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Welcome to Plastic Building Blocks General!
Previous >>10973872
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Here, you can discuss foreign and domestic clone brands. Show us things that you've recently bought, built or discovered!

Top brands (not exhaustive):
>Qman (formerly Enlighten)
>Mould King
Dishonorable mentions:
Dollar tree legos have some issues but for the price they’re great. You can attach to the bottom of the quart baseplates but you’ll need a center support or it pops off the edge underneath when you even glance at the middle.
Literal block heads lol
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Wange have unique figs for sure. Rather like the little buggers, though I wish I could say the same about the sets. Overall they haven't been terrible, most of my negative thoughts are from that pirate ship set in the OP. In pic is one of the little bugs that added up with quite a few more to take much of the wind out of its sails - the rag hats provided were copies of the original Lego one, not modified for the square heads. Somewhat peculiar oversight considering the bicorne and tricorne hats were properly modded.
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Can anyone speak to the quality of the CaDA Initial D sets? The mini ones have this weird sort of half blocks half plamo thing going on. Presumably they're officially licensed?
Repdill me on "OKI" bricks
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I have a small mazda (its great) and i have this big chunk of a car, which was a really nice set to build.
I love the design of the brick built surfaces over a technic engine and suspension.

Pic related car was released before they had the official license i believe, but its still very faithful. If you like Initial D, i highly recommend those sets.
If not, i guess there are other cars to build as well.
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Another pic.

Its very easy to install the power functions to make it rc-controllable, and there are enough parts to "tune" the car with different bumpers, spoilers etc.
Should I?
What a block-head decision
Sure, if it floats your boat
Snagged these from the dollar tree for five bucks. Then I got three more of the cardinals for the wings and printed eyes on the beak.
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I'm pretty new to this shit, this set caught my eye https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BSR9HFJB
I tried looking it up on brick4, which it has, but in my limited understanding of this site it doesn't seem to show other people making the set, yet it's up on ali for like 50$ if you search for 43225.
Am I using brick4 wrong or am I simply a moron
I asked this in another thread, but I recalled an anon bought some Pirate Lego ships on Ali Express. I was wondering how those were and if site is safe to use? There's a Viking ship there I'm tempted to buy for only $15 and I can buy goats and horses and such waaay cheaper than Lego or even Bricklink (which I've never ordered from either).

So wondering if I should bite the bullet and try it out. The Viking ship seems a good deal, but maybe too good to be true. It has reviews up with photos that say it has a few things off with the build but good overall


Also these Pirate ships are quite tempting. I think they may even be what anon previously got. Sure would love to hear from that guy and maybe see photos of how they looked.

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Can't speak for the Viking ship but it does seem suspiciously cheap, even for Ali. I'm the anon who bought the pirate ships you're talking about and I give both a thumbs up. They're both by Qman (formerly Enlighten) and while they have a couple little bugs here and there (the quality of the strings provided can be challenging to work with) they're both solid sets overall and at those prices you're getting great ships. KOs of Lego animals tend to be worth the small amount they're going for as well, have ordered many horses to pad out my cavalry heh.

Have been using Ali for years and overall have had a great experience, your payment is held in escrow until the order is completed so there's a lot of incentive for sellers to give good customer service. I always use a shipping option that comes with tracking (AliExpress Standard is usually the cheapest with tracking) cuz it adds to peace of mind and it tends to be faster than their free shipping options, though many stores will also give you free Standard on many items or with a minimum purchase amount.
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Left ship with included crew
Thanks man. Both ships seem cool. I'm not in love with the sail/flag design on the Blue ship, but I really like it's brighter colors contrasting most ships I see. I think I might buy one, but I know I don't have cash or space for both and the Viking ship. I wish the Viking ship came with any figures, but I want it for my Viking village and I missed the Creator Viking ship.

It seems like a great bonus and boon that the Pirate ships come with figures. Did I see the one set comes with a classic monkey? Do they both? Do the figures in your photos come with the respective sets? Because those are some quality looking older school type figs I see and I love that.

Do you have a preference for either ship? How are the builds vs playability? Are the main hulls a hollow piece you build on, or a buildable structure? Do they have interiors at all?

Thanks for answering my questions and being an awesome pirate bro. Sorry to trouble ya.
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S'all good, will do my best to answer your questions, to differentiate the two we'll refer to them as striped ship and blue ship
>Did I see the one set comes with a classic monkey? Do they both?
Striped ship comes with a classic monkey, a parrot and six figures (five rascals and a wench) all copies of classic Pirates torsos and face prints (with one guy having a rare torso from Castle).
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Blue ship comes with seven figs (six rascals and a wench), also with classic torsos and a mix of classic faces and some of Enlighten's own.
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>Do you have a preference for either ship?
If I could only keep one I'd go with the striped ship, it's largely a copy of classic Pirates sets and is more elegant in appearance. Blue ship is rather anachronistic in some aspects and I also find the sail designs to be a bit off. On the other hand I recently got two more smaller pirate ships and one of them pairs really well with Blue, coming from the same line and of matching colors, will get pics when I'm feeling up to it.
>How are the builds vs playability?
Both ships have several moving parts (rudder, ship's wheel, anchor on windlass); striped also has a crane on the forward mast; blue's cannons are mounted on centreline turntables (as opposed to striped where the cannons are broadside and don't have any wheels).
>Are the main hulls a hollow piece you build on, or a buildable structure?
The hulls are the classic Pirates ship pieces, with a fore, aft and two centre sections.
>Do they have interiors at all?
Both ships have a cabin aft; striped is larger and easier to access.
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A couple minor bugs from both sets is the weapons, particularly cutlasses can be loose-fitting in hands and clips; hands themselves can be tricky to insert into figure arms (ended up breaking one with striped and as it came with a mismolded hand and only enough for every fig and the monkey, that last does not have his "feet" hands in the pics heh). Although the clutch was leagues better than I'd experienced in the past with older Enligjhten sets I did have a couple moments with blue where it was a bit fragile for a while due to the build order, but once together it's solid enough. Flagpoles and crow's nests at the very top fall off easily though.

Thanks for the well written and detailed replies.

I went ahead and ordered the Viking ship for $15. The special sale price onky worked for one item. But it shows that striped pirate Ship is now $33 which still seems like a good deal. I think I may buy that ship and a few animals for my Castle stuff at the end of the month if I have any luck with this Viking Ship. But I figure if it's a bust, it was only $16 and change after tax. I'm gonna hope my credit card info is fine and I'm just being paranoid
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I've bought countless sets, figs and other stuff over the years from Ali and never had any fishy financial activity or shenanigans. Every online retailer is going to have flaws and problems, a month ago I had a significant one with Amazon that did get settled in the end but was a hassle and major annoyance. Your biggest risk is getting sucked into a world of cheap legos, heh.
Where do you keep it all? Do you separate them by brand?
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>Where do you keep it all?
That's a very uncomfortable question... Just gonna say it's an ongoing challenge.
>Do you separate them by brand?
Yes, but not rigidly. Organization is interwoven heavily with storage so it depends on what goes together and where. Off work for a couple weeks and I plan to try and make a dent in improving my overall storage situation but we'll see how that goes.
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Can speak to these guys being generally okay. It's all stolen designs from online but no real missing pieces and generally more structurally sound than bluebrixx's trains.
Just got notice testerday my Viking Ship is now with their local deliver provider and should be on its way soon. Any idea how long that usually takes?
I'm pretty sure that just means your country's post office. So however long they usually take.
You should be able to track it with the tracking number from Ali, and the local delivery guys tracking page.
Or try 17track.

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