Maccabian Janissaries Edition>Balance Dataslate>Community Links:>3rd Party Models Pastebin:>Torrent:Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5>10th Edition Rules:https://gofile<dot>io/d/9LvQTLhttps://mega<dot>nz/folder/Em0Rmb7I#4GR-B7y4cu5nCB5QziXM4A>How to make wargames terrain>Secret Level animation>Previous Thread:>>94794710>Thread Question:What is your local game store (GW stores don't count) community like?
>maccabian Janissaries EditionDamn I knew I goof'd on something in this thread.I meant this to be a maccabian janisarries then decided the OP pic should be related to the Thread Question.My bad lads.
>>94797802>TQHaven't been to the Local game store enough to make a proper answer, but the people seem friendly, and the place's bread and butter seems to be trading cards so it might be pretty friendly towards the usage of third party and/or 3D printing proxies. So everything seems good so far in my book.
>TQDecent, actually. Fairly active Discord with minimal autism. And the shop owner posts up when he gets new merchandise in.
>>94797802>TQI live in a shithole that doesn't even have an LGS and the closest one is 1,5 hour drive away. So I don't have much of a choice but stick to painting. I'm not complaining though, I like doing that a lot and I'm not very good with people anyway.
>>94797802>TQ Badmoon Cafe in London. Easy to get a game, good coffee, okay pizza. Can't really complain. Nice people even if there are some greytide.
>>94797802>TQ They seem healthy.I wouldn't know, I'm too autistic.
>>94797802>TQExclusively sweat Lords and brand new players and nothing in between. Sadly there are only a couple people interested in casual narrative stuff and most of them feel pressured to play more competitively anyways just because the whole community seems to prefer it. Even though most of those people will also admit they don't like tenth edition as much as ninth.
>>94797802>Newrecruit and unit crunch addedNice. Hope it stays that way.
>>94797802>Maccabian Janissaries Editionkriegers with stormcasts heads?
jesus fucking christ can we stop it with the thread wars?
>>94797802>TQFairly diverse. Probably a third are hobby dads with barely any time to play. Another third are hardcore comp players who don’t give a single fuck about narrative or fun games. The last thing third are a mix of grogs and newbies as well as /yourdude/ enthusiasts like myself. AoS has been taking a lot of the more casual players time lately while 40K becomes more competitified. I usually spend a lot of time teaching new players and older guys coming back how the game works while trying not to crush them too hard since I play constantly and have a lot of practice with my lists.
>>94797874I admitted I made a mistake over at >>94797811Sorry anon.>Kriegers with stormcasts headsI wish I knew what the proper term for those kinds of masks that are just a human face is called.
Girls kissing Xeno females
>>94797888We'll stop when the chronic early thread maker stops making threads early and shitposting in them.
>94797888EC melting, very good
Bully boyz against elves yesterday. Swing some bikers and grots over to the left flank, lure out the yncarne. Screen with my bikes while I deep strike my meganobz behind. Bikes get roasted but yncarne is mauled by the meganobz.
Anyone know how good the sprues are for Bladeguard Vets? I've found 6 for about £40 which is a good deal, but they're prebuilt with no bitz. Will it be missing out on a lot?
>>94797874>>94797906>Kriegers I think their uniform is based on the old Jes Guard designs >Mask Pretty sure it's just called a face mask.
>>94797937Not really, it’s just some hand swaps and scabbards.
>>94797921Big monster mash in the middle. 3 fire prisms kept me playing cagey for 2 turns, but I was in good shape for turns 3+4 waaaghs. Ghaz plus a squad of nobz brought the avatar down to 4 wounds. Next turn ghaz was marked for death so the avatar attempted a fallback to open up shooting, but I forced a desperate escape to ignominiously kill him.
>>94797907Sisters of Silence making out with GSC babes to mindbreak them.
>>94797949Meanwhile, some nobz on the right flank charged 2 units of warp spiders. A short charge meant I couldn't get all klaw on target. Killed one unit, but a single exarch in the other lived, saving a nearby fire prism from getting consolidated into.
>>94797961The yncarne fell back from the meganobz to try and kill ghaz, but failed the charge. After ghaz took care of the avatar, he made short work of the yncarne. 2x5 nobz in the middle killed some farseers and warlocks, while the nobz on the right flank killed a fire prism and moved onto the enemy home objective.
>>94797972>Orks crumpin knife ears. And I was told orks are bad right now.
>>94797972Final play of the game. Battlewagon was still alive and feeling left out, so it made an incredible 10" charge into this fire prism and put the last wounds onto it. Slow start but the Orks were able to get everyone at the right place at the right time to secure a crushing victory
>>94797904Nice blogpost fag.
>>94797906death masks
>94797992post your DC sloppa so you can salvage some dopamine from negative attention you fucking useless asswipe
>>94798023He’s not gonna fuck you bro.
>>94797802>TQHonestly its the best there is. The location used to be a big cafe before the location changed to the LGS, and the guys that run the LGS thought "hey lets lean into the board game cafe angle, sell coffee and tea instead of coke". Plus the nearby bakery had a deal with the cafe before, and offered the same deal to the LGS, so they also sell cookies/cake/etc instead of boring ass candy bars and chips.15% off warhams, plus loyalty program and store credit prizes for events so decent discount. They kick out people with bad BO too.
>>94797906Leper mask, maybe?Great movie, BTW.
>>94797949>Avatar>JobbingName a more iconic duo.
>>94798058>named character >plot armor
>>94797906Death Mask, though they also resemble Roman cavalry masks.
>>94798058Blood Angels and almost but not quite getting wiped out.
>>94798064>roman cavalry mask>that hairline unrealistic
>>94797802You can see old fantasy boxes in the background.
>>94798023Carnac, you try too hard.
>>94797949>>94797972>Yncarne>Avatar>3 Fire Prisms>Warp SpidersWhy are Eldar players always so fucking pathetic?
>>94798107Please feel free to post pics from your games anon
>Have a Lascanon RepEx in the build>Got 25 points leftover>Can upgrade my Glad Lancer into a Vindicator>Also got a Predator in the mix.I want to keep the Repulsor. Is the optimal play here to drop the lancer, grab a vindicator, and turn the pred from Destructor to Anihillator? Or Lancer/Destructor for reliability.
>>94798141The repulsor should handle any big vehicles so I’d say take a pred destructor with 2 las cannons. Las cannons will assist with any vehicles and the auto cannon is reliable against elite infantry
>>94798141Go with the vindicator, the 2+ save and extra shots make it more reliable than the lancer.
>>94798072People creating unrealistic beauty standards isn't a recent invention anon
>>94797802Lord Invocatus
>>94798163More like lord out of focussy
>>94797921based game haver
>>94798118Please feel free to cry more.
>>94797874>>94797906>>94797944Ok, but how do you best convert them?
>94798194>shitstirring with a fucking reddit postunironically hang yourself
I am not a fan of the current way that leaders attach to units.
>>94798197they really love that word
>>94798194>>94798202Don’t post it then.
>>94798207Who is "they"?
>>94797802>TQThey managed to alienate almost the entire 40k community because the local board game cafe shut down and there was a mass influx of D&D players, and the manager decided he could make more money on the tables from them rather than from the warhammer players. The other thing they did that really pissed people off was basically calling them sweats for wanting proper terrain and a table topper so that we could actually use the full size of the table, since the tables were measured wrong when they had them made, so the tables are too small for anything other than skirmish games. Basically no one plays warhammer there anymore and they sure as fuck don't buy it there either.
>>94798237Jesus christ how do you fuck up that badly. 40K players and Magic players are THE paypigs of an LGS. You have to cater to those two groups.
>>94798203reminder, the one and only reason why there're limits imposed on everyone is because GW wanted limits imposed on marine armours
>>94798166Is this a better pic? I used Tesseract Glow for the Tyranid blood btw
>>94797888/twg/ has an autistic furfag throoder making garbage OPs early so they ignore him, report his threads and move onto normal ones and all is well. No reason we shouldn't do this as well.
>>94798215The leader often feels more like equipment for the unit they're stapled to, or else the unit is nothing but a mandatory extension of the leader. These combinations of leader and unit often feel arbitrarily restricted. It seems clearly designed with the bloated mess of codex space marines in mind, where a half dozen armour variants have a dozen corresponding units and two dozen character models, but the system is then stretched awkwardly over all the other armies where the ranges aren't so complementary.
>>94798289Much better.
>>94797802>TQIts quiet mostly from the guys I've seen they've been decent. Mostly only go to the store though when me and my friend from work decide to have a game on Sunday though.
My plan for my next few games using my new models:RepEx with Titus and 6 Bladeguard in itRoboute following, giving the RepEx access to free smoke and Armour of ContemptTechmarine giving the RepEx heals and the damage nullification stratagemRun it straight down the middle, cover be damned.If something is close enough to shoot my Lone Ops, it's close enough for Titus and the Bladeguard to mulch it to piecesHeroic Intervention to stop anyone tarpitting the big dumb S12 tank - Even against MEQ they should be doing good work and their target makes for an excellent second oath, at which point they're hitting on 3's with rerolls, sustained and wounding on 2s AP-2, which matches up really well into even most elite units. G-Man is there to punch any monsters with his S14 fist.Is it too much of a point investment? Because it seems fun
>>94798252Magic and yugioh have always been the stores' chief money makers which isn't surprising since card games are massive nowadays, I get the impression that they never saw the sales they wanted from warhammer because they refuse to actually do a proper discount, so they're competing with the local warhammer store which is better stocked, as well as online retailers which will actually give you the 20% off. The funny thing is they were pretty much handed the local warhammer community on a silver platter when the warhammer store stopped doing games, but they still managed to fumble it. Rumor is that the manager is just playing favorites with the D&D guys because he's friends with them, so he doesn't care that they're making less money. The staff in there aren't great to be honest, they're nice enough people but they treat it like they're being paid to hang out with friends, and when you play there customers tend to treat you like you're doing a demo, not that you're actually paying to play a game in your own free time, meanwhile the actual staff are playing MtG.
>>94798345what a mentally ill projection.
>>94798342How the fuck do you make money with YugiohI play that game and it's just burning vendor and store money.
>>94798306I agree and this is true. But what should the alternative be? I suppose less strict joining requirements for non-marine armies (because letting lose entirely in marine armies simply isn't an option)? But then you'll get super weird stuff jump pack leaders leading non-jump pack units and the wonky movement that arises from that (just look at the shenanigans you can get up to with tyranid warriors) and a mess of different defensive profiles inside units.
>>94798364orks can have invisible super scouting infinltrating Beast Bosses so it's fine for other factions to get it
>>94798107To be fair to him, he's new and the last time we played he asked what he could do better. I told him fire prisms, the avatar, and warp spiders are really good and turns out he already had those.
>>94798306100% agree with this. It just feels like you're being railroaded into using characters exclusively how GW wants you to.
>>94798364The fact that people still abuse the fuck out of movement stuff makes me think that templates probably weren't so bad.
>>94798379I don't want to go back to the days of having to microspace every single Marine I had just so a single Riptide shot didn't 360 noscope a squad + character with no save
>>94798379Turns out it was tournament WAACfags that are the issue, not necessarily the templates themselves.
>>94798391Yeah now they just 360 noscope a squad because of all the rerolls, bonuses, etc. anyway. >>94798394Yep and now you have people argue until they're blue in the face over some broken interpretation of the rules or whatever like how you could break charges by standing half an inch behind a barrier.
>>94798374>'New' Eldar player conveniently already has the meta picks
>>94798364I think having leaders operate as their own units as they did in the last two edition, though certainly needing further refinement, was fundamentally a better direction.Make it so their obligatory special rules only benefit one selected unit to avoid the over-emphasis of castling units around auras. Have a rule for linked charged to avoid the problem where of a unit or a leader one would fail the roll and be left behind while the other charges off.The problems of that previous system weren't hard to solve, GW just didn't try very hard.
>>94798399>Because of all the rerolls and bonusesDid... Did you not play 6th and 7th?
>>94798379The people who abuse movement are the same people who would abuse the hell out of templates and vehicle facing.Which is a shame because I still think vehicle facing and having different toughnesses for them is great.
>>94798404Nope, I was very thankful that I took a break at the end of 5th and came back for 8th, I dodged a bullet the size of a football field there.>>94798405And now it just doesn't matter anymore.
>>94798345You lost me at "people", troon.
>>94798408The whole thing about Tau in 6th and most armies in 7th is that they just took like 300 stacking buffs and rerolls. 10th is toned down in terms of bonuses and rerolls compared to 6/7e
>>94798417From what I've heard that edition was just miserably designed so I guess templates look a little nicer looking at it from a 5th edition viewpoint. Then again, 10th is probably a pretty big fucking rival for that considering how miserable it feels.
templates were never the problemcompetitive mindset and template weapons having good AP werelook at heresy, template weapons took a nerf (although I will say, a bit too much) and the playerbase is generally chill, nobody has a problem with template weaponstemplate weapons cannot exist in 40k with 40ks current mindset
>>94798408>And now it just doesn't matter anymore.Yes because it caused arguments at the table that slowed the game down as you would all argue whether a shot is on the front or side armor. Or if a mini is in or out of the template.Those rules are fun with friends where you won't get heated but all it takes is one overly competitive asshole to ruin the whole thing
>>9479842340k as a wargame cannot exist with the current mindset, it's turning into more of a boardgame in my opinion.
>>94798306I was talking about this with a friend the other day, we settled on the idea that for the most part they should just bring auras back, and use lone operative for the old character protection. The leader rule only really benefits melee units so that they can charge together. Also the way the rules are have given a new rise to taking a character just to put an enhancement on a unit, whilst practically forgetting units already had their own leaders. If enhancements aren't relics or warlord traits anymore then it's stupid to limit them to characters, just apply them directly to the unit, or unit leader. Personally, I think the way characters are governed should be like this:>does the character unit give a buff that would be too powerful on multiple units at the same time, or is a melee character that would benefit from only needing to make one charge roll?>If yes, the unit is a leader and can lead any unit in the army, if certain units would be too powerful with this character, then the character is restricted from being used with that unit, rather than the character only being able to lead select units.>If no, then the unit's ability is a 6" aura and the unit has lone operative. >but that would make xyz unit/combo too good!Then adjust points accordingly.
>>94798426Unfortunately you now have a case where you're arguing over vague interpretations of the rules; look at the FAQs for 10th and how they're styled to try and navigate every little thing because some autist will spend eight hours poring over a codex that hasn't released yet to determine what's most broken and exploitable.
>> your solution is to let the bad actor ruins it for everyone else, instead of implementing better gatekeeping standards?
>>94798435god I hate thatplayers at my LGS do it all the time or talk about the latest autist tactics video and what can combo with what to be the most brokenwhat happened to having fun?
>>94797802I don't know, I never played this game with anyone else other than my brother. I'm not sure any lgs even exist near me.
How my sister players doing after the nerf? I had to take a break from playing for 2 months after some family stuff but the boys are coming over tomorrow for a game tomorrow and I'm either using my sisters or chaos marines (I wanna run the new Fabius detatchment).
>>94798442It's the same at mine but the crowd has been heavily slanted towards competitive play over the past while so there's really nothing that can be done about it. It does suck to see people optimize the fun out of the game and their army but I guess that's just the nature of the game and hobby now.
>>94798426>>94798423Most people who actually play in 40k tourneys and such are perfectly nice people. Probably better than the average store random.However, I cannot deny that the game itself of 40k would be significantly improved by death squads regularly going on killing sprees where tournaments are being hosted.
>>94798460Bringer of Flames got gimped as did your miracle dice generation
What did you guys get done over the weekend?I did very little, just got these guys started on Sunday evening.
>>94797802Hey Games Workshop you fucking nerdsWhen are you giving me my traitor guard in plastic? (No, Kill Team Blooded doesn't count because they look like shit)
>>94798440Ultimately the solution was to speed up the game. Rather than spending minutes positioning the template to get the maximum amount of minis under it then arguing with your opponent over what is and isn't in, they decided to have a fixed number or attacks or rolls to determine who's hit. Ill admit it's not satisfying as it was back in 4th to put a big ol pie plate down on your opponent but it also doesn't grind the game down to halt either.
>>94797802>edition>not picturedCheck yourself back into the asylum. You’re ready to be out yet.
>>94798490You're telling me the game doesn't grind to a halt when you have to flip pages to look at your stratagems to ensure that the wording is being applied correctly, etc. and that you need to reroll these, add another die because of this, oh this also happens, etc.?Not 10th, but I played ad mech during the last edition and the command phase on its own was a fucking slog to get through and remember.
>>94798485>When are you giving me my traitor guard in plastic?You already got themMultiple times
>>94798490Yeah, going through all the rule changes, FAQ and updates to figure out how everything is suppose to work now does that instead of the templates. Such an improvement.
>>94798477Finished up my second tempestus command squad, going to paint my third one up at some point. Also somehow killed two whole spray paint cans when I've still got a dorn to do
>>94798497The current strategem system is way more simpler than a lot of the old rules man.You're straight up delusional if you think the Stratagem page is anywhere close to slowing things down as the old units where the unit's type confered 8-13 different special rules that also required knowledge of 3 separate tables to cross reference, all in different parts of the main book.That's not hyperbole, that's what you had to do for one of the META units.
Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
>>94798485>When are you giving me my traitor guard in plastic?They already gave you that with the goons from blackstone fortress and the blooded kill tea->(No, Kill Team Blooded doesn't count because they look like shit)Oh, well in that case, never ever, dumb dumb.Traitors guard are a hobby project conversion army. Either make them yourself out of modifying gw or third party kits, or else just buy recasts of the vraks renegades if those are the only thing that'll satisfy you. Waiting for GW to spoonfeed you something more specific is retarded.
>>94798477I finished base coating my heavy intercessors after like 3 weeks of procrastination, gonna shade tonight.
>>94798497No you're right it absolutely does. 9ths strategies and pre game strats were fucking awful.10th lessened that a bit but it's still a problem. Especially after every FAQ.But adding templates back in would just add another slowdown to the game
>>94798500KT Blooded looks like dogshit and everyone knows it. Please just give us the old Forgeworld designs in plastic geedubs.
>>94798512>that's what you had to do for one of the META units.If we're talking meta then I doubt that the old rules are overly complex compared to the newer ones. Again: look at the FAQs and all of the little logical loops they have to patch up because of autists. I don't deny that this happened in older editions with meta minded players but it's just as bad and clunky now. Instead of a physical template to argue over, you now have mental templates to argue over.
>>94798426>whether a shot is on the front or side armor. Or if a mini is in or out of the template.the solution to that was always to get a third guy at the shop come over and say "hey is this mini under there?" and then he'd say>yesor>noand that was that. You've also gotta be a little generous with your opponent if you expect them to be generous with you. Unless they're the type to dispute every single thing in which case maybe just don't play with them.
>>94798485>>94798531Babby's first contrarian posts
>>94798522Bold of you to assume I haven'tI still want my full codex though
>>94798530I agree with that: the current edition of the game is not suited for templates or many wargaming things I took for granted in older editions. It's turning into more of a boardgame. The game is slow enough.
>>94798552>It's turning into a board gameNo it isn't, stop getting your opinions from youtubers, larper
>>94798548>Bold of you to assume I haven'tMay I see them?
>>94798543Bro look at the gunner. He looks like a cadian with a few spikes. From a pure silouhette you'd think he was a loyalist.Blackstone Fortress had good designs for traitor guardsmen (even if I prefer the Renegade militia look) that they completely just threw away in Kill Team Blooded in favor of generic looking guardsmen.I HATE CADIANS I HATE CADIANS I HATE CADIANS
>>94798562>he said to himself
>>94798562I get my opinions from the fact that I've engaged in this hobby for over a decade. I don't give a shit about sloptubers.
>>94798568>>94798570I accept your concession
>>94798567You don't have a pure silhouette, though. You have color. Paint your fucking minis, greyfag.
>>94798538>They aren't overly complex> It has Bulky, meaning 2 slots in a vehicle>It has Deep Strike>>Failing a Deep Strike involves the Deep Strike Mishap table, random table #1>Jump units get 12 inch movement>Jump units must take Dangerous Terrain tests>Jump Units get to reroll charge distance>Jump Units always use 3d6 when falling back>GC can fire all of their weapons>Ignore the penalty of Ordinance Weapons. What is the penalty you're skipping on Ordinance weapons? Look it up lol>GC get Stomp actions, see the Superheavy Walker Page>>Stomp is done during the fight sub-phase at initiative 1>>>D3 stomps, placed so the template is touching the model>>>>Then roll on the Stomp Table for Non vehicles and/or the Stomp Table for Vehicles in random table #2 to get results ranging from s6AP4 hits to Instant Model Removal>>>>>BUT Fliers, Swooping MC, GC, Superheavies are immune to stomp>GC ignore Instant Death and instead take d3 wounds>>This also means Sniper and Poisoned only wound on a 6>You have the fear special rule on the other side of the book>>Fear forces leadership checks for anyone in combat unless they have fearless>You have Fearless>>Fearless lets you autopass pinning, fear, regroup and Morale, but you cannot Go To Ground (all of these are on different pages>You have FnP for a 5+++>>FNP applies even when you aren't normally allowed to take a save>>>Unless it's a D weapon. Fuck you.>Hammer of Wrath gives an additional attack with Base Strength at I10>Remember the Dangerous terrain test? Fuck you, GCs ignore it>Relentless to shoot then charge with heavies>Smash lets you replace attacks with 1 S10 attack>>Reroll vehicle pen of Smash attacks>Strikedown means a non-vehicle model that takes or saves a wound inflicted by this model, it moves in difficult terrain. Use a coin to mark units hit>Smash means weapons are hit on AP2All these rules are in different parts of the book, and all of these rules are just inherent to the unit type.
>>94798531I warned you about getting the BSF ones instead of the bloodied
>>94798477Just have to dry brush bases and finish six more heads.
>>94798582If that's for pic related, then the problem is pic related: apocalypse units never belonged in the normal game whatsoever and that's when the game really started to accumulate rot. Besides which, tables like the deepstrike one all fit within two pages at the back of the book.>>94798580An argument with no point can be dismissed with no point so good try I guess.
>>94798570>>94798580>he said to himself
>people shilling the shitty traitor guardsmenVrax militia bare minimum>captcha HHGH
>>94798606not bad for your first miniature
>>94798582that's not as complex as you make it sound, half of what you're listing is stuff you have to ignore, generic rules you get the hang of in 2 minutesit's like saying intercessors have complex rules because because of the awful wording when it comes to terrain
>>94798606This looks like shit the more you post it
>>94798567First of all, he looks completely different from a Cadian. Different helmet, different shoulder armor, different chest armor, different boots and no/different kneepads.He looks closer to the old cadians, but even there are some differences.>that they completely just threw away in Kill Team Blooded in favor of generic looking guardsmen.Wrong again. How does this guy look not absolutely in line with the BSF traitors? Similar with the flamer guy and the others.
>>94798567You wanted a multipart kit, that's what you get when a design has to be butchered to make it modular.
We need to go back
>>94798645so go back
>>94798645You weren't even alive yet when this codex was out, larper
>>94798477I've built a Razorback and now I'm kitbashing some scuffed looking devastators to ride in it
>>94798485 shut up
>>94798668>>94798669>t. started in 8th
>>94798621No, that anon has it right. Gargantuan Creatures in 7th edition are a fucking mess of overlapping and interlocking rules and exceptions, and Wraithknights were the most meta unit to ever meta. Sure, most of the rules are a follow-up on "this thing is fucking huge" like the poison immunity, but stuff like hammer of wrath, stomp and a random-ass fnp is just unnecessary juice on the unit type.Nothing in more modern editions come close, a lot because GW has wisened up and started putting relevant rules within easy reach, aka on the fucking datasheet.
>>94798673But razorbacks gonna be removed next edition.
>>94798673Damn that flash git is carrying a proppa snazzgun on the far left
>>94798638You know why. He's whining that they're not wearing masks.
>>94798460Currently I'm planning on running a list that actually uses as few sisters of battle units as possible, 3x warglaives and 1x grey knights terminator squad being the core of it. I've been very tempted to slip in a corvus blackstar just due to having one, but with 3x warglaives and vahlgons I'm not actually hurting for anti tank, so I may go with a 10 man shooty squad of deathwatch vets because they're actually nuts for their points. Personally I think the best detachment rn is actually army of faith, purely because it has the best miracle dice generation thanks to its enhancements, as well as good stratagems, even the detachment trait of being able to use two miracle dice per phase is good because it lets you clutch multiple saves.
>>94798702>and Wraithknights were the most meta unit to ever metabecause GW was absolutely blatant with rules creep, allegedly one rules writer admitted that when they were setting down the rules for it they realised the thing would be too powerful and cost too many points to be really playable by most peopleand upon the problem, the higher up simply told them to keep it just as strong but halving the point cost so people will buy twowhich is what they did
What are your favorite subfactions and why?
>>94798531>>94798567They look absolutely great, and their kit is one of the best multipart kits GW released for 40k. You get way more options and poses as with the Cadians. But if you dont like them for their design, thats fair. WGA will release their proxy army shorty, maybe you like those more.
>>94798730I think it's hilarious that the Wraithknight would likely have been perfectly fine if it'd just been a superheavy walker instead of a gargantuan creature, there's just such an insane disparity between the two types.
>>94798724The kit comes with around 40 heads. Its possible to give all of them either gasmasks or some kind of bandanas. Its exactly what i did with my "Kasrkin".
>>94798759That's just the eternal sin of 6th and 7th - Monsters were just so far ahead of Vehicles that it was blatantly unfair. Monsters as a unit type just had no proper counter and dogwalked every vechile ever, to the point where you'd have a melee-oriented Dreadnought charge a Riptide and then Riptide oneshots it.
>>94798755Why is every eldar 'meme' completely cringe-inducing?
>>94798704cos they're neat
4th edition has like no codexes.
>>94798777memes nowadays in general are like that
>>947987815th edition rules on 4th edition codices was a cool little time.
>>94798645Carnac, you were never there.
>>94798804I'm 36
Do you think abbadon groped Calgar a lil bit during their fat?
>>94798570>I've been playing since 7th edition you HAVE to respect meLmao
>>94798816It's been ten years since 7th edition? Well fuck.
>>94798816Ten years is an eighth of a modern human
>>9479881711 years in may
>>94798435Anon, the game has always had that. Autists created fish of fury, Terminator captians riding bikes with a jetpack, musical wounds, are all 15+ year old examples of autistic chicanery. The internet has just made it progressively worse, because now instead of the bullshit travelling via word of mouth, its day one.
>>94798828Man, what a ride. >>94798831>musical woundsHoly fuck did that activate a memory. One of my friends ran nob bikers all with different equipment just to do this.
We're in the last full year of 10th edition and a full half of the armies still don't have a codex. Even assuming they start dropping them all soon, someone is going to be left holding the bag in December/January with a codex for less than 6 months again.Probably Votann and World Eaters again. At least Guard managed to escape their terrible fate.
>>94798645>t. never played a game even once
>>94798606Not bad for a first attempt!I recommend this video to really see some actual improvement
>>94798844Still 2 years of 10th minimum
>>94798606Nice X lmfao
>>94798848I just think they need to stop doing this forever.
>>94798755my brother still brings up t-posing for dominance every now and then. i hate him
>>94797802>TQPretty good, desuThey have a lot of shelfspace and even more stuff in deep storage. Not only do they have everything from GW they also have any other miniatures and paints from basically any other manufacturer you can think of.The gaming space is also huge, with dozens of tables and loads of terrain.Plus they have opened a bar where you can get beers and hamburgers.Volunteers organize weekly game nights for a lot of different systems.
Any csm bros want to give some pointers on this list? Not sure if I'm into the tabletop (I enjoy building my dudes and lorefagging) but I wanted to make a list and see if it could be viable>Veterans of the Long War>Abaddon the Despoiler (280 points)>Cultist Mob x2 (100 points)>Chaos Rhino (75 points)>Chaos Spawn x2 (140 points)>Chosen (125 points) • 1x Chosen Champion • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Chaos Icon 1x Paired accursed weapons • 4x Chosen 2x Boltgun 2x Combi-weapon>Obliterators (160 points)>Venomcrawler (120 points)Maybe I should just play killteam because this shit is a pain
>>94798606I thought I saw a lgbt flag for a second
>>94797989>deffrolla smashing into a Falconbeautiful
can someone help me with list building. im 1375/2000 pts and i dont know where to go from here. honestly i also dont know what detachment ill go yet, probably haloscreed or hunter cohort because they seem popular
>>94798920You need more kataphrons. Breacher or destroyer, both are good. The grav gun ones will kill a repulsor in cover on average.
>>94798645That marine singular fucked with my mind for a moment until I realized that that is probably just a non-english edition.
>>94798955okay ill probably get another manipulus to go with that
>>94798920Yup, kataphron servitors. A 6 man Breacher unit makes a solid tough to shift unit you can plant on a centre objective.
>>94798606Why is the only surface with proper edge highlights on every single one of these the belt buckle and every other surface is a spot highlight, that's not how light works
>>94798974GL. Halo screed is good but be prepared for a confused and irritated opponent. I reccomend making some cards so you know what stuff is active and when. Admech if all things is what broke my longest win streak.
>>94798985because he can't paint for shit, next question
>>94798989Always liked your tonks sallyanon
Anyone playing the combat patrol missions but with custom armies? Is about 500 points the right amount?
>>94798567>the ebil guardsmen look like guardsmen Good?
>>94798704>he needs James to tell him he's allowed to use his toys
>>94798999Every so often yeah. Some limits for balance:>500 points>At least one battleline >250 points max of vehicles/monsters>T10 max
>>94798630>>94798859>>94798889>>94798972>>94799042The more you do shit like this the less I start wondering what's wrong with that guy's model and the more I start thinking there's something wrong with you
>>94799147>the less I start wondering what's wrong with that guythat's your mistakeyou can simply hate more people, you know
>>94799066Kinda hard to play models that no longer have compatible rules.
>>94799213Legends are perfectly playable unless you have autism or no friends and have to rely on pickup games to play
>>94799222You try bringing legends units to a game with the competitive mindset infesting 40k currently, see how that goes.
>>94799147>the less I start wondering what's wrong with that guy's modelReally? You shouldn't have to wonder if you have working eyes.
>>94799222You guys have Legends rules?
>>94799147People bully you because you are a faggot.
I hate the loser too, but why do we not just ignore him? Surely the interaction is what he wants.
>>94799281You wouldn't but others will.Meaning you will be blown the fuck out by everyone else because they aren't CAACsuckers.
>>94799325>in the last decade?What's the fucking point then, there's way more in the old catalogsThe more they popularise their old minis the more money they can make on MTO runs, commemorative callbacks and genuine remakes.
>>94799398Generally legends are for things that people have purchased intending to use in their games for the recent editions, but have been removed from a codex recently. When was the last time vect was in a codex?
Did anyone play this Warhammer mobile game? Is it any good?
are kastelans as good as breachers? im thinking of replacing my breachers with kastelans in haloscreed detachment
>>94799440It’s a mobile game. No.
>>94798541I always used to resolve situations like that with a dice roll if we ever got properly stuck on an issue, 1-3 I get my way and 4-6 the other guy gets his way.
>>94798606Even deathguard looks less like shit and smells less.
>>94799440I have a friend who does who says it's pretty good. But he works a lot so I think it should be viewed in the context of being good for a warhammer fix if you only have a phone and 5 minutes.
>>94797834>the closest one is 1,5 hour drive awayI'm guessing you're in rural germany or scandinavia.
>>94799460We have some normal BA in these threads too. There is only one BA slopper that needs to see Astorath here.
New to tabletop, again. How are rules patched? Is that what FAQing is?
>>94799493rural Poland actually but you were pretty close
>seething this hard cause noone went to his early thread and people are making fun of his slopPottery
>>94799505Generally rules tweaks are done every six months, unless something really egregious needs errata sooner.
>>94798606If this is what finished looks like I can't wait to see what the heads look like lmfao
>>94797802>What is your local game store (GW stores don't count) community like?Sparse, died out after 8th pretty badly. Now its a revolving door of people who show up, get jazzed for it for about 2 months then vanish.
Will the new Phoenix Lord get a book to coincide with her release?
>>94798606You should stop posting these we don't want an update on them
>>94799675characters get books for them either because the character is getting a miniature because the book is getting made or because the character is part of a larger campaignthe eldar releases aren't happening due to a campaign or book
>>94799696>the eldar releases aren't happening due to a campaign or bookThen why are they getting such a big release?
>sculpt a cool cybernetic warhorse>completely hide it under ugly bardingwhy
>dont feel like painting again>its monday, perfect time to start>Its already so late at night tooFuck me Im never gonna finish this model
>>94799721You're legitimately more annoying than him. Please just shut the fuck up.
>>94799728>stop bullying m- I mean HIM haha>it's not me I j-just don't like itLmfao
>>94799712Jes threatened to detonate the bomb he's hidden underneath Warhammer World if GW didn't sign off on it.
>>94799728>>94799744>exactly 2 mins apartSamefag
>>94799539>>94799721These posts are pretty fucking cringe though.
>>94799780I agree, that DC marine is way too shit for me to see it as often as I do in these threads
>>94799712Because they didn't receive the more conventional steady piecemeal updates of the other main armies.Because gw might at one point have considered not to update the eldar but to reinvent them in a different direction.But even if that ultimately didn't come to fruition an indecision of what to do with the range pushed GW in this corner: on the brink of finally phasing out resin for good from its mainline games but with a lot of eldar units in need to update.The multiple waves of releases, of which this is not necessarily the last, is the result.GW could have probably approached the range update with a starter set treatment, but eldar don't fit the bill for any of the two sides of the starters as GW envisions them now>one side must be marines>one side must be evil, and have hordes, since the box must look like it's for wargame and not a skirmish game and the marine side cannot have too many models since they're elites
>>94799820>on the brink of finally phasing out resin for good from its mainline games but with a lot of eldar units in need to updateThey should have just put them in Legends.
>>94799780crazy how noone asked
>>94799831Careful talking about legends, you might get your posts deleted
other than xenomorphs, what inspired nids?I mean the ability to rapidly learn and evolve, were did it come from? Unless it's an original thing
Just needs a varnish and he's done. Maybe a touch up here or there
>>94799247Create a hostage situation at the LGS until they stop being fags
>>94799831I disagree, eldar are a longstanding faction of the setting and deserved the update they got, even if I personally think they could have cooked up something better if they decided to reinvent the range, but they an always do that with new ranges of eldar, like they're doing with the corsairs and might do with the exodites eventually.
>>94799147Carnac is a schizophrenic tranny who only sleeps 20-30 minutes at a time.
> 1st time painting deathguard> get this non-official green primer because anons said its just as good as deathguard green> not nearly green enough even after 2 coatsatleast i can keep it as a primer, but now i have had to order some actual official deathguard green, starting to think buying Non-citadel paints is a meme.
>>94799854Making the text on the sword shine is a cool thing, helps drawing to it.But I still can't help but look at the legs of the model and wonder what the fuck the sculptor was thinking? Why do you make him step on a tactical rock on the OPPOSITE leg to the dominant side?
>>94799854Gotta agree with the other anon that the legs are weird. Your paintjob is nice though
>>94799247But you see, I have friends who aren't colossal faggots so I can play games for fun. You do have friends don't you anon?
>>94799877How come you still don't know who carnac is despite all the time you spend cross referencing posts in the archive?
>>94799854you did a good job trying to make a bad model look good so props to you
Z usually replies with an invoice the next day, and it's been over a week this time . Is it holiday season over there?
Damn I didn't think the novels were as bad as people made them out to be until I finished thisThe Emperor should never be a major character in a piece of media
>>94799877>on today's episode of "POOPDICKSCHIZO is responsible for every post I don't like"
i wish there was a tool that could help me figure out how light hits different shapes from different angles and directions. I cant for the life of me figure out sometimes how to highlight volumetric shapes from certain angles.
>>94799877Literally who
>>94799920There is it's called a lamp or alternatively a flashlight
>>94799872Counterpoint; nobody gives a fuck about Eldar and Krieg were a more hyped up reveal with fewer models.Refreshing Eldar was a waste of time and plastic.
>>94799920Literally a lamp?
>>94799920...have you considered shining a flashlight on the volume in question?
>>94799933>Counterpoint; nobody gives a fuck about EldarThat's either a very disingenuous point or a very delusional one.
>>94799920>I cant for the life of me figure out sometimes how to highlight volumetric shapes from certain angles.Yeah we can see that very clearly here>>94798606
>>94799896What’s wrong with the primaris EC?
>>94799933Where did the xenoscum touch you again?
>>94799854The eyes turned out really nice
>>94799722That whole model is a disaster
>>94799909Fun fact: Graham McNeill intended for the audience to side with the Emperor over the priest, despite the priest being the much more reasonable character and warning (correctly) that the Emperor's approach will inevitably backfire because he doesn't understand ordinary humans at all.
>>94799932>>94799937>>94799939but... no I meantim not stupid I swear.
>>94799955NTA, but let me illustrate the gripe I expressed here >>94799887pic related is not how the model is posed
>>94799955Its ok i guess but it also is pretty lazy and uninspired compared to the old one. The new Castellan is much better and the two models came out basically at the same time
>>94799440Not really. It's okay if you absolutely need a timekiller, but the gameplay is shallow, and it really obviously works to put you into a "level X-1" aimless grindfest instead of progressing through any story (think American shit like Candy Crush or Clash of Clans instead of any Asian shit like Girls Frontline or MiHoYo titles). I like 40k and mobile shit, but this really ain't worth writing home about for any reason past maybe the graphic design aspect.
>>94800014>>94799955Also the sword looks flimsy and basic compared to the old one's thicc blade
>>94800008While this isthe foot on the tactical rock goes from a heroic stepping tool to an awkward gait on uneven terrain while the guy is trying to lose heroically
>>94800008>>94800022The sculptor probably just mindlessly copied what the original model was doing without understanding why it worked and that it wouldn't work in the over-exaggerated nuGW style.
Death Guard WIPGoing for a 90s toy aesthetic
>>94799993>im not stupid I swear.Doing a bad job at demonstrating that chief
>>94800061Well you definitely have the toy aesthetic going on but I'm not sure how I feel about this desu
>>94800055You're either blind or baiting.
>>94800061I like it, definitely looking forward to seeing the finished model when you're done. Reminds me of the stuff I used to draw in my school folders using the highlighter pens they told us to buy and never ended up using.
>>94800061Are you the anon with the purple and orange kruleboyz from aosg? I know he does a lot of 80s toy schemes
>>94800071Or the much more likely scenario, you're just on the spectrum and fussing over things noone cares about
>>94799992God damn that's so ridiculous it's almost funnyThe Emperor's entire argument being the "B-but what about THE CRUSADES!!!" is probably the most out of touch r/atheism shit I've ever seen
>>94800038it WOULD have worked in the new style if it didn't fuck up the pose of the legs
>>94800090Nta but kill yourself retard. What you call autism is simply having an IQ above 30 and basic ability to scrutinize.
>>94800093>>94800093>s probably the most out of touch r/atheism shit I've ever seenwelcome to dealing and actually finding out what 99% of 'Athists' think.
>>94797802Started 6 months ago and have Space Wolves, Blood Angels and Necrons. How am I doin?
>>94800055>how dare you think critically
>>94800112My crons
>>94800112Pretty damn great from what I can see
>>94800112impressive, but dubious
>>94799909>>94799992>samefagging chriscuck shill reposting the same lies for a decademeanwhile in reaiity:> I wanted to end the story in a way that, while Uriah might have been "wrong", he was the one you liked better and who came out with the apparent moral high ground. The Emperor was "right", yet he came across as the arrogant, short-sighted tyrant – the very kind he rails against in the story.
>>94800038>mindlessly copied what the original model was doingNo, but pic related was
>>94800076>I'm being recognised by my "style"Not sure how to feel about that
Have to show my shit off here because reddit banned all 10 of my accounts.
>>94800133standing with your legs apart is a different pose compared with walking forward ominously
>bidding on a used eldar vehicle>some guy insta outbids me for 25 bucksBut whyIt's ugly and retarded, just let me have it.
Any sort of Nurgle iconography I can freehand on this kneepad other than the classic symbol?
>>94800143Go back
>>94800143you really like dreddies
>>94800112>>94800116>>94800143Google lens has proven that you did not paint most of that if any
>>94800143Don't go back.
>>94800164oh no...
>>94800164I buy tons of stuff off ebay, but I promise you I painted all the Necrons and nearly all the space wolves, the Blood Angels I only painted the red dreads in the front and the tank, the rest off ebay. I have no shame in buying from others who do good work.
>>94800154benis :DDD
>>94800130>SamefaggingAnon I'm phoneposting while my milling machine has a 3 hour long run time
>>94800178>I have no shame in buying from othersYikes, you probably should>I promise you I painted all the Necrons and nearly all the space wolves, the Blood Angels I only painted the red dreads in the front and the tank, the rest off ebayReally isn't believable that you painted anything when you've admitted to spending 1000s of dollars on other people's paintjobs
>>94800162Yea they are fun as shit to paint because people sell sick upgrade kits on Etsy.
>>94800130That doesn't refute what they said. He says the emperor is supposed to be right, even though he's completely retarded and fails to make an argument in the story.
lol ok? I am still going to post my shit, you can hate on it all you want buddy.
>>94800193You didn't paint that tho
>>94800193>>94800203Go back to r*ddit where you belong
>>94800208I guess I should take that as a compliment? Do you think I did a good job or is it weak?
>>94800221You didn't paint that because you've already admitted to being a comissionfag, I didn't say anything about the quality of it despite it being truly mediocre and low effort
>>94800221Anon is just schizophrenic, ignore him.
>>94800234Brother I painted it, but I guess if you think it looks like shit I prob should keep practicing.
>>94800112>>94800116>>94800143>>94800193you have to go back
>>94800239I think he is just trolling me but I am trying to be friendly in case he is serious.
Do you prefer your minis glossed or matted? Shaken or stirred?
>>94800244Ignore the dcslopper, he's just mad noones giving him bumpats for his slop
lol why do so many people on here pretend they never use reddit XD. Shit is comical, anyway here is my most recent Dread. Give me some pointers on what to fix!
>>94800260For 40k I usually go satin because it looks nice on minis that have metallics. For fantasy stuff I do either matte or 1:1 matte:satin
>>94800269I think it's because they genuinely don't use it
working on this sword, trying to make a cool green glowing blade. I want to make the whole thing darker green on the outside with a sword of inner glow effect.Would it be better for me to darken the skulls with a nice dark green for contrast or should I darken the inside and leave the skulls glowing green?
>>94800277Yea maybe or they are just repeating what they have read here 1000s of times...I wonder which one it is...hmmmm
>>94800278Glowing green skulls would be a lot easier to do but I think making the eyes glow while the skulls look a little darker would be super cool.
>>94800284I mean people who don't use reddit exist anon...
>>94800269>why do so many people on here pretend they never use redditBecause it's a shithole and if you actually post there you're a failure
>>94800278I think darkening the skulls would be neat
>>94800278Idk but it already looks sick
>>94800293But people who have enough knowledge of it and have multiple reasons to dislike it (Myself included) would lead me to suspect otherwise.
>>94800269You should work on fixing gaps, drilling barrels, brush control, learning to apply washes properly, layering, highlighting that doesnt rely on drybrushing and not overloading your brush
>>94800306all i am saying is that it's normal for people to not use it or to have used it and disliked it, even it's reputation is mixed much like most social media
>>94800291>>94800297Aight dark skulls it is. >>94800299Thanks anon. hopefully the whole thing turns out, im gonna try something interesting.
>>94800306Are you really out here trying to claim that everyone who has a reason that they don't like reddit has to be a redditor
>>94800310Yea I apply wayyyy too much shade and should start drilling. Also prob highlighting gold edges after ive washed them. Shit is like manual labor at this point!
>>94800278what the hell that sword is sick, what kit is that
>>94800317Anon usually people with a built up animosity towards a subject have also has experience with the subject (Not always)..did I really need to type this out lol???
>>94800324Legionary upgrade sprue from the Night Lords KT.
>>94800331No, you had to ignore anon
>>94800342Oh ok...
>>94800318Maybe you should go play videogames if painting is such a chore for you
>>94800331nta not always no
Remember kids if you want to play 40k.No you don't, painting is what you want to do.
>>94800331My experience with the subject is that they come here and try and larp for attention which I have built up an animosity towards
>>94800355pretty much, yes
>>94800362You don't need 40k at all and you can just paint miniatures right?
>>94800358Ok well I don't Larp and all my account on reddit are banned so I have no choice lol.
>>94800355Reminder that anyone trying to shortcut to the game by buying prepainted models is generally completely soulless
>>94800371nta what's with the lols?
>>94800376What if they are a sculptor or musician and just don't like painting.
>>94800376My older brother won't paint an army so he is waiting to buy one. My younger brother painted his thousand sons himself and they look stellar. Only prob is I am having a tough time grasping the all the many rules. I hope just running through a few games helps me.
>>94800355I wouldn’t mind playing Warcry right now.
stop falling for bad bait
>>94800384Then they should keep sculpting or making music(unsure of how that's relevant) instead of pretending to be apart of a hobby they have no interest in
>>94800381I was chuckling at the idea of reddit making this site bigger and more inclusive than their own shit site which pretends to be the most inclusive.
>>94800409ok...weird but ok
>>94800413Well I am weird so now what?
>>94800418How about you fuck off now
>>94800427No, now what?
>>94800407I swear I didn't click on /pmg/ Painting Miniatures General.>unsure of how that's relevantOh! So literally everyone who doesn't play 40k has no soul, literally only painting little plastic men for a tabletop game you hate is the only thing that proves you have a soul.
>>94800164Truly detestable
>>94800427not me>>94800418don't care
>>94800433So apparently there is a "Troll" who just takes a hostile position to whatever you type and we just have to ignore him. Idk I am new here...
>>94800402What bait?
>>9480016460% is most.>>94800445That guy must have a 4chan pass, and has been here since 2019 non-stop, that's crazy.
We know wraithbone is unabled to be copied given the expertise of the eldar. However not all their weapons are 100% wraithbone. Would a xenos race or chaos group be able to study and replicate their weapons just using advanced materials/slight warp tweaks? If not we know eldar can be made into servitors so could a brain-in-a-jar type weapon be possible?
>>94800331My experience is that redditors come here and type like you do.
>>94800445I don't think pointing it out is a good idea anon or pretending to be part of something, just post figures or something
>>94800136I just know of your KB and lego votann scheme and made a guess based on how bright the colours were
>>94800458Wow awesome tell us more about your personal experiences, we are all just dying to hear them XD
>>94800476he's right you know
>>94800454Eldar weapons are dogshit, why would the Imperium copy them?Draxus legitimately had a better shuriken gun than the entire Eldar faction just by slapping some purity seals onto one.
Educate me on why some pictures flip and some don't.
>>94800433>So literally everyone who doesn't play 40k has no soul, literally only painting little plastic men for a tabletop game you hate is the only thing that proves you have a soul.As far as we're concerned yeah.>S0VLpainting /yourdudes/converting/kitbashing /yourdudes/writing fluff for /yourdudes/>soullessbuying other people's paintjobsbuying purpose built "upgrade sets"owning a box art scheme army with no variation
>>94800501Maybe there's a reddit thread about it
>>94800486>why would the Imperium copy them?why did the imperium copy sentinels, chainswords, power fists, lasguns, power swords, needlers and meltaguns from the eldar?
Looks pretty cool, what do you guys think?
>>94800512Pretty sick imo
>guard get 18" D2 flamers with fire on death>eldar steal their special rules but better>triple-layered nerf into oblivion from a 48% win rate>reduced to 0.014% (lmao) of the metaDoes Cruddace hate women lol
>>94800501when you rotate a photo on your phone the rotation is stored in the file's metadata, when you upload the file on 4chan, the metadata is not uploadedto make sure your photos are straight, when you rotate the picture on your phone, also edit it slightly in some other way, like cutting it or painting a dot on it, when you'll save the image it will be saved without need of metadata
>>94800501I would suggest you slow down on the model spam unless you want to attract the attention of the dcslopper and become his next schizo target
>>94800512I'm a big fan anon, if you're feeling daring you could probably use some yriel yellow here and there to really intensify the glow.
>>94800521It's more that the designers don't know what the fuck they're doing anymore
>>94800525too late for that already
>>94800501images posted to 4chan have their EXIF data stripped, which contains information on which orientation to display the image without EXIF to dictate orientation the image viewer will default to sideways for photos taken in portrait and normal for photos in landscape mode
>>94800521>0.014%>flip it round>41.00%my god...
>>94800527I do have some Yriel yellow I was thinking of playing with, but now I wanna do the outer sword first.
>>94800501I do like your dreads
>switching over to 40K because AoS is dead in my area>taking the Kroot pill even though my AoS army was fairly low model count>assembled the contents of the Kroot army box from last year>already fatigued and still have to assemble a gorillion more Carnivores have a full army >haven’t even started painting yetWhat’s your guys process for getting over the hump?
>>94800534Why can't the troll ever be a nice troll...
>>94800547Good plan anon
>>94800521Disheartening. Hoping that by the time I get around to building my Sister army, they're not so awful. But even if they are, I'm looking forward to painting them as a project.
>>94800569>What’s your guys process for getting over the humpJust do it and stop whining about it. The longer you sit on your ass the harder it is to start again
>>94800569I stare into the bathroom mirror and slap myself so hard I can spit blood into the sink.I put some pre-fab food in the microoven and pop open a monster energy drink. Then I sit down in front of my computer to watch youtube. About seven months later I suddenly paint another squad on a whim.
>>94800501No. Suffer. You claim to have painted all this when you didn't.
>>94800569I feel like trying to paint an entire army in a set time limit is never going to be particularly fun
>>94800569Just imagine how cool you will be when you post your finished product here and we all rejoice in it's beauty!
>>94800587I mean they're gonna have to do something in whatever the next balance patch is, and for the meantime yeah just build and paint what you like cause there's no point meta chasing when it all sucks.
>>94800616that's not gonna happen, the last part
>>94800603If I allow you to whip my bare back with ten lashes will I be forgiven and allowed to talk again?
>>94800570trolls are a long dead species now, their ecological niche got occupied by other most foul invasive creatures
>>94800486>xenos race or chaos group >Imperium Can you read nigga?
getting into the hobby against my better judgement. what are some good beginner armies?
>>94800723pick the army you likethe very concept of a beginner army is a scam
>>94800723Loyalist marines, tyranids and necrons come to mind first, each for different reasons though
>>94800723Orks. Great models, fun to build, fun and forgiving to paint, amusing lore, kitbashing opportunities galore which can save you money and provide hours of entertainment, fun to play in game.
>>94800723It's a cliche but it's true: Don't even bother thinking about rules or power levels. Pick the army that grabbed your attention and made you interested in 40k in the first place.
Welcome to /40kg/, where we have the same celebrity autists every day that shit up the thread. Today we have one who won't shut up about reddit posts, amazing stuff.
say, how many factions are in fantasy compared to the 9 ones in 40k ?
>>948007232000 points of dreadnoughts
>can create anything>make elves>make humans>make... orksWhy did they do it
>>94800760You are my favourite poster.
>>94800772it's meant to be fantasy beings in space first and foremost
>>94800772Because they could. When 40k was getting started in the 80s GW chose to use a lot of the work and design they had already done for fantasy minis and just adapt them to sci-fi.
>>94800772you wouldn't get it
>>94800723Buy 8 space wolves venerable dreadnaughts, you're gonna wanna make 1 of them Bjorn, 1 of them Murderfang, 3 of them Wulfen Dreadnoughts, and the last 3 are space wolves venerable dreadnaughts. Then you'll want 3 ballistus dreadnaughts, 1 redemptor dreadnoughts, and 1 brutalis dreadnought to round out your list to 1975 points.
>>94800772>Can create anything >Create story where the protagonists winWhy do morons pretend common things are bad? Real questions is why did they make Kroots and Vespids ugly?
>>94800369You need it, only 40k has cool minis. Everything else is either legally distinct Chinese knockoff tier not40k anyway or some generic warframe/paladins indistinguishable slop like infinity
>>94800802The Tau force them to eat ugly things
>>94800802because uncommon things are also not inherently bad, and kroots are undoubtedly cool
>>94800805You can paint 40k miniatures with-out playing 40k.
>>94800760Based dreadKING
I don't fucking have time to paint and I've already spent $1500 in minis
>>94800331I don't shitpost against redditors, but neither have I ever posted there. The only time I find myself on that site is when gathering info about stuff I don't know, purely off the back of it being a top hit on a search, and I'm often checking several other results as well. I also have never used twitter, instagram, tiktok, or really any other form of social media you can think of besides facebook (and I stopped).
>>94800723Space marines are babby's first army for a reason. They're recognisable, easy to paint, and are always generally strong to play at a casual level. Space marines by design are incredibly forgiving when it comes to playing them, you can almost rely on them always succeeding at what you set the unit to do as long as it's a realistic aim (for instance your intercessors aren't likely to shred a tank with their bolters, but your eradicators or gladiator lancer are practically guaranteed to put a hole in it) because their rules are structured around you almost always having a way to re-roll to avoid bad outcomes. They are the ultimate inviting shallow end of the pool to the point that some people never make it to the deep end despite being in the hobby for literal decades. The only drawback to them is their lack of appeal to anyone with an inkling of taste.
>>94800825>because uncommon things are also not inherently badThat is not a reason to pretend common things are inherently bad.>and kroots are undoubtedly coolYeah but they look ugly.
>>94800853Why did you spend over a thousand dollars on something you have no time for. That's like buying a full sized grizzly bear and being like oh fuck I just realized I live in an apartment!
>>94800756What the actual fuck is this webm?
>>94800875>That is not a reason to pretend common things are inherently bad.I didn't>Yeah but they look ugly.yur ugleh
>>94800760This is truly the answer to most of life's great questions
>>94800890Rage bait for people with less than 50iq. It's funny for everyone else
>>94800896Based and goblin greenpilled
>>94800760Why don't I see you praising anon's 2000pts of dreadnoughts? >>94800143
>>94800914Isn't 2000pts of straight dreads, there's too many non dread things and not enough dreads
>>94800907Icing on top is that's a PLA printed mini, so on top of his literal slop painting technique, the mini itself looks like shit under there (and that's why the sword broke off so easily, too).
>>94800521Sisters have the curse of appealing to top players, as well as being an originally niche faction that suddenly got a massive boost in popularity. Had sisters remained like harlequins where they had a niche playerbase, they could have continued as a powerful but rare army, however they became massively popular with competitive players thanks to their strong rules and general ease of access compared to other niche factions. Sisters were around 52% until we got confirmation that they'd be getting nerfed in the dataslate, at which point the top sisters players started dropping them, and all of a sudden we got their real winrate in the 40s because they're only at their strongest in the hands of the players who know them best unlike other factions that have lists that can be easily piloted. Also I don't care what anyone says, that D2 heavy flamer will be errata'd day 1, wouldn't be the first time a heavy flamer was said to be D2 only for it to be a mistake, I think someone on warcom is into manifesting.
I think thats it, I quite love how it turned out.Shame the picture is a lot darker than the sword is irl.
>>94798908sup, drop the spawn unless you love the models. it's also considered poor form to bring in massive dick monsters like abaddon in such small games imho. but he's good. the game is pretty fun to play and chaos has to be the most varied and fun faction in the game in my eyes now that i've been learning more about the different factions actual gameplay. we also get to have all the cool shit about being space marines without any of the gay shit (hovercrafts, tacticool). veterans is a good detachment but renegade and zealots are considered to be the most bang for your buck.
>>94800966Baller as FUCK
>>94800961>appealing to top playerswhy is this the case? i've had the displeasure of playing against some of the absolute top ranked sisters players in the world and they did not give one shit about the setting, lore, hobby (everything was commission painted to simply meet 3 color minimum), anything and were unpleasant socially as well. what is it about them and the faction?
>>94800999It had a strong army rule, and WAACfags are the worst.
>>94800997Fuck yeah, Im glad you think so anon.
>>94800966Turned out tight af
>>94801017reminds me of the demons from WC3 and early WoW. skulls + green fire is peak edgy aesthetic
>>94801026Thanks anon. Im glad its the only sword like this in the KT cause im not doing another one right now. I am thinking of doing my whole army with swords like these though. >>94801027Perfect for the edgiest faction, the night lords.
>>94800966Oh yeah real quick what color should I do the pommel guard and the grip? Maybe a dark red?
>>94800978>drop the spawn unless you love the models.I don't think I've ever met anyone who likes the spawn models and if I did I would worry about their mental state
>>94801060Dark green like the skulls would be a good way to tie it together
Dear GW. Please just release my fucking codex.
>>94800966spooky af/10
>>94801073mmmmmhmmmmmmmm nyo
>>94801073>monkeys paw curlsSure anon coming right up! You don't mind if every single datasheet and rule is faq'd before release do you?
>>94801068Sweet, I already cleaned up for tonight but ill try to remember for tomorrow.
>>94801099Not at all. I just wanna read the lore.
I've got another event I'm bringing my oops all scions list to. After the showing last time I'm pretty excited. Who would have guessed that full rerolls and +1 to wound would make them able to kill knights.
>>94801124Tbf every army has a way to utterly shred knights, they aren't actually very good
>>94801116Look into previous editions codexes, they go for hella cheap on marketplace provided they're from the past 10-15 years and aren't ancient
>>94801147It's not about how good they are or aren't, it's about how incredibly fucking unfun, one-note, and gay they are.
>>94801111Stoked to see the rest anon
>>94801159I have all the old books. I want the new book's lore.
>>94801166All the armies with small rosters are one note, you just don't like playing against this one. I'd have to assume your reasoning is you don't want to take heavy weapons as that's the usual culprit of getting tilted over elite armies. Which is fine but also you can't really blame others because you want to take less optimal lists. If it's that big an issue you should find a tighter playgroup of friends who have a similar mindset as yourself and you'll prolly have a lot more fun
>>94801193How can you manage to type in defense of Knights while your hands are wrapped around cocks?
>>94801174Ill try to paint every day this week anon to try and finish up. Here's a wip from a while ago now. I painted the gun and pouch/grenade tonight + some other stuff but didn't take a pic. I have a lot left to do thinking about it damn. All the highlighting, the lightning effects, the base.
>>94801203Look if you want to run bad lists by all means, but it's not anyone's fault but your own. You should get less angry about what others are doing and consider what you're doing to make the situation more frustrating for you then it has to be
>>94801209I'll never understand why people now insist on painting everything with contrast paints. I admit they have some applications, but they aren't a cureall. You see right? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills looking at all the contrast painted stuff where people just apparently don't see the splotchy watercolorly inconsistencies. And people keep saying but it's faster. I just don't understand. You can get better results on armored paneled marines very fast with traditional paints. Why do you guys paint like this? I'm for real, I want your stuff to look better and the use of contrast on every single thing baffles me
Knights should be a 3000 points only army desu
>>94801232In my defense, I dont use contrast paints on everything. I used contrast paints and shades for the armor because there's going to be a bunch of layers of highlighting and lightning effects going on over it and I was trying to save what little time I could. I just kind of prefer basecoating with contrast paints most of the time.
>>94801232Be careful for some reason a lot of people in this general will really defend those paints. I don't like using them either
>>94801232Contrast is perfect for base coating. It gets through the slow starting steps, and then let's you do proper painting from there. And for people who hate painting, the model can be done in like 3 steps, even if it doesn't look good.That said at arms length a poorly done contrast model looks better than a poorly done traditional model a lot of the time. Speaking from experience.
>>94801232It's better than not painting at all like your ass
>>94801257I'm going to be honest the makes even less sense to me. Why not prime black, use a makeup brush to quickly brush on your foundational shading and call that good? Less splotchy and guaranteed to follow your intended lighting. You could even use it to suggest the beginning of directional lighting if you're being fancy
>>94801209>I have a lot left to do thinking about it damnIt'll be done when it's done
>>94801282I love this general. Actual critique gets hit with braying donkey noises.
>>94801232Nta but marines with their large flat panels are almost the worst case ontario for contrast paints. I think they can look good on natural looking models like orks and tyranids and especially it you put a bit of effort into getting smooth transitions between colours.I like them for doing muzzle burn too
>>94801232>Why do you guys paint like thisBecause painting is fun, you should try it some time
>>94801232>I want your stuff to look betterI'd love for your stuff to exist but we can't always get what we want
>>94801265>That said at arms length a poorly done contrast model looks better than a poorly done traditional model a lot of the time. Speaking from experience.If we're comparing bad to bad. But models could just be painted better. Traditional models badly painted tend to come out too dark IMO, especially if people bathe them in washes. Badly done contrast tend to look to bright and splotchy. Seems to me that contrast should be used for what it's best at doing quickly to a manageable stand like cloth and skin, and traditional for hard surfaces like armor. People need to get out of bad habits like bathing everything in wash with traditional, and using contrast as a cureall
>>94801303>>94801310>1 minute apartlol
What base sizes are the new Tankbustas on? Looks like 32s and the Nob is on 40. Is that right?
>>94801286I enjoy priming with wraithbone cause I like adding shadows manually either with darker colors or with shade paints. I feel it gives me more control over the color. I did think about putting a layer of kantor blue under the contrast paint but there's already gonna be kantor blue on top with all the highlighting. See pic related, thats what I wanna do for the night lord, and I just didnt feel like spending 3 whole paints, two layers each just to get the basecoat done.
>>94801286You've never painted if you can't understand why someone would want to save time on models with tonnes of trim and details like nightlords csm
>>94801314>Just paint better.Or, people can just paint how they want to paint. Not everyone cares how their models look. The contrast looking better when it's poorly done is just a side bonus to it being faster and easier.
>>94801316So nomodels lmao? You seem to have pretty strong opinions for someone who can't produce an example of his own work
>>94801338NTA, but I'm posting models because I like posting models. Yes I know they're bad.
>>94801286Just admit you've never touched a paintbrush in your life
>>94801314>models could just be painted betteSure and everyone could be in their kitchen making Michelin star rated meals. Some of us are happy with simpler recipes and don't need to chase the dragon. Same goes for painting
>>94801350I like your stuff speedpaintanon, but that's not a great post to be replying to with your models unless you're that anon
So are Catachan squads still locked only to flamers for specials?
>>94801370I'm just trying to defuse the tension niceanon.
>>94801377What comes in the box?
>>94801388Miniatures, bases for miniatures and instructions for building miniatures
>>94801388So yes thenLooks like the custom regiment may be going Krieg then
>>94801377Yes, and it's because those are the only special weapons that come on the plastic sprue. Previously GW said you could cut off the antenna on the vox to turn that into a demo charge, but that was several editions ago now.
>>94800999Harlequins, Dark Eldar, GSC, AdMech, and Thousand Sons are all extremely hard to pilot effectively but are insanely powerful when used at a high skill level by someone that knows all their tricks and how to exploit them so they have tiny player bases that have an unusually high skill concentration. Sisters are just the latest addition to this illustrious pantheon of "factions that are literally impossible to balance for the average player".
>>94801402>just putting wash in the eye sockets to skip eye paintingI gotta do this. I have too many guardsmen miniatures.
Trying to come up with a paint scheme for Khorne Daemons before I start spending moneyI'm thinking black & gold or dark blue & goldwhat do you guys think? Good? Bad? Any colour suggestions?
>>94801232Fuck off dcslopper
>>94801430Flat black looks bad, go with a grey and then wash it with a black contrast paint.
>>94801430Sallyfag’s colour choice/10
>>94801430I think doing a yellow spot colour over a dark basecoat is going to make you question continuing your life
>>94801430Paint them all pitch black and then dry brush them metallic gold so they look like obsidian statues
>>94801438Black and yellow is extremely common, subhuman rent free retard
Converting up some engineers for my all scions all day army. Here's our bomber man test. The rest of the unit will have chain swords or lascarbines, to represent trench clubs or shotguns respectively. For the little bomb friend, I'm thinking maybe some sort of bird model maybe?
>>94801438Yea, fuckin' bees and their dipshit color theory, you tell them
>>94801432Stop poorly trying to falseflag accuse yourself when nobody's even discussing your shitty models
How many intercessors and heavy intercessors should I normally bring?
>>94801438Man it's so weird sallyanon painted his wasps black and yellow like wasps...
>>948014580 intercessors and 2 5 man heavy intercessor squads.
>>94801458None, they take away points you could be spending on dreadnoughts
>>94801430It's fine, just a bit boring. Would maybe be fun to have another color or even neutral color somewhere. Maybe their faces are white, just in the shape of their skull? Keep the sockets black so the red eyes still pop, make sure the inside of the mouth and gums are red so the teeth stand out.
>>94801475Please stop...I love my dread and I'm going to get more, but stop spamming this... It's not fun anymore.If you actually assemble that retarded army I would find it funny again
>>94801430i can't help you with painting but something you can do with bloodletters to make them look a bit different is using greenstuff or sprue goo to smooth over and cover up their eyes to give them a blind horror look
>>94801427Yeah, I only ever really tried painting eyes on my ministorum priest.Too bad he doesn't buff the ogryns, would have been fun to play with him sometime.
>>94801494It's only 11 more dreads anon, what could it hurt
>>94801504These guys turned out great
>>94801502Xenomorph mixed daemons sounds like a pretty sick army idea
Ritual posters should be taken out back and shot. This goes for all generals on the site. If your "thing" is to post the same fucking thing, every thread, without fail, you are not enhancing the board culture you are suffocating it. Die.
>>94801531Okay but who asked
>>94801531Sounds like someone's down in the dumps. Maybe 12 dreadnoughts could turn that frown upside down
>>94801468Really?I'd dunno, that target elimination ability for intercessors looks mighty tempting, even if they are squishier
>>94801444>>94801484>>94801502Thanks for the suggestions, they are some pretty creative ideas
>>94801531I 2000dreadpost and I'm not even the dreadking, I just think it's funny
>painting small modelsDifficult, but interesting to work with fine details sometimes.>painting medium modelsPerfect, a solid project.>painting large modelsAAAAAAAAHHHHH FUCK THIS SHIT WHY IS THERE SO MUCH SURFACE AREA
>>94801555Buy an airbrush
>>94800802>why did they make Kroots and Vespids ugly?What do you mean? Their models are cool, Kroot refresh was great and it being so huge was unexpected.From meta perspective both Kroot and Vespid are monsters so they are ugly. Kroot in particular are maybe slightly above the likes of Orks, Slaught and Khrave. They have to devour other sapient beings in order to not break down as a species, they know this and aggressively strive towards this goal. They are inherently incompatible with hypothetical utopian, peaceful and good galaxy and would need to be genocided eventually to let it happen, just like Chaos and Tyranids. Kroot too would be cartoonishly evil villains in any other setting.
>>94801555Just have your wife do all the boring parts like priming and basecoating. Then you do the shading and highlightning.
>>94801562...So, those airbrush council creeps got to you, too?
>>94801576Why are Lords of Change and Tyranids pretty when they are definitely evil, and not just to unironic Imperium supporters like you.
>>94801475How much would you like it if they released a Techmarine Dreadnought?
>>94801605Do NOT pretend you wouldn't the erothicctor.
>>94801605As if you wouldn't
>>94801620Man I wonder if I should try and repaint my neurolictor sometime.
>>94801605>Not denying the Lord of ChangeYou like Feathers, talons and beaks on your women? Since you do I can't imagine why we are disagreeing on a Kroot redesign.
>>>94797747New thread
>>94801663>that snake like patternSOVL
>>94801663That freehand is fucking cool, dude. The brain highlights are a little rough, maybe touch those up. But overall that's a KILLER model.
>>94801663What the fuck were you thinking?
>>94801686Thats an older pic, I forgot I changed some stuff up.And yeah I know its rough, it was one of the first models I ever painted.
>>94801504You did a good job on those minis, anons.The eyes on the ministorum priest aren't bad at all. They're pretty good.
>>94801675It's a throoder thread. It deserves to die now and before
>>94801720>the dripping venom effect on the clawsAbsolutely glorious. Still not the biggest fan of the glow effect on the brain. It's not bad in how it shines on the carapace, but it's too immediate in the shift from fleshy brain to glowy brain. Looks like a splotch of toothpaste there. Love the green drybrush on the black carapace, though, that feels very Xenomorph.
>>94801720You could probably get a better result on the stockings with an micron pen
>>94801449That's a nice model buts it's not really converting. Especially if you keep the lascarbines.That's basicly just scions "counting as" engineers.Consider swapping the heads and/or backpacks so they don't look exactly like scions.
>>94801734Yeah im still struggling to this day to understanding light and how to make things "glow" but at least Ive gotten better at drybrushing stuff. No more toothpaste issues.
>>94801663>>94801720maybe just go over the freehand patterns a bit, some of the black for example thinned out in parts so you can see the red underneath. Not sure if it would be better to lightly blend everything together or do go for more solid lines. Assuming this is something you were trying to go for.
>>94801769R-rightI was totally trying to draw snake pattern and not sexy red lingerie.
>>94801786Fishnet erolictor...
>>94801504>Too bad he doesn't buff the ogryns, would have been fun to play with him sometime.Genuinely asking. What is the point of taking ministorum priests? I like the models, and I want to field them if they make the game more fun for me and my opponent.
anons, I am begging youdo NOT fuck the Nidsthis is how you get Genestealers
>>94801820>To add to this:Do not fuck the blueberries from the Tau Empire. That's how you get even more Tau blueberries because Tau DNA is so strong that human+Tau offspring basically have no human DNA. Which means more problems for the Imperium of Man.>source: my shit leaking unshaven anus
>>94801805He gives a melee bonus to the unit he joins, but he can only join the infantry squads, kasrkin or scions. If you are one of the madmen who seek out close combat with Catachans maybe there is a role for him. Otherwise he is unfortunately just one of those units that hangs around for the flavor and vibes that he brings.
>>94801576>They have to devour other sapient beings in order to not break down as a species, they know this and aggressively strive towards this goal. They are inherently incompatible with hypothetical utopian, peaceful and good galaxy and would need to be genocided eventually to let it happen, just like Chaos and Tyranids. Kroot too would be cartoonishly evil villains in any other setting.Huh I've never thought about them like that. I like that thats another aspect of the Tau that would make them the big evil villian empire in any other sci-fi universe
>>94801830What if, theoretically, I have already fucked one blueberry from each caste and a small selection of krootshypothetically
>>94801580What if I don't have a wife?
>>94801531Calm down. Assemble a dreadnought or 12.
>>94801832he's slighty better in the new codex since he can now join engineers as well, so at least now there is an actually melee squad he can join (if you build the engineers for melee), though still a squad you wanna fight chaff at best with
>>94801744You will post in the throoder thread
>>94801843>and a small selection of krootsNo idea if there even is compatibility. Best to wait a Terran year.>I have already fucked one blueberry from each caste>theoreticallyYou better be deep in Tau Empire territory because I'm gonna close distance on you to put you in lasgun firing range.
>>94801720That's way better
>>94801869Good luck, I'm behind four thicc blueberries.
>>94801820No the GSCs aren't going to let you fuck any of the fun bugs.
>>94801610I would be pretty stoked ngl
>>94801720Don't repaint that shit it looks great
>>94801888>good luck, I'm behind 7 proxies referenced>vgh take me back pleaseListen here you degenerate xenofucker. I know you're enjoying your harem of blueberries right now, maybe even pounding a blueberry right now as we speak, but the Imperium of Man will fuck up the Tau Empire eventually and you'll get what you deserve!
>>94801914I'm fucking ancient my dude, I miss the old memesIf my blueberries fall, I'll just flee to the arms of the Eldar. Xenofuckery will never die.
>>94801929>Ill just flee to the arms of the Eldar>Xenofuckery will never die.Correction: degeneracy will never die. Next you'll be telling me that if the Eldar die you'll have a shortstack Votann girl on your lap you disgusting pervert that went too far!
>>94801942Don't be ridiculous.I'm a certified robofucker. I'd go after a Necron next.
>>94801953Robots don't have genitals.
>>94801968Dont underestimate necrodermis.
>>94801914When will the Imperium have the recouses to spare from the Orc, Chaos and Tyranid fronts to go wipe out the T'au Empire. I mean it's true the Imperium could wipe out the T'au Empire easily in the same way America could wipe out Canada or Mexico easily. The victory would come easily, the consequences (though very diffrent) would be very hard to swallow.>>94801968Anon IRL we have robots that are practically just genitals.
>>94801968Anon, I...
>>94801751They're supposed to BE scions that are filling the role of combat engineers.
>>94799440It treats you like a Space Marine collector, so pay up to actually get anything done.
Ravengers are often way hotter in the official art than their models are
>>94798477>>94798525Shading done, highlights and freehand tomorrow.
>>94800756yuo are liek litle baby
Can the schizo please stop throwing fits every single time someone makes a new thread at the "'"wrong""" time.
Guess we're back here for now lads
I'm sure as fuck not using the throoder thruood
>>94802224You're one to talk lmao
>>94802249include me in the screencap
>>94802259What was the post? I missed it :(
>Post models>No you don't>Looks like shit>Only happens in the early threads, when the thread split existsI can't believe it the throoder is real.
>>94798477>What did you guys get done over the weekend?nothingI need to buy some more stuff on the weekend, need a new knife and some brushes
BEHOLD!40ks best place to live in
>>94804887Could be worse i guess.