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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Holy Trinity Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11004629
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Earnestcore Craft Rosado Sekiko (May)
> Snail Shell: Bunny Girl Irene (July), Succubus Lustia (Aug), Succubus Lustia Optional Part Set (Aug), Pumpkin Princess (Nov), Sister Muse Aisdo (Nov), Sister Muse Aisdo Option Foot Part Set (Nov)
> Hiya Toys Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Kusanagi Motoko (Aug)
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring (Q2)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q3)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q3)
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure (Q3)
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>Manatee Industry 1/12 Yua (Q3)
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins (Q4)
> Frazettagirl Teegra (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
>Loscont Studio Armored battle angles Blade Violet
>SNAP Official Licensed Balala the Fairies Maggie Lin

>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
oops forgot to move down that this has released
> Earnestcore Craft Rosado Sekiko (May)
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Reminder to ignore the SHF shills.Their toys are dogshit and they only come here to troll.
Ship him already you fucks.
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Good job‼
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>Their toys are dogshit
The troll is very annoying but let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!
I should be picking up my Snail Shell Ambra from the post office tomorrow. Bunny Girl Eileen and Second Axe Lisbeth should both hit this month, and I still need to ship Toobie, Nines and Arcanadea horse tits from HLJ with some other shit. Then Femto at the end of the month for maximum rape.
Pretty sure Aileen isn't until next month.
Im curious if anyone has heard anything about snail shell bunnygirl eileen? Anyone got a shipping notice, can you find the bike and jacket seperately? Its my first SS figure so im kinda excited.
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The jacket and bike are on amiami, but everywhere else, it's just the bike (as far as I can tell)
How many threads do you guys need?
When will backseat jannies finally kill themselves?
All of them.
Thanks, ill look into it.
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It's an accessory that came with Figma Riko Sakurauchi.

It's the head of Figma Sukeban Makoto using the body of Figma Off-the-Shoulder Sweater Chiaki.
the face on this thing is so strange looking
why do you keep posting it in every thread
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I don't? This is the first time I've posted it. I'm not the SHF shill guy, just saying there's plenty of good Figuarts (plenty of stinkers too TBF).
I've slowed down my purchases in general honestly, mostly because I've become pretty focused on making my own with my printer.
Speaking of, gonna do some more dye experiments; I wanna do my MD Magical Girl as a ganguro, but don't fancy the paint chipping that would follow from painting the basic skintone.
she looks like she has downs. Shill really are desprate
>"Shilling" a figure that's been OOP for literal years at this point
I'm beginning to wonder if the SHFshill and the people complaining about the SHFshill are the same person deliberately trying to make /toy/ worse.
>has downs
Not a problem
no they are not. SHFshill has been banned literally every single thread. Go see last revoltech thread for shameless discord raid. Sorry if I call out shit toys and it doesn't suit you shill-kun but shf can't make toys and nobody here gives a shit about your feelings. Fuck there are 2 fucking coomer threads and both of them have the same shill with the same picture in it. You fags aren't even trying. Nobody is falling for this shit after weeks of your shitposting and you retards getting banned
just stop posting it retard idc about ur rant
You're replying to some coomer schizo. Don't waste your time.
Eileen is such a name.
I hope they name their next figure Eleanor. Or better yet, Bertha.
Imagine it: sexy nun Bertha.
calling other people schizo when this weirdo is posting the same weird looking figure non stop is wild
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Take your brand wars shit some where else.
/ctg/ is pro any brand that makes coom worthy toys
Furthermore /ctg/ is pro toy.
If you like a particular toy cool tell us why, if you don't like particular toy, well that's unfortunate, but tell us why if you want. But be relevant. A toy might not be good for specific reasons but leave the "x brand of toys is shit" and keep it at "x toy is bad because of x reasons".

every one else if they can't keep to that then ignore them, they are more then welcome to take the brand war shit to other threads, not here

damn I didn't think the shill was real until now
>the samefag who spams trying to start figma vs shf brand wars is now trying a different and more convoluted but still retarded tactic so he can post in the coomer thread about how much he hates shf
What in the goddamn
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>S.H. REDDIT shitting up the thread again
I can't imagine being such a pathetic loser that has literally nothing else to do with his life than shill SHF all day in other threads. Like how much corpo dick do you need to suck for no reason to end up like that? Literally your whole personality is SHF. I swear to god I never in my life crossed pathes with a person more pathetic than this shfshill.
Is that really shfiguarts 2bs ass????
Are there any hole gaps on figuarts 2b that can fit my daiki goblin's dick?
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Yeah lol. You won't believe how hard she got shilled. They also brandwared like no tomorrow against bring arts only to get mogged HARD by bring arts in the end just like with berserk and figma. God it's so pathetic and cringe watching them do this with every release that shares other lines. It's so pathetic man. See how everyone who complains just a bit about anything is instantly a troll and a spammer. She turned out shit didn't she? People told she would. Worst general and fanbase. Anyway, never trust anything these fags say.
>i-it's supposed to be shit
Thats my favourite cope.
right? kek
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Ass is ass
So 2B by shfiguarts is shit then?
The head seemed slightly the wrong size to me but if that's the actual ass of the figure.....
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>samefag is talking about shf shill boogeymen to himself
Is this the new helluva chunky coom? It’s hard to keep up with board schizos
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>don't collect shf because they only make shonenslop
>check the thread since everyone keeps calling them shills here
>half the thread is about how their toys are broken and the bruce lee fag calling them trolls for posting about it
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I tried to fight my destiny. I tried to resist my fate and curse the stars. But I am one of you now.
Who should be the first footslut? I am not even sure what these will fit.
What is to be gained with that back butt piece? I don't even want 2B because she wears those stupid heels
To play devil's advocate, the figma method (sculpting the cheeks onto the thigh) is technically anatomically inaccurate; if you bend human legs forwards, the lower crease of the cheek should decrease and disappear the further forward the hip bends, which it doesn't using the figma technique. Having the entire butt be on the pelvis is thus strictly speaking more accurate. However, given that toys are approximating human mobility rather than 1:1 replicating it (perfect example being figures having their torso joints in the centre of the torso rather than lining up with the spine) the figma method's "cheat" is more than acceptable.
I will say that the "full butt" method is better suited to exceptionally thicc figures, as the bigger the cheeks, the more obvious the cheat when using the figma method.
They’re not really expecting people to place such emphasis on butt technology. Hopefully they can evolve some culture, though.
I just want companies to integrate the cheeks to each leg. I say fuck it if it gets ruined the further they bend down since they're always standing up in advertisement anyway
Oh, I'm not saying the SHF did it right (far from it) but I can understand why they chose to do it that way. It's not like, say, NECA Ash's armpits which are inexcusably stupid.
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Is there any possible chance we can come together and also team up to influence an update on the upcoming Zombie Tramp's ass tech? Surely you're all not fine with its current state
Aren't you literally THE brandwarschizo? Pretty sure all I have to do is search your catchphrase in the archive. Why even keep shitting up our threads all day? God you are such a pathetic loser.
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Beetle bitch
>Turns into a male beetle
Yeah, its the faggot. This thread really is being raided by shf shills.
Lol. welcome anon.
You'll find its pretty comfy here.
Every time lmao
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man he really LOVES getting banned. Doesn't even try to hide it. Next post is a goldy btw
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So he's been doing this for literal years now. And >>11020518 is him samefagging too. It might be even save to assume that it's that denjifag shitposting again since he brought him up out of nowhere.
>people keep calling him out even before all of this started
can't make this shit up
Figuarts is kinda based....
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I just got into the 1:6 hobby. The neck peg joint of the worldbox body is too big for the superduck head. Which component is easier to replace? The peg or the adapter?
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truer word have never been posted
here's my favourite and him instantly getting btfo. Don't know why he keeps posting this butt ugly bruce lee. It flopped hard.
Are you equipped to spray lacquers?
I am, but I've found that even really tough lacquers tend to chip around joints, and also the way MD limbs go together you have to paint them after assembly if you wanna seam-weld. Also I tested out dyeing MD plastic and it worked a treat.
Just j-jam it in.
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Just solved it. I tried to jam it before, but I was doing it too hard and I think I messed her hair. The barrel thing inside her head is made out of a rubbery material. I heated it with a hair dryer until it became soft. Now it fits, but I can't tilt her head. I'm not sure if they are supposed to be like that.
What skin tone is that worldbox body? I've been thinking of getting one.
oh no he forgot to take his meds agian
She's next month for Amico, so she might come into stock this month for Gundamit and Bombusbee.
It doesn't matter if it's multiple retards having a brand war, or the same one hopping between devices/IPs. It's shitting up threads. They were spazzing out in the Zat spam thread for a few days until they realised they weren't in the real thread getting the attention they never got from their parents. Best to ignore and report anyone trying trolling with "dead line" bullshit for either brand or screeching about shills. They are faggots that haven't realised our loyalty is to tits and ass instead of a company.
Yeah, that's her ass, and that is the worst part of her apart from her anime inspired giant noggin. There is no perfect 2B yet. The Buzzmod has a decent ass but completely fucked torso proportions and an anime giant noggin (and soft goods, which aren't objectively shit so that's up to the individual), and the Bring Arts looks great apart from the cum hair, but is shit quality otherwise. She's cursed.
Don't forget.
You're here forever.
What the heck this guy has at least 5 Sonico bodies.
You can easily get replacements for the rubber adapter, although I'd recommend getting your hands on the replacements before messing with the original too much. In my experience since it's rubber jamming it in is usually OK except for the limited articulation like you mentioned.
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Hot damn.
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Sure, it's
>seamless body
but it feels like seamless body technology was made for muscle chicks.
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Seamless body was made for a static pose.
Back then this was one of the only nearly nude bodies that wasn't a scrawny physique. When the bootlegs came out later some of us who missed out on the legit Bikini Sonico bought them (they were okay, sloppy pain and squeaky-tight joints). I don't blame that anon for getting so many of Bikini Sonico (it was cheaper then too), but nowadays we have girlpla kits and figures that can do the job in Sonico's absence.
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>That feel when this board's forced you to remember filters exist
>Step into a thread with over a dozen posts hidden before it even hits 100
That's better. Anyway, now that we have a succubus and a nun, what are your guys most wanted archetypes from Snail Shell's RPG line? I don't know how they'd do it or make it worth it for the price, but I really like the idea of a tiny, sexy fairy/pixie. Maybe packed in with a standard size figure for a higher price.
Bikini armour warrior with big tits. Maybe even a knight girl with full armoured gauntlets and leggings but bikini armour, that's my absolute fetish.
big tits witch with cool effect parts
Will she pass the sniff test?
>Snail Shell Fairy
I'd be down for this.

Others I'd want:
>Mage with a tentacles sprouting from a book or glyph portal
>shortstack dwarf girl with thick sideburns for her 'beard'
>strongfat or at least hourglass orc girl (preferably the Japanese porcine archetype)
I'm 90% sure you could have just independently removed the socket part from the head and then slid the head on afterward but it looks like you got it done anyway.
Monster girls. Specifically, Medusa/lamia/nagi. And more insect girls, but medieval.
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That's what I did.
It's the pale body. The head is the sdh033b.
The problem is they are made of like 3 kinds of plastic and are not likely to dye consistently. At the very least it isn’t going to match up on joints (not that you can really paint those either). I have certainly sprue goo’d and welded Megamis then painted then assembled them but I guess that all comes down to the specific girl. The Alice Gear ones would be tougher I think due to their designs with the odd shaped armor and how that fits onto the flesh bits. Aikawa for sure would be a bitch. I think the magical girl ones just have boots and gloves that peg on and rings to pop everything else onto. You can just paint them Japanese style by welding the elbows and knees together, bending the joint all the way in one direction, painting, bending it the other way, then touching up. But you are definitely always at risk of scratches with any painted plamo that gets moved around I guess.
What would be easier than solid paint would be just layering on clear brown mixtures (I have done this with Lascivous) to get a tan.
Make sure to update us with how the dye turns out. Is it possible to mask parts off from that? I have a bitch in the mail who is getting a tan with tan lines so I am open to alternatives to clear paint maybe. The Bunny Girl Planning chick.
Honestly I’d be down for more devil girls. I can imagine a lot of different ways to approach the theme.
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>you’re here forever
What about muscle guys?
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>orbital hypertelorism
Learned something today.
>displayed in direct sunlight
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my fucking dick.
Isn't Victoria pretty damn close? Or are you saying you still desire a more traditionally fantasy styled character? If so, I'm kind of the opposite, lol, as assassin is 90% exactly what I would have wanted in a sexy cyber assassin, so im content with her.

Furry figures. I know we have that fox girl incoming, so I hope it turns out well, but I would also love a lizard girl. As alluded to above, my 100% kink figure would have been, well, basically an OC of mine, who is a lizard girl with cybernetics designed to facilitate the perfect infiltrator. To keep the focus on appearance, she would have some parts of her body be obviously augmented, while others subtly so. She's nude, because her scales facilitate an active camouflage, but she can also employ some "censor bar" style holograms to keep her "decent". She also has a poncho for a low tech option. Assassin comes very close, so if snail shell could pull off some other generic stuff that gets really close to some favored OCs of mine, such as a tribal hunter wolf girl, then I'd coom for sure.
Honestly looks shit
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Fuck. Just had a coom vision. I'm gonna get her do this pose while crouching.
I know what I’m using this face for
Something with feet (or other fetish) DLC so I am forced to buy it even if I am not 100% on board with the figure itself.
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I still want an improved bee monster toy. More arms and a little more insectoid than what we have
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ive always wanted a female rabbit anthro to go with Kazuma. Judy Hopps didnt do much for me
>Already has an abdomen
>But has a second abdomen coming out of her spine
LMAO. That anatomy doesn't make sense. More people should do their reseach before creating monster girls, otherwise they'll end up creating abominations like this one.
It was bold move to make kid Chi-chi, so bold that most DB “fans” try to ignore this figure
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>fictional cartoon character design is not accurate to the real thing
Okay. Show me a real wasp girl, smartass.
I wouldn't mind seeing their take on a spider woman maybe similar to the lego monkey kid Spider Queen
on the fence on this one,

I don't love the colors, but I like the design.
Aqua-sama my beloved
I never thought I would say this, but Shimakaze looks overdressed
Yamaguchi would have done better.
Nta, but that's the point, dumbass, that a "real" wasp girl is simply a female wasp, and the previously pictured one is merely a fun fantasy. I also like realism more than the next guy, but even I understand that there are limits, and if you want to have a fun design, while still invoking certain aesthetics/features, you just gotta go fuck it, she has double abdomens.
Why can't shftards just keep to themselves and not shit up other threads? Are their toys so fucking shit that there's nothing else to do?
>The Rules:
>Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
>they keep shitting up the thread
cool now what? This retard has a years long brandwar record. Janny really must love to work extra just because of him or something. And why are the trolls posts still up too? It's literally the same shit every general nowdays. People calling him out and him playing the victim and then people reposting his fucking shitposts.
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>coom vision
There is actually an official art for that.
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That is the troll, he’s pretending there’s some army of shf fags ruining everybody’s fun because he autistically hates shf but it’s actually just him, right down to posting somebody else’s Bruce Lee photos and accusing himself of having no toys.
No fucking clue why, but he’s always getting ignored and banned from other generals and coming back exactly 3 days later.
Shf is a dead line thats why you never see them post here besides their shill attempts and thread derailments.
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Some of these artists you can just tell would rather be drawing straight up porn if it could pay the bills as well as shonen.
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>it's all him
now I know it's all shills for sure
I don't even watch the show at all or know who this is, but now I want to cum on one. But dat price though, is it worth it?
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if only there is a dark skinned bunny girl figure to swap with
I've made it ...4? seasons in and gave up. It's just not that good. Too many tournament arcs. Almost no character development. Tons of wasted characters they never do anything with. The only good scenes are always the last moments of the most important fights and thats it.
>dark skinned bunny girl
She’ll be an event exclusive and we all know it. I hope she’s got white hair though.
this will be gear 5 luffy in a few weeks too
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Or the Romankey female body (dark skin).
Which reminds, didn't Romankey kinda changed one of the body's skin tone color when released? Can't remember which one.
>Which reminds, didn't Romankey kinda changed one of the body's skin tone color when released?
is it maybe a male body? Because for that Toji cusom figure I keep seeing a slightly darker more natural skin color body thats nowhere advertised
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Was referring to the first batch of female bodies, not sure if they did that for the male bodies.
IIRC, some PO people were pissed at the color change. Original promo shots showed the "Body Black" variant more like tanned skin, but ended up going full dark nigga.
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holy shit I didn't even see that until now. New body coming soon.
>ballistics from usa still waiting.....
It’s the ‘yellow’ male romankey you want for Toji, but you can get parts for the white body too. The promo shots are super off.
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Where is the regular non glowing version?
what site is this?
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>never forget
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baby balrog
>What would be easier than solid paint would be just layering on clear brown mixtures (I have done this with Lascivous) to get a tan.
I am aware of that method! I've practiced it, it can get some really good results but if you fuck a piece up you have to strip it and start over, as by its very nature you can't just paint over it.
So there isnt any good 2B figure made then. I was thinking about the ko bring arts one but the shit head sculpt puts me off. It looks extremely plasticky to me as well.
I'm not paying shf prices if her ass is like that.

Wtf is this?
What if the standard size figure was a 1:1 scale fairy that came with a 1:12 scale version with swappable parts?
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It takes time but this bunny will be worth it
god this was pure cringe to read

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Fuck, this is hot. I'm not into seamless (I've only got a 1/12 one I bought as a test some three years ago) and my plan for 1/6 Chun Li was to wait and only buy the officially licensed SFV one that Iconiq Studios is supposedly making soon, but I may say fuck it and get one for each major outfit: Classic, Alpha, Slutty.
the bring arts one is actually fine. It's just shfshills brandwarring. The first itteration was shit but they made 2.0 version which looks better.
Yeah it’s fiddly for sure

Mine still hasn’t left Ami. They are in a big fucking hurry to get payment but take weeks to actually ship anything no matter how simple. Didn’t used to be like this.
Sand those tits, bruh.
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Can anyone please point me to where I can get some kind of substitute.....pls anons, youre my only hope....
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What diameter are the wrist pegs? I'm assuming 2mm if it's a Figma. Hobby Base wrist joints might work.
Had a go at practicing with the technique over the single-piece barbie-doll torso from that crummy ATK Girl kit. Honestly came out pretty good!
> shitty chink plastic crumbles under the weight of sweaty American burger holders
many such cases
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And from behind. Paint is Tamiya clear tinted with brown alcohol ink. Would need flatcoating of course, may or may not do that with this as it's a practice piece.
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is that an ankle or a wrist? there are spare wrists in there. always check and sand joints on these kits, especially girlpla, and watch a review or two so you know about problem areas…the joints being very tight on this bunny is already a known issue. you can put a pin into the broken peg and it will be fine for display but questionable to play around with. pull it out and sand it down slightly and give her other joints a light sanding as well, don’t overdo it or you will have floppy joints instead.
it’s using standard 3mm joints I assume so replacements are easy to find and white is a common color.
Hear me out…flat topcoat, or glossy, sweaty, oiled up piece of beach body fuckmeat?
Dark skin, white hair, pink outfit.
Good point, well made. The MD in particular I'm thinking of doing quite dark (think Nessa from Pokemon SwSh but with the ganguro hair dye and makeup) but I might try this method for a future figure.
just tell hem to send you a replacment
I don't give a shit about the base bunny girl, but if they made this one I'd get her instantly
What's the difference between 1 0 and 2.0? How can you tell the difference. I guess the ko is based on 1.0? Or is the ko just shit in general

Buy one of the ko figma statue models in normal color. They cost like $5. I have x2 of them simply for the ball joint pieces if you ever need replacement parts
Its the left ankle for the plamax BP-01 Sophia, its def thicker than the wrist joints

HA, yeah, ill tell the guy on ebay who sold it to me to get right on that....

shitty chink plastic that was too big for the damned hole.

Please guys, any help....I REALLY dont want to have to spend another hundred for a fucking ankle joint
What is the name of this, is it out?
Ah, well if the peg diameter is 3mm (it should be, these lines are pretty universal with joint pegs) then Hobby Base joints will still work, they make all sizes of joint on sprues, in white no less.
THANK YOU! Just checked the mm of the ball and the peg, ball was 6mm, peg was around 3 give or take, found the hobby base joints on amazon and have some on order, they look EXACTLY like what I need, just with a longer peg. Hopefully theyll fit after a little cutting/sanding.

Im usually extremely autistic with sanding the pegs on joints like this, just didnt trigger for me this time....
>HA, yeah, ill tell the guy on ebay who sold it to me to get right on that....
I don't feel like helping retards and shitposters ...
Please, explain how im a retard and thats a shitpost, im genuinely curious.

Most of those little slips of paper that come with these kits that show you how to get replacement parts are usually all in japanese and some of them even say "JAPAN ONLY", so I always figured that that just means if I break a piece, im SOL. If im wrong though, why dont you educate me on it, ya cunt.
Hobby base joints pegs cut just fine, I have used them to replace joints in a variety of figures, they are a god send
>is the ko just shit in general
Of coarse it is. It's a fucking bootleg.
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NTA, but the 1.0 and 2.0 come with entirely different accessories on top of looking slightly different. The 1.0 comes with the bucket robo while the 2.0 comes with a bunch of weapons and the swappable lower half. And yeah the bootleg's an even worse version of the 1.0.
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Built for being bullied by Eri
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Eat the unpeeled bananas you slut
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shfschizo literally got exposed and banned again while samefagging & admitting to shitposting here. Just if anyone still had doubts :)
That guy has a fascinating combination of wonderful art and upsetting subject matter. If more of his games had a vanilla route like his Inn game he would be a favorite of mine.
Best bug.
Doesn't mean anything.
I've loads of figma kos and offical ones. Aside from the ball joints being abit different there not bad vs the price.

Yeah the kos might have some issues or a few imperfections but for the price you can't complain.

Ive never even seen this version before. Does it have a particular name to it that separates it from 1.0?
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Really gets the noggin joggin, doesn't it?
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These cuties arrived today

Happy to finally replace my shamrock that got chewed to fuck by my cat
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dude got banned 2 more times since then for samefagging btw
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The face already didn't look that great, but man that looks like Loose collector tier slop. Guess it's only good for headswaps
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>dude clearly gets banned for samefagging multiple times and shitting up a thread
>his bans even reposted in this very thread
>still tries to shift blame
damn the shfshill shit is actually real
Sorry your pussy got a taste of the robo bussi
one of the best transgender figures there is
Femboys aren't transgender.
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Flatcoated the test torso just to see what it'd look like. The answer is pretty damn good. Used Mr. Super Clear II Flat with a touch of Rapid Thinner. Got a tiny bit of frosting but VERY GENTLE buffing with a melamine sponge took care of that.
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Pardon my shitty lighting BTW. I need to get a proper photo setup.
I gotta be honest, whilst I'm gonna give the dye technique a go as it'll produce a much sturdier figure, and combined with a flatcoat and pastel shading will still look good, this looks fantastic. If I ever do static GKs or feel like doing a fully painted build for whatever reason, I think I might lean into using the clear technique.
When she meets 15 inches of Agent Venom
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It's gonna be hot again this summer!
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Are there any other figures with expressive toes?
Worldbox is making new feet for their bodies,but they're 1/6
Fuck these look good, i have a couple of those atk bodies too i should use them to learn to paint too. I have been wanting to try it for awhile. any tips for a beginner?
Nah fuck off you already got Bridget.
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Anywhere I can order this with cheaper shipping than AmiAmi?
Funny that they only have front shots and no back shots of the figure.
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That's the 2.0. If you're looking to get it on ebay or something just search for Bring Arts 2B 2.0. They also have a 2P variant with all the same accessories.
They're bad because they're shitty quality knockoffs.
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2.0 is also more accurate to the game model.
did it just drop? if so maybe try gundamit in a little while ... they seem to carry the other ones
if it's like the first solomon 70 figure ... it's going to be a weak point, i hope they fixed it because other than that i love the first figure
Actually looking again it's the same figure I didn't know the white hair was an accessory to the orange hair
get a bit of a rear shot
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>no DX version with nipples yet
is there a DX version? i don't recall there being one for sophia
I never would have guessed that the gym prototype was gonna be squid girl but it's kinda funny to imagine her working out to be able to hold up all that kraken dress armor.
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I told you the same thing earlier. And the way you tell what size they are is that the Japanese kits all use standardized sized joints. But also because you check with calipers.
based Haruhi poster
based “giving his figures the n-word pass” poster
Yeah I like the ATK girl bodies actually. They have articulated ones already, there is a place for these.

There is about to be as soon as I find a figure they fit onto. Way too big for 30MS or Figma.
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They assume you have the original kit and therefore all the tits you can eat, like they did with Sophia. Thanks for the heads up, insta order for me.
In case anyone cares, the 2.0 Rania has been on sale at USAGS 30% off all week. Also if you don’t know, there was a run of just the DX parts before so if you can only get the STD version, you could theoretically buy the DX parts set. It pops up on Ami’s preowned section sometimes. You could even get Relax and the DX set to have a lewd slut without the actual Krakendress. If I remember right, the DX set even has the squid bots with the LEDs in addition to naked tits, lewd expressions, and a giant futa squidcock.
Nice, I actually have a few worldbox bodies in storage I couldn't really figure out what to do with. Still gotta find a good head tho
that body looks familiar...
did the 2.0 fix the issues with the white plastic stressing and cracking easily?
Sophia's relax set didn't have a DX set with nipples so I wasn't expecting it here. Sophia also wasn't compatible with her first release's boobs due to the slightly different torso.
>Camio again
I was hoping they'd move on to one of the other gals - maybe a less-revealing version of Zepar.
fuck cats, fuck pets in general but fuck cats more.
Upcoming Leona has this tsundere face that will fit your needs well.
The only thing I hate about plastic models like these are the shoulder "joints" and that the head just likes to fall off all the time if you fiddle around with it. Both of which could be fixed with better design choice which makes it even worse....assuming it's build like the other one I have
I stopped using Amiami because they always delay shipping up to a week if you dont use the more expensive options that promise delivery within a week. Will sand all her parts later and clean them before painting
based cat
Femboy loving cat got too excited. Many such cases.
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I really wanted That Pool but missed out on it when it was available on some stores. Now I cant find it anywhere.
Found 1 ebay user asking $450 for it
Link? I tried searching for it a week or two ago and couldnt find it anywhere, even for that price...
It was around 2 months ago. Guy was a giga asshat about it. It wasn't even new/sealed as he had opened it and he had the audacity to charge postage along with that price.
Uhm yeah? Cope? Like unironically. You want it, he has it. It's not his fault suckers still pay the price. I do the same.
Yeah and he cant sell it at that price. He's relisted it around 8 times since then and no one will buy it from him.
His feedback is around 95% with I think x2 negative and hes expecting 400+ for an 80 item.

It lost value the moment he opened it. I offered him a reasonable 150 and he said no. He still hasnt sold it because he keeps randomly putting it up for 1 day listings thinking people will buy it
It doesn't matter. Some of my shit was up for a year until it sold. It's not a race.
Delicious. Shame about the red nail polish though
Give me the link. Ill talk his ass down. Im a pro at both buying and selling on ebay.
Look here Mr scalper man, you are right he has a right to sell it as much as he wants. But anon has a right to call him a stupid piece of shit for his obvious overcharging.
Sad to see they fucked up the hairbands on white Shamrock, let's hope there aren't any issues with Iana or Machaon
There isn't, only their regular versions have had DX sets so far.
Not trying to discount this error any but if there was going to be one i'd rather it be a small one that can potentially be fixed with a diy solution then a huge glaring on that makes the figure unusable
Sure, but it'd still be best if we just received the advertised product and didn't need to doctor anything, at least it looks like Grey Shamrock is alright though.
I never bothered with the 2.0 because the original has been perfectly fine.

There are enough adapters and crap between the kits to put any of the boobs onto any of the girls with minimal or zero modification. I put naked tits from 1.0 Sophia onto Relax Sophia. Not sure if it worked right out of the box or if I had to mess with it. I’ll go check later if people want.

Yeah if they didn’t have such a great preowned section I’d probably have kicked them to the curb by now. They have lost thousands of dollars of my business at this point plus I no longer recommend them to others.
You're never going to get The Pool if you're only willing to pay double retail price on something that only has one on eBay, lol.
Sorry I'm not retarded anon.
I'm not paying more for an item that's been opened and that's lost value due to that. A seller acting like a prick towards a customer is also off putting.
It might get a reissue in time so I can wait. I'm not paying a nogs price because they choose to be a sub human on the matter
Stuff goes up regardless of condition, that's just how this hobby goes. I sold a romankey body opened with damaged box for $120. Snail Shell Bikini Wolf sold for $120 with a broken joint. No one really cares about "muh open box" except autists. If something is rare enough that there's only one on ebay, 3x retail is probably fair, maybe even more. So good luck hoping for that re-release, I guess.
That's great anon.
I've heard/seen this same shit with the IT MP dinobot fiasco, the oversized MP feral rex bs, some revoltech figures and others.

Its value does equal to what some retard on ebay thinks it is.
If it is reissued then hes now left with an item worth less than the release version because he opened it up.

I nor many others will pay more than what I stated originally. If he wont sell it for that he wont get anymore for it.
If you like scalping customers then great for you I guess
>didn't buy it when available for retail
>complains about having to pay secondary prices
>Sorry I'm not retarded
>didn't buy it when available for retail
I didn't know about it till long after release.
Hence why I missed out. Keep up anon. Special classes in school aren't helping you
Bitch is, im willing to pay the 400 for it, and this bastard wont link it.
Found it! https://www.ebay.com/itm/256527694098?itmmeta=01HZT0E6YWWDV2E6BRAEF52W7H&hash=item3bba3df912:g:MDcAAOSwtiJkzGU3&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8KnjrouQ%2FxXcKOmwfEeE7K5t6Zccc1xqoWpK7V0UlH%2F3EFaoSjHRC9dZeOAHhsGPW1xiHVdfvMnIFrIWdQ%2BKOOIkFS7PcX5tqHgRO%2B977nlz6GeCwRbpGI5JqIyglQpgB73WI3SXG3IEMnikxu3pOdD5ZObSfhuTHgTCrpwFLuWsSWmPheTSq04tW%2FCF9mryI%2Fig5gQDQpVk23Y46trDxhwqnYEfQrHBH9TbUz621MQgELSMCv2suBjr%2FfYCsrjknDVGdmTZ9hoejbhyNfSKdomSGgKvj23KtS3Wtf8oyro8GOI%2BZqVW851VHe0zF5m4eQ%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8LvuMD-Yw
Sorry anon i took a stab at locating it but the terms
"cat egg" and "that pool"didn't come up with anything

all i did was locate the old sale page on bombus bee
fuck I'm actuall retarded myself ahahaha
after the first itm the number
Lol, fair enough. Embedding extensions kind of defeat this type of trolling, though.

im still willing to buy it if someone posts the actual link.
Well, this is probably coom-worthy for at least one retard here
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Didn't the coom make you enough money
Why are you releasing things that are the opposite of coom
Were we not loyal?
Do you not love us?
It's been 1,000 years
I saw it on eBay a year or so ago for £200, will be on the lookout and post it here if I see it come up again nonny. Don’t forget to check other country’s ebays like .ca and .co.uk and shit like Carousell when you’re trawling for it.
IIRC there are more prototype females that will get made eventually
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Eleanor is an adorable name. I want Snail Shell to make qt englishwomen.
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Fuck, an Englishwomen would be a good stand-in for Erina Pendleton. Now I want one for my Phantom Blood display.
x3 I need her now
Also, they'd make good money off of a traditional Japanese woman in a kimono.
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Makes me think of Big Bertha. Erotic!
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It is quite fragile, so I don't think you need to buy it for more than three times the list price.
The product I actually received had a broken window frame even though it was unopened.
However, it is definitely a fun diorama.
buy a needle file set for chink kits they all need sanding somewhere.
You know, I usually think there are guys out there who like anything you can imagine. Are there guys that have a fetish for this type out there?

Damn you got a lot of toys
I remember backing a kickstarter for one with lights and shit and it failed to back, never even knew another one popped up until it was already sold out.
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You degenerate kek
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I snapped one up from Bombusbee after seeing it on CTG, got £400 for it.
This wouldn't be hard to build. Did the lights come with it? If so, it'd take a bit to source substitutes, but it could be done. Heck, you could build most of this with popsicle sticks and lexan. The water would probably be the most difficult part.
Water would be fine, you can just use clear resin with a little colour in it. You could even create alternate pools with holes in to fit characters you want to depict swimming, just cover up the inconsistencies with a rubber ring. Or you could add inclusions like tentacles coming out of the water.
Nah bro I remember pool anon showing he a type of pvc sheet for the water and cut holes in it and stacked the pvc sheet cut into rings for a water effect that worked surprisingly well. You'd have to dig into the archive but it's there
Bruce Lee died for this
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Half sizes can be found at Mercari.
who has 1/24th scale coomer toys?
Looks like it fits Nendoroid...
Maybe buy it and try it out...
I don't see the rubber duck.
link me anon
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Forgot pics.
That pool
Here. Japanese mercari.
Yeah buyee! Got that pool! Thank you anon!
shit, that's actually pretty funny, unfortunately I got zero nendoroids
Anon delivered!
Post pics of fun size activities when you get it.
>Nendoroid JAV pool
What a time to be alive.
It's not fun size. Mine 16 1/2 x 10 x 9.5. It's the same as the others posted.
>no Shamrock in bikini reissue
>no Machaon in girl clothes
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What are the odds of another second axe asanagi figure?
The Hexa Gear girls and 1:24 FA:Gs are pretty good.
Packing some dobonhonkeros.
Never can tell. It would never look this good anyway though.
Those useless fucks GIVE ME COMMANDER WHITE!
i imagine pretty high, hopefully one of the flat ones
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For anyone interested: the Snail Shell nun + foot dlc is up for preorder on 5ktoys
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Anybody getting this legally distinct romankey edgerunners girl?
yeah I got her preordered
Thinking about it, waiting for Gundamit to post their full price.
whats with the closed eye face? Some exclusive?
Just an alt faceplate I believe
Speaking of Second Axe
I just paid for upcoming Succubus Queen, damn she was expensive
yes, I pre-ordered delux edition of her
I thought people liked Rebecca because she was basically a loli. This bitch just looks like "We have Harley Quinn at home."
she comes with 2 romankey bodies and they are making more cyberpunky figures as we speak. Gonna start a collection.
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just use real water.
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is there a site to pre-order Chun Li cheaper than Gundamit?
NEKO-001 Story of a Cat Who Fell Into AV Work, Creampie Ban Lifted!
>*dies of semen poisoning*
maybe for 1/12 giantess fetishists
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somehow your post really made me laugh, also looking forward to new female xesray figures

certified fresh OC incoming
>Titus, get the Kleenex.
Oh good, I haven't gotten one yet but it's nice to know I'll get an email soon and she will be in hand in a short amount of time
She is way too legally distinct. She took away all of the stuff that was actually visually interesting about Rebecca. How in the hell are you gonna make a Rebecca with a completely normal skin tone?
>hairy pussy about to get wet
If you're willing to 3D print, Papianon on cults3d has some models.

What the shit. Bunny girl Irene/Aylin/ayrin delayed now to July ?! Will this ever come out...?
dude, you didn't get the news update way back in March?
Thrn it was May. Then June.

Did I miss anything specific?
You got it wrong. There was never a June delay. PO started in January. It was originally slated for May. A few weeks later, delayed straight to July. Some anon posted the July release info placard during one of their exhibitions way back in March.
What body are they using?
hard to tell but for their sake it better be water proof . I can see a certain brand of people being very drawn to this
Hermione piss jar soon
They must be pretty dedicated, since that thing costs nearly $600. And you guys think Figma is expensive.
probably little boy type. I have never seen a manufacturer make a teen girl/little girl type body. even the 1/6 Matilda uses a teen boy type body
I have that Mathilda, she doesn’t have a boy body, she uses a knock off Azone body that’s clearly female.
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Question, can somebody post the formula of that one shotanon's shota figure? Gonna make a celebratory purchase and I'm considering adding these to the order.

Also, my Aliexpress stuff partially came in. Got some cool pieces for that UMP45 techwear outfit and some condoms and playing cards. Even got a cage too.
They're only blurred images at this stage.
To clarify, this will eventually be a 1/12, jointed body, like the Romankey female, from Cowl Production (just to assuage the silicone body dislikers).
Isn't that the Delicious in Dungeon ogre girl?
Holy shit, is it? Needs to be thiccer if it is.
That's kinda hot
>saddlebag ass
Here ya go, anon.
Keep in mind that the crotch piece is Anzu's shorts with the frills removes, stripped of the paint, and then repainted skin-tone. Also, Anzu has bare feet, not sure who the shoes are from (middle school haruhi maybe?).
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The shoes are from figma Rinko Kobayakawa.
Looks like one of those bean trays you see at the hospital.
I like the big hands, would have been better with blue skin and less Harley Quinn looking face though. Hopefully the faces are all plates and not individual heads, could swap them out with something different that way.
Looks like they are heads, unfortunately, with the ability to swap out hair styles
Swappable faces and hair.
Is anything missing to make two full figure? They call the extra hair an "extra head", so that sounds like it's got the bit that fits into the neck.
Bear Panda, purveyor of cheap statues, entering into the 1/12 market
could be neat, im into demon grils
is this...someone's fetish?
Perfect, thanks Anon
>Anzu shorts
What's the best method to strip the paint without damaging the figure? Might need help identifying the proper skin tone to paint. I have a compressor and a couple different spray guns to use. I can get an even coat with the right stuff.

Plan on using this to make a loli body for Amatsukaze and others. Actually getting Yukikaze too. An older Kancolle figure for $40? Yes please. Anything less than 60 is a pounce if you can. I also have the decals from Hasuki Hagi and can apply nipples if they're an appropriate size to do so.
You too. Appreciate it. May not go for the shoes or anything though. Gonna work on this idea since the male figma bodies are suddenly impossible to find for some reason.
>oppai succubus
>oppai nun
>demon girl
Okay, now you have my interest.
zoomers wouldn't understand
Quite a few people's, yes...
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me likey
I can't speak for the others but for me, personally, I do understand. The incomprehensible horror and power of an angel or demon taking on a humanoid form to lay claim possessively to those they fancy is a part of the charm to angel and demon girl waifus. Especially when you know it's a mask they wear to make you comfortable, and when they willingly let it slip just to remind you that they are indeed incomprehensible. It's really hot.
I'm intrigued, the proportions are nice and I like the monster face. She seems quite similar to Lustia
Yes. Not mine really but I get it. Monster girls should be scary.
Hope the demon girl trend lasts. Wouldn’t mind having a small collection going
If you've never had a toothjob, you won't understand.
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Based. I would also kill for some Wicked City demon bitches.
Same, more demon girls that are decidedly more demon than succubus would be cool to see.
Is it bad I kinda wanna make beetle shota figures now?
Absolutely feral, kek
Tell me Anon, does the Retard strength apply to... other places?
Crouching Predator, Hidden Erection
Cool effects parts, what is?
>beetle shota figures
These already exist
I was thinking more organic monster boys, but point taken. Man I need to watch Medarot. Looks fun.
Anyone have experience with these Dark Advent model kits? I love me a good Egyptian lady.
Shes pure kino, for sure.
If by experience you mean I bought it and it's still in the box, then yes
If she were real she would look retarded as fuck
if you want to see the kit here is a link with a video and if your a real coomer that loves Futa get the DX version
Basically megami device if you've built any of those. The only difference is some connections like the abdomen joint to the abdomen shell feel a little finicky and the seams don't always meet as neatly as other brands, though both my nitpicks were easily fixed with plastic cement.
not really my style
and this isn't my fetish ballpark but

>egyptian futa
>regular futa
>with or without balls option
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Did anyone have one of these? They are from TFH 65cm Japanese Anime, market to function as both poseable figure and as onahole.
So ultimate coomer toys?
Here another one based on Tsunade. The downside is their price is rather high. Wonder if it will be worth to have one.
Some of those tiny fuckable dolls are like 4 or 5 times more expensive than ACTUAL fuck dolls, and probably a million times more fragile.

t. own SEVERAL full size ones.
I just bought Rania DX thinking 18+ meant booba. Damn, I may have just passed the point of no return.
Oh fuck, I just checked. She's not just a regular futanari. Are those...squid tentacles?
I now have absolutely no regrets.
They are ALL OVER ebay and ali, not too badly priced either.
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New Hasuki riflegirl up for PO
None of the DarkAdvent girls are futas. They have detachable biomechanical/supernatural strap-ons. That’s not a futa.
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>NO HASUKI STOP! My wallet can only take, er- give so much!
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One of my all time favorite plamo kits. I completely painted the DX version. The set comes with not only huge mummy futa but a transforming mecha undead sacrophagus/ahnk/robot. Morelike AHN~k, am I rite lads?
If you have built model kits before she looks great with minimal work and decaling. She might be the most coomerific model kit of all time, tied with Rania from the same line. If you can’t find or don’t want the DX version, the standard version is still very very luscious.
Could these even fit an average size wiener? They don't look like they could.
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I had one of these 80cm dolls for a while but had to get rid of her when moving in with my gf. I have a pretty big cock and she was fun to fuck but idk how it could be any smaller.
Those dolls are pretty much made to accommodate Asian dicks, and the really small ones (like the 65cm dolls) are only about 3-4 inches deep. Worse is that they're usually silicone, so there isn't much give, so even if you're average size, or even slightly below average, you might not fit.
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I still have her eyes to remember all those busted nuts
>I kept her eyes
>still have her eyes
Fucking kek, put me in the screencap
this is honestly not even among the weirdest things posted here.
did you forget the thread?
To be fair, I myself have like 15 pairs of doll eyes, but its because I own multiple full size sex dolls. Its fun to swap their eyes out depending on outfit/theme im going for with them.
Link to the tsunade one?
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Romankey, what are you doing? Why doesn't this have a dick?
Maybe it's a girl?
What's a good online retailer to order these from?
Agreed. Just found this cutie.
From CiYuanJuXiang (EXSSRION), The new 1/12 Complete Model Action figure Witch of the Other World Fatereal
>Find new demon girl
>On the fence, think she looks cute and just crazy enough to work
>check for any in hand reviews
>advertised as 1/12 scale
>height is 1.61 cm, or 6.3 inches
What the fuck you stupid useless chinks? I know your women ain't 6 foot 3. Wither way, the height genuinely ruins this for me. 1/10th and 1/9th don't work. They're just too big.
>still not up in gundamit
im worried...
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Here. There's also a complimentary mesh jacket and neat sling bag
>Security Hiyo Reizei
>CS015 Tactical sling bag and CS016 Tactical camo suit
Reptiles typically have a genital slit, just slap a weenis on him and pretend it's retracted otherwise.
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Her knee pads came in. Also got her her boots. They're seemingly 3d printed. I like. Only missing the bodystocking.

Also, any thoughts on this >>11029865 ? Been thinking about making a proper display for my stuff myself. Tired of dusting them.
Never used them myself. Whenever I have doubts and nobody with experience I check the Figma General OP >>11018190 Buylist Guide
>Here's a link to the buyfag guide list of shops:
>If you're getting into the hobby, there's plenty of other useful information to find on the wiki
Hobby Genki
>Another store located in Osaka. Sometimes has pre-orders up earlier than other stores with competitive prices, even limited/exclusives from WonderFest and P-Bandai.The customer support is almost null.
Apparently the customer support us cheeks. Otherwise, it sounds legit. Hope that helps. This doesn't take into account shipping and taxes though, so the prices you're comparing to could still even out. Depends.
Oh well, what were you thinking about? Why not just grab what you want? Sometimes I feel like I just want to dive in but then there's so many that something I think is a little more than it should be can be the defining reason I don't grab it.
They are legit.
Best thing about Genki is they get in Revos with the bonus parts, but for a premium price. Also the same for Figma, but at least us filthy gaijin can get those from Goodsmile store. They also have the private warehouse option so you can wait and ship your stuff in one go. I don't know what the time limit is for that, but they will only hold a maximum of a cubic metre of your stuff.
Which of these two should I get I have no experience with either brand and I want to use one these for a base to make a custom of my waifu
I see the blonde chick from this line all the time on ebay for 1/12 clothes so I think this would be a smarter deal
I think this would be a easier time to customize since it is a model kit

Mainly want to know what is better in quality in joints and is better for posing.
I was going to say it's awesome we are getting an actually monstrous monster lady but then I saw the perfectly normal human face.
I'm guessing that there'll be face/head options.
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New bully arrived
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I'm so lonely
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hmm chocolate or vanilla
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I haven't seen a lot of talk about this lesser snail shell release, but in case anyone was on the fence please know she is a giant piece of shit

Her tail peice disintegrated right out of the box, she has extremely limited articulation, and she feels like a plamo. Definitely the worst figure I've bought this year

Here's a pic of her staring forlornly at her sad ass
If you ordered for gundamit, contact aftersales. They will take care of you. I've had great success with them in the past. It takes a long time, but they deliver.
>tail disintegrated
Man that dredges up memories of those shitty sentinel model kits
Thanks for the heads up. Sorry it's shit, but hopefully you don't feel like it was a complete waste. Who was this again, and how flimsy was the tail in promotion exactly? Good posing desu. The shifted weight is something I struggle to Remer, amd how you got her right foot coming off the ground. Good job
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He comes with hooves too

I like his big dumb feet though
Looks like a legally distinct version of pic related. Know your history, newfag.

She was listed as "assault cat ambra", Its the peice connecting the tail to the body that broke and I can't actually find a shot that shows it.

I'll try to get my money's worth by posing her with her big ass gun even though I bought her for coomer purposes
I got mine a couple weeks ago. It think she's ok, but pretty unremarkable for a Snail Shell figure. I didn't have the tail issue you had, but she does have a strange lack of articulation, mostly in the elbows and wrists. Her joints can honestly not handle those big weapons, though. The engineering in the armor in the legs is actually kind of cool. She's just finnicky, and reminds me of the issues that earlier figures had, like the armored wolf girl. I do think the faces and hair are cute, but if a person was on the fence about buying her, I'd say she's an easy pass.

I don't think she's terrible, but she's certainly in the bottom echelon of Snail Shell figures.
Man i'd kill for a 1/12 version of this

I'm that normie fag who want's my insect and monster girls to look more like girls than inscects and monsters. fight me
>fight me
I will not. There is room for both.
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>tfw they're making me pay 9500 yen for the tomboy because they refuse to make a basic version without added mech shit
>Assault Cat Ambra
I thought she looked familiar! I was actually interested in that line. The tiger moreso, but maybe even the pigeon. It was an ambitious concept. This is a real shame. Thanks for saving me my cash. Maybe you decide to kitbash with her or something.
>easy pass
Roger. Shame really. But it's a tight market.
>flat chested elf tomboy
I'm um, gonna need a name on this one too chief
Sell the mech shit on ebay and recoup some cost.
>U'm um, gonna need a name on this one too chief
Her name is Reina Prowler. She's another Macross girl (and the canon lesbian lover of the previously released gal, Makina Nakajima).
Reminds me, I hope we get something along the lines of the darker skin toned Polynians Daibadi was conceptualizing
Not gonna lie that's kinda fucking ugly, I'd prefer a straight up tiddy-xenomorph to whatever that it.
Are there actually people that buy that by itself?
Ive sold bunches of random and extra pieces on ebay.
Sexy Ice would like to have a word with you.
he's supposed to have human feet actually "lorewise". I really wish you guys would stop being instantly influenced by other people opinions. You are actual npc.
Bro, no one is talking about "lore", we're talking about aesthetic
Grow some taste and appreciation
I'm not really a huge fan of the hooves, to me it makes them look like they're wearing heels.
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Sorry, but I have too much ptsd from this fucker to accept human feet.
You are right. After reading your opinion, my opinion has changed. Thank you. I'm finally being a free thinker,
I like big human feet aesthetically

Plus why would a biped have hooves that shits stupid
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I need Figma or SHF to make pic related.
This also satisfies my chitinous fetish.
That image is a whole new level of Japan

To stomp people into pancakes obv dummy
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I just pre ordered this from HLJ, looks promissing
Thanks, sounds hot
Guess they thought the face having a human skintone was too jarring. Cause it kind of is.
Ungulate anthro is a thing. You'd be surprised how many get in a tizzle when their anthro lacks the defining features of their reference species. When you put it like that, it's not a surprise at all really.
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Romankey moving on into the monster girl territory.
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It's not a tongue, it's a tentacle coming out of her eye. I guess it's based on that parasite that mindcontrols mantises and bursts out of their abdomen after making them drown themselves.
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How easy is it to remove a figma head, to put it on a lewder body.
Been wanting to do the same for my Marnie figma
Gundamit is offering this as a bonus if you pay the full pre order
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cute big human feet :)

>tfw no 1/12 cyberdemon mcnuggies

I have no idea what this is from but the little dog spaceship with 4 feet is adorable.
Is that a modified battle ground teela ?
It's a Mythic legions hodgepodge of parts.
The head, black bikini top and all the skin coloured limbs are from the "barbarian warrior" legion builder figure from the advent of decay wave

The belt, loincloth, gauntlets, boots and gun from the relatively recent Cosmic Legions "T.U.5.5.C. Engineer" figure.

Be advised that only 2.0 body figures (female/elf thinner bodies) parts are interchangeable.
>battleground teela
So mythic legions is from the sculptors the four horsemen, so they did in fact also work on that MOTUC battleground teela figure so you're not far off and they clearly had some inpiration there!
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I plan to use her as a base for an Warhammer 40k Eldar Howling Banshee custom. Eldar are canonically very tall (around seven foot) so her 1/10 scale height of seven inches doesn't bother me.
If I was gonna fuck something that small, it'd need to be an actual fairy type character or someone who shrinks their size down. Like Tinkerbell or something. That'd be a win
>own several full size ones
Based fuckdoll harem haver
7 active, plus a wife. She named and purchased half of them. Making outfits for them and dressing them up is actually really fun, though I dread the day a cop ever has to come in the house for whatever reason....
New Thread
I think I'd have like mushrooms better.
They pop off fairly easily, if you're worried about her breaking you can stick her in a zaplock bag and steep her in some hot (not boiling) water, will make it easier to remove the peg.
Her human-like abdomen is actually part of her legs mimicking the appearance of one.
No. You're just delusional.
>figma Tinker Bell never ever

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