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Shattered Legions edition

Previous Heresy:>>94846215

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
What campaigns should future books explore?
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More ZM expansions based on solar war. So ship boarding and station take overs kind of stuff. Then of course the insanity that is the war for Terra
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First squad of my army build finished (90%). Really pleased with how they turned out, I think I got the white armour just right. Planning to add a small amount of blood later, but I want to test application methods on a melee squad first. I don't want to overdo the blood effects on a ranged squad. Gonna switch back to batch painting the whole army now.
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big cuties, awful awful clean
Anon chainaxes where?
My photography sucks and I need better lighting. They look absolutely filthy in hand, oil paint is magic.
>No chain axes
Which legion is this?
I'm new to AT, and can someone please help me with rules? Friend and I got our first game in and I won, but I feel like we played the game wrong.

Ff you awaken the machine spirit during one of your weapons attacks and roll a 1 on the table, does just that one weapon not fire, or does the whole shooting round go to the trash? (The table says "stop current action; no other effects", but what is an action? is shooting a single weapon an action? is it the entire phase?)

Does rapid cause an extra dice roll for each six? Or, regardless of the number of sixes, just add the bracket value a single time?
Bottom left looks like he really wants to nail that one guy that doesn't want to go down.
Terminator armour should also provide some sort of True Grit special rule, which allows them to count rapid-fire and assault weapons as a second melee weapon similar to pistols. Mainly because it's cool, fits the fluff, but also to make standard power weapons at least somewhat of an consideration again.
1.0 SW Priests kept their pistols when upgrading the TDA, so they had +1A with a power or force weapon. True Grit would make sense, but I feel like GW would just make it a thing with combi-bolters. Like how Seekers lose their specialist ammo now when upgrading to a combi-weapon.
Hate how GW seems to hate specialist ammo in the new edition. It leads to such retarded shit, like IW and TS not being able to put bayonets on their bolters anymore just because of using different ammo.
Boltguns being very versatile because of the capability of firing different types of ammunition has been in the fluff for so long.
I wish that terminators would get some kind of bonus to mitigating unwieldy weapons' degredation of intitiative, maybe to bump them to I2 or something for melee.
Why? Terminator armour has always been described as being slow and cumbersome to move in, so if anything a default -1 to initiative would make more sense thematically.
Numk4 and numk5 have not been released yet because they are for the badab war expansion

>source: my gaping ass
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Wow more BL slop for siege.
So turns out Era of Ruin is just one last attempt to squeeze more money out of the HH novel series.
This is where female custodes will make their first real appearance, and it will be casual. Ra Endimion will have had a vagina the entire time.
Played 2K last night for our campaign game locally.

Brave heroes vs ratty little sons of horus.

I lost due to some insane 4++ saves from the command squad of justarin tanking like 6 vanquisher wounds and also the summoned unit of brutes (which are insane, toughness and strength 6 turn 1&2) which raped my 6 ogryns and then proceeded to molest a unit a turn.

Game ended with 8 lasguns, 5 cav and my force commander left against a brutes with 1 wound and a wounded praetor and a Terminator with command banner on 1 wound.

Wrote a little narrative around the fight I can post if people wanna see.
>Wrote a little narrative around the fight I can post if people wanna see.
Yes, please!
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Too long for a comment so here ya go
visions of based world, thank you anon
I know two warhounds guarding the Gate is old lore, but do they have to be in small platforms that basically make them immobile gun turrets? I would've imagined they stood at the base of the steps, guarding the entrance to the steps and had more mobility to counter any foes that approached the Gate. Or there was ramps on both sides of the steps to allow the moving of heavier equipment while the steps were more for ceremonies and for people.

Also, where are the titans and their platform in this art of Sangy defending the Gate? That looks like a pretty right space. No flags either. Were the flags already a thing during the Crusade/Heresy or a thing afterwards, when the place became the Emperor's tomb?
because he went all-in on thundercata three years ago and he doesn't want to do anything about them not being meta
Finally, a sequel to Warhammer: 40,000 - The Horus Heresy: The Siege of Terra - The End and the Death, Volume III
MkIII and V also have their limitations compared to other marks. TDA might be more cumbersome compared to power armour, but in some editions they've been just bulky 2+ armour.
I think that for most, a -1 to initiative would be fine.
Their fists being default I1 is the reason termie armor got invuln saves to begin with.
Mostly power drain and overheating issues. Also rules aren't inherently the equivalent of the fluff. Just look at the current state of phased plasma fusils in the game vs what the lore says about them.
No, the main reason terminators got an invulnerable save was because they went from a 3+ armour save on 2D6 in a save modifier system to a 2+ armour save on 1D6 in a binary AP system. GW quickly realised that the loss in resilience was too severe, and patched in an invulnerable save for terminator armour.
It got patched in because a high priced, 'durable' elite unit would get absolutely rolled by any unit with a power weapon that wasn't a fist, especially D/Eldar.
This was noticed by GW, and invuln saves were added in 3.5 updates.
We are both right, I'm just pointing to a specific situation that showcased this, and it wasn't an uncommon thing.
Wonder why it took GW so long to put AP values on melee weapons, instead of only having no AP or straight up ignores armour saves.
I reckon they didn't think it necessary, wanting to keep melee a decisive, albeit costly engagement if you went for it.
Terminators were really the odd man out, in this instance, because they were so expensive to field, as well as iconic.
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RT terminators always got a 6+ save and they could take refractror fields to make it 5+.
To merge this, considering how Terminators can also use heavy weapons while moving, they should yes get a -1 to initiative but also ignore the unwieldy rules for melee weapons since the armor boosts their strenght so much
>TDA might be more cumbersome compared to power armour, but in some editions they've been just bulky 2+ armour.
Wrong. Only edition it was 2+ was early 3rd before they added 5++. Even then it still couldn't sweep because cumberstone, could fire heavy weapon after moving and had deep strike.
Iirc, in 2e, they had a 4+ on 2d6 save, Big Poppa Calgar had a 3+ save, and Abaddon had a 2+ save.
If I am wrong, someone can bust out a 2e book, because I don't have that pdf or physical copy anymore.
2nd ed was 3+ on 2d6
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>but also right
Thanks. Point is their rules been all over the place. Look at 2e rules. Beyond their 3+ save on a 2D6 (and taking two slots in a transport, which was stated in the vehicle's rules), they didn't have any of the typical things we think of regarding terminators. No Relentless, can sweep, move as fast as normal marines, etc. Even teleportation needs to be bought for them.
understandably, having an allied solar auxilia detachment for a list of AL tanks makes a ton of sense as the AL solar auxilia rule can force anti-tank shots to be instead shot at cheap infantry
but what should I ideally take in an allied detachment of solar auxilia for this?

cheap infantry?
light sentinels because they can take a hit?
elite infantry like veletaris?
break the rules by taking arvus lighters and forcing shots on tjem because the rules arent written very well?
They definitely where a thing afterwards since a harlequin trying to see the E runs into them and the black-robed Custodes in War of The Beast
Cheap infantry that heavy firepower is just wasted on. Those units are also neat to harass lascannon HSS with. Just wither them down with lasguns, either killing some HSS marines for free, or they return fire into cheap infantry after which your heavy firepower can shoot at the HSS without having to worry about the return fire.
I don't think it was anything like that deliberate. 3rd edition was intentionally designed as an ultra-simplified game and was based on a world war 2 ruleset Jervis Johnson and Rick Priestly made so melee would not have been a design priority. It was also then very successful and at a time where the company wasn't doing very well and tom kirby needed to make his loan payments so they were conservative about rules changes since he seems to just generally not have believed in the idea that changing things could result in a better product.
I don't think they wanted to do something that would require an update to every weapon profile when they weren't in the habit of releasing codexes for every army each edition. Probably the same reason they never reintroduced movement charactistics, which is probably the strangest change in 3rd edition and I have never figured out why they did it, they just deliberately cut out a bunch of design space for no apparent benefit.
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Got myself my first HH miniatures. Really wanted the Boxset but couldn't justify it atm, grabbed the MKVI Tactical Squad, decided to paint a couple as Luna Wolves as pre Horus' madness I love the Luna Wolves and Garviel Loken. Back when everything was good and the great crusade was going well.
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Nice paint job anon, welcome to the Heresy
back when the Great Crusade was going great, you might say
should I buy more sicarans?

I own 3 (1 command tank, 2 that can be punishers OR omegas)
I have the turrets to make it 3 basic sicarans, and armoured spearhead makes basic ones elites which is a slot im not using currently
Thanks homie, been loving the books and now my interest in HH is much greater than my love for 40k itself.

Do you WANT more?
They look cool. But in game sicarans are kinda underwhelming in my experience, especially the vanilla one.
I love cataphractii like you wouldn't believe. I don't even care if they're bad I want a squad of 'em in my World Eaters
Then buy more cataphractii
kinda, I love the look of them

I recently had my command tank one deal like 4 hullpoints of damage into a predator squadron with its main gun alone qnd it's made me consider the basic variant more now
>kinda, I love the look of them
Then get MORE
but which ones?
maybe i'll consider the venator to start, see how good the anti tank on it is
It's not, and never will be
Hull Mounted weapons are ass and unlike some other weapons will never not be ass because the design fault is literally baked into the weapon. Have fun not being able to fire your main gun on literally any penetrating hit that's not weapon destroyed.
>4 hullpoints of damage into a predator squadron with its main gun alone
That's just very lucky dice rolls, not the standard sicaran being good lol.
isnt that basically every tank ever because crew shaken and stunned suck ass?
That has nothing to do with a weapon being hull mounted? Are you okay anon?
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I see the 6s and become this
Oh fellas give me strength I keep getting the urge to expand my supposedly finished Marines army by adding 3 Spartans as transports for my 40 despoilers and 20 breachers and adding a cerberus and typhon just for shits and giggles because I like the models.
Who doesn't
yeah, like that.

it just feels weird that MEQ gets to take a power axe and they're 1 initiative, but TEQ takes it and they're at the same.

the armor can't be that minimal for strength difference.
Very Nice anon

I'm currently working on my plasma boi, happy with how he's coming on, only able to half hour at a time as im currently injured and sitting at my desk hurts my back
Strength is not the same as speed anon. Yes, terminators can carry heavy weapons and still walk whilst firing them. But they can't run as fast as a marine in power armour, and some terminator armour patterns can't even run at all.
Same with swinging large, heavy melee weapons around. Sure, for a terminator it might be easier to lift such a weapon. But that doesn't mean they can do it faster, specially with how much inertia the additional mass and weight of terminator armour adds to the equation.
looking good, anon.
although, my autism compels me to mention that Mk. VI Corvus armor didn't really see mass production before the Heresy broke out, and if the Luna Wolves were issued any of the prototype beakie suits for testing, as some other legions have been mentioned in lore as getting, it would likely be in very small numbers. if you're planning to build a whole army of great crusade Luna Wolves, you should probably focus on Mk. IV power armor and earlier.
that doesn't matter for 28mm though. you're only putting like 0.01% of a Legion's combat forces on the table at that scale, so there's plenty of room to excuse anomalies. a very small number of beaky suits is fine when you're only talking about a very small number of marines.
They could be loyalist SoH that repainted their armour to Luna Wolves anon. There's even several characters in the BL novels that do exactly that.
For a 4k game against iron hands, does 6 melta Las Predators, 3 Demolisher Vindicators, 10 Plasma TSS and 10 melta TSS sound like enough heavy weapons punch? I know he's bringing a Kratos and 4 volkite proteus Speeders at least.
Oh right, and a sicaran master of armor with Las leading the Spearhead. Rest of the list is tacticals and vets in rhinos/land raiders for objective Breaching and clearing
I was hoping for a little more round by round detail.
Heroes are made, and felled, in the details.
maybe I should take 30 solar auxilia companions with plasma guns

Sounds good.
If you want that granularity one can argue that the heightened muscle fibre and strenght enhancements of a Terminator suit, combined with stronger power generator for the suit would be capable to compensate for it and allow a Terminator to strike faster and with more strenght than a marine in power armor if properly trained. Which would be a good explanation as of why Terminator armor is only awarded to veterans
anyone have a print file for either nu-scale MK6 or MK4 legs?

I have headhunters I wish to make
Looking at the minis side to side I think the only real downgrade of the Terminator compared to normal power armor is that the marine can't turn his head that much. The rest of armor looks just as nimble, the joints are all there
why 30? you gonna take two command tercios
why not ask for a strength bonus too

while you're at it would you like a handy
allied detachment
You guys have never read any stories involving terminators. You sound like such secondaries, do you even know what a boltgun is?
Any chance of a Zone Mortalis starter set?
i'm not sure the form that would take as present ZM rules are bound up in the siege of cthonia tome
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>roars like a wookie
>runs a knife into his facial scar to re-open it
>flies off on his jetbike into the horizon babbling incoherently and swinging a sword around
>no elaboration given
Do any of you 3D print?
I'm getting a 3D printer for HWG but do people like using them for 30k? Or is recasts still the norm?
Depends on the fidelity of the printer.
You are going to be better off just getting recast of major parts of a model, but using your printer to print bits you need.
You will hands down get the most miles outta your printer using it to do things like
>Random bits and bobs like shields
You can do full on models but you know, results my very.

Terrain is a solid choice as well.
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>Homie agreed to try Legions Imperialis
The good times will roll.
nvm i forgot you can get 10 in the command section

mite be good for murdering Knights, go for it

could feasibly kill a Warhound with that if you get it side on, won't get two gos tho
That's bullshit but I believe it anon
yeah, I'm not saying Luna Wolves in Mk. VI is wrong. there are ways for it to make sense. just that it's worth knowing about and keeping the in universe development history of the armor marks in mind when making decisions on what models you want to represent a force from a specific period.
If you awaken the machine spirit while shooting you can still fire with your other weapons afterwards. Remember to roll a command check when you awaken machine spirit, if you pass it, you do not awaken and continue with your current action. So for reference, you roll draining for something like shield bane, you’re firing by a turbo lazer or something. You awaken machine spirit on the reactor dice. You then roll a command check, if you pass, take a heat and business as usual. If you don’t pass, roll on the machine spirit chart, do what it says. Then you can continue the combat process with your other available weapons as per the normal sequence.

Rapid is pretty simple. If you roll 6’s that’s two hits instead of one. That’s it. Simple as that. Count rolls of six as two hits instead of one.
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>respond to the AP Blanchitsu sets by releasing Badab boxes and period-accurate paints
People would take out loans.
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Finally built some contemptors for my traitor RG. Gonna try fury of the ancients, run the middle fella as the venerable ancient. Still going to abide by the 1 dread per 3k to see that it doesn’t get absolutely stupid.

Although the thought of giving a contemptor the No Gods No Masters warlord trait does make me moist.

What are you working on Anon?
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my will to live.
for real i'm busy on some sanguinary guard
interesting leg decal
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>No Gods No Masters warlord trait
sorry the what? That sounds like some Blackshield stuff.
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WIP pic of my Xana II mechanicum stuff
Unfortunately this is guruanteed
This thunderhawk is 3D printed. Does that answer your question?
That's a based end game result though.
These sort of games are fine if you lose if everything is damn near dead.
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You should base on a nice grassy knoll because it would contrast so nicely with your color scheme.
Looks good anon
the fuck he doing walking amongst flowers and grass
that boy ain't right
pansy ass robot
<3 ;3
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>that boy needs therapy
>Lee Harvey I/O
And it will be nothing but female custodes, who somehow turn out to have been more important than anybody else. GW will want to compensate for the lack of femstodes in the entire HH series.
I thought this image was black and white at first
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That is a lovely pale cream white anon, well done
what printer and what size nozzle anon? I have a K1 with a 0.4 and 0.1 layer hight and am getting great results on terrain. Haven't tried a big tank or flyer yet
Traitor ravenguard warlord trait, when in base to base contact with any infantry or cavalry model that has higher WS/S/I you set your stats to match. So you get your venerable contemptor into base to base with a consul or praetor and suddenly he’s swinging at I5 with WS6
when that was first printed no lie I don't think there even were citadel paints, like you would have to check old 'Eavy Metals to see if they're talking about Goblin Green and shit prior to 1988 but I don't think they had 'em then

so it would have been like a mix between whatever shell-ass lookin paints Airfix were recommending and whatever the Hornby enthusiast preferred
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please don't fucking touch IA or Badab gw i beg
>badab war but we moved the timeline of events so we can put primaris in it

someone post the fanart of the primaris marine shooting lugft huron
Anon but Huron himself always was Primaris.
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They'll just make the Second Badab War where Huron comes to try and reclaim the sector for old times sake, featuring his new model.
>warzone badab
>flavour of the month warzone with the competitive oriented mission card deck
>Apocalypse Warzone Anphelion
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>Second Badab War box set
>Primaris Tyberos
>Primaris Assault Terminators
>Primaris Intercessors with a traitor upgrade sprue
Speaking of which, was there any truth to the plastic Mk7 kit supposedly outselling the entirety of WHFB after a given point? I'm not well read up on these things
Source(s): Dude, trust me.
Thoughts on the knight weapon of Ionic Lash. S10 AP2 Reach 2 and Exoshock 6+
I can't find any whips that are knight sized that I like so I may just make my own with some wire. Exoshock to me implies that it should have something at the end, similar to the blood thirster one with the chaos star at the end. Anyone seen any conversions of it that they like?
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why are reaver turbolasers 1 5" template?
>reaver turbolasers

is this some LI thing I'm too large to enjoy

anyway assuming you mean the laser blaster then one of two reasons

either nobody who owns reavers with laser blasters has bothered to write and query why post-faq it's marginally worse than the warhound turbo-laser

or as a balance thing because it's shared with the Nemesis and Warlord and they already have very good guns, so uprating it makes them significantly better for their points

given you can swap out for a volcano cannon that's significantly better at no cost, I'd say it's a little of column a, a little of column b
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Someone last thread was saying that not a lot of LIgma titan weapons are templates, and it is just the inferno gun and quake cannon, but you get to do other stuff with which is just as hilarious as a template. Apocalypse missile launchers can shoot structures and every model garrisoned in that structure. Titan volkite weapons are all beam so you get to make death lines. Warlord power fists have the vulcan mega bolter rules (finally) so you can shoot with them and then rip up a building.
Titans in general are a nightmare for destroying terrain which is a pretty big part of the game from what I understand with how many weapons they have for collapsing structures or just walking up to one and pulverizing it like godzilla.
Thanks Omegon
How many models is 1k points in ligma? My stores starting an escalation league I'm kind of getting tempted to start a titans + bonded Automata army, and I might pull the trigger if I can just grab 1-3 titans to get started.
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For 1000 points even a space marine player can field 33 bases of infantry (1 HQ, 2 tactical detachments, 1 support detachment), 8 dreadnoughts (4 contemptors, 4 leviathans), 6 sicarian tanks, and 4 xiphons.
So a lot.
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Thoughts on legion baneblade variants?

The cheapest titan (Warhound) is 330 points, most expensive is the Iconoclast at 760.
What do people load out their assault squads with?
Power mauls seem to be the best power weapon for their harassment role.
power spears to maybe kill a guy or two before the I4 brawl. Claws on the sergeant for maximum attacks.
Please no
Is that where he hide the daemon sword, inside his vagina?

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