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Trazyn Edition

>Balance Dataslate

>Community Links:

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

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>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
how do you feel about Trazyn the Infinite
nucron lore is cringe kys
do codex marines have any good melee blobs
Define your terms.
Do they have good melee units? Yeah.
Do they have good blobs (chaff)? No.
>Uuuh yes I want necrons to be metal Tyranids hurrr durr
It was a drastic improvement and you can still have your mindless army if you want to cry so much about it.
is she an employee looking at his collection or something?
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Guy who was talking about the DE eldar shceme.
Decided to try a test with the sarge.

I'll need to get a handle on the bone as I was a bit too heavy on the one leg.
Still maybe a bit unsure as to if I want to go this route with it as I don't 'hate' it but the gun casing for sure should maybe just go to a default black.
THICC paint
Them being Metalnids is boring, but you do have to admit they're getting TOO wacky as of late.
>Zero mention of Deldar on the 40k road map
Expected, you mean.
I'm more likely to meet a necron in a GW store than a qt blonde
Some of that is going to be that this is probably the second strip and the bone drybrush needs a bit of work.
Went too heavy on the left leg of the mini to start with for sure.
Also thinking the gun just needs to be black at this point
Even from the back it doesn't 'overwhelm' as much as I'd figured so black guncasing will mix better.
In that one book from 5 years ago?
that's bad? Necrons are sick
The first sales clerk that I bought miniatures from in my life was a qt blonde.

She's a famous miniature painter now.
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I did my dark eldar with bone armor, contrast worked pretty well for it. Wraithbone spray, skeleton horde constrast and then another light layer of wraithbone as necessary
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Eldar, guard, Emperors children are all getting massive waves so there will be filler releases to counter balance that
Its growing on me but I need to do a few more models to practice the layer stage.
I screwed up the initial layer paint stage and just need to do as a lighter brush followed by two drybrushes.

I'm not used to doing so many bone paints so I need to learn to handle them like a white.
Yours look good though I may stick with the Zlandri dust base for now.
May swap to a contrast for a thinner base coat as Zlandri does go on a little thick.
And Severance short story, where Zandrek reveals he's merely pretending to be retarded, as well as more than a few parts of the faction-defining Thrice Dead King series.
Yeah, GK and whatever the Salamander thing is.
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i miss him every day
salamanders will be the other chapters will get supplements and a named character
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I started building my 2nd combat patrol box. I'm kinda conflicted about each unit having its leader and in case I want to play them as 10 Acolytes or 20 neophytes, I can't. I suppose I can use the Neophytes on the Goliath sprue to replace the leaders/iconward so I can run them as 4 units of 10 or two units of 10 and a unit of 20.
I'll probably play my first 1000pts game next week, but the only character I have is a Magus. What shall I get next broodbros?
I am really surprised there were no bikes for EC. Out of any legion they felt like they should be the "Go fast hit hard" one. Legionaries+ isn't at all what comes to mind with EC.
its probably because they've been sitting on new CSM bikers for 5 years

There is more to come, though I doubt we'll see EC bikes
Doing fat lines in our hearts, Anon.
The only good necron lore is my head cannon.

Most Necrons are mindless husks with no will of their own. Tricked by the C’tan as part of their bargain for eternal life. But some managed, now known as the Necron Lords, to maintain some semblance of sentience and sanity, only to watch helplessly as the C’tan used their race as pawns in their conquest to scour the souls of the living from the galaxy. In a last spit of defiance against their C’tan deceivers, the lords entombed the Necrons, denying the C’tan their army of immortal warriors. With the Enslavers loose the C’tan began to starve and dwindle, leaving nothing but the husks of themselves (i.e their container vessel the Necrons made in the first place), the first and last boon of the Necrotyr. Sixty million years later the Necrons have emerged, with little hope of salvation for their race, those few lords shepherd over the mindless bodies of the last of their species in search for a way back.

Basically the further from a warrior you are the more sentient a Necron becomes.
I like to think of this as the C’tan got out competed by the Enslavers (aka the flood); without the Necrotyr to fight the Enslavers, they were doomed to lose.

Best of both worlds. Good war in heaven. Your dudes. No dynasty fandom their trash.
>There is more to come
Yeah, in 11e when you get your next codex you'll get a pity character lmao
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5 books and 2 minis
why is she so popular?
If 40k were just a picture, this would be it. Whoa...
fuck off destinyfag
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I not gonna read that but I already know your headcanon is cringe.
>games workshop finally managed to dig up the guy's corpse who actually knows how to draw attractive regular women
>the model doesnt have a dogshit face either
We are so back.
No, I will continue wanting Necrons to be as Destiny as possible. That is why I like Oldcrons more.
>put writer's waifu on cover
>it outsells every xenoslop novel
it really is that simple
He looks like cool guy. I bet he would collect every army and have at least 3000 pts of each. Be like Trazyn.
Can they make him work on sisters? I would like to have a pretty sister.

what is the midge?
>what is the midge?
She isn't a squat though?
Congrats it's essentially the same fucking lore as the real one except you deny necrons the victory over the ctan for some cringe ass halo ripoff
For characters, either a Primus for your Neophytes, or a Reductus to score objectives and throw bombs at people.
Or get a bunch of Hybrids, you can build them either as the saw dudes, bombermen, or Metamorphs.
Depending on what you're up against, those guys are a serious threat, my Metamorphs kill pretty much everything they get close enough.
No one likes the astroturfed snorefest cadian skank
idk who that is and idc, nu-crons are gay, just like you
Orikan is a bitch and Trazyn is a nerd
CSM need to get new bikes first.
Yes and they are great characters.
Cry more
Cadia is female
You don't like necrons and own no models for them
nah, they are cool, necrons are cool
still don't know who this is or if her books are liked or not, she seems like a nobody
I have 3000 points of crons and I'm reading infinite and the divine right now. I still stand by my statement. Doesn't mean I don't like them
It's a crime that they release Orikan and the left out Trazyn.
Unless they are planning to continue where they left off in his book and take the chance to update him, I'll be forever angry
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It's the weekend, post WIP

Just about finished with the crew and various separate bits I left off for my scratchbuilt superheavy tank. Will be weathering up the catwalks and turrets a little more, then moving on to the tank proper.
no fucking shit retard, maybe Id like them more if GW didnt faggot them up to suit your faggot taste, keep eating that slop
knowing GW trazyn is 100% finished and sitting in warehouses
anon, necrons were the villans in 9th if you somehow don't have any you are a gigasecondary
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custom chimera for the inquisition
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Your opinion is irrelevant then
Stop being a massive faggot
Someone has to infiltrate the warehouse and take a pic of the sprue so they are forced to release it lmao
hes probably gonna come out for a campaign release, if not then it will mean necrons are getting filler in 11th
`>cadia used to have 4 named characters in the codex
>cadia now has 1 female named character in the codex

I miss pask
Don't be cruel to the Scottish.
They have it bad enough as it is.
Old metal/resin characters getting axed is good for the game
For plastic refreshes, right?
What the fuck are you even babbling about? Necrons used to be metal tyranids and nothing else in terms of lore, the new lore helps them stand out. You can argue some lore changes aren't great or even bad but Necrons were objectively improved and now stand out from the other races properly. May as well argue the Tau should've stayed the defacto good guy faction too while you're at it
We already got a pity release this edition...
Even if both characters are great sculpts I would still appreciate a new unit or something like that.
My personal preference is a more elite lychguard (maybe in KT format) with more weapon and cosmetic options
I like Tau being naive retards and slowly become as much of a cunt to everyone as the rest of the galaxy.
What would you consider a bad change for necrons?

Im kinda surprised GW used to have named characters without actual models
Now that I think about it.
A good chance to release Trazyn is an Acquisition Squad KT, with lychguard and Trazyn heading it. Although it would be the first time with a name character in a KT box, so I doubt it can exist
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I never have, and never will, ready any of the BL books, nor have i read any 'lore' in rulebooks since 5th ed.
I pick and choose my fluff from obscure articles on Lexicanum that were last edited in 2006.
Everything outside of the lore i make up is fanfiction.
Linking for feedback.

Very nice work on the bits.
The rusting is very nice.
I need to try that out at some point.

Going for a frontal deployment ramp or just an alternate gunmounting?
who asked
ur mom lmao
yeah frontal deployment.. but no ramp. the plebs up front don't matter to the inquisitor riding in the armored back
>I am a wiki faggot
Bold retard
Ah, so more opened topped.
I presume there's going to be a gate or something at the front so they at least get some cover like a firing platform?
Well the thing with the Tau afaik is that the brainwashing thing wasn't a reaction to their situation but rather just secret society shit which just gets revealed, it would've been better if they had what needed to be done for the greater good get pushed to further extremes but that doesn't really seem to be how GW wanted to handle it.

A bad change for the Necrons is easy. Chaos fuckery. GW in an attempt to make the Necrons more "relevant" reveal something utterly retarded like the C'Tan being a pawn of Tzeentch or some secret sixth Chaos God or whatever. The necrons are fine where they are with their infighting and differing agendas because ultimately if they ever need to be a part of the major narrative it'd be really easy to just wake up more tombs or have some dynasties decide fighting each other is a waste of effort.
they also give names to generic characters too, basically any generic character has a name if you dig deep enough
was going to use some clear plastic knitting mesh painted with a transparent emerald paint to create an energy field kinda thing generated over the front
the third edition codexes had black library book exerpts in them
That would give it a rather unique look and could be pretty interesting to see
File deleted.
I'll one up you, I thought they'd be the chaos jetbikes legion.
we'll see, if it looks like shit I might just leave the guys up front and say their faith in Him of Terra is all they need to survive lmao
I was referring to changes already made to necrons, not a hypothetical.
Although one actual thing that is chaos bs is them letting Vashtorr influence the pylons. That shit is off limits and breaks prior lore on necron tech
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a fucking aeronautica novel got continualtion and yvraine havent lmfao
Elves are unlikable
Ork players either can't or don't want to read
Tau are hopelessly smug
Unless it's Trazyn being weird Necrons are boring
Tyanids are a stage hazard with no characters
seriously, who?
The only Tau book that I will ever read is when their shit finally get pushed in.
I thought the Tau already get beaten left and right
They was. Until their goddess bail them out.
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pic related and previous book are actually fun. the main characters a propagandist that uses servo skulls to get footage for the reels he makes while dealing with aeronautica shit.
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>xenoslop trying too hard to sell you on how much cooler they are than the imperium
>adventures of qtπ tomboy fighter ace

easy choice really, bring on the Aeronautica
this shit looks boring
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Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
They are treated with kids gloves and at worst get delayed.
Honestly, the imperium could send an execution force of 4 eversors and eradicate ethereal leadership pretty fast.
It would actually make tau more interesting as they can now infight and have some actual differing subfactions
>Decided to try a test with the sarge.
Samefag less.
Best recent books have been xenos centric or with heavy presence like in Deathwolder
What's going on with that Archon? He's got a genestealer arm?
cry about it xenofaggot lmao
nta why do some hate xenos?
boring factions, ugly designs, whiny bitches as players
This is more than I expected, I should expand the Salamanders I have. Hopefully infernus will be a battleline option for them, like how World eaters get berzerkers.
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yeah xenoslop is so much more interesting than boring imperium books, all three of you xenosfags agree on it
But that's marines and chaos
the second book above and beyond has an eldar ace who shit talks everyone
Salty samefag.
No one likes the cadian skank and the fly girl bitch
IG despite being the second-least popular imperium faction still mogs every xenos faction in popularity lmao
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no dark eldar refresh for (you) anytime soon
what's boring about mutating bug creatures or ugly about metallic goth skeletons? there are many things negative to point out about the Imperium just like the positive stuff
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Dark eldar are cringe.
Too safe and too tame in their models. Wouldn't ever play them.
Tyranids and necrons run laps around IG in popularity and actual model sales, cry more
All this xeno versus imperium popularity talk is boring.
>He keeps samefagging
So funny, keep going anon, maybe you actually have a stroke and do something positive for humanity for once in your life
then make a poll an everyone votes and then we have the answer what the most played faction in this general is
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Some orks waagh born, made to wave the flag
Ooo that red, waagh and blue
*guitar twang*
And when the band plays hail to the boss
Ooo they point the shoota at you
It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no warboss's spawn

It's only a salty fag.
I mainly play xenos but I love reading guard and marine books. Although I like it more when my factions are around or of they are the protagonists.
Yeah, Sybarite, squad leader.
The thing that does the stuff
>Tyranids and necrons run laps around IG in popularity and actual model sales, cry more
delusional lmao
Yeah, Tau are only interesting when they're being humbled.
I'm thinking of getting the new combat patrol also, ridgerunner is pretty dope with the crossfire ability and I can build 10 metamorphs in addition to my 10 acolyte hybrids. I still wouldn't have enough characters. I wish the army wasn't this expensive.
NTA but fuck it, it might be interesting
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>Even before leviathan Tyranids are way ahead
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objectively speaking, only Space Marines matter
everything else is a sideshow
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>goonhammer stats again
true and real
That's Imperial Guard though.
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italians are close cousins of der juden
they might be here and hide amongst fellow anons
>>94838326 anon might be italian
or perhaps it's anon >>94838329
or maybe (you) were the italianon all along
I might be italian too, with a requiem aimed at your head and you wouldn't know
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made for Krieg blades
honestly i wish i had bought into space marines, but i gotta get my admech painted before i buy anything else
i dont even know what she is from but its easily the worst art trend i have ever seen
genuine tourist post
>disrespecting cultist chan
come on bro
fucking tourist
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>He doesn't know cultist-chan
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What are these? Daemonettes don’t have voxcasters.
art doesn't always match models anon
i know her, but i dont know her origin because its a shit character with a shit design
but /tg/ told me all modern 40k art sucks because it's all forced to be 1:1 the models
Slaanesh admech flesh boys?
>but i dont know her origin
yes, because you're a tourist
Just because she's pushed doesn't mean she's popular.
>I-I-I'm n-not a tourist I-I swear
You already outed yourself, newnigger
that /tg/ was cringe and wrong. this /tg/ is based and correct.
it's from old /tg/, if not pre-/tg/, when 4chan was talking about 40k mainly through dawn of war memes
people really liked the voice acting and amongst those the stridulent voice of the chaos cultists was especially appreciated once posted in a text format with an appropriately distorted spelling
going from there to making an anime girl that impersonated this archetypal dow cultist was an almost immediate step, aided by a prolific drawfag of the time which also made other characters and connected cultist-chan into a wider net of memetic vignettes
it's a demonette
that one does
>warhammer memes from the 2000s meet warhammer memes from the 2020s

Ancient /tg/ meme which has recently resurfaced, cultist-chan talks like the cultists from Dawn of War (2005) but is a cute anime girl instead of an ugly freak.

Missing memes like Jeanstealer and Cata-chan.
Wave 2 cultists. We get four flavors of marines for the codex anyways.
>Wave 2
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Finally had to replace one of the first brushes I bought when I started my 40k journey. Roughly 3 years of abuse for my medium shade brush, and I finally fucked it up during the last time I tried to clean it.
3 flavors*
Did you not learn during those 3 years that citadel brushes are terrible? Why would you get the same one
will aos khorne outdo World eaters? or are both just getting a pity hero.
Sword guys, noise marines and two new regular Slaanesh marines.
one new regular slaanesh marine box with different weapon options
eightbound and exalted eightbound aren't two different kits either
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Maybe if daemons get another 'dex, the slaanesh part of it will get a new model which will benefit the EC.
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aos khorne has the arrival of an important named demon prince written on the wall.
But is there an actual equipment difference between the two? The Infractors and Tormentors have weapon choice differences

.Unironically, perhaps, slaanesh daemons will get 1 new datasheet and since we know there are being merged into EC then EC will also get it.
>But is there an actual equipment difference between the two
They're literally the same body with different arms
Simply by being a full range instead of being chaos warriors- red and a scary guy, the aos khorne guys have already beaten codex berzerkers.
It served its purpose better than any brush during the time I used it. No other brush was able to keep enough watery paint on it for applying washes than that one.
For other purposes like drybrushing, basecoating, detailing, highlighting, etc., I agree. Citadel wasn't great. But that one shade brush is perfect for washes.
full juggernaut release for WE
Most of the books that do not contain space marines or any "big names" are quite good reads.
Why would you want to read books from npc perspective?
How about you paint some guard models if you like it so much
That's marines and custodes
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>get war dogs for a brigand
>don't know what to do with 2nd one
Sell, use it as terrain, shove it up your foreskin, etc etc.
second brigand, duh
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>shove it up your foreskin
haha, yeah...
It's a daemonette and they should. Daemonettes should be equally alluring and horrifying.
how about (you) paint any models at all
I like that the tormentors look just like the old slaanesh marine artwork.
Teach me your ways. You successfully predicted >>94837972 only plays Destiny and not 40k.
Starship Troopers uses female pilots exclusively too.
no models used to be a legitimate insult but these days i dont blame anyone not paying the price of silver for some plastic
If I fire 5 Hellblasters in an Impulsor, do I take 5 hazardous tests?
I'm trying to figure out a use for my Captain Titus models. Him + 6 bladeguard is way too expensive so I wanted to try him + 5 Hellblasters
Read the book you bozo.
do all the weapons say [Hazardous]?
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I'm just so happy this guy has a model sorta finally.
whats a good way to make these guys look more catachan-ish.

I have a box of em. Green stuff camo cloaks maybe?
I mean the camo cloaks obviously work
I can't tell where they are
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im a retard
I amuses me that apparently no one has figured out that SW have been able to take Centurions for years now and that there isn't a single conversion on the planet.
Nobody owns space marines
You need unhelmeted heads at the very least
bladeguard + titus or judiciar
would use unhelmeted heads and try to find bare arms if possible
Thoughts on running 3 of these and a guardsmen as a krieg heavy weapons squad. I got a master of ordnance kicking around somewhere to i might use him as the fire coordinator
because nobody wants to own centurions
>saw a midget buying necrons today
What does this mean
Y'know they sell Catachan HWSs
What are these numbers actually from and when? Are these recorded games on the tabletop battles app or something?
Her books aren't liked or disliked. No one has read them.
for them those are like action man sized
How would one go about making Cadians into Slaaneshi traitor guard, aside from just painting them pink or purple? I want something to work on while I wait for the EC models.

greenstuffing some tentacles in place of arms could be a good start
Desire for a normal skeleton
NTA but there's a Destiny faction that's like oldcrons.
>be the only person who bid on a thing
>got it for cheap
>seller cancels it saying he's "out of stock"
Uhhhh are you allowed to just do that? I know from selling and getting scammed on ebay in 2015 that old ebay was a lot more scammy if you were a seller but that seems scammy in the other direction. Like literally "fuck you, not selling it to you just because you won the auction no one else bid on!".

Ebay is also telling me the item is in my cart but won't let me check out because he canceled it I guess?
As another anon mentioned AoS Khorne is getting their big named Daemon Prince this edition, likely in addition to a wider Mortal range. Last edition they got a pity hero but at the end Khorne hit it bit.
Interesting idead. I have a baneblade commander, the static pose could work for converting a lynched commissar, but that’s about the only odea I’ve got so far lol
>the most supported armies are the most played
>the least supported armies are the least played

I womder what the corelation is?
Bro your lasguns are upside down :(
Oh and another weird thing that happened earlier is that someone bid it up 10 dollars, then immediately canceled putting me back in the lead, like they were expecting to force me to have an auto bid at a higher price when I just manually placed the bid at the starting price.
I’m retarded for sure
eBay is such a fucking shit hole, holy shit
Nothing, because even when those armies received equal support in the 90s marines blew them out of the water
Which means they are cheap, SW assault Centurions could actually look pretty nice but everyone forgot they are even a option. There is also the element of suprise, even for players who think about Centurions they are the absolute last thing anyone expects to see in a SW army.

Also you'll get your conversions in WD by defalut as the only ones to actually exist.
>pic related and previous book are actually fun
Hence why they succeed. The Ynnari books, and all of the Eldar books in general, are the antithesis of fun. They're specifically written to make the Eldar look weak, frail, and defeated. Why on Earth would anyone want to read about that shit when you can instead have Orks having a good time, Guard or Marines fighting on battlefields, or CSM being absolute evil bastards?
Hell even the Necrons have books that tend to have similar themes as the Eldar ones, but they flat out do them better.
At this point Necrons do everything Eldar do but better.
Why the fuck do Eldar even still exist?
Do we have numbers? Or just numbers remembered by guys that haven't worked there in 15 years?
anyone else watching the las vegas open?
I actually like them even if their design is goofy. Like a pre-primaris attempt to change space marines. It's like the Waldensians or Hussites to the later Protestants.
Squats were the most popular army and Eldar the second most popular in 1993, squatting (heh) and reducing support for those armies in favor of marines gradually created the impression that marines were both the main characters of the setting and the army worth playing to newfags.
>black templars- obsolete
Wut this means?
Eldar are the superior undead and corsairs are the superior pirates. Necrons have no super sentai equivalent either.
Frostgrave cultist bits are good for chaos in general. AoS hedonite and daemonette parts are the obvious starting place for slaaneshi in particular. Worth noting that slaanesh daemons are going to be in the EC codex, so getting some of them would start you on an EC list as well as leave you with spare parts to use.
>Eldar are the superior undead
Not even close.
>corsairs are the superior pirates
All two units of them, and their zero books in total
>Necrons have no super sentai equivalent either.
That's a fucking good thing, anon. Nobody wants gay power rangers shit in 40k.
>SW Centurions

Think about this: There is an entire universe of potential Special Abilities, Army Rules and Tactics combos out there that have never been play tested, Faqed or balanced because no one not even GW has ever even considered them.
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No she's an employee at the store giving him the last monthly GW coin he needs to complete his collection.
>not even GW has ever even considered them.
You say that as if GW doesn't fail to consider half the obvious combos in their books.
Because collecting thousands of dollars of models isn't enough?
It's never enough
For Trazyn? Of course it isn't.
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they're how the instructions show them, and how GW has them on the box model.
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The only thing Eldar are 'superior' at is dying in droves.
>installing the lasgun arrays at all
They ruin the model
Oh of course but this is something that maybe one out of a thousand players has ever thought of and as far as we know not a single one has ever even tried out. Remember when they first came out SW were specifically banned from having them then everyone forgot about it.
>says the dead race whose gimmick is patching up their destroyed soldiers
sorry can't hear you over the sound of the necrons getting stronger and stronger while eldar continuously get weaker
>"necrons getting stronger"
>he says while necrons are in the middle of a civil war
>at the same time the Eldar phoenix lords are coming back
>relations between various Eldar factions is probably at its best since the fall
>just drive around with gaping holes in the transport bay
the eldar just awakened a new deity
the necrons are brewing a civil war

I like necrons, dude, but memes aren't real
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>>at the same time the Eldar phoenix lords are coming back
>>relations between various Eldar factions is probably at its best since the fall
Anon those aren't good things for the Eldar
the absolute cope
>Hobbylet can't print or make covers for them
wait wat you are right...
why is it like this
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>the eldar just awakened a new deity
No they didn't, lmao.
Post your printed or custom Chimera covers, anon.
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claiming this thing isn't even awake yet only makes its rise a larger event
bike as a wargear option for noisemarines
sick ass sound system over the rear tire
maybe taking it makes them fast attack instead of elites
It's never coming, scrapped storyline lmao
idk, just how it is. figured the top barrel is like, guidance/sensors/cameras while the bottom is the gun itself.

nta but its really not hard to glue some sprue under those, fill the hole with milliput, and sand it flat after it cures.
Anon they literally aborted that entire plotline. Slaanesh won, the Eldar lost. The end. Nothing more will come of it except another permanent mark of shame that everyone gets to laugh at the Eldar about.
>get your entire war party bodied by the hologram of a single daemon while searching for a sword
>said sword is in the throne room of the god that created the daemon who just curbstomped you and your men
>uhhhhh umm well Ynnead tho…
Lmao eldarfag cope is a delight
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i covered them with stowage but very easy to find stls for lasgun array covers
When I did it I just covered the inside with a little strip of sheet styrene with a groove scored down the section visible from the outside to imply doors. Given how the model is designed to have a strip of plastic for retaining the ball turrets this is pretty easy.
I never said it was hard, I asked to see anon’s work since he’s apparently so passionate about the issue.
>It's never coming
just like the ultimate death of the eldar or the ultimate awakening of the necron empire, or any real setting breaking event, circling back to this meme being wrong >>94839505
takes a special kind of faggot to be an ass to a person that actually engages in the hobby when this threads desperately needs them
Do you think dwarves are better at painting small details?
Looks like shit
Go the fuck back you hyperfragile faggot.
Or a heroic heist/dungeon crawling as an endgame scenario.
Kharnivores. Split the model, greenstuff monster legs (or dig out your old toy box), make more Kharnivore.

Kharnivore is love.
Kharnivore is life.
yeah it's like in sci-fi movies where they have tiny aliens who work on scale machinery
looks like a broken toy
>Or a heroic heist/dungeon crawling as an endgame scenario
If you honestly think that then you're a truly pathetic person.
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You're mad.
Yvraine being mega-raped by Slaanesh himself for eternity—actually AND metaphysically cucking both Guilliman and the entire eld*r race would be the only ending to this gay scenario of yours.
run it in your list
most chaos armies are better with two war dogs
>you’re mad about my shitty model with shit glued to it haphazardly
Lmao ok bud
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Why are bungiefags the absolute worst retards associated with sci fi? Is it the inherent bad taste needed to enjoy bungie products?
I wish the codex was cheaper or just had fluff. You buy it and rule-wise it's already outdated. You get access to the phone-app but honestly it sucks, I'd rather have them printed on paper (which would be just null as well given the pace GW updates them lmao)
glad you can accept it.
reminder that in NewRecruit you can:
>hit export on a list
>you now have up to date free printed cards
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Does anyone have the Genestealer Cult's 10th ed codex? The one in OP only has the detachments and units but I'm interested in the lore.
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What's the STL for that chimera?
>he doth not possess the knowledge
nta meme is wrong but eldars arnt really in a good place either
Id say it's more likely for the Necrons to get something good sooner or later
personally i want cooler bots
No shit retard.
Settle down Scotty
more knife-eared coping
>being d*nish
but I have now 5TB of STLs I started in december
I need to sort them all
god help me
It's one entertaining hypothetical scenario like another, if you want to look at someone pathetic there's a guy two posts after yours imagining rape/cuck scenarios out of some kind of pathological seethe towards eldar.
Outriders are now 2d on charge which is good for the price.
If you use Liberator Assault Group but don't use any blood angels units you can keep +1 to wound on oath target and suddenly scouts with combat knives are s6 wounding marines on 2s.
Other mentions include JPI for fly on an infantry body being the most broken strong keyword combo in the game. Mortals on charge is nice.
Don't sleep on regular assault intercessors the reroll wounds ability makes them hit harder than you'd expect + their pistols being ap1 makes a lot of difference.
Blade guard
Finally the servants of Tzeentch will be together in the same book. Of all the things to take from AoS, it took them until just now to take the most sensible design choice AoS ever made.
Damn that's pretty nice, I was thinking of getting the wahapedia pages printed. By the way this is the 1000pts list I can play with my current models. It's not powerful or optimized or anything but I can at least play proper games that aren't Combat Patrol, which nobody at my LGS plays.
When I try to export it as 40k card, it lists every single model despite them having the same stats across an entire unit. Do you know how to disable that?
Too bad pink horrors look like shit.
Thousand sons should become more focused on chaos spawn just like disciples of Tzeentch
They seem like they're relaxing on that a bit. We're getting good art again as a result.
tsons should get the 6th edition boons table back
Yes. Roll 5 dice after they shoot and each 1 is a dead dude. If you do it from the firing deck of a transport, the transport takes the risk and takes 3mw per fail instead (as it's actually the transport using the gun profile of the infantry inside)
>just like disciples of Tzeentch
they don't have any focus on chaos spawns at all, their cultists are culturists, their troops are tzaangors, and the mutalith is in the thousand sons roster too
Downloading it as .ros, then uploading it to FancyScribe did the trick.
TS should be squatted and replaced with tzaangor
What are your preferred blacks? I'm after an almost black paint that still responds to a wash
And your mom should have a real man fuckin her brains out, but she's stuck with you.
vallejo charcoal is a great cold tone offblack, covers smoothly easily
>cucking Guilliman
If Yvraine died Guilliman's reaction would be a resounding "Good"
I can second >>94839930 this. I have both Vallejo Model Color Black and Game Color Charcoal. I've yet to test them with washes though. I painted the gas tank in charcoal, let me apply some wash and get back to you later.
Can someone help me understand Terminators in 10th?
Terminator Assault Squads either get 3 Dev Wounds S8 AP-2 D2 attacks or 5 Lightning Claw attacks that are twinlinked S5 AP-2.
However, Regular Termies also get some decent shooting and access to Chainfists, as well as being able to break down anything they're fighting that's Oathed.
Am I crazy or is there just no reason to run Assault Termies over just regular termies? Instead of going for some landraider charge memery just deep strike five idiots with Rapid Ingress and blow up something that's oathed then sit on an objective all game.
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I'm partial to:
>Katt Garcia
>Crystal Chase
>Jeni Angel
>Anne Amari
>Alexis Tae
>Alina Ali
>Layla Monroe
>Tori Montana
>Kathryn Celeste
>Lala Ivey
>Asia Rae
>Vanessa Blue
>Lacey London
>Lala Ivy
>Ashton Devine
>Dani Dolce
>Kira Noir
>Jasmine Webb
>Aaliyah Hadid
>Misty Stone
>Milu Blaze
>Scarlit Scandal
>Carmen Hayes
>Osha Lovely
Where can one get 7th edition pdfs? They seem to have been erased from history.

Duncan's Death Reaper is a better Corvus Black and I like it.
You don’t own models so your opinion is irrelevant
Kek pic so here you go
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I kneel before the chocolate lover.
>Special Abilities, Army Rules and Tactics combos out there that have never been play tested, Faqed or balanced

OK, um....Assault Centurians have really good stats on paper but aren't worth it because they are slow as fuck and if aren't in a really expensive Land Raider they will get hit by a fast assault unit like jump troops right? They would be decent at holding an objective against a CC army if they wouldn't always get hit first.

Army with Counter Attack: Waddle them onto a objective with a Fenrisian Wolf bubble, force the enemy to hit the wolves first then use counter attack so the Centurions actually get to fight for once. Seige drills on a full sized squad will kill amost anything, possibly up to and including a warhound titan.

Would only work once then the guy will blast them the instant he sees the tactic again, might be a useful distraction idea if you go full retard against a melee heavy Chaos Knights list and use 2-3 squads of them. Double retard anti Choas Knight option: 3 Assault choices SW assault Centurions, 3 Fast attack Fenrisian Wolves, 3 Heavy Support las cannon SW Centurions. Minimal HQ and Grey hunters everywhere else.

Your first three Fenrisian Wolf models that survive more than one game get converted into Cyberwolves, it is required.
I firmly believe its on its way out.
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Why this shit have to be like $450 on eBay
Because coomers deserve to be fleeced
You mean normal heterosexual men?
Normal heterosexual men don't need to buy sex dolls.
These aren't sex dolls, they're minis.
Canis Wolfborn could be the HQ attached to a squad of Fenrisian Wolves, if a Chaos Knight army threw cultists at you he'd shred them or at least distract a round of shooting from a Knight.

Or Murderfang and a Iron Priest as HQ or maybe Bjorn, Murderfang is a really great distraction unit because until he gets destroyed or is in close combat you know exactly what every anti armor weapon your enemy has is shooting at.
why do you need your minis to look sexy tho
Perfect size for your micro then.
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Because it's pleasing to the eye. We don't need cute girls on WWII bombers either, but it helped with recruiting.
>normal heterosexual
>paraphilias expressed via miniatures
You can only pick one
When does Fulgrim go up for preorder?
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>Murder-maker: Each time an enemy unit targets this model, after that unit has finished making its attacks, this model can either shoot as if it were your Shooting phase or fight as if it were the Fight phase.

Does this still work the way it was written?

Like a lone cultist shoots at him with a laspistol and he fires the SB and Heavy flamers, another one shoots at and him and he fires again untll there is nothing shooting at him or he is dead. Does he technically get infinite shooting attacks until he is out of Heavy/SB range or destroyed?

He gets a entire fight phase EVERYTIME someone hits him? So he piles into 3 units, two of which are characters, lets say a commissar, guard squad and Enginseer.

The Commissar hits him, Murderfang gets his full 8 str 14 -2 AP D3 attacks in retaliation. Then the Guardsmen fight and he lays into them with 8 str 14 -2 AP D3 attacks in retaliation. Then the Enginseer...

Nope, if that that is how his attacks work the Engineseer is on her kneees and she's his GF. Nop way she can win.

But is that how he works? Ya'll need to nuke that guy, it's broken. The only way that works is he either gets destroyed or kills anything in reach.
so lame
Severed literally shows that your metal tyranid-type necrons still exist
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Man made rings around a planet that are massive dockyards/ports are super cool.
>Anon likes docking
ONE book is a wacky romcom between two Necrons and you judge the entire faction to be the same
anon if you're going to try and figure out cheese comps you should really figure out the difference between unit and model
>but it helped with recruiting
they allowed it for morale reasons, recruiting was irrelevant during the time of your picture since they just drafted as many men as they needed, and purposefully didn't draft as many as they could (90 division gamble) so more men could work in factories back home.

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YOU'RE cringe NuCron lore is fantastic and I hope to god that Aeldari, Drukhari, and Ynnari all get a book as good as the Infinite and the Divine.
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Yes, I do.
They already come with gas masks.
But yeah that would totally work.
Go for it if you like the idea.
However go for just one box initially to make sure you like the concept, since Guard is a large money and time investment.
It's funny to me how ODST reuses so much from 3 that they didn't do anything to stop you from doing the exact superhuman feats. A supersoldier program scouting the most gifted kids, training them their entire lives, giving them the most expensive power armor, and a random ODST pulls off the exact same feats without needing strength-boosting equipment. It's like if some stormtrooper or Cadian fought like a Custodes without needing power armor as a crutch.

I bet there's random hiveworld conspiracy theories that Astartes are as effective as they are on tabletop and not worth a quarter of the investment.
>It's like if some stormtrooper or Cadian fought like a Custodes without needing power armor as a crutch.
sounds like an average BL novel
Never heard of that is it the successor to battle scribe?
>normal heterosexual men
>liking miniatures of women in torture machines
>and I hope to god that Aeldari, Drukhari, and Ynnari all get a book as good as the Infinite and the Divine.
Best I can give you is a Mike Brooks book where Yvraine fawns over an old Corsair girlfriend who Shalaxi have ended up killing out of spite.
>torture machines
You're right, my bad. That's technically a heterosexual woman's fetish.
I hate Shalaxi so much for that. Even more for taking the crone sword.
Get something 3d printed. Thats gonna look like shit.
Fulgrim has the last Cronesword and he's going to kill the Yncarne with it
Women fetishizing their own abuse isn't exactly normal either.
I was thinking about a neat model that is usually only used by IF players but might be a neat conversion opportunity.

Since literally no one on earth has done a SW Centurion, i thought it might be a neat thing to look into.
It’ll look like dollar store Krieg, but you weren’t going to follow through anyhow.
post models
/40kg/ a local Etsy seller is going through with my commission of 3d printed models.
Pray for me that he doesn’t screw it up. My first vehicles to be painted are in that order.
I NEED Fulgrim to job to the Ynnari to make the faction feel a lot better. Its the ONLY way to come back from that embarrassment with Shalaxi!
Fulgrim WILL job for the sake of redeeming the Ynnari and Yvraine!
50 Shades of Grey is a bestseller though, must be a lot of abnormal women out there.
No reason it can’t work. Wga grog heads are separate from the torso so you have head options.
If you’re also getting the heavy weapon squad with command then take pictures of the models and print them on a “proxy note paper” with the images of the models and the text corresponding them to their respective units they are proxying as for you to remember and your opponent.

Good luck anon!
It's not but some women can be freaky. Tons of women-focused media have very abusive men. Just look at Twilight.
Is there a specific reason youd think theyd look bad? WGA doesnt have the same amount of detail as current GW but I think its comparable to middlehammer stuff
financially its in GW's best interest to make the Ynnari cooler. The Aeldari (including Drukhari) have always had the potential to at least somewhat rival sphess muhrens in terms of popularity.
>Xenos beating a Primarch
Not in a million years.
Real talk, anon? I was being a shitter for no reason. They’d look dumb if you plopped them out and said “these are Krieg,” but they’d be passable as some other trench fighting specialist /yourdudes/ regiment. Best of luck if you go through with the project.
it would be the purest form of literary Karma if this happened though.
And if anyone bitched about it AeldariCHADS could point to the millions of times where some space marine killed an Avatar of Khaine or a literal Aspect Warrior like it was easy and they will have no choice but to shut the fuck up.
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Because the grognards have mediocre looking sculpts, not very cool designs. And the helmets you're wanting to put on look gay and nothing like the guys you're trying to emulate.
Even Orks?
Fulgrim is all about exploring new sensations
The story will be written in a way where Fulgrim loses on purpose to satisfy his new humiliation kink and once that loses its appeal he'll come back to take it back
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If any xenos race deserves to be able to beat a primach at least once it would be Aeldari.
Both from a lore standpoint and as an apology for years of shitty representation in books.
I'll add Amira West to that list for you, Anon.
>Ynnari beat Fulgrim
>They all begin celebrating
>Fulgrim immediately respawns
>"I dunno what Lucius is on about, that dying stuff sucks"
>Proceeds to smash the entire combined roster of Phoenix Lords into the dirt and leaves laughing as Yvraine dies to an aneurysm
What about the destinyfags who think oldcrons or votann should?
How would the 40k fandom react if each of the xenos factions managed to beat a Primarch?
>Aeldari/Drukhari: There would be some bitching and whinging but they would easily be able to be shut up when pointing out how powerful Aeldari are in lore, and the many instances of a random space marine killing an Avatar of Khaine
>Tau: There would be literal riots in the streets no one would accept that.
>Tyranids: No one would care
>Orks: It will be between people eye rolling at this or being like "hahah my favorite le wacky leddit green bois beat ur puny primarch lolol"
>Votann: eyerolling or people saying it doesn't count as a xenos faction
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Ah yes, Fulgrim is so tired of winning that he wishes pic to happen to him.
Necrons are already eating well with nubooks. And Votann are too damn new to have earned the privilege.
>b-b-b-but Squats
NOT the same.
Get back to work, Gav
>oldcrons or votann
I should've known those were Xehanort's favorite factions.
Really it doesn't matter if a xenos beats a daemon primarch because they'll just respawn in a few hours and nothing will have changed
Very negative response. "But fans would point to lore!" yeah, and everyone would tell them to shut the fuck up and sit back down.
If it was Farsight people would be down for it
Would be widely ignored
Fanart out the ass of the fight, especially if it's Angron. People would love it.
See Nids.
>and everyone would tell them to shut the fuck up and sit back down.
Aeldari chads would tell the right back to shut the fuck up and that they have zero right to bitch about this ever.
Marinefags would shit their pants in anger if the Eldar accomplished literally anything because NO WE'RE THE HECKIN MAIN CHARACTERINOS
Then the memes were correct.
This makes me hope a xenos faction beats the shit out of a primarch. I'm tired of the narrative that primarchs are these basically invincible beings and the only one who can beat a primarch is the emperor or another primarch.
Its fucking stupid.
Primarchs are mary sues (and so is the Emperor) and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
What abut that Beast Book where Orks do?
The fuck are these supposed to be
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Should this man have this little laspistol servo skull?
Primarchs are the main characters. Cope.
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I want the Eldar to be the one to beat a primarch for the following reasons
>1) Lore wise Eldar, Necrons, and the Khrave are all xenos factions that should be able to beat a primarch
>2) Eldar deserve the right after how they've been treated
>3) Seeing entitled Marinefaggots mald over it while having no leg to stand on would be hilarious and the shitposting would last for years
>"Marinefag: "f-f-f-fuck you elves! My *insert random space marine sergeant* killed an Avatar of Khaine and and Aspect Warrior exarch!"
>"Eldarfan: "Doesn't matter Eldar beat a daemon primarch lmfaaaaaooo!"
I need this in my life.
Memes jack
He should have a bolt pistol and one of those Servitor-Cherub
>"Doesn't matter Eldar beat a daemon primarch lmfaaaaaooo!"
>MarineGOD: First time? ;)
Its Orks so no one takes it seriously.
Unfortunately true but I never consented to this. I joined the fandom when I was a teenager during 3rd edition where Primarchs were the stuff of legends and the idea of a Primarch being on tabletop or returning to be relevant seemed impossible.
Who cares about elfdar, explain why Khrave of all fucking races should be able to defeat a primarch.
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They are what the old man with yellow eyes wants for 40k. The same one who possesses people's bodies and has clones of himself.
Are the new EC primaris size?
Primarchs are literal mary sues if they were all women chuds would call it out.
>"I'm a primarch my brain is so unknowable and smart and advanced you can't possibly comprehend what I'm thinking :^)"
>*also a primarch* "WAAAAAH DADDY DIDNT LET ME DO *insert irrational thing here* IM GONNA HAVE A HISSY FIT WAAAAAH!"
The only primarch I tolerate is Guilliman and maybe Vulkan.
Dan Abnett?
The look to be slightly shorter, but the topknots and helmet ornaments make their silhouette a bit taller.
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I knew it. Palpatine browses /tg/.
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>It's a 'xenosfags piss themselves over being NPCs' episode
I hate reruns.
>the only primarchs I tolerate are the unrelentingly boring ones
I'm trying to get back into 40k
I have dark imperium, 40 more poxwalkers, blight lord terminators, kill team half, extra foetid bloat-drone and typhus
What can I build with this and what should I buy next?
Khrave are spooky space alien vampires, their fleets defeat Imperial space marine fleets their tech is no joke. The average weakest member of their race, the wingless version appears to be space marine tier. The stronger winged version doesn't have an upper limit we know. An ancient leader of their could be primarch tier.
>Fanart out the ass of the fight, especially if it's Angron. People would love it.
Ork and primarch in a naked bare knuckle street fight as all the boyz stand in a circle a cheer as the primarch gets beaten nearly too death would be cool
Khrave are among the oldest and most powerful races in the galaxy and only get stronger over time.
Why SHOULDN'T they be able to beat a Primarch?
na even better is a bunch of boyz and zerkers slowly stop fighting to watch Ghaz and Angron fight, pure cinema
So taller than regular CSM but still not primaris height? I dont get why not
Methinks Tuska should fight a Daemon Primarch.
Why haven't they conquered the Imperium then?
Checkmate, xenophile.

Good start for a Nurgle army
I don’t know either, anon. Their limbs look a little thinner than CSMs too. Probably JewsWorkshop making it harder aesthetically to just use existing EC marines as the new units.
>If a human is so much stronger than an ant why are there still ants?
For the Khrave case, those ants are also a food source. Life is better as nomadic deep space predators preying on any imperials you come across than wasting time, energy, resources and lives trying to do galatic conquest that is inherently unsustainable for them
buy four boxes of plague marines. build two 10man squads with melee focused layouts. use spare parts from bloat-drone and other stuff to kitbash the remaining plague marine bodies into various characters, foul blightspawn/tallyman/plaguecasters are best. buy two rhinos to put the units and their leaders in.
sounds like huge cope
>Orks fight a daemon primarch so it can die but not really
Lame deamon primarchs jobbing demeans them, it shoud be a loyalist primarch beaten almost too death, either the Lion or Gulliman. Left alive to see if their anger makes them a better fight next time, maybe the ork boss can take one of their ears or something
no cope is what you're doing. The weakest Khrave is space marine tier. The strongest Khrave are on a complete other level.
Khrave sound cool. Too bad we’re stuck with the most boring alien races imaginable with eldar, tau and necrons.
>be Bloodthirster
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I genuinely think it's a male brain thing. It is like a playground argument about whose dad is strongest or is Luke stronger than Anakin or not. So much interesting shit about 40K but for so many people it just boils down to whose daddy can beat up the other guy's daddy power level shit.
Provide a source or forever be a sashaying homosexual.
>What's going on with that Archon? He's got a genestealer arm?
its called fashion, a monkeigh wouldnt understand
>The strongest Khrave are on a complete other level.
That's why the Khrave's leader got killed by the Lion, right?
Nah its not 'muh xenos are strong like primarchs' its more 'no one in 40k is the pinnacle of strength and better than all else'. If you're not a god or god like someone in the galaxy will fuck your shit up if you crossed paths. Primarchs are the strongest of all humanity, not the strongest of all 40k
The biggest problem with primarch tier characters is that the setting is warped around them so every conflict HAS to involve at least one of them.
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crazy to me that fiction this shitty sucks people in so much that they have arguments like this.
the last game i played with my bloodthirsters one of them destroyed two leman russes and got killed by a third, but exploded when it died and blew up the tank in death
i still think about it sometimes
Nice looking farseer, anon
Eldar (only faction that matters) tomorrow. I hope the molds for tranny marines get broken in the shop. Fuck Slaanesh.
>seething elftranny
Its so weird how I think eldar models generally look pretty not great, but I love the way the farseer model looks.

Must be the cloak.
>no ur a tranny
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Primarch and HH plot armour. The HH was the mythic foundation myth of humanity seemingly effrotlessly conquering the whole galaxy in 200 years, no one could stand before the living emperor and his armies. the BL authors treat this mythic base as fact and ths present primarchs and their space marines deafting everyone even though there should be some massive pushback that threatnes them, like what we see in the Rangdan xenocides
It’s a safe assumption when you proclaim your enjoyment for eldar.
That was just one Khrave leader and the Lion is a mary sue.
I'm a white guy with an appreciation for European history, therefore I like elves.
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No idea. NewRecruit said the cards are inspired by FancyScribe, I clicked the link and posted my list's .ros file. It still gives you multiple cards for each unit so I get 3 sheets of Neophytes for example, rather than one.
Thanks broodbro, I just finished reading it. It wasn't anything new really but man I love these stupid lore-dumps. I'm just upset about Magus being hailed as a psychic powerhouse then merely casting a 3str autopistol as her ranged weapon.
I can't stop making these stupid early 2010 images.
>Spoon feed me!
I refuse.
When all the other primarchs are either insane or literal man children then being "boring" compared to them is refreshing.
This is really pretty and cool great job anon.
>trust me bro, my special interest aliens can do whatever I say they can because… because they can, ok?!
Oh boy lmao
> it is said that some of the largest of the Khrave had grown terribly strong, surpassing the strength of the Space Marines and even rivaling the bulk of the mighty primarchs of old, although perhaps thankfully for the Imperium, no such monstrosities have been encountered in recent years.
I once made an offhanded comment about how if not for Slaanesh, Eldrad would probably be at or above the emperor's level and some space marine fag had a fuckin meltdown about it for hours. Pretty funny in retrospect but goddamn was it sad in the moment.
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This is also responsible for DBZ power level autism
It's as good as you could ask for. pretty compatible with the cadian and catachan plastics, lots of extra bits, and nicer than GW plastic kits of the era when GW still made a point of putting extra bits in. plus all their own regiments are cross compatible so you can make a lot of regiment variety if you care to.
it's not high gribbly detail like the modern monopose cadshit, but more options and it's like 1/5th of the price.
>he's still coping
I WILL get my Khrave army faction in 11th edition!
Right after Vashtorr devours Sheogorath and becomes the 5th Chaos God!
Dark Mech is coming! Iron Warriors are his Legion!
Are you joking or did you confuse him for Cegorach. I never noticed how similar their names are and how they're both 'jokster' gods
I always forget what his name actually is, but I know it sounds similar to Sheogorath
Ruh roh

>'It could be Marvel' - Games Workshop and the big ambition of a miniatures business
I love Marvel Rivals so I approve
>BL writing comp is about two characters interacting
>Directly reference the necron book the single most marvel think BL has ever produced
>Further focus on specific charcters and at the cost of the setting where everyone is expendable
Marks my words someone at GW or Amazon will say something like 'Primarchs are the super heroes of the far future'
I love X-Men 97 so I approve.
>more normalfaggots come into the hobby
>realize painting to a good standard isn’t an immediate outcome
>more painting commissions for me
Oh yeah
Horus Heresy has already done that
>But depending on how this Amazon show goes, if that really reaches a wider audience, I think it could go huge.
He's referring to popularity, not style of content.
Heresy novels already turned the setting into marvelslop
Samefag less.
>Horus Rising predates the first MCU movies by two years

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