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Previous thread: >>11012493

>Playmates Technodrome Amazon exclusive revealed & up for order
>Mondo Sofubi Donatello & Leonardo up for order, Mondo Gecko & Mikey coming soon!
>Joy Toy teases TMNT figures of their own
>Turtles of Grayskull wave 2, Walmart exclusive Krang, Moss-Man, & Mer-Man, and Target exclusive Sla'ker in stores, wave 3 shipping now
>Super7 2k3 figures supposedly being shown June 13th
>Rage Toys/Fury Toys/Furay Planet/Whatever NotMikey up for pre-order now!
>Super7 SDCC Exclusive Chef Mikey shown
>Playmates "original sketch" Turtles are on shelves now
>Diamond Select TMNT toon minimates Pack 3 (Party Wagon) up for pre-order
>Fury Toys Samurai Animals NotDonnie, NotSplinter, & bonus accessory pack are shipping now!

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/


Remember to report and ignore all trolling.
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The Mic and Match figures for "Tales" have been shown and apparently are shipping out too. The Mutant Mayhem line itself seems to be getting marked down and pushed to outlet stores.
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The big news is Playmates is rereleasing the Technodrome vehicle/playset!

...Except not really. It's a new mold. And it's smaller than the original. Notice how the figures look cramped in the photos? That's why. Playmates dropping the ball right at the end.
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Super7 glow in the dark Reactions
NECA's SDCC exclusives are currently being announced, you can bet there'll be a TMNT set.
I was buying it to steal parts for my original but I doubt they're compatible now. So I don't need it.
I can't tell if it's smaller, but it for sure is a new mold made to resemble the original at first glance. The vintage Technodrome wasn't that big in the first place.
It's already been confirmed smaller.
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Seeing more of the Walmart deluxe ToG figures around. Krang dried up fast though.
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Examples of it being a new sculpt from last thread:

We wont know how size different it is or isn't until it's in hand next to an original. The proportions on some things are different in the sculpts, but we don't know how different. Certain things look to be design improvements to make the dome sturdier, by making it thicker, with better latches. Size wise it was always kinda small.
It's two inches smaller all around. I get your whole thing is to be as obtuse as possible as everyone tells you how wronf you are, but this has already been discussed online. Playmates shrunk it down and no amount of dicksucking will change that.
Where has it been said?
This amazing website called Twitter. And also the measurements of the toy that were posted.
Fuck off Alexjonesfag. We're not interested in your dangerous conspiracy theories.
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Did bstaxn ever fix their shitty joints? Is the Mezco releases really the only decently articulated turtles?
Not even the 3p ones seem to be able to cross their arms.
No. They've only adjusted the scale for some figures.
Why would you want them to cross arms?
>Did bstaxn ever fix their shitty joints?
Oh Heaven's no. They got uglier.
>They got uglier.
Wait, really?
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Worse than Rise
Cool ninja action, or dynamic poses. >>11024080
The designs are pretty atrocious, if we're being honest. There's nothing about those toys that say they're TMNT. They're ridiculously generic and...boy they suck. How did it come to this? The voodoo doll things are weird too. Just don't have the same oomph as a pack in character.
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NTA but it's literally on the Amazon listing you retard. Original was around 15" tall.
>dynamic poses
Nothing says dynamic like guarded, closed off body posture. :)
nta but I actually like generic looking stuff.
It looks like a glorified diorama base, anon.
Hey CC, put your trip back on instead of being a coward samefag. And be less obvious.

>mmm gimme those low effort attempts, yum yum!
>says they have twitter proof
>doesn't post it
That's not the twitter proof you promised.
>Original was around 15" tall.
With or without the Eye? Do you have a photo with a ruler? Or will this be like the twitter screenshots you promised me?
Do you realize NTA means "not that anon" meaning that I'm explicitly not the person who told you to check twitter?
nobody promised you shit
>How did it come to this?
It feels like society loves "cute & ugly" things more than cool things. E.T. and the Minions are still memorable to everybody
Oh my God you are such a ridiculous idiot. This is why nobody wants you on this board.
>which could account for a 13.5 and 15 inch size difference.
No it wouldn't
You could just post proof then
Well how tall is the Eyespy Radar?
You forgot to put your trip back on for this reply CC. Way to prove you were samefagging though!
No it isn't
It's not me, but nothing I said would matter
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>It's not me
I'm not Crimson Commander, I just happen to respect him for bringing actual honest toy discussion to this board.
Oh yeah, totally not him. Uh-huh. Sure. Yep. Suuuure.
Are anyone else's Neca movie Foot Soldiers unable to stand?
Mine seem to be just fine. I have about ten of the original, four of the Soto.
They really aren't, though.
Ankle joints actually, yes, thank you. It's my first Neca so I was a bit concerned. Is it just that particular sculpt that has an issue?
No, it's honestly not something that happens a lot with that figure.
>anons have complained about both the original movie and SOTO foot soldiers.
No, they haven't actually
"What has science done?!"
I like how you lied about an issue that didn't exist the whole time.
Will the next wave of villains (Rat King, Mutagen Man, Slash and the fourth one I can't remember) be sold individually too?
kind of makes me wanna cancel it now.. the original was already too small; Basically gonna have to wait for hiya to make turtles actually in scale for this thing. Knowing amazon it will hit clearance anyway...
better not be real exclusive-exclusive
but i would pay a stupid amount of money for a tmnt 2 splinter.
aw man i have that! it was a lot of fun. and the tokka mode was... weirdly satisfying just as a toy?
it's nothing new either, the entire era of "sonic the hedgehog is so popular, can we profit from that somehow?" was nothing but goofy, gross, ugly, cartoony fuckshits from western artists. and for some reason people still actually like some of them. the love for banjo and crash just.... baffles me. in what way are they different from bubsy or radical rex?
Banjo and Crash had legitimately fun games.
still. it's not as if that's intrinsic to the art. you could swap in any model and it'd play the same. the CHARACTERS shouldn't be popular. I was baffled by so many people wanting banjo in smash bros.
Those were surprisingly great for the time. I loved all the little weapons.
Makes more sense than Snake.
agreed. that's a DIFFERENT baffling art trend: japanese artists trying their best to look like boring, dull western art
they never quite make it crummy enough, but 'boring' they achieve. and now instead of anime faces having big eyes with small, expressive pupils, it's small, narrow eyes with gigantic, eye-filling pupils, and I hate it. "Look at all the detail we put into the hair stranding!" I wanted hair that looked like it was sculpted out of candy, you mook.
Well, they all made out better than Sonic. Japs really can't design good characters.
I mean, yeah, nuSonic looks fucking awful. but it's the same thing, they rejected the cool original Sonic that enthralled the whole world, and replaced him with some loose ghetto-ass graffiti art style. Something much more western styled.
it annoys me because Rockman got a brand new (ugly) 3d model seemingly based entirely on his NES sprite, without any attention paid to the original in-game fullbody art of him in like, menus.... but Sonic couldn't be limited to his classic look?
is it that your preferred tmnt toy can't cross their arms? crossed arms can be dynamic by the literary definition, or crossing the arms over one another in an "attitude" like pose, or a defensive pose. really, it is using it as a measure of articulation. if you can help me find one, other than the needlessly expensice mezco ones, I could post some reference pictures?
i think that unless the top of the plastron is pulled in quite hard (as in some turtles, but looking nothing like cool pecs as the turtles usually do), it would be tremendously difficult for the arms to be able to move inward
but you should be able to move both arms forward, bend the elbows, and then rotate so the arms fold in front of them.. I'm pretty sure most of them can do that.
The Revoltech Kaiyodo ones can probably do that.
the 2012 tmnt have a narrow upper plastron (to make them look softer and wimpier and less cool and violent) so that is plausible.
i really want to see people mix and match parts from the past modular turtles series. Hell now that i think about it you could even have fun with some of the omni-glitch ben 10 parts.
Aren't those very expensive nowadays?
Fuck right off, what a completely ridiculous and stupid thing to say. No, none of that will happen.
Put one in a pose like that for us, necanon.
You can either have a good sculpt, or good articulation. Not both. Neca chose sculpt.
in fairness, satisfying sitting has never been a thing in action figures.
You are wrong and have never touched those figures before. Clearly.
Neca and several other companies does both all of the time. So saying something that blatantly false is just weird on your part.
Yeah look at a 15 year old figure....ehat the fuck is wrong with you?
What's that, necanon? You don't HAVE any Neca TMNT action figures? You're just a shill?
Where's yours? Oh you're just a loser troll?
I honestly think the sculpt won't allow it, not because of any joint issues.
Dude, get the Revoltechs.
Why would you buy the Mezco garbage merch attempts? At least get the originals. Those merch abominations are horrid.

99% of toys can't cross their arms. That's why swap out arms are a thing. Figuarts does it all the time dumbass.
>Dude, get the Revoltechs.
Yeah dude, get the heavily bootlegged revos. What a great idea, fishing in an ocean of bootlegs.
Haha, yeh. Revoltech bootlegs are possibly the worst ones you could get. You just look at them wrong and they fall apart.
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Oh look, a troll post
yeah it's just kinda how it is
Keno can juuuust barely ride his scooter. Maybe if I warmed his joints up more. but I like it anyway.
You're a fucking moron, wow.

The Super7 figures are going to suck.
Those aren't 2k3. They're bootlegs at best.
Officially bootlegged
Wait, are they really 2003? No wonder they looked so awkward. I avoided those like the plague.
Hey Alexjonesfag, neca isn't part of that. But nice try fucktard.
More of your conspiracy theories? No thanks Alexjonesfag.
So any hope that Amazon'll post the Technodrome again?
Has it sold out already? I was just looking at the pics and remembering just how awesome it would be to have a technodrome as a kid. Looks kinda cool.
Gone for now but if that many retards fell for it they'll pump more out.
im the original anon asking about crossed arms. can the neca figures do it or not? also to anyone who has it, how is the more recent neca comic slash? I haven't bought a neca figure since their capcom avp line.
yes, in fact knowing amazon they will open orders again the day they are in stock, start shipping them to people who order then and then cancel half the orders they took as preorders
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this is from another thread, but let me show you something
see this? This Magmatron fella here, what he's doing with his arms? That's about the most you can expect from any normal action figure. You could swap to the open hands to help it out, but the forearms are not going to mesh together to make a convincing arm-fold, you will have to just squint and accept it. Or you can have them dance the go ninja go ninja go
Slash is a great figure. Nice and bulky.
that guy is just hugging himself. there are normal action figures, which I assume means "no imports," that can do more, and cost less.
anon asked, this is what i'm saying. closest you can get to crossed arms. closest almost anyone could unless you cherrypick exceptions.
And I think a lot of the time, it's the torso that prevents it.
agreed, that's why i was sayin. you gotta have narrow pecs for that to be possible. even if you have a butterfly joint in the shoulder, it can't make the biceps clip into the chest.
which one?
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Local Wal-Mart had Loyal Subjects IDW Mikey and Donnie on clearance for 15, picked up Mikey. Decent little figure for the price I think. For some reason I thought the black sickles were another set of Nunchaku like how they do it with the TMNT Ultimates
Thats kinda what a play set is isnt it?
The faces look so fucking awful though, it such a shitty style, both in figure form and in the art. IDW turtles turned to shit real quick.
Are the joints still not sculpted well?
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IDK, I didn't think the figure was that bad looking, but I can understand where you're coming from. Certainly a lot better looking than the generic as fuck 87 era turtles Loyal Subjects has.

I liked the IDW comic, but it has it's problems (namely the excess mini-series), but I plan to stop getting the Paperback versions of the Ultimate collections when it hits issue 100
What's with the dot on the face if there's no mouth articulation?
It’s a freckle broh
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It has it's problems, but it's infinitely better looking than the Krang's Android Body that Loyal Subjects also put out. And I say this as someone who likes the figure. Always wanted a Krang's Android Body figure since reading Matt's (of Dinosaur Dracula) old X-Entertainment article about it as a teen
I have the bigass Krang from that line and I'm actually pretty happy with it. You can take the Krang out of the robot but they still left sculpted tentacles on the controls though. :/
Same, see >>11027856
My only complaint is that Krang just kind of sits on the little oval peg and really can't be snapped onto it
Now put Mikey in that pose.
>silver rope
... what
DinoDrac is a wonderful remnant of the old internet and I enjoy it daily.
RIP i-Mockery.
that is so dumb, I wonder what their mindset is
I think it's supposed to be a chain? IDK, the chained sickles that Mikey also came with look a hundred percent better
>that is so dumb, I wonder what their mindset is
To be fair, though, I don't think anyone would do that because he doesn't have his chair thing. There's a separate walker Krang for that.
it sure aint sculpted as a chain..
it doesn't matter if there's nothing for a removable pilot to do, Zoids LONG since stopped making fun little diorama things for the pilots, with different vehicles they could sit in when they're not inside their zoids, and little micro army-men foot-plated guys for other scenes. but I still like being able to pull the pilots out, and not leave his arms being plugged into controls.
I see your point. That being said, I think I'd still take it over the others out there.
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Mondo's Mondo is up for pre-orser on their store. $105, exclusive to them (wonder if that's how they're keeping Playmates off their ass?).
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Mikey is up too, $90
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it's so weird to me that rotocast shit is so expensive. isn't it designed for cheapness? historical rotocast toys were dirt cheap.
These are "boutique" toys etc etc etc. So they can upcharge.
Stop spreading your bullshit conspiracies Alexjonesfag
How is 5poa so friggin' expensive?
they're sofubi, rotocast figures of the old godzilla style
the thing is, those were popularized due to them being so cheap that you could collect a ton of them, and they were distinctive because they would do like, sparkly clear godzilla, neon blue godzilla, a bunch of random variants that were fun to collect. it was kind of a Crazy Bonez situation.

The original is 15 inches in height, the new release is roughly 13.5 inches. So for some odd reason Playmates felt that they needed to shave off 1.5 inches
What are the figures, 5 inches?
I'm honestly surprised they didn't crowdfund this instead of making a weird scaled down bootleg of the original. It's not even an "origins" type deal it's just them making a weird ass scaled down of the original. I wonder if this means they'd do the secret sewer lair but smaller (I'd make the tiny little tv cables just molded on). The sewer lair being scaled down would suffer though because the lower floor is very small as is.
i don't buy that we can be sure of the measurements of either.
old TMNTs are 4.5 inches
The measurements have already been proven to be true.
have they though?
isn't the eye on top adjustable?
anyway we have pics of the new one with rereleased figures inside, so it shouldn't be hard at all to recreate those pictures with the originals, and judge accordingly.
>isn't the eye on top adjustable?
No. It was removable as a usable "boulder" weapon. But you can see in photos that the whole playset has been scaed down.
please show comparison photos, it shouldn't be too difficult.
Why is this a hill you want to fight for? All of these re-releases of the original Playmates lines are not 1:1 accurate. Are you going to open and play with the Technodome? Do you have any of the "retro" Playmate toys to display inside? Or are you here to just argue on /toy/?
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I mean, I know there's zero chance they still have the actual old mold but wouldn't it have been easier to just get a vintage Technodrome and make a new mold based off it than it would be to just apparently build a brand new one that's very similar but not identical?
oh it's not, I think it's super possible you are right. but I find it unlikely. it seems weird they would so painstakingly recreate the old mold, improving it by removing visible screws, and then scale it down so the various scaled parts of it no longer fit the figures.
But in situations like this, where it's an issue of flat-out math, I think it's always best to have solid visible proof with like, rulers and shit (or just showing each one compared to the old figures, which should be doable). Just to avoid any confusion.
Okay let's see... well the purple ridgy parts look a lot flatter in the new one, so that's definitely a change.. that little krang-peg, it looks like Krang fits fine in the new one, and so it stands to reason that the PEG at least is not any smaller.
The best hint we have here is comparing Bebop to Space Raph, but I'm not sure how definitive we can get with that. Bebop appears closer to the camera, though both are definitely within the center section.
I'll say this, raph appears to fit through the front door on the old one, and bebop doesn't look like he could do the same in the new one..it could be smaller.. hang on, can someone post the previous... oh they're in this thread, hang on
welllll... it looks like the cage is about the same size in the new one, leo still fits inside, and Traag and Rocksteady look about Leo's height from where they're standing.
this one is a bit weird because it's measuring from the corner of an isometrically tilted image. Taken literally, this would make it even smaller than that
they almost definitely did base the new mold on the old one, unless you mean disassemble one and make molds of its pieces in order to recreate the bold, that is, the bootlegging process. which we know they have done on the retro figures, leaving seams where there were no seams before...
I wish they'd stock some new stuff in stores already. A lot of locations near me either had people take the concept art turtles from the backroom or they haven't came in yet. Were they intending to have these for collector con?

Mutant Mayhem basics are being clearanced. All the reissue stuff is just stuff from last year + mutatin Bebop and Rocksteady.

Walmart is a wasteland as always.
Toy collecting is no longer done in stores, but with bots and through 6+ month long preorders. It's depressing.
i mean
going out into the world, wasting time and risking my life on the road, not exactly something I think I miss. It's not as if I was getting dates while out there, or making work connections. Just robotically going to task, finishing it, going home, and trying to work out how economical the venture was and keep from dying. Ordering online is more fun, and having the boxes arrive on your doorstep is pretty tits.
The real change is not even so much that part, as it is... finding out about the toys 6-12 months ahead of when they actually appear, even longer if you're waiting for them to be discounted enough to afford.
I dunno man, I used to enjoy going out to stores with my friends and finding something new or being caught unawares of a new line fresh on the pegs. It was like a little adventure.
Sounds like a little kino play day as Robo Don't Know would put it.
Fuck off. You're supposed to be banned
>with my friends
I feel like you've discovered the key missing part here. I also miss doing stuff online with friends, but that's not a thing anymore. And for once, it's not just me. Nobody I talk to has friends. Can't do it. They betray you.
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Mutant Mayhem is on clearance now it seems.
>wildly popular
Said with sarcasm I pray
imagine all the labor costs that went into revising the price that many times. Unlike an online store where you just change a number, and can even set it up to do so automatically for you when it's been long enough without a sale, some employee had to print out those little price cards, slide them into the riggity racks, then print out stickers and slap them on when that didn't work. and meanwhile you have to pay for his health insurance, no matter how much the prices get jacked up.
>JP '93
so tempting, they came so close to evoking the guy I had as a kid. but they just couldn't resist giving him those big goofy oversized feet. you ever heard of foot-stands?
I hate this series so much. Didn't buy a single thing.
man i have not-bought-a-thing from series i -liked-
this is like, i hold active disdain for them. I want to somehow buy negative amounts.

... man when is super7 metalhead michaelangelo coming out.. i've got some nostalgia for that ol boy.
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So is the basic wave with carded April, costume turtles with their reg weapons, and I forget cancelled in favor for mix and match shit or delayed? Funny thing is 2012 never did mix and match April or Karai.
Oh lawd they comin
Oh lawd they look horrible. Like wow those are bad. Super7 has a hard time matching styles it seems.
not bad likenesses. Mike needs work, but i'm sure he'll have an alternate portrait.
Unreal. Neca baby called it. Welcome back, super7
Sorry, what did Alexjonesfag call? The thing Super7 said they were doing for a year now? Go fuck yourself.
necababy is muad’dib
He's a white supremacist and an autist
I’m actually curious, can an autistic Chinese male be a white supremacist?
Man, have you seen the state of things lately? Plenty of people are brainwashed.
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>the classic tmnt ultimates dropped below $30 at one point
I;ll wait these ones out. 2003 wasnt my thing since I was more into DBZ and WoW at the time. I;m happy with my playmates reissues for now. They better not fuckup bare midrift April with a fucked up face paint like classics.
>implying they'll even get to April
nta but some are actually pretty fun in action figure form. The Leatherhead has way more articulation than it needs. Rocksteady is still a garbage design though, right.
The mutants are all kind of terrible abominations and not in a good, toyetic way.
i wonder if i'll get casey purely because he's just the best looking casey
it's not as if he can jive with the others on my shelf.. it's recreatiosn of the old toys i'm collecting. I could squeeze someone else in there, a thundercats guy or some monster, one of the he-man ones maybe, if it fits.. but I can't just have 'toy casey and that one really cool 2k3 casey'
>I'll wait these ones out
They won't be making excess
I hate superfaggot7 too but these heads look great.
>but these heads look great.
Not really though?
Ah yes, the mindless cocksucker that owns zero Super7 toys.
your gaslighting won't work here, Necababy called this before there was any talk from Super7
You're full of shit and you always have been, every time you bring up that racist.
These look ok but I don’t think I’m willing to drop $220 on them.
You lying faggot. That just proves how full of shit you are.
Oh boy I can't wait for another price hike for 4 figures that will probably be reusing parts from the first line and paintslop everywhere. These need to look fucking INCREDIBLE or Brian needs to get his shit together and bring these back down to a reasonable price, especially since this entire wave is AT MOST 2 unique heads per turtle and 2 unique belts.
it's summer
you mean two unique belts across the group? did Don not have a shoulder strap in 2003? did Leo not have two? man I never noticed.
that's the solstice
the solstice is the -middle-
it's the point where the days stop getting longer and start getting shorter. if anything it's the end of summer (But it's not. it's the middle)
i swear you people would start the southern hemisphere at 23 degrees north latitude.
The temperature out disagrees with you. You were wrong.
Don's strap and will probably just be doubled for Leo. Hell they chince out as often as possible so they might just do a single strap for each.

I also just found out that Wave 10 is finally supposed to be shipping this month, but not a goddamn word about it from Super7 or anybody else for that matter. This company really managed to kill all hype and interest in their turtle lines.
Brian's already been put in the corner. He's admitted he's been "overruled" on things now. These are supposed to have double joints, the problem is Super7 is struggling with single joints, so there's very little hope of this working.
Oh god these will be the testbeds for the new joints won't they. I've never really watch 2003 so maybe this is my sign to finally step away from the Super7 lines.
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No, they aren't. It's one of the many trolls we have on the board. Literally a bunch of idiots try to spam a claim even though it's the most generic bullshit possible.

Like saying the sky will have clouds tomorrow. Or in three days there will be wind out. It's exactly like those psychics on TV. Fraudulent.
It's so up in the air, it's crazy. What's worse is the wait times on these figures. There was a normal waiting period for preorders, and then there's shit like the missing wave 7.
They have an updates page.
>the wave nobody wants comes out first
I know, that's how I found out Wave 10 was shipping this month. But you would think if it were actually happening Super7 would sent out a newsletter or something.
naw man I checked, leo had one strap, don had zero. i can't believe i forgot that. that was my favorite tmnt. after the movies i guess.
stop using 'they' for a defined person. it's only for a theoretical person. as in "Whoever necababy is, they might be an insider"
grammar matters.
man, I guess I'm not even going to bother with this entire wave. Unless they redesigned karai last minute.
>I know, that's how I found out Wave 10 was shipping this month.
>but not a goddamn word about it from Super7
It's not a defined person, it's a shitty troll, and you're one of the shitstirrers that keeps it going. THEY can suck a dick.
>a third wave shows up before wave 7
what the fuck went so wrong with this wave??
Shut the fuck up.
As in Super7 makes no effort to announce it to people who have ordered or signed up for newsletters, they leave it to the customer to check it themselves. They have 0 sense of how to keep people in the know.

Guaranteed the big monkey cost them more than they anticipated and have probably been retooling it until it's half it's advertised size. Hell I'd expect them to cancel it outright.
They have an updates page. It works, that's how the anon found out wave 10 was shipping.
I am that anon. I'm complaining that I have to go look up the status of preorders when every other company does the basic courtesy of an email blast when things are shipping. Hell NECA sends regular updates on expected shipping dates every other month when you have items on active preorder, and they're a bunch of New Jersey jackholes that can barely drag their knuckles across a keyboard.
They haven't shipped yet, so why would you get an e-mail? It says end of June on the update page.
Yeah fuck simple customer service for people routinely dropping $300 on 4 toys that cost less than $10 each to make.
He has never once been right. You keep pushing that total lie and make excuses for VAGUE bullshit. You are a gullible moron. You are the kind of dolt that scammers go after.
>constantly falls for bait and responds to every troll post in TMNT and NECA general
>calls others gullible
Next you will tell me that you were only pretending to be retarded.
Summer vacation started in May. Checkmate bitch.
Oh hey there Mr. troll, what's that? You're projecting again? How silly of you.
nnno. the astronomical middle of summer is when the day-length change direction. Summer is when your hemisphere is pointed toward the sun. so the middle of that period is the middle of summer.
spring would be ridiculously long if it lasted until late june. Spring is a very brief, often absent phenomenon during which the plants recover from winter. Just as fall is a brief period during which the plants die and the weather is finally comfortable for like a week.
Damn fella that Irma got me acting up. They should use these models for some figures.
Fuck off Coomer.
Coomers are a cornerstone of the figure world. April's fat tits could fund an entire new wave of figures by themselves.
It's a kid's franchise. Go back to your containment thread.
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He's just offended that you would find a human female attractive. He wouldn't have said anything if you said you wanted to get knotted by Dogpound.
I can appreciate the female form without being a degenerate piece of shit.
What does that have to do with you being a coomer brained retard? Seek help you incel loser.
The unhinged threatening behavior and violent tendencies certainly makes more sense now that neca anon’s true nature as a depraved chub chasing furry has come to light.
You seem to be projecting your true self onto random anons again
It's kind of bad enough that the Walmart near my house only carries the Mutant Mayhem toys now since they remodeled. Almost none of the retro toys are sold there anymore

They do have some of the NECA figs over in the video games department, but that's it
Mutant Mayhem must actually be selling.
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It's not, not like it was before the movie came out. After everyone saw what we were dealing with...pegwarm city.
To this day I still see mulatto children pleading with their moms to buy them mutant mayhem toys, it’s actually quite popular with the afro american community.
Black people like it and you're racist.
How to spot bullshit from 50 miles away...
It appeals to their culture, anon. You can't see that because you do not share it.
I honestly am confused why the mix and match took over the entire TMNT Tales line.MM Ray never even got a figure too.

Also the reissue line has piss poor distribution it took me 6 months to help my friend get a hold of the 2003 turtle reissues.
retail is dying. why they won't just sell online is beyond me.
Fuck off with your porn images you freak.
I'm not big on AI art, but that is pretty creative.
>not recognising an April O'Neil/Yoko Littner mashup parodying a scene from Invincible.
>thinks it's porn
You might want to stop your constant cooming if you think everything is porn.
NTA but it's pretty degenerate. Why are you even defending AI slop anyway? Did you make it?
AI might be crap, but you are a plebeian and you need to watch Gurren Lagann right now so that your life isn't completely devoid of culture.
>Hunka chunka SEAmonka
Japanese soldiers gangraped your grandmother, and all you can do to avenge her is shitpost on an anime board and make a bootleg Sky Garry.
Anime is just as degenerate, if not moreso than porn.
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No, they are a beloved feature of this general and a guy with a worse hairline than randy who confessed to wanting to fuck an animal’s bellybutton shouldn’t call anyone degenerate.
>complains about anime on an anime website
You can always seek updoots on Plebbit instead.
Joshua Moon is a degenerate that jerks off to shota and guro. Opinion disregarded.
The other shit got removed, enjoy your ban spammer.
No it didn’t. No they didn’t. No I won’t.
isn't he a pedo though
looks like CG to me.
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Did that young splinter figure ever see release?
No, it hasn't come out yet. And if MM stuff keeps selling poorly, it may not ever.
we can only hope
end shitty baby tmnt, end playmates
call up laird and apologize.
So are the MM figures that were planned still happening for Tales? Playmates has piss poor communications compared to Mattel or Hasbro.

Was the MM playset also flimsy feeling like the MM party wagon?
It's on the water!
there's always waves on the water. that's how water works!
Fuck off AI spammer
Isn't Chara Studio from a porn game? I don't think it's AI
oh ok, but ai janai
Fuck off spammer
Is there a place to see news on Loyal Subjects TMNT upcoming releases?
Not really. Most places ignore it.
>it is very popular
It actually isn't
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the most frustrating thing about cheapo chinese sites claiming to have tmnt figs for cheap is knowing if they were real, people would be flipping them on ebay and making a huge profit.
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Thanks, I'll check out toyark then!
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Anyone know how to fix this? if I try to screw it down the part that's supposed to be hinged is too low. Not sure if the plastic distorted over time or 90s playmates stupidity.
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can't speak to this toy, but I can tell you in general if you're screwing something back together and part of it doesn't line up, you might have to unscrew another part to give yourself the slack to line up both holes again, and screw each one in partway at first
They are real, they're just factory rejects
oh so they've got defects? they're not just stolen from the line.
technically it can't be both. If something's defective, it's garbage, and it's first come first serve for scavengers. the crime wouldn't be theft, but selling unauthorized not-for-retail material fraudulently.
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Quit ban evading
Skip the Super7 Super Cyborg Krang unless it goes on sale. The plastic overall used for the body feels like really cheap, low-grade shit that doesn't warrant a $90 pricetag. No flex to it when you have to flex the front panel a bit to get it on. Slightly open seams on the limbs. Feels like the antenna will snap off in storage if I'm not careful.
The thing is poorly designed. I've hassled with it myself when a side pops off or even just closing it.
i did NOT notice that wolf raph is digitigrade. that's actually offbrand for the universal wolfman, isn't it? on top of that, it's not.. done very well..
oh i didn't know that! kinda crazy since they didn't even give him a snout, something comparatively easier to put on with makeup.
well, radical. I'm sure it looked better than Torgo.
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Last Ronin flashback Mikey came in today from Amazon and he looks incredible.
>I'm sure it looked better than Torgo.
Hahaha, oh easily. Basically it was Lon Chaney walking on tippy toes in furry booties.
Yeah, I would do what the other anon suggested. Try unscrewing, realign, then screw it all back.
there's nothing wrong with that, honestly it's weird more suit-acted creatures don't do that.
keep April posting
Wal-Mart Horror Fan Shop exclusive 2-pack
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Update on Not-Bebop. Looks damn gorgeous!
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Good time to be buying TMNT toys. Or legally not TMNT toys.
Any news on a classic color battle damaged Mirage Shredder?
It turned out really good!
cool tusks. like the opening jaw
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very 'monster' proportions. it works for him, like you'd fight him in a videogame, but once he's wearing pants and shoes,
the proportions start to look too weird. like the torso's too long, the legs are too stubby, and the arms barely reach his belt. he'd have trouble wiping. You never wanna go full achondroplasia.. if you're gonna have a 'street sharks' torso-to-leg ratio, you gotta have big gigantic beefy arms to make up for it. even a gorilla doesn't have quite THAT much torso.
I like april images you post, dont let the gay anons stop you.
More reason to get him banned then
cool slimer anon
Looks like the original was 13.5 without the Eyespy Radar. Guess you were the retard all along.
hang on, doesn't this support that anon's statement.
this argument's been going on for ages so i'm kinda lost. it's so hard to measure something spherical. you'd have to open it up, I think, and measure along the middle
The measurements show the original was not 15 inches(appears to be closer to 14.5) like the anon falsely claimed, and that without the Eyespy Radar, it's pretty close to the measurement given for the reissue.
but isn't that ruler hovering a solid 4-5 inches away from the top, minimum? and the angle is slightly overhead. i suck at perspective but I think to be accurate you really would want to open it up and measure it from its middle.
and anyway 14.5 is still more than 13.5.... but i'm wondering now just how much of it is approximated.
Wasn't the argument that the reissue is smaller? Isn't this still true?
That anon said "around 15 inches" and I think 14.5 counts as around 15 inches
i'm forgetting now where 15 inches came from, was it the original packaging or some description
No clue, just that the guy he's replying to said the original was around 15 inches. That pic with the 13.5 inch height on the new one isn't some estimation either, it's a picture straight from the Amazon listing.
The argument was that we don't know that it's smaller, and we didn't know what size the original even really was, and that the exclusion of the Eyespy Radar could account for the size discrepancy. All we knew for a fact was that it was a new sculpt with some proportion differences. Anon said it was true for a fact that it was smaller and called anyone who wanted to wait and compare it to the original, a retard and rushed to shit up the thread. Now we have measurements on the original, which isn't even 15 inches.
i still say this measurement needs to be redone, with the technodrome open, and the tape measure placed as close as possible to the eyestalk (or if it has to go down to the 'drome's floor, then do that then measure the height of the floor and add them together)
But it's still larger than the 13.5 inches of the new one, so he's right.
>It's around 15 inches
what the fuck are we even doing here
i like that you are actually accurate instead of just making up some shit.
Is this CC posting without a trip again?
It was an arbitrarily made the claim people have made about it's size, but nobody has ever posted photos of measurements until now.


From the link: "At just 15″ from top to bottom"

Oh, are we moving goalposts after all those deleted posts above?
Here's this faggot here, who is likely the same anon saying that it couldn't possibly be less than 15: >>11024155

> isn't some estimation either
It's a not a ruler next to an in an person sample either, which was the argument on if the measurements account for the radar or not and how big the original was. You're being deceptive and disingenuous.
Except that it's not the 15 inches he claimed.
It matters when someone's trying to claim there's a gigantic difference in size and shitting up the place for trolling purposes, because it's not their precious Neca baby shit.
The official listing has the new one at 13.5. The old one is close to 15 inches. Not sure what goalposts you think are being moved here.
i still think that, while that photo is appreciated, it is simply not trustworthy as it is. not that he's dishonest, but that rulers and perspective are both dishonest.
the best thing you could do is use a wall or something, put a perfectly balanced flat thing on top of it, then make a mark on the wall and measure that.
It's around 15 inches, though. Isn't that what he said?
>.The old one is close to 15 inches.
With the Eyespy Radar. Without, it's... wait for it... keep waiting....... 13.5 inches. Which was the argument.

But it's not 15 and never was.
But the new one is 13.5 with the eye
I'm some how not banned yet...
What we know for sure is the technodrome they're releasing IS a new mold and clearly scaled down as there is some obvious difference in size and details.
if the size is really obvious, then post the same (obviously rereleases of the same mold are okay) toys in the same positions, and show us
or don't, I'm not your dad.
there's already been some comparisons. all we can do now is wait for someone to get one in hand.
The photo literally shows it's 15".
Meh it's not going to scale to the figures no matter what. They should just dig out those Mini Mutants molds & include them, which are probably still too big for scale but they work better.

Now now, if you're shitposting you can't give Jin Saotome his handjob, how will he give you nudes of the underage girls he rapes if you don't earn them?
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You need to get some therapy in your life. Coming up with all these delusional fantasies isn't healthy.
>doing a two pack with Hunchback Leo when Gilman Leo is clearly superior
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Mecha Donatello possibly finally entering final steps of production.
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They're up
Did they forget to colour Mike and Raph different shades of green?
Why do they look so...squat and dumpy? Those kinda suck.
They're supposed to be based on the actual show's proportions.
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Yeah something seems off. The sculpt is fine but it looks so FLAT. The poseability is probably improved over previous waves but I'm not sure the look of the 03 cartoon is going to help here. I'll sleep on pulling the trigger on this wave, unless some localish retailers are also promising the special preorder heads.
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>those ape arms
Do they not know how to do double joints?
These look like good by Super 7 standards (not saying much), but they definitely look more squat and thick than the cartoon's designs looked.

Their weird attempt at double jointed elbows looks odd, and from the pics on the site, doesn't give any more range than a single joint elbow since the elbow pad band comes across the center of the joint.
>ALL four turtles in the first wave instead of having to spread them out over 2 to 3 years.
>Show accurate thicc proportions
Alright what's the catch? The release date?
>Show accurate thicc proportions
No, they fucked the proportions up it seems.
Well they don't come out until February 2025 at the earliest, and it's 4 nearly identical figures still at FIFTY FIVE US dollars a piece. They have fewer accessories than previous releases. So a couple of catches.
The catch is that these will be delayed multiple times and when you do get them, they'll have flaws like paint errors, plastic being off-color from the protos, or joints that don't work well. Come on, it's Super7. You know the drill.
Yeah, you can tell that they aren't going to move very well. This feels like their attempt at a "balance" of giving people the double joints, but not knowing how to give them proper range of motion.
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Thank you blessed brian for doing the brothers in one wave and proving necanon wrong, as we knew you would
You making up more stories in your head, psycho?
Are these the first pinless turtles?
minimutants would be slightly too small for the technodrome's exterior, but the interior seemed to go on for miles and miles so yeah hard to say
not into the lip definition but eh i guess they did fine. looks like we're back in show-accurate world where thundercats left off, not trying to fit the previous tmnt ultimates in style
they were always pretty close in color
they did seem to have longer legs in the show...
Well, this isn't good for other characters. Guess it's only going to be the bros. And no April, Shreddar, Splinter or Casey.
Yeah, Super7 won't be around by 2026, so this seems like a fool's errand.

>2K3 is my fave TMNT show

Fuuuuuug these look tempting.
They all have moobs instead for more square pecks and I think that's what's throwing me off.
more to the point, they're sticking hard to the toon aesthetic, so they won't fit with anything else.
definitely the wrong move, super7. people are gonna wait for neca to do it probably.
basically a lot of things about these designs were meant to be 4kids-budget-friendly, not .. functional in 3d. it took them a season or two to get the heads looking right, and this does not. tmnt should not have lips.
Can the zoomer Turtle fans who love 2K3 afford toys this expensive?
They basically said in interviews they are doing it this way because they don’t have confidence in 2003 to move huge numbers; if these don’t do great at least they put out all the turtles; if they do well they will start the next couple waves with the other major characters, if those do well enough they’ll try their hand at the tertiary ones. Honestly it’s a breath of fresh air from how they normally try to drag a line out normally and considering they want to alternate waves of this and the playmates style ones it’s probably a good idea since otherwise we’d be waiting 3 years just for the 4 turtles.
Don't worry, Super7 partners with microloan companies to ensure everyone can remain in debt forever.
I can't imagine the kind of sap that would order these at full price, direct from Super7.
I'll try to actually watch 03 and see if it's worth buying into this wave but I doubt it. I remember that cringe opening theme and it just makes me feel ill.
Well I'll buy as many various Shredder's armors as they pump out. And Hun probably.
April, Karai and Renet are pretty much guaranteed to be fuck-ups just by them being human characters and girls at top of that. We all know about burger toymakers and their incapability to make cute females faces to save their own lives.
Other than that. Splinter, Casey, Baxter, Bishop and Leatherhead. That's basically all characters which are matters. So the entire series can be contained in 2-3 waves.
the opening theme is the absolute weakpoint of the show
and what's sad is, they kept having contests to write a new one, because they knew it was garbage
and every single time, the worst one by far won.
Yep, sounds like the 00s
i remember thinking at the time that comics and popular music could not possibly get any worse
how naive i was
Oh you're going to loooooove all the "what the shell???" jokes. Cause get it? Instead of "Hell" y'see!
No free shipping huh
nah dude that's actually cool. they had exactly the right amount of attitude for the TMNT..
except mikey. Mikey is a fucking fratboy and you need to just make your peace with him being the executive-mandated worst character.
Fat legs
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i don't think they're fat, i think they're short
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they really did kind of miss the mark. what made these turtles so refreshing, after decades of stumpy-legged old cartoon turtle toys, was this sorta thing
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all I can think is that they were KIND OF going for a retro toy look, since the old toys had the kinda chibi proportions to make them easier to toy I guess
But they also had more interesting sculpting than just the cartoon angles.
Wow, yeah, those have more of a "superhero" physique. The super7 figures are almost tubular or fat in comparison.
it was definitely their intention to be more classically cool at first, and to get as much badass violence in as 4kids would allow
which was a lot more at first than later on.
splinter is just cursed in every toyline, this one obliterated his sideburns like fucking Don Mattingly.
A reminder to skip Fast Forward and Back To The Sewers. Just end at the Ninja Tribunal season.
Also Turtles Forever is..........complicated. If you loved the 1987 show than do NOT watch it.
ninja tribunal is a harsh way to end the show though, it's not great
fast forward is babyshit but at least back to the sewers was trying.. even if.. it kinda failed
just skim all three, then enjoy Turtles Forever.
I won't pretend these are worth it but S7 stuff is not going to be getting good discounts anymore. If you want these I suggest you just bite the bullet because we can already see retailers have cut back heavily with whats going on with the thundercats figures right now; wilykit/wilykat sold out pretty much everywhere as soon as they started shipping out, S7 is pretty much going back to actually being made-to-order.
I bet that bites them in the ass...

People aren't interested in these figures for full price. They aren't doing a good job of making them feel worth it.
i got zak and scumbug discounted, the tough wait is gonna be wingnut because he's not worth even half of his original price.
Oh no Michelangelo turned the car on before Don was able to finish it so it turned into an ass-ugly 3D model
Didn't TF constantly shit on the 1987 show?
Yeah, it wasn't good at all and missed the point.
no. shut up
fuck you

anyway it clearly wasn't the 1987 show. Everything about it, the setting, the continuity, the voices, the fact that they called it the party wagon, it's clearly in the -toy commercial- universe.
literally in the process of coping with something, caught coping, told to cope. Makes no sense. why do the young people say that so much? of course I'm coping. Anything you do in response to unhappiness is coping with it.
oh and the last episode of Back to the Sewer is worth watching. they clearly cared about the show even after all those years of getting fucked
>TFW we could've gotten 100% show-accurate 2K3 toys if NECA didn't have their heads up their asses.
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Playmates reissuing more vehicles unannounced. It might also include a new Donatello.
well the box art doesn't have its colors messed up... interesting
Fuck off Crimson Samefag
>almost tubular or fat in comparison.
Super7 gave the turtles moobs
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in fairness, the art style was all over the place. while sometimes the plastrons were heavily simplified and flat,
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other times, they had pec definition and stuck out more than the other plates.
Don't know what you did, but I got mine with free shipping. And yeah I went with Super 7 because of the additional heads, looking forward to getting them in February.
what are the additional heads?
oh I didn't see they were in the images posted earlier
yeah the alt heads look way better. i foresee a lot of broken neck pegs if the alt heads are not put on by default..
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>paying shipping and handling for anything in 2024
Skill Issue
Lol owned
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wow they actually modified the box art.. but with the correct colors... sort of.
This was such a fun vehicle, I remember it and the sewer cycle very well but to get a new figure on top? Playmates finner kill it this year
I'm surprised theyopted for this and not the Cheapskate.
or the turtlecycle. i really dug that. I would give super7 a significant sum for their version of it.
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I always wanted to see Playmates just remold Mutatin Tokka as Slash since he was originally a remold from Slash anyways.
a mutatin' slash makes a weird amount of sense yeah
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the irony is they'd have to change his hands and feet back, the parts that regular-tokka did and didn't have remolds for in the budget, respectively.
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Is the head mold new? The helmet, glasses and scowl made me think of Make My Day Leo, but it's not exact.
Playmates is pants on head retarded, let's be honest.
Bopsteady is up on Target's website for preorder.
Fucking awesome.
Can't believe I'm saying this, but I like the Playmates ones more. (Yes, I know they're based on a different image.)
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I like that I can see the paint slop and paint bubbles even in the promo pic. Gives me high confidence when even the promotional figure is bad.
Then you are a bad person
Yeah it's so great when you have to make things up based on a blurry image. I guess being miserable is the only thing keeping you going, huh?
>microscopic blemish
>figure is now bad
This is autism.
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>you have to make things up based on a blurry image.
Here, I circled the noticeable paint slop locations for you.
Your autism is ruining your life
Wow man, good job finding artifacts on a blurry image and then claiming they're something they're not.
I'm not the one about to down a bottle of pills because someone pointed out paint QC
You're apparently about to down a bottle of pills because you wasted your time circling things that don't exist. How sad.
New thread



>> Didn't even hit image limit or page 9 even with the "fuck off" spam


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