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Whipping Boy Edition

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>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What shade of bronze will you be painting your Flawless Blades' accents with
Nothing cuz I don't play crummy chaos losers only chad necrons & guardsmen
Do these... look better in person? It looks like something people made out of plasticard. I dont know how to describe it but its like youre being ripped off for buying this over a great unclean one or a primarch
Why doesn't someone win a duel with Lucius then immediately get put in stasis. There's enough crazy space Marines who would do it.
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Are the upgrade kit getting worse and why in the holy fuck do they all come with just 1 helmet? It should be 3-4 helmets.
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T'au fans stroking it to this
The only good way to get an ork knight was the stompa in that large box they sold awhile back.
You think everyone in the setting knows how his bullshit works?
Just send someone who feels really guilty about taking human life to nuke the planet Lucius is on from orbit so he doesn't know he's killed Lucius.
Can you bang that Y hole?

Slaanesh would just get bored, respawn him somewhere anyway, the new Lucius would hear about this dickhead locked away, let him out and become Lucius, then fight him. Like I'm not even joking. This is a real plot that will 100% be written if it hasn't already.
>Why doesn't someone-
Because you touch yourself at night.
No, because she is a fictional character.
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They're not really going to make rainbow daemons extinct, are they

Force every Daemons player to split his army up into chunks that can't ever be used together again
Has to be a duel for the flesh switch thing to happen. If he dies inconsequentially he just respawns.
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That's what the ethereals do to cuck the Gue'vesa.
It'd skip to the nuke builder, the one who ordered the nuking, or someone along the chain of command who took pride in Lucius' death, aware of it or not. Stasis is the only solution really
No that's a T'au
because trying to game the system is how you get the chaos gods to cheat
Wtf why did they prune lucius's face like this
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1 it's hard to beat him in an actual duel
2 he doesn't actually die a lot in 1v1s. He's just super reckless and dies to landmines and stray fire
>Thread Question
Wouldn't a light brass be a better choice?
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>he doesn't know
Anon, there's a whole short story about him respawning into a guy who works at a landmine factory.
character dataslates with their listed abilities aren't a thing in universe
Demons are ugly anyways. They need to properly update them in 11e.
>make super amazing duellist character
>his gimmick is that he loses over and over
>Do these... look better in person?
Not really
He also spawned out of a Necron warrior that tapped him
You know the soulless generic skelebot

>orks are a melee faction
EC look just ok. Ive been waiting for years to see them, eagerly, and theyre not awful, but I'm just disappointed in GW's inability to make anything actually amazing anymore
No. You can make something better
They look like dogshit
The stompa looks impressive though
maybe they'll get the aos treatment where there are chaos marauder warbands, chaos warrior warbands, and chaos daemons. Who knows, there's no point in being upset when it hasn't happened yet
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probably ttc ancient gold, it's my new favourite metallic
It seems like it. Demons as their own army are mostly just various flavors of fragile melee infantry, big melee monsters, and some piddly ranged units scattered here and there that have no synergy with each other. It's probably for the best that the tiny rosters of 3 of the 4 cult legions get combined with their god aligned demons who don't really function well as a standalone army.
Rip your anus.
based and goblin greenpilled
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>random vampire character in 40k vs random vampire character in AoS
>but I'm just disappointed in GW's inability to make anything actually amazing anymore
In your opinion what notable amazing releases have GW made in the past and what aspects of them do you think make them stand out?
I'm genuinely curious, because were at the point in CAD to plastic model design where pretty much any model (provided the sculptor cares) can be a masterpiece.
>Captcha: WG4Y
>give the guy with a gigantic ego the ability to never die
>he has to lose and then "live" with the fact he's only alive and his opponent isn't because someone else said so

He is trapped in an armor of his failures in the face of his bruised ego.
Nobody would talk about Lucy if he was just another one of the sword-fighty-types who never lose.
They look bad and i play dread mob
That's actually why he's fun.
>Claims to be the prettiest and best duelist in the universe
>Gets punched in the face, invalidating both
>Can't handle one loss and his face being broken
>Slaanesh thinks this is funny af and makes it so when he loses he has to walk around with the winners face on his Tshirt.
>Finds out more and more he's not that great at dueling and his armor looks like a neets Funko pop wall
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I think they look neat
i agree, ive been waiting for them for years and i genuinely dont know if im gonna buy them. maybe its the colour scheme (i use purple and gold) maybe its the godawful heads on lucius and the flawless blades, but i’m just not excited at all
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thats fine, I was always mono daemons anyway
Nice gork
I hope it fucked up those custodes
>NTA but
That's actually pretty funny.
Is this lore aspect a remnant of when 40k was just a satirical silly setting during the Rogue Trader days?
I say this because 40k is not treated like a satire.
Like everything GW's put out for 40k recently, I'm reserving judgement until someone who can actually paint gets their hands on them and we can see all of the options in action.
Did they reveal any Harlequin new models for the Codex?
Other than doing it for the sake of it being a callback to better days, the goblin green shit is pretty lazy and ugly. Not throwing shade at the khorne demon guy, he's a great painter and I fully believe in his ability to create amazing basing if he chose to do so, but I'm speaking in general. How many demonic invasions occur in verdant green fields without fucking up the terrain or leaving it scarred from battle? I don't find it as immersive, personally..
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Are they power swords or just regular swords?
>breaks the lance in transit to the FLGS

Slaaneshi daemons are going to be in the new EC codex so I suspect theyll get squatted and shoved into the chaos cult legions for 40K

>he thinks he's the best fighter but all he ever does is go around fighting people and losing

Yeah that's why he's funny as hell. Orks do the same shit and nobody hates them. I don't get it.
No, you already got a large refresh they previewed last year. You got all you're going to get, stop acting like a space marine player.
gay hooker-blades that give you aids
Quins have fucking like 5 units most are 10 years old.
I'm looking for a particular piece of art. It had two chaos marines in dark blue (they might have been slaaneshi, I want to say Violators) on a planet with a moon in the background, I think one had a rocket launcher. Does anyone know what I'm talking about or am I finally going schizo
Suppose Belakor will be put out of a job
Power swords they’re the EC equivalent of 8 bound. That being said it sounds like the EC are going to have some crazy speed with army wide advance and charge and a bunch of infiltrators/scout moves. WE vs EV will be great fun refighting Skalathrax
Anyone else notice all the new Chaos kits marines are mostly ditching the MK7 helmets now or any helmet and just using faces?
Why do AOS models have to be so damned fragile looking?
>inb4 its hard plastic
Doesn't mean shit. These are game pieces that will be moved around on the tabletop and transported to friends houses or game stores. Speedbumps are inevitable.
>Give you aids
But that's not DG
They got tired of Creed shooting them in the eye lense.
EC need better access to their eyes and nose when they’re huffing warp drugs
>I think they look neat
Yea, but you're a faggot and no one cares about your opinions
They made her ugly on purpose.
I honestly don't know. I know the face punching incident came from HH and the armor curse has always been his lore.
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What are other good/iconic options for gaudy Slaaneshi marine patterns besides leopard spots and zebra stripes?
>He thinks 10 year old models is old
Lol. I honestly think they are getting soft phased out. They are too niche and too hard for most people to paint. Maybe you'll get a kill team box someday.
They are surprisingly flexible and hard
I have a night haunt army ad the only time a piece broke off was when I stepped on it accidentally
Belakor will probably be required for mixed Daemons like in AoS.
Like this model but for some reason he feels like they took inspiration from anime with the massive sword wrapped in cloth on his back
“Owari-da Typhus-sama the plague stars have fallen”
the bit of lore they mentioned on stream was funny where they have a dust they snort that travels up into their eyes where it starts forming crystals which sounds horrific but the ec dudes love the feeling of crystals in their fucking eyes
Marti Gras stuff
Tell me Anon, what music do you blast at ear destroying volume? Quiet Riot? Tenacious D? Skrillex? Hatsune Miku?

Rainbow stripes, checkerboard pattens. I think a few people will use greenstuff to make skin sheets across the armour. Honestly you could paint them in some horrible scheme that clashes and it would be perfectly on brand for them.
post your bases lmao
These guys seem cool unlike the real thing.
its really silly how theres just no way this fat sack of shit is gonna be able to pull that sword around like he cant reach back and unlatch the leather he cant reach over his fat retard body to grab the hilt so he’d just be struggling to get it out a bunch
Is there a reason for the EC being so much bigger? Are they primarisized or some other thing provided by Bile or something
ten minute guitar solos
Noise Marines shouldn't be on 40mm bases.
I dont know who in GW thinks people want to use un-helmeted heads on their minis. The last kit I built wastes so much sprue space on them its ridiculous. 13 heads in a 10 man box.
that's badass
GW should make a stage centerpiece with a band. Like the triumph model but noise
Questions about tech priests and similar characters:

About how much of the average tech priest is mechanical? Do they continue replacing organic body parts until only their brain is left or is there a stopping point?

What do they smell like? Given that they are cybernetic do they have a neutral smell like everyone around them or do their mechanical parts smell like oil or battery acid?

Can they reproduce like normal humans or do they only increase their numbers via requirement?

Are there any real difference between male and female tech priests?
i do i like painting faces
sure its retarded that they dont have hats on but i just think faces are neat
>”pssstt hey kids wanna grow crystals out of your eyes”

Yeah just baffling really

10millenia huffing warp drugs and daemon roids

Depends on the army as for CSM it makes sense there’s some guys who are too crazy to bother or who’ve just lost them and can’t be bothered to replace it.
I assumed that's where I thought gw were going with the guitar noise marine, and the Goff rocker
They probably smell like a rusty bucket of piss.
>They are surprisingly flexible and hard
That's the nature of hard plastic. I like my models sturdy and not stuffed with dangly parts that could fall off if a fly sneezes on them or snap off because you didn't use enough packing foam and the car gently went over a speedbump.
Where did this mini come from? I want one.
I like them on my "special" minis. Like in my jump pack intercessors I'm doing right now one of them has an unhelmeted (half mask actually) head and extra bits to denote him as a veteran. But I also do fancy helmets for those types too. I just like the variety
The primarization of chaos continues.
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>The Silent King was troubled. Two Pylons were destroyed. A third suffered considerable damage. The notion of the invincibility of the Pariah Nexus was shattered.
The high heel boots make them look taller
Horus heresy mark 6 body with optional heavy weapon upgrade arms.
>What do they smell like?
VERY old roadkill. Your grandmas coat. An overclocked PC. Oil stain at a used car dealer
I do unhelmeted for everything because it looks less homogenic.
painting heads is fun tho
1. Depends entirely on rank. Initiates start small, only a few augments. The higher you rise, the more metal you get. The top dogs becoming behemoths of random machines. iirc, the Fabricator General (head of the AdMech) is the size of a house. They'll ideally replace all organic parts but the brain (which will be augmented), but every priest is different.

2. Probably motor oil and embalming fluid kinda smells.

3. They recruit humans they find to have technical intuition. The Forge Worlds will be their main recruiting worlds, though anyone with talent can join. Space Marines who have shown talent can be trained to become Tech Marines, loyal to the Chapter and Mars.

4. Not really.
There's nothing in those previews to suggest their scale vs the other CSM ranges

I always whack a few helmless dudes at random into a squad to make it look a bit different. I'm also autistic enough to remove them first because I like to think they're the first dudes to die.
they've got those extra inches shoved in them
I think they look just ok, like above average, but I wouldn't say I was impressed, just more guys in power armor. GW is playing it safe because they are selling toys to kids. I like heroes and units faces though.
>The Tehncomandrites were fuming as Necrons suffered defeat after defeat by the inferior technologies of the humans.
>Lucius whole thing is his armor covered in faces of those who beat him
>New sculpt has like 3 faces and only on his pauldrons
I always imagined it smelling very similar to a scrapyard/autoshop, with hints of hippie trailer smells. somewhat metallic and earthy with hints of incense and heavy solvents
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I liked em better in my mind
I too agree they're just aight. Nothing crazy, which is extra disappointing because it's Slaanesh. But they're not terrible. I'm just glad I wasn't looking forward to them anyways
It is a rip off for that kind of money, but looks better in real life. Watch Duncan's (or any other for that
matter) painting video, there you can get an idea how it may look like irl
Also check for other paint schemes, this GW yellow does not make it look good.
picrel my own, not the best paint job but I like it.
Eh? What does that mean
I don't know, I just think these guys look slightly too cartoony, and not in the way 40k has always looked. Sort of like with the Death Guard where they borrowed a little too hard from the fantasy designs and put them in medieval like helmets and lots of chainmail, these guys look like they barrowed slightly too much from the AoS hedonites. I also think they lack edge. Nothing perverse or really cruel on them, like a skinned face or a monoboob chest. Its good they didnt go too cheesy like they did with DG and put mouths and shit on them and too overdesign it. I also don't like how the noise Blasters look, theyre kinds boring.. I would have loved more guys look sort of creepy and oddly expressive like these guys. To be fair there's some of that in this reveal very faintly.

And I dunno what I really like from 40k anymore. I liked the Khorne Zerkers kit, they look how they should IMO. I like a lot of Killteams like the Ork Commandos. I guess I like older models though. I love old dreadnoughts and terminators and hate the new dreadnoughts and helbrutes. I like the old gasmask DG and think the new ones are just OK but overdesigned as fuck. I suspect most will just think nostalgia blinds me but maybe
Would you let your opponent say that their firstborn marines count as primaris?
>get a moulded urgan base
>paint it green
>cover it with sand and grass
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Why do infractors have phobos armor?
Yes, everybody does
if it was a friend sure, but only if they're painted
Overgrown abandoned city. Cooler than gravel and a dinky rock
So like did he steal the necron's soul or like... arent Necron soulless?
he cute
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The new Graveguard oops I meant Barrowguard™ looked more inspired than the Emp Children
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>Snorts 4 lines of cocaine whilst someone with a straw blows coke up my anoose
What if we changed the rules for 40k by making everything shoot/melee/save worse?
What I mean is as an example, MEQ shots, hits and saves go to a 4+, GEQ equivalent go to a 5+ to hit shoot etc.
This would make the fucking game good instead of every model and his dog hitting on 2+'s or 3+'s as that should be for the best of the best & the unnatural

Oh and a Primaris centurion refresh
I feel like the 10th Ed 'Nids refresh was amazing. The Neurotyrant and Norn Emissary got me into the army on their own.

I think it's hard atm. If you make a massively detailed and complex mini, people complain that it looks overdone and that it's too difficult to build/paint. You make simpler stuff, people complain that it's bland and uninspired.

Personally I think the new EC is a good middle ground, and there's always adding custom bits for those who want it.
Same, they are ordinary at best
>Though the humans did not know it, if they managed to hold on a little longer then the Silent King would be forced to admit defeat and withdraw into a defensive posture
>The Silent King was fuming.
The Seething King
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I am stoked for new boners, the dragon looks sick too
Wheres my Ghoulking on Zombie drag?
I dislike the wings on the helmets.
>get the Intern to slap some armor on the skeletons and some wings on the helmets
Seriously GW?
Going back to TOW
>Salty nightlord player
Barrowkings is honestly a better name than grave guard or black knights
Nightlord KT won model of the year while nobody will remember armored skeleton #600
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>the driest model won in the worst year of 40k releases
Nids were good and they were painted good by GW even. I guess it just jived sirprisingly well with nuGW's artists.
Slaanesh can just resurrect Lucius normally, like other Chaos champions. Kharn's been resurrected before and I'm pretty sure Typhus has too. The whole possession thing is just because Slaanesh finds it funny
Necron are soulless.
>but how?
Don't question it.
GW will come up with any kind of bullshit to justify keeping Lucius around and none of the writers have the actual balls to kill him off. And if he dies they will just come up with some retarded lazy reason to bring him back again.
>The fantatranny violently copes
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>mfw 4th
But I have very few models, about 1000pts so not sure if it even counts
Also I wanna agree that they found that middleground, but the tone is just off. I think the designers think that because 40k is space fantasy they can get away with reusing AoS fantasy inspirations but honestly you can't. Atleast not with everything.
See the Necron thing is weird because sure Chaos can damage Necrons, we have examples of Nurgle rotting then with some technoplague. But Necron minds get teleported back to their tomb when their body gets destroyed. The writer just never accounts for this
That's a dude in a dress.
It’s 2025 you can’t say that
Why are Salamanders in the roadmap
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Always had em
Because its remnants of the dead DEI initiative
Too bad, I already did.
…did they make the wings less retarded? Holy shit.
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Wait, are Sallies getting a codex supplement for themselves?
Where roadmap, I want to see.
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Mogs your entire Emperors Children line
I’m not painting shields
>autist repeatedly spams aos slop in the 40K thread
Looks like shit
Then build em like this
The Lucius redesign turned out rather well.
>everyone I don't like is the same person
>Sallies getting a codex

Nigga that's gonna be SM 2.0 with Salamanders on the cover
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I expected more skin, flesh ribbons and piercings like the AoS hedonists
No homo but BDSM ribbons look really neat
>some retarded lazy reason

He is alive because Slaanesh thinks it's funny, he died by getting sucked into space and still got back up. There doesn't have to be a logic to this.
The whole range update looks great imo. Really loving the lord though - guy looks amazing. I'm wondering if they'll give him the option to run both of his pistol options since he has options for each arm to carry one.
Why use Infractors when they still have access to cultists?
Scouts and cultists full fill the same role of scout + home objective scorer
nobody cares
I’m glad I’m not as much of a degenerate as I think I am
They're literally rehashes of the old models you fake grog like wtf do you want. The minis you posted aren't even official they're just kitbashes. Are you sure you ever even liked Chaos or do you just like the idea of what they are in your mind.
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These look pretty cool but why don't they actually flesh out the non DG heretic legions before starting another one, dropping 3-4 kits for it and then going onto the next thing?
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This guy looks fucking sick, love the sword.
What’s the point of the back pack
The new emperor children mini looks retro but with the soul sucked out, it's weird. I will, maybe, get 2nd hand box of Noise Marine for my night lord once the hype dies down.
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Admech bros eating good I wonder if it will make Cohort Cybernetica more competitive
I always do unhelmeted options and hate when kits don't come with both options because unhelmeted adds 100x more character to minis. Just because you suck ass at painting faces doesn't mean the rest of us do.
this mini is *blocks your path* coded. I hope he's an anti vehicle dude
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that's what happens when there's nothing interesting in your reveals or your faction
I'm the guy with the orange GSC, so there's at least 5.
To build hype and impulse purchases
Tumor engine.
They do seem to be a bit bigger than the rest of the csm. Particularly in the legs. But not quite as tall as primaris. For those who dont know, deathguard actually are in this same inbetween size as well, so maybe they are going with that? Regular cms are too small anyways so Im glad to see at least some.
these guys do look neat
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My issue is that DG heroes are too redundant because Biology Professor and Foul Blightspawn are way too damn strong. Both in combat and their buffs
How can you beat Lethals on a 5+ to an entire unit, a free grenade strat and a fights first buff?
With both of them they arguably become some of the biggest damage dealing units in the game.
I like this squad. The commissar especially looks dapper.
Yeah those guys looked neat
Perfect for DG cultists. Even look like the guys from darktide
I like the pope lady
you filthy s'wit
Honestly? Good. Belakor was always a stupid addition from Fantasy's corpse who made no sense being anything more then a generic in 40K.
An axe is a bit on the nose. I'd change it to a bolt pistol.
I was thinking anti-character since he has an executioner's sword.
Maybe they lengthened their legs a little to make them look a bit more lithe
is the bottom left model meant to a character from Tanith?
The EC look a lot less homo pandering than I was expecting
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>me? executing people with an axe? noooo, I would never... what axe anyway?
Same but with a disappointing tone
This model is so good compared to the last one they made.
This is a mindset of loyalist marine players that think winning more in the fluff makes them cool. Orks are goofy enough on the surface that they don't try to apply their child logic, but everything else gets them going.
You often used to see people try to make fun of Night Lords for jobbing so often, not understanding that playing the evil but cowardly heel is the appeal for most Night Lord players.

Custodes players suffer from an even more dire form of this same childlike mindset, it often being the sole reason for them having chosen their army.
You must play Votann
I think she's supposed to be Drookian fenguard IIRC from the books
Is this supposed to be a corrupted Bocchi?
Her mace is pretty rad
that makes more sense been a while since we have seen them pop up
>Y-You think I look kawaii? uguu~
I am surprised how retro they look. Like full on back to the 80s rocker vibe. I guess thats how GW dodged having to put in boobies and gays.
I didn't even notice the mace. thats pretty cool
Did Minka come up in the world? She's dressing a lot fancier than she used to.
That's not wysiwyg
They'll get to stick around as an option using the detachments already released for the rest of 10th at least, but looking at the AoS precedent there's a pretty decent list they won't survive the next couple of editions.
Unfortunate, but the fluff always struggled to justify mixed daemons, and the writing has been the wall for a while. So it goes.
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I think the heroes are redundant more than anything because there's only one unit all of them can join in, 8 different leaders for the same unit. PMs are flexible but not that flexible that their datasheet can be feasibly joined by 8 different leader buffs.
On top of that the DG Index is in bad shape and will probably need a heavy rewrite when the codex hits which might tone down some of the more extremely powerful stuff (like a 50 point leader making a third of your hits auto-wound)
Marines on 3s and less elite stuff on 4s would have been fine IF THEY ACTUALLY STUCK WITH IT. At the start of 10th, they clearly had an idea to reduce ballistic skill across the board, making stuff like admech, necrons and votann hit on base 4+, but they weren't consequential at all, and now they're largely rolled it back again because people whined they couldn't do damage because GW also released wack defensive profiles like deathwing knights. Also if they'd removed all the FUCKING re-rolls. Oath of Moment was a huge design mistake.
I'm a sucker for the beakie helmets, glad to see EC rocking them.

Now if only they had guitars
They make up for the absolute piss for strats they have
Yeah and the fact they have almost no army rule and most of the datasheets are weak. That's the issue with DG really, everything about them is weak except their absolutely overloaded detachment rule (which has the issue of making all other regular detachments unplayable) and the PM + biologus combo. That's what they will have to unfuck in the codex.
>elite unit named after Lucius
Props to James for leaning into the the Big L's rock star status
I think there are a few standouts. Mostly I'm satisfied with the roster, since I was planning to mostly convert my dudes anyhow. The mooks couldn't be easier to kitbash with 30k beakies, while noise marines and the duellists look to provide some interesting bits.
kinda wanna grab a couple boxes of nomads, and some fantasy flagellants and do some inquisition weirdos
wysiwyg is mental weakness
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I'll take pic related over the new sculpts any day. I don't like the aos hedonites vibe.
Theres also the piss cheap Deathshroud. Tourney lists arent even bringing Plague marines anymore. Just spamming Chaos Termi lords and Shrouds. Who hell has 18 Death shrouds? I got 9 due to the Boarding patrol but never used more than 6
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It's cool that the design of the new lord shares a lot of cues with the praetor in HH.
>commissar gets a power axe
>not marines
I expect we'll see a lot of EC armies that use the AoS slaanesh kits for conversions
are the Minka Lesk books really that good?
she must be super popular if this is the second time they're giving minka her own mini, I've read a couple guard books, but I'll admit I haven't been following the Cadian stuff
Shouty hardcore and punk music
Of course, a marine is a marine.
I think both are cool for different reasons and are so different that you're either going to like one or thr other
I think the first book was popular, probably entirely based on her being a cute girl on the cover, and someone at BL have been desperate to ride that wave.
Eldar kits are the worst for this as every kit now has standard helments, variants and face showing ynnari heads. 5 man aspect squads have like 13 head options.
Unhelmeted faces should be reserved for big characters
All marines should wear their fucking helmets.
And by checking bits stores, the overwhelming majority of players also think that, because there's always a massive stock of bare heads and never enough helmets
Man, 40k is really embracing that "mom says you have to bring me with" little brother energy with all these girlbosses now, huh? These look so lame.
You guys bitch about monopose but also bitch about having options.
You'll have to proxy it as the new terrorghaist this summer
Are you really crying about having options right now?
At least lensk doesn't look like a crack addict in this one...
you realize now that this place is sn outlet for people to complain
>hat or no hat is just as interesting as being able to pose your minis
Fuck off
>No homo
>Posts gay porn
Aeldari and Chaos won.
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What's y'all's opinion on making a setting agnostic Chaos army? I mean one where the warbands can be used in either 40k or Fantasy, even tho they are obviously from one universe or the other.
I seem to recall the Realm of Chaos books stating that Chaos followers are often plucked out of reality and spirited away to another reality to fight in the name of their patron, and a lot of the time it's the other Warhammer universe. I really wanna have Traitor Guardsmen showing a lasgun and autogun firing line towards Empire State Troopers, or a Chaos Troll suplexing a Leman Russ.
Of course this would require some rule bending and proxy'ing, especially in alter editions, but I can just say that the lasguns and autoguns are handguns or crossbows, and the Troll is an Ogryn; for game mechanics' sake, right?
cool pic tax included
Isn't his armor supposed to be made of flesh of his previous killers?
This black sheme compleatly loses the vibe, unless only Africans were capable of killing him
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Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
I checked out Traitor Rock because I was trying to learn a bit about the Temple of the Saviour Emperor. Didn't really get as much of that as I would have liked, but on its own merits the book was fine.
Man I love those blade sluts, receiving "benefits" from their patrons
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>About how much of the average tech priest is mechanical? Do they continue replacing organic body parts until only their brain is left or is there a stopping point?
Depends on seniority and to some extent personal preference.
>What do they smell like? Given that they are cybernetic do they have a neutral smell like everyone around them or do their mechanical parts smell like oil or battery acid?
All of the above, but also a lot of incense. Don't underestimate the importance of the 'priest' part of Techpriest.
>Can they reproduce like normal humans or do they only increase their numbers via requirement?
Depends on the individual. Some keep the needed reproductive organs for long enough to breed. There are some that clone themselves, or genetically engineer an optimized designer baby as their ideal apprentice. Most of their recruitment is from outside the priesthood though, taking on the most technically proficient from the menial populations of their Forge Worlds.
>Are there any real difference between male and female tech priests?
Depends on the individual. Plenty are eager to leave behind all such markers of their original organic form, but there are some that make the point of keeping the distinction clear.
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>implying it's an either or
>implying old kits had as much poseability as you pretend they do
>implying choices are ever a bad thing
Whatever dumbass army you play (guaranteed you're a marinefag if you even play the game at all), you deserve whatever "new bad" shit you're railing against right now.
Possibly just a shit decision made from the paint studio and marketing to make the details more visible.
Surely with a more traditional paint scheme with more vivid flesh patches it will look better
Ynnari heads should be an upgrade sprue, I have 4973473 unhelmted heads flooding my bits boxes that I will never use
>Imma fuck dis nigga up!
>No, Tyronius don't do it! It's Lucius he'll just reincarnate through you!
>I ain't no bitch nigga, noamsayin??
>guaranteed you're a marinefag
Can't argue against me so you try to contrive some character you think is easier to debate, pathetic. No, I just finished assembling and painting 6 skorpekh destroyers and I'm pretty fucking annoyed that I have 2 of each distinctive pose, so it looks weird, instead of having a simpler way to make them look better without clipping them apart and possibly ruining them. You should genuinely kill yourself, and I mean that knowing that this is about toy soldiers. Please, end your life.
They probably did some tests and decided this was better for a showcase of the physical product.
That's a sslyth isn't it? Plastic court of the archon confirmed?
>baby bitch scared of clippers wants me to die
Nah I'm good. Like I said - you deserve what you have.
Literally never even heard of this character before.
End your life. If you reply, you're gay.
>eightbound subjugate 8 daemons in their own body to become 1337
>flawless blades just pump six gallons of liquid speed and let it rip
I feel like one of these takes a lot more work and is a lot less fun. World eaters try too hard.
>gets more minis than half the armies based entirely on guardfags going >tfw no cadian tomboy gf
xenosfags HATE HER
how? literally just put a cute girl on the cover instead of whatever the fuck xenosfags>>94825206 are doing
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I wonder what they put in the two new cocktail containers.
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My Ratlings are going to be so happy.
Gue'vesa techpriests... but with tau tech..
He's been doing a lot of jobbing to the salamanders
Yeah, it would fit. Perhaps a kill team version
Serpentin is probably like viagra but 200 times stronger.
the bubbles painted onto the liquid container are impressive
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take your pick
I thought thats just a Space Wolve
That's called a xenarite you heathen
The "massive" difference in height of shitmaris is being retconned anyway, so they can just say it's truescale and call it a day.
Huh. I really dislike the coneheads but those insectoid heads are cool. I also like the Soulblighter guy.
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God bless the Tyranid warrior kit for having so many spare weapon options.
I can still make another 3 out of the spare weapons I have left
I want to see more helmets
The guy in the lower left looks sick
I like that all of them are wearing crop tops.
Vulkan release.
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Post them. Here are mine, I'm super lazy and not only I not fully finished this box but I've yet to start assembling the 2nd box. I can't even play 1000pts games, only combat patrol.
I applied tanned skin color, a mix of purple and skin shade but they ended up being too tanned. I probably should get a lighter skin tone to highlight because they look super red.
What happened to the IK?
They got pushed back? They were supposed to be included in this round of releases
>space marine chud mad that his faction is not the center of attention for one attosecond.
Come on anon, you don't have to make it quite so obvious that you felt called out.
For what it's worth though, at least marinepiggies and even custardfags appreciate the setting, even only on the shallowest possible level. Votann players are largely those that connect with nothing in 40k and yet buy regardless, pure consumers of product.
Primaris were never that much taller in the lore, it's just that firstborn minis were undersized. GW have quietly been upscaling all of their new firstborn releases to be just slightly shorter than primaris.
>>flawless blades just pump six gallons of liquid speed and let it rip
they also have demonic patrons, except where the eightbounds subjugate 8 of them, the blades beg for favours from just one each, and if they don't do enough it kills them

all because they're too scared of real demonic possession, little drama bitches
They're rushing out cult legions together due to the daemon split up and soft squatting
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Just needs a headswap.
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GW realized Chaos knights were so much cooler and popular thus they wrote out all Imperial knight households out by saying they all became corrupted and became Chaos knights
Nah, I think I see a marine shoulder pad in there.
Knights a shit
Reading some of the books around the primaris release they make a lot of remarks about how they are bigger (forgetting size variation in marines was also a thing)
But in models, specially comparing to 30k, they are normally like a mm bigger or a bit more depending on the pose
Based on the pretty iconic 3.5ed Slaaneshi Marine art obviously. Whereas the normal dudes are based on the RT Slaanesh marine.
I know but turns out giving them spikes and reverse joint legs make them look rad
it's not a tumor
Put Imperial Knights into the Admech book and freeblades into Imperial Agents.
Put Chaos Knights into an Agents of Chaos book alongside, Belakor, Vashtor, all the damned/cultist units, and any other leftovers.
OK, I think I see what they're trying to do. He's posed like that because he's supposed to be leaning over somebody's shoulder.
that's what the doctors say when you don't pay then enough
Damn Tyranids look cool
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>yandere commissar that summarily executes the competition for your affection
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They're all packed up for now, but here's my first batch. I struggle with light skin, but since my guys are from a mostly desert planet, I think them looking a bit swarthy is fitting.
He's also got some on his chest, if you look closely
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>daemons get squatted
>bel'akor gets rolled into the chaos knights codex
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And here's the newest additions, bringing me up to 1500-1600 points. I love your aberrants, and your neophyte's armor looks really neat and clean.
I've yet to paint a magus, but I'm looking forward to her.
Looking good. I wanna get the new combat patrol for metamorphs and the ridgerunner, but I also want an Acolyte Iconward for that sweet +4FNP but it's sold out everywhere.
maybe this will lead to the Necrons taking shit seriously resulting in them taking some wins and building more shit gaining more figures
It's not enough that you love the Emperor, you have to be in love with the Emperor.
I would say I can't believe that GW split Noise Marines into 3 units with diferent weapons, sonic, boltguns and melee.
But somehow I'm not suprised, it's something that GW would 100% do.
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Yeah, the Iconward is great. I have two of them, my friend playing SoB was nice enough to give me one of his girl's spare icons, so I have a way to distinguish them. And now I have a spare banner I plan on using for that IG flagbearer guy once I start on my brood brothers.
>Mina Lesk
>Naeve Blacktalon

nuGW trying to push shit female characters always makes me lel

Cannot imagine the type of paypig it makes honk and squeal
I wonder what these would look like with a good paint scheme like

I cant tell if I dislike the actual models or just the colours

ideally he should be in the chaos space marines codex, but put in the knights codex with rules to be added in a csm army without having to give up anything would also work, he did canonically make a knight house his home turf
So are we getting -
Salamander's Index
The fire is actually Legion of the Damned
Vulkan Lives
Angels of Death index, Sallys are just the most popular so they're the cover art
Can't find it on the stream, where did you see this anon
is it me or is the paint really lumpy and uneven on the gauntlet

That's a Space Wolf. I've seen enough furry profiles. That's definitely a shaggy mane/head leaned back to howl. Possibly a new Wulfen or Wolf Guard but it could be literally anything.
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did a funny control panel today
Nevermind found it
100% a marine, maybe a thunderwolf rider
>Dark Eldar
Looks like something Imperial, possibly space marine, because of pauldron and backpack. Dunno why another power armoured guy with knife is needed, chapter specific unit/character for Space Wolves perhaps?
>nuGW DEI means 1/3 terrifying warp-twisted superhumans have to be black too


Might be because it's a 3D print and not the actual release model.
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Yup, pretty sure that's a marine from behind, you can make out the shoulder pad and power pack, and from there the knife in a reverse grip and the head looks like there's a beard, so probably wolves.
1 trillion hours in mspaint
Sorry to disappoint you but it's just Space Wolves refresh. Someone on Reddit found the exact art it matches to.
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>the really cool looking new admech model is only hh yet again
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What are the chances of GW fleshing out Combat Patrol as a game mode to be not shit? I heard good stuff about AoS's Spearhead though I have no idea how it plays. Is it possible that GW has something in the making for 11th ed?
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>thought the guy had black gloves and a gimp mask
>only now realize he's suffering from melanchromic organ failure
Recent but bad news for the Tau Fifth Sphere Expansion in the Chalnath Expanse.
The Chalnath Expanse, since it was an Imperial shipping nexus, has a fuckton of active genestealer cults. They ignited so many psychic beacons that three hive fleets are redirecting their tendrils toward that region of space. The three Hive Fleetd are going to converge there. These hive fleets are Kronos, Leviathan, and Typhon.

How fucked are the T'au?
I'm gonna laugh if they don't get shit except new detachments. I seriously do think GW isn't giving them new models and is done with them in the same way they're done with flyers.
Oh God, they're turning into Eldar coneheads without even needing helmets
It's not new. It's just plastic release of old model.
GW is also lazy because it's just gun and hand swap of diferent variant, but instead of releasing both options in single box they have it as separate models.
Knights are universally reviled so we're not going to get a giant Knight range. Probably a soft-squatting
didn't know we had so many gscanons. neat
do they usually release photos of other paintschemes

cause this looks shit
Lets gooooooooooooooo
The two black players world wide feel very represented right now!
Anyone here play tau or farsight enclaves? Looking for some decent painting guides and list building tips for 500 points to 1000 to 2000
Goofy ahhh conehead lookin ass niggas lmao
>How fucked are the T'au?
Not at all.
Nothing will happen, nothing ever happens.
Blood Angels were assaulted by largest hive fleet yet, we are supposed to believe some big battle happened, but somehow Blood Angels just got more marines from freezer and Devastation of Baal had no impact at all.
There was something about Pariah Nexus, dunno what's happening there, supossedly no warp powers work, despite that Sisters use acts of faith at will and chaos daemons appear.
Nids supossedly won Octarius and this somehow had to be a big big problem, but nothing happened with it just new bigger fleet appeared "bigger and meaner hive fleet, it will be all over this time guys", all it did was destroy some planets you never heard of(like all hive fleets lol) and some Custodes died so I guess there is that.
If Tau lose no biggie, if they win nothing happen, if nids will find some deus ex machina that will destroy galaxy if the eat single planet, they will be stopped by great sacrafice of unnamed peons and nobody named will be harmed.
How the fuck does GW expect you to play Krieg when they only come in a 50$ kill team box and not a 35$ one like everyone else in Guard troops
they'll get a reboot I'd imagine
>That flag
>Are you Schutzstaffel
Based Space Wovles
>Nothing will happen, nothing ever happens.
I thought that's what people wanted from the setting: stagnation.
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Nipple ring

I've just noticed something.

I bet the Eavy Metal painters were like "so one has to not be white" either by instruction from higher up GW or because of their own tokenism

But then they chickened out from making one of the coneheads black and did it on the "normal" head lel
Do Africans really have coneheads?
Please let these goobers have alt heads
That's irrelevant because knights are money makers for GW.
Almost anyone that has an imperial or chaos army will end up getting a knight sooner or later
You bet wrong. The silly cone heads are in the minority themselves, see >>94825296
You fags really just love stretching for complaints, huh?
Yes. I love complaining about nasty shit.
Nah, I just think you like the sound of your own internal voice.
Can someone translate this? I'm not fluent in schizo.
If anything it only reinforces it, the only "normal" head got painted black rather than the insectoid or conehead ones.

Why is it always black too? Why are there no like subcontinental Indian or Chinese or central asian looking skin tones?
The pink still looks like ass but they will look good in different colors
I will never get one because I think they look dumb as fuck
30k has some
It is not 'normal', it still has its mouth and eyes surgically replaced
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>Eldar, Guard, Emperor's Children
>World Eaters, Deathguard, Thousand Sons
>Grey Knights, Salamanders (?), Black Templar, Chaos Knights/Imperial Knights
>Space Wolves in the shadows
So the only two factions not confirmed for releasing this year are Votann and Dark Eldar then?
Sucks to be stuck on their awful indexes for the entire fucking edition.
she's a captain or major now it happened in the last book
These heads are all really cool. I'm not sure that all of them necessarily scream "Space Marines" to me though. I guess they were less brutalized and grim in the 30k era though.
I'll be real man, you might be overthinking this
The Salamanders thing has me wondering if they're actually gonna do a marines 2.0 for this edition and are just using their art for some reason.
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It is Salamanders.
Has the scales on front of the gorget and fire.
Also that sally image is a pre-existing 40k Salamanders image that they've just grey scaled.
Full name of the pic is "Salamanders: Warforged Strike Force by Jaime Martinez "
The Austrian Painter player making trouble again, this time at GTBCN
Is this how spaniards distract themselves from the fact they're being reverse Reconquista'd?
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Man I wish Combat Patrol was not shit so I could grab different boxes and get to play more armies without breaking the bank and having fun.
They look basically exactly like what I was expecting. Which is fine, it's better than when GW try to reinvent the wheel and fuck it up spectacularly
my cope is little armies that can go together
2 csm forces and daemons, might get that EC box too
>‘Wait,’ said Felix. ‘You mean you intend to restore Sotha?’
>‘I do,’ said Cawl.
>‘That’s impossible,’ said Daelus.
>‘You disappoint me, fellow acolyte of the Machine-God. Sotha is the middle ursine! It will be simple.’
[full page of Cawl rambling about Goldilocks and the Three Bears]
>‘If this was that simple then why has it not been done before?’ said Felix.
>‘Felix, Felix!’ said Cawl. ‘Nobody said it was simple. [paragraph of rambling about being a genius]

Cawl literally said it's simple barely over a page ago. Does his funny uncle LARP include pretending to have actual dementia or does this slop not get any proofreading?
I'd rather get its Combat Patrol but it sucks, army box is fine if you're collecting it but won't be able to play a game as is unless you buy shittons of stuff and points wise it's most likely gonna be minimal.
The slimes are a big problem but it can go away fast.
It's the banana republic tier corrupt government that is the main problem
Do we know if this model's head is separate from the torso on the sprue or if some snipping will be required?
>Mirai Nikki
Oh man I loved that anime and now I want to make a Yuno Gasai commissar just as a tribute, but I'm worried that I'll get weird looks at the LGS more often than I usually do and I'm also worried about rewatching that anime as I'm afraid that it was actually cringe despite me enjoying it all those years ago.
have you checked what the savings are like on the subscription magazine thing?
>I wish Combat Patrol was not shit
The Ademch one is maddening in how shit it is. At least they could've made it 500 points.
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Converted Sorcerer in the image. Guess that's another crossover unit they didn't mention.
>It's the banana republic tier corrupt government
Well most of Euroland can share in the sentiment that their government just hates them
Oh, it's not just that they hate us with a passion. Nowadays it's legit having 3rd world tier corruption and self pardoning and legal fuckers on top of regular money and influence corruption. Shits fucked
I meant it as a game mode, not the boxes. I have the old GSC which is great but the missions are just boring and bland.
just make up your own missions, bro
craziest grift ever has got to be the UK conservatives gifting them and close personal friends £15b in Covid public services contracts and they got away with it
I don't care for his politics. I hope it will cause another R*ddit freakout and force GW to shit out another desperate PR Warhammer Community post.
The guy basically trolled the entire Warhammer 40k community and made a big company kneel. I bet he's trying for that again, but it probably won't happen, but it would be funny if it did.
Salamanders are popular and distinct, had their own Codex once before, and they've a Primarch who can come back. A Codex now makes a certain sense.
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oh boy I can't wait for another round of discussions about politics in my sci fi toy soldiers hobby
>Salamanders next
Wait what?
It is inevitable in these parts of the internet.
And I think Warhammer 40k is cursed with apparently being a political satire of UK politics during the Rogue Trader days so despite it not being treated as a satire today as far as I know I think people will still use Warhammer 40k to comprehend modern politics or bring politics into 40k or like those "people" who used Harry Potter to comprehend real world politics by saying X is Voldemort or some bullshit like that.
It gets really annoying for guard players when they just want to make their guardsmen follow the tradition of being [x army from historical time period but in space] and apparently that invalidates any opinion they have on whether 40k is political or not.
Man, Slaanesh got actually good looking stuff. What a time to be alive.
I like that he has a belt buckle as large as his face. People like that IRL are always annoying and that just fits him.
Not naturally. Some tribes in the Congo mutilate their children and give them permanent brain damage because of their religion.
Phoenix spears are back.
James came here and saw how much sallyfag posts
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It was a surprisingly widespread practice in many cultures
The funniest thing is the tinfoil theory that says all these cultures did it to imitate aliens or alien hybrids
Given Slaanesh can rez him just for fun, the theoretical best way to deal with Lucius is to make Slaanesh give up on him. That way all his blessings go away or a loophole Slaanesh doesn't close ends him for good rather than Slaanesh rezzing him.
it's an already existing artwork

the current speculation is that it's a placeholder for the new wave of generic space marines which is also going to be accompanied by a new wave of characters for each of the less important chapters like in 8th, which may or may not also come with cashgrab supplements
>I-It's not like I-I like him or anything!
>Yuki go fuck that brunette girl!
The yandere turned tsundere cuckqueen. A very dangerous Commissar indeed.
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>brood brother flattens its wife's son's head to make it look like a 1st generation geneatealer hybrid
>dislikes Custodes
>thus is a Destiny player
Nah it's salamanders codex and vulkan coming back. 2 more months trust the plan.
Yeah, vulkan he'stan.
There's already a shitloads of generic space marine art they could've used by they specifically showed off the flame pattern.
So who the fuck knows, maybe Salamanders are the new Black Templars and will get a bunch of unique units out of nowhere.
buy the incoming miniature and supplement and convince all the recently indoctrinated normies into buying the hecking wholesome marines and maybe salamanders will get their primarch within 10 years
Slaanesh wins again. Khorne btfo.
The difference is orks don't canonically respawn by killing /yourdude/ after he won, I think that's where the general seethe around Lucius comes from.
Thready reminder that chaos lords don't get the extra attacks keyword on dual melee builds,but loyalist HQs do.
James forgot, again.
>be chaos
>but you win anyway
EC release is better than WE's but worse than the other two.
Oh yeah because killing top tier duelist is easy thing to do. Not to mention you have first to know how his bullshit powers work.
At worst Slaanesh would just assume marine who managed to kill Lucius as dead and would possess guy maintaining or one who triggered stasis field. Just like he did with that landmine factory worker.
>they specifically showed off the flame pattern
because one of the releases seems to a salamander miniature
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Fulgrim novel explaining his return.
is he just a generic lord or a EC special one like a exuberant flaysworder or something
and arguably showing a non-ultramarine image gathers a better reception

his return doesn't need explaining, he didn't go anywhere
I think I want a better look at some of them, especially with other paintjobs but so far they feel about on par with TS
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and they couldn't rationalise showing a bit of every lesser chapter if they're only getting one miniature each, they might hype too much and get backlash in return
Why would they need to explain his return?
It was explained plenty, Abaddon made a deal with him(but this plotline was forgotten lol), 13th black crusade launched and there were roumors of traitor primarchs, Fulgrim was teased DUIRNG gathering storm, before Guilliman even got ressurected, he talked to Guilliman, then great rift appeared and daemon primarchs started spawning in galaxy, Fulgrim getting 2-3 additional mentions he's active.
Fulgrim is most active daemon primarch that despite being most active and teased longest is getting model just now after Magnus, Mortarion and Angron.
did you sleep, anon?
Codex isn’t out yet.
Stoked to read this one. He is a fun bastard.
Makes you wonder if they really want Salamanders codex/supplement or it's just another generic marine release.
Salamanders are one of the rarest chapters there is, barely 1000 marines and pre primaris had no official successors. They are also codex compliant with no special units, just master crafted weapons and flamethrowers.
It’s just a headswap.
One thing to add to your first question. Yes they replace their body parts, but some magi biologis(the geneticists and biology majors) clone themselves organic ubermensch bodies and transfer their consciousnesses into them to look more presentable.
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I am all the sudden sad that I've never seen a Jason Brody themed Salamanders army.
Why did they decide to go with the smooth worm belly when they just did the HH one with a segmented, snake-esque one that looks infinitely better?
The smooth one is more inline with current slaanesh daemons models
No CSM or WE lord has extra attacks with 2 melee weapons, while their dual wielding loadouts are legal.
What army's playerbase are the most annoying to deal with and why?
Salamanders are the general audiance friendly chapter. GW wants to expand their range since they're the 'good guys' in 40k. They're not really but to noobies they seemingly care for people on par with genuine humanitarians like a star trek crew. You have to scratch the surrface to see that they're deranged human supremacists that simply see all humans as above xenos.
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even the special marine subfactions nowadays get a very minimal amount of exclusive units, so I doubt the even less important ones would get exclusive units, I don't see a reason to expect the rumours to be wrong about the incoming models either

>assault terminators
>vanguard veterans
>multipart outriders
>new speeder of some kind

>vulkan he'stan
>white scar character on JETbike
>lysander (terminator armor)
>raven guard character
>iron hands character in terminator armor
Looking at the previous thread, Knights
>that they're deranged human supremacists that simply see all humans as above xenos.
Why would that stop them from being tbe good guys?
>they're deranged human supremacists that simply see all humans as above xenos.
But that's all Imperium
It makes them too disgusted about xenos to rape them and that makes them evil. Historically, rape was an important part of society and humanity never recovered once antirapism happened. If they think of xenos as non-human, it makes them less sexually attracted thus able to rape.
>be yesterday
>going to pick up paints from the LGS (ivory and a light brown paint to be watered down to resemble rust)
>Enter LGS
>There's a group of lads around one lad all chanting "tell us"
>Apparently the guy showed up with his marine dudes and the chanters wanted him to tell the homebrew fluff about his dudes.
What gives, /40kg/? I thought nobody at the LGS wants to hear about the backstory of your made up characters.
Lol no its not, virtually everyone else seems people as utterly expendable. Look at the Imperial Guard, look at that Tithe episode that just wanted to exterminate all the systems bordering Segmentum Solar to deny the Tyranids with no interest in saving even a token amount of people.
Marines Malevolent bombing a refugee camp for fun is closer to how the rest of the Imperium values humans life. Theres their shtick they are the space marine manifestation of the Imperiums view of humanity to be compared to the Salamanders view.
>that background
Realms of Battle coming back?
>too many extra details
>made up story
>nobody wants to hear what you have to say
>Marines Malevolent bombing a refugee camp for fun is closer to how the rest of the Imperium values humans life.
It is not.
Marines Malevolent are specifically an edge case of literal morons that nobody fucking likes because they are so retarded and have heads so far up their own asses that they are talking to Nurgle on the regular.
i misread your point sorry anon, I'll rephrase
Humans are above enos but they dont actually value human life in itself
Codex isn’t out yet. That might not even be a lighting claw as it’s not a power fist sized hand. Weird to be so sure of something.
I just want my plastic fire drakes and a proper upgrade sprue for the Sallies that is on par with the Black Templars and Dark Angels upgrades.
All dual wielding loyalist captains/chapter masters/generic characters have extra atacks. no chaos character has that keyword.
Marines Malevolent aren't liked because they steal shit from other chapters, not because they kill civilians. Most chapters don't give shit about civilians, many like Iron Hands or Minotaurs despise them for being weak.
>deranged human supremacists
But that's all space marines.

I mean, if they were going to elevate one of the lesser chapters I don't think they'd go for Salamanders since we already have "green" space marines; Salamanders green is nearly as distinct from Dark Angels as Space Yiffs blue is different from Ultramarines'... ultramarine. You'd think it'd be White Scars first.
'Lord Exultant', apparently
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>Deldar refresh arrives
>Vect is back
>He can go toe to toe with Abaddon and win (like he used to)
How would the community react?
>he doesn't read history
Rape is highly important psychological warfare. Raping women of an enemy who still fights you is production neutral. They're going to incentivize the people from areas who haven't hit yet to fight you harder.

Rape the men. Rape every man you capture. They will never be able to fight again. They'll be traumatized enough that you don't need to bother executing them. It is the Scythian way.

Rape is also a tool of occupation. After you have already conquered a people you rape anyone to prove you can: men, women, children, dogs. Same thing with random public executions. It is the Assyrian way.

It is the way of everyone today. If you an army that doesn't rape is an army that doesn't function. You are weak if you don't.
I'd be fine with that.
The Tithe episode showed a Salamander saving a handful of survivors so they are the space mairnes that do try to save people. The rest of the human supremacist chapters don't make that effort or care
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>heretic thinks the emprah never raped in his life
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>but I don't want to build my list around the latest OP unwieldy centerpiece special character, GW, ayeee!
>How would the community react?
They would ignore him and go back to talling about the latest Primarch book and theorizing which Primarch comes back next.
Xenos characters don't make headlines.
I just realized, Orks reproduce through spores and get their best highs from fighting. They shed spores the most through combat and especially dying. In other words, when Orks attack an unwilling enemy, they technically force their enemies to assist in their reproduction.
See >>94826577
>Your heart is as back as your skin if you hate all of existence enough to deny truth.
I wouldnt use him regardless
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>>How would the community react?
Thats all you xenos players will ever get. Take it or leave it.
Wait I thought those guys were white
They are. He's just in denial.
K. My tax dollars go to whites.
Is Vect a warrior? I always thought he was the mastermind in the shadows kind of character that never dirtied his own hands. Drazhar is his Death Vader to his Evil Emperor.
Warhammer 40k?
Your memeing everyone in the community knows who Vect is. But I do wonder if anyone in the Impeirum knows who he is. I wonder if the Imperium knows theres a single ruler of the 'eldar pirates' as they call the deldar, let alone his actual name.
See >>94826633
DOn't anon, he is unworthy
real nomodels hours
I must. It's not about what you or I want but what is right. And for his own sake it is right.
I know who Vect is, I just don't give a shit about him.
He's a jobber like the rest of them.
He's been around for like 10,000 years anon even if he learnt fighting as a hobby in the endless qeust to find new experinces he has a long time to get good and the VERY best Incubi, mandrakes and wyches etc to teach him. Plus he was a normal archon for a while before overthrowing the old royal families. And you don;t get to that station by being a pushover. He's 40k Malekith, hes a dark schemer who lives in a tall black tower and also one of the toughest fighters in fantasy. So his 40k equivlant in Vect shouldn't be any different.
He had very high melee stats and special melee weapon. Yes he is fighter, in Commorragh you are dead if you can't fight.
You are a dog.
Dogs have intelligence. Antirapists don't. You need the educational rape more.
Does this rape face look like he never dirties his hand?
Is there any Eldar that can't fight? Given they were designed to fight.
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But Dark Elves are better
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Can you two retards post miniatures so that jannies can actually move their ass and delete your posts?
Samefag less, carnac.
You are speaking in code right?
fuck off destinyfag
I was going to say dead one, but wraith constructs exist.
They are superior because they rape their slaves.
What if the slaves consent?
Assuming human slaves, they've legally set the age of consent beyond human lifespan therefore it will still be statutory rape.
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Vect literally jobs to Lelith in her book, he's a seething chud incel getting BTFO by succubi lesbians who don't need no man
it's beyond pathetic
eldar lesbians don't exist because eldar women were at one point eldar men
all eldar women are lesbians because elves are super fucking gay
Kino of the highest order.

Metal just has a certain magic to it.
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All citizens should be freed and get equal rights. That way they're treated as people and not property, and thus can be raped as fellow people. It's not legally the same to rape your toy as its rape another free person.
It's called lead poisoning.
why does GW hate admech so much
See >>94826689
Should admech be a separate army or not?
The more I hear about the book the more dirty my boy Vect seems to have been treated. Surely him being an immortal god-like king of the dark eldar, you know a Pharaoh essentilly would be enough swagger to pull Lelith and her gf into a threesome if he felt like it. And if they both 'deny' him he could make them do what he wants. Or he merely wants them to think they can deny him as some long drawn out headgame and playful back and forth since he lives for interpersonal drama as 10k+ years old immortal whoseseen and done it all.
Losing to Lelith is not dishonourable shes a freak and the greatest fighter in the 40k universe. Fighting naked with some daggers and fishhooks in her hair and she can compete with the best of them in melee so I don't mind that
I am now sad that DEldar have no Lusty Argonian Maid equivalent.
Well she's best Dark Eldar fighter and one of best duelist in galaxy.
Against any other Vect would win.
When Vect had stats his melee skill was higher than Drazhar, but lower than Lelith. Higher than any SM character including Abaddon and Kharn, with only super special duelist Crowe form GK having same skill and Guilliman being higher.
it seems like they are slowly getting ready to remove them
The sooner he dies off screen the sooner he can save face and get a cool ominous background snippet saying he might actually be still alive and somehow manipulating everything to his advantage, and not get a miniature ever.
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He was alredy killed only to return and kill everyone at his funeral.
He doesn't need to save face he just needs to come back lounging on his flesh couch made out of a still living (but wishes he wasnt) Jaghatai
That's a pretty metal way to die
Reminds me of that one guy who faked his own death then showed up at his own funeral at beat his wife for not being sad enough.
what makes him fun?
wouldn't the primarchs be better fighters?
>paint a 1k point Raven Guard army
>get bored before getting to 2k points
>paint a 1k point Adepta Sororitas Dmy
>get bored before getting to 2k points
>paint a 1k point Tai army
>get bored before getting to 2k points
>Emperor’s Children look cool…

I hate what I’ve become, but that still won’t stop me
>what makes him fun?
He ruins the life of everyone around him.
Compare the EC army box to the DKoK... the points per dollar difference looks insane
>Yarrick spat.
>Hack away you mean red nigger, he said, and the old daemon raised the axe and split the head of Sebastian Yarrick to the thrapple.
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That is ingenious and fully explains pic. I was wondering how the hell consensual sex between two physically adult-aged people can be rape. Maybe you're right about a link between rape and knowledge.
who the fuck is Jude Reid and why is a nobody writing the return of Fulgrim? Ah well, I guess its better than having Nick Kyme do it.
The Thrapple?!
honestly that's a healthier approach than building 7k points of the same army
if you cycle back around to Raven Guard and proceed in a circle then you're gucci
Have you read American Psycho?
>wouldn't the primarchs be better fighters?
Yeah because of favourtism by GW and the fans. in the TT of course she dies to them but in fluff she could tie with them and draw out a fight rather than straight up lose. She fights enely with Pheonix lords which are eldar primarchs in essence so no they shouldn't be 'better' fighters, near equals is the better way to think of them. Lelith is a monster
>Pheonix lords which are eldar primarchs in essence
Yeah, looks like 700 points+.
having a few smaller armies is more fun anyway
I fully believe points should be tied to the cost of the product and the rules for the product should be balanced around that
>but anon, 10 guardsmen shouldn't be as strong as 10 marines, and a guard army should have more models than a marine army
then make those 10 guardsmen a recursive unit that can return dead models or the whole unit over and over until balance/semblance of numbers is achieved
>Pheonix lords which are eldar primarchs in essence
No one thinks that except you, knucklehead
Are you the 'Phoenix Lords are more popular than Primarchs' guy btw?
I havent looked too closer at the DK box, in who's favour?
Anybody have a link to the Lucius Bolter and Hammer episode?
>but in fluff she could tie with them and draw out a fight
sounds dumb
see >>94826696
>Pheonix lords which are eldar primarchs in essence
Note: Eldarfags really believe this
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Samefag, by that I mean its the same 2 discord trolls pretending to be different people who also posted all the weird rape shit.
Phoenix Lords are the eldar version of Primarch since they're both leaders of a particular group of elite warriors each with different specialisations. GW treating them as slighty better aspect warriors is them not doing them justice.
Anon the much easier option to your retardation would be to make the guard models cheaper in price to reflect their poor stats.
I use to think the nidfags were the most insufferable 40k fanbase but the eldarfags here really take the cake.
GW knows better than you what Phoenix Lords are and aren't, cretin.
because I think leilith beating a primarch in a straight fight is dumb?
>lowering prices
>easier option
>straight fight
it would be an evenly matched confrontation since primarchs are gay and eldar are lesbian
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>tfw no cute Cadian tomboy gf
Eldarbros.... where's our army set? Where's the new combat patrol? Not even a battleforce?
Anon Phoenix Lord is Eldar who trained hard enough and have fancy armor. they fucking die and are replaced by other Eldar wearing his fancy armor.
Primarchs on other hand are designed superhuman creatures who's genes turn normal human into superhuman warrior strong and tough as ork while as fast as eldar.
Primarchs are way ahead of Phoenix Lords and phoenix lords were special exarchs since Eldar existed. When phoenix lord shows up it's just fany Eldar battle, when primarch show up is either universe changing event or apocalyptic battle.
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Where is the novel tie in that none of you ''''''''''eldarfans''''''''''''' will buy because you have a vendetta against Gav Thorpe?
You heard the man.
IIRC it was a Lord that killed him which is why it still felt emotions.
>Primarchs are way ahead of Phoenix Lords and phoenix lords were special exarchs since Eldar existed
Phoenix lords and aspect warriors only emerged after the Fall
You get this wrong. It's gav who's having vendetta against Eldar. All his eldar books are dogshit.
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>it would be an evenly matched confrontation since primarchs are gay and eldar are lesbian
what army would dave meltzer play?
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We won't even get a celebratory Jain Zar model with bare feet...
Chaosfag here, I'll die with eldarfags and say Gav Thorpe is a incompetent moron and should have been fired many years ago.
I'm talking edition wise. Eldar got their craftworld fluff and rules and Phoenix Lords were just better exarchs.
a phoenix lord might have a hundred lives in it but that's not really that much
100 idiots doesn't make you a super genius, it means whenever you do anything there are 100 morons trying to figure out the best move
the combat patrol is going to be spiritseer+wraithguard+spiders+10avengers
no army set because it's not the launch of an army or a subfaction and because gw is going to make more money by selling the eldar units and characters at their absurd isolated price
Ah fair enough then
Surely there MUST be something that can be done. The 'Slutty Servile Sslyth Bond-Guard'?
>spiritseer schizo still at it
>slaaneshi reveal is lukewarm
>resident slaaneshi shitposter ramps up his eldar seething
like edgy clockwork
Emp kids look kinda mid bros
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ork bros, what would you bring to a 500 point game? i was just going to play green tide with 40 boyz and 2 painboys, which is just made to piss people off but its not very good
At least there is no "Bile in EC codex because some book" poster.
makes sense, that is canon after all
>Lusty Argonian Maid
>Seductive Sslyth Servent
An Archon must have fucked on in his court at some point, just for the glory of being the first to do it if nothing else
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There are dozens of us!
Avatar of Khaine is the eldar primarch, not power rangers.
Nta, and I'm not sure if I'm the poster you're talking about, but I genuinely expected fabius to be in the slaaneshi book, I wasn't aware he has actually been an undivided marine all along until anons pointed it out here.

I don't dislike the idea of the black legion having characters coming from other warbands, like haarken who's obviously practically a NL, and it would be nice to see the creations of bile get an undivided kill team, but then again wouldn't slaanesh fans want to field fabius in their armies? I think GW should include a clause so they can get him too at the very least.
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Eldar/harlies for the Japanese references and the flips
Where is the faggot that was exercising every day now?
I need to see his failure, his rotund stomach, his unhealthy diet, etc.
what was his shtick? he was exercising every day until EC release?
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the avatar is a demon primarch, not a primarch.
normal primarchs are a category below.
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Eldar flips and acrobatics is a Minoan bull leaping reference. So Ancient Greek no Japaense anime
>Avatar of Khaine is the eldar primarch
>Gets deafeted by Chapter Masters
When the Lion gets his head cut off by an Phoenix Lord I'll buy it
I am excited for the new EC. I will be getting the collection. Fuck. I've waited like 8 years for this, ever since the TS got their update back in late 2016 I think. It was obvious all 4 mono god legions would get the same eventually. The EC have always been my favorite of the mono god legions so it's nice they finally got around to fucking making them. Not a fan of some of the heads but that's easily fixed and I have plenty of CSM bits. Might throw some horned helmets on a few guys for variety. Can't wait for some new EC art too. There really isn't much out there for them, at least not for 40K.
Khaine isn't a daemon.
do I like the other player in this hypothetical
>>Gets deafeted by Chapter Masters
Primarchs can be weak, Kurze was beheaded by a human assassin.
Didn’t he let it happen to “prove” his visions were right?
Assassins are way above the normal human baseline, argueably they're more gene enhanced and hypno-indoctrinated than Space marines. I see them as closer to custodes than space marines. Regardless Kurze let her do it and didn't put up a fight
Assassins are vastly superior to standard space marines and also Kurze let himself get killed to "own the Emps"
>Assassins are way above the normal human baseline
Still just a human.
No you are not the poster. He was super annoying grasping at single book that came before Bile model refresh, in 8th ed and somehow hoped that single scene from book would override 8th ed suplement and 2 CSM codexes stating that Bile is still undivided af, and his own faction rules.
Also Bile isn't Black legion, he is his own thing, freelancer who work to whoever pay him at the moment.
Fabius was never Slaaneshi, he was always undivided, since his first apperance. He just don't give fuck about chaos gods, he just do his own genetic pet project alongside spawning armies of CSM for whoever pay him. Dude left Emperor's Children after Heresy ended.
>noise marines are a unit of 3 because FUCK YOU
Tabletop rules aren't canon.
IIf they're human and not post humans than Space marines and custodes are also just humans
first time?
no idea desu, its just something that my lgs is doing for fun. its more for new players, i just wanted to run a meme / fun list
it's a rough category, not a literal one, the norn emissary also fits that category
even if the avatar has had demonic rules from time to time through the editions
>Primarchs can be weak, Kurze was beheaded by a human assassin.
Anon it was assisted suicide because Curze was schizo and wanted to prove that his vision of Emperor killing him was true. He let it happen to validate his vision. He could have stopped her before she even set foot on planet, before she entered his castle and even naked he could kill her no problem, but he didn't and allowed her to chop his head off just to prove a point.
>I thought you liked options, so why are you complaining about bad options?

See, at first I thought you were just retarded on purpose, but I'm starting to think you genuinely believe this, and now I'm sad
> That’ll be 75$ please!
Isn't 6 their lucky number?
Six, article literally confirms
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Esl kun
>even if the avatar has had demonic rules from time to time through the editions
Anon he had daemon rules for as long as he had rules, and daemon keyword as long as there were keywords. He was even mentioned in daemonhunters codex as one of reasons why Malleus would fight Craftworlders.
Khaine isn't, he's a god, Avata is his daemon, fragment of his godly essence just like chaos daemons are parts of chaos gods.
They aren't they're 6. The box says it comes with 2 units of 6. Makes sense because that's Slaanesh's number. Granted they didn't do that with Berzerkers or Rubrics but whatever.
Theres 12 in the box
They come in 6s
Don't care didn't ask
Yeah well I said it anyway faggot eat shit.
EC is the first chaos army I am interested in consooming
>its 6 therefor its okay
should be a unit of 5, its only 6 because GW hates people with older armies
I cant say, buy a unit of FW kakophoni to use
would you buy the tankbustas for 62 USD / 50 pound equivalent, /40kg/? im getting a little desperate
Glad you're happy about a faction release.
I'm too addicted to third party guard because I love chunky heroic scale to be excited for nearly anything guard related from GW.
>ever since the TS got their update back in late 2016 I think
That was one of the best modern remasters of miniatures ever. I think the Emperor's Children marines are well done too, but I don't recall many Emperor Children CSM being made that much so I don't think there was much to work with. Maybe that's why it took so long for the EC to get a remaster.
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another day, another guard model

Cadia stans
simple as
wew lad what coomer video is this from?
If I just wanted a friendly list that still had some stuff to do then maybe something like this
Char1: 1x Mek (45 pts): Kustom mega-slugga, Wrench
Char2: 1x Warboss (75 pts): Kombi-weapon, Twin slugga, Attack squig, Power klaw

10x Boyz (80 pts)
• 1x Boss Nob: Big choppa, Slugga
• 9x Boy: 9 with Choppa, Slugga

5x Lootas (50 pts)
• 4x Loota: 4 with Close combat weapon, Deffgun
• 1x Spanner: Close combat weapon, Kustom mega-blasta
5x Stormboyz (65 pts)
• 1x Boss Nob: Slugga, Choppa
• 4x Stormboy: 4 with Choppa, Slugga
1x Deff Dread (120 pts): Stompy feet, 2x Big shoota, Rokkit launcha, Rokkit launcha
1x Trukk (65 pts): Big shoota, Spiked wheels
>When the Guardsman plays the Uno Reverse card during a raid, legally allowing him to take a Dark Eldar home
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thats not too bad desu
there's a third pinhead with the lord
>Khaine isn't, he's a god, Avata is his daemon, fragment of his godly essence
His avatard aren't daemons either.
it's 6 because 6 is Slaanesh's funny number.
Why did they do that?
To link to dark eldars or something?
Is it old lore or anything I missed?
Fucking coneheads.
>death guard have crawlers as big pieces
>thousand sons have the vortex beast
>world eaters have the lord of skull
what big piece will you use for the pinkies?
I say a soulgrinder wouldn't look too shabby amidst them.
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Hello I am here again.
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these things look so goofy to me
Chaos looks like shit, yes.
>Slaanesh is the God of Perfection
>The Eldar created Slaanesh
>Eldar utilize cone helmets
>Slaaneshi worshippers emulate the cone helmets
>Cones are perfection
Still haven't got a clue really. Maybe Shalaxi Helbane or something, idk.
Just curious, are noise marine guitar or bass?
got a 3d printer?
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not sending your brightest are you guys
Neither of these scream "Slaanesh" to me
land raider with speakers on top
or these to convert a chaos knight, I think
>TSons can take the Vortex Beast
>WE can't take the Slaughterbrute
¿Por que?
Secondary. These are classic.
The LoS as a whole is pretty brutal. The treads, the blood tanks and shit.
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But people call me crazy for pointing out that Be'lakor also has a conehead and is implied he was a non human who ascended and thus must likely an eldar
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videos, actually
it's just a lewd cosplay slut doing her thing
>Why did they do that?
>To link to dark eldars or something?
Are you supposed to be a bright one?
Jesse what the fuck are you on about
Classically dogshit, yeah
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are bloodletters all eldar too?
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What do you think of the new GSC releases?
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They used to be slaanesh's demon engines in epic
The only slaaneshi thing on them is the crab claws on the first one
Without that nothing differentiates them as a slaaneshi unit
>Be'lakor also has a conehead
not any more than bloodletters do, in fact he does so less with the new model
>is implied he was a non human
no, it absolutely isn't, he comes from the old world, from a human tribe
No, it's not implied. He was a human from the fantasy world. He has elements from all the daemons of the four. Bloodletters are cone-headed.
fantasy is not canon
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but fantasy is canon
But bro
Those are Nurgle Cultists
he's literally from there, if fantasy is not canon then belakor isn't canon
>third party model
>overdesigned trash
name a more iconic duo
when is 11e
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The Flawless Host scheme would look fucking sick on the new EC models
if fantasy is canon then aos is canon which means the horned rat is a full chaos god and slaanesh is in jail
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>We have Cain and Jurgen at home
jokes on you they're malstrain hybrids
>horned rat is a full chaos god
40k skaven when
that cant be jurgen he doesnt look like he smells enough
The new blood angels upgrade sprue is uniquely bad. See the black Templars primaris upgrade sprue for reference
you and virginity
epic comeback, muhammad
Time is convoluted in the Warp.
imagine if they did release a random guardsman who could one shot daemons with a lasgun
poor little daemon players...
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Honestly, why the fuck do they refuse to make Cain and company?
It's not like "he's dead" is an excuse when Gaunt is a squad you can take, not even legends
is cain dead?
you absolute nigger did you really just spoil the series?
>tfw missed the reveal

did lucius the ugly fucker get a new model?
We have to deal with DEI squads until the 20th
Please be bait...
He's a guard character so of course he's dead or otherwise MIA from the tabletop.
Tabletop ruled are far more canon than fluff. Mechanics come before fluff.

Primary v Secondary sources, friend.
if only there was a website run by GW that had all the reveals on it...
he's ugly and with a cartoonishly zigzagged mouth and nobody cares
Cain is a regular human so he's obviously dead since the timeline has moved forward by a couple hundred years since his introduction
It is said several times that you are reading his memories edited by Inq. Vail
Also he has been listed as dead lots of times and he wasn't.
So who knows?
It's referenced multiple times in the series that Cain is perpetually listed as active, because any time they label him as KIA he somehow shows back up somewhere. Usually with Jurgen in tow.
As I recall, the 'furthest along' update on his status says he was deployed during the 13th Black Crusade, though without any other details.
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He's dead and buried with honours, he died at some point in the 13th Abaddon tantrum, but he's been MIA so much that they just list him as MIA instead of dead
they're not gonna waste those resources on a commisar, sister
Are you stupid, you are reading Cain's memoirs in his books. He's stated to be dead
bro in first book hes already over 100 years old
Are you all so fucking new that you haven't read a single Cain book?
He lived to 200 and something due to his affiliation with the inquisition
>every Daemons player
all 5 of them
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Im one of them
It's in the OP you doofus
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>Are they getting worse
GW tris to cram too many niche into a single kit instead of making multiple small ones.

Take the BA upgrades;
The multiple pads means you buy 1 per squad
But at the same time it's full of 1 time use bits like the terminator bits.
Also every type of pads are in it, so if you don't use bladeguards, phobos, gravis, or even termies, well though shit, the standard marine pads are in this pack, you'll get them anyway!

The real solution was to make multiple smaller upgrade packs; want to upgrade your phobos to be BA? Buy the phobos pack. Want more BA pads for your intercessors? Buy the BA pads. Want to make Death Company marines? DC pack!

But instead what was essential half a dozen kits and updrages sprues was all merged into one pack that DOES NOT EVEN WORK as you don't even have enough pads for a single intercessor squad.

TL;DR: They're shitty upgrades because GW wanted to spend as little as possible while being able to say "we have customization!" and get paid for it.

t. own multiple Dark Angel upgrade packs
(ravenwing, old DA, 2x small firstborn sprue, 2x old primaris small sprue, 2x new primaris upgrade pack)
I'm so sorry, anon. I hope you get your chaos daemons army.
How is this a problem? Daemons are just flavor units for Chaos Mortals.
What's this trend about making units of three for elite guys now?

>They literally only give you one half of a fucking stormbolter
>Just one fucking half
why would you waste time reading about normal humans? marine books are more interesting
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the fuck are you doing here
I do appreciate when they take the time to have good costumes
Should Newrecruit and Unitcrunch be added to the OP under "community links?"
newrecruit 1000000000000% should
this image is making fun of you
They were there but got removed by the throoder
What's that?
>GW wanted to spend as little as possible
Literally would not work any other way from a business perspective. Only a neckbeard retard without any sense for logistics would think 6+ SKUs for one sub faction that aren’t even needed to play said faction on the tabletop would be feasible
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yeah, that cosplay slaps
OP is abbreviated from the two words Original Poster. It refers to the person he started the thread.
Newrecruit and arguably wahapedia should be in the OP
Unitcrunch is a compfag number crunching and fun destroying site, fuck that shit
newrecruit is the new battlescribe because the creator has effectively abandoned it and left it to some dedicated people that don't know a better alternative to keep it on life support. The thing is basically brain dead but its heart is still beating. It is honestly time to move on from Battlescribe.

Unitcrunch is for mathhammer autists.
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>Remember me...
>image limit reached
New thread



Why did you create 3 new threads?
1 real thread and 2 containment threads for admech players
Yeah I'm sure that making multiple unique kits for a subfaction would be stupid, which is why it was done for DAs, BAs and SWs.
Anyway did you enjoy the new reveals for the new unique EC kits?
i just wanted someone to post a jpeg, i cbf going to the gw website

thats a shame
It's incredible how the mere fact of having helmet variation and different decorations on each guy makes a standard box of marines so fucking cool
>one female character for each setting at any given time
Say it ain't so!
It was, more or less. They'd only just started fighting other Marines, and the Tau, Necrons, and Tyranids hadn't even shown up, so outside of Orks and random Xenos ruling over stolen worlds, it was pretty easy breezy for Marines (comparatively speaking).
False equivalency, you’re comparing cosmetic upgrade kits to kits for faction-specific, playable units. No one needs to buy a Phobos kit and a Phobos upgrade sprue to play those units in their marine flavor of choice. Want to play sanguinary guard or inner circle companions? You just buy one kit
No one needs to buy any of those kits actually
You can just paint them in a different color.
No one needed a different kit for death company marines, sanguinary guard, inner circle companions, etc.

These kits exist because people wanted it.

>false equivalency
You lost the internet debate before it even began, get shafted you baby dicked loser, pwn'd ur ass
>you lost the internet debate before it even began
True, it was silly of me to say anything about the viability of having too many product offerings in a money-sink hobby like this
Thank god GW is smart enough to be sparse in their range offering
anyway did you like the new marine releases?
I think there'd be less griping in general if the upgrade sprues were better for everyone. I'd like if the Dark Fury squad and Mor Deythan got new releases, but I'd also be fine if the Raven Guard upgrade sprue was more than a single bolter (which lost its unique profile), a grenade arm, and then general iconography. I know they probably wanna keep it "cheap" in a single blister, but a chapter upgrade box filled with unique weapon designs and armor shit would be a nice exchange for deleting half the Space Marines' chapter identities.
>Reading BLslop by mohawk braindead asshole
Lol, lmao even
You sound like a broken record, I already admitted I was wrong. Still, I’d like to see how the sales numbers for upgrade sprues compare to chapter-specific units
I'd say it depends on the kit and faction, I don't suspect new upgrades kit to sell that much, then again I bought a lot of them

But my guess would be that specific unit kits sell more because people don't overthink it and will
1) buy the kit to play the unit
2) build the kit as the instruction says, period

Upgrade kits are already pretty niche, doesn't mean they don't have demand (that's me, I'm the demand)
>i just wanted someone to post a jpeg, i cbf going to the gw website


why does this cunt get 2 models while we've never gotten a fucking Ciaphas Cain model depsite the amount of novels/stories he's been in?
because he's dead?
Gaunt died centuries before the current time in 40k and he still has his unit.
Yeah I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t immediately buy any new BA upgrade sprues if GW released more
Do I look like I know what a 'jpeg' is?
I said a while ago I'd buy 2 of the old BA tac squad if they re released it and I stand by my words
The old world bringing back old plastic kits give me much hope, my wallet is quaking
why do you wanna fuck james what are you gay
wtf gaunt is dead? why the fuck would you not spoil your text?
youre gonna have to wait until 18e otherwise i have to contact the authorities for being a child molestor
There's nothing wrong with this, 1k points is the superior way to play Warhammer. I have 6 1k point armies I use all the time
Vect doesn't care because he already has a waifu, Lady Malys
fucking projecting weirdo deep strike yourself
gw can burn in hell

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