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Previous thread: >>10993773

>Mondo Sofubi Donatello & Leonardo up for order
>Joy Toy teases TMNT figures of their own
>Turtles of Grayskull wave 2, Walmart exclusive Krang, Moss-Man, & Mer-Man, and Target exclusive Sla'ker in stores, wave 3 shipping now
>Super7 2k3 figures supposedly being shown June 13th
>Rage Toys/Fury Toys/Furay Planet/Whatever NotMikey up for pre-order now!
>Super7 SDCC Exclusive Chef Mikey shown
>Playmates "original sketch" Turtles are on shelves now
>Diamond Select TMNT toon minimates Pack 3 (Party Wagon) up for pre-order
>Fury Toys Samurai Animals NotDonnie, NotSplinter, & bonus accessory pack are shipping now!

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/


Remember to report and ignore all trolling.
Leo and Donnie can be ordered from the Mondo Shop, $90 a piece.
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Joy Toy's TMNT tease.
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Artwork for the NECA Mirage Karai that leaked during Haulathon.
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Turtles of Grayskull wave 3 is shipping, BBTS has a couple of them in stock at the moment.

Also of note, BBTS has preorders up for a number of Playmates' rereleases, including the Classic Mutants wave 3 set: Mutagen Man, Casey Jones, Rat King, and Slash.
>I'm about to turn you into sofubi musubi
>Casey's helmet doesn't get to have a skull motif
unfortunate. What's the deal with samurai skeletor?
All this TMNT saturation is getting to me. They might as well make Rise stuff to replace what Playmates made
Have JoyToy ever made 1/12?
Who’s the best turtle and why is it Leonardo?
Casey is almost a gear pack, he comes with so much stuff its wild. Definitely getting that mutant wave, hope rat king shows up in the tog.
Yes but these are going to be 1:18.
Yeah. But I really hope these are 1/18 because I feel like we have more than enough options at that scale already.
How many times will you guys buy the same character design, slightly tweaked? I thought Legends collectors were bad...
Why is the 2k3 series pretty much ignored?
Well, I'll be...
because best color and best weapons
otherwise it'd be don. if don was a better fighter, he'd be best turtle.
but raph was my childhood favorite after i got over the initial 'haha mike silly' phase, because i related to his rage issues.
because it was actually good, and serious. and run directly by one of the creators. it's the same reason TNG got so shafted for years while they kept making more TOS reboot movies. Then by the time we actually got our TNG reunion, they were a good 8-10 years too old for it.
this would seem to confirm that the classic raph pale skin issue is specifically a problem on HIS control art (someone scanned something wrong) and not a fundamental problem on their lead artist's computer or something.
2k3 was fine, but it really wasn't that good. The designs were pretty shitty, the voice acting was awful, theme song sucked, mikey was handled wrong, overall art direction wasn't appealing.
The stuff from the comics, i think only works in comic form and just didnt translate well to tv.
Why is it that 87 turts and the first movie live forever in fan's heads and still get merch these days over other interations?
I think because the toon embraced the fun absurdity of the tmnt concept, and the movie was able to bring that absurdity into the real world without any shame. The movie was only as serious as it needed to be, but wasnt edgey or try hard, ( the comics are parody and edgey and every cartoon attempting to be " true to the comics" was way too try hard.)
Then you have rise and mutant mayhem which dont understand what makes the tmnt cool, and made some of the worst versions of the turts.
The first TMNT movie actually treated the concept fairly straight. The second movie was a lot more like the 80s cartoon.
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>Nah 2k3 was good
Who is Renet?
it was amazing for a non-union 4kids production.
the only tryhard season was ninja tribunal. that was so far up its own ass it hurt, but the rest was good. turtles goin underground to deal with crazy mutants and crystal ancient civilization ruins? hell yes.
a time-traveler with a smokin hot bod, a ditzy brain, and a stupid hat
She's basically a hot, female, Dr. Who bimbo.
Can you suggest any? Nothing is cheap and I just can't like the last ronin stuff. Has neca 2k3 turtles? New to these figures
Neca is not allowed to make 2k3 or IDW ongoing figures it’s not allowed by decree of nickelodeon
The Playmates stuff is cheap and... decent.
Sounds like a decree from your ass, where that bullshit post of yours came from.
Why? BST?

Oh, god, it's BST, isn't it?
He's lying, there's no such thing going on. Neca can do anything with the tmnt license if they want.
neca is probably not going to go all in on toon-accurate 2003 figures until their '87 figures have COMPLETELY finished, definitively. no more anyone could possibly ask for. and then wait a year or four, for wallets to recover.
yes anon
super7 make 2k3
loyal subject make idw
the new gentleman agreement is secured
a division of power
balancing opposing forces
in perfect harmony
Well this is another huge lie
>super7 make 2k3
It's reaction shit anon. Ultimates is a dead line with the constant QC issues and going on sale at all outlets.
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New Playmates reissue 4 pack.
Way to be late to the game, dipshit: >>11012505
i don't recall mutagen man coming with a pipe, let alone a pipe somehow made of rebar. he had a gun and a bunch of things to float in ooze inside him.
damn crimson samefag out here posting shit we already talked about lol
I'm sorry, you're upset
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New Tales of tge TMNT cycle.
Be nice, he's old and out of touch.
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Thanks CC. Keep posting more news.
thank you anon
bought, bravo playmate
i buy them from bbts
Prove it
they have not arrive
i only order them now
so they have not arrive now
who would lie about buying toy
now you will have to wait now
until they arrive now
>who would lie about buying toy
You do. All the time.
you mistake me for another poster
a different neco costumer
i will post my 2k3 playmate toy collection
another day, please be patient
You are such a liar.
Maybe mondo will finally give us a proper April
They fixed Mutagen Man. He has all of his accessories unlike the last release.
Looks like they didn't paint his claws. A few apps look missing on the others.
Rat King missing his eye paint though.
Playmates can't miss saving a penny to put out inferior product.
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No red paint on the eyes makes him look more like he trusted the wrong fart
He has Steve Buscemi eyes
More reissues
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The designer on those Jim Lee Turtles has said it was just a fan sculpt he did for fun. He says that although he works for Super7 and Mondo, nobody is demanding to make updates on these.
real worried about super7 competing with you on this, huh playmates?
wait, so he did this for himself? he actually owns the tools and materials necessary, separate from work?
They literally were, they had this in the chamber for a while. It's why Super7 did the "hot" Rat King mess. But that bit Super7 in the ass and now they're struggling to stay relevant (and in business).
what was their alternative? anyway now we're getting good rat king, so playmates can hopefully sit and spin
>You can't make rat king with the cool red eyes! WE'RE gonna do rat king with the cool red eyes! even though we sell ours in different stores...
>wait, red paint costs HOW much?
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Another exciting episode of Cooking with Punks.
those pizzas actually look halfway normal.. in the cartoon they were always pure red or pure white as I recall. as if no cheese or all cheese.
What have they done to my boy
>hold master toy license to one of the most profitable IPs in toy history
>work to release the most bargain basement paintjobs on toys possible

I used to rhink they were incompetent, but perhaps they're just evil.
That's all I'll be buying him for, my original one needs the backpack and hose. Still have the gun and somehow managed to hold onto the food one of my dad's old pill bottles since I was a kid but lost the rest.
i think it's a combination of factors
they were a nearly-dead toy company with no money, or so i'm told.. and they were the only ones who would take a chance on this ninja turtles thing nobody had heard of outside of obscure comics.
they did put the money in, but to hire ex-mattel sculptors (presumably at a discount). then they didn't have the money left for full paint, given how many tiny details the sculpts had. but they did put work into elaborate and silly character bio stuff, and great packaging art... and they let them make a BILLION figures, and they sold at a very affordable 4 dollar price point. You can't fault them on the original run, it was among the best of its time
and i ASSUME the same people aren't still working there, it's new people assuming the position, inheriting the IP, feeling spite toward having not worked on it, and trying to simply squeeze it for money. like if you were appointed to a sports team, would you really manage it well? or just merchandise it and go back to your real hobbies.
and in between, they had the 2003 series, where they had an easier time being show-accurate and not including a million sculpted veins and stuff, but they still had an unhealthy focus on useless variant turtles, recycled retooled old toys, and a COMPLETE dedication to a fixed size for the price point, which ruined it. additionally, they had some bad articulation habits that it took them til the 4th movie to fix

then you had the two shitty nick shows and obviously nobody involved gave a shit, they were dogshit.
Man, that the one i wanted most too. Guess mutagen man will still be decent.
not a super7 fan?
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Distribution on these sucks donkey butt. I keep having luck at this one Walmart, but they only ever put one deluxe figure out...or I'm missing someone buying them all except one each time.

Anyway, this is the best figure in the ToG line. Next to Moss Man. Love the colors (very sofubi), love the anglerfish head.
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This is such a fun line.
yeah this is realllly tempting, he's kind of uniquely enough his own guy that he can fit with anyone.
it is weird though that he seems to have a body made of water, but his tail is made of normal opaque fish skin.
so... what scale are these dudes in? comparable to necas and super7s?
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>what scale are these dudes in? comparable to necas and super7s?
They'll sort of fit with Super7 stuff, long as you don't expect them to be huge. I'd say they do fit with Neca a little better, but you'd be good either way.
yeah! that works. it's a little smaller than you'd expect a merman to be, compared to human characters, but.. it just about works. If I see this guy on a discount later, I'm gonna possibly swooce right in.
i guess making the entire tail jointed like a godzilla figure would reduce his ability to stand neatly with that tail, so I get it.
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Technodrome is up!
Waiting for pictures. I don't trust this thing to even come out as decent as the Party Wagon did.
I don't get why we're getting hockey leo before a Scratch reissue, or an anthrax or any number of the less common but infinitely more interesting mutants
what the fuck is this? how hard can it really be to get the paint SOMEWHAT close to the original?
"it'll sell no matter what, we've gotten away with it so far, why bother?"
zero professional pride. and yknow, professional pride doesn't pay the bills. gotta be hard in hong kong right now.
It's honestly insulting. If they want to differ the figures from the original in ways, fine, but doing the absolute WORST paint jobs possible, or removing paint apps on important places (Baxter's teeth!) is insane. They don't have any respect for their own product.
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I saw Baxter in Walmart once and I was amazed to notice something like the teeth. All I wanted was a Bebop. He looks bootleg.
Its a price thing, i just dont want to get into a $50+ line. And i didnt really enjoy the ultimate cobra commander. They look great though. I know the re issues arent great but they are still kinda fun.
fucking fair. but you are aware you can get them for, at this point for the oldest ones, 25, right?
I'm surprised at this
But what use is 2003 turtles without a 2003 shredder to fight?
>The designs were pretty shitty
Nigga what
i think a lot of people didn't like how angular they were and how round the heads were
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Already being scalped!
and we don't even know what it looks like, lmao.
I will give Playmates credit on one thing they're the only company selling the vintage figures for the same price as other modern retail figures.
Only thing is it's at the cost of paint apps.
I'm extremely skeptical too. $80 also seems oddly affordable considering the size/parts count compared to other playsets these days. I have to wonder what they cut.
so in your mind, rereleasing a 7poa figure from 35 years ago costs MORE than making a modern retail figure.
not, yknow, less than half as much.
Wow thanks for your shitty ebay post, Samefag.
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dropping my neca tooner line to buy these instead
Whatever you say spaz.
Yeah, and i do try to find a good deal when i can as rhe older stuff is much better than these reissues. I mean atleast a bad paint job on vintage toy is better than just not giving af. Call them place holders i guess, ive only been wading back into tmnt over a year or so. It was the intial wave of re issues that caught my eye in the first place really, but i didnt really follow it much since the general here was down on them.
I love that they chose by far the most appropriate characters to make sofubi. Kinda weird changes, but creative at least!! and honestly I like this harpoon ray gun coloration better than what super7 did just leaving it orange.
yeahh the threads kinda suck
Will Playmates throw a shitfit because Mondo are using the Varner designs, or do they just hate that soícuck Brian?
There might be a loophole. Varner Studios did an interview awhile back where they said that they work for Super7 on Ultimates, but weren't allowed to specify. I presumed that Brian Flynn may have paid to license the Varner designs to go around Playmates. Mondo notably shares some designers with Super7, so they both could have gone thru Varner.
I love how you say this same bullshit every time and every, single, time you're proven wrong by the thread itself. You apparently can't read at all.
Honestly they might? This will be an interesting experiment to see how things play out.

Super7 can't seem to defend itself against Playmates which is why they're struggling now. But Mondo seems to have better ways of handling these licenses. Time will tell.
yeah this might actually help them
I try to filter through the mess, i try to avoid being a jerk about toys aswell. But i gotta say, these promo pics for the new re issues stink. Super shredder? More like super stinker! Seriously, why release those promo pics in the first place? Who would look at those images and go "wowee zowee its just like the one i had as a kid!"? Like, wtf?
slapshot leo is sick
Have you ever HAD a s Slap Shot Leo?
Have you ever had Leo slap your nuts?
it really does speak to the utter cluelessness of executives. it's their job, after all. they take good ideas from the people below them, and execute those ideas. typically via hanging.
guys, there are no “licenses” beyond the single tmnt master license, which only nickelodeon owns. playmates owns no original designs and neither does varner. if viacom doesnt want super7 to use playmates’ designs, it’s as a courtesy or for some other strategic reason. there is no “toy likeness” license.

some of you in this community are actually retarded and perpetuate these insane stories for literal years based on baseless nonsense.
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It's nice they're mixing it up with swapable parts. Now we just need good mutant designs.>>11016689
Bitch, I used to do that with my toys that weren't meant for that.
Why are they all the same size?
Scale doesnt exist with pre-boomer company playmates.
I really hate that "smart = glasses" trope. Did they really need to do that with Donatello?
It did with the first versions of these guys.
So that the parts are swappable.
I'm more confused about why we get two barely different Metalhead heads.
exactly! jeeez
this movie is not for you. i'm not sure how you haven't really picked up on that yet.
to be fair this movie isn't really for anyone
Did female Leatherhead actually do anything or was it a big nothingburger?
Literally does nothing. Has like, one half sentence bit of dialogue. Didn't need to be female at all.

All the villains were wasted in the movie. Turned me off buying more figures feom it.
i think it's possible for something to be "For" a group that does not exist.
like if i tried, I could make a movie for ham-loving muslims. it'd be just allah this, pork rinds that, there'd be a whole ... plot..
but that's different from being for nobody.
That's a shame. I actually kind of like that design.
I THINK it was aimed at little black kids.
agreed, these designs are so bad
i didnt think i needed this. but i fucking need this
right!?!? these guys fucking -get it-
I mean get the figure if you want. Weirdly it's better than all the rest in the line. It even has better articulation than the turtles themselves!
Those mondo vinyls shouldn't be so tempting. I might just get Leo and Ray and see where they go from there.
So is this like a new way of doing baf?
>thinking you can just get 1 of the bros
don't fall for it
I’m finna fall for it and buy the whole line at $95 a pop. Look at those textures, anon.
The Neca SDCC exclusives are going up June 26th-28th. I expect we'll begin seeing reveals real soon.
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Not a TMNT super fan, but this bad boys are so much fun, great crossover desu, can't wait to get Krang.
this goes hard as fuck. surprisingly intriguing line. might not be able to resist buying
if they were so worried maybe they should have tried a little harder. what a piece of shit
The turtles look like shit, fucking hell, people who like them have such awful taste.
the turtle's head sculpts are shit, for some reason
the turtles are the weakest for sure, but they still 'go hard'
and the other characters? forgetaboutit. so far they are gnarly in the best way.
I have no experience with super7, I've wanted 2003 turtles for a while though. Am I fucked? Is the articulation gonna be shit? I like my figures to pose well.
That Leatherhead figure is, no joke, the best one in the line. I only wish the mouth was articulated.
the bad guys are going to be so good..
Am I the only one that didn't like how the old 80s figures had shit like crabs and stuff just hanging out on a leg or something?
Name one 80s figure that had shit like that. Go ahead.
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Lurk more, zoomer newfag
The 2k3 turtles will be Super7's first use of double jointed elbows. And their figures of the Turtles themselves have always looked good. So many of their figures have qc and paint issues though.
>So many of their figures have qc and paint issues though.
never pay retail. all of their shit can be got on clearance. it's almost a good thing that they're such a shitty company because their figures are definitely worth it for 20 to 30 dollars
Yeah, there's only maybe three figures that feel fully worth the asking price.
even if some are worth it, why pay it? you can get them for at least 50% off. that shit company is not worth supporting, if that is your would be excuse
I support indie toy makers and Brian s a good joe
I mean you're not entirely wrong.
I support good toys. Simple as
it bugged me a little at the time, and I like how super7 has kinda made it a bit more tasteful. if a guy is literally like, dragged out of the sewer, or a master of bugs, of course he's going to have all kinds of shit clinging to him. others might only have one or two cling-ons that make sense for their theme. and a few have had their sculpted-on buddies changed into a separate figure.
I was just on bbts, someone updated the pictures and rat king has red eyes now.
I think that's still the vintage figure. If look, the bones and details are painted. But then the packaged figure is as brown blah unpainted as possible.
Actually found these in Canada. Thank you Gamestop! Picking up the other 2 tomorrow. I like these more then I thought I would however, can anyone show a pic of Leo's scabbard on the right way? I can't figure out a way that sits right.
doesn't he have like, three of them?
anyway nice canada gets something for once
who are the supermen?
Mcfarlane Ghosts of Krypton Superman and the Platinum edition of Earth-2 Superman
thank you. It's funny how much info from comics i've always gotten from figures, going all the way back
a nice sanitized adaptation would show me a character, or a random comic book i grabbed, and I'd scour the toy aisle to find out who the hell that is
I almost always got a toy first before finding out its source material. That is why I like the Page Punchers line from Mcfarlane. You get a cool figure and a comic book featuring the character you bought. I'm looking forward to what will be next.
These are way better then they should be.
Soon you will have your other brothers my little creatures.
I keep eyeing the Alopex figure at the store. Is she a good figure? She looks cool.
she is amazing
loyal subjects exclusive
buy her immediately
support the tmnt ongoing line
i did learn about some characters that way! or at least, variants, and events in their lives. "who's the white queen?" i asked looking at a figure of iceman when he was possessed by the white queen
bad leg anatomy.
So this is a troll who never buys toys. Ignore everything it says.
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You guys won't believe it! Super7...They're doing glow in the dark TMNT!!!!!111
just as neca baby predicted, ray fillet glow in the dark was next on the table
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Mezco toon turts have arrived at the turtle hoard, I’ll post individual pics later.
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who the fuck would actually buy this?
oh, I guess someone like this
God you're fucking pathetic.
lol gottem
They look great in hand btw. I wasn’t sure if the body textures would jive with the toon heads after the initial announcement but they do. My boy Donatello is the only one that got shortchanged on heads - even with three expressions none of them are good imo. Awesome stands and accessories are going to make photographing these a lot of fun. I’m prepping my diorama now.
>They look great in hand btw. I
No they don't. You're making excuses for an extremely poor attempt at merch Turtles by Mezco. Not to mention overcharging. You're a sucker.
How much have you spent on Neca TMNT lines alone?
Now this is cope
i wonder if this means glow in the dark ultimates ray fillet later.
wow even for turtles it adds extra fingers.
>They look great in hand btw
highly doubt.
>fucking over donatello
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These are solid and scale well with the Neca line, if that's your bag.
60 bucks per figure max. and still don't think I'd be interested in them
They look like claymation.
Those are actually horrible, good God.
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>That will be $400 plus tax, shipping, and tip, please.
aww these are so cutie
thanks for posting anon
definitely an interesting take on the toon faces, but with bizarre plastron choices and... why does don have a sword? why are leo's pads two colors and nobody else's? how are they meant to use those pouches that are smaller than one of their fingers? This feels like some alternate timeline, where the cartoon hewed closer to the comic, or the movie stayed closer to the cartoon or something.
Fuck off asshat.
>interesting take on the toon faces
Well, that's the thing. These aren't the toon Turtles. These are the style guide Turtles...that is to say, bad attempts at them.
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>why does don have a sword?
The cover of Mirage issue 1 has Donnie with a blade on his back
they're a bit like the style guide turtles, but less silly, way more in line with the cartoon. the green color is really all that's making them styleguidey. To this day, seeing that much green with red, blue, purple, and orange, makes me hungry for some manner of fruit snack.
>the green color is really all that's making them styleguidey
No sir, you are wrong. They are the style guide turtles in face sculpt too. That's why they look wrong. On top of being on bodies not made for them.
wow. i never picked up on that.
it's kinda like how he always had two bo in the toys
did you make those pallets?
It’s probably the lack of ugly black lines and a seam around their beaks
Yes, I’m building an alley diorama and needed some junk to throw in it
Sorry you wasted $400 on actual garbage man. You're not very good with money I guess.
Thanks, I’ll post more soon. They’re too nice not to build scenes around. They’ve replaced my figuarts turtle bois in rotation.
Man you're coping hard. I do feel bad for you. The shock of how bad they are really hit you huh? You hate to see it.
So don’t buy them? I’ve never liked the Neca toon turtles for reasons stated and these Mezco turts suit me just fine. You’re coming off poorly here, as usual.
he has no testosterone left. otherwise he'd get mad and shit talk mezco. then again he wouldn't have bought them in the first place. but now he has to build doll houses for them and post pictures here to mask his seethe for being a sucker.
I'll pray for you. Maybe you'll get over your bad purchase here someday.
Man the necanon really got bent out of shape that you insulted Neca, don’t do it again, capiche?
radical. glued-together the pieces and everything?
I think I'd rather have some crates. action figures love crates, they always have good shit inside when smashed. and it's like, some guy worked realy hard to build that crate, you're gonna smash it? you don't wanna just crowbar off one end? okay.
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why don't you people just stay on reddit? I don't get it.
Crates, cardboard boxes, an assortment of trash, stuff like that. Some are 3D printed and others I craft out of other materials. It really makes a difference in layering a dio scene, lighting playing with the resin for the the wet tarmac look creating a sheen. It’s taken over my home office space at this point.
You're a disgusting trash person? Whaaat, who would've guessed that?
>making scenery makes you a disgusting trash person
now cardboard boxen are easy to make as props.. the only tricky part would be a few stencils thrown on, but really a strip of trimmed-down real-ass actual tape would probably be enough to sell it.
I guess I've just never been much of a prop guy. but ever since buying the chinawagon, I feel like I wanna deck it out and make it like a whole garage.
it's called context, einstein, and you've given us plenty. your pile is trash is more than just a prop for your camera, it is symbolic of your nature
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Neca anon said the same thing about my other diorama which had in scale leaves that blew in through the broken window and old newspapers and trash strewn about, textures of mud on the wood flooring, and water damage on the walls from a leaking roof in a decayed house. If my diorama is dirty, it means I’m dirty in his mind.
You should, anon. I find it very rewarding.
NTA, sorry about your little vendetta though. Can "us" explain this "context" that makes it "symbolic of his nature."
I don't get it, the Turtles live in a sewer. A literal shit pipe. They're part of the gross-out era of toys. Why would a little faux clutter be out of character for a scene featuring them?
genuinely seems like you might have stroked out typing that. you should call emergency services
So that's a no, then, you can't explain. Concession genuinely accepted I guess.
Your guess is as good as mine, anon. It seems to be mental illness coupled with extreme jealousy.
Gross, you can see the dandruff and mites. Seek actual help.
>extreme jealousy.
This. I wish I had a trust fund stipend to blow on shitty action figures :(
Lord, I hope those were on deep discount
love the soft lighting it looks like a sunset or rise
Or like a dirt covered bathroom light because the photographer refuses to clean anything like a normal person.
oh I should have known that was you too. I like that diorama. The turtles need a broken down shitty old farmhouse to be in for that plot, the movie NAILED that set so hard. I guess it was actually shot in North Carolina, so that's not a surprise they could get such a dump.
I mean he is a known troll and shitposter, of course you can tell who it is. His photos suck too.
I am getting mixed messages. Thanks for the replies!
I have a few Loyal Subjects fiures coming like April and Slash. I have been wanting to get a few TMNT toys since I think some of the characters look good/cool. I want to get a few Playmates figures too. I can feel the slippery slope so I am trying to only get some that stand out to me the most.
She's a bad figure. That's all there is to it. BST's engineering is ghastly and hurts all of their product. It's bad, Alopex is a bad figure because of it.
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Got a good haul of figures this week. Man, I'm surprised at how much I actually ended up liking Playmates' Sketch figures. The Eastman/Laird designs are great and I just love messing around with them. For $15 they're not a bad deal. I'm ALMOST optimistic for what they'll do with the Remastered or whatever figs. Almost. We'll see.
>what they'll do with the Remastered or whatever figs
The horrible acne turtles with swivel ankles?
i'm a huge furry snob. If you aren't bothered by the way people tend to draw them, just enjoy. the figure looks fine.
It really doesn't, especially when you move anything
Post yours as an example
well to me it doesn't, because the legs look wrong. That's why I used the word "if," you see.
The legs look wrong because of the bad articulation joints.
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>SCENE: Alopex have infiltrate neco hq and confronted neco vp aka “the fixer” randulf and engage him in battle
You're a fucking moron
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I didn't mean to start shit. Just forget I said anything. I just wanted to talk about TMNT figures as a semi-newbie to the series and seeing them so often at the stores.
I also hope Playmates to make Napoleon Bonafrog because I had that figure as a kid.
Nice shisa and Rat King has the same hairline as Randy, it’s true.
You're an obsessed troll, that's the only thing that's true.
you ask me to post toy
again and again
me, the neca baby
show part of my bst axn collection
and neca anon is still unhappy
what can be done
You are actually one of the most delusional shitposters on the internet.
it's okay dude, you just have to step around the potholes. there's still plenty of real TMNT chat to be had, ignore every troll, comment on what you think looks cool, and forgive yourself if you get tricked.
are you more into the playmates re-releases than super7's reimaginings? because I want a super7 napoleon.. man I loved that toy.
Is there anything you don't lie and take credit for? You might have an actual mental problem that needs checking on.
>I want a super7 napoleon.. man I loved that toy.
And now you'll never get it. Because of Playmates.
it is my picture
i will always have shisa in my picture
so you will know it is neca baby
well, we don't know for sure. But there is a strong suggestion that they are the reason we haven't gotten it -yet-
at least as a preview. The previews of new waves seem to have stopped dead for the time being. I really hope things are okay, or that another company picks up the slack and makes things in the same scale.
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we talkin about shisa? I always thought it would be neat to have a shisa mutant in tmnt. we didn't get as much japanesey stuff as you'd think. and those suckers are practically already sculpted in that classic mattel style.
You know they're stuck only being allowed to do one "vintage inspired" figure per wave now right? And with the 2003 hiccup, it could be decades before they get to anything good.
I think the hollow feet on the sketch turtles is egregious, considering they are recycled on each turtle. If it weren't for that, I would probably have purchased these.
Are they really? That is such a Playmates move. Pinch every penny. That's like on the villains feom Rise, they would flatten them so they weren't as bulky to save money on materials.
reminder to any impressionable people not to take any unsourced (or sourced, for that matter) reports of behind the scenes actions of toy companies as anything but gossip.
I know right? These little creatures are good. Planning to buy all the eventual repaints. I'm guessing one of the sets will be SDCC related. Probably the Black and white eventuality.
I thought target was going to make a 40th ann endcap for TMNT, but I haven't seen anything. No concept art TMNT figures, no sports reissues, no new waves of Turtles of Grayskull. At best I see the old reissue figures have a 40th ann sticker slapped on.
>Planning to buy all the eventual repaints.
damn this nigga got a 10 year plan
You don't buy anything in the first place.
>are you more into the playmates re-releases than super7's reimaginings?
I am- I like the Playmate re-releases. I think the more articulate Super7 figures look cool too, but they are just waaay to expensive for me. I want to get some of Super7's articulate Thundercats figures, but also just way out of my price range for a casual buy.
Don't worry, Super7 is going under and you can get almost everything on deep deep discount.
bbts do ship to romania
sorry if my toy picture
broke your brain neco anon
i make new picture
with all ongoing tmnt character
my humble bst axn collection
for your enjoyment
A gross degenerate like you would buy garbage like BST.
nta but it seems like bst has been getting SLIGHTLY better.
They reeeeeeeeally haven't though. Same problems from the start of the line continue into the shit released now.
I mean we're getting different scales and slightly betters sculpts. They still need to work on the junkie way they do joints. They're no Jada, right.
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>SCENE: randulf watch on in the dark of his crypt as final battle between hamato clan and shredder begin
Shit toys
Shit opinions
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cowabunga it is
How does everyone feel about Neca donating your money you pay them to give sex changes to toddlers? >>11017574
I do. Not everyone who loves TMNT is a flaming faggot who wears furry suits and gets fucked in the ass.
thanks for the heads up. will be deep dicking every neca display i come across in store from now on.
I'm curious that Neca's gone woke and donating my money to fund permanent damage to children and even advertising that they're doing it as part of Pride month.
TMNT is not for your kind
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i can't image what the literal faggots at super 7 are up to
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it actually is and there are some of us who aren't letting you take this part of white culture. you get your tranny claws into everything and ruin it from top to bottom. well the little white boy who loved when his dad brought home another playmates turtle (and yes, having a white father is awesome, sorry you missed out) will never concede this ground to you. from my cold, dead fingers you blubbering faggot
You sound like a scared white man.
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Meh, I'll stick to the shitty 80s reissues.
How many of them are gay?
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fair enough, until they go down in price they are just too much
it's just too bad any playmates rerelease of napoleon would surely miss a bunch of paint apps. i mean, he's covered in spots. no way they'll bother.
so you think the thing he posted indicates support
the guy who at all times tries to annoy people
You wanna try some English lessons and tey that post again?
punctuation has not yet caught up with the incredulous declarative statement used as a question
Who are the 4 on the top? I see pigeon Pete, but that's it.
Lee the Eel, Mustang Sally
Pigeon Pete, Goldfin
why? you're even aware that they are shit. just get the originals. stop supporting slop. do not be a consoomer
I already started the Mutant Mayhem line, so it must be complete.
But it's a shit line
It must. Be complete.
>Mutant Mayhem
what does that have to do with the reissues? and why would you ever buy mutant mayhem figures? did you watch the movie, too? where do these tasteless plebs come from?
nta but some of them are kinda fun desu. The movie's not great, right.
Are you autistic? No, seriously.
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Does picrel answer your question, anon?
You and the frog.
This explains so much.
Foreignanon has been a mystery for years so it’s about time something more concrete came out about him. He’s the funniest poster on the board.
I really know I shouldn't engage, but I need to reiterate
100% of the people posting things like that are doing so as a false flag. There is no such thing.
I’ve been here for years and so have you. Foreignanon is Chinese.
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neca baby did nothing wrong, you’re just coping that he posted a toy and blew your narrative
Alexjonesfag did everything wrong, the fuck are you on about? That mask off ahit is not going to be forgotten.
nta but I'm not real fond of supporting school shooting deniers, let alone having them in a thread like this. Those types need to be kicked off the board.
at least it's out in the open now why this general sucks so much. it's full of onions boys, literal faggots, furries, and democrats
I kink of like the Genghis Frog figure, even though its too different from the original.
These robots are also kind of cool.
How many figures will Neca release?
This is worse than 2013
The literal lizard lesbian is so offensive. This is where we're at instead of cool mutant toys.
What are you talking about? It's a mutant eel named Lee.
Tranny eel
What character features say this?
Imagine having brainworms so bad that you start shrieking about trannies every time you see dyed hair
It's a mudkip
Remember the shitfit people had on here when Mutant Mayhem Leatherhead was described as "they" on the cardback and everyone thought she was going to be non-binary? Good times.
>mfw Wingnut and Gengis are the only returning mutants
dyed hair is cool. that's why 2003 april and casey look great, cherry red and dark blue hair.
what we don't like is flippy small mohawks on fat faces. that is obviously a very modern design, not an 80s punk design.
THe seahorse next to her looks interesting, but I can only imagine what they would do these days with "the males being pregnant" (carrying the eggs on their bodies til they hatch like a bunch of animals do)
The pigeo is just sad. The sailor fish is.. almost cute? a better artist could have pulled it off
Why do three of them come with little ragdolls?
>Why do three of them come with little ragdolls?
Maybe they're people mutated into animals, and they're little kids.
sadly i could indeed see little kids these days already being that warped.
OK retard, keep thinking about child genitals like a completely rational person
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SOLD Out. Kek for that anon waiting for pics.
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I don't even think they're TRYING to sell it in Canada.
>2003 april and casey look great
No. Just no.
Dios mío, es increíble. Viva Playmates
>falling for the press photos
You're so gullible
How many of those stickers and little guns are actually going to be in the box?
>stop paying attention to the horrible things i'm doing to people, you perv!
someone should sue them for false advertisement putting that properly-painted bebop in there.
also I never realized how small the original was, I mean shit, that's smaller than a soccer ball
'87 april sets the bar pretty high, and '07 april is surprisingly nice too (casey too) but 2003 is the peak for casey, and an easy #2 for april. discounting live action of course, where the first ones were perfect.
The Bebop in that photo is their shitty current paint job. There's no paint on the belt rings or wrists, and the spray for the pink face is all fucked up.
quick question if I wanted a set of 6 inch turtles are the bst axn ones good enough or do I HAVE to get super 7 or neca
oh wait you're right. i saw the brown on the cheeks and i thought we had a healthy gradient.
iirc bst axn are below 6 inch (but perhaps "6 inch scale" since the turtles are shorter guys (although the other human characters are all the same size because that is how bst axn and playmates both roll)
neca and super7 are both a little above 6 inch, pretty much 7 inch scale (so humans are 7 inches, turtles are shorter). Are you trying to match them to anything in particular, or do you just want you sum turtles.
I mean you don't have to get anything. If you like how one looks over the other stick with that.

BST does suck though, so...
Depends what style of turtles you want.
Cartoon you go for Neca
Toys you go with Super7
I like the IDW bst axn turtles. Even with Raphs horrid knee joints. Wwe figures kneepads fit really well onto them, I'm just looking for some in their colors or black.
I collect whatever but usually around 6 inch scale because stuff around 4 inch is too small
mainly by "good enough" I meant articulation-wise, do they have good articulation
I would smirk at anyone buying Batman and Robin figures, but I bought the TMNT III figures so I can't throw stones.
well, yeah. but look at them, mid-thigh swivel? breaking up the musculature? I prefer how Super7 does it, the thigh is a sleeve around the inner piece, so it can rotate around that, separately from the movement of the hip
buuut I have to admit, super7 and neca both have limits to their articulation, compounded by how careful you need to be to avoid breaking them. And made more frustrating by the frequently loose hips. I'm cool with it, but if I was really into heavy articulating, I'd be pretty displeased.
>compounded by how careful you need to be to avoid breaking them
Which isn't a thing anymore, so you really don't need to worry about that.
my super7 Zak broke right out of the box. Thankfully the replacement is fine.
I haven't had any issues with tmnt movie figures yet, but others have. I got lucky. and I've also been extremely careful. Well, one broken sword, one bent time sceptre, that's it.
That's embarrassing when McFarlane stuff can mog your shitty line. Loyal Subjects need to stick to vinyl toys.
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I'm not an expert, but I noticed the ramp and doorway are different on the re-release. I can't tell if it functions differently, but it is sculpted and colored differently. It's also missing the Foot Clan sticker, which is an odd decision since it's the most prominent sticker of the playset, and all the other minor stickers seem to be included.

Tellingly, a clear shot of the entrance is the only angle they didn't feature in their promo images. I'll bet the play features of the ramp were removed, as was the sticker since it no longer fits the new doorway. But how are the figures supposed to enter the Technodrome when the door doesn't open, lol?
It looks smaller than the original to me, but maybe that's just because I'm not a kid anymore.
A fair bit of this looks like it might actually be new pieces. I guess those old rumors about the molds getting trashed may have been true, they probably had to remake parts.
That would require casting new molds, I can't see Playmates doing that since it would mean they'd spend more than they'd save pinching pennies on raw material.
i doubt they 'got trashed' so much as 'disintegrated'
It was just always undersized for the figures. Its a huge playset but tmnt figures are big. I kind of don't know if I should even get it based on that; what am I really gonna do with it? It won't fit anything modern other than maybe the BSTAXN stuff.
Looking at >>11023062 I think the they just put the sticker on the wrong side of the door.
Yeah, Playmates spending money on new molds is just not happening. Hell they didn't even release the Donnie pizza tossing figure cause they lost it...and they used the wrong molds for storage shell Mikey or Raph...
Wow, good eye. That's why I leave it to the experts, lol.

That was my only real concern, so I'm again very excited for this release.
the original tmnt figures are not 'big' by any stretch. They were 4.5 inches tall, just kind of ... wide. thicker than, say, a GI Joe or star wars figure.
but yeah this is a small playset no matter how you slice it. The sewer lair was significantly larger, but I guess it didn't have as many big moving opening parts. This thing barely looks like a vehicle, in fact.. wouldn't the foot cruiser dwarf this thing?
>wouldn't the foot cruiser dwarf this thing?
I had both as a kid. Yes. Yes it did.
don't get me wrong, I get why they kept it smaller. For one thing, it's not going to disassemble flat, they didn't want another monumental huge box, the turtle van was the only one capable of pulling off that sale.
I noticed the domes have been completely resculpted. I suspect the entire toy may be a NEW SCULPT. There's even a few possible improvements, such as some screw holes that got removed.
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The latches that hold the playset together have been completely redone, and the domes are now signifigantly thicker and sturdier looking. They even removed the seperate black plastic bits at the bottom of the dome.
>I noticed the domes have been completely resculpted.
Another L for neca anon
Yet another example that this is a new sculpt entirely. They sculpted another latch on the sides of the domes to hold the playset closed.
Keep your trip on Crimson Samefag
Playmates pulled the wool over our eyes.

The Technodrome IS new...and smaller than the original. They wasted money remaking it just to make it smaller. Those dickfucks.
Michael Chan is playing the long game. By replacing the missing molds but shrinking parts down he's ensured that Playmates can pump out Technodrome redecos for another 30 years. This is the kind of long term strategic mind that leads to a company like Playmates lasting almost 60 year. Super7 and Neca will be long forgotten by the time Playmates stops making money on his decisions.
Why do they have scrotum shells?
No one cares about your retarded schizo rants. Fuck off.

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