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Fulgrim Edition

>Balance Dataslate

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

>Pre 10th Torrent:
Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>How to make wargames terrain

>Secret Level animation

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Which Chaos character do you think deserves more focus or backstory?
Harken worldclaimer of an entirely new chacater tied to the red corsairs.
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None of them. Chaos character boring retards with even more boring motivations and goals, and less we know about them the better.
I like orks :)
holy ESL
what a surprise from a braindead frogposter
>eldar release announced
>absolutely no one gives a shit
knifeear bros...
Uh oh eldarfag melty
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I think we need to see more stories of regular people being enthralled by the promises of the dark pantheon, rather than focusing on some oc gigafucker #913 that gets power armor.
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nurgle is king
even if my camera is shit
>10 plague marines, 7 bolters, 2 piss cannons, 1 grenade launcher+putrid biologist and foul blight spawn
>3DP DG land raider (the model itself is kinda dog shit and im going to replace it later on)
>x2 blight haulers
>blight drone with piss cannons
>beast of nurgle
If gw wanted to print money they would give death guard moebian 6th
I'm currently planning out what I want to get first.
Presently thinking
>Collector's codex
>Fuegan + Dragons
>Lhykhis + Spiders
Baharroth and the Hawks I can get later.
Interested to see what this week's articles show.
ESL brainlet take
chaos characters are almost always better written or more interesting
>death of saints
>talos and crew
Give Vashtorr more goons on the tabletop
>chaos characters are interesting
>marine wank
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Last touchup on these separate components before moving on to the rest of the tank. First time using enamel effects paints, AK streaking grime. I think I hit an OK balance of filth? I don't want to overdo it as most of the rest of my army doesn't have a huge amount of weathering, but I definitely enjoy how much the colors pop against the streaking, so I may try and integrate it into future projects more. Decided to try it this time as it's another large-scale project like my Stompa, things would probably look boring without details like this.

Where are you at with your current project?
What's there to get excited about? War Walker being a 2 model box now?
No battleforce or even new combat patrol for now and we already saw all the new models.
you don't matter
you will never amount to anything and nobody will mourn your passing
I dunno plastic aspect warriors have been the holy whine grail for decades, seems like a big deal
They were already shown
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Just blocking in the base coats. Taking a bit after I got a tattoo yesterday so I can’t use my arm as much. Hoping to have it done for this weekend.
I hope I can get that new army box in time for my birthday.
>Night Lords
>Erebus (because he caused the entire setting)
>Kharne (even though his only claim to fame is that he beat up Erebus)
>even though his only claim to fame is that he beat up Erebus
goddamn fuck its demotivating to paint now that my hands have started to shake. its so fucking hard to keep within the lines. its even affecting my ability to assemble the minis in the first place.
Six heads to finish off my death company. Then hopefully this new EC stuff starts getting released.
>EC box announced (no release date)
>9 preorders placed in local discord instantly
>Eldar wave preorder date announced
>2 preorders placed in same store
Admittedly, those two guys are ordering multiples and almost everything up for sale. But even so, the difference is staggering
>marinepigs buy whatever slop is fed to them
more news at 11
>preorders placed in local discord
Do you get your HRT pills with them?
Nice progress.
>His LGS doesn't have a discord channel
What, you still looking for games on your Facebook group, gramps?
It's tasty marine slop tbf
>I-I'm not him I just instantly replied when he was quoted and rabidly defended his stuff
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This is hardly slop at the level of quality we usually make fun of SM for getting. There's at least a shitload of new assets and original designs there however you feel about the actual execution
Not at all, the EC release is dogshit
Convince me so I can save money
NTA but my LGS uses a group text lmao
I can produce a shitload of new assets for GW but they'll all be garbage (just like the EC release outside of Fulgrim {and even then he's a downgrade compared to the HH version} )
that sounds miserable for keeping track of shit
Such vibrant. Nice.
Samefag less. Nobody cares.
Sorry nobody replied to your post announcing your plan to paint 5(five!) heads :(
That's not what samefag means tourist-kun
Why do orks look so good in caps?
I really like that DG are a full roster and they have some nice stuff (slap on the nurgle's rot, ryza rust and other corrosion paints) but I don't want another space marine army. If someone handed me 1500 points of DG for cheap I would take it though.
>71 data sheets
>Index has 60 data sheets
> +1 for Lhykis
> +1 for faction rule card
> -3 for Autarch Skyrunner, Illic, and Yriel
> +4 for combat patrol
So that's a total of eight data sheets unaccounted for.
But they said they were adding in all of the Drukhari usable in Ynnari lists, I think.
So only 8 out of 18 Drukhari units are still going to be legal in Ynnari now?
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>Which Chaos character do you think deserves more focus or backstory?
Answer is obvious give him his subfaction in EC back so he can meander around the galaxy dabbing on imperials and daemoncucks alike. The "atheist in a universe where gods indisputably exist" and he's an evil dick is more interesting than 90% of what's going on.
>secondaries memeposting about Yarrick and Ghaz being besties
>countless hypothetical revenge scenarios where Ghaz finds out who killed Yarrick and kills him

Am I the only one who recognizes that the instant Yarrick died to anything that wasn't Ghaz, Ghaz would have stopped viewing him as a worthy adversary? Any sort of respect or admiration Orks afford their sworn enemies is purely out of the relative relationship to themselves or other Orks.

They wouldn't care if Yarrick died fighting a fucking daemon primarch, it just means he wasn't actually all that 'ard after all, because he lost to something that wasn't an Ork. Orks are the only measuring stick that matters, because Orks is best.
why would they add a chaos undivided character to EC
Post your models
Arguably, going after Angron would be a way of protecting Ghaz's own pride. He built up Yarrick so much in his mind, that it reflects badly on him that he ever had trouble with him in the first place. That, and it means that Angron might be a good fight, so might as well seek that out.
EC have a FOMO box, eldar have jackshit.
very few people care about the Eldar, especially craftworld eldar
they look stupid, their lore is boring and they don't have a single good novel

honestly if it weren't for the waifuposts most of the fanbase would'd probably forget they even exit
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Because EC owe him.
Fabius IS the best character in 40k but there's no reason to lump him in with EC when he hasn't truly been affiliated with his Legion since shortly after the Heresy and he just got his CSM detachment back last month.
Is there a way to transport 10 wraithguard?
I like farsight enclaves :)
>ranger and corsair removed from the datasheets
>So only 8 out of 18 Drukhari units are still going to be legal in Ynnari now?
I feel like logically Mandrakes should not be usable by Ynnari, for obvious reasons.
13 gallon trash bag should do it
Get a plastic bag and the box they came in, then put them in the box and the box in the bag. Wallah!
Maybe its because basically every Eldar appearance is the same.

>Show up and start killing civilians
>Human military gets deployed
>Pew pew pew
>Okay. We'll hear you out.
>Okay so there's this artifact that does a thing.
>Pew pew pew
>Pew pew pew
>Get the fuck off my planet.
No preorder no care.
Bat boys
Smol bote
Big bote
I mean in the game
bowling pin helmet lookin ass
>good fight
>couldn't beat a human with a power claw
He's gonna die. Also its sad that 40k characters with fantasy equivalents always look worse by comparison, since Grimgor defeated Archaon and Malekith.
That's an Eldar not Emperor's Children marine.
the retarded new EC look retarded because their heads are morphed to look like eldarslop (real)
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I think Eldar are cool
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I've finished my last project, pic rel, I'm waiting on some bits to make a 5 dudes jump pack squad, and a thundercav pack leader
Drazhar tried to kill Yvraine so he's probably not invited to the party now.
>Urien Rakarth
Mandrakes are daemonspawn

I don't know what the other two would be.
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Crone Worlders soon.
The old Space Wolf models have so much sovl, it'll be a shame when they get replaced by Primaris+upgrade sprues like Blood Angels.
I will be buying one squad each of hawks, spiders and dragons to complete my set
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Space Marines are cool
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Raptors are very cool, killing t*u only makes them cooler
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Why would I care? I've got them already.
enjoy your kidney stone
Webway gate
Not this chad at least
>Wins over inquisitor by having psykers predict heretic defections from imperial navy
>Joins you in the final battle and rams his ship into Abaddon's enormous flagship and dies because the eldar AI is retarded
>Shows up in the second game anyways
TQ: None, Chaos sucks
I was not defending his stuff, I was calling you a secondary faggot. I see your reading comprehension is as non-existent as your models lmao
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whys he got a real life raptor
I feel like the Tenno and Eldar would have interesting interactions judging how they are similar in power and style or aesthetics
not power scaling of course but I am just saying it could be fun
This is just Dawn of War and for some reason it gets applied to every story you don't read
>smoking indoors
You're actually the worst kind of person.
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Worked just fine for hundreds of years
it's my house, I can do in it what I please.
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Based Biel Tan bro
Nobody wants to read yet another book about the eldar losing and crying over it
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Can anybody be kind enough to point me at a torrent for the 3rd episode of Pariah Nexus?
I can only seem to find the first two.
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Best craftworld. Glad you like em
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They know where the rest of the galaxy belongs
Nurgle's rottn.
reasonable marines are boring
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>chaos trim
I was there that day, when the new 3rd ed eldar codexes came in.
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I mean you bothered to edge highlight everything, doesn't look like you should be worried about painting trim
Why don't people run 2 seperate detachments more often?
Nah, redder is bedder.
what do you mean?
Coven units were already not permitted in Ynnari. They had 18 non-coven units to choose from previously and now seem to be down to 8.
I about as anti-chaos as they get. There's an entire book series about it.
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Does anybody know what those arrows mean? Production date?
Thousand Sons are so cool bros
I love space wizards
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no they're not.
yes, they look super cool
they job
Type of plastic.
>what if we took the appeal of marines and inverted it
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>Fabius instead of Lucius
I doubt lucius has anything to do with the pinheads
Why don’t they just revive the astral knights and celestial lions with Primaris? They did it with the soul drinkers
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New to wargaming/40k, want to start a death guard army. Any advice or tips?
probably did, nobody cares enough to list them
I care about eldar for the same reason I care about ad mech. They look cool.
Best space wolves sculpt desu, shame he's gonna get squatted when we get the codex, Arjac and Njall might be updated
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Paint your stuff before you buy more. Don't be like me.
Oh yeah this guy. He said he was gonna start a channel like 20 months ago. Did he ever do that or did he just sell all his stuff back to recoup his retarded losses?
How many combat engineers should I run?
id like to see which box he decides to open first
Most people would wave you off from buying the DG combat patrol, but if you're just starting the army then a single box of it is decent. You'll always want Typhus and one box means you will never need more poxwalkers.

Build your plague marines in units of 5/10 focusing on heavy plague weapons (2h axe, 2h flails, power fists) and use the extra bodies that come in the boxes to kitbash characters.

Rhinos are very very good for moving plague marines around and nearly always worth it, but I'd recommend buying the 30k/HH rhino as its a much nicer build and exactly the same size so you can use it in 40k with no issues.

The DG "meta" right now is spamming deathshroud terminators with terminator sorcerers but don't worry much about it because it will probably be nerfed. Feel free to get some of those if you like the models but don't force a terminator skew army just because its meta. Plague marines will always be decent.

Morty is good but not needed, I have like 5000 points with no primarch and haven't felt the need to buy him.
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Finished my army a few weeks ago and I haven't done much since but I'm playing a game with it this week
Hope we don't get squatted
You won’t be squatted, more likely absorbed into the future WE codex.
EC box looks like it has 800-900 points of models, 230 in store, 200 on sale. So you can get half the army and then buy the rest of it when wave 2 releases later.

Been 2 years hope he decides soon.
I’d like to start a khorne army but holy fuck those mold lines are thick to deal with
I mean you only have Khorne daemons, even if Codex Chaos Daemons doesn't exist in 11th in 2 years, you'd be able to field this exact army as a World Eaters list.
I can’t wait to get this kit and use the alternate heads, also the two swords look is cooler too.
Once I get the box I’m gonna have over 50 marines for my army. I won’t need to buy anything but Fulgrim hopefully.
Why are daemons and CKs invading Green Hill Zone?
Look up poorhammer they made a vid where they told their monkey (Brazilian editor) how to collect Death Guard
They're invading the 90's.
>Eldar get a 'big refresh'
>Zero hype
You'd think GW would have learned by now to stop trying to cater to eldarfags. There's barely any of them and the ones that do exist are merely contrarions. Would be best if the whole damn range was removed but we're past that possibility I guess.
Are you converting CSM to be EC with the extra bits?
Yes, also the AoS stuff for even more heads and weapons.
you're mono Khorne so it wouldn't even matter to you. go look up the 7th edition Codex: Khorne Daemonkin for an example of how the army will be going forward.
I really like the Harbinger of Decay model for age of sigmar. Could I use him as a demon prince? Does that work or is it tolerated?
Sonic went too fast and tore a hole in reality.
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bro it's Chaos, the horse can fly for all I care
To distract you from how poorly they're actually painted
>EC 1st wave in March
Lord Exultant
Noise Marines

>EC 2nd wave in April
Flawless Bladies

Really feels like there should have been another data sheet for the Noise Marines, like Blastmasters and they'd all have Blastmasters. And Phoenix Terminators.
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It would take some kitbashing, you would need to get a 60mm round base and change the rock the Harbinger comes on somehow. Pic related is my custom Daemon Prince
First wave is two weeks away from preorders. Everything else shown off is already out or on preorder.
Limitations on what units eldar psykers can lead are annoying.
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Is this about accurate?
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Its very fucking not accruate. They start off naked with a hairy bush between their legs that has its own ecosystem.
imagine you meet a sisters of battle and she wants to create more warriors for the emperor and begs you to fuck her
Maybe because the models aren't for sale yet?
they showed new dark angels after 8 years and people were clamoring for them nonstop before release
they showed new warp spiders and their brand new phoenix lord after literally 30 years and nobody cares
>wing autarch
>Farseer leading 4 man warlock conclave in a falcon
>Spiritseer leading 10 mam axe wraithblades
>2 5 man squads of warp spiders with the phoenix lord (whatever her name is)
>Howling banshees
>Shining spears
>2 prisms
200 or so points left. What do I get? Could also swap prisms for a avatar maybe?
Can you repeat that without sounding like you are wishing that was true?
>want a squad of plague marines, noise marines, rubric marines and berzerkers for my black legion
>cheapest way to accomplish this is unironically to buy 3 combat patrols, take one unit out of each of them, then sell the rest back because CPs on ebay go for like 130 bucks but they sell the components for up to 190 bucks
Go ahead and point for me the people jumping up and down for the eldar release cause they sure aren't here or in any shops I've been to
I would have started an eldar army back in like 6th if their model range hadn't been languishing for so long. Now I own too many armies to start another one. I guess that's my fault, but at least some lies with GW for dragging their heels on what's supposed to be a key product line for them.
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Don't samefag yourself after several hours of people laughing at your typo-riddled shitpost
>Key product line
That has never been true
>if it's not what I was wishing for then how come my anecdotal perception confirms my bias!?!1!? checkmate ciscum!!
No, they haven't been in the setting since day 1 or anything. They definitely haven't been a staple presence in basically every multi-media tie-in they've made that attempted to capture more than a small window of the setting.

What I'm saying is, if sales say Eldar are not a key product line, that is purely on the failure of GW to continue to push them as such soley in the miniatures department.
you aren't even trying
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Did he smooch Spire?
Post your eldar models with timestamp
Don't bother with that spastic. He seethes because he sees eldar players as ingrates.
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>early slaaneshi throod
>instant and insistent anti-eldar seethe that overshadows any sort of hype towards the recent EC reveals
like edgy clockwork
Yes but only as a prank to worship Cegorach
So, no models?
>hype towards the recent EC reveals
Where? There's been none because the models all look like shit
I love my elf power rangers but the anon who showed his biel tan is making me want to swap from saim hann to biel tan.If I do I wont have to repaint my aspect warriors at least just my gaurdians and wratiths. what do you guys think?
guys.. Deathwatch is in grand finals of LVO.
>Pretty much everyone has gotten a battleforce box this edition
>Imperial Agents got THREE
>Eldar don't get one
>Eldar purely got characters and $70 5-man squads
I don't like multi colour eldar at all.
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Simply the superior army.
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A friend will print me some terrain, I'm thinking of an oil-wash after priming and drybrushing. Do I apply a varnish after the oil-wash to seal everything or on top of the acrylic paint?
if your doing an oil wash after painting acrylics definitely varnish before putting oils down otherwise your spirits will destroy your acrylic coats if you need to clean up the wash at all
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This EC release is such hype so far, even the guns wear leather.
why are they all beakies? in another regard, why are a lot of new releases beakies? particularly 30k?
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Did the other four DE of the batch.
Black gun casings work better than that red.
Now to cycle into two SM characters and continue the paint/repaint rotation.
They're getting a combat patrol.
spiritseer, wraithguards, spiders, 2 avengers
Beakies are faster looking.
They're pushing MK6 as 'the' Mk from the end of the heresy.
Should probably be more MK5 Heresy patterns personally.
Previous anon has never touched oils besides the shit on his greasy scalp. You don't need to seal it for protection, spirits don't react with acrylics at all. I'd personally use diluted craft paints as a wash for terrain but if you do want to go down the oil wash route it might not be a terrible idea to gloss varnish anyway so your wash flows more easily. Definitely not mandatory, though.
I heard the spirit doesn't really interact with the acrylic paint (VinceVenturally) and it should be fine unless you go hard on the pieces with your brush. I've yet to use varnishes or oil washes and my friend is printing these out of goodness of his heart and I absolutely dont' wanna screw those up.
Can you even get into the schola progenium without having one or both your parents KIA?
That's the only part about sister recruitment that seems a bit lackluster to me
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Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
Compniggers deserve no attention or respect, they shit up the game for everyone with their stupid balance.
Why? Wasnt everyone in Mark V? Idk much about marine wars
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A reminder that the bloodiest war of the Great Crusade, an interplanetary war across dozens of entire planets, had significantly fewer casualties than any post-industrial war on Earth.
>WWII (1945): 60 Million Dead
>WWI (1918): 40 Million Dead
>Franco-Prussian War (1870): 750k Dead
>American Civil War (1865): 650k dead.
>Ragdan Xenocides (29,839): 50k Space Marines, a few hundred thousand guardsmen.
Touch of hellstrider in there too.
I think part of it is throwing back to OG Marines where they were all beakies at first.
Historically I'm pretty sure Mark IV and V were the most common but other Heresy guys would know better.
I don't even collect or play (or like that much) eldar, but holy shit I'm considering getting the fucking spider.
Cool model and juicy thighs
>A reminder that the bloodiest war of the Great Crusade, an interplanetary war across dozens of entire planets, had significantly fewer casualties than any post-industrial war on Earth.
Simple; we didn't count the xenos casualties.
The Emperor’s Children were the favourite legion. They were literally given the best and newest toys available. Most of the legion at the end of the HH was in mkVI.
Now stop to consider the enemy casualties.
And the fact of marines being the equivalent of 100+ humans
Thats a pretty good set. Pity I have all that shit.
5 shekels have been sent by James for this post
I'm mad fucking GW won't produce a fucking MK 5 plastic set.
I have zero hopes of a MK 7 kit for the scouring, so MK 5 is the best chance to get grill helmets. I love them
Prepping for Badab War as the next big thing so you can reuse your MK 6's for it
Beakies (Mk VI) were the newest version in production during the Heresy, but plenty of Mk.V's and even suits dating back to the Mk.III were still around and in use. Emperor's Children and Sons of Horus were prime recipients of the newest stuff, hence they are mostly Mk.V's with snarly grilles and studded shoulder plates, and Mk.VI with beakie helms and chest cables.
I wonder how the combat drugs will work rules wise? Once per battle for extra attacks from tyranid adrenaline?
Thanks. I just want to keep the terrain pieces for a long time and I want to use the varnish as a protective coat over the paint and oil wash, assuming it works that way.
what's this fucking fanart?
They won't do badab before the scouring, that's retarded
Do Eldar HAVE to be power rangers, or can Aspect Warriors be done in the color of their Craftworld?
it's what people call a "joke"
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Would be lovely, but they will never do anything that isnt primaris for 40k.
Anon, James can't force you to do shit.
Paint whatever you like.
I think if you ask 3 different people they'll give you 3 different but correct answers, so it's your choice. My preference would be craftworld colors with a not to the "main" one somewhere on them.
They can kinda be anything, though it's 'encouraged' to have their colors align somewhat.
I think you can be "handed" to the schola without needing the parents to die.
You can paint yours however you want anon
Then yeah by all means use a gloss coat before oils and a matte afterwards
Retards will defend this despite it just beung obvious that 40k numbers are not well thought out.
Well... They did make the terminators without making them primaris, and they have removed basically every mention of primaris in rules, so maybe they will start to abandon that distinction in favour of model and aesthetic diversity
Ok, thanks. Maybe I'll do something like making their helmets be the shrine color.
is anyone allowed to have sex with and make pregnant sisters of battle?
Black armour could theoretically work with any helmet colour and still look unified.
But isn't the schola progenium supposed to be a prestigious organisation reserved for sons and daughters of heroes and/or officers?
Could someone sponsor a fucking street rat that seems to have potential to get in?
there are no hard rules about the aspect warriors colour schemes, each temple of each aspect has its own different uniforms and they can be traditional or inspired by the craftworld colors or anything in-between or something else altogether.
>Compniggers deserve no attention or respect, they shit up the game for everyone with their stupid balance.
We should just go back to the balance disaster of 7th, then? I sure fucking love fighting Wraithguards with D-weapons and Invisible Wraithknights.
yes and yes
it might be a honour to get your child to be taken by the schola as much as a duty for the parents to give up their child to it.
and if anyone with enough influence in the schola wants to train a street rat for whatever reason, chances are he gets his way.
The game should be balanced, but it should also prioritise a balance of fun and fluffy shit.
I have zero appreciation for L shape ruin fags
Don't have any good pictures of them but my aspect warriors only have different colours on certain details or on their helmets.
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>Sponsor a street rat
This is a thing that happens fairly often. Lots of people end up being taken to the schola, "kids" as old as 15 get taken in and trained for showing potential.
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>Warwalkers reboxed as two to a box
>No discount, just double the price
>No option to buy one at a time anymore
Well just a big fuck you to you too James
im european white, nice try
Perfect, that looks exactly like what I want to do.
Probably something like the unit becomes battle-shocked (to prevent you stacking "gotcha!" stratagems on them in addition to their extra attacks/fights first buffs they get from their combat drugs.
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>Which Chaos character do you think deserves more focus or backstory?
Yes hello I am the 5th edition Carnifex kit how are you?
Yeah, the blood angels get battle shocked when they juice too.
satire? got it
i think i am autistic
Why are the new aspects so expensive?
Deathwatch is mega busted and no one knows about it because almost no one plays it.
Eldar tax. 5 man units priced like space marine elites for T3 infantry.
First time?
GW raises prices when it knows it can get away with it
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>be me
>be excited for ec
>surely they will be innovative with such a interesting god like slaanesh
>be me
>see reveals
>everything is just a marine
>no vehicles, mounts, or even cultists units
>just fulgrim and a incredibly safe roster.
Yeah, that's why I'd imagine EC would follow suit in that regard. Makes sense that they'd be too coked up to hold an objective.
>blood angels
I had forgotten about their release and suddenly I remembered how fucking shit it was.
I've been on hiatus I seriously hope no one here bought those sangy guard
I love 40k and I love eldar. But im not paying this stupid tax. Other factions get 10 cool models, or 5 uber special ones. We get fucked by having 5 man squads of elites that are mostly just normal looking dudes and somehow pay fucking more.

And no, 35 quid for one 35mm hero is not okay when I picked up my start collecting for 50 quid less than 5 years ago.
I own the old metals
That's a cool heavy intercessor you got there
cultists are the worst part of CSM
To be fair, Eldar aren't priced (pointswise) like a horde army. They're more elite than guard but less than marines.
Lots of people bought the Sanguinary Guard, I'm sure. Two units were in a combat patrol.
You were warned for months
I completely get you, I just want to point out this isn't some specific offense against Eldar players, they've been working at this shit since 8th. Basically every marine box aims to sell you 3-5 models for what they used to sell you 10 for. And if you want to get even more angry, what they sold you 10 for used to get you 20, though you need to go back more like 20 years to reach that period. So there's definitely been an acceleration.

Point is they just want to grift everybody equally, but they know it's easier to grift marine players first until that becomes the "norm".
>Two units were in a combat patrol
That's a good indication of GW knowing just how shit the kit is and how little confidence they have in it selling on its own.

Whoever sculpted them and coteaz should be fired.
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I will have my first 1000pts games with my GSC next weekend, how do I play? Put 20 Neophytes & Magus with Chink in their Armor enhancement in reserves, deepstrike with them and activate Primed and Readied to crit on 5s, get lethal hits and sustained hits? Put 10 aberrants in Goliath Truck to move them around and wreak havoc?
I'm a bit nervous
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I agree but still a weird omission since every other csm army got a variant.
Is it the Kill Teams? Those looked good.
It's lame that they don't have unique vehicles or bikers, but I'm glad they don't have to deal with shoehorned-in mortals like Tzangors or Jackhals. Instead, they have daemonettes, which are more interesting.
Is it wrong for me to want to see regular competent mortals running with marines?
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LOL! Lmao!
Eldar are bizzare to me. I understand they are top tier, but when I spend 300 points on a karandras plus 10 scorpion deathstar and get the first turn charge... And die on the hit back to 10 legionaires with a lord because of t3 1w it doesn't feel like im powerful or worth the points.
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got some light greebling to do, but almost ready for priming
Boo hoo, Eldar aren't even in the top 5 most expensive armies. Try collecting something like AdMech, Sisters, or GSC.
I mean, sure, it "should" be balanced, but it's GW. 40k has been a thing for nearly 4 decades, and the game's balance has been a garbage fire for that entire period of time. rules are on their 10th edition and still come off like an untested mess. they've released hundreds of codexes, and still have no idea how to assign points to basic weapon options. they're not working on it, and they don't care to start.
like by all means, play 40k if it makes you happy. but if you're looking for a balanced wargame, you're in the wrong place, and that's never going to change. this game is an excuse to put models on the table, and a glorified advertising document. that's it.
the terminators are busted as hell
>Whoever sculpted them and coteaz should be fired.
While I agree, whoever that is has a manager. They approved the work product. Nobody said "no, that sucks."
It's called "Imperial Guard" or "Traitor Guard"
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> Instead, they have daemonettes, which are more interesting.
Should I run transports or just more bodies?
depends, what army?
I wasn't planning to use the terminators.
The Talonstrike team, 2 of them, with that strat to leave the table, looked good.
We have how many other armies with chaos cultists? Do we need more?
Am I crazy for thinking an army that's all about "perfection" doesn't want a bunch of mortal shitters ruining their vibe?
Theres more to value than just points in the game although eldar are in a rough spot of being pretty elite costed but looking very normal, something like fire dragons should NOT cost more than 5 wraith guard which are a huge model, still bigger than primaris, with big bases and huge points cost.
Why doesnt anyone play Squats?
then usually yes transports are good. a guard player has no reason not to own 6 fucking chimeras.
>Nobody said "no, that sucks."
that's hard to say to certain types of hires
It's good to have them available to block entrances to objectives and provide two heavy flamers whilst doing so, thats what I use them for
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Half a range, boring gameplay, very little lore.
I like em though.
Yes, but you generally want something elite in them like kasrkin or scions
Chimeras are gay
The army that’s all about beguilement , seduction, and entrapment should absolutely have cultists. More than Khorne, and more than thousand sons.
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Well CSM is in dire need of new Bikers (current kit is from 3rd ed) and EC would have been a perfect time to refresh the Bikers kit and bring back mother fucking DOOMRIDER (NANANANA!)
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Who would have thought that trying to appeal to such a niche MMO's players by porting them into 40k wouldn't work?
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>First time assembling minis
>Think its going to suck dick
>Start assembling the minis
>Its actually kind of fun
>assemble like 4 guys in 4 hours
>Delirious tired
>Laying in bed to go to sleep
>Cant sleep because all I can think about is assembling another guy
>Assemble another guy
>It feels like it only took half an hour
>It actually took 1.5 hours
Minis are like crack cocaine for autism
>normies will eat up anything and praise the new Luscious when it completely nutered him by getting rid of his nasty skin armour and faces of the damned
How can 40k be so graphic and adult yet so... Not disturbing or gross? Its very sterile somehow.
Ye they cool
Also I imagine for many people who do like them there's probably another faction they like a bit more.
He looks very AoS for some reason...
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Sorry anon, I can't tell the difference between the two. Both are equally inferior to the other hedonistic body-swapper in big armor.
That might be the domain of some slaaneshi cultists but the EC ain't one of them.
He does still have faces, and if the amount of them really bothers you, you could just freehand them. I think the issue I have is his weird face made out of wet paper, it's like there's no actual skeletal structure under there. I much preferred his sunken skull-face.
Bungie Workshop did another unsuccessful gamble. It's what they do like trying to sell Marathon to Tarkov players.
Wait till you start painting and won't be able to sleep until you get a mini to the point you decided beforehand
Its a fun bit annoying at the same time bit of tism when you can tell which sculpting teams have been shifted around.
A lot of aos sculpters are working on 40k, forgeworld guys seem to have been put on aos and some new old world stuff and forgeworld staff have been replaced by privateer press sculptors.
Firstborn kits are relatively simple to come by, and if I’m not mistaken the Stern guard box has some Mk7 helmets. Baffling that GW hasn’t released a sprue of just the different helmets though, I think the Deathwatch Upgrade one is the only one with the Mk 7 helmets without needing to buy a whole nother box of guys.
No. He doesn't.

Because GW has to abide by nations' obscenity laws. The original designs for the NL KT had to go back because they would have flagged it (they didn't stated where). This is why you don't get nudity any more and GW is covering up the remaining T&A.
100%. GW played it very safe with just making three infantry kits (plus some characters) and Fulgrim.
What are you talking about? Lucius is wearing human skin.
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You mean EC should be about perfection?
Begone fujo, stay in your schlicking general
Bad release
No support
No lore hype
Half an army
With bad aesthetics
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FF14 fucked up killing him off even if it was awesome dude had pure chad energy
There is some specific team behind certain bad releases, they all bear the same bubbly "new car" design mark philosophy. All you can do is pray that they aren't assigned to do shit you like. New Eldar are great for this reason, very faithful to old designs and its obvious someone cares
>mfw you will never have this buddy who wants to PvP you and fully expects you to defeat the world-ending threat already
>even complains why you haven't won already and intervenes just so he can PvP sooner
Obscenity laws? For flayed skin? Night lords with flayed skin literally just came out in killteam
You can still buy the tac/dev squads, although you are paying a hefty premium just to cannibalise a box for bits
there are faces in the chestplate, pauldrons ane left leg at the very least
but yes, they're less graphic generic skulls rather than fleshy faces, the head is also way less detailed, weirdly enough
With the lore of Terminator armor, it actually is strange to think how Primaris are supposed to use them. I suppose they can always hand wave Cawl doing some shit to make them fit and sending guys out to each known Chapter to update them.
But it was an end to his arc. He got what he wanted.
40k is truly lost. I really couldnt care less about 40k never touching on proper sexual assault or demented stuff like abortion but not being able to have mass flayed skin or a booby out is pathetic.

Its a meme but the official trench crusade kits theyve shown off look more like the art direction 40k was going to have in the mid 2000s when we got the different guard regiments and the forgeworld stuff for all the factions.
So everyone will point to Eldar being a "trading" army but it's not always clear to people that haven't played a T3 army before what exactly that means. Ideally you are "trading up" by throwing less valuable units into more valuable units but that's not always the case. Sometimes you need a unit that trades down into one particularly tough nut to crack or you just have to make the sacrifice to delay an enemy unit and deny primary or maintain zone control to keep your own board screened out and theirs open for secondary diving. It's a complex game, but very fast elite armies like Eldar have tons of tools to let them sculpt and shape the battlefield in ways that are quite a bit different from all the Space Marine power armor armies.
It's only "neutered" because they chose to paint the flesh armour pattern black.
Paint that shit as some bloody flayed skin and you are coming closer to the original
his finale and both deaths were the highlights of the story, he got the perfect ending and was the perfect sendoff to the original decade-long plot
More like using as many drugs possible and performing the most disgusting acts imaginable for the faint hope of feeling anything
But some settle for being good with a sword I guess
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BASED blind anon.
It’s more GW’s fault for not releasing dedicated kits for them. After Space Marine 2 would have been the best time, but it seemed like they were genuinely trying to soft squat them beforehand.
Hedonites all have body disfigurement far more explicit than this.
I honestly didnt see the faces as they are part of his armour now and they have been painted in a way that doesnt highlight them enough but they are there atleast.
One GW store guy posted here saying he's always told to advertise Marines so other armies that could've gotten more players don't because GW's always trying to shove marines down your throat.

Also they're xenos so inevitably nobody plays them besides WAACfags.
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>I'm gonna git you, you blue bellied varmint
It isn't really a problem
Before primaris shit, marines were obviously known to differ in size and bulk, they were not uniformly one size or another, so suits of armour were modified and fitted to the user
The end of his character arc was great though. I'd also rather they actually end his story than continue it and run it into the ground over the next few decades like so many ongoing stories love to do.
So I should run my list with 6 taurox primes instead of my list with 0? Based.
There's a lot of reasons stacked against them. For one thing, you literally can't buy half of what even has been released for them at any given time because GW has no stock and their production and shipping pipeline has been fucked over for years now. The transports literally didn't exist anywhere for almost a year.
Its about 3 layers of seperation from close to the original style
It's not so much the obscenity laws but people on twitter complain. They released a warband for DoK in AoS. One of the models has a witch elf in combat pose, bending at the knees so her arse is protruding. Witch Elves wear thongs. So of course, this was immediately bad and sexist and wrong. Surprise when the NEXT warband came out, they were no longer wearing thongs, but had leggings. Additional surprise; they stopped doing art for the cards and did just models instead because lol imagine having art showing buttcheeks.
I imagine for the advertisement pics they aren’t/can’t be so brutal with the paint job. Nothing stopping (You) from painting his armor as flesh to draw attention to the faces though.
question; do dark eldar have any forcefields that can stop bullets? like imagine an archon was at the arena and some guy tries to snipe him from the otherside... do they have a forcefield to stop this somehow? void fields just distort the view, they don't actually protect you directly.
>Obscenity laws? For flayed skin?
the night lords specifically had one of the details the sculptor wanted to put on the model shot down

it seems there's a very arbitrary line when it comes to gore: you can't have gore or flayed skin on a model depicting someone who's still alive.
mutations are fine, gore on casualties are fine, gross poopy nurgle stuff is fine, magical atomisation is fine, flayed skin used as clothing is fine, a guy in the middle of his torture is not.

don't ask me where the logic in this lies, but that's what I'm understanding.
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Shit pic but im working on some hedonite edgelords myself, and loving the kits.
How did they get away with the living harp in AoS then?
>Obscenity laws? For flayed skin?
it's what the sculptor claimed, yeah. something about he was in the middle of torturing a guy (might explain by Festus is gone actually.... wait no he was resin).
Anon, it takes years to go from design to release.
The new noise marine design is a travesty too, they're meant to be the cult troop unit, on par with plague marines, beserkers, and rubrics, but GW decided they should actually be the heavy weapons specialists of the army, bulking them up despite the fact that they've always just been in regular power armour, shit makes no sense, and then on top of that they just make two random close combat units that are clearly meant to be the new cult troop units. I'm glad I got sick of waiting for EC and went with a different chaos faction, I'd be beyond disappointed if I was still holding out.
guys dead. it's specifically the 'not dead yet' part that is a problem.
Did you guys forget about that time they had to hide the infernal enrapturess from her own box set and it's webstore exclusive to this day?
GW is just weird like that
Look up shadow fields or clone fields or whatever they are called. Archons used to have a unique wargear item that gave them a 2++ Invuln before they just rolled it into their statlines.
But does AOS not have a dude having his back muscles being played as a violin by a daemon? 40k is the only thing that seems to not be allowed to be horrific
>4 guys in 4 hours
Haha retard
Like being complete dissatisfied with life except desperately finding someone worth fighting?
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The difference of time between the two was 3 years. What a surprise, the exact length a model takes to be produced (it's 5 for 'new factions').
Like half of their range looks like shit, and given that they barely have a range, there just isn't enough cool stuff to work with
Also they have no good lore so everyone substitutes with all the same dwarf memes that they always do
Is he dead? He seems to be horny for the daemons sexy feet, and as we know when fully gooned we can all do stupid thinks. For me its agreeing to send 100 dollars for another picture and for him its being tortured. #worth for the hypno porn
it's very "mild" torture and even then it was atypically NOT showcased in most promotional pictures when the box got announced, no pictures of it on its own, just in the back of the other products
See >>94847884
It wasn't on promo pictures and in army shots was hidden in the back despite being one of two new hot models.
>Noise marines were the central troop of the Emperor's Children
>and then on top of that they just make two random close combat units that are clearly meant to be the new cult troop units.
One of them is literally an alt build of the new troop unit.
Because it is a troop unit.
>shadow fields
Thank you, that'll do.
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40k was allowed to be brutal, once
There's a bunch of copypastas somewhere in the archives.
Theres not a single way the new one isnt a downgrade surely no one bought it?
God what a travesty
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delicious elven tummy....
why not just paint the tights as skin?
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No he isn't.

Painted in healthy skin tones, actively bleeding at the wounds, and the only official artwork I've seen of them has the victim with their head raised under their own strength.
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that's a cute dress
This model is actually the most egregiously cheeked up hunk of UK modeling product James ever produced.
They got rid of the jolly fat guy in exchange for his loser of a daughter who destroyed her home planet. Now we're expected to sympathize with an enemy faction that once tried to genocide humanity all because
>muh old ways
when all she's done is fail and send conscripts to die pointlessly. It doesn't help that the jolly fat guy was a much more beloved character who's responsible for at least 4 previous Raids who aren't in the game anymore.
Post games.
I miss old FW so much
Nothing else comes close to capturing the setting
>Because GW has to abide by nations' obscenity laws.
Since when does the UK have obscenity laws? Source of a sculptor saying that? To me its corperate self censorship to sell models to soccer mums when they buy stuff for their little Timmy, not government laws causing these changes
They're warbands. They're just meant to be for sculptors to have a bit of fun instead of boring unit shit. But they clearly panicked and changed the design. Why? Who knows. Or maybe the painter painted the skin red to mimic leggings. Who knows. But the art I believe shows both (them with leggings and some without which is doubly weird). I can't find them now so don't believe me on this.

It's a terrible shame as the ones on the left are fantastic. Ones on the right are good too but they're completely different design. Maybe GW is doing a Wight King/Grave Guard thing and trying to move away from TOW/WHFB aesthetics so they can sell that shit for TOW and make AoS much more 'friendly' to the seething blue hairs et al.


But that's like painting the Callidus Assassin legs and arms skin coloured to make it look like she is wearing a leotard - it isn't 'canon' in the eyes of GW. This is why people don't want to buy 3rd party coom models but want GW to do it... Or not specifically coom models, but not be afraid of showing a nipple or butts on females.

He didn't mean UK, retard.
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Give trains
fuck it I have a callidus unpainted, I'll give her a swimsuit.
Don't worry, it'll be cheaper to buy two because resellers on ebay will bump up the price of the old single-model box for reasons only understood by them.
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I put together 20 guys together in 5 hours, took a while as I had to check with what I have currently and not accidentally make duplicates, check for loadouts etc. It's fun
I was thinking of painting before putting everything together but it would just take forever and I want to play.
POV: you tried to spread the greater good to a dark eldar raiding party
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He deleted the post from bluesky, but I capped it... Sort of.
You're writing Vect fan fiction for the BL contest, aren't you?
>Now we're expected to sympathize with an enemy faction that once tried to genocide humanity all because
I don't care if a faction tried to genocide humanity though? Like every xenos faction tries that. If you actually care about that you're a weirdo.
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Have the classic.
>He didn't mean UK
So GW is censoring models to please obscure backwards muslim countries they barely make money in when the bulk of their profit comes from the US, UK and the EU. That's bullshit fuck off and samefag less retard
No, but that's a good idea. I literally know nothing about DE really and I was reading their lexicanicum and couldn't find anything. Thanks. I assume their website has info. Maybe he'll FINALLY get a new model!
I still think it's very funny that they fell for the Dark Eldar cultural exchange thing twice
Badab war models will be a reason to shit out primaris-sized Mark 6 and charge people for buying "badab war veterans (TM)", 75 dollars for a box of 10.
More than likely, it's China they're avoiding upsetting. Ironic given the source of like 80% of their actual piracy problems.
Fuck off retard see the sculptor himself >>94848000. I don't need to fucking samefag.
I don't think it is.
Old Lucius was just a horrid scuplt modern standards
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i knew i kept this image around fo a reason
I painted the big guy (>>94846773) and yeah, his ass is just completely hanging out. He doesn't even have a cute little tail like bloodthirsters do to distract you from it
>completely ignoring the writers trying to say they dindu nuffin and how they're clean and good and honorable and reliable allies of humanity
When you try to present an overly genocidal side as sparkly clean because of a new leader, and said new leader is a massive incompetence who idolizes genociders, then try to present them as trustworthy allies of humanity, then there's a problem.
They already showed us the new Firstborne models.
And guess what? The Grey Knight release is going to be the start of the Firstborne kit rereleases.

They're just waiting for the right Quarterly loss projections to pull the trigger on launching a new Tactical Kit in Crowe scale.
They'll just make it that GK were always taller due to being Emperor geneseed.
This is some mad cope my friend. Next you are going to tell me that the Leviathan Terminators were first born models.
I wish it were true anon...
I truly do...
This model is so bad. Why is he so out of proportion. This is like when people extend the waists on firstborn to be truescale and end up with really thin wasp waists.
Grey knights are too midget, but their proportions look cool their helmets fit so well but not here.
Double standards. Male ass hanging out? OK. Female? NO NO NO NO! Sigvald has his buttcheeks hanging out.
What brand paints do you guys use?
Im getting advice from people irl that I should use Vallejo instead of Citadel
Grey Knights will be retconned to have been Rubicon test subjects for Cawl over the past couple thousand years ;)
How would you paint the vehicles for these guys?
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ur doing it wrong
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Insufficient NASA and astronauts.
Grey Knights are probably getting a massive refresh (4 kits, lol) in the back half of this year.
Which will make Dark Eldar the oldest model range in the game by a wide margin at that point.
I still find it hard to believe they will be the 11th edition starter box or that they're getting anything but a pity model at the end of this edition.
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This is how my existing vehicles look.
Just paint his armor flesh coloured bruv
not that hard
Vallejo has kinda fell off (except their Metal Air line, they're the best metallic paints) and I'd recommend AP fanatics or pro-acryl now. Personally I prefer pro-acryl.
11th ed Dark Eldar vs White Scars trust the plan new bikes two more years
>massive refresh (4 kits, lol) in the back half of this year.
Really? I heard they were only getting a new GK vehicle... Which may or may not be just a Psycannon GK styled Land Raider.
The Haemonculi also thought it was funny.
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Are they comfortable?
Grey knights are NOT getting their range refresh this edition.
Orks will be in 11th edition.
The existing plastic kits of the dark eldar are not getting replaced.
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Is good price for silly jet?
actually GK getting refreshed in 10th makes sense to me. they'll come out after all the chaos releases and thats three armies in a row with only a single character model.
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He looks the same proportionally as a primaris marine.
His torso and hips are basically in the same positions as this model.
AK and TTC mostly, can recommend both. TTC metallics are especially fantastic
Just be aware that the metal air gold paint is awful. The silvers and coppers are the best metallics, I agree
thousand sons aren't getting a character but at least one unit and the generic marine release after them is the sizeable release of that half of the year, as well as combat patrol 2.0
NTA I already did. Does Vect still have that creature that is a perfect clone of himself that he had in the path of the eldar series
Orks raid. Go back to tumblr.
>His torso and hips are basically in the same positions as this model
No, they aren't
That's an AoS model 40k only got because Demons used to be universal.
Like Belakor update that happened as part of Broken Realms: Belakor story event in AoS, but 40k also got to use him
yeah true, I use pro-acryl's rich gold for my gold.
Are you
TS are getting a new Tzaangor Shaman
They 100% are, assuming 11E comes out 2026.
It was pretty clearly laid out in the roadmap during the LVO preview stream.
They're after the releases for the Cult Legions.
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the ec release makes me want to work on my chaos project again, the new kits will go wonderfully in my bits box. Really impressed with everything but the special characters
It's crazy how the fatman was entirely correct about EC, Krieg and the last few kill team boxes, and yet people here continue to choose to speculate in the dark.
the roadmap laid out they're getting a codex, and not even one with a new cover art
They're getting a hero (draigo) and some other shit, but not their range refresh, that's happening at some point during 11th
dark eldar are old, but the vast majority of their stuff now holds up great. Dark eldar was the first real plastic release that was up to the current day standards.
I read that in Stewie Griffin's voice.
Oh hell yeah, missed seeing your stuff anon.
Who will be their new model? Rakarth Since hes the last named character they have to still be using an old model
>Really impressed with everything but the special characters

The Lord Exultant is good, I like it better than any of the bit combos I was seeing on the flawless blades.
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Yeah, I mean, let's look at this roadmap.
>Eldar, Guard, EC - All big waves
>World Eaters - Single Character (Surgeon)
>Death Guard - Single Character (Lord of Poxes)
>Thousand Sons - Single Walker (Automata)
>Grey Knights - ???
>Salamanders - Single Character (Hestan)
>Black Templar - Single Character (???)
>Chaos/Imp Knights - Single walker (???)
Space Wolves - Probably a sizeable update like DA/BA

It would be kind of weird if Grey Knights AREN'T getting a multi unit update. Though at this point I won't be surprised if it's just like a new Draigo and they kick it down the line to next edition.
I'd guess it might be the Court of the Archon, just because Rakarth could be saved to come out alongside proper grotesques for a more substantial Haemonculus Covens themed release.
Yeah, pretty sure Lelith pays lip service towards it in the last few chapters of her recent Queen of Knives book where she threatens to kill it as many times as needed to find Vect.
I think you could make some really interesting sorcerers by kitbashing the thousand sons kit and the flawless blades, or just characters in general. A flawless blade with a jump pack would make a great jump lord or warptalon. The noise marines are obviously begging to be bashed with havoks, and all the heads I can see on the ec tacticals are superb.
NTA but they somehow look better than a lot of models that came out after them too. Like Thousand Sons entire range was after them and looks way worse (though that is kind of the fault of putting them next to primaris) and even Grey Knights in the same edition are suffering for similar reasons. Custodes are also way newer and also are starting to look old next to newer plastic.
Who fucking cares? 40k humanity deserves to burn.
don't take for granted that it's a surgeon

>>Salamanders - Single Character (Hestan)
the salamander art on the roadmap stands in for a second wave of releases for generic space marines, including characters for the chapters
hestan for salamanders
lysander for imperial fists
a new guy for raven guard
a jet bike for white scars
a terminator for iron hands
the generic marine units are vanguard vets, assault terminators, multipart outriders and a new speeder of some kind
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Chaos knights will get these guys

That's gonna be supplement second fiddle chapters. RG, IH, IF and WS are also getting a character each, Salamanders are just incidentally getting the cover art.
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>Black Templar - Single Character (???)
I hate that fucking faggot so much
Grey Knights only needing 4 kits refreshed, 3 if they squat the baby carrier, makes it likely they'll all get refreshed/rescaled this edition imo . Depends if WE get their fabled 2nd wave or not with a surgeon, berserkers on Juggernauts, berserkers with jumppacks and teeth of khorne
Cool. Funny how anyone who can detect psykic energy can easily tell the two apart instantly but due to deledar having to cut that part of them off none of them can tell
You guys know there are absolutely NO rumors of anything in the pipeline for DE at all right? Like, literally nothing is being worked on for them.
The custodes have always kind of looked like oversized toys, they are like a modern version of the really old plastic kit style and don't look great.

Dark eldar have aged well in large part because they were always ahead of the curve on being delicate and spindly, which is where the "high fidelity" aesthetic of the newer models is going
damn Dorn is based?
Yes, but every codex gets a pity model this edition.
Jakhals more expensive than plague guys and tzaangors. EC no cultists.
Isn't Vect one of the only DEldar to be from before they started atrophying their psychic potential since he's been alive since before the fall? He probably has a way more vibrant soul than most any other Deldar even if Slaanesh has been sipping on it for 10k years.
Your defense of shitty writing cares. Go back to to your corporate masters. Keep giving them your money.
that's not dorn you zoomer
I hear you anon, but what if they get these guys instead?
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I want to make a /mydudes/ Soroitas army, anyone know where I can get a bunch of bald sister heads?
Okay I'm sure GW is leaking all their shit from 2027.
Land Raiders are badass.
would also be cool. desu both knights should just drop their stupid fucking gimmick and both get like 3 inffantry units, objective chaff, support guys, and something silly
>I can get a bunch of bald sister heads?
Aren't Repentia all bald?
Sally codex will allow them to field Infernus as battleline.
>mfw the destinyfags in this thread defending their shit
Counterpoint: Vect is Halfborn vat baby slave and has always had a rotten soul compared to a Trueborn.
Which it only just occurs to me is really weird to have even existed before the Fall of the Eldar and the Haemonculus Covens properly existed.
Urien Rakarth is also older than the Fall though and he was super fucked up even back then.
sacrificial slaves

unit 20 slaves, 1 slave goader

they do not do anything at all except exist as bodies with 0 objective control. Their special ability is that a chaos knight can stomp on them and be buffed if he moves through them.
>Isn't Vect one of the only DEldar to be from before they started atrophying their psychic potential since he's been alive since before the fall?
I get what you mean, but Rakarth is also older than the Fall and its implied the other ancient haemonculi could also be older than the Fall so the elite of the ruling elite of deldar soceity might all fit the description.
Path of the Eldar books certainly describe his psychic presence as being utterly beyond that of any other dark eldar we see. We don't see Rakarth in that book and everyone else is explicitly younger than the Fall
Do you want to point to the destinyfags, Anon?
>Vect is Halfborn vat baby slave
God I hate how DE are all grown in vats and 'trueborn' are rare as fuck.
Chaos lamentors?
so no progress at all?
They should also be able to commit ritual sucicide to heal a knight, if they kill an enemy unit they can bring models back
He was right about everything AND predicted a Corsairs new release and Yriel that hasn't materialized.

Coincidentally, Yriel has been remvoed from the characters of the Aeldari along with Illic.

Codex: Anhrathe is coming.
>Vect is Halfborn vat baby slave
Is he? He was a slave about to be sacrificed when he was saved by Slaaneshs birth but he could of been a true born dark eldar whose parents fell out of favour to be sacrificed. Eldar at the height of excess killing true born eldar seems like something they'd do. Vat born stuff seems to be a dark eldar innovation and not needed at the very height of eldar power and population
I am not buying a bunch of repentia units just for the heads. Also, I looked on Etsy and they not only didn't have anything they had a bunch of fetish shit
Vect is secretly just Malerion and a mega witch king. He used to be a combat monster in older editions too.
No, but they do have more shorter hair models.
>Vect is Halfborn vat baby slave
wasn't he alive BEFORE the fall... which means he won't have been vat grown.
It's a result of backstabby city and Eldar long gestation periods.
malekith is cool, not some spastic drug addict cowering in a hole in the wall of reality
dark eldar are basiclaly just main stream pre-fall eldar continued, just with psy prohibition and the murder rape becoming a need instead of a primary want
there were vat grown fuckers back then too

cant be arsed to fix link size, it'll work.
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From the 9E codex
during the height of excess and debuachary where having a thousand strong orgy was a way of saying hello and had trillions in populaton... and you're saying they STILL went 'man, gotta grow vat babies'
Is it really a secret that Vect is the 40k version of Malekith, Malekith being a mage and combat monster in fantasy. Vect is a combat monster as well. Now is it at all possible that Vect is an uber powerful secret psyker? that needs to feed off the suffering of the whole Dark City to not be consumed by Slaanesh, he would be a hypocrite breaking the most important of the few laws of Commorragh.
>faction is not portrayed as irredeemably evil enemies of mankind who must be destroyed by le Righteous Fist of the Emperor or some shit
>shitty writing
You do realize that the Squats aren't united, right? Some Leagues are hostile to the rest of humanity. Some are not.
>he doesn't know
right so Vect wasn't alive at the fall. that makes more sense.
dark eldar are nowhere close to being able to claim they're the true prefall eldar any more than any other group of eldar in the galaxy, they're also post apocalyptic survivors with limited tools, a more focused culture, and changed in looks and behaviour.
anyone saying dark eldar are true eldar is just a delusional deldarfag.
Found the Destinyfag
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Thank you, the Sisters of the Firehead will appreciate your effort.
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Destiny? Like the shitty video game?
Vect being a mega hypocrite is totally in character for him. Slaanesh is willing to burn his entire city just to have him as her Crown Jewel too so you know he's got some insane soul potential or at least it would immensely please her to corrupt him fully.
If there were ever going to be an Eldar Daemon prince, it would be him.
This guy >>94848398
No Vect was alive before the Fall and an adult before the Fall its just vat grown eldar by Haemonculi was happening before the Fall
turns out the orgies weren't about baby making now, what do you think?
>ill call the thing I like shitty to hide the fact that I know what it is
Dark Eldar culture is the closest to pre-fall Eldar
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That would be Orks. By a long shot.
here's one from 9th. I haven't really played them in 10th because I hate their index. You basically have to play against the lore and send your units to die to start performing at a functional level now.
She's yelling. It's fine.

You're welcome. But yeah there is an awful lot of coom stuff. Not that I mind coom shit. The issue is that because it isn't an official GW product, people know it's coom shit. This is why I won't ever buy coom shit. If GW can't accept that the majority of their players are straight middle aged white men who like T&A then we're doomed.

Why they can't make a Warhammer Dark like Marvel/DC did adult comics in a different brand.
>the destinyfag is quiet now that he's called out
no, it isn't
I don't think any deldar getting their soul drained fully can become daemon princes. We only ever here that they become the 'parched' which are like eldar devolved into animals with no higher thinking. You need to be a worshipper and willingly follow the chaos god to get to that level. Vect if he gave himself to Slaanesh would be an eldar daemon prince but I don't think he ever would
It says
>artificially grown drukhari
Which are different to craftworlders/original eldar. To now go
>well haemonculi already existed!!!
>So did Wracks!!!
Is retarded. This is clearly written in drukhari society, not fucking pre-fall eldar.
Yes it is
I have literally never played it in my life.
Now what the fuck do Squats have to do with it?
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The same codex says he was a warrior slave at the time of Slaanesh's birth.
Seems a bit contradictory unless Haemonculi and their pain arts already existed and worked before the fall.
It's how it works. Bungie Workshop gambled on this. It never works.
It's your favorite thing in the world now in 40k
>ah, I'll deny it to try and prove I'm not
You're not fooling anyone.
of course they did
I think it's because their business model still relies heavily on small shops, and they don't want parents to object to their kids walking into a store that has pussy everywhere.

I think it would be more fun if WH embraced a sort of 80's metal kinda juvenile aesthetic though. Just say "this is a toy soldier game, our goal is just to make shit that looks cool and a fun game around it". At least that's the attitude I'd personally take.
The sad truth is that the Ynnari are the closest to the Pre-Fall Eldar because they're all the parts of old eldar society recombined.
>schizos refuse to answer the question
What do Squats have to do with Destiny?
something something unreliable narrator something imperial records something something
Guys, I won a 3 round event with my scion spam!
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Reminds me of the recent time Bandai Namco and Square Enix gambled on FFXVI being way more popular than it was when adding Clive to Tekken. It pissed off Tekken players who wanted returning characters and not guests, it pissed off even FF players because many wanted Tifa. These pre-planned crossovers are really risky business. Gw gambled on Destiny being way more popular than it was when they added Votann
>well haemonculi already existed!!! So did Wracks!!!
Yes anon they did, Commorragh was the spot, as a fringe webway port city for weirdos like that to experiment freely. They became such core parts of dark eldar society because dark eldar society grew out of what factions/groups was already in Commorragh before the Fall. Mandrakes also existed before the Fall.

Vect has ALWAYS been older than the Fall. The practive of half borns are common for Drukhari but was occuring before hand.
Everything. Other anons spent entire threads talking about how much it's Za transplant to the point it's obvious only destinyfag likes it.
>What does 4 have to do with 2 + 2
Why? Is it just because they can bring three missile launchers?
I am going to reply to the both of you denying that Bungay and GW are the same company. I am also going to deny 2+2=4.
But are you Xehanort?
you schizos should be killed in the crib.
Good job!
>Gw gambled on Destiny being way more popular than it was when they added Votann
Didn't Destiny's popularity peak (Forsaken) come years before Votann came out?
I genuinely don't think Votann were inspired by Destiny. They have a weird (for 40k) aesthetic with squat, jacketed dwarves and mars rover transports.
They don't really resemble anything in Destiny.
I wasn't here for those posts and I dont know what the Za is.
You're going to have to explain it better than that, because I still have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
>They don't really resemble anything in Destiny.
Good idea. Deny association between two flops.
it's the normal firstborn dudes who can bring all frag cannons and thunder hammers
>Deathwatch won the LVO
>The next best Deathwatch player was #115
I have to say it definitely was the player and not the army.
I'm gonna be pissed if they rebox scions and put them on 28.5mm bases after I just did all these 25s.
Fuck on Destinyfag
I thought Votann have more to do with Deep Rock Galactic. What Destiny have to do with Votann?
>They have a weird (for 40k)
There we go. He thinks a Destiny Aesthetic is 40k. Go back to your Fallout 60s Nasashit general
I thought Votrans have more to do with exactly the opposite
>What Destiny have to do with Votann?
Mental illness. You have to have something wrong with you if you enjoy either.
To me it's funny that people say that about the votann specifically, even though votann don't really look like DRG.
>destinyfags in this thread defending their transplant faction
I'm going to play Votann just to trigger schizo meltdowns
>Greedy space dwarves, beards optional
More DRG than Destiny that's for fucking sure.
It's what they do. Oldcrons, Votann, every time I see anyone say they love that shit they're a fucking destinyfag.
You never played DRG have you?
whats worse, a destinyfag that plays the game or a secondary nomodels?
Tyranids are closer to Destiny’s Hive (and GSC the Fallen) than the Votann are to any of the human Destiny factions. They might have added more stuff since I stopped playing, but on its face it seems like a dishonest comparison.
Oldcrons predate Destiny by decades you retarded fucking nigger secondary
>>Greedy space dwarves, beards optional
They're nothing like Deep Rock Galactic. Deep Rock Galactic is fun and creative. Votann have zero creativity applied to them whatsoever. Someone spent 5 minutes going
> Space dwarves...uh they mine...they have grudges...uhh
> Oh I got it, their ancestors are AI
> Ok cool, done, time for lunch
I agree.
I still fully expect to see them get nerfed in the next balance pass.
Except they're nothing like them. How can you see "dwarves mining for shit and killing bugs with a very big corporate structure overtone" and design "beardless clone people who don't even have a reason to mine"
So? A shit I took 20 years ago predates lots of nu40k yet the same people who like it like no40k.
What was his list? Interested to see if it was just Space Marines in weird formations than a list bringing the Inquisition too.
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>complaining about Oldcrons and also nu40k in the same post
Make up your goddamn mind.
Ah yes, that's why just about every votannfag in past threads was a destinyfag talking about how much destiny there us and not a DRGfsg.
>everyone is the same person
Destiny the video game or Destiny the streamer? I don't know either has to do with warhammer.
Someone with a BCP subscription will have to copy it. Or check Reddit.
Read the post I responded to again retard. They're calling Oldcrons shit while also saying nu40k is shit.
What did they eat for lunch?
Same fanbase. A few threads ago there was this oldcron thread loving destiny while everyone tells him they're metal nids.
>mfw the destinyfags won another
>guaranteed they're the same person replying
Xehanort has Norted me.
I’ll just hope Auspex Tactics swipes the list and does a vidoe
Sandwiches. In other words DRG is TF2 Heavy
Mark Hertel Deathwatch is back on the menu! (2000 Points)

Space Marines Deathwatch Black Spear Task Force Strike Force (2000 Points)


Captain in Gravis Armour (110 Points) • 1x Master-crafted heavy bolt rifle • 1x Master-crafted power weapon • Enhancements: The Tome of Ectoclades

Judiciar (95 Points) • 1x Absolvor bolt pistol • 1x Executioner relic blade • Enhancements: Thief of Secrets

Lieutenant with Combi-weapon (70 Points) • 1x Combi-weapon • 1x Paired combat blades

Watch Master (105 Points) • Warlord • 1x Vigil spear


Deathwatch Veterans (100 Points) • 1x Watch Sergeant ◦ 1x Astartes shield ◦ 1x Xenophase blade • 4x Deathwatch Veterans ◦ 2x Close combat weapon ◦ 2x Deathwatch thunder hammer ◦ 1x Frag cannon ◦ 1x Infernus heavy bolter

Deathwatch Veterans (100 Points) • 1x Watch Sergeant ◦ 1x Astartes shield ◦ 1x Xenophase blade • 4x Deathwatch Veterans ◦ 2x Close combat weapon ◦ 2x Deathwatch thunder hammer ◦ 1x Frag cannon ◦ 1x Infernus heavy bolter

Deathwatch Veterans (200 Points) • 1x Watch Sergeant ◦ 1x Astartes shield ◦ 1x Xenophase blade • 9x Deathwatch Veterans ◦ 1x Astartes shield ◦ 4x Close combat weapon ◦ 4x Deathwatch thunder hammer ◦ 2x Frag cannon ◦ 2x Infernus heavy bolter ◦ 1x Power weapon


Rhino (75 Points) • 1x Armoured tracks • 1x Hunter-killer missile • 1x Storm bolter

Rhino (75 Points) • 1x Armoured tracks • 1x Hunter-killer missile • 1x Storm bolter

>First Half of List
What is Xehanort? When I google it just brings up some gay character from Kingdom Hearts (an extremely gay and cringe franchise).
He knows why. He's just hiding it because he's exposed as a destinyfag.
>Second Half of List

Deathwatch Terminator Squad (180 Points) • 1x Deathwatch Terminator Sergeant ◦ 1x Power fist ◦ 1x Storm bolter • 4x Deathwatch Terminator ◦ 3x Cyclone missile launcher ◦ 4x Power fist ◦ 4x Storm bolter

Deathwatch Terminator Squad (180 Points) • 1x Deathwatch Terminator Sergeant ◦ 1x Power fist ◦ 1x Storm bolter • 4x Deathwatch Terminator ◦ 3x Cyclone missile launcher ◦ 4x Power fist ◦ 4x Storm bolter

Indomitor Kill Team (270 Points) • 4x Kill Team Heavy Intercessors ◦ 4x Bolt pistol ◦ 4x Close combat weapon ◦ 2x Deathwatch heavy bolt rifle ◦ 2x Deathwatch heavy bolter • 3x Kill Team Heavy Intercessor with power fists ◦ 3x Flamestorm gauntlets ◦ 3x Twin power fists • 3x Kill Team Heavy Intercessor with melta rifle ◦ 3x Bolt pistol ◦ 3x Close combat weapon ◦ 2x Melta rifle ◦ 1x Multi-melta

Storm Speeder Thunderstrike (150 Points) • 1x Close combat weapon • 1x Stormfury missiles • 1x Thunderstrike las-talon • 1x Twin Icarus rocket pod

Talonstrike Kill Team (290 Points) • 1x Kill Team Sergeant with Jump Pack ◦ 1x Plasma pistol ◦ 1x Power fist • 4x Kill Team Intercessor with Jump Pack ◦ 4x Astartes chainsword ◦ 2x Heavy bolt pistol ◦ 2x Plasma pistol • 5x Kill Team Heavy Intercessor with Jump Pack ◦ 5x Assault bolters ◦ 5x Close combat weapon
Alright anons, I'm going to start buying Votann. What's a good list?
That's actually a really good point. I don't remember a single bit of Votann lore that says they eat sandwiches. But Heavy and Deep Rock Galactic Dwarves both eat tons of Sandwiches. But this means they're still /v/.
Also FYI keep in mind that DW have a special ruling in this event only. At this event ALL space Marines gets the DW detachment ability. Though this only matters for the Thunderstrike and the two Rhinos.
all DW units, some regular space marine leaders.

>Captain in Gravis Armour (tome)
>Judiciar (secrets)
>Lieutenant with Combi-weapon
>Watch Master

>5x Deathwatch Veterans
>5x Deathwatch Veterans
>10x Deathwatch Veterans
*thunder hammers, frag cannons, infernus heavy bolters

>5x Deathwatch Terminator Squad
>5x Deathwatch Terminator Squad
*power fists, missiles

>Indomitor Kill Team
>Talonstrike Kill Team

>Storm Speeder Thunderstrike
Are there sandwiches in destiny?


Of course it's the terminators.
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I searched Google and found https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/y1pzla/spicy_ramen_and_finger_sandwiches_from_the/

Apparently there's a cookbook for Destiny and they have Sandwiches. So yes.
Crzay that Deathwatch went from the absolute worst army in the game to totally squatted to winning LVO in a span of 3 months.
Is there a TF2 cookbook?
This is how you write a list out. Not just dumping some output.
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I don't remember but I know there's an official blueprint for sandwiches.
I've never heard of a Titanfall 2 cookbook, no.
>the destinyfags were from /ck/ and not /v/ all along
Idc about destiny, votann just look gay.
>i dick copulate about destiny
We know
They look less gay than Primaris
fuck off samefagging cunt, you post this fucking destiny cookbook like every two months
I can't believe we just had a new army reveal, the biggest tournament of the year, a new roadmap, and two new codex releases in a span of two weeks and you guys are STILL shitposting about Votann and Destiny like you do every other day.
>mfw the destinfags previous boasting about how destiny their clone ai shit is now silent
No they look more gay.
Nice gaslighting destinyfag
everyone here is no game with grey models on the shelf, all they have left is complaining because theyre too afraid to pick up a brush or too autistic to take their army to the their LGS
honestly from watching the games I felt the most impactful units were the two kill teams and the gravis captain. people just could not stop that captain.
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>I searched on Google
Literally impossible.
Anyone who still plays Space Marines in 2k25 is a fag who fantasizes about BSMC (Big Space Marine Cock).
Thank you. I try my best to gaslight people into becoming destinyfags and buying votann to support my corporate overlords.
I didn't watch, can you give the rundown?
Wait there's a Destiny toaster?
My mind is failing me, friends. What was the (unofficial) name of the Chaos Space Marine model that looked like... I *think* it was a World Eater having a rolickin' good time? It was something like Harry the World Eater.
I went to an LGS once
I couldn't stand near the 40k tables for longer than a minute before choking on body odour. And the worst part? NOBODY WAS FUCKING THERE. The scent was just baked into the room.
And of course all the 40k models were by the tables, and the boxes looked like some autistic retard had spilled a soft drink all over the wall.
Neopagans are not close to anything

The dark eldar, in particular the haemonculus covens, are explicitly the last eldar cities founded by the empire's elites as pleasure havens that survived the fall. Not only are they the leaders of the eldar empire, they are the heart of what it was before it fell and its logical continuation.

Craftworlders, Ynnari, Corsairs and Exodites are all breakaways. The only other true successors are the harlequins, who also existed in the empire before the fall.
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Would anon use this toaster?
not really, I'm sure there will be blogs about it later but generally it felt like the vets and terminators wee used to trade while the other stuff won the actual game
Speaking of the EC are they the most space marine heavy army of all the chaos armies. No cultists or god marked gors or diseased civvies, or dreadnaughts or daemon engines, They'be got the daemons added to them but all the new stuff is just pure space marines
For me it's Sisters of Battle and Admech
Does it work?
Not really
>GW eventually goes even crazier about marines & only Marines exist
>Space/Primaris Marines
>Chaos Space Marines
>Eldar are forced to create their own Space Marines to survive
>Krork plot magic makes Orks make Krork/Ork Marines
>Tau start copying the Imperium & makes Tau Marines
>Necrons either start copying them or some plot magic reveals a way to make stronger Necrons AKA Necron Marines
>Tyranids, unable to acquire non-Marine DNA, end up becoming far more Marine than they realize
>Old Ones are revealed to be Space Marines the whole time
>the Chaos Gods were wearing Power armor the whole time & start demanding their Daemons wear some
>The C'Tan are revealed to be Space Marines too
Says the destinyfag
I'm just blessed to have 4 LGS i can play at in a small area
Yes really.
Now go back to stinking up your LGS while snorting that booger back up your nose and ranting about how the Black Templars are le heckin based and trad because they kill the filthy Xenos
>Eldar are forced to create their own Space Marines to survive
This one already happened. That's basically what Wraithguard are.
We need a Warhammer Cookbook.
Liber Culinarius.
Thrall Coocking Manual.
Reflections upon Deliciousness.
Sphere's Dish Collection.
This game is such a goddamn clusterfuck
>A ham and cheese sandwich on sourdough bread topped with a bechamel sauce then baked in the oven.
Vaguely interested.
We had the ratlings articles about the ratling intergalatic weekly magazine. Really showing that Imperial logistics and supply lines are scarily quick and efficient
Help anon, every time I read Wraithguard I hear Dagoth Ur ask me to bring it to him.
It's because you're a destinyfag that this happens.
it's just one shitposter samefagging
ignore him
I'm lucky to have one, and it's still an hour away. All the others are 3 hours or more. Living in the country sucks ass.
It's the exact same person doing everything you think. You are completely rational to assume everyone is the same person except you.
Except me. I'm not him.
That's what a destinyfag would say.
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Don't forget to write your 500 word fanfic showdown before next month.
Calm down
So we can write steamy love stories?
To get back to how cool my boy Vect is. He could very easily go toe to toe with a space marine in melee and win, perhaps even a whole squad. What a guy.
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>custodes x tau actually gets in
They're counting on it.
>GW does a Dark Eldar vs. Space Marines event
>Vect is instantly beheaded by Cato Sicarius (but its okay because he totally sustained a mortal woun-- HE HAS CROSSED THE RUBICON PRIMARIS! BUY THE NEW CATO SICARIUS MODEL NOW)
Anons if I give a corpse a name in my story would that count as a third character you reckon? Artemis is my second character in a scene with Vect and I have one of his kill teams dead around him and I name the sergent that kill team is named after.
John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them, now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships, daddy."
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the UAC he knew there were demons.
"This is Joson," the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!"
So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US," said the demons!
"I will shoot at him," said the Cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons," he shouted!
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons."
And then, John was a Zombie.
Carnac, it’s just you samefagging.
Is the Sergeant going to CROSS THE RUBICON PRIMARIS?
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Can we do Blood Ravens and Trazyn mutually stealing from each other?
Its such a shame GW never use the primaris rubicon deux ex machina to actually have their main important space marine chartacter die. Each chapter master could have been slain by chaos or xenos or IG to get some wins for the other factions and chip away at the plot armour of space marines. Dante at least nearly died/died fighting a hive fleet at Baal it justify his change
>destinyfag trying to accuse others of being carnac
GW hates Blood Ravens for some reason
Also the Gabriel Angelos mini is from Forge World. Does it still count?
Nah he's just a corpse dangling in chains in a tower in the Corsepur, he's never being recovered
>Or anything else you can imagine
Abaddon and Gulliman are sitting down for a game of stratego in Commorragh.
This will be canon.
Oh, well, we can't have that. Only low ranking Space Marines are allowed to die against xenos, and even then they have to kill at least a hundred of them first. A Sergeant can only "die" to xenos is he CROSSES THE RUBICON PRIMARIS and becomes even more cool and badass afterwards.
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Chaos Xenos when?
That sounds like destinyshit
Only after every Chaos character has CROSSED THE RUBICON PRIMARIS
I believe in the Imperialization of Chaos is the ultimate goal of the Emperor and the point of the setting. The Emperor plans to rewrite all of the Immaterium into his image. Abaddon the Loyalist, his greatest ally, is secretly into this plan. This is why he chose the name Imperium Nihilius, to retain the name Imperium.

Together, all of Chaos will become theirs. Khorne will wake up on his Golden Skull Throne, not realizing there's anything wrong. Tzeentch will be unable to shapeshift in any form but Space Marines. The only drugs going through Slaanesh will be performance enhancers for Space Marines. Nurgle's Nurglings have already started wearing human hats. The process has begun and cannot be stopped. Besides Daemons, all Chaos on tabletop is already Chaos Imperium. Eventually there will only be Chaos Imperium. Then there will be no Chaos without Imperium.

Chaos will become Imperialized. Chaos Xenos cannot exist because they imply Chaos will be anything but Imperium with spikes.
Fug alright I'll rewrite the scene to fix my grevious error anon
Votann this, Destiny that, doesn't anyone just talk about Space Marines anymore?
Okay, but how is he going to deal with Chaos from other dimensions that share the same warp and don't care about 40k being majority human?
Sorry, this is an Aeldari community forum.
Hello Bricky
Make sure the Sergeant cuts off Vect's arm or something like that while saying something really epic and cool. And then Artemis has to yell "I WILL AVENGE YOU BROTHER, AND CAST DOWN THIS FOUL XENOS IN THE NAME OF THE IMPERIUM" and then Space Marine all over Vect while Vect is like "such power...... owari da........" and then Artemis rips his skull out and beats him to death with it while the Emperor appears in a golden light and gives a thumbs up before making Commorragh explode with his awesome Emperor powers
Those don't exist. Just like how worlds the Imperium lost mostly never existed prior to the story that destroyed them, none of that is represented on tabletop or other media. Consider the vast differences in weapons or armor the WHFB WoC use. In 40k, Chaos armies besides Daemons use Bolters, chainswords, and other Imperial weapons and Imperial power armor.

The Imperium didn't get corrupted by Chaos. Chaos got Imperialized.
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>Derp helmet
Remember that time a crimson fist was set to fight an Ork in a deldar arena, and proceeded to get spun around and flung into the audience by the Ork after losing pitifully in their fight? Good times.
Gw just should make warhammer romance novels if they really want the female audience.
Eldar really did win when it comes to their range updates huh? Lets see if the codex mogs the competition as well.
If this was written today the Crimson Fist would punch the Ork to death and then jump into the crowd, kill ten thousand Dark Eldar civilians, and exterminate a Haemonculi coven before being mortally wounded, only to be saved by his Battle Brothers at the last second (who somehow appear in the middle of Commorragh) so that he can cross the Rubicon Primaris.
Mine would be a monologue of Vect fawning over some new monstrosity that the Covens have finished. A hulking flesh beast sits in silent obedience. The scene ends with a short blurb about a pendant embedded in its flesh with the letter “V” carved into it.
Just occurred to me that the anti-xenos view is so prevalent among humans and CSM that you don't see them even using xenos tech often. There's AdMech who are occasionally curious about Tau or Necron tech but no DarkMech. No Obliterator who accidentally absorbed some xenos firearm either.
it has 8 detachments, so it automatically mogs everyone but CSM
10/10 kino writing
GW hire this man on the spot
>The scene ends with a short blurb about a pendant embedded in its flesh with the letter “V” carved into it.
I don't get it.
But if it was an Ultramarine written by Matt Ward, he'd do it all without needing to be saved.
Stands for vagina
Coming next
>Imperial Guard!
>Pink Space Marines!
>Red Space Marines!
>Green Red Space Marines!
>Blue Space Marines!
>Grey Space Marines!
>Green Space Marines!
>Blueish Grey Space Marines!
>Evil Mechs
Wow. Looking forward to this one.
>while Vect is like "such power...... owari da........"
kek. I wrote the opposite where the kill team got massacared off screen and Artemis is shocked and appalled at seeing all of Commorragh from the tower, how rich and technologically advanced it is. Vect doesn't even speak to him since that would be beneath him, he just sitting in the room behind him feeding off his misery
They're called Dark Eldar.
lmao cry harder xenofag
Jaghatai is a grotesque now.
Oh wait I get it now, its Jaghatai.
GW would personally send a BL writer to kill you if you submitted that. Space Marines aren't allowed to lose to xenos, Primarchs DEFINITELY aren't allowed to lose to xenos. Especially not the token Asian Primarch.
When the Corsairs codex comes out will it make Drukhari somewhat redundant?
What if it's Jaghatai having sex with Dark Eldar?
Xenos players are the ones that keep your games interesting so you aren't playing Ultramarines v Ultramarines for the 3rd time this month.

Ork players literally do the most hobbyist work out of any other faction with the expectation that they will lose every game they play.
Deldar are even more mary sue than marines
>only 2 characters
Sad. This means I can't submit Guilliman doing https://files.catbox.moe/6i2mka.jpg to a whole Craftsworld.
You got it backwards. The deldar codex will make the corsairs codex even more irrelevant than it otherwise would be.
In a way are Aeldari corsairs the TRUE aeldari? They're not super conservative like craftwords and they're not complete psychos like Drukhar and Harlequins.
It feels like Corsairs are the Eldar race in their truest form.
That is not family friendly, and nu40k must be family friendly. Wouldn't want the soccer moms to refuse to buy Timmy the new Warhammer Adventures book.
you own no models, like 95% of whiny xenosfags
Agreed. The Eldar are the only release worth anything this year.
2026 will be the good year.
No more human sloppa, and we'll potentially get corsairs.
Cool idea I wanted to do the same but I think Jaghatai doesn't count as a character since hes not from 40k hes from 30k
>Eldar refresh
>High Elves return to TOW
It's a good time to be an elf enjoyer.
Erebus when?
>consensual sex is LE BAD
>ultra violence is LE GOOD
why is "developed" human society like this?
Mothers are still gw’s largest number of paying customers?
>no more humans
>IN 40K
Not even counting all the GEQ Kill Teams we're gonna get, we will get a deluge of humans on any given year
For 2026, I'm personally hoping for Armageddon Steel Legion :)
>For 2026, I'm personally hoping for Armageddon Steel Legion :)
You'll get more Cadians.
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Working on a Lord Solar proxy using a FT-17 as a starting point, does this look too big on a 80mm base? I can remove the ramp tail at the back to make it fit better but I'd rather keep it on.
I... I know... :(
especially after all the blue states defect from the US and become a Canadian province
Violence is good because people die. Sex is bad because people are born.
Yes but also, why?
A conversation between Vect and Lilith before a consort appointment, but Vect is aware that "Lilith" is actually a Callidus Assassin and decides he'll still find some pleasure in these circumstances.
A Wardian Ultramarine would kill the Ork with one punch, throw its body into the crowd, then pull out a Bolter and start killing everyone. Then he'd kill a Haemonculi coven, beat up Vect, somehow drop half of Commorragh into the Warp, and rescue a bunch of captive Space Marines who all kneel before him and shed single tears in disbelief that they had the honor of meeting a Son of Guilliman. Then the Ultramarine would singlehandedly kill the Mandrakes and open a webway portal back to Ultramar (while the other Marines stand around uselessly).
The United States was settled by puritan extremists, as their culture devleoped this became their bedrock view, since their empire (and western colonisation) started the worlds culture is heavily influenced by American culture. We see their purtian value inflected on the rest of us, they love violence as a war mongering people so violence has become okay. Female nipples are not.
Look at all the zoomers saying they hate sex scenes in shows.
I remember a few years back there was more space marine love and more elf hate here.
I'm not complaining about the flippening I'm just wondering how it happened.
>Look at all the zoomers saying they hate sex scenes in shows
This is more of a reaction against the hypersexual coomerism that has become prevalent in society.
Puritans ruin everything.
To be fair 99% of sex scenes in shows have no purpose other than "heh look how mature we are for showing BOOBS".
If zoomers want to look at tits they'll go to pornhub
When you put it like that... I guess we have been putting a lot of space marines off for a long time this edition. I'm kind of surprised honestly because usually they front-load that shit every other edition.
fucking lol
Don't make me break out the Matt Ward codexes
But anon., we all know gratuitously showing sex is the proper sign of adult and cultured material. Not by themes, writing, or anything but titties.
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I mean yes but its such a complex thing theres many different influences. I think its also because people are living with roomates and family and feel awakrd watchng sex scenes with them. Anyway 40k is a victim of this since GW exists in our society so we have severed heads on spikes and skulls everywhere no problem but not a single topless woman. Look at how he Sisters Repentia got censoered in their new models
>being more mary sue than Marines
lol. Even fucking Custodes lose to Marines in the lore.
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The lowercase anon was right. There's an unmistakable connection between destinyfags and Gundam. It was sandwiches all along.
Sounds like the plot of Space Marine 3: Titus's bogus adventure Escaping from Commoragh
pretty sure that was better animated than any of the actual fights in the OG Gundam
true, it worked in the 80s so it'll work now
As retarded as Matt Ward was, he'll always have a special place in my heart, because the Ward era was when I first learned about 40k. Some of that shit was hilarious.
Twenty years of space marine glazing and eldar debasement and 4chan is entirely populated by counterculture zealots.
clumsy and fat marine hands typed this
Was he the one that wrote the goon chamber in the tyranid ship?
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But no salt.
Because Lord Solar looks stupid, and if I'm gonna run Death Riders + Drier I don't want to have a second "Guy on horse" leader. Plus I just like small tanks.
Does he know?
Titus is such a mary sue his bullshit warp resisitance would single handily stop a dysjunction and the Dark Eldar would begrudgingly let him go as thank you. He's have a scene with Vect where he makes Vect go along with his plans because he's so powerless to stop it himself.
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sounds like the space marine glazers finally grew up and realized who the superior faction was.
Yeah, Admech
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At least one good thing about DE being the last codex of the edition is that this beautiful box survives for another full year.
Incubi can be female just like Wyches and Howling Banshee's can be male.
Sexism and homophobia doesn't exist in any Eldar society.
Pretty sure they can be either geneder anon. Hell Drazhar (his armour) is currently taken over a female incubi
I had a funny idea
The fucking what? I'm surprised I've never heard of that. If I had to guess though, I'd assume that CS Goto wrote it.
Speaking of CS Goto, where can I find an excerpt of his infamous Eldar torture porn scene?
Dark Eldar have literally always had a special place in /tg/'s heart as the insane edgelords that they are. You can just look at the old 1d4chan articles and see that.
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If they looked like this maybe
You and retard replying to you think you're smart for reheating this take over and over. I'm riding in a bumpy ass truck that makes it too hard to type and you're on tg so you're probably too stupid to understand anyway.
But onscreen sex is a lot more real than onscreen violence. And no I will not explain that.
True there is no sexism, homophobia or transphobia in eldar society.
Only specism and racism towards half-born in drukhari society (despite half-born being the majority).
It's implied da emprah himself protected him
Only if you're rich and have the painting skills of a god or can paint someone who does.
Adults generally have money and a lifetime of experience, yes.
Oh please, they're not that terrible to paint. They're about as complex and fiddly as sisters of battle or thousand sons.
Having a god come in and save someone or protect someone is the literal origin of the term 'deux ex machina' where gods in Ancient Greek plays and stories would be in 'the machine (of fate) to save the hero. So Titus is literally deux ex machina to not be destroyed by the warp in both games
Anyone have that old picture from the GW Warhammer Community site of a fiend and daemonette opening gifts for slaaneshmas and they have christmas sweaters on? I can't find it for the life of me

I get that. But you'd probably be better finding a recast/print of a centuar and converting it into a command vehicle instead of using the ft17
wannabe elf
Wouldn't it be hilarious if the emperor put Aeldari genes in Sanguinious and Fulgrim?
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>Spends every waking minute of her life constantly bamfing through the warp
>Slaanesh STILL hasn't caught her yet.
Why is Slaanesh so incompetent?
>Look at all the zoomers saying they hate sex scenes in shows.
The European mind is truly rotten and shriveled
Titus is nothing compared to Space Marines with tabletop models. Like, Titus has never killed THE big bad leader of an entire faction before. Ragnar Blackmane did.
Turns out it's a thing that happens in 40k with faith miracles.
I fully expect by next game he will have killed an Avatar of Khaine even quicker than Daddy Calgar
Don't spirit stones protect eldar from the soul draining effect of being in the warp. Dark Eldar use some as a sheild in the path of the eldar book.
>Slaanesh STILL hasn't caught her yet.
Anon the whole life of a person is a candle flame in the warp, but they gutter and die before any warp daemon or creature can notice them. psykers are bigger flames and this draw more attention faster but that still takes decades. Jumping in and out every few minutes is so fast nothing can really notice you in time to catch you on top of being sheilded by the spirit stone
The new lore on how "faith" works without using the warp is retarded and I hope they never try to expand on it and just leave it an ambiguous thing.
Zoomers are just stupid in general. Its not a good example.
But seriously they unironically are one of the most brain dead generations. Almost on par with Gen X
Sally bros, what do you think it is?
A real Infernus kit that can be posed?
A special Aggressor?
Even that wouldn't be approaching Ragnar levels of bullshittery.
Anon its canon that Warp spiders are at risk of being gobbled up by Slaanesh everytime they teleport.
Its why the aspect is so risky. Whenever you fuck up a teleport roll with a Warp Spider and they don't return from the warp they're canonically being raped by Slaanesh.
why didn't the forces of chaos just have faith in their gods? they could have won already
They do. They constantly get sustained by them.
>Whenever you fuck up a teleport roll with a Warp Spider and they don't return from the warp they're canonically being raped by Slaanesh
Great, now I have to goon during games
I've never played eldar so didn;t know that. What are the odds on fucking up the teleport rolls?
its space marines release wave 2, multi-part infernus, assault terminators etcetc packed under salamanders to fit the next narrative/book release (4th war for armageddon)
>Anon the whole life of a person is a candle flame in the warp
Eldar souls are canonically bigger and brighter than any other species souls.
New plastic character kits
>Spending $1 per point
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Its under the rules here for flicker jump.
You have to roll a 1 on a d6 every time you teleport. If you do it means a model in the unit just got SLAANESH'D
Ragnar is the destined Young King. He gets to get away with a lot of shit.
At least he's not like Logan Grimnar who is using a reforged daemon axe he took from a Khorne champion hundreds of years ago. And that was actually a plot point when Magnus invaded Fenris and warded himself against all weapons forged by the Imperium. Logan yeeted his axe and Magnus, which shattered his shield because the axe was forged by Khorne. It was said you could hear Khorne laughing from the warp when thst Chekov's Axe came into play to fuck over the champion of Tzeentch.
Oh and don't forget the at least one Grey Knight Grand Master Grimnar killed in one blow as well as a High Inquisitor during the war with the Inquisition following the war for Armageddon.
>Exarchs can survive getting raped by Slaanesh
I think its more like they're so skilled that they're escaping by the skin of their teeth but got grazed.
Give me the strength to finish my sonichu themed horrors
I hate the Space Wolves so goddamn much.
That's a more fair take on it yeah
If you finish it your life will implode like the livesall those online personailities after they put on a sonichu medallion
I remember liking them a lot when I was a kid
Then I stopped being a kid. Not sure what happened to all the other Space Wolf fans.
>t. Salty dustfag
This is the gayest shit imaginable
That's not the reason everyone hates space wolves. Well, not the main reason.
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big chonker
>t. masturbates to anthropomorphic canines
how did you get him already?
When I first started getting into 40k as a teenager during a school elective my first factions were Death Guard in the space marine codex and Space Wolves. I thought space wolves were so cool at first I even read my teacher's Ragnar blackmane book. But I grew to hate them so much throughout the years. I'm so glad I went full Eldar after their 4th edition codex dropped and I was sick of space marines.
Though even though I do still hate Space Wolves they still have a special place in my heart as being the first army along with Death Guard that I could actually do decently well with.
I still love the True Grit rule because of those two factions.
Someone got the mini from a friend.
NTA but I'm literally a furry and I hate space wolves.
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>your face watching the EC reveal stream
Do you play Necrons?
Every literal furry I've ever seen irl play 40k was a necron player.
No I play Eldar, and Dark Eldar and have dabbled in Tau and Sisters.
>twink death isn't rea-
uh oh magnus melty
He just wanted to be the little girl...
You should consider suicide.
You should consider
>crying about your superiors
The helmet/mask is the only socially acceptable option.
Why doesn't Ahriman just do the Rubric on the Space Wolves?
Because the Space Wolves have their own codex therefor nothing bad can happen to them ever.
fulgrim would be too vain to wear a helmet
Plenty of bad stuff happens to the space wolves. Just look at their tragic model range.
what if all the primarchs were little girls?
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Ah, you can improve the focus on a wider shot by pulling the camera back and focusing from a greater distance. Only took me 12 attempts to figure that basic thing out.
Malcador would make fun of the Emperor even more for his proclivities
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I would think being vain is the precise reason to wear a helmet/mask.
See pic related.
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camera closer for comparison. Makes the background depth of field more
>I would think
You never think
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So fun, dude. I think this is going to be what I do when I cant get games. I'm already throwing together some kind of narrative for all the set pieces I want to do to tie them all together.
Pic reminds me of a short 40k story I wanted to right. Where chaos titans and knights conquer a city and in their pride are roaming around the ruins trying to kill everyone before leaving. The only survivors in the rubble city are children (some are former PDF and IG) who being smaller can crawl through all the rubble and hide behind chunks of building. The kids think they're hiding but the titans and knights censors see them but mistake them for the child sized rat-things that now infest the city and feast on the bodies, and sometimes the kids.
>implying Malcador wouldn't be into it
>Pic reminds me of a short 40k story I wanted to right
I can see why you didn't actually write it
Fuck. I'm going to look at myself in the mirror for a bit and feel ashamed
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I think mine is going to be a heretek insurrection on a dusty forgeworld that the Imperium is trying to put down. It will give me an excuse to paint up the really grotesque-looking mechanicus models I like.
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Can any two 40k characters pull pic off?
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your stuff is awesome anon, pls keep posting.
That leader is super cool. What did you use to make that?
can generic csm still take the mono god legion units like plague marines and berzerkers as non-battleline infantry?
Don't listen to them, Anon. I love stupid angsty grimderp bullshit written by 14 year olds (or adults with the creative capacity of 14 year olds)
Like unironically. That shit rules.
This novel was really good
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>wanted to paint this weekend
>got drunk with the boys instead
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it's as close to this guy as I could copy, made by a much better sculptor/painter than me. It's a necromunda cawdor ganger body, skitarii mace hand, and tempestus scion servo skull for the head.
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cool stuff anon
>Wanted to paint this weekend
>instead got called a piece of shit waste of space by my father and almost broke down in tears
Could always be worse anon.
fuck off kharne
stop adding an E to his name
Oh he's the leader? I meant the tall dude with heavy armour carrying the auto-cannon(?)
Ouch. Maybe it's time to move out?
stop being a traitor
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Oh, that's a copy of this conversion I found online. It's a HH resin mechanicus model with necron arms and an IG heavy stubber.
Since when are furfaggots tolerated on this website?
since 2004
Sounds like he's right
Man HH really has the best admech models. Cool conversion either way, very striking looking guy as a towering metallic figure in a group of robed cultists. Looks sick
Go back
Come on anon. You know who it is.
You blaming every post you don't like on edgecoc is just as pathetic as him blaming every post he doesn't like on carnac/lamentranny/ben
Kill yourself my man
I don't post here enough to know who the fuck any of those people are.
Do space marine armors have IFF built into them or is it not necessary?
Damn you got sand in your gash or something?
You don't need to, they're all the worst parts of this thread, the schizo accusing everybody of being them included
You're pathetically obnoxious
They do. Sergeants also have vitals readouts for their squad.
They do but they have armour markings to help at a glance decision making and impress more rank conscious guard forces. My dudes don’t bother with any codex markings and are hated because it makes telling who’s in charge a pain in the ass for anyone not in the chapter. You can do whatever you want man.
Someone please bake a new thread, I want to make fun of an anon with a perfect reaction pic but we've hit the image limit.
Why would you say "make a new thread" when you could say "bake some new bread"
Yeah, yeah I know. Thats what stings most.

Cant, no money.
> (or adults with the creative capacity of 14 year olds)
I'd hope I was more creative than that. It was just a one off short story idea that popped into my head ages ago. The kids being former child soldiers (being the Imperium thats pretty normal) were going to find like a lascannon and kill a small one, like a war dog with it. Then the rest of the chaos knights and titans would think how humiliating that is and how they've spent enough time here repairing and testing new systems and decide to leave. Effectively 'saving' the city.
Have you tried not being a piece of shit waste of space and getting a job?
Get a job and move into a shitty appartment. Just get out of there
It's not my fault GW was retarded and named the champion of Khorne Kharn. It's like Sauron and Sauronman but even worse.
bottom right is a good pick, but I wish it was more like his HH model
The duality of man
When eldar get lost on a path, can they still access experience from old paths?
>The duality of man-child
new bread baked

Thanks anon.
I thunk
>still hating furries
You need to go back
Literally no one is ever going to use the 1st and 2nd head.

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