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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>11022939

Gourai II has been announced! What do you think of the the gourai and stylet II? Are you looking forward to their impending Frame Arms Girl version? Will the girl versions have transformations? Will they be as goofy as Kongo's?

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:
>Megami device:
• BUSTER DOLL Paladin [Jul]
• Asra Ninja Kaname [Jul]
• Asra Archer Kizuna [Aug]
• Busou Shinki Type Angel Arnval Tranche 2 [Aug]
• PUNIMOFU Mao [Sep]
• Asra Ninja (Reissue)[Oct]
• Asra Archer (Reissue)[Nov]
• BUSTER DOLL Gunner Midnight Fang [Nov]

>Frame Arms Girl:
• Hresvelgr Cornix [Jun]
• Durga I Save the Queen [Jun]
• Architect Black ver. [Jun]

>Cross Frame Girl
• Gaofighgar [Dec]
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Op Part 2-----

>30 Minutes Sister:
• SIS-F00 Yuphia (Color A) [Jul]
• Option Hair Style Parts Vol.10 All (4 Types) Assorted Set Box [Jul]
• Option Parts Set 13 (Tactical Costume) [Color B][Jul]
• Option Body Parts Type MD01 [Color A][Aug]
• Option Body Parts Beyond the Blue Sky 1 (Color C)[Aug]
• Optional Body Parts Arm Parts & Leg Parts [Brown][Sep]
• Kogane Tsukioka [Oct]
• Rishetta (Freesia Wear) [Nov]
• Option Parts Set 14 (Spotter Costume) Color B [Nov]
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Yuika Mitsumine / Kiriko Yukoku) [Nov]
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Mamimi Tanaka / Sakuya Shirase) [Dec]
• Option Parts Set 15 (Nightmare Costume) Color C [Dec]

>Dark Advent
• Rania Relax Ver. [Nov]

>Snail Shell:
• EveD Series AMBRA-02 [May]

>Guilty Princess:
• GP-10 Dark Fairy Knight Grimlinde [Jun]

• Expansion Kit: Mio (NAVY FIELD 152) [Jun]
• Expansion Kit: Type15 Ver2 Lance Mode (NAVY FIELD 152) [Jun]
• Tia & Type Penguin (NAVY FIELD)
• Expansion Kit: Mio Ver2 Equipment (NAVY FIELD)[Oct]
• Expansion Kit: Type15 Ver2 Longrange mode (NAVY FIELD)[Oct]
• Expansion Kit: Type15 Ver2 Longrange railgun mode (NAVY FIELD)[Oct]

• Charged Particle Cannon General-Purpose Fighter: Cuckoo [Nov]

• VF-31D Skuld SP (Reissue) [Jun]
• VF-31J Siegfried Freya Wion [Aug]
• VF-31A Kairos Reina Prowler [Oct]

>Ms General:
• TKB-02 Black Bicorn x Thunder General [Nov]
• MG-10 Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao (Jun)

>A.T.K. Girls
• Armored Girl Werewolf Benandante Commander's Reinforced Armor ver. [Jun]

• White Dragon Knight Galahad [Aug]

>Big Firebird:
• Full Time Himeka Kelly Jarnett [Jan]
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Op part 3-----

In development (now in development!)

>30 Minutes Sisters
BUNBUN Fighter

>Megami Device
Eva Unit 1
Ebikawa designed pair
Tsukuyomi Regalia
Face parts m.s.g. for Bullet Knights/SOL
Nine-Tails and Tamamo-no-Mae life record
Mystery dark elf Edelweiss
Garden Spikes
Block 2 Armor sets/new series
Nodaka Takahata (Shimon)
R1 M Type
R1 L Type
BUSTER DOLL Knight Darkness Claw

>Frame Arms Girl
Katsuguchi, Wilber-Nine, Shingen, Rayfalx, Gourai II

>Fumikane ART WORKS
hey everyone
how we doing?
Currently unemployed, i stack no paper and get no (plastic) bitches.
They might reuse the same torso design for quicker development.
On the fence of buying 1/12 clothes.
Making the FA Gourai that came with Gourai-Kai.
Ok. Built Elfina recently but broke the wrists. Will buy metal at the weekend to pin it.

Waiting on that basic Asra ninja at the end of the month.
For the SST Dress-up body? Me too. Koto is being such a dick about it.
>Make a doll body, standard realease.
>Clothes for said doll are a Koto shop exclusive.
I'm guessing most 1/12 doll clothes will fit. Otherwise I'll just have a Koyomi in her underwear.
It's cumulative sales though since the first kits were released, and hardly indicative of real performance. Just feel good news for investors before their current fiscal year ends.
Nope. Some random stuff that I found on AE that seem to fit 30MS girls. None of the SST girls have interested me so far and Kuon isn't out yet
That's if the FA versions use the same architect, they obviously transform, and how differently has yet to be seen. That said FAG Gourai II's clothes under her armor don't really resemble the base frame of the FA, so anything is possible.
it's not worth it unless the fabric is fine enough, because too often they're thick and ugly
Went to the /toy/ archive from when the og Rania was released to try to remember what all the problems were back then... then stopped when I realized how flooded the general used to be by... him...
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I'm topcoating my cat girl and her plane right now before I out her together and do some weathering. I switched from Vallejo to Gaianotes partway through the project and am happy with how much better lacquer is.
>There was a Koto masked exclusive that was more appealing, IIRC. Might have to struggle to get a copy of that.
The shocked expression was the Koto exclusive part. So far no version of this figure comes with a masked face.
Meant to quote >>11039433
Then my brain has failed me again. Maybe I can make my own with some putty, tape, and paint.
I know what you mean but this reads like you're going to replace your brain with putty, tape, and paint.
It would be an improvement. I'd probably add wrinkles by accident and that always helps.
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heaven or hell
The wheel of fate is turning...
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Neverlia simply looks better. The angel bitch looks down syndrome-y in the face and the color scheme sucks.
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>The angel bitch looks down syndrome-y in the face
well, she's blonde
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Sophia with dragon armor

Shit looks sick.
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Valkyrie Tune
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wing cape sold me on this one
legs look weird
not too hot on this, engineering looks too primitive for a girlpla nowadays
Any word on whether these are full model kits or half-kit/half-figures like Hyper Body and Act Mode?
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Sophia's flight armor colors.
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And a better look at her full body
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finally a new neco
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maidriod recolor
Less ridiculous that the other stuff I've seen from this artist. I kinda like it.
Little kid, big box. Mostly for the Hammer and Stealth Gao.
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Gridtector Rika actually looks good, hope she actually is.
Neco and nidy are my favorites, but not feeling this one
There's something about Neverlia that I just don't like, but I don't know what is it.
>>Big Firebird:
• Full Time Himeka Kelly Jarnett [Jan]
op, bro.... it has been 5 months since january. why is this still here
the soft curve of plastic thighs...
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V.T. メロディ・ブレイズ (仮)
V.T. マーチ・ドリル(仮)
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If Plamax makes a recolor, it'll have bad color separation as usual
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>valkyrie tune
It should have been Valkyrie Drive.
there's already an IP with that name
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Yes I'm aware. I want Valkyrie Drive toys.
Any Dark Advent news lately? Or is Sophia Relax still the most recent thing we know of? Hoping for a new girl or I guess a Relax Isis.
Relax Rania in November
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I wish they came with these clear boxes.
I just want the cat recolors. Been checking ebay every few days for them.....
Look how asshurt the nips get over GK recasts. They would rather a piece never be available at all than allow people to freely print them. I remember seeing 3D printers for sale at Volks in Akiba, and all of the sample models were from western sculptors.
Model kits would have saved this series. It sucks that the anime was the best piece of media from the franchise and the game and gacha bombed so hard.
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I like that this chick has a guitar
march drill-chan's big hat! cute cute
the golden drill thing transforms into a tuba too
It's like the mecha musume version of the K-On Vs Hibike! Euphonium showdown we've all been dreaming of.
Aliendress at the next hobby show.
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of all the pixiv titty artists, why is this guy getting pushed so hard? I'd rather see yoshio 55level or melon22 for some variety desu
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He does do a variety of girls, the companies just keep making ass loads of Sophia for some reason...

And for real though, Melon's cheesecakes are really niche.
He's consistent and may have been getting some more mainstream appeal, I guess.
I like this one
It's less about whether the artist is good and more about their ability to follow product development schedules. It's why co2age still gets work despite being a mediocre artist relative to his peers.
>wow, people overseas are willing to pay a recaster for my models
>should i use this oportunity to look into how to sell them myself with the prestige of being original? Or should i take offense for a sale i wasn't going to make anyway?
>i'll break out the expensive sake and my grest grandfather's heirloom kido butai bandana to feel extra slighted
Because he already made alot of design sheet for the girls and published those
He designed way more variant of Sophia than any other girl if you check his art works
I hope her faceplates won't look as terrible as the previous chitocerium kit when she releases
It's weird because erierierieri is pegasus themed, rather than angel themed, according to the staff when she was announced.
Mang don't pick on pegasus mommy, she has enough trouble with the kids as it is

Wait i love these!!!!!!!!
Played tuba for years. Def gonna pick her up.

Are these gonna be model kits or finished figures?
you guys think if they remade rishetta they'll also remake tiasha? is there anything to improve?
>is there anything to improve?
Freesia wear is more like an alt than an improvement, like some wouldn't like the fact there are no more limb hardpoints other than the rings. As for Tiasha, they can make her body even thinner since they won't have to follow the gen 1 tolerances and standards anymore.
That kit is by a company that died decades ago. There's no other way to get the kit at all. Most of these kits are one time sales in person at wonfes rather than being sold online in the first place. 3D printing would solve the distribution issue, but ultimately we'll have to get our resin pieces from Chinaman instead as they actually ship to the US.
Someone last thread mentioned doing a satin topcoat for hair, which sounds like a good idea. Has anyone else tried it before, and what brand did you use? I know Tamiya do it in their spraycans and in their lacquer pots.
I usually airbrush Mr. Super Clear semi-gloss, but I have the Gaianotes semi-gloss as well. I don't like cans as they can spray on very thick and crackle, while self leveling thinner with airbrush paints guarantees a smooth coat. I've tried the Vallejo water and polyurethane stuff and hated it. The surface feels 'gummy' and the finish isn't as shiny or strong as the lacquer.
Annoyingly getting Mr.Hobby stuff in the UK can be a pain, I swear most online stores only get a restock on bits twice a year or something crazy, can't find their Semi-Gloss in stock on my usual places. I'll have to pop into the model shop in town tomorrow and try Tamiya's. I thought I had some already but I got mixed up with the pearl clear.
Also turns out Paladin is out tomorrow, I could have sworn she was a July release.
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Tamiya flat coat is fine.
satin is just another word for semi-gloss, you can use any brand or if you airbrush (rather than use spraycans) you can just mix the matte and gloss clearcoats yourself
Seal Model has a pretty nice range. 'course, you'd then have to deal with taxes and customs, but...
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She was a fun build, just wish she came with extra leg parts like Isis and that her shoulders didn't pop off anytime you change her pose.

Has there been any news of any other ones coming out in the line?
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What the actual fuck

Not the kind of update I was expecting regarding Strike Witches if this is legit.
they just get their feet tickled, what's wrong?
It doesn't really get more official than Humikane himself when it comes to World Witches.

I fucking love Humikane. What a damn chad.
Tentacle pocket universe is now canon.
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3k yen for two Sousai dress up bodies
>Still no MD equivalent
I'm upset.
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Block 1R soon
You can still use these to play dress up with MD heads though
What? No, all these aftermarket titties need a home.
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Wish Bandai have more sorts of limb sets aside from this one.
And the plain ones too.
citadel munitorum varnish spray is the one i've been using.
Sempai why are my pictures always so dark? I have a booth like that one, I have a side light too.
I just wanted to tell you that your other pic of that girl bitchslapping a ‘ho really stuck with me. I was in the shower a couple days later brainstorming picture ideas and it just kept popping back into my head. It makes me laugh my ass off every time. I did a slight tribute but it’s in THAT thread.
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custom kits needed
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This is what megalomaria should have been all along.
This reminds me of that manga where a serial killer send the main characters his limbless girlfriend in a box, forgot the name but there's a figure/gk of her on MFC.
Man, what a dogshit line, hardly any customization potential off the bat. It's literally only good for head swaps, and just marginally because any girlpla head will look so out of place.
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I think the point is you're supposed to buy the 30MM robots for that. Option Set 3 in of itself is I think just the limbs from the Revernova (or the 'Mole Dom' as I call it)
These look like Lançamento and her sister.
Cool looking robots vs generic anime girls. There are so many of the latter, can't you just be happy with what you get and let people that want something different get what they want?
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Strangely arousing
...there's a topless option, but what about bottomless?
Hey, that's just like... your opinion anon.

And not a very good one. Get better taste.
Plamax Sophia is actually frustrating me. There's a lot of unpainted details to finish which I expected, but there's so many painted details and even some topcoated parts along with joints that feel like they are only supposed to go together once that I'm not sure it's supposed to be a model kit or a Maisto Assembly Line-style figma. Goodsmile should just leave all their plamo unpainted desu.
Koto didn't need another generic mecha musume line. Robot girls with designed-in cross compatibility is way better.
Anon doesn't know what generic is...
They were released like 2 years ago.
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Oh lawd, she comin'.
I want the fat titty
"Boxing Helena" done as a cinematic universe
He does, you don’t.
>Robot girls with designed-in cross compatibility
They did this half assedly with Megalomaria, literally never seen a good demonstration of its cross compatibility from anyone.
You’ve never seen any pictures of them at all. You also don’t own models.
Show us a good custom then.
>You also don’t own models.
Was this thread moved to /k/ when I wasn't looking?
Show me a custom you made.
No one's asking you for a custom you made, getting one from the web is the easiest thing you can do. There should be a lot like any MD or 30ML if it was that good.
Nice job proving you're retarded. Looking like generic anime schoolgirls is literally the point of the SST line.
At some point anything with a unihorn is mostly in development hell.
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Don't know, seems like an /m/ tourist is visiting.

Even the old design isn't generic. Maybe a little dumpy looking, but very unique to the body types available in other musume lines.

The word is "formulaic" not generic. Even some of the more copyright infringing Chinese kits are still very unique design wise. Generic would maybe fit something like the fully armored W.i.s.m. where any personal quality is removed from the characters design.

Saying the Sousai characters are generic is just ignorance though. Yes they are school girls in uniforms and there is a degree of ... uniformity in that aspect, but the actual characterization is something completely different if any attention is paid to the associated fiction.
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Truly and simply the most generic.
I was never calling any of the designs generic. I guess I gotta spell it out for retards here who have barely functioning brains. I meant another model line for general mecha musume designs not tied to any specific IP/specific design style. Megami Device are all over the place thematic & design-wise so they can put whatever random mecha musume concepts they want in that line. There's zero reason for them to create a new line for what would amount to "School girls in power armor" when they can include that in the MD line as MD x SST crossovers.
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wasnt a fan of the pink shades in this bunny girl, Ive already done the lighter piunk in My.Hobby Acrysion Pink. Thinking about doing the stomach piece and headset darker pinks in this metallic purple.
Thoughts? yolo?

(Lol'd at "just throw them in MD")
>caps lock
Man you sure got me
Would you be changing the rest of the pink as well then? It might clash with the lighter pink. If you aren't, consider making the other pink a gold or black, I think that might look pretty good.
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>Would you be changing the rest of the pink as well then?
no the rest of the pink ive alrady changed from the plastic color to a much darker pink, its not super evident in the photo but here it is compared to the one it came as
Yeah he did. Fuck yeah.

The metallic is definitely too dark then. A light lavender or pale yellow could work though.
>I AM SILLY posting in 2024
how does /toy/ do it?
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new cheapo stand for your display needs
only 200 yen,now on various 100 yen stores
>finally ordered me a yukumo, was supposed to arrive monday
>on monday tracking info mentions mechanical issue with the transport, delayed to tuesday
>wait all day tuesday, never shows up
>now tracking just states they'll give me a new time "ASAP"
fucking UPS, not like this...
>miss the Arcanadea livestream
>the only thing the Twitter posts about is some autistic ASMR shit
That can’t be the only thing they showed, right?
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casual lumitea
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I wonder if they'll pull this transparent skirt off
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... with clear parts??
Makes me wonder if and how they might do casual Elena.
im wondering the same thing
A piece of printed cellophane maybe?
your own fault for choosing UPS
I hope she has a turtleneck sweater.
I would kill for that. I didn’t like her plastic wrapped tits nor her armor, but I’d be open to a casual wear version of her. Also a casual Yukumo with a smaller tail
Could be worse my guy, could be usps.
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did finally get an update that it's arrived at a facility so I hope it comes soon
they're all cute
I really hope I can find some of the recolors for those chitocerium cats eventually. I know they just had some event where they were selling them again, been checking ebay like crazy. I want the whole set....
that would be pretty cool if they would do someting like pic since its a very old z-ton drawing plus i hope we will one day extra armor for elena back aswell like tisalia scythia as in pic
>I want the whole set....
Bro there's literally 2 of them - white and black
They're less than 1000 yen a pop too.
(also check mandrake, hlj and amiami)
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No, theres a set of them. Theres a calico one, a tuxedo one, a grey one. They just rereleased them at their event, the sets called "Shrodingers box". They showed them off on twitter for the last week or two.

Do some fucking research before you reply.
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I honestly assumed the ones in the photo were custom paintjobs and some some "event only exclusives"
I literally just received the black one today in an HLJ shipment
That's really impressive and I'd be terrified of spoiling the effect with my nub-cutting
Believe me, I already knew about the black and white ones, I actually have three of them. Got them all off amazon for about 6 bucks each. I just want to get the others, especially since the tuxedo cat looks EXACTLY like one of our cats that we just had to put down several weeks ago...
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she's finally arrived
and holy shit, when people mentioned her box being big I didn't realize they meant "it's literally the size of susanowo"
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This looks like could go along with Dark Advent girls.
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Is anyone using this? How to use makeup kit like this? Like i just slap it on their cheeks or something?
ok, i consider that shoulder/arm pit tech revolutionary

now need to see the ass/hip and knee tech
It's the same thing as the classic Tamiya weather master set meant for flesh tones. Just dab the applicator and apply it where you want it. Depending on the individual product you might have to rub it in more or crush up the powder some more. It takes a little getting used to, but by and large it's a quick and easy process.
I hope this'll be available for filthy gaijin to buy.
I don't really wanna bother with a forwarder.

Enter that twitter link, it showcases the hip cross section.
Unfortunately for the knees, they seem to be "the usual" MD-esq ones.
>I hope this'll be available for filthy gaijin to buy
I'm sure it will show up at Walmart one day.
Eh?! I missed this announcement. Are they making casual models or just the headless outfits for arcanadia?
>I hope this'll be available for filthy gaijin to buy.
It was easily available to Gaijin. Native's online store ships globally. Pretty good shipping prices too. That said, last I check their stuff only ever gets one run, so if you miss it it's the aftermarket's jacked up prices for you. The stuff they sell tends to go for bonkers prices too.
>unfortunately the knees aren't shit
I think it's hilarious that, after all these years, people are still suprised by the double width box koto's been using basically forever. Sue and yukumo don't even seem to be hitting the depth records like ganesha.
>meanwhile the vfg konig monster's box is around eight inches longer, for serious "where the fuck do I put this?" factor
File: firefox_DfVoqtlfa2.png (183 KB, 299x604)
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183 KB PNG
from bookwalker preview
the book is now on sale
Is that Genbu? Already looks good from the silhouette.

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