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Thread to discuss Pauper EDH/Pauper Commander, the best possible Magic format, combing the best parts of Limited, Pauper, and Commander


>1 Uncommon Creature is your Commander and does not need to be legendary
>99 Unique commons except basic lands
>30 Starting Life
>16 Commander Damage

>Only Rhystic Study and Mystic Remora are banned. Have fun!

Why play pdh?
>Very low barrier to entry, with more decks costing $20 or less
>Gives a home to many cards that are unplayable in other formats
>Playstyle combines the best elements of other great Magic formats

Sample decks:
>Third Path Icoloclast
>Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty

>Thread Question
What uncommon are you excited to play as commander in pdh?
I wish this was a real format.
The general split no one asked for
It's only as real as you let it be anon, build a deck and tell your friends.

Literally one person asked for
If anyone wants to play this on mtgo I'm down for it
I tried to force peasant 20 years ago, no one bought into it
desu I think peasant has a disadvantage by allowing too many uncommons, and uncommons a have a huge power variance. Makes the format hard to manage. pdh, like pauper, I feel has more staying power.
you are retarded, stop trying to force your cringe draft chaff format noone cares
>no one bought
Isn't that the point
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>Mardu, Jeskai, Abzan and Temur have only a single legal commander
>Sultai has 2
That's pretty funny, I guess the next Tarkir set this year is gonna print more since New Capenna was full of them
pov(vo) this thread

>digs 3 cards deep
>decent removal
It's insane that this was downshifted in CMM
>decent removal
Yeah, that didn't pan out the way I thought.
>fills graveyard
How does PDH work if a card was initially printed at common rarity and is now uncommon? Do I have to find a copy of that card as a common to play with it if it's in my 99?
Making a pauper metalcraft deck
Hope there's enough good commons for that
Not xmage?

Actual pauper usually allows all printings.
>Not xmage?
never tried it before, I suggested mtgo because that's where all my cards are

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