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Mistakes into miracles edition

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
>Warhammer Chronicles:
https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
>Time of Legends:
https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
>The End Times:
https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
>TOW: https://gofile.io/d/fxFgXS
>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread: >>94810707

>TQ: what's your favourite monstrous infantry and why is it that specific type of troll?
My ROgres. Give a rat a bunch of drugs and splice it with a normal Ogre and viola. Mayhem

A shame they are such trash
>monstrous infantry
the only monstrous infantry I have in my collection are my chaos spawn and I hate them. They suck! But they're also my favourite because they're the only MI I have.
I am worried about Old World bros..
you're getting a Bray Shaman!
Why are you worried, anon? Games are being played. People are painting their models. It's the same as it's ever been.

You no longer automatically deal extra damage on attacks equal to your SL, but can spend 1 SL to increase a single attack's damage by 1.
In addition, you can spend 4 SL to hit the guy again.
For example, I have a hand weapon and roll 5 SL. I can either add 5 to the damage of the hit, dealing SB+9 damage, OR I can hit him once for SB+5 and once for SB+4

I don't know if this works, but I think I'm onto something here.
I'm very happy with the state of The Old World. The rules are decent for casual games, and when I get bored of them I can just go back to older editions. I'm most happy about product being available on shelves again, because it's much easier to bring a friend into the game if they can buy at the lgs rather than on eBay. If anything, I just wish more factions would be released sooner.

think this vibe fits Bretonnia or Wood Elves more?
Wood elves seducing innocent Brets into the forest to slaughter them.
I wonder if we'll get any canceled AoS beastmen kits today, probably only the bray shaman and battalion box today but they've been building up morghur's reveal for years and no doubt had some kind of prototype made for it
they'd just put them to slaves to darkness. Just like theridons.
its starting
these beastmen are weird
The ellyrian reavers are the islands of blood ones, aren't they?
I recognise that gal
'ate elves
give me beasts

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I really wanted this model when it came out but could never get it. Nice to see I'll have another chance.
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>Ellyrian Reavers are young nobles who rove the wilds of the province of Ellyria, skilled light shock cavalry as swift as scouring gales. This new kit is heavily influenced by the miniatures found in the old Island of Blood boxed set released way back in 2010, though comprehensively resculpted for the new era.
That new zombie dragon is a bit too big for a square I guess
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these are returning from island of blood
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and these

high elves look like they got the best return
>returning plastic
>evidently new command group
These should have been in the core box. I sure as shit ain’t getting them now.
Who the fuck is sculpting all the resin characters? The lord of Chrace has no fucking neck and a giant head.
These are actually pretty good. I have some faith that the TOW team can show restraint and sculpt cool models without going over the top
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well well well, isn't that interesting...
Unless you want to stick him on a tactical rock so he's elevated, yeah he's too big, the skelemen might be the right size, but I'll bet they'd be a bitch to rank up
at least we know it wasn't originally designed for AoS. That's TOW all the way.
Called it.
This uh… this kinda blows.
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The new zombie dragon looks pretty good. Also funny that after the last AoS undead release, they've pivoted to looking more like the WFB designs.

More evidence for the Dogs of War I guess. I'm keen for that since the mercenaries have been criminally under-utilised so far.

He looks pretty good. Also that familiar looks like a small version of the ghurish avatar
I kinda like him! The staff is overdone, but I like his teeth and that runestone. They really stand out. The familiar looks kinda stupid, but that's mostly because of the tactical stump.
I think I'd still prefer to hunt down the old metal shamans instead, if I ever wanted to add some beastmen to my chaos army.
Would Dogs of War be a "Core Faction"?
vampire counts, dark elves, skaven are all up for grabs now
unless it's cathay
Is there a kobold or goblin where one could sculpt extra large testicles and glue them on?
Legacy won’t be coming for the current edition
Considering they're already announcing they're adding another faction to the core line up before they're even all the way through what the first announced speaks wonders to the success of the game. GW believes that there's more money to be had and they'd be the ones that know.
I highly doubt they're releasing a a whole new miniature line unless the release is a long ways off. The turn around after realizing that TOW is selling more than they expected could be fast enough to bring back some old models, but not a whole new faction.
A new model line makes more sense to gauge the ips and teams own worth.
You're talking about a year to put in production something that is would have as many new new kits as TOW has seen across all of its releases combined. It's just not feasible with GW
says who?
It obviously wouldnt be a complete army on release, it would be slowly trickled with new stuff like HH. It might even replace heresy Thursday.
Well they didn't get a legacy pdf so it's probably either them, Kislev, or Cathay. Then again, it'd make more sense to do a fifth evil faction to balance the teams.
Literally me on the right
Including the high elf's, TOW has only had what, like four plastic kits so far? It's cope, but what if they're splitting their resources to focus on one faction and that's why there have been so few.
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If they did bring back dogs of war, there'd be plenty of old units they could bring back rather than making new ones. I wonder if they'd make new lore for these guys to look like their counterparts in the future? At least the cursed company could work fine.

I think dogs of war would be a great move for GW just so they can do one-off units for factions that don't need a whole army (Nippon, Araby, different beastmen, jade blood vampires, southlanders, etc.).

GW has been doing something similar with their other main games by making a side game (Warcry, Kill Team), whose units can be used in the main game. I could see them reviving Mordheim and then porting the warbands into the main game as regiments of renown.
interesting that it's a named character
so i guess she going to be a new named character then in the arkane journal
for the Sea Garrison list
given these have been cut from the old sprues, I have hope that the griffon and the mage will get released too
how new are they actually?
I can't tell reused assets but I'm assuming they did reuse assets
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I don't think they will bother with the mage since there's already a perfectly usable plastic kit for the wizard, also on precarious magical effect

it's weird they didn't bother with the griffin when it was such a nice sculpt, perhaps they want to funnel as much sales as possible towards the dragon and imperial griffon kit instead

but if they could cut up island of blood once, now it means they could do so again in the future
surprised they didn't mentioned the MTO for the HE at all
>Worried about a game that's adding entire factions
uh ok
Absolutely love the familiar. Main model is nice but the staff is a bit much.
I hope the more kino metals return for heroes, give me the mage on the elemental ball or the mage shooting out a firebird
i'd probably only buy the old minotaurs myself.
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>white lions return from a kit of 10 models to a box of 20
>phoenix guards return from a kit of 10 models to a box of 20
>dragon princes return from a kit of 5 models to a box of 10
>spearmen return from a kit of 16 models to a box of 32
>archers return from a kit of 16 models to a box of 32

>lothern sea guard return from a kit of 10 models to a box of 45
>swordmasters return from a kot of 10 models to a box of 30
sneaky fuckers taxing the most juicy new kits by making people buy more of them per box
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The new square is a close up of some cathay art, Its the skyline to the left of the hot air balloon with the dragon on it.
that she is
>Ishaya Vess, Sentinel of the Silent Isle
>The High Elves ply the seas with one of the grandest navies in existence. Singled out by the Sea Lord Aislinn for her unwavering discipline and fearsome fighting prowess, Ishaya Vess has been named Sentinel of the Silent Isle, granted the responsibility of commanding a coastal garrison in defence of the sacred homeland. Armed with the Trident of Mathlann’s Ire, Vess is happiest when leading a unit of Lothern Sea Guard into the heart of battle. She’s made of Forge World resin, and is a lynchpin of the Sea Guard Garrison.
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perfect match
The Handmaiden used to be Finecast, just like the Witch Hunter. Nice that it's coming back in metal. Also the Sea Guard have been sold separately before, GW is lying.
Most likely in recut sprues, since the IoB sprues had all the models mixed.
Bottom command is the old. I do like that they seem to have just taken the old sculpts and made variants on them. Or it could've been an unused design.
>Also the Sea Guard have been sold separately before, GW is lying.
I don't remember that, was it the full unit or just a group of 5 guards?
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interestingly enough, getting the griffin out of that box would be the easiest thing to do since all the parts for it are on one sprue, rather than scattered over multiple separate sprues of the box, and they would just have to mask the parts of the mould meant for unrelated bits
Finally a faction with proper new minis.
guess that makes sense we have been hearing rumours of a Cathay release for ages now.
winder when that map update will happen
wonder how much of it's going to resin
Anyone have a highlands orcs next to a GW black orcs? .. wanna know how units look next to each other ..

And highlands boar riders compared to GW boars
And they have been prominently featured in the lore section of the rules book.
about as much as Kislev but one one think Kislev is coming anytime soon
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>no new models
>they just release what you need to kitbash this old cathay army
Cathay is dogshit. We should get Skaven or Dark Elves back instead of an army that looks like Gaccha Game MMO Slop

Guessing they will be broken upon release since GW will want to sell their nee fancy Chinese army
Skaven and Delves are already in old world. Take it or leave it.
Dark elves look like shit.
Fuck off namefaggot.
Why do all of the new Old World Models have this sort of plump design to them? It almost seems like they are doing scale creep already just after we got a base size increase.
Is there a pdf guide on how to do this
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the only worthwhile kits they could churn out for them in my opinion would be the sky junk, a plastic eastern dragon, a piece of artillery and gunners
that's stuff people could toy around at least

the terracotta giant would be a lame action figure while the cavalry and elite infantry utterly redundant with many elven kits
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The White Dwarf article covered a some of it
i more wonder almost all the on foot wizard model come with extra small models but then GW doesn't provide rules for any of them
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outside of that WGA boxer rebellion box do any chinese infantry plastics even exist?
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I believe that the models were sculpted BEFORE they had any real idea of whether they would be produced in resin or plastic

and when gw sculpts stuff for a plastic kit they make the details a bit chunkier since their injection moulding isn't always ideal for finer stuff, which is why whenever GW shows some 3d renders people lament they look weirdly worse than 3d renders of some 3rd party bit meant to be 3d printed, and also why they showed off some 3d renders for tow telling us they would be for plastic miniatures while in the end some turned out to be for resin minis

that's my understanding at least
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End of that article.

These are from WD314 (US) btw.
>he doesn’t like Chinese heavy armor
This nigga do be courting death
Cathay would be better if the random Dragon-blooded shugengan did act like Cultivation protagonists
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>tfw the feng shei of my army is slightly off and gets banished to the realm of chaos midgame
Literally the best new sculpt after the dragon
What would be the lore justification for Cathay to fight in the Old World (continent)? Geographically they are on the other side of the planet.
>He was not present when the Wood Elves killed Morghur, but he received a simultaneous vision of death and rebirth within some shrouded woodland clearing, and now Kralmaw stalks the land seeking the infant that will one day rise to become the Shadowgave once more.
so morgher is already dead but will come back at some point during TOW
How viable would Huntsmarshall's expedition themed army be for the Empire? It could have plenty of archers and other light stuff.
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Fimir unironically, just proxy them as Ogres
Why? WFB was kill and now it's back.
You ever play a Hearts of Iron 4 campaign for too long and end up going on insane intercontinental expeditions after clearing up everything in your own region?
Well with chaos daemons being less active at this point in the timeline, the dragon emperor's idiot kids need to go out and about to find the fun.
Great walk fends them off
Trade convoy has a confrontation with disputing borders
>wood elves
They probably have trees in Cathay
>high elves
>The French
This ones probably the biggest questioned match up.
>Tomb kings
Idk but the undead can probably justify traveling there.
>orcs and goblins
Fooken nice. The IoB infantry holds up well
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He's right
Holy based
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>wake up
>discover I'm going home
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We are so fucking back
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the horses are better than the hexwraith ones, ecerything else is meh
>casually just remaking the Ellyrion Reavers in a new plastic set

holy shit GW loves high elves
As long as they aren’t tedious to put together
they were always high sellers

Huh, finally made a model of that gibbons sea helm.

Its the paint job, look at how hard they try and emphasise features
Rejoice that anon who likes the old mounted Wight King because of the more static pose.
Maybe a 500pts force. Archers aren't bad, but you aren't wood elves, you can't just win with nothing but archers.

The dragon bow is also very good, but its not going to snipe dragons out of the sky.

Something is going to need to actually win you the game, and outside of very small games it's not going to be archers.
Yeah you could buy a few sea guard to bolster the unit, but I'm pretty sure the command for that unit was only ever available in the starter box
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I still like this old dude more than the later ones
But, but, but I don't want chinklets, I want Dark Elves!
So when Cathay is eventually released, will it be the first full army book for TOW? Every other core faction has had ravening hordes / forces of fantasy to refer to
Yes. Your options for plastic elf seamen was IoB starter set or the 5-"man" EtB kit.
If there's an army I don't want to see coming back it's ogres. Dogs of War are close second. Fuck them. Skaven, Lizardmen, Delves and Vampires are a must tho'. I don't care about daemons (chaos should be able to summon them tho') and Chaos Dwarfs would be a great addition if they resculpt whole range.
That reffers to every new or legacy faction tho'.
Yea, now the bat wings are too small or something.
You fags are retarded, it's a Siggie doing a bit of concerntrolling. Quaking that their imagined "rival" game is successful.
There is no lore justification for them. I don't want Cathay partly for this reason, I prefer them being a mysterious, unknown quantity. Tales of a far off land, that make the Old World seem bigger. Including them takes away a bit of that magic. Kislev, Estalia, sure. But Cathay just dilutes it IMO
Did I get it right? Starter set Swordmasters finally get standalone release? Or I somehow mistook them for old resin ones?
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If Roman Empire can find their way to China, fantasy China can find their way to fantasy (Holy) Roman Empire.
I don't recall armies of the Roman Empire engaging in mass battles with ancient China
>he doesn't know
Rome was fighting Japan not China you retard.
Know the diference.
Chinese and Roman armies never cashed or even met eachother.
Great, so GW wants to flog their plastic at Chinamen while half the armies remain legacy.
If lizardmen can make it to the old world, then Cathay can too

>Warriors of Chaos
>Daemons of Chaos
>Vampire Counts
Already exist in the east and would have regular contact with Cathay.

>Chaos Dwarfs
>Orcs and Goblins
>Ogre Kingdoms
Live far enough east that they'd also come into conflict with Cathay.

>High Elves
>Dark Elves
Both have significant navies. They'd encounter Cathay for the same reasons they're in the old world.

>Dogs of War
Also have significant navies. Either one of these or Cathay would encounter the other through raiding and exploring, or just sea-bound trade.

>Tomb Kings
Reclaiming stolen relics, expanding into each other's territories, etc. Pretty much the same reasons these two factions fight anyone else.

>Wood Elves
Either through overland trade or expansionist leaders bringing them into the old world.

It's not that hard to justify. A lot of Warhammer factions already have to travel pretty far to do battle with each other. Even Empire and Bretonnia need some justification.
I don't understand this decision either. I mean - fuck ogres and daemons (not to mention DoW). All those factions have their place as mercs for other armies. Daemon players can also use their minis in AoS and 40k. They aren't (well, they are actually but for different reasons) fucked in the ass by GW.
But Cathay before DElves, Vampires, Lizardmen and Skaven make little sense, even from financial point of view. There are people who play those factions already and would buy models. Hell, even Chorfs and Kislev (I'm not a big fan - for I see Kislev as it is as absurd and contradictory almagation of different Slav cultures, western and eastern, totally not compatibile with each other) make more sense, since they are part of the Old World, so can actually participate in the events of the story TOW is telling. Hell, even legacy factions I mentioned should have their own expansion called "the NEW world" that tells a different story with DElves, Lizardmen, Vampires (in form of Vampire Coast) and Pestilence Clan Skaven - since they all had their lore reason to be there.

Cathay don't fit any of this in my book.
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>colser to Cathay than Ogre Kingdoms and Greenskins
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TOW lore has Kislev control the Eastern Steppe and has great trade cities called Kharakorsi.
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>krack arsi
>arse crack
Fluff question: Are Khorne followers and daemons actually martially skilled at fighting?

Or is it purely Chaos juice, purr RAGE and their OP weapons which win the day?
probably based on Karakorum name of Capital of Mongol Empire
That may be one of Khorne's gifts. But frankly it's just suvival of the fittest. Weaker just die early and never achieve the status of chaos warrior.
>in the years ahead of the great war against chaos, the attacks of the chaos tribes against the great wall also intensified and this led cathay to send a diplomatic force with offerings, in search of allies, battles ensue against common enemies as demonstration of prowess and good will

>during this period the great dragon emperor is missing and cathay is sending out armies in search of any sign of the whereabouts of their royals

>those pesky chaotics stole the invaluable gimmicky trinket and are now wreaking havoc in the old world, grand cathay must recover the invaluable gimmicky trinket post haste

>one of the super dragon brothers is looking for an alternative route from the ivory road, hoping to break their brother's effective monopoly over trade with the west and gain power for their region of cathay and favour from their heavenly father

or maybe they stay in the orient and the narratives that involve them don't go any further, they did make a map for the east, so I think they left the door open to simply set the obligatory arcane journal narrative scenario there
there's never a constant with chaos, some are, some aren't
the general depiction is of unsophisticated brute strength and most direct aggression
but then again the crunch for chaos lords at large speaks of a weapon skill amongst the highest in the setting
Nothing. Cathay doesn't belong in Warhammer.
You don't become a chaos warrior without being very good at fighting.
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The ones that survive long enough to receive gifts and marks have to be. Brute retardation will get you so far, and alone will probably just end you up as a spawn.
I like the new SBG dragon but I do not imagine that it would neatly fit on a WHF base.
could maybe shove it on a 150x150 base
100x150 base*
funny that when VC come back theyll get the shitty dragon dual kit instead of this, but holy shit what a glow up
>could have redone infantry
>instead resculpted a perfectly good plastic kit
pretty much what I expected at this point.
I mean, who's going to stop you from using the miniature you want? the more the merrier
>perfectly good plastic kit
it wasn't available outside of the island of blood sprues and they felt obliged to add more horse poses and a command group, I don't think it took them much more effort than that

besides, with sea guards now available, they can be converted into good looking normal spearmen and the multipart reavers kit shouldn't be too hard to use to make better looking silver helms

I think high elves got the best treatment out of the returning factions, bretonnian foot knights and the tomb king dragon were a slap in the face by comparison
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Cathay tease, people online already figured it out >>94825097
the lothern seaguard were on the IoB sprue also, at least they've been consistent in terms of using the old core sprues though. Actually do any helves players even use reavers?
Oh shit nice. Don't care about them but nice.
the Ukraine Russia war is still going on so GW doesn't want to touch the Slavs yet
Aside from the basic skill expected of a chaos warrior they are pure tard rage.
Being a skilled fighter is more of slaanesh thing.
But the maker of Warhammer decided they are. Guess you are wrong.
>High Elves are the first army to get a new plastic kit (that's not a character) since Bretonnia released.
>They are faithful updates and look great.
Elfchads. I kneel.
Very nice. I was not expecting them to actually fix those units with the command groups. I guess the sculpts are too good to pass on
Making a new faction costs GW a fuckton more money than re-releasing an old one. So unless they expect the new one to also outsell all potential re-releases by an ever greater degree then as long as they have old ones left to re-release it'd be lunacy to cough up a new one.
Now Kislev has some old models, but IIRC not quite enough to really make a full, proper faction on their own (as they used to be more of an Empire-addon). So they wouldn't be as costly as, say, Cathay, but we're still likely talking a good deal more than High Elves, Beastmen, etc. That another bunch of regular humans from somewhere in Europe would sell all that much better than just about any of the re-releasable factions doesn't seem like a safe bet.
They are free to add it if they want, along with all the supplements. Doesn't mean much if people won't buy or play them. I just don't see most Warhammer fans adopting China into their setting and aesthetic. It's just not a good fit.
Khorne has nuance.
I am not kidding.
I think Cathay is objectively more of a risk than Kislev, I expect it is purely because they are saving Kislev for a Great War narrative.
>Kill, maim, burn
>Kill, burn, maim
>Maim, burn, kill
>Maim, kill, burn
>Burn, kill, maim
>Burn, maim, kill
it's probably an attempt at appealing to far east Asian markets which for GW are growing so maybe a Chinese-inspired faction would get more traction over their
let's see if Cathay flounders like the Tau did a quarter century ago
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>Everyone talking about how it's going to be Cathay or some returning faction
>It's just going to end up being a campaign book.
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I honestly would not mind it being a Mighty Empires-type Campaign system it's something TOW kinda needs
also really needs another "evil" faction
I find it pathetic that despite years since Total War release, GW didn't make any non total war cathay art. Like come on make some Cathay shit instead of recycling Total War shit.
TOW uses old Age of Reckoning art in it
GW will use whatever art assets it can get it's hands on
Campaign books are core factions now?
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When do we get Pygmies back, James?
probably never as whenever Americans see these models they cringe
>reavers don't have barding in the book
It should be Dark Elves. For many reasons.
1. DElves are evil and we lack one evil faction
2. They are the arch-enemy of High Elves (we can argue if it's daemons)
3. DElves are different kind of evil - clean, slick, sophisticated - unlike WoC (there can be exceptions here, especially Slaanesh related, but still), beastmen and especially O&G that just want to destroy things - and TK that are ancient, dusty evil.

Unless they are saving DElves for "The new world" expansion I mentioned here >>94826177
They don't think it's cringe, more like it's a hit too close to home, kek.
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what a blessed prophetic OP edition

>They are not without their own traditions, however, and when Morghur the Shadowgave prophesied the birth of a blind Beastman who would help plunge the world into darkness, they took care to set aside a mewling newborn that would grow up into Kralmaw, the Prophet of Ruin.
>He was not present when the Wood Elves killed Morghur, but he received a simultaneous vision of death and rebirth within some shrouded woodland clearing, and now Kralmaw stalks the land seeking the infant that will one day rise to become the Shadowgave once more.
it's like poetry, it rhymes.

also holy shit I always thought morghur crawled out of some fucked up root already adult and fully malformed, not that he had to be a beastman infant first, that makes it actually terrifying
kinda hope they make a baby morghur mini now
unless the familiar for the new shaman is kinda meant to represent it if one wanted
The Brits are worse than Americans with political correctness: they understand it even less and apply it even more, in an obtuse, bureaucratic, cold way.
I meant cringe as the act of cringing
>to suddenly move away from someone or something because you are frightened:
using the term wince-inducing would have probably been more accurate and made more sense
is model plastic or Resin the article doesn't say
They never had boarding iirc, that's just what the IoB models looked like.
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Hi anons. Next week I finish my degree so I'll finally get a lot of free time. I was thinking of getting into a wargame I can play every week, but my armies (40K stuff I use to play 3ed with friends, 28mm ancients and 20mm WW2) is not conducive to pick up games, local leagues, meeting new people... So I'm looking for a new game.

TOW picked my interest since it seems to be an updated version of classic WFB instead whatever e-sport CCG modern 40K has morphed into, and seems pretty popular where I live. I have never played Fantasy but I've played a lot of Warhammer Ancient Battles 1.5 which is more or less the same system.

How is TOW compared to 6ed Fantasy? What's the usual point size people play? What should a new player do to get into the game? I like Vampire Counts but it seems there is no army book for it.
Are the movement trays viable enough for using my AoS Chaos Warriors for a TOW army? I got 10 Chosen, 10 Warriors and a Chaos Lord I'd love to use in TOW but not sure if that would either be acceptable or suphise.

Any help?
The ignorance of Americans once more rears its ugly head. In no world are the Brits worse than yanks for PC crap, even in 2025.
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Just got into the hobby, yes my paint job is shitty, but this is my throng so far.
VCs have free pdf - they are totally playable. Since the rules didn't change - the pdf is still up to date. Still, since you don't already have an army, I'd recommend to chose on of the core factions as models are readily available (apart from High Elves - just announced, so they are coming, Wood Elves and Beastmen). I'd buy a battalion box and some characters.

TOW is closer to 5th ed imho - for it is a herohammer. Maybe not as much as 5th ed was, but still. May have a lot to do with step-up rule.
1500-2000 I'd say.
I'll be honest with you brother, it aint good.
Yes and no. It's totally possible to play that way, but since WoC use 32 mm bases, your trays will be out of proper size. So - you may try it and see if the game is for you - and when you decide it is - abandon AoS and rebase your army.
Honestly? I like it.
How badly would they be out of size? I mean, I am going to be playing with a friend or friends, not hardcore LGS crowd.
I just started buying and painting minis for the first time since I was 13 like a month ago. All gotta start somewhere.
never hopefully. they're ugly, racist caricatures.
2mm per model. In theory. In reality it's gonna be 3 or more. When it comes to infantry and normal cavalry, because it may be worse when it comes to monstrous cavalry and infantry (usually 1 cm per model, so a lot) and monsters, So the the bigger the unit is the worse it will get.
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Yeah. The AoS Chaos stuff can rank up but it can take a little effort to find the right 'order' to avoid them getting caught on each other when you put them in/pull them out. Once you do figure out that order make sure you number the underside of their bases so you know their placement order.

You've accomplished more than most people who post here have. Everyone starts off shitty, but keep at it and you'll improve.
it looks unfinished, not BAD.
You're not wrong.

I recommend a simple metal base coat followed by some black wash to get the shading in, and then a darker red cloth. What you have currently looks quite bright, which can absolutely work, but those paints tend to have worse coverage and are harder to use.
Yeah nowhere near finished - just where I'm at and wanted to show off my fellas.

Thanks anon.
resin most definitely
I only got 10 Chaos Warriors and 10 Chosen, it is going to be a hyper minimalised army, 1k at best counting my old Chaos Lord on big Dog mini. With just 10 do the trays accomodate at least that?

Awesome rebasing. I recently used acitone to help my glue problems with a mini but rebasing plastic terrifies me as I may break the model. Unless there is another miracle liquid to break apart glue bonds without melting plastic?
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I feel like a god damn retard because the armies I want to collect and play aren't supported and some are also kind of shit.
With 5 minis at the front, it's gonna be 1,5 cm (realistically) too wide and only 0,5 cm too deep. It's not unnoticeable but shouldn't affect the experience very much if it affects it at all. Especially if the opponent does the same. Still, it will affect the amount of models that can fight and the amount of models under templates like artillery template or dragonbreath template.
why are half the models listing lazily to the right?
I love when rats do the eye buldge. It means they are super excited and happy.
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Should be just an unit in halfling list desu .
you need a slightly flexible gaming group because as it stands chaos warriors have 32mm round bases in aos and 30mm square bases in fantasy, while chosen have 40mm bases in aos and also 30mm bases in fantasy

you could handwave away the extra 2mm in width of the warriors, especially since not even GW's bases actually extend to the full 32mm when you get down to measure each and every base
but for the chosen you need some other approach, you either count a rank of 3 chosen as being a rank of 4 chosen for game purposes, or you run larger chosen and deal with the negative consequences, or you count them as a unit of chaos ogres or chaos trolls instead
I used to have a pet rat (not hamster or mouse, a RAT, rattus rattus) and he was a fucking sweetheart, extremely affectionate and cute. Little buddy lived less than a year, he just woke up not breathing right one morning and died at around 11 am, probably some genetic thing since rats are often bred to be ill for big pharma or just overbred so much they inevitably end up with JUSTed genetics. Maybe it was some completely unrelated thing and he just got fucked over by it.

It was some 12 or 13 years ago and I still love him and every second I spent with him dearly. Fucking love you Nero, the best damn spotted rat that ever liked to chill out in my pocket.
>How is TOW compared to 6ed Fantasy?
It's not like 6th despite what retards online say, it's more like 5th ed Herohammer.
>What's the usual point size people play?
1k or 2k
>What should a new player do to get into the game?
Buy models and paint them lol
>I like Vampire Counts but it seems there is no army book for it.
There is a "Legacy" ruleset which is very usable, and VC models are some of the most easily obtained (you can get AoS minis, buy recasts, 2nd hand or 3rd party). With the way things are going, especially after yesterday's reveals, I wouldn't be surprised if VC make an official comeback in a year or so's time (also supposedly leaked a while that they will come back).
They did plan to reboot them into Forest/Jungle Halfings for Epic. I feel like Jungle Halflings also got like one mention during the Lustria stuff back in 6e.
Keep at it anon. My advice, a wash of something can be an easy way to get some depth. Strong tone it up.
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Welf, guess it's time to paint my White Lions and Reavers...
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Looks more like a tiny elemental of ghur to me.
The Cathay box isn't even really confirmed and I can already tell you I'm buying it day 1 just to hopefully show CA that new stuff will sell and they can go ahead and give us Kislev
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I really don't like that Morghur model
nice freudian slip, tonnes of fun
I don't even get what's going on in here. is it some kind of snail leg or what?
Amazing art.
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not exactly easy to see the other angles too
Sorry I have shitposting on the mind
He's leaping off some branches
i understand that the models want to look remarkable and cool and w/e on a tabletop from far away, despite being objectively rather small, but i am still rather surprised at how many just, really ridiculous things they put on models. the bat wings are perfect examples, on both of them. and i wonder whether the general consensus would be that
1) they look ridiculous and shouldn't be like that
2) they look ridiculous but it's fine because of the scale and because it's a tabletop game
3) they look fine stop whining
4) they look GREAT i hate you
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Russ Nicholson did a lot of good WF art but compared to other old Warhammer artists he has been rather forgotten, I guess he never had the closest connection with GW and did leave them on bad terms unlike the rest
He's emerging out of crooked roots and branches, and so are some freaky beastmen mutants
Cringe shit
Since his original release I thought he had a slug torso until they were removed from AoS last year.
>Vess is happiest when leading a unit of Lothern Sea Guard into the heart of battle.
But, why? Thats not very Helf-like.
They look less ridiculous than the old models.
Shut the fuck up tourist
She throats Khaine Kock.
>the horses are better than the hexwraith ones
Eh? Why?
>But the maker of Warhammer decided they are
Lmao 100% consoom newfag
>Thats not very Helf-like.
HE like killing though what are you talking about?
Unlike real world china, Cathay is not an isolationist Ming Dynasty hermit Kingdom. It's not impossible they would send a bunch of ships west to assist trade relations.
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>female commander
>were not including half of the original factions in the game because they dont fit the narrrative
>but we are going to introduce a totally new faction that have and have had absolutely no impact on the narrative ever
classic GW retardation
Who are you trying to gaslight?
sea elves are bloodthirsty like that
Well, at least the cathayposters will actually have models now.
Hopefully. I still think it's absolute nonsense, dare I say butt-fuckery, to release new armies when half of the already existing armies aren't supported, but hey, maybe we'll see a few anons starting some armies. That'll be fun.
Sorry anon, times we live in.
Is it me or is this a weird ass number of models to have in a box?
The normal guards came in sprues of 5, but there's 29 of them +2 command groups here
I don’t know why people are assuming that silhouette is Cathay when that’s clearly the tomb kings cat thing. It’s more likely they bring dogs of war than kislev or Cathay anyway, especially with that leak.
VCbros eating good with these new models
Man wait until you tourists find out about the High Elves.
>Singled out by the Sea Lord Aislinn for her unwavering discipline and fearsome fighting prowess
Ehh why can't they even try
maybe they wanted to offer something very analogous to their 32-elves basic infantries, but rather than rounding down to 30 miniatures they rounded up to 35
Cool now post other HE female models who aren't handmaidens or mages. You fucking piece of shit
I was making fun of a female general employing stupid tactics, anon. Relax.
It's objectively a piece from a mountain in the Cathay art, there's no speculation to be had, that's literally what it is. I'm too lazy to go find the image for you but that's what it is.
I really love the dragon but the rest are take it or leave it. The problem with using AoS minis for VC though, in my case at least, is that they do not scale well with my 5th/6th ed minis.
>no new TOW novel
The skeletons arms line up with the empty box.
Oh no
Welcome, anon. To answer your questions in order:
A) Having played a good amount of both 6th and TOW now, I think they're completely different games. There are definitely a couple elements from 6th in the ruleset, but there are also just as many elements from 4th and 5th, too. If anything, I'd say it's the anti-8th edition.
B) I've been able to play games at 1000 and 1500 points, but most people play at 2000. Some players have been experimenting with 3000 points, too. If you're new, I would recommend setting 1000 points as your first major milestone. Play a few games at that points value, then see what you'd like to add to your list.
C) As an anon above me said, collect and paint your models. That's what comes first. With regards to collecting VC, you'll have to get your models from the second-hand market. If you're living in Europe (or you're okay paying a bit more on shipping, as I am), Troll Trader is a good start, they have a ton of old models there. Ebay is generally too expensive, but there's also other sites like that one oldhammer restoration site. You can also check out your LGS, you never know know you'll find there. The one I go to hosts a monthly garage sale where they bring out loads of really old stuff. Maybe a store near you does that too.
Good luck, anon! I'm looking forward to seeing your army.
Handmaidens don't not count because you say they do, cuckold.
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Just stop
Doesn't look even remotely the same.
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ok retard
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Alright man you got me, the new faction totally won’t be something like dogs of war and will certainly be Cathay.
>lets use a segment from the Cathay art in the TOW rulebook so we can tease a release for... Dogs of War
dogs of war can't be a core faction because it doesn't have plastic miniatures to build an army
it's far more likely for dogs of war to receive a supplement more akin to an arcane journal with units that you can field as mercenaries in other armies, and even then it's a question of which of the old metal units, because not all of them can be retconned with "actually these guys or people dressed and acting just like them were around 200 years ago too"
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You know, Cathay being added in the Framework of the Dogs of War is not impossible.
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I know that Anon is just being shit-retarded and it's (unfortunately) Cathay, but doesn't Estalia/Tilea do big trade with Cathay? Unless I misremembering fanmade Mordheim stuff. Dogs of War could end up there. That might be a wild box release, Cathay vs Dogs of War.
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>Doesn't look even remotely the same.
>Egyptians are a good fit
>Mongolians are a good fit
>Mesoamericans are a good fit
>Amazons are a good fit
>Arabians are a good fit
>Pygmies are a good fit
>Chinese are a step too far
What's with the Chrace shield transfers? Is it to kit out your rank and file spearmen as Chracian?
>Singled out by the Sea Lord Aislinn for her unwavering discipline and fearsome fighting prowess
>Sea Lord Aislinn
Isn't 90% of this dude's fluff him being BTFO by Lokhir Fellheart?
Yes. Chrace has Spearmen too.
>But, why? Thats not very Helf-like.
What? Do you think the high elves are hippies or something? The seaguard are literally lead by Aislinn the sociopath.
No, he also did some war crimes against the norse and marineburg.
You though Chrace had axemen and axemen alone?
Doubtful, they themselves said that they didn't expect TOW to be this successful and "are expanding the scope" a couple of months back. I'd imagine this coming new release is part of the "expanded scope" they were talking about.
well they decorate their shields with axes, so why not?
>Do you think the high elves are hippies or something?
No, but "only being happy when killing someone" is quite literally a Druchii trait. Helfs are professionals and kill whomever they have to kill, but to get off on killing is a Khainite trait.
Oh yeah, that. Something something magical mist and raiding those places, no?
>but to get off on killing is a Khainite trait.
Anon the high elves still worship khaine. He is literally still a part of their religious pantheon and shit.

>only happy when killing someone
>happiest when leading your men in battle
are different things you imbecile.
There is no hard distinction between Helf and Delf, anon. It's just culture. And during the time TOW takes place in the Helves were a lot more unfriendly, their willingness to open up and play nice was part of a series of reforms decreed by Finubar upon his election.
Not a fan of the returning dragons for high elves
No, he predates lokhir by edition and 8th shitgrade fluff by two. HE was a HE naval commander during SoC and nie game was genociding Norscans
Hey what's between Rome and japan
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You are right and I don't even really disagree. I much prefer the Asur to be assertive and bellicose.
I just posted something to make argument happen. IMO, Imrik is perfectly characterized in TWW as that he genuinely disdains non-elves and even sneers at other High Elves. The Asur should keep the peace but violently pacify anyone who upsets their Global Order.
>also holy shit I always thought morghur crawled out of some fucked up root already adult and fully malformed, not that he had to be a beastman infant first,

Not even just a beastman infant, I'm pretty sure the original morghur was born to brettonians
Imrik is a dragon prince, which are their own little subculture.

The seaguard are the most active part of the elvish military and the ones who deal with the lesser races most often, their characterization is generally as less than friendly racists who at best tolerate others on sufferance. Which makes sense, because when youre an elf who just kills human pirates all day every day for 100s of years eventually youre going to just think "well, humans are something that deserves to die, fucking filth".
Maybe let some steam off in !elf okinawa (marineburg elf quarter)

Going by a bit of "irl stereotypes" im also going to guess the seaguard are considered a bit thuggish by the other elves.
>is quite literally a Druchii trait
No, Druchii trait is cruelty, sadism etc. All elves love killing, they just follow different philosophies and reasons.
Hes actually just standing on a tree branch, and iirc the branch is mutating or something.

But yes, morghurs model isnt great, he really could use with a refresh
>Imrik is perfectly characterized in TWW
Literally not a source
Their elves anom, may as well all be female
You may disagree, but most of the writing for Characters in TWW is done by GW stooges and at least approved by their IP advisors.
Correct. TWW isnt a source on imriks personality, its a showcase of the established personality of caledorian dragon princes (of which imrik is the ultimate example).

These are elves considered haughty and stuck up even by other elves. The consummate supremacists. And his characterization in game reflects it.
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Imrik is fun.
Russia didn't even exist as a concept at that time. It was still all just tribal groups and the scythians around the caucauses
TOW has its own unique system of mercs which has a lot of sense - and building an army out of those units would be kinda pointless and anticlimatic. Leave DoW where they belong - in a grave.
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>war crimes
>against Norscans
>war crimes
>against humans
Yea, if they do DoW I expect theyre more likely to just release shit like the dragon company or badlands ogres every now and then. "heres leopolds lion company, fieldable as mercenaries in your empire/dwarf/bretonnian exiles armies as mercenaries!" or "heres mengils manflayers, usable for warriors of chaos as mercenaries" and shit.

I still dont know how to use mercenaries.
Ancient Greeks thoughts Siberia couldn't be crossed because it has so many bees they would sting any mand to death.
>he doesn't know
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might announce a new one next month, but considering that BL basically don't do anything but churn out 40k and AoS books anymore I doubt it
they have an entire completed HH anthology that leaked half a year ago and it's still unreleased.
Except for Slaaneshi cults within DE.
Those arent unique either, you have cults of pleasure in HE society too. Theyre both illegal, both cracked down on by the local greatsword wielding secret police, and also are both in some way tied to morathi.
Celestial Lion is cooler than anything else in the Cathay army
They are coming
If they do cathay here is my hope for it:

>Peasants (bows/pikes)
>melee jade warriors
>ranged jade warriors
>celestial dragon guard (also all variants)
>grand cannon
>teracotta sentinel
>jade lancers
>peasant horsemen (they have those right?)
>ironhail gunners
>longma riders

Basically, stick to the basic shit with maybe the sentinel as the big unit. I dont want the birdmen or random fucking lions or the !mantiocre/!phoenix they got later. I want grounded !china with a little bit of fantasy spice.
>I want the most boring parts of the faction
>peasant horsemen
in TWW yes as archers they just the Peasent models put on a horse
huh, I was sure they had some spearman variant as light cav, but whatever.

Yes, because thats what the human factions of warhammer should be. Largely normal humans with maybe one or two fancy units.
>There is no hard distinction between Helf and Delf, anon. It's just culture.
The chaos worship and it's taint is probably a hard distinction.
We already have mostly grounded humans and slightly less grounded humans. We don't need another one. The entire point of making a new faction is to introduce variety, not make spearmen and handgunners but yellow.
looking it up you were correct Peasn't Horseman do have a melee option
But cults of Slaanesh in DE society are supported by Morathi, mother of the witch-king - and that means they are way more common than in HE society - if they weren't eradicated in HE society long time ago. All info about them in HE society come from times before the split - and it's suggested most of them were founded among elves of the Kingdom of Nagarythe, who followed Malekith, I mean Malerion, to Naggarorth (or died).
>We already have mostly grounded humans and slightly less grounded humans
Yes, and every future human faction should also be that. Because that is what makes them human factions.
>The entire point of making a new faction is to introduce variety
We already have monsters and fantastical factions too, whats your point?

Human factions should conform to the rules of human factions, because that is what defines them as an identity and what makes them and the other factions stronger through contrast.
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on second view, I can make this excuse
>"actually these guys or people dressed and acting just like them were around 200 years ago too"
for the models in pic related

>mercenary paymaster
>mercenary ogre hero (just a neat sculpt)
>light crossbows unit
>heavy crossbows unit
>mercenary pikemen
>heavy mercenary pikemen
>estalian pikemen (conquistadores)
>tilean pikemen (reman cosplayers)
>halfling mercenaries
>slayer pirates
>death company (been around for centuries)
>arabyan mercenaries
>galloper gun
>birdmen (leonardo's sketches have been doing the rounds since his death, canonically)
>albion druid with giants

add to this the other 'mercenary' units that have popped up here and there so far (imperial ogres, badland ogre bulls and dwarf dragon company)
then include rules to turn some generic humsn plastic kits into some other units, (free company militia and knightly orders)
some unconventional units of greenskin mercenaries (normal orc infantry and goblin wolf riders, since hobgobla khan is likely off limits due to modern sensibilities)
top it off with a special character mercenary general, perhaps a return of marco colombo (he's long lived thanks to his lustrian wine), and with making the brand new resin wizards also be available as mercenary wizards

good enough, isn't it?
>But cults of Slaanesh in DE society are supported by Morathi, mother of the witch-king
The cults of pleasure in HE society are also probably supported by Morathi, mother of the witch king, and also probably the witch king. Because they're agents of subterfuge.

>if they weren't eradicated in HE society long time ago
Which they werent, or rather, theyre a recurring problem. The swordsmasters exist in no small part to deal with those sorts of cults, acting a sort of secret police.
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>Talabecland joined the Cathayan United Front
GW with one or two exceptions have said they don't want to reuse Character sculpts as generics which might also apply to Dogs of War
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>also holy shit I always thought morghur crawled out of some fucked up root already adult and fully malformed, not that he had to be a beastman infant first, that makes it actually terrifying
Morghur lore literally talk about how he came out of his mother's womb.
>kinda hope they make a baby morghur mini now
I think it is.
(or some chaos familiar taking baby Morghur shape to guide/annoy Kralmaw, like "he looks just like me, take a good look ... Oh yes, you CAN'T!"
I somehow doubt Beastmen have conversations that sophisticated.
One of the very reason to have a familiar is to use its senses, so the shaman probably sees THROUGH its eyes.
wonder when they are going to update the Old World Map
>What would be the lore justification for Cathay to fight in the Old World (continent)?
Caravan guards staving off ambushes, explorers from the Old World venturing into Cathayan lands, searching for lost children of the Dragon Emperor around the world. Tzeentchian trickery is always an easy one
why is GW rereleasing the old metal eagle with the high elves?
Couldn't they just repackeged the plastic MESBG one?
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Favourite Female in Warhammer?

Canon picks only.
>What would be the lore justification for Cathay to fight in the Old World (continent)?
Whats the lore justification for tomb kings to fight in the Old World (continent)? Or Lizardmen? Or Chaos Dwarfs?
Those factions either fight closer to their home turf, or represent expeditions and forays into foreign territory.
Best pussy.
They could also do a semi-focus on the naval parts like with high elves since one of the dragon lords has a fleet
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>, until Malus killed her again.
Not him but BS. You can make this kind of "logic" chain and come to utterly retarded conclusions. Also: Eltharion's gestapo dungeon. Sure thing.
>Couldn't they just repackeged the plastic MESBG one?
Nope, they're legally bound to provide at least one model for the unit in the fof armylist and also mingling of lotr lines and wargammer lines is verboten since the contract was made to make lotr miniatures, which might or might not have been the main contributing factor to making the games in slightly different scales

but of course everyone will use the lotr plastic eagles and the tow team too expects you to
>I loved you
>I know
I hate Malus so mich it's unreal
>t. newcomer doesn't even get WH
Tomb Kings have multiple reason for going into the Old Wolrd including getting back Artifact grave robbers stole from them, and trying to recapture old ruins that once belonged to Khemri when still an active kingdom, looking for a way to rid oneself of the undead curse, the Tomb King is a bored noble who can't enjoy anything anymore due to being a mummified corpse etc.
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>Army of Infamy 1
Ivory Road Caravans
>Army of Infamy 2
Sea-Dragon great fleet
>Army of Infamy 3
the best part of warhammer is humans banding together to defeat monstrous forces of chaos
>they're legally bound to provide at least one model for the unit in the fof armylist
they are?
then why hasn't GW produced Sargent-at-arms models yet?
>what is the lore justification for tomb kings?

Setra wants the whole world, not just khemri
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Im not sure what youre on about, but Dragon Princes being considered arrogant pricks even by other elves isnt some weird leap in logic, its explicitly stated.

Good, youre meant to, he had unironic gold and he pissed it away, and hes never getting it back
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Dragon princes are arseholes, and Imrik is THE dragon prince.
Very Impetous
Retards will but it.
>They pay little heed to orders
Utterly retarded I wonder if GW ever think twice before printing. Were is it from?
Unironically? Yes, that rule actually fits them just fine. Or something like "dragon princes cannot use the leadership of any character without the blood of caledor honor" or whatever.
Dragon princes absolutely WOULD look at some big fucking chaos monster or big infantry formation and go "we can take it"

The high elf army book.
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Cathay isn't the best part of warhammer. It's a human nation ruled by dragon shapeshifters and explicitly relies on magical constructs ("something which is core to this great nation in how it protects itself"). It's just silly to expect GW to make a redundant faction instead of doubling down on a human+monster roster.
>Stuck with the ugly spearelves even though it required just a small CAD edit
I don't understand why they could do that with Reavers but not Spearmen
I guess 8th edition then
>Unironically? Yes, that rule actually fits them just fine.
You're mentally ill and wrong tho
It fits their lore, even if it makes them not good on the Tabletop. They're fighting retards, that's what they DO
>Kharakorsi - Karakorum
>Rasputia - Moscow?
>Zamoski - Zamość
Probably because most people will just use seaguard anyways
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Can't wait for the high elf release so they can finally release the real elven hole gapers
>just a small CAD edit
To do what?
>the rule that has a unit potentially disregard common sense or strategy and just charge headlong into the enemy does not represent the unit whos character can be largely defined as "extreme arrogance and belief in their own superiority over everything else that exists"

As someone who runs a lot of frenzied cavalry. I dont get the problem. Its not like elves dont have good screens to deal with stuff like enemy chaff.
Dragon princes kick absolute ass in combat, especially now that them "only" being S5 doesent matter as much due to AP standardization with lances AND they got plate armor.

You just need to be aggressive with them. Find the enemy elite and force some lances down their ass on turn 2, 3 at the latest.
Remove the "sea" bits from seaguard maybe? Or tweak dark elf spearmen. Idk what anon means.
Yeah, they're really not that hard to work around if you plan around it.
Me thinks empire will be redundant instead of Cathay.
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Those excerpts? From the 8e HE army book. This is from 7th ed.
>Next week I finish my degree so I'll finally get a lot of free time
Don't kid yourself, Anon
The sad part of life is getting less and less free time as you progress
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Heres another fun little bit from 7th. Dragon Princes are arseholes.
the small cad edit would have required a whole new mould, they required a whole new mould to free the island of blood stuff anyway
How do I start playing with high elves? Never played WHFB
the backbone of Cathay is endless waves of jade warriors
I think there is stories about the Dragon Princes being the only ones not lowering their banners to salute the Phoenix King in all High Elves army books.
beastmen shouldn't have written language
Painfully, elves were never an easy faction.

If you mean "where do I get the models" then wait a month or so for them to actually release the stuff they showed off.
I recommend getting a unit of silver helms, some archers/seaguard, some bolt throwers, two eagles and a unit of whatever elite infantry you like. Also a dragon because theyre cool.
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Heres their entry from 6e.
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they don't, chaos has a written language, beastmen use it
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And heres their entry from 5th.
They might have earlier entries but im not going to go check.

You may notice several repeated motifs:
Extreme ego/pride
An aloofness from others
Waging war on their own terms
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<- this basically, lol.
new models from another angle
So yes, dragon princes having impetuous makes sense, they absolutely fit the model of what impetuous seeks to represent very well (hot headed troops that dont follow orders well and may fight on their own terms). They, knights errant and pistoliers and what have you having the rule is absolutely in character.
>Chrace Army of Infamy instead of a Caledor Dragon Army of Infamy
Huh? Not complaining since I can just run them as Grand Army but it seems like an odd choice
Swordmaster from a slightly different angle
>caledor army of infamy
You can already do this, take two dragons, fill your special with dragon princes, silver helms for core.
from a lore/story reason it could be justified as a Caledorian force would object to some killing of Beastmen in some forest in Brettonia seeing it as beneath them, whereas that it's basically one of the things Chrace is known for is forest fighting and Beast hunts
Why? What makes caledor some obvious choice for an AoI?
>How does Cathay fit into the Old World?
Asavar Kul begins his rampaging in Cathay before Kislev
nta but what makes Chrace an obvious choice either?
Kul would probably hit those Eastern Steppe Cities before Cathay or Kislev proper
Nothing, but I dont think anyone would be going on about how tirannoc or whatever getting an AoI over chrace is weird and needs justifying.

Afaik none of the kingdoms had standalone lists, but "kingdom list" was very likely (with averlorn/the everyqueens guard being maybe the most "obvious" of the lot). So it SOME kingdom was obviously going to end up being it.
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I do not want them to retcon the western warhammer history to involve Cathay.
>western warhammer history and its some chaos warlord coming from the northeast to invade !russia like hes a fucking mongol
It isn't a retcon though, it is just expanding on what we already knew.
If they start having Cathayans fighting in the siege of Praag then it's retconning
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Are you guys excited for the eventual return of the Southern Kingdoms/Dogs of War, as a faction?
yeah but i would like GW to release this updated map if it's done
My mother and her family are from irl Bilbali. I was gonna start a 2nd army soon, the Empire, but I might put it off so I can field a Bilbali expeditionary force.
Mommy Miao Ying
It's gonna be great.
Wonder if they're going full Southern Realms as a faction or if it'll just be an AoI under Dogs of War. Norsca is in the corerule book but they just made it a Chaos AoI.
Duncan does some Empire state trooper colour schemes
>Southern Kingdoms
I don't give a flying fuck about estalia and neither does anyone else.

The faction is dogs of war by name and tilean by culture.
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Aa O N S E(ii) N T(tz) ?
N E(ii) V E(ii) Rh
H U Rh Dh
H E(ii) Rh !!!
H E(ii) H E(ii)
Don't get the "Aonsent" part
neither does the beastmen most likely, but it's not like he needs it
>odd choice
They can sell Lion of Chrace as monsters.
You need 10 of them but there is only 2 by chariot box.
I care because I'm Estalian
oh yeah? name 4 estalian regiments of renown
It isn't about the letters, it's about the message looking at them evokes.
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Why do they have verdigris on steel?
Pirazzo's Lost Legion because Tobaro is rightfullly Estalian
Juan's Jannisaries
Emmanuel's Eradicators
Marco's Marauders
Jesus's Wall Jumpers
all nonexistent
Janissaries are slave soldiers from the Ottomans they made by kidnapping and castrating christian children
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the slayer king
You think Estalians are above that?
It's a JOKE son, I say a JOKE
Its DoW, and no, fuck them being their own faction. They and the southern kingdoms dont deserve full armies.
>They can sell Lion of Chrace as monsters.
Theyre a bit small for that, even as monstrous creatures it would look silly.

Best you could really do is warbeasts.
>slayer o king
no, no, that's uzhul, we've been over this
Who the fuck gives a fuck about the western side of warhammer. It’s boring as hell, even vampire counts lean into a more eastern background and they are cooler than anything non legacy.
>even vampire counts lean into a more eastern background
>gothic horror vampires
they've got an infantry, a chariot, a special character, can turn the lions from the chariot kit into an extra unit and the infantry kit is customisable enough that they can suggest a conversion to give them bows and pass it off as another unit.
Where is his neck?

Nice paintjob tho.
>and no, fuck them being their own faction.
They are in the Warhammer 3 Total War files, so they will probably get new stuff to make them worthy of being their own army roster wise
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Castle WIP.

Anyone got good canon art of Empire Castles? Need some ideas what to stuff the Yard with.
NTA but VC have their origins in Nehekara. The Lahmians are controlled by Neferata who resides in the Silver Pinnacle, an "eastern" location. The Strigoi are descended from Neferata's brother (eastern again), and the Necrarchs traditionally take a Nehekaran name when joining the Brotherhood, and of course seek arcane tomes in said Land of the Dead. The VC do have an eastern tinge to them, if you want them to, but they can be undeniably western if that's what you want, too.
Nehekhara is not to the east in warhammer, its just straight south.
But the nehekharan influence with VC proper essentially doesent exist, theyre just draculas.
outside of some images from Castle Wittengenstein from Death on the Reik, I'm not sure you going to get many interior images for a Castle
so useful if you looking for haunted/corrupted castle vibes but I am not sure you are
Oh, sorry, should correct myself. Theyre either draculas, carmillas or nosferatus.
Just rundown vibe. But every bit works.

Gonna add some Rooftops to the buildings, seems like those are common on gatehouses and keeps.
I mean geographically yeah, but I think anon was referring to eastern in the sense of exotic and oriental, which notEgypt is.
>But the nehekharan influence with VC proper essentially doesent exist, theyre just draculas.
It can if you want to though. The classic Lahmian vampire from 6th was not "just a dracula", she was undeniably foreign and not European inspired, as the Lahmians are based in the south. And like I said, Strigoi and Necrarch have ties to the Land of the Dead too and you can model them accordingly if you wish. A Necrarch vampire leading a host of TK-like skellies would not look out of place or be wrong lore wise. Only the Blood Dragons and Von Carsteins would feel out of place with something exotic looking.
that's just GW copying the origin of Vampires from Anne Rice books
you could certainly argue it's a trope with origins in Orientalism but Vampire culturally don't really give a shit or know about their Khemri routes
the Strigoi care about Mourkain I guess but more in the sense of what they lost due to the city falling and the betrayal of all the other Vampire clans.
If someone was asking the Gor about his sister/wife and the Gor was answering "never heard of her … hehe" with girls being raped in the background it would make sense and be a fine joke, same if someone was asking about a character like "The Everqueen ? Never heard of her! hehe …" with Alarielle having sex with beastmen in the background.
But right now the joke feels off.
>consent? never heard of her
>with sex in the background
Its not the fucking dead sea scrolls now is it?

Did you add the gibbet!?!?
The word is "consent".
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I added a Hanging Tree out of town. Maybe I'll make room for a Gibbet in town.
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Well now it make sense, but i think he fucked up his "Ch, kh".
Phoenix guard or white lions?
I would go phoenix guard, they seem pretty good for a brick. 4+ armor, at initiative with AP weapons, fight in two ranks and even a ward save. Not as broken as they used to be, but good.
What took them so long?
This roadmap was fake. But also HE were delayed for some production reason, they were supposed to come before empire.
Dwarfs were also delayed, which is why there was such a gap between OnG and them. They were SUPPOSED to be out before AoS 4e
Dwarfs were delayed so GW could produce more Skaventide boxes
IIRC, the actual Delay was the Arcane Journals, which is why they say PRODUCED IN THE UK on some of em. Model delays are rare as they own the factories, but printers fucking up the books is outside their control.
I heard that
>descendants of immigrants from a country are not seen as countrymen (so a Japanese immigrants kid is not seen as Japanese by people in Japan)
>The sole exception is if the person is famous then suddenly their ethnicity is important
Do you think dwarfs do this? Like an Imperial Dwarf is a famous smith that even curmudgeonly old dudes accept. And the dwarfs never admit anything Imperial Dwarf made is theirs except that one dude his good skills are due to being a dwarf.
Imperial dwarfs that have never known a hold would definitely be treated as outsiders by "true" dwarfs.
Yes, Bugman is the best example.
I'm sure they'd do the other way around too, where if an Imperial Dwarf does something bad, it's blamed completely on their Imperial upbringing
>Kislev (I'm not a big fan - for I see Kislev as it is as absurd and contradictory almagation of different Slav cultures, western and eastern, totally not compatibile with each other)

but thier both slavs and its fantasy?
stats wise, how are chaos giants compared to gorghans?
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>conditional 6++
You forgot to mention that they are very expensive T3 infantry
about as conditional as lady saves
>Literally braindead tourist who doesn't like or get what makes WH WH
No Dwarfs are like:
"He is one of Valaya chosen people, bless him to be in the Empire taking their gold for the defense of the Karaz Ankor, we must retake our ancestral lands, send more Umgi to die for us! It's in your Sigmar book after all! (do not listen to the elgi anti beard terrorists)"
chapter of what?
How much infantry do you need for a skaven army? I have 80x clanrats, 60x with shields and 20x with hand weapons. Is that enough for this edition?
Wrong thread my mistake
no it's fine the thread hit the bump limit several hours ago
>fucking retard does not understand how army or battle works, especially one being epitome of discipline and military excellence which HE are
>advocates the rule that makes no sense because
>unironically quotes 8th edition garbage
K. and fo
Good man.
That should be plenty for a very impressive army, anon.
I run 2 bricks of 30,
I played a game with Shield+Spear and they held and pushed back really well
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Thanks, haven't played since 8th so didn't know what was up
>especially one being epitome of discipline and military excellence which HE are
Ah yes, the army that couldnt pick its own general (hy there "intrigue at court") is definetly the epitome of a stable and solid chain of command. You got it.

>rule that makes no sense because
>i-it just doesent make sense for the arrogant loners defined by their disregard for everyone else and waging war based on their own judgement to act independently
>help me matt ward aaaaaa!

>>unironically quotes 8th edition garbage
Awww, im sorry, does the canon upset you? Going to cry into your fanfiction?
>in battle the princes of caledor stand aloof from the other high elf regiments
>they choose for themselves the most dangerous battlefield assignments
Hey anon, which edition is that from? Lets see if you can help me place it.
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Nurgors did nothing wrong.
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It appears my superioty has caused some controversy.
Don't you have a bad dragon to sit on?
So? The similiarity starts and ends with the SPOKEN language - because western and eastern Slavs even use different letters. And yeah, it's fantasy, but for me RUSSIAN (russian name, mongolian face and bears everywhere) winged hussar is just as abstract and rape on archetype as a black dude in european medieval armor.
High elf dragons are actually quite good this edition desu.
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Imrik rides a Dragon
You ride Cock
They already did Russians in aos and no one cared for them.
Who's Russian in AoS?
Cursed city
Bro you sound like me when I cope that Fimir will totally be in the Beastmen AJ
How did the high elves let chaos muster into being a threat multiple times to the world
Humans are easily corrupted shits and the old ones built shitty warp-gates. Not the elves fault frankly.
Oh yeah
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Human, Lizards and Dwarfs fault.
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Wait is this a dude or a female
Why did the dwarves and lizardmen let it happen?
No one cares about Lizardmen and Skaven players are subhuman. I do feel bad for DElf and VC chads but James doesn't want to step on Age of Trannyhammer's toes
Maneaters; Plenty of opportunities for conversions, and you can field them in almonst any army
>Fluff question: Are Khorne followers and daemons actually martially skilled at fighting?
Bloodthirsters have WS10. They have literally been training in combat for eternity.
>Queue War of the Beasts 2: Tobaro Boogaloo
Posted it again award
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DElves are on borrowed time in AoS anyway - they didn't even bother to rebase most of the units. They don't fit the Cities of Sigmar either. Only Daughters of Khaine (witchelves that is) found their place in mainstream AoS.

As fo VCs - there is Vampire Coast army that is distinct enough not to bother GW board with its similarity with AoS vamps - and capacious enough to cover vampire/undead armies from the past (so you can play with your old VC army). Since they basically confirmed Cathay (Total War faction), it's possible VCs will be treated the same way.
I'd go with Ironguts myself.
"It's everyone else's fault!"
Typical nazi answer.
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And I'll do it again.
Back when GW was based as fuck
>The seaguard are literally lead by Aislinn the sociopath.
Cool so where is his model?
She probably got an unwilling taste of many a BDEC
How would ironguts make more sense than THE mercenary Ogre?
Do you just want great weapons because Badland Ogres already do it
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>is quite literally a Druchii trait.
and Dark Elves are Nagarythe High Elves who broke off when they took their aircraft carriers to America
fair enophe. im a American so i cant really understand. but personally. i like Slavs. and thier for both west and east Slavs. so i dont really mind seeing a mix of them in a fantasy version for Not-earth. But i can understand that west and east slavs have different cultures. so i can kinda so where you're coming from. Would you have liked it if GW just made to separate kingdoms? One fantasy west slavs and one fantasy east Slavs? Also no offense but didn't tartars also have winged cavalry and didn't at one point Poland control Russia (isnt that what the time of troubles in russia was partially about) and didn't the Russians themselves adopted winged back banner?
you anon your my favourte cannon only whfb pick :3
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Isabella best girl.
it looks to be an elf
who is the james sunderland of warhammer fantasy battles?
Estalia and Tilea are unironically so diverse, while the demand for them is so little, that it's better to just release suggested rules for them and maybe a character or two and leave it at that
Damn, I always forget this bitch exists
As one might expect from a commoner never graced by the presence of true aristocracy.
I see a lot of runny mascara in pictures like this.
Runny mascara means they've had tears, so what is it supposed to mean when on someone who wouldn't shed tears?

Get your heads out of the gutter if you're going to go to porn
Maybe it's raining ?
Fucking based.
Vamps intentionally paint their mascara to imply they still can cry.
Mere artistic smudging.
I actually had a pal back in the day who was really good at that
Felix? Maybe Malus if he was capable of remorse.
Definitely the best wife in Warhammer, but not the best woman
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So the new Beastmen character will be part of the Arcane Journal right ? Do you think one of the Army of Infamy will be centered on him ?
Maneaters look too chaotic to me. Ogor gluttons wear no armor on the other hand (but I would use them if I didn't want equip them with some extra armor). So to sum it up - ironguts are the most universal in my opinion and would allow me to field them in my chaos and empire armies (I have both).
Hes never had one iirc.
>best wife
Uuhhh sweetie? Alarielle is so loyal she exclusively fucks her husband's best friend, Ariel only ever fucks Orion (evb if she gets a new Orion every fucking year) and Morathi only ever fucks her own son! Human butches could never compete with Elvish love.
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hey, creator of the original meme here, it appears I indeed fucked up the first character for some reason, and quickly rectified it. I made this I think about a week ago? I originally made it during that whole cursed ass debate about rape in warhammer so I doodled it real quick when I got home from work.
Apologies for fucking up this dumb shitpost lol
maybe but that isn't always the case like TK didn't have any mortuary cult special characters or WoC didn't have any characters associated with the Herlds of Darkness list
but I would eire on the side of him being the Historical Scernio character like Löwenhacke or Burlok Damminson for the AJ
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no idea, not an ounce on fat on that dwarf body judging by his backside
It doesn't have to be different kingdom, just separate tribes. Gospodars (Russians), Ungols (Cossacks? Tatars?) and polish-like tribe. I have no problem with the idea of empire that contains different cultures, I just want it to be true to archetypes. This is why I like Warhammer in the first place - they mostly didn't rape the archetypes, unlike they are doing right now in AoS - probably because WFB is old enough, before woke shit appeared. And no, Tatars never had winged cavalry. The idea came from Hungary, but then it evolved from unarmored light cavalry into heavy cavalry we know today as winged hussars.
Russia tried to copy the formation, but they didn't understand the idea behind it so they failed miserably. The problem is they didn't have the proper social group (wealthy nobility with knightly virtues and military tradidion that were training with a lance and sabre from the early age and could afford the equipment and specially bred horses that costed the equivalent of a village). Hope that answers your question.
That's fascinating and all, but a Slav is a Slav, might as well ask me to differentiate on sight hindus by their caste, sub-saharan africans by their tribe or meds by their nationality. Your example is silly because you're pointing out differences based on culture, which needs a much higher level of familiarity, whereas wewuzzing knights is an obvious racial mismatch that requires only superficial knowledge.
Yeah now i get it.
Thank you (and other anons) for clarification.
What is sources of the Gor head and of the background picture btw ?
Yeah what I was trying to imply is why make one for this new character but not Aislann?
Maybe he will still get one at some point but it seems weird to leave him out. I wonder if they will bring back Tyrion and Teclis since unless I am mistaken they should be active in this time
That's why I said I'm not a big fan of - but I do accept the existence of Kislev in the lore and not trying to deny it.
My apologiesthen, I misread the intent of your post.
Any chance Khalida gets a new model? I'm a tw tourist but i dont mind spending some money on just Khalida model and paints.
>Yeah what I was trying to imply is why make one for this new character but not Aislann?
Because they had some old concepts lying around for this chick, thats my guess.
Also because for the most part the TOW characters tend to be fairly "low scale", chaos got "some random chaos raider", the greenskins got random raiders and an odd shaman, bretonnians have "some damsel" and an outcast baron(duke?). Aislinn is sort of "larger scope" than the narratives they seem to want to tell. So you get one of his underlings instead.

Using Aislinn also limits what you can do with him, since we sort of know where Aislinns story goes (even if its dumb ET shit). He cant die or whatever.
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The new lord of Chrace looks good. Almost makes me want to start a Chrace-themed army, but I'll stick to my Saphery one
>Yeah what I was trying to imply is why make one for this new character but not Aislann?
Because it's current year +10, why even ask such a silly question?
In a hypothetical 2nd/10th ed maybe

It's certainly not impossible
Isn't there some new art in the core book?
There's nothing wrong with her current model outside of not being actually available.
She's taken from concept art from 2005
I think its possible, shes a popular enough tomb king character, but her current model is also fairly high quality so who knows.
I dont think I would bet on it any time soon.

based on her lore she should have her skin instead of the bandages
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Because this art has been around for quite a while, while aislinns only look is from some RPG unit entry (if thats even him).

This isnt le evil woke GW, this is mark gibbons playing guilty gear 20 years ago.
Well son a gun, you're right. I'd forgotten that bit of fluff. Though I still think her current model is perfectly good.
Oh yea, its a fantastic model. But imagine a full frazetta girl human khailda? To die for.
They unironically didn't made a Aislinn model because of TWW.
CA probably want him for the game as part of a DLC and they and GW have probably not yet settled how he looks or a unwilling to show him for now.
So they created her for TOW.
My issue isn't her getting a model, I just feel disappointed that it isn't Aislann
This I can subscribe more to
>Do you think one of the Army of Infamy will be centered on him ?
Maybe? I am extremely confident one will be Minotaur focused or Minotaur + other monsters specifically

>because of TWW
I doubt that. Models have a fairly long turnaround, while the DLC for TWW seems to have a much shorter development date.
Them not figuring out his design proper? That I can believe, And that would also consequently mean TWW cant really include him as anything but "a named generic character". But to me that just further suggests that its not "they didnt include him because of TWW" but "they didnt include him because they didnt have any real plans to use him, which is why he lacks a proper character design"
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>Thorgrim Ulleksson
>Ungrim Ironfist
>low scale
I think a sort of "dark magic/spawn" themed army might be plausible, even if it not being outright Morghur knocks it down a peg or two.
One of the armies is almost certainly Minotaurs, that shits just too obvious, its one of the strongest existing beastman "subfactions" and would be really easy to do.

Well they arent exactly high scale are they? Not without a stepladder anyways.
>frazetta girl human khailda
Now you've gone and given me another thing to wish for that will literally never happen, you fucker
Diggers aren't relevant.
>edge-highlighting the eyepatch
utterly fucking deranged
Wouldn't be surprised if one of the bestmen armies is actually centigor and chariot focused like that orc AoI.
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I drew the gor head myself, but I heavily refrenced the beastmen loading screen so I struggle to call it my own creation. Earlier int is thread I did another meme doodle with no refrence at all, and I scribbled it in a few minutes. I'd post more of my art but people would be able to trace that to my social media lol
the background is actually from a piece depicting the Broo from Runequest, I dont remember where I originally found it but Im pretty sure that pic can be found on the 1d4chan page on the broo.
Could do Kholek and DOgre spam
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well you could always communism an artist to do a design for it and then sculpt it yourself
They really dont know how to paint women. Look at that cheek emphasis, utterly artificial and ugly to boot. The eye too.
>Could do Kholek and DOgre spam
Imagine. "chosen dragon ogres"

>special weapons (better ensorcelled weapons)
>chaos armor 5+/6+

0-1 per army rare for beastmen or chaos warriors. 0-1 per shaggoth (taken as character choices in the drogre AoI) in the AoI.
Why yes comrade, he could 'Communism' an artist. It is the will of the proletariat.
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thank you for correcting my mistake
Imo (based upon previous AJs) it's gonna be a monster-heavy army and centigor focused army.
>communism an artist
Sorry, there was a shortage of sewage inspectors, all the artists were re-assigned to waste plants.
o ok
sorry not a historian

do you hate russians? or are you russian?
People meme on it, but id love a centigor focussed army. Centaurs are such an iconic part of fantasy and yet they were always kinda sucky in warhammer. Some sort of elite armored centigor variant or whatever could be really cool.
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>I doubt that. Models have a fairly long turnaround, while the DLC for TWW seems to have a much shorter development date.
But then this give more credit to the theory i think.
GW had to launch models production for the High Elves release in early 2025 meawhile CA keeping in mind (or if you don't know know) they changed all their schedule for this year have maybe not yet started to work on Aislinn.
So i can imagine them telling GW more than 1 years ago "ok we need Aislinn, let's us send you sketches"and then suddenly telling them "sorry we are not ready for him, will contact you later".
I dont think GW would be receiving sketches from CA for aislinn. Its more likely to go the other way round

>we want to do aislinn, can you send us what he looks like pls?
>oh, you dont have any designs for him?
>1-3 years before youre done?
>fine well just do a 15th chaos dlc
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I cannot imagine one of the two IA not being Centigors (cavalry) themed.
it would be the other way around since we know CA artists got TOW concept art to use for Kislev and Katirin during their own Concepti art phase of production when making TWW3
I love that space banner, anon. It looks incredible.
she looks cool
has and big fat tits(for an elf)
but two spears is fucking stupid
that probably why GW got rid of one on the model wonder if anymore TOW models were based on unused concept art
Wrong, you're thinking of Cathay and GW designed 8th ed rules and units for them which they gave to CA for TWWH 3's development
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>has and big fat tits(for an elf)
Because shes literally elf baiken. Same eyepatch and everything.
And yes, two spears looks silly.
yeah and Kislev sucks ass
why did you pick the only one that canonically never fucked a human
Centigors are still finecast
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no, you can see this in the Concept artist portfolio image for her Witch design she got GW rough designs as a basis for the TWW ones
GW provided art for them to use as a basis
Where do the Dragonblooded Shugengan come from then?
the vast majority come from Zhao
Yuan Bo also banged some astromancers from time to time
I don't hate Russians and am neutral in their war against Ukraine. If anything, I dislike Ukrainians. I'm just stating the fact that Kislev makes little sense from a Slav perspective.
>why did you pick the only one that canonically never fucked a human
I have sources that suggest otherwise.
I think they still first send to GW concepts telling them what they expect the character to do/sound/look/
Old Kislev make ls perfect sense
Ungols represent cossacks/tatars/bulgars while the Gospodars represent the Rurikevids that became the rulling caste
the biggest problem is that the linch pin for Kislev was the Ancient Widow, worshipped by both the Hags and the Ice Witches
but GW being greedy jews disregard lore for flanderized designs that can be trademarked
They just remade HE cavalry even tho' they had perfectly fine Island of Blood sculpts. Surely remaking centigors isn't beyond their abilities. Also harpies need new models, because old are too old and newer ones fit more DElves than beastmen.
The issue there is that the cossacks and tatars cane much after the rurikids irl. But yes, thats the dynamic, both in old kislev and current kislev.

>but GW being greedy jews disregard lore
Literally none of what you mentioned was changed. Its still the gospodar coming to conquer the ungols, and both the hag witches and ice witches tying themselves to a primordial spirit of the land.
>They just remade HE cavalry even tho' they had perfectly fine Island of Blood sculpts
They slightly edited the Island of blood sculpts, the same thing they did for the swordsmasters.
Looking at pic it looks clear that GW sends first (?) an "initial sketch" and then CA sends them their interpretation for approval.
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Looking around on etsy there are already some decent egyptian queen minis out there so maybe I'll track down an stl and modify it a bit.
So Miao prefers to give birth to Longma ?
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You know, I never once wondered where Longma came from, but that implication will stick with me forever.
Sure, Gospodars and Ungols have sense, it's winged lancers that make little sense to me, because they don't fit. It's like making a fictional III Reich where SS is formed out of orthodox german Jews. Can you imagine it? Sure. Does it fit? Not really, ask any neonazi - or Israeli.
all the ice shit now comes from Ursun when it should have come from the Ancient Widow
Ursun is not even from Kislev, in the old lore Ursun approached the Gospodars in the Eastern Steppes because he saw them resisting chaos instead of giving in
it was the Widow that gave ice magic and guided them to Kislev in exchange of Gospodars defending Kislev with their lives
now comes the fact of Arianka
Arianka is beneath Pragg
Pragg was the first city settled by the gospodars
the Ice Witches became more powerful the closer they got to Pragg
the big reason Gospodars conquered the Ungols is because their Hags NEVER went against the gospodars because the Ancient Widow told them not to
preorder for some of the Old World models are up in NZ only the Resin models and Empire characters none of the infantry, cavelry or Cannons
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S-so ?
There is no Poland in Warhammer, so Kislev has to be every East Slavic Culture mashed together. You will discover that Russia doesnt have a Prague either, and yet one of the most premier towns of Kislev is Praag.
Wait, you're telling me a faction in Warhammer is an extremely generalized caricature of real world cultures? I don't believe it. Now excuse me while I paint my Lizardmen.
post them
>ice shit now comes from Ursun
I dont think this is true. In wh3, Ursun roars to end the winter, doesnt bring it. And Mother Ostankya says she (or another ancient hag witch) established the ice court. Katarin is a descendant of Miska which was a local of the land.
which makes no sense, Miska never even saw Kislev, it was her granddaughter that arrived in Pragg
I have no problem with mashing every EASTERN Slavic Cultures together, I have a problem with mixing up WESTERN Slavs with it. Like I said - from slavic perspective it's like trying to put OPPOSITES into one bag.

Praag is just a name, there is no archetype connected to it. With winged lancers it's a different story, as they are CLEARLY based upon winged hussars. Again - if you don't get my example of jewish SS - I won't be able to explain it to you. but since it's 4chan - would you be OK with Cathay being a random mixture of China and Japan? I know Nippon exists, but lets pretend it doesn't.
You realize even in China alone there are many different cultural and ethnic groups?
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>Aislinn the sociopath
>Hes never had one iirc.
D'roi Haisplinn, officer of the old regiment of renown
From English perspective, all Slavs are EASTERN Slavs.
>would you be OK with Cathay being a random mixture of China and Japan?
Sure. Or them having some Vietnam or Korea in there.
I would also be fine with !france having a mixture of !england in there, oh wait, thats bretonnia.
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Pretty much finished with this. Any suggestions?
I hope the high elf release gets more people to play them. I've only had the chance to play against a high elf player on two separate occasions, and it was really fun. My chaos warriors are eager to attack Ulthuan once more.
I don’t understand your gripes at all.
Just some slav mistakenly thinking people care about different flavors of slav anywhere near as much as they care about the difference between China and Japan
I personally think Cathay shouldn't exist at all. Why do you think your particular culture deserves to be more faithfully and historically represented than any other real-world culture that has served as the inspiration for an army?
The neverending seething over Kislev will always make me laugh.
To be honest the average Anglo cares about as little about the difference between Slavs, as he does Asians or even Estalia and Tilea as seperate cultures.
all slavs are Eastern
the only difference is Catholic/Orthodox
Poland was only "westernised" with the EU
anglos are retarded
they consider Richard Lionheart a national hero when he lived in France, spoke French and only stepped in England for a total of 10 months when it was to collect taxes
and don't forget working the english to death to pay his ransom
>Miska never even saw Kislev,
Where are you getting that? Miska definitely reached Kislev and established the proto-kislev.

Probably she and the Widow made a pact there and Miska become the first ice sorceress.
Kislev should just be a sub faction of the empire. It’s not justifiable to make an entire army for them. They don’t have anything going for them. I mean shit you could go out of your way right now to kitbash your own stuff with what’s available.
>spoke French
so did the rest of the nobility at the time English only became common in the upper classes of England during the Hundred Years' War.
I know you're shitposting but I think a tabletop army based on TWWH kislev would be cool
We don't do "kitbash" anymore.
We only do "when is the official model coming out".
then why does TOW have official kitbashing guides in the arcane journals?
Its hilarious because Richard was incarcerated because he tried to steal valour in the Holy Land, and his brother and mother had to squeeze the english peasants to pay the ransom but somehow in popular perception John is the villain lmao.
Lmao goteem
I am aware of that. This is why, again, I explained that I DON'T LIKE Kislev because from my slavic perspective it's stupid. I just explained other anon who wanted to know why exactly, but don't try to actually convince you it's stupid because you would have to be a Slav (or have proper education) to understand that.

From a cultural point of view, difference between medieval France and England (that were part of Christiandom and shared the same cultural template) were MUCH smaller than between Poles and Russians in XVII century, for Poles and Russians were parts of different civilisations (latin and orthodox) and only shared one similarity - spoken language, while France and England basically differed ONLY because of language, but shared everything else. I wouldn't care much if Kislev was a mixture of Poles, Czechs and Slovaks.
Again: I DON'T HATE RUSSIANS to be perfectly clear.

But why? Chinks and Japs are the same, they both live far east, speak gibberish and have slant eyes! Totally the same nation.
John raised the taxes, the why of it never matters to most people, just that they went up.
if it's official then we can do it, we were given permission and instructions so it's ok
because John raised the Taxes so people at the time blamed him and also the barons forced him to sign the The Magna Carta which oddly made him very unpopular with the peasantry
>the only difference is Catholic/Orthodox

"Only", holy shit. This is exactly the cultural template that makes both groups totally different. And you are obviously trolling but I'll bite - it's exactly the other way around, it's Soviet Union that tried to "easternise" Poles for 45 years and it failed miserably.
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Warhammer doesn't set a high bar for castle designs.
All things considered, thats almost too tame and grounded.
>muh western slavs
>muh eastern slavs
>muh Russia
>muh Ukraine
>muh Cossacks
>muh Tatars
Everythinh east of Berlin is vodka drinking, fur-hat wearring, potatoes eater, (ex)commie underdeveloped country.
Simple as.
I do.
Fuck those subhuman commie fucks.
Most of Czechia is west of Berlin.
Ok now ask Mexicans how they feel about their culture being represented by lizards, Egyptians as skeletons, Nordic people as retarded chaos raiders, and Mongolians as nurgle demons
doesn't matter because warhammer is not set in the XX century
>But why? Chinks and Japs are the same, they both live far east, speak gibberish and have slant eyes! Totally the same nation.
NTA, you should have used Koreans instead of Japs. Everyone knows chinks are basically skaven IRL (minus Pestilens, that's poojeets) and Nips are muh honourbu warriors. Koreans? They're chinks larping as Nips.
A little bit of it, not most.
Why wouldn't mexicans not like being extremely powerful?
Why wouldn't egyptians being represented by Settra?
aren't the Lizardmen quite popular in the American market?
I don't think I've ever heard any Latin American complaining that Lizardmen are bad.
I do hear American complain about Dark elves though
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>D'roi has many unusual habits such as bathing in cauldrons of steaming goat offal, eating small toads in public, spitting on sleeping halflings and shouting abuse at travelers. [1]
Slavs don’t even know what warhammer is, why should we care about their feelings? Anyone who cares about their cultural identity being portrayed in any light in a fantasy setting is no different than a tranny. Especially in a setting like warhammer.
Lizardmen are actually dope and afaik those few latinos aware of them actually like them.
Berlin (and east Germany) is ex-commie undeveloped country too.
Then the slav anon should shut the fuck up
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Not on the map in my head.
Aren't there huge warhammer fantasy LARPs in slavland?
Koreans are actually mongols larping as chinks who had too much nip raped into them.
>I do hear American complain about Dark elves though
Mutts are just salty bitches, as a Leaf I apprciate DE, not only are we both loyal to the Crown but we have tthe same healthcare system now :^)
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yes, but Kislev isn't dope, it's cartoony garbage
To be fair, are chinks even chinks to begin with? China's history resolves around one group raping and canabilising the other every few centuries for the past 4000 years.
The Han are Han, and if they get their way so will be almost everyone else in China. I get your point though.
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Maybe one of you farts should make a new thread instead of arguing about literal nonsense.
I'm off to bed.
Can't be any more cartoony than Dark Elves.
Would they still like them if they were wearing conquistador armor and helmets - and great slann was named after Cortes tho'?
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Dark Elves are edgy and powerful and sexy
Kislev isn't any more cartoonish than the Empire of Bretonnia.
Deal with it. If you want gritty realistic Kislev, just kitbash your own out of historic models.
They like Dragon Ball, what the fuck do you think?
only when we hit page 10
>I do hear American complain about Dark elves though
Because too thin and sexy women.
Need representation.
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>saw this for the first time
>thought it went hard but noticed my boy Lokhir was missing
>look again and he's actually chilling in the bottom right
>scared the shit out of me
love that nigga like you wouldn't believe.
This fucking sucks
I can't help but feel like Lokir is edited in, though I know that's the original
Was pretty proud of him. What would you point at for improvement? Mind posting your own models for reference?
naughty elf booba
Still want to know if Malekith canonically fucks Morathi.

Who's the guy on the left? There should be Malus Darkblade on that pic.
Boys what are we doing for a sorceress on dark pegasus
>Still want to know if Malekith canonically fucks Morathi.
It was canon in 5e/6e and never explicitly retconned.
the guy on the left is Malus, he doesn't really have any identifiers of him outside of the armour design maybe
Get a bret pegasus and stick some spikes on it?
I'll probably just buy this

Obviously Malus it's AI slop
>it's AI slop
Here's your (You). Now please kill yourself.
>Retard mad that I'm right
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Yeah, pic is very nice, but Lokhir is too much in the foreground and Rakarth in the background i think.
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>Still want to know if Malekith canonically fucks Morathi.
Define "canonically" please.
purple eyes
You are probably right it's Malus, but he looks too pretty imho. Being possessed and all, his face should be... older? Wrinkled?

PS. I assume the other lady is Hellebron?
Yes the artist did delf and helf pics for the total war playable lords
To all my elven bros: What units are standout and what less so? I already have my heart set on some units based purely on nostalgia and a love for their aesthetics, but I'd be curious to know how the army performs in general in TOW. Also any thoughts on the High Elf signature spells and High Magic lore? The spell to destroy magic items seems a bit gimmicky but also kind of fun. Otherwise HM seems a tad underwhelming to me but is otherwise the only lore I don't have access to in my other army and I think playing with the same lores and spells could be boring.
How do you do hammer and anvil tactics with cavalry? Isn't it nearly impossible if your oponent doesn't let your cavalry go behind their lines?
15-20 years ago it was heavily implied. Morathi being a degenerate Slannesh worshiper combined with Malekiths insecurity issues make it a perfect storm for incest.
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It's so weird that the map details every dukedom of Bretonnia, but only like four Empire states, leaving the rest as static icons.
TWGod here.
Gonna buy whatever Cathay stuff comes out in the first release.
It's THAT simple.
I'm looking forward to seeing how you'll paint your army, anon.
No you won't, and you'll be gone by the time the next thread is created.
>what units are standout
Dragon Princes (though can be baited), Dragon lord, Dragon mage, Silver Helms are ok, White Lions good for msu, bolt throwers, phoenixes are great, eagles aren't bad either.

>what less so
reavers, spearmen, archers, lothern seaguard (might get better with arcane journal), swordmasters, phoenix guard.

Basically it's 'how many points do I want to sink into a t3 unit that could be steamrollered by cav/dragons?'. High Magic is not great, certainly not worth it over elementalism, illusion, battle magic and HE mages tend to be pricy so why spend points only to use worse lore?
>guy that bitches about 15$ DLC will buy 500$+ dollars of minis
I bought all the DLC thoughever?
Hey I just bought a chaos warrior army and I pirated all the dlc and the two other games with cream api.
>retard spouts nonsense about a game he clearly knows nothing about
Are you gonna paint your warriors as if they had the mark of a particular god, or are you going for undivided?
yes, that does sound unironically like (you)
It’s going to be undivided, im mainly going for a monster mash army anyways.
undivided is always a fun time, I'm sure your army will be very impressive. I would suggest waiting on painting your monsters until after you've painted a good amount of core models, but you do you, Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing it, if you'd be willing to post pictures of it in the thread as you paint it. It's always nice when anons post pictures of their army.
The nature of beastmen and the tragedy of mutated births amongst men is one of the more sad things about warhammer fantasy. The fact you can't even raise your beastman child lest it get lynch mobbed or morrslieb draws them to the service of chaos.
If Warhammer can put English parts in their French faction, I think it's fine if they combine aspects of Slavic cultures. It's not meant to be a 1:1 representation anyway. If you want your dudes to be a specific country, just make up a city and some lore for it, and then only pick the units that work.

The old world is like five countries, so of course each one is going to incorporate more cultures than modern-day Europe's divisions.
To be fair, there was plenty of overlap between England and France to where mixing them together for Bretonnia is not odd at all. The English language alone is retarded because it's 4 languages including French mixed together
Anybody know where I can get some decent recasts of Tyrion and Teclis before I have to buy a pewter Tyrion for €110
>The English language alone is retarded because it's 4 languages including French mixed together
Skill issue, get gud, noob
>gud is pronounced as good
Proving his point that English is bizarre
I don't think 2 humans can give birth to a real beastman, a mutant wouldn't be considered a real beastman by the brayheard, it would be the lowest of the low
>I don't think 2 humans can give birth to a real beastman
Not only can they (one of Morghur's incarnations was born to perfectly normal humans), but Gaves are considered above normal beastmen and particularily blessed by the Gods by the beastmen themselves. What you're thinking of as the lowest of the low are turnskins, basically adult humans who mutated into beastmen at some point in their lives, those are treated like absolute shit and get nothing but abuse.
How do beastmen born to 2 humans even live? How are they not killed at birth every single time?
>How are they not killed at birth every single time?
Misguided charity. They're taken to the woods and abandoned, expected to die out of sight/earshot, but end up being picked up by beastmen and raised instead.
Most of them would be killed at birth, but you'd get the occasional mother who hides her child, or child who murders their family (like morghur)
I prefer them to the noodle dragons personally.
Wow humans are IDIOTS
99% are killed by their parents or they and their parents are killed by the locals. The ones that survive tend to be discreetly abandonned in the woods Moses style. Bleeding hearts are gonna bleed and all that, even in the face of absolute corruption and horror.
You needed WFB to point this out for you?
>Add Cathay
>No Ogres
>No Skavens
>No Druchii
>No Demons
>No Khuresh
So they are going to add Catahy without Cathay main enemies ?
Cathay in TOW will be a naval expeditionary force
Uh Anon, Games Workshop is fucking retarded. Sorry you're just learning this.
cathay will start off as a diplomatic power thats set in the empire. They wont even have half as many kits as what ogres do on release, over time it will get new RESIN models for you to slowly buy!
Chinks have always been their own worst enemy, I don't see the issue.
The Cathayans start off as diplomats and traders but as the story of ToW progress they'll start buying up houses and important property across the empire, start subverting the imperials with propaganda and slowly start moving small undercover armies into seats of power.
Anon thats the chinese not kislev
>they'll start buying up houses and important property across the empire, start subverting the imperials with propaganda and slowly start moving small undercover armies into seats of power.
Pure headcannon, that could only happen with dwarven financing, and there's no way the Empire's greatest ally would do that, right?
The Empire's older merchants actually facilitated it themselves since they already got theirs and are on their way out so who gives a fuck about the commoners
4 of those armies have rules i so dunno what you're talking about
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are there any sort of elemental like relationships between the colors of magic or are they pretty much entirely seperate? i know high and dark are supposed to be the base, then the 8 colors inspired by pratchetts the color of magic, but they never seemed to actually be connected like colors.
then there were categories like pure magic, mixed magic, and divine or ley magic, but it just seems like exposition
You mean the "legacy" pdf ?
Fresh Thread
dogs of war are fine and frankly closer to the spirit of warhammer fantasy than anything else!

(because I fucking missed out ;_;.. I was in middle school in 2008)

that said Mordheim should only come back if GW isn't going to be fucking stupid about it (which they will be)..

they're already charging $85 for the Empire Free Company! I remember when it was $35.00 retail and you could snag it for cheaper... at best $45.00~$55.00 because it's the same old 1999 tooling. otherwise I'm just going with Perry and Wargames Atlantic.

Idk.. I might also just bit the bullet and go into frostgrave.
>Eastern and Western Slavs mashed together
Oldfag perspective here. As a kid in the 1980s when the warhammer old world was created. The Cold War was on. The Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall had been up for decades. Travel to the Warsaw Pact was very difficult and nobody had much experience of Eastern Europe and everything there was just regarded as a near homogenous 'Eastern Bloc' to younger generations.
Obviously we can now see that there are huge differences in Slavs but our insulated Capitalist NATO Anglocentric culture lumped you all together under the Communist Bloc, probably unfairly. Mad times.
I was going to say
>shit b8 m8
but you hooked two solid retards so instead I say well done senor.
Because it's bronze, you colourblind retard.
Do unicorns exist in this fantasy world of yours as well?
Why wouldn't Slavs like being depicted as proud warriors who overcome their differences to defend the world from evil and wield ice magic and sick gun-axes? Or perhaps you prefer the current western perception of you as poor, tracksuit-wearing, squatting, yellow-toothed wiggers that didn't get the memo that Europe had moved on from squabbling amongst ourselves almost a century ago.

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