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Previous Thread:


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

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>General Resources:
I'm still seething that lego cut ties with overwatch
Shit game but the new molds were peak. Wish we got sombra and ashe with big-fig bob or even orisa.
I do, both the Mario and Sonic themes seem to be selling well.
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If they somehow brought all the vidiya funko-slop buyers into getting lego they'd be swimming in cash
You have to be 18 to post here.
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Once again, LEGO decides to ignore canon vehicles in the Sonic series.
Based gamer

Lego videogame themes are the future

Press P to pray for Lego Halo
>meant for babies you fucking man child
Tell me you don’t remember the world before 9/11 without telling me you don’t remember the world before 9/11.
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He said posting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum about plastic toy bricks.
I don’t speak ebonics you’ll have to translate my melaninated friend.
Lego Zelda reveal soon
visual noise
>tails winks his pupil while his eye is still open, whites visible
how does he do it?
T minus 4 hours.
New set for pride month.
at least it won't get dusty
I don’t know anon I still think cleanliness will be an issue.
Put your fucking laundry away. Jesus Christ your mother has told you a hundred times if you don’t clean this shit up and get a job anon you’re out of this house!
I was about to comment on how cool his minecraft is but his absolute lack of personal care is appalling. Pile of laundry some dirty some clean some still with the Christmas wrappers on them (shocker the hand towels are unused) on top of what appears to be several attempts by I assume the mother to organize on top of possibly even a stand alone hanger all in front of a closet. Take 20 min away from jerking off over plastic bricks anon and put your clothes away and do a load of laundry. This is why you can’t get laid.
>gets sued by Apple because they own the patents for "overpriced products designed for assholes"
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>Shit game
wrong. The core of the game left unchanged even in ovw2. It's the same fun game. People just brainless retards that seethe about trans characters or other shit they saw on Twitter.
Overwatch is awesome, more fun than last ovw1 seasons and even free now. Including free new characters.
>but the new molds were peak
overwatch has top tier character designs so...yeah
>Wish we got
Lego quickly abandoned overwatch during that Overwatch 2 line.

Here is what happened:

Blizzard cancelled ALL overwatch 1 designs because ovw2 was coming. This is why we never got any more sets. LEGO was planning to skip everything because of the "no no old designs" rule and went to OVW2 creating that "giant robot with mei minifigure set".

1) covid happened that damaged the process of OVW2 creation
2) harassment process and scandals with Blizzard company (one of creators was called Mccree and they called the cowboy guy after him - the guy was shit talking about women colleagues and hitting on them like a coomer retard and at the end they hated it so much that they changed its name to Cassidy)
3) Huge layoffs because of money losses (covid + scandals). Game got delayed on and on which damaged the creation of Overwatch 2.

After all that shit Lego is basically left only almost making that one set with mei which is one of the most expensive minifigure now.

IN CONCLUSION (for tiktok zoomers that can't read):

Covid = huge delays/problems with money and process
Harassment scandals = lego didn't want to work with a company with such association at that time

Holy kek this geunuinely sounds like your average /lg/
>polfags seething and being overly angry over nothing with their "it's over..."
>lots of fantasies without proofs
>nostalgiafagging-dick-sucking with arguments that and contradict themselves

It reminded me of those autists that were saying that Lego Chima was a huge flop even if it wasn't.
>The core of the game left unchanged even in ovw2. It's the same fun game
I'm crying laughing. 10/10 bait
>also AI-slop pajeet
like pottery
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>I'm crying laughing. 10/10 bait
you don't play games but okay i'll b8

1) The last 3 seasons of ovw2 were shit
2) the game had Goats meta and had multiple characters with shields that made other characters obsolete
3) nowadays it's much more balanced and fun to play - you don't even need healers that much anymore and healers themselves are not useless healsluts like they used to be.

It feels like 2016-2017 again. But how a crying faggot like you would know.
kys loser
Go do your laundry anon.
yeah I'm sure the overwatch fan has a clean room in his own house. kek
Eh, when I'm lying on my deathbed I'm not going to regret my undone laundry. I'm going to regret not having time to jerk it once more.
I'm sure your mom has a few regrets
I’m not the overwatch fan. Is that like halo?
Sooooo yes?
I play with my friends 1-3 times a week and even I wouldn't go this far to defend it
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This looks like one of those pictures where you can't point out any actual recognizable object
please do the needful and go back please
You ready boyos new drop incoming.
kys AIfag
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what do you have against Al, faggot?
What happens if it breaks in your ass?
That's a feature, not a bug. Can't get the full pride experience without anal bleeding.
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So, we are getting a D2C Simpsons next year, probably a remake of their house since this is a theme relaunch. Codename is clown.
Welp, holding onto my Mr. Burns fig for a bit longer so I can sell that to some chump for $50
Weird that they're going back to Simpsons, it feels like such a cultural relic at this point. But I guess the house and Kwik E Mart are ridiculous on the aftermarket so there is money to be made.
We're never going to get another Apu minifigure, are we?
Anyway, I hope they choose some more obscure picks instead of recreating old minifigures.
They're not making a Seed and Feed set, and nobody outside of actual boomers would want anything else.
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Lego company makes molded heads so you can more-easily recognize the minifigs as "The Simpsons" characters

The Simpsons TV show does an episode where they are in Lego world, uses regular minifig heads so they are more recognizable as "Lego" characters
Unironically better desu, moulded Simpsons heads look fucking horrific.
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Why call it clown though?
Because the fact that they haven't taken The Simpsons behind the shed and shot it ages ago is just a small symptom of clown world.
I mean I guess?
Originally there was hope that as the voice actors died off they'd eventually end it but with the introduction of voice ai we're probably less than a decade away from a tortured computer existing in some dark basement corner of Hollywood whose entire existence is spitting out scripts, doing all the voice work and animation for the never ending Simpsons.
Is it possible the Simpsons discover they're all fictional characters created by a highly advanced ai for the "enjoyment" of obscene 3 dimensional beings, find o8t in season 87 of the simpsons
DUDE! This is so fucking funny it makes me want to merge without looking!
Are the first wave of star wars sets unopened in the original boxes worth anything?
I opened the speeder bike set unfortunately
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why is Lego so stingy? this set is already very basic could they really not have made the details prints instead of stickers?

do any of your experts know any existing prints that would be a good substitute?
>fragile and brown
Just like pottery
>why is Lego so stingy?
Because they know (You) mousecucks will pay. Just stop being a subhuman. It's THAT easy.
I know, I'm sorry, that was a weak joke.
Unironically, why would you even want this in the first place? Its functions as a "playset" are half-assed, it's mediocre as a diorama, terrible as a minifig pack (doubly so because the stormtroopers use the faggy new helmet mould and Vader continues to use his awful soulless bobblehead one), and a peak exercise in needlessly using a bajillion little pieces just to inflate part count. You should be thankful that the details on the struts and door are stickers rather than prints, because it means that there is literally nothing whatsoever unique about this set except maybe the new Captain Antilles (if he is new, I'm not up to date on my soi wars nu-figs), which should shake even a dedicated consoomer into a moment of clarity.
>Unironically, why would you even want this in the first place?

It was an impulse buy for me as it was on a discount and it is the opening scene. But yeah value wise it's pretty bad the rebrickable price is identical to the set price when usually it's much higher. The biggest issue for me is that the best way to display it is diagonally which looks awkward.
>durr hur is dreamzzz actually better than starwars??? whaaaat??
>ignoring the fact that SW lego was always a boring bland overpriced pile of grey bricks
is this guy stupid
Dreamzzz is a cool as fuck theme with all kinds of creativity. Of course its better

Dreamzzz is a LITERAL lego theme

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It's like at this point incels/lolfags are current generation's "unfunny boomer nobody likes" version.

I was genuinely curious what will be the "lame one" during this decade/era. Because the majority of millenials and zoomers are pretty fun guys.

And then incels came
they will be our version of "old man crying at the cloud"
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>replied with the most identical phrase, to which he gave a couple of typical buzzwords from his low IQ vocabulary
It's like talking to some shitty early AI bot
No they're pretty worthless. I'll give you $50 for them all.
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>What happens if it breaks in your ass?
Shit bricks
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Ice Planet 2002 Elite
Imagine being so creatively bankrupt that you make AI do lego for you
Biggest self-own you could archive
I realised that while I'm digging for parts and building Lego dark thoughts begin to linger, sometimes fearful or even violent. Anyone else get this feel? I'm otherwise a generally positive person.
I hear the cure is to tear your city down and make a rail yard.
I have happy thoughts but recently I started with
>i don't need it it's not good
>hmm i actually like it

Then I buy Lion Knights Castle
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this is the first time i'm super hyped for a lego line. Usually its "a movie i watched but hey it's in lego!!"
But this time its something cool as fuck and unique and different

This thing is so fucking epic. I want to make a display for it with purple lights and stuff
Unironically kys and stop shilling snoozzz it’s already been beat to death here. The show’s bad. The sets are bad and over priced. Its is just time cruisers for gen alpha fags and it’s just bad.
>the local idiot vomited another primitive post generated from the buzzwords of his meager skull
Good for you anon :D
It does look fun
So how does it work? Like does Lego pay well with Rakutin because from what I’ve seen it’s a minimal percentage of adclicks. Dreamzzz hit the 18 month profit mark yet? I’m genuinely curious as to the motivation behind such obvious shilling.
yet you post whatever gay shit that was
Why are there like six fucking Lego threads in the catalog right now? What's wrong with you idiots?
i was actually thinking about creating a Lego Chima thread.

4chan needs a /lego/ board. Imagine how tool it could be.
You are right anon. I'm actually working in a LEGO company.
They paying me 40dolleridoes per hour to sit on 4chan and shill best (Dreamzzz) line.

Sorry but your loser incel power is not enough to defeat me.
I will create more dreamzzz post as the line continues.
It's like 1 or 2 trolls just trying to fuck with things, sometimes the jannies clean things up but I guess they're being lazy atm.
>loser incel power
Nope I have kids. They hate dreamzzz. Shill harder rabbi. The sets suck. The show sucks. You suck… I assume the foreskin of mutilated children.
>Nope I have kids
locked up in your basement maybe
So in my case ruin my medieval village and build a bunch of stables?
No. Don’t do that. Never fucking do that. Post pictures of it instead.
Why is it the mind of god’s chosen always wants to put kids in subterranean areas? Like rats? Someone do a moc of this.
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>Nope I have kids. They hate dreamzzz. Shill harder rabbi. The sets suck. The show sucks. You suck
yeah that's exactly how a grown ass man (that witnessed his wife's pregnancy 2 times) talks lmao.

What a lying loser faggot. Incels are bottom scum of this society.
he's probably just a whiny kid that has problem in school though.
We shouldn't even give him attentuion - all that he writes is a "poo poo pee pee" level of retarded insults.
Guns a plushies. Yeah that’s what I expected. I’m certainly not going to post my children for you to abuse to fantasize about. You wouldn’t know how anyone who isn’t on the spectrum thinks or speaks so why bother trying. It’s nice to see into your mentality. “Peepeepoopoo” isn’t that the theme of the new lotr set? Why are you guys so obsessed with scat?
>holy shit this incel's cope
>god's chosen
also a christcuck. Like pottery like that anon said.

Loser you are the only one here whining and shitting in this thread. It's so easy to detect you. You are a local village idiot and will be seen as one from now on
Your seething is enough for me anon. Incel is that type of insult incels use because they can’t fathom a world where dudes get laid.
>it’s so easy to detect you
In five min someone else is going to post something in support and you’ll accuse me of being multiple people. It is easy to detect you now and we know it’s you. Spamming threads. Posting trannys. Opening multiple threads then trolling your own threads. I gave some good advice over in your whiney thread lol go outside and get off the internet it’ll do you some good.
>Guns a plushies
it's a meme retard
What’s a mémé?
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>he keeps making an ass of himself
So like I said, grab a grocery sack a bag up some of those empty Mountain Dew bottles. Pick up those “still clean” shirts you’ve been wearing and toss them in the washer. Go outside and pull some weeds or go for a walk. Toss that shit in the dryer and drink a glass of water while you eat an apple. I promise you’ll be less angry and if you keep doing that you’ll turn your life around.
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Posting a new moc iteration of blacktron base
the classic invader so much comfier than the Nu one it makes me mad
kek, based
>pictures available upon request
Neat. But you should post it in the moc thread. /lg/ is for YouTube tranny lovers and dust collection consoomers
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I just want to share and collect feedback not browse the catalog every hour to find which particular thread is least pozzed. I will instead turn them based.
Here’s the inside of the lab
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And the inside of the treasure vault. I’m unhappy with how this section turned out (it was getting late and I was getting lazy) so I’ll probably consolidate the lab into an armory/horde and turn the remainder of the parts to some kind of rearmament and refueling workshop for more asset redistribution from classic/Nu space programs
which one are you then?
Tranny lover, but in all fairness I was drunk at the time.
moctrannies malding
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Are Americans really this stupid they need to be told to not eat batteries?
>Are Americans really this stupid they need to be told to not eat batteries?
i mean...their whole country got Kinder Surprise banned after amerimutts started to swallow capsules
(they have the shitty kinder joy with 2 separated plastic bags these days - that doesn't count. In europe we have like 10 different kinder surprise toys)
Unironically one of the best looking and most useful City sets
What do you mean by 'useful'
I saw that in the store last week. it's sad that the whole thing screams "some poor kid was very hurt by this product" and that's not what I went into the Lego Store to feel.
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Post ugly minifigs.
literally any of these monstrosities
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Some of the minidoll girls are cute though.
That's actually sick redpill me further
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here i fixed it
Hire me lego

(also friends need more sexy gay men in it - not just some twinks)
This is hitting me like cocomelon right now
Forgot link
Kek. Definitely not an incel.
Why is he such a whiner?
honestly based
I watched the vid and read this whole thing twice and still don't know what he's trying to say.
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people were spamming comments about the nasa set being repetitive to him when he was livestreaming the build, which he believes is cause some other lego reviewer must of said the build is 'repetitive' causing all the impressionable kids to spam that comment. His tirade is in response to this phenomenon.
Would you rather get 2-3 mid size sets or 1 of the big sets?
Literally just looking at the box for 2 seconds tells me it will be a boring and repetitive build. Why does Jang overthink and make a big deal of everything?
I just want to build the praying mantis out of this set. Is there a quicker way to create a partslist than going through the instruction and adding them 1 by 1?
To be fair he does look like an inbred bulldog in the movie so i'd say it's accurate to the source material
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I like Lego Minecraft as a concept but the sets are mainly good for figures and prints to make mocs with like picrel some anon posted a while ago. Only sets I'd actually want for the set even though Id still fix some things are 21128 and 21117
krusty burger
They should add principal skinner in so he can order fast food and disguise it as his own cooking
Delightfully devilish
if Lego really wants to steal the funkoslop audience, they should make licensed minifigs and sell them as a standalone, kinda like what Bearbrick is doing.
>tfw there is a woman that has sex with Jangbricks
>tfw somebody knows how it feels to touch him/rub against him
bros...i'm so jealous

do you think him or his wife are infertile?
Walk into a Lego shop, rip open the box, take the bag for the mantis, if any employee tries to stop you, display dominance and they will stand down quickly.
GWP for purchases over 500€ in LEGO Star Wars fag stuff
Older meme hit me hard with nostalgia
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>lean daddy with deep voice, probably hairy too
>good amount of testosterone
> fertile
the amount of crazy sex Jangbricks has...is insane...
That's honestly what scares me about something like this.
you're thinking about it too much
Try not putting aislop up your ass maybe?
Sounds like you speak from experience.
Apparently it got deleted but one anon pointed out the anal bleeding is a play feature and part of the pride month experience.
>boxart features prominent hellfire
That people need to think for themselves instead of just parroting what some reviewer who gets free shit says.

Will the Jabba in the $500 set be a new mold? Or will it be the same print as before?
What does it matter? You'll pay either way, mousecuck.
holy shit why did no one tell me johnny thunder is back

It seems kind of obsolete. The mold is over 10 years old and cheap like one solid color with a few painted on details but still very plain. I don't see how they could sell this again as a flagship fig of a $500 set.
Old mold/design but with a new print
Because he isn't, it's a shitty half-assed soulless imitation for r*dditors who have never owned an Adventurers set in their life but have watched 50 "lore videos" about the theme.
Yeah that was me. I didn't notice that until you pointed it out, weird that I didn't even get a Warn or anything about it.
Right I went to link to the post and it was gone. Clever anon! I chuckled it deserved to be up.
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>Because he isn't, it's a shitty half-assed soulless imitation for r*dditors

>a minifigure
> a map
> a compass
>cool red panda animal
>bigger wheels

you are fucking retard. This is one of the best sets this eyar hands down
Good morning my chink brother!
>minifigure not Johnny, no exposed chest is fucked and no gun
>map and compass are literally two parts
>red pandaering to red china
>the vehicle is just bad doesn’t fit the theme and is a modern car.
They couldn’t give us something at least looking like the 1920s or Johnny? Nope gotta make sure he no longer offends, pop a new shitty four wheeler in there and a red panda to appeal to the asian persuasion. Keep up the solid work lego.
the fuck it has to do with this retard
This is a perfect affordable set with cool as fuck Johny and red panda and compas and map and a vehicle with non standart city-wheels.

You have to be retarded to expect a full comback of your "LE HECKIN JOHNY FROM MUH CHILDHOOD" line in 2024.
What an idiot.
Grow up.
The fact that it’s not a cool set it’s just there to want you to get more gay raccoons and open up the asian market more. What’s the theme? Jungle? Whens Johnny ever been to china?
>minifigure not Johnny, no exposed chest
Why do you want to see a man's chest? Are you gay?
>map and compass are literally two parts
So are most Lego pieces.
>red pandaering to red china
Rent free. Every time you think of a Chinese animal you think of the CCP?
>the vehicle is just bad doesn’t fit the theme and is a modern car.
Because it's set in Lego City which is current day.
>Whens Johnny ever been to china?
In the Orient Expedition subtheme of Adventures , you fucking secondary. Consider suicide, you retard.
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>Whens Johnny ever been to china?
I hear china loves bears they should do a Lego version of this.
it's retarded that they had the license to a blizzard game that wasn't warcraft/starcraft
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warcraft is cringe - such shit should not waste lego bricks.
starcraft is cool but boring to make actual sets

overwatch is super fun
I predict not a single white man
We've seen the wave a while ago.
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Lego is really after my heart with some of these newer releases lately damn
the amount of crazy sex Jangbricks has...is insane...
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>just finished collecting the entire Avatar line
>ywn hear how he moans with his deep voice when you finish him off
bros...it's not fair...
I got a few of them at half price
Why am I getting called a mousecuck when I buy things I enjoy?
because you have shit taste
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Remember what they took from you.
>stop liking what I don't like!
They are litterally giving it back in this instance lmao
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>cute ponytail removed
>breast outline removed
>sexy hourglass hips removed
>now she has thick eyebrows and a dyke mohawk
I don't even want it. Literally looks like a dude.
you asked
Set pics when?
>left: dirty fatass ugly amerimutt woman "le waifu"

>right: sexy hot and active toxic spanish waifu that will fuck you till you cum 20 times and then play videogames with you
It's not a set, they're CMF, and we've seen them.
You do know Lego does this right? Multiple waves of CMF licenshit series: DC, Marvel, Harry Potter, Disney, Simpsons, the goddamn German soccer team
Jang beats his wife
jang gets pegged by his wife
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How would you rate Jang's collection?
You misspelled based.
too small
Post them then
Google D&D CMF, you'll find it.
fake Jang does not have a brickset account

Verified JANGBRiCKS accounts
In this post are listed real accounts owned & operated by me. Assume anything else is fake.
Wheres right from?
[Good News]
I’ve finished my chemo and am ready to blow all my disposable income on LEGO again.
Anything good, aside from medieval village, come out in the last 6 months?
No wonder he beats her. Imagine getting pegged by a ghost. It would be so terrifying and sexually frustrating.
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New Aug set.
Why are we so absolutely dead lately?
We're active, it's just spread out across 8 threads.

This MOC is based. You should post it in the MOC thread, I almost missed this here.
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>Imagine getting pegged
oh I am
I was so happy to find the "whale" and submarine sets for half off.
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lego probably did that so it would be consistent with the winking sonic minifig
if they were going to do sonic winking properly then there would need to be a new mold
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My lil collection. I'm pretty picky, so only sets I really like get in.
Looking forward to adding the F40 and Nascar cup car when they drop later this year.
I wanted to get that lamborgini but after seeing obvious shitty AI slop at the back of the package it was a pass...
they could at least try. It takes so little to try more prompts...
(the italy is a huge mess-there are buildings with over 9000 random windows and so on)

fucking garbage
Now that's autism.
I though I was bad because I only get sets that use actual bricks for front and rear lights, no stickers/prints.
/lg/, I have a request. Can you please share your favorite brickfilms? Thank you.
Are you fucking serious?
10 DnD sets are coming next year.
That's a nice leak you've got there
Why don't you back it up with a source?
idk i felt like a spit on a face
Lego is such a huge company. it's literally THAT EASY to prompt random garbage.
even if i hate AI i use ai sometimes and i already kinda sorta mastered it and understand how that works.

They didn't even try. It literally takes FEW MOMENTS to generate an AI-slop and yet they didnt try to do it till the perfect result.

And ...what the fuck. why would they put it like that and not hire one of their artists to FIX weird parts at least.

But sure dumb consoomers like you will eat that slop.
I asked you a question /lg/, instead of shitposting you could answer it >>11008048
Post pics faggot
Just throw the box away dude, it's that simple.
You know it's not normal to care that much about something that most people throw away right?
i dont touch stuff with AI
i will buy that lambo off Bricklink separated later because technically i will be paying some random guy and not an ai-slop sipping company
Hate to break it to you anon. Lego owns bricklink. Go buy a bootlego if you are that pissy and want to send a message.
I'm still waiting >>11008048
do Lego boxes actually use ai or is this anon just an idiot?
you have to be 18 to post here
>making films with Lego is a 18- activity
What happened to those miniscale Star Wars polybags of ships? Where'd they go? I remember there being plenty of them as a kid and after I stopped buying Lego Star Wars.
I used to love them because I was a poorfag and too cheap to buy the full sized sets, there used to be plenty for all the different films. Nowadays there barely seems to be any, and they're released through the Lego Star Wars magazine.
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>a compass
That's not a compass though
uhhh yes
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And what do YOU do with your Legos? You play with them?
noone wants to watch your shitty youtube video kid. go play outside
Kek, you're seething so much, it's delicious
if you say so
It’s gonna be the summerest of summers anon.
>do Lego boxes actually use ai or is this anon just an idiot?
lego using ai is old news you fucking retard





But it has more - everybody on youtube mostly mentioning the most famous sets/site.
Lego has more ai on other boxes.
those aren't boxes "fucking retard"
What’s the chances of more pirate sets any time soon?
If they do it’ll be a one off too expensive set. And half the pirates will be chicks.
there is AI on the boxes you delusional faggot
you think lego wont use it everywhere?
prove it
>he doesn't use his Legos to tell stories
Holy fucking soulless
whatsup samefag still seething?
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Not a huge deal.
I mostly build my own figs anyway.
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First video gives me pic related vibes.
Very nice! If you’re diligent there are lots of parts to be found. My personal favorite.
The eye hole is just another orifice she uses to her advantage. You can tell by the smile.
I actually currently have this fig in a bricklink basket.
The videyo figs are some of the best ever made by the company and it saddens me that they canned the theme to make more piles of grey plastic remake shit for the 400th time for soi wars.
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>go back
She’s great I wish I’d have gotten more earlier. The video and there’s the stunt set that has some decent pirate parts.
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>picrelated is a typical /lg/ thread
when it went to shit...why zoomers ruin everything
where do you post even...forums are dead
fuck this timeline
I missed out on the 2009 pirate theme and the advent calendar’s.
Some genuinely good sets, amongst the garbage in that release.
People hate the 2015 sets but I actually like them.
Nothing has the soul of classic releases, but barracuda bay was close.
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>fuck this timeline
I literally gave a topic for discussion >>11008048
and only 1 person replied >>11008226
and it was a shitpost reply rather than real reply
there's a chungus umungus
your topic is gay
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You're gay
2009 was a different time.
>why would I ever buy TWO Lego advent calendars?!?
If only we knew that the afol was on the horizon.
this is what happens when you let the furrys take over
I've got over 2500 minifigures and am starting to realize I'm probably mentally ill.
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I’m the same way SC bro and you have good taste. The Quattro is my favourite. Pretty picky and don’t like many of the ones in the past year or this year. But absolutely getting the F40 if it actually drops. I’m going to cycle a few of the ones out on my display when better ones release.
Better to be mentally ill than physically ill, believe me. I barely have the strength to type up this message now
What's wrong, anon?
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Went to a Bricks N Minifigs for the first time, and I dunno man, it wasn't as big of a ripoff as I was expecting. I was able to offload some marvel *barf* eternals figures for almost quadruple the amount I had in my head. The bulk table was also much better than I was expecting. I anticipated it being picked-through chaff but it ended up being a gold mine of unexpected stuff. Considering I get my shit essentially for free and I don't plan on coming back, it was a fun little splurge.
Bro stop now he's gonna be in more pain cause he has to type a reply
I think these actually work too which was neat
Lg is dead
furfags killed another subculture
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I've found their pricing to be a bit higher than Bricklink, but not paying shipping generally makes up for it. It's pretty cool to see all of the old sets on store shelves again too.
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Is there anyone less creative on the planet than Castle MOCers?
Real castles:
>interesting architecture
>interiors are gaudy AF
>a combination of defensive capabilities and subtle architectural beauty
>religious symbolism all over the place, must have at least one chapel and a church tower
>Roofs are either beautiful red tiles or oxidized green copper
>blue is scarce, because blue dyes were expensive AF and the blue was reserved for the God in Heavens

Lego MOC castles:
Great bait mate! I rate it eight out of eight.
they do, but make them an actual line instead of being limited runs.
Speed Champions is GOAT. Good stuff, anons.
I have everything from 2017 to 2023 and nearly all of 2015 and 2016.
But now I'm gonna quit collecting these. The 2024 builds seem interesting, sure, but the product line got so bloated this year with zero classic cars (apart the upcoming F40) that I think it's time to move on. I might get the F40 eventually, though.
A posted moc is a lot cooler than whatever perfect, unposted one is rotting in your head
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Just don't make them grey, simple as.
>Posting the single most ludacris looking castle besides neuschwanstein (which by the way both of them were more a palace and didnt have real strategic worth).
I like them both, dont get me wrong, but castle as a strategic fortification was a plain structure 99% of the time. Most of the current real life castles are 18th,19th or 20th century rebuilds that have little to do with orginal thing. The thing is, "colorful castles" dont belong in medieval and 90% of castlefags just want to build 9000 version of motte and bailey. So, being an autist into lego castles and wanting to construct colorful one brings you in 17th cen or fantasy territories.
Dammit i thought you posted a sintra one and its książ, still it was changed in few rebuilds past medieval era.
Correct. I like to image my castle kingdom is late Middle Ages like 1337 or so. Outbreak of the Hundred Years’ War.
For me its a bit broader, 1-3rd crusade and later Hussites sheningans.
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>most ludacris looking castle besides neuschwanstein
sure thing bro.
All different castles.
Just admit you're as creative as a sack of debris.
This is so God damn comfy. I hope it has a sparse interior
>red brick, most enormous castle but shit tier and just awful looking, really worst castle ive visited, also a rebuild
>czocha is awsome but it totaly burned down in 18cen, that makes you midwit that fap to neogothic thinking its orginal gothic architecture
>not a castle
>not a castle
>red stone red roof, very orginal indeed, it have nice form, i dont count the white extention because its a later date building.
>let me guess, its austrain or southern german one? All of their castles were rebuidled in 16-18th cen.
I know youre a troll, nevertheless I like that you post some castles so heres a (you)
Maybe post some real exampkes like red fort/mughal fortification or japan ones, or you forgot that theres any more variation than what you saw during hamerican medieval fair?

I like to imagine it's a fantasy world with no set time, because it exists outside our own world and history. In my head, it's just Medieval Times, or Lego Castle World. It's fun to think up and make stories in your head with the characters you have and world you've made. A set or character can be labeled one thing, but it's up to YOU who and what it all really is.
Yea i get you, despite me having a certain time frame in mind I also set my castle stuff in fantasy setting, maybe a bit low fantasy because i dont have large amount of weird minifigs (just three mages, two satyrs and centaur babe and band of undeads ressurected by rejuvinated wylla) but still i see it as a time period akin (tech and architecturewise) to 1-3 crusade.
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Ideas: Vote for the minifigs in the Prize Machine set!! Choose a classic space color and castle faction


Knight will be designed to fit the shield btw

Kraken knight!
I like the previous raven knight but i would prefer something new.
holy moving goalposts
Why is the dad not wearing pants?
i can confirm castles back then look smooth like this.
He’s making the child take pictures of his junk. What are you retarded?
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Man, the charged creeper scalpers who sell them for $20+ must be on suicide watch now.
I'm going warm gold. I like that and bright blueish green, but I like the warm gold more.

I'm more torn between these guys, as I like them all. I really want to vote for the Kraken, but I hate the color combo. That bright bluish green looks good on space guy, but not medieval Armaments. For a Kraken, I would think black and dark blue for the waters and a red Kraken to make it pop on the shield. Maybe white accents for water foam?

Not a fan of the Bulls, but I dig the Crows a lot. That said, I've always thought Griffins would make a rad faction. But again, I don't like the color combo, the gray and reds are too dull. Switch the Gray's on the griffin to hold and it would be magic.

Should I just vote crows? I freaking love crows. But it feels too similar to the Black Falcons, especially the out of date but classic yellow shields (which need to return).

But yeah dang, I'm really stuck here. I so want Krakens, but the colors are just ick!
I wonder how did Lego get such a boner for vitiligo.
Gold and kraken
Teal and Ravens.
teal and kraken
Oh nice, gotta pick that magazine up.
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>sold out everywhere in my country
Wew. As much as I hate amazon I might have to resort to it.
Is it really selling that well? If so, I'm glad. We might actually get more prequel ships.
UCS Malevolence when??
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Why have all ideas sets recently been so shit an uninspired
>everyday object but Lego!
>muh heckin franchise from my childhood! Wholesome 100!
Only recent one I've liked is the insects collection. Isn't this supposed to be the line that encapsulate's the community's creativity?
>Isn't this supposed to be the line that encapsulate's the community's creativity?

That IS as far as the community's creativity goes.
IIRC one of the few truly original things, the Exo Suit, was the result of semi-nepotism.
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Lego put a Zelda site on early and then closed it, it's happening!
>50 dollars for a 550 (tiny) piece dust collector

I saw it in my local target and fuck the slop wars shit is so egregiously overpriced. this one especially so. 50 dollars my ass.
I caught a glimpse of it. Thought I had lost my marbles when I refreshed and it wasn't there.
And this is the best value set out of the 3 dust collectors lmao.
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We fucking won
That's...a completely normal price for a 550 piece set, license tax notwithstanding.
You can say fag here, it's okay.
He’s probably Mormon.
Predict sets
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>Vitiligo looks great for DEI initiatives because it's a visual abnormality without pandering to literal retards. Easy +1up points for the diversity card which means more money from investors
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>it's all about
This shit is just another set in the long line of "lego sets that arent for lego fans"

Overpriced sets based on licenses
This changes everything
>deku babas
>deku sprout
>Link's house
it's peak
This set is not part of Icons. So Zelda theme in 2025?
Unfortunately we're outnumbered nowadays. The Lego fan majority are people that just want big, expensive display pieces
I just realised it's called the Invisible Hand because the Trade Federation are space /biz/.
This Zelda set is the final nail in the coffin for /lg/
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>another giant $300 set
Who keeps buying this shit? Who even has the space to display and play with these overpriced dust collectors? Can't we just have smaller or play-scale stuff?
So I don't get to make both, right...? Not really a fan of overpriced displays with pieces I'd not use elsewhere. I'd gladly just take Link's house and Young Link.
Dream of the childhood
I swear every adult fan I see online buys EVERY fucking collector set. I don't know how they do it, they have to be going broke by now.
Lego got these people addicted to just buying their crack and they won't even admit it's a problem.
...you play with Lego?
Don't google the meaning of Lego
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Fucking gold
i will be so fucking pissed if its the kraken because thats so badass that it will make me moc a seaside fortress
She looks like she's internally pissed off about something while he looks mildly high with the lazy eye.
Link's face needs to be twinkier
So those figs will go for at least $100 on their own on bricklink right?
Judging by your pic, that's a good thing.
There are still tons of unlicensed sets available every year, tho. And those pieces still can be used in any MOC. I don't get exactly what you're complaining about? Simply that something you don't like exists?
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Because of that semi-nepotism, I managed to get classic spacemen in green.
>Who keeps buying this shit?
>they have to be going broke by now
Estate auctions, cars, and buying/selling collectibles has taught me a lot about how obscenely rich people think. They do not process the numbers: their currency is desire and access, not money. So long as there are rich people with no concept of labor & number values being equivalent. and scalpers having upfront capital to hoard initial releases, Lego will never change their behavior. They make too much money rewarding it to care.
I'd forgotten how weird the tree looks in BotW, at least the Ocarina one looks way better.
>leg godt
Godt me there
Remind me, what other sets leaked out last year alongside Barad-dur and the Great Deku tree?
Retarded fucking nigger.
There's a finite number of sets Lego can have up for sale at any given moment. And recently more and more of that space has been given to overpriced stupidly huge display pieces. Please stop daying retarded shit in my thread, thank you.
With 2,500 pieces.
the worst take on /toy/ right now
So I can buy the set, sell the minifigs, and get the bricks for free?
Metroid sets when??
After Prime 4.... oh wait.
As depraved as they are the commies have the right idea about these retards
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Light side vader minifig
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"Fated Forest "

-This Christmas in Cinemas.
New moc thread
god can they do Mario sets like these next??? Sick of the current line that I can only assume is for 4 year olds and 20 something retards
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Ostemy is cool
Fat is evil
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You are green!
For good, I thought you were black
That was a low blow anon.
Obviously they just couldn't be arsed to make a new mold just for one fat minidoll.
Also wasn't the ostomy bag minidoll fake?
Fat is evil.
It's true
She also has a scar of then digestive system surgery
What set is it from?
It’s set 69420 but don’t tell jang he’ll lose it.
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>Unironically, why would you even want this in the first place?
Fives. They didn't put him in a good set for a reason.
50 bucks says they use the same mold in a darker green with an "updated" print.
Cloniggers are mentally ill
It's a slightly different print of the figure you already have 1000 of, my dude
42630: Heartlake City Water Park
I don’t think she should be swimming with that thing.
I'm fairly sure you can get waterproof ones so you can go swimming and what not.
So you'd be fine swimming in the same water as somebody with a poop bag tucked haphazardly in her waistband?
Dammit, I didn't get my NEETbux soon enough. You think there'll be enough Deku Trees on shelves if I act fast on release day or another preorder period for a second batch? I'm just getting back into Lego so I have no idea how it works.
There's poop tucked haphazardly behind most everyone else's butthole, dude. All it'd take is one bad sneeze for it to come out. Honestly, I'd sooner trust the bag. They're probably built pretty tough.
What happen with AFOLS?
In eurobricks 99% are woke, 80% openly LGTBi
But there are an increasing group fo disabilities collectors (they celebrate every handicaped fig or doll LEGO releases)
>But there are an increasing group fo disabilities collectors (they celebrate every handicaped fig or doll LEGO releases)

is there a list of these? I'm too lazy to look
In redit and eurobricks you can read a lot of people delighted every time LEGO make a fig with cochelar, colostomy,... and they are rushing to publish it on the net
And saying everybody that for them is a day one purchase
I'm stopping entering certain threads in reddit and eurobricks because the topic is already becoming vomitous.
In redit and eurobricks you can read a lot of people delighted every time LEGO make a fig with cochelar, colostomy,... and they are rushing to publish it on the net
And saying everybody that for them is a day one purchase
I'm stopping entering certain threads in reddit and eurobricks because the topic is already becoming vomitous.
I mean
Are you really surprised that germoids would coom themselves silly over poop?

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