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Previous: >>94855979

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck list site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer


What's your favorite deck or playstyle?
Gay Bolas
I switched my deck from liberty prime to captain american and he's so broken, like he can deal 12vin the air on turn five it's insane
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>What's your favorite deck or playstyle?
Cards with "you may have any number of these in your deck". I have a deck with 35 of these bad boys and all the spells draw cards or untap all my creatures so I can spam them and tap them multiple times each turn. Does it win? Rarely! But I have fun with it every game
>What's your favorite deck or playstyle?
Aggro decks, i like styling on combo nerds
>What's your favorite deck or playstyle?
Izzet anything
The main premise behind my fav deck is to play lots of small things then wheel
Beating face. Rakdos shenanigans to ensure everyone is slowly dying. Aggro, stompy, Heartless Hidetsugu tribal.
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luv me discard
luv me sacrifice
luv mono black
luv me wife Braids
simple as
Me and my friend recently got into a (friendly) fight because he made fun of my Bruvacs/Petitioners Lord Skitter/Rat Colony and Baylen/Hare Apparent decks. He said I was a brainless deck builder because all I do is put out creatures that multiply and turn them sideways. Meanwhile he's a combosweeb who thinks tutoring for card A&B is the height of big brain decks.
I instantly lose all respect for people that run tutors to get combos off. What's the point in playing a singleton format if you're just gonna tutor for the same fuckin combo every single game? The worst offender of "brainless bullshit" imo
Simple option select: I Demonic Tutor and then fire off my combo and protect it with interaction, and then say I tutored for the interaction.
Most unrealistic part of this post is combofags running interaction
Is there a like.. fuckin 10+ CMC commander that when it comes in, the game pretty much ends? Kinda in the mood to make some sorta stall deck where I try to last as long as possible to be able to summon the commander, and when it comes in it just fucks everyone and everything up
Man it's the one type of card I just don't care for. Like, I realize it fits my description precisely but I cannot stand Annihilator
A red faerie?
imma shoot that bitch, draw cards some other way
im building Valgavoth right now, i will supplement the time until i cast them with reanimation and general Mono Black Goodstuff
>What's your favorite deck or playstyle?
I like putting big creatures down and turning them sideways to attack.

Also sometimes it's fun to play a lot of small creatures instead. Depends on the mood.
Is there any way to play mill without being hated off by most people?

I had a friend play Gyruda and he got HATED off very rapidly cause he kept making copies of Gyruda and milling and stealing.
He will just be insta killed by removal since you can't protect him with counter magic, you also need to rely on your opponents having actual good stuff to steal
>What's your favorite deck or playstyle?
It's probably not viable in commander but i like ceatures that blow up when they die
Play against people who understand that mill is actually pretty underpowered and not a threat at all.
who cares if he is instakill? certainly not me.
and even if he gets counterspelled, so be it.
he will impact the board either way, and i run a reanimator shell, he will come back one way or another. Im building this list with inevitability in mind, and im embracing the throne of the archenemy
I have a serious hatred of thief decks because those are my cards and only i should be able to use them, it's a humilation ritual.
>9 CMC in mono black
anon you better run Crypt Ghast

Also word of advice, theft is hated a lot more than other playstyles. There's a psychological phenomenon where people give a huge amount of fucks about losing something that's theirs, much more than their opponent getting something.

Really playing Magic is a really good exercise in how brains work.
My issue with theft decks is that they suck to play against, they don't do anything then just take a few cards that are normally useless to them and then they just die, the only things they seem to get value out of is rocks and lands, the only time i've seen a theft deck actually do anything was when he played a bunch of midrange creatures then stole a bushwacker to swing for lethal, they just make everyone else worse while only gaining minor benefits, it's bad from both a fun and copetative angle
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That's nice. You can have "your" cards back once I'm done with them.
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Mono B is ramp, i dont know where the sentiment comes from that it is anything but.
and i know exactly what im getting myself into

the saltier your tears, the sweeter the juice
anon most decisions people make are emotion driven

Mill unfortunately has the issue of negativity bias, since humans remember negative events a lot more strongly than positive ones
>People will remember all the damn times mill screwed them out of lands or a wincon
>They will rarely remember the times mill got them the card they needed
Unfortunately this means most people will always have at least a strong distaste for mill.
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Tribal or midrange
>What's your favorite deck or playstyle?
Group hug
Some tried to steal my Cynette once, I countered it then played armageddon next turn to teach him a lesson, the other players were out do they didn't care and i had bridges so i ended up winning a few turns later.
You're not wrong and neither am I.
Your cards? You mean our cards.
Mono b has some good ramp but I saw a player not run crypt ghast cause he thought the extort made it count as W/B in identity. It's always something I bring up whenever someone is in mono black.

It's fine to enjoy making people feel bad but remember that others might enjoy your tears too. So if you have any strategies you hate playing against don't mention it.

Or do if you want to be fair. Everyone crying can be fun.
I do not live in soviet russia
Thanks, but I'm straight.
Just means that you gotta play with very logical people. Which is really fucking rare.

Heck I'm pretty neither of us actually play logically all the time. I think there was a study where most people think they're more rational and logical than the norm. It's almost a guarantee every one of us has made irrational decisions driven by emotion in even recent magic games.
Anon, it's a game, its's supposed to be fun, not logical, if you want that you need to play CEDH or sixty card
Yeah but stuff like mill is unfortunately hated even if logically it isn't really that strong. There's some strats that are less feasible just cause it rustles jimmies, even if they can be fun to play.
Mothman and Coram might be good options for a mill deck that pepole won't hatw you for
Both of them give people proper reason to hate mill even more, because they present actual and feasible winconditions

Same reason why Sultai - Bant - Temur are absolute cancer, because they provide the answer to the simple meme question: What if the Simic value engine had a wincon?
Coram's major wincon is milling yourself to get good shit in the grave. It's very rare most other types of decks are running shit like Yargle and Multani, Malignus, or Lord of Extinction.
I guess you could consider my favorite style to be stax, but it's less about stopping others from playing and more about overcomplicating every interaction to create the "this isn't magic anymore" fallacy.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Your friend is correct. You are boring
no one is crying about self mill
Then Coram can't possibly be bitched about. Without access to blue and with no real motivation to bother, he is very unlikely to mill anyone for any large quantity of cards.
Do you think they're going to reveal the precon face cards today, or will those be saved for Thursday/Friday?
Nethroi. You dump Scourge of the Skyclaves into your yard so you can revive 30 power worth of creatures with the mutate.
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>Some guy managed to get a phyrexian obliterator with pariah on the board
>One of the other players has goaded my entire board.
>The 4th player has go wide and has so many blocks my board will mostly die if I attack him too.
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>What's your favorite deck or playstyle?
Flickering ETBs. Currently working on a bant deck to take advantage of it.
I want to build the explodie lady
>What's your favorite deck or playstyle?
I'm a simple man. Aggro, stompy, tribal.
Pretty high CMC, only really good with pingers/ cheap burn spells where you can divide out the damage
Captain america
Same, im sure we're not the only ones.
This deck is a massive pain in the ass to play against, isnt it? >>94861050
>nearly 60 bucks
Think it will go down in the next 4 months or is this printing always going to be a whale tax?
I'm building a beatdown rakdos after playing too much prosper. What do you think?
I sure hope it is, otherwise I have failed to build the deck right
what do you think?
will there be massive openings of the collector boosters of a mere remaster over the next 4 months, while actual new sets like
>Tarkir: Dragonstorm
are set to be released in that timeframe?
you can take a hard and wild guess what most consumers are budgeting for
>ugly treatment of a card that's too much of a pain in the ass to bother running
I wouldn't.
Then its worth it to buy a box and try and sell chase cards.
That's what I was thinking, I never thought I would be tempted by UB slop but it's such an interesting commander
Only if you get lucky pulls, its a gamble
>activate only as a sorcery
Cucked commander. But I understand it would be too annoying otherwise.
the only real interesting bit about him is the new type of counter you have to explain to your table at least 4 times per any given game
I was tempted to buy a collector box because I love Innistrad but it feelsl ike a shit set where it's really fuking hard to get your money back. 90% of the chase cards care commander only chaff.
Also right now the prices are at their highest, once the set properly release they will go down.
>I love Innistrad but it feelsl ike a shit set where it's really fuking hard to get your money back.
Some cards in it are going for 100 dollars and it has shit like cratorhoof. Breaking even doesn't seem that far fetched to be honest.
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I like this
perfect for my Jenara deck
What an unnecessary and dogshit card
Why yes, I put an indestructible counter in this, blow up the board and then have 10 free mana.
I'm so glad I stayed awake too long just to see this. Varina gets a fancy new toy that benefits from all of my discard = draw effects. Putting Compulsion back in for sure.
I feel like lazotep plating should have armor nipples like Batman Forever
Tortured Existence looking extra spicy
>putting it in a zombie deck
what's the fucking point? making a zombie a zombie?
Ugly art, but pretty damn good ability
god damnit this thing is good
>EDH now with no thought required!
Geee captain america can get this going pretty much right away
>good card design
>in my magic the gathering
>actually utilizes something similar to eternalize but not overpriced and shitty
Objectively not good design retardkun.
This doesn't have a way to discard built in OR ward 3 so it's pretty tame by 2025 standards.
Explain to me what makes it bad design
>on theme for the plane
>perfectly retrofits a specific type of token making mechanic
>utilizes all 3 colors
>isn't massively overcosted
>doesn't make an engine on its own (if it had its own loot/discard ability it'd be retarded FIRE)
right in to the 99 of my Ramos big mana
Cheating costs is bad design
You're bad design, that card is fine.
because....? come on anon, articulate a point
Are you an aussie?
I like the Exhaust abilities, the idea of having a card with a super strong ability you can only use once is cool. And i presume that blinking it means you get to use it again, since its a new game object
Nope, east coaster. It's 1pm and I haven't slept yet for various reasons.
Aetherdrift set looks fucking hilarious. Loving the salt from no fun losers
Jesus christ wotc, the fuck is this?
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and you can try again if you play Loot second time from command zone.
>Nope, east coaster. It's 1pm and I haven't slept yet for various reasons
Probably the cocaine
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well, JRPGs are like cocaine for me so that sounds about right
also i am UNGODLY excited for this fucker. He's straight up Knowledge is Power but on a Zombie body with decent stats and in-built Looting
That would make him cool, bumps bourbon beers and magic is fun; it was probably the aids.
you mean after you blink him
This card's theme song.
you just displacer kitten him
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Planeswalkers have been pretty bad in general for the last couple of years, but this one feels especially trash
I was about to give you flack for not having it be Kickstart My Heart, but this is absolutely acceptable.

This is pretty slow but could be good
Okay. I'm okay with this afterall. My queen, the artificer tribal is in my future.
having a karnstruct in your command zone in azorius is not slow
No it is a poorly designed card like literally every card spoiled in this thread so far. Disgustingly bad design
Not even going to dignify this retardation with a response go play Yugioh
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Buy your Umbral Mantles boyos.
>three exhausts
Loot? Fucking awful. That esper dude? It's alright.
>esper zombies
>not jund zombies
I fucking hate how esper gets EVERYTHING. Zombies being blue never made any sense at all.
>all the best zombies are dimir
>none of them are gruul
>very few are rakdos
I guess its to lean into how blue is the experimental color, and that they often modify and experiment on life with black.
I NEVER understood the white slice for zombies that got popular though.
So with that you can just get infinite mana for abilities and toss a shitton of permanents into the field?

Damn that seems cool.
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Thats because she's the wrong colors for vehicles
in this set everyone is right color for vehicles
You'd want some way to fill your hand. I was looking into Gruul card with activated abilities and theyre nooooot great.
walking ballista
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Praise Kek
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You actually think what they shosed us compares to Azorious Shorikai?
Mm. Going to have to think long and hard about whether to swap out Riku for her. She can copy enchantments and artifacts, but not instants or sorceries, and only gets one copy per turn. Her copy gets sacrificed, but she doesn't need to be on the board when you copy it. Much easier infinite with Lightning Runner, less capacity for infinites with things like Academy Manufactor. Adds slight energy flow through casting artifacts and is less mana-hungry than Riku, but loses out on utility.
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>TTGL reference
ok I'll build him
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Well fuck. I guess I'm buying that deck. Gonna use the face commander for my Zombie deck.
>5 mana Temmet
Does that seem ridiculously overcosted for an ungabunga combat based commander or am I missing something?
Discount Marwyn
Need the anime alt.
Chandra has a big bum?
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I need the anime alt for this
Simic biomancers move tits to her ass for better aerodynamics.
hmmm kinda cool
That’s a boy tho
And people wonder how Thing, Japan is almost always better.
>That’s a boy tho

No she's not.

So we need an anime alt foil art.
No foils
Another Food Chain infinite.
my local meta has a serious love for mindslaver effects, multiple people are running emrakul, mindslaver, and worst fears, how can i use this to my advantage
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>tutor and counter doubler
Design in this game is so fucking dead holy shit
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deflecting swat effects
Not doubler my had still dead design
Set looks like shit, I’m honestly relieved. Vehicles aren’t Magic, if they’d actually printed good cards and mae them vehicles I’d have been mad
too bad it's not a real karnstruct. I was hyped until I saw the P/T.
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>Exhaust - Cool idea
>Start your Engines/Speed - Stupid I hate it
>Vehicle focus - Stupid they are not fun
>Goofy aesthetic - Awful
At least this guy looks neat as a Connive/reanimator
But all the cards posted are absurd levels of busted anon. There's literally a card with ancestral recall and dark ritual printed on it
>extra gay Amuro Ray
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This will always be the best Vehicle commander btw
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Am I retarded or does Ancient Cellarspawn have good synergy with Hitdetsugu, Devouring Chaos? I'm new to brewing and I'm not sure how to rate spells. Are my observations correct?

1. In general, 1BB for a 3/3 is underwhelming
2. If both creatures are in play, Ancient Cellarspawn could *almost* double the dmg inflicted by Hitdetsugu in some situations.
3. If only Ancient Cellarspawn is in play, the Commander is easier to cast. (good for commander tax)
4. Deck could have a demon subtheme.
Nah. You faggots constantly misjudge new cards.
Most gods don’t get subtypes beyond God. In fact, I think it’s only the Ravnican Gruul gods that do. Oh, and the ones that Bolas eternalized.
cellarspawn only cares about the difference in paid cost versus mana value, and hidetsugu doesn't provide a cost reduction for his bullshit.
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Friend just sent me this. This is fake, right?
Some of us do. Some of us are right bery consistently. I need to see the exact wording for exhaust, so I guess I'll have to wait before I render judgment, but loot seems like an B- storm commander, and potentially A- in the 99. That esper discard thing is a solid A. The gw guy is irrelevant, as are the preconmanders.
There is a card with one of the power 9 stapled onto it. You are retarded
What's wrong with it
No, we Spy Kids 3 now
Exhaust is once per game unless blinked
Holy fucking newfag

My experience with card games before Magic was Hearthstone so I've found I enjoy creature based strategies that try to control the board by destroying enemy creatures. Gargos and Rith are probably my favorite decks.
Phew, good thing he isnt in colors with blink! Wouldnt that be something!
What about it? Loot is a better card than this lol
Tell him that tutors are functionally just another copy of the card he tutors for.
>set about racing and being fast
>one of the prime mechanics takes at least 4 of your turns to become active
Also if you are paying blink costs to get the effect suddenly it’s not as fucking good anymore you retard.
>muh power 9 stapled on!!!!
>that already exists
Lotus is good because if it's not a token it is easily broken.... this isn't complicated, I thought you were good at the game anon that's an incredibly basic and important distinction here
Like I said, I need the exact wording to figure it out exactly how broken it is, but assuming there's nothing unusual there are still a few very powerful things it can do.
You are so unbelievably garbage at card evaluation holy shit hahahahaha.
>Dude its not pushed at all, just counterspell it!
True, he doesn't, but the entire deck relies on casting spells from exile with reduced mana cost like picrel.

If both Hidetsugu and Cellarspawn are in play and there are 6 creature cards in my graveyard (best case scenario). I could cast Writhing Necromass for B, opponent takes 7 damage and an additional 6 damage from Cellarspawn.
Screencapping you retards for when it’s out and not even played that much
>Exhaust is once per game
Oh coo-
>unless blinked
So it is just another generic ability then, would be cooler if it was once per game regardless of zones
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Luv' me Graveyard
What card are you talking about? Also, you'll conviently forget to include the caps of everyone who's right.
because it's a black man or because it's busted
I thought this is Verstappen set not Hamilton?
I think it's 3 turns, but that's irrelevant to the point you were making.
Honestly I was expecting more gimi set.
it's a mechanic for limited, just ignore it
>blocks with a 1/1 squirrel
you were saying?
Too many black people legendaries
So it goes
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I swear I’ll get around to building Grist some day
Zask still reigns as insect king.
I'm seeing a lot of combat damage while the commander seems like it's more aligned for burn. I'm all for big combat, but this seems like a pile of generic good rakdos cards. Like you looked at EDHREC, typed in "best rakdos cards" and hit autocomplete until you hit 100 cards.
- Valgavoth does not synergize with much of what you have
- Fire Covenant is a cool card, but it's just removal that drains you. No synergy with your commander or the rest of your deck whatsoever

You could swap the commander for any other rakdos commander and nothing would change. I'd honestly start from the ground up and look at ways you can damage opponents without necessarily using creature damage.

If it's the combat you like, I'd say look at a different rakdos commander alltogether.
>have a Varina deck
>one of the precons is literally esper zombie tribal
I don't know how to feel about this, it's crazy that the specific niche I want is getting a lot of support but at the same time if there's too many new cards to add to the deck making the necessary swaps is gonna suck.
The Esper discard thing IS a precommander.
As a general rule are you more likely to counterspell the tutor? Or wait for what they tutored?
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I just think Grist is neat
Yeah. I built a Temur energy deck five years ago and am going through roughly the same thing that you are.
Depends on the skill of your opponent. The rule is counter the card tutored because they can still draw it or tutor it again, but a skilled opponent is going to anticipate this and set up lines around expected removal. This means countering the tutor can be a tempo play and a great way to unexpectedly force your opponents hand. My advice? Counter the card tutored for.
This looks pretty cool. Yeah definitely one I'd want to check out. But he's in Aetherdrift? This guy is in the race? Does he have a car or something?
So that's what happen to him. He became a ghost car driver.
It seems like the commander decks are more about showcasing the two planes than interacting with the race
This guy does feel great. Feels like a good alternate take on The Scarab God.
And after he lost the race, Valvagoth literally dragged him kicking and screaming back to Duskmourn.
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I approve of this commander.
Oh she's going straight into Mothman and The Master.
That is correct. I was actually genuinely surprised we didn't get a Vehicle commander precon, but this time they decided to "only" do two commander precons and doing an Amonkhet-themed deck and a Kaladesh Energy deck took priority.
Im not sure why you would ever counter the tutor and not the card
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Keeping in theme of the gods not being able to attack or block but working in speed. That's at least in theme.>>94863093
These all seem awful? It will take three turns of them taking damage to even get it online
Oh, yeah alright that makes sense. I was preparing to see The Scarab God or someone drop by in a lazotep dragster. Didn't know it wouldn't all be racer themed.
A Raskdos gearhulk sounds wako bannanas desu
>1/1 counters
>max speed
How do we go from BLB and Duskmourne to this fucking dogshit. Say what you want about either set but neither were just tokens and counters
The amount of braindead anons impressed by a other way to cheat costs is depressing the community for this game is so dogshit
you counter the tutor if the opponent is likely to have graveyard stuff going on, yeah they can regrowth the tutor too but its more likely that graveyard decks have recursion effects that hit permanents
Probably the fairest 2 mana land in existence so fair it will not see play
They're obviously designed for limited.
replaces Temple of the False God in every precon within a year.
The worst ancient tomb ever.

I explained it? If you're playing against skilled players, they'll do shit like tutor on the end step before their turn, and untap with protection and the intention of comboing out. They might be grabbing their key card, they might be grabbing fow or dovin's veto, there's no way for you to tell and they arent even obligated to windmill slam the card they tutored for that turn. If you're a skilled player and think you can out-tempo the tutor, it's worth a shot to fuck up your opponents gameplan, but that's galaxy brain shit beyond 95% of this general.
Is speed a counter on the player?
Did you faggots even read the card’s cost? 5 mana. And then an additional green to tap for 3. That is functionally worse than Gilded Lotus.
>b-but you’re paying for the OPTIONS!
The card is fine. Anyone calling it broken or pushed is retarded.
>the necessary swaps
what an awful way to put it
You're not very smart and I really dont want to spoonfeed you because you're an idiot, but imagine there was a way to use activated abilities without paying the cost of the creature. Especially multiple times a turn.
no, it's an un-interactable mechanic
Ok thats what i meant. You can have 4 speed accrued when you play that land right?
If so its fine and playable
>but imagine there was a way to use activated abilities without paying the cost of the creature. Especially multiple times a turn.
Lmao you gonna Illusionist Bracers bro? Maybe a little Marvin the Mimic? We busting out Conjurers Closet and Dead Eye Navigator?

Every mana you spend to activate the effect a second time is contributing to the cost being worse. At a certain point you might as well run a fucking 6 mana draw 3 spell

Fuck I wish these threads were separated by skill level
on top of that the first trigger doesn't use the stack so it cannot be stifled
>A major mechanic of the set is only for limited
Yes, you would be religated to a lower power bracket based on that answer, and again, I'm not going to spoonfeed you. If you read that card as 6 mana draw 3 and not mana, card draw, and a wincon with haste, I dont know what to tell you.
>I’m not even gonna run it as Commander bro!!!! It’s going in the 99!!! Then i-I-I’ll Worldly Tutor for it! Yeah! And then- then Kona Rescue Beastie it out! And then I get 3 mana bro!!!! That’s a wincon bro!!! It’s BUSTED!!!!
How much mana you spending to do that, anon?
I'll give you a hint: no more than 3BU to win the game. Less with a mild amount of setup.
Sorry, I fatfingered it, 3BG. Shit happens.
You’re so incredibly delusional
Holy shit imagine this with Panharmonicon or Strionic Resonator to just double the token output
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I already rated it B- as a commander and A- as a combo piece. That's a very specific amount of mana including one in a colour that it isnt. It's almost like I have at least one specific line in mind.
> Pop quiz, hotshots. Which new mechanic is the most bussin'?
Oh this is why MTG is declining- too many zoomers at wotc
Won't work because it is only ETB triggers
Illusionist's Bracers though will work
Can anyone recommend land hate or underrated land destruction cards? I'm building Coram MLD with the plan of using his ability and land recursion to stay ahead on mana, but aside from the obvious MLD sorceries, strip mine, blood Moon, and the like I'm looking for other efficient forms of land hate and resource denial. My table is full of blue and simic players so nothing is too mean.
>look bro, imma be honest wit u- I read the effect and not the cost, and when you pointed out that it's 6 mana create 3 I had to backtrack to calling it a combo piece. I'm very embarrassed but I can't back down on the internet due to defects in how I was raised, so I have to do this cryptic bullshit because if I just said what I was referring to I would be open to criticism and probably embarrassed again. This is the only way I can call this a win and move on without thinking about how stupid I am at 3am when I'm trying to sleep
Yeah man, zoomers totally write like that unironically and it's not some 45 year old man trying to appeal to the youths
If you have ways of gaining speed beforehand, its okay? Kind of if it works like Citys Blessing.
But even then its niche. I agree with the other anon that its essentially "Slightly Better Temple of the False God."
I'm glad my initial impressions on spoilers are lukewarm so I can save some money. Some cards I'll probably get as singles later but the set as a whole doesn't grab me. Something about this rubs me the wrong way. It's like if Fortnite was turned into a Universes Within set.
It might be a fine inclusion but I'm not convinced it's a must play. First of all it's one of those creatures whose effect merely amplifies what your commander does, either your entire deck has a ton of discard effects or it might be one of those cards that offers nothing outside of synergy with your commander. Secondly, while the pseudo card advantage you get from the built in reanimate is nice, there's not that many worthile targets for a 3 mana effect in zombies as a tribe. Zombies is general are a horde tribe, not a big individual threat one, I think this dude might actually be better suited for something like a Raffine reanimator deck than a zombie tribal.
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Wow that's quite the post. See:
keldon firebombers is one of my favorites altho it's more impactful when people don't see it coming
>base art looks better than the premium borderless version
I hate when that happens... I don't like seeing the ugly gold piss borders on my cards
>I-I never even said it was that good!
Except when you said >>94862705
>There is a card with one of the power 9 stapled onto it
inb4 "that wasn't meeeeee!"
Then aren't you a silly billy for jumping in on someone else's conversation?Take the L lil gup.
I just can't wrap my head around holding a 20th/21st century sporting event on the SAAR plane full of zombies and demi-Gods. They just saw that Indiadesh had an energy mechanic associated with it and were like "Uhhh, vehicles run on energy don't they? Let's have it there!"

But hey, I guess I'm not being fair. It's not let they already had a perfect plane steeped the aesthetics of the 1920s-40s when vehicle racing was at it's cultural peak that they've already shown already has both vehicles and vehicle races and a mafia which would have something worth racing for stashed around to offer as a grand prize.
Wake of Destruction can wreck if youre playing multiole people in W/U. Decree of Annihilation is one of my favorites but might not fit here if you want to play it from the yard.
What they should have done IMO is have a Mad Max inspired plane instead of this, or just leave Vehicles where they belong in the trash
Scarab God just got outdated holyyyyyy
Ok zoomer
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>humiliation ritual
>it's the standard player who doesnt know how to evaluate assassins trophy
Hi gay baby standard playing anon. It seems you've realized that not everyone is the same person and have chosen to preemptively cope about it. Not my problem, though I'm not sure why you're posting here after that fiasco yesterday.
Once the full set is released imma do the percentages of non-whites+women to white/asian men
Even if it does cathar's is a miserable card. I don't care if it's good I won't run it because keeping track of 10000+ tokens with individual P/T becomes real annoying real fast.
What cards are good to run with miracle cards?
Obviously Top, Scroll Rack, Brainstorm
What else?
They mention New Capenna in an article about coming up with the story, and dismiss it because it's a plane about three-color factions and totally not because it was a critical failure
More like Uragupda Pooway.
>it's the standard player who doesnt know how to evaluate assassins trophy
Have you finally gone full schizo? Are the standard players in the room with you right now?
You didn't read the card, you has an impulsive reaction, you were embarrassed. It isn't reddit, if you just stop coping about your mistake no one will even know it was you
>triple keyboards
>in G/U/R for untaps
This is silly.
The doublestrike and haste are just jacking off at this point lmao.
>They just saw that Indiadesh had an energy mechanic associated with it
There’s also the small matter of Kaladesh being the set that introduced vehicles to the game.
Holy shit is that a femboy bug prince??? WE ARE SO BACK
In a perfect world, New Capenna would never have been printed. Even in this imperfect one, we can hope to never see it again.
>not a frog
>can't attack unless you have max speed
So this thing is an absolutely useless Commander
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Yes, actually. You went on a giant rant around this time yesterday about how assassins trophy was a bad card, and even our resident argumentative shitposter called you a faggot. But let's rewind, what did I say as soon as you mass replied and called me retarded?
>imagine there was a way to use activated abilities without paying the cost of the creature. Especially multiple times a turn.
And then you went full retard.
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Funny you say that
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I like their attempt to bring down costs of way overblown cards by just making alts for investard faggots to chase. They need to do this with every card over 5 bucks, print the regular version to hell alongside a very small run of alt card chase prints. Or in the case of dumb shit like the reserved list, print a bunch of alts into the ground while leaving the original art untouched.

Of course none of this actually affects me since I just proxy everything over $2 anyways, but it really shows how stupid and fake the whole financial side of TCGs are.
You can use it's unblockable ability, play it turn 2, and even if It's removed you can still get max speed
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>speed counters
They say she’s a girl in the reveal trailer, this is her last race as apparently part of her species’ life cycle is to turn into cars
oh god 7 damage, who can save me?
>You went on a giant rant around this time yesterday about how assassins trophy was a bad card,
Did I now? Fascinating how I have no memory of that. I'm sure you're right though, after all you were so right about the new Loot, right?
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Please buy booster boxes. Its a good set goys
>have to get borderless if you don't want vehicle slop on your cards
That's actually ingenious
saheeli yuo are crashing the car
Every card must be its own engine and payoff
Man this art looks insane but it will probably be like $300 and out of my budget...
Call me crazy though but this set looks insane compared to Innistrad Remastered I'm glad I was too poor to preorder it, will probably buy an Aetherdrift box now
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>LGS doesn't allow proxies unless you own the card.
>will probably buy an Aetherdrift box now
Buy an ad.
What's an ad?
I own the card, I just keep it in a topper at home in my basement.
play some other formats sometime
Go back to redd*t and stay there loser fucking faggot.
Your post
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>first place foils look exactly like those world championship deck proxies
They've gone full circle
yet another strong wommy. So fucking tired all males look like winnies.
Huh? I thought you were talking about the card game?
What the fuck is that. That's awful. What is that. Jesus.
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>Energy Precon in March of the Machine
>Energy Precon in Fallout
>Energy Precon in Modern Horizons 3
>Energy Precon in Aetherdrift
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>the women continue to look ugly
>the big beefy sexy cat men continue to look big beefy and sexy
Man I love being catered to
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>gee wilikers guys I wasn't sure about this Aetherdrift TM officially licensed Wizards of the Coast product but now I might just have to buy a whole box of it for $118.99 MSRP!
Set is shit. Looks like shit. Vehicles are shit. Themepark sets are shit. No one likes it, least of all here.
Finaly no one will make a big eye when they pick my proxies to read the cards.
Extremely based
How much does Wizards of the Coast pay you to sit here all day and be negative about the sets?
Kek im afraid this is one time the old "im rubber, you're glue" isn't going to work you retarded shill
I play pauper and premodern besides EDH just get fucked.
How the fuck does a trailer sized chariot with a 1300 pound demon and his zombie entourage weighing it down keep up with futuristic aerodynamic motorcycles piloted by a 5'1 110 pound person?
Imagine if this race was set in Neon Kamigawa instead of dumbass Kalajeet
Please, no…they’ve already ruined Kamigawa enough…
>let's print Death's shadow
>but also staple draw card on it
I understand there's tons of cards that exist already but jesus christ
They are really desperate to make people want to play that ugly pokemon
I'd rather old Kamigawa as well but if they are going to go in on the Neon aesthetic they should have just went full Akira instead of Hearthstone lite.
It's not like we can't get a time spiral Kamigawa set either that takes place in best Kamigawa time
Nashi would have been way cooler if they played him to be the main character in that case
Scrappy underdog winning the race to try and save his dying mother from Jin Gitaxias winning the Piston Cup
>>but also staple draw card on it
For 3
What the fuck is it with people ITT literally just reading card effects and not costs?
Oh this is ni-
>once each turn
BBWchads are winning
Lore-wise they win because everyone ahead of them crashed due to old consulate members participating in a coup led by Jace.
Yes? That is still card draw stapled to a death's shadow anon
It's still death's shadow with an upside that's harder to remove because of crew. It's lazy design.
So it looks like Greasefang still the king of vehicles.
It should have trample or menace
Your opponent has 60 life and an aetherflex reservoir in play.
He says if anyone attacks him he will beam them for lethal.
Do you attack him anyway?

>Hard mode
You don't have a stifle or instant speed combo to get around the trigger.
i meant activation
Yes, because cowards don't make it to heaven.
If he's unwilling to use it yet then I have time to draw into an answer to get around the trigger and he might be stupid enough not to notice me get to survivable life.
Greasefang is a lady. Kolodin I guess is the king.
>you're at sub50 life
you deserve to lose
Do you know his pronouns? Its he/him buddy
You've gotta be careful when rewarding players for what they want to do anyways. You also get +1/+1 drawing for turn, so he makes a board very scary very quickly without needing to attack himself. He's not a commander you play for 5 mana, you build up a board with a few zombies, cast him, cast brainstorm, and crash into someone for 60 damage.
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You can Blink him to make it happen more than once a turn
It's just the whole Max Speed thing that basically makes him a 5 mana Commander since you need to hit your opponent 3 times with some form of damage before he unlocks the Zombie token effect
I don't really care about the zombies, the sacrifice ability is what's nice. The max speed is just a bonus
The art on these cards doesn't feel right, but I can't put my finger on why.
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If he's talking he's weak. If he could blast you without consequence he would. He wants to buy himself time. I wouldn't give him any. Full attack, even the dorks and Commander.
They all have terrible shading and are deliberately designed to avoid any hint of potential sexuality so the poses are all weird and the characters look like shit.
So is he th precon commander then?>>94861962 or is it this guy? Either way they seem like they go hand in hand.
So Greasefang still the best Vehicle commander ok I take that
Temmet's the face, Hashaton is the secondary.
Genuinely have no clue why Capenna wasn't in some way involved.
Mark Rosewater actually explained that they considered it, but considering they were for sure use Kaladesh/Avishkar, Capenna would've been just 'another city' and they wanted each plane to be distinct. Why Capenna and Kamigawa don't have any RACERS involved is a bit questionable though.
This is absolutely just the Turbo Duel set. Even has speed counters like the Duel Runners had.
Really sick art, shame she fucking sucks
Guess them already having decided which planes before hand explains it. Weird as that is. But it certainly doesn't explain why Capenna or Kamigawa or really any other planes don't have racers. Isn't everything connected through those omen paths now? Thought for sure we'd see a Gisa and Geralf too. Right after Thunder Junction.
Eh, Innistrad feels irrelevant to something like this, and they already have the Duskmourn team for the 'spooky racers'. It is a little weird that the only 'returning plane' racers outside of Amonkhet and Avishkar are Kylem and Duskmourn though. Kamigawa feels like a shoe-in and it's not like the shark people DID anything in the race anyway, you could replace them.
Her face could be a bit prettier but overall it does look nice, I like how the Aetherflux contrasts all the reds
Only thing she sucks is clit (canonically)
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Magic setting is absolute shit at this point and needs to be reset
yes I swing at him I don't care if it's a bluff or not I don't negotiate with niggerflux terrorists
The face commander isn't always the best one though. Does anyone ever play whatever the face commander of Shorikai's deck was?
I'll be building a new lurrus deck
>Magic setting is absolute shit at this point and needs to be reset
Needs more UB to fix it
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I legitimately forgot that Shorikai wasn't the face commander. Kotori mostly gets mentioned for looking weird and that's it, though maybe people are digging back into the archives for vehicle commanders.

Speaking of which, there's this guy from the Assassin's Creed set.
This set looks so fucking ugly, the cards the themes the power of the cards. Makes sense this dogshit general is lapping it up
If i want to buy a card over 10 bucks I usually just buy a booster or two of whichever set it's from (if realistic not like 15 dollar boosters) and then just print the card if I don't pull it. I figure it's fair, I paid, I am owed cards I would like to use. Thoughts on this proxy mindset?
>just buy the singles
Gambling is fun and contributions are being made to the MtG market regardless
The flavor article mentioned that Avishkar and Ravnica are emerging as interplanar political superpowers and, for the time being, are maneuvering around each other like nominally-friendly elephants in a very small room. It’s possible that Capenna and Kamigawa are more aligned with the Ravnican hegemony and so didn’t participate for political reasons.
Step 1: All dragons are sexually frustrated and bisexual.
Sadly as you can see the community is all too happy for this garbage so that will never happen in any meaningful manner
>t. Jace
Don't give a fuck. Once Elon buys it things will be better (assuming he hires the right ghostwriter whose work he claims as his own)
Elon won't buy it, he was being a performative dickhead, that's literally what he does. He did the same thing with Twitter but then Twitter basically called his bluff.
>this dogshit general is lapping it up

>say the inverse of reality
>guaranteed (You)s!
Have you even read the thread anon???????????
It's funny how much he supposedly hates Magic yet lurks here 24/7
It's okay to just admit you're a scalper who knows nothing about the game, no one is going to avoid the set just because you say it's dogshit so you can buy in at a low floor lmao
>They printed a second version of the Sam Hyde commander while Modern is still being raped by Boros Energy
Show me, anon. Because I can show you people shitting on the set.
Who cares, it doesn't get into Modern.
Any sealed product purchased just signifies your enthusiasm with Galadriel being an African-American
Jay Dyer commander when
New thread
I've literally never seen an energy deck in the wild, and my store's scene is pretty big.
I love magic i do not like this set what are you talking about i am making a new deck for this weekend as we speak
>Duskmourn team for the 'spooky racers'
Oh right. Forgot about Winter. Yeah fair enough then.
It's possible they did send racing teams but they were in one of the lower leagues that apparently did some races but went almost completely unmentioned by the story.
Hard agree, but thankfully the lore is 100% ignorable. Most fantasy has become garbage.
At first it was a Karlach deck but I like Florian as card selection while the rest of the deck is all combat. In a way I wanted a deck that doesn't rely on the commander. It is good stuffy as in I want cards that give good tempo but still give a bit of value. That's the reason for Valgavoth in the deck. This tries to be an aggressive deck without token shit cause I dont care about tokens.
9/10 times this thing comes out draws and eats a Doom Blade immediately.
This is the first line of text I have ever seen that makes me like the idea of omenpaths
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What community? Nobody except "investooooors" and trannies buys this garbage anymore and we know it because at least for last 3 years MTG is in financial freefall.

>He still believes in whatever autistic baby Elon says him
Shiggy Diggy....

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