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Preorder for Attack Titan starts on 7/1.
Lunagaron Armor Set (Monster Hunter)
Buzz Lightyear Ver.1.5 (Reissue)
Supergirl (DC)
Jessie Ver.1.5 (Toy Story)
Stitch (Reissue)
Shigaraki Tomura (My Hero Academia)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.1
Batman Arkham Knight Ver. (DC)
Fudo Yusei (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Woody Ver.2.0 (Toy Story)
Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
E・HERO NEOS (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.2
Dabi (My Hero Academia)
Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shirai Kuroko (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shokuhou Misaki (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Uraraka Ochako (My Hero Academia)
Midoriya Izuku (Reissue)
Joker Ver.1.5 (DC)
Junk Warrior (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
Mirko (My Hero Academia)
Attack Titan (Attack on Titan)
Deadpool Ver.2.5 (Marvel)
Deadpool Ver.2.5 X-Force Ver.(Marvel)
Flash (Reissue)
Reverse-Flash (Reissue)
Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Genos (One-Punch Man)
Garou(One-Punch Man)
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Luke (Street Fighter)
Juri (Street Fighter)
Ayane (Ninja Gaiden)
Armored Titan (Attack on Titan)
Female Titan (Attack on Titan)
Tartaglia/Childe - Foul Legacy Ver. (Genshin Impact)
Toga Himiko (My Hero Academia)
Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Tsukumo Yuma & Astral (Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Zexal)
Number 39: Utopia (Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Zexal)

Previous: >>11030577
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I'm not entirely certain but I think Yuma is paired with Astral who might essentially be a statue? Instead of two separate Revoltechs. Or a set of two Revoltechs.
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Open mouth face is the store bonus.
I appreciate that they’re back to unnecessary things as the store bonus, between the pulled up Deadpool mask and this I think they’re listening to the community.
wow fuck this
>only 2 face plates and 3 sets of hands
>make 1 of the 2 faces store exclusive
>could have gave attack titan a movable jaw but nope
fucking why
Don't forget the alternate front hair piece!
At lest he's cheap and can double as a body buck. Female Titan will probably be the same in that regards. Armored would be the high price item, being the least popular of the three probably.
Whatever it is, it’s utter bullshit.
Cuz the sculptor is that retard nip sakamoto.
Cry here: https://x.com/kaiyodo_pr
>have seen multiple nonyamaguchi revo has shit accessories and weird articulation engineering
>”duuuuuuh fuckin why”
You’re retarded
Completely unrelated. What the fuck makes you think a new 23 year old employee has that kind of power?
>weird articulation engineering
This is the exact same articulation as most male AY in the last couple of years.
Retards are the anons who thinks that the sculptor ASSIGNED to a project has anything to do with the budget/pricing/gimmick for that Revoltech. Stop this narrative already and don't bring up random examples it is pointless.
>dont bring up random examples
>s-stop proving me wrong
And if it was yamaguchi and not the new retard he would have sculpted jaw like venom and carnage
You know what else is pointless? Retards crying about exclusives here instead of complaining directly at kaiyodo
I think you mean
>be ignored directly by Kaiyodo because bonus parts are an incentive to use their store and gaijin opinions on the subject don’t matter
Yamaguchi is in charge of ALL AY. He is in an actual supervisor position now. If he wanted the jaw to move he would have made the jaw move. You are completely clueless about this. And more importantly seeing the wrong pattern.

First off this Titan AY is the cheapest AY has been in years. And don't forget about inflation. Price is pretty much set in stone from the start based on numerous factors. So the sculptors can only do so much based on that. Yamaguchi has made AY with minimal accessories too. Now what Kaiyodo is doing lately is having Yamaguchi mainly sculpt the top selling characters, which naturally are produced in high numbers, so have more budget and demand from the popularity. That means room to throw in more stuff. And he also likes to use repeats of parts to save money, people tend to miss that. What can be included with a Revoltech is also determined by the subject. Be weird to include random stuff most people don't want or associate with the character, or needlessly increasing price to a low demand character.

Because it goes nowhere just a list of cherry picked revos and making charts and guess what the overall sample size is so small it means nothing statistically. And as mentioned the real variables are more complicated than # per sculptor.
And here is what most likely went down in meetings about the jaw
>How about we make the jaw move instead?
>But we need a store bonus to make more people buy from us directly so NO
So it doesn't matter who did the actual sculpting.
Attack on Titan fags cat catch a break with being fucked by every fucking industry, it almost makes me sad.
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>Revoltech Yami Yugi

Would be nice if we randomly get an AY Dark Magician, be the 2.0 to that Vulcanlog Yamaguchi made. Neck area can really use his engineering at least.
2 would definitely be a mistake. Glad to see more monsters and Yugi.

Given the pattern of releases we'll 90% get DM after these 3, and probably in anime colors for the first time in a high end action figure. It'll probably be Ohtsu doing the sculpting, so doubtful it'll feel much like a 2.0 of the DSoD version. The tricky part of DM will always probably be the robes if they're not just done in a soft plastic or even soft goods, but hopefully they can pull it off.
Soft goods could be possible. The guy who designs the capes (and more for SF) for AY is just an outside contractor so they can have him work on other Revoltechs too. Also who knows about the sculptors. Ohtsu never felt like someone who does a whole franchise. Sure he did AB Nexus but it also had other people involved including Yamaguchi and you know an unique case not being a real IP. He probably has the most free time since the line died haha. To me he is the kind of sculptor at Kaiyodo that does whatever and currently most of the whatevers happens to be YGO.But I think other free sculptors could easily step in.
And I meant a 2.0 of DM in general and not the exact same version. Of course it will be the original design.
4/4 of the releases so far I wouldn't be surprised if he keeps it up and it's 'his' line. Given the apparent success of the line now that we're 4 releases in and 3 more just got announced i wouldn't be surprised if Ohtsu's stock rose a bit.

Still a long ways out before we see anything from DM, assuming that's the ace they pick.

Ya, I was thinking more in the sense of the sculpting style since it was Yamaguchi.
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>Yamaguchi Revoltechs come with a ton of stuff
>Every non-Yamaguchi Revo doesn't come with shit
I genuinely don't get why this is.
>4/4 of the releases so far
First one wasn't his sculpt.
Because it's not true. There are examples of the opposite too. What really determines the accessories is the character and their demand. Yamaguchi is Kaiyodo's one and only action figure expert basically, so he tends to get the popular characters who are mass produced enough to a point that their higher parts and paints count doesn't make it a 20k JPY Revo.

When you look through grey box era and even before this makes more sense.
Anons are confusing what sculptors are doing. They make sculpts, come up with the engineering for some. But they are not always people who handle the toy design, marketing, managing, finance, legal issues, obviously. Hell most companies we don't even know who they are. Anons see their names in case of Kaiyodo and somehow are tricked that they control all fates beyond their one actual job, to sculpt. How many of the 68 people there do you think are not sculptors, what do you think they do all day?
>Sculptor: Daichi Sugimoto
>Operational Design: Atsuya Otsu
Guess not. Maybe that's why he came out so wonky. Judai/Jaden looks really bad.

If they're listed as the sole sculptor, unlike Judai as I listed above, they do also handle the articulation. We know for a fact that Yamaguchi does, and no reason to believe that Ohtsu doesn't also.
this series suuucked, Asspull the anime
>no reason to believe that Ohtsu doesn't also.
Never said he doesn't. Some is more than one.
Just saying that Kaiyodo for most of their existence have been dominantly making statues, GK or completed models. Yamaguchi was doing that too for a while. But he was the new guy who started doing more and more articulated kits and figures. Ignoring the new sculptors they just hired that has been pretty much the same. I wouldn't say the others are as involved to call it "engineering" level. It has been mostly "where do I put what joint". There's not much innovation happening outside of Yamaguchi's works in terms of articulation. Articulation is part of sculpting of course, but engineering is not necessarily the same thing. Ohtsu is definitely on the engineering side, His Iron Man was excellent. Sally's skirt looks interesting. But his YGO stuff so far don't feel as good. But that's probably because that's not what the YGO Revo is going for.
>But his YGO stuff so far don't feel as good.
I think the 2 monsters look great. Neos feels like a mix of old school Revoltech along with the advancements of the joints that came after the original revolver, like his double elbows, along with some modern design sensibilities. Then Junk Warrior is very odd, but has some decently integrated articulation like in his big arm. Don't have them in-hand, so who knows how well they'll turn out, but I think they look great so far. Yamaguchi does great work but I can't really see his style working on these, while what we're getting is extremely reflective of the artwork, as they should be. Not much to say on the disaster that is Judai, but Yusei looks pretty decent so far too.
Some basic stuff you know, like the double joint elbows are fine but doesn't look like they actually achieve a better range. But get an okay range for thick arms. AY thick boys arms can move further with a different joint. The hips on the humans are both these simple hinges from cutting up the pants. I get that they are more visuals focused overall, but ends up looking ugly too. Look at hips of the MHA or TR AY and they look fantastic and articulate insanely well. But for some reason Ohtsu can't just do the same thing. Weird things like these are aspects I can never comprehend.
And I talked about AY here but that green text was comparing with ohtsu's own works like Mark 45 and Sally. Neos does have more of that 45 energy though.
I'm assuming Female Titan will sell because coomers. Surprisingly, I think Armored Titan will be the most popular since his design is the least plain (also I'm assuming he'll come with the most accessories).
What accessories though? He will be the most costly because more time will go into sculpting sure but also paint is more complex. Maybe more parts due to the armor. So I think he'll just be priced more but be about the same content wise to the other 2. Female have similar paint complexity but like you said will sell well regardless so price is probably the same.
yea only one i was thinking about getting was Reiner because he looks the coolest out of them.
Do we yet know if Eren will be a general or limited release?
Price suggest it is wide release. Amiami will likely ship worldwide like many others before. And what you really mean is that, how well it will be available outside of Japan. Basically all Revoltechs now are PO it or don't bother looking for it later to get it system in Japan.
I know we're getting figures out the ass, but anyone want a Revoltech Demon Slayer line? Would be easier to put the characters in dynamic poses with effects.
Pointless if Yamaguchi doesn't do them.
make daredevil plz mr yamaguchi mafex daredevil looks like marvel legend
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And he BETTER give him a FUCKING beard... but he probably won't so I'll take a scarf instead.
>And what you really mean is that, how well it will be available outside of Japan.
No, I'm asking if it'll be a release at all Japanese stores or the select stores like Amiami, Anime-Export, etc. Basically the difference between whether they'll get discounts or not, as that's usually how I'll decide whether to get the bonus part. For example DP at Genki is 9900, but the exclusive one is a bit over 14k, while Flash at most places that sell it is 11k, while the exclusive at Genki is 11.9k. 5k isn't worth an extra head to me, but something like .9k, sure. If I were to get Eren I'd probably like the head, but that's the determinant.

Also I just a listing for DP for 130cad, which is practically retail for yen to cad conversion. If the store is buying a handful at whatever discounted rate from retailers then selling them at near retail, after shipping I can't imagine the profit margins are much of anything. I'll take your word for it that they're no longer offered internationally though.
Fuck no we got 3 major action figure lines in Japan to do them already.
Most major stores in Japan do or at least "can" get them. Far less of them deal internationally though. And like you said the discount rate is all over the place now. After losing the distributor I assume the overall number of products are reduced (or more goes to their own stores), and also retailers are not ordering as much because they don't sell? Marvel or MHA is popular so more stores get in in higher quantities, they get more discount so can sell lower than full price. Others I can't tell for sure. AoT would likely be on the more popular side of their current IP selection. The price might make casual purchase easier so they might stock more than say Ryu Hayabusa.
Also I assume most of those places are buying directly from Kaiyodo as retailers. From the way they behave now I think they cut out a lot of the middleman who are suppliers for multiple stores. Or if they didn't that might explain why certain Revos don't even make it to a store because their cut makes it not worth getting. But say a foreign store like BBTS still deal wit suppliers which adds more to the price and they just don't care about it. And of course the store exclusives are just purchased from Kaiyodo Store like a regular customer paying full price.
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And here officially announced on their X/Twitter.
Also idk how much these metrics matter in terms of sales, but it's already a lot more viewed, shared, and liked than their recent announcements of Titan Eren, the Flashes, and 2.5 Deadpool. Based on these, on top of the fact that we're now 7 releases confirmed, it really does seem like the line is doing well.
As a long time YGO fan, we've been starved for toys that aren't Dark Magician Girl for so very long. The recent surge in merch has been very exciting.
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>Seto is a secondary protag
>Blue-Eyes is his boss monster
Not too bright are you? Also specifically BEAWD was already made. Not sure why you want another tiny Blue-Eyes either. And finally Yamaguchi hasn't made anything YGO yet.
Anon, I specifically said FAGGOT protags and THEIR FAGGOT boss monsters. Seto Kaiba is NOT a faggot (I think?) and neither is Blue-Eyes (who is probably a woman). That Vulcanlog looks flimsy, but I'm considering the Monsterarts.
You're silly. The SHMA is a really good release, I'd recommend it if you want one. It seems like Revoltech is doing humanoids, while SHMA is doing the more monstrous monsters. If we see Stardust Dragon from next then Bandai and Kaiyodo are basically working together at this point (with Flame Wingman being the 3rd release).
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Mirko could have been much more appealing with some small changes in design:
ears pointing slightly more upward
thicker legs
better feet design
I recently finished up reading AoT and thought it was mostly alright, but with Assault, Female, and Armored Titan getting made, I can't really think of what else would make for a worthwhile Revoltech that's in scale with the others. Colossus is iconic to the series, but it's obviously too big. Jaw is too short, Cart might work, but I don't think it's something worth making. Warhammer is another, but it's incredibly short lived. Anyone have any thoughts about what else, if anything, should get made?

I guess if these do well they might go into the human sized characters as well, in which case there's probably more to make there.
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especially the feet are bothering me.
I dunno, this is creeping into autism
I dunno, the lego feet are pretty apparent.
>these metrics matter in terms of sales
Not much probably. It's also just a text announcement so there's nothing to be disappointed about and have only positive impressions. YGO has been around longer, known worldwide longer so naturally there are more people aware of it than most if not all IP's Kaiyodo handled lately. Metrics is just a result of that. Remember Marvel and DC weren't even that huge in Japan in the 90's but YGO was. And we have the top main man Yugi in the mix. He will likely sell the most units for a nonAY Revoltech. Maybe besides the commutative sales of Woody kek. Anything else could vary vastly.
>now 7 releases confirmed, it really does seem like the line is doing well.
They clearly started off with the cheaper characters to test the waters. Getting to Yugi who is most likely the most expensive character of the most expensive title, that shows Kaiyodo actually thinks it is worth doing. PO must be the only factor though because I doubt Judai sold well or was received well quality wise. So it is a little unexpected but they must have had a number they crossed so they are selling more than they participated is all we can say.
Anticipated, I had a stroke maybe.
the only part that really bothers me is the feet.
I think once they showed commitment to the line it probably raised interest by quite a bit. Judai was honestly poorly sculpted and was just done badly, but then Yusei looks to be solid. Neos was suddenly announced, then Junk Warrior, and suddenly we have these duos of protags and their aces, and there's a reason to be excited about them. Figma had done Yugi and Kaiba and also DMG, then randomly Playmaker. As a result the line felt aimless, then it died. I think in no small part because of the clear path of this Revoltech line the line is a success for them, and the unexpected synergy with Bandai with their Flame Wingman to go with Judai and Neos is just a plus. I do still think that the prices for the duelists seem a bit high for what they are (I thought the line was dead at Judai, if I'm being honest, 11k for that?), but so long as it's doing sufficiently well that's good.
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yes. once you see it, you cannot unsee.
The asspulls were fun until they pulled the
>actually the rest of the world still exists and everyone's just been living on an island this whole time!!!
Also I realized PO number is all that matters anyway. They don't sell more than that really. So that hitting a certain threshold is all that matters. You're right that it does shine a good light for Kaiyodo they way they approached this IP. They've been good in the past with certain properties. Getters they did most or all the 1's at the time. Eva all the Evas that mattered and then some. MuvLuv for some random reason, I think they got through the major ones.
Haven't watched this. What's up with her feet? Are those boots, robotic legs?
I won't mind the feet too much if she balances really well.
I also feel that her head is a bit too big for her body? It feels like her forehead is just slightly too tall that it's throwing things out of proportion.
Just armored toes to enhance damage from kicks. She gets amputated later.
Watch more anime.
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Those rabbit toes are like an extension.
It's unfortunate that they're exactly where the toe joint hinges are, so it looks kinda awkward.

>She gets amputated later.
Unfortunate. Cute brown girl loses her feet :(
The ears should have had ball joints in them so they could pose. Who knows why they can't. Also the damn elbows needed more range. I'd have probably grabbed her if they fixed that, even with weird blocky feet and static ears.
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>Unfortunate. Cute brown girl loses her feet :(
Not just her feet. She loses all her limbs later.
In the epilogue, she literally becomes a piece of brown fuckmeat.
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>Really I would have preferred prosthetic limbs and a damaged ear to do both of her forms
Nah... doing both forms in one package is too much. They have to provide new sculpts for both legs (right prosthesis, left thigh scar), whole left arm, hair bang & back pieces, right ear, and a whole waist for that belt. Too many pieces. This pre-war form is the right move, though the price could've been lower or should've have more accessories (carrot, crouching legs, etc.).
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i dont know anything about mha but this shit ruined my night
Ah, geez. That's rough. Now I'll be sad when I continue to fap to her fan art.
why couldnt it just have been sculpted by yamaguchi? idc if he's busy, fukn make it work
That was when the series entered it's best arcs though. Maybe you're just too smooth brained
God punished Miriko sucks. The claw is too goofy
Is this the artist's thinly veiled fetish?
>this series suuucked, Asspull the anime

You're so retarded.

Isayama is a right-wing fascist, slash Nazi-sympathizer.
AoT boils down to "Adolf Hitler gets isekai'd into flesh-Gundam world".
Marley (the villains) represent the USA which gets destroyed.

It's the greatest bait-and-switch piece of propaganda ever.
Because they saw the sculpt that was already done by this fellow and said "cool, that's good enough to add to the line, and it's ready to go", rather than take Yamaguchi off whatever else he's working on, or will be working on.
I can't remember who isayama is but sounds like you're really forcing square pieces into the circle hole.
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>all the good guys are equivalent to Jewish people in WW2 getting oppressed and shit on
>guy from isolationist nation gets pissed off about things goes insane and nukes the planet
>this is pro Nazi propaganda somehow

It’s just 3deep5u crap writing trying to retcon irl history in the magic naked flesh mech universe to make the story meaningful then stealing Dune’s story despite outright calling the idea shit earlier in the manga. You’re either more retarded than Isayama or only absorbed the story through tiktok clips if that’s your takeaway.
Ooh, you found more pics. Did it come with any more info? Or more pics? Also that isn't really how you throw a punch... All the articulation looks like it's there, so hopefully it is.
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It’s just one of the promo images I think?
Does it not come with swappy-outy or adjustable eyes?
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Judging by this, maybe? The yes seem to be aimed more towards the camera than the bonus faceplate closeup has. Or maybe it’s just promo photoshop.
Oh yeah, the eyes do seem to be facing the viewer there. Might be a visual trick, but could be adjustable eyes.
Or photoshop, but that would be pretty scummy.
Didn't even realize there were more, I just assumed all there was was on their X post. Seems like the forward leg range on this thing doesn't quite hit 90 to the hip, based on the kneeling and punching pose. I assume you might be able to do that thing where you can bring the hip up then manipulate the thigh to get some extra range, but who knows.
Oh because of the silly censored OP picture I didn't bother putting up more, forgetting it wasn't posted before my bad. Official store page has been up all this time, how I knew the PO date.

>With Yamaguchi-style movement!
Creating his own articulation scheme that other individuals in the company can emulate is an impressive feat.

I was looking at the pics and saw the elbow just a bit passed 90 in one pic, then bent further in another, of course because it was using the joint and ball peg system, but it kind of had me wondering why we don't see the same thing in the knees, rather than the single jointed knees currently being used. Just like with the elbows, you don't have to use the ball peg if you want to preserve the sculpt, but if you need the extra range that's what it's there for.
>other individuals in the company can emulate
Power of digital sculpting. Yamaguchi just shares the digital base body with his underlings sculptors

>why we don't see the same thing in the knees
We do. In female AY and some of the My Hero Academia AY. The single hinge type knees are better at maintaining the over all shape of the leg in the bent state. With the ball peg joints you end up with the gaps being up front. With elbows it's not a big problem because the joint gaps are usually facing back. He likes to have the lower body to be seamless as possible, not having visible joints.
>all the good guys are equivalent to Jewish people in WW2 getting oppressed and shit on

Imagine being this stupid lol.

The good guys have:
> German names
> German ancestry (Ymir is a giant which gave birth to the germanic nations in folklore)
> "Erwin" and "Armin" are literal references to WW2 German commanders
> Eren is a war veteran which constantly uses words like "exterminate" or "eradicate" or "vermin" or "subhuman" or "trash", he tried to take over the state with a coup, failed, got locked up, released tell-all book, got the support of the people, got elected as ruler, created a Gestapo-like unit, became the "ultimate villain" meme
> the only allied nation of Eldia (Germany) was some "random" island-nation of Japanese-looking people
> the show ends with Yeagerists literally doing a Nazi-salute

I can't believe such an obvious cartoon went above the heads of some people lol.
The author even is a Holocaust denier. His editors took his twitter account away from him because he was /pol/-shitposting and giving away too much of the plot.
Where's the retarded AY fan that kept denying AY doesn't use 3D printing, lol?
Gonna throw out a bit of a hot take, I think I actually prefer when items have that limited release window, where you PO and that's roughly how many they make. I really hate the idea of missing out on a better deal, and I know it's often like 5-10 dollars or less, but it's a psychological aspect that annoys me quite a bit. It's kind of guilt free purchasing in a way, because it isn't like he'll be available for cheaper later (aside from possibly second hand).

This comes up because I PO'd something for 10800yen, but I now see it available for preorder at 9600 and it's just making me feel bad.
lmao when was this? Or is that all that talk with Ryu Hayabusa? I only glanced over the posts.

Yeah since AY Batman and ANIMA Eva Yamaguchi has been sculpting digitally and 3D printing for adjustments. It's no secret so funny that there are anons like that.
whats the time lapse between that price drop? you can consider it an early fee for beta testing the QA or some stupid shit like that. Anyways, one thingI have been doing recently is waiting for the actual release and search for whatever toy I want on proxy sites and they are almost always cheaper in after sale.
Either way you pre order them because you have the money to do so, dont let it bother you that you see it cheaper when the norm tends to be that it goes up in price instead of dropping with a re-issue
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will they do a better job?
An AY Punisher figure seems like a no brainer. Why it is taking them soooo long, my niggas?
I heard Bakugo had a lot of problems, so I wouldn't be too surprised. Doubtful their Deku will beat AY's. I wonder if they'll both just continue doing releases. If I had to guess SHF will be tackling stuff from the current season, while AY will continue making what they're making.
I honestly prefer the one on the left.
Could be a couple reasons. Kaiyodo might interpret him as being less popular compared to other characters, or Marvel/Disney itself may have decided not to license him for whichever reason.
Assuming the gun ban was legit to any degree, that could also have caused them to put the idea on hold.
With all the duelists coming, I wasn't originally going to get any but figured maybe I should. I went to check a couple of reviews of Jaden and wow he looks awful. The arms can't move forward, the elbows hyperextend, range is weak in every joint he's got. Yusei looks decent so far so hopefully he turns out well, and they figure out how to make these work by the time they get to Yugi. 10k-11k for Jaden just seems absurd for how he turned out.
nah the best arc was before the shit timeskip. everything after WAS for smooth brains. It even added a black guy for basketballs to onions over, and and MCU style ending.
Man that leg design is awful it looks like she had to grab whatever was available at the scrapyard and go into battle. And practically speaking it looks like it's gona fall off if you tried to kick with that leg making it useless.
SHF will be a better figure for neutral and scale posing. the AY will remain as the best option for action and probably effect parts, dont really see the SHF getting all the cool lighting effects
Does the author hate her or does he just have a ryona fetish?
I don't read the manga but she seems to be a really popular character and treating her like that is beyond brutal, no idea if she's even one of the main characters.
Speaking of, kind of wish that the Deku reissue was a 1.5 and came with an option for the hood up.
>His editors took his twitter account away from him because he was /pol/-shitposting and giving away too much of the plot.
Is this true? Sound way too funny to be real.
Didn't that nu-spiderman included 2 pistols and a frickin' grenade launcher?
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Hell no. Bandai's anime sculpts are trash 9/10 times, and their articulation definitely isn't beating AY.
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>obvious large thigh cuts
>knee pads jutting out
doesn't look seamless to me
>2 pistols and a frickin' grenade launcher?
But around the same time Winter Soldier, the gun guy gets nothing and we have a new line of support parts from Kaiyodo. The difference isn't Marvel and DC, but just what "feels okay to do". Bucky is a major character in MCU so they don't want to pair that with guns. Agent Venom is a nobody, Venom is associated more with Sony, they don't seem the type to care. Bandai feels fine with DP figuarts to have guns this time since the movies are R rated after all.

Punisher I think is just not a good sell, because it's just a dude in a trench coat guns or not. They already releasing gun pack. Blade is getting a movie so Blade looks like a better AY with basically the same figure but with swords.
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I own Bakugo. He really only has two issues. One is heavy effect parts. They're big solid pieces of plastic, and people expected him to be able to hold them up plus those giant grenade gauntlets without stand support, like this (the Bakugo in this pic has been modded). These people are dummies, use a fucking stand to support it. It's crazy to expect ANY toy's joints to be able to withstand that much free hanging weight at the very end of a limb.

The second issue is his arm pegs were too short for his grenade arms, making them fall off easily. It sounds like there has been a running change though, and the arm pegs on a later-release Bakugo shown on Reddit had much longer pegs. Even if you get a short peg one though, it's easy to fix-just remove that black piece on his elbow joint. It doesn't add much visually, you won't even notice it's gone, and it solves the problem. So if that's all that's been stopping you, go buy him, he's a fucking dope figure. Just don't expect magic to happen, he can't defy the laws of physics. Be reasonable, use stands, you'll be fine.
I'm talking about seeing joints and joint gaps. Those are not those things.
>obvious large thigh cuts
Dude any other action figure that doesn't have belts or armor details to hide it have terrible thigh cuts. Just a straight line cut across. If the rotation is at the hip joints it has no useful range of movement. If a straight cut is okay to you you just learned to accept that as fine and have no basis to criticize another way to cut the thighs.
>Punisher I think is just not a good sell, because it's just a dude in a trench coat guns or not...
But aren't the Tokyo Revengers just fags in trench coats, though? I didn't knew about the new Blade flick, pretty cool.
Still, the Punisher is waaay more popular that blade. The big skull emblem is way more recognizable to the masses than a guy rocking a flatop and shades.
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>Is this true? Sound way too funny to be real.

Quick rundown:
>China banned AoT "out of nowhere"
>people then unearthed threads of Isayama arguing with Chinese people, all stemming from the character of Pixis
>turns out Pixis is based on a real-life general which is considered a war criminal in China
>turns out Isayama is a Japanese Imperialist
>turns out Isayama doesn't think Japan did anything wrong ever
>turns out Isayama either flat out denied Japan's war crimes or said they were justified
>"Eren is Hitler" started off as a meme but it turned out it was actually true
>after this revelation people started figuring out the plot of AoT was basically the events of WW1 and WW2 mashed together but told from Germany's perspective
>shit got buried fast, AoT was (probably still is) a goldmine and reviews or parodies that revealed the plot got cease and desist letters (this is what happened to AoT Abridged by Team Four Star, which is banned on YT even today)
>then everything became just "rumors"
>ending of Season 3 came out and confirmed the rumors for everyone

Fortunately for everyone that made money off of AoT was that most people are dumb fucks with no idea of WW1 or WW2 history.

Erwin Rommel, a commander which many argued was greater than Hitler, was eventually replaced in Africa by Hans-Jürgen von Arnim. The Nazis under the command of these men eventually engaged in "Operation Valkyrie" which was a plot to kill Hitler and replace him with presumably Rommel.

Erwin Smith, commander of the Scouting Legion, was eventually replaced by Armin Arlert. Under Commander Armin the Scouts formed a team to take down Eren. There's even a reference to Valkyries in the scene, pic related.
Tokyo Revengers was very popular, everybody made merch. Making action figures is questionable decision but they gave it a go.

>Punisher is waaay more popular that blade
Says who? Americans? We have a Blade movie on the way not to mention the 3 old ones. Punisher had movies no one watched, streaming show that doesn't matter, and I don't think he has an individual project in the future. So looks like Blade wins to me. These are Japanese figures for Japan in case you forgot.
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Not even in a trillion years. No matter what the shills are trying to make you believe.
Not to mention he's a dude in a trench coat, among Norse gods, super soldiers, mutants, mech armor warriors, aliens, wizards, androids, etc. You see how it's a less impactful product? TR isn't that kind of property but became just as or more popular so it's not the same thing.
The only people who saw the 3 blade movies where the goth/horror flick weirdos, unfortunately.
Even if my mans only got featured in 2 bad movies that nobody saw and a rather entertaining schlock in 2004 the punisher is still more popular among the normies for some reason. Many (and I mean MANY!) military/police forces around the world carry his imagery on their uniform. He makes a couple appearances in capcom videogames and his comics are just better.
Yeah but he doesn't fight Thanos and shakes hands with squirrelgirl! the mf is just a vietnam vet that murders drug dealers and shit. Pretty frank (lol) war tragedy/crime drama stories.
I won't be opposed to Blade gettin' the AY treatment at all, though. As you pointed correctly he does look good with his double katanas.
They will never get as far in as AY for sure. Might go straight to P-Bandai after the first 2.

I wonder if Tokara Tomy stopped being the main seller for this IP now that Bandai is getting more involved? Or it didn't matter since we did have Banpresto statues before IIRC. I assumed Takara paid for the anime.
His logo being popular doesn't mean a toy will sell. Game appearance sure. Comics, again doesn't mean anything to Japan. I'm trying to make the point Marvel have soooooo many other characters that are wider known and make better action figures. Blade is like a foot ahead only in that grand scheme. If you're saying he gets a pass because street level, well there are many other street level characters that makes better toys. Daredevil for example.

I just don't see it happening, AY needs their regular dose of tacticool mercenaries but they can find better looking characters if they have to. They made AK happen. And with the focus on X-Men and FF on the way I don't see much opportunity for him.
If they were ever interested in MG again, they wouldn't have given us Winter Soldier when they knew he can only have knives kek

There is a new? partially new? MGS2 Snake figma coming so I would settle for that.
While they got a lukewarm reception from critics, audience opinions of Blade 1/2 were much more positive when it came out. Damn near everyone I knew saw it, not just "goth/horror weirdos." It was a slow month for action movies and near the end of the summer, tons of people watched it. Both films have also undergone a second renaissance as new and younger fans discover them. If you rewatch them, Wesley Snipes' acting and choreography are still refined to a razor's edge and smooth as hell.

Blade 3 is trash though, can't defend it.
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Nobody cares about Blade lol. Nobody. The movies were good because of Wesley Snipes' charm. Frankly I don't think anybody would care about Blade at all if it wasn't for Wesley Snipes.

As far as The Punisher goes he's way too generic of a character. Dark hair and the giant skull are the only identifiable traits. Years ago Marvel tried to fix this by attempting to turn Frank Castle into literally Big Boss. Great idea but I doubt Japan and weebs would have accepted it.

They also tried to turn Frank Castle into Frankenstein's Monster (aka FrankenCastle) but that was the dumbest thing ever.

Just add a skull to Winter Soldier or Snake and you've got your Punisher figure.
sorry, the syntax got a little fucky because i was trying to talk about Blade 2 at the same time, which was also a very enjoyable Guillermo del Toro ride. But anyway, my point is, Blade 1 and 2 fuck, and if you don't believe me, you should revisit them. They are the perfect blend of 90s cringe-cool and genuinely great fight choreography and special effects for their time.
I still remember this line till today:
weak bait
I was ready for "some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill." Snipes had some good quotable lines in these movies.
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Also if it's all about the logo Kaiyodo will make this instead. And I will definitely buy it.
when the first blade movie came out i was still living in south africa and extremely racist and i remember that even me and my friends loved it and genuinely wanted to be him, that was the first black person we probably looked up to lol. great film desu.
Wesley Snipes is the only black man that went to prison for committing a white man's crime.
What is going on in this thread? Let's see:

I would buy AY Blade and Punisher, probably costume dependent.
No clue what's going on with AOT.
I don't like Bakugo so no interest in buying him, but agree, anyone should have seen the effects being too heavy coming. All Might is almost too heavy to support himself sometimes, similar to what happened to early versions of Venom.
Can't remember what else people were talking about.

It's such a pain in the ass to try to buy AY off of Mandarake, except for a select few, most sell out instantly. Also still waiting for Winter Soldier, hope he gets here soon.
How succcesful have you been with this? Do you mind sharing the sites? Also, is it still cheaper including shipping and proxy fees? I'd imagine you can't use warehouses with them..? Do you have some example figures and prices and when you bought them? I'll probably be too scared of missing out and paying late tax tho.
Do you know how he was modded?
>attempting to turn Frank Castle into literally Big Boss
There is your one and only reason AY Punisher could possibly be made. Kaiyodo getting away with a Snake KO but with an official Marvel license. They pulled a similar move with Winter Soldier I imagine the only reason they didn't do this instead was they were unaware yjis happened in the comics.

Because nobody there cares about Punisher.
>just a guy in a trench coat
No joke Knuckleduster will move more units than Punisher or Blade, easy.
Big assumption. I like KD but no chance. Maybe if Vigilantes gets its anime it'll be closer.
Seeing AY Eren really makes me want to see Yamaguchi do Ultraman.
I use fromjapan, they can keep your stuff for 45 days before you ask them to ship it out for you, they charge a 300yen for the service and they ask you to pay for the local shipping once you ask them to ship it out to you, for stuff that usually goes above 5k yen, the local shipping is almost always free. The last figure I did this for was the monster arts blue eyes, I found it for 10k yen just a little after his December release. After all the shipping and service fee it was cheaper once converted into my currency. For really late releases you sometime have to get lucky with auctions. I got the SHF Cooler for 8k yen way after his release and a Street Fighter Sakura SHF for 2k yen.
In general it seems that nippon after sale is more sane with prices, and even if stuff is sold as used, they take care of their shit super well so they are like new, they usually go into big detail about the details of used figures and it's usually small miniscule stuff you dont care about unless you are like an autistic Marvel Legends or Hot Toys MIB collector
too flashy...
That one looks like a job for the Square Enix Products line.
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This Hot Toys is just reusing the MCU armor suit but the comics are just reusing the design anyways. Exact same situation as it was for AY WM, just a different suit. But I don't think they do the skull face in the comics.
I got that feeling with Spider-Man 2.0. Iron Man made me want him to do the manga/anime ULTRAMAN because even though we got many figures and kits their articulation were never that good.
I hoped since Shin Ultraman being a movie with no attachment to Bandai we could see Shin Ultraman and Shin Kamen Rider Amazing Yamaguchi Revoltechs. Same for Netflix ULTRAMAN. But doesn't look like it's happening, Kaiyodo just wants to make statues and vinyl kits.
Thank you very much anon. :)

I just remembered something. The Iron Man anime from years ago. It came out around the time Marvel was pushing the Big Boss angle on The Punisher.

There are more scenes with him which make it more clear he's a completely different character then the classic Frank Castle.

In hindsight everything is making sense now. >Hideo Kojima being a huge MCU fan
>Marvel suddenly starts "ripping off" MGS
>voice actor for The Punisher -Big Boss edition- is Norman Reedus
>Norman Reedus later on becomes the main protagonist of Kojima's Death Stranding
>"Punished" Snake

AY needs to be made aware of this. Big Boss joining the avengers needs to happen.
Reiner is the coolest fucking Titan design by a mile. He'll sell ever without Main Character appeal like Eren or Coomer appeal like Annie.
No, sorry. That's not my figure, and the OP didn't go into detail on how they modded it.
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I bet you're a Moon-landing respecter.

Are you so slow you can think of any ways to mod it? Come on now. It's a toy not a transmission.
Shut up, retard.
Get smarter, fucking idiot. It's a fucking plastic toy there's no grand engineering in modding some shit to hold more. Literally super glue it or stuff tissue in the joint. Holy shit that was so out of left field and incomprehensible right? No way you can just stiffen a joint like that, to make it hold more. Totally implausible. Dumb bitch.
You doing ok? Dumb question or not it was still just a question, no need to go after anon.

This thread's been veering way off topic, but I guess we haven't heard much new since last week.
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Blease, Reboltech…update her.
I picked her up loose for like 20 bucks, and I'm happy to have her, but man I wish she had a better face sculpt. I'd kill for an AY Revy (or Roberta, Sawyer...) but there's basically no chance that'll happen
Goddammit. Why you ruin my waifu?
The latter half of what he said obviously isn't literal or true.
going off that picture she's 3/4 of the way to fucknugget status, anatomically speaking. Never watched MHA but it seems like the author has a bad habit of brutally killing off cute girls
Well if it makes you feel better I legitimately can't remember what happened to her. I can't remember any notable girl dying, but the non students do tend to get brutalized in some way. You saw Mirko up there, Nagant had some implanted quirk bomb in her body that, well, blew up, though she survived, just badly scarred. Toga may have died? Or maybe just detained? The students were mostly unscathed. Pop from Vigilantes was ok. The spiral lasers girl is ok.
Looked into it. Apparently she's still alive, but only has one leg left. Hero-ing days are probably over. Prosthetics can't keep up apparently. Mirko is going to have to retire and teach.
I'm great I just like talking shit on here. It bothers me when everyone is too nice. Anyway, i have catwoman, spidey 2.0 and bucky coming soon. Im hype.
>quad amputee fuck meat for the rich
Now I'm very interested in this character. Maybe I should start watching/reading MHA, or at least her parts with her in it.
I mean technically you can just do this to any of your action figures if that’s your fetish.
Oh so thats why all the troons in my wider friend group (they are all from a Christian school, long story) suddenly turned against this show.
Seconding this. Shills tout Bandais "superior articulation" to Figma as their main selling point and Bandais figures proceed to get destroyed by Figma anyways despite Figma last year being in their lowest neglected state ever.
Shfshills cant even claim superior articulation to Revoltech. They will get completely and brutally fuck mogged in every regard.
would sure be nice if this guy could stop being obsessed with shf to the point of ruining several threads
He's right though and replied on topic. Please try to not be so butthurt about the truth shill-kun.
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That face was the reason I never picked her up, but now I’m kicking myself because I’m sure there’s a few statue heads that could be swapped onto her. Roberta would be fucking ideal to have as a toy, though. I feel like revoltech or Sentinel would make a good likeness and include a bunch of her weapons arsenal.

He’s in the coomer general calling himself a chad and posting AI generated vocaroos, there’s no fighting the truly delusional.
The ending of Season 3 was when the woke people left because they/them realized they/them were watching literal nazi-propaganda and loved every second of it.
Why are shfaggots shitting up our thread again?
I like SHF and I agree. The MHA AY are by and far just out of Bandai's league. Though I'd say Miruko is one of the more disappointing releases.
But ones like Deku? Yeah, Bandai is never gonna beat those lmao.
But I do hope AY doesn't end up nixing all the accessories for each character and hiking up the prices.
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What I want is for SHF to make some stuff that ay isn’t gonna go for, like less popular hero classmates, alt designs or stuff like Momo or Shiggy when he still had all those hands all over him and looked kinda cool, since I’ve always mix and matched my lines and would like to have a bunch together.

I know they’re just gonna do like Deku Bakugo and Todoroki then get bored and pivot to a new fandom but one can hope.
Yeah, I get you.
Older/alt designs or characters that aren't so dynamic/don't provide a lot of value for AY.
And yeah you're right. It'll probably just be those 3 and maybe All Might.
Honestly, I'm not too concerned with whatever MHA line SHF is making yet. If they make stuff I want, I'll buy it. If not, I'm perfectly happy with AY because they're probably some of the best figures of an IP one could want, give or take a few minor gripes like the way they did Kirishima's torso swaps which are unnecessarily convoluted.
Again, so long as they don't fall into the trap of gradually giving fewer and fewer accessories/parts/effects for the same price. Miruko and Ochako make me worry, but I get that Ochako doesn't have a lot of accessory potential. Miruko, though, could've had an effects part.
Ochako should have come with glittering vomit at least.
I really, really want a Mina. So SHF could probably do a good one, while Kaiyodo focuses on the more dynamic characters. I'm curious to see if the likeness on Deku, Bekugo and Todoroki is good, though.
I'm shocked we still don't have a Stain or All For One.
True. And two hands molded together with like pink transparent circles glued/molded around the fingertips to indicate her quirk.
>Miruko is one of the more disappointing releases.
Good news! Mirko and Ochaco are not AY, the are released as Revoltech brand. They do no affect the standings of MHA AY.
Yeah, that's true. Which makes me wonder... what.. where are they going with it, you know? Will all female MHA releases be Revoltechs? Is there some sort of internal delineation?
Maybe Yamaguchi just doesn’t wanna make girls, he just wants spikey kneed guys.
From the way the line has been going, I think the core idea in Kaiyodo is "MHA girls don't sell". Argue with that all you want it is just an observation. AY over all don't have that many female characters anyway. Maybe it is fear of competition with figma and or the poor sales of the recent Eva girls.

So there is the notion of put Yamaguchi on better stuff that makes money. And then there is the existence of a certain free sculptor who even done figma work, who have made some MHA sculpts. Thus the easy solution is to buy them. Can't call them AY because zero involvement of Yamaguchi and probably too much extra work to coordinate with him remotely to make changes, so they just call them Revoltechs.
Maybe you're right.
I mean... sculpt and engineering wise, I think both Miruko and Ochako are fine. Good, even, and I'll gladly get them.
Just wish they came with more.
But if the actual AY line doesn't get gimped, I suppose I can't complain.
Seems logical. An overall positive compared to not getting the characters at all.
Can the Revoltech Mirku do this rabbit shitting pose? I need her to do this squatting pose.
>Just wish they came with more.
They probably just wanted to keep things within certain prices. Wasn't Ochako already 12k yen? That's getting a little out there, and if that's her price with what little she currently comes with, I guess she'd have had to cost even more given what their margins and sales expectations are.

Mirko is likewise priced the same, so the above applies to her as well. Why did they end up costing so much to begin with? I'd only be speculating, but maybe they expect lower sales and thus making fewer units. Given the rest of the figures and the level of paint, size, etc, I can't think of what else may have made them cost so much.
I don't know if Ochako is worth 12k yen with what she comes with in the first place. Not saying they should cost even more and come with more. I'm saying that they should come with more to begin with, for what they cost.
(Of course, I still pre-ordered both.)
>I'm saying that they should come with more to begin with, for what they cost.
I agree, but my point was that, as is, this is how Kaiyodo priced these items, so were they to add more, they would have priced them even higher.

Looking at Ochako's loadout, what would you have added to her? She has the hands to touch her fingers together, her cables and rocks, and 6 faces, so she actually does come with a fair bit. I think someone mentioned an effect to show her powers activating, that would be something good. Mirko comes with 5 faces, an extra hair piece, and a few hands, but again what else could she come with? The robotic limbs would be too much work on the same release the way it was sculpted, maybe more ears could have been a thing if they weren't just going to be articulated. Some generic force effect parts maybe.
Some effects pieces maybe to signify her quirk, and >>11047018
I'm more disappointed with Miruko than Ochako, personally. They could've done effects pieces for her.
>I guess she'd have had to cost even more
The price is a reflection of the demand. They don't expect to sell as many as the others so the price can't get lower or can they add more parts for that price. Not without going to red or break even. Basically the more they make they can lower the price per action figure. It's the main reason why SHFs and RDs are so cheap for what they are. If Revoltechs were made in Bandai's numbers they would be less than 5000 yen probably.
>but maybe they expect lower sales and thus making fewer units.
Oops I missed this sorry.
Her vomit would never have been done, at most I could see it like one of Midoriya's SMASH effects, and maybe only as the store bonus.

Her arms can't bend that much, and I doubt you'll get that much of a squat. Tbf, that's not an easy squat for any figure to do, I'd be curious if someone here could do it with an AY, because I doubt anything else could get all that close, just due to the nature of hip articulation. The original Spidey might have a shot if the diagonal hips are used then the knee balls are spun around.

>If Revoltechs were made in Bandai's numbers they would be less than 5000 yen probably.
I'd say more like 7-10, but I get where you're coming from. Obviously we'll never know, but I'd be interested in a comparison of production units for a given figure (of course this would also vary wildly) as well as expected profit margins for both the manufacturers and the retailers.
Well revoltechs and SHF/RD are completely different production wise. Much more ABS and metal pins are used, less paint volume but maybe not No. of colors. And more unique joints verses fix set of joints like AY. The only comparison line I can think of was the NXEDGE. They were mostly PVC body parts connected with shared joints, about the same parts count and paint as Revoltech perhaps. And they were cheap, granted mostly working off of Gundam IP so duh, but had other IP's too at prices not so different. Or Gundam Universe today, but I think they use a fair bit of ABS in them and have metal pin joints. So I think 5000 isn't that off. Depending on the AY we still have ones in the 7k before tax. If the character is popular enough to be mass produced that much even for Bandai is another matter. Just saying the have the ability.
It's just the schizo talking to himself isn't it....
Definitely wouldn’t hurt to throw in a few more accessories for Uravity, even some acrylic sheets printed with effects, or a large stand with multiple holes for arms and more simple objects like larger rocks that could be clipped to them to give an antigravity effect.
Kek now I actually want to watch AoT
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Her prosthetics giving out aint enough to stop her. It happens during one of her fights, and she starts running on her stumps like a rabid animal.
>AY Dungeon Meshi
That is all I ask
Figma beat them to it.
>trigger anime
>getting anything but figma
I think there’s actually a legal agreement between Trigger and GSM, anything they make that’s popular gets Goodsmile products. Weird Edgerunners didn’t get figma though, but maybe that’s due to CDPR.
>AY for anime&manga with barely any action
brainlet post. He should focus on shit that actually benefits from his style like chainsawman instead of D&D stuff
there was already a cyberpunk figma and johnny silverhand is still coming out
>I think there’s actually a legal agreement between Trigger and GSM
They own Trigger
Wow its real
>Weird Edgerunners didn’t

Because edge runner fans don't buy toys
I preordered chink rebecca
Wasn't that Loli hated by the video game company?
Edgerunners was a 3h commercial for their DLC.
They killed off most characters because who cares, the point of the anime was to maintain interest in the franchise.
They didn't predict how popular Rebecca was going to be, literally the only memorable character, but they also killed her off. So they shot themselves in their own foot. Just imagine how huge of a selling point it would have been for the DLC if you could play as or interact with Rebecca. She's a bigger selling point than Keanu Reeves. I bet all the devs were collectively [internally screaming] at the missed opportunity.

Even YT's search engine is throwing shade at Cyberpunk 2077 lol.
according to rumors yeah. Apperently Trigger said they won't make the anime without the "loli" rebecca so they caved in. But I only heared that from here so not sure if thats actually true
That sounds like a rumour, it’s not usually a trigger mandate to have a ‘loli’ character.
>instead of D&D stuff
I would take Goblin Slayer though. I was thinking, to shut up all those Berserk nuts Kaiyodo can do AY GS and just make him, the lancer, and the heavy knight guy who is 90% Guts. Oh oh and of course, make some goblins.
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Sorry they were Heavy Warrior and Spearman, I don't know how they are translated. Yeah these 3 would make fun Amazing Yamaguchis.
Do they still own 4chan? I feel this site would be a lot less shit if their control was still present.
They earn 30% but I think are trying to sell their shares because of mass shooters, hackers and conspiracy shit the site now gets known for.
Lizard Man would make for a pretty cool figure too, assuming they could figure out how to pull off his outfit. Has Yamaguchi done a character with a tail? I wonder how he'd do it. I gotta think ball pegs are the way to go, but who knows if he has something interesting in mind.
Revoltechs that have tails usually just used a revolver joint like the 6mm inserted right in the ass. With bigger tails I imagine the base of the tail would just be a peg so it can rotate and not look too detached, and then the next joint over would be ball joint or GEO joints.

But I find the main party of Goblin Slayer not so fulfilling choices for action figures. Maybe the elf girl though because that's a classic that can fit with any fantasy figures. Maybe it's also why we never got more figma. Like how many would actually want a lizard dressed like a native american? Goblins and Hobgoblins would sell better I bet.
>Like how many would actually want a lizard dressed like a native american? Goblins and Hobgoblins would sell better I bet.
Just speaking personally I would, though I admit his outfit isn't the most inspired. Meanwhile I'd have no interest in the goblins from that universe. The Guts and Lancer lookalikes would make for cool figures based on the main series though. That said, the series' S2 happened and no one in the figure world cared, so highly doubtful we see anything. But we have OPM on the horizon, Ninja Gaiden, all sorts of random things, so you never know.

Regarding tails, I meant since AY started, if Yamaguchi had done anything with a tail, which I think the answer is no. I guess the closest things might be Venom's tentacles, but Yamaguchi's design philosophies have definitely evolved since that 3rd release of the series.
The characters don't look like they do much poses worth for an AY. Don't get me wrong, I'd cream myself though, maybe Laios but the armor might get in the way, beats me honestly.
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yeah goblin slayer...not that d&d and more anime though. Dungeon meshi artist is such a huge d&d fan that she made custom icons for each character in her artstyle and tried to keep all of dungeon meshi as close to a d&d campeign as possible. It's slow action at best.
super girl at the end of the month?
or I dunno goblin slayer is also pretty slow just with a lot of filler but yeah he would fit a yamaguchi a lot better since he looks cool
The great satanic wests moralfaggotry spoils yet another good thing.
Goblin Slayer literally shows the gods playing D&D style games and the characters talk about dice rolls all the time. I get what you're trying to say, it's more of a genre difference. GS is straight forward action adventure and Dungeon Meshi is more comedy, a parody concept to the dungeon crawler story.
Nothing too significant to report about Winter Soldier, he's your standard male AY of recent years. But one thing anons might want to be careful with is the abdomen piece. His chest piece is so solid, I think it's still PVC, hitting the abdomen in certain ways can leave dent marks if you're not careful about it. It's more of a problem in twist motions of the upper body.
That's annoying, but you'll probably be able to reform it with some heat if it's PVC (I assume you meant the solid chest piece is ABS and that the torso is soft PVC).
I think they were too deep, more like cuts to fix it by the time I noticed. Also I'm 100% sure now the central chest both front and back are ABS. I can even see at the top where the two halves are glued together. Weird. Maybe it got too thin for PVC. The back has 3 3mm holes so you'd think they want that to be PVC...
Anyways, I hate having this kind of SHF problem with AY. Action figure makers should really stop mixing ABS and PVC for body parts. At least don't give the ABS pieces hard corners, mold them rounded.

I hope this is one time deal and not the new norm.
Give it a try anyways, won't hurt. But ya I agree with you that these are some pretty simple things that should be accounted for. Though to be fair we're all adults, and I assume they expect us to be smart about things. But again, I agree, especially with AY when you really want to push them to their limits, little things like that are definitely annoyances.
I did try first thing and didn't go away completely, I'm sure the paint was damaged. They're more like cuts than dents.

It's just something AY should never do. You naturally want to push the body forward as much as possible like you said. Sudden change of materials was a real suckerpunch too. If the inside edge was rounded it would've been fine too.

But I have no clue why they made the chest ABS in the first place. Say if this was done with a big character like the Hulk, I get why they want to use the light ABS plastic for such a large area. Crazy theory time this was a secret test for such an AY. AY HULK CONFIRMED!! OR THANOS!!
I'm about 70% serious about the Hulk test BTW. Something similar has happened, Moon Knight was most likely a test for cloth capes (done by doll clothe maker). They try the new risky things with low risk characters, characters people don't care so when they fuck up it's better than fucking up the important ones, like a Thor or Batman. They did just that with Superman. Winter Soldier is surely low-stakes like MK.
It's SEVERAL years old
If you gave a shit you'd have already read up on it
That specific scene was from the battle vs Shigaraki which was within the last year. At least I think it was that recent, but certainly not several years. But then again the anime is going to be handling this part soon.

Hulk is quite a big omission so far, but maybe they're just worried about price and viability. With Red Hulk featuring in the upcoming movie it'd be a possible 2 for 1 with Green and Red, but if price is an issue, then maybe they wouldn't want to commit that hard. I could picture Rulk's exclusive head being one with a mustache and sunglasses.
What would make Hulk expensive, really? Paint is cheap, he's mostly two colors of the skin and pants. Parts count is about the same as any AY. The size? Amount of plastic? If they go easy on accessories that's not that much difference from the plentiful AY. Hulk isn't like twice the height of a person either so the AY won't be that big. It'll be like a 7 inch figure. And we know Hulk is popular so mass production to reduce price won't be an issue. Doing red variant is guaranteed getting double use of the molds. So yeah I guess they would wait for Captain America 4. But that's about the only hold back I can think of at this point. I think the arm joints needs to be the 10mm single joints though. Ball pegs probably wouldn't cut it, they only go up to 8mm joints too.
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I would like AY to make armored knights, don't care from which series.
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... How about Black Luster Soldier? Yamaguchi hasn't done a YGO release yet, but no reason he can't.
I'd be down for it, he looks rad.
Is juri actually confirmed from AY? I was thinking about buying the storm collectibles one, but maybe I should wait if AY is actually making a juri figure.
Black Knight. There were good chances he'd be a well known character to the masses due to the casting, but MCU fucked up in a way I don't think can recover. GoT value will surely be gone by the time he does anything.

Meanwhile you have Yamaguchi adjacent Monster Hunter AY, enjoy. It will probably keep getting more eventually.
Yes but not that costume. Unless you are saying would they ever pull back an official announcement. Unlikely and not at this stage as they haven't even got to a single release from SF6 yet.
I missed the boat on the Storm figure but I hope AY does Juri's 5 design at some point, I think it lends itself well to his super articulation and it's my favourite of hers.
uuhhh she must sell like hotcakes for Kaiyodo to ever consider spending a full production budget on the same character twice. Let me remind you they have only done that in AY with Deadpool, Spider-Man, and Batman. And sort of Venom.
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Finally got the Getter 1 renewal. Been looking for this fucker for years and I’m glad I got it because it’s a massive improvement compared to the original Getter 1 revo. I also like the cape being the inspiration for AY Batman’s.
that's Takeya's territory
>but MCU fucked up in a way I don't think can recover.
I can still hope.
By making shit movies, people are not hyped for anything Marvel related as they did few years ago.
And as you know movies are the best advertisements for toys.
Casting is fantastic. But he was introduced in the Eternals (along with another GoT actor) in a very limited cameo level way, and the movie flopped. Then he is suppose to return in Blade as a more fully realized Black Knight maybe? But who knows now because that movie is all sorts of fucked production wise. And the MCU is in small hiatus because their next big villain was cancelled due to being a criminal. And it seems his contract made it impossible to recast or at least take a long time, I'm sure committing a crime is a breach of contract anyways. So the overall plot of the MCU films had to be adjusted. Meanwhile a background new hero like Black Knight gets his moment pushed further and further back. The momentum is gone. But who knows his performance might be so good that wouldn't matter. If he's still doing it, not sure what his contract is like. I assume they are set for multiple movies but there are also time limit to those.
I am a retard that has lived under a rock about revoltech stuff. Mirko and Eren, not being proper AY but Revoltechs, do they come with the age old ugly clicky revoltech joints or have they finally moved on to pure ball joints and hinges?
And still those characters got reissues, crazy how much they've sold.
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Eren is "proper" AY, may not be sculpted but still under the watchful eyes of Yamaguchi san.

Not sure what you mean by pure ball joints. But the ratcheted Revolver Joints are completely gone except for some reissues of early AY. Instead the Revoltechs including AY today have GEO joints which are basically the same thing but no ratchets. And places like the hips are ball in socket joints. Many GEO joints also have ball pegs so one side of shoulders are typically ball-socket joints.

Pic is your basic male AY now, Eren will be similar to this.
Depends on how many they actually make each time. Could be the minimum 5~10,000 units for all we know. Based on the prices probably more than that but an average figma may have sold more.
>But the ratcheted Revolver Joints are completely gone except for some reissues of early AY.
Nta but I do miss the clicking sounds, oh well.
>And the MCU is in small hiatus because their next big villain was cancelled due to being a criminal.
well... criminals are villains
thanks for all the info.
The clicking sounds was cool I guess, but ratchet joints had a set number of angles and they force heavy use of swivels when a good ball joint end can work miles better
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I fucking love knights, but I'm picky about design. I want the armor to look functional even if it's fantastic, but it doesn't seem right for AY to just put joints on a plain jane set from a museum, like the Takeya series.
Dark Souls immediately comes to mind, but I'm wondering if it'd be the right fit to get a hyper-articulated figure designed around dynamic posing. On the other hand, fuck it; nobody else is giving us Elite Knight anytime soon.
>These are Japanese figures for Japan in case you forgot.
and what makes you think japan gives a shit about a nigga. especially one who shows his ugly face.
>The bad guy from Demolition Man kills vampires with a katana for 90 minutes
>Even non goth teenagers were sold on that shit.
not the japanese tho. they also hate that black samurai in the new ASS Creed game.
Eren is up at Ami and Genki.
I thought this was supposed to be a cheap release? what the fuck lmao
It's relatively low, but it's still a limited release, rather than discounted. ~8500 and ~9300 if you want the exclusive.
>We have a Blade movie on the way not to mention the 3 old ones

You also had:
- Blade TV Show
- Blade Anime
- 2 Blade Video Games
- countless cameos in other IP's
- Blade comics which literally no-one read

They tried making Blade a thing for years now but nobody cares. The reason why people ONLY remember the Wesley Snipes version of Blade is because Wesley Snipes was the reason the Blade was successful at all. It's the same situation with Mission Impossible: nobody would give a fuck about the franchise if it wasn't for Tom Cruise. Hell, most people had no idea Blade was even a comic book character in the first place.

Punisher is a household name. No matter who plays the character, people will recognize him. Not to mention his skull logo is recognized globally being only outmatched by the Superman and Batman logo's.

After introducing Punisher into the Daredevil TV Show he became more popular than Daredevil himself. Saying a side-character like Blade is more popular is simply delusional.
I like Blade. I like Punisher. I'd probably buy either one.
Yeah a little disappointing. You'd think since AoT is just as popular as MHA so availability would be just as high. Despite what you may think manga sold like crazy and anime was watched by so many people. Kaiyodo's new distribution method is so counterintuitive.
I bet you most folks who knows the logo don't even know what Punisher is. It's just a cool skull symbol. Recognize him? More would think it's some guy wearing a shirt with that cool skull logo, where ever that's from. And all those attempts just made me more convinced more people have brushed by something Blade related more so than Punisher. Household name LMAO how thick is your skull that you have yet to understand this is about JAPAN. This is all a difference in pure exposure. And I doubt the Netflix shows matter much in Japan either. Blade just have that part beat, and star power of the actor definitely still counts. Most of the comics AY is about that star power after all. Upcoming film just solidifies the matter.

I do think both are highly unlikely though.
>cool skull logo
That's literally all it takes lol. You think that the people who recognize the Batman/Superman logos know who Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent is?

Also what's the logo of Blade? That character has literally zero identifiable traits. Everything you're associating with blade ALL come from Wesley Snipes' version and not the comics. The guy didn't even carry a sword prior to the movies lmao.

>you have yet to understand this is about JAPAN

You honestly believe there's a high demand for Winter Soldier action figures in Japan?
You honestly believe Asians would buy an action figure of a hood nigga with a katana?
You honestly believe Asians would buy anything related to blacks after the Assassin's Creed debacle?

>Upcoming film just solidifies the matter

This is more cope than after Joe Biden's debate performance. What "upcoming film" are you talking about? They allegedly have been working on it for 4 years yet zero trailers, zero promotional stills, zero anything. All everyone knows is about the director quitting / getting fired, talks about the main actor being replaced, script changes, etc. Even they don't care.
>Yamaguchi adjacent Monster Hunter AY
I wish I wasn't a poorfag, that price is more than half my salary when I turn the currency.
>high demand for Winter Soldier action figures in Japan?
Yes, since we got several figures now. And AY are sold predominantly in Japan. How many MCU movies have he been in already? Don't tell me you're one of those morons who thinks capeshit toys made by Japanese companies are meant to be sold mainly in the US.

Blade isn't about the logo, it's just some black guy with long jacket and swords with sunglasses named Blade, that's all you need, and yes it's 100% about Wesley Snipes. They think who was Blade again, google and see Wesley and go ohh that guy right I know he hunts vampires and that's enough. The look up Punisher and see random guys they probably won't recognize. Also Japan don't care about Blacks or Whites, it's all just what imagery given by American media (so you know, not great). AC stuff quick look seems more like a problem of historical inaccuracies, over glorification of that person and sticking to it, rather than just because it's a black guy. I'm sure the ethnicity thing is more focused overseas.

Upcoming movie, all that matters is it's still happening. If they don't care they scrap it, not keep trying. You're poor power of deduction scares me. Not gonna say it will be good, just saying Blade will continue to be better known with the current schedule.
>not the comics.
I'm not sure why you keep bringing up comics. They don't matter. AY chose to use comic designs because that makes every process that much easier. Not because people read comics lol.
>assassin’s creed debacle
That only westerners and a few Twitter users cared about? Most Japs know about Yasuke, he’s part of their history.

Japanese like the Winter Solider quite a lot, he’s not Iron Man or Spider-Man popular, but they like him. I don’t know if they give a fuck about Blade though.
>AY chose to use comic designs because that makes every process that much easier.
Wtf does this even mean? There are countless comic designs while there's (at the time) a single movie costume. How does that make any part of the design process easier?
>You honestly believe Asians would buy anything related to blacks after the Assassin's Creed debacle?
Do you think the Japanese really give a shit about the Assasin's creed debacle? Or assasins creed period?
>That only westerners and a few Twitter users cared about? Most Japs know about Yasuke, he’s part of their history.
The funny thing is, the Japs really did hate the new AS Creed but they hated it for other historical inaccuracies.
Seriously? To use movie designs and let's say they want to be relevant and have releases close to the movies. There are so many problems like last minute design changes by the film makers, getting likeness of actors right, and the general risk of people not caring about the movie or that design. Sticking with the comics designs avoids all that. And people are still buying them because they are characters they've seen in the films. So there's not much demerit to this strategy. Every movie appearance the costumes changes. But pick a comic design that's close to them, they rarely change that drastically, they can keep reissuing the same AY over and over.
The new one isn’t even out, right? I’m sure they probably don’t give much of a fuck in general about a game being super accurate so long as it doesn’t portray any Chinese people positively. Unironically a 3 Kingdoms based AC game would be great though.
>he’s part of their history.
The problem is he's a very very small part. The narrative of Ubisoft is it's all shrouded in mystery because there are very little references left. So anything could've happened. The fact is they kept very good records back then on paper so it lasts longer too, so the lack of mentions just means he didn't do much.

But yeah all the other details they messed up are funny too. I'm used to seeing this shit in live action media (RE movie had a Zatouichi Street I think) but I guess the AC series wants people to believe how accurate they are? These small details I always think just get a random Japanese person off the street and they'll fix it for you, probably for free haha. They just don't give a fuck.
AC is always only surface level accurate, I don’t know who they think they’re fooling, I feel like people only buy them only because they liked that historical period as a kid but don’t remember most of what they learned as adults. I did really enjoy in the Viking one the fact they turned brutally pillaging monasteries into a fun little minigame, though.

If Yasuke has a cool design he might make for a good figure though, even though I think all he’s actually famous for doing is being pals with Nobunaga.
>it's just some black guy with long jacket and swords with sunglasses named Blade

Blade has an afro.
Has a disco jacket.
Has zero swords.
And wears colored glasses.

What you're thinking of is Wesley Snipes' Blade, which is my main point lol.

>I'm not sure why you keep bringing up comics. They don't matter. AY chose to use comic designs because that makes every process that much easier. Not because people read comics lol.

You accidentally proven my point.
Literally nobody cared about Blade prior to the Wesley Snipes movies, and nobody cares about Blade after.

>That only westerners and a few Twitter users cared about? Most Japs know about Yasuke, he’s part of their history.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Ubisoft went in damage-control mode with ads that features zero blacks.

>Most Japs know about Yasuke, he’s part of their history.

This has got to be the dumbest argument yet. The japs got upset about the portrayal of Yasuke, not because they weren't aware he existed. A gaijin-samurai, let alone a black gaijin-samurai, is completely anathema to them. That's like a black rabbi.

>Japanese like the Winter Solider quite a lot

No. They don't care at all.
All Japanese are Japanese-supremacists. If it's not Japanese or created by a Japanese then they don't care about it.

>Do you think the Japanese really give a shit about the Assasin's creed debacle? Or assasins creed period?

The AC debacle was about the Japanese rejecting AC in the first place because of the affirmative action samurai. Your questions contradict each other.
I think this time that surface level accurate is all over the place. Like basics of vegetation, architecture, the stroke order of a kanji, where and how people sat, etc. There are more "common knowledge to locals" stuff that are known even though it's 440 years ago. I think it's just not a great sign. Probably won't matter to the gameplay but who know aybe if it's so constant people will continue to bring them up. The last couple were so far back they had more freedom for sure and less chances to be argued with I guess. Or it's much more modern British and American histories so easier to handle. And MC have been made up all the time too.

I like the idea of this gigantic samurai man though. But even I'm a little ticked off with the katana on the back for ninja/kunoichi. That was never a thing.
>All Japanese are Japanese-supremacists. If it's not Japanese or created by a Japanese then they don't care about it.
We're in a thread that's primarily about AY featuring primarily western superheroes. What are you even saying? And come on, a generalization like that? What are you, a child?
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I mean to be fair most ninja/kinoichi would have just looked like regular farmers or maids anyway. They could do with making more of an effort to be a bit more accurate, but it’s Ubisoft so whatever, I don’t expect anything from them.
The designs might lend themselves to toys. I miss when revoltech was doing Sengoku Basara…
Just a sad weeb.
>I miss when revoltech was doing Sengoku Basara…
They'd be so much better than they were back in the day. They've been picking a lot of new licenses recently and seeing what sticks, so who knows, maybe we could even get something like that again.
Something like that is the SF6 and the miraculous get of Ninja Gaiden.

Katana on the back is just a trope I wish they stop doing with something that's more grounded in reality vs pure fantasy. I'm fine with the hoody it's AC. This might be the first time we see action figures for AC from Japanese toy makers though. Like a figma more likely. Unless I forget there were some already. The viking one....? Yup that exists. More interests by others then.

Also crazy to go with a name most people can't say right. Nah-oh-eh. You don't go with something like that unless you want a big LOVE on your helmet.
>We're in a thread that's primarily about AY featuring primarily western superheroes. What are you even saying?

How are you this dense?
I said: "If it's not Japanese or created by a Japanese then they don't care about it."
What part of that do you disagree with?
What's more likely, a high demand for Thor action figures in Japan? Or Kaiyodo trying to appeal to the USA market?

More americans read manga than american comics. Almost nobody in Japan reads american comics. This should tell you something.
youre a disingenuous lying kike and probably smell like shit like every other fat poser nerd trying to spout epic gotcha factoids online

blade already started wearing leather in multiple forms of media before the wesley snipes movie came out
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>all this off-topic shit
I hate /v/fags and /co/fags so much... but specially autistic fags correcting people that only asked for shit they wanted to see in the line.
Shit aside, hope we finally can see prototypes of Ayane and Saitama in WF
Americans truly are the most brain damaged retards.
>ubislop revisionist history
Looking forward to them too. I'd have to think at least a grayscale Saitama will be on display. Also hope to see YGO Utopia, and also whatever other new IP they may be cooking up.
Just to bring closure to this topic: >>11054043
I've gotta say, it looks really good. Probably won't come with much if any accessories, and won't be as dynamic as the Revoltech, but I probably prefer it based on the costume.
The body looks better than expected. But the face looks weird in a way I can't describe. It doesn't really look like Deku to me somehow, it's like someone in cosplay. Or like another artist is guest-drawing a chapter. Which I guess this sort of is, in a way.

Anyway, eh. SHF has really been underwhelming me with their engineering and joint range lately, and even at their best they can't touch Yamaguchi's dynamism. Easy pass.
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Ya, definitely won't be as dynamic, but I guess it just depends what you need Deku to do. For what I assume will probably be an entry level price, maybe 5k, I can definitely accept that limitation. Here's the pose they had him in their little promo video. I think it's good enough. With SHF doing the current stuff, I wonder if Revoltech will just continue with various iconic looks (I'm really basing this entirely on Mirko). If they're really still doing Toga too (she was in one of those Jump calendars, right?), that might end up in the current look too.
When's the next WonFes?
It doesn't make for a bad looking promo photo, but if we look closer it's actually a very simple pose. His torso is barely crunched, and his right leg is actually just out to the side and rotated. No joint is really being pushed very far for this pose, and it's not like it's a great pose either, it could easily be better. Which makes me wonder why-is it because they can't?

I'd love to be proven wrong, but like I said, SHF has really been underwhelming me lately with their engineering.
Bandai totally copying AY Deku's shoulders. Good, learn from Yamaguchi.

I hope this shuts up anons keep asking for this look. Well they want the mask I guess who knows this will have that. But AY was never going to go there.

AY is just one look per character with MHA. Maybe the big changes and popular character like All Might in armor but anything minor no way. Not sure what Toga looks like now but I'm sure it will be the schoolgirl with the neck blood sucker device. It's what most people picture her as.
>AY is just one look per character with MHA.
Well, lots are still hopeful for Vigilante Deku. If they want to buy the Mirko sculptor's sculpt, that's there mostly ready to go, so who knows. Also that rule always applies to every line until it isn't.

And ya, still a schoolgirl.
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>If they're really still doing Toga too (she was in one of those Jump calendars, right?)
Yep, from this month's calendar.
Sure, but with 13 in and yet to happen it's pretty unlikely. I feel like they are releasing some desperate picks that an alternate main character would outsell easily. However true we don't know how many Maoji sculpts they bought. But I always thought people wanted to see Yamaguchi sculpt that design, so what's even the point you know? If it's not set in stone yet they're not doing it now. Smart move is to keep doing characters Bandai will never do. He was in that state for like what? 3 chapters?
"I'd like to know what you did to mod that" =/= "I am too stupid to attempt modding it myself"
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Ya, it was a short lived design but it was a pretty memorable one (I'd argue more so than his other short lived costumes) where he finally wore his damn hood for a prolonged period of time too. I would personally rather see Yamaguchi do it, especially because, idk if this will make sense, his sculpts have more of a maturity and sharpness to them. Like if he made Vigilante Deku that would be the definitive one. Maoji is talented, but his work looks more akin to a Figuarts or a Figma which is by no means bad, but just doesn't really fit with the grit that Yamaguchi puts into his work.

Your remark about not doing what Bandai will do reminds me of them with their Yugioh releases and Bandai's. We get the Judai release (who I really wish was done better, it's so bad it's absurd) and Neos, then out comes Bandai with Flame Wingman, both releasing in the same month. Almost feels deliberate. I wonder if they chat in some capacity.
Was just gonna ask if Kaiyodo will be at LA's Anime Expo on July 4 but I checked the list of exhibitors and they weren't there sadly. Hopefully they can get their distributor situation sorted and participate in more events than just in Japan. Their products are getting too good to be so limited.

Then again, Amiami is going and they seem to work quite closely together, so who knows, maybe they'll bring something. Thinking of Yu-Gi-Oh since there are so many Revoltech recently, maybe Amiami will bring their Snail Shell collab IP Masquerena and finally have a release date and price for it.
>buy the Mirko sculptor's sculpt
Please no. Its such shitty sculpt with an even shittier articulation
>sad weeb
So basically Blade and Blade fans
>People that only asked for shit they wanted to see in the line
I think you meant
>delusional autistic fags
I hate them so much
It's not really the Vigilante look, which is still the one I prefer. Plus it's an opportunity to come with a bunch of the "oh my 7 quirks" instead of lightning effects.
I kind of want to get Eren to have a "standard" AY if that makes sense? But I think Garou/Saitama can EASILY fill that role too. Is Yamaguchi sculpting either of them/Eren?
No one knows about AY sculptor until we see the sculpt with a card listing the people involved. As for Eren it is Sakamoto sculpted.

I would predict Saitama has a high chance for Yamaguchi sculpting because he is the MC.
And before anons say so is Eren, he doesn't need Yamaguchi's talent because he's a simple "standard" male AY. Saitama is more complicated. How flat/muscular do you go, how to break up the sculpt for a simple costume, etc. That part AY usually ignores it but Saitama will likely be more similar in build to Aizawa's body for sculpt and jointing.
>And before anons say so is Eren, he doesn't need Yamaguchi's talent
It's his team at this point, and they've clearly used his style and opinion. If someone asked me if Yamaguchi sculpted Eren, I'd say "looks like it". I'd genuinely say it's interchangeable.
It depends. Granted we don't know how much interactions go on with Yamaguchi, could even be very different case by case. Like I think Herta has zero Yamaguchi involvement even though it came out as AY brand.
There are the MonHun AY and Supergirl who are using uncharacteristic double joint knees that looks off. And the AK Batman's proportions looks more wonky than usual. So did the Malzeno Hunter. So there are some traits that seeps through that are noticeable. But beats having one man do everything. The basics of what makes AY great can be easily replicated so they should share that more. As if it's somehow owned by Yamaguchi lol.
I don't mind others having their own style, but where applicable sharing would be ideal. Plus within the same line there should be some uniformity.
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There aren’t enough pictures of toys here.
In case you’re wondering, this figure sucks. Good design, articulation and accessories. All gets ruined because her dress stains the rest of her body.
Hey all, AY Iron Man, what's his deal? He gets stick and what not? Is it the paint just melting off? Can anything be done about it?
Basically the chemicals they mix into the plastic and paints that makes them more malleable are leaking out. Happens when the factory fucked something up, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Solution is to get the reissue.

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