ clearly upon her face. She looked... not great, honestly. Exhaustion clung to her frame in a way that would look miserable on anyone else, but on her just gave her the appearance of having only just awoken. A tender sliver of vulnerability that made her appear even more desirable. He wondered if she was doing that on purpose or not.
Mission Impossible but book.
Soooooo much shit could kill them, but it doesn't because black.
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"I can accept you bribing your way onto my schedule, but you have no buisness being in my office before me."
"Perhaps I was merely in a rush to see you? And you're even later than your secretary said you normally get here, that's hardly my fault."
"Hah. Well, since you're so chummy with her, make sure to pay her medical bills if she comes crying to you, yeah?"

"Vincenzo" blinked. Medical bills? ...What exactly had she done?

"Excuse me?"
"Oh? Don't tell me you don't know. Here in Gem, theft is worse than murder. The Despot simply doesn't tolerate it."

"That," Vincenzo spoke coldly, "was my daughter. What did you do, you Abyssal whore?"

The girl was taken aback. Realization crept through her eyes. That she had fucked up. That she was alone in a room with a man who might well kill her if he didn't like -

"Wait, are you the Sidereal?

-her. Um. That wasn't the reaction he was expecting.

"I am."
"Oh." The suspect shrugs. "Handed her a lit flashbang. If she's a half caste then she probably bugged out before it went off, but hopefully it scared her."

He stares at her. She stares back at him, a mostly confused look on her face. ...She doesn't feel threatened. He caught her the suspect off guard by abruptly shifting to being angry at her for the threat to his daughter, but that was positively tame as far as retaliation went, and she didn't feel threatened by him now that she'd identified why he was angry.

"...Did you have more questions for me or something? Pinky already asked me a ton."
"Ah, but unfortunately I never got those answers because she never reported back."
"Yes, Oh."
"Because I'm sleeping with her."
"Because your abyssal masters killed wait what?"

That had not been where he'd been expecting this to go. Which was the third or fourth time she'd done so. That wasn't fair, he was supposed to be the divinely empowered solider of fate. How the hell did she keep catching him off guard?
I mean you did make the MCU part 3 jump, you’d understand not using logic in part 3 and beyond better then I would.
I know right, if some retard ran at a fully trained officer from the army with a fucking sharp metal stick, realistically the fucker would be breathing through three holes in their chest. Fuck me, where the hell are the snipers who will teach them the basics of wearing a fucking helmet? Bitches be lucky we consider the flamethrower to be a fucking warcrime.
Their clothing is supposed to be vibranium infused, so I buy it being easily bulletproof,.but we never actually see it other than with the black panther.

Also Black Panther 1 shows their spears have a ranged attack that can easily take out tanks, yet they never use it again when it would be relevant in movies afterwards.
In a moment of silence between them, he opened and closed his mouth a few times, and a blush grew progessively deeper on the girls face as the silence continued. And interruption thankfully arrived as someone walked into the room, whom they both turned to face. It was his daughter, Yuno, who had a look on her face like a deer facing down a hunter or a thief who only now realized they hadn't gotten away clean.

"You slept with her."
"In my defesne she's really, really hot."
"And didn't bother to tell me this?"

His daughter shrugs, a motion he is unfortunately familiar with. He already knows where this is going, she's never quite forgiven him for her sidereal nature causing her first love to forget that she even existed and marrying another girl.


He did in fact steal ths fidget blocks.
They don't have helmets, doesn't matter how armoured you are, and as mentioned before. No gas masks either. I can buy Black Panther being fine, dude is wearing a whole body suit, but the bald chicks with the spears would be dead.
Counterpoint, can you actually imagine getting laid when you got Byakuya judging you 24/7?
>Bitches be lucky we consider the flamethrower to be a fucking warcrime.
I'd say if you really want to wreck Wakanda, get Muspelheim to invade them since the flamethrower isn't even a weapon there, it's a basic facet of biology, but...well, >>94803344 is right about the MCU becoming increasingly divorced from logic and reason.

Wakanda's response to Talokan the ADVANCED MILITANT UNDERWATER CIVILISATION with a TSUNAMI SUPERWEAPON was to go out into the middle of the goddamn ocean to fight them in (mostly) melee, and somehow there was an actual battle before Shuri forced Namor to call a ceasefire for his life instead of the Wakandan fleet being unceremoniously tsunami'd out of existence the moment they left safe harbour.
Why not?
In generic Gohanposting even gohanposter implies that actually even Gohan is less of a jobber than Hotal Kahn, with the last drawback, wich is really something.
While they should have helmets, not having them isn't the end of the world, headshots are actually reasonably rare and soldiers are trained to aim at the center of the body.

The gas attack thing is kinda funny though, like imagine taking down a Wakandans assassin with pepper spray after someone else failed shooting them.
>she's never quite forgiven him for her sidereal nature causing her first love to forget that she even existed and marrying another girl.
...well that's just depressing. Especially if whoever her first love is ever regains their memories, because imagine discovering you were in love with someone, deeply in love, and forgot they ever existed. That, and you broke their heart and married someone else. That would fuck with me something heavy.
I still think it's bullshit that the Talokan were on par with the Wakandans.

Wakanda has been harvesting Vibranium since the Bronze Agey while the Talokan only had access to it for like 500 years.
The greatest mystery of Wakanda is still the Jabari Tribe, who explicitly reject vibranium and it's advancements, in favour of hitting people with big sticks, somehow being roughly as effective as individual Wakandan tribes in both the Wakandan civil war as well as the battle against Thanos. Keep in mind that as far as we know, their wood is just unnaturally hard. The Jabari are just built SO differently they can beat down aliens capable of dogpiling Captain America, and actually survive in melee with Hulk-level opponents.

The big sticks do NOT give Jabari a mini-version of Mjolnir's powerup, as far as we know.
On the other hand, the Talokan did not have the handicap of being africans. They didn't need thousands of years to reach that level of technological capability.
To be fair, normally they are. But if I remember correctly, granted it has been a long time, They knew the situation they were going into, so it would make sense they would aim for the head considering the US intelligence knows about vibranium. But that is if they don't just lob in some tear gas, and cuff them as they are choking on their own retardation. Flashbangs would fuck em up too, same with as you say pepper spray. Wakanda would be fucking seething hard if any of that happened. Knowing their sheer arrogance they would kick off a war, and probably lose because super humans are a thing.
It is hilarious to me that the MCU cucked to DC over the name Atlantis
If anything I'd imagine that would make Rukia fuck Ichigo even harder since the Living World is one of the few places she can take out her sexual frustration without Byakuya getting wind of it.
They still got advanced technology, they don't shun technology all together, just direct Virbanium specifically.
What tech do they even have which doesn't involve vibranium? I know they tried to bullshit Shiri being smarter then Tony, which is bullshit because he somehow made metal that lasted longer against Thanos then Captain America's vibranium shield.
Oh I was more making that comment to counterpoint her going fuck wild over the last century. That seems unlikely under Byakuya and the rest of the Kuchiki household's prissy bitch bullshit. Rukia very much was treating the human world as a whole vacation and was way into human stuff as vacation activities. Juice boxes, tv shows, skirts, she was so down with the novelty of everything.
Wizardry 8 was released 23 years ago.
To put this in perspective, Gohan, for all his faults, has some hype moments, even if the plot demands it be fucked up or tarnished in some way. Gohan became Super Saiyan 2 first and stomped the shit out of Perfect Cell and his Cell Juniors, which were fucking the Z Fighters up. Gohan got to kick the shit out of Super Buu, and would have kicked the shit out of Super Buu again after Gotenks defused within him, hence Super Buu freaking out about it. Gohan gets some cool plot moments.

Kotal Kahn does not. Not really. His first appearance is a long string of him getting his ass kicked. He gets beat up by his girlfriend, and crippled by Shao Kahn. He gets killed off off-screen in the DLC, his head tossed off a ship with the same casualness as a random NPC's head. He doesn't even re-appear in the new universe, iirc. Hell, even from a meta perspective, his MK11 reveal trailer had him get his ass kicked by Jacqui.

Kotal Kahn is someone who even Gohanposter will agree is worse than Gohan is.
...do they? I only remember the snow bath thing other than their melee weapons.

It's almost as funny as Games Workshop being so buckbroken by legal shit they renamed Malekith to Malerion in Age of Sigmar to avoid any chance of legal entanglement.

>the Talokan did not have the handicap of being africans
They DID have the handicap of being mesoamerican, but by going under the sea they inadvertently avoided any potential chance of exposure to Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya.

Theoretically the Wakandans know how to make vibranium helmets. In practice, for some mysterious reason only the Black Panther gets the honor of wearing a helmet while the Dora Milaje are somehow, despite all the benefits of espionage technology, always lurking in the shadows at just the right angle to chuck a good spear before the operational operators can open fire on them.
That's what happens when you've been run by a supreme warrior-monarch for so long that your whole military is made of hall monitors and the king's harem.
>Theoretically the Wakandans know how to make vibranium helmets. In practice, for some mysterious reason only the Black Panther gets the honor of wearing a helmet while the Dora Milaje are somehow, despite all the benefits of espionage technology, always lurking in the shadows at just the right angle to chuck a good spear before the operational operators can open fire on them.
So you are telling me there is a non-zero percent chance Jumper will get a random Virbanium spear in his chest if he buys the vibranium sample item in the Jumpchain? I might need to get a healing factor.
>He doesn't even re-appear in the new universe, iirc.
MK1 did reveal that he is apparently a general in Sindel's army and he won some offscreen victories during the tournament but, well, currently we only know he even exists from other characters' discussions. So now we've established what it takes for Kotal Kahn to win against people not named Mileena: For a Titan to completely reset the entire setting, and ALSO for that win to take place offscreen.

N-not unless you waifu a Wakandan military woman and then piss her off no, the spears don't teleport, you're supposed to believe the Wakandan black ops harem is Just That Good.
That makes sense, what doesn't is how they somehow solo the military. Like, if that was the point, and they fucking sucked. I wouldn't have much of a problem with it.
It is very, very noticeable that the moment that BOTH male authority figures at the top of the Wakandan chain of command die, the remaining women in charge get so sad and angry that that they decide to make their problems everyone else's too.
>N-not unless you waifu a Wakandan military woman and then piss her off no, the spears don't teleport, you're supposed to believe the Wakandan black ops harem is Just That Good.
Not into bald women desu. Although my paranoia is great enough to assume this might be a problem, so now I must autistically plan out some ways to stop that. Maybe use magnetic fields or something.
Arcane Fate is a bitch. When a Sidereal Exalts, all memory of them is washed away. And can’t be recovered, as far as I’m aware.

In the case of half castes it’s more of a gradual fade than an outright erasure, which is something sidereals have to deal with for all their relationships, but that doesn’t make it easier.

So basically Yuno got powers, dad showed up to drag her away for training, and when she came back her love had no idea who she was and was engaged to another woman. There is a reason most of his kids don’t like him.
They just have normal technology, we don't really see the details, but they still seem to have vehicles and electric lighting, so we know that their anti-vibranium stance doesn't put them at actual tribal level.
even that gif is outdated by two years.
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Checks out.
Yeah, but it somehow keeps them equal to everyone else using it, even to captain America. Fucking bizarre desu. I'd understand it if they were kitted out like the average marine in the west, fuck loads of guns, mags, and nades. But no, just big stick.
>In the case of half castes it’s more of a gradual fade
Shit, that's actually worse. Imagine slowly forgetting the person you love the most, and you can't do anything to stop it. You know it's happening, but you can't prevent it.

You know what, fuck that. I'm going to make it a goal to figure out a way to undo it when I jump Exalted, because if the Sidereals fucked things up after the Usurpation to make this happen in the first place, it can be undone.
Gotta maintain that cultural aesthetic, even if it makes no logical sense in-universe. Otherwise you might get called racist for "cultural erasure" by Hollywood and lose 20,000 social (justice) credit
>Imagine slowly forgetting the person you love the most, and you can't do anything to stop it. You know it's happening, but you can't prevent it.
I take it you've never read Flowers for Algernon.
I've not. I take it that has a similar theme?
I won't spoil what it's about, but you should look it up some time. It's an incredibly compelling and pretty short story. You can probably find it on the internet for free.
I remember reading Flowers for Algernon. It gave me nightmares and made me swear a suicide pact that if I ever got brain damage or started getting Alzheimers I'd kill myself, because it'd be preferable to the slow decline.
Mechanically, in order to remember a sidereal you need to roll Wits+Integrity X number of times at a -3 pentalty, where X is the sidereals essence. If you fail once, you lose all memory of them and your mind fills in a plausible gap.

Such as having been in love with a different girl entirely

You can get it back if someone reminds you, but the above still applies. So for most mortals, if you don't have at least four points between wits and integrity, you genuinely can't ever remember them.

In universe, the sidereals fucked around with concealment charms and memory erasure so much that the loom started automating the proccess. You can probably turn it off or force the Maidens to remove it, but honestly a good portion of the sidereals would fight against it. it's very useful, when it isn't a pain in the ass.
check out age of wonders in the complete w/ images folder. It has iirc a 200cp perk called Railroad Plot that likely does what you want.
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Reminder: just because plants aren't as visibly active doesn't mean they aren't constantly at war with each other, just like the rest of nature.
A moment of silence for all those Jumpers who chainfailed because they underestimated the ferocity of the kudzu monstergirls.
arcane fate is also the only thing keeping the Sidereals from getting absolutely ass blasted by the celestial bureaucracy for all of the absurdly serious criminal actions and felonies they committed in regards to the Usurpation and the events that followed it. The only thing saving their collective bacon is that while everyone is pretty damn confident that the Sidereal's are guilty as fuck the simple fact is that arcane fate and what they did to the constellation of The Mask makes it effectively impossible to actually prove it.
Apart from manhandling Lytek, what crimes exactly did the Sidereals commit?
So it would be an objectively good thing to rip away Arcane Fate entirely?
The Usurpation itself for one, and a whole lot of murder. I'd be shocked if every sidereal involved wasn't guilty of multiple death penalty level offenses.
nta but it's not a matter of "ripping away" arcane fate but rather fixing whatever it was that broke The Mask, you effectively need to fix whatever metaphysical framework broke when the constellation broke.
Does the gods' rule actually extend to Creation? It was my understanding the whole point of the Mandate of Creation was that the gods got Yu-Shan and the Solars got Creation (and, effectively, the other Exalted)
I've got a perk for using violence to heal things. I'm going to rip the stars apart and that'll fix it.

Punching cancer patients in the face until they're healed is funny as fuck.
It will be finished when it's finished.

>Why not?
The entire point of the Knowledge Worm is that it lied to the Lion King, hijacked his body, then proceeded to not only mutate him into a skyscraper sized horror but turned his blood into molten silver and his flesh as hard as rock which contributed to driving him utterly insane with pain and madness. It is not a good thing.
There's no way a lot of gods working with the solars didn't get killed during the events, plus there's whatever they were doing to cover everything up, presumably a lot of theft of resources, bribery and who knows what else.
what perk is that? you're not talking about gordian knot from DCEU are you?
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Nope. I'm talking about "Strength And Absolution" from Solar Ash.
I was under the impression that arcane fate didn’t work great on the gods. That’s why most sidereals live in Yu Shan, it lets them be around people who can remember them.

Still, the sidereals could use a good kick in the ass.
yes, but it makes me survive as a savior, maybe, and the capstone of the hollows calls out specifically the knowledge worm amongst the things it protects you from.
Given it's a new year, I have permission to ask this question once again.

Given a set of all those sets that do not contain themselves, does that set contain itself?
Son of a bitch.
According to Jumpchain Bylaws I am allowed to ask that paradox question (and variations of that paradox) thirty (30) times per year. 29 now.
>Given a set of all those sets that do not contain themselves, does that set contain itself?
According to modern set theory, this set doesn’t exist, thus resolving the paradox.

We can’t talk about the theoretical nonexistent set. We can’t discuss its properties. It can’t get offended. And it definitely can’t be a member of some other set, so it has no discrete qualities

The solution to Russel's paradox is resolved through the concept of classes (collections of objects that meet a particular property or condition but are conceptualized on a broader scale) as opposed to setsS (defined collections of objects, known as elements, which satisfy a specific property or condition. Note the lack of discrete qualities). A class which is not a set is known as a “proper class”. The distinguishing feature is that a set can be a member of other sets and classes, while a proper class cannot be a member of a set or a class. For a given property, we have the class of all sets with the property, but NOT the class of all classes with the property.

So the nonexistent set is actually a proper class which is not a set. The question can be reframed as whether there is a set with all proper classes. The answer is a resounding no. By definition, a proper class cannot be a member. So you can’t have a set which has the proper classes as members.

Understandable. If you're willing to jump MCU part 3, I highly recommend buying Magneto's powers.
This question feels like one of those novelty boxes with an on switch that activates the internal mechanism whose sole purpose is to reach out and flick the switch back off.
Micro Lamia!
Isn't that mostly from treating actual Greek Mythology as canon to the setting?
Smol and cute!
I'm trying to make a nen capable to buff and support multiple others, and am trying to cram more nen contracts possible to have it as powerful as can be, for now I was thinking to sacrifice lifespan, if it lasts long enough it start to eat the vitality of my body making my limbs go into necrosis. Other suggestions?
The murder of a Celestial Exalt, especially Elder Exalted, is one of the highest crimes you can be charged with in Yu-Shan since they are so integral for running creation properly. It's also illegal to raise and support armies in secret without permission which the Siderials have done with great liberty ever since the Usurpation.
The Sidereals investigated themselves and found themselves innocent of all charges
The chain, easy. What about stipends, scenarios, and suppliments? Even without them though, it just means I need to study harder and pack light.
>stipends, scenarios, and suppliments
stipends no(unless it's to customize something you get for free), supplements and scenarios are fine
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Honestly? No.

If there's one thing i've learned in the past 8 years it's that you can NEVER underestimate an activist's or politician's ability to double down because it's not about helping people or figuring out what is best, it's about pushing the agenda of your shadowy overlords to push more government control.
Most of the wanking comes from treating the greek myths as being 1:1 in line with canon GoW. Which obviously isn't the case.
>it's about pushing the agenda of your shadowy overlords to push more government control.
I'd just like to reiterate that for a significant period of time in the MCU those shadowy overlords were literally HYDRA. Literally the Nazi offshoot that deemed the rest of the Third Reich not hardcore enough (although Agents of SHIELD points out the organisation predates the Nazis). The faction whose motivations can be summed up as "Harness the power of the Tesseract/whatever macguffin of the week we can get our grubby hands on to take over the world and found a new world order, seeping into all levels of society to rot it from the inside like a cancer in the meantime". These are the people with a potential say in American politics until Steve Rogers kicked the hornet's nest.

(Agents of SHIELD also turned them into a dumb cult who met an Inhuman one time, decided to worship him, and are dedicated to bringing about his return. Everything else has...quietly ignored this)
How likely do you think it is for there to be other secret organizations that have infiltrated SHIELD but were just smart enough to have not exposed themselves during all of this?
>Literally the Nazi offshoot that deemed the rest of the Third Reich not hardcore enough
Looking at the state of the world today, can you unironically say that sentiment is wrong?
What combination of abilities do you need to buy in the Danny Phantom jump to just get what Danny has?
Extremely unlikely. If they exist, their plans seem to uncannily mirror SHIELD and the Avengers systematically tearing HYDRA apart piece by piece.

No, based on the involvement of Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine as Everett Ross' evil CIA director/ex-wife in hiring Yelena, working with Zemo, trying to obtain more vibranium for America as well as Captain America 4 featuring the Red Hulk, the next evil organisation to terrorise the MCU is probably just the US government itself.

If I'm wrong, then I'd like them to at least make things a bit more interesting by breaking out the advanced rayguns. Or pulling ye olde MCU classic, and shooting a beam of energy into the sky to accomplish something.
how about adding some rituailstic aspects that you need to do to be able to use your hatu?

Like you need to spend at least 1 hour a day praying or meditating to be able to use your hatsu, you need to consume certain herbs to be able to use certain buffs that day, you are not allowwed to tell a lie that kind of stuff.
Also howw about th elimitation that you while you are using your Hatsu to support others you cant have your Ten enhance yourself, or maybe you're not alloewd ot move from your position wwhile your buffs are active, so if you buff someones speed if you move from your spot their speed returns to normal.
Maybe you also need to to do certain things to activate the buffs like a several sentence long chant or lighting a candle.
Thanks for the suggestions, I will use some of them.
Why is God so evil?
He's been edging hard since Supernatural ended
Latest chain to actually go anywhere beyond concept idea is the A-Z chainbutt, and I started in Ace Combat. The main other competition for it was Avatar the Last Airbender. In the end, while I will always think punching fire is awesome, my need to stuff the warehouse full of modern conveniences was the greater issue.
For a second, I felt like asking a stupid question here. But then I decided to not do so and just google it, and by doing so saved us all a lot of time and shitposting while also actually getting my question answered promptly and easily. Truly, just googling the answer to stupid questions is a remarkable skill.

The question was "which came first, Tyranids or Zerg?". It was the Tyranids; they predate the Zerg by like a decade.
>Yet the Zergs would shit on the nids
truly newer is better
Xel'Naga Kerrigan is a helluva way to end a powerscaling argument, yeah.
I suddenly very vividly remember a conversation I had with my dad when I was a young lad. He was sick at the time, and I wondered why he wasn't taking any medicine to get better. He told me that medicine doesn't actually fix anything, it just treats the symptoms-not the actual cause. What he was doing-eating healthy and I think gargling some lemon water? Can't quite remember-would treat the actual cause because he was helping his body fight off the sickness without putting in artificial crap. As a little kid, I didn't know better and just believed him.

Knowing what I know now, it's funny because he had things exactly reversed. Those home remedies specifically treat the symptoms of sickness without dealing with the root cause. Medication treats the actual direct cause of a given illness, not just the symptoms. It's just funny how he utterly reversed the position of home remedies and actual medicine.
I'll take shit that never happened for $500, Alex.
A lot of medication is all treatment for symptoms but not the problem. Not all but a lot. A ton of cough medicines for instance.
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>He fell for the big pharma propaganda
Nah, dad definitely did have that conversation with me. And a lot of other funny conversations. See-dad was a very big believer in science, but in a weird way. I remember I once asked why my dad never really ate any cereal, and he told me this story about how when he was in the air force (he was, indeed, in the air force for some years before I was born) he got called in to do some sort of medical trial. They gave him a pill, and after that he became lactose intolerant. He also told me stories of how the military had all these crazy superweapon projects, like sonic grenades, or lasers, and of course-aliens. He was a BIG believer in aliens. I remember many a weekend I would sit curled into my dad's side as while we watched Ancient Aliens. I didn't really care for it, but he loved the thing-and every now and again he'd point at something in the show and say "See? Makes sense, doesn't it?" He was utterly convinced about Ancient Aliens and told me that Area 51 absolutely had an alien ship, just like in the movie Independence Day. Fond memories. Silly, but fond.
True enough, and it was probably just a cough that he had at the time anyways so he wasn't even necessarily wrong about that particular issue. He did still very strongly believe in the government's capacity to Get Shit Done in various ways, so he was never an anti-vaxxer or the like. He just have very, very strange opinions.
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Do we have any fantasy jumps, barring any ttrpgs, that have an abundance of magitech? If that tech is hack-able even better.
>I remember I once asked why my dad never really ate any cereal, and he told me this story about how when he was in the air force (he was, indeed, in the air force for some years before I was born) he got called in to do some sort of medical trial. They gave him a pill, and after that he became lactose intolerant.
That's actually quite plausible. Gut flora informs one's lactose tolerance to a great degree, so anything that disrupted that might have increased his lactose intolerance.
Fair. I did sort of take him at his word for most of my life, and even when I started studying genetics back in middle school (wanted to be a scientist, skipped a grade, you know how it is) I didn't see anything that necessarily contradicted his word so I just sorta believed him. I was much less credulous about things as I grew up (ancient aliens is, honestly, one of the dumber conspiracy theories out there), but I could never quite decide if that was real or not. Either way, milk does give him kidney stones and last year he had to get a surgery done because of some shit with his gallbladder, so the issue is definitely real.
Irregular at Magic Highchool though the magic system there is pretty boring.

Otherwise Highschool DxD maybe?
Anon was right about this ho.
DotFA notes that Celestial Exalted were in Yu-Shan assisting with the work. Which means that the Sidereals committed probably the most open and shut murder case possible.
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I rarely am when it comes to Ho's.
Do you think you could spend ten years as a Fiend or Moonshadow in Yu-Shan as an ambassador from Hell/the Underworld and constantly rubbing it in to the Sids?
What does this have to do with Jumpchain?

Was it cough or cold medicine that was basically useless since we banned the ingredients that could make meth?
Why are we taking anon seriously when he said that eating healthy is just a home remedy and only treats symptoms? That should've been your first clue he's baiting
>What does this have to do with Jumpchain?
It's relevant to jumpchain because of [modern geopolitics/generic videogame developer/youtube] which lets me visit the real world, therefore anything discussing the real world in any way imaginable is on-topic.
Because he's right as far as treating immediate illness at least. Obviously eating well will do a shitton for your baseline health and preventing chronic conditions. But eating right isn't going to do as much as an antibiotic to an infection.
>relevant to jumpchain because of [modern geopolitics/generic videogame developer/youtube]
You realize that's literally the argument that Timmy uses to /pol/post? Surely you're not implying he's right to do so?
Your sarcasm detector needs work.
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Absolutely not. The only Malfean embassador is a half demon that is constantly guarded by Celestial lions 24/7. They even keep her locked up in a small manse outside Yu-shan proper and she's prohibited from laying her filthy demon feet on god pavement. The only way to be an embassador and not a pet is somehow overrunning Yu-shan with reclamation sympathisers.
Why has Generic Videogame Developer of all things become a jump used to justify shitposts.
Videogames are a highly politicized topic with MULTITUDES of scandals and stupid bullshit things happening at any given time.
Presumably culture war stuff due to "Gamergate 2" being instigated by consulting firms meddling in the development process.
Have you ever gone to /v/?
Its one of those "real life" jumps - not just modern day earth, but full on "everything is exactly the same as IRL"
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What did you do in X-Men Evolution?
Absolutely! Yu-Shan is terrified of causing a diplomatic incident and offers Abyssals full rights. Except for the while that you're a Celestial Exalted, you aren't exactly a Solar anymore anymore so you're in a bit of a legal clusterfuck, if you're socialisation-focused you can probable eke out the same rights as a Solar in Yu-Shan, up to and most absolutely including getting way more Sidereal attention than you'd ever want. Lytek would also nag you as much as possible to study you, however. He really wants to fix Abyssals before them getting out torpedoes his career. No word on Infernals but I'd presume it's a similar scenario.
I wonder how Shard is going to try justifying his Grimdark tyranny across the multiverse with the constant gag event that is Fate.
Shard has been struggling with that exact question for several months, possibly years now.
There's been a lot of grimdark tyranny in real life with the constant gag event that has been the last decade.
Jumps with VR-MMO's that aren't death games?
One must imagine Shard happy.
This. Clown world is real
Didn't Valk make a jump for Legendary Moonlight Sculptor?
Does your jumper still remember these?
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I'm gonna make a nen ability that conjures a mother to comfort me and boost my confidence.

Development is going well
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What are your Jumper's thoughts on this?
I dont get it.
Wich jumps do we have to replicate the deadline?
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one step at a time
one day at a time
journey of a thousand miles

I have long since replaced them all with pylons. Pylons do not require maintenance and can transmit energy and information instantaneously, or faster if I tweak the destiny settings.

How much will it cost to build in the jump?

"We're here to kill the Human Order"
Madricardo's dong is inaccurate, he's actually the biggest of them all on that list.
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>How much will it cost to build in the jump?
There's no costs for nen techniques. If you were using a companion option I guess 100 cuz that's what all the companions cost.
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>I'm gonna make a nen ability that conjures a mother to comfort me and boost my confidence.
Good stuff.
>Development is going well
Glad to hear it though i've been meaning to ask, are you excited for the upcoming game?
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...What do those numbers mean?
Wait, really? Not that I'm complaining but I was assuming based on the old jump (I know very little about HxH) that things like summoning a literal genie to do you a favour would cost more than, I dunno, punching hard
I dont remember this dexters lab ep
Do you have a reaction to the Latest Silly Event yet written?
Not to my knowledge.
Nta but they're all things you can learn to do in jump, and they will be powered by the same pool, therefore the power will be balanced, with more power requiring nen contracts or more training or you could simply do like prince Camilla and abuse nen becoming stronger after your death to have an ability that automatically kills whoever killed you to
resurrect yourself, at the price of having to have your aura shut off while you die.
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Like the other guy just said, literally anybody can cook up nen abilities with the primary limits being
>1. Skill
>2. Affinity
>3. Limitations built into the abilities to make them stronger/viable
In order of importance from most to least. A super skilled nen user can potentially do almost anything.
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I was meaning to do it not long after the new year but then a deluge of jumps came out and I built for them first and then I got sent on a nostalgia trip by Ghost Finders and dammit, and if I don't get it done tomorrow morning I'll be busy with LB6 part 2 and screaming at my monitor for Kuku to come on over all day and...

Oh! Huh. Alright so it's an overall power thing and I guess a genie for a really weak nen user can only give them apples or something.

Well, sounds more stressful than vowing to never use dead languages in JJK anyway.
>A super skilled nen user can potentially do almost anything.
...I'm not sure if this is a dumb question or not, but my understand was Mereum had unprecedented Nen at one point. Why couldn't he just cure himself of the poison?
They didn't, but they had enough bullshit charms that they couldn't be blamed even after all the audits and investigations.
>Well, sounds more stressful than vowing to never use dead languages in JJK anyway.
Beside that not being as easy as you think why do you think it's stressful?
Well, dying is generally stressful?
I mean assuming there isn't a nen technique to make resurrection painless or give you a euphoric high or something, which I assume would stack additional effects that soak up nen
Do exalted gods hate/look down on the dragonborn? I remember it being a thing but I can't remember where.
Unironically he probably could have in many different ways but either didn't want to or Togashi forgot. Maybe you could argue that even for him there wasn't enough time to make a complex/powerful enough ability to remove the poison. It's not like he'd ever even created a nen ability before so it was uncharted territory for the guy.
Nta but probably simply because healing in HxH is really hard, even Nanika has difficulty only in that thing, the main healer, Pitou, wich is arguably the second strongest behind Netero, had the limitations for Dr. Blight: has to use all the aura on that, neglecting every other power, like En or the dolls, has to stay in a range of 20 meters from it, and it takes around 1 hour to heal a hole into Komugi. Finally creating an hatsu is difficult, it tendentially requires time, and is based on your inclinations.
Well, right, didn't think of that, Camilla didn't seem really stressed, but she's crazy iin the first place.
>Do exalted gods hate/look down on the dragonborn? I remember it being a thing but I can't remember where.
Yes, since they can't have a celestial exaltation they are considered even lower than mortals, as they can't obtain the mandate over creation, despite ruling it.
Broly as is tradition.
Sakamoto days jump when?
Nta, but creating Nen abilities requires experiences and knowledge beyond nen, like you need actual familiarity with the things your abilities are based on.

I heavily doubt Meruem could have come up with a hatsu that counters a poison that powerful in such a short period of time, even if he attempted to.
Maybe I'd he had spend the time previously mastering fields of biology/chemistry/medicine rather than board games.
When you make it
he could have, if he locked in. but he wanted to go see his waifu more than he wanted to stay alive.
Many also hate them because the immaculate cult beat up many spirits into submission to legitimize their new religion
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Based and wholesome
Huh, fair enough.

>>94804541 is correct in 2e, in 3e they hurriedly removed it and made it so all gods are kind of like naive trust fund babies who are delighted and fascinated by the human condition because they're all immortals, and there's even a group of mercenary Dragonblooded that does covert ops in Yu-Shan.

And yeah, they HEAVILY whitewash the immaculate cult in 3e.
I'm gonna create a Hatsu that kills me and revives me in a ritual not unlike a phoenix, using my death and rebirth to rebuild me stronger and with greater potential each time I die at the cost of starting over as a small child each time I die.
Late reply but what happens if you become the darkness and then go to topcow? Do you assimilate it or just become some weird new iteration doubling how dark shadows are?
If i Jumped HXH with Medaka Sue could i create an actually good healing Hatsu + a bunch of other Hatsu at will?
Some weird new thing probably, there are multiple Nyarlathotep Color holders in DYN Fraeks
yes. that is fact the whole point.
I don't know what that is but you could probably create a good healing hatsu regardless. There's no actual rule that healing abilities suck, it's just happened to be the case so far.
Probably not at will if you want it to be actually good but you could very well pull it off with a few weekend training sessions.
Yes, normally it would be difficult to have too many disconnected hatsu, but with Medaka Sue the situation changes. it explicitely make your progress in everything extremely fast, uncapped and without slowing down no matter how much you learn, wich means you could in the matter of days have created more hatsu than most will ever have in their lives, and you would be better than Ging at copying all you see.
>normally it would be difficult to have too many disconnected hatsu
Hisoka attributes it to mental workload to use too many abilities at a time, so clearly the meta here is:
>Make a hatsu that gives you multiple minds at once like the Kumo desu ga spider
>Make a Hatsu that is the hyperbolic time chamber
>Make a Hatsu that makes you immortal
>Grind your ass off
>Become a god
If you choose this perk for being a Doctor you could probably easly come up with a powerful healing hatsu.
>100 - Nen Genius
>There are some people who are so good at something that they gain the ability to unconsciously apply nen to it without being a nen user. You are such a person, hailed as a true genius at whatever your hobby, be it making knives, music or a board game. You are superhumanly good at whatever your passion is, such that even a being far beyond humans such as the ant king Meruem couldn't surpass you in your chosen hobby. In fact, having a truly worthy opponent challenge you will only make you better and better indefinitely, reaching levels of mastery which seems entirely impossible and boggle the human mind. This only applies to some skill not directly useful for combat, like smithing knives or a board game
Go to Mars of Destruction, take every drawback and spend all your CP on this perk.

>Totally Gone (50cp/per): You have absurd blood pressure, and an equally insane quantity of blood in your body to compensate. This somehow just works in regard to your body’s mass and functions. You can increase the pressure and quantity with each purchase of this. One purchase will let blood squirt out of your wounds like a sprinkler. With two, your blood-spray could knock papers off a desk. With twenty purchases, you could use your papercuts to carve up stone like a high-pressure water jet.

It takes 1000 CP to have water jet stone cutting power. Drawbacks give you 2200 total. For more, go to Deadman Wonderland.
0001: Frozen;
Location: Arendelle
Origin: Foreigner (Drop-In)
Age/Sex: 21/Male
Perks[-1100]: Element Queen(Wood)(-500), Wild Man(-200), Troll Magic(-400)
Items[-350]: Power Clothes(-100), Winter Clothes(-100), Coming of Age Present, Sailing the Seas(-150)
Refunds[+50]: Prince Charming Really(+50)
Total: 1450-1450

Picking up some neat and powerful magic while also solving the plot before it happens. Probably going to follow up with Princess and the Frog to pick up even more magic.
unironically what i'm going to do in jump.
I just discovered that in the seventh stand user Vin can't exit from reality through Hanoi Rock because her place is already taken by the player of the game, this means that if you let the seventh stand user die she pretty much autowins.
>my fat ass is preventing Vin from winning, period, while I read the 7th Stand User jump unless I decide to go home or close the PDF
Can you train to improve a Hatsu by removing restrictions you placed without losing any power?
As long as you get there before jackie assimilates the darkness and usurps it it wouldnt really matter. The darkness itself isnt really going to fight itself, if anything it would love the chance to have more help fighting the light which it has hated with a fanatical fervour and massive amounts of resentment ever since God created light.

Though if anon brings in his own version of light things will probably just stalemate and the angelus does NOT like to share power. Its pretty much why she keeps losing all the time.
>one step at a time
>one day at a time
>journey of a thousand miles
>"We're here to kill the Human Order"
Speaking of your Type-Moon arc I ended up noticing something. A large very fundamental part of the Human Order (and the more mortal aspects of the negatives of nasuverse humanity) can be summarized as 'What if you took absolutely everything Elodie had to fear during the events of LLTQ and made it an omnipresent God, the most fundamental natural law, and the highest good?'. So how did this place that get her to try to help it, or break you before it did her?
am I the only one who liked having a limited amount of Hatsus?
Like sticking to a narro set of abilities and finding ways to apply them creatively just seem so much more interesting to me than having a hundred spells for every indivdiual situation.

Like just look at al the stuff smoke user can do ith his ability.
Yes, I think it's a good thing, and in fact am trying to hold myself back to find a trick to obtain unlimited ones.
You can apparently remove restrictions/empower your ability via setting a condition to remove them upon accomplishing some super difficult task like robbing a legendary national treasure. So theoretically you could design a technique from the ground up that's like "I can only use this hatsu if I've killed Meruem 1v1" or something like that.
How is the Human Order related to Elodie's fears?
i honestly would just make one hatsu that grants wishes, even if it's super fucking shitty, and then train that one until i can just do whatever i want.
Horizon. Kind of.
It’s not VR tho
very nice.
From what we know probably no, it's the difference they have from binding vows, that they are permanent, can't be removed on a whim, unless it will be revealed otherwise, but it would really undermine Kurapika's whole deal.
Ok but that's not what i'm asking, i mean can you make your Hatsu innately stronger to the point that the restrictions are no longer necessary?
Anon, I think that's not what Chrollo was talking about, but was either referring to a limitation imposed by bookmark theme, as he stated it complicated his power, or because he wants to steal a power that normally couldn't be stolen, for whatever reason. Obviously it's only speculation.
No. For example one of the restriction kurapika has is that he can only use his best abilities against the Phantom Troupe or he dies. Even if he manages to kill all of them he couldn't just remove that restriction as far as we know.
I have no idea.
I assume you could drop restrictions from your hatsu at the price of a reduced output that you could then make up through feeding it more aura than before.
you probably can. hatsus aren't like, locked in place.
Nta but what about one that just "Fixes" things, any problem you have you can say Fix This and it will fix it in the easiest most straightforward way possible. Even if thats not the way you would do it. You give it a problem and say fix it and it fixes it.
I mean, look at Netero. Dude is an Enhancer and his Hatsu was Giant fucking statue that he manipulated into doing stuff. That is Conjuration and Manipulation, two of the categories that Enhancers are pants at.

So can you make it stronger? Yes, but you better be ready to put in a ton of work.
unironically sounds like a really good idea.
Reminder that Nanika is probably a specimen of Ai, rather than a nen ability, and her wishgranting, limited as it is, still isn't an example of what you should take as hatsu.
>Smut is working on a Generic Lewd Exalted Supplement
ngl feels kind of like "perks to wipe your ass" territory
Hey, an Exalted jump I might actually look at.
>Smut making a "fucks your wives for you" perk because Lunars are THAT uninteresting
Im the second guy you linked and all I can say is I have no fucking clue what any of that is or what it means. I just thought it was a neat idea.
Actually Togashi confirmed in a nen user thing he wrote himself that Nanika is a nen user and the "ultimate" tier specialist.
Yes? Smut has a trackrecord of needing to have lewd applications spelled out for him. I still remember his complaints that the tech options in the Mind Control University didn't explicitly list lewd options even after people who read the quest told him he could just do whatever he wanted with those perks.
Finally, a jump covering the Exxxalted scroll
Yes, I already heard it, so I didn't say the wishgranting isn't an hatsu rather that since you didn't allow to be Ai it isn't something we should take as example since it probably has to do with her nature.
What would he even offer? Exalts can already
>make lewd Custom Charms
>make lewd Sorceries
>use Shaping to make oneself/one's waifus more lewd
>make lewd Martial Arts
>use large-scale lewd Sorceries to make the world itself lewd(er)
I will come in and drop the curse of the blue orbs on all female Lunars, female gods and spirits, and female Dynasts in general.
It will do absolutely nothing because you diluted it to the point of uselessness.
dont forget you can ve a devil tiger or primordial with lewd themes
Incorrect, I abuse companion mechanics to lay it multiple times. Only the middle one is plausibly broad enough to be an inconvenience.
You don't actually need to take advantage of companions, the specific wording of the perk implies you can lay it multiple times. Theoretically if you were obsessed and had the right combos you could lay it individually on each person in the group you don't like. Or if you're less insane, just atomise the group small enough, eg gods with blue hair who happen to be within the city of Lookshy or something.
You can also have sex in every setting you go to, yet that didn't stop people from making lewd Fate, and lewd RWBY, and lewd Bleach
Why not make one for one of the several existing lewd exalted quests on QQ? Those would at least have more actual content to mine for perks/items.
Basically during LLTQ Elodie has to prepare to inherit the throne do to her Mother suddenly dying in her early teens. During which time she has to deal with politics she wasn't prepared for yet, and which was often trying to kill her, because it would be an advantage for someone else if she died (unless her being alive suddenly become more beneficial for them). In other words edgy feudal politics that is so dysfunctional you have to wonder how the place hasn't literally blown up yet.

Meanwhile that kind of dysfunctional mess or at least similar is common among nasuverse humanity. While the counter force of Alaya (a.k.a. the Human Order's security system) alternates between constant manipulations to keep this mess from blowing things up, and just destroying everything near the problem. Only the problems are also necessary for the timeline to survive. However in the worst case scenario 99% of timelines are going to get destroyed anyway, because they are literally disposable. Since it generates too many timelines too maintain. So instead of solving that problem just creates them as basically canon fodder, and then destroys them So everything going wrong is still beneficial.

Which other than scale seem rather similar to me.
None of those settings except Fate are as inherently supportive of lewd shenanigans as Exalted. Fate is also arguably less so, because Magecraft is relatively limited for most people in the setting, so they'd need to rely on the Servant gacha.
Fate's meta is to cum inside your wife often for mana injections.
Generally the point of a lewd generic isn't "oh, you can do lewd things", but "this is a porn parody setting"
Which is one element of many. You can't just make up whatever lewd perks and powers you want as most Exalts (except Sidereals) can.
I like tohoK because that has something going on outside the pornified setting.
NTA, but notably, the people who made the "Generic" lewd jumps for those settings weren't among the few good jumpmakers who exist on QQ. Most of the Fate and Bleach ones that aren't Generic were were made by BLADE, who is notorious for his poor judgement.
I like Fate/Horse.
We recently been hinted to that hatsu's can evolve become stronger by completing restriction's and major goals which Chrollo is trying to do at the moment
You can use Sorcery to make Exalted a porn parody setting. I'd be surprised if none of the Exalted jumps had a toggle for making Scroll of Swallowed Darkness stuff more prominent.
The mortal hero gauntlet has a drawback that turns it into a porn parody
Reminder that Exalted canonically has a futanari goddess of prostitutes whose goal is to make everyone sell sex to each other.
I'm more of a supporter of free love myself.
Wasn't his whole reason for making the Shantae dupe that the (SFW) original wasn't lewd enough to represent the (SFW) canon?
>Looking at the Bloodborne Jump
>Have a revelation
...Ohhhhhh, Bloodborne like a blood-born illness. I get it now!
Anon, you might be retarded.
...It took you THIS long to realize that?
First jump in the current chain is Danny Phantom combined with DCAU. I know it isn't everyone's favorite, but I found it fun going through all the superhero jumps.
I was a blind kid that kept getting into trouble. I also threatened Mystique that if she wanted to hang out with Rogue that was fine, but keep it to family and not sabotage.
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You figured it out, anon. Congrats.
He's probably not one of the hordes of consoomers who jumped on it to jerk each other off for years about how genius it is.
In other news, Undertale is called "Undertale" because it's a TALE that takes place UNDER a mountain.
>Meanwhile that kind of dysfunctional mess or at least similar is common among nasuverse humanity
Not really, every monarch in Fate tends to get the unwavering devotion of everyone they meat outside of other enemy monarchs and one or two peasants thanks to the superhuman charisma all of them have.

Even in the most extreme case of Camelot all the characters that betrayed Artoria can't stop talking about how great a King she was.
Alterworld, but the Earth is a death world if you stay
Undertale is called undertale because you go under the tail of Toriel.
No that's something else.
Its called Fate grand order because you're carrying the "Fate" of the "grand order" on your back
That's "UnderTAIL", but that's a common misconception.

Fun fact: Asgore is named that because his full name "Asgore Dreemurr" can be rearranged to say "Sage Or Murderer" as a question-is he a sage or a murderer for his actions and inaction?
Since you put a perk for Killua's training will there be one for Gon's physique, sense of smell and ability to speak with animals?
More like under the tail (metaphorical) of Undyne.
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How do you think this perk from Tsukihime would affect a Dragon Wyrmling in D&D?
>Exceptional and Lucky [600 - Discount for Dead Apostle] - The process of gaining true mastery of a Dead Apostle’s state of being, let alone becoming a full-fledged vampire, is a fundamentally slow one that is based on several different factors and the passage of time. It might even be...how do you say, impractical? So how do you keep speeding through all of it while barely knowing what you’re doing? This perk’s benefits are twofold - any sort of power or item that requires a ‘certain person’ to use it, you automatically qualify. For example if you needed a strong spiritual will to become a certain type of being, then undergoing the process to become that being would welcome and accept the change to your body. Secondly, all abilities that grow based on age or practice now take a considerable fraction of the time and effort needed for you to perfect it, perhaps even letting you develop a Reality Marble as an Apostle in a year as opposed to decades or centuries. I wonder what sort of madness created a being like you
Like obivously it would let you access abilities form your later stages at an earlier point in time, but do you think it would let you literally advance to those stages in growth earlier?
also what are some uses I could get from this part
>any sort of power or item that requires a ‘certain person’ to use it, you automatically qualify
only thing I can think of is being able to use items like scrolls regardless of your spellcasting abilities or maybe qualifying for any prestige class, but I feel like I am missing something.
And Asriel is anagrammed into serial murder
Steal an elven moonblade.
That's already in there.
Serial MurderER, don't forget those last two letters.
It's called "Jumpchain" because you're doing a CHAIN of JUMPS.
And we thought he couldn't get any hotter...
Greatman history is strong in Nasuverse.
And it's a reference to the Touhou character he was based on

And it's a portmanteau of his parents' names

Asriel Dreemurr is like an S tier name honestly
Ok, didn't find the doc
Ops, thank you.
To clarify I was thinking of more than just the actual royalty related stuff. Basically less that nobility acts how it did in her world, and more that people acting like the nobility of her world is common. They just don't have as obvious of a target.
Bro this has been known for nearly a decade. How did you miss it?
You also get Bloodborne training certification as a janitor.
No, it's called JumpChain because you're CHAINED to Jump-Chan like an uppity slave from the good old days (you're the slave).
>And it's a reference to the Touhou character he was based on
Knew the others but not this.
It's called Touhou because it's about hoes with toes.
>Like obivously it would let you access abilities form your later stages at an earlier point in time, but do you think it would let you literally advance to those stages in growth earlier?
It doesn't look like it.
>Secondly, all abilities that grow based on age or practice now take a considerable fraction of the time and effort needed for you to perfect it
this line reads to me that you would be blazing down your resistances, natural spellcasting, and so on, but not getting physically bigger that comes with getting an age category.
>any sort of power or item that requires a ‘certain person’ to use it, you automatically qualify
It sounds like you'd be ignoring all racial/class/alignment links. I'd tell you to start grabbing artifacts, but a lot of DnD artifacts aren't really great and the ones that are, usually aren't linked to this kind of thing. Maybe the full lore-powered Staff of Law?
You say while posting the one who died litterally ripped to pieces by her court, and hated by everyone in the world minus at most 4 people.
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They're called Pokemon because they're MONsters that fit in your POcKEt. POcKEtMONsters, if you will.
Anyone got a copy of the 40K Emperor TTS gauntlet? Either I can't find it or it's been deleted
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If I finish a jump, why shouldn't I keep it to myself?
Steal orcus wand
>Sarkaz Witchcraft
Making it repurchasable might be a good idea now that I think about it.
>two Holy Fools
Could have sworn I fixed that, damn.
>but having that sourced from another, greater, entity you have no control over rubs me the wrong way
Might be the wording’s fault, but it's not, "You're connected to a single entity that you're sourcing power from, if you use too much it can force its way through," but more, "You're connected to a world and its laws of reality, you can grab random chunks it and paint them over reality, if you do too much you might accidentally grab a random native or crack a door open to it." So in Mage the Awakening terms it's more like making an Abyssal Verge or letting in Abyssal intrusions rather than awakening a full Annunaki. Besides, you can use The Path Forward to control anything that slips through the cracks, if you want to go full Poltergeist King.
>Thorns alchemy
>blood knight
He's one of the strongest characters in Kazimierz alongside Nearl, tired office man, and Darksteel, so it was going to be one of them. I can't think of enough items to justify a Minos Affiliation to move him to. I might make it based on tired office man.
>Sargon 100&200 perks could be mixed together
I was thinking of moving the 100 to Sami and replacing Treescar since Higashi has runes too even if I can't make a Higashi Affiliation yet
>necromancy/magitech shit they use for the Immortals & the Pepe event stuff
There's going to be a General Perk for your immortality method, and the Oldest Guard Capstone would let you make them. For more general stuff I'll have to go over the Pepe event, but I'm considering it.
Some things brought up are planned but not written down, like the Sankta’s Xbox and guns (regarding those I need to make the Lateran Perkline and move some Sankta Perks there, and make the Sankta Itemline). Wuh’s ghost guns are already mentioned in the Notes as Betrayed by Death for instance.
Y'all wouldn't know the meaning of humor if it slapped y'all on the face.
You should keep it to yourself if you want to, just like I'm not sharing different jumps I have enslaved Chat GPT to make and modified to fill with my fetishes.
Nobody gives a shit unless you post a jump. If you don't, you're just another random anon drifting in the wind. Posting a jump notably and permanently adds to the Jumpchain community, leaving a legacy that will last you long after this thread is dead and gone.
Actually, "Touhou" just means "eastern," as the direction. It's the same "to/tou" in "Tokyo," which is "eastern capital." No, really. Note also that these are both on'yomi readings, whereas the kun'yomi readings would be "higashikata" and "higashimiyako" respectively. Bit of a mouthful, that.
The distinctions between the various Seaborn Perks are intended. For instance, Endspeaker is based on how absurdly durable said unique Seaborn was and how durable several have evolved to be. The lack of offensive evolution in that Perk is intended because they mostly seem to be lacking in offensive evolution compared to their defensive evolutionary game, which is insane. The only exception that I remember being shown is Quintus who went full ham in offensive evolutions in an extremely short time (hence the Church of the Deep Capstone), but the suggested replacement for it is a good one.
This is also why Seihou Project literally translates to Western Project.
They are HOES with TOES.
To create engagement, talk about it, why should you keep it to yourself, even if yes, this board deserves nothing.
Why should I care about this Cirno knock-off?
Wackysackyhime doesn't have toes, she's a mermaid.
>Exhaustion clung to her frame in a way that would look miserable on anyone else, but on her just gave her the appearance of having only just awoken. A tender sliver of vulnerability that made her appear even more desirable. He wondered if she was doing that on purpose or not.
This is what happens when drawbacks run into perks.

>-her. Um. That wasn't the reaction he was expecting.
The first time experiencing Messier is always special.

>"Because your abyssal masters killed wait what?"
See above.

>He did in fact steal ths fidget blocks.
More fool he then. Had he asked Messier, she would have revealed their secret.
That model of block is just one of seventeen available in a nice little shop that she found.

>everyone is pretty damn confident that the Sidereal's are guilty as fuck
Confident nothing, several Sids have confessed. It’s still impossible to prove they did it.
Are there any good perks which would cleanse the taint of chaos out of the Rod of Seven Parts? The alternative is time travel and stealing it before it was used and I kind of don't want to do that since it was so very important to stopping the dissolution of the multiverse and all.
Because she's a hoe with toes.
Cirno is also a hoe with toes.
Hey Shard, is Wings of the Undefeated in Elden Ring locked into skill with a sword or can it be something else?
Who are some characters that you should not tell about the chain and companion status?
If you mean Magus then you're still wrong because they are literally a dying breed with each new scientific discovery putting them another inch into the grave. And using previous eras dilutes the number of examples even more since every Magus was either a hermit, part of a small coven, or a servant of one of the previously mentioned monarch.
1. you're complaining about a timeline being bad that was labeled by the setting itself as a "bad timeline"
2. this is a discussion about Nasu HUMANS.
Orochimaru. Aizen. Mayuri.
Okina Matara. Tsukasa Kudamaki. Yachie Kicchou. Seiga Kaku. Toyosatomimi no Miko. Kosuzu Motoori (she's not evil just a dunce who causes incredible problems).
But anon, if you tell them about it they will happily join and contribute their skills!
This anon is begging for backstabs.
Using vanilla rules, there's no way for a person to become a companion after the jump start barring pods or Blue Feather-esque shenanigans. So very few, because it's almost impossible to become a companion without Jumper's consent, and a jumper dangling the possibility of being made a companion is huge advantage in terms of incentive/collateral to not piss them off.
Its called Arknights because your operators are the "Knights" of the "Ark"
What happens if I want to waifu and take Nemu on the chain but not him.
It's called Dungeons and Dragons because there is likely to be at least one dungeon and at least one dragon per campaign.
Nights of the Ark. Or Knights of the Ar. Definitely not Knights of the Ark.
Nta but Aizen, demonstrably, is so dumb that he could be the third strongest captain, who knows of the strongest mcguffin, with the strongest hax at the time and still lose miserably, I don't want his contribution.
Miko is fine if you're doing a HFY chain. Seiga is literally just a demonic cultivator.
Do not Companion Nicol Bolas. Do not allow Nicol Bolas to think of you as his Companion. Do not allow Nicol Bolas access to any outside-context source of power. Do not expose Nicol Bolas to any outside-context source of power. Anything you allow him to get his grabby little claws on can and will be used to do achieve ever greater levels of unstoppable godhood, and also to screw over as many other Planeswalkers as possible. Do not allow this, even if you like him and think the Gatewatch are a bunch of losers. Do not trust him.
I like to houserule that I buy an open slot that can be filled by anyone if all parties agree or sometimes they are stowaways. It is more interesting if the one you want can reject the offer for some reason or some yandere tries to kill them to claim the spot.
Convince him to give you Nemu, so she will listen to you, after that kill him without her knowing. Alternatively ask my uncle, Tsukishima, to stab her with book of the end to make it so he created her with Mayuri, so you can use him to convince her.
Counterpoint: what if he dragon was suddenly a she dragon?
>Miko is fine if you're doing a HFY chain.
I'd say you have to treat any engagement with her with a grain of salt, because she's used to calling the shots and will assume she always knows best and that she should be in charge. You could probably convince her you know best, but I'd bet it's only a matter of time before she starts thinking she could be doing a better job...
To be honest giving her some kind of society where she can be empress would probably be the best way to handle her and secure her loyalty. She gets everything she wants and, as an old-ass noble, is most certainly going to be used to the idea of a political marriage-and-alliance for mutual gain.
Is Bolas big enough to hollow out his brain and pilot?
Reminder that she only has the hair in Deltarune and in UT she's bald except for her ponytail.
Shao Khan
The Ebon Dragon. I cannot imagine any scenario where it goes well for you.
On that note, the Dowager is another really bad idea.
Too fat for a companion slot.
>always trying to win Earthrealm
>always losing
>suddenly finds out there are infinite Earthrealms
Shao Khan is a malding jobber. Who would even want to companion him?
The person you actually don't want to know about your chain is Shang Tsung.
It's called faceslapping because it SLAPS your FACE.
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Not knights of the ark. Ark Knights.
He is pretty big, and he's too prideful to really consider that a possibility. Still, I sense an angry Ghost Bolas in your future.
I don't know how specifically you intend to do that (there are many ways), but he'll probably incorporate that into his plans to acquire All Of The Power somehow.
Just make him a waifu and addict him to your cock. Hell, if you use Mamono Energy to accomplish it, you can kill two birds with one stone.
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What's your favorite martial art jump? What's your favorite martial art? Who's your favorite martial art waifu/husbando?
I shall put him inside one of the spare Rin bodies and watch the results.
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Yeah one of the builds I have in mind is just 100% witchcraft. Like a lore master or grand mage of sarkaz, so being able to know all of their witchcraft would be nice.
>Collapsal stuff
Good to know, yeah that's much more palatable.
Maybe make the perk two sided? One side gets you peak Nearlwank, the other is blood knight, get one with each purchase?
>Sargon Immortals
Nah I saw the option to be one at the start, I meant having the knowledge to make more of them. Unless it would just come from the Witchcraft perk? Since iirc they got the knowledge from the Sarkaz.
So Endspeaker for survival, Quintus for (stationary) generic powerful & offensive adaptations, both together for overall coverage and not being a stupid immobile plant? Thanks for the answers, good luck with the jump. It's shaping up to be one of my favourites.
>sharing power
AtLA. Muay Thai. Tie between Ranma and Juri.
All you've accomplished is adding honeypots to their list of tactics for fucking people over.
Anon asking the stereotypical jumper question right here.
See >>94805287 . He can't beat Mamono Energy. It's literally impossible. Especially since being from a trash setting means he's metanarratively susceptible to jobbing on a spiritual level.
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Consider this: I don't care about MGE.
>Shang Tsung
Just imagine how he would react that if he befriended this one rube for a decade h could gain true immortality and be free of his aging curse. Yes, this will be an easy manipulation. All the while the "rube" is playing tourist and acting like an idiot until he one shots an elder god
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I don't care about MtG. Seems we're at an impasse.
This solves the problem of anything going badly for you, at the price of making you the next big existential threat. Imagine if Phyrexia could Compleat the Eldrazi. That is the level of infection you represent.
>Such as having been in love with a different girl entirely
Damn dude that’s harsh.

Make him show back up later.
Just fuck the new girl to assert dominance, if you're exalted you can do it.
Wasn't he tamed by just giving him a science lab?
More by how he saw it turned out bad for Kabuto.
Magi being a dying breed is kind of debatable do to the existence of Fate Extra. As well as more recent Aoko information revealing that magic circuits are necessary for humanity to get into space. However even with that magi society is still based on sabotaging itself. Where the 'highest reward' is 'Your stuff gets stolen and your brain is put in a jar. Unless you agree to work for the people that are going to do the former to you if you don't. Assuming your even given that choice'.

For a more debatable example you have how
the demon hunter organization lost to the oni hybrids. Which consisted of the oni hybrids taking over the economy of Japan, and just killing their more inhuman family members on their own. While also trying to maintain their inhuman blood. Even though it means their going to have to kill their relatives.

For a more mundane example you have that mostly off screen mundane group that trains orphan children into one use assassins that are supposed to commit suicide after they kill their target. Meanwhile the Strange Fake Grail War is run by the US Government, and they hired Prelati of all things to help set it up.

Then you have how Kiara was bedridden for the first fourteen years of her life, because the literal sex cult she was born into couldn't bother to get her proper medical treatment, and decided she was just going to die. Until she used the internet to cure herself. Even though she was the daughter of the leader of that cult.

In other words the evidence suggests that magi are kind of fairly normal in terms of behavior.
Honestly, being a devil tiger and letting him science it up with your demons would probably make him happy.
Also access to zetsu bodies and hashirama cells.
What if you taught him necrosurgery and necromancy
>Magi being a dying breed is kind of debatable do to the existence of Fate Extra. As well as more recent Aoko information revealing that magic circuits are necessary for humanity to get into space.
I miss the days when you didn't even need magic circuits to cast magic
It's more like he just gave up on overtly conquering because he got the immortality he wanted and there's no reason to antagonize Naruto and Sasuke, especially since he can't beat them. He's still planning to eventually become a God and learn everything, but he's content in taking his time to do so because he's immortal and nobody is going to go through the hassle of trying to kill him.
>Canon Orichmaru: "Let me in! LET ME IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNN!"
Sarkaz Witchcraft is some wacky shit.
>Good to know, yeah that's much more palatable.
Yeah, you don't have a big scary sugardaddy you're dependent on, it's just that if you keep dragging shit from beyond the door you might grab a live one or punch a hole in reality.
>Sargon Immortals
You could make them with the OTHER Holy Fool (which I could have sworn I'd renamed once I gave it to the Collapsal Perk)
>Quintus for (stationary) generic powerful & offensive adaptations
The Quintus Perk doesn't even force you to be stationary. The thin membrane of you that it spreads through the area is basically the Nethersea Brand which spreads through the area to eat everything and draws nutrients and materials into your main form which begins hyper-evolving, growing more and then spreading said environmental corruption coating further as it does so.
What if you put Mamono mana, Phyrexian oil, some bido tissue, a tyranid, and some flood spores all in one big conceptual blender and mixed them all together?
>after having untold amounts of his soul destroyed
>after seeing his spiritual successor Kabuto get dumpstered
>after having immortality handed to him on a platter
>while presumably have Naruto & Sasuke shaped guns pointed at his head telling him not to step out of line
At this point, Orichmaru is just an old man fucking with people for kicks.
By now he's really just supporting his son, mainly.
>You could make them with the OTHER Holy Fool (which I could have sworn I'd renamed once I gave it to the Collapsal Perk)
Good point. Just didn't click to me as an option since it seems to be much less volatile than Abyssal Hunters & Emperor's Blade, and the perk seems to require that dangerous uncontrolled side of it.
Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
Well technically you don't. It's just the easiest and safest method. You can also get magical powers from being good enough at martial arts, or by gaining enough of an awareness of the nature of your soul (and having that nature erode your current identity).

Unless you meant during the Age of Gods. Which required the help of a god, and technically still works in the modern age.
Nta, but isn't the only case of that just Azaka in KnK using her psychic ability instead?
Rolled 1 (1d4)

>1. Bulbasaur
>2. Charmander
>3. Squirtle
>4. Gastly
These are the only Pokémon that have both a canonical Mega Evolution and a canonical Gigantamax form. Let's see who I'm starting with.
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Nope. I might potentially have mentioned the idea of doing so? But that would have been several years ago, if I did
>Unless you meant during the Age of Gods. Which required the help of a god, and technically still works in the modern age.
Nah, I meant back in KnK when you can just substitute having psychic powers. There's also formalcraft, which doesn't seem to ever get mentioned much

Pretty much, yeah.
The requirements are that there be potentially traumatic downsides to those going through the procedure, but it doesn't necessarily have to effect the world around them. Sargon's Zhayedans are less volatile to the outside world, but lose their voices, are dependent on their gems being intact, and are less bullshit than EBs and Abyssal Hunters.
Basically, yeah. Messier really only has two modes. Clearly Just Got Fucked Into Unconsciousness and What Do You Mean She's Not Actually A Princess. The second one is when she gives a shit about her appearance. The first is when she doesn't. Guess which one she spends more time in?

>Nice little shop that she found
If by that, you mean the one that she owns, then, uh, sure! Because I made those. That's why they were in my workshop. And the next time he shows up to subtly threaten me I'll have invented the fidget spinner.

Yakiteru is sir not appearing in this fic because this is yuriland. The only guys that will be getting laid will be doing so offscreen, or after getting turned into girls.

He might show up in Infernals during the whole 'chasing after possessed Messier' part, which will make YG somewhat melancholy, but she'll have been with Messier for a decade and change by that point so it doesn't matter.

YG would rather fuck her wife in front of him to show him what he missed out on. Even if he has no idea who either of them are.
Reality ends.
To be nice, I gave my Orochimaru a Beast of Resplendent.
>There's also formalcraft, which doesn't seem to ever get mentioned much
Nta, but formacraft is literally only mentioned the one time by Rin as something Shirou could have chosen to practise, but the franchise has pretty much forgotten about it. People bring up Ayaka but the formal craft she practices is something entirely different with different Japanese characters based around elemental manipulation.

Also Formal craft as Rin mentioned it most likely still requires some magic circuits to connect to the Magecraft foundation. Rin brought it up as something mages of lower lineages used not as something used by non-mages.
With a bang.
Given how psychic powers work I'm not sure how many could replicate that. Since from the point of view of a psychic their power is literally 100% mundane. Which could mean that Azaka's psychic power is actually 'Of course I can set things on fire by doing ::insert magus stuff here::'.
>Guess which one she spends more time in?
Given how important of a weapon her looks are, it could be either.

>If by that, you mean the one that she owns, then, uh, sure! Because I made those.
Ah, even better!

>And the next time he shows up to subtly threaten me I'll have invented the fidget spinner.
I see you’ve got plans for a tool to distract the Sidereals and slow their work.
>What's your favorite martial art jump?
Street Fighter.
>What's your favorite martial art?
Muay Thai.
>Who's your favorite martial art waifu
I can't choose a single one. My favorites are: Nyotengu, Tina, Taki, Angel, Mai Shiranui, Vice, Menat, Felicia, Lilie de Rochenfort, Makoto, Yoruichi, and Mirko
People are blinded to it because of waifulust, but if you think about it, she's basically the Gohan of Bleach.
>extreme hype
>jobs every time she appears
>extremely hyped transformation in which she accomplishes nothing
>humiliated by her allies
>willingly forgoes techniques & training that would help her not to job
>spends most of her time doing nothing in an irrelevant backwater
What if I genuinely think Shunko is cool, what then huh.
There are people who genuinely think RWBY is cool.
Does that make Kukaku the Piccolo of Bleach?
RWBY is cool in concept, just falls flat in execution.
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She would be the perfect Lunar mate.
Everyone in Bleach is a Gohan except Ichigo, Urahara, Aizen, and Kenpachi. And even Ichigo might count considering his performance against Ywach.
>accomplishes nothing
Wasn’t that the same for everyone else in that fight?
>And even Ichigo might count considering his performance against Ywach.
Don't forget he wants to reclass into Scholar (Doctor).
I want it on record that I >>94805627 am not >>94805642 and do not wish to be associated with them.
Ichigo and Kenpachi both completely neglect training, with the second of them going out of his way to weaken himself, he's the biggest Gohan.
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Fair enough. it leans more towards the unconscious one due to the nightmares drawback, trying to avoid sleeping, and the fact that most sleep she gets she actually has been fucked into unconsciousness by YG.

But she's skilled enough that it can be whatever she wants if she bothers to put in the effort.

Actually I made that for me, but if he's going to steal it then I'm going to hold a grudge.
>In that arc?
Fixed that for you.
Eh, neglecting training is like eating 20 BIg Macs. The implication is a lot different if you're a 500-pound fatass (jobber in this analogy) vs a musclebound gigaChad who needs that much just to maintain (doesn't job).
>with the second of them going out of his way to weaken himself,
Goku holds back constantly tho. That's 100% Goku-coded.
Nah. Kenpachi is the Frieza of Bleach.
Kenpachi jobbed to Cien
It's not holding back in battle, he out of battle make himself weaker.
Okay, but what about Renji?
Including how he won by doing nothing.
>Actually I made that for me, but if he's going to steal it then I'm going to hold a grudge.
Look on the bright side, when the end of the jump draws close and you reveal the Great Curse, you’ll pull the rug out from under every Sid at once.
>Try to do something
>Fail and achieve nothing
>Win anyway
The Yamcha strat
>jobs every time she appears
Except when she doesn’t.
>People are blinded
I'm not blinded, i know EXACTLY what i want.
That's the key, if while doing something you lose you just have to stop and you will surely win.
If Renji has one hater it's me, and if he has zero haters it means I'm dead.
You make a fair point.
Actually he's dead by that point, on the grounds of having been stabbed to death by YG for pulling some survival game bullshit to get access to messier's new charm.
I usually see you as one of the most chill people around.
Anyway same but Aizen.
All GOATS have their haters, can't make it to the top without stepping on someone's toes
How far can low tier stats w/Unohana sword skill perk take you?
If you're a regular human you can go blow for blow with EOS Renji
Nah, it's just that he's simply trash, he's dumb, needlessly evil for the sake of evil, dumb, knows-it-all, dumb, glazed by his fans, dumb, plot armored as all hell and dumb. I feel I failed to emphasize how dumb he is, so I will simply add that he's Aizen, as right now I couldn't find a term that represents his stupidity as much as that, even Ywhach is insufiicent.
Even if you want to count Spiritron Hackers as Magus Magi SOCIETY which only really existed in the Modern Era is out right gone in the Extra timeline.
>the demon hunter organization lost to the oni hybrids
I'd argue demon hunters have always been Oni Hybrids ever since Raikou took over and all the self-destructive decisions can all be traced back to her self loathing.
>off screen mundane group that trains orphan children into one use assassins
If were bringing up the wobbly punches conspiracy i'd say all of them are actually really cool guys based of the only two examples we know of.
>the Strange Fake Grail War is run by the US Government
I have no argument that doesn't bring up /pol/.
>the literal sex cult
I would like to bring up that being a cult BY DEFINITION means they are unusual and extreme, so an idiot tricked other idiots into being idiots and didn't give his daughter medical help because he's an idiot.
Thanks, I go out of my way to be chill, but Renji is the exception to the rule for me. I actually just hate that guy. I could list the reasons - and have - but at the end of the day he just annoys me a great deal.

Renji isn't in contention for greatest anything except for maybe greatest square. I even hate his stupid little hobby of dumping multiple paychecks into new designer shades that he subsequently ends up breaking.

Not actually that far. Power levels are mandatory and lack of them is a crippling issue no matter what kind of skills or hax you bring. Great enough power level superiority in Bleach can just shut down everything the enemy can do.
You survive the Blood War, but you're basically down there with the guy who was supposed to be looking over Ichigo's town before he got the job acting as his mentor or theoretically attainable goal outside of being part of the Court Guard Squads. Just try not to hype yourself up too soon and you should be safe from early Kenpachi wanting a spar - and keeping around the level you stated would eventually fly under his radar if he found out too much later because you wouldn't be /that/ strong.
Unless you have Soul King hax, I should say. Soul King Hax generally doesn't care about the raw power level rule.
Sad there's no jump to actually get her in.
>Great enough power level superiority in Bleach can just shut down everything the enemy can do.
I respect you Nubee but this is just wrong, Aizen pointedly used Kioka Suigetsu to avoid being hit by Barragan, Gin could hit him with Kamishini no Yarin when he was much weaker, Ikomikidomoe respected Barragan, Szayel believes Raphael to be worth it more than Kenpachi's power level, the X-Axis can't be conventionally tanked, an ant can defeat the monk, Uryu could defeat a member of squad zero who could defeat the entirety of Schutzstaffel, and his power is stated to be effective on Ywhach, as it acts in the past but Haswalt defeated him, Tsukishima could work on Byakuya, and many other cases where hax defeat power level.
It's simply the same case for dragon ball, where fans latch onto few exceptions and declare them the rule to win at powerscaling.
Uryu could beat a sealed, weakened squad zero member after he was buffed by Yhwach.
>Actually he's dead by that point, on the grounds of having been stabbed to death by YG for pulling some survival game bullshit to get access to messier's new charm.
A classic demonstration of the weakness of Sidereals. Their ability to avoid getting hit may be unmatched, but if it fails, their ability to take hits is barely above mortal levels.
Street Fighter with the crossover toggle. SNK Vs Capcom existed
I'm willing to use the r*ddit jump for her. It's not that bad anyways.
Uryu sealed and weakened said squad zero member, thanks to his hax, and the entirety of Schutzstaffel was buffed by Ywhach when they were curbstomped by her.
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>the X-Axis can't be conventionally tanked
Instantaneous death can't be tanked either and that didn't stop Aizen.
>Street Fighter with the crossover toggle
The companion option only lets you take Street Fighter characters.
Taking the toggle makes the crossovers canon and the Canon Companion option is only limited to letting you take characters that exist
Yes, exactly as I said, DB tier, seeing a few exceptions, mainly specifically that one, and applying it as a general rule, despite the infinite amount of other cases, among wich examples in wich the hax allowed a character to arbitrarily change his own spiritual power. I hc that either that's a limit of Suzumebachi, wich is simply a shikai, or simply Aizen used Kioka Suigetsu to troll her.
I'd argue demon hunters have always been Oni Hybrids ever since Raikou took over and all the self-destructive decisions can all be traced back to her self loathing.
Technically the important part of that was that the people running the economy of Japan are killing their relatives for being inconvenient.

>If were bringing up the wobbly punches conspiracy i'd say all of them are actually really cool guys based of the only two examples we know of.
I'm not sure about the second, but Souichirou kind of rebelled against the wobbly punches conspiracy. Since he was supposed to kill his target (which he did), and then immediately commit suicide (which he didn't). Now sure we don't know how many of the suicide assassins actual paid attention to the 'kill yourself' part of things. However that still leaves the people that decided 'We should train a bunch of kids to kill someone and then commit suicide'.

As for the rest fair enough. It's just that most of the time an organization of some kind is introduced it ends up being some degree of nonsensically dysfunctional. Even if it takes some time for Nasu to reveal how and why.
>>94805977 (me)
sorry if I got too defensive and aggressive, I didn't mean to.
This isn't a fans latching onto some random fanon idea. This is very blatantly said and shown several times throughout the series, like when the concept was first revealed and Ichigo was just so much weaker than Kenpachi that he was actively suffering recoil from trying to attack him. Tsukishima is an instance of power level ignorant hax due to Fullbringers being connected to the Soul King. The thing about the rule is that it only seems to come into effect when there's a truly overwhelming difference which is actively being leveraged. If some dude with barely any spiritual pressure tries to fight somebody in this setting with god tier swordsmanship though, they're gonna get fucked.
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What are some other good characters to base your Lunar mate on?

Tell me about your Lunar mates, anons. Or your Solar mates, if you like being bottoms.
Nope, you can specifically only companion Street Fighter characters.
>Canon Companion (200): You may select any one character in the Street Fighter universe
And before you try to weasel out of the wording every Street Fighter crossover (except the Tekken one) takes place in a third dimension so that avenue is blocked.

And worst of all, Angel isn't in any of the crossovers.
I mean if the dude has nothing but the swordsmanship he's gonna get fucked.
I guess Overlord (The Series).

I just like going in with Nazarick.
Yes, spiritual pressure block straightforward attacks, as shown in Kenpachi vs Ichigo, but haxes are extremely consistently shown to ignore it, with only a miniscule amount of exceptions.
Importing my familiar as a Lunar, already has a humanoid form but if I already have a pet who is also a waifu why not make her a Lunar?
Great jump for a monster jumper, but it's a little high powered for a first jump, innit? The whole reason the series failed is because the author wrote himself into a corner devoid of stakes due to Ainz being invincible 20 times over.
In-universe, Yuno basically highlandered him. She killed him and then three months later she exalted as his replacement. Well, not really, because Exalted Vs, but that's what Yu Shan thinks happened.
Any perk out there that would let all the Quincy reishi manipulation work with generic mana? Because that opens up a lot of cool shit on a chain.
nta, but don't we still have 2 or 3 different ways to recruit companions without buying them from the source jump across a few different jumpdocs on the drive now? Anything from the waifu options of Blue Feather or that altar from Four Sword Adventures to something more convoluted like getting one of the Pokemon BOX options and the scenario reward from Magical Pokemon Journey or that movie effects to reality perk from PTTU and just have them sit in there between jumps until you import them proper.
You could not pay me to put up with Nazarick's shit honestly.
>And before you try to weasel out of the wording every Street Fighter crossover (except the Tekken one) takes place in a third dimension so that avenue is blocked.
Well, that's certainly a weird way to interpret the crossover toggle
>Allows you to selectively make any Street Fighter crossovers or games that vaguely take place within the world you wish "canon" for the duration of your stay.

I guess this is something that we should ask NuBee

Can we take crossover characters with Street Fighter's canon companion option?

Convert, Elevate from Valky's Generic Xianxia. It lets you convert techniques and spells into xianxia techniques and vice versa
>Convert, Elevate [400] The principles of cultivation and qi are broad, their potential endless and their limits few. As such, cultivation is almost uniquely capable of fusing, converting, or integrating with other systems of powers. To this end you will find yourself capable of converting techniques and spells that you learn from other worlds into that of cultivation based abilities, and vice versa. In the process, these techniques will become proportionally elevated to the strength of the greater system. The power of a simple fireball may multiply exponentially when leveraged with the potential of cultivation, let alone the more esoteric abilities. The conversion may take a bit of work to figure out for the more complicated stuff, but the rewards are more than worth it.
The Gamer
You could still say you go to a crossover version of the ST world, making Angel a "canon" character. Or just bite the bullet and take the reddit jump like i do
As far as I know most jumps that offer something similar to this are not from this community.
That wasn't the intention, since Street Fighter crosses over with like everything, but honestly I don't care. As long as the result isn't broken for whatever reason, you may go ahead with it. Use your best judgement.
Their "shit" is really just a consequence of Ainz's ironic spinelessness. As the 42nd SB they would do or not do whatever you asked of them.
Looks like you can have your waifu. >>94806077

Conveniently, there was a mobile game that has both her and Street Fighter crossover characters in it
Yes, which is why I specifically mentioned the jumps (and a possible combo) on/from our drive that do/can. Otherwise skipping to Baalbuddy would've been the simple answer.
Excepting the one from Iji is there any other jump with a scanner that can give you complete blueprints of anything scanned? I'm not familiar enough with the setting and what little I do know of Iji puts me off going there as that'd be the only real thing I'd want from the setting.
Aizen's a gigachad though. The very fact that you can never tell if he's actually bullshitting you or telling the truth when he claims he's responsible for some wildly impossible shenanigans is proof enough of that.
Rolled 2 (1d4)

4K chain starting theme
1. Exalted
2. Fate
3. Capeshit
4. Isekai
Pixel Printer from Starbound
One of Blade's jumps has a flying space tetrahedron item/house which scans stuff that gets brought into it

FEAR's Feel It Out and Heroes's Intuitive Aptitude perks can both do it.
JumpChain is inherently high power.
Longest chain I had was where I cared not about accumulating powers and just made builds for fun rather than managing escalation.
>One of Blade's jumps has a flying space tetrahedron item/house which scans stuff that gets brought into it
I remembered the jump the instant I hit post. It's the Oblivion Movie jump, and the item is just called Information
>400 - Information Blueprints for pretty much all of the Tet-tech you now own. You own Tet-tech, right? Anyways, either buy it with CP or find a way to drag it inside them Mini-Tet, and you’ll automatically get blueprints, schematics, and instruction manuals for that piece of technology. Works on
everything that fits.
How about Subnautica's scanner? Scanning broken bits of machines to learn their blueprints is how the game's tech progression works

As a bonus, the PDA will actively update it's blueprints to use substitute with locally available materials, so you should always be able to scrounge up enough stuff to make whatever you want no matter where you go
I don't think that will work unless there is specifically a Street Fighter stage.
No, it's just proof of how much Kubo is ready to retcon in implausible ways the setting and introduce never before mentioned plot device, and his "plan" was basically using Kioka Suigetsu in the most inefficent way possible without taking care of the multiple people who could screw him in the process.
They have the same characters, so they definitely qualify as "vaguely taking place in the world"

Also that specific game is you going through all of the King of Fighters plots, so it'd definitely have the Capcom Vs SNK games be canon
Why did you create a pool of the 4 worst possible starting themes for this?
More than that if you expand the hab and turn it into something more like a full version of the space station it retains that property (>>93062661). Put it into some massive trade station and you can covertly steal everyones tech
>Worst possible
You mean the most popular?
>What's your favorite martial art jump?
Weirdly enough, thinking about it i'd have to say reddit's Tekken Mishima Saga jump, It's just a really well done jump for a franchise I love.
>What's your favorite martial art?
I like to many to really have a definitive "favorite" but for now lets say for MMA it's Sanda or Jeet Kune Do, Striking it's Kyokushin or Savate, Grappling it's Judo or Bokh.
>Who's your favorite martial art waifu/husbando?
Same as above with there being way too many to really have a "favorite" but let's say Chun Li or Cammy since they're both goated martial art waifus. Though I do like making oc companions and i've recently turned the fanon interpretation of Chun Li's "Christmas cake persona" into a waifu recently.
Sounds about right.
Exalted is very popular as long as you only count /jc/.
That's what I was thinking about as avenues to get my sorcerer god-king jumper with choo-choos.
Sounds good but I'm not a great fan of gauntlets, unless this is from another drive?

While this is useful it seems to be more of a fiat backed thing rather than tech based, useful but not reproducible en masse. Probably should have specified that a reproducible item that can be added to drones and the like

This doesn't seem to be what I'm after however the Matter Manipulator it references in the text seems to be where it's grabbing the data to produce items from so still thank you for this suggestion
So you're saying I would be able to build a fully functional EVA unit out of feces, corn kernels, and toilet paper if I tried to build it in Poo Mountain from Conker's Bad Fur Day?
>Sounds good but I'm not a great fan of gauntlets, unless this is from another drive?
Nah, all the various Subnautica jumps are gauntlets

Honestly, maybe? Evas are just metal and human flesh and shit IS how the body gets rid of old dead cells.
Yes? That's usually what that means.
It's also relatively popular on SB and SV, and not just their Jumpchain communities.
Is there any other perk like this one in Fate Zero to help you train up any trait, even those that usually arent?
>Hard Work Conquering Talent-600
>Talent. Natural aptitude or skill. You either have it or you don’t. Your entire life could be decided at the moment you were conceived. You struggled so desperately to pass this barrier, this unbreakable glass ceiling and somehow, you did the impossible. You became living proof of the value of hard work. When you put in the work, the long hours, you get more out of it than anyone else would. The longer you work at learning something, the better this gets, but it won’t continue forever. You enjoy working in this way, so don’t worry about not having the will to put in that effort. And when you come up against something that only those with talent could do, something limited to those born with it? With enough work, you could match them in that too, no matter what your elders say.
>Your hard work has begun to surpass even the limits of humanity, much less the limits of your birth. So long as it is something that can be improved or trained with hard work in the first place, such as physical fitness or skill in magic, there is no practical limit on how far you can train it. However, as with all things, as you get better, it will take longer and longer to see substantial results.
>In regards to supernatural abilities that people are born with, you need to have something relating to that ability in the first place to be able to train to it. If you had magic circuits, you’d be able to train them up to get more/better quality ones. But if you don’t have them, you won’t be able to train to get them.
Preferably something with an actual canon basis.
It'd probably fail on an EVA given the need for a metaphysical soul thing to form the AT field.

Conker's Bad Fur Day Great Mighty Poo EVA
'For the Girl' from Tsuki Tsuki and one of the perks in the Yugioh GX jump who's name I can't recall should fit. Not exactly the same but worth a look.
Then why are there so few Exalted fanfics?
So they're in the SNK universe.
Niche ttrpgs will never actually be popular, for better or worse. Not even niche ttrpgs that powerscales jack off ceaseless because it lets them be Chinese and put peepee in your Coke.
Because it's popularity is in stupid vs debate arguments by idiots that don't actually understand the details of things.
No, they're in a shared universe. That's how crossovers work
The Sonic N' Knuckles universe?

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