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Previous Thread >>11018712



HasLab Dragonfly Unboxing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6mqSvMUtxg

>Now Shipping:
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)
>Action Soldier (60th Anv)
>Big Boa
>Quick Kick
>Techno Viper
>VAMP & Clutch (Pulse)
>Mutt & Junkyard
>Fire Team 788 (Pulse)
>HMS w/ Techno-Viper (Pulse)

>New/Render Reveals - Dial-Tone, Saw Viper

>Pipeline Reveals - Road Pig, Blowtorch, Frag Viper, Starduster, Nemesis Immortal, Zandar, Leatherneck, Raptor, Footloose

-Iron Grenadier
-Iron Grenadier B.A.T.
-Storm Shadow v2
-Retro Stalker
-Retro Cobra Trooper
-Retro Cobra Commander
-Cobra Night Attack Stinger (FanCh 6/18)
-Sgt Slaughter Mad Marauder (FanCh 6/18)
-Lowlight & Spirit Mad Marauders 2pk (Pulse 6/18)
>Wreckage and Tiger Paw ATV (Target/Pulse)
>Cobra Ferret
>Retro Beach Head
>Retro Cobra Eel
>Retro Snow Serpent
>Night Force Shockwave and Night Pursuit Cycle (Pulse/Walmart)
>Gnawgahyde w/ Porkbelly & Yobbo
>Night Creeper
>Tiger Force Roadblock & Tripwire 2pk

>Super7 O-ring line wave 1 up for pre-order
>Mezco Firefly and Duke available for pre-order
>Hiya Toys: Beach Head, Flint (Standard and Tiger Force), Firefly, Lady Jaye, Major Bludd, Destro, Baroness, Gung Ho, Cobra Trooper, Zartan, Spirit Iron-Knife, Tomax & Xamot, Croc Master, Stalker 4” figures revealed

>Free Episodes of G.I. Joe ARAH:

>Free Episodes of Renegades and Sigma 6:

>G.I. Joe Spy Troops (PAL version, ripped and edited by a very kind Aussie Anon/Spy Troops anon):
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Who do you watch for Joe Reviews on Youtube? I always like D Amazing, because his posing is good and he has a large collection of figures from a ton of different lines, and does scale/size comparisons so you always know what the figure looks like next to a figure you may have.

I also like Bee's Battlegrounds, even though his reviews sometimes sounds like he's rather be doing anything else. He reviews other military lines, like Valaverse and 3D party stuff.

I like A Punk With Toys. He's an old-school collector that feels like someone who would've been cool to hand with on the old early 2000s forum community.

Lastly, even though they're far from his main line, I like Robo Don't Know/The Fwoosh. His Play Day video of him burning through a years worth of figues in 30 minutes is my favorite video on youtube. I put in on every time I get a shipment of orders in.

Who do you guys watch, if you do?
Pretty much the same guys. D Amazing is just an awesome dude with a kind heart, his voice is always so calm and I actually cried when Ichigo passed away.

Bee is cool 'cause he always gives military insight. Being mexican I know jack about the US military, so it's always appreciated.

Lawrence is great too, he's a straightforward dude and actually comes from the punk scene, so he gets no shit from nobody.

I'll watch anything from Robo. I feel like a child watching his Rewind every Saturday while eating breakfast.

I also watch Kyle Peterson, he's funny and gives a honest review, also, him showing both his face and close-ups of the figures is great. Incredible collection he has too.
Warning, he's black, but I like Tman978.
He's not funny or anything but I like the "you already know what articulation this has but I'm gonna tell you about it anyway" attitude he has.
Forgot to mention since he's retired, but I watched HCC788 for years. He was a funny guy and reviewed pretty much og line exclusively. He decided to retire a few months ago and sold his entire collection, which is sad, but helped a lot to my comprehension and liking of G.I. Joe.
Robo is a faggot and D amazing is a BLM faggot, holy shit I can't believe how many fucking retarded zoomers post here.
That's the guy who's ban evading so you can just report him if you want
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>Hi welcome back people I'm a dumb retarded hick that bitches about McFarlane every heckin video yet bitched out of the fwoosh and just want to play with toys all day

It's fascinating how much if a bitch robo is when he opens up during podcasts. Can't believe so many retards watch him. Oh he's just so loveable? :o
I got HMS heartseeker in. Now I have 3 technovikings
That's cool, I've been thinking about getting a Techie too. Awesome helmet design.
Yea Robo's play days really sold me on getting a few.
yeah one I forgot I preordered so I was like might as well get the seeker so I have a chief tech
They're cool characters, I've always liked their potential as worldbuilders. Of course Cobra needs some technicians.
Well I can't blame ya, Robo really made them look appealing
Now I just need a bigger vehicle. I've missed out on all the recent ones.
The Stinger pre-order is right around the corner man
Robo did tell me about that too
really? sweet
How is the missle launcher? I was honestly gonna ask last thread but i just didnt think it was out yet. So is the launcher sturdy, heavy feeling with working treads maybe? To boil it down, is it better than scrap irons missle bot? Should i just look for a loose tevhno viper?
Try watching the Robo Don't Know review he goes over it quite well.
Who cares, fuck you for trolling the board.
Robo sure is a weak willed faggot. I really enjoyed listening to that dork lair podcast where he admitted making toys stressed him out which is why he left Fwoosh, because he'd rather just play with toys all day than actually work and accomplish something.
Yeah man! This Tuesday 18th at Amazon and Pulse.
After concluding quick kick prefers krackle as his candy bar, i now ask what brand of bubble gum does bazooka prefer? The clear choice would be bazooka gum, it has great comics, but i suspect bazookas taste is bit more refined when chewing gum is involved. So what gum does bazooka like? Big league chew? Bubble tape? Double bubble? Bubble yum? Hubba bubba? I doubt its black jack since the bubble is pink.
Wow great thread faggots
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>No edgy 90's Sgt Savage
>No Sigma Six tribute line
My Ollies finally got in new Classified figures: however most of them had been picked through save for a box filled with two Tomaxes, two Xamots, and a single Stalker. I already had the Crimson Twins so I got Stalker, who was still $5 (as Ollies has not yet raised their prices on Classified stuff yet).
Got an email last night that the ferrets will be shipping from Pulse soon. Hype.
I don't know about Bazooka, but Breaker chews on Dubble Bubble.
Now its on to the stinger, and hopefully a tiger paw re issue.
Good choice, it holds its flavor.
I like Lyle's Figure Files on Youtube. Chill guy that loves his Joes.
Anyone have the Grid Iron crossbow? Wondering if it'd look good with retro Scarlett
I've always wanted to get some gridiron stuff but most of the products are more than the figures themselves.
Give them time. I'm sure they'll get there eventually, we don't even have a Colton yet.
Oh yeah! Lyle is so chill. Maybe a bit too optimistic sometimes, but a cool dude.
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Are these MASK or GI Joe or something. I found these in my friends attic and we are both puzzled
Those are from a Coleco toyline called Starcom. Pretty cool toys with magnets and transforming gimmics.
Not a fan of this redesign but damn, do I love that faggot.
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I think I may be in the minority, but I love the design, it's just so cool. I'm sure we are getting a Retro classic one, but I'm also expecting an Iron Grenadier Officer.
I just hope we get an IG Destro soon.
I'm guessing he's close, I'm pretty sure those boots are teasing him, they seem like a new sculpt and I believe they have different paint apps than the IGs
Ig destro is just so damn slick and regal looking. The type of look that tells you 'do not test this guy', i love it and its his best look out of the arah era.
Totally. IG Destro looks incredible. Nothing against his first look, but yeah, the gold just suits him so well, and oh God, that cape and sword!
So bored and thinking of some GI Joe head canon for my figures:

Fred is a Crimson Guardsman who wears the first release Classified Cobra Commander outfit as a usurper. He's backed by the Dreadnoks and Zarana in particular and Destro, who is happy to deal with Fred because Fred is more realistic in his ideas for taking over the world than OG CC.

Zarana is also fucking both Fred and Destro and playing each off of each other.

Baroness is working with the Joes as a result, because she's pissed off that Destro cheated on her for Zarana

Snake Eyes hates everyone in GI Joe and resents being stuck career-wise as a ninja/commando and secretly wants Hawk's job running shit.

Duke caused Snake Eye's disfigurement/loss of his voice in a failed attempt on his life. Snake Eyes knows Duke did it but has no evidence he can use to prove it.

Lady Jaye is a hardcore right wing conservative and isn't allowed on the internet because she likes to troll and bully libtards online.

Flint's a closeted homosexual and Lady Jaye doesn't know she's dating a homo. Baroness however does know and blackmails Flint to get him to help get her nominal GI Joe membership while dealing with the fake CC and Zarana.

My Vipers are all basically the members of the Strike Team from Shield. Regular CI Viper is Ronnie, Python Patrol Viper is Lem, Crimson Viper is Shane, Viper Officer is Vic, and black regular Viper is Julian.
>Duke caused Snake Eye's disfigurement/loss of his voice in a failed attempt on his life. Snake Eyes knows Duke did it but has no evidence he can use to prove it.
it was just a prank bro
Post one clip of him bitching about McFarlane. And no, him saying he doesn't collect that scale isn't bitching.
Easy, every episode he cries about McFarlane making toys while Robo had a nervous break down because people kept asking him about those skeletons. Did Fwoosh release those skeletons yet? What a scam of a company.
>>Lady Jaye is a hardcore right wing conservative and isn't allowed on the internet because she likes to troll and bully libtards online.

That's so crazy that I wish to Christ it was actual canon.

>>Lady Jaye shitting on n-----s, s---s, bra burners, and liberals; calling Obama a Kenyan Monkey and the Clintons Satanic Pedophiles.

>>Got put on GI Joe because she keeps committing war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.

>>Gets busted at the January 6 riots as one of the ring leaders and Hawk has to manipulate Zartan to take the fall/claim he was impersonating LJ to get her off the hook.

>>Isn't invited to girls night out with Scarlet and Cover Girl and Jinx because she keeps saying "I'm not saying Timothy McVeigh is a monster. Just that he had a lot of good ideas!" while drunk.

>>Is the only one who will be friendly/friends with Captain Gridiron because he shares her extremist right wing views.

>>Keeps calling Shipwreck by his white name his biological parents gave him, not the hispanic name his hispance parents gave him when they adopted him as a baby
Don't feed them.
Well now I need artwork of Lady Jaye as the pointing girl with the cigarette from the Iraq war.
Would Beachhead also be a racist? Considering his background and preference for keeping his identity a secret even while on base among his peers.
Instead of worrying about who is racist in this AU, its important to establish who isn't. Cross-Country is just your stereotypical overly friendly kind of retarded southerner who thinks his belt buckle is just a symbol of regional pride and genuinely doesn't understand why Stalker is always picking on him for it.
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>Cobra Ninja
Man, fuck Super7, lazy overpriced cheap ass company.
Beachhead is a full-on sexual sadist/daddy dom who fucks men and women. The bavaclava is his daddy dom hood and he can't get an erection without wearing it. No one has ever seen his face and he's such a dominant sex machine that even the men he fucks against their will end up loving every minute of it.

Lady Jaye is less National Guard pointing at captured Iraqis type war criminal and more "the only good sand n---- is a dead sand n----" who kills people left and right while on patrol.
Holy shit the heetseekers are huge. I need the next vehicle but man I have no place for them
Really, are they decent enough on their own? I was kinda let down with scrap iron missle system, cool effect pieces but they get weak over time.
The heetseekers look amazing. Great signage and size. I wasn't expecting the missiles to be the size of my dick.
The heat seekers are huge. Scrap iron's tiny little drone isn't even as big as the rack they sit on, never mind the whole trailer and the missiles themselves.
Thanks for keepin' me posted Necanon. I'll be sure to buy one.
can you post a photo of the heat seekers, especially next to the Scrap-Iron drone and the Techno-Viper it comes with?
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What are the buckets for
Starcom is one of the low-key best toy lines ever and that's one of the best ships. #blessed
The bodies.
You're welcome man, but maybe you could answer me what's their appeal
Thats a massive chunk of missle, youve really helped me decide with this pic. I wanna hook it up tp the ferret, or maybe chain a few bats to it so they can drag it about.
Ferret doesn't have a tow hitch to pull around any sort of trailers. Your only best bet for vehicles to tow around the HMS is the HISS, VAMP and Stinger. But yeah I think you could get some BAT's and try to pull it, they should be able to.
Shoot, i just thought the idea of an atv towing that around would be silly. Not as silly as a techno viper bull whipping a pack of battle damaged bats though, which i could see actually happening.
This looks astoundingly bad.
You sound like a whiny faggot
Super7 needs to go out of business already. They're getting shown up by Hasbro left and right. They couldn't even make good figures of the toons feom the start. It's been fuck up after fuck up with them.
I'd see Beachhead as an equal opportunities asshole who just dislikes anyone and everyone, and GI Joe HR gets constant complaints about him.

>preference for keeping his identity a secret even while on base among his peers.
Beachhead should have a (impressively hot and surprisingly nice) wife and kids and none of them have ever seen him unmasked either, and nobody's ever observed him being any nicer to them than he is to anyone else.
shut up. get over it. they aren't even in scale you will never buy any.
this is an exclusive I guess? I will probably try to get the zartan but this one is an easy pass.
so, whats up with the Serpentor + flying throne Classified? is that even a real product or is it a fake 3rd party thing? all of the sale listings for it online are kind of dodgy.
Same with the Cobra Commander regal version, with the huge gold box.
Serpentor was a real figure, #75 i think. Not sure what listing youve seen but i know ive seen regal commander on aliexpress. Pretty sure all the factory rejects and fell off of the truck stock has been sold off, so its a bootleg.
They're both real. The CC you're probably think of is the Serpent Supreme one that came out pretty early as a convention/pulse exclusive. The Serpentor was from a couple years ago also as a convention/pulse exclusive.

There are bootlegs of the Serpent Supreme CC, though. Also, keep in mind that a "Regal" and "Serpent supreme" CC both exist. The Regal version is just a much lighter blue version of the standard retail, darker-blue CC.
Where can I get black rope for classified figures like shipwreck
A popular fanon amongst GI Joe fans and their fan fiction is that Beachhead is in love with Lady Jaye/hates Flint and keeps getting them in trouble over over their relationship affecting their ability to work together in hopes of splitting them up.

Another fanon is that Beachhead is secretly in his 60s and was a contemporary of Joe Colton (the original GI Joe) based on the fact that the first unmasked appearance of him in the Marvel Comic had him with white hair (which was white due a coloring error). Another is that he was a victim of the same project that gave Zartan his shape shifting powers, hence why Beachhead has so many different unmasked faces.
Isn't Lady Jaye CIA/undercover CIA?

I can see Lady Jaye as a strident anti-communist type who helped the Mujahidin/Taliban in the 1980s and probably re-upped to kill them off when 9-11 happened.
Are there any places that sell stronger joints or replacement joints? I'm thinking of just making my own or something for the Classified series I have.
>Beachhead is in love with Lady Jaye
Weird because in the original RAH cartoon run Beachhead and Cover Girl seemed to have much more of deliberate dynamic and interesting chemistry. He was the upright, no nonsense hardass while Cover Girl was always trying to convince him calm down and have some fun.
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You ever wonder if Joe has committed war crimes?
You'd think GI Joe was literally based on war crimes from the stupid shit you see on Instagram
>the stupid shit you see on Instagram
Could you elaborate?
NTA but a lot of people post photos of Classified Joe figures doing some really out of character shit. Like there was a series this person did of Covergirl in the outback where she's hunting down Zarana, gets in a fight with her, then ties her up and ends up shooting her in the head execution style while taking a swig of a whiskey bottle. And I think Shipwreck watches the whole thing go down.

I've seen other stuff like Roadblock mowing down surrendered Cobra Troopers in a trench and Duke and some Joes suspending one of the Cobra members from a chain and cutting their abdomen up with a knife. Not to mention the ever present Barbecue using a flame thrower and burning people alive.
Yep, endless torture scenarios and obscene violence. If that's how people get their kicks, so be it.
>Barbecue using a flamethrower and burning people alive
In their defense, Barbecue's name and outfit don't really give off any obvious indication he's a firefighter.
D Amazing just posted his Jinx review, shit torso but awesome everything else.
It's been implied since the first Lama issues that Snake Eyes kind of has.
Yeah man, it's kind of stupid, really makes you think what those guys have up in their dirty brains.
I'm ok with death and violence in G.I. Joe, but having fucking Bazooka holding the heads of a few Cobra Troopers is just moronic.
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How will Iron Grenadier look next to the Protect Gear
I don't know why, but the reused sword from the Snake Eyes movie figure really bothers me
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American exceptionalism/jingoism says it's not war crimes when WE do it.
I just still don't know if 9/11 warped US minds or just gave them the implied okay to let out those intrusive thoughts.
holy shart. im sure this is old news, but i have almost every GI JOE and COBRA now and i have to say, techno viper is by far the worst. 0 posability. hes like a statue with a hose gimmick, and the hose is too short to do anything with it. lol.
very sad!
That is why it is important to have the damn filecard actually on the box and not a stupid QR code that links to a site that doesn't even exist anymore.
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>Barbecue's name and outfit don't really give off any obvious indication he's a firefighter.

His name does it's just something weird that happen in the 90s/00s where Barbecue slang became a reference to what you did to others rather than what you were. It also shifted from being reference to the food itself to the process of making it. ie in 1980s it was understood his name was a reference he was surrounded by open flames.

Now as for his outfit, that is a weird set up for sure while his suit itself is based on real suits some fighters used in the 1970s and 1980s, the helmet from the OG toy is clearly based on a cutting edge (for the time) welding helmet from 1980 so on that note I can see why people would think he used a blowtorch
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I don't think it'd important any more because the people buying this don't have to be convinced to buy it. At least not by a file card.
How much is Stinger going to be?
Bullshit. Techno Viper is great and it doesn't have any issue with the hose being short.
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He poses well enough to sit inside the HISS tank.
$99 same as the vamp. I think I'm going to pass and wait and see if it makes it to clearance or not.
Hundred bucks, preorder opens tomorrow.
Hoping they throw up some more vamps as a surprise as well tomorrow
Couldnt have happened to a happier fella.
Eh, bbq doesnt really come with a bunch of offensive weapons. But yeah, most normies just assume he uses fire to fight the bad guys. Which is pretty fucked up wgen you think on it, a gi joe burning cobra to death?!? Still, ive had a few conversations explaining barbecue and role in gi joe.
What, you mean the symbols on the box dont tell you what you need to know. Even my mom knows what a knife, three vertical lines and a missle mean. Cmon man.
Funkin fudge, i kinda want it but idk. A $100 isnt cheap and i dont have a ton of free space. If it sells out then ok, im fine. But if i can get a pre order in then ok, im game.
Do you have the backpack on upside down or something?
Tools go on top
Hose connect to bottom.
SO COOL, wish it wasn't 700 bnucks now
Where will the stinger be on sale? Im under the impression it is an amazon deal?
Amazon, Pulse and "select few retailers", but yeah, it's Amazon exclusive.
Like a manlet, but otherwise will make the IG look like dog water.
people used to take gi joes to school and trade them with other kids and stuff. it's all over, now kids sing five nights at freddys songs and bang their head against the wall cause theyre autistic.
everything is fucked, not a single good or positive new thing is made anymore. all you can do is be spiritually involved in this antiquated shit, and delude yourself that youre 8 years old and it's christmas morning and you're unpacking a gi joe.
gi joe invented toy aisles, gi joe made ninjas enter the american consciousness, people for 60 years have played with gi joe, slept with gi joe, he was the only friend to many children, and they joined the army because of gi joe.
and it makes me cry from joy, 'cause i get to be part of this cornerstone of this american history now.
i crave community really bad, but everything is too fucked up now, everyone is too fucked up. you can only tangentially be involved in stuff decades old thats long gone now in a detached way,
like relive history by yourself. you cant walk into a toy store and buy gi joes anymore, you have to do this soulless haslab premium subscription or whatever.
what do people do for community now, i dont know, bring a macbook into a starbucks and sit for hours so you can be around people and not feel so lonely.
millions of people do that..

by buying gi joes, im paying my way into secondhand nostalgia, and getting to spiritually be part of a patriotic cultural icon and have a sense of community post-mortem. that's the thesis.
150,000,000 americans were thinking about gi joe every day of their lives for 30 years, and now i get to too. and it makes me feel kinship.
the gi joes have improved in quality so much since 1985. i think what it'd be like to show these to those kids back then. theyd have cut their own leg off to have one of these modern Classified joes. they didnt get to have such nice toys, but i do. only, the fandom is dead now. everything is. you only have post-mortem celebrations like this
i mean to say, everything is gay and awful except for gi joe and adjacent fun properties. it's the only way to have fun now and i'm so glad it's here. it's the only source of happiness in my life right now
I think part of why i collect is so that i have a reason to come here and speak about toys. I dont get many (yous) but i fool myself into thinking im part of a group. I do love the gi joe brand, and ive followed it off and on since i was 5 i guess. Joe has always been in my orbit, dont want it anyother way.
Then stop being such a big nostalfag and start accepting times change and of course toy lines need to change.
Jesus fucking Christ it's always the same fucking story. It's you nostalgic gen-xers who keep every single brand dead with your autistic whining every time they try to reinvent themselves.
Have you tried actually playing with you toys?
I still haven't opened mine yet. Just too lazy to make room. Maybe when the fireteam and HMS hit outlet clearance and I order them.
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So they dropped this at the end of the stinger unboxing video. Makes it easier for me to pass on the stinger since I now have to buy this fucker too.
Holy shit.
That's a second VAMP so yeah it's cool, but holy shit, Nemesis is gigantic!
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Only preordering out of fomo really. If they reissue the VAMP, I'm cancelling
I liked Lenny addressing the "oh if the original one was x inches then the new version would be y inches" guys. Yeah, it doesn't work like that you nerds, the proportions are completely different.
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I didn't realize MM Spirit came with a different bird.
They should have given it an owl head.
Stinger PO is sold out on Pulse, but BBTS actually has it up for regular retail. That's surprising.
He's too big and the wings look too small to lift his bulk. The costume design looks good but the proportions are all jacked up on the figure. Nemesis is lean, tall, muscular with giant wings. Is this supposed to be a classified interpretation or movie accurate? Because they literally have a movie scene as the back boxart.
It's classified, it don't have to explain shit. Me want. They make a retro movie version, I get too.
It must be difficult to type with hasbros cock in your mouth.
There's a lot of people who come to this site even though nothing interest them just so they have someone to talk to.
>stop liking what I don't like
>wings look too small to lift his bulk
Its okay it's just a toy so it wouldn't actually fly either way
Uhm, this aint raptor.
True, but i like you guys and enjoy collecting gi joe. I wonder how many 'regulars' we have here, 10 maybe?
yes exactly, you understand completely. its very sad.
i think u misunderstand me completely. the toys are better than ever. classified is better than any other line of gi joe ever. its just IRL socialization that has died entirely.
i do, a lot, hours a day. and im making a turn based tabletop game out of them.
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The more I think about it, the more mad I am about the black driver. The set's $100 and reuses a ton of existing parts from the vamp, officer, and Scrap Iron effects, yet they couldn't throw in an extra head? They literally ruined the Tele-Viper design for the sake of that shit, yet they couldn't do it here.
>The more I think about it, the more mad I am about the black driver
Miss Daisy? I figured you'd be dead
Any word on the price? That's an all new sculpt on a big fig so $75? Or can this thing go up to Serpentor price at $90?
>the ones time they make the black guy a villain.
>anon still seethes
Why are you like this?
Bruh the set is called the NIGHT ATTACK Stinger. Of course they're gonna make a darkie drive it.
What's the deal with the alternate head, is that from something or did they just make it up?
And I know it happened before with his last toy, but why the name change to Nemesis Immortal? Did someone else really steal the rights to the name Nemesis Enforcer?
I guess he rather not be reminded they're real
Super7 is so embarrassing
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>Super7 is so embarrassing
That's not how you spell Neca
NECA isn't making G.I. Joe
Thankfully, they never will :)
first thing i thought too. he's inhumanly strong but isn't build like a tank ffs
I think its from the new skybound comics. But im not well read on the comic lore.
I apologize for my response, yes, I misunderstood.
That's actually strong insight.
Classified interpretation, they just make references 'n stuff for the card art.
He's big nowadays.
Why bitch about it in the Joes thread, then?
Yeah, i read that issue! Getting the tpbs, im glad the comics fans latched on to the hype machine, the energon stuff is good.

Ferret is rolling out fellas! Im curious what zaranna will look like on it, maybe even cassandra cain. Idk, ive never had one so im quite silly in my daydreaming.
Well I guess I won't be scoping out a Glenda anymore
That's a fairly standard Argentinian for sure
Idk that's a cute pout
Well damn, I really don't give a shit about gi joe as a property, but that's a cool shock trooper lookin' guy. Does that guy behind him have a fucking chainsaw arm?
>Does that guy behind him have a fucking chainsaw arm?
Yes, it's a robot
Eat shit
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Is it?
Super7 is an embarrassing company
You're grasping hard right now.
Grasping at what? That a head sculpt isn't as good as the render yet again?
Is it just Shooter's head sculpt?
Pretty sure it isn't, I can't see them racebending their own sculpts like that
I don't know that it's not good. It just looks like they painted it with RBF
>Why bitch about it in the Joes thread, then?
Why are you defending the Neca troll?
Glad that bothers you so much. Shows what a disturbed freak you are.
The only troll is you.
They sure are: >>11038072 >>11038471

They have a slavish attention to detail and their female Joes look like women.
It bothers me that Neca gives money to fund pedo grooming.
>"Hey Scarlett, look! A walking refrigerator!"
More like Steve.
It's just the Retro Scarlett head sculpt senpai
People forget how ugly the head sculpts are sometimes in Classified. You'd think with figures like Falcon, Covergirl, Lady Jaye, and Scarlett, they'd learn.
Also the first Classified Baroness looked like a tranny, and they resculpted her head for the Crimson version.
>beautiful young woman
Haggard old woman

People paid for this
>souless face
>shit brick proportions
>shit articulation
>shit paint
>can literally see the wrist joint.
I really can't see why you guys like Super7. Looks like absolute dogshit.
But oh well, keep spending 50 bucks on that garbage.
Thanks for proving you're a troll.
>pedo grooming
So they donate to Matt Gaetz or just to Trump himself?

Why is it a "woman" if the character is 18 or older but "totally just a drawing, not a real person" when she's 14 or something?

And why does Jin Saotome claim to be white when we all see his brown hair, brown eye, brown skin, bent nose selfies?

Why do Retardlicans live in permanent opposite day?

>if she's not hentai then she's either hideous or a man

Why do you buy Haswoke in the first place? Legit answer without being a seething godboy pussy about it.
I know everyone has opinions on what's attractive, but I don't see a problem with Classified ladies headsculpts. I just seem a bunch of plainly pretty to above average women. Cover Girl is supposed to be insanely beautiful. Her heads is fine but doesn't say "Im one of the most attractive people on the planet".
Imo there isn't just an issue with female head sculpts, but head sculpts across the board. They've gotten waxier and more cartoony, even bugeyed sometimes. Compared to what the Legends team puts out, they're subpar. Compare Wave 1 Duke, Major Bludd, and TF Outback to anything released in the last year, it's night and day.
I just don't see it, and honestly, your comparing it to legends, even more divides us.

At this point most of the bitching sounds like the 8-year-olds I see throwing tantrums unable to articulate what they don't like so they repeat what dad cusses.
They are just trolling, its the same song and dance they put on for the marvel, dc, and tmnt threads. Why they chosen to do their shuck n jive here is unclear but im not giving them my pocket change.
Ferret watch 2024 day two begins, i may just drive out to the distro center and do a will call lol.
Not everyone who's critical of a product here is a troll. If you don't see the difference in quality lately then that's your problem.
>Waist articulation is terrible
>Shoulder articulation is terrible
>Uncanny valley eyes

Try harder
Not about articulation. And I'd rather have a touch of wide eyes than what looks like a meth user with an underbite
>than what looks like a meth user with an underbite
If you're going to keep this up make up a new way to say that, you copypasta the same insult now from previous threads. It's easy to see you full of shit now but come on try harder next time.

Marvel legends have more misses than hits by both average and volume. If you don't know what that means ask your dad.
>Fat face
>Dick-sucking nigger ips
>Poorly applied makeup
>Head looks lopsided
>Neck looks too fat
>Beaten wife smile
Somehow this is supposed to be good?

Let's not point out the tits look like two pi3eces that aren't glued together properly, the torso might as well be from a statue. The trash figure that that shows the line it comes from is trash as well. Baseless bitching from he toddle squad who just wants to cry in every thread.
>Arguing about Joe headsculpts
>No one posts actual headsculpts
>Comparing production figures to marketing pics from other lines

You're all insane.

Joe headsculpts are typically great. The only blunders are Covergirl and Falcon. Retro Scarlet looks ok, but doesn't look like Scarlet at all, and Grunt's headsculpt just doesn't fit the line at all.

Here's a few random headshots I just took.
Lmao, are you seriously using Marvel Legends as your example? That line is absolute garbage, they can't even decide if they want anime faces or realistic faces so they just give shit.
That's the thing.
From a line with 120+ figures people will complain about two actually bad headsculpts and two arguably mid ones while defending a line with like a thousand figures with 10 good headsculpts at most.
And no, that Wasp sculpt is not a good one. Half-anime bs.
>Half-anime bs.
As an avid anime watcher, the fuck are you talking about? This is pure western style cartoon/comic face. Are you talking about the highlights in the pupils? Is that why you think it's anime?
Seriously, it's schizo-tier opinions.

Here's some Cobra. The Major Bludd headsculpt is a work of art. It rivals imports easily.
This is gonna summon contraians, but for a line as good as this people will hyper focus on the bad parts until it stops being an off hand comment and starts being a religion.
Remember how floppy weapons evolved for that one guy into "GRAVITY WILL MAKE THESE THINGS WARP OVER TIME IN THE JOES HANDS"
>Major Bludd headsculpt is a work of art.
Yes, you can literally see what I was referencing with these photos. He has a far greater sense of realism and fidelity than any of the sculpts in the Joe collage.
Sorry, I just don't have the right word to describe ML's style, it's that Uncanny Valley-esque point where it looks like an animated character and a photoreal person, it's weird man.
I love the sculpt jobs they've done with Classified. There's nothing wrong with them and the examples people use are the exceptions that prove the point.
Yeah, people's crazy and will create the most unhinged and unsubstantiated theories and arguments to defend their schizo dogma.
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Snagged this dude today, he's real neat. Kinda torn on how the pack should be worn.
Also how do anons feel about the hologram?
Still don't have one, but that kind of hologram effect is great just with the right lighting. If you're a toy photographer, a led works wonders
Only Falcon is rough, but not entirely terrible. Classified heads are usually solid.
I feel like it's an accessory that suggests a pose more then like a gun would
But that's just autism
>Beaten wife smile
>Somehow this is supposed to be good?
Are you familiar at all with the character? That's PERFECT.
Thought the same thing lmao, easy but good one
>googles in techno
We need a home improvement show with techno viper as a host.
I was concerned Elvira was the blond on the picture on the left
He looks super cool. It's kinda weird/neat that his backpack works both ways. I go with the inaccurate look, since a taller backpack would block out the figure displayed behind him.

I'm fine with the hologram.
Why don't you take your meds, Diosoth?
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>It rivals imports easily.
you say that like imports are on a high bar

The only thing imports are good at are cartoony designs.
Does gridiron 1/12 work with classified?
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Great figure, I picked up two myself.
Backpack is upside down anon, but I guess it could work either way.
Why are there so many leftys in the Joeverse?
They do, but the larger guns are slightly too big.82xgv
because of how the card backs were laid out. see >>11040058 You put a gun in the right had and either you have your guy facing the wrong way (you want him to face toward the actual toy, its line of sight marketing), or you have his gun covering up a good portion of the character artwork. or, if you believe that conspiracy anon, its because Lenny is left handed and he's projecting himself on all the figures, the same way he's admittedly doing with the tattoos.
I like the tattoos. Not all the figures have them, and the few that do look good, nothing extreme.
So guys, I'm buying some of the releases I've skipped while waiting for the new ones, who should I get next? I'm torn between the Valkyries or the Infantry Soldier.
Yeah, I like the tattoos too. They fit the character when Lenny includes them, Rock 'N Roll being a surfer, Clutch a rockabilly, and the Dreadnoks being, well, Dreadnoks.
Id say valks, they are cool and add some variety in cobra. Regular troopers are cool too but theyve got several releases already.
Oh, I was talking about this guy, but yeah, valks do look cool.
On the other hand, I really like the guy's accessories, specially that machine gun for Roadblock.
Woo, my Ferrets arrived today.
Oh, well yeah id get him then. Big bang for buck with this figure.
I was reading the new Destro comic and it seems the Classified team isn't working that close to the Skybound team, comic IGs look quite different.
Yeah, the writer likes Classified but I don't think they give spoilers unless he asks
Which is good because it means Hasbro isnt telling them to change the story to include things
Yeah, definitely for the best
I don't get it. What so special about that particular gun that oldfag joe fans can't shut up about it? Visually, it seams kinda bland. I like the big stupid gun the Mezco Roadblock comes with, followed any random minigun, like the Heavy Artillery Classified comes with. I think any minigun looks cooler.
roadblock shooting a minigun is further into the realm of fantasy than mindbender or zartan.
that's what my problem with it is. i don't know what other people think. the old roadblock gun is a browning from ww2, and ww2 guns are the most popular in the world might be part of it.
Who is the least popular GI Joe character that would need to be packed with like a Hooded Cobra Commander head in order to sell
any of the females. baronness, scarlett and jaye went straight to the Clearance section. baronness has been 50% off on hasbro pulse for several months now. agent helix is like $8 on ebay.
There are probably hundreds of minor characters who are Literally Who? to all but the most hardcore of fans, but I'm not sure who'd qualify as the least popular or most hated. Some of the weirder characters may be controversial, but most of them have enough vocal fans that they'd probably sell.
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I do prefer the giant vulcan cannon the classified has, but picturing Roadblock saying "fuck this" and picking up and lugging around a browning in the middle of a battle is a cool image
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i got a ReAction cobra commander cause it was $3 at Ross its the ugliest thing ive ever seen. whats the appeal
The new o-rings are amazing.
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To me, it's just kinda goofy, I like it because of it, Roadblock straight up charging into battle with an old ass machine gun that isn't even made to be held. The gatling gun is cool, too, but it's just too cliche nowadays, we've seen a million black badass giants holding gatling guns since Predator and Block holding the Ma Deuce is just way more unique. Even more with that nonsense pistol grip.
Yeah, that too, the Browning is just iconic.
I feel a bit like a hypocrite about Block's guns. My version of Zartan uses a hologram projector and nobody in his family has changing mutant skin, the B.A.T.s are mindless automatons programmed with basic orders, the twins definitely don't feel each other nor have telepathy and Serpentor is just out of the picture; but for some reason, I like Roadblock handholding a Ma Deuce.
I honestly don't know what the appeal is of having other toylines done in the style of 80s Star Wars toys. If it was just Star Wars it would make sense to me. Since this line is being called Reacion+ I get the feeling, they're about to do the same thing, remake every possible IP they can get as o-ring figures.
Think about wanting figures in a certain scale to go with other figures but then apply it to a style of how they look
Psyche out.
I thought it was cool when the aliens stuff came out but its been years since then and now s7 has run it into the dirt. The dark crystal reaction stuff is still good.
Looks like it'd be a good Classified figures though
Some IDW character

I haven't read IDW but from these threads they seem hated
Female Salvo
For what purpose?
You just reminded me of Fat Salvo from IDW. It'd be her, absolutely.
Oh just a change up from "what character do you want the most" without asking "who do you hate the most"
oh, well for the record scarlett retro cardback is in my top 5 joes because i think her x-men costume is a really cool contrast among characters like "realistic desert storm man" >>11040664 and wolf spider.
but there's no denying that the classified female characters are all going unsold and ending up at Big Lots and Ross. scarlett 80s is expensive due to its rarity and not its desirability.

my least favorite gi joe design-wise is probably Sneak Peak. but stephen king is my favorite author so i'd buy one for that reason.
Just got a confirmation from BBTS, Torch has arrived to their warehouse.
Finally, my core Dreadnoks will be completed. Now I just need Zandar and Road Pig.
That's why I cemter my collection around OG 13, they have the right amount of everything; predominantly realistic green dudes with just the right amount of sci-fi, having two laser soldiers and a redhead cosplaying for Comic Con.
the realism is actually why i started buying classified. its my first time collecting joes. i love the realism but it just makes characters like retro scarlett even cooler cause she really stands out now.
This guy is pretty much what I always wanted from O-ring.

That Bat's intense. I really want them to do a Cobra Trooper.
Full English file cards are back.
Red Shadows
Another angle
Folding briefcases with their uniforms inside.
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Looks like it'd be a fun Classified though
Thatd be the core team, but just having zartan and the three punks is really cool. Getting them wheels via the ferret is great too, now with techno viper i hope hasbro starts to flesh out the viper ranks. Been waiting for a night viper since idk when. >>11041194
Idk, ive wanted one of these. I guess the o ring stuff could be fun, i hope the paint looks nice.
She really does. I'm excited to see the path they decide to take for Grand Slam and Flash.
Those actually look incredibly cool, and I'm a S7 hater. Now if they just stick to that scale and articulation, that would be perfect.
To me, Rapid-Fire is the worst, Hasbro doing the worst things they always do, all combined in a single figure. I'm not against Super Trooper, but Rapid-Fire... yeah, that'd be awful.
I want a Night Viper too! I just hope they don't make him a Walmart exclusive like they did with the Range Viper, I never got to find a single one.
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Would be based if he came with a 1/1 VHS accessory
South Park farting pose
I fucking hated Sneak Peak.
Anyone know what happened to bbts daily deals?
>Hey Cobra Commandah, what's red, white, and blue and brown all ovah?
>Ahahahahah hah hah!
It was a blink and miss it, they made one in red for the hiss fire team but that guy went quick. Kinda funny since most of all the exclusives get dirt cheap randomly, i got an extra crimson alley viper and mole rat for like half off. You got the wm range viper, the target viper and major bludd and the baroness w coil cycle that as far as i know are the most elusive store exclusives. Mole rat is such an odd chouce but it fits i guess as what youd want for a store exclusive.
i bought doctor mindbender. i dont have anyone to tell cause i have no friends, so i'll tell you guys.
i bought doctor mindbender!
i cant believe on his rereleases they gave him a giant flashlight again. hes easily the dumbest character.
i would be willing to pay $1000 for a super-trooper classified.
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>Who is the least popular GI Joe character
Sitterson's waifu
>Even more with that nonsense pistol grip.
people dont know he uses a 30 cal not a 50 cal im the only one that knows.
There's several hundred videos online showing people rapid-firing 50 cal with ease. recoil is extremely overstated and exaggerated online. I'm totally fine with roadblock using the m1 browning even if it is 50cal, it'd be easy enough for a bodybuilder who trained with it a lot. not very accurate (because of the weight, nowhere comfortable to hold it with your hands, and awkward super long length, not because of recoil which is fictitious hollywood garbage) but there's places for that too, suppressive fire, cqc, anti-vehicle. in total it'd weigh around 40lbs.

The minigun is whats retarded. miniguns are the weight of a human corpse, and when it's firing, the rotatory mechanism would make the gun swing wildly left to right. it cannot be controlled, it's spinning at extreme speeds and would weigh over well over 100lbs. there's no scenario where someone could shoot a full size minigun with their bare hands no matter their build or training. and why all the videos of it online are of ones one quarter the size of a real minigun and firing in 22.
There's a video somewhere of some skinny dude shooting a rotary gun like they did in Predator.
... and i can't find it, but there's no shortage of youtubers doing the same shit.
wat the fuck? you're right. and i retract my whole statement.
you know, when i watched this, i said out loud to myself "im so tired of people pretending recoil is real".
i blame my whole previous statement on people pretending recoil is real. and would like to revise it into "roadblock could fire a 50cal conversion minigun with ease"
The pistol grip is accurate for the Browning M1919A4. Charles Bronson fires it in Death Wish 3:
Roadblock always used a .50 cal in the comics.

Quinn used a .30 cal though.
Man he was just the worst Joe writer.
what are these things called? i've seen them in video games
Walkie talkies
personal energy shield emitters or health regenerators, depending on the video game.
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You ever go out on a ride with your Cobro?
I love charles, to bad death wish is so intense. Does it mellow out at 3? >>11041810
In regards to the rape, yes. It still happens (to a young Marina Sirtis from TNG) but it’s mostly implied. Mostly…
They come and go, right now they have a big clearance.
That's so weird, Bludd was extremely common here in Mexico, and then Hasbro killed the line for general retail.
Mindbender looks awesome, I hope we get a Retro carded one.
And yeah, Super-Trooper is a dumb concept but he has a loyal following. Also the chromed armor is cool.
You get me man. Long live the ma deuce. Don't have a problem with him holding the vulcan but it's just overdone.
If I recall, 3 is just the closest to a blockbuster with a big almost war scene at the end.

Isn't it on 3 that one woman dies from a broken arm during a rape, and the husband helps avenge her?
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Twins look great. Instant buy.
BAT looks fantastic. Now I can army build this fucker without going broke.
CC i like as well. Like how he has a more modern look. I think its the helmet. Has sharper edges so it looks good.
Covergirl is fucking trash. The limbs look like fucking PVC pipes with hands and boots. They gave her a fridge body too. WTF happened to her boobs?
Again with the shitty PVC pipe limbs. It looks like they had AI design and poop out a generic 3d model of Snake Eyes. Fucking souless. How does this 40 year old SE look like it has more details than this generic ass version of Snake eyes.
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Yes, the husband runs alongside Bronson during the big shootout at the end carrying the box of ammo for the Browning.

3 was produced by Cannon, so yeah, it’s more of an action movie than the previous two.
I had no idea! That looks badass.
See, this is what i want from the series. Not cowboy dan atracking women. Love me some cannon films.
I never found him but figured its even since i found firefly and beach head. A retro mindbender with cloth cape would be fantastic! Or i guess do him with a bat in a two pack?
It seems some exclusives and HasLab blocked characters get released around a year or two later, so hopefully next year. A 2-pack would be cool, maybe even have him with the ressurected Serpentor from the comics withouth his eye or even Serpentor Khan with the beard?
DW3 is basically the Rambo III of the DW franchise.
Damn, I should find an ML hood and a Bronson head sculpt and do this as a custom.
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I was wondering, What do you guys think they'll pack Grand Slam with? The HAL or the JUMP? I hope they pack him with the HAL.
>the ressurected Serpentor from the comics withouth his eye
That was such a weird story in terms of things that were going on with the art. It's a plot point in an earlier issue that they implanted a new eye to replace the one he'd lost, but the artist kept drawing him with one eye anyway, and both the artist and the colorist seemed to be using the IDWverse comics for reference of what Serpentor looked like, so suddenly he was bald and ambiguously brown.

>or even Serpentor Khan with the beard?
I can't believe they actually had ads in the books promoting the return of Serpentor and what we actually got was a clone of Genghis Khan in a Serpentor costume.

For new Serpentor Classified figures I'd rather have the armored costume from Devil's Due or even the 25 anniversary figure.
What's interesting to me is the scale.
- like do you think these would be better shrunken to 1/18?
at 6 inches they are not great.
The top 3 (although the glasses have issues) and Metal Head are all really nice.
I want to punch Tomax in his smarmy fucking face. But that's good.
(unless that's Xamot. he's cool. that's just his personality.)
Yeah, a lot of weird things were happening on IDW at that time. Hmmm, I hadn't thought about those versions, they would be cool.
They're great tho.
The twins have the definition of a shit eater with those faces lol, I love how they turned.
Jodie has a more downturned brow while Glenda's brow tilts up a bit near the center. There's other small differences tat set them apart but that's the easiest difference in that small blurry thumbnail.

Head sculpts are actually one of the cheapest things to produce because they're made of softer plastic that does not require as expensive toolings as the rest of the figure. Also they're a fairly small part.
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Put that much effort into making a vehicle, then cheap out big time on the stickers.
I think the SE looks good. I love the old figure, but I am kind of happy to get away from the kissable lips under the visor for once. Looks a lot closer to the way they draw his head and mask in the comic and card-art. I don't really see the pipe-limbs you're talking about either, but Covergirl does look a little rough around the elbows and forehead.

Still, happy to see these haven't been canned(yet), definitely that shit I like.
Test stickers
Any of the G.I.Joe Extreme characters who aren't Iron Claw.

Or Big Lob.
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This I could get into.
You could reuse alot with the jump, just repack a steel brigade and add the rest. >>11042665
Kinda hoping someone would mention it, more fresh monkey pre orders. Im real excited for these, i hope the idea works out. Still got to see the monster force stuff
Hope they make Buttons McBoom Boom and Checkpoint, those would be the only two I'd be interested in getting.
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She's got the green light
Based. Can't wait to fight crime in a future time.
>Big Lob
don't diss my figga you dirty motherfucker
>the GRBRBRBRBRBL line is in SIGHT
According to someone on Hisstank, Super7 is making other properties in O-Ring style. It's of further note, that the Joes are branded as ReAction+.

I guess, speculate on what characters and properties you'd like to see in your Joe collection.
All the musician figures they've been doing. Give them the O'ring Treatment. Along with JEM
Oh HELL yeah
The long-delayed Rocky Balboa figure.
Would Inhumanoids or Spiral Zone even be on the table?
Imhumanoids is like some weird fucking nightmare of who owns what
Didn't the original figures have tiny heads anyway cause they were meant to be GI Joe scaled but in power armor
>Rocky Balboa figure
The figure is tainted now.
Dude, spiral zone is dying to be dusted off and rebooted. Idc what scale or form just not reaction. I think inhumanoids has been gobbled up by an ip hoarder.
Oh good, more things for Super7 to fail at.
i think its really confusing, it's 2024 and toys improved and plastic technology improved 1000 fold, and yet what people are buying is just Kenner copycats? what the fuck is the appeal? i want toys i'd dreamed of as a kid, the perfect toy with perfect realism. and they exist now as the classifieds.
>i think its really confusing
Only for underage zoomies.
>is just Kenner copycats?
O-ring was never Kenner style. It's a form factor, just like how vintage MOTU is a form factor. Just like how heckin Classifieds are the same form factor as Marvel Legends and the guns sometimes appear in Marvel Legends.
>what the fuck is the appeal?
If you have to ask this, you were never a Joe fan, and were some fair weather fan who just hopped on the Classified train, because it was the same scale as your heckin Marvel Legends.
>i want toys i'd dreamed of as a kid
That's why people want these.
>and they exist now as the classifieds
LOL No. Classifies lack the details of Ultimates and even Reactions if you're chasing perfect examples of childhood dream toys. But you wouldn't know that would you zoomie? You're probably this same homosexual as well >>11043229 Double posting like a low T fag.

Let me break it down for you. G.I. Joe existed before Classified, if you can believe it. And in the early 80's had the O-ring form factor for it's most popular iteration, which ran from the early 80's thru the early 2000's, with literally hundreds of existing figures, many of which will probably never be remade in Classified or done piss poorly, like when they appeared in Modern Era(1/18 for you newfag). There's also various third party lines, such as Operation Recall. Hasbro themselves have also dabbled with reissuing O-ring Joes in recent years, and these are cheaper than the Hasbro ones, with better sculpts. People want updated versions of their favorite characters, which they had to in the past resort to customs in order to get. They also want new characters and things that were never made, which is why people on Hisstank are excited. And get this? That O-ring line? Well, zoomie, it had a shit load of vehicles that exist that you can use even today.
>i think its really confusing
>Only for underage zoomies.

nta but from my experience is young college kids into this retro throwback stuff, most of the older aged people want either 1 for 1 what they had as a kid or what >>11043262 said. It's like how most older people that want their old cartoons remade don't want the same kids stuff they want some super mature grown up version, and the ones that don't want that are just happy with the OG cartoons and don't really want new things.
>seething this hard
>G.I. Joe existed before Classified, if you can believe it. And in the early 80's had the O-ring form factor for it's most popular iteration

If a person cared that much, might as well just go straight to the source and buy the vintage O-ring figures instead of the shitty, poorly-sculpted, poorly articulated Ultimates, and the literal meme-tier Reaction figures. You can literally buy pretty decent condition 80s and 90s loose GI Joes for the price of a shitty ultimates figure.

God, Super7's Ultimates figures are trash.
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Loads of old collectors on Facebook and Hisstank are excited about O-ring, same with the nearly a dozen or more third party O-ring companies that sprouted up. Seth Green was even at Joefest this year buying third party O-ring, and Pixel Dan bought a bunch of 90's O-ring and has been hyping up the Super7 O-rings, even doing an interview about it, where he asked for 90's Joes.

In my experience, most Classified fans are young and only into it, because it scales with Marvel Legends, which is why Fwoosh used to hype it up.

>no rebuttal

You sound mad that people want to buy toys because of your brand wars faggotry. Go touch grass.
One of these guys is pretty funny and the other is micheal french.
We know it's you Bryan, chill.
People like things calling to their nostalgia; modern products are made to appeal to the current generation with aqquisitive power, that is, gen x and late millennials. You can be sure in ten years we'll be getting G.I. Joes inspired by Valor vs. Venom, Renegades or something from that time.
Seth Green at Joefest buying a set of third party Cold Slither figures.
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He also picked up a Mr.T made by Lonewolf Toys.
I wouldn't be surprised if Michael went to the rival GI Joe convention with Bobby Vala. Bobby said Joefest would flop without him.
I'm somewhat disturbed you follow these people.
Seconded, there's a few of us here who want Classified Big Lob. When Hasbro announce him, the crowd goes bananas.
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Yeah, it's neat
>It's like how most older people that want their old cartoons remade don't want the same kids stuff they want some super mature grown up version, and the ones that don't want that are just happy with the OG cartoons and don't really want new things.
I personally just would like new episodes which fit with the old ones. It's mostly like, netflix pushing "some super mature grown up versions" which end up being shit, so if it's to fuck up the franchise, it's better that they just leave it alone.

I'd love to buy re-releases of classics along with new stuff, shame they're expensive when they happen, and not on retail, and often get some changes.
the only seething here is the one crying about super 7 all thread every thread
I'm out of the loop, why?
I think there was a guy who got to big for his britches in the motu scene and said power con would fail with out his involvement.
I was born in the 80's and grew up with the O-ring figures. I couldn't give a damn about them now other than the actual ones I still have from my childhood. I'd rather buy reissues of 25th/POC stuff.
No way that's Seth
It's him. He showed up at several of the boothes for customizers and small toy companies, to buy rare O-rings.
He likes cool stuff. Also I think he worked on Wizard Toyfare, it makes sense.
I think moreso he worked with guys from Toyfare on Robot Chicken. Though I think he probrably knew them and maybe did some guest articles. I think he did a foreward on one of their Twisted Toyfare comic collections.
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super7 cringe
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He's also tagged often for big toy KS projects. He personally endorsed the Skeletron project on video when it was going two years ago. He backed Marauder's various lines.
Dino Hunters! Cool figs.
Honestly, idunno I'm not an oldfag but I for sure prefer the MA Duece to the minigun, it's basically down to preference but maybe reading the marvel comics is part of it? Idunno to me it's like Rock'n'Roll didn't have an M60 and had some other generic Machine gun, the M60 is as much part of his character as surfing and Rock'n'Roll same for Roadblock, that big dumb machine gun, to me, is as much part of his character as cooking and mama
HALO. O-Ring Master Chief and covenant aliens would kick ass
A guy who was a massive fan of the unreleased figure and had pictures of it for an avatar murdered his girlfriend and killed himself.
No. Their o-ring are great and I will enjoy your continued seething over nothing.
I don't see why it's hard to believe, he's been an active toy collector forever and has always been open about it. A lot of big actors and celebrities love toy collecting.

Hell, I saw Mike Meyers at a toy soldier show in Jersey a few years back, was pretty chill but I think most people there didn't recognize him.
There are a few things about his accessorry selection that are a little bit silly but overall I love this figure and I think he's definitely worth picking up.
On the one hand I like the look of the Gridiron Props Roadblock kit more than the official Ma Deuce. On the other hand though, the official one is an actual toy and won't break easily. Before I put Roadblock on a stand he fell off of my shelf and the Gridiron M2 broke. I was able to fix it but it was still a kind of sobering reminder that resin weapons are models, not toys.
If the Re-action line had been like this from the start I probably would have started collecting them right away. I didn't really understand what the point was of paying $20 for a 5POA figure that looks like a vintage GI Joe, and it seemed like a missed opportunity to me. Maybe this will breathe some new life into 1/18 Joes, at least. I only own one actual vintage RAH Joe because the line is such a pain to get into.
It's more to do with it being his iconic weapon, and people just want the option of him to hae it. It's sort of a character specific gun, like Snake Eyes having an Uzi.

I'd buy pretty much any O-ring they put out. Big hopes and dreams that they revisit all the classic Hasbro properties: Visionaries and M.A.S.K. are high up there for me. Ramen Toys has claimed that Super7 has something big going on with M.A.S.K. that they're just not announcing(Ace claims Super7 bought the property off Hasbro). And Brian Flynn said that there's some announcement Hasbro wont let him make yet and that he had to wait until Hasbro makes the announcement for some unnamed event like a Hasbro Pulse livestream.

That's pretty much the consensus of everyone on Hisstank. People have been hyped since the physical prototypes have been shown off, and saying they would have bought in had the figures been O-ring in the first place, and even would have bought the Cobra Mothership had O-rings been put out first. But Hasbro wouldn't let Super7 make O-ring however until now, and only after Hasbro first fumbled the ball with their online only reissues. I honestly blame the Mothership's failure on a lack of support by Hasbro and the fact that we didn't know that there would be a full O-ring line until late in the funding. And now we'll never get it.
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Also speaking of the Cobra Mothership. I wonder if we'll get any more army builder opportunities?
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He wanted to write wrestling comics but had to "settle" for G.I. Joe.
Hasbro should have kept making 25A figures and vehicles and then let Super 7 make the O-ring retro figures. The Haya Joes look real nice but they're a pain to get anywhere.
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Any other bombstrike fans out there? I'm pretty happy with my custom but I'm looking for a different head sculpt for her, any recommendations?
Maybe a Black Widow head? I remember there's an MCU blond one.
Its ferret day! Why dhl gave usps my order i do not understand, but ok. I liked fed ex mr hasbro.
Worst thing is, I really liked the art style, it had some of the "grunge" that I think Classified has strived for, almost like Metal Gear Solid concept art.
I got mine Friday. I think they look best with the Cobra Troopers/Infantry.
Ive been daydreaming you could and would drive it. But then im stuck with a scout who really looks out of place on her own. Like, who do i team her with?
Shes got sexy eye brows tho.
>Any other bombstrike fans out there?
I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan, but as 2000s characters go I'd like to see Bombstrike, Barrel Roll and Blackout in Classified.
She could co-pilot the Stinger in a few months.
True. I guess i could team her with the dreadnoks, kinda like merc but diffrent. Idk, havent opened her yet. I do want an energon kicker now just to have a similiar looking figure even if they are out of scale.
>I didn't really understand what the point
Because they weren't allowed to make o-ring GI Joe.
Well that's just stupid. Hasbro's last attempt at O-ring was very half assed. They were over priced and poorly distributed and were trying too hard to look like the originals without sharpening up any of the details, which made them look softer and less impressive. The Indiana jones retro line had the same problem except worse.
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Finally got Shadow Tracker, stiff af but damn he looks so freaking badass! I'm thinking if I should open his eyes so he looks like the PoC version and cut his vest down the middle so he can move more. So many good memories from his original version, I'm so happy with his new look.
I'd have gone for the figures looking like the originals, too bad about the actual problems you brought up.
The OG is an exemplar among the (then) modern 1:18 Joes. Been hoping to find a Classified one myself.
Agree, Pursuit of Cobra was so good. Good luck finding him!
Bought these for my Joe's
There is 5 or so hours left on that 300 lol set of marvel joe comics.

Not a shill. Don't give a shit if you buy it. The pdfs will be dumped online as soon as people get them. Just reminding people who were waiting to the last day and forgot because we always get belly achers, crying about how they forgot when shit ships and the price doubles on eBay.

So yeah 4 or 5 hours left to get your pre-order in on all of GI Joe marvel stuff
I've been wanting to get that first one to put on my extra Breaker, but I didnt want to spend that much unless I knew for sure it would fit. Would you mine checking and reporting back here when you get them?
I really wanted a nice physical set, but 300 is just stupid. I'll make due with the PDFs and the cheaper collection they're putting out in the fall.
Yeah, there will probably be a standard non hardback edition later. And the pdfs are getting dumped as soon as they are available. There are 10k backers. No fucking way no one uploads them

I went ahead and backed it. Can probably resell it later if I don't like it and I wanted to make sure Hasbro gets the hint people want this shit and maybe we get a TF one later. Its made almost 4 million. That's too big of a number for hadbro and whomever has the comic rights and marvel to ignore.
Nta but they really did look like bad knock offs imo. But i was really salty they killed off the other retro line for orings at the time. Im better now.
Will do
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Made a few mods on Shadow Tracker, should I make holes on his mask just like the original?
Super 7 has a cool new cobra mech but I hate super 7. Hasbro needs to get the cool retro stuff for classified
Oh, shit. Got an email that the Night Creepers will be arriving soon.
I can never get his mask to stay on
put a little bit of blue tak on it. It's how I keep the helmets and glasses on. It's acid free and out of the light so no discoloration after years.
Would he work in a movie
Yeah man, he has a lot of style, definitely.
Now that I think about it, Pursuit of Cobra represented sort of a sequel to the Rise of Cobra and Retaliation lines, so it makes sense to have ST having such an "action movie villain" style.
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Just got this dude and wow, I'm impressed. A lot of cool stuff, the double-barrelled AR is kind of dumb but even then has a nice sculpt. Love the modular vest. Definitely a solid release.
can you post the ar? I wanted to get 2 of him so I'd have a dedicated MG team
I'm assuming the rifle is based on pic related. The 50 cal looks sick, I'd definitely hit it with some paint and sanding on the muzzle break for a less flared shape if I ever get one.
Well yeah with all the 3d scanning tech and people out there who make working models out of classic scans, it's weird that they wouldn't just get back to selling the original models.

I've seen some of the other retro figures, almost itched to buy the Cobra Officer, as mine seems to have been stolen, but they didn't look as cool with too many articulations. Also $$$.
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Sure thing.
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It's a really cool set, I'm really happy with the purchase.
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Definitely based on that! And yeah, loved the ma deuce, it's already on Roadblock's hands.
Bit of a dumb question, I'm not well versed on original G.I. Joe; Is the Action Soldier supposed to be Joe Colton?
The action branches usually have the classic GI Joe head with scar, which is also Colton, but I don't believe any are specifically meant to be Colton.
Oh, I see now, thank you!
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I fucking hate that movie and series but the figure looks great by itself.

Quite a few SDCC exclusives, huh?
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Now v2 Road Block better be in the next wave.
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Sdcc is going to break me.
aw, guess not.
So we're getting a whole "wave" of G.I. Joe The Movie for SDCC... interesting, and actually that's great, Cobra-La is not for everyone's liking
I called it
Called what? They announced they were making this guy ages ago. I just don't think anyone was expecting him to be an SDCC exclusive.

Emily said some time ago we were getting Nightforce Falcon in a 2-pack...
I guess now we know.
When does he drop
>SDCC 2024 marks the first year in a while that Hasbro will be directly selling its exclusives at the show rather than offering preorders and shipping the items out later. However, you won’t simply be able to walk up to Hasbro’s booth and buy these figures on a whim. Collectors will first need to head to the Comic-Con Exclusives Portal and reserve a time slot. Note that you’ll need a valid SDCC badge to be able to reserve a slot. At that point, collectors can head to the Hasbro booth (#3213) and purchase the figures at the indicated time.

>Hasbro’s Comic-Con Exclusives Portal will open on Monday, July 8 and close on Thursday, July 18. Also note that select quantities of these figures will be made available on the Hasbro Pulse website after SDCC is over, but we’d expect demand to far exceed supply.
What a faggot tier practice. Burn these fuckers down
They just make it worse every year. Remember the codes they handed out last year that let you preorder stuff? Had to camp hisstank and wait for someone to post a handful and hope you used them before someone else did. Fucking nightmare of a time.
NF falcon is already confrimed to be in a two pack with that obscure dreadnok girl. I bet they, and raptor, are announced at SDCC and go up around then too.
Was anyone not able to get a Mindbender
I don't remember it felt like it went up a lot
I really hope this isn’t going to be a pain in the ass to get.

What are their pronouns?
It/it. Snakes are not called by gender because they are animals.
You should watch more Clints Reptiles if you can't tell snake genders at a glance
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Joshua Williamson and Tom Reilly are the ones in charge of G.I. Joe beggining this november. According to Skybound, this is their "biggest relaunch yet."
Can't believe I'm actually excited for a G.I. Joe story with Transformers and Cobra-La in it. I like the new blondie Cobra sniper.
If this is the SDCC exclusive is there hope Raptor will be a regular retail fig?
Are the comics good

He took their best editors and creators for Robot Chicken and killed the magazine.

Of course half the issues in my subscription never arriving stopped my support.

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