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>no capes

>What is glyos

>What is available

>Thread Challenge
Ask yourself: "Do I know how to read a clock and a calendar?" Build something that might help you be on time.

>Previous Thread
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cat piss is back on the menu lads
Imagine the smell
Oh boy I sure am ready for another micro-run of Zulloids that sells out in 5 minutes and a shitty new option set replacing an old option set that was only run twice before getting retired.
i am convinced that some of you are addicted to unhappiness
yeah...prolly another creature feature, but hopefully there's enough mold/color variation to pick through
People with a brain: “Cool, new toys.”

You retards, for some reason: “Wah wah, we don’t know any details yet and I’m already unhappy.”
cool cant wait for the new toy to be 45$ so 2 will be 90$ plus tip

That reminds me i have to go pre order Jada toys megaman wave 2
>Wave 101 is lined up to roll out near the end of this month and it does include a brand new Zulloid in the mix, run at higher numbers.
Try reading a blog post once in a while.
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So is that pic related?
>try using protective packaging once in a while
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From the sound of things, this will be another fantasy themed wave; probably to go along with the new bitfigs.

The image makes me think we might be getting a new Armorvor head. Might be a Pegasus?

I'm hoping that we'll be seeing large quantities of Zullbeast items next year, if not the last part of this year.
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At one point Windmill's colors were considered for Cen5
i have no idea what this is homaging but it's a good looking color scheme
fuck off then, there's countless corporate slop toylines run by a bunch of number crunching retards that are waiting to have you bitch endlessly into a void about how much you hate the line but buy it anyway.
Still this mad about missing the zulloid? kwab
Oh boy I sure am ready for another negative post by your faggot ass over absolutely nothing
t. brainless 'cord faggots

t. real human beans
KoTS bros, did the gauss mold ever get tweaked? I seem to remember there was talk of making the shoulders more stable, have more of a range of motion
>KoTS bros
You think they have enough braincells to type a reply to you?
The trolls here used to be fun, sticker guy and dogfucker Kent, Gary's hot daughter and all that. Maybe work on your act a bit.
you know that was all just mike bumping the thread
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coloring page if y'all want.
damn sexy, sign me up for the kickstarter so I can download the pdf
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2025 Mystery Figures.
ugly, no one would buy this shit
would buy 2 and 3
>Rakuzed Pheyden
>Madgun Exellis
>Emge Sarvos
What happened to exellis head and body again? Is this the mold that got lost/destroyed?
Yes, along with Govurom
It seems Elder Exellis and LSA were cut for Nobotos (I can't remember his nu-name) and Govrioll
>no teasers yet
What a shit drop
yup this drop is getting post poned.
Why not release shit in the morning either?
Way better to just get it over with and let everyone go about their sunday.
Usually starts at 7:21, but it's 50/50 if you even get previews recently, I guess posting pictures online is really time consuming and difficult
>Usually starts at 7:21
except when it doesn't
Man, i miss when the teasers started in the morning and went all day
Excited for more dungeon traveler stuff tonight
Yeah I'm newish, I lament missing the early days they looked like a lot of fun
Forgot pic uhh dungeon traveler bla bla
very based
love that some real GOATs of glyos still post here
me on the fuarking left seething at glyos enjoyers having fun on the right
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Its 7:21 somewhere
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The dragon head looks awesome in silver.
new comic
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Think we'll get a Cyber Mama or OSM lady as a damsel in destress sacrifice?
>Zulloid plus squid head
Love this head.
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Joke's on you; this time the wave is mostly gray!
Delphi so ugly matt gave it a horse head. Sarah jessica parker in glyos now
>mostly gay
No, that's two delphi in a horse costume
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I feel like this breaks Glyos taboo.
really liking the color here
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Wow what a thoughtful guy, and definitely not a cringe loser
He's fishing for nudes
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I like this mold, but the feet are goofy as fuck
Lmaooo fuck you refunding my orders NOWsnxt
What, cray building? That's not the first and it won't be the last.
Have you handled this mold yet? I actually like them a lot in person. Big and stable, and they have sculpted undersides. Lots of charm.
What are the red wings from?
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what am i missing here? seems like a good thing to do. maybe you're the asshole.
Fuck off, robo
I'm too busy handling my sculpted underside, if you catch my drift
I think those are Playmobil
Robot has autism and not the good kind where he's really good at genius math but just the kind where he's an insufferable faggot with no social awareness who always thinks he's right about everything and has the best ideas and everyone should listen to him and everything is about him all the time.
Shit, do all boomers have this form of autism?
Boomers all have lead poisoning
I'm big and stable, if you're picking up what I'm putting down
yeah yeah we get it, innuendo

i already talked about the finely sculpted bottoms of these big stinky footsies, you're beating a dead horse at this point
Oh he's beating something alright
well you just can't stop once you start, can you
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I swear last year JD was saying how out of date the Punisher was and that he ought to be permanently retired...
and he had this planned while he said that, jesse playing 3d chess
>Zullen didn't last long enough for me to buy
>metallic horse sold out
Maybe next time
kids play 3d chess anon, Jesse plays 3d hungry hippos
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how the fuck did you miss the horesy anon? -1 glyos point for you
well I guess you could say he won all the marbles you lost over this
very nice anon, I saw it coming about a year ago in one of these very fine threads if you go archive combing
sure you did
lol the color is perfect
THIS, other people are selling vinyl successfully, but apparently not possible because 'secret reasons which I'm not gonna bother communicating with customers that support my business'
It's because they sell slower and are more expensive. They take up volume and overhead.
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Secret DLC
confirmed he got them as stowaways with his new order
tbqhwy that seems pretty shitty since the last drop wasn't too long ago and that means they're on the same mold as the other heads so Matt just didn't send them for some reason and now he's decided to send out upgrades that were part of the mold but only if you buy new shit
>my free stuff matches things I didnt want to pay for
im so sorry for your loss
Nah I gotta agree with the guy’s complaint. Those horse heads should’ve been stowaways for their matching colored figures. Now people who get these are just gonna scalp them on eBay or Discord because they know what they got that customers of the previous drop need. Those heads go with their respective figures and without them, they are incomplete. This fucking sucks man and you know it. Don’t try to downplay it like it ain’t nothing. This is Sincroborg stowaway shitshow 2.0 all over again. Still haven’t completed those. Fuck this shit man. This is some bullshit. Hope we all get these heads in our orders. It’ll suck if you don’t and you bought the matching figs from the last drop.
what is that one super shiny figure with the clear red sword?
Dude, you guys just made up an entire story in your heads and then proceeded to get mad about it. You have no idea the logistics or how things worked out behind the scenes. Maybe they were not ready and things needed more tweaking. Maybe he just wasn't ready to reveal them in the story yet. Maybe they were tests that went well but weren't ready in time for the previous drop. Calm your ass down, you're rippin and rarin to get mad about something, anything, even if you need to make it up yourself.
cursed armor by vladamirthebadamir, I believe he is prepping another batch of them for toypizza expo
>muh secret reasons
gettin' real tired of this excuse every time
No wonder the discord has this many faggots in it that squash any dissent to fag month.
>the story
Matt has not given a shit about story in almost a decade now
Even the new comics are devolving into vapid toy adverts instead of lore dumps
We get it, you hate everything glyos does
Why are you here?
>Glyos is about butt sex

You zoomers are mentally ill. Do you have aids or something?
I was talking about glyos, do you need help? When's the last time glyos made you happy? Why don't you fuck off to some other toyline?
Why can't you groomers shut the fuck up about your prolapsed anus?
You're off the deep end more than the trannies you pretend not to jerk off to
>Getting kinda SUSSY with how much you're cooming over heckin valids

Kek, mentally ill zoomie zoom.
What a childish response, it's ok to think critically and discuss things anon, go back to discord if you want a tranny infested hivemind safe space
Kek, all I did with the comic was flick through to see the reveals, got to the rocket pantomime horse and walked the dinosaur outta there
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>waaaaaah we're not getting any story
>waaaaaah we got story but i don't like it
there is a ton of "lore dump" right on the front page of the blog right now. I counted numerous posts of Matt just posting paragraphs of straight up lore about various characters or events. i swear you guys will never be happy. cause you're actively seeking unhappiness and you sure as shit manage to find it every time
Post your fuarking glyos from the latest drop I’m jonesing so fucking bad.
Hate that you can’t sort insta by newest posts anymore either.
>lore dump
What did he mean by this?
I’m taking a ride on the new space horse today anon, will update my blog later.
You guys are fucking retarded. Why did Matt hold the horse head back? Because he wanted to you dumb shit. It's not a secret. He said it in the blog. Hes released 100+ waves of toys. It's good to have a new item in a wave. Instead of blowing the load all at once with 4 new heads, he saved one so that you'd buy new figures from the last drop, and now you'll buy a new figure from this drop. It's a business you goddamned idiot. If you don't like it then don't buy it! Oh you're mad that the toy you were advertised and bought and got now has an extra accessory and maybe some people will be able to get the extra accessory to the one from last drop? Who fucking cares dude. The entire toyline exists to get you to buy 10 versions of the same mold, and then to buy another 20 versions of it.

Can you complain about it? Sure. But you just sound like a bunch of fucking idiots.
zoomie mad
>ppl liking something in a colorway they purchased is bad
>ppl wanting something in a colorway they purchased is bad
>ppl wanting straightforward purchase instead of lucky draw is bad
>entire blog post complaining about people who complain
get a load of this faggot
Wait until you hear about what Matt used to do with reverse figures

Or what they do now with the armorvor
>nooo every single release must have every single glyos part in the same color and it must all stay in stock until exactly the time when I can afford it and then it has to sell out right then after or it's a failure

there i saved you guys like another 400 replies
>I got a freebie
>Someone else got a freebie

That about sum it up faggot?
no u
Will the box include the stowaway horsey heads?
Wait until you hear about what I do with reverse figures

Or what I do now with the armorvor

If you catch what I'm putting down
why are you entitled dipshits so obsessed with finding a pattern to free gifts
the 'free' part is not the issue dumbo, people what the complete set of something is all and hate the fact that they now have to chase after it. they are already loyal customers that are supporting the line. i really don't get why you old timers are so militant whenever somebody dares to voice an opinion other than you're own.
Because you're a whiny faggot who brings nothing but negativity. If you were actually supporting the line the odds of you getting the thing you pretend to get so outraged about not having would be good in the first place. If you actually interacted with anyone and weren't a total cunt someone would just send you theirs. If you did something constructive and weren't a fucking retard bitch with no social skills you would have just emailed Matt and said how you were really trying to complete a total set for whatever colorway and he would send some to you because, unlike you, Matt is actually a decent human being who wants people to enjoy toys.

But no, you're just a fucking faggot, consistently helping ruin one of the only places to talk about a very small toyline. Kill yourself.
You little autistic zoom zooms really sperg out over not having a single piece

>whiny faggot, negativity, cunt, fucking retard bitch, fucking faggot, Kill yourself

kek, imagine being so mentally fragile that plastic toys make you react like this
Imagine being such a gutless pussy that the only place you feel safe talking all this shit is on the anonymous basket weaving forum.
Matt doesn't owe you shit
Ain't free speech a bitch?
Well the last time I posted my honest opinions with an identifiable name I got dm'd on facebook by a Glyos creator asking me why I was trying to put a small-business-owner single father out of business
So I stick to here not because I'm afraid, I stick to here because Glyos creators are mostly oversensitive drama queen faggots
Screenshots or it didn't happen
Making a mostly 2.5 inch range glyos RPG-style party, but stumped at what I could use as a mage.
I am open to suggestions. Even if it's just a putting a cone on a zeroid.
You guys can say "free speech" and "honesty" all you want, but the fact is that you are incredibly negative to the smallest mass market production toyline in existence.

No other toy company, big or small, operates their business by giving away free toys with every order in practically every order since their existence 15+ years ago. No other toy person is directly responsible for giving dozens of other people- mostly just toy fans- easy guided access to toy manufacturing to make their dreams come true in an industry that was notoriously cut throat and gate kept, primarily by larger corporations.

You can't just write the thread off as trolling because it seems like several of you just really feel this way and have nothing positive to say, share or feel about glyos. Maybe that statement is inaccurate- but I don't get the sense that it is. Perhaps you liked them or the idea of them for a little while, but clearly that's gone now.

Glyos operates on such small numbers it makes operations like third party toy makers- transformers stuff, stan solo, things that can't be sold in stores and in some cases barely scrape by legally- numbers look large. A very, very small number of customers can make or break each and every one of them, every drop.

So I don't think the reactions you are getting- here or elsewhere- are out of line, or dramatic. It is reality. They're run by a small, small handful of people- sometimes just 1, sometimes a couple, and spouting off negative thing after negative thing has a very real chance of directly impacting them.

The fandom itself is so small, think of the people who's only exposure to this toyline is on this board - which is likely a good amount of people. I have no doubt someone who might have been curious about these toys has turned away from them due to the shit show that is this thread more than once.

It's sad, and I don't mean that in a "sad!" 4chan way, I mean it genuinely. It makes me sad.
whats the rest of the party looking like?
This is a good sensible post. It's too bad the people who really need to hear it will probably either frame it as bootlicking, or just shrug and go back to trolling.
Glow in the dark skeleden, Mischiever, and Glyknight. Lego, imaginext, or other is last resort.
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Pleasant surprise, wonder if the eyepiece was left unglued intentionally. The paint makes me think so.
wow that's a lot of words to bad i'm not reading 'em

Hooded BT heads have a sorcerer vibe
You can also do a mushi, use the alt head, and stick the horn in his fist as a wand
>This is a long boring post. It's too bad...zzzzzzzzz
WTF, sorry about that Gly-Bro, hope that's just one dude having a bad day.
Gee, there can’t be that many single-Dad Glyos creators out there that also use Facebook?

Way to keep them Anonymous, dumbass.
you know he reads this thread, and knows who you are, and will likely tell us about how much of a loser you are. go hide someplace else

Yeah, maybe he can also talk about joining the original glyos drop night chats incognito to spy on what people were saying and then seething that his dick wasn't getting sucked, or the absolute failure that was the "official" glyos chat on the "official" glyos forums that were made to control conversations.
If you review this thread, minus the obvious trolling, it seems to me that by far the most aggressive behavior comes from the defenders. They're either cursing excessively, saying kys, or drastically over stating what is going on 'the sky is falling!'. Nobody criticized Matt as an individual, nobody criticized Onell's business or their products. They were bummed that they couldn't complete something, now how the fudge is that not absolutely 100% typical behavior of all toy collectors!? Also I note that all those complaining had purchased and supported Onell for at least the last two drops! Why would you ostracize people that love the products and support the community? You defenders are making a mountain out of a mole hill for some reason; you could have said 'oh yeah I get it, bit of a bummer, but we've set up a swap thread over on X site to help everyone get sorted'. Instead you act like people are out to get you, almost like you just want to keep your little world to yourselves and not be generous in spirit and help it grow.
The Glyos community died with OTF
>If you review the thread and ignore everything I said except the one post where I was semi normal and voiced a complaint without saying how shit everything is and talking about prolapsed anuses and faggots and complaining and then tldr the reasonable responses and then trolling more then actually I'm the good guy here

Yeah sure thing buddy
LMAO you bought two drops and are already bitching this much? Put me in the kill yourself camp
keep up fellas you're proving exactly what I said
It's a nice house of cards you've built for yourself as the innocent main character here but your entire little fantasy breaks down when you consider that all the places you either dislike or have self removed yourself from- the discord, the Facebook group, any communication with Matt or Marty or other creators- are full of people doing exactly that. Every single public facing glyos area *except* this one is built on being welcoming and helping eachother.

In the past couple of weeks I've received two packages from people gifting me things I needed *for free*. I also try to send people things when I can, when it happens to align. The bst areas have plenty of people selling figures for retail cost or less. Matt built the glyos community from the ground up on helping each other out and giving away free toys. Whenever new people do join up they are met with open arms and recommendations. The discord has people right now that talk all day and night that weren't there even 2 months ago that have grown large collections of older colorways because they made it known that they were after those particular items and people reached out to get rid of extras or stuff they weren't using anymore.

The community you say you wish existed already exists. It's true >>11020294 in a sense, it definitely never reached those heights again, but it's still around, and still pretty great. The worst aspect of it is right here, in this place, and you are one of the worst parts of it.
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I just wanna make a cool rpg style party preferably glyos based but I'm ok with exceptions.The mischiever color scheme is pending but I place him as a speed based class.
holy shit my guy, have you ever considered maybe you're the asshole? how much delusion do you have to be on to think you're in the right when literally everyone is telling you the opposite? do you see yourself as some tragic hero standing up for the lil guy or something?
This. Feels like some turbo nerd collector type obsessed with completionism stumbled into this line by accident and couldn't read the room.
he's only an inch tall but maybe the bit fig spellcaster could fit into your team
meanwhile, the kots discord is clogged up with two morons talking about being in cults and 'zionists'... things are going great
I have no doubt if you were this much of a whiny cunt in the Facebook group or whatever that you absolutely deserved "single dad" calling you out. He is super nice to people that make me cringe with discomfort. For you to piss him off you really have to be on another level of fucking retard.
I have tiny mage. Wish he had a big build version like glyknight and pheyden.
gaslighting faggot we're responding in kind to you
if you wanted a rec on how to best get these (EXTRA, FREEBIE) heads, you or anyone else could have said
"holy shit this is awesome, I didn't get one with my order/couldn't afford to place an order this time around. what's the best way for me to score one of these heads to go with the figure i already have?"

but you didn't. you bitched and complained like a butthurt cunt whining about muh secret reasons and not allowed to buy it so fuck off.

ps btw i just got someone to send me the head i wanted after not getting it in my order, know why because i don't act like a fucking cocksucker every second of every day like you
man, nobody even posts hauls or builds anymore :( it used to be nice to see everyone's stuff even when I couldn't afford to order anything.
TIL these threads are monitored by an rude glyos maker and one or two of his goons; explains why this place always felt off and why the Glyos Connection is a sad ghost town. OTF was organic and can never be replaced. hasta la vista perras.
So do others. Matt has made references to this thread years ago. Pizzaboy ranted multiple times on the podcast over the years. Others are more quiet but do watch it.
>waaaah I want a safe space to be subhuman
>safe space
says the discord tranny
You nailed it bro, the glyos makers hold a special council with chosen acolytes to watch over the thread and make sure that Kent's dog fucking never becomes public knowledge again.

Or maybe you're just a huge asshole and everyone hates you since the brief interactions we've had with you here are the fucking worst, while the brief interactions I've had with some of the actual glyos makers has always been great.
..let me get this straight, you think the reason the glyos forums didn't pan out is because a couple of the glyos makers were on them, and not because forums were already a relic with October Toys being something of an outlier when it was in full swing circa 2010, and then when it died it took like a year for them to make a new forum and by then everyone had peaced out to Facebook or instagram or just no where, with many never coming back again? Did I get that right?
They’re selling you stuff you dumb cuck, they laugh at you when you limp away
You? Nah
I hope Matt stays far away from here these days. This thread is a terrible place.
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Wolfman is so fucking annoying holy shit
that was nothing. you outta see the last week or so of the kots discord. it's heinous
what channel
>i dont know how to search for things in discord
do you forget how to breathe sometimes?
This was such a good colorway. I should have bought more.
>>all of them
do you forget you're a complete cunt and act like a decent human being sometimes?
who the cares who visits? if sharing honest opinions about toys sold for profit scares you faggots so much then it's no wonder western society is failing
i bet you had to ask someone how to respond
that's the thing about opinions anon

yours is gay
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