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/lg/ - Lego General: Ice Planet edition

Last thread >>11029477

>/lg/ Resources

>/lg/ Flickr Group

>/lg/ Archive

>Lego Reference


>Third Party Information
anybody have downloads/torrents for brickmania instructions, or other cool MOC instructions? I love brickmania's stuff but they really are unacceptably expensive.
Halo Anon posted links to instructions for warthogs, scorpions, hornet. Should be able to find in the archive. Was from maybe as far back as 2020
No good, it's down
I wonder what 2025 leaks are we getting
Matthew Ashton's diaper.
Happy Pride Month! Just remember everyone is awesome!
Anyone have good examples of a brickbuilt lunar surface? have an idea in my head involving a big base plate and grey bricks and slopes but was hoping for a little inspiration to finetune it
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here's your leak bro
You don’t seem like a retard so here’s what I got for my lunar moc so far.
>old thread nowhere near limit
>makes new thread anyone

Unfathomably retarded
thanks anon, that's somewhat what I had in mind but seeing it actually built and laid out helps with thonking it out, appreciate it.
Nice angling and sloping too also.
Now, that's a Slop Wars set that I would buy.
Yeah I’m still playing around too check that German fag out on YouTube he’s got a lunar setup he rarely shows.
This guy makes the poorfag jangfag seeth.
star wars ruined lego
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which shade of actual piece gray does this baseplate match up with? considering there's about 5 different grays rather than just basic gray
I can't believe they made dark rey's incredibly retarded lightsaber
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Old thread is well past bump limit but still 24 short of image limit.
Pic related.
Light bluish gray is the BrickLink name. It's literally the most common color of gray (post-2003).
That is for some knockoff shit called klocki whatever that is, plus it doesn't have "/lg/" in the title so people won't find it with a search. kys fucktard. And it's also made by that fucktard (probably you) that puts dumb faggotry like lmao and why? by the links.
Kys yourself, you are not welcome here, go back to redd*t
>spamming your shit thread
Just stop, kid.
Holy fucking rekt
Who is the other Sith besides Rey and Jar Jar? Can't make out the name in that low res faggotry.
There's a better picture in one of the other threads of the sith minifigs but annoyingly it cuts off the names.
Apparently someone called Dev Greebling
>bought rivendell during the 2x event
>already shipped but my points haven't been added to account

Their website and VIP points system sucks, should I email their support or wait.
>>updated classic space
>>all smooth and looks nothing like the original style

every time
It's not supposed to be classic space though, it just uses some of the same factions. As long as the builders aren't lying that it fits in with the actual classic sets, it's okay.
And regarding the Blacktron one: The old classic landing pads ARE smooth (printed smooth portion of baseplates), and that Blacktron moc has studs on the ground just not on the landing pad. So in that sense it is similar to classic stuff, but still way too overbuilt and detailed to fit in with the classic stuff. But its not supposed to
>still seething about "muh vandalism"
I’m telling you man the only reason someone would have such a hardon for the /lg/ tag and the one thread solution is if they had financial incentives. No one is that autistic even here.
Yeah this guy is pure redditor. Nobody else would be so infuriated at everybody else not keeping it "official".
Note also how he tries to lump together any other OP as the same person when there's at minimum four people doing their own variations on a theme while he's verifiably the only one doing the bland soulless corporate cookie-cutter faggotry.
the amount of bricks in my childhood lego that have teeth marks on them from prying them apart with my teeth every time is too damn high.
>6 exclusive figures
this set is not very good but its gonna be like 450 in 5 years
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>Can't put a microfig inside the dome of the new UFO costume
Well damn, maybe putting a trans-green tow ball w/ bar in there will look good?
>while he's verifiably the only one doing the bland soulless corporate cookie-cutter faggotry.
I am OP of this thread. I never post the corporate shit, I am not interested in most Lego from the past 20 years or so. I get annoyed with the faggots that just use current year slop as OP pics, but I don't seethe about it.
I don't know what the fuck "klocki" is, this is /lg/ not a "klocki" thread. I posted this thread because the last thread (which is linked in OP) is past bump limit. if you have a problem with any of this, feel free to seethe. And go back to redd*t, faggot.
I posted it a few weeks back, here it is again: https://mega.nz/folder/QwwwTAJR#9E50thmlEvLnOhrljSadbg

It's got almost every Halo build BrickTech released, he shut his site down and you can't access your purchases anymore so I have no issue posting this (not that I ever did, now it's justified)
based halonigger
What if...you build a ufo for the little guys?
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According to Tandbricks Brickclicker is about to reveal some of the biggest 2025 leaks that will make LAN explode.

What could it be? Its not just a modular, but more stuff, new theme(s).
I know, but I like messing around with the model vehicles. I plan on making little motorized scenes for them.
cringe halobaby
Thanks for confirming you're retarded.
Looks like binoculars kek
This faggot has the most annoying voice I’ve ever heard.
>click here to find out mooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrreeeeee
Yeah that's what realised when I saw the close-up picture.
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raptor riderz
Bad. Ass.
we used to keep a butter knife in the lego bin to help pry shit apart.

What pissed me off more is that if my brother couldn't find a piece in the right size afer like 2 minutes of searching, he'd use pliers to cut pieces down to size.
>retard calling others retarded
>t. BrickTech
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bros help what is this? should I eat it?
These are rad
Either beef jerky or earwax.
Whoever Brichtech is he clearly sucks because he likes Gaylo
Reminds me of how rabbit poops always ended up mixed with legos at my friend's house.
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Oh, shit, Jorge? What the fuck did they DO to you, man?
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Happy Pride Month to the lego content creator community!
darth jar jar will be 150$ alone after the set retires. cult classic.
doubt it, it's a stupid meme set and more recent minifigs aren't worth that much because there's so much more production these days compared to 10+ years ago. The reason older minifigs are so valuable is because many less were made.
he was deep fried a little too long :(
>those arms
What the fuck is that??
Is he cutting himself or what is that shit??
Stretch marks, fattys fat body changed with the hrt I imagine.
New thread!!!! Bump limit hit
Fucking spammers dudes.
>takes existing sets/things and puts rainbows on them
>this is ours now.
They're not wrong
Scat and cripples in every set
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I really liked j2g because he was one of the few people that would actually open, brand new vintage sets and get excited about their neat intricacies. Now, it's mostly just lower effort news / hot takes that every other lego youtuber touches base on.
Reposting this question in the live thread; i got the newest sith infiltrator, and what few reviews I skimmed didnt give it a good look; is the landing gear supposed to be too short to reach the ground without making the entire ship tilt forward?
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Dune more sets pls
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Anyone tempted to get this?
>The modularity will help clearing space for it - I've already got the Barracuda/Eldorado Fortress set up with some other bits and pieces
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Do you like lego sonic?
even the 18+ set looked pretty shitty imo and I wouldn't see the appeal if I was a young boy
Already ordered it, any idea when they arrive?
Mediocre haloguy
>calling minifigs "lego characters"
>calling instructions "builder books"
>calling baseplates "building boards"
What is your favourite boomer marketplace listing kino?
>be me
>go to check out /toy/ to talk about legos
I’ll just type Lego into the catalog search…
>10 Lego threads not counting the bootlego
Never change faggots.
I want this particular set for the vehicle alone.

I played a lot of Sonic 2 growing up and its fairly close to the first boss from that game.

Plus it looks like the one Power Miners vehicle of a similar design that I also want for similar reasons and I think it'd be fun to have them face off.
>muh feewings

Lost in 1865
Lost in 1945
Lost in 2020
Still thinks they are the "master race"
>Do you like lego sonic?
Yes, but I wish they'd make some new figures. I'd like the Chaotix, Cream, Blaze and Silver. Basically so many figures I want.
Bros. Is it possible for lego to go out of business during our lifetime?

Mega construx is getting close to the end.
Lego reel today
If they do the same retarded shit as Mattel then yeah.
Like this >>11039059
I like it purely for the minifigs
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Keeping fingers crossed for some constraction resurgence no matter how foolish it is for me to do.

>captcha TDAX
lego made sonichu?!?!!?!?!?
I know one guy who just got out of prison that’s gonna be super stoked… I bet he wishes he could tell his mom.
>Disney's 100th anniversary comes and goes
>0 Disney Channel sets
Where's my Goof Troop sets? Where's my Rescue Rangers sets? Where's my Duck tales sets?
Looking down the barrel of 40 sucks doesn’t it brother? We’re the enemy now.
We got a muppets collection it wouldn’t be hard for them to do muppet babies.
>rub my hand up and down nanny’s high socked thigh
>it smells like fish and gonzo can’t breathe down there Nanny!
I miss the old /lg/...
Trannys, trolls, fecal fetishists, faggots, YouTube, and Reddit killed it. Brought to you by the Lego group Tm.
I miss the old /lg/, straight from the 'Go /lg/
Chop up the soul /lg/, set on his goals /lg/
I hate the new /lg/, the bad mood /lg/
The always rude /lg/, spaz in the news /lg/
I miss the sweet /lg/, chop up the beats /lg/
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet /lg/
See I invented /lg/, it wasn't any /lg/s
And now I look and look around and there's so many /lg/
I used to love /lg/, I used to love /lg/
I even had the pink polo, I thought I was /lg/
What if /lg/ made a song about /lg/
Called "I Miss The Old /lg/, " man that would be so /lg/
That's all it was /lg/, we still love /lg/
And I love you like /lg/ loves /lg/
even by AI standards this is crap.
Legit /lg/ was the only good palce to discuss lego and hell even leaks was fun.

Eurobricks or reddit suck because you cant post a leak or Billund will attack but here it was safe.
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Well, hopes for the theme? I hope they will do stuff from all games.
This isn’t your fucking safe space faggot.
Fuck you
They made Zelda a girl now!
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It is written in the stars, it shall be.
Third coming of the messiah
Unironically hope so, Bionicle guys all have jobs now, but the oldest were just getting out of highschool during G2
But hopium it could very well be. I'll be darned if they don't have least something that isn't just those Marvel/Batman figures, even mechs are fine as long as they don't look blocky ass.
>"I know what I have"
>refers to amazon reseller prices
Thank God bionicrap is never coming back
We haven't even had a second coming yet
No wholesome G2 reboot?
Unless you are license minifigure autist, you'd have no problem with buildable figures that would give new molds that fit and expand the existing system. Not anyone with half-a brain thinks it would be technic based like before.
Mmm, not a fan of mechs unless they're something closer to Titanfall, and I'd prefer to have actual articulated "Characters". I wouldn't mind something like the articulated spiderman figs but a full group of the original Toa
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If Ice Planet 2002 had aliens, how would they look?
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Use dinotails, claws etc. for organic curves, this looks really forced with the system only mouth
large, underwater whale-like beings. I like to think of ice planet as being similar to europa, so the similar alien concepts are fun to imagine
Not Bionicle
Something furry like a wampa/polar bear that lives on the surface, and fish or other sea creatures that live in the water below.
nah stretch marks
when you either lose a lot of weight or just lose it fat your body leaves marks behind
same shit that happens to women after being pregnant
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Eurobricks has kind of gone to shit with fag and tranny accounts. Brilliant mocs are either ignored or criticised and digital shit, fragile display models or mouse slop get dick ridden.
I'd love something majora's mask
I remember using EuroBricks in like 2006
Tell it again.
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>UCS sail barge is like 4 months away
>still no pictures

This will be the only SW set to catch my interest in years.
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The shit about legs cracking after a long time on studs is the biggest psyop i've seen
I have shitty magazine figures that have been standing on studs for years and nothing has happened to a single on
What kid likes Sonic? This is purely for Sonic autists. You could unionically write 30+ on it.
Holy shit an incel, go outside you stupid fucking retard
The only people complaining about broken pieces are American, superior European bricks don't break.
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Tandbricks started to tease a d2c endor set, so we are getting a 3rd one confirmed from his leaks list...

Thoughts? Do you think Lego could take the Pokemon license from Mega?
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Hey guys, Mega anon here, as you saw, since the new autosage shit is happening mega gen is not the same anymore, so if you are also a mega fan, you are weclome here fo discuss lads:

Thank you

Keep building!
Better than lego would ever do pokemon.
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Thanks, Mega Bro.
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Honest thoughts about pic rel? I want it so bad, but it's so much money (for now my most expensive single set was the blacksmith which was about 1/3 of this price). When you build it did you felt full satisfaction or had that thought inside your set that you spend too much?
Richfags no needs to replay, I'm asking people that make this their biggest Lego purchase.

Impossible. They renewed in 2022

Its a fine set, probably some kind of a dream set for my childself, but like you mentioned, its pricy. I had a spare cash so i bought it, build it, moc with it and then rebuilded it with few additions.
Was it best set rhat I bought/build after my dark age? Nope, that spot goes to barracuda bay.
I would buy it for 70% of price or with very good legistore reward set.
Its basicly "i got spare cash and nothing to put it in atm" set, dont bankrupt yourself over it.
W-w-w-wicked sick!
Is pretty decent advice and while it’s a pretty fucking cool set imo you can get a lot more bang for your buck with the 3-1 castle. It’s like $80 right now and the Viking village is $130. For just a little more than half the price you can get two decent sets. I’m retarded though I bought four 3-1s.
>me- people who spend $400 on a Lego castle are retarded
>also me- I’m going to buy four $100 lego castles.
I’m the retard now.
Nothing special, honestly. You'd do better to buy the 3 in 1 castle 3 times and do all the builds together or getting instruction from rebrickable, you can get a lot more for $100 less. Only thing of notice with the Lion Knights are the minifigs.
Me and you both.
im gonna cum all over that Ariana figure
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good set
Would be nice if they brought simpsons back
Moe's would have been a nice set
We gotta go make sure Moe doesn’t have one of his “Christmas accidents”.
Those contracts a built to be exited from due to sales numbers, plus the article doesn't look to specify the term? It could be a 3 year contract with Nintendo's choice to option an extension.
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I wish the Nexo Knight sets were half as good as their bad guys minifigures. Insane designs. Why are the sets so shit ...
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>got whole bunch of ninjago and chima villain minifigures and their utencils/armor/weapons off ebay for a cheap price
the lot even had 3 of these rarer ones.
Fucking sweet.
Idk maybe you have a shit taste. Happens to 70% of /klocki/
If Lego Pokémon is real next year, this is what I imagine:
>Minifigures for trainers, gym leaders, and more humanoid Pokémon
>Unique molds for the smaller Pokémon
>Mix of molded parts and bricks for the bigger Pokémon, think Avatar or Ninjago dragons
599+ dollar set for your gf's bf.
Nothing else.
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I hope this leads to a whole series of sets featuring classic versions of characters.
An American is walking down the street when he sees a Polak with a very long pole and a yardstick. He's standing the pole on its end and trying to reach the top of it with his yardstick.

Seeing the Polak's ignorance, the American wrenches the pole out of his hand, lays it on the sidewalk, measures it with the yardstick, and says, "There! 10 feet long." The Polak grabs the yardstick and shouts, "You idiot American! I don't care how long it is! I want to know how high it is!”
>seething polfaggot
based klockiposter
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imagine being a loser enough to write all that crap like it's some life and war
>Most of the new licenced themes only get massive multi hundred dollar set or gift with purchase
>Star Wars sold out the consumers, so it's just boring slop that's completely accurate to the movies, they barely make playsets
>City isn't good as it used to be, focuses too much on the "wow" factor and diversity, nearly half of the minifigures sets are cripples or women
>Mario is boring electronic slop
>Dreamzzz is boring, mostly the show. Also it features a disabled woman in a world where you can do anything, why not dream yourself to be fully abled?
>Ninjago Dragons Rising is pretty good, for the third reboot of a 13 year old show
>Animal Crossing sets have an over reliance on the big Mario tiles, but the figures are sexy
>Sonic has been pretty good, expect the 2024 second wave, only Super Sonic as the only new figure with the rest being face variants? Why's my furry waifus? Where's Surge, Whisper, Tangle, Lanolin, Blaze, Cream, Vanilla, Marine and Trip?
>Superheroes is pretty shit. Marvel is just remakes now, and for DC we get a blue Batmobile? A Batman mech? Another Batman action figure? A Dickhead you can't build all versions off? What is this trash?
Why does Lego suck now? I'm going to be the contrarian and say it wasn't even this bad 4 years ago.
lego is literally having its golden age after shitty 00s and good 10s.
Monkie kid chads are carrying this company
You might be a polack if you’re this retarded. How’d the Germans conquer Poland? They walked in backwards and said they were leaving. How many poles does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Three one to hold the light bulb and two to spin the chair. What do you do if a polack throws a pin at you? Run! That motherfuckers got a grenade in his mouth!
why's this nigger going on about poland all of a sudden?
its our polfag shitposter. Our village idiot
>furries are butthurt
LEGO finally doing something right. GB2 Deviantart, furnigger tourist.
I'm not a tourist, I've been here longer than you.
Ni idea who he is, but I would fuck him, not gonna lie. I hope his arm stretch marks fade over time, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. I had stretch marks on my legs after puberty and they went away after 5 or 6 years. No idea how he got them on his arms like that though.

Also, I am a gay guy for what it's worth. But this guy is pretty cute

I was excited for the modular pirate island set, but reviews revealed it as a fragile display piece. Avoiding that mistake, I'll use the $230 to buy parts on BrickLink and build my own Pirate Island. It might not be as flashy, but it'll be mine, with all the features I want.
What is going on here?
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im non a poop conspiracy anon but...
what the fuck
is this true-they literally puting shit in every set?
this is clearly white bird poop
this set was designed by a fan retard
I think it's supposed to be a seashell like a conch
How come the plastic quality of lego sets and even bionicle sets from 20+ years ago still feel brand new, but I just bought a new lego set and the new plastic feels weird, and their new dark blues and browns still have the cracking issues?
Why is lego creator so boring lately? Where's the spaceships and robots and airplanes? Its all weird shit like birds and flowers and a fucking camera?
This build is amazing. Love the use of complimenting colors and white.
Watched Jangbricks

>he used the word "trans purple" to describe a purple lego piece in the Ninjango city set
>at the end of the video you can see the Everyone is Awesome LGBT pride lego set on his shelf
>he used the word "rotund" to describe a minifigure in a harry potter lego set review because he didn't want to offend people by saying fat
Whatup /lg/

So Dad was cleaning out his basement, and saying that he was going to donate my old Lego if I didn't want it. I didn't want to see it gone, so I took it, and immediately set about building this steam train.

Also 9v lyfe PF is for fags
I never have to charge SHIT
have you ever been on bricklink? they call colours trans all the time, not because theyre trannies but because theyre transparent. of all the reasons to hate on jang, why these?
Jang had a pretty impressive career tbqhfam
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added two additional floors to buildings in Ninjago City Docks so it looks less awkward sandwiched between Gardens and City
Are there any good jungle-like themes in current lego?
just buy a vintage lego pirate lot from ebay, you'll actually get your money's worth.
monkie kid sets have pretty good builds
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What are some sets that complement eachother?
My brother in Christ you’re replying to a troll.
Is that Miami vice? You’re aging yourself and me anon.
Series 17 yuppie + Speed champions Countach
Okay but can you do a 71 yellow Plymouth and get a little Mexican to ride with?
Tie is alive
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He needs a cop to sneak up on.
Also, nice get.
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Pick a cop!
0/10 no bad cop
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Shit police force anon
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bruh unfair i only got into legos again 2 years ago
why does he keep going when he hates his audience so much?
It's probably just one comment that got to him due to its sheer stupidity.
He's complaining that people ask him to point out that when sets have clips and bars on the ends so they can be attached to other sets, because he thinks it's not a noteworthy feature
Even though usually Jang cums over lego reusing modular systems across different products and themes
He's just spiraling cause he's relying on savings to pay the mortage, which isnt a meme he literally said this in a twitch stream. His Barud Dur review which likely took tons of work didn't even get 50k views for some reason, despite being really good. His frustration is totally understandable imo
Since his wife died Jang hasnt been the same
>lord krakenskull is something like $80 and the set he's from is equally ridiculous
I just want his fucking set bros, why is it so hard
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PotC joined lego fortnite!
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Give me new sets
This is a sign he should start reviewing products from his other interests again.
I always wanted the flying dutchman
Me too
Fake. I know senoritas stole him away never to return
“Hello meester would you like to buy legos? My cousin hector has some out at our farm.”
And that’s how you end up dead at the bottom of a well in Mexico. #whiteboymexicansummer
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His cartel captors have control of his account, this is not proof of life.
I miss 'old school Wednesdays' when he did a comfy classic reviews every wednesday
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Passenger variant of the YT-1300 , legos should make this
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anons i want to build a spaceship for my evil space pirates crew.

The ship should be based/modified on already existing set (i dont have that many pieces for MOC).
It should look weird or trashy.
Thinking of picrelated but it's discontinued and dont have that much space inside.

what else?
>evil space pirates crew.
How big is crew ?
trying to get hired by Disney
a lot of lego star wars ships have tiny interiors
even ships calling themselves "transports"
like your pic. its called KOR transport yet it holds just one minifig inside barely + two in standing exposed in turrents.
I don’t buy Star Wars legos but really? That seems pretty lame. I remember the older ones seemed more playable.
Large interiors are a massive parts sink so they prefer not to do it. I have the first order stormtrooper transport from the first wave of sequel sets and it has enough room for 7 or 9 figures to stand, which is a lot for a normal retail lego set.
Oh shit I had the yellow one but its long since been disassembled
>Large interiors are a massive parts sink
are they thou?

picrel has huge interior for just a few hundred points , also playscale millennium falcons often have decent space and the new galactic explorer

the issue with many star wars sets is parts budgets eaten up by huge engines arrays, massive wings ,
and transforming play features(look at Cad banes massive ship with no interior)
see 75336
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>Ex-LEGO Designer now writing highly autistic blogposts for Huw's fagblog
Lick clockwork.
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i found it! it's PERFECT
looks like some shitty pirate barge. just some more modifications here and there and it will be amazing.
Ill get it off bricklink
>How big is crew ?
captain, 2 attackers, 1 ship doctor, 1 pet, 1 robot
they wont fit at all as a crew in any normal set i think. But i can pretend that tall of them are inside if there are at least place for 2 characters
Sounds great!
>provides bunks for up to 19 individuals

There's 3 passenger cabins with 3 bunks each. Assuming there are 2 beds per bunk, that's 6 beds per cabin, totaling 18 beds. Now assuming that those 2 units on either side of the door into engineering bay are beds (possibly for the crew) and assuming that they each contain a single bed, that now brings the total up to 20 beds.

Did they not at least look at the designs before they started writing? Or was the writing done first and the artist never bothered to work out if he had the right amount of beds?
Wtf? I haven't seen this show, but they ALL have this stupid rotating double sabre?
>the issue with many star wars sets is parts budgets eaten up by huge engines arrays, massive wings ,
and transforming play features(look at Cad banes massive ship with no interior)
That's what I mean. There's always a bunch of details and whatever they still want to do and their big part saving pieces now are ugly panels that need to be hidden/prettied up instead of stylish corners and windows, or just plates on a technic frame.
conversion kits provides bunks for up to 19 individuals.

The numerous official conversion kits are not shown.

The YT series is highly modular/customisable ,that one of its selling points, the text is making the point that you can squeeze more passenger in but escape pod seats are limited.
Same! It took an entire day of patiently searching through my bulk pile to reassemble it. Many of the pieces probably aren't the ones that came with the set! I always loved the articulated semi-like loco/first car, though. It flows down the track in a way that deeply satisfies my autism. Now that I have it back I'm tempted to get my hands on a second, so I can make it a double-header.
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Please rate this Pirate Crew I built using pick a brick. The order came in today. I'm still working on names and back stories, but the two in stripes are obviously twins

The black guy was supposed to be shirtless, but the dark torso doesn't match the black person head I ordered, even though they looked to match on the website, lame. So put a hood on him to try and mediate and break up the difference in skin tone. I think it's works best it can, but wish I had a torso that matched properly
10/10 would pillage with. If only they had a napping drunk bastard to harass.
sw-fags on suicide watch

I would have sex with the black one and that sweaty bearded one
He clearly put effort in this vid but somehow can't be assed to get the audio levels right.
i didnt care about it but wanted to buy that set for controversal stuff.
fuck that
i will never understand star wars
Sweet, anon. You got a ship for them to crew?
Half the crew going shirtless would have been overkill, I think the sneaky nigga works somehow. What do far left and far right do? They seem unprepared to pillage, unless left has some shit in his bag and right is ready to grapple motherfuckers.
Lego should not make any more Falcons never again actually
I bought and build some of those flower sets, now I would like to put them in a vase. What's the best and cheapest was of getting azure blue bricks that I can use as "water"?
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Anything but Soi Wars, only cuckolds buy that shit
>they wont fit at all as a crew in any normal set i think.
75336 can hold seven.
The legend of TIE is that he took out 5 cartel members who were trying to pass off fake series 1 collectible minifigures, they sadly got him and the legend only grew
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it looks too cool and PREMIUM
My pirate crew is a crew of degenerates cyborgs and sick people - they need a ship that fits them
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Dude you sound mad.
that doesn't really help considering everyone produces in china.
will order it from bricklink
the fleshie black guy along with the yellows (nothing against black people just weird to combine) and also the standard classic faces next to very current stylized is a little jarring but otherwise I like it a lot. Very cool crew. I'd enjoy them on a ship or hideout
>but the dark torso doesn't match the black person head I ordered, even though they looked to match on the website, lame
Make sure to check the color names matching, their color display isn't worth shit
17 euro? It's like 12 or 13 here
Man I wish the pandering was at least good and not just lazy ass dust collectors
It's ok fren. He prefers gay/poop sets and wishes there was more. Soiwars sets are kind of whack. All my soiwars stuff are mocs. I hope the new jabbas barge is decent tho. Interested to see how they make the bow of the barge. It's easy if they release new colors for existing slopes. I have one made with long red slopes thats looks good but no redish brown yet
It's shit. A lego castle should have 4 walls, a gate and a spacious courtyard like pic related. The lion knight's castle is one of those stupid one sided diorama sets that looks good on the shelf but isn't good for screwing around with. Unless you're going to use it for parts or modify it don't bother.
Hitler here is right. That’s why the 3-1 is a great bang for the buck.
oh you're that guy
im that guy who excited about DnD minifigures. getting this set next month
>build your very own rectangle on a round base
oh my, how exciting
well at least the rectangle is colorful, unlike certain other licence
I’m less excited than I wanted to be. Hopefully we’ll get another run and some reasonably priced sets. But we both know that isn’t going to happen. I think between link, the forest men outpost, and the dnd CMF I’ll be able to make my half elf chaotic neutral ranger Paradel.
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It can be completely closed into a fully-walled castle with a courtyard, what are you talking about?
cope, it's the best castle Lego has released
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Yeah that drop ship makes you the automatic winner. Too bad i missed out on that one.
Looks like your city defunded their police force, though mine isn't much better.
There's like a tiny amount of room in the middle when you fold it up like that and you can't even see it in that pic because the walls are so high and close together. If the castle had 4 sections instead of 3 this wouldn't be a problem.
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Question dudes, do these smaller sockets ever start to lose their grip on official sets? Has anyone ever had any break from just the passage of time?
few broken from mocing at least, but they are so easy to come by its kinda whatever.
All lego sockets lose their grip over time, ironically both the old bionicle friction extenders and the later ccbs tend to have worse friction after use and time than the common sockets.
wait till you find out clips lose some of their friction over time too.
Just had one break recently. It's gotta be an engineering issue as other light bluish grey parts tend not to split.
Who are the hottest LEGO girls?
Ruina Stoneheart
Historical theme never ever.

I just want playsets of Roman encampments, early biplanes, samurai forts, civil war battlepacks, neanderthal/paleolite caves, mud huts, a box full of mongol figs and horses, etc. Closest we've gotten are the viking creator sets. They're nice but I want more periods and cultures so I can pit them against one another. Could also add an educational angle for kids.
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My Lego building experience has improved tenfold when I started limiting myself to the classic colors. Now I'm kind of disgusted by all the new colors not gonna lie.
Did you make a fourth section? If so please post pics
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>If only they had a napping drunk bastard to harass.
I think Nathaniel will be giving them a hard time, not the other way around. Haha. Good call though

>Sweet, anon. You got a ship for them to crew?
I have the Creator Ship. I got them particularly so I could have more crewmen on that ship. I only had like 4 on the ship beforehand and it really needed more people in it to feel like a true Ship and crew. I just didn't take a Pic on the ship because I was showing the new figures.

>Half the crew going shirtless would have been overkill, I think the sneaky nigga works somehow. What do far left and far right do? They seem unprepared to pillage, unless left has some shit in his bag and right is ready to grapple motherfuckers

Shirtless guys are down below with the cannons, at least the short one with smaller legs that fits down there. I donno. Not many torso on pick a brick can be used for Pirates and I thought Shirtless guys would fit and be cool. I thought I could accessorize them more, but many of the accessories I planned to combo don't fit on a character at the same time, such as the satchel and scarf together with a backpack.

>Make sure to check the color names matching, their color display isn't worth shit

This is a very good useful tip. This was my first ever pick a brick order
I wish I had known this trick before, but I honestly would have just assumed the two black person colors would match anyway and ordered without checking. But having made the mistake, I now have that sting to remind and motivate me to always check in the future.
You already said this.
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>Who are the hottest LEGO girls?

This swish blacksmith cutie is my Lego crush.

Or are you talking like youtubers? Because women suck and would suck all the fun out of Lego even more than they do in ever day activities. Why invite that into Lego? Do you want more Disney sets and weird Roller Skate dust collectors? And I'd rather support a poorly filmed bro Lego reviewer than a hussy with pretty bangs and good production who gets 20K views because she has tits to go with the bricks.

And imagine trying to explain your mess on the table from MOCing to a woman. No, no thank you. Go find yourself a cute guy that's fem and you are set, best of both worlds (if you don't mind or actively like a penis). If your lucky like me, he buys YOU Lego because he thinks building is rad. What are you still doing? It's 2024. Happy pride month! Go get yourself a fem boyfriend (or trans woman thats not crazy) and dip your fingers in the bi-pie to try it out.
Even this homo can agree she’s saucy.
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Holy shit Jang needs to eat. Looking at his feet he looks like a Holocaust victim
His. Wife. Died. Show some respect anon. He’s struggling and September is just around the corner.
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I liked this face scar, so I built a waifu around her.
Mental illness.
You can make your own.
>buy generic bricks 2nd hand
>buy minifig parts off PaB, Bricklink, or bootlegs off Aliexpress as necessary to create the cultures you want
I picked up some extra work that paid almost exactly the price of this set, so I decided to do that considering the set as my pay. That way I didn't feel like I had really spent money on it. I modified mine into a Black Falcon castle and I'm happy with it, but if you're worried about the money consider that you could buy the minifig parts off PaB for cheap and used grey bricks to build your own for cheaper.
This, they had them in Barracuda Bay.
Is Jang acknowledging that he's Gnaj now?
I don't understand these instructions, they're putting more than 2 pieces down in each step. And 8 steps on a single page, that's far too many. Also they don't have a list of the pieces I need for each step. How am I meant to follow this?
He has never once and I don't think ever plans to say he has GNAJ explicitly, because it's funny. but it's obviously him, there are lots of GNAJ emotes on his twitch stream
For me, it’s Danibobstudios
>classic Crusader castle
Perhaps the best Lego castle ever released. Based.
The three in one castle (especially its color pallette) is so fucking ugly, it is even worse than the new crusader castle. Why do people here obsess over it? It's so laughably bad, even for parts. The yellow, dark blue, and excessive use of brown are so fucking ugly, and worse of all, pearl gold. Those colors have places in Lego but not for a fucking castle.
The one he posted is.
Unironically get a 80s or 90s castle second hand instead. The classic Crusaders castle, or the Royal Knights castle, or the yellow castle, or the Black Falcons castle
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sexy mermaids
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How do you feel about the Black Monarch's Castle?
Also very based. I have a slight preference for gray castles over black castles, but the Black Knghts coat of arms/shield is hard to beat. And I absolutely love the old style knight helmet, of which that castle generously includes 4.
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Best thing ever
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>I modified mine into a Black Falcon castle
Is this better for being lego?
If you want a display piece of the great deku tree, wouldn't a vinyl statue be more desirable?

Want a new set just for Barbosa
What did he mean by this?
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Watch out! Behind you!
Looks already 10 times better.
>Mental illness.

Nope. Just pretty gay and super happy. I wish this happiness on all my brick brothers.
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How the fuck do you store these things? I've been putting the set segments in a giant tub but that just ends up a clusterfuck.
In the box it came, disassembled, in the store.
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Dissasemble, moc them
>the two based Paradisa hoe's dimension hopping to chat up Chad Black Falcon soldier.

I hope he at least gets a handie to tell the guys about later
New thread

Dude we wait until the image limit is reached

Autosage is on. New threads should be made when we hit 311 posts
In a giant tote get them out when we want to play Mario.
>Autosage is on
Who gives a fuck, the thread is still here and will be for days. Making a new thread when we hit the image limit makes way more sense.
gotard troll go away !
Knolling is the future of AFOOL legos
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The Chima shawtys, of course.
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did someone mention hot girls??
Fuck you.
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My wife and my father in law
Seems like there’s still a divide in /lg/
The bump limit fags versus the image limit fags
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If you enjoyed this thread please leave a like. It really helps the algorithms.
Dark blue and yellow are so fucking ugly together. Get rid of one or the other.
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Fuck off back to furaffinity, tourist.
Verification not required.
I have two of those. Am I sovlfvl enough?
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no sorry you must have at least 3, 2 is just comfy level.
I hate this absolute faggot.
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Why is classic lego, so comfy and soulful?
I have nothing to contribute right now
What are the colored parts for?
danke lads, I had some sets built with these sockets but in storage so I think I will take them apart
>Four 31120
Nah you're a certified genius.

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