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Previous: >>94811026

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck list site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer


What is it about playing an Azorius deck that truly resonates with you?
Forgot the subject line you fucking slut.
>Forgot the subject line you fucking slut.

What about the TQ?
Gay Bolas
Plz delete and remake with the header bakerfren
What was his fucking problem
Users can't delete threads
I don't think the idea is unsalvageable, but you would have to add a statement that you can't sacrifice it to activate an ability (you could still sac it to cast spells like Village Rites, or sacrifice it as part of an ability that's already activated).
You can delete a thread you posted if you do it within a certain timeframe
>costs only black
>need green or blue
This kind of thing always drives me nuts
Wow Im still discovering new ways to wheel my opponents
White is "blue at home"
Prove me wrong
What does that even mean?
Play this on turn 1 for epic lulz
literally built for c*mmander
It's salvageable if you completely remove what it's supposed to do. Anon wants an easy infinite sac to combo off of. Cost is irrelevant since there's ways to cheat out creatures, especially in black. The very idea of an ideal sacrifice creature that revives itself without cost makes it incredibly broken even if it was once a turn, since you're still going to be sacrificing it every turn to whatever outlet you have triggering whatever death triggers you got set up.

No limit per turn = day 1 ban. Once a turn = banned in 2 months. It would be Nadu tier of busted nonsense.
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How many mana dorks/rocks substitute for a land?
It's a Commander card my man. They do that so you can add all the ninjas/frogs/ramp/counterspells you want.
Most of the times yes, like in the case of all the jumpstart legends, but at the same time it is an interesting design space for draft. Kamigawa draft was really good and Tatsunari was a cool card because he's just generally good (you basically get two 3/3s for 3 and one of them has upside) and you could run it if your deck didn't have blue or green, but it becomes even better if it does.
\what about the TQ?
I have never played white+blue
2.5-3 depending on cmc and whether it adds color or colorless. 37 lands are the mathematically proven sweet spot of not being mana flooded/screwed by land drops. Going down to 34-35 is greedy even if you have 10+ sources of 1-2 mana ramp and a low mana curve. Anything below 34 is going to lack consistency no matter how much ramp you throw in. On average you will get mana screwed more than you hit your drops and you'll be paying for mana everyone else with a sane land count got for free. Sure you'll have some lucky games where you don't even notice, but most of the time you'll be behind 3+ mana by turn 5-6 even with ramp out, which is a death sentence at a competent pod. Build better decks or tighten up your strategy and get up to 34 at the absolute bare minimum.
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I mean ultimately it's still "infinite" sac fodder this way. It just locks you from the obvious wall of A+Bs. Funnily enough I don't think it would be banned even in its original form (that's more due to RC incompetence than the card being balanced though).
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all right I'll try 35 lands
I like Azorius because all of my favorite cards are white, and protecting them from the bad guy with cards like force of will and daze feels nice. Force of Will, Force of Negation, and Daze are necessary evils to allow me to play the cards I actually enjoy, like Thalia, Seasoned Dungeoneer, Linvala, Knight of the Reliquary, etc. This is mostly in regards to legacy but the idea is the same in commander.

I'm pretty close to building a Lavinia Azorius Renegade deck and packing it with white hatebears and blue counter+draw. I have this deck laying around
but it's not really what I like. It's flicker and dungeon delve themed. I'm going to brainstorm a hatebear deck next.

No pun intended.
I don't like Azorious because I don't like combos and playing UW fair means you will be very reactive instead of proactive. Stax and pillow fort can be fun but I like assembling a puzzle and putting pieces on the board instead of sitting in my cuckshed waiting until everyone else is too busy having fun to notice me suddenly winning the game, and so do my opponents since everyone loves to clutch a board wipe and stop a devastating turn from the dude with 5 big boys and slew of anthems from quashing the table.

That being said, I love Bant, Jeskai, and Mardu, and my next deck is going to be Narset Prowess.
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Old player here, returning as noob in Commander
How's the Ixalan Ahoy Mateys deck for a beginner? I quite like the pirate theme and reanimation mechanic but i'm not sure it's a viable deck in itself.
I've seen it perform well in the wild
Very strong. It probably isn't an exaggeration to say the LCI precons are some of the strongest ever printed.
Do what you feel is right/fun but I'm just saying the math isn't on your side and ramp is no substitute for a cold hard untapped land drop. Two lands and arcane signet on turn two and no land on turn 3 means you basically just played a dual land that came in tapped/required 1 mana to activate with no secondary abilities and is very vulnerable to removal which would be worth about .10¢ if it were an actual land with those same characteristics. Ramp is supplemental not a substitute.
Extremely viable. Swap Unsinkable for the generic Beckett, swap in more pirates with evasion, do some basic upgrades to the mana base and you have one of the best sneaky theft decks in the game that people won't be salty about. Even if you just play the precon as is it's still really powerful.
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nothing feels right to me!
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>What is it about playing an Azorius deck that truly resonates with you?
I feel as though I should have control over what does and does not happen to me, and you only really get that sensation running control cards in blue/white. My first 3 decks were white/blue and pic rel was my first commander (with every single cheap "untap target creature" card I could find), back when no one ran any interaction/spot removal. Locking down the entire battlefield every turn was straight up *magical*. I think the deck had like 19 counterspells
I like 40-42 lands, personally.
People talk about draw and fixing and all that but the thing about a high land count is that is smooths out your early curve and your mulligans. It feels awful hitting turn 3 and praying for the heart of the cards to let you hit your land drop. You play with a lot of lands, you have a much higher chance of getting a good hand within one or two mulligans, and hitting your fourth and fifth land drops on time.
>but what about mana flood?
Once you actually have mana to spend, that's when you can start using your draw and card advantage spells. You want to use those spells to find cards that will win you the game once your board is prepared, not to desperately find lands on turn 2 or 3, if you're even able to cast them in time.
>if I add 2 mana rocks should I cut a land?
I don't know who came up with this math, but no. A mana rock costs 2-3 mana and gets you up one mana, but a land drop costs you nothing and gets you up one mana. Ideally you want to be doing both, so why would you cut one for the other?

At the end of the day, casting spells is fun. Having the mana to cast them is way more fun than the frustration of having them but not being able to use them. There is no golden ratio that will let you avoid flood every time, so just take it on the chin once in a while and enjoy the games where your shit does go exactly as planned.
>I don't like combos
>my next deck is going to be infinite_turns.dek
>sitting in my cuckshed waiting until everyone else is too busy having fun to notice me suddenly winning the game
It's so goddamned funny how accurately this describes like 99% of pillow fort/combo/control decks.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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Made a pauper deck. This shit is the worst.
Zada or quit pauper
>instead of sitting in my cuckshed i will build "Cathars Crusade: the command zone" and sit in my cuckshed counting prowess triggers until everyone falls asleep, proactivley
regular pauper or pauper EDH?
because i agree on pEDH, having access to almost no boardwipes and limited removal does suck shit
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What're the fastest ways to make a *shitload* of artifact tokens? I don't have a UR deck and the usual spellslinger stuff doesn't interest me. Making an assload of artifacts and just doing large AoE blasts with her + damage doublers sounds funny as hell
easy to do in green/black
Steel commander + animation module.
God, I know. It's killing me that she's not those colors
Descent Into Avernus.
Storm-Kiln Artist
Trail of Evidence
Tutors are fine if you’re playing with decks that are also looking to tutor up a game-winning combo OR if you deliberately build the deck without infinite combos to tutor for
I don’t give a shit if you tutor for a board wipe, but if you tutor an infinite every game on turn 4 that shit gets old real fast outside of cEDH
Its not salvageable and it's objectively a dogshit card and a really terrible idea that would never work and if it did work it'd be an entirely different not poorly designed card. This is why you fucking niggers need to make your own thread.
Reaver Cleaver and Academy Manufactor can make a lot. Really Academy Manufactor and anything that makes clues food or treasure would work well for that one.
It doesnt nor does it make any sense anon
Go ahead and make it then anon.
Just clone Academy Manufactor a few times. Three Manufactors on board turns a single clue/food/treasure into 27.
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I'm definitely not part of this but ill take it
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Do you use a mix of basic land arts in your deck or keep them all to a specific printing/set?
Not sure whether I like the idea of a mix of all the snow-covered swamp printings or doing exclusively MH1 full art snow swamps best
I don't sort my basiics too often so I just grab ones I like.If the deck has a theme or a strong tie to a single plane, I tend to use basics from that plane though, like Kamigawa for O-kagachi or dominarian lands for Raven man
>Do you use a mix of basic land arts in your deck or keep them all to a specific printing/set?
I like my basics singleton too.
>But what if your opponent looks at your hand and...
My opponent can eat my ass and balls.
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I always keep my basics themed to one set or block, and use one art per color. If possible, I use the same artist for every basic.
my favourite 2 decks i paypiggied for the Double Masters Foil lands because i think those are the best looking basics ever
otherwise whatever
nice, I use the Double Masters forests in my Yedora deck, sleeved in art sleeves with the same art
helps the face-down forest creatures blend in with the basic forests, ends up looking pretty nice
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>trying to make a budget deck
Fuck it. I'll just buy land tax
Post bad cards you like
Doesnt sound like you tried very hard white has lots of budget land shit
This seems so inconsistent, if you sac the treasure in response to this ability you don't draw a card. But if you bounce or sac mangara in response to his ability the other permanent is also exiled. What connects the card draw here where it isn't connected on Mangaras card?
To draw a card, you have to have the other player take control of it.
If you sac it, they can't take control of it.
Is this helpful? I know that. I'm asking what about the cards is different where it's tied on one and not the other. Because the way I read them they seem more connected on Mangaras card than the financier. Mangara reads as one unified clause, financier three separate things
The periods in the ability denotes checks.
Did you pick a player?
Did you exchange control of a treasure?
If true draw a card.
If there isn't a treasure to exchange control, the action in invalid and you don't draw.
Your card is just exile.
There are no checks. If it was written "exile [name]. Exile a creature opponent controls. Then it would be the same. It has to make a state check before the second part can be resolved.
Then why do other cards say "if you did X" and not just state the clause and then put a period? Terribly inconsistent it seems. Likely just wanted to remove a trick from the card
Right, my first thought too. Explain yourself anon
>friend keeps complaining about not having the money to make a new deck
>Spends anywhere between 40-100 dollars a week on maybe board cards for his name deck that he never play tests.
Who are the biggest whales in your playgroup?
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NTA, but it's a meme.
Anon is implying white does everything blue does, but worse. Something that resembles, but is very inferior.
What cards have cards have "if you did"?
Anything thats full art I run. Doesn't matter from which set, I just prefer full art lands
Literally hundreds.
>you may pay EE
>if you do
If periods were checks it would just say "You may pay EE. Create..."
This is one version of budgetfagging: poor spending assessment. The other is inability to spend a dime. Either will use powerlevel as an excuse to justify their silly habits.
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Because its an optional trigger when you're attacking rather then a normal activated ability?
Oh "do' that's because the clause is optional compare to Financier the clause is mandatory when you activate the ability.
If the "if you do" was removed from this you would create a 1/1 even if you didn't pay energy.
Is this the most fucked up unintuitive oracle text ever?
Reads like a Yu-gi-oh card
What exactly happens if I pay x=1 (or 0) and put down an Emrakul face down? What if it doesn't get turned face-up until five turns later?
You can not place anything down for x 1 other than 1 drops or 0 drops.
You can play 8 and place a 4 cmc down as a mind game, you can not put down something that costs more than what you paid X
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That's illegal.
>all applicable penalties
Oh so I could drop a 2 drop for 5 mana but they wouldn't know it's a 2 drop???????????? Is that the purpose of this card? Why would X ever not be their cards mana cost otherwise
>Anon drop something face down for 8, I'm not gonna fuck with him, that's probably something that would really hurt.
>Little does he know, it's just a brass man.
It's okay Timmy, some people like to mind game instead of just drop bombs.
This fortnite Miku collab really highlights Wizard's incompetence. That shit has been taking the internet by storm, i'm seeing it here on 4chan, on instagram reels, youtube, tiktok. Everyone loves Miku. And yet the multiple Miku secret lairs were just kind of a flop, nobody cared because the art was just so shit. And yet they're never punished for it because all of them sold out so they can report it as a massive sucess to the shareholders
It was played with this, which used to be the best beater ever.
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My problem is that I’ll look through the singles box and grab anything that looks remotely interesting while looking for cards I need- like where the fuck am I going to Ashling’s Prerogative?
Because the morph cost counted as x=3 to put her out face down, so you didn't have to pay her hefty morph cost to turn face up?
Order it online?
That's something I usually only do if it's a deck I really like. My Ziatora I made sure to make all the basics the same art and from Capenna. Same with my Kyler but for Innistrad. Those two were easy to get a unifying theme for in lands. Some are a bit tricky though like my Muldrotha and Roxanne. Still can't really settle on which arts for their lands I should get.
I don't know what a miku is and I don't care what happens on normiebook or basedgram
Maybe boards are a bad place to dump money into. Was it for a pet deck of his or something?
No it doesn't. Yu-Gi-Oh has specific wording that avoid weird case scenarios like this.
It really is impressive how baldy they fucked that one. It must have been an intentional choice right? To get mediocre art for almost every card in the Secret Lair.
No, he just keeps seeing cards and thinking "this would work well I think" then just putting in a box.
Skins are the entire business model for fortnite. Secret lairs are just free extra money
Could be worse. I'm going to never fully finish a deck because I want cool alt arts.
>Wife won't let me buy a serialized Elesh Norn.
I meant “where the fuck am I going to use” but I typed too fast
>Wife won't let me
No man should ever say these words
Tokens, that aren't copies, have inherently 0 cmc so choosing even it's a cheap haste enabler for go wide token decks
Depends. You gotta do felicity calculus. Some things are deal breakers, like seeing the rippers or buying a new car without discussing it, but a couple of bumps with the boys over bourbon or $1k on a fancy magic card isnt going to hurt anyone.
I had this in my thromok list cause it gives him haste and slows my opponents and all my shit gun get eaten anyways so idc if any of them come in tapped
>$1k on a fancy magic card isnt going to hurt anyone.
Not every has that much disposable income.
With a tax return? Sure.
Once a month? Yeah, that will be a problem to most if you aren't upper middle class.
So I'd say any deck with red that isnt low cmc and wants at least it's commander to attack quick
Fair enough, everything in moderation, you're absolutely right. I've just never had my wife forbid something that wasnt obviously retarded, but I guess we cant be so lucky.
Are Soul of the Harvest, Vigor and Regal Force boomer creatures or should I play them in my 2025 elf deck?
No, they're based. Play them.
I kinda agree. If I have to spend an ungodly amount of money on cardboard I'd rather have it look good. Spending 100 bucks on an ugly piece of shit card eaten by rats always feels bad. I want my deck to be an art gallery.
Too bad some of the alt cards cost a retarded amount of money. Making a 100 bucks deck spike to 1k.
Anon, hate to tell you, but $1k is like just above average for a deck. Most decks are around $750 CAD, so like 521 USD.
great, becasue i own them from my mid 2010s elf deck that i'm finally rebuilding and making better
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>Wife won't let me buy a serialized Elesh Norn.
Yeah, I know how that goes. My husband won't let me buy a $2,000 Taiwanese puppet
Most people, even including many people who actively take part in the hobby would view 1k for a piece of cardboard as, retarded.
Post your perky voobies
Be my wife instead, I'll let you buy whatever you want.
Depends. $1000 bucks on golf clubs or ski equipment is fine. $1000 on a car is a drop in the bucket. In general if you're an adult with a job you can afford $1000 once in a while for your hobbies, and magic is pretty affordable, all things considered. It's not like adopting a show dog or building a backyard forge.
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Mail Day. Xenagos upgrade and two side grades.
You guys got anything good?
I want to fuck that bitch so hard
Based. Bloodthirster is so fucking good in Xenagod.
Last time I posted a pic in this thread, I ended up in an in-person game with the Avacynfag and he ended up getting a little pushy about trying to get into my friends' playgroup.
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>mail status finally updated
>package should be here monday
She looks like an actress, but I can't place her. Damn I was going to be clever.
Let's hear more about this playgroup
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I can hardly wait to sleeve him up against my friends tomorrow. I won't say anything, just attack and wait until they realise that at least one of them is dead on board.
Bloodthirster's a treat. Was funny seeing a guy do the math in real time and realize one person was going to die due to it growing to a 48/48 flying trampler. Enjoy!
>Deck is a 5 according to commander salt
>add a mishras workshop to your artifact deck
Juat run stasis and rootmaze silly anon.
How am I supposed to win with that? Hope they conceed?
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how many snow mountains do I need to make sure pic isn't dead? deck currently has six (6) basic mountains I can swap for snows, and I could squeeze a pair of Kaldheim tap snow duals in, but I probably have enough ramp that that won't be necessary?
building a manabase is too big brained for me
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When I first build a deck I fill in with whatever, and if I wind up liking the deck I'll bling it out with foil lands I feel fit it's theme and vibe.
What deck? You can probably squeeze more basic in
Simple: break the stasis lock. It's a hard lock, only force of vigor can get you out. There's a land that does it too, you discard a card to untap it, but I cant remember the name. Your opponents cannot win. Beat them to death with a 1/1, it doesnt really matter once the lock is down.
Miku was popular for like 3 weeks back in 2018 geezerchan.
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>Wife won't let you spend the money you earned
Is pity pussy thrown at you every now and then really worth living a life like this?
Huh. The only deck I have that's that low is only $600 USD.
>pull foil pokemon enduring innocence
>damaged foil film in the middle of its fucking head
fuck my life.
A lot of the art was bad and a bunch of the cards really didn't fit Miku they could have put me in charge I would have an amazing batch of secret lairs
>Depends. $1000 bucks on golf clubs or ski equipment is fine. $1000 on a car is a drop in the bucket. In general if you're an adult with a job you can afford $1000 once in a while for your hobbies, and magic is pretty affordable, all things considered. It's not like adopting a show dog or building a backyard forge.

All the alternatives you listed have actual use and have a reason for why they're so expensive. Comparing a 0.002¢ piece of cardboard and ink that was printed in 2.5 seconds en masse off the same machinery used to make business cards and thrown into a 40 pound box that has tens of thousands of the exact same cards in it to a full set of premium golf clubs that require specialised machinery to fabricate and inspection by people learned in the sport before they're shipped out by a few dozen at a time is asinine hope.

Spending so much money on a children's card game is extremely retarded. I'm guilty of doing so too with cards I like even though I proxy 90% of my decks but I don't cope by trying to equate being a fucking neckboard in some dingy room playing children's games with fat stinky borderline retarded nerds with shitty jobs as comparable to going out golfing with my boys and chugging beers on a sunny golf course while wheeling and dealing favors like law advice or dry wall installation because they have jobs that don't involve just sitting in front of a computer. You can enjoy your hobby while admitting it's a waste of money and time that will never be acceptable or cool to adults who have their lives together.
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You can count the amount of "good" anime mtg art on one finger.
But anon the materials for a golf club are maybe 20 cents. And they are also created in a similar process
>the base material
Is what dum dums do
You are a fool, and you're in the wrong place to have this silly argument. Proxy whatever you want, but some people enjoy collecting things as well as playing the game.
>t. Basement dweller who has no idea what materials cost and should cost
Oh I'm well aware that this thread and any MTG forum in general has a large portion of slop consooming funkopop redditors who try to justify their shitty spending habits and larp like anyone but the other people in the room think TCGs are cool or a worthwhile use of time. Like what you like but if you genuinely think you consooming corporate slop and playing a children's card game is no different than someone who paints, an animal handler, athlete, or a hobby mechanic, you have the thickest of neckbeards and are just a coping midwit. I buy expensive cards occasionally too but I don't have to pretend like I'm making an investment or engaging in my "hobby", I know I'm pissing money away and I accept it.
>Spending so much money on a children's card game is extremely retarded.
Nowhere near as retarded as what some people spend on booze.
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post mvp cards from your last commander night

>pic related was mine this week
>was put in the deck as a janky combo piece wincon with decree of silence
>realize that it is very often extremely useful to just throw down as a stax piece
>completely shut off the Animar player at the table
>instantly became everyone else's friends because they didn't want the Animar player turned on again
>10 turns later I die to an emrakul taking my turn
>the instant solemnity is removed the Animar player kills everyone and wins
I've gone and added it to another deck because it also happens to have white and not play with counters. I'd recommend others consider the same.
That sure is a silly paragraph of insults without much substance. You only get as much out of a hobby as you put into it, and it's obvious you dont take magic or argumentation seriously. What decks do you play?
That looks like Hearthstone art.
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You've got a weird two pointed finger
Neither of those are the demonic tutor.
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Pic unrelated
Huh? Google it anon steel, aluminum titanium all cost very little per pound and only need what 10 max for a club? What are you even trying to say lmao
>before every game
>shuffle well
>end of the game
>fish out my 3 combo pieces,
>put them back in the deck together
Literally what are you going to do about it?
you know I hadn't put it together that the thunderbolt fantasy freaks and the BJD freaks are the same women
Laugh at you for trying to "fight at my own level" and losing like the dumb fuck you are. No one is impressed.
Cut your deck, obviously. How is putting them together supposed to help you?
Why would i do anything? Do you understand shuffling?
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Kristen Bell. That's who she looks like.
What the fuck is the point of this post?
Mathematically you would have to overhand shuffle 10,000 times to randomize a deck. Factor in the real physics of friction, and those 3 cards will be together or extremely close to each other every game
Dont start this faggot shit. No one overhand shuffles.
>Literally what are you going to do about it?
Discard your hand with wheel + Narset
Take your deck and throw it across the room. All the cards are now randomized and, once collected, shuffled. And I will do this every time you try this faggot shit. I hope you play with proxies or Top Loaders, nigger bitch.
Good thing no one who plays magic shuffles like that. Also math is gay and never really applicable
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Yeah, fuck math.
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How many times do I have to shuffle your deck like this?
What are the best options for BG tokens other than Chatterfang and Jaheira + (Agent?)
Lmao suuuure buddy
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>watching my friend's wife bridge shuffle his ur dragon deck full of fetches
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Theft is the most worst, cancerous, gay archetype in the game and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
Jesus christ how horrifying.

Nah that's chaos or grouphug. Theft is neat.
how the fuck does anyone shuffle a sleeved deck (or worse, a double-sleeved)
Very roughly like really getting in there. The whole deck is pringled up so bad bros...
Easily. Worst comes to worst, break it into smaller chunks, then shuffle the chunks together.
>Theft is neat.
Manly tranny hands typed this
I meant in one go, I have to break it up into halves to do it.
I'm 6'8" and I break it in halves, dont worry about it too much. With new sleeves it usually takes a couple months to get it to work right.

Praetor's grasp, fallen shinobi, and mindleech mass are excellent. No amount of gaslighting will convince me otherwise.
Dainty feminine hands typed this post.
How about you learn to accept playing with your own cards just like you should learn to accept your biological sex?
You put one half in each hand and push them together. It's very easy.
its true, my hands are too small; my bench sucks cuz of it, I think
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Theft haters are the biggest faggots along with stax haters.

What theft and stax have in common is they more strongly negatively affect optimized decks compared to weaker ones which makes whales with their $2k decks seethe.
They are based as fuck mechanics, and I always try to have at least one of each on hand.
Also, if you don't want people touching your precious $400 dual land, consider putting it in your binder or find a different hobby faggot.
I am still gonna put pic related in all my black decks, cope nigger.
Nah. I'm going to play your cards. Not only that, I'm going to run effects that use your cards better than you do, and stax effects that prevent you from using your cards, so when I win you'll have to accept that not only did I have more fun with your cards than you, but I was also better at using them.
You come off as a very annoying person why you got such a big chip on your shoulder?
>Nah. I'm going to play your cards
Just like you wear the skin of my sex
Woah, you're leather face? Or am I leather face? Either way texas chainsaw massacre two is one of my top ten favorite movies.
>Either way texas chainsaw massacre two is one of my top ten favorite movies.
No one sane has ever said this. It's a fucking garbage slow and boring 70s movie. It's concept was one hundred thousand times better than what it actually delivered. The only good scene was when they show that the grandfather is kind of undead somehow
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pdh is based
It's like real Magic for Commander players
I love this Kor art. Wish we had more like her...
because your post reminded me exactly of the mouthbreathers at my LGS who complain when I play my jeleva theft deck, despite it being far from my strongest deck and rarely ever winning with it, almost all the theft effects are $1 bulk rares anyway and the fact that this meme strategy has somehow become more pariah then chris and dylan who play storm/extra turns/thassas/tutor-for-combo-immediately bullshit with their fully optimized decks blows my fucking mind, they even gaslighted me in the past into removing Drannith Magistrate from my other decks while they still do their degenerate shit (I have since readded it). Magic players have 0 self-awareness and its draining as fuck.
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Is there anything that prevents opponents from sacrificing creatures/permanents?
If all of a spell or ability's targets are illegal when it tries to resolve, it will be countered.

The only part of financier that targets is the part that targets the treasure. If the treasure isn't on the battlefield when the ability resolves, the ability is countered due to lack of legal target.

Mangara's only target is the creature it exiles. Mangara's position is irrelevant when the ability tries to resolve because the ability still has its legal target.
Texas chainsaw massacre 2? You mean with the one in the 80s with the whole dilapidated funhouse, the radio station, and the human chili? The first one was also extremely good and holds up well today, but I understand 70's style film making isnt for everyone. Try the OG Town that Dreaded Sundown, and I'll leave it there. This is an edh thread.
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Give them all of their creatures
>8 paragraphs for two sentences
Yes you definitely got a battle to fight lmao
Ever had imbalanced non-games? Introducing Super commander -

Boardwipes have cycling zero and have the text “when this card is cycled, exile it”

This is because a new mechanic called ‘commanders orders’ comes into the game to rebalance the game and promote politics.

>Commander’s orders - Can use these once per game. Doing so bumps your commander tax by 1.

Farewell - Spend a commander tax to put a farewell to a vote. If at least three players vote yes then there farewell is put on the stack and each person who voted yes on a successful vote has their commander tax raised by 1.

Target - Single target removal of any permanent. Raises the users commander tax by 1.

Raid - Take a land from another player. Raises the users commander tax by 1.

Replenish - Draw two cards. Raises the users commander tax by 1
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I just threw this together in MSE and honestly if it was real i would have violently thrown my money at it
Sounds awful and like it would only exacerbate the issue of both non games and wouldn't promote politics at all how do you figure it addresses anything
>Friend has a volcanic island
>Deck isn't sleeved
>Bridge shuffles it
I hard cringe every time. I feel like I am morally obligated to palm it and re-home it like a dog with an abusive owner.
>imma just reuse a bunch of keywords that already exist, that won't be confusing at all!
Get your IQ tested anon, it's dangerously low
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So about that thing you just tutored for
One of the Sigardas does it. Besides her it's mostly just creatures that can't themselves he sacrificed.
This is funny. You could easily game this by playing a deck that doesn't ever need to cast it's commander and just spam these over and over.
It's amazing how badly they fucked up on that one. Could have easily made her Jetmir and called it a day. Theme it around concert goers she's buffing and it's pretty much set.
So i've been thinking about getting a Celestial Toymaker deck for a while, and i made a list but i'm not sure about it. The idea is to trigger the commander a bunch of times to drain, but that's not really a reliable win-con so i threw in some big sphinxes to hit in the air. But even then, it feels like its probably kind of jank. Another problem is that my list ended up with a very low creature count, and i play in a very creature-intensive meta so i'm sure i'm just going to get punched to death for having no blockers. Need some help

Does this card's effect scale with commander tax? That's sick if so
yes and also its a wincon in the command zone if u make infinite mana and have a sac outlet, but i didnt build her like that since it was intended to be my casual deck
Raid is insane. Like better stripmine. Like stripmine plus better control magic that cant be interacted with.
Angel of jubilation?
Angel of Jubilation, if you're in white. Otherwise, naw. Most cards either prevent themselves being sacc'd or your stuff, not opponents.
They can just do it back.
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Do you agree with this? What would you change?
>Choas is S and D
>Tokens are D
>Tribal is C
Weak sauce
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Will PDH ever become a real format? Literally no LGS sanctions this. What do frens?
It is not in the interests of LGS to enable poors. We could have Bridgerton, but you wouldn't be invited.
No complaints, and I'm autismal as fuck. Put tempo on A tier and it's perfect.
I draw contention with just about every decision made here
Plenty of those come with caveats.
Great if you have a way to close out the game like with Avacyn. Child of Alara boardwipe tribal can fuck off.
Healthy stax is essential to the game. Winter Orb Urza at least kills you quickly. But stax for making the game a drag is dogshit
>Super Friends
Dogshit if you're just going nuuuu don't hurt meeee. If you're incentivizing people to hit each other like Nelly, Impetuses and forcing people to attack each other, then it's great.
Placed perfectly. Bad Chaos people should be shot on sight. Chaos that closes out games by increasingly destructive ways is fun as fuck.
Place it lower. It's rarely a wincon apart from b-b-b-but I slow my opponents down! And leads to boring games. Tergrid is an exception because that's a wincon, regardless of how much people hate her.

I'd personally move Relentless Rats to C or D. But the rest is pretty alright.
chaos belongs into D with Pol and Hugs

wait, i just now saw it
Still trying to find a playable build with my noncollection..
Judging by the state of pauper itself, no.
Something I don't understand about secret lairs is how scatter brained they are. Any other company in their right mind would have sold customers four Miku secret lairs you could play together cohesively in one deck as an incentive to collect them all. Not wotc. They're firing buckshot blind into the bush with these card choices. Awful art quality aside (and that is a BIG part of why it sucks) you could barely use them together in one deck if you tried. How am I suppose to use Child of Alara, Feather, Song of Creation, Snapcaster Mage, and Elspeth Tirel in the same deck? That's not even a deckbuilding challenge it just doesn't work. They'll bend over so far to make sure UB can be cohesively used together but every time with SL's it just goes out the window. One card you want and three of the most random rares in the game in different colors.

Drives me fucking crazy.
The Secret Lairs aren't assumed to be used by people building new decks, but by people who already have decks and also like Miku. The goal is for as many people as possible to think "Oh, I could get a Miku for my ____ deck."
Tips on building Zur Jr.? I'm thinking stax enchantments and enchantment creatures obviously but I'm curious about closing games in high power tables. Are Parallax Wave/Opalescence combos still a viable win?
Didn't you post about this weeks ago?
Building stax in zur is retarded. You don't want your shit to be easier to remove (creature removal being the most common and cheapest in the game).

If anything you want the exact fucking inverse, build Myrkul, get stax on creatures, and have them come back as enchantments.
>My favorite enchantment creature cards are alchemy
im having major deja vu as well, because i saw him too, and i so this exact reply too, to which i replied that Zur gives those enchantement creatures Hexproof, which makes them suprisingly resilient still
Not revives, it just outright doesn't die. The idea was something that lets you pay sacrifice costs and get sacrifice triggers without a death trigger.
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>Zur gives those enchantement creatures Hexproof
And board wipes are non-targeting.
Not to mention the myriad of waves to remove hexproof.
>Are Parallax Wave/Opalescence combos still a viable win?
Yes and I encourage you to play them.
Myrkul doesn't have U, sis.
>myriad of waves to remove hexproof
just no
i never claimed it wouldnt be easier to remove them, just pointed out that Hexproof is still a very good tool for protection and something that will likely throw the opponents off guard. Regarding Boardwipes, you could stop pissing your pants about it, you are in Azorius anyways, the color pair that provaids actual myriad of waves to protect your board
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>Actually, you shouldn't run creatures because removal exists. You should play enchantments instead.
this is why I only play aristocrats
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>Play a card that could basically wipe anyone off the board at will for two mana and a tap activation.
>Simic playing buddy: Man, I don't know if I should let that hit the board. I can counter it, but if I do, its going to set me back.
>"Why, is it pact?"
>"It is."
>"Up to you man."
>"If I *don't* counter it, you can't take out my board with it for two turns."
>"So just let me be clear. You won't counter it, if I don't use it to take out anything on your *board?*
>"That's correct."
>"That is acceptable."
>Spell resolves
>He lets it go around the table and then tries to rift the board at the end of the next turn before mine.
>Use my synergy to hit him for 180 to the face.
>"Wow, you broke the NAP."
>"No, I didn't effect your board, you never said anything about not hitting you directly, and what did you really expect when you rifted?"
>"You're an asshole bro."
Am I?
You did right. Your friend is shitty at politicking. Lessons learned, ect.
What was the 2 mana tap card
Please do not forget your thread title.
2 turns for a 5 mana counter?
this shit is ridiculous, 5 mana is actually 2 mana for Simic, you were right to fuck him
>Place it lower. It's rarely a wincon apart from b-b-b-but I slow my opponents down! And leads to boring games. Tergrid is an exception because that's a wincon, regardless of how much people hate her.
What about Tiny Bones?
>Placed perfectly. Bad Chaos people should be shot on sight. Chaos that closes out games by increasingly destructive ways is fun as fuck.
What's an example of good chaos vs bad chaos?
>Healthy stax is essential to the game. Winter Orb Urza at least kills you quickly. But stax for making the game a drag is dogshit
In what colors or color combinations is Stax viable?
Theft needs to go in F
>What's an example of good chaos vs bad chaos?
His pet decks vs other people's decks
>Carther'a, Cratorhoof, and all the slow lands are being reprinted.
Fuck you. Take my money WoTC assholes.
Cathar's Crusade needs banned btw
Is sun droplet playable? n/n?
Not really, no
It should, but not just because its strong, but because people take WAY too fucking long to put and keep track of counters.
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Is this a good description of Chaos?
Stolen from Reddit:
>Chaos mage here. Simply put, “chaos” in mtg means that you can’t tell the outcome of an action based on the input.

>Cascade is a form of chaos, though a weaker form because you have a reasonable expectation that the cascading card will resolve, and you know something about the card you cascade into (max cmc, at least). I’d consider Ojer K to be light chaos for the same reason.

>Not to throw shade, but I’ve always considered coin flip decks to be the absolute weakest form of chaos, because you always know what they’re gonna do—you just don’t know when they’re gonna stop.

>Stronger forms of chaos typically make it so even your opponents can’t predict the results of their own actions. This is where chaos starts to blur into stax—which is why some people don’t like to play against it—though personally I think counterplaying to chaos is loads more fun than counterplaying to stax control.

Does your classification of bad/good chaos vs weak/strong chaos correlate with the above? ie. bad = weak form, good = strong form
And what?
Hello and welcome to the game
Turning stax into creatures is just not a good plan, I don't know how this is a difficult concept.
You are adding a vulnerability to cards that will be prioritized for removal.
No one runs that
I don't care what a redditor has to say, but at least chaos still lets me play my deck.

All of the most hated play styles are about not letting people play their deck

When you spent hours planning a decklist, at least maybe $40-$70 putting it together, and you only have enough spare time in a week to play maybe 4 games at an absolute max, anything to interferes with your ability to play the game is just fucking garbage.

>b-but muh probability, you might never have drawn the cards you milled or that I ripped directly out of your deck!!!!
Doesn't matter. You changed the possibility of me playing them from a "maybe" to a "no" and that's all that humans care about.
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This card actually fucks so much. You can just throw it in any deck, even if you have zero synergy it will just end up drawing 5+ cards in a couple of turns if left alive
*Sees the word "draw" printed on card then blows it up*
turning your gay Stax pieces into proactive creatures, that can gain you live and force awkward blocks and attacks on your opponents because of deathtouch, only makes them staxxier
You know that recursion exists right? Removal doesn't make something bad. That's pretty silly.
I keep looking at this card but I keep cutting it because it feels like Regrowth, Once and Future, and Bala Ged Recovery just mog it too hard and more recursion is just greedy.
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There was so many from that set that are good though.
Almost like it was planned...
Holy delusion
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>asari commander
Noxious revival is the standard.
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>went up to 70-90$ since release
>dropped to 45$ overnight

Huh so bloomburrow was popular enough to go through a second printing.

When was the last time that happened for a standard set, neo or woe?
You're bad, and dumb. Not only that, but $40-$70 does not make a functional deck; you couldnt enjoy it even if you wanted to.
You're not playing combat in stax don't be a retard.
>heh for 2 mana I turned my Rule of Law into a 3/3 with hexproof and deathtouch! Now what huh?
>Cyclonic Rift
Have fun paying a total of 5 again to make a 3/3 deathtouch
And that's just ignoring the fact that I can have hexproof removal on a land in Arcane Lighthouse, or on an artifact in Shadowspear, or on an enchant that also does removal if I play Nowhere to Run in black.
>b-but now I have creatures to protect me too!
Man, if only there were cards that that prevented or discouraged your opponents from attacking you...oh wait!
>Ghostly Prison
>Sphere of Safety
>Lightmine Field
>Koskun Falls
>Elephant Grass
>Revenge of Ravens
>No Mercy
>Hissing Miasma
>Marchessa's Decree
>Blood Reckoning
And that's just the enchantments.

As someone who owns 6 different enchantress decks, I can tell you recursion of creatures is infinitely easier than recursion of enchantments.
What are you gonna use? Redress Fate for 6 (miracle 4)? Brilliant Restoration for 7? Dance of the Manse where X = 6? Open the Vaults for 6 and all your opponents artifacts and enchants come back too? You can't use Retether because Zur can't creaturize auras.

Doing stax with Zur is just retarded. It gives your enchants a vulnerability for no fucking pay off.
>at least chaos still lets me play my deck
I see you've never played against a chaos deck.
>about to type up a long elaborate post about how you're retarded
>figure out you're talking about new zur
Carry on, you are correct. There's no reason to turn your enchantments into creatures at such a bad rate. At least Tezz turns all your boys into creatures to swing out.
do you think they'll learn or are will spiderman do better?
I shake your hand digitally anon
No. Politics should never get in the way of actual optimal play and he was clearly trying to push the boundaries of the deal that was just made anyways
Is your argument really "dies to doom blade?"
No my argument is that stax pieces are high priority for removal and trying to build a stax deck with a commander that turns enchants into creatures is just retarded.
It's not "dies to doomblade" it's "inexplicably made your pieces more vulnerable for no benefit at all"

Again, Myrkul hatebears will give the exact same fucking dopamine rush, but the stax effects will come back when they're removed in a form that is harder for most colors to deal with
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I like the stax effects that U has
Buddy your 50 dollar deck was gunna be miserable to play anyway
Dual type creatures are the weakest in magic because they're vulnerable to two types of removal. Not only that, only two colours can meaningfully interact with enchantments; every colour can deal with creatures.
So pick a different commander.
Master of Keys is a pretty generic esper enchantress that will make your stax pieces easier to recur.
Good point
I don't get why Wheels and Chaos are separate, isn't Wheels a form of chaos?
No. Practically speaking the point of wheeling is basically to make your opponent discard their hand and draw nothing.
If you play at tables where wheel is just "everyone draw a new hand!" then you're playing with someone who hasn't discovered that they can synergize it with shit that prevents opponents from drawing.

Chaos is replacing permanents and spells with something at random.
Spiderman will succeed for the same reason Lorcana succeeded at first.
People want their recognizable characters on cards to collect. The game is secondary to them.
However judging by lotr it will have several powercrept card archetypes so it will get opened by enfranchised players as well
How about stop playing games if you dislike how they work, little bitch. Pussy baby bitch. Baby want a bottle? A big dirt bottle?
>Pussy baby bitch. Baby want a bottle?
Careful anon, there's at least 2 diaperfags in these threads
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>Either way texas chainsaw massacre two is one of my top ten favorite movies.
Based and checked
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you can play combat in stax, nu-Zur makes it possible.
stop with your hexproof rage-boner, even if you draw your fancy land, you are still not tapping it for mana and spend mana to remove the 'proof, esentially downgrading Hexproof to Ward 2.
Since we apparently already entered mental magic christmas land: you are in Azorius and should have plenty of answers to go with your Stax plan, even if you are facing absolute bone chillers like
>Cyclonic Rift
just counter the goddamn removal spell
if you always have it, i too always have it, but much more likely than your handful of hexproof-hate

also, great list of enchantments you got there, wouldnt it be great if they could be turned into creatures, so they can do so much more than just sitting there? if only there was a commander for that...
you just want to stay in your stax cuckshed and turtle all game doing nothing, we get it

this absolute fruit also argues hexproof is shit because there exist nine (9) cards that hard counter it, from which maybe 3 see regular play on a good day if you squint a little
Group hug to S
Okay, so wheel is basically stax..
The top wheel commanders definitely want your opponents to draw cards so no. Would be pretty pointless anyways cause discard would do the same thing or just basic stax which this would include
Overcosted and they aren't goaded

Yet I still think it's cool
No. It can be, depends how it's used. It's its own thing, like pox.
>you can play combat in stax, nu-Zur makes it possible.
You gain nothing from trying to do so. You can literally make combat impossible with stax.
>stop with your hexproof rage-boner, even if you draw your fancy land, you are still not tapping it for mana and spend mana to remove the 'proof, esentially downgrading Hexproof to Ward 2.
Oh no, a minor drawback? In return for being able to use creature removal on your annoying stax? How will I ever recover?
>if you always have it, i too always have it,
The point isn't that I "always have it" the point is creature removal is the most common removal in the fucking game and you inexplicably made stax pieces vulnerable to it for absolutely no benefit.
>wouldnt it be great if they could be turned into creatures, so they can do so much more than just sitting there?
Man you have no idea how enchantress works at all.
I mean they are essentially goaded. They can't attack you and there is no point in not attacking with them. I have this in my varchild deck it's a fun card
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>Thanks, I just needed 1 token to win!
It's a fun card ngl
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>wait for all players to cast their commander
>cast pic
>while it’s on the stack turn it into a creature
>optionally sac zur to keep him from getting phased
you have removed everyone’s commander from the game
>redditor is retarded
Tale as old as time.
>“chaos” in mtg means that you can’t tell the outcome of an action based on the input.
Simultaneously too narrow and too wide. For the former, it excludes anything that can be reliably scryed, like Wheel effects. For the latter, it includes such things as leaving untapped lands for counterspells, which even retards could point out is firmly outside of chaos. Sadly we’re dealing with a redditard so standards are even lower than that. Chaos is simply random shit. Who’s gonna foot the bill of Mages Contest, and will the spell be countered or not? How is Warp World going to alter the board state? Is Chaos Warp going to bring out a weaker or stronger monster? It’s these cards that pose the question “how’s it going to turn out?” that make up chaos.
>This is where chaos starts to blur into stax—which is why some people don’t like to play against it—though personally I think counterplaying to chaos is loads more fun than counterplaying to stax control.
Again, redditard fails to understand differentiation, mixing up three seperate deck types instead of just two. Control is the usage of resource gain & interaction to win through counterplay and advantage. Stax uses cards to restrict the opponent moves through punishment, lockdown, and/or tax. Chaos simply fucks with the cards on board at random in order to take advantage of the confusion and adapt better than their opponents. They are nothing alike and, once again, leddit proves itself to be a shitstain on humanity
Zur is definitely fun, he's just a retard because his pet theme is stax but he also likes nu-zur, he won't listen to why the two don't go together
>chaos is simply random shit
Like... hm something you couldn't predict the outcome of?
>other stuff
Hes not conflating anything but these themes are compatible and can very easily overlap. Stop trying so hard
It’s even better than goaded. It provides no value outside of attacking another opponent, meaning that attacking another player that isn’t you is a conscious & encouraged decision. This then increases animosity amongst your opponent’s, and thus has political value
I hate tokens. I hate never being able to connect for meaningful damage without ‘Hoof
for me it's cat oven standard
I just hate creatures in general. Abilities that interact between creatures are fine; deathtouch, trample, flying and whatever. I hate when they're just a sorcery or an enchantment with a body.
>Massacre Girl entered the chat
>play Eminence commander
>steal everyone's lands constantly, and if they steal it back, you're essentially locking them away from casting their commander ever
Also you: "Why is everyone playing Edgar Markov?"
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Cat oven is my favorite deck in all of Magic and now I have to play it tonight.
Original Zur poster here. I posted the question and then you argued with some other anon while I ate dinner and did chores. And I agree with the other guy. Hexproof is good. "Dies to removal" is a bad argument. And did it ever occur to you that the Zur player could simply choose not to animate the most important enchantments? Anyway, the main reason I wanted new Zur is because he's a nerfed Opalescence in the CZ and I want to use the Out of Time trick and Parallax Wave exile.
>"Dies to removal" is a bad argument.
Good thing that isn't the argument then.
The argument is "you're making your stax more vulnerable fore literally nothing"
>And did it ever occur to you that the Zur player could simply choose not to animate the most important enchantments?
If you're playing stax you are the arch-enemy. You do not have less important and more important enchantments, all of your shit is annoying as hell and will be a priority for removal.
If you just want to protect your shitty stax, play Greater Auramancy.
>he's a nerfed Opalescence in the CZ
You can tutor for Starfield of Nyx
The benefit of being in the command zone is completely outweighed by costing 2 mana for each enchant.
>Like... hm something you couldn't predict the outcome of?
Which is not a good definition because that includes leaving lands untapped for counterspells, among others. Your description is still refuted
>Hes not conflating anything but these themes are compatible and can very easily overlap.
They are still clearly and categorically different, and thus do not “blur into” each other, ergo he is conflating
>Stop trying so hard
Stop being so retarded
>will be a priority for removal.
nta but doesn't nu zur help with this? somebody uses enchantment removal like tear asunder on an expensive stax piece and you animate whatever they're targeting into a creature and it fizzles thanks to hexproof from zur
Most stax pieces arent expensive, and in a good stax deck you want people to use removal on them so they cant stop your wincons. Turning it into a hexproof creature is a downside 99% because it becomes subject to a much larger pool of removal than just enchantment hate, even if it cant be targeted.
Why would you make new zur a stax deck, when you could easily make it a polymorph deck?
As soon as people realize you're doing that, Zur is never going to live a rotation again.
Uh has the Zur staxfag who keeps talking about how good hexproof is realized that while the enchantments BECOME creatures (so therefore remain creatures), the hexproof is attached to Zur and as soon as he's gone everything dies to creature removal?
Shhhh. You cant use logic with such a poster. Same reason he couldnt just build the deck and show off how good it is.
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Anyone got experience with pic related? Is she any good? I wanted to make a delirium deck and she seems like a decent choice, you get to make upwards of 3 tarmogoyfs per turn and i guess you could just fill the rest of the deck with general delirium/graveyard stuff
>Puts on top instead of drawing
>ph*rexian "mana"
No thanks chief I'll pass even with the incidental GY hate
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I got a few cheap flier cards time for a new deck
Newcomers to my LGS think we're super anti-proxy because every time someone plays a piece of off-theme random goodstuff we jokingly refer to it as a fake card.
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Can't block with tokens.
I'll be blocking with my bloomburrow offspring tokens
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Oh no you won't.
my clone of a token begs to differ

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