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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Eat your fruits Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11019757
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Snail Shell: Bunny Girl Irene (July), Succubus Lustia (Aug), Succubus Lustia Optional Part Set (Aug), Pumpkin Princess (Nov), Sister Muse Aisdo (Nov), Sister Muse Aisdo Option Foot Part Set (Nov)
> Hiya Toys Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Kusanagi Motoko (Aug)
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring (Q2)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q3)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q3)
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure (Q3)
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>Manatee Industry 1/12 Yua (Q3)
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins (Q4)
> Frazettagirl Teegra (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
> Earnestcore Craft Rosado Sekiko (May)
>Loscont Studio Armored battle angles Blade Violet
>SNAP Official Licensed Balala the Fairies Maggie Lin

>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
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Threadly reminder to ignore SHF shills.
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Also a threadly reminder to ignore Athena
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Me when I get my Second Axe Succubus this month
This doesn't need to be in every thread.
It does when Athena is in every coomer thread.
add this too and we'll have peace forever
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Is she finally coming this month? Because then so will I.
Coming? More like cooming.
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i like how this both feels like a fatfag fetish as well as a badass gigachad energy armored barbarian sitting on a death throne
Get it right anon, it's a coostom
>b-baka mon’keigh…
Looking forward to seeing this. Will you be going with the more classic, smooth armour or the osseous/ribbed texture in that pic (and also the DoW3 trailer)?
Reminds me, I need to have a go at making a printable 1/18 Lelith Hesperax to go with my JT figs.
Is there anywhere i can get fio for near msrp or gg, outta luck, pay the extra 50 markup?
I got the tsunade one on the way since the rockettoys tsunade is a long way from release. If anything, I can make something to pose both on my wine shelf like the relax prize fig.
As far as I know, there's been no announced delay.
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>"Draw me like one of your French girls"
Got a new bedroom set from Hobby Lobby. Just a little something to pose with. And yes, I saw your advice when I posted my cat maid Mona. I use a worklight lamp to light up the space. The kind used to light up powrless basements for construction. Gonna get an actual light box for the job to do better pictures soon.
>Gonna get an actual light box
I use one of these for my scale model photos, never even thought of using it to take pose pics. Good idea...

The pic above your post is the Romankey x Cowl male body, it has a pair of different size cocks in both limp and hard mode, and the figure is available in three skin tones. It's currently out of stock everywhere except second-hand like on Ebay, but I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a second run like we got with the female body.
depends of the flavour of gay (traps or bara, or maybe even bishounens idk)
The Romankey buck in >>11032030. If you're into 1:6, there's a Tom of Finland figure and the old classic Gay Bob.
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Romankey? No, in fact their next figure is even more of a gigachad (although the prototype they showed off omits the private parts, hopefully the final version will still include them).

As for twinks, I can't really think of any. Though if you are open to more trap-ish twinks, Figma Astolfo figures are a no-brainer recommendation but they'd be long since sold out and only available second-hand, probably at high prices. The upside is that there were various different versions in different outfits, so you'd be able to select from a look you prefer
i think sozai-kun is your best choice, just plop a head of your liking or make a custom, there is a very small ammount of twink coom figurines :(
i just ordered two and im planning to make some genshin men
oh yeah, just remembered, there are also the FREE figmas, but i dont know their aftermarket
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I've made a printable shota body and wanna make some more male bodies, maybe a femboy and a twink next. Obviously not an option for everyone though.
It's a ball peg, so you can actually kinda pose the cock. It's honestly pretty ingenious.
Y'all are disgusting virginal losers. I'm out.
I would say SAS Jojo, but there aren't really much options other than the Pillar Men.
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Could pick up one of the various body-kuns or sozai, or Figma Styles Ryo.
Yep, there's actually two covers in case you lose one.
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I actually just ordered both Astolfos. They're typically $130 each on Nin-Nin-Game. Was going to get the Figma Male Body (Ryo) #452 but he skyrocketed in price and is OoS. But it's worth noting this is a compatible body. There are others such as Lio Fotia and maybe one more femboy. You can also sculpt a Shota mold (from Shota Anon here) and play it off as a shortstack femboy. Or use longer legs to make them more of a shorter adult stature. Lord help me if they ever make a Venti figure. I would. No hesitation. He's not as fuckable as Astolfo, but personality wise and what he believes I think I'd actually love him more.
I got back for lunch from work but not long enough to take the silly pics I was hoping to to answer this question. It's like a ball peg on the actual genitals. So the peghole is on the figure.
>not for everyone
Please, I need a good body for my fuckable and breedable traps. I'd straight up help print them and work out whatever after print issues are needed so others without printers can get them if we were provided a great body to use.
Thanks for reminding me. This is something I'll need to try. I'm bad at skin tones so I may just have to grab one of each.
>I'd straight up help print them and work out whatever after print issues are needed so others without printers can get them if we were provided a great body to use.
That'd be pretty cool honestly. I've got a resin printer (hence how I'm able to make the prototypes in the first place) but I'm currently saving for a Bambu A1 FDM printer as I want to replace the need for Hobby Base joints with FDM-printable ones, thus making a hypothetically 100% printable figure.
If you wanna have a go, I have my shota body available for free from here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/naughties/articulated-coomer-bait-art-acba-02-lad
Just be aware it's one of my earlier works. The hands in particular are a bit shit but as the wrists used are just standard Hobby Base 2mm pegged joints (or Figma wrists if you have 'em) you can use any hands you want, including the ones in the multi-pack which I sell for a very small fee.
Honestly I do want to print off and sell some of the bodies to fellow anons, but again I need to get the FDM machine and master making joints with that, just because selling the figures with the Hobby Base joints isn't cost-effective. I could sell the kits without joints included of course? But I think it'd be better if I could sell complete bodies. Also being able to print bespoke joints would seriously increase my ability to make better articulation schemes.
a while ago an anon ITT said not to bother with other skin tones for sozai because pretty much every figma is light flesh, so i got 2 light flesh

id love to make venti some day too, but the current available bodies are too big, and a girl body will be too much work i dont like (i dont think i will be able to turn boobs into a flat chest...), who do you plan to make? i wanna make alhaitham and kaveh :)
printable joints are such a good idea, i thought about getting one of your bodies but i dont wanna get joints form some site i have to pay million dollars of tax to get here, im looking very forward to your new tech breakthroughs!
my only critique would be how you stylize bodies sometimes and if you ever need an artist i would gladly help on your project, i think designing a figurine would be so cool but i have 0 3d skills
>my only critique would be how you stylize bodies sometimes and if you ever need an artist i would gladly help on your project, i think designing a figurine would be so cool but i have 0 3d skills
Thank you, anon! I totally hear you, I need to do more sculpting practice; I've been slacking recently (not helped by IRL nonsense getting in the way) but I want to get back to work soon. I have lots of ideas for new bodies, male and female, but I'm torn as to whether to just get on and design them now or wait until I have an FDM printer so I can start work on the printable plastic joints. Then again, I reckon HB joint "clones" would be the best way to go for starting out with printable joints so I wouldn't have to change my design philosophy. Hmmm.
Side note, I wanna do a second redo of my shortstack figure (and "bonus" loli figure which I can't actively advertise on Cults lmao) but I might wait until I've got the FDM machine for that as tiny figures pose unique engineering challenges...pun not intended. I'm thinking for my next female body of either doing a musclegirl/amazon or a chubby girl.
id say get it out of your head and start working on the bodies while youre inspired, the longer you sit on an idea the less cool you think it is. I would go for HB clones for joints too, desu i would copy the figma look a lot if i was you lol.
Please do a muscle girl! lots of people want them and you can use already existing male muscular figurines as a reference.
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>Why is everyone so mean to me?
No? Her arm is too up.
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I know ppl were talking about the Mantis again last thread. Did the Manticora get posted here at all? Same company/line.
Anyone ever printed their own furniture? I upsized some 32mm haunted house furniture to use as decadent couches and such. In the process of painting it. What’s the sluttiest color for velvet chairs?
Blood Red or Deep Purple
Your post is ass.
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>"Thank you for visiting our store. In order to provide better service to our customers, we periodically review our product categories. As a result of the consideration, we decided to discontinue sales of R18+ category goods (limited to sexy dolls and adult toys) as of 2nd July."
>"Please be assured that orders placed before 1st July will be shipped out in the usual manner."
>lately DLsite, Getchu, DMM, FANZA, etc. suspended gaijin credit card services for 18+ stuff.
Now this shit is encroaching into toys? What the fuck is going on? Are AmiAmi & HLJ going to make this move too?
Oh FDM for joints and Resin for the body. I like that. I'm also planning to get both. Been looking into 3d printing figures myself too and looking into resin mixing for a more durable resin printed figure. Then also what kinds of paints and how to coat to protect it and stuff. On flexible parts at least. I have a Phrozen Sonic Mighty 8k Resin printer and plan on grabbing the best and largest FDM printer I can so I can print cosplay stuff. Also could print props and have ideas of printing a 1/12 working RC vehicle. There's a stunning 1/12 Hummer that's fully functioning top of the line RC but the maker sells the parts individually. Meaning I can assemble the chasis and drive train and print a body and rims and wheels. Bam, custom 1/12 working rc. So you can say I'm ambitious, but I've been thinking about it.
Currently saving to get a custom PC and then a game extractor. Gonna build a desk for my pc and workstation for my printer and fume extractor. Then a detolf and shelf for my figures.
>If you wanna have a go
I'll consider it. Don't want to start until my station is complete. I'll join soon.
>be better if I could sell complete bodies
True. It may be niche, but the body is competing with the other black body figures. Good luck on getting the joints right. Continue to update us.
>every figma is light flesh
Thanks, I'll go ahead and grab a couple this weekend. Gonna need my femboy bodies ready when they get here. Also grabbed some 86 female bodies from Ali. They should be in that tone. Sweet. Gotta wait and see still.
>current available bodies are too big
EXACTLY. The damn bodies are too big to make a lewd Amatsukaze or loli. So I'll need to experiment but yeah, here's hoping the Sozai bodies are good enough for Astolfo.
>able to turn boobs into a flat chest
Can always grab a cheap body and try. Somehow. Or wait for crowdsourcing to make the platform. Could be a minute.
>who do you plan to make
I'd love to work and 3D print multiple Fire Emblem characters since Figma refuses to make more than the 3 they have. Hinoka, Fjorm, Adult Tiki, My daughter Morgan (manakete ears to match her mom), etc. I'm planning to grab 3d models and sculpt off that. Mainly just slicing to print better and figure out how to make outfits and accessories flow. Etc. I'd also love some Azur Lane girls. Cleveland and Warspite especially. Definitely other kinds of characters. But definitely wanting to make Kancolle Ryuujou. I love her and she only got a Nendo. Can you tell I have a type? Also would love to make a Rivet. She's adorable. Painting is a whole other skill I need to learn. Fuck me...
I doubt there are many toys that fall into this category. They are probably talking about statues
Part of the elitist plot to get people to have more sex with actual humans beings so they don't run out of workslaves, obv
Seems to be the case. If you use the japanese version of that page there is no mention of it. I'm guessing credit card companies looked at some of the shit they sell and were not happy. Amazon japan for example flat out blocked global viewers from seeing most adult goods.
>foreign credit cards

Joshua Moon is right, why are American corporations like this?
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I was thinking purple with gold pinstripes. I am also making this…
I think they are just referring to pocket pussies and shit not Skytube scale figures and action figures with tits out.
I didn’t though about that.
Then I guess „she”’s doing it.
You don't have much options, seems like those figs are only available on BBTS.
Sweet! but you gotta show what are the 86 bodies are i cant find them, also, can't the sozai S bodies do a good loli? if you manage to find them, HLJ havent had them in stock in ages. Astolfo looks good on the sozai kun body, i dont have either (yet) but im sure someone here has pics saved, i cant find any myself :(
Your ideas are very ambitious! Id kill for Azur Lane girls, currently there are only lolis im not interested in or the MadHands kit that are imposible to get, i want big girls like St Louis, Taihou and Owari, theyre the best bets too because theyre very popular. Good luck with learning to paint your girls :)
this is the last thread where i expected a null mention what the fuck
>You as a grown adult cannot be trusted to make your own decisions. Let us think for you. And we think you are too young to own this smut.
I hope it doesn't happen with HLJ or Amico. HLJ warn you on the listing to check your local customs laws to see if you are allowed to import 18+ items, so they are covering their bases. So no, I cannot import the figure of the 1000 year old vampire in the body of a grade schooler flicking her bean. Thick succubi with fat titties are still allowed, thankfully. But I'll get party vanned if I import certain volumes of No Game No Life or To Love Ru.
What was it? Doesnt load now
Just get the SHF, take the head off and stick it on a blank body.
it involved tighty whities and a maid outfit. also it loaded just fine, have you already blown your lewd bandwith for the month?
where is this?
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Is the new Hasuki girl available for pre-order anywhere but AmiAmi yet? Waiting for Gundamit but nothing so far.
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Have these been flagged up here? They seem very good value. https://gundamit.com/orange-cat-industry-solomon-seventy-two-jk-camio-version_p1715.html
Why didn’t the SHF Harry Potter line seem to do well? They only ever ended up doing the 3 kids and Snape, right?
Not much crossover between Harry Potter people and the action figure/weeb crowd, maybe?
A Sozai-chan or a body-chan maybe? I’ve no idea.
Because they are ugly as fuck? SHF can't make toys. It's like the most repeated line here. Well that and shills samefagging.
Bad timing probably. There will always be Harry Potter fans, but the last movie had been 7 years ago at the time and I think people were more interested in the older versions of the characters. Maybe they'd have done better coming out after Hogwarts Legacy.
murdered by nendoroidchads
also this >>11033412
I feel like that barely brought any fan interest. It’s just kinda like Star Wars now, where the original movies are carrying most of the fan interest on their backs and all the new things that come out are sorta like wet farts nobody really remembers a month later. And if the new show ever gets made it’s not going to have the charm of those movies and there won’t be any merch of the old films.
Wasn’t Legacy about original characters donut steel?
I'd cum if they made a Jack figure, and I'd sculpt him a beautiful penis addon set.
>Chi Chi didn’t wear this as an adult
Why is Toriyama like this
He's dead now, leave him a lone.
No, I’m going to dig him up and demand he rewrite the whole manga to deliver adult Chi Chi bikini armour.
Brilliant, but 1/10, so ew
The crackdown on adult content this year is genuinely fucking scary. Payment processors should not have the power to enact country-scale censorship because of >muh sensibilities. Japan is literally being walled off from the West to protect its adult media industries, but even in the West we have shit like paypal saying "written consent is not enough to prove consent" and gumroad entirely cutting off their adult creators overnight. It's fucking targeted, it's a coordinated effort, and I don't even know what can be done to try and stop it.
I kinda want to pick these up, I keep seeing it. But what the fuck am I gonna do with it, recreate the French Revolution on a shelf or do endless versions of the First Time? Meme with anime figures?
huuuuuuuuuh there wer 1/12 version? I only saw the 1/6 ones... are they still up? I don't remember where I saw them again...
I don't think any of the action figure lines have done particularly well, except for maybe the PopCo line over in the UK.
This is kinda meh for me. But if you have a good 1/12 poker table then I'm interested. One that's not a nondescript $80 thing.
I mean I guess if w're talking about Mai-chan and her daily life.
Hard to ignore figures that shit.
Shamrock from Daibadi Polynians.
Your figures shouldn't be shitting, unless you own one of those Baby Born dolls for little girls.
You’re supposed to have your bully be fucking some slut while her head is in the guillotine. The torture is that he pulls the rope if she cums. Think, man. Think.
he say GAY coomer stuff.
I don't think gay people are attracted to Transgender characters
idk whats american or political about a boy looking like a girl
Weebs and nips love HP. But having realistic looking kid figures is weird, and their plastic cloaks were awkward to have as action figures. Like other anon mentioned, they're much more cute in nendo and nendo doll form. They also got successful anime style statues from Pop Mart, they made several characters from HP and Fantastic Beasts.
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yes i am
I don't think every one gets mutilated retard
The reason card networks are doing this is because a billionaire jew, Bill Ackman, strong armed them
thats what otokonoko means *blushes*
Why don't you go 41%-50% yourself zippertits? Your mental illness doesn't get to monopolize traps.
Imagine my shock. It's seriously ironic how they'll go about destroying the west by flooding it with gay cuck and tranny porn, then when men say no to women en masse and do their own thing and enjoy nsfw stuff on their own terms, (((they))) then turn around amd ban it to ostracize them yet again. Men literally cannot have ANYTHING.

And it's the dumbest shit imaginable because these retards don't understand that the only thing keeping men from overthrowing the system overnight is the distractions of games, porn, and hobbies they have. Take enough of that away and you suddenly have a generation or 2 of very angry fighting age young men with idle hands and a feeling of resentment towards those who don't leave them alone.
You can say I turned to figures cause games are largely shit these days. Too flooded with garbage and ideology. That was taken from me. If they keep pushing this shit, it's gonna get bad as tons of men find themselves no outlets anymore, cornered on all sides.
>says trap
>doesnt know where its from
oh my sweet zoomer child
quick learner
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Official Fire and Ice Teegra unboxing.
Looks nicer than I expected desu, definitely a bit limited but those cheeks and thighs look good
Aside from the expected 90 degree ability on the elbows and knees, the articulation turned out good.
the paint app SHF use for real life actors is disgusting and only recently they learned how to make a totally not dogshit ones

plush hard plastic robes kill any mobility
They did a great job on the body. Hair kind of looks bad, but I guess this is about as good as it gets for western-style figures.
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Monkey's paw.
You finally receive your robot waifu in the mail...
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But it's made by Funki.
I've been thinking recently how this guy was an absolute chad for making customs at such an age.
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Started work on an amazon/musclegirl body. Will stand 5.5" tall with a head, so my biggest figure to date.
With a butthole right
I bet he went on to create the Toy Story universe's equivalent of FigureRealm.com
The company that made the murderous M3GAN doll in the movie

[spoiler]She kills a dog and rips off the ear of a bullying boy[/spoiler]
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No comprende ingles, senor
Delete the assplates and put cheeks on the leg pieces

You fags are fucking lazy with searching.
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I want to make a silicone onahole/sexdoll with swappable breasts and limbs.
The idea is that she is a fairy/mini-girl, I wanted to make her smaller and similar to Aloe from Ishuzoku Reviewers (the superior girl) but even my smallest onahole is much bigger than her torso, so I had make her 65cm tall so I can fuck her balls-deep.

Right now I'm contemplating giving her a lightly harder silicone ribcage so it feels a bit more real, the angle of penetration should deflect my penis away from it anyways, even if it gets in the way it should still be soft, like teeth in oral onahole. Likewise I'm also giving her a pelvis that can split at the pubis, mainly because I need to connect the spine and legs with something, hopefully a metal wire with silicone casted around it should be enough to keep her back straight. I'll also see if I can separate the upper chest with the lower torso to reduce the amount of material I would need to replace after I destroy her lady-bits

I want to give her mecha-musume style limbs so I can turn her into a nugget, maybe I'll fanny-pack her, but I also want to avoid too manny seamless joints, so whilst the torso will be soft silicone, the libs should be more traditional joints. What's left is to make a wax-cast of my favorite onahole so I can scan it and 3D print the molds.
Cooming too often takes away the motivation, anon.
wtf you got yours already? I still didnt even get an email about mine shipping
I did, the angle just makes it look like she has more of an assplate than she does.
Just got an email from Native store, Succubus Queen shipping out on the 28th!
he's one of the creators who got a factory sample
Me too, sweet! I am excited to get the big titty succubus
Hot damn
fuck off back to /pol/, kiddo. you aren't welcome here.
I'm not a retard who wastes their time there. I'll be wherever I please. Your rattled feefees don't change the fact that I'm right.
Ignore the creature, it's probably a raider from bunkerchan or a similarly-affiliated discord.
>muh /pol/
Everybody hates you. Some people just pretend they don't. Fuck off to /lgbt/ and take the tranny janny with you.
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Here you go.
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>magats upset about fags posting queer hobbies on a gay website
I wish they would go make smerica great again and leave thd rest of us the fuck alone.
That's just plain wrong anon. Keep coomin
You should bless each one with a day dedicated to only fapping to it.
Succubus Queen officially paid for
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Order arrived while I was at home for lunch. Fuck yeah. Faggots and lolis acquired (plus lolicon Nagato and depressed salesman)

Zoom zoom
JK thighs??!?!?!?
Yes he is but you aren’t. It’s just called being normal, btw.
It’d be ok if it was priced accordingly but I suspect it isn’t.
How exactly is that shit coomer related?
Is it worth actually buying official effect packs? I’ve only ever gotten the taobao KO ones.
good lord undertale garbage. ahhhhhuhuhhh
that makes me sad
Imagine that your figures are all born-again Christians and they're judging you.
Post some pics of Shy
That just makes it hotter.
Shortstack-anon again. I have just discovered that Resione makes a flexible printer resin. I hear it's a bit of a sod to print, but if I can get it to work I might be able to print the pelvis pieces of my bodies in the stuff, drastically increasing leg range. Could possibly do soft tits too, though I'd have to make the chest with a solid "core" that the titty overlay slides over.
That said, I'll probably need to buy an extra resin printer so I don't have to swap out resin for just one piece of a body. Christ, between that and the FDM printer I need to get, shit's gonna get expensive...
we were robbed. Chichi went from cute to tough to nagger. The worst character arc besides anyone who was capable in dragon ball getting benched in z.
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Yeah... the outfit is really cute though.
Shy thighs are honestly something that could've been improved. Just took her out the box and there's a glaring mold seam up and down both thighs. On the outside.
You'd be correct. Both were outrageously overpriced at $130 each. Been keeping an eye on them for over half a year and it doesn't go lower than that. It sometimes goes higher.
He said Zoomer. Just ignore anyone throwing that meaningless shit out. It's obviously him.
For me at least, I think so. The knock offs are going to be cheaply made or significantly worse for not that much difference. Flimsy and likely to warp and fall over. These don't warp and comply pretty easily to posing as well as propping up mid air with stands. Would only get knock offs for super rare packs like the purple and black flames. Did I overpay for the water effect pack just so that I can have my Kancolle girls skating the water? Fuck yes. Did I over pay for these? No, they were less than $20 each. Big Bad Toy Store has some sick fighting effects that were delayed a couple months so far. $15 per but worth it for me. Here is an image I took using some parts last week. Everything looks sharp& balanced.
Will do, gonna have fun at my own pace first.
Yeah, Resionne was the stuff I saw on YouTube for Ball Jointed Doll prints and even for things like tires. This is the stuff I plan to mix in the resin with my Phrozen printer eventually.
>shits gonna get expensive
Did you even consider a proper air filter Anon? Not those carbon ones. Those only filter odor. Not the real threats. The fune extractor I'm eyeing is some $1300.
I dunno, I'd argue Gohan getting completely sidelined from what was supposed to be his own story, and then getting mugged by Freiza fodder is genuinely infuriating and insulting. Chichi would've been sidelined eventually anyways. She's not as useful like the tech utility Bulma provides the story.
For a second, the thumbnail made me think you had a Necron Deceiver action figure.
Well shit. I snooze i lose. I would like to get the leona since i love kof but she looks weird here.
>he fell for bandaislop
sorry for your monetary loss anon...the effects look cool though
Eyyyyyy, just got charged for her!
Yep, as mentioned by another anon, I got an email saying she ships out on the 28th. Looking forward not only to gettting her, but seeing Second Axe's next figure. I expect an announcement in the coming months.

That's really gross
Undertale has to be one of the worst things ever created.
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>those seamlines
>granny assplate
>dogshit face
>paint QC issues
>huge hairgap
you should try refunding this garbage while you still can ayylmao
Fuck off Pedo
Yea this does look really bad.
Looks like a bootleg. I thought the other anons were just memeing. Bandai really can't make toys it seems.
you have to go back
Megumin is borderline
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Should have listened to >>11031855
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Booba Succubus is paid for. Can't wait!
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I got charged today so it’s happening
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Hope she gets bootlegged. I like the physique for a custom, but wouldn't wanna permanently mod a real one.
Nice big haul.
I hope you have fun with her. Thanks for sharing. I'll take anons enjoying their toys any day over people who do nothing but hate on everything.

Not to long anon and we get to have some tig ole succubus bitties

They have bootlegged every other second ax figures to date. So it stands to reason they will do this one as well.
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Bonus Megumin faceplate. Worth it. Now Mona has a friend. Got 2 mage girls and 2 kunoichi. Almost 2 dragon girls.
For $48 I don't feel too bad honestly. She could be better but her expressions are really cute. It's also not the most pushed anime anyways, so I didn't expect the best. Especially after they kinda botched the Bleach line.
I'm pretty happy with her regardless. Thanks. Think I'll just ignore any criticism that's not constructive without any pictures of TOYS. Couldn't help but notice the thread was halfway past bump limit and only with 37 images before I posted this. Seeing an awful lot of NO toys being posted. Especially anything that's not promotional images.
Was this telling me to ignore the shill. I have been. Or were you calling me a shill, cause I'm not. I understand the flaws in figures I buy and did so anyways. And I'm still satisfies with my purchase. Sure hope many Anons can do the same. No figure is perfect if you nitpick hard enough and there's always a tradeoff somewhere.
Looks sick as fuck, wonder what the size will be. Bicep plates for good fight poses with extended arms, very nice
Been long enough, congrats. Share upon arrival.
Is that the motherfucking Eiko Carol headswapped? Nice!
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Shfaggots trying too hard
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No. Apparently not. This is the new rerelease. I posted pic of the whole haul and there you can see they added the "3" to the title on the box.
What was that? Who made this Megumin? Even knowing what a glaring problem was and couldn't fix it? Guess your God has failed you. Now shut the fuck up before you become as annoying as the denjifag.
Hope you enjoy her
Thanks, it was my reward to myself. Also haven't bought more than Dasin Ukitake in the last 5 months. We catching up. Enjoy her immensely. Jamiroquai is a hilarious figure, glad someone grabbed him. I genuinely considered it cause it was up for pre-order when the meme was getting around
Yes, Shexo. Don't know why but I love a girl wearing white gloves like that. It's just so aesthetic. And no, Disney didn't do this to me. I don't care for Minnie or any of those gloved characters.
Sounds like the line flopped way too hard. Not happening. The show style of expressions would've no doubt been a boon for a shota figure though.
I'd say this is model kit quality for a full figure price (scam) but I got model figures with less ugly seams than that and better ass on top of it. No idea how anybody can still get shilled into buying shfs in current year. I mean for shonentards I get it they don't have anything else but even those get better chink bootlegs than originals at this point. Anyway thanks for proving everyones point lol. Never buying shfslop.
Me too. How fast do they usually ship after receiving payment?
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Is the exclusive face worth it?
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Anyone else notice Native put up Yukikaze for sale???
Looks like they where sitting on some old stock of her and want to get rid of it now.
If she's still retail price from them seems like it'd be a decent deal, if I didn't own her already.
You should've also got an email announcing her shipping date.
It's the 28th when they'll start shipping her.
This looks like a fucking grandma in one piece bathing suite lol. Hope you get your refund bro
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What was meant to be a cute, shy and wholesome expression kind of turned out to be a pretty perverted rape face. I love it
>evening gloves
>elbow gloves
A tag for the truly distinguished gentleman
She pumps her pussy. Makes it extra sloppy and loud during sex
Gonna have to coom now
don't forget the sleeper tag: bridal_gauntlets my man
For a coomer, absolutely.
just the natural state of the board t.b.h
With this one and the Snail Shell one coming I need a male figure to pair with my succubi, preferably a generic NEET or a shota, any suggestions?
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i am IRATE
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>someone saved my picture
You speak the truth chud anon
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Astolfo has a cute butt. Don't think there's a bulge. That's okay, I like my faggots small anyways
She's got a great face for sure
Hot. Megumin has very exploitable expressions. As God intended.
Very true, how could I forget!
Not samefagging you schizo. I'm all for calling them out but you're genuinely paranoid. The one youre thinking of already got hit with a ban for shitting up another thread yesterday. I had 1 SHF figure out of 7 figures here and that's all your type can focus on it seems. I've never once stated shf was superior or tried to brand war. I just saw cute girl and I think cute girl with sex appeal was appropriate for the board. Everyone else started malding.
I usually do. Young angry men have overthrown kings, toppled nations, and wiped out armies. It's wild to think that this manufactured safety has led the elite to think that they're immune all of a sudden.
reminder that armor and FEMALE titan are next
the figure is fairly cheap and there are only 2 faces...so it's kinda a must have if you plan to get it
You can make a figma shota based on that one anon's recipe (pic related).
is the penis on?
If I answer no, will that break the immersion?
Perhaps I should just say fuck it and take some lewd pics and post on catbox, crop it to be suggestive and post here. Have a couple in mind already.
I don't think he was talking to you

We also have the booru ... although I'll admit I am shit about remembering to post pictures to it. But last I looked we had over a thousand pictures posted together on it.
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Those leg shots are hot and I'm not even gay.
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Reminder to report this faggot on sight. All the shitposting, brandwaring and samefagging in all the generals is him.
thanks for proving my point and posting yourself shitting up the revothread
Don't forget this faggot >>11035860 needs to be reported as well. Posting Shf in general is shilling and off topic and is against the rules.
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>wake up to find all my male figures have disintegrated
>some products may have deteriorated
what the fuck, did they have some statues that fell apart on them or did the second axe line have some bad qc?
It's almost certainly just them being overly cautious/warning that they've been in storage for a while, a bit like how Mandarake will massively mark down items as "box heavily damaged" because of a tiny scuff on the corner of the box. To be fair being stuck in a box for too long doesn't do nice things to toys but it should be fine.
Yukikaze came out in 2022, so its more a disclaimer incase your figure has minor scratches or whatnot from whatever happens to it sitting in the warehouse.
If u get one with a genuine QC issue I don't see why they wouldn't replace it unless they straight up run out of stock.

But my experience with their Customer Service was terrible. My Erika was missing one of the star things on her skirt and had a minor scratch on one of the faces.
Took em 2 years to send it out over some Covid shipping BS where they werent shipping certain services to my country and they didn't want to swap shipping services to fedex.
atleast they did ship it out when the service they wanted to use was restored.
That shouldn't be an excuse now if u do happen to get a QC issue tho.
>This anon who bought mostly Figmas needs to be reported because despite him mentioning how disappointing the thigh seams were, posting a SHF is still shilling
Brandwars fag has removed his mask. His final form is pure schizophrenia.
I don't usually call people shills but there's a guy in the shf thread right now trying to tell an anon he doesn't have a qc problem he clearly does >>11036017
Reminder that false reports will result in a ban. Remember that you unrepentant retard.
not a big fan of shf desu
not one bit
figuma ees worseu
Then the answer is yes.
Seemed like it. Cause otherwise it doesn't make sense what he was saying. I may try the booru. Might as well use it.
I'm okay with it.
this should be first post in every general...if only people would listen to it too
Every general apart from the Shf general and the toku general. Both those places shill shf hard and are the reason we have shitposters like denjianon and shyfaggot shitting up these threads
Man, if simply posting a figure I was personally satisfied with a couple times, not even defending the figure itself, was enough to be considered shitting up the thread then maybe you shouldn't be on this site. Go meditate or something. You clearly need time to yourself to thicken your skin.
You replied to every shill post retard. Thats enough be considered shitting up the thread. Nobody (except falsflagging denjifag) said you couldn't post her and everyone only judged how she looked like (she looks like shit). You bought a highly shilled item so you have to expect anons to laugh at you for falling for the shills. Shf can't make toys. Its not really a joke anon. The actual shill piggybacked your post to shill, samefag and shit up the thread and you gave him (you)s. So either you really are a shill or just fucking retarded. I for one think its the later.

It doesn't help that the revo thread got shat up by him before that abd even after people told numerous times to ignore the shills you kept replying. So yeah go fuck yourself or something retard.
NTA but claiming that an entire brand that's been popular on /toy/ for years is bad and that anyone who likes anything they make is a "shill" is fucking retarded. We aren't talking about NECA here.
Not every one. I was also under the impression denjifag was on another ban starting yesterday until I saw him post. I did in fact not respond to him. I also don't really troll shf or figma threads outside of the rare visit. Figma threads doompost about "It's so over bros, the heyday is long gone" and shf threads are polluted by shills and samefags spamming qc issues and stating grievances about things like the new Kaiju No. 8 line. I saw no shilling at all whatsoever. I saw this figure on the newly added section when planning a purchase. That's all. You can judge me on making a poor decision, but you cannot say I fell for the hype I didn't even see.
>shill piggyback
That may be the case for some, most or even all of it. It really didn't seem that disruptive if it was the case.
>"Oh nos! The BOOGEYMAN said something looked nice!"
Meanwhile all the schizos:
>takes every opportunity to start a fight and argue
Talking about him like hes the issue, shut the fuck up. The denjifag may be onto something. Yall make it so easy that you kind of deserve it. You all have been WAY more disruptive and annoying than he was this entire time. All I really ever do is try to be appreciative of pictures posted and say nice things and be encouraging. You may think that's naive, but that just tells me you don't know anything about approaching even a not-so-optimistic situation with good faith in an attempt to encourage more people to share and have fun. FORGIVE ME for thinking that even one or two could've been someone like that in denjifags believed absence when I have experienced similar hospitality here before on OTHER SHF FIGURES.

Notice how I didn't defend the purchase of Spamton? Debating the merits of the series with those hating Undertale would've for sure been derailing. I left that alone entirely. I'm not going to neck myself anytime soon. You cannot make me feel bad about what I like or my purchases. I'll be staying. Cry.
I'm not reading all that.
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My latest purchase. I have her oneesan the ox and she is great, very underrated. Sorry I don’t have a lot of pics of my actual stuff. I just never bother to take pictures although I do have a popup photo booth now.
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could have just kept avatarfagging denjinigger
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>denjifag was banned
I've never been banned off /toy/. Someone false flagging as me maybe. I simply stopped posting for a while because everyone was hype posting nonstop instead of posting fun pics. Also this was me too yet no one jumped on me for "shilling" funnily enough. It's almost like seeing Denji's face is needed to send shitposters into a frenzy. Kek.
*Also this was me too >>11036185
man talk about exposing someone
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I can be the Pepeshanon
I'm so fucking tired of shfshills at this point it's not even funny. Worst brand of collectors. One subhumans worse than the other. Literally every single schizo from this board is one. Unreal. I'd tell you to kill yourselves but I have not a single fucking doubt that you fags will do it without someone telling you to anyway.
lol l m a o
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every accusation from these faggots is a confession
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Need paws in open platform heels already.
Might as well. That's my last response to retards like you. I feel like I defended myself well enough.
Neat, never seen this figure. Little mouse mage with a key staff. That's pretty cool, I especially love when characters wear that kind of see through plastic like on the Degris Swimsuit meme a bit back. Nice! Can't say I've seen the ox either. Pics are always welcome
I'm also waiting for anything in Yutsune. I hope the tail isn't terrible. Looks a little jarring but still willing to try it out. I appreciate ambition. Besides. Not many good furry figures that aren't fugly or super muscled men.
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That's the spirit! Now we're a trio! Also ironically I don't trust that BruceLeeposter a while back because he acted painfully similar to the falseflagger that impersonated me a some time ago
I remember you got your janny buddy to delete that single post or maybe you mass reported it meanwhile my other posts in that thread and other threads that day remained. You kept celebrating like I was banned. It was cute.
Welcome to the club new target of "I hate SHF so any posts with them is SHILLING" anon. You do you. He'll just keep replying to himself so don't bother responding.
Fluffy tail is a bit weird, gives the same uncanny look overscale soft goods can. But I do like it.
Also crossposting from the MD/FAG thread (>>11036791), we're nearing the end of the assembly phase for this thot. Soon I'll start dyeing/painting her.
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You may be thinking “but she’s not coomer,” Well she is not coomer YET. I’ll start by giving her a crying face and bare feet.
Okay, now just imagine this thread as a Shakespearean play.
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Midsummer Night’s Dream but with a single guy screaming in the corner about shf?
Merchant of Venice but the shf screamer is Shylock
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>brandwarsfag is angry because he lent 3000 ducats to denjiposter and his daughter ran away to play with shf
>at the end he is converted into the shf shill he has been screeching about all along
i hope we get two tail options like this one and another like Arcanadea Yukumo has
Man, why doesn't she get bonus parts like the taimamin figures?
I read the doujin, she should have a pregnant belly part too.
I just bought her from local reseller for the same price I would pay for shipping + import fees. Except they won't have her for two more months.
I agree with you, but I assume the manufacturer's justification would be the alt torso being bundled in the base release as "replacing" the bonus.
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Not a very coomercore figure, you may be saying to yourself. But doesn’t it feel great to corrupt the pure? I really want bare legs on this sloot but she has tall oneesan proportions that make her great but hard to fit stuff onto. She really has that “would look at you in utter disgust” vibe and also the defiant face while being tied down and railed kinda persona.
You should restrain her and dust her thoroughly.
It would have been like 2 extra pieces, maybe even just 1. Maybe they'll do a dlc with it or a deluxe release later, idk, she deserves more parts.
It's a massive missed opportunity. I do hope they give us some extra parts for her, it certainly seems that she's sold well enough cause she's out of stock everywhere. Only roadblock I can see is that she's only ever been in one issue by a hentai artist who does actually have more popular characters
They might include it as DLC with a more popular character if they make another of his characters, or make like Snail Shell and just sell it separately.
>a more popular character
I would HAPPILY welcome another Asanagi figure from Second Axe, but my gut feeling is the next release will go back to Taimaninverse stuff. Rinko would be nice.
He has been doing this for years, he does it for attention.
>You will place your nuts HERE.
Sauce on that girlpla?
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actual banger
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The older Figma definitely show their age, but I gotta say I'm loving the Kancolle girls. Some of my first exposure to anime so they have a special place for me. This faceplate was also perfect. Designers knew the community memes very well and that deserves respect
>welcome to the club
I'm on board for Yutsune. There's really cute concept art for her. She should be coming with a closed and open parasol. Very beautiful and good accessories.
Good work Anon, good luck with the dyeing/painting
Any figure can be coom with enough ambition. But crying face huh? You planning to bully mouse girl? The gold with the purple looks fucking sick too. I'm partial as an MN Vikings fan though.
Kek, amazing picture. What even are those parts used for the milk?
That's a cool work station. A cyberpunk mechanic feel. Looks good.
>doesn’t it feel great to corrupt the pure?
Yes, but I think it's more fun to be pure and get corrupted by a devious lady
Got me jejjin good
how do I filter this faggot anyway?
shut up please
Long walk off a short pier. 100% guaranteed success rate. No proxy will get around that filter.
Unless you've been living under a rock the Shf general (and toku to an extent) have been exposed for being inhabited by redditors. Not surprising since shf can't make good toys, it is the reddit of all import lines and allowing them to continue as they please resulted in a massive shitposting campaign that has made this board worse than it should have. Every faggot who bought an shf are redditors and a shill and needs to kill themselves for the betterment of this site.

You're doing god's work anon, the mods should really ban all things Shf and any mentions of them since they're redditslop. Only then will the shitposting stop.
I seriously hope nobody here falls for this denjifag samefagging.
now THAT made me coom
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Beloved wives...
seems to be an overkill to buy a printer just for that. why not make a mold and use liquid silicone?
Those are kinda sticky from my memory, they’d just attract dust, tiny fibres and anon’s pubes.
I only have one, but classic Chi Chi is pretty nice. Only complaints I have are she's very top heavy on account of her giant noggin, and shf's continued refusal to use peghole stands instead of the shit claw ones.
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Chibiusa is probably fine for a degen.
They put them on a few, like Suletta and Miorine, so I don’t know why they don’t make it a universal design choice. Maybe GSC noted they were figma stand compatible and made some legal threats, since they seem quite litigious over there.
Are the shills in the room with us right now?
File deleted.
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this is so fucking based holy shit
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>anon paid money for this because he hates SHF so much
Kek but not really thread related
Are we pretending AI generated slop is kino now?
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>shredditshill so butthurt about this he can't stop samefagging
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>posting fake and edited version
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Figma conan is my favorite shota
That reminds me, is the anon with the giant Cattleya and the figma custom shota son still here? That looked really official.
berserkschizo gonna freak
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I cant wait to build these.
>world overthrowing trannycomplaining chud enjoys his impor Astolfo figure
it's like poetry, it rhymes
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A micro-mini update from Venchar's feed. Still in early-early development, at this time.
the people demand disclosure
So what, are we going to memory hole the existence of traps and femboys being fucktoys for traditionally masculine society since time and memorium?memoriam? From ancient Greeks, to middle eastern femboy dancers to American Civil War drummer boys. This really shouldn't be a surprise.
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This project hasn't been going especially well. For starters, the dye process doesn't work, like, at all on bishoujo kits. The different plastics react differently, soaking up dye either super fast or not at all. And on top of that, some parts' tolerances got weirdly tight- the spacer disks developed stress cracks (though not fatal ones, and fortunately they're not all that noticeable).
On top of that, as I had to paint the parts, whilst the paintjob is coming out pretty decently, my building skills clearly weren't up to snuff. My attempts at seamwelding, especially on the legs, were laughably bad. Also I'm glad I assembled the chest's shoulders as well, as the base kit's shoulders suffered from "Early MD shoulder syndrome" and disintegrated.
Still. Home stretch now.
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>Tade is the first horny figure from Dungeon Meshi, a manga with a catgirl, lewd elves and ninja girls
Incredibly good outcome. Face could be a bit cuter though.
Best-looking thing you've ever posted, imo
Thanks anon, unless that was a backhanded compliment in which case thanks anyway.
I want a figma of Izutsumi so bad
I've seen that one but I'm not wrecking several lolis to make a shota.
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Those parachute shorts are killing me, they're just a tad too big. But it's fine. Looking great Anon, dark skin girls for the win. Would like to see them more
Sounds like it's not going perfectly. Great effort, I think it's turning out good. Keep it up!
Different anon here, but I think your work has noticeably improved, so yeah I agree with the other anon that it's your best work yet, logically.
yeah the clothes aren't the greatest lmao but they were super cheap
Thanks both! It's going a bit better now, I've learned a lot from this and I think she should work. Definitely not gonna try and dye girlpla again.
Cute hairswaps
"Figma stand compatible"
That's called a 3mm peg, anon. Bandai has used those for longer than gsc.
You can force AI to sign nword by writing neighur
I did mention different plastics will not take dye the sake way. It was worth a try though and you can always just repaint it or try a second round on the lighter parts. Dying over seam welds is also going to fuck you over for the same reason- the welds are not the same consistency as the base material is. I was a noble effort and a valuable contribution to science to have tried it sempai. o7
Any solvent can fuck up plastic, it messes with the plasticizer and causes it to crumble. That’s what the fabled “plamo cracks from panel liner on bare ABS” idea comes from. But in reality it’s having the shit SIT on the surface that’s the problem. Pooling. And you’re soaking the pieces in chemicals so it’s not a huge shock that it happened.
You can putty up the damage since you ended up painting over it all anyway right?
Not a lot on their 6 inch figure line.
Thank you, anon! And yeah, lessons learned. I'm gonna try and finish her to a decent-enough standard rather than spend ages getting her perfect- I can't face puttying and repainting the seams on the legs, and honestly having her flaws visible will serve as a decent reminder of progress made. On the plus side I started painting the standard waist piece and the seam-welding I did was of much better quality, so, progress!
How did you do your welding? I did it for quite a while before I learned One Simple Trick (model magazines hate him!). You gotta have the piece almost totally closed with just a hairline crack, fill it with capillary action, let it sit for a count of 10, then press it tight. If you just slather cement onto each half then press it like they tell you to, that cement is already halfway dry when the parts are pressed together and doesn’t sit there melting the edges like you want it to. Gotta get that welding bead. I am mentioning this because like I said it was a game changer but took me a while to figure out and I wish I’d found out a lot sooner.
What all is left to do on choco-chan?
Variable Action Heroes Nami or Revoltech Mirko?
i suppose it depends on what you want and your scale preferences. Nami is a bit bigger iirc. but that said she shows a lot of skin, is a red heat, and has big tits. that's why i am getting her myself.
Yeah, VAH Nami is something like 1/10 or 1/9 scale. VAHs are all out of scale with eachother but are also all very much bigger than 1/12s.
For some reason I thought they are both 1/12. I think I'll get the bunny then, looking at my other shit and it's all 1/12.
hot glue is against the rules
Timeskip Nami will almost certainly get an SHF eventually. Otherwise you could pop a Nami statue head on a Sonico or Darkness bikini figure.
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i'm still around, just haven't been posting much since garage kits have been taking up my free time.
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Thanks for the tip on the welding. I'll definitely try that next time.
As for Choco-chan, she's almost done. Just gotta wait for the hair to dry (I had to retouch the hair when I prepared to assemble and then realized the topcoat wasn't quite dry, leaving a nasty fingerprint and lots of swearing) so you'll have to make do with her in brainlet mode.
The more I look at her, the more I see things that I really, really could have done a hell of a lot better. Granted, these shitty pics aren't doing her any favours (camera is charging so having to use phone) but...ugh.
One happy accident was when I was adding a gloss coat to the face to add the eye decals, a touch of gold from her (not pictured) shoes was still in the mix, but it ended up almost looking like body glitter, so I went with it and added a dusting to the rest of her skin.
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Regarding the obvious, horrible gap on the thigh, it HAD been glued...but inserting the upper thigh into the leg joint forced it open (failed dyejob must have affected things) and I couldn't face filling it.
Anyway. Once she's fully assembled I'm gonna put her in a nice pose and leave her alone. Most of the problems were my own fault from being overly ambitious, but them's the breaks. I know now.
Whose face is on the right?
Hey guys, if I find the Snail Shell Wolf Armed set for $190 (10% back in points), do I go for it? She seems pretty rare, I don't think there will be a rerun soon, and everything else seems to be going for 250+. What's your experience?
Had an awful experience with that gal. Her ankle peg broke right away, and later on an albow joint fell apart. Haven't seen anyone else have those complaints, though, so I could just be unlucky. Personally, I'd rather have 3 new SS figs for the money.
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MS General’s Raiders Of Shadow line. This girl is Ox. They’re all Chinese zodiac themed aupposedly with Rabbit and Rat also out. The neat thing is they have 2 complete girls in the box so you don’t have to pull them apart for armored modes. Ox came with that big forge/anvil thing and it comes apart to make more weapons. Stock photo cause I’m phoneposting. Odd that they don’t have the decals on her in this promo pic, she has nice ones.
I am a big fan of Chinesium kits overall, they have really improved in the last 4 years or so and many of them are right up there. They’re often a few years behind current Jap kits, but Jap kits a few years ago were still great and the yella Chinee are really good for their value in a way JP ones rarely are. Case in point, having 2 full girls and a shitload of large accessories and waterslides in the box, for less than one Megami costs. I buy girlpla from most every line, and a huge Eastern Model kit or these MS General ones are always a treat. The rrat is arriving in a few days and I’ll be dropping my current project to take a detour and build her up. Ox is definitely dusty but that’s because she stays on my PC desk instead of in a glass case.
She's great but not for that kind of dough. But I suppose that's up to you.
OK sit down anon. You don’t wanna hear this but you gotta. You’re going to pull the thigh back off, sand down the peg slightly and refit it will it goes on smoothly. Then you are going to weld that thigh like I told you, leave it for a day, and sand it smooth with a sanding sponge. Then repaint it. You did it once, you can paint it again. The backs of her arms could use the same treatment but the thigh for sure.
I am not saying this because it’s crap. I am saying this because it’s too good to leave ALMOST great. I do notice her hands being darker than the rest, maybe you can mix your skin paint a shade lighter then spray on highlights to blend it all together better.
I want to see her with blonde hair, and also with Chuchu’s afro blob hair. What color is the paint on her skin because I have to have my own negress now.
Thank you for the honesty, anon. I might do just that, but honestly I might have to revisit her later- I burnt myself out trying to get her done.
The skin colour is a multi-step affair. I started with Tamiya Hull Red with a drop or two of Flat Black, but you can probably skip that step and go straight to pure Hull Red. Then it was highlighted with a mix of Hull Red and Pink. Finally flatcoated with Mr. Color's Super Clear Flat.
All thinned with Mr. Rapid Thinner FWIW. Lacquer thinner seems to give a stronger finish for Tamiya acrylics I find.
But seriously, thanks for actual constructive criticism and advice and not either blowing sunshine up my arse or just going "It's shit, KYS fag" or whatever. Considering this was my first attempt at a fully-painted build of a girlpla/bishoujo kit I'm impressed it's come out this good, but I definitely want to fix it up better. Just...later, when I feel less burnt out from the whole experience.
That said, I do have another (much less ambitious) paintjob for a kit in the works, albeit not particularly coomer-y, so hopefully my experience here will benefit her.
I’ve never owned an shf. Are they really that bad?
No, there's good ones and bad ones like any other toyline.
yes just look at how unhinged the posters are
Reddit the toyline
No, just look at how unhinged the schizos are
kek what does this even mean?
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Basically l like >>11038594 said, there's good ones and bad ones. As an oldfag, I'm not entirely sure why one or a few people have developed a hate boner against the line and are shitting up threads about it when it was a line that was pretty well liked overall on /toy/ for years.
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I like when they go back to shilling and playing the victim after shitting up a thread. Really cracks me up every time.
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Mika was one of the most popular figures in these threads. It's probably just one guy again trying to get attention again.
berserkschizo above
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every time if you feel like taking the bait just listen to this banger instead >>11037331
They made the One Piece and Berserk figures absolute dogshit, guaranteeing maximised autistic meltdowns that will plague this board for years to come.
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>you must eat all the eggs

Probably shouldn't have challenged the hydromancer to a duel...
It's not a hyperbole to say that Shf is the reddit of all import brands. Everyone who buys Shf are undeniable redditors with messy tables like >>11038647, constantly avatarfag like denjifag and shyfaggot and >>11036575 and are actively shilling the brand by talking about it which is against the rules. They also are the ones constantly spamming more than 1 thread at a time wherea every other general only makes one after their current goes archived. Every single figure they make other brands have done before them and all are superior to whatever Shf shits out. Shf can't make toys period and they go against everything that 4chan represents. If everyone would just gatekeep Shf shit out of 4chan we wouldn't be in this mess. Remember if you see anyone who has even a single Shf tell them to go kill themselves. They're very gullible and will actively do it.
Man even children would be able to come up with better falseflags but here we are. Then again we are grown ass men playing with children toys so you are bound to run into schizos like that. Posting obvious bait like that just proves how retarded these shills really are.
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Im Pepeshanon but I agree. Most Figuarts have crippling, baffling flaws and even with all the stars aligning to make Pepesha one of the better faces theyve done, she still cant compare to how good Figma or Snail Shell stuff looks.
I like Pepesha anyways cause shes a fit athletic blonde girl with dress sense like a Girls Frontline character.
Whatever you say shill, doesn't change the fact you were posting off topic shit by shilling a Shf. Go kill yourself.
>guy posts Shy, a new figure they wanted to show off, twice
>avatar fagging
Yeah, anyone who saw what happened would see this guy is clearly baiting with blatantly stupid shit.
>GFL fashion sense
Unfathomably Based
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Yeah Im the shfshill how could you tell? Was it all the blonde aryan figmas I have?
Vsk-94 waif wen?
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Very bad.
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I wasn't ready for this
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Whelp, I'm convinced. Won't be buying SHF anymore.
>the plastic's weak, the hype's not real
unironically true
I like to do a challenging kit then cool off with something very different, like a complex Real Grade or a Megami then a HG or something that’s just panel lined. I also rotate between Gunpla and girlpla and dino kits and Pokepla and maybe a car so I am never building the same thing twice in a row.
Then maybe in a while you’ll feel fresh to go back and revisit the blackamoor and spruce her up. Also with distance and rested eyes and more experience, what seemed like unsolvable problems or intimidating difficulties can seem like no big deal.
I can’t believe that witch laid all those.
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Seeing this boards culture completely turn on Shf and turn the brand into a mockery has got to be the funniest and best outcome anyone could have asked for. SHFreddit shills get what they fucking deserve.
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this goes a bit beyond shitposting
>epic chungus kino posting stops
>samefag autistic screeching about shf begins
really gets the noggin jogging
shfschizos butthurt over these is immeasurable
can I get the background story on this schizo pls?
I only have jamiroquai (I'm not the other anon itt) but i was surprised by the decent build quality and will probably buy more in the future. But i guess this makes me a shill right? Any good coomer figuarts?
This Fujiko Milne >>11038853, that titty slut ninja from Jigokuraku and Angewomon if youre a Digicoomer.
Figmas are honestly way sexier despite being 90% jk anime girls.
Cool. Thank you for a sane response too.
Figuarts is more centered around armored heroes like Kamen Rider, it's the reason the line existed to begin with so even with the branching off to other IPs you're rarely going to find coomer worthy Figuarts apart from what >>11038992 said. There's female Kamen Riders if you're into JAVs made by Giga but your call if you think they're coomer material, Bandai doesn't really give them a great ass even though some deserve it.
that took him 5 minutes
I figured as much. Just wanted it to be on topic.
Forgive me if I sound like someone who's been living under a rock but there's porn parodies of tokusatsu?
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I don't know, it can be whatever you want. Nearly all accessories you see here are just quick little things I grabbed from Hobby Lobby yesterday after work.
It's just a schizo falseflagging. I'm pretty sure it's the same schizo that had a melty in this post https://archive.palanq.win/toy/thread/10694433/#10700173
He does the same in Revo and Figma threads if SHF is mentioned. Look how it started in this thread. The anon that posted Shy was critical of her issues and was still labelled a shill by the schizo.
I've heard Angewomon is a piece of shit, but I can vouch for the Jigokuraku kunoichi.
R. Mika and Cammy have been posted a million times and might be the only real coomer SHFs until they do a post timeskip Nami in bikini. 2B is a solidly built figure unlike Guts, but the ass is so disappointing it's not worth it.
Agreed with you on Figma. I own more Figma and Snail Shell sluts than SHF.
beserkschizo above
holy fuck dude it's just so sad
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>links post about some dude complaining that shfshills shit up the nendo thread
>post is MONTHS old
>continues to shill
Never seen someone live so rent free in someones head. I thought the songs were supposed to be ironic shitposting. I really did.
>samefagging tranny shill schizo buzzword poorfag above
Holy fuck dude it's just so sad
so is this dude also the athena dude or what
well at least the shill stopped pretending I guess
SHF so cute.
>last Nendo thread barely hit 50 posts before dying
>shitposting about SHFshills has increased exponentially since then
>replies with "Nendochads" when someone pointed out it's probably him
It really is the nendotroon shitposting about SHF in every thread possible.
Did you really get so buttblasted when the entire SHF thread laughed at you that you've decided to autistically screech about SHFshills in every thread until you eventually 41% yourself? Holy fuck, go make a thread for your Japanese Funko Pops. Your mind is more broken than the shoulders on SHF Guts.
those are some weird nendoroids
Nendo is dying faster than figma kek
No idea at the moment but he did just ramp up to 10 right after all the regular athena posting stopped. Could be athena is banned at the moment and a new retard is vying for the king of the autistic shit posters or perhaps athena is not banned and he's found himself a new shitpost style he likes more than his usual brand of moronic posting. But i mean how many autistic retards can we possible have here?

I suppose this is what being a poorfag who can't afford toys does to you. You have to put all the time and energy you might have dedicated to enjoying toys in to trying to ruin the fun of every one who can afford the toys you cannot.

you figured they would just put that energy into anything else to make their lives better, but nope they spend it here day in and day out being the absolute most autistic morons they can possibly be and are somehow proud of that fact.
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SHF toys must contain lead or some shit.
So, what you're saying, is that we should redirect our gatekeepers efforts ti target nendofags by shit talking the guck out of it and bullying this retard any time someone starts to shit up a thread over shf?
flicking the bean
Damn I forgot the actual good coomer figs from street fighter thx anon.
>the one card I have that natives site accepts declined my lisbeth order
>and is suddenly declining all international based charges for some reason???
This just hasnt been my week. Guess Im paying scalper peices.
Imagine being such a loser that you have an absolute shitfit and compulsively comment any time anyone even mentions a brand. I can't even imagine how pathetic someone would have to be to be this unhinged. ...and this is coming from someone who collects coomer figs and visits this board every day.

"I don't like a brand, it's impossible for someone else to like it! I'm special! Look at me!"
Damn that sucks
Genuinely just ignore it. It's not worth engaging with, bro.
It's mind boggling, honestly. Not looking forward to seeing those second hand prices.
From what I am seeing right now, you could be looking at anywhere from $300-450USD. It is anyone guess if it will go down or up on release.
maybe you need to call the card company up and clear it with them while you still have the chance before they are shipped out
A lot of people love Asanagi as an artist so this one might just keep shooting up in price.
>no SF6 Juri figure, just the censored one from 5
>no magical shota from fotm anime figure
>no Sarada figure
Jumping in to say that I only bought Lisbeth BECAUSE she's an Asanagi character. I figured if she sells well, we might get more figures based on his characters, and the manga she appears in is a good one, but I had no particular fascination with her. If anything, I found her visible joints are a bit ugly when they first revealed her.
We’re getting revo Juri at some point
I bought her for the same reason
Hell I didn’t even read the shit she was from until AFTER I bought it
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This might be the biggest spergie berserkschizo ever had.
>The first batch of Chinese Gods and Ghosts series | 1/12 scale painted finished figures
>Eiifox proudly launches the first masterpiece of the Chinese Gods and Ghosts series - Painted Skin 1/12 scale painted finished figures. Inspired by the classic Chinese ancient legend "Painted Skin", this figure is not only a work of art, but also a carrier for telling ancient Chinese stories, bringing a unique collection experience.
>Product Features Reproducing the story of ancient mythology:
>Diverse replacement faces: The figure is equipped with three replacement faces, vividly reproducing the various emotions of the characters in different situations, and each face tells a unique story. By changing the replacement face, you can put the character in different situations and deeply feel the complex emotions in ancient legends.
>Human skin mask pennant: The mysterious human skin mask pennant included is the finishing touch of the figure. The delicate texture of the mask pennant perfectly reproduces the mysterious props in ancient mythology, making the entire figure full of story and history. Through this accessory, you seem to be able to touch the mysterious atmosphere in ancient legends. The display effect of the statue can be achieved.
>More surprises: We will release more accessories in succession, so stay tuned. Further enhance the display effect and collection value of the figure, this figure will definitely make everyone feel that it is worth the money. Let us feel the shock and excitement from the ancient myth together. Start your mysterious journey and feel the unique charm of Chinese gods and ghosts.
So she's a skinwalker.
She looks like a generic chink slut with horns aside from the cool demon mouth face so I'm curious what other legends they'll use and if they'll have more fantastical designs.
not bad! hopefully the boob curtains top will be removable. don't leave us with blue balls, china
Yeah I'm with you, the line is a good line, overall. I understand hating some shitty troll that won't shut up about the line, but there's no reason to be hyperbolic, especially when said troll is providing plenty of ammo to shit all over him regardless.
Though I am assuming that what most are really trying to say is that figuarts suck in regards to coomer figures, which I guess I can agree with, but do they even do a lot? Well, I just get DBZ stuff from them, anyways, so that's all I know of the brand.
Inb4 I get called a shill lol
Oh well, the board drama is pretty funky overall, but I guess that's also the appeal of 4 chan, 'innit gabnah?
Other than the toothy face this is pretty boring
Bruh, being short has its advantages
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The shill must have some kind of mental disability. I just can't anymore. I bet he won't be able to sleep without seething ever again.
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bruh why must he be so hard to find
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Bruh you just gotta pay the monies on ebay bruh. Bruh you just gotta be as autistic and impulsive as me and pay 30 dollars there and you can have a little bruh
Incredibly tempting
Fuck it bruh i got him.
Good deal. Bruh
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this whole thread
Good for you, you finally posted something funny
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>Good for you, you finally posted something funny
Feels like most Japanese toy companies are holding their load for WonFes.
Her design is really close to the Snail Shell Succ.
Have these guys made anything articulated before? All I could find on MFC was /a/ buyfag thread related.
If we get a spread of announcements like we got at October WonFes, then that'll be a sight to see.
Kekked and checked
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Super cute little fella. I got these two from Hobby Lobby for $2 each if that helps anyone. The stuffed rabbit and dog/bear thing
Next OP image
I'm still worried. Gonna need to tell me more than "1/12th". These fucking chinks with their JoyToy and the demon girl witch I shared last thread are advertised at 1/12 but come across as more 1/10th and that's infuriating. Need centimeters or inches bro
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She's ecstatic to have such a caring Admiral looking out for her
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cute pictures anon!
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Best coom figures that also serve as a reference for anatomy drawing? I'm thinking in getting a worldbox body for that purpose.
I'm open for suggestions.
for females romankey. I wouldn't buy anything that can't be headswapped. Just waste of money.
If you really want something for anatomy reference you'd be better off buying something like virtual mannequin gunquin
Worldbox body has one of the best posability for 1/6 stuff, but it still pales in comparison to the Romankey 1/12 for EXXXTREEEME poses. You also need to get their feet DLC for different feet poses and stuff, not to mention the limited hip articulation and shit.
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Honestly, surprised I have seen this girl posted in the thread, she seems pretty coomable.
Only cool thing were her mantis blades. Rest is trash and she looks like a chink tranny anime suit (real thing) so it fits that its in a same picture as an shf.
I'm gonna snap a few pics of her soon

She's a nice figure despite what the sperg says
Yeah fuck that guy. I would be interested in getting a better look at her. Toy posting is always welcome here.

Also interested in what that vehicle is, always interested in 1/12 vehicles
Real human being, and a real hero...
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anyone else with a sakyra experience paint chipping on the thighs? the right one on mine rubs up against the thigh plate and its caused some of it to come off. not seeing this with the other leg
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Better than Sophia, y/n?
Can't say until we see the prototype, but because I'm a gotta-catch-em-all autist, this is gonna be a guaranteed preorder same as Victoria was
I don't know about better but i will continue to buy busty bunny eared women in skimpy outfits
Your post intrigues me. I will buy this figure.
>Eiifox proudly launches the first masterpiece of the Chinese Gods and Ghosts series
>the first
so anyone familiar with chink mythology? If this fig success, what we can expect in the future of the line? I hope for a hot Jiangshi.
>hot Jiangshi
hnnnghh chinese zombussy
I have a lewd statue of one of those. Kino taste.

Second Axe bros... ain't looking too good.
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Did you only notice that now? Anons have been pointing out the ugly cuts and seamlines in her body for 9 months or more.
I bought her and i'm very curious to see the articulation those cuts allow for. otherwise what was the point?
Hope you post pics when you get her. I skipped out cause of that very reason, but I'm still curious to see the end result and not these promo/event pics
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I updated the lists of Snail Shell stuff
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I'm not sure if I can keep doing it but if I can't and someone want to do it, the fonts I used are "Orbitron" for the categories and "Bodoni MT" for the names or just change the fonts and format as you please.
I feel like the main problem with the site is the moderation, always has been but now more than ever because looks like the trolls now not only shitpost but report and are calling on other anons to mass report someone they don't like, this should fall into "false report" category in most cases, but somehow looks like the mod just accept it, so this makes me think that the mod is either a retard who doesn't know the rules or he is collaborating with the trolls (or a troll itself). Because it's pretty suspicious that a bunch of spam posts seem untouchable.
I guess the best we can do is >>11039550 and make more positive content like this thread, the "post your toys" one (including the "tribute to TadGhostal" one) and "Do this pose" one as long as isn't a shitty /tv/ cheap meme.
Well, if I'm still here after this post, I will try to focus on the positive thinks and try to contribute more, if I got banned, well, it was wonderful meeting you, I love all your pics including the furniture-anon, basement-anon and all the desk-anon ones, the customs of thatpool-anon (the shota still my fav) and all the cool stuff made by Shortstack-anon, I wish I can get a resin print in the future... and of course, thanks to slt for all the work making these threads, see you, guys. Stay strong and don't let a bunch of losers stop you to enjoy this hobby. Oh and sorry for blog post.
Thanks anon. Not sure why you can't keep updating, hope everything is OK with you
Jack's ass anon. I though you had left long ago
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I'm late anon, but the Vehicle I grabbed is the WWE Wrekkin semi. It's pretty much perfect for all 6inch figures. Only issue is the seats sit kinda low.

There is a person on Etsy that has some 3D printer files for a sleeper, a grill without the WWE insignia, and a 5th wheel so you can remove the crane. I plan on sanding the truck down, and repainting it at some point.

I got of Amazon for like $30 burger bucks.
meanwhile in reality
+ actual massive shilling and brandwaring in this very thread

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well he marked some of his toys now so It's easier to spot his shitposting I guess. Ultimately we have to thank him at least for that.
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It all depends on if I got permabanned or not.

Nope, I'm usually very busy but all for having extra money for more figures and stuff.
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>shill can't even defend himself after getting btfo AGAIN
>clearly samefagging
>another banger
>cool pic
Thanks for the free dopamine before work. Saving it to my phone.
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He's only doing that so he can keep brandwarring. Don't fall for his bullshit. Even people in shf threads are tired of this faggot. Do your part.
This was PROVEN to work.
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Figma just put on the best set of reveals in years and all you can talk about is another anon because faggotry runs in your veins. Nobody cares about your bullshit. You've shat up the thread more than any SHFshill ever will. Go make a Nendo thread because there were a bunch of Nendo reveals too.
Coomer bros, I think the balance has been restored
trying too hard shitposter
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Also my most wanted Nikkeslut.
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Fatesluts are back on the menu.
Post toy, faggot.
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More schoolgirls with guns for those that like em.
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Yes, cloth skirts now.
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This will be the last one. Nearly at image limit, and maybe the faggots might want to post more /tv/ and /co/ reaction images.
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He's just spamming so people don't see him getting his shit kicked in again and probably so he can play some dumb shit like "figmashills" later on by linking his own posts. There is no point in reposting the whole figma thread here especially when there's a new thread about to be made but he does it just to spam.
Just do this >>11041423
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these are pretty slutty
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Please GSC, deliver upon us the good ass tech
Figma butts drive me nuts
Is that a...sniper rifle guitar? I'm fucken sold.
If the ass tech is as good as Aqua, I will be happy.
The blonde one is beautiful...
10/10 schizos butthurt is as clear as day
will do
really looking forward to holo. Schizo didn't even mention her while spamming the thread.
It's so cute how he tried to weasle himself out by calling other brandwarfags while posting this in the figma thread right before figma taking a fat shit on him in the next thread lol
Damn. Daaaamn the reveals in that thread, even the non-coomer stuff like Skull Knight. I hadn't completely written off Figma but I was becoming disillusioned. I'll have to put this 2B on my watchlist, she might end up being my first 2B figure.
Lots of girlpla revealed that deserves to be posted here. Dragon armor Sophia >>11041237 will be an instant preorder.
>really looking forward to holo
Holo might have got posted if we didn't have so many faggots posting screencaps of their own comments reeeing about other anons in the thread.
Crossposting from the Figma thread is spamming, but faggots reposting screencaps of their own off topic comments isn't spam?
Get your fucking head checked.
Ty for your hard work, anon-kun
Also this was recently announced
Welcome to /bsgg/ - Berserk schizo gaping general.
What's so special about that hippo? I have one. I got it almost ten years ago from a kinder egg.
470 replies in a week, lol
>t-the s-shills a-aren't real though
if only janny would clean up more but literally half the thread is already deleted shfshill posts so it's probably over 500. My favourite one is where he "pretended" to be a pedo to fit in and shill. Really seeing here cutting edge cringe
New Thread
If you want them to masturbate while looking at them they are likely not what you're looking for. But in general they are good toys, some are better than others. personally my favorite is gabimaru, if you've never owned one I recommend him, he's usually on the cheaper side.
and that is why you report berserkschizo on sight
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wtf the other thread was archived before hitting the image or bump limit
Come to find out most of the board's schizos that shitpost ad nauseum all day are from /ctg/. Maybe it's time to let it die.
Please tell me an entire active thread didn't just get nuked because of a back and forth between two schizos most of us were ignoring...

No idea. Found it here. Don't think it's AI.
you were literally warned
>manchild throws a tantrum on the internet
>thinks this makes them cool somehow

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