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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Pillow Pets Edition:
Previous Thread: >>10993187
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Earnestcore Craft Rosado Sekiko (May)
> Snail Shell Bunny Girl Irene (July), Pumpkin Princess (Nov), Succubus Lustia (Nov)
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring (Q2)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q3)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q3)
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure (Q3)
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins (Q4)
> Frazettagirl Teegra (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Pillow Pets Edition:
Forgot to edit that.
i'd pet bimbo barbies pillows if you catch my persuasion
So we are doing this again zat?
While I'll give you credit at least this time you used the banner.
You didn't even copy and paste over the whole op text.

Also you op image is made from some one who took the time to post oc in the last thread not what ever stupid meme you come across.

Delete this fake thread
>Delete this fake thread
Well at least you didn't pretend not to be yourself zat. That's good. Now people can see you for the troll you are. Anyways I'll be making the proper thread at time like always and you can have fun with what ever this.
You can make a doll look like anything you want, and you choose to make her look like a plastic surgery disaster. Yikes.
bimbos are hot fag
Hot garbage.
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>Post pics
>New thread up

Every time
Make the new thread then instead of bitching about it, jesus christ namefags are insufferable.
the old thread is on page 8 and hasn't hit image limit. for fuck sake go fags are fucking idiotic
Posting for cunny
No need to worry only the tourists are going to post in the troll thread. The actual new thread will come when the current thread hits image limit or page 9 or 10
So is the official coom thread?
No, sage and report for zat shenanigans.
This is the non official one, you are in the Chinese version
No slt makes the threads. He has made the thread since the third one, So he has made 140 of them over the last 4 years. Regardless of what any contrarian says that means something, so if you don't see his name on the top of the thread it's not official.
There's no such thing as "official" thread. slt is just power trippin.
you sure think about pedophilia a lot, don't you?
>So he has made 140 of them over the last 4 years.
Well. Thats actually sad.
Only one pic posted and it's from a previous thread.
It's almost like all these shitposters have no toys and don't contribute anything to the board at all other than being shitty hateful people.
The thread got derailed from the third post. Now it's just meta.
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>coomer toys
are gay coomers welcomed?
Better than the twelve Lego threads, or 20 transformer threads. One guy tries to be orderly and actually contribute to a small community, he gets called sad. This is probably the troll OP, who's the real sad case.
The OP of this thread tries to hijack all the various generals. From what I can tell, for the most part, most generals are consistently created by the same person. Some have even gone on to use trips for the OP. Most of these guys have been consistently making these threads for upwards of years. Then this sperg comes in, half hazardly tries to copy the OP, attachinf some shitty barely related meme as the OP image. Obviously this irritates the people that consistently make these threads so they just continue on as usual, while the sperg throws a temper tantrum that no one uses his thread. He did this with the Marvel thread a month ago and his thread only got like 100 posts, most of them him sperging out and replying to himself.

Guy just REALLY wants to be OP. Must make him feel important or something. The only sense of importance he gets in his miserable life, and even then, no one takes him seriously. Must be frustrating.
Dont pretend you havent been posting chronically on this board for years yourself. Its even worse if you are the faggot troll spamming this already small board or are some kind of tourist from reddit.
For a puritan sperg who supposedly despises coomers so much, You sure talk about coomers far more than the actual coomer general itself. Totally well adjusted behaviour. Probably the same retard making all whose >wholesome mighty heckin coomer shitposts in literally every thread. Exact same vocabulary and greentexting style.
The biggest coomerfag in this board was (you) the whole time.
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Holy shit shftards are mentally ill. I knew they would start shitting up the coomer general again once they move on from the revoltech general. SHF really can't make toys it seems
Its clear the thread hijacker/roboposter that got the board autosaged is the same guy as the coomer spammer but it would be truly unhinged if he was also the shfredditor brand wars schizo.
I dont even see subjectautist post as much anymore this single schizo is so mentally ill even subby has to take a backseat.
Athena (chungus poster) and Zatlit (OP spammed/retrospammer) are two different retards.
>SLT is mentally ill
So what does that make the guy trying to take his place? Let me guess, one hell of a big chunk of epic proportions?
Who the fuck are those people?
Way to out yourself as a tourist. Those idiots have been shitting up the board for years now - if you haven't heard of them at this point, you aren't from around here.
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Bodysuits are the pinnacle of coomer aparrel IMO so many options but I think Falslander Figmas do a really good job with it.
Can GS please just use this same ASS tech for all female figures moving forward? Not just GS but every company making coomer figs should copy this.
It can even pull this off for the most part
This type of ass tech has existed since at least Swimsuit Sonico Figma which released in 2013 so basically a decade ago and it needs to catch on already. Buttflaps are blatantly inferior design but we still have companies trying to improve on the buttflap.
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Hard to care about an ass that's covered in clothing. Butt it's still a step in the right direction when they integrate the cheeks onto the thighs
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Will these have nipples?
>Snail Shell
No. Maybe a pair of bumps if we're lucky.
slt you are a major loser
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She's gonna have holes where her nipples would be (she's 'holy', get it?) for the top and pasties to plug in.
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SHF does it even worse. Check this grandma ass out lol. SHF 2b is an absolute disaster.
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good grief now I know why I never see shf posted here
how do I unsee an image
Yeah these buttflaps basically ruin the aesthetic for me. Even the Falslander Figmas have buttflaps but they arent as bad and look good in nuetral poses but for Figmas they should have integrated them into the thighs like they have been able to do for 10+ years.
Yeah they know how to do do it right as well. No excuse that 2B who is known for her ASSets gets a huge buttflap.
It was a comparison to recent releases. Besides all shf are fucked in the face anyway. Yours too. Its only worse that they fucked up 2b of all things. Kys shill and learn to read
Kek, I'll never gonna buy shfslop. Never.
You might be actually retarded shfshill. This is why everyone hates you faggots. I'm literally replying to a post. Kys right now.
Just ignore him. It's literally the mentally ill shf shill thats been shitting up all generals again.
>2018 released figma mogs the shit out of recent released shf
I bet he felt smart typing that out
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>More like mogging shf since 2011 (pic related)
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>meanwhile in current years...
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Newfag here, I just realized this Asanagi figure exists, is it out for preorder or is it finished?
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I like how plump she looks
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is it still available for purchase?
Beats me anon, hence why I'm asking :/
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I remember someone shilling it hard and saying it's supposed to be shit since it's the anime version. The face and head is even worse and lmao I didn't even know thats how she looks without the skirt. Actual garbage. SHF really can't make good toys.
I remember last year when SHF announced their Berserk & One piece figures. Everyone was praising them, but then the figures came out and it became damage control lol. You can see this when the figma Beserk figures dropped in price during the SHF Berserk announcements and then shot back up when the SHFs came out.
It's been out for Pre-Order. no idea if you can find anyone. I got mine from the Native store and haven't gotten an email yet. It's supposed to drop this month.
Native might put up some more, other wise bite the bullet on Mandarake, eBay or AmiAmi Pre-Owned.
just wait for it to release first
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Closest and quick similar I could do with Eimi. I don't mind NIKKE slop so I'd imagine the Nikke reload or crouch will appear as a meme format with the right asstech
that frown gets me every time
Why does everything on Gundamit have an NRD now? Any sites I can PO this stuff for the same prices they have without having to lose money if I decide to cancel?
Guess I'll get the bring arts one...
You all need to grow up. I know you think your hobby is harmless but it’s actually detrimental to society. It has to stop.
What would you suggest as an alternative? Go around an image board and cast judgement upon others?
>judge not lest ye be judged.
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Pay strippers and hookers, gotta keep the money within the US and help support single mothers and their niglets but first donate all your snail shells and big titty ludes to your nearest church donation box.
>mfw just ordered a copy of Anal Intruders from Uranus #3 because their is legitimately no version of 3 or 4 you can read online
Lol, glad I sold my male buck for $120 a month ago

On a scale of 1-100, how much shame and awkwardness do you feel when you interact with real women face-to-face?
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I'm the newfag from some threads ago. I'm planning to make my first coom figure. I already ordered a 1:6 worldbox body and a head. I'm thinking in making some sort of exhibitionist school/college girl, so i already picked a trench coat and a pair of socks. Which shoes do you think would suit her better?
0/100 stopped giving fucks about what anyone thinks 5 or sp years ago
Im a queen bitch guy but you do you. I mean you see just how backwards you are though right? You arent really going to shock anyone being so pedestrian btw.
seconding this anon >>11017447
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I'd just spring for the Play Arts Kai 2B. I use to have the bring arts one but it felt so brittle I thought it was a bootleg at first, but that's just how bring arts figures are ap02s5parently.
Worldbox body might not fit the boots if they're the type where you have to plug the feet into the boot's built-in feet balljoint socket. The 1/6 industry standard TBleague body just has a balljoint for feet while Worldbox has a swivel joint.
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I made these characters on kisekae to illustrate my idea (they ended up looking shittier than I thought). I realized that boots don't go well with white socks. I'm also considering in making a more mature looking doll instead of a student. Now I might get a pair of stockings and high heel shoes.
Looks expensive.
Noted. Thank you.
>coombrain moment
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No. She's second hand only from here on out since the native figures are made to order.

Tldr, you miss the pre-order you miss the figure.
>looks at act mode

What went wrong?
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Is this coom?
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Someone is probably gonna act a fantasy out with this.
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DarkAdvent squid girl getting a "Relax Version"
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>gym equipment
they got me....they know my weakness
>faggot actually made a new thread
god your personal fights are fucking gay and retarded.
what causes this brainrot?
He's probably huffing zat's farts.
New Thread
>Getting this upset that people don't want to use your thread
Lol lmao

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