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Titans edition

Previous Heresy:>>94828821

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Did you ever used titan in your army or played against one? How was it?
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Only played against titans. Don't own one since FW doesn't make the Lucius patterns sadly, only the ugly Mars pattern ones.
Played against a warhound and a warlord titan, both in HH 1.0 and the new edition. In the old edition titans were very intimidating. In HH 2.0 even playing against a warlord titan is depressing, its firepower is just that underwhelming. It struggled to kill a predator squadron in one shooting phase for crying out loud.
>Seperating the vets on the backpack
JFC why would they do this?!

Yes i used a reaver in a big ass apoc game in 1.0 it was fun and silly, but very oppressive and OP as titans should be.
Building a warhound to use in my 3k list because i wanted a easy way to go from 2k to 3k, and i did that by adding a 750 warhound and a 250 squad of assault marines+Apoth so easy peasy.
This is why i think the best titan in the game right now is the warhound because when you look at it on paper, its basically just the better option over a fellblade or glaive or what have you.
12 HP +2 Voids
AV 14, 13, 12 (?) i think i need to look again.
Slapping a Turbo laser which is S12 AP2 Destoryer large blast twin linked, and a PLasma blast canon which is a massive blast with breaching 4+ and is base AP3, is great a clearing out anything.
All for 750 points. IMO thats the best option if you are just wanting a big fuck you model.
There's apparently an STL around of Lucius pattern
Why did they name a forgeworld after a guy who likes swordfights? Why didn't they change the name when he became a notorious evil smackhead?
the forge world is "shining" because it's a hollow planet around an artificial sun (really) the dude is "luke" because he's the best swordsman geddit
>It struggled to kill a predator squadron in one shooting phase for crying out loud.

which guns
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Now painting the armor
Enjoy all that trim.
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Has someone got a pdf/high quality scan of the complete Aeronautica Imperialis Horus Heresy Rulebook? Toss me a link please and thank you!
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yes, my trusty reaver has seen two battles so far.
if you don't have the tools to kill it, it become really opressive as it does pack a punch, that said two warhounds would probably be better (and destroyer is still nuts)
seconding, i think that anon's a filthy liar, a single shot from an apocalypse missile launcher is likely to destroy any preds. any arm warlord weapons would eat tanks for breakfast (save for, ironically, the volcano cannon)
I really want to play Legions Imperialis but idk if it's a dumb idea
I'm trying to get back into tabletop wargaming after a decade break and so I don't have a group
>I really want to play Legions Imperialis but idk if it's a dumb idea
Unironically anon, its probably the best rule set GW has put out in a LOOOOOOONG time.
It really shows how fucking good alternating activations is.
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I have exclusivley fought with and against titans before.
If you're here for gaming, find a group first. Nothing worse than investing in an army, maybe even two for demos, only to find that literally nobody cares. Take it from my experience with warmachine, malifaux, and infinity.
LIgma suffers a lot from something 2.0 also does which is the rules are written as if a lawyer did them but without the tightness and ease of use so you just get a shitload of jargon which MIGHT do or restrict things like the writers wanted or it would need some interpretation and house rules to make it work like that. Then you top it off with certain portions of the rules referencing mechanics that look like were removed during playtesting and atrocious internal balance and infantry sculpts. Certainly not the first choice I would have for a system to make a group.
Laser blasters, volcano cannon, macro gatling blaster iirc
GW's rules team could really use some autistic as fuck editor. Somebody that can balance out their schizophrenic chaos with autistic consistency.
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Combi weapon for my seekers' apothecary.
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building the lore for <mydudes> TS army.
the idea is to have a smaller order who become a warband after the siege
the praetor's going to be a very angry biomancer hellbent on avenging prospero, the other praetor will be a truly monstruous telepath (he makes it rhyme with sociopath) who spent too much time with the night lords.
there's also going to be the guy who replace them both, a master of siege/praevian consul who manage to maintain the terminators of the order alive through revolutionary psychic abilities.
i'll find some funny names for them later.
not really possible without spectacularly bad dice results, scattering templates so they all touch the front only etc

probably misunderstanding about how Destroyer weapons work - roll 3D6 for penetration and discard the single lowest (or one of the joint single lowest) results, and any glancing or penetrating hit inflicts D3 Hull Points after any saves have been taken


laser blasters - Destroyer, 5" template, S10 AP2; that should even glance the front armour of a Predator ~97% of the time, making it a fuxxy 1/3 to wipe out a Predator (with 3HP) in a single shot on a glance, and it'll pen 92% of the time which is the same damage as the glance but also a +1 roll on the vehicle damage table; 1/6 to outright wreck it from that roll;

volcano cannon - 10" blast S14 AP1; auto-pen any Predator it touches, making it again a 1/3 to destroy it (and on the other 2/3 it's still somewhere between 1/5 and 1/4 to wreck it outright in one shot on HP)

macro-gatling - "only" S10 AP3 but 3x shots and 7" blast, with Destroyer it'll wreck a predator the same as the laser blasters on a glance

i'm not saying it didn't happen but you must understand how spectacularly unlikely it is that multiple Predators survive multiple shots from Warlord weaponry
>on the other 2/3 it's still somewhere between 1/5 and 1/4 to wreck it outright

this is actually wrong but it's late and idc except to say what I've done is use that 2/3 and multiplied it by the 1/3 for 3HP (maximum HP roll) instead of just leaving it where it is at 1/3, which is perfectly correct

the other way is correct too but only insofar as there's a way it has to be reached which is a 22% likelihood

this is immaterial however as once that S14 Destroyer template touches a Predator it will take 1-3HP, so its destruction is never worse than 1/3
>play a core mission from one of the supplements
oh man they are a lot better than the rulebook missions
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What Legion have you never seen anyone in your local area play at all? I'm trying to pick the most hipster one, preferably not blackshields.

The only scan that exists is the janky one I did because I'm the only person who regularly plays Aeronatica, enjoy:

The scan doesn't include the rules though, but they're unchanged from base aeronautica so you can easily find a scan of any of the other non FW books and use that.
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i think this tank snout looks the craziest of the lot
gives me HG Wells vibes somehow, very arcane and fanciful and verging upon alien
I can't imagine that snout being much good considering you'd have to camp your table edge to get the maximum power. Probably with heavy bolters so you can harass deep strikers while pie-plating HSS.
They're unironically fun with World Eaters. Conversion beamers force your opponent to either walk a little closer to you, or target the predators (And therefor not your rampagers and dreadnaughts).
Oh I imagine they're loads of fun just not super good.
I want one to eye fuck my buddy's mor dehyn with blind. I don't even care about killing them.
there are tons, yeah. not so many for the reaver, but for the hounds and warlord you can find both full builds and conversion kits for the plastic ones.

LIgma is basically just a reboot of the 2nd ed epic rules with the titanicus stuff dumbed down, because they based new titanicus on 1st ed and still wanted to sell it as a separate game. It suffers from the usual GW habit of forgetting to proofread or playtest, but the game it's based on is so good there's a limit to how much even nu-GW could fuck it up (which was also the case with AT).
works out great because LI is a good entry point as an HH marine game, but then if your group outgrows it you can migrate them over to net epic pretty easily since it shares most of the same rules concepts and vocabulary.
THis, right now im working on a warhound for HH, but once that fucker is done, which will complete my 3k Dark angels army, im going to be moving onto my ligma army.
The only thing about ligma that really kinda makes me upset is that apparently knights suck ass in ligma which makes me sad because i really wanted to run a knight house but they just are kinda poo.

Also apparently titans in ligma can be oppressive if your opponent does not have something to deal with them, like as in, if they dont have a way to bring a titan down with another titan, or massed shadow swords, they basically get free reign on the battle field. With my first game i ran a reaver titan and it lasted all game while getting shot.

Also holy fuck flyers are really strong in that game too.
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start of the sekhmets
Fuck me that was fast.
>candy cane
Quite handsome anon. I hope they dont disappoint you.
But when they do, just remember you can always proxy them as TH terminators.
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i am speed
also the red should've looked a tad more pink but i got heavy handed on that batch, will dilute more next time
i'm pretty sure you can do some stuff with pavoni/biomancy. you reach s8 with achean force and biomancy, you get stuck in with pavoni. i think they are a tad overcosted tho. i'll take them for a ride this friday
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ah, sekhmet. I wish I'd played a bit of 1.0 so I could have at least seen what the pure pyromancy fuckers could get up to.
I need to get rid of these guys, I can't even turn them into blackshields.
>i think they are a tad overcosted tho
>a tad
>i'm pretty sure you can do some stuff with pavoni/biomancy.
I dont wanna burst your bubble anon, but im going to be really really fucking brutally honest with you.
They fucking suck ass so much.
>Biomancy Str8
Yeah sure, but here is the problem, the ONLY time that ever works, is for the first round in combat when YOU charge. Becuase you cant use the +1 str power while in combat, and you cant use it in an over watch reaction either. So the only time you will ever get it is, is a single round of combat on a turn you charged. On top of that, you also need to pass the STR check to get the +2 str from your force axe, which even then, lacks brutal.
>Tad over cost
They are about 50 points over cost, for honestly just a dog shit unit. If their power was baked into their cost, and their Kopesh had 2 profiles that you could pick from, either a force sword or force axe, which ever you wanted, they might be useful. But Costing 300 points for a power, which anything other then telepathy is a waste, is not good.
Again i like the thematics of them but holy shit they suck. You are almost always better off point wise just going with a retinue and TH, or hell even just basic terminators and TH.
This,they are paying for their sins from HH1.0.
Oh and they also lost their asphyx bolters from 1.0 for....reasons, and have no way to get them back so, there is that too, not very important but you know, just another kick in the taint.
i must be too opimistic, but that's to be expected from a guy with 15 crimson paladins
Oh dude i painted up 20 Sehkmet at the start of 2.0 just because i really fuckign like Tsons, and i really like terminators and the idea of Battle wizards is cool as fuck. So trust me i feel you there.
But god damn they suck cock.
I mean they can kill stuff just like anything else it's just that they do it at a premium.
Even pyromancy isn't that much fun because your opponent can just artificer tank half the wounds you cause.
NTA but what causes the candy cane red?
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being fucking kangs of course
actual space wizard knight marines
No I mean the color red/white looks like a candy cane.
The automobile red TS have a lot is usually referred to as candy red.
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Specifically its called "Candy apple red"
Pic related.
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That's a bit dull for candy red, isn't that just a metallic?
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Just depends on how Juicy looking you want it, I dont like my Tsons looking super Juicy looking because it ends up looking very sloppy/unthinned.
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believe me when i say i paint stuff because it looks cool, instead of actually being any good on the table
do you have some tips for TS ?
how bad are perils ? i took some castellax with the RoW and solar aux for peril mitigation.
is pavoni any fun ? i kinda want some assault marines zooming around with 15" move
look like corvidae could be fun for sniping pesky artificier armor sarges or apothecary with the odd combi melta.
is the apshyx ammo a good upgrade ? 9" rapid fire is tough from what my IW friend told me
I mean yeah, I get that, but more in regards to how the effect is achieved. When seeing something like Saint Duncan's tutorial on 30k TS, where he uses a red contrast on gold primer - it's still somewhat metallic but doesn't look anywhere as glossy as what I'd typically see of others' TS armies, unless the lighting in his videos doesn't really show that.
That's fair. Clear red is fucking impossible to paint over.
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Tamiya clear red is what I used. Over retributer gold (on praetor punchy there) it makes a very bright red. Over fulgrite copper it's still bright but not as shiny on the corners. Over brass it comes out very red, you can't see much of the gold underneath. Over gunmetal it comes out pretty dark and doesn't look very good at all. You have to wash the underlying metallic as well before you paint.
The FW studio's Brass Scorpion was done in silver with webs of red underneath to create a pattern. It's featured in one of the Imperial Armor Masterclasses.
>do you have some tips for TS ?
Yeah, abuse and use Numberoligists they are an amazing force multiplier.

Abuse telepathy, almost always take it as a psyker option because its brutal as fuck.
Abuse cheeky shit with the speical sniper unit we get. They get a power called mind killer which if you stick a moritat in there, you can enjoy some sweet ass 24 rending 4+ deflagrate shots which will fuck anything up this way and back.
Unfortuantly anon Tsons are probably one of if not the weakest legion right now with some of the worst abilities and IMO the worst Primach in the game right now, super over costed and does not really do anything good.

Yeah, my recipe is as follows
>Base in black, go back and touch up the model in black to get a good solid coat
>Base in retributor gold from the can, dont need to go back and touch up after
OPTIONAL STEP: Apply Burnt umbra ink from below to get a darker orange tint to the gold from below, creates shadow
>Wash in a black oil wash, to get into all the cracks and crevasse.
There are 2 ways to do the next part, 1 requiers an air brush and looks the best, the other does not but does not look as good.
>Apply Alclad II Candy apple red enamel paint
WEAR A FUCKING RESPERATOR, not a mask, A RESPERATOR, when applying this shit through an air brush, its SUPER fucking bad for you when aerosolized, but holy fuck it comes out the best, see my 2 dudes above the captain and the vidgulator.
>let cure for a full day
>Tamyia has a red clear coat you can buy that is what it says, you apply it over the gold and it will do the trick but its not as precise as the airbrush method.

Then to also cover this guy >>94849978
>Apply a satin varnish over the model, this will help paint stick to the model.
Addtionally, if you have something you want to paint another color atop the candy apple red, its genreally quite annoying this is because its such a smooth surface that the paint does not like to stick to it.

To get around this you need to create surface texture, a satin varnish helps, but you can also apply a thinned out nullin oil wash over the area you want to paint, for example say you wanna paint a gun case white that ended up getting turned red, cover it in nulin oil first.

Once it dries it will help create a texture across the model in that area that will help paint stick to it.
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>Numberoligists they are an amazing force multiplier
This dude is just straight up a consul. WS5 with force axe (or thunder hammer) and servo arm and ablative wounds AND it can't get held down in a challenge. The only game I've played with my buddy it finished off half a contemptor and swept a tactical squad and kept one of his butt buddies alive.
I need to get a second game in what am I even doing here.
They are quite nasty to combo with a HSS and Rapier battery team. Just granting both of them +1 BS is amazing.

Oh also i forgot, avoid Tsons speical plasma, its not that good. At best its a side grade.
>At best its a side grade.
It is free.
If I'd realized how funny asphyx tacticals could be I might not have switched to blackshields and made some joke list with forty shred tacticals and forty breaching inductii.
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>osiron dreadnought costing an extra 25 points for a side-grade fist
>needs 50 fucking points to give it a mediocre psychic power or 15 points for a mediocre arcana ability
no wonder the wolves won Prospero
wondering if this alleged "2.5" balance patch has been given to the big battle report channels for play test yet ?
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I want to give a contemptor dreadnought a big-ass slab shield like off the Iron Circle robot or the custode's dread on one arm and then the leviathan's melta beamer on the other and run it as equipped with 2 multi meltas.
I guess I'm gonna have to wait for Wally to work through the orders. And even with them it's gonna be hella skrilla.
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I want a knightly one looking lik this.
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and a leviathan with two shields.
The mould lines on the bolter ruin it
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The entire Horus Heresy plot could be saved simply by making two of the Primarchs homosexual, but never explicitly revealing which ones.
No, you sodomite.
Nah, it'd be too obvious
nothing in history of animal kingdom was fixed with The Gay,
Is the Adeptus Titanicus boxset complete overkill for anyone interested in Legions Imperialis?
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say something nice about this narrative army from LVO
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Faced warhounds a couple of time now and if you don't have enough AT your cooked and if you do it is usually cooked. I do think if you are going to bring one or an event has them in play you should be told well ahead of time for balance sake.
knowing is surely half the battle
by nature of what's being represented it's very appropriate for any given player to have the necessary AT to potentially try and tackle a hound even if it might be a stretch
those things were PROFUSELY employed all over various theaters and even if it can be an oppressive thing to bring at the 3000 bracket it is perfectly thematic for one to be backing up 2250 points or so of other shit
Depends. If you're going to find a group and join it you'll play what they play. If you have the pleasure of starting your own group to entice people into then no. Fuck no. Not only is >>94847598 spot on, >>94849604 is wearing glass bottle-bottom thick nostalgia goggles about 2nd ed Epic. If anything, GW picked the worst of the available options. Space Marine(Epic 1st & 2nd editions, in retrospect) was the clunkiest, least intuitive version of the rules and there's a reason Epic Armageddon became the most popular by a wide, wide margin once the community functionally took over the specialist games from GW. It does everything SM did but with tighter, more comprehensible rules and armies that managed to be interesting to play, highly distinct, and true to the setting background all at once. Even 3rd edition, which most people consider overly-streamlined to the point of being a bit dumbed down, would have been a better choice for a Heresy Epic system than 2nd edition, because at least a more abstract and streamlined rules system would have made handling such large armies less unwieldy.

There are fan conversions of NetEA(the community version of the good edition) floating about online, do your brain and potential future gaming buddies a favour and look into those instead.
Titans don't belong in this scale of game. Period. No ifs, no buts, no maybes. >>94850800 is correct that it's a binary proposition that isn't going to be fun for at least one side because either you know and you kill it with ease, or you don't and it kills you with ease. Trying to find a balance where you know but somehow don't take *quite* enough AT for the conclusion to be foregone is pointless because a D6 based system with 32mm models doesn't have the *resolution* to depict the conflict properly. We're playing a game that is still after all these years and iterations fundamentally at its core a reinforced-platoon scale skirmish system; you can *maybe*, just about, if you squint a little stretch it out to company scale engagements with armoured support as HH has, but Titans are *strategic* assets at this scale not tactical ones. Titans, planes, even superheavies really simply don't work and they never have, they were rammed in exclusively so GW could sell bigger toys to people other than collectors and top-end paypigs, and they should never be included in regular games at all. If one is on the board rather than shooting *at* the board from kilometres away, you should be playing a special scenario that revolves entirely around such a spectactular concentration of power and it shouldn't really operate according to the normal rules of the game at all.

Could be any two, even the two who were disappeared. Could be the feyest, the butchest, a combination of the two as Top and Bottom. Could be Alpharius and Omegon playing dress up. But now an unexplained and lethal sickness is abroad amongst the legions. The Emperor Protects, but he also suspects.
The two missing primarchs were the only primarchs that weren't homo
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i find higher octaves of warmachines dipping in on a scenario of the likes AOD is portraying to be hugely flavorful and compelling

it's not as though this is meant to be played in any spirit besides that of a battle simulation role playing game wherein the meat of it all is the elaboration your own imagination is effortlessly letting flourish as you play
>2nd was the clunkiest, least intuitive version of the rules
it's the ruleset that LIgma was based on. and it's no clunkier or more unintuitive than *any* version of 30k/40k. if you have a group that is already bought in on LI and/or HH, they've got the ability to handle 2nd. and with NEgold rules, the community-managed living ruleset, they've been micro-adjusting the balance for 25 years. meaning there are very few issues, even tiny ones, that haven't been worked out.

I get the appeal of epic armageddon, it is a good ruleset and if your group likes it carry on. but the idea that its design makes no sacrifices is stupid. it completely fails to integrate titanicus, for instance, instead going the route that LIgma does and just treating them as essentially fat, expensive tanks. an emperor titan in epic armageddon has barely more rules complexity than a baneblade. and one side effect is that playing titan legions in that ruleset, which is kind of important for HH, is boring as fuck.
This. The best thing of this game for me is designing fluffy scenarios and telling a story. If that story is how a company faced a Warhound over one sector of a city, that's cool. If your approach to the game is that everything should be balanced for a competitive game, that's cool for you as well, but it's not how I enjoy my Heresy
Guess I'll just have to buy the fuck ass thing then. Thanks anyway anon.
Anyone have one of those TEATD era shitposts when it was revealed Horus can shoot lasers from his chest eye?
nogames here, if I upgrade my squad with power weapons and special pistols, do these BOTH have to be allocated to the same marines? Can't seem to find anything online...
Dunno how popular of an opinion this will be but l. Unit restrictions like the LOW and Primarch points restriction and the master of the legion restriction should be calculated by the points limit of the game and not the points value of your army
Which squad?
Sorry, assault squad!
No, pistol upgrades can be on different marines than the power weapons.
How is that different, the point limit of a game IS the point value of the army you play in it.
Thanks! Was thinking of spreading the upgrades around so that if a marine with one gets killed I don't lose the other option
Yeah that's what I did, and it looks cool having the variety.
Hey HHG while contemplating life in the shower this morning i was running thought which ring of hell each traitor primarch represents in respect to Dantes inferno. What do you all thing for this line up.

1 Limbo: Perterabo: Unsureness and trepidation because he always doubted his work.
2 Lust: Fulgrim, self fucking explanatory here
3 Gluttony: Mortarian, Big strinky and all consuming virus and hatred for everything.
4 Greed/averice: Magnus, a unquenchable desire and need for knowledge that led to his doom.
5 Wrath: Angron, just pissed off and wrathful at everyone and everything because he can.
6: Heresy, Logar: self explanatory
7: Violence: Curz, because he revel in violence against everyone, and even himself.
8: Fruad: Alpharius because deceitful and trickster
9: Treachery, Horus, he is a dick thats why.
>le ebin dante's inferno
>le ebin 40k empurur faith
You have to go back, or to the shower for that matter
I too have the army, minus the two tanks and the dreadnoughts with two weapons. Only difference is that my veterans with jump packs have swords, and my cataphracts companions have swords too. nice army , very clean painted. I like the white helmet dude in the middle.
I played against one twice, and against a big one in a store team game. A melee army with core weapons based around knightly swords and maces does not work well vs huge walkers with high AV. But I could imagine that some SAH army could kill one very fast.
DESU warhounds are kinda the best titans outta all of them for their price to fire power ratio.
It's a nice looking group, but why dreads instead of speeders?
Speeders can support the jump pack dudes and harass flanks.
>2 Scorpius
>2 box naught duel las canons which you KNOW have targeting array
Narrative, sure, narrative that they are WAAC Faggots.
For intercept and to fuck over flyers.
A duel las canon box naught dread with a targeting array are only 185 points each. Can use 2 of those and cuck anything that is deep striking or flying.
Is the narrative about how the guy's very boring?
yeah, but they are impossible to buy. GW doesn't sell plastic boxnaughts. So it would be hard to use them, even if someone had extra 4 lascanons just laying around.
They still sell the venerable dread.
as for the arms yeah you gotta kinda get those from resellers
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less than a month, five dreads painted.
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Painting my SA up as a mix of grey/blue and the veletarii will be a very dirty/battleworn silver with red accents. Don't know if I want allied Custodes to be a very bright gold or battleworn silver. Gold seems easy but very hard to do in a satisfying way.
based and paint pilled. I dread trying to paint something bigger then a terminator.I know I have to build a unit of contemptors one day, but big models are scary to build and even scarier to paint.
Try putting a layer of gold over a bright, not too thick, orange. Makes the gold look very vibrant. Then put a light shade of like seraphim sepia over it, and finally drybrush it lightly with a bright silver.
Get a flat shader brush. It makes painting big models so fucking easy.
hm I do have one of those but with a round tip. My dudes are mostly in black or bone armour, so I generaly do the base colour first and then slap chop the living hell out of the rest. Keeping to the rule of colour=undamaged armour, metalic=scraped, white=cermite that was grinded down or hit with a big impact. Only thing it is bad at are the details. but my sister got me small brushes for those. They are nice, but it takes so long to paint stuff and the paint itself dries up very fast now with ovens being on 24/7. In summer too, because of the natural heat. End autum and late spring seem to be the best time to paint stuff, but one is during school exams and the other is end of harvest, so it is hard to squeez in painting.

thanks for the tip about the flat brush, the round ones do seem to be more fitting for doing stuff like human stuff and not large flat panels.

I was wondering thought. Could one paint the panels like power swords/axes? dark colour in the middle of the panel, lighter the further from the center it goes and then the very edges dry brushed with some very light white or grey colour?
black or iron/silver undercoat?
is it worth putting a flare shield on a kratos?

its 50pts, flare shields are usually 25pts on other vehicles
For orange a light grey or white undercoat usually works better.
If you don't, the kratos is just gonna get blown up by lascannons shooting it.

Flare shields are always 50 pts for marine vehicles.
>Could one paint the panels like power swords/axes?
you mean glaze the armor on the outer side? Probably.
ccould be called that way. I am rather bad at english, and the names of painting stuff are new to me too.

I wonder why marines just don't dedicated 2-3 guys each squad to carry a power supply and shield generator to protect themselfs from incoming fire.
What books have the primarch origin (foster-world) stories? I've read some of the primarch novels, but it seems like not all of them cover this.
Alpharius Head of the Hydra
Flare Shields are the result of void Shields being impossible to miniaturize, and even they can only be mounted on near superheavy tanks at the smallest.
Some of them do.

Makes it functionally immune to S7 Blast from the front, S8 anything from the front. That's a lot of nuts.
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>as the Master Anathorum of the thousand sons, Kalphec Anabolis of the 3rd fellowship had a reputation for no-nonsense command. this changed drastically with prospero burned to the ground : where he was mesured at war, his orders and tactics were now reckless, bent on inflicting retribution rather than any strategic objective.
>despite this, he remained in command, as no official censure from Magnus came, and so his own descent into a bitter madness continued through the heresy
The protection offered isn't worth having to lug all that cumbersome equipment around, slowing down a significant portion of the squad, who then also don't have their hands free to fight/shoot. Especially when fighting in cities or tight spaces, where there's always a sturdy wall nearby to duck behind that offers more protection than the shield will.

Personalised energy field protection in the form of refractor fields, boarding shields, storm shields, iron halos etc. is just way more practical too.
Nice paint job and /yourdude/ fluff bit.
Space marines aren't orks.
Is turning WE despoilers into inductii worth it? Considering they would not be able to be joined by apothecaries because of it
Is there an up to date roadmap for new releases?
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it's all tanks
Losing Heart of the Legion on top of not being allowed an apothecary just isn't worth it. Ravening Madman provides way less damage mitigation, on top of nerfing their defensive WS to 3
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I use my warhound titan semi frequently, really love it. Best piece of advice I got when running and the best use I had was to push forwards with it, shooting and charging (stepping on shit) with it rather than JUST a gun platform. Its got a nice melee profile and anything short of a thunder hammer won't scratch the paint.

I run it alongside my mechanicum or AL, best resutls for the mech who can put wounds back on it which always helps.

It is rather obnoxious though so I always tell my opponent if I'm going to bring it. :)
What tanks are there which we lack? Sabres, Sicarian turrets, what else?
Looking forward to gettming mine finished.
Gonna run it with my Dangels list which is already an elite list, set it up so basically no matter what, they are going to be shooting a shitty targets
2 LR
Scimitar jet bike preator squad as raven wing so turn 1 they are gonna be running and getting a 5+++ rerollable
A squad of Javalins which i will 100% be using evade on to get another 5+++ Rerollable.
Then a 10 man assault squad with shields dropping in on turn 2 for a bit of chaos.
Sabers, The various super heavy tanks which is honestly what im really expecting them to drop.
As you said Sicaren turrets.
uhhhhh who knows they will probably shit out some more random stuff.
Oh bombards i think as well.
Maybe they will go wild and give us Legion basilisks and medusas?
SA is missing the carnodon, aurox, and everyone is still missing super heavies in plastic
Superheavies for solar auxilua. Plastic macroexplorator whatever that mechanicum guntruck is. Plastic fellblade/glaive though since there's no LIgma equivalent this is unlikely.
Krios and the mortar boat have LIgma models so they're guaranteed.
Tbh I think that announcement was partly a piss-take since people keep bitching about tanks, it's probably just gonna be a stream of resin characters
Are there really enough tanks missing to fill up the entirely of the 2025 release schedule with them? I’m still coping hard for new MkIV plastic marines
They can stretch it out I'm sure.
There's also lots of mechanicum they can port over that they probably have sitting around.
>Something new each month!
I'm sure GW can pull 12 tanks out of their ass.
Sounds good! IF you can get your hands on template for the inferno gun, I'd recommend it, the massive destroyer template can really help to sweep clear the board and the fact it is a destroyer weapon lets you really damage vehicles and none 2+ armor mulit wound targets
Oh i have them all. to start im gonna run the Plasma and laser destroyer.
The first leg is currently drying behing held it place by balancing atop a coffee cup. DESU half the effort to building a titan is rigging up scaffolding to hold parts in place.
Do you think GW will ever release bundle boxes ever again?
I noticed they have bundle boxes of titans atm but they're online only
They're doing army boxes for every major release so far.
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We must ask big questions, like is there enough place for another drop pod?
Meltas go pewpewpew
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>no infantry screen around the vehicles
it's called combined arms and it is the only way to play
>what are 2 rhinos and land raider near tanks?
Infantry screen is there it just wasn't deployed, convoy was ambushed from space.
it's not an infantry screen if it's inside a transport
this said though it's not as though drop pods could not be inserted on top of enemy infantry as is not portrayed properly in AOD

it's even perfectly thematic and narrative-aligned for an EC grouping to get such a jump on one
cant screen with infantry if you're playing armoured spearhead
It is. Just in progress.
Sicarian variants, Sabre, Falchion/Fellblade/Glaive, Arquitor, Aurox, Termite, Pallas, Gladius, Coronus, Acquisitor, Krios, Karacnos.

That's just vehicles in libers, assuming they add zero new ones and don't make any legacies stuff and also not including knights.
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I've already got some Titanicus and Aeronautica stuff laying about. Sell me on legiones imperialis ya bag o' bitches.
>week after order. Still awaiting shipping
>Drop pod army

He's AL, he'll be fine.
Just buy more titans.
Had the game of my life yesterday
>Clash of the Line
>Shatter Strike
>Traitor Word Bearers vs Traitor Death Guard
>Both armies clash in the centre of the board and it turns into an absolute slog
>WW1 style trench warfare with both armies taking mass casualties to gain an inch of ground, slowly advancing through all the dangerous terrain on the battlefield
>Typhon kills Erebus in a challenge
>Mortarion kills the Daemon Sovereign Erebus summoned in a challenge
>Word Bearers veteran sergeant kills a Death Guard Praetor in a challenge
>Death Guard pull ahead from Slay the Warlord and Attrition Secondaries
>T5 the Word Bearers battle lines are on the verge of collapsing, giving the Death Guard the W as there is nothing stopping them from flooding into their deployment zone
>Word Bearers Assault Marines perform a deep strike assault directly on target in the Death Guard deployment zone, tieing the game
>Game comes down to whether a 6th turn will be played on a 4+
>Death Guard player rolls a 3
>Game ends
Was fucking incredible
A guy in my group bought a warlord and it took about a month for it to ship
Im glad to know that chink is still printing off terrain for people.
Order a vehicle from him, its so colossally fucked up that its only salvageability is becoming terrain.
I want some of the new Mechanicum shit but am undecided about the game.
If you want to play make sure your local has a group or else it all just sits on your shelf forever.
>If you want to play make sure your local has a group or else it all just sits on your shelf forever.

A fair point. I don't think I've ever seen a single dude playing LI.
What was the WB list?
What is the best loadout for Sehkmet terminators?
Thunder hammers and telepathy in my humble opinion
Really? I've bought from him 3 times in 2024 and everything was good
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Too long to copy the text from my list builder, so here's a PDF
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Please do not do that.
Cuz of points or cuz of WAAC? I agree on both but he *did* ask for *best*
Unless he has stepped up his game, every thing i ever ordered from Z was really sub par.
Save for titans, though to be fair, its kinda hard to fuck up titans outside of the interior of them.
Define "best". You mean points efficiency, damage output, or fun and cool?
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>lose game because return fire and intercept on melta dreadnoughts is absoloutely fucking overpowered

holy fuck, when are they gonna say "you cant react with weapons above S6"?
tanks cant do that, no other unit should be able to
Wtg is definetly better, but they've got too many orders and some products are not available. I ordered a warhound this time from Z, hoping it'll be ok but if it requires work I'm alright with that, I was looking for a big project to do with my dad after he retires
?? Don't arrive from reserves qith vehicles on melta range retard
Why are you shooting at a dreadnought from within range of its meltacannon? Lascannons have 48" range anon, fucking use it goddammit.
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Is there anyway to play against DW Companion/Interemptor spam that also includes having fun?
Anon standard game table is 24x24, there is no outside melta range.
Just shoot them in the head. They're both fantastic units but you can drown them in botler or volkite fire once whatever they're moving around in is dead. How is the DA player running them?
>Heresy, Logar
In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Good one Argel Tal, flay any infants lately?
no space for it to be deployed, had to be in ongoing

because dreadnought drop pod
Is it true that titans in LI are just glorified tanks
Thats just because dreads are OP as fuck.
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Are fully armored, or at least mechanized, lists viable in the current edition of HH?

I feel like a list that makes use of mechanized Marines with Aux tank support might be sweet
ehhhhh yes and no? I mean do they operate like tanks? no.
At the end of the day is it just a really big weapons platform? yes.

They act like tanks in the most abstract sense, but otherwise no. They are very fun, and honestly can be really oppressive if your opponent does not have anything to take it down.
Hundreds of little dudes and tanks for your titans to incinerate with massive pie templates
two bigs squads, one with corswain, another with either Lion or a herald in a spartan, double shields to get the 4++ and -1int.
Just two squads of interemptors in rhino's.
My meta is very melee focused so they probably appear to be a much larger problem then they would normally be
Most of the titan weapons don't use templates
>two bigs squads, one with corswain, another with either Lion or a herald in a spartan, double shields to get the 4++ and -1int.
>Just two squads of interemptors in rhino's.
LOL is that the whole list? Mulch the rhino interemprtors ASAP with almost anything - heavy bolters or autocannons, one five man squad will have a field day. Have a couple sacrificial lambs for the companions to get caught up in but you probably just want to soften them up with as much shooting as you can. What are you playing, IH?
anon, those little dudes can fuck a titan up in melee. In fact melee is really fucking strong in IL.
nvm fuck that game
>LOL is that the whole list?
not the whole list, just what i can remeber off th top of y head, theres also Las-HSS, 2 contemptors and some other stuff i can't rememeber.
>What are you playing, IH?
Yeah, but i'm a sperg that has a hard time not running a bunch of immortals in landraiders.
>theres also Las-HSS, 2 contemptors and some other stuff i can't rememeber.
P sure you are legally allowed to call this guy a nigger at your club/store in front of everyone for this
>Yeah, but i'm a sperg that has a hard time not running a bunch of immortals in landraiders
Play the way you want, but are you just running Immortals in raiders?
So how much more do you actually need for a 2k LI list beyond the battle group? Assuming you want to bring titans
I'm looking at all factions
Go to legion builder and start building you will get a good idea.

Though with LI your never going to be upset if you ahve more shit then you need because its so fucking easy to paint them.
Not always, i'm running a lot more varied lists now, but 40 in 2 land raiders and a sparten was the core of my lists for a very long time.
how are you losing three tanks to a 1 wound contemptor anon

do you understand how reactions work
that sounds like its fun and looks cool and you should keep doing it. That being said you may want to squeeze in some fire support or something to deepstrike. Other wise hose down the landraiders ASAP and pray for the best - You should really be slaughtering one of those companion squads on overwatch, right?
>shoot it
>he saves
>reacts and kills it
>shoot it to try and shave the 1 wound off
>he saves
>reacts and kills it

gee i dunno
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My seekers' apothecary. I wanted to go full hog and give it a perdition weapon but that's getting too expensive and I have an unmanly lack of chainswords in my army.
never skip arm day bros wagmi
A unit that has used a reaction can't react again
multiple turns dummy
>slaughtering one of those companion squads on overwatch
That would be the plan, but my set up is 2 10man Volkite/2 Grav imortal squads, and a 20man with chainswords.
My friend play's IF so we tend to fuel eachothers shield autism.
A lot
If you don't answer threats on multiple turns you deserve to get fucked
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for a heavy support squad may the sgt take the augury scanner ?.I see it modeled that way a lot but somehow i dont think thats correct ?
No, a marine in the squad takes it
>my 1500 point list is 6 units
Jesus christ.
Tracks, just wrote a 3k list and it's 11 units
Is one a lord of war?
No, but the army is TSons if that clarifies anything... are you taking a LoW at 1.5k????
No but my vet-troops are 350+ points each
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You are but tiny baby man. RoW Guard of the Crimson king so I can deepstrike them and have them all roll once. Probably WAACfag tiershit with them all having telepathy, but I thought biomancy would be overkill
>Utter cancer
cancer as in like ass cancer becuase of how gay and lame that list is? because let me tell you something. That is a very poor use of the term of making a cancer list.
>cancer as in like ass cancer becuase of how gay and lame that list is?
oh ok good i thought someone was thinking Sehkmet were good lol.
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Also deepstriking these guys. My list probably sucks but I'll have fun deepstriking everyone in
No, I just think 4 units having telepathy (the praetor in command squad also has telepathy) might be annoying for someone for a bit. It saddens me how bad TSons are now, but I never played 1.0 so I don't know how actually aids they were to go against then
how is he doing that three times

what is that the bolter predator flamer land raider and laspistol kratos? ffs

have you literally nothing else that can reasonably shave a wound off a contemptor like say a fucking tactical squad
I mean if you wanna run a stupid meme cancer list. Just do this
Take your required Preator
Then take 3 HSS all with MM
1 TSS all with melta.
2 Tac squads
1 callidus assassin
3 tech marines all with cog sig scanners
Then either take 3 apothecaries or another character

Stick the tech marines, and the apoths into the support squad and HSS, then put your preator into the tac squad
Stick the 1 TSS, 3 HSS, and 2 Tacs into deep strike and the only thing on your board is the Callidus assassin.

Your opponant literally can not target your assassin because of their rules, state they can not be targeted until they attack first.
So then you jsut wait for when you can deep strike in, and drop 30MM shots hitting with BS+1 and another 10 Melta shots hitting with +1 BS and you screen with the tact squads.

If you wanna be a TFG, you could make a shitty argument that arriving from DS technically does not count as moving so you can fire at Full BS with the MM, which i dont personally believe this, but you could make a TFG rule lawyer argument for it because it does not explicitly say they count as having moved.

If you are gonna make a cancer list, make a cancer list anon.
>>If you are gonna make a cancer list, make a cancer list anon.
I don't, the utter cancer remark was more so due to my disappointment at TSons as an army. But I love the legion so whatever
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lot on my plate
>But I love the legion so whatever
Me to anon, trust me, me to. I have like 6k points in tsons and i love them but fuck me they suck cock.
Alright boys I've got a game against iron hands next weekend and I know she's fairly new, do you think my pride is our armor list with 20 deepstriking terminstors, 20 vets and an AA command squad in land raiders stands a chance without being newb stompy?
>Alpha legion
>Mass drop pods in your face
What bullshit did you do in a previous game
Isn't it just getting 1-2 battlegroups, a titan and maybe some extra tanks?
That's a lot.
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Exposed their imperfection and asserted his own superiority.

As it should be.
Man, I hate it when snakes get into the helmets.
If Samus is everywhere, then Samus is Elvis.
I think that guy beside you might have issue with that statemen
Tried to make a list, I don't like being bad touched by DAngels
It's a good thing plasma got nerfed kek
In running 3 medusas and literally nooone can stop my FUN
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drop pods are penta or trigrammatic sigils made manifest with the coarse flesh of the cosmos and stamped upon worlds in killing curses by warp-faring wands kilometers long to disgorge homunculi ogres and bring entire civilizations to death in mere hours
My post literally states in the English language that including such things should be part of a special scenario with special rules you make up for such an important asset. You're the ones who want this shit to be "balanced" so it'll fit into random in-the-rulebook missions and you can just show up at a game night with one.

Titans used to go up against *companies* of superheavies, Space Marines had to throw their whole chapter reserve of Land Raiders at one to even have a shot at taking it down. Now because they've been crammed into a completely unsuitable scale of game using the standard rules taking one or two more Heavy Support Squads than you normally would is enough to roast a Scout engine and one or two individual superheavy tanks can plink a Reaver to death. The whole point is that confining warmachines of that level within the normal D6 rules so they can kind-of-sorta-maybe function against "normal" armies diminishes them.

If you can look at their depiction in the HH cinematic trailer and tell me their tabletop rules even come *close* to representing that then I'll call you a liar.
>no more clunkier or unintuitive than any version of 30K/40K
See, if I was a sane person I'd just stop there and walk away because this sentence means you're either trolling or literally, diagnosably, clinically retarded, but I'm bored so: fuck off. Fuck right off, fuck off some more, and keep off-fucking right over the horizon.
>NetEpic/NEgold is the clunky unintuitive version
is and has been the opinion of the Epic fandom for literally decades. It's the reason Armageddon is by far the widest played and most popular version of the rules, falling as it does in the happy medium between the over-simplication of 3rd and the soul-crushing sloggery that is 1st & 2nd. Prior to LIgma I hadn't seen anyone who wasn't alive when Space Marine was being published wearing their thickest nostalgia bifocals seriously advocating that a newcomer use NEgold for almost twenty years.

*You* can prefer that style of game if you like, but you can't deny what it is. Also, I like the subtle implication that that the reason someone might dissuade an anon from using 2nd/LIgma is that they can't "handle" it, rather than the reality that it's just needlessly, pointlessly clunky and convoluted and a superior alternative exists. I've seen 2nd players try to play NetEA, their brains practically boil in their skull at the prospect of having to use actual tactics according to a proper plan of action instead of just relying on boring their opponent to death.
>Variant tank
>Legion-specific tank consul model
>2nd tank
>painting article about tanks that just feeds material from the existing publications into an AI/intern and gets sloppily-understood nonsense out
>3rd tank
>alternative weapon pack for 1st tank
>etc etc

Oh they can do it anon, they can do it. Never underestimate GW/WHC's ability to leave its audience utterly whelmed(yes I'm aware that by the dictionary that's the same as overwhelmed, but colloquial use as an indifferent intermediary between over- and under- makes sense).
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>the reason Armageddon is by far the widest played and most popular version
well now LIgma is, and for the same reason - it's newer.
your posts read like you're just parroting shit you've heard and you don't actually have direct experience with playing all these rulesets. neither LI nor NEG are insanely complicated or clunky. 3rd is the edition much more likely to confuse players. 2nd/LI reflect a lot of the same design philosophy that created RT and BFG and they're definitely "retro" in some sense, but nobody who is still playing GWs mainline games in 2025 would be put off by that.

like what part exactly are you getting hung up on? initiative / hidden orders is definitely an old school thing and requires extra components in the form of order markers, but it's not that hard to actually play. phased rounds being driven by the revealed orders is different from alternating activation, but it's not a stretch for players used to phased turns. close combat using 2d6+CAF is arguably *less* complicated than EA's assault resolution. flyers and deepstrikers have some extra rules you need to remember, but EAs flyer rules are no peach either. and the kind of places they do add complexity - like titans having big stat cards with hit locations and subsystems, or psychic powers being on cards you reveal during the game - is the fun kind of crunch that streamlined rulesets always seem to miss out on. the regular stat cards are just an easy way to keep unit stats in your army box and you can use a printed-out list just as easily.
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I could play every game with an Imperial Fist Recon Company allied detachment. All it would be is a Delegatus and 5 Recon marines with nemesis bolters, plus an extra for the centurion. This will give me first turn most of the time, and because of the Imperial Fist trait they will usually hit on 2+. This only costs 230 points.

Is this a fluffy way to play my games of Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness?
I just want non regular sicarians or Lords of War to be able to be warlords. 3x2 Predators, 2x Land Raiders with 10xinteremptors each. 1 moritat. 1xplasmacarian,2x auto canon tanketts for cute factor.
Can we not get breachers?

Speaking of being sneaky and up the board doing stuff etc. I managed to get my hands on 7 mk 4 bodies and want to make seekers out of them. But how do people arm those? Do they give them all snipers/combis, or just run them with nemesis bolters like recons?
My rrat is that they are going to release all the tanks this year them put out a suplament, errata or new indexes that nake them super strong and everything else mid
Speaking of breachers. I have 30 custodes tower shields. I was thinking about cutting off the dual eagle heads from them, removing the central boss and replacing it with two wings and a flame between them Firewing symbol, and slapping them on some dudes to use as breachers until GW makes real plastic ones. Only problem would be getting melta guns for the unit.
>30k Baneblade
>30k Shadowsword
>Malcador Defender
>Arquitor Bombard
>Macrocarid Explorator
>Land Speeder
>Storm Eagle
>Fire Raptor
>Dreadnought Drop Pod
>Deathstorm Drop Pod
I'm sure they can find vehicles to make in plastic.
Brother, how can you include the Dreadclaw in there but then forget about the Kharybdis.
Heavy Chainswords.
There's a lot of vehicles I didn't include because I just went with what's likely, funny, or which we know are coming.
hmm. So melee. Never thought about that. I am going to have to think how to build 6 heavy chainswords, as after building two units of despoilers and two units of assault space marines, my number of free range chainswords is 0.
>give them all snipers/combis

Genuinely the standard Kraken bolter they come with is pretty good. I just run that in a 10 man unit.
there's tons they haven't done and they also might just randomly make up a bunch of new variants too. they've been known to do that.
I think I am actualy going to do that. The bolters on the older models, look very nice and somehow special. I don't know even why. Maybe it is because they feel chunky and like a weapon that could kill. Plus bolters is what I have for them, unlike heavy chainswords. Do you think that running a squad of 7 dudes is going to be okey? I am not looking for super optimisation, but do they need to be 10 minimum the way despoiler need to be minimum 15+apothecary?.

Also this maybe a bit off topic, but did GW ever say why they decided to make the beak armour set first, before the Mk IV? It looks so much better. I think that and the left over MkIII models are my favourit. And not just because I got them for free, and I had to buy the MkVI boxes. They just look Horus Heresy, for some reason. The beak armours are cool too, but they feel kind of a modern, almost primaris.
Anon there is bunch of sicarian variants, they can invent new sicarian variants, all superheavies need plastic, mechanicum need it's tanks, you can always do more for auxillia, Custodes could use plastic, and they can always come up with new ones, like Kratos wasn't a thing untill HH2.0 launched, I'm sure there are alredy some spare tank names that weren't elaborated upon.
>recut drop pod to make internals and externals on different sprues
>drop pod with passenger harness swapped for guns
>drop pod with internals swapped for dreadclaw bits
>dreadnought drop pod
>dreadnought drop pod with a shield generator
>dreadnought drop pod with Kharybdis bits (redesign to simplify production)
20 man Assault Squad
Drop pod that transforms into a dreadnought
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>but they feel kind of a modern, almost primaris.
neue mk.4 is going to lean heavily into having been the basis for primaris plate if the effective teasing given with the traitor herald shown off is any indication
it actually doesn't offend me very much if at all
~50 model capacity lord of war turbo ork rok-ass drop pod
I should convert a castaferrum dreadnought that transforms into a Rhino for my AL
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>~50 model capacity lord of war turbo ork rok-ass drop pod
>Do you think that running a squad of 7 dudes is going to be okey?

The weird thing about S is the first 5 dudes are expensive as fuck (20ppm, and 25 for the leader), but extra squad members are super cheap in comparison (15ppm). Buying anything over 5 on the same unit is super worth it in my opinion, so you are already moving in the right direction.
I would go for 10 personally, but that's basically just to make the most out of that discount and not have a sprue sitting around with spare dudes on it lmao.
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scale that down to a quarter or a fifth of its size and align it with what the kharybdis and dreadclaw are doing and that shit would be cash
14AV, superheavy hover flyer thingie, jacked up heat blast effect, probably with like uhh, five twin linked turrets of whatever nature you please with a sickening innate missile battery atop

basically a fucking transorbital astartes bunker idk, it'd have to be able to take right back off again in alignment with the other assault claws

love these things
>The weird thing about S
S being Seekers, I am just retarded and didn't type the whore word for some reason.
20 despoilers with apothecary
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my praetor with proto daemon blade, the lad spent too much time with night lords
How do Word Bearers rate for rules, fun to play, and general "wow" factor to see an army of painted and finished.
I'm looking to start a new legion, and I've always liked the more niche options. -Are- they even niche? No one in my friend group plays them, let alone the local LGS.
Your Legion trait is getting access to Erebus and Lorgar (and thus daemon sovereigns without needing to take any shitty daemon units) and the Dark Brethren RoW
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wb will always be kino
you can push for more niche by focusing on daemons and gal vorbak but wobbies are also just a great generalist legion and you can just do whatever
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Similar energy.
Any tips for chipping? I've tried it before with mediocre results. Not sure if just the wrong kind of foam or wrong consistency/wetness to the paint.
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legion imperialis, rush hour edition
damn that's fucking rad
They are evil ultramarines, basically
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>Flip through my local's 30k discord for a bit
>Last three months the only people who have posted are me posting models trying to get people interested and my buddy who tried to organize some games to no avail, and the two of use posting some memes.
What am I even doing this for
To be fair its winter, things are a bit slower because people in general are a bit slower.
This is the building months for spring and summer
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It's a real problem
>least hydrapilled AL
Oh no, bolters. So scary-
...is that a Melta bomb >.>
This being the titan edition thread i got a titan related question.

Warhounds are fast vehicles and can chose to move flat out if theywant to. The rule for flat out says that in the effect of moving flat out and roll a result of 1 they take a glancing hit and suffer a crew shaken.
being a titan i assume they just ignore that since titans and knights ignore crew shaken?
Correct, it won't be affected by crew shaken. Still loses a hull point from the glancing hit though.
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Basically want he said. Also, my gaming group is back on the 40k milking treadmill so I am reflexively returned to HH 1.0 quiet enjoyment mode. Also painting some dystopian wars stuff which is scratching a weird itch
> neue mk.4 is going to lean heavily into having been the basis for primaris plate if the effective teasing given with the traitor herald shown off is any indication
Is it just me, or does the new traitor herald look a little chunky for wearing mk.4 armor?
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Thank you thank you in response here is a WIP.
He's just big boned, OH MY GAWD
All this titan talk is making me tempted to order a 28mm warhound, but I still gotta finish painting a thunderhawk.
as i am currently building the warhound let me tell you, its annoying as fuck. OUt of all the titans its probably the most annoying to build. The reaver is easy, and i imagine the warlord is as well.
Some things are worth suffering for.
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>Some things are worth suffering for.
Based and canon-pilled, anon.
he's wearing artificer armour
I remember there was a guy on yt who painted all the legions and he did the Word Bearers in their original grey scheme. I can't for the life of me find his channel, I think they guy's name was swish or something? The model looked really nice, like a bluey-grey stipplle effect and gold trim.
Do you think I could plausibly run a unit of mk2 Marines with Nemesis bolters as either actual Recons or sniper vets (YES I KNOW THEYRE BAD I NEED THEM ANYWAY) depending on the list?
What do you think marines were doing before mk iv?
>Do you think Its plausible to use the most wide spread and longest used set of power armor.
Yes anon, in fact i think it is ok to do so.
I will make a new archmagos and it will be the silliest yet.
Why wouldn't that be okay? Just make sure your opponent is aware of what they are.
Don't you dare steal my idea of make an arch magos in the image of the perfect life form
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Anon I think FW got you beat on the crab Archmagos front
Nah he's more like a lobster centaur, not a real crab.
>Anacharis Scoria
>Claws and tail
He's a scorpion
Magos Biologis Anatinus is a go!
Sell me on Legions Imperialis as a game


Can't dead name the dead game
I played a apocalypse battle of HH 2 weeks ago and have already got 2 regular battles scheduled in the coming weeks. It's anything but dead here.
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The terrain is great, the miniatures are great, the rules are pretty damn good, garrisoning units is a great mechanic, things are hard to kill but can be killed with the right weapon for the right job, alternating activation, it's (relatively) cheap, for me it let's me play Heresy battles at a larger level, titans are fun albeit crap at holding objectives which is I guess sort of reasonable, I think it's pretty well balanced, you don't need to play the full 3000pts to have fun, I like to introduce people with 1000pts, books and rules are in the mega in the OP
I recommend the game to just about anyone.
Post pics of the apocalypse game. Love to see big battles
Its probably the best rule set that GW has put out in a LONG fucking time.
The abstract nature of the game makes it go very quickly once you get the hang of it, this is a lot more back and forth interplay that takes place due to how turns and actions work.
There is a lot more customization in terms of things you can run. Wanna run a spear head of terminators all in spartans? Fine you can do so while still having all your other shit.
Wanna have a knight house running up as well? No fucking problem
Titan support? Sure fan.
Oh you wanna bring just a regiment of basaliks? Why the fuck not!
Different space marine legions for different formations? Sure knock yourself out.

Boards can look super comfy too once you do them up, it kinda feels nice taking an entire city.
Terrain also matters more, you can garrison buildings, and rather then fighitng the things in the building, if you ahve a unit/model with a special rule you can out right target the building and bring it down on them.

Also flyer? Actually fucking good, and actually fucking scary in the game.
Y'all forgot to mention that it can get pretty damn tactical.
What would you buy if you were just getting into the game?
It's too late, I'm already doing it. Nobody can stop me.
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The starter set is honestly a good place to start. You get a taste of Marines, a taste of Guard, your rulebooks and tokens etc and it can be had for like £100. If you split it with a friend then it's a great place to start as you can both begin to build armies of the back of the box contents. But if you can dick around with the game before hand, and you know you're going to like them, the Mechanicum battlegroup is a good jumping off point for that faction too.

The terrain, while not absolutely essential, really helps sell the game aesthetically and it's sort of made for purpose, letting you put units on the roof and inside destroyed ruins similar to how you would put units on top of the buildings in Epic Armageddon.

Basically, the starter set will do exactly that, start you off. From there, you'll just add what you like and what tactically makes sense for your local meta or formation needs.

Also yes >>94864917 the games orders can really add some depth to the game and can really reward a savvy commander while cursing a foolish one.
>books and rules are in the mega in the OP
I have them all downloaded but haven't bothered looking at anything outside of the fluff
>Its probably the best rule set that GW has put out in a LONG fucking time.
Your arguments are very sound, and taken into consideration
Considering the scale, I'd HOPE it would... good to know
>The starter set is honestly a good place to start
Nice dubs, I'll consider it but I have a printer so I'm not totally sold on the boxset

I asked the original question >>94864546 because the guys at my LGS love the game and I've been hesitant. Also I haven't decided between the three factions, joewari da
I was thinking more about the battlegroups, they're still available in my country for sale
The starter set seems quite expensive
I would but it was at a buddy's house, don't wanna dox the guy.
Do those older models work for modern LI? I thought the scale was pretty heavily changed.
>The starter set seems quite expensive
You're getting about 600 points per side, including two titans, a £40 rule book, your tokens, your templates, your dice and your reference sheets, for £100 if you buy from a regular online store. That's not a bad deal if you ask me. Not amazing, but not bad.
Sorry mate I don't know.
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The tanks no. The land speeders sort of. The infantry need a booster seat to be the same height.
>Its probably the best rule set that GW has put out in a LONG fucking time.
Care to elaborate?
Its the proper level of abstraction for the scale of the game, while still maintaining just the right amount of granularity between various weapons and special rules.
The amount of special rules are also pretty light all things considered and easy to understand conceptually. For example. A weapon might have the special rule which is Light AT, which does shit like vehicles ignore the AP of this weapon, or Anti Tank which means infantry ignore the AP of the weapons.
They also introduce scale of models into a factor like big models interact differently with little models and they just base it off of a number scale for their size.
Garrison rules are nice, objectives are sticky, alternating tunrs allow for a lot more back and forth with each other, very rarely is there a case of if you go first you win.

The game is lethal enough so long as you bring the right tools to the right job. Since everyone also gets access to the same shit, there is no one legion massively outshines the other.
They also have an order system for what kinda commands you give units.

Everything just works really well at the epic scale and it feels good.
Which army should I play if I want to have as many non-tank units as possible for Legions Imperialis?
Can I not take Seekers in a Shattered Legions Recon detachment as troops? Or is Battlescribe just retarded?
Shattered legions can't have RoWs
Could taking an allied Detachment of 2 thanatars with supporting tech Priests and an archmagos reductor in a squad of thallax flying up to empty transports be considered dickish? I want some fire support and potentially distraction carnifexes to cover my blackshield vets as they run up the board.
If you want to kill vehicles use myrmidax and take two metlaguns or grav guns and a chainfist, not reductor. Also do what the fuck you want.
The Thallax lose Line because they're Distrusted Allies to the Blackshields Primary Detachment. I assume given you're spending about 1k on allies this is for a 3k list? Probably plenty that can deal with it at that level. If you're running Pride is our Armour as your primary then your only source of Line is expensive as hell and you're gonna get hammered on Objective missions, like if you need to cap 5 Objectives at once you've got to pay the base cost of a whole other Elites choice and use up 5 of your 6 Elites slots to do it. You're going to need that distraction.

>flying up to empty transports

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I trying to give these fucking guys free models on normiebook and they're pussying out over passing me a mailing address? How much shit do they order online without thinking about it and now they're unable to appreciate a functioning mail system? It's two hundred dollars of actual forgeworld bullshit I'm not even gonna charge them for the ten buck shipping
Getting 200$ worth of shit, mailed to you for free is very sus. you know nothing is free and stuff.
When you order online you pay for your shit so there is transaction, you pay for goods and expect it being delivered, but when someone just want to deliver goods without any payment or visible benefit to him you might suspect some scam.
Just put it up for sale for cheap, it will be easier.
what are you giving up thats $200
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It's the local game store's facebook group, they've LITERALLY FUCKING MET ME.
>flying up to empty transports
I assume me means killing land raiders after the whatever was in it gets out.
Some resin terminators and a castellax and a squad of recon marines.
now that is fucking retarded
damn i miss the resin sculpts, much sharper than the plastics. the lightnight claws had some edge to them
Ok that's weird. You could always give said stuff to them when you see them in store, but still it's weird.
This. The ruleset LI uses a solid one, and they did a decent job with the HH stat blocks. it's not clunky like the other anon was ranting about. I get why people like epic Armageddon, but this console warring shit is pointless.

that's actually more of a reason not to give you their address

random dude in china doesn't show up six months later saying you stiffed him for payment
You have their first and last name and their rough location. You can find this on your own with minimal effort.
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>sending people forge world miniatures without their consent
>plastic tru scale mk 6 marines were prefaced by tru scale mk 6 character releases
>new tru scale mk 4 character announced
Plastic tru scale mk 4 marines inbound?
i'd wager it's on the horizon as there's likely a fair amount of impetus inside of gw to see the plastic marines brought up to standard and cross-compatibility as opposed to having the 'present' (old) maximus suits sticking out much longer as they'd see it as incongruous and vestigial
Are we getting one mark a year?
Padoru padoru.
Anyone feeling like a baker?
>one mark a year
The mk vi tactical squad came out in 2022
If they come out with Mark IV I will play Word Bearers
Which legions had the widest field of action in the horus heresy?
It seems the Thousand Sons had the least opportunities for battle
But it's already here
Yeah but they're squats
Reject mono posed size creep models.
Embrace clean and customisable models
I miss the old mk3 kit
traitor legions have larger field than loyalist ones
imo it's the sallies who got the short end of the stick, even RG and IH have done more
I host a yearly hh apoc event, and i painted a warbringer that i'm using this year! I'm very excited to see how it fails expectations.
Believe in the me that believes your warbringer
>Hope you get some good photos
I've been playing WB a long time now, and in general they're a lot of fun, and provide some models that feel like they break up the general look of "yeah, that's a space marine."

Gal Vorbak, Mhara Gal, daemons, and more than handful of unique WB kitbashing opportunities let you really sink into a specific look of corruption in the setting.

Rules-wise they don't play very uniquely for meq/teq, but they have some interesting rules.

They look great, though. I love the colors.
Scale in epic is complicated; it's changed like 6 times and GW is never clear about what the fuck they did. the main things you need to know:
1) for game rules, all the epics are pretty good about everything being compatible. It's not uncommon to see models made 30 years apart sharing a table, and it's not a problem from the gameplay side.

2) In terms of how things look together, different gens range from "perfectly compatible" to "looks like a whole different game". the scale for infantry and tanks went up by 20% between 3rd/4th/AI and AT18/AI2/LIgma, which is enough to look weird if you're mixing and matching in the same unit, but also little enough that they look totally fine sharing a table or in different parts of the same army. I've got a buddy who has an IG tank army from the 90s and it looks great fighting against LI marines.

3) most 3rd party stuff falls somewhere in between the old and new. historical 6mm tends toward the smaller end, while explicit 40k analogs like vanguard or bradley are sometimes even chunkier than LIgma. prints tend toward the bigger side too but there of course you can tweak the scale to your liking.

4) for aircraft and titans the scale varied a lot more. old AI and new AI are about 20% apart like the above (with the same issue - don't mix in a unit but look OK on the same table), but a lot of the old metal aircraft from 2nd ed are fucking tiny. likewise, the original titanicus scale from the 80s was like 1/600, effectively 3mm, and for most of 1st-3rd it was normal to play infantry and tanks at 2-up to the titans. which means old titans look ridiculous next to new plastic ones.

tl;dr do your research, know what you're buying if you're trawling old lots. I can dig up more scale comparisons if you need something. with 3rd party or prints you can often just find the actual model size in mm. for AT/LI, the size the models are "supposed" to be is 1/4th of the 30k/40k 28mm equivalent. if you're within 15% of that no worries.
You can troon them, I trooned mine 2mm.
The current maximus is the best kit in heresy
it is absolutely excellent and even puts the new ones to shame in a few respects
New bread

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