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Previous thread: >>11007649

In stores and online currently:
Ult. Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet)
House of a Thousand Corpses Otis
LJN Colors Warduke & Strongheart
Gargoyles Broadway (Silver Falcon version)
Bear Blood Feral Predator (Prey)
Pizza Club TMNT (Mikey, Raph, Don, Leo)
Mirage TMNT Baxter Stockman, Kirby, Foot Elite, Foot Enforcer, Foot Ninja
Toon TMNT 2-pack Business Casey Jones & Sliced Foot, Samurai Mikey & Space Don
Toon TMNT 4-pack Turtles in Punk Disguise
Ult. Jigsaw (Saw)
Assassin's Creed Ezio (Brotherhood & Revelations)
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack
Flash Gordon (Flash Gordon movie)
Ming the Merciless (Flash Gordon movie)
Prince Vultan (Flash Gordon movie)
Ult. John Carver (Thanksgiving)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)
Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Elkhorn
Ultimate The Nun (Conjuring)
Toony Terrors wave 9 (Vincent Price, Tar Man, M3GAN, Fiend)
There's been some nice announcements the last few weeks. And now we're into the SDCC stretch of teases and exclusives.
Toony Terrors wave 10 is Universal Monsters themed.
The SDCC exclusives will be up on the NECA Store June 26-28 at 12pm EST.

If it's like the last couple years they may throw them back online during the convention itself, too.
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First exclusive reveal is the Camo Reveal Feral predator.
And the second is a Flash Gordon diorama piece, of sorts. The "Wood Beast Challege."

Hopefully this means they'll show a wave 2 at SDCC.
so uh where's the shark from JAWS and the Wolf Predator?
Bbts has the Queen alien in stock. I know some people were asking about that one, waiting for it.
Okay? Weirdo.
Still probably the best thing Neca has done
Yeah, it's one of my most favorite things they've done. I love that design in general and you can get so much personality out of it.
Still can’t stand on its own
Mine does chud
So? The design doesn't lend itself to doing so. Doesn't change the fact that it's great.
I have both the Kenner ones. They are the best after neca
I would’ve rather them tweaked the design and allow her to stand on her own rather than have the ugly display stand that breaks any sense of realism
Fucking finally. Thanks.
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dark blade clan armored scarface when
That would be cool as fuck. Also I want to see some more predator gore accessories like that. Fugitive got his head ripped off, but I doubt Neca kbew that was gonna happen.
I think he's showing how her fig doesn't have a waist tilt so she can't do her lounge pose.
Thanks, but no surprise there.
She can though
Show us.
Buy the toy if you want it, quit crying.
I don't want it if it can't do the pose. Can you show me?
You were never going to buy it in the first place. You're a liar.
You're very unhelpful. If anyone else can replicate the Elvira couch pose and post it, please do. Otherwise I'll just assume it can't be done.
Becauae you're trolling. That's all you're doing.
I just want to see if the Neca Elvira can do the couch pose. You said she could, so can you show me or not?
I take the Flash Gordon SDCC exclusive to mean the line is continuing? I still want Ming in his gown and Klytus
Yeah but can someone post a pic of her Neca fig doing the lounge pose?
That post isn't about toys. Post toys.
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Today was a good day for swords.
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I'd say it's a good sign for it, yes. I mean it's one thing to do a figure, but to do a diorama piece?

Hopefully they show more at the con.

Nice! I saw Warduke at Target today myself. Tempted.
I grew up with an original Warduke, I love those colors but I already bought the first version, I'm not dropping another $40 on a repaint.
It was $29.99 at Target. I never bought the first one because I always wanted the toy one and it seemed like a logical repaint to expect.
So the arm on my Elvira broke at the bicep swivel, is there a way to get the peg out of the arm that won't be a major hassle?
>have done this many, many times.
You're a liar.
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Mail came in early. Over the Rainbow Elvira turned out better than the original standard version.
Oh she's actually out? Well hey, that's neat. I do actually like the dress. Makes me want candy.
Think of how much you would have saved if you'd waited for the inevitable clearance sale
I don’t really care about the price, especially when they’re donating $10 to HRC.
Just keep hanging on to that crybaby hate
The Hard Rock Cafe? I didn't even know they were still around
Because you’re just bitching about LGBTQ+ individuals rather than your criticisms of the toy itself, which is off topic. Gay people exist, get over it already, but if you’re gonna complain about the toy at least provide reasons against the toy itself rather than just oppressing people.
I love that this toy existing bothers you so much. You have actual issues you need to work through.
Do you cry this much about glow in the dark toys too?
Nobody said if you don’t buy it you’re oppressing gays, but you’re the one constantly targeting this specific toy and posting pics of the designer talking about the devil or some shit out of context. Look, we get it, the toy wasn’t made for you and clearly you’re not gonna buy it. Just move on already. But instead you’re just gonna keep shitposting about it. Funny how you’re the one telling us to take our meds.
You...do know that's a normal function of the board to delete your own posts right?

My God, conservatives really are retarded.
>why does that fact not console you?
Why doesn't it console you? You're mad because a variant figure exists...because it's gay related. And now you're trying SO HARD to cover that up by claiming it's cause of "only screen accurate is gud" which is fine and dandy...except it already exists. You have it. You're done. You have no reason to bitch and moan and act like a victim any more. But here you are.
Oh boy, there is nothing more embarrassing than a conservative that thinks its clever.
Hopefully these repaint will pay for new character molds for the line.
>mogs your NECA slop
Sweet, is that toony terrors?
As neat as these first four have been, boy they can really dig into some fun characters now. Seeing how they update the details on these characters will be so cool. I want a wizard for sure.
Are these heads a joke?
The heads are perfect
They make a perfect figure
These are Neca store exclusive
So the bar is lower for them
These are not required to collect
For the average Necallector
Your baby complaining helps no one
No seriously, those two extra heads look almost the same
Go away Alexjonesfag. Nobody is going to listen to your insane babbling.
You need help anon. I hope you learn a lesson from this and can come back a better person.
>faggots using the report function as a disagree button
Abusive faggot scum. Nobody will ever love you, you're just a cum dumpster that's instantly replaced. You'll die alone, unloved, and full of diseases
Hey that's pretty cool looking after all.
do you want us to feel bad for you or something? all you ever do is shitpost in here so whatever you got you probably deserved
you realize you’re spamming off topic shit right? talk about neca
The Elvira Pride figure designer is literally a Satanist. Faggots are Satan's followers whether they admit it to themselves or not.
I know they will do stuff like add a whole extra arm just for perching a pet bird, but this shit looks crazy.
Pretty sure you're an idiot that needs to get your eyes checked. They have different expressions. Seriously, you are mentally deficient.
the fag flag looks tacky/kitschy. Her black outfit looks better. The masonic envelope poop flag does not help.
What a stupidly weak attempt at criticism.
Oh, word? They don’t seem all that different to me.
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What the fuck is this trash I wanted a figure
His hair hangs slightly differently in each sculpt. The possibilities are basically endless
The jersey devil bag is kinda cool, wish that had come with wolfman instead of the hunchback bag.
He can't. It can't.
It can, why are you shitposting still?
>Claims it can. Shills so hard, yet doesn't own to figure to prove me wrong.

So this won't be an argument with proof, got it.
Shitty little tchotchkes like the latest lootfright means they are circling the drain. Weinershaker will announce its closure before the fall, screencap this
Glow in the dark Nosferatu! Dig it.
Yeah I'm loving these glow monsters. I'll get it.
Why wasn’t that finner included in the loot fright I wonder
Nah, black and white Nosferatu needs to come first. Not a fan of this.
Why are they doing these beyond the ones that actually existed? It doesn’t make sense and it’s ugly.
The glowie standard has been set by super7, a high bar that neca gitd figures have NOT matched, to date
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>How is it ugly?
Not to mentioned it’s a fake “retro” styled figure, something that reminds me more of funko, I had always hoped NECA wouldn’t stoop this low.
I honestly expected more of Neca. This is like something you get from McFarlane. I wonder what the MSRP is.
Those fucked up eyebrows look like your average corner store worker’s. Neca sdcc has been a bust this year.
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I wish they would have gone with this color palette.
I like that you have to reach really hard to find something, anything to bitch about
No matter how stupid.
>but st lesst try to be clever
>jave a real point
good morning sir
>clearly others agree based on the other responses.
You mean the very obvious trolls? You are so fucking sad if you think a bunch of shitposters is "the response" to this figure.

It's an easy SDCC exclusive. It's a toy gimmick. You need to get a life and a new hobby if this bothers you.
preddit, fwoosh, toywiz forum
all are dumping on every sdcc reveal so far
Didn't you get banned three times in a row because you got mad about gays? Wow.
Oh there you are! Lying and trolling seems to be your only talent.
Sorry you're mad about gays still
i am lgtb
i follow blainerthing on insta
your anger is misplace
>people complain about glow in the dark figures now
People hate fun I guess
Enough of these billion variations of Predator, no one gives af beyond Pred lore nerds.

Give us more Arnie and the rest of the crew already FFS, hell I'll even take Anna or the General at this point. No one gives a fuck about some obscure repaint of the same Predator mold from 16 years ago
>no one gives af beyond Pred lore nerds.
there are a lot of those out there, how do you think we got this far in the first place
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NECA need to pull their heads outta their ass and give us the real deal already, I don't even know what the fuck Feral Predator is neither do I even give a shit at this point. Get the license and give me the rest of the boys (and Anna)
Point is, I really don't give a fuck. The movie is all I care about, I grew up on 1 and 2, I want to see figures based on that, not some comic book or some shit Hulu movie
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Surely he could do with the extra money
And I thought they already had Carl Weathers license from Rocky, how hard can it be to do Dylan?
They look so good together. Too bad randy dandy is a horrible businessman
Sure, do you want to foot the bill? Because a lot of those assholes want too much money or they just aren't interested in licensing their likeness.

And watch Prey, if you don't know what the Feral is, you're missing out.
Yeah, so horrible putting out tons of toys of characters and properties thought impossible for decades. Idiot.
Different movie, different rights typically. Unless that actor signed a larger contract (like something Star Wars or Marvel) then you have to pay all over again/risk actor not wanting to play ball.
Randy has gotten 3 uses from the Feral mold so far. He's a brilliant businessman. And when he eventually makes a Feral with movie accurate proportions, he'll convince the Necallective to buy more repaints. Glow in the dark Feral. Fully cloaked Feral. Blainerthings is probably working on a gay pride Feral and indigenous persons day two spirit Feral as we speak.
You’re right, anon, I have a grudging respect for randulf. No other toy hawker would be able to septuple dip (!) a figure like a juiced up Goliath and then run the table on the necallective by forcing them to buy the rest of the gorgyle line for alternative wings. Eat you heart out mcfarlane
You are such pathetic ass trolls. Get cancer, the both of you.
Just admit you've never watched the movie already
The plasticizer leaching from my Genocide Xenomorph will probably be the cause of that. At least it won't be bowel cancer like Blainerthings will get due to his proclivity for letting strangers sodomize him.
Why would anyone willingly watch modern garbage sequels to classic movies that are pale imitations of the originals? You would need to have brain damage to watch anything made by Disney in this day and age.
You're a disgusting monster.
So you admit you've never seen it? All right then, everything you've said and will say is now invalidated. Thanks for making that easy.
They didn't get any of the proportions wrong. You can keep pushing your retarded bullshit all you want. You'll still be wrong.
hot toy feral proto have better proportion
it have better proportion than the neco
the leg are not toothpick size
and the dreadlock is intricate design
not gummy blob like randy’s gift
neco feral have wacky proportion
so true pred fan worldwide
in hushed tone behind close door
awaiting a day where 1/12 hot toy feral
turns from a dream into reality
Sorry, we don't deal in batshit conspiracies like you do Alexjonesfag. Everything you say is wrong.
No reveals today?
No, not sure if they're on a specific schedule, but I'd say we'll get one tomorrow.
This mogs the NECA
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Oh did someone just wake up from his nap? How precious.
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It really does look better but would probably cost 200 usd
Try $400. And stop responding to the infowars troll.
You’re paying for quality though
Sbow us your Hot Toys collection then.
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my kessler wolf came in but I can’t take pictures until later. How at risk is it for taking a shelf dive from the leg split problem, anyway?
I will when I get home from work, my hot toys are mostly Star Wars stuff though since they haven’t made predators in years beside this one that hasnt come out yet.
my hot toys are statues which would violate stickam rules
what? hot toys doesn’t make statues
I bought them from aliexpress
That's how you know he's a lying troll.
It's supposed to be used with the neca dynamic action figure stand, supported under the abdomen. My local Target usually has a few of the stands in stock
Fuck off, no it's not. And it's pathetic that you'd respond to your own shitpost anyway.
Which you don't have
Low tier troll post
Oh, more lies. Meaning you don't have it.
Well duh, first post is a shitpost, and so are all the rest. Painfully obvious. He thinks people are stupid enough to fall for it.
Because Neca doesn't participate in Summer Geek Out. They never have.
Was listening to a small Q&A vid, a couple things of note:
>Planet of the Apes line could continue, they want to "finish" it
>Apes rereleases do have paint updates and some kind of articulation fix, wasn't clear what...new hips?)
>Don't hold your breath for new FF13 and Nightmare merch. They can sell what they've made, but the licenses are still too tied up to allow new merch to get made.
>Coldstone should be going up for order soon

Nothing major, mostly cause it was a lot of "can't say anything at this time" answers due to SDCC and the like.
Neca had an end cap during last year’s summer freak-out so you’re a liar
No they didn't. Target had an endcap up, yes, because it's their event. And only Mcfarlane, Hasbro, Funko, and Mattel are part of it. Dumbass.
I know about the F13 issues, but what’s up with the Nightmare license?
The end cap for summer freak-out last year only had neca items like the tooner and mirage lines, including the turtle four pack, so you’re a liar.
I hope these new apes sell well, I’d love to get more of the classic apes, but I just don’t know
My Ben Cooper kids shipped from BBTS. I’m the anon who bought them from Ali originally and cancelled the order when a small amount of stock went back up after I’d been checking for days. I’m building a diorama of the derelict Myers family home for my trick or treaters
Did you not ship them with your pile of loot?
I mean there’s the SDCC stuff that’s shown off in the summer
I’m very uncomfortable with the idea that randy doesn’t respect the superfans and calls us geeks in his store promotions. That’s rather sleazy, don’t you agree?
"Randy" has nothing to do with it. Whine to Target.
randy is complicit because he’s endorsed it with his gifts.
No, you're just a schizo
That's the Fall setup
Explain this then in that post?
>Target is doing a Summer Geek Out event, that's supposed to last for six weeks. They are starting off HARD with a bunch of NECA TMNT toys which are in stores right this instant.
Post is from June 15 last year and specifically mentions Summer Geek Out.
Nothing to do with Fall.
Nice try though.
Yeah, it's the Fall Geek Out shit.
But it says it’s the summer geek out? I’m genuinely confused
You're going to like them! I got mine direct, but they're fun figures. The colors are so garish, makes them stand out on the shelf. Hope you take photos of your setup.
June is not fall, mong. You’re wrong. Again. Between this and the misinformation on the ronin accessory pack, I’m starting to doubt your Neca sources.
You mean what you spread, constantly? You're projecting again, mong.
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The post was about the Summer Geek Out, but the photo was from 3 months in the future. I have only done this once before.
Please be patient while the shipping is being processed. We will not have any details about when specific orders will ship, but you will receive an e-mail notification with tracking when your order ships.

The following items should be shipping at the times below. Please be aware these dates may change due to delays in shipments arriving:













M3GAN - 1:1 REPLICA LIFE-SIZE M3GAN DOLL (19354-EC) - 2024

Thank you for your patience,

The accessory pack we know is coming? Get with the times retard.
Nice try, mushbrain. The claim was dripping with such confidence that the synja two pack was the ronin accessory pack instead and it was completely wrong. Necanon is not an insider like the neca baby.
The who? Oh the infowars troll? The one that lies and spreads racist, white supremacy posts? Sorry you've got those worms in your brain too.
Did anyone actually order the bone throne?
I did. But, yeah, of course they did. People were asking for a rerelease.
Super ALF!!!
>another Alf variant
yawn. Is he really selling that well? I get wanting one Alf but I didn’t know people were going all in. Anyways, this is kind of a boring variant anyways. Stickers are nice though.
…this is the worst SDCC selection from neca ever
Love the box art
Haaaa, I just noticed the selfie stick. That's fantastic.
What is this based on? I don’t remember it from the show
but it’s not accurate for the time alf was at its peak
ALF is at SDCC, this is ALF now. Or are you too autistic to get that?
he was captured and vivisected by the us gubment so it’s not accurate
Dess up ALFs. Fuck yeah, that's fun, I'm here for it. Wonder if those shoes are fully sculpted on or booties over his feet.
If anyone still needed Bear Blood, he's on the Amazon neca store: https://www.amazon.com/NECA-Prey-Collectible-Ultimate-Predator/dp/B0D1332X4M?ref_=ast_sto_dp
Tight. This mean it's no longer exclusive?
>supporting gay shit ever
Have you learned nothing from being on this website?
I have been on 4channel for nearly two years so you’re talking to an old hand
What's the panties like on red dress and rainbow dress? I know only the original has the pantyhose colored legs and then a black painted panties. I want to use these figured for some customs but wondering if there's different colors or even sculpted pantsu.
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Tiffany has a wandering eye
That’s unfortunate
You do know the eyes are moveable right?

You know that right? You're not just a complete and utter moron looking to troll, having it totally backfire on you because you're that fucking stupid, right?
It doesn't matter, they can move. You are such a loser.
Doesn’t it though? For someone who doesn’t Fuknos that and sees it on the shelf may just pass on by because the eyes aren’t straight
>on the shelf
Oh my God, you really are that stupid... fucking lol. You're not even worth engaging with anymore. You barely have a working brain as it is.
Okay fine you got me there, but what about someone who’s displaying in box? They won’t be able to fix the messed up eye
It isn't messed up. It moves. If you're keeping something MIB then you're aware of that and it doesn't matter. Nobody is keeping these in box.
>open flap
>pull out tray
>reposition eye
>close flap
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I just paid for my life sized M3gan doll. I just hope she does not have Seamless skin. Taking care of her skin everyday so she doesn't crack will be a bitch..
It might have something to do with their nondurable immune systems.
>>1103481my 3d printed couch isn't photoshoped.
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So…did they just take our money Has there been any communication about what happened with the turtle van? I know they geared up to ship but then didn’t fulfill any or most orders. I’ve been patient but this is just egregious at this point.
Most people that got theirs had them arrive about 6 months ago. I'd contact NECA if I were you.
>but then didn’t fulfill any or most orders.
The fuck are you talking about? They filled everyone's orders already. Everyone got theirs. You're either lying out your ass or really stupid.
this was a big topic on the fwoosh before randy strong armed the admins and took the forum down ad infinitum. many board members reported that their vanlets were never delivered, a label created long before but never actually fulfilled. those boxes are likely stacked and in use in some warehouse as blainerthings’ sling chair for promiscuous encounters, i’m afraid. so sorry, anon, but you were warned. now everyone has been warned now.
Sideshow has had the license forever too, though. They're probably working within the same loophole as Neca.
How does it look under the dress? It's not stressing the joints? Post pic pls.
Black robe Jigsaw. Hitting Wal-mart's Horror Fan Shop (and other retailers after it seems).
And the Ben Cooper Dracula and Witch! Also hitting the Horror Fan Shop first.
>still the same shitty heads
why was NECA unwilling to sculpt new heads for this? It genuinely looks way too cartoony. Yes the robe looks good, but fuck those heads.
What the hell are you talking about? The head sculpts were excellent. You do know that's a promo image and not the final figure right?
I am glad this one is purchasable online instead of the distribution failure the red robe version was.
>distribution failure
Yeah, what a failure being literally everywhere in stores. Maybe leave your basement?
What are you talking about? It wasn’t super rare, but it wasn’t as common as you’re making it out to be. There’s a reason it was going upwards of around a 100.
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>unwilling to sculpt new heads for this?
Are you listening to yourself? No company is going to do that kind of thing, leaving out the fact at how unnecessary that would be given how good the head sculpts actually are.
>There’s a reason it was going upwards of around a 100.
Yeah, because people wanted it cause it'sa good figure. It was very common though.
I meant why didn’t they resculpt since the cult classics figures these heads were originally from. That was years and years ago, sculpting has improved a lot since then and the heads could’ve looked even better.
>these heads were originally from.
...they are entirely new sculpts. These look spot on to the actor. I can't tell if you're trolling or retarded. With this board it's normally both...
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I’ve seen otherwise online and looking at pictures of those old cult classics they look the same, just new paint apps.
Nope, there's a TON more detail work on the face.
Believe me, I’m not trying to troll I just genuinely believed that since I saw others saying it. I want to be wrong, because I’d like for the figure to be good since it’s been one of my wants for a long time.
What makes Reddit any less reliable than here?
Why do you post screen grabs your replies over there like they mean something? It's so fucking weird.
Between searching for it myself and then having some friends look for it, one was found, and only one. Your revisionist history and defense run for this company is always incredibly pathetic.
If a figure has accrued that much scalper interest in less than three months, there's an issue.
More "We have always been at war with Eastasia" lies.
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I did some digging, it does seem to be the same sculpt, just better paint. I’ll admit it’s not the worst sculpt, it’s impressive they got that close years and years ago but I think neca would definitely do a better job with them nowadays.
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Nta but he just posted proof it’s just updated decos.
Please point out the new sculpting. It looks the same to me. Part of it is also that the cult classics had the paint caked on, so some of the details were lost. But it’s clearly the same sculpt.
I’m not the troll, I’m genuinely trying to see your point. If it’s so clear tell me what details are new.
I’m sorry but I don’t and a Neca employee said it’s not a new sculpt. So I’m going with it’s not a new sculpt until you prove otherwise.
Nope, sorry.
Then post your proof, I’ve seen way more evidence for it being reuse than not. All you’ve said is “I can see new sculpt so it’s new”, meanwhile nobody else can see that. Circle or point on the head to what is new.
yeah, improved with new deco you fucking moron
yet the neca employee says otherwise. kill yourself you pathetic worm.
For the last time, every line or detail on the new one, I see on the old one. >>11036117 look harder. Any that might not be as prominent is because the paint was caked onto that old sculpt. But look hard and you’ll see everything. There was no new sculpt. I don’t get why you keep arguing this.
Genuinely, what the fuck are you guys talking about?
So it's all reuse? Glad that's settled.
prove it. you won't.
neca employee says otherwise. prove it. you won't.
In a perfect world Randy, Blainer and Neca anon would both be rotting in a prison cell, forced to eat the gay Elvira dolls.
>Popular character from a popular franchise.
>Store exclusive that didn't go up on the store's website for preorder, despite every other figure did.
>Lopsided distribution where one store would have five, another store would have, and many locations had none.
>Nearing the $100 scalper mark on eBay and the figure isn't even six months old.
The mental gymnastics about how this figure was "common" is never explained.
>Popular character from a popular franchise
>completely reused sculpt from 10+ years ago
also not explained
the actual designer says you're wrong. deal with it.
Nobody said the bottom row is new dumbass.
>Lopsided distribution
It was as evenly distributed as everything else. You could find it at any store you went in to. You decided not to hunt for it, instead, you whined and whined.
prove it.
Anyway, looks like we have glow in the dark Bride and Invisible Man coming out. I'm in love with that vinyl cloak on Bride!
I'm really hoping we see more Universal stuff this SDCC.
I could have sworn they said they would do another round of Pre-Orders during a fwoosh interview. Guess we'll find out during SDCC.
Sounds like you don't pay attention at all then.
No, that's not what that means at all. Especially since the heads are a new sculpt.
Updated face sculpt and paint, yeah, no shit. That was already settled.
Neither could the real thing.
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Here’s my Kessler wolf eating retroblasting in my new alley diorama, as promised.
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b&w repaints are an easy skip, even for the turtle hoard.
when's the new feral pred?
But I did and posted a photo of it here. Your little echo chamber is not the reality that we live in. The figure was challenging to find and in some cases not available at all.
It's a common theme in these threads.
>The figure was challenging to find and in some cases not available at all.
That isn't true at all. It was readily available at every store during Haulathon. You just had to go outside to get it.
The SDCC figure? The exclusives are going up on the Neca store June 26th, 27th, and 28th. 12amEST. If they keep doing what they have been doing the last couple of years they may out them up during the con itself too.

These look awesome like this. If I see the pack I may get it. Problem is, will I see it? Walmart sucks.
haha this is great, pretty clever to use the dudes leg to prop up the wolf
>It was readily available at every store during Haulathon
you went to every one and verified this? that's crazy
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That wasn’t me, I was busy playing with my flashback Mikey for more pictures.
This is a lie and the NECA social media pages are littered with comments about the rarity of this figure.
In his head canon he went to every store and they were there.
Dear lord ive been waiting a long time for this one, saw bros we won
It's still an actual problem you fucking stupid bitch. Lots of people that have her, including me, have issues with that eye being loose and moving by itself just by walking. I know you don't have her so eat shit.
A problem that you suddenly just made up, apprently. You really do spend your time trying to find a reason to complain.
It's amazing that NECA made an actual walking Tiffany doll. I guess when a child slave dies in a vat of molten plastic in the factory, their soul is bound to the toy that is made from it.
I love it.
He shit in his pants?
It's all dino dick
What kind of people buy $500 articulated toys and never articulate them and leave them in box?
I don't remember the trachea tube, qrd?
Marking 32 years since Batman Returns captivated audiences with its moody aesthetic and unforgettable performances. Celebrate those iconic characters with the Batman Returns Quarter Scales! Add the Penguin, Catwoman, and Mayoral Penguin Quarter Scales to your Batman Collection, today! Now available on the NECA Store. https://store.necaonline.com/collections/batman-collection

Batman Returns – 1/4 Scale Action Figure – Mayoral Penguin (Danny Devito)
Batman Returns – 1/4 Scale Action Figure - Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer)
Batman Returns – 1/4 Scale Action Figure – Penguin (Danny DeVito)
Batman - 1/4 Scale Action Figure - Batman (Michael Keaton)

Limited stock now on theNECAstore.com!

#BatmanReturns #BatmanReturnsAnniversary #TimBurton #batman #Penguin #Catwoman #QuarterScales #NECA #actionfigure
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Syndicate beat them to it. $65 due this fall.
They didn't 'beat them' to anything. That's the SOTA guy, and I'd be leery of anything coming out considering how many false starts he's had over the years.
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Looks like there's a sneaky exclusive "at work" Earl hitting Target.

Now gimme Roy to go with him.
Give me any other figure other than Earl and the baby at this point, if this line doesn't finish the family it's shit
They were scooped on Pumpkinhead, best to pray that randy isn't scooped on Killer Klowns next. The wheeling and dealing he used to do for these licenses have dimmed as of late including Neca's communication with the necallective. We're left in the dark on popular lines repeatedly and employees who do post on socials actively seem to resent us and I'm sick of it. I want the good ol' days of randy on twitter back, necamigos, not blainerthings or awkward trevor
I mean we'll see something at SDCC more than likely
It was one of the joke products advertised on his show in the episode, alongside an action figure with a knife inside of it and pajamas made out of newspaper.
Too bad that looks like crap. $60 crap at that.
Pretty sure nobody was after that license. So nobody beat anyone to anything. Seek help for your bizarre mental problems.
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Looks like Hannibal is real and coming to Walmart.
Holy fuck! Okay well that tells us what to look for. Man that's all the goodies all at once.
Neca erred by not joining in on this summer geek-out even though they’ve participated in years past. Playmates is scooping them on the summer buzz right now.
Sorry, couldn't hear you over the buttload of new releases hitting stores >>11040563 and all the SDCC exclusives.
Weird, cause Playmates isn't part of that event. And that's not a Playmate's figure. But then, you wouldn't know that since you don't buy toys and just shitpost.
Anon I am not the poster you’re thinking of, I’m a concerned necallector who sees all this buzz around Mattel, Playmates, and Super7 for their turtles lines but nary a word about Neca’s. It’s an observation grounded in reality.
it’s strategy heading into sdcc, they’re being quiet so they come out of the gate with big unexpected reveals instead of a trickle effect like the other companies. randulf is a big brain, full stop
Oh man, was wondering when these were coming. That's awesome.
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Biggest disappointment of the year
I'm surprised by that, but honestly that's not so bad. I was wondering which version we were gonna get, between the gurney version or this. Still, great looking figure.
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Nah, they should’ve said that from the jump if that was the case. This is a huge disappointment.
What the fuck have you done randy
Why should they have said that from the start? We only knew it existed because of a tease. You always try to act like everything is a slight against you, personally.
I already have that so no need for the new one. Same with House of 1000 Corpses, same with Saw. If this is the direction NECA is headed I'm out.
On no, three figures, that horrible, horrible direction of...what, exactly? Are you just ignoring all the new shit we're getting?
>I'm surprised by that
You're a fake insider. This was anticlimactic and no defenda spin will change that.
Because the box is definitely in the ultimates style, I can’t think of a single other non ultimates figure that doesn’t have the flap. This is a huge disappointment and there’s a reason they kept this in the dark. If they would’ve just told us from the get go it’s a cult classics rerelease, sure whatever. But they deliberately played with us.
>there’s a reason they kept this in the dark.
They didn't keep anything in the dark. See, this is your insane conspiracy theory shit again. They teased it and told us it was for the Wal-Mart horror thing. That's hardly keeping it in the dark. They could've stealth released it. But again, not everything is some evil secret plan.
Yes, but before these pics came out EVERYONE thought it was a Hannibal ultimate. I don’t get how you don’t see how people would be disappointed.
Yeah, and? You can be disappointed, that's fine. But flipping out and thinking it was done as a spiteful move is silly. We were all going off of a box in the background of a video.
I never said it was “spiteful” or whatever, but this wasn’t a smart move by NECA. There was huge hype for this figure as soon as that box was in the background of that stream and NECA should’ve told everyone then that it was just a rerelease, because now everyone’s hopes are ruined and all I see are people complaining online about it.
toyark is on fire about it, all the usual places.
like >>11040082 said, neca NEEDS better communication or they risk running us off
They're always going to complain. It doesn't matter what happens. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a full action figure of the character would be allowed (like the Elvis "figure" stipulation). It also could be like the FF13 and Nightmare licensing where you can't produce anything new, but you can release something you already made. I have no idea, but I would be very interested in hearing a real response.
>or they risk running us off
Oh bullshit. You have to really be up your own ass to think anything like that.
>toyark is on fire about it
What do you get lying about something like that?
I’m not sure what he’s talking about he’s probably trolling, but I got the pictures from the subreddit.
And everyone is complaining in the comments there
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>complaining about something
I’ve found reddit to be more positive than here, everyone is always comparing here.
This is against rule 1 statues are not allowed
It's got articulation, baby boy.
that's not what rule 1 is
Didn't they do this with the House of 1000 Corpses rereleases? I wonder why it's in an Ultimate style box, it should've been a window box like the house of 100 corpses figures are.
They tried to snooker us with the Ultimate box, full fuckin stop
No they didn't.
Looks like a lot of the NECA Horror Shop stuff is going in and out of stock on the Wal-Mart website. Jigsaw was (and might still be) up, the Ben Cooper kids, the black and white Turtles, Hannibal Lecter, etc.
Ben Cooper kids:

Black and White Monster Turtles:



Pictures aren't there or are wrong for the listings. I ordered the Ben Cooper kids and they're apparently ready for pick up at a local store.
yes, it is
Are we thinking these will be hard to get?
Probably depends on the Walmart situation in your town.
Eh I figured it’s better to not risk it and picked up jigsaw, since I never got the red version hoping for this one. Oddly, it said it should arrive tomorrow on the product page but then when I actually placed it, it said by Wednesday. Guess we’ll see.
High risk all of those orders will be cancelled.
Why’s that? And even if that’s the case, it’s still worth trying.
It’s a pattern from Walmart. I bought both of the Ben Cooper so I chanced it, too.
Apparently I got a notification it’s arriving today. Weird.
Yeah, I don't see why they would put what is basically a statue in an Ultimates
Because it's not an ultimate. And again it could be a licensing thing.
Then why is it in an Ultimate style box?
Since when does the box mean anything?
Ultimate box means ultimate toy
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New Ash figure coming!
He still has the noodle upper arms because of the shirt.
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What the hell is that?
Noodle arms?
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YES, noodle arms. They look fine at Ash’s side but move them at all and the landlines is revealed like picrel
What the? Who thought that was a good idea?
Any toy maker. You do know plastic doesn't give like real cloth does right? They have to be sculpted like to work with the torso.

Fuck off with your shitposting. It was stupid that you cried about it then, it's stupid that you're crying about it now.
The chest should be sculpted to work with the arms to allow for various poses, not limiting us with noodle arms, it ruins the playability of the figure
No it doesn't. And the chest can't be sculpted any other way. You'd bitch if they put the divots into the torso, because that's the only other option.
Nta but the arms are sculpted a little weird, they should’ve just been beefed up a little
No, because then they wouldn't lay right on the body. This isn't the same as a superhero body or something like that where you can get away with "arms hanging out to the sides."
No evil dead 2 with the chainsaw again? No army of darkness figures? I love the first film, but this seems a little unnecessary. He’s just bloody. The first figure was enough, and then we also got the evil dead 2 figure that could act as this.
Hopefully he’ll come with the necronomicon this time
Turns out I was wrong. They shipped my Ben Cooper kids today, now I'm just going to cross my fingers I can find a flashback Donatello online next.
I'm hearing Don and Mikey are showing up in stores right now on those shelf shippers. I guess Walmart is going through a reset and all this stuff is coming in
What’s the best Jason? I only really want to get one and I’m curious which one is the definitive.
Do you like your Jason a living tard or a zombie?
>Any toy maker
>the chest can't be sculpted any other way.
Hasbro didn't resort to giving noodle arms to their Indiana Jones Adventure Series figures that are mostly plastic molded clothes that don't give like real cloth, so that sounds like another lie or a massive cope.
Hmm I’m not sure, I’m fine with either.
Define noodle arms
From the Oxford English dictionary:
noodle arms
1. having the consistency or the slenderness of noodles; traditionally angel hair pasta.
2. byproduct of a chief engineer drunk on expired beer designing toys for breaka
So did it arrive today? My Jigsaw shipped today and should be here by Wednesday.
Oh you mean those crappy Indiana Jones figures that nobody cares about? Yeah, they don't look natural either and can't have the arms down at their sides. Deal with it.

Oh hey, well we know you're a troll now. So you can be ignored.
>I need my action figures to look good with their arms hanging down at the sides instead of when they are in action poses
Yeah. Might as well relabel them as inaction figures. Shit, just scrap Ultimates and put statues on the shelf. Oh wait. They already have. >>11040849
It's probably a blessing that they are rereleasing their shitty statues so there are less articulation points that are potential critical failure points that just result in them being returned to Walmart and dumped in the ocean like an old car battery.
Uh-huh, you're the one getting mad over things that aren't actual problems.
I thought you were calling them noodle arms because you pull them out of the packet and soak them in hot water like instant ramen.
That's the urban dictionary/slang definition, I think.
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Yes, he did. I’m overall pretty happy with him. Like I said, I passed on the red version so I’m sure these were issues with that version too. He can’t look down far at all, which is weird because he can look way up. The other main issue is the hood is way too damn big, which it seems they did this so it could fit on the pig head, although I’m never going to display him with that. Also they changed his undershirt to black with this one, which I know the red one had a red shirt. Looking up images the red undershirt seems more accurate, but that’s not as big of an issue since you don’t really see it under the robe.
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Here’s the hood on, it’s ridiculously oversized
Very nice!
We need an Amanda figure. Badly.
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Today was a good day.
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Wow, that’s rough.
How much was the transformer thing?

Also new thread? I’ll make one if I have to.
That looks good though?
Yeah, I'll get one together in a moment. There's a lot of stuff happening, so no reason not to get a new thread up.
New thread:

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