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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Sexy Stoner Sisters Edition:
Previous Thread: >>10993187
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Earnestcore Craft Rosado Sekiko (May)
> Snail Shell: Bunny Girl Irene (July), Succubus Lustia (Aug), Succubus Lustia Optional Part (Aug), Pumpkin Princess (Nov)
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring (Q2)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q3)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q3)
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure (Q3)
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins (Q4)
> Frazettagirl Teegra (Q4)
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>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
>Loscont Studio Armored battle angles Blade Violet
>SNAP Official Licensed Balala the Fairies Maggie Lin

>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
Another coomer thread? What's going on?
Delete this duplicate thread, zat. We already have a coom thread.
one thread isn't enough to contain all the coom
The other one is a cheap troll knockoff, probably got it off Temu or something.
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Nah, coomer stuff is from aliexpress.
Ayyyyyy, my pic made it to the front, yay!

And to the anon asking for a link for one of those chairs, here ya go (pretty expensive though, swear I paid less than this, like 30 or 35ish)

Shouldn’t this be #144? Unless I messed up my count somewhere.
the old thread is on page 8 and hasn't hit image limit. for fuck sake go fags are fucking idiotic
>duplicate coom thread
Is this the same fag who keeps making Lego and marvel threads?
What do you think about gel tits for figs? Are they doable? Super squishy tits would not only be very coomy but also would greatly improve articulation. Are there any figs which implemented those besides that bouncing bust for car dashboards?
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Were you not here for the MGS Quiet figure? That figure had squishy tits and everyone lost their minds about how bad it was.
all the figures had soft upper bodies, but because she had tits everyone (people who don't even buy them) lost their minds
But was it bad because tits were squishy or was it bad because sculpt was shitty and the fig didn't look good?
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I think the main problem was that Kojima himself basically advertised the squishy tits.
Based exploitation of the female body.
To be fair, anything Playarts Kai had an uphill battle to be good. Squishy tits alone was never enough to save that figure.
What’s wrong with Playarts Kai? I have their Chris and Sheva and I love them.
post them
The soft chest on snail shell figures, bfb nicee/mooka, and revoltech cattleya is better to be honest
I have the old queens blade revoltech blonde sister (forget her name lol), she has squishy tits, and it's pretty whatever, really. Not that amazing, but not quite terrible, except for some paint transfer from her cast-off top. Wouldn't have cared if they were solid, and probably wouldn't care if they got magically changed right now.
Please no. They look really ugly.
Menace agrees
We are close to the 150th thread. I should totally do something for that. I have been making these for 4 years now in 2 days. When we hit 100, I did a 100 dollar giveaway contest with people entering by submitting OC pics.

What do you think would be a good way to celebrate 150 threads and 4 years? I could do another giveaway .... maybe this time buy a specific figure and give it away ... hmm any ideas?
Face reveal?
I'm generous, not stupid. Besides I'm a middle aged man in my 40s, I'm probably just as ugly as you are picturing.
Do a giveaway of the two Sophia Shirring figmas pls.
Well, what would the thread think? I'm sure we could set up some kind of poll. If it was a figure giveaway, then what would we be thinking? Could go two ways
>Figure that would be a universally/ or voted desirable that one would be happy to receive
>Figure that we may be interested in but not quite willing to risk a lump sum on with so many other options
I think either is fair. Hell, I'd even be up for something else. I discovered some buddies that I'm curious about compatability wise for figures. And if they do work with standard Figma, they have a dozen body colors. Maybe one of each as prizes at random for more people or a whole set for every skin tone for one Anon. Either way, keeping threads going and well updated is pretty cool. Thanks for doing it
The figma ones? I'd have to buy them used off amiami or mandarake. There is this one that is about come out
Yeah I was thinking along the lines of something a bit pricey that anons would be happy to get like the second axe succubus .... but that would require me knowing when she was coming out and also being able to lay my hands on an extra one.... or maybe I could grab a few of the upcoming yua manatee industry figures ... the body works well with figma and with the clothes and studio ghibli like head lots of people were sad to miss the first run
speaking of she is up on 5ktoys with a 12 dollar deposit ... she does come with the pre order bonus legs

and at gundamit .... no preorder bonus legs though
the extra legs is a lazy bonus...
What are the bonus legs? Just slightly longer stockings?
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I thought so too ... but the more i looked at them them the more I like them ... they are thigh highs with that flesh indentation that Ryza character has. and you can use them on any manatee figure ... i bet they might even fit some figmas too
Sounds coomy
So far I kinda like the idea of preordering 2 of the new yua figures. They should probably be here by the time we hit 7 more threads.

She's so adorable, it would be cool to spread the adorable girl.

The cloth goods always is fun to make sexy poses
Should've made those the regular legs.
There's baby legs and regular legs
h-how old is she?
nothing good for bleach
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that's a big girl
I wonder if this one is release under other company because her boob cover can be removed. I hope that’s the case because I don’t see any other reason why they are making her. Also one of her official statues have naked boobs and it’s one from GoodSmile. I have no idea why they just don’t make figma version of her “for adults”.
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>figma version of her “for adults”.
Figma X
looks terrible
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figmax balls
Honestly, I can see the appeal. She's very cute. I think the figure looks better than the initial reveal a half year back. But if I Remer the opinion was low because she was vastly overpriced.
>What's going on?
op threw a tantrum over other anon creating a coomer toy general thread since the other one was on auto sage, so he had to make a duplicate
Shfshills raiding the board. They raided revoltech general yesterday too. Go check out all the deleted posts and their shilling.
This is the real one btw in case the anime thread image didnt make that clear. Not the first time that schizo has tried to create a "western" domesticslop version of coomergen
Not familiar, what was wrong with it?
Where's that fancy chair from?
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Only the jacket is fabric. As long as there's a legit plastic swimsuit Motoko, I'll eat it.
dude that sculpt is trash
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I don't think I would buy this even if I was into GITS.
I have the figma that I wish was closer to this iconic look.
Dunno 'bout you guys, but I'm gonna stick my figma Motoko's head onto that Hiya body since they're both roughly the same size (145 mm).
It's not like MF or anyone else is going to do GITS:SAC figures anytime soon.
That's not a bad idea
Not a coincident that both figures are the same size?
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Her legs look kinda weird. Reminds me of the dog from robot dreams.
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>spare pair of tits
figmachads...we kneel
I mean. The way her legs connect to her body. It's like a sausage with legs.
Yeah there is a weirdness to the hips but it looks like it can be remedied with a dynamic pose. I'd be willing to give the headswap idea a go .... but not for 90 damn dollars plus tip. I'll just keep my inaccurate figma
looks like shit
i'll buy to resell it once it goes out of stock
Maybe I shouldn't be saying this, but afaik, Hiya Toys figures almost always shelf-warmed and later bargain binned for cheap. So yeah, that $90 tag is for pre-order suckers.
>spare breasts for breast squish
>alternate hairpiece for dynamic pose to highlight the captivating hair movement in the animation
Absolutely kino
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Face looks terrible, and what's with the tube-like forearm?
This looks like a CGI model which I dont hate but its also painfully clear the Figmas still the better likeness.
What the fuck is that arm???? Its like they bulked it up for muscles but forgot to actually sculpt in the muscles.
Old pre covid Figma was and still is pure kino.
Any recommendations on bodies that look good with figma heads on them since
>>11004665 is stupid expensive?
answer is always romankey
Welp that's how they get a sale. Hopefully the skin tone matches well enough too.
Manatee industry is a solid choice
Oh never mind they refunded my order because they're out of stock
there's a preorder coming up soonish. Just wait a bit. They are dirt cheap too. I'll get one of each color male and female.
What bodies are those?
The one on the right is hon studio/manatee industry body
As far as sonico ... the taobao body is almost a 100% alone of her body... but it too is impossible to get now
Left is figma sonico. Right is a hon studio / manatee industry body with a figma head
romankey looks like shit
nah it's ugly. small weird water balloon tits and super skinny lanky limbs look ugly. also all the articulation points make it look like a robot. looks like shit
low IQ post
Yeah it's called 1/12th scale, anon.
good points retard way to defend your opinion.
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based ive said before this body is overrated AF here for some reason
There's no point to talking to prove anyhting to a retard like you. Especially if you start samefagging. You are probably one of those shfshitposters anyway
Hon studio/ manatee industry body

it's getting harder to find though
at this point it's almost more feasible to buy a regular manatee industry figure and use the body. although none of the large bust models have regular naked legs, and the small bust arina doesn't have naked feet iirc
This looks so fucking bad.
yeah we are getting an influx of people whose only contribution is to shit on everything and argue about it. Best thing is to just ignore them and let them starve out, they'll get bored eventually if they don't get the attention they crave.

also i paid gundamit weeks ago for my muse, but they still don't seem to have her in and shipping out. i hate when this happens
It's a stylized body that is made for articulation, thus dynamic poses. it's also supposed to be clothed at least partially. that said mine stained with these blue clothes so you gotta be careful the clothes you pick

I am wondering if washing the clothes a few times and maybe scotch guarding them would do the trick to stop the color bleed
looks like they hit a sore spot
talk about samefagging kek
like these?
your chun li is one of the few customs using that body that look good imo
does shf head fit on it?
another quality post
Most heads I have tried on it don't fit. The problem is the neck it's thin but widens at the end. I have been remiss to alter it.

I did buy another one of these so i am eventually going to try to make a custom figure with it. this one is chunners and the jada head fits it pretty decent with no modification. the next figure i haven't figured out what i want to make yet
Let's post some toys
This is my current hon studio / mantee industry collection.
The Mai isn't from manatee but the body they used is the same other than the modded shoes. iirc she is from a company called seven toys
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She looks alright, though the arms look weird as fuck and I dunno about those faces.
I'm just waiting for a Motoko based on the manga.
Can't get her yet as I've hit my budget limit for the month, but come next month I'll lay a pre-order down through the same place I got my Eimi through.
i agree.
weird proportions to be sure
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>romankey le bad
S.H. Reddit shitting up the thread again? Oh wait, there are 2 thread so ofcourse they are.
>better not disagree with the coomertoy hive mind!
r u some chink shill or something anon?
yes some people get butthurt if you go against the grain here.
don't mention western figs
>go against the grain
not a bad thing.
there is an anon here who cums in baby diapers and half of the thread was defending him...
And yet he was allowed to stay. Meanwhile shitposters trying to start shit with falseflags get ignored or better yet banned.
damn your soft bro
I have this beauty coming in the mail today, anything I should know or worry about her? Hows her quality?
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>I'ma le fag
Western figs aren't hated here. of course don't don't count the contrarian fags.
It's the mindset of trying to pit them against each other and the east vs west mentality that makes it hard to talk about.

of course alot of this is just a poisoned well of contrarian fags sperging how they hate something and when you try to have a conversation that things fall apart

here is a perfect example in this thread how it should look like
this anon brings up an opinion
a counter point is made
further discussion happens
No one calls each other names no one spergs no one calls the others opinions as a bad thing

it's the people who are going out of their way to just shit on anything with no discussions that's making things bad here

I know it can be hard to tell the difference at first but usually after a counterpoint is made they reveal themselves to be contrarian fags. at that point we need to strive to disengage from discussion with them. there is no point to go any further, you aren't going to win an argument, you are not going to sway them to your point of view. you'd be just as successful arguing with a barking dog.

we can keep this place good if we stop engaging with them, keep having good discussions, and post more toys!
She uses the same body as the Hasuki kunoichi girl right? I remember anons saying her joints were super stiff and squeaky, so might be worth warming them up or using some silicone oil or something
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u telling on yourself with this one
Japan anon posted a modded one that looked pretty nice in this previous thread
probably the one before it too
no nips
>wastes an image to post /a/ pic
>giving the shitposter power by making him seem clever instead of the obsessed retard he clearly in his every post
That's one less /toy/ image posted in this thread. Great job, faggot.
this you?
No, but I don't know how I'm gonna convince you it's not. I've never posted about Reddit on this board.
Ah, shit. Best way to warm her up? Also, just in case I break a joint, any links to working replacements? I dont mind the no nips like >>11005719 said, shell have her outfit on the whole time.

Shes going to be one of my "pure" maidens.
Man these shf schizos really need medical help. You fags shat up the revoltech thread all day yesterday. Go look at the delted posts everyone. See for yourself how obviouse these shitposters are. Fucking pathetic.
>that price
wew lad
literally no one has mentioned shf aside from you complaining about shit posting
your doing their work for them retard
a bunch of seamless trash is on sale at bbts today
I don’t remember this outfit from the movie.
Revo thread has been quite all day while this and figma got shat up and shilled. It's just sad. Its some shf discord I bet.
It's from the series, Stand Alone Complex (S.A.C) in the early to mid 2000s
How do you get Yua’s overalls off? I’ve had her for a while but I’ve been too afraid of doing damage to try dismantling her.
Checked. It seems that's very likely as a similar band of faggots do the same over on /mlp/. They're suckling the jannie cock there too so it's impossible to deal with it. It got so bad that they recently removed the unique poster count so its more difficult to tell if there's any samefagging -meaning it's less likely to get called out.
Well at first i just pushed them off past her shoulders but immediately one of the straps came loose. So i ordered a set of tiny overall clasps on etsy for a few bucks and then i glued the strap over the clasp and pushed the button through and made them just like real overalls
oof I'd keep that to myself anon
>blame SHF shills and Reddit
It's almost like someone is trying to falseflag threads into raiding /SHFg/. The retard probably doesn't realise that many of us inhabit multiple threads, and that the archive records all, so we can see what happened in Revoltech general.
It seems like you pull the same shit every day shfshitposter
Say what you want, us horsefuckers are the ONLY force who have defeated 4chan in open combat. Jannies not only still suffer from the ptsd, they outright inherited it if they came along after the matter. Fear us.
Explain how
In my opinion, the safest way would be to use warm water, but that would require undressing her. Considering her clothes seem to open rather easily, you might be able to get her naked without having to force too many joints. The other option, which I like less, is to use a hair dryer. This would also require getting her naked.

Alternatively, maybe Hasuki's QC has improved and you will be fine!
I have literally never been in that thread.
I criticized romankey and have been lumped in with your boogeymen
Maybe if half the thread wasn't this >>11005558 I'd believe you shfshitposter but you can go hang yourself along with your ugly defective toys.
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>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out."
Criticizing the Romankey body wasn't the shitposting. Look at the first reply you got. Athena is evolving it's shitposting.
I think I’ll go this route, thanks kind anon. By any chance do you recall the right size/measurements/listing for those buckles?
that's my post calling out the coomerkino fag. kek
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Man, it's a shame they're a bit fiddly to pose as actual figures, because the designs of the Furai fembots are so, so good. Even with the nerfs I think Windblade looks fantastic, and honestly I'd have a hard time picking a favourite aesthetically. Arcee is definitely better engineered though. I had to replace the wrists on Windblade after they self-destructed. Though to be fair that could be a result of the full paintjob I gave her; she was my first finished fully-painted plamo and I made a lot of mistakes re: not masking off joints. Though that said, the wrists were asking for trouble regardless with the design and the plastic they were made of.
do you have nicee? does she compare to these or completely different?
I don't, sadly. I wanna get one of the CDL KOs as I have heard they're 99% as good for a third of the price of the officials. Tempted by the Catwoman deco; would make a cool base for a Nightbird.
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99% of all toys are made in China at this point you tard
>doesn't understand the difference between designing and production
The coomerkino faggot is the very same retard who spams the roboposting garbage threads and necros them before they fall off the board. Aka why we have the autosage threads now.
I would not be surprised if he is part of this brand wars spamming or even is the one and same SHF schizo poster.
my point is that you are seeing ghosts in every shadow.
I dont see the Americans making anything with this amount of articulation or nipple options like Romankey does so whats even your point? Its all asians making these cool highly articulated and adult oriented figures which is why there is such a distinction with the term import toys in the first place.
Im a different anon. literally hop off to the fake ctg thread right now and youll see the coomer anon is clearly the guy who made that thread, has an obsessive hatred/jealousy for SLT who makes these ctg threads and acknowledges accusations hes is the faggot who created so many fake threads they got the current autosage system implemented.
>my point
you said 99% of toys are made in China as some sort of flex when in reality it's because they are the blue color workers of the world.
you've lost me with all the 4chins lore.
all I'm saying is not everyone who disagrees with the norm is a shill/bot/shitposter
Seems like I lucked out, all her joints are nice and smooth!
But they also design better action figures than America? Avoiding Chinese products in this hobby is just sheer lunacy at this point.
nta aside from romankey what has been Chinese designed? seriously asking
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I also have the official Nicee, and the clear and Elita CDLs. If you want to see anything specific, I will see what I can do, but it will have to wait until I get back from work.
I have nicee just interested in seeing how the others compare
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Snail Shell
that's a hot tamale
Blessed picture, show more Arcee plz. I missed her because I was broke and have been seething ever since.
snailshell rocks
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All the unofficially licensed characters and historical soldier clothed figures you see are Chinese made. Anything from the Mask to Resident Evil and Vietnam era GIs to Crusader knights.

Their anime figures have also gotten quite comparable to Japanese ones. People have mentioned Snail Shell already (everyones favorite) but the Hasukis, Manatee industry nude bodies, Metal Slugs figures and various others are also Chinese made and designed.
Chinese products are nearing 50% of this generals image posts at this point.
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I had to make my own after the prototype pics
This is a dope shot. Can you do another with the Motoko head?
Bringartsbro I seriously hope you got the eiko/quina bundle that went on ebay. They are so great. Especially eiko and she comes with that absolutely adorable mog too... make a thread and I post some pictures.
Bro, I didn't see anyone post the link to that deal bundle cause I wanted it.
thats not the same guy I got it from but there is one last left


It's absolutely worth it.
actually I'll just post a pic in thread about toys
Give away your cum
oof 100 bucks? Just give away that succubus and they bun from snail shell I guess.
I was gonna say the bunny girl too, because she's very popular, and not that expensive. I wouldn't say no to the succubus, though.
yeah they are fairly cheap too so nobody would be really salty for not winning
Thanks dude, I'll think about it tonight after game night. I'm unsure if this guy will ship to the US and how much that'll be. I don't read kraut
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Pardon the extremely gay nature of this picture (blame my fujo friend, she's been really helpful and supportive so it's only fair I indulge her a bit) but I've hit upon another idea for parts for the ACBA system; fused pelvises to make sex poses easier. Granted, you could probably DIY it by just trimming the dick on the penetrating side to length and gluing it against the receiving side's pelvis lined up with the pussy/anus, but this certainly is more convenient.
I really need to paint these heads, they look terrifying without painted eyes.
>fused pelvises
Hard mode: fused male pelvis to female chest for titfucking poses
I like how you think.
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Nicee has the best paint, but they are all good. I say get whatever you like/can find.
Curious. When transforms into car mode, where do those boobs go?
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The underside
The car seats.
wow that is really unpleasant
give us a little review when you get her. She cute and i might want to get her too.
i thought we weren't wasting image slots here?
Just ignore that shitposter and let janny do his thing
>something something recoils, something something "I've been found out"
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He's just addicted to shitposting. Pretty sure it's a neet that spends his whole day ruining threads and shilling shf and brandwarring. Figma thread is one big shitpost at this point I doubt there are even more than 2 posters left. Just him samefagging and some poor anon calling him out from time to time. He also shat up the revoltech thread a few days ago. Got banned like 5 times that day lol. Notice how he can't stand being alone with himself so he brought it up again for no reason at all >>11007020
It's probably same guy who sperged about romantech
Ill work on it a little later, shes def a nice little display fig, though im not planning on taking her clothes off, dont want to ruin them.
How much clearance between the boobs and hitting the tarmac?
Imagine passing a dog shit underneath, low enough to smear the boobs?
>diaper Rogue top seller
Who the fuck keeps buying them?
not buying hasbroke, sorry
I buy multiple to sell to latefags
the head on mine pops off easily, but other than that she's a solid figure.
The ponytail on mines a little loose, other than that, all her joints are nice. Her hands slip off easily enough to be switched around, but not so easy as to fall off thankfully.
So I'm not the only one then? I love the figure, but the head popping off drives me nuts.
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Anywhere got Figma Motoko up for pre-order besides BBTS?
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That is not a Figma, Arms look like shit, out only in September 2025. So dont hold your breath
the ass tech and butt plate look like shit too. skip
my mistake, I mean Hiya.
isnt this character a cyborg? the arms should be huge
Does anyone have any /ctg/ worthy pics of the xesray minotaurs? I want them in my buff rapist collection but I'm not sure about scale and articulation
For some reason, those human feet are really jarring
>buff rapist collection
uhh what
>isnt this character a cyborg? the arms should be huge
What does being a cyborg have to do with huge arms?
because where else would she hide all her gadgets?
Her ass
that's not even close to the weirdest shit posted here
i dunno dude
i think he wrote something pretty self-explanatory
>uncensored nips
uh oh
They are men that have a muscular build, and they practice non consensual sex.
role models
Only place I saw was hiya themselves.... and bbts is far cheaper
You are looking for the furfag general
Arms of a gorilla
Entertainment Earth.
I'm not poopooing this figure. There's some thought that went into it. Just that one promo pic or her crouching. If the final product can hit that pose, that's cool. A hundred bucks-cool with not really that many accessories cool? No. Just my opinion.
Her hj grip can't be beat
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Make way for a real cutie.
Women getting fucked by beastmen is not furfag though
It's ma'am?
Agreed. Human feet on distinctly not human things is revolting. Plantigrade anthros should be banned. Leaving this to be an Unguligrade anthro. Though I'm sure it's just for practicality and stable platform when standing.
Can I get that but as feminine women raping men instead? So the opposite.
did everyone buy up all of the romankey bodies? They are like twice the price now.
I don't think they thought it would sell as well and they didn't make enough to cover the demand
New preorders soon anon. Just wait.
I'm glad I bought five of the first wave for reselling at twice the price, I thought they would be popular.
There's a special place in hell for people like you.
I can tell you are lying because they sell for 3 to 4 times the price
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This figure looked fine to me, with flaws but honestly not that bad, 100 bucks not that bad? nope. Face in particular looks like one of em anime facemasks
I guess it's just that easy to get cheesy
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Is that the one use tiny light they used for the Guts Pop Up figure?
it's not cheesy, being sleazy
I think it's one of those tiny, battery powered led beam sabers.
LIke this https://www.amazon.com/Japan-Kotobukiya-Modeling-Support-gimmick/dp/B01C3POA7I
Or one of these https://www.amazon.com/6PCS-LED-Replacement-Battery-Fishing-Flashers/dp/B087FRXP8J/ref=pd_sbs_d_sccl_3_4/144-5774262-3987752?pd_rd_w=yn6GJ&content-id=amzn1.sym.89676150-e513-422e-84a9-9c8b85f32b61&pf_rd_p=89676150-e513-422e-84a9-9c8b85f32b61&pf_rd_r=ZEH7AH4DD3Y242VZ1G8V&pd_rd_wg=fX7WX&pd_rd_r=427e8c41-3c9b-4ed6-b744-1ca9ea2957fe&pd_rd_i=B087FRXP8J&th=1
She ma'am
So she can step on you
First time here, I'm looking for something we'll articulated enough to try shibari on but cheap enough to throw it away if I need to. I thought about 30 Minute Sisters but it seems too much of an investment. Cheap knockoffs are fine as long as they don't break too easily. I saw some posing dolls for artists on AE but I've never ordered from them before and I don't know how to look out for scams.
>I've never ordered from them before and I don't know how to look out for scams.
Let's review. Check out the store's rating. Read the store's feedback. Use your bullshit meter.
I've been ordering from aliexpress for years, and have yet (knock on wood) to have an issue.
It's even funnier the 8th time
Seconded. Manga Motoko is best Motoko
This kek. At least make new pictures or something. Its not the avatarfagging that triggers me but the reposting of old ahit over and over again. The redditor was the worst offendor of that
Gives a whole new meaning to dick cheese.
What's the bug thing?
I'll have to grab three of the brown romankey bucks if they return to make Nugtrio
They come with an alternate set of hooves
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Not only that, she's also retarded
>no maskless head
I wonder if it's a rights issue with the manga and original Oshi film, or if Japan simply has Ninja Scroll levels of no fucks to give about them, and that S.A.C. and later is where it's at?
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I heard that we're looking for some fresh content. I was looking for an excuse to play with my Mona
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Poor poor Mona will do anything for a little more Mora. That's why she's Maid Mona for the night
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One would think she spends herself into poverty on purpose just to have an excuse for her master to use her in her time of need.
I unloaded mine months ago for double what I paid. I'll snap up like ten of the re-release wave.
Ok, is Body-Chan worthwhile?
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How much is this going to cost?
What is with that awful foot sculpting? If they were gonna elongate her feet for the ball-joint like that they shouldn't have bothered.
Around 75 dollars depending on where you get it
Cute, I didn't get the maid dress and paws and kinda regret it. If you're interested in taking better pics, your lightning is too harsh with dark shadows, need balanced soft lighting which a makeshift lightbox will do.
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They did it, they made a toy for me!
That's the sword she uses to make men into women, iykwim
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>Snail Shell slutty nun
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>literally Sigui from Queen's Blade
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A bit lacking in accessories this time. Hopefully that means she's one of the cheaper ones too.
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>more feet DLC
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Makes you wonder if the entire fantasy line is going to have feet DLC.
these constant polynian delays keep wrecking my monthly orders man
>eh, i'm not much of a nun per-
She's gonna pair great with Lustia, but I wish they'd give their best releases more than just 2 smiling faceplates
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>pair great with Lustia
Forgot about these
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Oh yeah, def buying them both.
I was going to pair Lustia with Hasuki's shrine maiden exorcist, but Snail Shell knew Lustia was made for nun pussy.
Holy shit, i have wanted a sexy nun forever
goddamn snail shell is going to kill my wallet the second half of this year
I'mma need a 3rd part softgoods habit, maybe even a wimple.
I wonder if you can fit the habit on other heads, that way you can buy a few to headswap and make a convent.
Yeah, miko are more suited to oni, ghost, tentacles or ugly bastards.
I was thinking that it would surely be fine as long as their hair would fit in it, but then realized that there might be a peg that plugs into where the ahoge would be.
Remember how many figures they announced in a single Wonfes? Then they go and launch a fantasy themed series with their mascot girl getting isekai'd, and it already has 2 releases up for pre-order. The speed is really impressive.
Need a big titty bikini warrior in this rpg line.
i hope they do this for every release going forward
Where is this? I don't see it on Gundamit.
sold out
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She’s a little vanilla compared to Lustia but I think it lends well to the character. Preorders up on usagundamstore btw
shes not on there for me....
NVM, got her, thanks for letting us know, fren.
>okay figure I don't really care about
>but feet DLC
Fuck me again, I didn't even want the Succ and now I'll be getting both.
Why not just buy the feet for another figure?
Thankfully according to number 5 you get 1 dumb
That's what I'm considering doing but snail shell is so all over the place with body types and skin tones who knows when another will even be compatible with these.
isn't antenna hair in animu visual shorthand a way to show ditzy or clumsiness in a character?
I'm guessing that's where it got dumb from

also really like how they mention the height, and also how and from where they actually measured it
trying to find out how tall a figure is exactly unless someone holds a ruler next to it in some image or video can be a pain
155mm is 6.10 inches. Most 1/12 figures Japanese and Western are between 5.10 and 6 inches. Most Chinese lying cunt 1/12 scale figures are 6.5 to 7 inches tall. All I did was type mm to inches in Google.
I think I'm gonna buy three for this, even if the habit doesn't fit other heads, it should be simple enough to sculpt custom ones and tack on. My only wonder, will there be a delicious chocolate sister?
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Thoughts? Would be a good master for your taimanin or the Hasuki ninja.
>Pre-order bonus
Ah fuck, they're doing this shit too now
Ahoge literally means dumb hair, since it's hair that can't read the room like the others and sticks out.
I've been surprised quite a few times sadly. But I guess I like certain weirder figures

fuck you I can read the room just fine, maybe YOU're a hoe, gay
Coom aside ... it's Ryu fucking Hayabusa I just want him for that reason
Now I want get Ninja Slayer (san).
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>7700 yen on Amiami
That's a bit more expensive than expected, especially give the lack of accessories and separate feet DLC.
I guess there are no licensing fees, but I assume Snail Shell isn't particularly big or rich, so that they're putting out figures with probably Figuarts tier accessories and looking as solid as they do, it's impressive that they're hitting these prices.
It's only $49 USD, what were you expecting? They could be dicks and charge $75 like figma and it'd still sell. Wasn't Assassin like $70+?
Yeah, 50 is still pretty good for the current economy. Figma were around that range 10 years ago.
Dude, it's bigger and cheaper than a Figma fig. and for almost the same number of accessories (including heads) this is a great deal
Sad they don’t make nipples.
Thank fuck they gave a specific height.
>>11011267 Also sick of gay retard companies calling 1/10 scale 1/12, only the Japanese consistently seem to know how to do maths.
155mm is taller than most Figma but is a good dommy mommy height.
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I guess Solomon72 is finally going to release JK Camio soon
>only the Japanese consistently seem to know how to do maths.
to be fair most jap lines are "non scale"

her face looks weird like if she got mumps or something... reminds me to some Assaul lily
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I don’t know who these will fit, but they’ll fit somebody. Mine just shipped, anyone seen them in person?
>model kit
I am going to be pissed if I don't get the pasties.
>isn't antenna hair in animu visual shorthand a way to show ditzy or clumsiness in a character?
watch more anime
Fyi if you go with Usagundamstore for the Nun/Succubus/Rabbit/feet dlc dont forget to use the discount Mem24 for the extra 15% discount.
It's not much but it's enough to cover the $9.99 shipping plus $2-$3 extra off
>got Nun + both dlcs for around $72
Just from looking back over the previous figures the suc's feet looks like it'll work much more than the Nuns feet with other figures.
There's a wide assortment of their ladies with black leggings or armor (Bee Girls, Phantom Devil, etc) while all of the ones dressed in mostly white are either skin tone throughout the leg (Rabbit) or the skin tone is way off (Milk Tea).

>inb4 some mad lad with the 4 legged mech horse gives her 4 human feet
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Shipping my stuff from HLJ via their HLJ small pack, that literally gets to me the following Wednesday, like next week.
waiting for gundamit to get her preorder up. I got some points to use
> Clamp
I wonder... is that what it is for?

Ah well.....
I don’t need training set because I bought Hasbro Fortnite black cat, his training barbells are huge!
The realistic or animation version?
MUSE is on the loose.
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Hiya Motoko is finally up on HLJ & HS(AmiAmi still AWOL). Prepare to be raped.
Confirmed baka
it's up now but i was kinda surprised by the mark up
wtf when are they getting PayPal back? not using stripe bs
I’ve been using buying points on showz with paypal, then using the points on gundamit. What’s with this “our paypal has reached its limit” stuff anyway? I’ve never heard of such a thing before.
Are these for any preorder or only specific sites? Only hlj seems to mention them
amiami mentions the cross pasty first run bonus and gundamit didn't so i went with amiami. with the markup gundamit is charging it pretty much eats up what i would have paid extra for amiami to ship with dhl anyways
git gud
Have any other SS figures locked parts behind PO? I thought they were just stuff like keychains or coasters.
Did I read correctly that these bodies are gonna be reissued or something?
No one knows for sure. It's rumor, speculation and conjecture, at this time.
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>6.10 inches
Darn that might mess up my display with my other actual 1/12 figures. Yeah they could be seen as tall women but I didn't realize Snail Shell girls aren't quite to scale. Found this pic, white tea is a lot taller.
For the succubus and the nun, I wonder if I should get this diorama.
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This goes out to the anon that liked Berenice's bathrobe last thread.
Jesus being censored is something I find incredibly amusing.
that would look awesome
He'll turn out to be the South Park Jesus.
Fucks sake that's way too expensive and it's not particularly good either. Pass.
Where is THAT?!
Cat Egg Church
has anyone tried face swapping snail shells with other s h or other lines?
Yes, you can find examples of head swaps in this very thread, anon.
cant tell who ur talking to. learn to reply noob kek

hella ironic calling someone redditfag when you cant even use 4chan
Even better, who doesn't want Jesus hauling around an AK-47 like in Stick of Truth?
>I thought they were just stuff like keychains or coasters.
yup, these are preorder bonus
thnx bb
>this general, 5 months from now
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ofc my dumb ass forgot the image
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Kinda cute
Post your completed kits
Native-Store is taking reservations for left over stock of Second Axe Taimanin Mizuki Yukikaze.
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Nice, now stop announcing stuff and start making them.
Get it from Hiya or Gundamit
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You're welcome.
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At least its not a Hasuki who are straight up the height of a Hasbro male figure. My Milk Tea is comparable height to Figma Iowa, Figma Sophia and Shf Pepesha. The Figmas have high heels on though.
holy kino
Anybody looking for Taimanin Yukikaze, they got old stock up for order on the Native website
No preggo option though
That does look better, thanks for the pic.
You can still find it on amiami or mandrake
Seems to be a lot less quantity these days though
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Fat man:110mm
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I'm a real nasty nigga put the Cheeto in her booty
Link to the statue?
Oh the That Pool people, nice.
Me on the left.
Are we moving to the other thread for now?
Nop, if this one hit the limit, we will just wait for a new one.
Other thread is a Zat spam thread, and is currently serving as a decoy for the retards that are trying to start a brand war between Figma and SHF.
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Got my SHF Spirits in. The ass tech is surprisingly good, by SHF standards. It's funny how the Shy figures have mogged significantly more popular properties like Nier or Frieren in terms of sculpt.
t-that's a pantyline?
post Frieren ass
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this is supposed to be flat? because I can see some fine ass cheeks
Probably just my autism, but I kinda wish some of the cloth parts were more prominent or contrasting in design. Maybe a black top instead of white to contrast the bib?
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So when is supposed to came out Yua?
Some time in October I believe
>Frieren has better cheeks than 2B
What a time to be alive.
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Where can I buy pic related?
I can't seem to find any websites that actually offer the damn thing, let alone keep it in stock
Rule 2, newfag. Lucky for you I think the rule is outdated and I happen to keep up with where to get statues, including chinkshit like that:

What you're looking at is an older unlicensed statue. Chinese circles only make like 100-500 copies of their works across various shops. Slim chance but there could be copies in the aftermarket.
painted nails typed this
Who’s the left girl she’s really cute
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It's all him samefagging too
Why is this still up?
even if he wasn't a plebbitor he's hands down worst poster on top of that
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Here is your Evil-Lyn coomer toy, goyim.
We don't do brand wars here. You should go back to the Zat spam /ctg/ thread and argue with the schizo there like you have been doing for the last few days.
It's not bro, they're sold out.
I don't think there's anybody who doesn't hate that faggot. Especially after him getting exposed as the brandwar schizo.
>You should go back to the Zat spam /ctg/ thread and argue with the schizo there like you have been doing for the last few days.
wait, so these wear panties? I was sure they were naked without the fabric clothes.
I think those are removable pliable plastic panties like the bikini of the previous girl.
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This devilishly handsome gentleman is ready to keep your favorite ct company. Pre-orders are live.
How much for dragon bussy?
lmao what?
how is this coom?
Some of us like having weird monsters bully our girls.
Some of us would plap dragon boy cheeks.
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