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Previous thread: >>11024007

In stores and online currently:
Ult. Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet)
House of a Thousand Corpses Otis
LJN Colors Warduke & Strongheart
Ult. Jigsaw -Black Robe (Saw)
Ben Cooper Kids wave 2 part 1 (Dracula & Witch)
Universal Monsters x TMNT Black and White 2-pack (Hunchback Leo & Wolf Raph)
Hannibal Lecter
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack
Ult. John Carver (Thanksgiving)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)
Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Elkhorn
Ultimate The Nun (Conjuring)
Toony Terrors wave 9 (Vincent Price, Tar Man, M3GAN, Fiend)
SDCC in a few short weeks, kids! This year's SDCC exclusives are:
Captain Impressive (Dinosaurs)
Super ALF
Remco Glow in the Dark Count Orlok
Cloaked Feral Predator
Eastman and Laird First Sketch TMNT 2-pack
Flash Gordon Wood Beast Challenge set

They will be up for non-attendees on June 26th, 27th, and 28th. They'll be up at 12pm EST each day.
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Wal-mart and Bloody Disgusting has a Horror Fan Shop being set now, with a few Neca items.

The Ben Cooper witch and devil are early releases of wave 2, and not even the full wave apparently. Jigsaw is an early release, no clue on Hannibal, but the nlack and white TMNT IS a Walmart exclusive.

They are all listed on the Walmart website, going in and out of stock:
Ben Cooper kids:

Black and White Monster Turtles:


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Unfortunately, Hannibal ended up not being an ultimate, but that’s just what everyone was expecting. He still looks really good and he was going for $200+ before this rerelease, so it’s an easy pickup for me.
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It's like an Ultimate-light. They gave him new heads, and they actually included all the pieces to the base from the Cult Classic. I think the new heads look really good, too.

I know folks got disappointed, but if they're going to re-release more of these old Cult Classic figures, I'd love to see a repainted "Elvis" and Bubbah Ho Tep.
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Oh thank god the heads look better up close, I saw this picture last thread and got scared. Thankfully they look better.
dark blade clan scarface when
How come the Bone Throne is still up? It was supposed to go away the 19th. Also can we talk about it? I’m on the fence, it’s expensive, but still cool. I feel like I might regret it if I pass, curious what others think.
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Could you post some pics of it?
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Yeah, sure. It's got the Queen "spines" that plug into the eyesockets of the skull in the back, but I don't have those in at the moment.
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It's a nice piece, just not for everyone's needs.
It looks good, but by looking at it I never would’ve guessed it’s resin it just looks like normal plastic. I feel like they could’ve reduced the price drastically and have it appeal to more people.
>I feel like they could’ve reduced the price drastically and have it appeal to more people.
In a less complicated world that'd be nice, yes. But cost of materials, shipping, production etc are what they are. Sucky as it is.
He must be in deep debt to have signed over his likeness rights.
Really? What makes you say that?
Taking part in Bayformers 5 was the bigger indicator that he owes money to Vegas loansharks.
Some podcast/Youtube show had Randy on for a talk and he did say a couple interesting things. Namely that the Ben Cooper line...has up to 7 waves planned. Possibly doing more than just UM stuff?

He also did say they have more Jaws coming for next year. I assume we'll see something at SDCC or hear more.
>Namely that the Ben Cooper line...has up to 7 waves planned. Possibly doing more than just UM stuff?
Hmm, I don’t know how this could be possible, do they plan on getting the Star Wars license and making those?
>He also did say they have more Jaws coming for next year. I assume we'll see something at SDCC or hear
I’m hoping they got Scheider’s license for Brody back and we get a Bruce.
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>if they're going to re-release more of these old Cult Classic figures
Wonder what the chances are we'll get a rerelease of him.
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I hope one day NECA goes back to the hellraiser line and gives us ultimates of the other cenobites.
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Thanks for sharing these links anon! I tried searching for the exclusive Ben Coopers but could only find Witch Girl's listing earlier. Now I got them bother ordered, which is never a guarantee with them but at least it's in system!

>Namely that the Ben Cooper line...has up to 7 waves planned.

7 waves?!? I just figured this was going to be a one and done with public domain and Universal stuff but if they are going deep into the Cooper catalog and getting rights to other IP's? This can get insane real quick...and I'm all in for it~
Open them
Yeah, I thought the line was finished after a couple easy monster sets. But...yeah, maybe they're digging into licensed stuff? I'm scared, cause that's gonna make for a heck of a neat display. Have a whole street of trick or treaters...
As someone who didn’t grow up back then, was Alf really that popular? When I was at the toy store with my dad looking at NECA stuff, he thought a lot of it was cool and I pointed out the Alf stuff and he seemed unphased and didn’t care. He thought the Dinosaurs stuff was cool though.
Love how you leave out licesing costs and other stateside operations that make things cost as much as they do. But sure, your axe to grind is totally the reason for all your problems.
Uh, you know Storm Collectibles uses different materials right? Mostly rubber. Which is cheaper, but degrades over time. And those bigger figures are also mostly hollow for the joint system inside, it's like any of the Monsterarts. It's shells over articulation. You have a complete misunderstanding of how these companies make their toys and are just lashing out over prices.
Do you think that other companies don't also have licensing fees and other costs? You sound stupid.
It's all plastic you retard. And neca shit is not any better than simple rubber when it breaks so much straight out of the box or when you try and move it. NECA literally sends their figures to asia to do the articulation cuts. They inflate their own prices by having to hire other more competent sculptors do the real work for them. It seems to me like you're the one who doesn't know what really goes on and how much they are fucking their own customers and themselves by not doing all the work in house. Keep defending them while the asians produce better engineering and better paints at the same costs because of "how american toy companies make their toys". You probably defend S7 too and their $80 shitty ultimates.
>maybe they're digging into licensed stuff?
Imagine the possibilities...
Okay, so you 100% don't understand how cost of materials work. So there's no reason to talk to you.
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Wal-Mart actually came through with the Ben Cooper Witch and Dracula! Enjoying these a lot.
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Looks like the rest of Wave 2 is Phantom, Vampire Girl, and Devil v2.
Skipping devil v2
Are you skipping the mummy as well?
I accept your defeat. Go buy more toys.
right after wolf
Apparently that Ash is going to be something special, on the instagram page they said it’s digging up something special and blainerthings posted on his story that nobody guessed right in the comments. A lot of people think its gonna be a two pack of sorts
A 2-pack would make sense as far as giving people a reason to get another Ash (bloodied after all). But an Evil Dead 1 deadite would be cool... If they go really nuts, the claymation burning twisted up Necronomicon with the tongue out and all that would be so cool as an accessory. Probably too specific a look for them to do, but I can hope.
Yeah I’m hoping it’s a deadite with him. I probably would’ve passed on the ash if it was just him bloody, so I’m glad they’re putting something else in with him to make it worth it.
The NECA rep around here sucks, but if I ever do see one of these in person I'm going for it.
How is that NECA’s fault?
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That's a pretty specific scene for a two pack, if they include anything but Linda they're fucking up.
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I agree, but Linda seemed to be the most popular guess on the post and he said nobody got it right.
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Here’s the post and thinking about the caption, maybe it’s Cheryl since she’s Ash’s sister and part of his “family”? Maybe it’ll be a diorama piece of her sticking up above the cellar door with the chain.
Could be the secret recipe for Pink Fuck along with a Ted Rami figures
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As much as I like Raimi, I don’t need a figure of him
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What's considered the definitive Alien NECA?
I mean you can’t beat the classic, Ultimate Big Chap
I like the Mezco one better though.
Irrelevant to the question. Find your way to the Mexco thread.
It has better accessories than the Neca and I like the texture of its skin
Okay? It’s also almost three times the cost.
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Also which accessories are standing out to you? Because they’re pretty much the same, minus a few small things.
And the skin texture looks the same as the neca to me.
I think the Resurrection Xeno is maybe one of the best ones they've done, despite it not really being one of the more iconic designs. It is maybe one of the most articulate, and its the one that I find myself picking up off the shelf to mess around with the most.
They’re more substantial accessories, pretty sure you could kill a man by throwing the solid pod at him. Also I use the coiled facehugger accessory on many unrelated figures. It’s worth the cost.
Post a picture of the facehugger on another figure? Or hell, even just the figure itself? Or do you not actually own it and are just shitposting?
Okay I’ll take a pic of it after work. I just prefer the Mezco figure and would recommend it over the Neca, it shouldn’t be a big deal.
When you do make sure you post it in the Mezco thread
Nah, it’s going to be here. The coiled facehugger will be attached to a Neca figure.
Which figure?
Doesn't that one have big problems with rubber deterioration?
First I’ve heard of it if so, I’ve heard more of the Mezco deteriorating
Depends on what scales best. Probably some horror ultimate.
I might be confusing the two, but I don't trust rubber either way.
You're the only one making it a "big deal" man.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (The Last Ronin) - Ultimate Flashback Michelangelo 7" Scale Action Figure

From the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book series, The Last Ronin! In a future NYC far different than the one we know today, a lone surviving Turtle goes on a seemingly hopeless mission to obtain justice for his fallen family and friends. Based on issue #3 of the comic, this Michelangelo figure stands in 7-inch scale with over 30 points of articulation and includes extra hands, head, and nunchucks that fit onto his body armor. Comes in collector-friendly window box packaging with opening flap featuring a custom illustration by The Last Ronin artist Ben Bishop.

Available at your favorite NECA retailer.

#TurtleTuesday #TMNT #TheLastRonin #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #TheLastRoninMichelangelo #FlashbackMichelangelo #NECA #actionfigure #Mikey @bishart @tmnt
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He looks great, I’m so glad they’re going all in on this last ronin line
this looks fucking amazing, neca really cooked with this one
Well where’s that picture?
Hol up, hol up
I’m wiping the black smudges and mold off of my backdrop wall first
It's already out though
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What was the point of posting this?

He is a good figure though. Wal-Mart is getting them on those shippers.
Get the NECA Big Chap, it's excellent all around, especially with the updated ball hips. Honestly you can't go wrong with just about any of them... I don't know how easy it is to get the Ultimate Alien 3 Dog Alien nowadays, but everything else should be pretty easy to get. I know Walmart and Target got more of the Resurrection xeno.

But for classic? Big Chap. NECA did a great job on it.
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Sorry, I was phone fagging and I didn't realize portrait mode was considered trolling. I apologize.
cool water tower
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (The Last Ronin) - Ultimate Donatello 7" Scale Action Figure

From the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book series, The Last Ronin! In a future NYC far different than the one we know today, a lone surviving Turtle goes on a seemingly hopeless mission to obtain justice for his fallen family and friends. Based on issue #4 of the comic, this Donatello figure stands in 7-inch scale with over 30 points of articulation and includes extra hands, head, Hamato Clan shashimono, and even a removable hat! Comes in collector-friendly window box packaging with opening flap featuring a custom illustration by The Last Ronin artist Ben Bishop.

Available at your favorite NECA retailer.

#TurtleTuesday #TMNT #TheLastRonin #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #TheLastRoninDonatello #NECA #actionfigure #Donatello @bishart @tmnt
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He looks really nice, I’m so glad they’re going all in on this last ronin line
I grabbed him for the turtle hoard from Walmart’s website but it’s either Donnie or a four pack of linens, since the listing was mislabeled.
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I thought it was a new announcement, NECA themselves posted it today
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Yeah, not necessarily new. Donnie's out there hitting Wal-Mart's too. He's a chonky boy. Hoping we get some flashback foot to fight.
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Donnie's probably the weakest visually of the four. But he was meant to be on a peace mission with Splinter, so I guess that's just how it is.
It's nice seeing these figures without fungus growing on the walls in the background.
Have you cleaned the mold off your walls yet, Blacklung?
Why you trolling?
His mother never hugged him
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I'm legitimately concerned for Blacklung's health. Can you imagine what the thread would be like without him?
At least he’s posting his toys, where’s yours?
Just report it, anon. It has nothing to add to the board.
Is it really posting toys when they are in unimaginative static poses though
Did you not see this one? >>11046521
It was actually pretty creative and I respect him for actually posting the toy.
That photo is from the troll, anon.
I missed this one but, see, I dig silly stuff like this where it serves as an example that someone like that anon enjoys their toys. It doesn’t matter what toy company, nothing. He also appears to have a deep knowledge of TMNT. I’d like to see more of that water tower too; it’s massive.
I'll go for the Big Chap then, ty. Getting one might prove a bit of a challenge though. I'm a Yuro, and NECA are both hard to find as well as horribly overpriced here.
It's going to be an expensive day for me
I think I got kind of lucky that none of their SDCC offerings interested me very much, but that Ash on the other hand…
I just want the turtles. Thankfully no 4 pack this year.
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Murder, She Wrote - Jessica Fletcher 8” Clothed Action Figure

We don't want to alarm you, but something very sinister is going on! Thankfully, if anything’s afoot in Cabot Cove, you can always count on Jessica Fletcher to get to the bottom of it. The iconic mystery writer/amateur detective from Murder, She Wrote is now a NECA action figure ready to solve crimes with you! This fully articulated 8-inch figure is dressed in tailored soft goods clothing similar to the iconic toy lines of the 1970s. She comes with interchangeable expressions, interchangeable sweater, jacket, scarf, handbag, flashlight, typewriter, and her book The Corpse Danced at Midnight! Window box packaging.

Est. shipping October 2024.

#MurderSheWrote #JessicaFletcher #NECA #actionfigure #retrofig #retro
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Also coming in Toony Terror variety…


Murder, She Wrote - Toony Classics Jessica Fletcher 6" Scale Action Figure

We don't want to alarm you, but something very sinister is going on! Thankfully, if anything’s afoot in Cabot Cove, you can always count on Jessica Fletcher to get to the bottom of it. The iconic mystery writer/amateur detective from Murder, She Wrote is making her way to NECA’s Toony Classics line, a fun take on beloved characters from film and television. This 6-inch scale Jessica Fletcher action figure includes a flashlight, handbag, and stand for display! Comes in blister card packaging with bonus cutout backdrop.

Est. shipping July 2024.

#MurderSheWrote #JessicaFletcher #ToonyClassic #NECA #Toony #actionfigure
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Exclusives are up. Got mine already...that was nice and fast.
Will they release one that's not retard sized or is that it?
Looks like only the turtles sold out so far. I figured the predator might’ve gone quick too
They may have gone to the well a bit too much with feral variants, I’m afeared.
Yeah you might be right, although I personally think this one is a lot better than the bear blood variant maybe people just don’t want it enough to triple dip now if they already have the first two
Or, you know, you're comparing sell outs to a TMNT item, one people are buying multiples of.
MODS, we got a ban evader here
Does reality cause you to screech autistically all the time?
You continue to further prove your stupidity with every response.
thx bae
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So did anyone else who ordered the Ben Cooper exclusives from Walmart.com encounter this?
Thankfully not on my Ben Cooper figures, but yes, they had that sticker on my Black and White Monster Turtles. The sticker peeled off without damaging anything though. Just be gentle.
Yeah I got it off clean...but it was jarring.
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Our king has spoken!
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Solid ass restock at my store. They had three Bear Bloods, so that's good that he's still getting shipped out there.
Is that a new dinosaurs figure on the far left?
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Here’s the reason that NECA likely won’t be making Army Of Darkness figures.Universal owns the film rights in America, MGM owns all merch rights and film in foreign markets.
How were Neca able to make Army of Darkness figures in the past, along with McFarlane, Sideshow and Palisades?
I’m assuming the license has changed since then
Things change. Same with things like Ft13 and Nightmare, we used to have tons of stuff and now there's practically nothing because of shitty rights issues.
kek, who asked for this?
Should I be expecting Miss Marple, Poirot, and Jeremy Brett's Sherlock to join the line?
Why are you acting all surprised? They gave us golden girls action figures, so I would say nothing is off the table. Personally I really like them and they fit the retro figure theme. But you were just shitposting, weren’t you?
My Ben Cooper kids came in from Walmart and didn’t have a giant sticker over either window thankfully. Now I’m just waiting on flashback Donnie and I’m caught up on Neca turtles for a minute.
>Should I be expecting Miss Marple, Poirot, and Jeremy Brett's Sherlock to join the line?
God I hope so
Finally, some good fucking IPs
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It's a new release, yes. A Target exclusive that snuck out, Tree Pusher Earl. I appreciate that it's a separate release and not in the main line, since it's a smart variant, but not one that should take up a slot.

I really hope we get Roy now, because he'd go with this version of Earl really well. I just want to see more at SDCC. Even if it's just two more family members. Give me more.
Randy will call stuff "too niche" then do garbage like this.
Just make figures for America only. Simple!
What did he call “too niche”?
Killer Klowns. He said that Killer Klowns was too niche for ultimate.
I mean for one, it is kinda niche. But also, those retro cloth figures are probably wayyyyy cheaper to produce and the license is cheaper. The retro cloth figure is just new clothes, new heads, and accessories but the body is probably reuse from one of the golden girls. Ultimates killer klowns would require all new molds. With the killer klowns video game maybe they’ll become less niche and maybe they’ll tackle figures for them. In the meantime, we have the toony terror figures of them.
Because it is. Murder She Wrote is an award winning TV show that literally everyone knows about and has watched at one point or another.
It has no cultural relevance anymore. Meanwhile the properties thst people want are called niche.
>It has no cultural relevance anymore.
Well that shows how out of touch you are.

Anyway, today's the last day of official SDCC drops, 12EST on the NECA store. Might go up during the con as well, like last year, but if you want something, now's the time to get it!
I'm a 44 year old boomer, and I've never watched an episode. Diagnosis: Murder on the other hand, I think I've watched every episode at least 3 times. I'm also partial to Midsomer Murders.
Anyway, I will buy this if NECA make a Dr Mark Sloan so I can reenact the episode she guest starred in.
Murder She Wrote is great, give it a watch. There's a reason everyone loves Angela.
Next you’ll tell me that idiot randy will make a robert stack unsolved mysteries figure. I thought you guys said he had a good mind for business.
Any difference from the first one other than a hat and soft good shirt?
Some accessories are different and he looks good. Fair price too.
>Next you’ll tell me that idiot randy will make a robert stack unsolved mysteries figure.

I would unironically buy that.
It’s funny, because the trolls are like >HURR DURR NEXT THEY’LL DO MATLOCK, NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS
Yes. Give me that. I love these types of choices from NECA
You’re in the minority. Make Killer Klowns already, send in the demand on your next collector spot clean up effort if you actually care about Neca corp. Do something with your life, I’m beggin’ ya.
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Who is asking for Killer Klowns??? There’s so many other characters that are more essential that I’d want first.
Essential, get outta here with that. Killer Klowns has variety and the resurgence in popularity means that if randy fails to announce their inclusion at SDCC, he should be thrown out of the company by his balding head
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Thank you for your patience,

I will definitely give it a shot one day. It must have had a timeslot that clashed with something else I watched in it's original run, and I've just never got around to it. Cheesy crime procedurals are more fun as you get older, and the dumber the premise, the better.
Dude, I know you're trying to shitpost, but that would be awesome. If we want to get some real cult tv presenters, I would nuke the Balkans for a Sheriff John Burnell from World's Wildest Police Videos.
Fuck yes. Matlock, Jake and the Fatman. Who do I have to fuck to get a Macgyver figure?
Ooo Macgyver seems like a no brainer, that could come with some cool acrostics too.
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New vs Old Cult Classics Hannibal. New one is definitely an improvement.
Was this update a zelu1984 special? Neca really did have embarrassing and usually soft, mushy sculpts back in the day
>zelu1984 special
What nonsense are you spouting about now?
I would actually love that too. Unsolved mysteries was pure kino.
You have really stupid and embarrassing posts right now. You should stop talking.
What is he even talking about?
Nta but Zelu is a toy designer Neca used for freelance work. He’s done other figures but the biggest one was the April 2.0 that was cutie unlike the giant headed monstrosity Trevor Zammit, a full time Neca sculptor, made for their first try.
>one step closer to the grail
Oh shut up, Trevor's April was fine until the Chinese factories messed it up. That's the only thing that happened. Stop twisting facts up to suit your trolling.
Nah, the Chi-na factories fix in-house designer mistakes. They hire nepobabies who can’t even accomplish a single digital articulation cut, which is why the company will always be considered third rate. Randy would be on the Mount Rushmore of toy companies if he would fix the boys club problems in office and the QC disasters
This board needs an enema, I swear.
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No, look at April as she was shown off at NYCC 2019. That was how NECA intended her to look, the final is how the factory was ended up fucking it up. NECA had the correct scaling to begin with.
It's also back from when the line started, and of course there's been tons of improvements over the years.
Because it's not long. Those exact pics were debunked when the figure was released. It's sad that you're trying to troll with it now.
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this was the trevor proto of april 1.0 btw
yall niggas be saying these niggas is wanted but ery time i see figurs of people i see they alwasy clog shelvs. nbody want this shit. yall niggas trippin specialy on all the turles shit howmany damn turtles toys niggas needd?
>Trevor's April was fine until the Chinese factories messed it up
then why did they get another sculptor to fix it rather than have the factory do it again in the first place? why didn't they perform any qc checks if the factory screwed it up?
>He defended that balloon headed abomination without an ounce of shame.
apparently now it was a "factory screwup" which admits it was a screwup to begin with
I really don’t care what you have to say at this point.
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Went to my target today to check for a potential Bear Blood restock that I saw other people posting and what the bell is this?
New hat, soft good shirt, both sets of hands are gloved instead of ungloved (so no "normal" hands), lunchbox, the "muppet frogs" he eats fit inside the lunchbox. Same 6-pack of beers, and the figure itself and heads are the same.

>will make a robert stack unsolved mysteries figure.
Uh, fucking yes please. Unsolved Mysteries was one of my favorite shows to watch, especially when it dealt with spooky shit. The THEME is perfect to play around Halloween. I would buy a Robert Stack instantly. Just skulking around among all the monsters and horror icons on the shelf...

Is Ghostface Inferno worth getting if I have the original Ultimate Ghostface? I see it has the devil Ghostface mask but I don't know if that's enough.
I mean it's got more display options for sure. Do you like the new masks? Do you like the way you can display him without the robe in a commando-looking bod? Do you like the new weapons?

I think it's an improvement on the old figure, but you need to ask yourself those questions first.
i don't even know what's new with it, kind of why i'm asking
so it has a new body?
from what i see i like the new masks it has especially the devil ghostface and chrome mask and i think the robe is different. the one i have is closed and kind of limits articulation
Is there any proof to the benefits card? Or are you just shiposting for the millionth time?
Oh okay, yeah, so they've retooled the figure since v1. The NYCC exclusive had the updated head where instead of taking the whole head off, you just swap the faceplates/masks. That's how the V2 works (though it does have extra heads with slightly different sculpts with the side tassles that have the faceplate setup too).

The body underneath is wearing a kevlar vest and has bare arms. The robe is better than the first one and is a different design and intended to be removed if you want to display him that way. So again that's something you'll want to think about if you prefer one look over the other.
It appears to be a mess, anon. Tidy that up!
Isn’t the closed robe more accurate to the movies?
thanks! i think i might pick it up if i see it in the wild, otherwise i'll wait for to go on sale online
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Oh, so you've spent years misunderstanding what it is and lying otherwise just to indeed, shitpost. Ok.
You do realize this is essentially just a way for them to verify that the stockers are putting out their product and keeping it tidy right? It’s not your “job” to clean up the display, you just take a photo.
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A little tidbit, the new Elvira reissue is coming with the faceplates like the pride one. Nice improvement to an already great figure.
2.0 is worthless if they didn’t scale it down
Oh good catch! Might be something to keep an eye out for...
You realize it’s not an ultimate right? Those retro cloth figures run more 8 inch
Have the faces been different between releases? Curious how it really matters whether it’s the faceplates or a different head.
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Question for anons with the Red White and Boo version:

Are Elvira's legs bare or are they painted pantyhose color? Also does she have painted 'panties' on the crotch? I want to make pic related without having to paint too much.
Also, what’s the range on the Elvira? Is she able to lay down?
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She can’t pose.
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Very limited
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Nope. Try again.
Yes she can, you post that every time and it's always wrong.
Myers looks like he's straight up not having a good time.
This anon broke her legs off at the hips in order to achieve this position. Take a picture with the dress removed.
Your proof?
No thanks perv.
I have eyes and I own the figure
So you know it can do it then, okay, that solves that.
It cannot
It can.
The image that has a broken Elvira in an impossible pose? Doesn’t count.
Sorry you're terrible at posing, man. That does suck for you.
A nude pose is the only way to prove him wrong.
So nobody at NECA ever inspected the molds or the test shots after sending the prototype to China?
Wow, that's crazy.
>what the bell is this?
Looks like a garbage dump. Kind of fitting really.
That looks like grandma broke her hip.
tha'ts not even your photo. post yours.
Why do I have to? That picture speaks for me.
let's see you do it.
Let’s see you post it first, or any toy for that matter.
i post my toys all the time you cocksucker. now are you going to post your elvira in that pose or is "that's someone else's photo" only valid when you say it? kill yourself necanon you fucking loser.
What would me posting it prove that the photo didn’t already?
post your toy, coward. post your whole display once maybe. you never have. wonder why that is.
that is such a cope lol
that’s my picture you’ve stolen my picture
He can't. His house is being fumigated due to the fungus growing on his walls.
He had to steal it because his Elvira looks more like Poison Ivy due to the mold growing on it's dress.
Lmao. But the other anons were right, one of the hip joints snapped out of the package, so in pictures I can lay her leg over in a way that wouldn’t be possible if she wasn’t breaka. I will buy the 2.0 version with the faceplates that will be whole, though.
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I don't understand what you think the benefit of lying about this is? The figure's ball hips have plenty of clearance and can hit that pose easily. And this isn't even with help of a couch to have her lean in to.
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It's actually silly to listen to people shitpost about something the toy can do.
I’m going to take mine out of the package and take a picture for definitive PROOF one way another because neca anon has gone off the rails with his lies recently (April O’Noggin) and cannot be trusted
You realize not everyone is necanon right? Also that photo IS proof.
It must be nude. Those are the terms, there can be no obstruction. Nude only. And don’t give me that. If you buy even one Neca product, even one, you ARE a neca anon.
Oh, you're a nutjob, that makes so much sense now...
Posting a nude figure is against the rules.
Too late, see >>11050902
But that rule only applies if the figure has nipples and vagine, and nobody that works for NECA are able to make anatomically correct sculpts because they've never seen a naked woman, so it's safe to post your naked Golden Girls.
What would be a good wheelchair to get for jigsaw? Would this fit ya think?
Mid to high-- Bale has no problem giving likeness and they have to know the character as an action figure would sell well
>Bale has no problem giving likeness
Wow what a stupid response from a very stupid poster.
That one time Randy saw his beard getting out of the shower doesn't really count.

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