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Discuss all things shonen!
New release from Buzzmod
PO's up at amiami


SHF Naruto
SHF Bleach
SHF One Piece
SHF Demon Slayer
SHF Sand Land
SHF Kenshin
SHF Kaiju No.8


Buzzmod Demon Slayer
Buzzmod Kenshin
Buzzmod City Hunter


Figma Demon Slayer
Figma JJK
Figma CSM
Figma Guyver

SC Baki
SC Sakigake Otokojuku!
SC HnK 1/6

GSC Guyver 1/6
Idk if you guys remember the third party 1/12 Mitsuba figure from an older thread, but the accessories were revealed and the price of $129 makes a little more sense now.
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*Kaneda, not sure how that came out
Mitsuba is really pissed
What’s up I’m the guy looking for full metal alchemist figures in the last thread I ended up going with the playarts figures and I’m pleased
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neat. It sucks the buzzmod wasn't more well received and they didn't make alphonse. I think for posing the yamaguchi's are still amazing, but a bit dated looking.
I was thinking about which other shonens are lacking figs and realized these have yet to even have their main protags ever made in action figure form. They are now my top 5 wishlist.
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For any reason I always forget GS Mikami is a shonen manga.
It one of these weird cases where I like all the cast so a toy line of it will be a dream
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i want a duke figure with modernized articulation mr yamaguchi pls sir if you are reading this thread
This whole thing looks like they just based this off an AI generated Kaneda. Everything is off, from the outfit proportions to those disgusting faces.
We doing shonen protagonist knoes? Because these two are mine.
I think technically most of those have had figures but they are all kids figures or Nendoroids so I would say those don't really count. I would buy a good Toriko or Bobobobobobobo in a second,
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Well this has finally sold me on SHF Naruto. I never got any further than the first 50 episodes, so have no idea who most of the later characters, but that ramen shop dio hit me in the nostalgia bone, so just ordered young Naruto and Sasuke. Are they considered good figure?
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Part of me wants to buy multiples for shadow clones. Anyone here done that?
I'm waiting for him to bin for this
Somebody explain Dasin GT to me. Are they really unlicensed?
Kid Naruto is near perfect, some just have the issue of the legs coming off if you twist it too much. Kid Sasuke could've been a lot better, its too tall, face is a bit chubby, collar is too low, and articulation in the torso bend is limited. Poses well though, accessories are nice. Just feels like he's elongated in the middle a bit.
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So...figma? Figuarts?
Have these ever binned since release? Still $35 everywhere I look. May get a couple note for that price if I don't see it drop soon.

Good to know. That's a shame about sasuke. I also ordered orochimaru since it came with dlc. Just need to find kakashi now.
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I've had to resist the urge. Had probably like a dozen of these when I was a kid for shadow clone shenanigans and those were a lot less versatile.
I bought a second so I could at least do "one Naruto rubs on the rasengan to make it work while another naruto prepares to shove it into someone" pose. I wouldn't mind getting another one. They're fucking cheap. I think 2-3 is perfectly fine. It helps that it's undeniably a top tier action figure. I don't know how many figures I have that are better than this young Naruto figure but it's not many.
Would have happened already if there was interest. Maybe Red and the grunt one day.
Man, Toshiro Hitsugaya has been through some shit.
Yeah. I definitely think if I see them for less than 30 i'll grab a couple more. Just waiting for the first one to arrive so I can tell how good they are.

Managed to snag a cheap Kakashi today as well, so gone from having no Naruto figs to ordering 4 in a couple of days!
>papercraft roof that’s clipped on really obviously
But why
I know right. They really cheaped out on that. meh, i'll probably just glue it so I don't have to use the clips.

Honestly it's the stools and bar and banner that got me. They look fun. Moreso than the goku dining set. Lets hope the eating faces are good.
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Got the next egghead grandline release. I wish they wouldn't insist on making nami so big in the anime. Shes supposed to be shorter than luffy, but is almost always depicted taller. Anyway, i think this looks pretty good with the others so hope we get an shf soon. She'll be much nicer to pose than luffy at least.
Are these articulated?
Yeah, I just wish the walls and roof weren’t cardboard, it looks bad even in promo shots. I’ll probably get it as well, since I love scale sets, but I hope the price reflects that half the set is cardboard (it won’t).
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The egg head ones aren't no. They are statues, although I've swapped out the neck and head on the luffy so I can atleast articulate the head, change face plates, add his hat, etc. I like them because they scale reasonably well with the shf, so work as placeholders until we get posable ones.
Yeah. They already listed the retail price at 6,000 yen. So nearly twice the price of naruto.
I'll still get it, but hopefully there are some good discounts.
I thought Japanese statues weren’t allowed on /toy/
Are the jumping Luffys statues?
So long as they’re being used as flavour for toys, it’s fine on this board. There’s always the buyfag thread on /a/ or /jp/ if you want statue focus.
>just a bit out of scale, but noticeably
Kinda sucks, but they might make good alternative heads for future releases.
>6k yen
These greedy fucks.
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with nami they honestly fucked up by sculpting different sized boots. They should have just reused the luffy ones in a different color plastic and she'd have been short and closer the the correct height. The same with Sanji. Kinda baffling decision.
At least Chopper looks like a decent stand in.
At this rate if bandai does announce them the anime will move on to elbaf by the time they release.
as someone who hasn’t reached this arc, WTF is up with the costumes…
You thought wrong
Vegapunks "Egghead" island is known as the land of the future so the outfits are a mix of technological advancements and odas eccentricity. I don't really understand the hawaiian shirts that sanji and jinbei wear though. They look kinda out of place with the rest of the crew.
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It seems that Aliexpress started to sell KO Yujiro Hanma figures. Anyone got it already? I want to see photos.
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Just got the little fucker and he's awesome. Definitely buying more.
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Sweet. Hopefully it's better than bakis one.
On the subject of yujiro, I just got this little rement set for him.
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When will Hunter x Hunter finally get new figures? Those Figma ones are a fortune nowadays.
all I know that they are out of scale. Also that ramenshop is a litral money grab with that dogshit papercraft roof lmao. Just make your own and save yourself some greif. It will literally start falling appart on it's own after a few months
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Yeah, it definitely feels like they made kakashi a bit small. I can live with it, bit is should have at least been the same height as the original. Was tempted to get the megahouse DX, but 23cm is just way too big.
The ramenshop looks great and i'm really looking forward to it. I have no problems with paper craft. it's just a neat idea.
Did the manga ever finish? I kinds lost interest due to all the breaks. Maybe when it does they'll make a complete anime adaption and we'll get some merch.
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Ha, No. Write that bitch off at this point. Every now and then we will get a chapter but it doesn't really progress anything and sometimes we go literal years between chapters.
are they still on that fucking boat
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Need more storm collectibles figures...I really hope they pick up more stuff soon. More kengan ashura stuff would be cool. Regular raian would be really nice. He's such a massive douche in the manga that it becomes great again. Every scene with him is just fun. Also good god I'd kill for a Kaolan Wongsawat figure. That guys expressions really grew on me.
I also pray for the manga usogui but thats an all time never ever since the main character is a dyel but who knows...thinking about getting 2 adam toy bodies in the meantime since there's not really anything else cool coming out this year it seems. Maybe get a romankey body too and build one of those custom Tojis since it's the only character I like from jjk.
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I really need to upgrade my background. They barely fit in the picture lmao. Maybe an actual camera too...
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About a month to go. Just the main squad will suffice.
Is that series ANY good at all? My best bud used to watch this slop but I'm way more into internet culture than him and I literally never hear anybody talk about this series. Like your post is the first in years probably
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We really need more early naruto villains.

Agreed. I just finished the Kengan 2nd season and would love a fang figure. I figure you could probably make a custom with an eren titan head, lol. I hope storm do more. I also hope they get the ragnarok licence as that would be a perfect fit for them.

Nta, but I loved fairy tail. I remember reading it before the anime was even announced. I feel like with most things these days, the Internet forgets them if they aren't current and the anime ended 5 years ago, so it's kinda old news now. 100 year will probably breathe some more life into it though, I'm not holding out for figures at this point though.
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And this as well.
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I’d be all in for a Soul Eater line.
Fairy Tale was very popular with your normie casual anime watcher
Its a fun adventure fantasy with nice music and characters. Its the kind of series that really feels like something from a different era compared the kinds of modern series of today in this genre.
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It's still honestly bonkers that we never got a 1/12 natsu. Not even from a 3rd party. The guild members each had such memorable designs.
>I'm not holding out for figures at this point though.
I'm actually pretty optimistic in this modern era of figures. All it took for Bleach to get stuff was an anime to be airing and FT seems like its in a very similar boat. The designs are also basically what they always wear unlike with Bleach so I think all fans that wanted figures would be on board. I can already imagine instamashii putting up a teaser with the guild mark.
It was a pretty popular shonen also ran from back in the day. It used to get a lot of discussion but it is one of those that just sort of stopped being talked about after it ended. I never got into it myself though.
What was the last shonen bandai put out that wasn't shueisha? I guess that got berserk, but seems pretty uncommon. I'd like to be proven wrong though.
Again, was this any good? I saw EVEN less people talking about this.
Soul eater is unironically one of the most kino animes out there. It's just old af at this point. But nobody will ever tell you otherwise.
Really? I hear about Soul Eater all the damned time. If anything that seemed more popular than Fairy Tail in a lot of places.
I always wanted an Erza action figure, the standard armor or fire pants. Feels like she's cursed whether it be Nendos or those orginal good smile scales, she'd get announced but never made.
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they finally made a figure of me
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>Kinnikuman getting a new anime this year
>Hokuto No Ken getting a new anime this year
>One Punch Man anime coming back
>Baki Vs Kengan crossover coming
>New Dragon Ball anime coming
Honestly now is the best time for classic shonen and fighting series.

almost had a heart attack thinking this was from medicos, but then remembered we had the digaction silhouettes so they weren't far behind. already have kenshiro and zeed order so definitely getting these!
This looked too good so I just caved and got 5 more for $116 free shipping in the aliexpress sale
>inb4 "enjoy your bootlegs"
Looking forward to seeing what wacky scenes I can concoct with 6 nardos.
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btw, for anyone interested in knowing the size compared to the medicos hnk figs.
A SAS scale heart would be ridiculous at 23cm
I really hope they do more of the crew in ROMANCE DAWN style. mainly because it means we'd get a better zoro, but also i generally prefer those versions of the designs
I want usopp and franky the most but feel pretty sure we wont get those unless the line goes for a good while
Same. I've got the New World Straw Hats as Figuarts Zeroes already and so far I've vastly preferred pre-timeskip to post, so I'm really looking forward to more SHFs of that era. I feel like Usopp has a good chance being part of the original 5. My biggest want's definitely Robin with the cowboy hat, though.
I think the East Blue 5 are a safe bet. Chopper and Robin could be next up, then Franky and Brook. Hopefully eventually Jinbe. Time skip Franky is a lot harder just because of how massive he is, though Jimbe might be even more so overall.
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Any of you have the 200X Kenshiro or Raoh figures? Are they fun to pose or would you recommend getting the Revoltech stuff from like 2008? I know the 200X are a lot more restricted and less articulated, but they look like they pose really well and have very good and expressive body language with the little bit of movement you are given. They also look quite solid and less likely to break. I'm just looking for stuff that's fun to play with but also looks good when put into a pose.
I mean chogokin did franky alright, I'd imagine jinbei would be much harder with his body shape and tendency to wear martial arts robes
We definitely need up to Robin. To me that is the classic crew. Vivi would be nice too but I could see why they wouldn't do her at this point.
I can't wait for this luffy. Hoping they do a yellow shirt/red shorts version to go with ace in a marineford display.
This line is getting good. Pre-timeskip zoro next please!
These aren't great. They were an improvement on the 199x line, but still pretty janky. I have rei in my hnk display until the sas drops.
The DX ken and raoh were the better ones. They were a bit bigger, but had a nice sculpt and finish. Still not the best articulation though. The box set versions with the horses were the best version.
Revos have great articulation and play value, but there didn't capture the liknesses well Imo. The sculpts were too soft and the figures felt too small. I only got zeed and the musou one for the effects.
The SAS ones are definitely the best option.
anon I've got news for you...
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nevermind, this one is Variable Actions Heroes, it's a lot taller than SHF, sorry for getting your hopes up
Yeah. Not SHF sadly. I've bought 4 of the east blue luffy in the hope of making a custom. Hopefully I can do a good job of spraying the shirt.
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Why not get one of the older SHF Luffys for parts, they did a Marineford version. I don’t think the rubbery vest material will take paint very well, I’ve always found it to crack/frost and chip easily even primed/sealed. You could feasibly dye a G5 Luffy’s white jacket too.
Yeah, I don't think you're gonna be able to kit bash much from this onto the new one. The torso on the new one is 2 different pieces and the shirt doesn't look removable. I made my onigashima ones shorts blue without much issue, so that should be fine, like you said, it's the shirt that may be tricky, but that's why I bought 4 to experiment :P
The shirts will be fine, but the particular plastic they use for the shirt will never take paint well, only bother if you’re not intending to pose it much after.
It’s almost inevitable there will be a Marineford Luffy, buying 4 right now seems like the result of a manic episode.
They ruined onepiss when they made luffies final form a gay recolor instead going bigger and bulkier. Instantly lost all intrest.
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Ace is gonna look sick next to VAH Newgate.

cool story bro.
Not a story but a fact pablo.
For you maybe. Most people love the G5 design. And making him roided out doesn't fit the character or make sense in the context of his fruit awakening.
Nta, I really like the concept of the form and what its supposed to be but I can't say I'm super fond of how it looks. Though if you were to let me decide how it looks idk how I'd even design it. I think the hair color change would be something I'd try to avoid cause that feels more Dragon Ball than anything.
I'm actually the complete opposite where I don't mind how it looks but despise its story and character implications
We are the same. I don’t love Chosen Piece or the whole ‘hhuehuehuehue super OP Luffy look at this unfunny eyeball gag’ in fights , but the actual design is really nice.
Agree. The new design is absolute slop and ruined any hopes I had for the series. Gear 4 looked so good and them this garbage. Dropped it too
Gear 5 Luffy is hit or miss, but it’s still miles ahead of Gear 4 Luffy. That was just stupid design.
>Slept through the P-Bandai pre-order
>Nin Nin Game is already sold out
>Not even on BBTS with a late fee
Is there anywhere I can still get this thing?
I don't like G5 from a story standpoint but Luffy becoming a cartoon god is way more interesting and in character than him becoming a bara.
nin nin hasnt gone up yet
I ordered mine from genki. It's still up its p bandai so there will be loads of time to order before they close. Just no re-release ever.
Goddamn, I didn’t expect him to be that expensive.
It went up and then closed. I don't know why they keep doing this. I think it's because they offer pay later. It happens a lot with the genki items. People seem to hate paying in advance, so only the deferred payment options sell out fast.
It's a bargain compared to the sentinel which is why I bought 2 :)
oh, my bad
Gear 5 feel so out of place I don't know how anybody can defend it. One piece was kinda shit before that already but now it's actual shovelware. I'm expecting it to die off bit by bit from now on. As anon said it's just a recolor. Very lazy and uncreative and especially boring.
I acknowledge your opinion and respectfully disagree with it.
One piss was never good. The fanbase is just bunch of turdlickers
Sucks to be you I guess.
Gear 4 had the right idea. You kinda wanted luffy to actually fit the bill and look like a pirate but then he pussied out. Mark my words years later even the most hardcore fans will say the same shit about gear 5
Like now he's just another goku but turbo retarded. Literally ruined character.
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It makes me laugh how much the mere existents of one piece triggers people.
Ye he mad
it's just slop it's not like I'm mad about it. Just dissappointed people here have taste this bad
The design and powerset is fine. Luffy being pirate jesus is not.
Nin Nin just kind of lies when a pre-order sells out.
I can't find it on the proper P-Bandai site. anyway, thanks! Hobby Genki it is I guess. How are they? I have never shopped there before.
They’re okay, their customer support is awful if you have any problems. But otherwise should be a suitable alternative.
I’m pretty sure that’s all one person you replied to.
almost definitely.
I know most shonenshit is S.H. REDDIT trash but can you keep your schizo garbage in the S.H. REDDIT thread? No, it's not one person. One piss is garbage and so is your taste. Learn to live with it faggot. This isn't your echochamber.
>noooo you can't hate one piss
You realize one piece is pretty much the only thing keeping this general alive, right?
>one piece
Do people actually still care about this? Didn't they add trannies? Like to the crew and shit? Pozzed garbage but I guess it resonates with giganormies because of that netflix show.
>one piece is the only shonen we talk about
when's the next tamashii nations event?
The Netflix show was unironically better than the anime

lol nah
I'll believe it kek
Can we please just take a moment to appreciate how based bandai are for giving us softgoods for this look. If only they'd added the yellow shirt and this release would have been perfection.
Wasn't that designed by anybody but bandai? Honestly I'll still won't buy it. SHF just not doing it for me anymore.
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This dude got a plain white shirt for his sentinel and dyed it yellow. You could probably find something similar on aliexpress.
you're trying to hard
Trying to hard? SHF sucks balls. I'm literally selling my last ones and canceled all my preorders months ago. Every release is garbage and full of issues. Shit you one piece fags should be the ones complaining instead of me lol
It's a really great spread of accessories on the whole. The Luffy DLC face is perfection. Not sure which is my favorite now. This one or the one that comes with Yamato.
Cool. Good for you. If you don't enjoy shf anymore and aren't buying them then perhaps talk about the shonen figures you are getting from other lines instead of regurgitating the same weak ad-hominems verbatim.
>weak ad-hominems verbatim
you might need to google what that actually means anon. You make yourself look stupid for no reason (actual adhomien).
just makes luffy coming with nothing even more sad
I mean Luffy was cheaper though.
give a more expensive option like the DX figma then
>You make yourself look stupid for no reason
>actual adhomien
I don't know if that was intentional, but I needed that laugh anon. Fucking brilliant. Congratulations, you win the internet.
>nooo a typo my whole argument is undone! You win despite using the term completely wrong
Haha, good catch anon! Upvoted!
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why do you think I'm trolling exactly? I sold a bunch already. Was on the edge with berserk armor but the issues were too much for me so I'm getting rid of it before it breaks
>I'm dissatisfied with an SHF figure I bought
>I must now make it my mission every thread to call people fucking shills for daring to enjoy their figures
>no I'm not a troll

Nice try.
What are you talking about schizo?
>ctrl+f shill
literally your post
Again, nice try. You post about Guts in multiple threads.
Not really but I do live in your walls.
>Jujutsu Kaisen just stopped having figures for no apparent reason
Figuarts and Figma just dipped and I don't get it problems with license?
No Nendo thread so guess i'll post here. Fubuki is up. Disappointing lack of accessories, but we've got her at least.
Not sure where Yamaguchi is with his OPM line. Haven't bothered picking up dasin sonic yet because i'm waiting on a solid line.
Figma are flakey as hell. Fate is probably the only line they committed to doing more than 10 figs of from a single property. They abandoned HxH, Berserk, Guyver, DQ, SnK, OPM, BnHA, KnY all after just a handful of releases. It's part of the reason I don't collect them any more, as I want deep rosters, not just 1-2 main characters.
Pretty sure they are just on a between anime seasons break. I read some time ago that anime sales don't cover the cost or production, so these days it's largely used as a promotional marketing tool to help sell merch. It stands to reason that when an anime isn't airing, merch announcements slow down. Just look at One Punch Man.
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Maybe if it didn't turn out absolute garbage I'd give a shit.
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meanwhile based chinks
Lmao, how is this so bad. No wonder it flopped.
It's the same old same. You get what you pay for. The chink heads look great, but they are $50. If you include that level of quality to a full figure you're now in the $100 range for every release. This is why Ace looks so good, because they made it p-bandai and are charging a premium price.
Honestly I'm one for quality over quantity. I'd happily pay $200+ for perfect 1/12 deluxe figures, but the majority of people wouldn't. That's why they swoon over companies like Jada that have objectively terrible head sculpt/finishes on their SFII toys, but are so cheap people conveniently ignore it....
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A shit figure is a shit figure. Pretty sure only reason why Jada street fighter figures are popular is because the SHF ones flopped hard since they looks absolute ass too. I would never buy an SHF in current day.
Like there is shit and there is SHF tier shit. Like premium bag of shit. Fs in the chat to all the anons whose favourite franchises are stuck in SHF hell.

also you can print them yourself too
Yeah, thats pretty bad. I didn't get the SHFs because I hated how cheap and glossy they look. I remember people only ever posting sukuna since that was the only face that didn't look like complete shit (still bad tho). They all look like cheap chink knockoffs already. It doesn't help that the manga gets super retarded after shibuya incident. So it will probably fall in popularity unless the studio somehow salvages it with animation but I doubt it. JJK bros...it's over.
>also you can print them yourself too
it's a great idea and all, but the reality is you have to pay at least $300 for a budget 3D printer, then you have to take time to learn how to use it and unless you are competent at 3d moddeling pay for STLs. Then you've got the materials and the time it takes to refine and finish your product. There is a lot of waste and trial and error plus, you need to be good at art or commision an artist to paint your products.
Honestly it's only viable if you intend to mass produce for resale. Not worth it just to make one gojo head for your display.
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250 bucks + resin actually for a really good one and it would still be better than wasting money on shf.
USED they go from below 200 to less than 100 bucks. You are just making excuses. 4k already prints better than anything the big brands will ever be able to shit out.
>paying for stls
lmao lawl

With this all you have to do is paint them which is piss easy with contrasts (higher quality paint than whatever cheap shit shf uses too). Now you can make adjustments if you want or even make your own custom expressions. Soon AI will do it for you on top of it. All of this can be learned in less than 5 hours. Or don't do it at all the community is huge already and there are countless prints out there already on top of countless chink stls for bootlegs
i'm not sure this information is up to the minute, i've seen resin 3d printers for like 100 bucks. that's also dishonest accounting, you wouldn't be paying for a new 3D printer every time you wanted to print one new head for an action figure. painting is as easy as some cans of spray paint and masking tape, which again last way more than one project
I mean if OFFICIAL PRODUCT looks this shit you might as well buy a printer instead. Even costs less than both >>11018493 of these combined probably lmao
This seems pretty disingenuous. How does someone with zero painting experience learn how to make something like this in "less than 5 hours". It takes years to hone your skills. Especially painting faces and eyes.
I don't spend much time in custom gen, but for all the talk of "make your own toys", hardly anyone here is sharing images of their complete finished 3D printed figures.
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bare in mind that this is the average toy collectors paint level skills.
there are countless youtube tutorials. It's literally paint by numbers too. The hair is black. The flesh tone is flesh tone. You can add a darker one further down to make the highlight. The hardest part are the eyes since it's hard to get a steady hand as a beginner but you can repaint or even reprint all you want until you get it right

talk about disingenuous

This isn't a mini either with a tiny as fuck head. You got way more room to pain and it's easier overall. Yeah the first one will suck a bit since you never did it before but it will get already better with the 2nd one. Again contrasts do all the work for you. You don't even need to thin that shit properly. Either way it will still look better than 100% of SHF these days. Really no need to get mad about it anon and make shit up.
also in that example he didn't even paint the hair. He just primed it. Same for eyebrows and hat.
I'm not getting mad. I want to believe you, i really do, but before I invest hundreds of dollars and hours of my time I want to know what the end result is likely to be. I've dabbled in customising a fair bit over the years and it definetly is not easy and certainly no paint by numbers shit. You need a keen eye, steady hand, fine brushes and a lot of patience. To says it easy and anyone can do it is simply not true.
If you have examples of 3D printed heads you have painted I would appreciate seeing them.
Ignore him anon. He's just trolling you. He's never 3D printed anything in his life.
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I was taking pictures but if you are going to be a faggot about then no I won't post it. Keep spending hundreds of dollars on mediocre shfslop instead and cry about how hard it is to paint by numbers I guess.
There's no point arguing with retards anon. He doesn't care if he's wrong or right. It's just the shf shill shitposting. He's shitting up all other threads too as we speak
>get's btfo
>h-he's trolling
meanwhile actual shill vs someone who posts his figure
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Damn. What's going on in here?

Chances of more Guyver units from Figma being revealed at WonFes next month? I think the GI did well considering the current aftermarket price.
yooo wtf why he got that old ass pez looking ab crunch smdh that shit fr outdated lmfao
whoops meant
They simply invested hugely in Kaiju no 8 for some reason. I mean, I like it but it’s weird when JJK is at peak popularity due to Shibuya being animated and how fucked and big the fandom is.
>posts gigaflopman
*yawn* get better toys
>it’s another /shfg/ episode
>Look what happened because of what you did, what it led to! There are deleted posts out there! Two anons are banned and you're rocking. You're rocking. A whole thread was derailed today because of what you did.
How about you fags just stop shitposting? If you are already banevading at least don't double down. This is why everyone hates you shffags in the first place. All the samefagging and shilling is too obvious.
I know.
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>b-bro trust me it's not slop
heartly kek
Check THESE mold lines out
Where’d you get the corona?
Her jacket and hair are just atrocious. you won't win me over with actual slop like this anon. Waiting for AY to save chainsawman.
>AY chainsawman
Lel, she is a bit jank but I still think it’s fun to play with her though. I matte sprayed her jacket and trousers because I hated the shininess, but haven’t gotten anything more from figma or SHF. Chensoman himself is fine but Shoulderji was insane of them to release.

It’s from a J-Dream gashapon set, one of the bar themed ones. I have a mini actual branded corona somewhere, they’re fairly easy and cheap to get from dollhouse mini makers.
I absolutely hate Chainsaw Man and even I kind of wish AY would have been one of the lines to cover it. The series has such a Yamaguchi friendly aesthetic at least with the monsters so it is a shame that AY is one of the only major lines to not cover it.
If the movie manages to boost it there’s a chance.
I'm guessing for CSM it's either an expensive license or Kaiyodo don't want to take the risk after they gambled on Tokyo卍Revengers. It's not as if then do many anime licenses these days. The OPM and SnK ones were a nice surprise, but we've still yet to see anything of it. BnHA is the only other anime they've done and the last 2 releases aren't even yamaguchi.
Man, I keep forgetting Tokyo Revengers existed. I guess it just didn’t get the same kinda traction in the west cause nobody could be bothered to localise the manji in a way that didn’t seem turbo offensive to outsiders.
Revengers was a bad choice for a few reasons. The most obvious being that Yamaguchi is more of a dynamic action guy than an accurate sculpt guy and the series is primarily consumed by fujos who just wanted figures of their favorite pretty boys.
There's also Yugioh Gx/5ds with 4 total figures.
Yeah. Missed railgun. Seems like a bit of a random IP to chose. Not sure what the selection criteria is with these.
>Yugioh Gx
We're those Yamaguchi? That had dogs hit articulation so there they come under some other kaiyodo sub series.
Damn I want to rob this from the store! 2025 is too far away! This looks 10 times better than what Megahouse and Sentinel did.
Don’t love those shiny ass shorts but I guess Bandai really loves shiny plastic.
I’ll probably just buy him at release cause he looks like fun, but Ace is really one of those characters I give zero fucks about.
The lights don't help with the shine. Also I'd be careful about skipping this until release as this version is a webshop exclusive. Chances are if they do a retail re-release down the line without most of the accessories.
What I hate:
ugly abcrunch
holes in the joints
his torso has a horrible and unnatrural sculpt, looks bad from every angle
glossy as fuck
what I love:
nothing I don't collect one piss
>that tattoo
man actually mogged by megahouse huh. I'm so glad I don't collect these
yeah the torso is super fucked on it. For no reason on top of it. The tattoo is just halved and it will be visible when you move it around...also looks bulged? Why? I also see he has like no ass at all. Back side looks like front side. Though the megahouse ass is also pretty fucked lol. Too bad nobody but the shill buys these here so we'll never get a honest opinion on it when it comes out
Eh, I’ll just pay the twenty bucks extra if I want him by then.
Those faces are kino. One Piece fans be eating good!
>no neutral face
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Who on earth wants a boring neutral face with all those cool pose options. This figure is definetly not to be A posed. Hoping we get more 3rd party extras. Striker when???!!! If ever there was a reason to buy a 3D printer.
Aliexpress got you bro.
Fucking sweet. Link to shop please?
>Who on earth wants a boring neutral face with all those cool pose options
>posts a picture of him with a neutral face in an A pose
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Here you go. Looks like it scales pretty well.
May just be me, but it looks like ace is smiling in that image.
I think it's a great release, but the lack of a neutral face did stand out to me. 2 happy, 1 gag, and 2 fighting faces is a great assortment too though, and like some others said, he's got so many good accessories to use that likely he'll be posed in some way with one of those expressions. He has a lot of other good expressions from Marineford, so who knows, if this release does well maybe they'll make another one with more grim/neutral looks.
Seems expensive for chink shit
>4 black pixels
shfbrainrot is severe
I'd agree. Especially for being a PVC bootleg of a resin bootleg from Jacksdo. No idea how much the original went for back in 2018, but I know Jacksdo pricing is wack.
I was thinking about this and for him to be accurate he'd need the black slipons instead of boots, so it'd be a good excuse to do a slightly alternate version with different accessories. We need a crying face.
>donut hole body will be a preorder exclusive
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Speaking of, think we’re getting these madlads?
If the line continues then yeah. Only one I can see soonish is kizaru if they make some egghead stuff
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Well GSC just confirmed this is dropping on July 14th. Who here is coping? I think this may just about be the single most expensive figure I've ever bought. I hope to god it doesn't have any issues.
Edit: I mean June 14th. Next week.
Something like this but with like the figurehead and and part of the deck for Merry would be pretty cool to have for the Romance Dawn figures.
since we are never getting an shf king I was considering getting the POP, but then just saw this resin and damn it looks good. Can imagine this alongside my SHF Zoro. Crazy thing is it's even cheaper than the megahouse version.
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still not perfect, but pretty damn dope looking.
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Genya POs just stealth dropped. Up on amiami as well which is sweet.

I'll be honest, the promo pics aren't really selling it. Bad posing and seemingly a lack of accessories. Hoping he'll look better in hand.
I'm so pleased amiami are finally carrying these. It helps to bring the price down.

How many more do we think we'll see. The remaining 2 hashira I guess. Any more demons do you think?
If I'm reading the breakdown correctly, he comes with just about everything you need for the character. They don't picture the sword for whatever reason. Hell, the nanban gun even has a blast effect.
I would be surprised if we didn't get battle form Muzan, Kokushibo aand possibly Doma.
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I wish VAH would re-issue Whitebeard or some of the other big guys already.
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Megahouse is releasing a ver 1.5 of VAH Shanks, the big difference featuring a wired cape, which looks a bit shoddy, but not the worst thing. Who saw this coming? I wonder what the odds of Crocodile and others coming back, perhaps also as 1.5s.
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